Fundamental Particles Notes
Fundamental Particles Notes
Fundamental Particles Notes
Characteristics :
• Rest Mass : It is the basic characteristic of a particle. Each particle has definite
rest mass. It is the mass of the particle in its minimum energy. If two particles are
identical in all respect, but slightly different rest mass, then they are considered
as different particles. Rest mass of photon is zero. The mass of particles is
usually expressed in terms of electron mass. For example, mass of a proton is
1836 me , where me is the mass of electron. Mass of proton is 1838 me. Electron
mass is 0.00055 atomic mass unit (amu).
• Charge : Except quarks, all other elementary particles may have a charge +e , –
e or zero. Here e is the electron charge,1.6x10-19coulomb.
• Spin : Particles may be having intrinsic spin. Spin is either or zero. Spin give
rise to spin angular momentum given by where s is even or half integral.
The particles of half integral spin obey Fermi Dirac statistics and are called
Fermions. Electron, proton, neutron, neutrino and their antiparticles are
Fermions. Particles having zero or integral spin obey Bose Einstein statistics.
They are known as Bosons. Examples: mesons, photons.
Antiparticles : The electron for which the detailed theory was developed by British
Physicist Paul AM Dirac who obtained the relativistically correct equation. According to
Dirac’s relativistic theory of electron, the free electron has not only positive energy
states, it has negative energy state also. Classically this is not possible. The negative
energy state has no physical meaning. Dirac introduced a new concept of antiparticle in
0 ositron energy states of
According to this, for electron there exist different energy states with positive and
negative values. The electron in the negative energy state moves to positive energy
state by absorbing a photon of energy , that is 1.02 MeV energy, This
hν 2m0 C 2
process leaves behind a hole in the negative energy state, just like a hole in a
semiconductor energy band, behaves as if it is a particle of positive charge. This
positively charged particle is called a positron. Positron is like electron in all respect
except the charge. Its charge is +e.
Other elementary particles also have antiparticles. The antiparticle of a particle has the
same mass, spin, life time if unstable, but its charge (if any) has the opposite sign. The
alignment or antialignment between its spin and magnetic moment is also opposite to
that of the particle.
Whenever a particle and antiparticle interact together radiation with two photons are
created, having specific energy depend on the mass of the particles. Suppose electron
and positron collide, two photons each with energy 0.51 MeV will be created. This is
referred as annihilation.
The process of creation of particle-antiparticle pair is called pair production. The energy
required for pair production for electron-positron pair is 1.02 MeV. On the other hand, if
electron and positron is combined then the energy liberated is 1.02 MeV.
positrons were discovered (1932) in cosmic rays by American Physicist Carl David
Different Particles :
(1) Electron – Positron : Electron was discovered by JJ Thomson (1897). Its mass is
0.00055amu. charge is negative and it is 1.6x10-19coulomb. Spin is and spin angular
momentum is . It is stable particle. Anti particle of electron is positron. Concept was
given by Dirac and discovered by Anderson(1932). .
(2) Proton- Antiproton : Proton was discovered by Rutherford. Its mass is 1836me.
Charge is +e, spin is and spin angular momentum is . Anti proton was
1 1
2 2
discovered by Emileo Segre and Chembarline(1955).
(3)Neutron – Antineutron : Neutron was discovered by James Chadwik (1932). Its
mass is 1838me. Electrically neutral. But it has the negative magnetic moment. Charge
is and angular momentum is . In free state neutron is unstable and it decays.
1 1
2 2
n→ 1
p+ 0
e+ ν
Anti neutron is same in all respect, except the anomalous magnetic moment, which is
positive here. Anti neutron was discovered by American physicists Cork, Lamberston,
Piccioni and Wentzel. (1956).
(4) Neutrino – antineutrino : Neutrino is very lightly interacting particle with matter. The
concept of neutrino was due to Pauli to explain paradoxes in beta decay. It has zero
mass, no charge, and spin is and spin angular momentum is
1 1
2 2
Anti particle of neutrino is antineutrino. While antineutrino is emitted in - decay,
neutrino is emitted in + decay.
X → Z +A1Y + −10 e + ν
Z X → Z +A1Y + +10 e + ν
λ, ∑ , Ξ , Ω
(7) Field Particles : These are the quantum of the force field. Photon is the field particle
of electromagnetic field. Its rest mass is zero, charge is zero, spin is 1. Graviton is the
quantum particle of gravitational field, no charge, spin is assumed to be 2.
