Smopex Brochure
Smopex Brochure
Smopex Brochure
Johnson Matthey has developed the Smopex fibre family based on their unique grafting technology for use as metal scavengers from aqueous and organic media. The fibres are mechanically and chemically very stable, provide a high loading capacity and exhibit compatibility with most solvents used in the chemical industry. Due to their unique structure - thin fibres with externally grafted functional side chains - scavenging kinetics are often very rapid, particularly in comparison with conventional bead technology, where diffusion limits the rate of removal. The fibres are also well suited for use in organic media, where bead resins are frequently ineffective.
Figure1. Recovery of a homogeneous Pd catalyst in the presence of excess triphenylphosphine and excess dibutylamine using Smopex-111 and a bead resin containing the same functional group. Reaction solvent is THF
100 90 80 70 Extraction (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 50 Time(min) 100 150
Smopex-111 Bead resin
Colour and form: White to beige or yellow fibres Fibre length: 0.3 mm
Off white to yellow fibres 0.3 mm 580 g 10 g / dm3 > 3 mmol /g > 95 % Mild sulphur smell Air stable Avoid alkaline conditions 120 o C
Off white fibres 0.3 mm 498 g 10 g / dm3 > 6 mmol / g > 95 % Odourless Air stable Stable under normal laboratory conditions 120 o C
Off white to yellow fibres 0.3 mm 434 g 10 g / dm3 > 3 mmol / g > 95 % Odourless Air stable Stable under normal laboratory conditions 120 o C
Fibre tap density: 345 g 10 g / dm3 Functional group > 2 mmol / g capacity: Dry content: Odour: Stability: > 95 % Mild sulphur smell Air stable
Max. operating temperature: Suitable reaction conditions: -Aqueous -Organic -Slurry -Fixed bed Typical applications:
120 o C
No Yes Yes Yes Scavenging of Pd, Pt, Rh, Cu from: - Cross coupling reactions - Hydroformylations - Hydrogenations
No Yes Yes Yes Scavenging of Pd, Pt, Rh, Cu from: - Cross coupling reactions - Hydroformylations - Hydrogenations
Yes Yes Yes Yes - Cation scavenger, Ni, Fe, Cr - Colloids with +ve surface charge. - Fines from heterogeneous C catalysts.
Yes Yes Yes Yes - Anionic PGM complexes .- Colloids with ve surface charge. - PGMs leached from supported catalyst.
Johnson Matthey, Orchard Road, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5HE, United Kingdom, Tel: +44 (0) 1763 253000, Fax: +44 (0) 1763 253419, E-mail: Johnson Matthey, 2001 Nolte Drive, West Deptford, New Jersey, 08066 1 727 , United States of America, Tel: +1 856 384 7000, Fax: +1 856 384 7282, E-mail:
Metal complex
Table 1. Recovery of some homogeneous catalyst complexes using Smopex-105 or Smopex-111 from a 100 ppm solution at 60 C.
Johnson Matthey, Orchard Road, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5HE, United Kingdom, Tel: +44 (0) 1763 253000, Fax: +44 (0) 1763 253419, E-mail: Johnson Matthey, 2001 Nolte Drive, West Deptford, New Jersey, 08066 1 727 , United States of America, Tel: +1 856 384 7000, Fax: +1 856 384 7282, E-mail:
Br [Pd] HNRR R R
Johnson Matthey supplies a range of catalysts and precursors for cross-coupling reactions. Whilst the activity of the Pd catalysts is of major importance, a further critical step is the removal of Pd to low levels (typically <5ppm) to ensure that the product is free from metal contamination. A number of techniques can be used for separating contaminants from product streams, such as: precipitation, crystallisation, solvent extraction or adsorption. While these are commonly used in the chemical industry, they can contribute to high losses of valuable product and wasteful use of reagents. SMOPEX FOR PRODUCT PURIFICATION Smopex offers a simple, neat route for the removal of Pd from product process streams. In this case study, a Pd precursor and a large excess of triphenylphosphine were combined in-situ and used as a catalyst. After reaction 30ppm Pd was left in the THF mother liquor. At lab scale, Smopex-1 1 1 removed >99% Pd from solution at 55oC and, more importantly, the Pd concentration was reduced to <1 ppm.
IN THE LAB The solution (30ppm Pd) was heated to 55oC and passed through a column containing S-1 1 1 at a flow-rate of 10ml/min (0.07BV/min), residence time of 14 minutes. More than 99% of Pd was scavenged from solution.
Pd loading on S1 1 1
SMOPEX column
SCALE-UP The loading of Pd on fibre was 2w/w%, this is sufficient for pyrometallurgical or AquaCat processing available at Johnson Mattheys Brimsdown plant. Repeating the same experiment in a column would generally result in higher loadings being seen. This process has been scaled up and the fibres used in multitonnage quantities on the plant. Results to date indicate a Pd loading of 6w/w% on the Smopex fibre.
