GRAND-AM 2011 Sporting Regulations PDF
GRAND-AM 2011 Sporting Regulations PDF
GRAND-AM 2011 Sporting Regulations PDF
President of Competition MARK RAFFAUF Managing Director of Competition/Race Director GARY CUMMINGS Rolex Series Manager JEFF SMALLWOOD Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge Manager MIKE KRAEMER Competition Project Manager ROB ELSON Technical Manager TOM SEABOLT Race Operations Manager DON ABBOTT Timing and Scoring Manager HERB BRANHAM Managing Director of Communications MARY SUAREZ Director of Member Services Grand American Road Racing Association One Daytona Boulevard Daytona Beach, FL 32114 (386) 310-6500 Phone (386) 681-6695 Fax
GRAND-AM FOREWORD To Our Competitors, Our goals are to have highly competitive, affordable and entertaining events for our licensed participants and North American spectators. The primary tools that will allow these goals to become reality are our book of regulations and our relationship with our participants. Every organization, to be successful, must have good rules and fair enforcement. We believe that the regulations in this book achieve the first of these objectives and promise that throughout the year our officials will strive to accomplish the second. The confidence that comes from knowing that the rules are fairly and consistently applied will result in the relationship of trust and mutual respect we seek. For us to be successful we must take public acceptance and appreciation for our sport to the next level and beyond. Our rules are designed to promote close competition among varieties of equipment while attempting to minimize costs and improve the excitement and entertainment values. Maintaining a full starting grid of various makes and designs, and ensuring that they remain competitive with each other, will require vigilance in both enforcement and concept of our regulations. We will do our best to ensure that we retain fields that are as equally matched as possible. Therefore, ocassionally we may need to make modifications via written notifications to all competitors. Such changes will only take place to maintain the desired balance. The rulebook will be kept up-to-date at our Web site, to include any technical bulletins released during the year. Please study this book and know the regulations. Knowledge is power. Best wishes for a successful and rewarding year. We'll see you at the races!
PREFACE The Grand American Road Racing Association (GRAND-AM) Regulations are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of road racing Events. A GRAND-AM sanctioned Event is a competitive sports event, which is intended to be conducted and officiated in accordance with these regulations. Ultimately, the solution for unauthorized or improper officiating lies not in individual challenges seeking to undo what has been done, but rather in pressure brought upon the officials in charge by drivers, owners, fans and even GRAND-AM to improve the caliber of race supervision. Any affected participant should address any complaint he or she might have regarding officiating to the GRAND-AM Managing Director of Competition. It is ultimately the obligation of each participant to ensure that their conduct and equipment comply with all applicable GRAND-AM regulations. No express or implied warranty of safety shall result from publication of, or compliance with, these rules. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of automobile racing and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to participants, spectators, or others.
The following terms, which appear periodically throughout this rulebook, have the following meanings: 1. "GRAND-AM" - The trade name and registered service mark of Grand American Road Racing Association, LLC. "GRAND-AM Headquarters" - The principal office of GRAND-AM, located at One Daytona Boulevard, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114. "GRAND-AM Regulations" - The regulations in this Rule Book, as they may be amended from time to time, and all Supplementary Regulations issued during the year. "GRAND-AM Officials" Individuals licensed by GRAND-AM to officiate as an employee or independent contractor at an Event. 5. "GRAND-AM Supervisory Officials" - The officers, employees or agents of GRAND-AM as designated herein or in a GRAND-AM Bulletin. GRAND-AM may designate in a GRAND-AM bulletin additional persons as GRAND-AM Supervisory Officials. The GRAND-AM Supervisory Officials for 2011 are: John Bishop, Commissioner Tom Bledsoe, President Dave Spitzer, Vice President of Competition Mark Raffauf, Managing Director of Competition/Race Director Gary Cummings, Rolex Series Manager Jeff Smallwood, Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge Manager Mike Kraemer, Competition Projects Manager Rob Elson, Technical Manager Tom Seabolt, Race Operations Manager Don Abbott, Timing and Scoring Manager Mary Suarez, Director of Member Services 6. "Member" - An individual or entity who has been accepted by GRAND-AM as a Member pursuant to the GRAND-AM Regulations, and whose membership has not expired, or been suspended, canceled or terminated. "Event"- A GRAND-AM sanctioned automobile competition or test. It includes the designated race as well as all periods for registration, inspections, time trials, qualifying races, practice runs, sanctioned tests, pre/post-race inspections and rain or postponed dates related thereto.
"Promoter" - The individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture or other legal entity that, in connection with the Event, is designated as the Promoter in the executed sanction agreement for the Event. "Competitor" - A member, entrant, driver, car owner, team manager, crewmember or any other person (other than a GRAND-AM Official) who participates competitively in an Event. Whenever the words Competitor, driver, car owner, team manager, mechanic, team member or crewmember are used, unless the context indicates otherwise, the term used shall be interpreted to include any driver, car owner, team manager, mechanic, or crewmember assigned to or a member of the same racing team.
SECTION 1 GENERAL RULES PROCEDURE 1-1 Effective Date 1-2 Amendment 1-3 Applicability 1-4 Interpretation and Application 1-5 Finality of Interpretation and Application 1-6 Principal Rule of Interpretation 1-7 Supplementary Regulations SECTION 2 MEMBERSHIP 2-1 Eligibility 2-2 Application Process 2-3 Membership Status 2-4 Suspension 2-5 Voluntary Termination 2-6 Involuntary Termination 2-7 Expiration 2-8 Membership Required 2-9 Minors 2-10 Membership Non-Transferable 2-11 Minimum Driver Membership Requirements 2-12 Minimum Entrant Membership Requirements 2-13 Minimum Crew Membership Requirements 2-14 Minimum Corporate / Vendor Membership Requirements 2-15 Minimum Official Membership Requirements 2-16 Minimum Promoter Membership Requirements 2-17 Use of GRAND-AM Memberships 2-18 Ejection 2-19 Interim Review of Membership Qualifications SECTION 3 INJURY REPORTS SECTION 4 SANCTIONED EVENTS 4-1 Event Sanction 4-2 Issue of Sanction 4-3 Participant Insurance 4-4 Participant Eligibility 4-5 Prior Approval 4-6 Drug Abuse Policy SECTION 5 SAFETY SECTION 6 ENTRIES AND GENERAL COMPETITOR OBLIGATIONS 6-1 Entry Requirements 6-2 Competitor Obligations, Agreements and Releases 6-3 Advertising and Promotion Release 6-4 Broadcast and Other Rights 6-5 Competitor and Sponsor Advertising SECTION 7 INSPECTIONS 7-1 Time and Manner 7-2 Inspection Area 7-3 Car Eligibility 7-4 Competitor Obligations 7-5 Inspection Prior to Race 7-6 Car Sealing or Impounding 7-7 Inspection after Race 7-8 Equipment or Parts Failing to Meet Specifications 7-9 Competitive Analysis 7-10 Finality of Inspection and Eligibility Decisions SECTION 8 RACE PROCEDURE 8-1 Race Procedure Defined
8-2 Finality of Race Procedure Decisions 8-3 Driver, Entrant Responsibilities 8-4 Race Start 8-5 Race Halt 8-6 Race Halt/Restart before One (1) Lap Completion 8-7 Race Halt/Restart after One (1) Lap Completion 8-8 Official Completion 8-9 Lap or Time Penalties 8-10 Qualifying 8-11 Testing SECTION 9 RACE PROCEDURE (FLAG RULES) 9-1 General 9-2 Mandatory Pit Stop Time 9-3 Flag Signals 9-4 Safety/Pace Car 9-5 Rules When Away From the Pits 9-6 Pit Lane Regulations 9-7 Fueling 9-8 Fueling in the Paddock 9-9 Paddock Requirements SECTION 10 TIMING AND SCORING 10-1 Official Scoring 10-2 Scoring Re-check Procedure 10-3 Transmitters SECTION 11 GRAND-AM OFFICIALS SECTION 12 PENALTIES SECTION 13 PROTESTS 13-1 Matters Subject to Protest 13-2 Form 13-3 Time Limits 13-4 Protests against Cars 13-5 Disposition of Protests 13-6 Awards 13-7 Malicious Protests SECTION 14 APPEALS 14-1 Appeals 14-2 Appeals Board 14-3 Effect 14-4 Form 14-5 Hearings 14-6 Final Appeals 14-7 Appeal Decisions 14-8 Malicious Appeals SECTION 15 PRIZES, POINT FUNDS AND AWARDS 15-1 Sole Authority 15-2 Event Prizes 15-3 Point Funds 15-4 Point Awards 15-5 GRAND-AM Driver Championships 15-6 GRAND-AM Manufacturer Championships 15-7 GRAND-AM Team Championships 15-8 Special Awards -Rolex 15-9 Special Awards Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge SECTION 16 GRAND-AM AUTHORITY 16-1 GRAND-AM Authority 16-2 FIA Licensing
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Effective Date The GRAND-AM Regulations are effective upon the date of publication by GRAND-AM, regardless of when a Competitor receives actual notice. Date of Publication of the Regulations, any amendment thereto, or any Supplemental Regulations pursuant to Section 1-7, is the earliest of mailing from GRAND-AM Headquarters or release to the daily or trade press. Amendment The GRAND-AM Regulations may only be amended by publication of an amendment in a GRAND-AM Bulletin issued by GRAND-AM Headquarters pursuant to the authority of the President of GRAND-AM or other duly authorized official of GRANDAM. An amendment is effective upon the date of publication by GRAND-AM, regardless of when a Competitor receives actual notice. Applicability The GRAND-AM Regulations are applicable to all Events, including competitions and sanctioned tests. Interpretation and Application If there is a disagreement or dispute regarding the meaning or application of the GRAND-AM Regulations, the interpretation and application by the GRAND-AM Officials at the track shall prevail. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision in the Rule Book, GRAND-AM Supervisory Officials may review an interpretation or application of the Regulations where the Supervisory Officials deem such review to be appropriate. Finality of Interpretation and Application The interpretation and application of the GRAND-AM Regulations by the GRAND-AM Officials at the track (or by a GRAND-AM Supervisory Official when conducting a review provided by Section 1-4) shall be final and non-appealable, except as provided in Sections 13 and 14 below. In order to promote automobile racing, to achieve prompt finality in competition results, and in consideration of receiving the numerous benefits available to them, ALL MEMBERS, INCLUDING COMPETITORS AND OFFICIALS, EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT DETERMINATIONS BY GRAND-AM OFFICIALS (AND GRAND-AM SUPERVISORY OFFICIALS WHEN MADE) AS TO THE APPLICABILITY AND INTERPRETATION OF THE GRAND-AM RULES ARE NON-LITIGABLE, AND THEY COVENANT THAT THEY WILL NOT INITIATE OR MAINTAIN LITIGATION OF ANY KIND AGAINST GRAND-AM OR ANYONE ACTING ON BEHALF OF GRAND-AM, TO REVERSE OR MODIFY SUCH DETERMINATIONS OR TO RECOVER DAMAGES OR TO SEEK ANY OTHER KIND OF RELIEF AS A RESULT OF SUCH DETERMINATIONS, UNLESS THE GRAND-AM OFFICIALS OR SUPERVISORY OFFICIALS MADE SUCH DETERMINATIONS FOR NO PURPOSE OTHER THAN A BAD-FAITH INTENT TO HARM OR CAUSE ECONOMIC LOSS TO THE MEMBER, COMPETITOR OR OFFICIAL. IF A MEMBER, COMPETITOR OR OFFICIAL INITIATES OR MAINTAINS LITIGATION IN VIOLATION OF THIS COVENANT, THAT MEMBER, COMPETITOR OR OFFICIAL AGREES TO REIMBURSE GRAND-AM FOR THE COSTS OF SUCH LITIGATION, INCLUDING ATTORNEYS FEES. EACH MEMBER, COMPETITOR OR OFFICIAL FURTHER COVENANTS THAT IN ANY LITIGATION BROUGHT AGAINST GRAND-AM FOR ANY REASON, IF THE LITIGATION IS NOT DISMISSED PURSUANT TO THIS COVENANT, THE MATTER WILL BE TRIED BEFORE A JUDGE OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION AND HEREBY WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY IN SUCH ACTION. Principal Rule of Interpretation and Application The GRAND-AM Regulations are intended to ensure that Events are conducted in a manner that is as fair as possible for all Competitors, consistent with prompt finality in competition results. On occasion, circumstances will be presented that are either unforeseen or are otherwise extraordinary, in which strict application of the GRAND-AM Regulations may not achieve this goal. In such rare circumstances, GRAND-AM Officials, as a practical matter, may make a determination regarding the conduct of the race, the eligibility of a Competitor, or similar matters that are not contemplated by or are inconsistent with the GRAND-AM Regulations, in order to achieve this goal. Such determinations are reviewable by GRAND-AM Supervisory Officials as contemplated in Section 1-4 above. All such determinations are subject to the finality rule in Section 1-5 above.
