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The Age of Patanjali

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The Age of Patanjali by Pandit N. Bhashyacharya Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, Madras.

India September 1915 [Page 1] IT is well known that Patanjali was the author of the Mahbhshya, the grea t commentary on Pnini's grammar; and the author of the Yoga Stras is also called b y that name. Some scholars are in doubt as to the identity of these two authors, and several Orientalists [ Such as Bohtlingk, Max Mller, Weber and Goldstker] fix the date of the Mahbhshya, each from his own standpoint, and varying from 250 B. C. to 60 after Christ. The object of this paper is therefore to enquire into: (a ) the probable date of Patanjali, the author of the Mahbhshya, and (b) the suppose d identity of the author of the Mahbhshya with that of the Yoga Stras.

The name Patanjali is not of infrequent occurrence in Sanskrit literature. In Br ihadrnyakpanishad [5th Adhyya, 3rd and 7th Brahmanas, or page 163 of the Madras Edit ion of 108 Upanishads] a Patanjala of Kapigtra is mentioned: in Pnini's Ganapta [ 6 th Adhyya, under Vrtika of Stra, I, i, 64: also II, iv, 69. Throughout the essay qu otations like I, i, 64, refer to the Adhyya, the Pda and the number of the Stra but never to nhikas of the Mahbbhshya or the Ashtdhyyi of Pnini, as the case may be] the names Patanjali and Patanjala occur: [Page 2] and the same name (Patanjali) is a lso found in Siddhnta Kaumudi [page 8, Nirnaya Sgara s Edition (Bombay)] under the Vr tika of Vararuchi, (also called Ktyyana). Patanjali, the author of the Mahbhshya, was born at Gnarda, a tract of country in C ashmere, and his mother's name was Gnika, [ page 8, Nirnaya Sgara s Edition (Bombay) ] and he refers to himself as Gnikputra [ I, iv, 51] and Gnardiya [ I, i, 21]; whic h the commentator (Kaiyata) explains as referring to Patanjali. In Purushttam's Le xicon [Triknda Ssha, p 33 (Benares)] he is called Gnardiya, Bhshyakra, Chrnikrit and P atanjali. In Hmachandrs Lexicon he is called Gnardiya, and Patanjali. [page 131 Cal cutta Edition] Note I, page 1. I may also include the name of Dr. Peterson of Bombay who thinks (in the Indian Antiquary, Vol. XII, p. 353) that the Mahbhshya might have been wr itten in the 2nd century A.C., for he makes the Pushyamitra mentioned in that wo rk identical with one Pushyamitra, who, he says, was defeated by Skandagupta. As Skandagupta reigned about the end of the 2nd century, it follows that Patanjali lived about that time. This is, however, replied to by Dr. Bhandarkar, in the s ame volume, saying that the inscription on which Dr. Peterson based his argument s mentions that Skandagupta defeated Pushiamitras (and not Pushiamitran) which me ans the tribe of Pushiyamitra . He supports his own date (144-142 B.C.) which he ga ve previously (in the Indian Antiquary, Vol. I, p. 299, et seq.), on his supposi tion that the Pushyamitra of the Mahbhshya is the same as Pushyamitra of the Sunga family who began to reign about 178 B.C By the by, Dr Weber thinks (Indian Antiquary, Vol II, p 206) that Pushyamitra is the correct form of the word; and Dr Bhndrkar, too, thinks the same (Ibid, p 59). The former thinks so, because the Jain corruption is Pupphamitra, and thus the original Sanskrit word must be Pushpomitra. We regret we have to differ from bot h, on the ground that all the MSS of the Mahbhshya we have consulted invariably gi ve Pushyamitra and not Pushpamitra. Note 2 and 3, page 2. Dr Kielhorn thinks (Indian Antiquary, Vol. XIV pp. 82-83) that Gnardiya, and Gnikaputra do not apply to Patanjali but to some other grammari ans. In reply we should say that Kiyyata (already noticed) and his commentators explain that terms do refer to Patanjali.[Page 3]

From valuable and undisputed evidence furnished by Indian literature, we arrive at the conclusion that he also wrote the Yoga Stras and that he lived about the 1 0th century B.C.; the dates given by the Western Orientalists, [Bohtlingk (quote d by Weber) 250 B.C.; Max Mller about 200 B.C. vide his History of Ancient Sanskri t Literature, page 244; Weber 140 B.C. to A.C. 60 (Indian Literature, p 224); Go ldstcker 140 B.C 120 B.C (Panini, p 234)] on the other hand, vary from 250 B.C. to A.C. 60; at any rate they have decided that from the internal evidence furnished by the Mahbhshya itself, Patanjali flourished after Buddha s (Skyamuni s) Nirvna, which is fixed by them at 543 B.C.[Page 4] The reasons assigned by them for such a conclusion are as below when expressed i n the plainest language: 1. In the Mahabhashya [V, iii, 99 ] the Mouryas are mentioned; they were all Bud dhists according to the Buddhistic records. This Mouryan dynasty and its founder Chandragupta are mentioned in the Vishnu and other Purnas; and he is identical w ith Sandracottus who is said to have been, according to Megasthenes, Strabo, etc ., a contemporary of Alexander and Seleucus. [Max Mller s History of Ancient Sanskr it Literature, pp 297-298] Hence he lived about the time of Chandragupta.

2. In the Mahbhshya, [ III, ii, 101. Here Pnini lays down that the imperfect should be used when the speaker relates a past action belonging to a time which preced es the present. Vararuchi observes that the imperfect is also used when the even t related is out of sight, and at the same time famous but could be seen by the person who uses the verb. Patanjali adds to this Vrtika of Vararuchi s the followin g instances with remark Arunadyavana Sktham , Arundyavano Mdhyamikn . The Yavanas b imperfect) Sketa , the Yavanas be sieged (imperfect) Mdhyamiks . Here the commentators e xplain that Patanjali who uses these expression lived at that time, although not on the spot, when the Yavanas besieged Oudh and the Mdhyamiks] the invasions, by Yavanas, of Sketa or Oudh, and of the Mdhyamiks, a Buddhist sect, are mentioned: al though he was not an eye-witness, he could have seen them, as they took place at the time, of the composition of the great commentary. The term Yavana applies t o the Grecians, and hence the Grecian invasion is alluded to. Hence the Mahbhshya was composed about [Page 5] 140 B.C., the date of the Grecian (or Graeco-Bactria n) invasion of Oudh by Menander. [Goldstcker s Pnini, etc, page 234] Again, the Mdhyamiks were followers of Ngrjuna. This Ngrjuna lived, according to North ern Buddhists, 400 years after, and according to Southern Buddhists, 500 years a fter, Buddha's Nirvna, which took place in 477 B.C. according to the former, and 543 B.C. according to the latter. This would place Ngrjuna between 77 43 B.C.. The invasion of Mdhyamiks having occurred during the time of Patanjali, his date woul d probably be about the time. 3. The Hall of one Chandragupta, [ I, i, 68. Chandragupta-sabha, Pushyamitra-sabh a , the Hall of Chandragupta, the Hall of Pushyamitra] who is said to have lived a bout 327 B.C., and that of Pushyamitra (who was, according to Rjatarangini, a his tory of Cashmere, a Buddhist prince), as well as a sacrifice by him [ III, i, 26 ; III, ii, 101] are mentioned in the Mahbhshya. 4. Rjatarangini mentions the Mahbhshya and says that one Chandrcharya, himself a gra mmarian, introduced its study into Cashmere when Abhimanyu [Page 6] reigned in t hat country, which was in A.D. 40 (according to coins). Hence we are not wrong i n supposing that Pnini and Ktyyana lived in the beginning of the 3rd century B.C., and Patanjali in the 3rd century B.C. [Max Mller s History of Ancient Sanskrit Lite rature, page 244; also Weber s History of Indian Literature pp 219-220 (Note)] 5. Hiouen Thsang says that Ktyyana lived 300 years after the time of Buddha, that is about 240 B.C. ; the Ktyyana referred to is, therefore, Ktyyana, author of the Vrt ika. If Ktyyana lived about 240 B.C., Patanjali, who quotes him, flourished about 200 B.C. [Bohtlingk ]

6. The Yoga Stras of Patanjali contain several Buddhistic views. Hence Patanjali flourished at any rate after Buddhism had sprung up. 7. Bdaryana refutes, in his Brahma Stras (II, ii, 3), the Yoga system of philosophy . Hence Patanjali, the founder of the system of Yoga, flourished before Bdaryana. Now as Pnini [ IV, iii, 110,111 ] alludes to the Brahma Stras, and their author Prsa rya, it follows that Pnini flourished after the time of Prsarya or Bdaryana; and much more therefore Patanjali the author of the Mahbhshya. Thus we have two Patanjalis , one the author of the Mahbhshya, who flourished after the time of Bdaryana, and th e [Page 7] other, before the time of Bdaryana. Their identity is therefore highly improbable. Let us examine the Mahbhshya and the Yoga Stras themselves and find out how far the se arguments are sound. In reply to No. 1 of the arguments of the Western Orientalists: 1) The Mahbhshya says that the Mouryas [V, iii, 39. In India, at the present day, there are several wandering tribes known variously by the names Dsaris (Tamil), G uduguduppndy (Tamil), Budubudukalavdu (Telugu), Langris (Hindustani). They, just like the Mouryas, take on their heads a small almirah, in which are k ept wooden images of certain deities which they call Poturju, Polramma, etc, and u nknown to the Hindu Pantheon, coloured in divers ways, and varnished: some of th em carry these images on their bosoms or hands. When they go a-begging, they rec ite certain prayers to the deities which the images represent, in a language whi ch seems to be an admixture of Telugu, Hindustani and dialects of the Indian gyp sies or Chenchus (a hill tribe belonging to Cuddapah and Kurnool Districts of th e Madras Presidency). They do not belong to any of the Sudra classes, as the Vel amas, Naidus, Modliars, Vellalars, etc, and are by their habits and customs exclu sively non-ryans. These are known in India from a long time; perhaps these tribes are the remains of the Mouryas of Patanjali.] were makers and worshipers of ido ls, such as those of Siva, Skanda and Viskha, and were begging from door to door, taking these idols with them. If, according to the Buddhist records, the Mourya s had belonged to a royal family instead of being beggars, then these Mouryas me ntioned in the Buddhist records must be quite different from those mentioned in the Mahbhshya.[Page 8] If they had been Buddhists, they would not have been worshipers of idols, and mu ch less those of Siva, Skanda and Viskha. If the Aryans were worshipers of idols, he would have said so; on the contrary h e alludes [Vide also Tandya Mahabrahmana, IV, 27, and Brihadranyaka 5th Adhyaya, 9th Brahmana, Rig Veda, 8, 4, 28, I, etc.] all along in his work to the Aryan w orship of the 33 Vedic Gods . It is therefore conclusive that when he speaks of the idol worship of the Mouryas, a non-Aryan tribe is meant. We also know that the descendants of Chandragupta, who were called Mouryas (from the fact that Chandragupta is called by the Purnas, Mourya, being the illegitima te son of Nanda, by Mura, a slave girl) were very famous Buddhists, for under th eir influence Buddhism spread over India and foreign countries, such as Ceylon, etc.; and the Great Council by the name of Sangha convened, monasteries were bui lt and edifices constructed. It is therefore absurd to imagine that they begged from door to door and made such idols as those of Siva, Skanda, Viskha. Hence the Mouryas who were poor and who earned their livelihood by (making and) selling i mages, were not a tribe in any way connected with the Mouryas [Page 9] who were ruling princes, such as Chandragupta, Aska, etc. The old MSS. (of the Mahbbshya) of the South make the allusion of making and selli