Classification of particles :
1. Based on Spin : Based on spin particles are classified into following two classes.
Fermions : Fermions are having half integral spin (1/2. 3/2, 5/2). They obey
Fermi Dirac statistics. Example : electrons, neutrons, protons, neutrino
Bosons : Bosons are having zero or integer spin. They obey Bose Einstein
statistics. Example : pions, kaeones, photon and graviton.
2. Based on Mass :
Fundamental Interactions (forces of nature)
There are four kind of interactions which govern almost all phenomena of nature. They
1. Gravitational Interaction : It is the weakest interaction in the nature. Its range is
infinity. Gravitational interaction predominates in macroscopic scale. Planets
revolving round the sun, structure of galaxy etc., are due to gravitational
interaction. Theoretical prediction is that the graviton is quantum or the field
particle. This particle is not yet discovered. Efforts are going on to detect gravity
waves and gravitons.
2. Weak Interaction : Strength wise the next interaction is the weak interaction. It
causes the radioactive or particle decay. Its range is of the order of 10 -17 m The
field particle is called W & Z -particles.
3. Electromagnetic Interaction : Exist between the charges. The range is infinity.
Either repulsive or attractive depend on the nature of charges. Field particle is
4. Strong Interaction : One of the strongest force in the nature. It is responsible
for holding nucleons together to make the nucleus. If we say the strength of the
gravitational force as 1, then strength of the strong interaction is 1040
Note :
Leptons which do not interact strongly with matter. Each lepton is assigned with lepton number
(quantum number) 1 and -1 for their antiparticle.
Lepton Lepton number (L)
electron ( ) 1
muon ( ) 1
tauon ( ) 1
electron neutrino ( ) 1
muon neutrino ( ) 1
tau –neutrino ( ) 1
In all interactions lepton number is conserved.
Baryons are assigned with Baryon Number B.
Baryon number is zero for mesons 1 for nucleons and hyperons. -1 for anti Baryons.
Example 1
n+p n+p+p+
In the above interaction, not only the atomic and mass number, but also the Baryon number is
Example 2.
p n + e+ + neutrino .
To find the nature of emitted neutrino we can apply the conservation of lepton number.
Lp= Ln + Le +
0 = 0 + (-1) + 1
To conserve the lepton number, should be +1. This is for electron neutrino. Hence the
interaction can be written as
p n+ e+ .
➢ n p + e-
Ln= Lp + Le +
0 = 0 + (+1) + (-1)
To conserve the lepton number, should be -1. This is for anti electron neutrino. Hence the
interaction can be written as
n p + e- +
Some of the particles are having strange properties and they are called strange particles. K-
mesons and all hyperons are strange particles and they are assigned with strangeness number S
(as lepton or baryon numbers).
All K-mesons are having strangeness number +1, have -1, has -2 and hass -3.
Λ, Σ & Ξ Ω
In all interaction strangeness number S is also conserved.
Standard Model or Quark Model
In 1964 American Physicists Murray Gellman and George Zweig proposed a Standard
model of particles. According to this model there are six leptons which are having no
substructure. They have only point like structure.
These leptons are
e νe µ νµ τ ντ
d (down) 1 1
− e 2
s (strange) 1 1
− e 2
b (bottom) 1 1
− e 2
Here “up”, “down”,“strange” do not have any physical meaning as such.
Each quark has spin ½ or spin angular momentum , so they are fermions.
Each quark has anti quark and it has opposite charge.
Baryons are composed of three quarks (u,d, or s), while mesons are combinations of a
quark and anti quark.
The combination of u, d, s and also their anti quarks create a proton, neutron and other
baryon particles.
For example proton is the combination of 2up quarks and a down quark (uud)
Creation of a proton.
charge of proton.
2 1
2 e + − e = + e
3 3
, charge of neutron.
1 2
2 − e + e = 0
3 3
Quark structure of some hadrons
(uus) ( )
Σ+ π − −
u d
(uds) (u )
Σ 0
K −
(dds) (d )
Σ K 0 −
(uds) (u )
Λ 0
η 0 −
u −d d
Glouons :
It is theoretically predicted that that the strong interaction between quarks is due to
particles called “Gluons” (like photons in electromagnetic field and gravitons in
gravitational field). Gluons do not have mass, electrically neutral, having spin 1, and
also carry “colour charge”. The strong interaction takes place due to eight colored
The theory which deals with these cololoured gluons is called “Quantum Chromo
Dynamics” (QCD) and interaction between different elementary particles along with
electromagnetic field is called “Quantum Electro Dynamics” (QED). Both these fields are
frontier areas of Nuclear Physics and exciting prospects are there for young brilliant
minds to solve the secret of the nature.