4th and 13th Case TRUSTS
4th and 13th Case TRUSTS
4th and 13th Case TRUSTS
Jesus Mendoza DOCTRINE: a trust arises in favor of one who pays the purchase price of a property in the name of another, because of the presumption that he who pays for a thing intends a beneficial interest for himself. FACTS: Petitioner Pilipinas, Inc. (Sime Darby) employed Jesus B. Mendoza (Mendoza) as sales manager to handle sales, marketing, and distribution of the company's tires and rubber products. On 3 July 1987, Sime Darby bought a Class "A" club sharein Alabang (ACC) from Margarita de Araneta as evidenced by a Deed of Absolute Sale. The share, however, was placed under the name of Mendoza in trust for Sime Darby since the By-Laws of ACC state that only natural persons may own a club share. As part of the arrangement, Mendoza endorsed the Club Share Certificatein blank and executed a , also in blank, and handed over the documents to Sime Darby. From the time of purchase in 1987, Sime Darby paid for the monthly dues and other assessments on the club share. When Mendoza retired in April 1995, Sime Darby fully paid Mendoza his separation pay amounting to more than P3,000,000. Nine years later, or sometime in July 2004, Sime Darby found an interested buyer of the club share for P1,101,363.64. Before the sale could push through, the broker required Sime Darby to secure an authorization to sell from Mendoza since the club share was still registered in Mendozas name. However, Mendoza refused to sign the required authority to sell or special power of attorney unless Sime Darby paid him the amount of P300,000, claiming that this represented his unpaid separation benefits. As a result, the sale did not push through and Sime Darby was compelled to return the payment to the prospective buyer. Sime Darby filed a complaint for damages with writ of preliminary injunction against Mendoza with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Makati City, Branch 132. PETITIONERS CLAIM: Sime Darby claimed that it was the practice of the company to extend to its senior managers and executives the privilege of using and enjoying the facilities of various club memberships, i.e. and Country Club, Quezon City Sports Club, Makati Sports Club, Wack Wack , and Baguio Golf and Country Club. Sime Darby added that during Mendozas employment with the company until his retirement in April 1995, Sime Darby regularly paid for the monthly dues and other assessments on the ACC Class "A" club share. Further, Sime Darby alleged that Mendoza sent a letter dated 9 August 2004 to ACC and requested all billings effective September 2004 be sent to his personal address. Despite having retired from Sime Darby for less than 10 years and long after the of Mendoza with the company has been severed, Mendoza resumed using the facilities and privileges of ACC, to the damage and prejudice of Sime Darby. Thus, Sime Darby prayed that a restraining order be issued, pending the hearing on the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction, enjoining Mendoza from availing of the clubs facilities and privileges as if he is the owner of the club share. RESPONDENTS CLAIM: Mendoza filed an Answer alleging ownership of the club share. Mendoza stated that Sime Darby purchased the Class "A" club share and placed it under his name as part of his employee benefits and bonus for past exemplary service. Mendoza admitted endorsing in blank the stock certificate covering the club share and signing a blank assignment of rights only for the purpose of securing Sime Darbys right of first refusal in case he decides to sell the club share. RTC: Ruled in favor of Sime Darby; CA: reversed the decision of the Trial Court ISSUE: Whether or not Mendoza is the owner of the club share HELD: NO.
Petitioner Sime Darby has sufficiently established its right over the subject club share. Sime Darby presented evidence that it acquired the Class "A" club share of ACC in 1987 through a Deed of Sale. Being a corporation which is expressly disallowed by ACCs By-Laws to acquire and register the club share under its name, Sime Darby had the share registered under the name of respondent Mendoza, Sime Darbys former , under a trust arrangement. Even during the trial, at Mendozas cross-examination, Mendoza identified his signature over the printed words "name of assignee" as his own. Further, Mendoza admitted signing the club share certificate and the assignment of rights, both in blank, and turning it over to Sime Darby. Clearly, these circumstances show that there existed a trust relationship between the parties. While the share was bought by Sime Darby and placed under the name of Mendoza, his title is only limited to the usufruct, or the use and enjoyment of the clubs facilities and privileges while employed with the company. In Thomson v. Court of Appeals, we held that a trust arises in favor of one who pays the purchase price of a property in the name of another, because of the presumption that he who pays for a thing intends a beneficial interest for himself. While Sime Darby paid for the purchase price of the club share, Mendoza was given the legal title. Thus, a resulting trust is presumed as a matter of law. The burden then shifts to the transferee to show otherwise. It can be gathered then that Sime Darby did not intend to give up its beneficial interest and right over the share. The company merely wanted Mendoza to hold the share in trust since Sime Darby, as a corporation, cannot register a club share in its own name under the rules of the ACC.
#13 Vda. De Delgado vs. Court of Appeals DOCTRINE: Under Article 1144 of the Civil Code on Prescription based on written contracts, the filing of action for reconveyance is within 10 years from the time the condition in the Deed of Donation was violated. FACTS: Carlos Delgado was the absolute owner of a parcel of land with an area of 692,549 square meter situated in the Municipality of Catarman Samar. Carlos Delgado granted and conveyed by way of donation with quitclaim all rights, title, interest claim and demand over a portion of land with an area of 165,000 square meter in favor of the Commonwealth of the Philippines. The acceptance was then made to President Quezon in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief. The Deed of Donation was executed with a condition that the said land will be used for the formation of the National Defense of the Philippines. The said parcel of land then covered by the Torrens System of the Philippines and was registered in the name of Commonwealth of the Philippines for a period of 40 years. The land was registered under TCT 0-2539-160 in favor of the Commonwealth however without any annotation. Upon declaration of independence, the Commonwealth was replaced by Republic of the Philippines which took over the subject land and turned over to Civil Aeronautics Administration, later named Bureau of Air Transportation Office. The said agency utilizes the said land a domestic airport. Jose Delgado filed a petition for reconveyance for a violation of the condition. The RTC ruled in favor of the plaintiff Delgado. But the CA reversed the said decision because of prescription. The petitioner filed only before 24 years o discovery which the law only requires 10 years of filing. ISSUE: Whether or not the petitioners action for reconveyance is already barred by prescription. HELD: YES. The time of filing has been prescribed. Under Article 1144 of the Civil Code on Prescription based on written contracts, the filing of action for reconveyance is within 10 years from the time the condition in the Deed of Donation was violated. The petitioner herein filed only 24 years in the first action and 43 years in the second filing of the 2nd action. The action for reconveyance on the alleged excess of 33, 607 square meter mistakenly included in the title was also prescribed Article 1456 of the Civil Code states, if property is acquired through mistake or fraud, the person obtaining it is, by force of law, considered a trustee of an implied trust for the benefits of the person from whom the property comes, if within 10 years such action for reconveyance has not been executed.