Johnson Matthey, Orchard Road, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5HE, United Kingdom, Tel: +44 (0) 1763 253000, Fax: +44 (0) 1763 253419, E-mail: Johnson Matthey, 2001 Nolte Drive, West Deptford, New Jersey, 08066 1 727 , United States of America, Tel: +1 856 384 7000, Fax: +1 856 384 7282, E-mail:
Johnson Matthey manufactures platinum catalysts at their plant in Royston, UK. Some catalyst preparations yield the catalyst as a solution and the waste as a solid. The solid waste can contain as much as 0.5w/w% Pt and a large amount of sodium chloride - amongst other components - hence its name salt-cake. The high value of the residual platinum means it is of benefit to refine the salt-cake. However, the high salt content makes this a difficult material to process using traditional pyrometallurgical refining techniques. SMOPEX FOR Pt REMOVAL Smopex offers an easy route for the removal of Pt from saltcake waste, capturing the Pt in a suitable form for further pyrometallurgical or AquaCat processing available at Johnson Mattheys Brimsdown plant. The salt-cake is dissolved in water and acid to give a solution containing >1500ppm Pt. This can then be pumped through a column containing Smopex. Tests carried out at Johnson Matthey showed that, using Smopex-105 in a column, >94% Pt removal can be achieved from solution. The solution was heated to 80oC to aid Pt removal, but the process is also effective at room temperature.
METAL LOADING IS IMPORTANT In order to keep costs to an acceptable level, the precious metal loading of the material to be refined should be as high as possible. In the case of salt-cake, the initial Pt content was 0.5w/w%, but after treatment with Smopex, the Pt had been concentrated 32 fold to give a loading of >16w/w% Pt! IN THE LAB 500ml solution (1500ppm Pt) was heated to 80oC and passed through a column containing S-105 at a flow-rate of 8ml/min (0.26BV/min).
300 250 Pt IN SOLUTION (PPM) 200 150 100 50 0 0 3 6 9 BED VOLUMES 12 15 18 8 7 Pt LOADING (%) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
The graph shows the breakthrough of Pt (blue line), and the % loading of Pt on S-105 (red bars), with bed volume of liquor through the column.
SCALE-UP This process for Pt removal has been scaled up to enable treatment of tonnes of salt-cake waste in a batch process, using a polishing Smopex cartridge to remove the final traces of Pt from solution.
Johnson Matthey, Orchard Road, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5HE, United Kingdom, Tel: +44 (0) 1763 253000, Fax: +44 (0) 1763 253419, E-mail: Johnson Matthey, 2001 Nolte Drive, West Deptford, New Jersey, 08066 1 727 , United States of America, Tel: +1 856 384 7000, Fax: +1 856 384 7282, E-mail:
In the rhodium-catalysed L.P. (low-pressure) Oxo process, carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2) are added across a carbon-carbon double bond to give predominantly straight chain aldehydes. The aldehyde may then be processed further by reduction to an alcohol (e.g. n-butanol or 2-ethylhexanol).
Johnson Matthey supplies a range of rhodium catalysts and precursors for use in the L.P. Oxo process. After separation of the product, the Rh-containing process mother liquor is often concentrated by distillation prior to recovery of the Rh. However, one major problem is that the concentration and shipping of organic waste liquor is costly and time consuming. Furthermore, the refining of small concentrations of Rh from large volumes of liquor is a challenge using traditional processing routes. SMOPEX CAN HELP REDUCE COSTS Smopex offers a route for the removal of Rh from Oxo waste liquors. The liquors can be treated at a customers site and the Rh-loaded fibres are then easily shipped for pyrometallurgical or AquaCat processing available at Johnson Mattheys Brimsdown plant. Tests carried out at Johnson Matthey showed that, using Smopex FCS-1 10 in a column, >94% Rh removal was achieved from solution at 80oC. Furthermore, the Rh content can be concentrated 300 fold from 0.01% (in the organic waste) to 3% (on the fibres), therefore producing a residue that is more economic to refine.
speciation, and presence of competing ligands or ions) can sometimes dictate that Smopex scavenging requires an increased contact time for the reaction to go to completion. One easy way to achieve complete metal removal under these conditions is to cycle the mother liquor in a closed loop between a holding vessel and a column of Smopex. IN THE LAB 500 ml solution (>100ppm Rh) was heated to 80oC and passed through a column containing FCS-1 10 at a flow-rate of 10ml/min (0.22BV/min), giving a 4.5 minute residence time. The liquor was cycled through the column for 20h to achieve 94% Rh removal.
140 120 Rh IN SOLUTION (PPM) 100 80 60 40 20 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0. 15 0. 1 0.05 0 0 100 200 BED VOLUMES 300 Rh LOADING (%)
FCS-1 10
The graph shows the decreasing Rh concentration, and increasing % loading of Rh, as the liquor is cycled through the column.
LONG RESIDENCE TIME? Precious metal scavenging with Smopex often has fast kinetics, due to the accessibility of functional groups at the exterior of the fibre. However, the nature of the liquor (solvent, pH, pgm
SCALE-UP This process runs commercially for the treatment of large quantities of Rh bearing liquor in a continuous recycle through a column (pumping rate of 350l/h and residence time of 22 minutes). Rh levels of <5ppm are regularly achieved.
Johnson Matthey, Orchard Road, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5HE, United Kingdom, Tel: +44 (0) 1763 253000, Fax: +44 (0) 1763 253419, E-mail: Johnson Matthey, 2001 Nolte Drive, West Deptford, New Jersey, 08066 1 727 , United States of America, Tel: +1 856 384 7000, Fax: +1 856 384 7282, E-mail: