Commas and Semicolons
Commas and Semicolons
Commas and Semicolons
PRACTICE: Underline the independent clause in the following sentences: 1. Once you get the dishes washed, please sweep the kitchen floor. 2. Yesterday we went to the Cardinals game, but it was disappointing because they lost. 3. I havent heard from Mike, which is strange since he usually calls me when hes on his way home. 4. Students could learn new things every single day if they would open books and read!
Dependent Clause: A clause that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence (it is dependent on other words to complete the thought/idea).
e.g.: My family goes to California every summer, but this year our trip got canceled. but this year our trip got canceled is a dependent clause because it depends on more words to be a complete idea. PRACTICE: Underline the dependent clause in the following sentences: 1. Once you get the dishes washed, please sweep the kitchen floor. 2. Yesterday we went to the Cardinals game, but it was disappointing because they lost. 3. I havent heard from Mike, which is strange since he usually calls me when hes on his way home. 4. Students could learn new things every single day if they would open books and read!
RULE #1: Commas by themselves cannot separate two independent clauses. When a comma by itself is used to separate two independent clauses, this is an error called a comma splice. Commas must be followed by one of the FANBOYS in order to separate two independent clauses.
PRACTICE: Circle the part of the sentence where the punctuation should be and write the correction in the space below. 1. Growing up, my brother and I never got along now that he has moved out we are much closer.
2. People who criticize others are hypocrites nobody is perfect. 3. Standardized test results can help measure each student s progress they are far less able to measure the progress of the entire school system. 4. He says he wont talk during class he does it anyway. 5. The worst thing you can do when youve been caught is lie just be honest and maybe the punishment wont be as harsh.
RULE #2: A semi-colon can be used to separate two independent clauses that are about the same idea. The semi-colon creates a pause in the sentence, but doesnt completely break up the idea like a period would. e.g.: The test was unbelievably difficult; hardly anyone finished on time. ________________________________________________________________________________ RULE #3: FANBOYS can never come right after a semi-colon. WRONG: The test was unbelievably difficult; and hardly anyone finished it on time. RIGHT: The test was unbelievably difficult; hardly anyone finished on time. Sometimes you will need to use a transition word after a semi-colon to show the relationship between the two clauses that it is separating. When doing so, you can use word other than one of the FANBOYS. If you use a transition word after the semi-colon, it must be followed by a comma. WRONG: The test was unbelievably difficult; but I finished it on time. WRONG: The test was unbelievably difficult; I finished it on time. [Even though the sentence above is grammatically correct, the two ideas separated by the semi-colon are not well-connected. You need to include a word that demonstrates the relationship between the two ideas (see below). RIGHT: The test was unbelievably difficult; however, I finished it on time. ________________________________________________________________________________ PRACTICE: Circle the part of the sentence where the semi-colon should be and write the correction in the space below. Some sentences will need transition words and some will not it is up to you to decide. You may not use the same transition word more than once in this activity. If you use the word however on one sentence, you must come up with a different transition to use on the next sentence. 1. Growing up, my brother and I never got along now that he has moved out we are much closer.
2. People who criticize others are hypocrites nobody is perfect and we all need to remember that.
3. Every student needs to pass the AIMS test to graduate from high school all teachers must be sure that their students are prepared. 4. Knowing how to use anastrophe isnt going to dramatically change your life it is worth learning because it will make you a more cultured and knowledgeable individual. 5. The worst thing you can do when youve been caught is lie just be honest and maybe the punishment wont be as harsh.