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Stat 310A/Math 230A Theory of Probability

Homework 2 Solutions
Andrea Montanari Due on 10/10/2012

Exercises on measurable functions and Lebesgue integration

Exercise [1.2.14]
The same method works for all four parts. 1. Since B = ({(, ] : R}), it follows from Theorem 1.2.11 that X is measurable with respect to the right hand side (RHS), which hence also contains the left hand side (LHS). But the RHS is generated by elements of the -algebra on the LHS, so the LHS contains the RHS as well. 2. For 1 i n, each Xi is by Theorem 1.2.11 measurable with respect to the RHS. Therefore, the RHS contains the LHS. Again, the RHS is generated by sets from the LHS, so the latter contains the former. 3. Exactly the same method applies. 4. Since each Xk is measurable with respect to the RHS, the latter contains the LHS. By denition (Xk , k n) is contained in the LHS for each n, hence so is the union of these collections, implying that the LHS contains the RHS as well.

Exercise [1.2.20]
1. If g is l.s.c. and xn is a sequence of points that converge to x and such that g (xn ) a for all n then necessarily also g (x) lim inf n g (xn ) a. So, we see that {x : g (x) a} is closed. 2. From part (a) we see that g 1 ((, a]) is a closed set for l.s.c. g and g 1 ((, a)) is an open set for u.s.c. g , hence both are in BRn . Since (, a], a R generate B (see Exercise 1.1.17), as do (, a), a R, it follows (from Theorem 1.2.11) that any such g is a Borel function. 3. Since continuous functions are also l.s.c. we use part (b) here.

Exercise [1.2.30]
Since { : lim sup Xn ( ) X ( )} = { : lim sup (Xn ( ) X ( )) 0} ,
n n

it suces to consider the case of X = 0. By the denition of lim sup,

{ : lim sup Xn ( ) 0} =
n >0

{ : lim sup Xn ( ) < } =

n >0 n=1

Cn ,

for Cn = kn { : Xk ( ) < }. Since the sets Cn are non-decreasing in n it follows from our assumption that for any > 0,

1 = P(

Cn ) = lim P(
m n=1

Cn ) = lim P(Cm ) .

c Hence, there exists N such that P(Cn ) > 1 for all n N and the set CN is the required event A from the statement of this exercise.

Exercise [1.2.31]
Expanding on Example 1.2.4 we know that each simple function is a measurable function from (, F ) to (R, B ), hence belongs to the (larger) collection mF of all R-valued measurable functions on (, F ). Further, by Theorem 1.2.23 the latter collection is closed under pointwise limits. We complete the proof upon observing that mF is the minimal collection with these two properties since any f mF is the pointwise limit of some sequence fn of simple fucntions (for example, take fn = n ((2n [2n f ]) n)).

Exercise [1.2.49]
1. If x is a point of discontinuity of F , then F (x) F (x ) > 0, so by monotonicity, for each > 0 also F (x + ) F (x ) > 0. On the other hand, if x is outside the support of F then for all > 0 suciently small, F (x + ) = F (x ), by the denition of the support and the monotonicity of F . Now let (a, b) be an open interval in the complement of the support. Then, for each x (a, b), there is an open interval (ax , bx ) such that x (ax , bx ) (a, b) and F is constant on (ax , bx ). If further x is an isolated point of the support of F then there is an interval (x, bx ) outside the support of F , and F is constant over this interval. Also, there is an interval (ax , x) outside the support, and F is constant over this interval as well. Since x is in the support, the two constants must be dierent, which implies that F (x) > F (x ), or in other words, that F has a discontinuity at x. 2. Let = PX , a probability measure on (R, B ) with the corresponding distribution function FX = F . In the denition of the support of , the word neighborhood can be replaced without loss by interval, since every open neighborhood of x contains an interval which contains x. Now if x is in the support of , then F (x + ) F (x ) (x , x + ) > 0 so x is in the support of F and if x is in the support of F , then (x 2 , x + 2 ) > 0, so x is in the support of .

Optional exercises
Exercise [1.2.15]
1. Let C = {B F : inf AA P(AB ) = 0}. If B A, taking A = B we see that B C as well. So, it suces to show that C is a -algebra (for then C contains F = (A)). Since AB = Ac B c and A is closed with respect to taking complements, the same applies for C . It remains to show that if Bn C m then B = i=1 Bi must also be in C . To this end, x > 0 and choose m so that P(B \ i=1 Bi ) < /2. Next, choose {Ai }im A so that P(Ai Bi ) < /(2m). Since (

Ai )(

Bi )

(Ai Bi ) ,

= im Bi , taking A = im Ai which is in A, we have that for B ) + P(AB ) < . P(AB ) P(B \ B Since > 0 is arbitrary, it follows that B C and we are done.

2. It suces to show the property for X non-negative which we do in two steps. First, choose positive integer n large enough so that X ( ) n almost surely and 2n < . This implies that |X fn (X )| a.s. for fn () as in the proof of Proposition 1.2.6. Next let Bk = { : k 2n < X ( ) (k + 1)2n } for

k = 0, . . . , n2n 1, which are all in (A). By part (a) we have for any > 0 some sets Ak A such n2n 1 that P(Ak Bk ) < . Taking = /(n2n ) the random variable Y = k=0 k 2n IAk is such that
n2n 1

P(|X Y | > ) P(fn (X ) = Y )


P(Ak Bk ) < ,

with the simple function Y having the stated property.

Exercise [1.2.28]
1. As g (x, ) = [(g ) (x, )] it suces to show that g (x, ) is l.s.c. To this end, x > 0, and let B (x, ) = {y : |y x| < }. Using the notation (v ) = min(v , 1/ ) and xing > 0, by denition g (z ) (g (x)) for some z B (x, ). With = |z x| > 0 note that z B (y, ) whenever y B (x, ), so for any such y we have by the denition of g (y ) that g (y ) g (z ) (g (x)) . Consequently, lim inf yx g (y ) (g (x)) . Finally, since (v ) v as 0, for any v [, ], we arrive at the stated conclusion that lim inf yx g (y ) g (x). 2. Let D = D D+ denote the set of points at which g is discountinuous, where D = {x : > 0 and xn x such that g (xn ) g (x) }, D+ = {x : > 0 and xn x such that g (xn ) g (x) + }. If x D then for any k , g (x, k 1 ) sup g (xn ) < g (x) g (x, k 1 ) .

Considering k this inequality results with D Dg . Similarly, if x D+ then for any k , g (x, k 1 ) g (x) < inf g (xn ) g (x, k 1 ) ,

implying in the limit k that D+ Dg . Conversely, if x Dg then there exists c such that sup g (x, k 1 ) < c < inf g (x, k 1 ) .
k k

Hence, lim inf n g (xn ) < c < lim supn g (xn ) for some xn x. That is, x is a point of discontinuity of g , i.e. x D. 3. The functions g (x, k 1 ) and g (x, k 1 ) are by part (a) semi-continuous, hence Borel measurable (see Exercise 1.2.18). It thus follows from Theorem 1.2.23 that so are h (x) = supk g (x, k 1 ) and h+ (x) = inf k g (x, k 1 ). By denition Ar,q = {x : h (x) r, q h+ (x)} is a Borel set, hence so is the countable union Dg of Ar,q over r < q , r, q Q.

Exercise [1.3.7]
If h = IB is an indicator function, this follows from the denition. Linearity of the integration extends the result to simple functions, and then the monotone convergence theorem gives the result for nonnegative functions. Finally, by taking positive and negative parts we get the result for all integrable functions.

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