ng idols apply not to Mouryas but to Pouras, a peculiar tribe also mentioned in the Vishnu Purna [Amsa, 4, ch xxiv or p 326 (Madras Edition). for example MSS. No s. 31, 33 of the Adyar Library, which are, on palaeographical examination, found to be more than 3 and 4 centuries respectively, may be consulted. If Pouras be the right word, so much controversy about the allusion of Patanjali to the Moury as will vanish at once. 2) Regarding argument No. 2, we must carefully examine the term Yavana. It is of frequent occurrence in Sanskrit literature; and every Western Orientalist, from the time of Sir William Jones to that of Professor Max Mller, says that it invar iably implies the Greeks. This term is derived from the Sanskrit root yu = to mi x or to be swift, implying a mixed or a swift race. It occurs in Pnini, [IV, i, 49] and Ktyyana says in his Vartikas, that when the Alph abet of the Yavanas is meant, the affix nuk should be added to the word Yavana, an d this becomes Yavanni. [Siddhanta Kaumudi, p 61, Bombay Edition] Even granting f or argument's sake that Panini lived in the [Page 10] 6th century B.C. according to Professor Max Mller [ History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature] and certainly h e lived several centuries earlier it is plain that neither Pnini nor Ktyyana used t he term Yavana in their works to mean the Grecian alphabet, for it would not hav e been introduced into India before the invasion of Alexander in the 4th century B.C. Dr. Goldstcker [Pnini, page 16] thinks that Yavanani signifies the cuneiform writing, and being peculiar in its character when compared with Sanskrit, it mu st have been known during the time of Pnini. To show that the term is of frequent occurrence in Sanskrit literature, the foll owing instances may be quoted : Manu [ch. X, v, 144, 45] says that the Ayvanas, Kmbhjas, etc., were originally Ksh atriyas, but became outcastes by neglecting their Vedic duties, etc. In Gautama Dharma Stra, [Sacred Books of the East, Vol 2. Part 1, Ch IV, v 21. (p age 196)] it is stated that the Yavanas are a mixed (Pratilma) caste of Aryas. In the Rmyana of Vlmiki, [Blaknda, canto 55, verse 3 (p 34 Madras Edition)] the term Yavana occurs indicating a tribe who fought during the war of Visvmitra. The Mahbhr ata, [diparva, ch Ixxxv, 34 (page 119, Madras Edition)] while giving out [Page 11 ] the genealogy of the ancient kings, speaks of the Yavanas as the descendants o f Durvasu, son of Yayti. In the Vishnu Prna, [Amsa 2, ch III, v 8 (p 137, Madras Edition)] it is stated, wh ile describing the Bharata Varsha or India, that the Yavanas live in the west, t he Kirtas in the east, and the four Indian castes in the middle, of India; and it is also said that [Amsa 4, ch VI, 20, 21, (p 287, ibid)] the Yavanas were drive n out by Sagara, a descendant of Ikshvku, to the countries lying beyond the borde rs of India, after having shaved their heads (under the advice of Vasishta), alt hough they were Kshatriyas. Further, the same Parana, [Amsa 4, ch, XXIV, (page 3 26, ibid)] while giving details of the future dynasties of Kali Yuga , says that ei ght Yavanas will rule over India. Klidsa in his Raghuvamsa [Book IV, v, 61, 62] describes the victories of Raghu ove r the Prasikas: and in so doing he mentions the Yavanis or Parasika women. Most of the Smritis denounce the association of the Aryans with the Yavanas at t he table as highly sinful. In Garga Samhita the Yavanas are highly spoken of, for their special knowledge o f astronomy and astrology. [page 8 (Calcutta Edition) of the Brihat Samhita Chap ter II, v, 15]

From Ksikavritti and Vishnu Purna we learn that it was the custom among the Yavana s to get [Page 12] their heads wholly shaved a statement which the national cust om of the Greeks could never sanction; for when Demosthenes got his head shaved, he sought to conceal himself in a cell in order that he might not appear in pub lic, and that he might not be therefore disturbed in his studies. [Lemprire s Class ical Dictionary. Art. Demosthenes] With reference to Dr. Goldstcker's supposition [Goldstcker s Pnini, page 234] that th e invasion of the Graeco-Bactrians under Menander (about 144 B.C.) is meant, whe n Patanjali used the expression the Yavanas besieged Skta (Oudh) , we should say that , according to the latest researches, Menander never came to Oudh, but only up t o the Jumna: and in order that he might come to Oudh he should have gone 300 mil es eastward. [vide Dr Rjndralal Mitra s Indo-ryans: Contributions towards the Elucidat ion of their Ancient and Mediaeval History. Vol II, page193] That the Hindus apply the term Yavana to all foreigners, not only Greeks, who we re living west of the Indus, is plain from the foregoing quotations and consider ations: also that the event which took place during the time of Patanjali is not identical with any of the Grecian invasions; and that the identity of the Yavan as with the Greeks is purely imaginary, and to prove it no evidence is forthcomi ng from records, Indian or foreign. [As an example of the tendency of the Hindus to give an indefinite name to several foreign nations and tribes, I may say tha t at the present day, any European nation, the English, the French, or any other , is generally termed Hna by the orthodox Brahmins. It also seems that this has b een the case from a long time. The word Hna is generally taken to mean white-skinn ed people''.

The Bhgavata Purna mentions ''the Hnas, Kirtas, Andhras , etc., as having followed the teachings of Krishna, and thus become pure. In the Raghuvamsa of Klidsa (Canto 4, v, 69), Hna women , are described. Vmanchrya mentions the Hnas in his Kvylankra St (written about the 12th century, according to Weber); and Appiah Dikshita, who l ived about the 16th century, quotes in his Chitra-mimmsa, a work on Rhetoric, the verses from Vmanchrya's Kvylankra Stravritti, which mention the word Hnas''. Even V hcharya, who lived last century, mentions in his Visvagundarsa (vv, 411, 414, 415 , or page 93, Madras Edition) the English and the French as living near the Vish nu temple at Triplicane (Madras); and elsewhere he uses the term (Yavana) to mea n the Mussalman (vv, 253, 254, p. 57, Madras Edition). From all these one is nat urally led to suppose that the meaning of the word Hna, like that of the word Yav ana, gradually changed from its original signification, and adapted itself to th e times, meaning the particular nation or nations that each of these authors cam e in contact with. We also come to the conclusion, that in the same way the several Sanskrit author s meant to describe by the use of the term Yavana the various foreigners they ha d known. It might have been applied to the Persians when they invaded India; aft er them to the Greeks, then to the Bactrians; and at last also to the Pathans an d the Moguls] [Page 13] Regarding the Mdhyamiks, it is absurd to suppose that the Yavanas invaded and capt ured the individuals belonging to an idealistic philosophical sect called by tha t name especially when we consider [Page 14] that they had no footing in the cou ntry. On the contrary, one would naturally expect the Mdhyamiks to seek friendship with the Yavanas to make common cause against the Hindus. Now the territory was bounded on the north by the Himlayas, on the south by the V indhya Mountains, on the east by Allahabad, and on the west, Vinasana, the place where the river Saraswati submerges underground, is called Madhyadsa. [Manu, ch. II, 21] Madhya and Madhyama, being synonymous, the word Mdhyamika , means the peopl e of Madhyadsa, and when Patanjali said the Yavanas besieged the Madhyamiks , the exp ression would naturally imply that the foreign invaders who penetrated into Indi

a through the Panjab should first attack the country lying between Rajputana and Allahabad on their way to Skta or Oudh; and this explanation of ours is greatly s trengthened when we find Patanjali himself explaining [V, iii, 2 (Anhika)] the t erm Mdhyamik (Mdhyamikn) to mean people or towns belong to Madhyadsa . 3) On carefully examining several old MSS. of the Mahbhshya, written in Telugu and Grantha characters, we do not find any mention of Chandragupta's Hall in I, i, 68; only Pushyamitra's Hall is mentioned here and his name given elsewhere. [ II I, i, 26] [Page 15] Dr. Kielhorn's Edition of the Mahbhshya may, in this connectio n, be consulted with advantage. The Hall of Chandragupta occurs in Dr. Ballantyn e's Edition (page 758). It is highly improbable that the Greek Sandracottus, who is said to have been a contemporary of Alexander and Seleucus, was identical with a Chandragupta, for h e was one of the many Chandraguptas in Indian literature. For example, there is one Chandragupta in the Gupta dynasty, and also one Chandrasri who lived long af ter the Chandragupta, son of Nunda, by Mura, and after whom foreigners, such as Yavanas and Sakas, were said to rule the country. [Vishnu Purana, Amsa, 4. ch XX IV] Regarding Pushyamitra, Rajatarangini mentions a prince of that name as having ru led over the Bahlika country, which is identified by the Orientalists with the m odern Balkh, the birth-place of Zoroaster; and in the Mahbhshya [ III, i, 26; III, ii, 101] we read that Pushyamitra performed a sacrifice , and several Brahmins att ended the sacrifice and assisted the king. Now the boundaries of the ryvarta during the time of Patanjali [II, iv, I: VI, iii , 109. The northern and southern boundaries were the Himlayas and the Priyathra Mo untains (Vindhya).] were fixed from the Aravalli Hills to the Black Forest in Be har, and the Aryans who [Page 16] lived in this tract were holy and superior. Th is Bhlika country was therefore outside the ryvarta, and hence a Mlchha country, and no Aryan would enter it. Even the king himself could not have performed a sacri fice in a Mlchha country, such a thing being opposed to the Smritis; and the auth or of the Mahabhashya himself remarks that the goats of the Bhalika country are quite unfit for sacrificial purposes. [I, i, 15 (p 377 Dr Ballantyne s Edition)]. Or, if we suppose, according to the Western Orientalists, that he was a Buddhist prince, there is no reason to think that he ever performed a sacrifice, and sti ll less a Vedic sacrifice. Pushyamitra is the name of several Aryan kings, like Dasaratha, Dilpa, and Parikshit, as would appear from the Puranas. A Pushyamitra of Sunga family, who killed his master and established a throne, is mentioned in the Vishnu Purana, and other Puranas; and his son, Agnimitra, is the hero of Ka lidasa's drama, Malavikagnimitra. This Pushyamitra performed an Asvamedha sacrif ice, according to the same drama. But we should not in any way be understood as identifying the Pushyamitra of the Mahbhshya with the Pushyamitra of either Mlavikgn imitra or Rjatarangini. Patanjali mentions in the Mahbhshya the Hall of Chandragupta as well as that of Pu shyamitra. If, on this basis, Chandragupta be considered as the contemporary [Pa ge 17] of Alexander and Seleucus, why should not Pushyamitra too be considered h is (Alexander's) contemporary ? Or, if one is mentioned by the Grecians, why not the other ? Now it will be easy to think that the only solution of the difficul ty possible, with our present knowledge of the subject, is that, as it is quite common among grammarians, while giving illustrations to the rules to use such na mes as Dvadatta, Yagnadatta, and Vishnumitra, [These three names frequently occur in the illustrations of the Mahbhshya, something like John comes, John goes, wher e no reference is made to a particular John much less King John of England or S. John the Apostle. Such names are called Ythrichhika Sabdas ] and these being wel l known as Brahminical names, and that such common names of kings should be adde d to the expressions like The Hall of ........... and .......... sacrifices , such na

mes as Chandragupta and Pushyamitra were chosen at random. 4) Rtarangini is a work written by Kalhana Pandit in the 12th century after Chris t, and is a compilation made by him from vague traditions current in his time. [ pages 213-214, Weber s History of Indian Literature] No reliance should therefore be placed on such a work as this, and much less should it be consulted for the s olution of a historical problem. The fact of Chandracharya's having introduced t he study of the Mahbhashya into Cashmere in the 1st century A.C., does not necess arily lead us to the conclusion that Patanjali lived only three centuries [Page 18] before that time. One may as well argue that by the introduction in the 19th century of the study of the Vedas into German and English Universities, it may be supposed that the Vedas were written or compiled only two or three centuries ago! 5) From Stanislaus Julien's translation of Hiouen Thsang's travels, [Max Mller s Hi story of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, pp, 305-9] it is clear (a) that the Ktyyana referred to by the Chinese traveler was a Buddhist, whereas the author of the Va rtikas was a Brahmin, (b) that the Ktyyana of Hiouen Thsang was the author of a me taphysical work on Buddhism, which the traveler himself translated into Chinese, and (c) that, except in name, all the details given by Hiouen Thsang differ fro m those of Ktyyana, the grammarian. Again, to one of the Sutras [VIII, ii, 50] of Pnini, Ktyyana adds a Vrtika to explai n the term Nirvna and says that it means to blow out . Thereupon Patanjali explains by giving various illustrations, the fire is blown out by the wind , the lamp is blo wn out by the wind , etc [M. Burnouf was the first to create the misconception tha t Nirvana meant annihilation. The Paranirvna Stra does not give that meaning even. Prof. Max Mller laboured, until recently, under the same misconception. On the o ther hand Nirvna means with them (1) Negatively, state of absolute exemption from the circle of transmigration, state of entire freedom from all forms of existen ce, etc. (2) Positively, Nirvna is the highest state of spiritual bliss, absolute immortality through absorption of the soul into itself, but preserving individu ality [so that e.g. Buddhas after entering Nirvna may reappear on earth] For furt her particulars see Beal s Catena of Chinese Scriptures, p 172 and Dr E.J. Eitel s H andbook of Chinese Buddhism, being a Sanskrit Chinese Dictionary (Hong-Kong, 1888) ] If Ktyyana, or [Page 19] Patanjali, lived during or after the life-time of Skyamu ni (as is supposed by some), surely they, as grammarians, would have noticed the Buddhistic interpretation of the word Nirvna which is of the greatest importance in the Buddhistic philosophy; but as they did not, we are at liberty to say tha t neither of them lived after the introduction of Buddhism by Skyamuni, which car ried this peculiar interpretation.

The name Ktyyana is also of frequent occurrence in Sanskrit literature. There is o ne Ktyyana, author of Kalpa, [Pnini alludes to several Kalpa Stras in IV, iii, 106, s valyana was a disciple of Sounaka, and Ktyyana the author of Kalpa Stras, and as Prti skhya was a disciple of Asvalyana. All the Prtiskhyas differ in many respects from m any of Pnini s rules. Hence the Ktyyana who was the author of a Prtiskhya, and Kalpa St as, etc. was anterior to Pnini] and Grihya Stras, and Sarvnukramani who was a disci ple of svalyana; and the same name is also that of the author of several Parisisht as and a Prtiskhya of Sukla Yajur Yeda, while the author [Page 20] of the Vrtika on Pnini is also called by that name. [According to Kathsrit Sgara of Somadva, Ktyyana s udied along with Pnini, and with Vydi, the grammer of Indra under Upavarshopdhyya in Ptaliputra; and he was born in Kousmbi, a town on the banks of the Jumna, somewhe re near Agra; his father's name was Smadatta, of Sankriti Gtra and his mother's na me Snttara. The name Upavarsha is not only peculiar to Kathsrit Sgara, but also to le xicographers; vide page 131, Hmachandra's Lexicon (Calcutta Edition) and Purushtta ma Deva's Trikndassha, page 33 (Benares Edition). Upavarsha was a commentator on J aimini's Prva Mimmsa Stras, and Bdaryana's Brahma Stras; his works are quoted by Sabar aswami in his commentary on Jaimini's (page 12, Calcutta Edition, A. S. B.) and by Sr Sankarcharya in his commentary on Brahma Stras (pp. 291, 953, Calcutta Editio

n of Asiatic Society of Bengal)] The Mahbhshya [IV, iii, 116]. mentions a poem of Ktyyana s, and from it we find that he was also called Vararuchi. It may perhaps be the case that the several persons called by the name of Ktyyana [There is one Vara ruchi, author of Lingnussana (rules of gender) who is said to have lived in the Co urt of one Vikramditya as would appear from the last verses of his work (Benares Edition). The Jyotirvidbharana, the authorship of which is erroneously attributed to Klidsa, mentions a Varararuchi as having lived in the Court of the said Vikramditya. Vkyag anita, otherwise called Girnasryadhivkya, a work on Astronomical tables (according to the system of Aryabhtta), and on which the calculations of Vkyapunchngam (calen dar, according to the system of Vkyaganita) of South India are based, is said to be the work of one Vararuchi who lived in the 6th century A.C. From these one ma y naturally conclude that the Ktyyana who was the author of the Vrtika, etc, cannot be identified with any other Ktyyana or Vararuchi.] were descendants [Page 21] of one and the same Rishi, [According to a well known rule of grammar, all the des cendants of a Ktyyana may be called by that name] and lived in different times and wrote different works: even Mahktyyana, a disciple of Buddha, and Ktyyana, the autho r of a work on Buddhist metaphysics (translated by Hiouen Thsang) might have bee n lineal descendants of one and the same original Ktyyana Rishi.

6) It is not necessary to dwell much in reply to the sixth, as several points in volved were traversed in our reply to the fifth argument, by giving important qu otations from Pnini, Ktyyana, [Ktyyana, the author of the Vrtika on Pnini, of the poem Varaucha, and of the Slkas called Bhrja (Mahbhshya, 1st Anhika, pp 23-24, Ballantyne s Edition is altogether different from the author of Kalpa Stras, Prtiskhya, etc, an d who is also called Vararuchi (Trikndassha, Slka 85, page 33, Benares Edition); an d the same person by the names of Medhjit, and Punarvasu (page 131 of Hmachandra s L exicon, Calcutta Edition)] and Patanjali, in which the word Nirvana is mentioned ; and there we have shown that Patanjali was not aware of the Buddhistic interpr etation of that word. Patanjali in his Yoga Stras mentions the svara, [I, 23, 24, 26] and speaks of the necessity of the study of the Vedas, [II, I.] and uses a w ord Kaivalya [ IV, 25 33] different from Nirvana to signify the same idea.[Page 22 ] The theories of Karma, Re-incarnation, etc., are quite common not only to the Bu ddhists, but to all the Asiatic philosophies, except, perhaps, the Jews; and hen ce there is no reason to suppose that these theories were only borrowed from the Buddhists and introduced into Hinduism. It has been argued that the doctrine of Ahimsa or not killing, is peculiar to th e Buddhists, and against the doctrine of the Vedas, and that this is found in th e Yoga Stras, and hence that these Stras were written after Buddhism had sprung up . To this, we reply, that the performance of sacrifice and hence killing of anim als for sacrificial purposes is enjoined only on Grihasthas (married men), but n ot on Brahmachris (bachelors) or Yatis (ascetics). The rules laid down in the Yog a Stras do not apply to Grihasthas, but only to Naishtika Brahmachris (those bache lors who wish to remain as such throughout their lives), Vnaprasths (those that go to forests with their wives for the purpose of meditation), or Yatis (ascetics) more especially the last named order; also those Vnaprasths who practice Yoga sho uld not perform sacrifices. 7) In reply to the seventh argument we should say that Patanjali was not the fou nder of the Yoga system of philosophy. Hiranyagarbha, a Maharishi, was the found er of this system [Vchaspati Misra, a commentator on Vysadva s Bhshya on Patanjali s Yog a Stras, explains the word Anusasana in the 1st aphorism (Atha Yognussanam) thus: Th e doctrine of Yoga had been founded by Hiranyagarbha and others, Patanjali simpl y promulgated it, by supplementing it, and hence it is called Anussanam] and it w as promulgated [Page 23] by his successors, Vrshaganya, Yjnavalkya, etc., as suri, Panchasika and others did in the case of Snkhya founded by Kapila Neither the Bra

hma Stras nor the more famous of its commentators, such as Sr Sankarchrya and others mention by name any philosopher of the Yoga school. [S r Rmnujchrya mentions Hiranyaga rbha by name in p 476, Madras Edition, of his Bhshya] The expression in the Brahm a Stras [II, ii, 3.] is: The Yoga philosophy is condemned on the same reasons as a re given in the previous Stra regarding Snkhya . The Snkhya and Yoga philosophies are inadmissible for (a) the philosophies themselves are in contradiction with the doctrine of the Vedas (Upanishads); (b) the authority of the Vedas are superior to these philosophies; (c) the founders of these philosophies, viz., Kapila and Hiranyagarbha, are human beings, and hence their knowledge must be finite and su bject to errors, and even opposed to reason in several points; and (d) on the ot her hand, the Sruti (Vedas) is invariably followed by the majority of the sages. Again, S'r Sankarchrya in his commentary on the above Stra quotes an aphorism, whic h does not belong to Patanjali's Yoga Stras, as will be found to be [Page 24] the case on an examination of that work: but it must either belong to Hiranyagarbha or Vrshaganya. [Vednta Stra Bhshya, Calcutta Edition (Asiatic Society of Bengal), p age 496] The definition of Yoga given in the Stra quoted by S'r Sankarchrya is that i t is the means of knowledge of the realities (or truth) , whereas Patanjali define s it in his aphorisms [ I, 1, 2] as the suspension of the action of the mind . Two verses from Hiranyagarbha's work are quoted in the Vishnu Purna [Amsa, 2, ch, xii i, vv 42-45 (p 195, Madras Edition)]; and Vrshaganya is mentioned by Vchaspati Mis ra in his Bhmati, [page 332, Benares Edition] a commentary on S'r Sankarchrya's Vednt a Stra Bhshya. Ygnavlkya promulgated the same system in his Yogygnavalkyagt, from whi various quotations appear in many philosophical and other treatises.

From these considerations it will be seen that the Yoga system was not founded b y Patanjali [Vysadva (also called Vysa or Vedavysa) author of a commentary on Patanj ali's Yoga Stras, is generally supposed to be identical with Vedavysa, the author of the Mahbhrata, the Brahma Stras, etc. ; and that he, therefore, alluded to his s ystem in his Brahma Stras. If it had been written by Vedavysa (the author of Brahm a Stras) it would have been mentioned in Rajamrtnda by Bbjadva who, every one knows, lived after him; nor would S'r Sankarchrya or S'r Rmnujchrya have neglected it withou aking any quotations from it. In Rjamrtanda there is no allusion to any former com mentary or Patanjali s Yoga Stras. Vchaspati Misra mentions one Vedavysa, commentator on these Yoga Stras, and there can be no doubt that this Vedavysa was quite a mod ern author, and is in no way connected with the author of the Brahma Stras. For t he name is of frequent occurrence. One Vayscharya is the author of a gloss on S r Rmnuj hrya s Bhshya on the Brahma Stras; also the name of a work called Chandrika, on the D waita philosophy of S r Madhavchrya is Vysa or Vysar besides the fact that a large nu r of the followers of S r Madhvchrya are called by that name] and that [Page 25] it ( the Yoga system) existed from a long time before Patanjali, that he was simply a n author of a work on that philosophical system; and that he lived after the tim es of Pnini and Bdaryana. It is argued that the systems of philosophy taught in the Yoga Stras and the Mahbhs hya are in opposition with each other, and that one author could not write two s uch different works, inculcating two antagonistic philosophical systems. Even ce rtain contradictory passages are brought forward to prove that such is the case; to give a few of such contradictions: (a) That the Mahbhshya advocates sacrifices of animals, and even remarks that the goats of the Bhlika country: [ I, i, 15, p 81 Benares Edition)] are not fit for sacrifice, and knows nothing of Buddhism: on the other hand the Yoga system inculcates the doctrine of Ahimsa in general, [II, 30, 31, 34, 35] which is the mainstay of Buddhism, and even the killing of animals for sacrificial purposes is prohibited, although sanctioned in the Vedas : (b) Yoga describes [Page 26] svara [ I, i, 24 26] (God), and enumerates His attri butes; whereas the Mahbhshya believes in a result produced by sacrifice, and consi ders that result to be the ultimate one, [1stAnhika] as advocated by Jaimini, in his Prvamimmsa, and by several other Ygnikas. It should be observed that Patanjali in his Mahbhshya followed the system of Pnini, Ktyyana, and Vydi [page 43. Ballantyne Edition: Vydi was the author of Sangraha, the commentary, which contains 100,000 granthas of 32 syllables each] (their commentator); also one Kuni [Kiyyata on I

, i, 175 (pp 87 88. Ballantyne s Edition). with whom he agrees on several points. It would also seem that in his great commentary Ptanjali followed the systems of several grammarians anterior to Pnini, such as pisali, Bhradwja, and Grgya, as will b e seen from his allusions to them. [ III, i, 81, 71 Vide III, ii, 15, regarding the meaning of Parksha (past time or behind the sight): III, i, 27, about Varthamn akla (present tense)] Further there are several questions regarding which he does not give any opinion whatever, but simply gives those of various grammarians, [ IV, ii, 105. Ktyyana in his Vrtika on this Stra mentions Ygnavalkya. Patanjali also does the same in his Mahbhshya. Hence Ygnavalkya must be anterior to Patanjali. [Pa ge 27] One thing is certain, namely, that while he is the author of the Yoga Stra s, he follows the system founded by Hiranyagarbha Vrshaganya and Ygnavlky: [Vignnabhi kshu and Mdhvchrya were also authors of several works on different philosophical sys tems, such as the Nyya, the Mimmsa, the Snkhya, and the Vednta] and while he is a co mmentator on a grammatical work, he cannot follow any philosophical system oppos ed to it; in other words, he simply works out the subject he writes upon as thou gh he belonged to that system, and no other. This is the case with every Indian who writes treatises on different philosophies, and examples may be multiplied; for one, Vchaspati Misra, was the author of a commentary on Yoga Stra Bhshya, on Nyy a Stra Bhshya of Pakshila Swami, and the Vrtika of Udytakarchrya, and of Bhmati on S'r ankarchrya's Vednta Stra Bhshya. He never adopted in his works one uniform system of philosophy, and no one could generally do so. This practice continues to the pre sent day, when we find the late Professor Trntha Tarkavchaspati as the author of Note s on the Yoga Stra Bhshya of Vysa, and the commentary thereon by Vchaspati Misra , Note s on Vchaspati Misra's commentary on Snkhyakrika , and of Siddhntabindusra , a work on ta. If we judge him from his work on Yoga, he will appear as a follower of that system; if we [Page 28] judge him only from his work on Snkhya, he will appear a Snkhya, and from his Siddhntabindusra will appear as a Vedntin. Hence from the fact that two different systems of philosophy are taught, one in the Mahbhshya, and the other in the Yga Stras, it is not right to say that the authors of these two work s are not identical.

So far as the Hindu Pandits are concerned, they would not for a moment believe t hat there were two different persons known by the name of Patanjali, one of whom wrote the Mahbhshya, and the other the Yoga Stras; for if the tradition handed dow n from generation to generation in the line of teachers, and which is current am ong the Pandits, is to be believed, no one will hesitate to declare that the aut hors of these two works are identical. The Mahbhshya [Although the Mahbhshya is a gr ammatical work, it should be noticed that it also teaches a system of philosophy of grammar; and without the study of such a system, Pnini could not be properly understood] cannot be read by a Brahmin without Snthi, a ceremony performed under the auspices of a proper teacher, just as in the case of the study of Vednta Stra Bhshya and other sacred works. [A follower of the School of S r Sankarchrya will, be opening his Bhshya, first chant a Vedic Mantra, then a Sanskrit verse in praise o f the great philosopher (and such is the case with all the Stras and Gitbhshyas), f ollowed by reciting verses in praise of the long line of teachers that succeeded him and ending with one of his own teachers. There is a similar custom among th e Srivaishnavs at the commencement of the study of S r Rmnujchrya s Brahma Strabhshya her sacred works] This principle is [Page 29] followed by every Brahmin througho ut the length and breadth of Bhratavarsha, from Travancore to the northern extrem ity of Cashmere and from Lahore to Dacca. During the performance of the Snthi of the Mhabbshya, the following verse should invariably be chanted by the student at the first opening of the book for the day, and in the presence of his teacher; a nd the study of the work is condemned when this Santhi is not performed.

This verse, viz., Yogna Chittasya padna vchm, malam sarirasya cha vaidyakna, Yopkarth m pravaram muninam, Patanjalim prnjalirnathsmi , means , I bow with folded hands to Patanjali who purified the mind of its impurities by (writing a work on) Yoga, t he voice of its impurities, by his grammar (Mahbhshya), the physical body of its i mpurities by his work on Medicine, and who was superior to all the sages (of his time) [Bhjadva followed the example of Patanjali, by writing like him three works

on three subjects. On Yoga, we have his Rjamrtnda, a commentary on Patanjali s Yoga Stras; on Grammar, Sabdapraksika; and on Medicine, Rjamrignka] Let us try to fix the date of Patanjali. During his time Sanskrit was the only l anguage spoken in the Aryvarta, and this is evident from the fact that in the Mahb hshya we find a conversation between a [Page 30] charioteer and his master, a Bra hmin, [II, iv, 56] examples of different modes of pronunciation of some words by people living in different parts [In I, i, 75, the modes of pronunciation by th e Easterns are given; for those of the Northerns see VII, iii, 46; and several o ther places besides] of the Aryvarta, differences in giving meanings to roots [Vi de 1st Anhika (p 62, Ballantyne s Edition.)] by those that live in countries beyon d Indus, such as the Kmbhjas, etc., and certain provincialisms which are strictly condemned in the Mahbhshya. During the time of Skyamuni, on the other hand, the spoken language was Pli the la nguage used by him in addressing his disciples. The tradition goes on to say tha t he first began his address in Sanskrit, but on one of his disciples reminding him of the fact that the previous Buddhas used in their addresses only the Pli la nguage, he too addressed them in the same tongue. [Dr. Mason s Kachchyano s Pli Gramm ar, p 13] Religion during the time of Patanjali was almost entirely Vedic. Vedic doctrines were followed, and we had the Ygnikas and Brahmavdins. In the Mahbhshya, we find th e ryvarta described, [The country bounded on the north by the Himlayas, on the sout h by the Vindhyas (Priytra), on the west by the Aravalli Hills, and on the east by the Black Forest in Behar, VI, iii, 109] the purity and wisdom of the Aryans ex tolled, and [Page 31] drunkenness condemned; [2nd nhika, page 100, Ballantyne s Edi tion, and in various other places.] sin included even wrong-pronunciation of wor ds, [1st nhika, pp 12, 18 to 22 (Ballantyne s Edition) although he admits that cert ain words had no regular way of pronunciation, but the general usage of the Arya ns should be followed ,Sishtchra [ 2nd nhika, pp 122, 123 (Ballantyne s Edition)] (us age or custom among the elders) described, and strongly recommended to be follow ed: purity and condition of the Brahmins delineated. [ II, ii, 6 These (Brahmins) are devoid of ambition, of no motives, possess knowledge and are not too rich ; al so One who is austere, of good education, of brown colour, and reddish hair. In VI , ii, we find him describing a Brahmin of his times as one who lives in the Aryvar ta, who lives without keeping anything for the next day, not covetous, and (prac tices) very good morals without any motives, and is pure . He elsewhere says (IV, I and II, ii, 6) that all these qualities go to make up a real Brahmin, and ever y one else is a Brahmin only in name. The state of morality generally was so goo d that he condemns every now and then the practice of drinking (Surpna).] If all t hese points be considered, it is quite clear that the authority and customs of t he Brahmins were in their full sway. When Buddhism was preached by Skyamuni, the decline of Brahminical authority was so great, Brahminical customs, sacrifices, etc., so much neglected and even ridi culed, and Vedic authority so much defied, that there were 1,350 Buddhist Bhiksh us in [Page 32] India. [Sukhvativyha in the Mahyna Stra. This number is only of learn ed Bhikshus. The work (Mahyna Stra) says that there were many more present (vide pa ge I, Tokio Edition)] These changes in religion, and especially in a religion pr ofessed by those that are termed the greatest conservatives these changes (which w ere of so destructive a character) would at the lowest estimation require 300 ye ars to intervene. If Gautama, Buddha, and Buddha Bhikshus could be found in Indi a about 570 B.C., there is nothing extraordinary in placing Patanjali three cent uries earlier, that is, 870 B.C., in other words between the 9th and 10th centur ies B.C. ; although the changes of language would necessitate our placing him ev en earlier. Our argument is greatly strengthened if we base our reasoning on the chronology of the Chinese, who believe that the Nirvna of Skyamuni took place in 949 [Dr E. J

Eitel s Sanskrit-Chinese Dictionary a handbook of Chinese Buddhism, p 139 (Hong-K ong 1888)] or 973 [Beal s Catena of Chinese Scriptures, p 116 (note)] B.C., instea d of in 543 B.C., following the chronology of the southern Buddhists, who follow the Mahvansa supposed to have been written about A.C. [Max Mller s History of Ancie nt Sanskrit Literature, page 267] 459. If the Chinese chronology were again seri ously considered in the light of a vast literature of the Chinese, now accessibl e to the Western Orientalists, [Page 33] the decisions of the various Orientalis ts, carefully reviewed, the dates of the Western Orientalists, which are conside red to be final on the subject of the Nirvna of Skyamuni, may fall to the ground. The discussion of the date of Nirvna cannot find a place in a brief article to a monthly magazine, on the Age of Patanjali ; and a full treatment of the subject of the present paper with its allied questions, cannot receive any justice except in a volume.

To state our conclusions once more for the sake of clearness (a), Patanjali was the author of the Mahbhshya, a commentary on Pnini's Ashtdhyyi, and also of the Yoga Stras, and (b) that he lived without any doubt between the 9th and 10th centuries B.C., [The arguments of Mr T Subba Row Garu relating to the age of Patanjali, w hich made Patanjali identical with Govindaswamy, the Guru of S r Sankarchya, are quit e baseless, being in contradiction with the internal evidence delivered from ori ginal works, such as the Mahbhshya, S r Sankrachrya s Vedanta Strabhashya, etc (vide Th heosophist, Vol IV, page 309 312] that is, about the 10th century B.C. General Remarks. The mode of treatment of Oriental questions by the Western Orie ntalists is so unique, and so prejudiced, [We can give brilliant illustrations. Just imagine Dr Otto Bhtlingk, while incapable of understanding even the easy rule s of Pnini, and much less those of Ktyyana, and still making use of them in the und erstanding of classical texts. The errors in his department of dictionary are so numerous and of so peculiar a kind yet on the whole so thoroughly in accordance with the specimens I have adduced from his commentary, that it will fill every serious Sanskritist with dismay, when he calculates the mischievous influence wh ich they must exercise on the study of Sanskrit Philology . (Pnini and his place in Sanskrit Literature, by Tho. Goldstcker, page 254) Dr. Roth writing his Worterbuch (Sanskrit Dictionary), which is described by Gol dstcker (Pnini, p. 251) in this way: I will merely here state that I know of no wor k which has come before the public with such unmeasured pretension of scholarshi p and critical ingenuity as this Worterbuch, and which has, at the same time, la id itself open to such serious reproaches of the profoundest grammatical ignoran ce explains Vedic words, and has courage to pass sweeping condemnation on all thos e gigantic labours of the Hindu mind (e.g., Syancharya's Bhshva) while ignorant of all but the merest fraction of them . Professor Kuhn, who is said to be no proficient in Sanskrit , was asked to give his own opinion of the Worterbuch, and of course praised the work very highly. Prof . Weber rushes into the stage at once, and warmly defends it against every one. A detailed criticism on the vain labours of these Saturnalia of Sanskrit Philolog y will be found in Groldstcker's Pnini, His Place in Sanskrit Literature, pp. 241-2 68. Prof. Weber himself acknowledges, although not in the plainest language, that he had, while lecturing on Indian Literature, made only a superficial study of the Mahbhshya (History of Indian Literature, p. 224, note)] that we cannot refrain fr om quoting the following: [Page 34] The writings of many of these Orientalists are often characterized by an imperfec t knowledge of Indian literature, philosophy and religion and of Hindu tradition s, and a contemptuous disregard for [Page 35] the opinions of Hindu writers and Pandits. Very often facts and dates are taken by these writers from the writings of their predecessors or contemporaries, on the assumption that they are correc

t, without any further investigation by themselves. Even when a writer gives a d ate with an expression of doubt as to its accuracy, his follower frequently quot es the same date as if it were absolutely correct . 3). It is often assumed without reason that every passage in the Vedas containin g philosophical or metaphysical ideas must be looked upon as a subsequent interp olation, and that every book treating of a philosophical subject must be conside red as having been written after the time of Buddha or after the commencement of the Christian era. Civilisation, philosophy and scientific investigation had th eir origin, in the opinion of these writers, within the six or seven centuries p receding the Christian era, and mankind slowly emerged for the first time from ' the depths of animal brutality ' within the last four or five thousand years. 4) It is also assumed that Buddhism was brought into existence by Gautama Buddha . The previous existence of Buddhism, Jainism and Arhat philosophy is rejected a s an absurd and ridiculous invention of the Buddhists and others, who attempted thereby to assign a very high antiquity to their own religion. In consequence of this erroneous impression every Hindu book referring to the doctrines of the Bu ddhists is [Page 36] declared to have been written subsequent to the time of Gau tama Buddha. For instance, Mr. Weber is of opinion that Vyasa, the author of Bra hma Stras, wrote them in the fifth century after Christ. This is indeed a startli ng revelation to the majority of Hindus. 5) Whenever several works treating of various subjects are attributed to one and the same author, by Hindu writings or traditions, it is often assumed, and appa rently without any reason whatever in the majority of cases, that the said works should be considered as the productions of different writers. By this process o f reasoning they have discovered two Bdaryanas (Vysas)......We do not mean to say t hat in every case identity of name is equivalent to identity of personality. But we cannot but protest against such assumptions when they are made without any e vidence to support them, merely for the purpose of supporting a foregone conclus ion or establishing a favourite hypothesis. We have enumerated these defects in the writings of European Orientalists for the purpose of showing to our readers that it is not always safe to rely upon the c onclusions arrived at by these writers regarding the dates of ancient Indian His tory [The Theosophist, Vol IV, p 304, et seq.]

Professor Bhandarkar, who was present in Vienna on the occasion of one of the In ternational Congresses [Page 37] of Orientalists, and who had therefore an oppor tunity of becoming personally acquainted with many Western Orientalists, says in his lecture delivered in Bombay in 1878 [Vide the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society for 1887] after his return from Europe, that the so -called Sanskrit Professors of the West, possess only so much knowledge of Sansk rit as to enable them to translate into their own languages works written in Purn ic, but not in a more difficult style (e.g., that of Sbara's Bhshya on the Mimamsa Stras, S'r Sankarchrya's Bhshya on the Brahma Stras, Tatwachintmani of Gangspdhyy works of Udayanchrya). Our own impression is that most of them (Western Orientali sts) are acquainted only with the names of philosophical and other works, and if at all they have studied those works, it is only very superficially and hence i t is quite natural that they should commit errors and fallacies in their writing s. On the other hand, the Hindu Pandits study their own literature systematicall y under a well-trained teacher, who is one in the long line of teachers, each of whom transmits the doctrines and truths to his successor who is below him in th e list. But unfortunately they do not possess any knowledge of any of the wester n languages, such as English, French and German, in which treatises and other pu blications relating to Sanskrit Literature and History are written. But if once the ideas and mode of thinking of the Orientalists [Page 38] are made known to t hem, they will produce wonderful results. It is a matter of deep regret that our Indian graduates do not generally possess an enterprising spirit, and are indif

ferent to furthering the progress of the study of Sanskrit, especially works lik e the Mahbhshya. They generally depend, owing to their ignorance of Sanskrit, for their information, on western translations, or western compilations from Sanskri t works. These unfortunate circumstances attendant on the Indian people can only be remedied by our University students continuing, with the aid of good Pandits , their Sanskrit studies more especially of the Vedas, Srauta Stras, etc. even af ter obtaining their degrees. Our Western Orientalists would do well, before beco ming Professors of Sanskrit in the western Universities, to come to India, and s ystematically study [ Professor Max Mller feels this necessity more in the study of Purvamimmsa than that of any other system of philosophy or subject, as may be seen by his letter to the late Mr. M. M. Kunte, dated 21st June 1877 :... But to the scholar the Prvamimmsa is of great interest, and I have always thought that we wanted a native Indian scholar to translate and properly interpret it. It is so full of allusions to Ygnika matters which are familiar to your Srotriyas, but [o f which] we in Europe have a very vague and indistinct conception . Professor Bhan darkar, too advocated this step in his lecture in Bombay in 1887] the Sanskrit l anguage, and its literature in all its branches under well-known Pandits or in t he Sanskrit Colleges or institutions established in India, viz. those of Benares , Calcutta or Mysore.[Page 39] One word more. Our European Orientalists will confer a great boon on Indian Pand its if they (Orientalists of Europe) would take the trouble of expressing in the Sanskrit language their views regarding Indian antiquity and literature in orde r that the Pandits may become more easily acquainted with their views; for it is a more difficult thing for Pandits to learn three European languages, viz., Eng lish, German and French, for knowing what the European Orientalists think about them and the Indian literature, than for the Orientalists themselves who are mos tly Professors of Sanskrit, teaching that language to many University students t o write in Sanskrit. Source: http://www.theosophical.ca

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