Supplementary Regulations Supplementary Regulations may be made and issued by GRAND-AM Officials or Supervisory Officials for an Event. Supplementary Regulations shall apply to the conduct of that Event if they are published or announced prior to or during the Event by means of a bulletin, newsletter, telephone, and fax or pre-race meeting.
SECTION 2 - MEMBERSHIP Eligibility GRAND-AM may, but is not required to, accept as a GRAND-AM Member any individual or business entity interested in road racing, so long as the individual or entity has properly and truthfully completed and filed a membership application, agreed to abide by the GRAND-AM Regulations, paid the fee(s) prescribed for membership, and meets the required qualifications. GRAND-AM will determine eligibility of any person or entity that has properly filed a membership application and meets the required qualifications for the membership. GRAND-AM is dedicated to the highest degree of professionalism, sportsmanship and integrity in road racing. For that reason, GRAND-AM may reject the membership application of an otherwise qualified applicant in the interest of automobile racing or GRAND-AM. Among other things, participation or involvement by a Member or applicant (including, in the case of a business entity, involvement by any stockholder, director, officer, employee, partner or agent thereof) in conduct detrimental to automobile racing or to GRAND-AM, whether in the course of racing activity or not, and whether the applicant was a Member or applicant at the time of such conduct, may result in rejection of a membership application by GRAND-AM. Application Process Application forms for a GRAND-AM membership may be obtained from GRAND-AM Headquarters. Upon completion, they must be submitted to GRAND-AM Headquarters, which is the only GRAND-AM office authorized to issue such memberships. Membership application forms must be fully executed, signed by the applicant, and accompanied by the requisite fee. The receipt of a GRAND-AM membership application form and fee by a GRAND-AM Official does not constitute the issuance of or approval by GRAND-AM of such an application for GRAND-AM membership. Applicants will be advised in writing by GRAND-AM Headquarters whether GRAND-AM Headquarters has approved their application for membership. Membership Status A GRAND-AM Member is not an agent, servant or employee of GRAND-AM by virtue of such membership. With respect to any GRAND-AM related activities in which a Member engages, unless the Member is also an employee of GRAND-AM, the Member shall act as and be deemed to be either an independent contractor or an employee of a person or entity other than GRAND-AM, and not an agent, servant or employee of GRAND-AM. Each such Member, or the Members employer, is obligated to furnish any tools, supplies or materials necessary to perform the Members duties. Each such Member shall be responsible for compensating, and shall be responsible for all actions, of their employees or agents. Each such Member assumes all responsibility, either by himself or his or her employer, for any charges, record keeping, premiums and taxes, if any, payable on any funds the Member may receive as a result of any activities as a GRAND-AM Member, including but not limited to, social security taxes, unemployment insurance taxes, workers compensation insurance, income taxes and withholding taxes. Suspension GRAND-AM may suspend a Member for a definite or indefinite period of time in the interest of automobile racing or GRAND-AM. The affected Member may appeal such a suspension to the GRAND-AM Commissioner. Voluntary Termination A Member may terminate his or her membership at any time by providing a letter of resignation to GRAND-AM Headquarters. Such Member shall
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have no right to receive, and GRAND-AM shall not be obligated to refund any part or all of the fees previously paid by the Member to GRAND-AM. Involuntary Termination GRAND-AM may terminate a membership at any time in the interest of automobile racing or GRAND-AM. Such Member shall have no right to receive, and GRAND-AM shall not be obligated to refund any part or all of the fees previously paid by the Member to GRAND-AM. The affected Member may appeal such a termination to the GRAND-AM Commissioner. Expiration Membership expires automatically on the last day of the calendar year in which the membership is issued. Membership Required Every person or entity who desires to participate in an Event as a driver, entrant, crew member, GRAND-AM Official, premier sponsor or promoter must apply for, receive, and possess a valid, current GRAND-AM Membership authorizing participation in that capacity. 2-8.1 Minors If the membership applicant is a minor under the laws of his or her state of residence, the applicant must also submit, with his or her application, a fully executed signed and notarized Minors Release. This Minors Release must be signed by the applicants natural father AND mother or by a court appointed legal guardian. As with all applications, GRAND-AM may, but is not required to, approve the application of any applicant less than 21 years of age. No driver under the age of 18 may participate at any GRAND-AM sanctioned events at Watkins Glen International Raceway or with any events run in conjunction with other non-GRAND-AM sanctioned events that may include restrictive language in their sanction agreement or tobacco sponsorship. Final approval of any emancipation documents will be at the promoters discretion. It is the entrants responsibility to abide by any and all specific requirements, on an event by event basis, for the participation of a driver under 18 years of age. Membership Non-Transferable A GRAND-AM membership is non-transferable and non-assignable. It may be used only by the person or entity to which it is issued. Any attempt to transfer, lend, or permit any other person or entity to use it shall result in a fine imposed on the Member by GRAND-AM of not less than five hundred Dollars ($500.00 USD) and suspension or termination of the membership. IF FOR ANY REASON, WHETHER INTENTIONAL OR UNINTENTIONAL, A MEMBERSHIP IS TRANSFERRED, LOANED OR USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY, THE MEMBER SHALL INDEMNIFY GRAND-AM AND ALL RELATED PARTIES FOR ANY DAMAGES ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH TRANSFER, LOAN OR USE. Minimum Driver Membership Requirements To secure and maintain a GRAND-AM Competitor membership as a race driver, a Grand- Am member at a minimum must 2-10.1 Be at least 16 years of age. 2-10.2 If requested by GRAND-AM Officials, submit to and pass driving ability tests conducted by and at the discretion of GRAND-AM Officials, whose decision as to the applicants driving ability is final and binding on the applicant. 2-10.3 Be physically fit as determined in the sole discretion of GRAND-AM. In this regard, GRAND-AM may require a Competitor or applicant to submit to and pass one or more physical examinations by a qualified physician(s). 2-10.4 Execute and deliver to GRAND-AM such authorizations, releases, applications, consents, waivers and other documents as may be required by GRAND-AM. 2-10.5 In order to participate in FIA-calendar listed (Rolex Series) Events, a driver Member must also have a valid, current FIA driver's license. Application for a FIA driver's license may be made through GRAND-AM or any ACCUS, FIA member club. 2-10.6 No driver under the age of eighteen may participate at any GRAND-AM sanctioned events at Watkins Glen International Raceway or with any events run in conjunction with other non-GRAND-AM sanctioned events that may include restrictive language in their sanction agreement or tobacco sponsorship. Final approval of any emancipation documents will be at the promoters discretion. It is
the entrants responsibility to abide by any and all specific requirements, on an event by event basis, for the participation of a driver under 18 years of age. Minimum Entrant Membership Requirements 2-11.1 To secure and maintain a GRAND-AM Membership as an entrant, a GRAND-AM Member at a minimum must be at least 21 years of age, execute and deliver to GRAND-AM such authorizations, releases, applications, consents, waivers and other documents as may be required by GRAND-AM. If a partnership or corporation or other business entity owns the car, the managing partner or president must satisfy the same age requirements. 2-11.2 GRAND-AM will issue the membership in the name of the entrant. If a car is owned by a partnership or corporation or other business entity, the membership may be issued in the name of the partnership, corporation or business entity, and the membership will indicate the name of the business entity and the individual entrant. That person will be the party responsible for all communications and contact with GRAND-AM regarding all business (as opposed to racing competition) matters in connection with the car. 2-11.3 In order to participate in FIA approved events, an entrant member must also have a valid FIA entrant License. Application for a FIA License may be made through GRAND-AM or any ACCUS, FIA member club. 2-11.4 Vehicle Registration Requirements - All Members must register their individual racing vehicle(s) with GRAND-AM by completing the necessary application forms and paying the appropriate fees. Competition numbers will be assigned by GRAND-AM following the completion of the vehicle registration process. 2-11.5 The Member may use the assigned car number on a car or cars owned or managed by the Member as follows. During an Event, the Member may use an assigned number to identify a particular car; a number may not be transferred by the Member to another car during the Event except with GRAND-AM approval. At subsequent Events, the Member may use the number to identify a different car owned by the Member. Points and other prizes for entrants will be awarded to the Member, depending upon the performance of the car identified by the number assigned to the Member. If GRAND-AM changes an entrant's number during the season, GRAND-AM, at its option, may transfer to the new number championship points accumulated using the previous number. 2-11.6 GRAND-AM reserves the right to revoke, reassign or transfer car numbers to another Member at any time. Car numbers are non-assignable and nontransferable, except by GRAND-AM. 2-11.7 An entrant Competitor membership is non-assignable and non-transferable. With respect to a car owner that is a partnership, corporation or other business entity, the member shall inform GRAND-AM Headquarters in writing promptly if the partnership is altered in any material manner or the corporation's stock or assets are sold (other than routine daily stock sales) or become the subject of a merger or the business entity's ownership interest materially changes. When it is informed of such a change, by the Member or otherwise, GRAND-AM in its sole discretion may revoke the membership, as of the date of the change or otherwise. If GRAND-AM revokes the membership, the new partnership, corporation or business entity must submit a new Membership application. GRAND-AM may assign the old car number or numbers to the new membership, or it may assign a new car number or numbers. GRAND-AM in its sole discretion may assign to the new membership championship points earned by the former membership if doing so is in the interest of competition and automobile racing. GRAND-AM may make such other determinations regarding scoring, point funds, and the distribution of the purse or prize monies as it determines to be in the interest of competition and automobile car racing. Minimum Crew Member Membership Requirements To secure and maintain a GRAND-AM Competitor Membership as a crew member, a GRAND-AM Member at a minimum must -
2-12.1 Be at least 16 years of age. 2-12.2 Be physically fit to be a crewmember, as determined in the sole discretion of GRAND-AM. In this regard, GRAND-AM may require the Competitor or applicant to submit to and pass one or more physical examinations by a qualified physician(s). 2-12.3 Execute and deliver to GRAND-AM such authorizations, releases, applications, consents, waivers and other documents as may be required by GRAND-AM from time to time. 2-12.4 Final approval of emancipation documents will be at the promoters and GRAND-AMs discretion. It is the entrants responsibility to abide by any and all specific requirements, on an event by event basis, for the participation of a crew member under 18 years of age. Minimum Sponsor Membership Requirements To secure a GRAND-AM Sponsor Membership, a GRAND-AM Member at a minimum must 2-13.1 The CEO must be at least 21 years of age. 2-13.2 Be an employee of a company which has a direct sponsorship program with GRAND-AM (Official Status, Contingency Programs, Special Awards and Series Sponsors). 2-13.3 Execute and deliver to GRAND-AM such authorizations, releases, applications, consents, waivers and other documents as may be required by GRAND-AM from time to time. Minimum Vendor Membership Requirements- To secure a GRAND-AM Vendor Membership, a GRAND-AM Member at minimum must: 2-14.1 Be at least 21 years of age. 2-14.2 Not be a GRAND-AM official status, contingency program, special awards or series sponsor. 2-14.3 Provide services for or supply equipment to GRAND-AM teams. 2-14.4 Not be on the payroll of one or more teams. 2-14.5 Execute and deliver to GRAND-AM such authorization, releases, applications, consents, waivers and other documents as may be required by GRAND-AM from time to time. Minimum Official Membership Requirements To secure a membership as a GRAND-AM Official, a GRAND-AM Member at a minimum must 2-15.1 Be at least 21 years of age. 2-15.2 Possess, in the sole discretion of GRAND-AM, the necessary qualifications and abilities to carry out the duties of a GRAND-AM Official. 2-15.3 Furnish a completed Officials agreement with the membership application. 2-15.4 Be physically fit to perform the duties of an Official, as determined in the sole discretion of GRAND-AM. In this regard, GRAND-AM may require the Official or applicant to submit to and pass one or more physical examinations by a qualified physician(s). 2-15.5 Execute and deliver to GRAND-AM such authorizations, releases, applications, consents, waivers and other documents as may be required by GRAND-AM from time to time. Minimum Promoter Membership Requirements To secure a membership as a GRAND-AM Promoter, a GRAND-AM Member at a minimum must 2-16.1 Be at least 21 years of age. If the Promoter is a corporation, partnership, or other business entity, the president, managing partner or head of the business entity must meet this requirement. 2-16.2 Be affiliated with a person or entity that has entered into a valid sanction agreement for one or more GRAND-AM Events. 2-16.3 Execute and deliver to GRAND-AM such authorizations, releases, applications, consents, waivers and other documents as may be required by GRAND-AM. Use of GRAND-AM Memberships 2-17.1 Members must present their GRAND-AM Membership to GRAND-AM Officials at any time upon request.
2-17.2 The Membership Card of a Member suspended or terminated at any time for any reason must be promptly forwarded to GRAND-AM Headquarters. Even if the Member fails to do so, the membership shall be inoperative and invalid, unless the Member has been suspended, in which case the membership shall be inoperative and invalid until the lifting of the suspension. GRAND-AM Headquarters will return the membership card to the Member upon the lifting of the suspension. Ejection A GRAND-AM Official or Supervisory Official may eject a Member from an Event or from the racing premises in an emergency situation, to promote the orderly conduct of the Event. An ejection is final, non-appealable and non-reviewable, except as provided in Section 1-4. Interim Review of Membership Qualifications GRAND-AM in its sole discretion may review the qualifications of a Member at any time after issuance of a membership, may require the Member to submit to such additional physical examinations, to submit a resume to include driver information and record of competition, or to pass such additional driver ability tests, and may take such other action or require the Member to take such other action as GRAND-AM may deem appropriate, to determine whether the Member continues to qualify for a membership under these Regulations. SECTION 3 - INJURY REPORTS Report to Care Center - Any Member involved in an accident while on the racing premises must report to the Track Care Center before leaving the premises (if such Member is able to make such a report). SECTION 4 - SANCTIONED EVENTS Event Sanction - A GRAND-AM sanctioned Event is an Event which GRAND-AM has agreed in writing to sanction, in an applicable, fully-executed Sanction Agreement that is in effect at the time of the Event. Issue of Sanction - A GRAND-AM sanction is issued only by GRAND-AM Headquarters on the appropriate form, after approval by GRAND-AM. The issuance of a sanction for a specific Event does not obligate the Promoter or GRAND-AM to enter into a sanction agreement, or to issue a sanction, for any other Event(s). Participant Insurance - GRAND-AM will provide participant accident insurance coverage at GRAND-AM sanctioned Events as follows 4-3.1 Accidental Death & Dismemberment - $50,000 4-3.2 Excess Medical - $50,000 4-3.3 Excess Catastrophic Medical - $1,000,000 4-3.4 Weekly Indemnity - $100/wk up to 52 weeks Participant Eligibility - Individuals holding current, valid GRAND-AM memberships are authorized to participate in Events. FIA license holders who do not possess a current GRAND-AM membership may compete in FIA-listed events, but are not eligible for GRAND-AM point fund awards or any of the benefits of GRAND-AM membership. Prior Approval - All changes relating to an Event, including time trials, must be approved in advance by GRAND-AM Headquarters.
4-6 Drug Abuse Policy - GRAND-AMs Substance Abuse Policy rules are designed to keep Events safe for everyone. To those ends, GRAND-AM prohibits the misuse of alcohol, prescription drugs, and any other substance used in a manner that affects the safety of competition, including but not limited to-- illegal substances. GRAND-AM Members are subject to the rules and procedures of GRAND-AMs Substance Abuse Policy, which can be found in its entirety on GRAND-AMs website. GRAND-AM may require a GRAND-AM Member to submit to a test or tests if a GRAND-AM Official has reasonable suspicion that (a) the GRAND-AM Member has violated any part of this Policy as a result of using any prohibited substance, or (b) has diminished ability to perform as a result of using any prohibited substance. Some of the conditions, observations and/or reports that may cause a GRAND-AM Official to have such a reasonable suspicion are, without limitation, as follows: 4-6.1 When a GRAND-AM Member is found or observed in possession of illegal substances or illegal drug paraphernalia at any time.
4-6.2 Observation of signs, symptoms, and/or behaviors generally understood to accompany the use of prohibited substances or alcohol use or intoxication including, without limitation: i. Physical signs of red or droopy eyes, dilated or constricted pupils; ii. Slurred speech, stumbling, or hyperactivity; iii. Needle marks; iv. Repeated unexplained disappearances from an Event; v. Constantly running nose, red appearance in the face, or persistent sniffing; vi. Time distortion, including repeated tardiness and missed appointments; vii. Chronic forgetfulness or broken promises; viii. Accidents during Events; ix. Inability to concentrate or remember, or to maintain attention; x. Mental confusion, paranoia, or presence of abnormal thoughts or ideas; xi. Violent tendencies, loss of temper, or irritability; xii. Extreme personality change or mood swings; or xiii. Deteriorating personal hygiene or appearance. 4-5.3 An arrest or conviction for driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or a drug related conviction. 4-5.4 Receipt of a report from a reliable source that a GRAND-AM Member is under the influence of substances prohibited under this Policy on the day of a GRANDAM Event, or, at any time, is using, possessing or selling illegal drugs or substance. 4-6.5 The results of an examination or test, as provided by the GRAND-AM Rules, which shows evidence of use of a prohibited substance or alcohol abuse or of adulteration or manipulation of the specimen. 4-5.6 The odor or aroma of an alcoholic beverage on or about the breath or body of a GRAND-AM Member consistent with use of such a substance or alcoholic beverage on the day of a GRAND-AM Event. 4-5.7 Violation of GRAND-AM safety precautions or careless acts during a GRAND-AM Event. If a GRAND-AM Official directs a GRAND-AM Member, who refuses to consent to and participate in a test within the time period designated by the GRAND-AM Official, the GRAND-AM Member may be removed from the racing premises by a GRAND-AM Official and may be subject to other emergency action as may be appropriate, including disciplinary action pursuant to GRAND-AM Rules. To View the complete rules and procedures of GRAND-AMs Substance Abuse Policy, please visit GRAND-AMs website. SECTION 5 - SAFETY Assumption of Risk - Automobile racing is an inherently dangerous sport. Each Competitor assumes that risk when he or she participates in an Event. The risk of serious injury or death cannot be eliminated and, in fact, will always be present at a high level. Members are required to advise their spouses and next of kin, if any, of this fact. Although safety generally is everyone's concern, GRAND-AM cannot be and is not responsible for all or even most aspects of the safety effort. That responsibility instead rests with the various participants in the Event(s) as follows 5-1.1 Promoter - The Promoter is directly and finally responsible to ensure that the racing facilities are adequate for the Event; that adequate safety personnel and equipment are provided for each Event, both for the purpose of preventing injury where reasonably possible and responding to injury when it occurs; and that the conditions at the racing facility are maintained in a reasonable manner to reduce the risk of injury, all as more fully set forth in the Sanction Agreement applicable to the Event.
GRAND-AM - Employees and representatives of GRAND-AM, when they are present at an Event, will inform the Promoter of any inadequacies in the facilities, safety personnel, and equipment, or other conditions at the track that they (a) observe and (b) consider in their best judgment to be inconsistent with the interests of safety. GRAND-AM, HOWEVER, DOES NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF SAFETY TO ANY COMPETITOR OR OTHER PERSON, AND CANNOT AND DOES NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THE ADEQUACY -- FOR PURPOSES OF SAFETY -- OF THE RACING FACILITY, SAFETY PERSONNEL OR EQUIPMENT, OR CONDITIONS AT THE TRACK. The Promoter (see above) and the Competitors (see below) are solely and ultimately responsible for such matters at GRAND-AM sanctioned Events. Competitors - All Competitors are obligated to inspect the racing facilities, safety personnel and equipment, and conditions at the track on a continuing basis before, during, and after the Event. Competitors must report to the Promoter promptly any inadequacy in the facilities, personnel, equipment, or conditions at the track. Competitors also are solely and directly responsible for the safety of their racecars and racing equipment and are obligated to perform their duties (whether as an entrant, driver, or crew member) in a manner designed to minimize to the degree possible the risk of injury to themselves and others. NEITHER GRAND-AM NOR THE PROMOTER CAN OR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ADEQUACY OF A COMPETITOR'S RACECAR, RACING EQUIPMENT, OR RACING ACTIVITY TO ACCOMPLISH THIS PURPOSE. GRAND-AM Officials - GRAND-AM Officials should report promptly to the Promoter any observed safety inadequacies in the racing facilities, safety personnel and equipment, and conditions at the track. In addition, if a GRANDAM Official observes any safety inadequacy in a Competitor's racecar, racing equipment, or conduct, the Official may take whatever action is deemed reasonable and appropriate in order to correct such inadequacy. Such action may include, but is not limited to, physical examinations, medical determinations, and driver ability or experience tests. The Competitor is obligated to follow the Official's directives. GRAND-AM IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTIONS OR INACTIONS OF ANY GRAND-AM OFFICIAL AS IT PERTAINS TO SAFETY.
SECTION 6 - ENTRIES AND GENERAL COMPETITOR OBLIGATIONS Entry Requirements 6-1.1 In order to compete in an Event, an Entrant must submit and have approved an Official Entry Form for the Event. Electronically submitted entries will be accepted. GRAND-AM or its contracted series organizers publishes the sole Official Entry Form for the Event. For purposes of this Section, Official Entry Form refers to the form of entry required by GRAND -AM for Members to officially enter an Event. 6-1.2 It is the responsibility of the Entrant to obtain the appropriate Official Entry Form, and to ascertain and abide by all applicable deadlines and instructions. The distribution of such forms to Competitors does not relieve them of this responsibility. 6-1.3 The Entrant must complete the Official Entry Form for the Event in full and submit it to the appropriate office (as specified on the Official Entry form) by the deadline listed thereon. 6-1.4 In the event an Official Entry Form is not submitted by the deadline, GRAND-AM in its sole discretion may decide to accept the Competitors entry, in which case a $500.00 late fee will; be charged. The penalty increases to $1000.00 the day registration opens at the track. The date of the entry form submission will be determined by the date contained in the U.S. postal mark (if mailed); GRAND-AM recognized courier receipt or the GRAND-AM date or fax time code stamp (if sent
by fax or if delivered in person to GRAND-AM). Electronically submitted entries will be recognized by GRAND-AM. 6-1.5 Acceptance of any entry is at the discretion of GRAND-AM. Competitor Obligations, Agreements and Releases 6-2.1 BY SUBMITTING AN ENTRY APPLICATION AND/OR TAKING PART IN ANY ACTIVITY RELATING TO THE EVENT, A MEMBER AGREES TO ABIDE BY THE DECISIONS OF GRAND-AM OFFICIALS AND SUPERVISORY OFFICIALS, RELATING TO THE EVENT OR ANY MATTERS ARISING OUT OF THE EVENT, AND AGREES THAT SUCH DECISIONS ARE FINAL, NONAPPEALABLE AND NON-LITIGABLE, EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SECTIONS 13 AND 14 OF THIS RULE BOOK. SUCH A MEMBER FURTHER AGREES TO INSPECT THE RACING AREA TO ENSURE THAT IT IS IN A SAFE, RACEABLE AND USABLE CONDITION, AND THAT THE MEMBER VOLUNTARILY ASSUMES THE RISK OF, AND HAS NO CLAIM FOR DAMAGES AGAINST GRAND-AM, PROMOTER OR THEIR OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, SHAREHOLDERS, OFFICIALS, AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES BY REASON OF DAMAGE TO THE CAR, THE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT, THE DRIVER, THE PIT CREW OR ANY OTHER PERSON. ALL MEMBERS ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY AND ALL INJURIES SUSTAINED, INCLUDING DEATH AND PROPERTY DAMAGE, ANYTIME THEY ARE IN THE RACING AREAS OR EN-ROUTE THERETO OR THEREFROM. EACH MEMBER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT MEMBERS SPOUSE AND NEXT -OF-KIN HAVE BEEN ADVISED THAT MEMBER UNDERSTANDS THE HIGH RISK OF SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH WHICH MAY RESULT FROM RACING, AND THAT THE MEMBER SOLELY ASSUMES ALL SUCH RISKS. 6-2.2 When a Competitor submits an Official Entry Form, and the entry is accepted, the Competitor becomes obligated to attempt in good faith to compete in the Event to the best of his or her ability. If written notice of withdrawal from any scheduled event is received by GRAND-AM registration or the home office prior to the first official practice, 75% of the paid entry fee will be refunded. There will be no transfer or credit of entries for future events. Failure to make such notice will result in forfeiture of the entire entry fee for the referenced event. 6-2.3 If a Competitor enters an Event without having properly submitted a fullyexecuted Official Entry Form, the Competitor by such entry nevertheless agrees that he or she is subject to all GRAND-AM Regulations, amendments, and Supplemental Regulations, as well as all statements, releases and obligations appearing in the Official Entry Form, as if he or she had properly submitted a fully-executed Official Entry form. 6-2.4 Only persons approved by GRAND-AM may enter the racing area. Competitors may not enter the racing areas (i.e., garage areas, pits, and racing surface and similar areas) unless they personally have signed all required entry forms, waiver and release of liability forms, and pit permits applicable to the particular Event. No person will sign at any time, for any reason, any entry form, waiver and release of liability form or pit permit for anyone other than themselves. Advertising And Promotion Release Each Competitor, by entering a GRAND-AM sanctioned Event, grants to GRAND-AM, its duly authorized agents and assigns, an exclusive license to use and sublicense his or her name, likeness and performance, including photographs, images and sounds of such Competitor and/or any vehicle(s) with respect to which the Competitor competes in GRAND-AM sanctioned Events, in any way, medium or material (including but not limited to broadcasts by and through television, cable television, radio, pay-per-view, closed circuit television, satellite signal, digital signal, film productions, audiotape productions, transmissions over the Internet, public and private online services authorized by GRAND-AM, sales and other commercial projects, and the like) for promoting, advertising, broadcasting, recording or reporting any GRAND-AM sanctioned event before, during and after such event, and each Competitor
hereby relinquishes to GRAND-AM exclusively and in perpetuity all rights thereto for such purposes. Broadcast And Other Rights Each Competitor, by entering a GRAND-AM sanctioned Event, acknowledges that GRAND-AM, and its licenses and assigns, exclusively and in perpetuity owns any and all rights to broadcast, transmit, film, tape, capture, overhear, photograph, collect or record by any means process, medium or device (including but not limited to television, cable television, radio, pay-per-view, closed circuit television, satellite signal, digital signal, film productions, audiotape productions, transmissions over the Internet, public and private online services authorized by GRAND-AM, sales and other commercial projects, and the like), whether or not currently in existence, all images, sounds and data (including but not limited to in-car audio, in-car video, in-car radio, other electronic transmissions between cars and crews, and timing and scoring information) arising from or during any GRAND-AM Event or the Competitors performance in the Event, and that GRAND-AM is and shall be the sole owner of any and all copyrights, intellectual property rights, and proprietary rights worldwide in and to these works and in and to any other works, copyrightable or otherwise, created from the images, sounds and data arising from or during any GRAND-AM Event and the Competitors performance in the Event. Each Competitor agrees to take all steps reasonably necessary, and all steps requested by GRAND-AM, to protect, perfect or effectuate GRAND-AMs ownership or other interest in these rights. Each Competitor agrees not to take any action, nor cause others to take any action, nor enter into any third party agreement which would contravene, diminish, encroach or infringe upon these GRAND-AM rights. Competitor and Sponsor Advertising 6-5.1 GRAND-AM and/or its contracted series organizers will specify class and series/contingency sponsor decal identification in standard locations on each car for each GRAND-AM class. This identification must be used in an unmodified form and located on the car per the direction of the technical staff. 6-5.2 GRAND-AM may approve or disapprove the content, placement and size of any advertising, decal or sponsorship identification for any reason. GRAND-AM may refuse to permit any Competitor to participate in an Event if GRAND-AM determines that any advertising, sponsorship or similar agreement to which the Competitor (or a car owner, driver or crew member related to the Competitor) is or will be a party, is detrimental to the sport of automobile racing, to GRAND-AM, or to the Promoter for any reason, including without limitation, the public image of the sport. 6-5.3 All drivers must wear the official unaltered GRAND-AM series patch on the uppermost left chest area of the uniform. 6-5.4 All drivers must wear the official Sunoco Fuel patch, official Continental Tire Patch, Rolex patch and / or Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge patch on a prominent area of the uniform. 6-5.5 GRAND-AM may require an event decal and patch to be displayed in standard locations on the car and drivers uniform. 6-5.6 All drivers are required to sign the standard advertising release on their membership applications and/or the entry form, granting to GRAND-AM, the series sponsor and the Promoter rights as set forth in this Section 6.
SECTION 7 - INSPECTIONS Time and Manner All cars, car parts and equipment are subject to inspection by GRAND-AM, at any time and in any manner determined by GRAND-AM Officials. All decisions by GRAND-AM Officials regarding the timing and manner of inspection as well as which cars, car parts or equipment will be inspected are final, non-appealable and non-reviewable except as provided in Section 1-5. Inspection Area Only those persons approved by GRAND-AM Officials will be admitted to the inspection area.
7-4 7-5
Car Eligibility GRAND-AM Officials will determine whether a car, including any car part or equipment, meets the applicable specifications for an Event as set forth in the Rule Book or contracted series regulations. Such determinations may be made by GRANDAM Officials at any time before, during or after the Event. Competitor Obligations A Competitor must take whatever steps are requested by a GRAND-AM Official to facilitate inspection of the car. Inspection Prior to Race If a GRAND-AM Official determines prior to the race that the car, including any car part or equipment, does not meet the applicable specifications, the car will not be allowed to compete unless, in the discretion of the Official, the deficiency (a) is so insubstantial as not to warrant a determination that the car is ineligible to race; (b) will not provide the Competitor with a competitive advantage over other Competitors; (c) will not adversely affect the orderly conduct of the race. If the Official permits the car to compete under these circumstances, the Official will apprise the Competitor in writing of the deficiency, and if the deficiency has not been corrected by the date and time specified by the Managing Director of Competition, a penalty may be imposed by the Race Director, and the car will be prohibited from competing in any future Event until the deficiency has been corrected. Car Sealing or Impounding GRAND-AM has the right, for inspection and/or competitive analysis purposes, to seal or impound cars, car parts or equipment entered and competing in an Event. GRAND-AM is not responsible for payment, reimbursement, damage or loss to the Competitor as a result of such sealing, impounding and/or analysis. Inspection After Race At an Event where the GRAND-AM Regulations, Supplemental Regulations or GRAND-AM Officials mandate inspection after the Event, any car that has competed in the Event may not be taken from the racing premises without permission from the GRAND-AM Managing Director of Competition or his designate. GRAND-AM Officials may assess an inspection fee of up to $5,000.00 for any engine that requires additional cooling time in excess of the maximum cooling down time of two hours from the official completion of the race. If a GRAND-AM Official determines after the race that a car, including any car part or equipment, does not meet applicable specifications, but the deficiency is so insubstantial as to not provide the Competitor with a significant competitive advantage over other Competitors, the Official in the exercise of his or her sole discretion, may determine that the car, car part or equipment was eligible for the Event, but will apprise the Competitor in writing of the deficiency and direct the Competitor to correct the deficiency for future Events. The car will be prohibited from competing in any future Event if the deficiency has not been corrected by the date and time specified by the Official. Equipment or Parts Failing to Meet Specifications GRAND-AM has the right to confiscate any car, part and/or equipment, without obligation for payment or reimbursement, which fails to meet applicable GRAND-AM specifications during an Event. If GRAND-AM determines that any car, part, equipment and/or fuel used by a Competitor does not meet GRAND-AM specifications, GRAND-AM may declare the car ineligible for the Event, disallow the Competitors qualifying times, withdraw the Competitors opportunity to qualify for the Event, and/or make such other determination as may be appropriate in the interest of competition. Competitive Analysis From time to time GRAND-AM may determine, in the interest of competition that it is necessary or appropriate to undertake an analysis of the performance capabilities of a car, car part or equipment or tires. The Competitor or Supplier shall take whatever steps are requested by the GRAND-AM Officials for this purpose. GRAND-AM also has the right to seal or impound cars, car parts or equipment or tires for this purpose. GRAND-AM is not responsible for payment, reimbursement, damage or loss to the Competitor or Supplier as a result of such analysis, sealing or impounding. Finality of Inspection and Eligibility Decisions Inspection and/or eligibility decisions are final, non-appealable and non-reviewable except as provided in Section 8-2.
SECTION 8 - RACE PROCEDURE Race Procedure Defined Race Procedure is the manner in which an Event is conducted. It includes, but is not limited to, determinations regarding the eligibility of cars for competition, qualifying procedures, the line-up of the cars, the start of the race, the control of cars throughout the race by flags, lights, or other direct communication between GRAND-AM Officials and Competitors, the election to stop or delay a race, control of pit activity, flagging, the positioning of cars at any time, the assessment of lap and time penalties, and the completion of the race. It does not include the assessment of penalties (disqualification, suspension or fine) except lap and/or time penalties imposed during a race or immediately after a race as provided in Section 8-9 below. The rules in this section provide the framework for GRAND-AM Officials to implement race procedures. In addition to interpreting and applying these rules, GRAND-AM Officials are authorized to make such other determinations or take such other action as they determine to be necessary to promote the best interests of automobile racing, including but not limited to fairness and prompt finality of competition results. Finality of Race Procedure Decisions All decisions by GRAND-AM Officials at the track involving race procedures are final and non-appealable, subject-only to review by GRAND-AM Supervisory Official(s) if one or more such Officials determine that extraordinary circumstances exist that require such review. In making such a determination, the interest of finality in competition results will be a principal consideration. GRAND-AM Supervisory Officials will not review any race procedure decision unless it has been brought to their attention by an affected Member within twenty minutes after the posting by GRAND-AM of the results of the race or qualifying Event at which the race procedure decision was first made. If a GRAND-AM Supervisory Official(s) determines (a) that the race procedure decision should be reviewed, and (b) that the decision was in error, the Supervisory Official(s) may take whatever action deemed appropriate to initiate a remedy to further the interests of fairness and finality in competition results. Such action includes, but is not limited to, revising the official race results, imposing penalties (disqualification's, suspensions or fines), or awarding or subtracting points. The Supervisory Official(s) may alternatively elect not to take remedial action. All such decisions are final and non-appealable, except the imposition of a penalty, as provided in Section 12. Driver, Entrant Responsibilities 8-3.1 The entrant or designate shall be the sole spokesperson for the driver, car owner, and team members in any and all competition matters pertaining to the Event (other than proceedings pursuant to Section 13 and 14 of the Rule Book). At all Events, the entrant or designate assumes responsibility for the actions of his or her driver and team members, and may be subject to disciplinary action as a result. Unpaid fines for the entrant/designate, driver, crewmembers, and/or the car owner may be collected by GRAND-AM by deducting same from the purse or point fund earnings of the driver or car owner. 8-3.2 All drivers must be on time to compete in an Event for which they are scheduled to compete. Any driver or car not ready to compete within five minutes of the time called, may be sent to the rear of the line in time trials or races, or left out of the remainder of the days qualifying Events or racing activities, at the discretion of GRAND-AM Officials. Race Start 8-4.1 Rolex Sports Car Series/Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge - Cars will be gridded by the following procedure. The pit lane will be open to competitors approximately 60 minutes prior to the scheduled race start time for pre-race and fan pit walk activities. GRAND-AM may penalize teams for non-participation in pre-race activities. Cars may drive or be pushed to their pit spot at this time. Tires may be changed and all other service may be performed, except the addition of fuel during the pre-race period, exploratory laps and pace lap periods. No fuel may be added at any time. No fueling is permitted until after the car has taken the green flag on the track or, if the car started from pit lane, after it has passed
8-6 8-7
the scoring line on the track for the first time. At a pre-determined time (announced at the drivers meeting) prior to the scheduled race start the pit exit will be open for exploratory laps. For 5 minutes, unless otherwise specified in the driver/crew chief briefings, competitors may proceed around the track, to their grid positions, or return to their pit lane spot. The competitor may take additional exploratory laps via the pit exit. The pit exit will only be open 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, or the specified time, pit exit will close and all cars should be in their grid spots. Any cars remaining in pit lane must start the race from pit out, in the order of arrival, after the last car on the track clears pit out at the start of the race. Cars on course at the time of pit exit closure may proceed to their starting grid spot or return to their pit lane spots and start from pit lane. Once all cars have gridded or returned to the pits, all engines must be shut off. Engines must remain off until the command to start your engines. The use of jumper batteries or other supplemental starting device is not permitted on the starting grid unless specifically authorized by a Grand-Am series manager. 8-4.2 Alternate Starting Procedure - Cars may be gridded in a normal 2 by 2 directly on the grid or by the Rolex Series procedure. The number of pace laps and gridding specifics will be announced at the drivers meeting for each event. 8-4.3 Special Gridding Procedure - Any car arriving late to the starting grid after the start of the pace lap(s) must start the race from pit lane, same as above. If a car is allowed to enter the race after the race has started, the competitor must receive approval from Pit Road Personnel. 8-4.4 If a car does not leave the starting grid, drops out during the pace laps, or drops out of the race before the completion of the first official lap, and there after fails to return to the race, its finishing position will be determined by its starting position in relation to other cars that do not complete the first official lap. 8-4.5 The number of pace laps will be set at the discretion of the GRAND-AM Officials. During the pace laps, if a car does not maintain its designated position in the starting field, the driver must reposition the car at the tail end of the field and the original space must be respected by the other competitors. Scoring and official distance/time begins when the leader crosses the start line after the conclusion of the announced pace lap(s) regardless of the display of the starting flag. 8-4.6 Race start - At the start of the race, when the green flag is displayed, competitors must maintain the two by two grid formation, and may not begin initiating a pass until they cross the starting line. 8-4.7 Restarts During a full course yellow/pace car situation and on the restart, the race leader and the balance of the field must maintain the speed of the safety/pace car in single file formation at all times or as described in section 94.4. Specific procedures for each track will be announced at the pre race drivers meeting. Race Halt 8-5.1 The GRAND-AM Officials will determine whether the racetrack is suitable for competition. 8-5.2 A race may be stopped at the discretion of the GRAND-AM Officials at any time they determine, in the exercise of their independent judgment, that the track is not suitable for competition. Race Halt/Restart Before One Lap Completion When a race is stopped before the completion of one lap, there shall be a complete restart in the original starting positions. Race Halt/Restart After One Lap Completion When a race is stopped after the completion of at least one lap, cars will line up in the order in which they were running (sequence on track) at the completion of the last full lap before being stopped. Official Completion Unless otherwise stated in the Supplementary Regulations, all races will be run until the leader has completed the advertised time and or distance. However, if unforeseen circumstances prevent the completion of the advertised distance and/or it is impractical to continue the race within a reasonable time after it has been stopped, the race will be considered officially completed if the halfway mark has been
reached by the leader. GRAND-AM will use its discretion to readjust and/or account for driver point eligibility under this circumstance in order to maintain consistent driver team pairings and point totals. Lap or Time Penalties The Race Director or his designee may impose a time or lap penalty during a race by calling a car into and holding the car in the pits or holding a car already in the pits for a specified period of time or number of laps or by adding time to a cars total elapsed time at the conclusion of the race. Penalties may be imposed as listed under green flag conditions or may be imposed under full course yellow conditions at double the listed time (unless specifically required to be served under green flag conditions). The following standard time penalties will be imposed by a GRAND-AM Official during an Event 8-9.1 Any individuals over the pit wall prior to the car stopping in the pit - 10 seconds 8-9.2 Too many individuals over the wall and/or working on the car during a pit stop 20 seconds 8-9.3 Working under the car during fueling, or without jack stands - 60 seconds 8-9.4 Leaving the pit with pit equipment, hoses, tools, etc. still attached to the car - stop and go plus 30 second penalty under green flag condition 8-9.5 Hitting or running over pit equipment while leaving the pit or hitting car components or wheels while leaving the pit - stop and go plus 30 seconds penalty under green flag condition 8-9.6 Having any equipment over the wall prior to the car stopping in the pit - 10 seconds 8-9.7 Exceeding the designated pit lane speed - Automatic drive-through the pit lane penalty 8-9.8 Individual over the pit wall in improper attire - 10 seconds and person will be ejected from the working pit until properly suited. 8-9.9 Fire bottle improperly manned - 10 seconds 8-9.10 Improper or inoperative dead-man valve on the fueling rig - 60 seconds 8-9.11 Exposed facial hair or eye protection not in place on the fueler during a pit stop 10 seconds 8-9.12 Passing or initiating a pass before crossing the starting line at the start or restart of the race. (Jumping the start) - stop and go penalty. 8-9.13 Manipulation of the pace/speed and/or the spacing on a restart - Automatic drivethrough the pit lane penalty. 8-9.14 Shortcutting the racetrack - Automatic drive-through the pit lane penalty. 8-9.15 GRAND-AM Officials may impose other or additional lap or time penalties, as they deem appropriate under the circumstances. Lap or time penalties are not subject to appeal. 8-9.16 Any penalty required to be served under green flag conditions must be served while the course is green and after the car has received the green flag at start/finish on the track. Qualifying 8-10.1 Once practice has begun, all driver changes may only be made at the event tech office up to two hours prior to the start of qualifying, The qualifying driver must be the driver starting the race whether the car is qualified or not. Following this point in time, no driver points will be awarded for any driver that is changed. Driver changes are not permitted following qualifying without specific authorization of the race director and for specific reason. In the event that a car does not run in qualifying the starting drivers name must be turned into the GRAND-AM trailer immediately after qualifying 8-10.2 In all events less than six hours, or 500 miles in length, all cars must start the race with the engine used in qualifying in order to retain their grid position, if not the car must start the race from the back of their class grid. Any engine changes must be reported in writing to GRAND-AM. 8-10.3 In the event that qualifying is canceled; the starting grid will be determined by the Team point standings as follows -
1. Daytona Prototypes by points followed by Daytona Prototypes without points by practice times. 2. GT by points followed by GT without points by practice times. If no practice times exist, grid positions for teams without points will be determined at GRAND-AM's discretion. In Rolex Sports Car Series where there are two categories, all Daytona Prototypes will be gridded in front of all GT cars. In Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge races where there are two categories, all GS cars will be gridded in front of all ST cars. 8-10.4 Once a car has arrived at its pit box prior to the start of qualifying, any work may be done with the exception of adding fuel or changing tires. All cars competing in qualifying must arrive on their qualifying tires unless specified in the specific event crew chief notes. 8-10.5 Once the car has left the pit to enter the track, the car may not be touched except for the driver exiting the vehicle. Permission must be given by GRAND-AM officials to touch or move the car. Any violation of this will result in loss of their qualifying position. 8-10.6 Any competitor, determined to have caused a "black flag all" stoppage of an official qualifying session, will have their fastest lap time up until that point deleted, and will not be permitted to complete the qualifying session. 8-10.7 GRAND-AM may assign a qualifying order. Testing Competitors may not test at a race facility within two weeks of an Event at that facility, unless GRAND-AM authorized such a test as open to all competitors. GRAND-AM reserves the right to restrict all testing allowed on a series by series basis. 8-11.1 Each Daytona Prototype Entrant is specifically prohibited from any independent testing or non GRAND-AM sanctioned racing event without prior GRAND-AM knowledge or approval. This includes all forms of testing whether it on or off track. All testing must be conducted on the series approved Continental tires as delivered by the tire manufacturer. 8-11.2 Each Rolex Sports Car Series. Entrant must provide a written request and must include full information (who, what, when, where and why) in every testing request. All unsanctioned tests must be requested at least two weeks in advance of the anticipated testing dates and this information will be made public on the GRAND-AM website. 8-11.3 Rolex teams may not test at a scheduled track prior to racing there within the calendar year. Track testing may be authorized for Rolex teams at a scheduled track after the Series has raced there. 8-11.4 All Daytona Prototype tires for testing are controlled by GRAND-AM. Any new team will be allowed a one time allocation of six sets of tires per car for initial familiarization and non-GRAND-AM track testing. 8-11.5 Entrants who engage in testing without proper notification and approval from GRAND-AM, conduct any type of testing that has not been submitted and approved, or conduct testing with non-series specific tires will be subject to the following: If GRAND-AM officials determine that the testing policy has been violated the entrant and drivers will have their GRAND-AM privileges taken away for a period of up to one year. The results of GRAND-AMs investigation and subsequent decisions cannot be appealed. SECTION 9 - RACE PROCEDURE and FLAG RULES General GRAND-AM Officials will use flags, as set forth in this section, for the purpose of providing drivers with information. GRAND-AM Officials may use light signals in addition to or in lieu of flags. If a driver is informed of a decision or event by GRAND-AM Officials in a manner other than by use of flags or light signals, then use of a flag or light signal in that situation is not necessary. The procedure for use of flags and/or lights by GRAND-AM Officials may vary for individual series or races. It is strictly forbidden for
any competitor to enter race control or timing and scoring at any time while the circuit is in operation. It is strictly forbidden for any competitor to enter the T.V. production trucks or compound during a competition. Mandatory Pit Stop Time 9-2.1 In races where a mandatory pit stop is required prior to a specific time, this requirement will be fulfilled on pit stops occurring after the car has taken the green flag on the track, or if the car starts from the pit lane after it has crossed the scoring line on track for the first time. 9-2.2 Time for mandatory pit stops will be measured at the line that indicates the start of the pit lane speed limit at the entrance of the pits. Flag Signals The following standard flag signals will be used by GRAND-AM Officials to advise participants of various specific instructions and conditions. 9-3.1 Green Flag Start of race, track is clear, cancellation of a previous flag condition. 9-3.2 Red Flag The race is stopped. It will be displayed only at the start/finish flag position. In the event a red flag is displayed, a stationary black flag will also be displayed at each flagging station simultaneously with the red flag at the start/finish position. All drivers must reduce speed and be prepared to stop at any time. No passing is allowed. All drivers must proceed in single file order back to the pit lane (not your pit spot) and wait further instructions from GRANDAM Officials in the pits. Competitor may not perform any type of service on their racecar, including those already in pit lane prior to the display of the red flag, until the race is restarted. The red flag is also used in the pit lane to control exiting from the pit lane area. 9-3.3 Yellow Flag If the yellow flag is displayed in a motionless manner, it means danger, no passing, be prepared to slow down, course workers may be adjacent to the course. If the yellow flag is waved, it means extreme danger, no passing, be prepared to slow down, course workers are on the course. In either case, Competitors must be prepared to stop or take avoiding action. 9-3.4 Double Yellows all stations means full course yellow, danger, be prepared to slow down, no passing, course workers may be on the course, and the safety car will be on the course. Competitors must be prepared to stop or take avoiding action. 9-3.5 White Flag If the white flag is displayed in a motionless manner, it means a slow moving racecar, service vehicle, tow truck, ambulance or fire truck is ahead. If the white flag is waved and displayed at start/finish line only, it means the start of the last lap. When used at start/finish to signify the last lap, the white flag will be displayed to the leader first and then to the remainder of the Competitors. 9-3.6 Yellow Flag with Red Stripes Slippery surface or debris on the racing surface ahead. 9-3.7 Blue Flag (or Blue Flag with Orange Diagonal) If the blue flag is displayed to a Competitor in a motionless manner, it means another Competitor is following or catching the flagged Competitor and may be trying to pass. If the blue flag is waved, the Competitor to whom it is displayed must give way to the Competitor trying to pass. The blue flag is ordinarily used for a Competitor who is unaware of an overtaking Competitor or is clearly obstructing another Competitor. 9-3.8 Black Flag If the black flag is displayed to a Competitor in a furled manner, it means the Competitor has committed an act of unsportsmanlike conduct. The Competitor must discontinue the unsportsmanlike conduct or be penalized. If the black flag is waved at a Competitor, the Competitor must stop in his or her pit on the next pass by the pit area for consultation with a GRAND-AM Official. It means that the Competitor has committed an infraction of the Rule Book or an act of unsportsmanlike conduct. The Race Director may halt the timing and scoring of a Competitor who fails to obey a waving black flag after three consecutive laps.
GRAND-AM may substitute the waved black flag or black flag with orange disc at start/finish line with an official directive to the team in pit lane to call the car in by radio. Race Director may halt the scoring of the car following three crossings of the start finish line following the official directive. 9-3.9 Black Flag with Orange Disc The Competitors car has a mechanical problem. When this flag is displayed to a Competitor, they must report to their pit on the next lap. 9-3.10 Black and White Checkered Flag End of race or session. All Competitors may take a cool off lap at reduced speed or immediately return to the pit lane. 9-3.11 Black-Flag All When the black flag is displayed to all Competitors, from the start/finish line and all corner stations it means there is an interruption of practice or qualifying. All Competitors on the course must return to the pits immediately, and may expect the practice or qualifying session to resume when the temporary situation giving rise to the black flag is corrected. Passing/overtaking is permitted. 9-3.12 All cars running in an official practice, qualifying or race session must be equipped with a Delphi Safety light system. All 2011 registered cars will be provided a light, antenna, complete mounting bracket and wiring instructions for the in car light system with their vehicle registration. The team must supply additional wiring per the installation instructions. The yellow warning light must be prominently located on the cars dash in clear line of sight for the driver. The activating receiver will be provided by GRAND-AM in tech inspection and will remain the property of GRAND-AM at all times. Teams will be required to surrender the receiver when asked by GRAND-AM. The fine for a lost or damaged receiver is $2,000. Safety/Pace Car 9-4.1 The Race Director may dispatch the safety car at any time during an event to neutralize the racing and correct a hazardous situation on course. The safety car will be dispatched following the activation of the incar Delphi caution lights and the display of double yellow flags at all corner stations. The pit entrance is closed at once at this time. 9-4.2 All cars must continue to respect the flag signals around the course and exercise extra caution in the area of the full course yellow incident. Otherwise all cars must close up to the rear of the line of cars behind the safety car as quickly as possible 9-4.3 Where possible, the safety car will be dispatched in front of the leader. It is the responsibility of the lead car to reduce speed to a level that will allow the safety car to safely enter the track in front of the lead car as well as allow the balance of the competitors to close up in single file in the shortest time possible. On the initial out lap or as soon as the race director deems it safe to do so, the safety car will wave by any cars in front of the leader in order to achieve this. 9-4.4 In events where the cars are equipped with the Delphi caution light system, the activation of the in-car caution light signifies a full course yellow and all competition is suspended. In events where the system is not in use, the display of double yellow flags at each flag station signifies the suspension of competition, and no overtaking is permitted following the plane determined by the first visible yellow flag location. The in- car Delphi caution system and/or the display of yellow track caution lights and/or double yellow flags will signify a full course caution condition and the intervention of the safety car. Upon the display of any of these caution systems, several conditions and activities take place simultaneously. All competition is suspended, passing is not permitted anywhere on the circuit and safety and medical crews may be dispatched directly to the scene of the incident. All competitors must close up the gap and join the back of the line of cars behind the safety car as quickly and safely as possible and follow in single file. The pit entrance will be closed immediately upon the display of any of the caution systems. At the event pre-race drivers briefing, a point prior to pit entry will be
identified determining whether a car has achieved pit lane prior to the display of the yellow safety system or not. When the race leader is not the first car behind the safety car on the out-lap, drivers of all cars between the safety car and race leader must pull out to the right and pass the safety car as directed and proceed around the track in single file in order to rejoin at the rear of the line. In two class races, all cars in the second class, between the safety car and the second class leader, must pull out to the right and pass all cars up to the safety car, including the safety car and then proceed around the track at speed to regain the rear of the line as quickly as possible unless otherwise directed. Any cars that fail to do so by the first time the safety car passes pit entrance must remain in line where they are behind the safety car, except if directed by the race control and the procedure will continue as outlined in the regulations. In two class events, at the first time by pit entrance for the field, in line behind the safety car, the pit lane opens automatically for the top class (Daytona Prototype, GS) only. The second class of cars (GT, ST) must remain on course behind the safety car. On the second pass past pit entrance, by the safety car and field, the pit lane is automatically open for only the second class cars. Following their pit stops, all cars must proceed at speed to regain the end of the line of cars behind the safety car as quickly and safely as possible in order to be prepared to re-start as soon as possible. At the end of the third yellow lap all cars, regardless of class, that have been waved by the pace car in the procedure to regain the race leader (described in 9-4.8 below) may pit. At the start of the third yellow lap the safety car will wave by all cars necessary in order to pick up the overall leader. This will be the last wave by to pick up the leader regardless of how many yellow laps are run from this point on. At the start of the third yellow lap, all GT(ST) cars still in line should pull over to the left and allow any DP(GS) cars to pass on the right to form a continuous line of DP(GS) cars followed by a continuous line of GT(ST) cars in single file. The first GT(ST) car in line starting this lap will be the first GT(ST) car crossing start/finish on the next lap. At the conclusion of the third yellow lap, all passing under yellow ends and the field will remain in the order it is in as of the end of this lap until such time that there is a re-start. In single class events the pit lane will open for the single class as above, the first time by behind the safety car. Competitors should be prepared to go back to green flag racing at the completion of the next lap behind the safety car (second yellow lap). Any car unable to maintain the pace of the safety car during a full course yellow situation due to a mechanical problem may pit at any time to address the mechanical problem only. Any additional work that is performed on the car, other than the specific mechanical issue, will result in an out of sequence penalty. Any car stopping in his designated pit box out of the above sequence and not in compliance with 9-4.9, under a full course yellow condition, regardless of whether work is performed or not, will be assessed a stop and go plus 20 second penalty following the return to green flag racing. Competitors on pit lane must not pass/overtake the safety car on course and may only reenter the course under the specific signals of the Pit Exit Marshal. Competitors leaving the pit road must fall into single file at the rear of the field after the main field has passed the pit exit. Should the lead car fail to properly reduce speed to facilitate the proper insertion of the safety car or if the lead car does not maintain the pace of the safety car, the lead car may be assessed a penalty. When it is clear that the full course caution is no longer needed, the lights on the pace car will go out. Teams will be notified that racing will resume when the safety car is recalled at the conclusion of that lap.
9-4.14 When the green flag is displayed at the starter stand. The in-car Delphi caution lights will be extinguished. All cars between a pre-designated point on the race track and the starter stand (announced at the pre-race drivers meeting), must remain in position and in line until they have crossed the start/finish line. They may then engage in open competition. Cars that have not yet reached the designated point may resume racing once their in-car Delphi caution light is extinguished and the double yellow flags are with drawn. 9-4.15 Short Full Course Yellow In the event of a full course yellow situation, either within 20 minutes of the scheduled time of the end of a race, or within five laps of a previous full course yellow, race control may call a short full course yellow situation procedure as follows: The full course situation will only be for two laps. There will be no class wavebys. On the out lap the pace car will only wave-by those cars necessary to pick up the overall race leader. First time by pit entrance, behind the pace car, the pit lane will be open for ALL cars. In the event the race leader pits at this time the pace car will wave by any cars necessary to pick up the new race leader. The course will return to green on the completion of the second pace lap. Race control will broadcast this call during the out lap in the above mentioned time frames. At the start of the second yellow lap, all GT(ST) cars still in line should pull over to the left and allow any DP(GS) cars to pass on the right to form a continuous line of DP(GS) cars followed by a continuous line of GT(ST) cars in single file. The first GT(ST) car in line starting this lap will be the first GT(ST) car crossing start/finish on the next lap. Competitors should be aware that a normal full course yellow circumstance may still be a possibility in the above mentioned time frames. Rules When Away From the Pits Only a driver may refuel or service an automobile within the first line of protection on the circuit and only with the approval of the appropriate Course Marshal and the Race Director. Crew members or other outside assistance is not permitted within the first line of protection on the circuit at any time. The Race Director must be notified in advance of a driver change taking place on the course. Course Marshals may push or tow a disabled automobile to a safe location without penalty to the Competitor. A driver may not push his car except in pit lane. Pit Lane Regulations 9-6.1 Ordinarily, signaling at the pit wall is not permitted. The crossing of pit lane is not allowed except with specific permission and under the direction of a GRAND-AM pit official. At anytime a car is on track, at least one crew member must be stationed at the assigned pit box with radio communication to the car and race control. 9-6.2 At no time may individuals sit, stand or straddle the pit wall. During any on track session, all team members and equipment must remain behind the pit wall until the car has come to a complete stop in its designated pit, except that a polemounted signal may be extended over the wall to guide a car to its pit stall once it enters pit lane. During a race, a maximum of four people total (crew members and/or industry representatives) are permitted over the pit wall at any one time to perform service on the car. During a pit stop an individual will be determined to be over the wall when a minimum of one foot is on the ground in the hot pit. Individuals assisting in the service of the car from behind the wall must keep both feet on the ground, (or whatever they are standing on), at all times. No direct service may be performed on a car from behind pit wall. During practice, qualifying, or sanctioned testing, a maximum of four individuals may be over the wall servicing the car; however industry representatives will not be counted in this total. Rolex GT cars with single lug hubs will have different sporting regulations for wheel/tire changing. All tools and equipment must be stored or used within the designated pit box behind and in front of the pit wall. Each team is responsible for the safe dispatch of their car out of their pit box into pit lane. Cars already in pit lane have the right of way over cars leaving their pit box.
The only other individuals permitted over the pit wall are a crewmember or driver assisting a driver entering the car. The driver exiting the car or the individual assisting the entering driver must immediately move behind the pit wall and may not perform any other function during the pit stop. The designated team fireperson manning a fire extinguisher must be over the wall at all times when fueling takes place. Whenever a team member is working under a car in pit lane the car must be supported by Jack Stands/Safety Supports acceptable to GRAND-AM Officials. Fueling is not permitted while the car is on Jack Stands. Immediately prior to and during a pit stop, equipment or tools may be rested upon the pit wall prior to being passed over the wall, so long as they are in the hands of crew members. Prior to leaving the pit, the racecar must be free of all hoses, tools, etc. At no time may a car be driven over or hit tools, airlines, parts, wheels, etc. Any equipment or tools that interfere with another cars stop, or come loose from the pit box area, will be considered an unsafe situation and a penalty will be assessed. The team is responsible for the safe signaling of their car back into pit lane traffic. At the conclusion of a pit stop the crew must promptly return all equipment, clean all spills and return themselves behind the pit wall. Pit Lane Traffic No car may be driven under its own power in reverse or against traffic in pit lane. A driver who overshoots his pit must either continue on and complete another lap or be pushed in reverse by his crew. The driver, crew, and/or GRAND-AM Officials may push a car in pit lane; also a car in pit lane may be push-started under supervision of a Pit Marshal. Any car waved into the transition lane from its pit box must yield, not attempt to pass, and fall in line behind any car(s) already in the high speed lane. A car only may enter the high speed lane without impeding, in anyway, a car that is already in the high speed lane. The car in the high speed lane always has the right of way. PIT EXIT Under yellow flag conditions, the pit exit line will determine the restart order. The car in the first pit box only may accelerate directly toward the pit exit line, up to 45 MPH, without merging into the high speed lane. For safety reasons, the car exiting the pits from the high speed lane ALWAYS has the right of way into the pit lane exit. If he was not first to the pit exit line, the correct order will be established before the green flag waves. Under green flag conditions, the pit exit line only determines the end of the 45 MPH speed limit. Drivers are expected to use judgment and avoid contact as they blend in to the pit lane exit. Removal from the Pits Cars may be removed from the pits during a race only with permission from a GRAND-AM Official. The Official may permit the removal of a car from pit lane in order to complete work on the car that is hazardous or inconvenient to perform in the pits. The Race Director may assign a Pit Marshal to observe the work being done outside the pits. Pit Equipment Uniforms All crewmembers must wear clean uniforms, at all times during practice, qualifying and races. Tank tops, short pants and other inappropriate attire will not be permitted in the hot pit area. Uniforms with conflicting sponsorship (Series) logos are not permitted. Whenever a car is in the pits during a race where fueling is required, crewmembers, industry representatives and all other individuals over the pit wall must wear a full-fire resistant suit on their exterior (see fueling regulations). Fuelers and fire bottle men must also wear fire resistant gloves, shoes, socks, Balaclava and eye protection (goggles or full face shield helmet) during fueling. It is recommended that all crew members wear fire resistant gloves, shoes and socks at all times when fueling is taking place. General Body parts, fuel, air tanks, parts, tools, wheels, etc. must be stored in the pit in such a way that they do not block or infringe on any fire lanes or designated safety zones. At the end of each on-track session, teams must remove or relocate their pit equipment in order to clear the working pit area for
other competitor groups. No four-wheeler tug vehicles, golf carts or any other type of vehicle are permitted in pit lane. Air Tanks Compressed air tanks must be securely fastened or anchored once their protective caps are removed. A protective cage must be installed around the regulator and fittings at all times. Tools No electric or potential spark producing tools may be used in the pits. Pit Structures No structure or fixture may extend outward over the pit wall into pit lane. Maximum Height of any pit structure is 14 ft. Tow vehicles- The use of powered tow vehicles is not permitted in the hot pit lane at any time. 9-6.10 Pit set up- At the Crew Chief meeting at each event, GRAND-AM will detail the specific pit set up and equipment movement procedures specific to each track and event program. These procedures will then become part of the supplemental regulations for that specific event. This includes all fueling equipment, timing stands, tires, tools and pit carts. Fuel rigs may not be set up in pit lane until the day of the race, and may be filled only after inspection and verification of legality by GRAND-AM Officials for that event. 9-6.11 Crew Chief must display hard card at all times when on pit lane. 9-6.12 Each race car pit must have a fully charged 10lb. ABC fire extinguisher present at all times. Fueling All fueling during a race must be done in pit lane with a gravity-fed fueling rig. The fueling rig must be used as designed and delivered from the manufacturer, with no modifications of any kind. BSR fuel rig part # BSR FR 2005GA will be the only permitted fueling rig with implementation as follows: The maximum overall height of 6 feet (excluding the vent) is measured from the pit lane surface. The fuel rig must have adjustable legs in order to compensate for various track/pit lane pavement levels. No part of the fuel rig, its fittings, or hoses may protrude past the plane of the pit wall. The fuel hose must be a clear 1.5-inch ID with a minimum length of 10 feet. The automatic shut off valve must be manned during fueling. The shut off valve must immediately stop the flow of fuel into the hose when it is manually released. The valve may not be fitted with any device that allows it to stay in the open position. Each fueling hose must be fitted with a BSR Blue one inch restrictor used to connect the clear 1.5-inch ID fuel hose to the clear 2 inch ID hose on dry break fueling probe. All fuel must pass through the restrictor. Daytona Prototype fuel rigs may machine the blue restrictor to an inside dimension of 1.300 with square edges A clear 1.5 inch ID hose must connect the BSR Red one inch adapter to the fuel rig. A 2 inch ID clear hose must connect the red adaptor to the dry break probe. All fuel must pass through the restrictor and adapter. No other connectors or adapters are permitted in the system. No tapered fittings or cone like devices are permitted in the refueling system. Sight tubes may be added to the fuel rig. To prevent spills when filling fuel rigs it is allowed to use a discriminator valve on the fill cap of the fuel rig. It is required that the dead man assembly be supported to the fuel rig legs or tank brackets. A second dead man valve may be installed in the fuel rig vent stack. The 1.5-inch hose coupler to the fuel supply hose from the fuel rig may be bored to a maximum size of 1.300 inches. A 90 degree fitting Part # BSR.P.5F90 may be substituted for the 45 degree exit fitting on the fuel rig. The only permitted dry break is the unmodified ATL red head # RE105 Mandatory Supplier: CV Products or RPXpress, Cars in Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge may use # PP125DVR10 dual valve with 1 inch restrictor installed. 9-7.1 A dual probe fuel and vent dry break coupler system must be fitted to the fuel and vent hoses (Rolex Series). Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge cars may be fueled using single or double dry break fueling systems.
Unless supplemental regulations specify otherwise the following applies. At races that are under three hours in length, Rolex teams can only store fuel in their overhead fueling rigs. Other fuel storage is not permitted. At races over three hours in length, Rolex teams are permitted to store up to 55 gallons of fuel more than what is in their overhead fueling rigs. 9-7.3 During all races that are less than three hours Rolex teams may only fill the refueling rig ONCE immediately after the refueling rig has been inspected. 9-7.4 No leakage or spillage of fuel will be tolerated. 9-7.5 The fueling rig may not be refilled during a pit stop. The addition of weight or any other force is not permitted on or in the fueling tank for the purposes of increased fuel flow beyond that of normal gravity. 9-7.6 Fuel must be transferred by approved air or manual pumps only. Open fuel transfer is not permitted. 9-7.7 The driver may remain in the car and the engine may be left running during fueling. No Competitor may work under the car while fueling is in process. 9-7.8 Fueling on the starting grid is not permitted. 9-7.9 During practice, cars may be fueled in pit lane from a vented container no larger than 5 U.S. gallons in capacity and equipped with a dry break fitting. All fuel handlers must be fully attired in the proper safety gear. 9-7.10 Fueling during qualifying is not permitted. 9-7.11 All fueling during a race must take place in the pit lane unless a car is out of fuel, in which case the car may be fueled on course with permission of GRAND-AM Officials. 9-7.12 All cars must be fitted with a dual fuel/vent probe system (Rolex only). 9-7.13 Anytime fueling is taking place, or fuel is being transferred, a fully charged, manned 10 lb. ABC fire extinguisher must be present. Fueling In The Paddock 9-8.1 When fueling in the paddock area, proper protective clothing must be worn (See 9-6.8) and there must be a manned fire extinguisher present. Fueling cars inside permanent garage buildings is not permitted. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE PROCEDURES WILL RESULT IN LOSS OF TRACK TIME. Paddock Requirements 9-9.1 Maximum truck and trailer length is 76 feet not including tailgate. All slide outs must be on the awning side of the trailer. 9-9.2 Maximum awning sizes are listed below; One Daytona Prototype 75ft L X 21ft W Two Daytona Prototype 75ft L X 30ft W One GT or one Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge 75ft L X 18ft W Two GTs or two Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge 75ft L X 26ft W Multiple car teams (more than two cars) will be given further consideration. All team equipment must fit with in the awning footprint. 9-9.3 Support trailers and or Motorhomes (Daytona Prototype constructors exempt) are not allowed in the paddock area. 9-9.4 All pit equipment must have car number and series ID displayed at all times. 9-9.5 All team transporters must display the GRAND-AM and series logo identification as indicated on the transporter diagram using the GRAND-AM supplied identification. SECTION 10 - TIMING AND SCORING Official Scoring The GRAND-AM Official designated by GRAND-AM to be the Official Scorer for an Event is responsible for timing and scoring the Event. The decisions of the Official Scorer, with respect to timing and scoring, are final unless the Official Scorer elects to request a re-check by GRAND-AM Headquarters or when the Official Scorer is asked by a Team Manager, who has competed in the Event, to submit a request for such re-check to GRAND-AM Headquarters .All results will remain unofficial until 24 hours following the conclusion of the race.
Scoring Re-check Procedure A Team Manager asking the Official Scorer to submit a request for a re-check to GRAND-AM Headquarters must do so in writing within 20 minutes after the declaration of finishing positions has been made by GRAND-AM Officials. The finishing positions of an Event, including any individual race, time trial, or qualifying race, shall not be considered official if a re-check is requested as provided herein, in which case the results of the Event shall be considered official upon the announcement of the re-check decision by GRAND-AM Headquarters. If the Official Scorer elects to request a re-check of the timing or scoring of an Event, the Official Scorer shall promptly forward to GRAND-AM Headquarters the request and scoring data for the Event. If a Team Manager who has competed in the Event asks the Official Scorer to request such a re-check, the Official Scorer shall promptly forward to GRANDAM Headquarters the request and scoring data for the Event, accompanied by a $500.00 non-refundable service fee collected from the Team Manager. Decisions of GRAND-AM Headquarters on a scoring re-check are final, non-appealable and non-litigable. Transmitters - All cars must be fitted (left front wheel well) with a GRAND-AM specified driver I.D. AMB transmitter during all official practice, qualifying and race sessions. The one time cost is $1500.00 for a new transmitter and wiring harness from GRAND-AM. The team must record and confirm the transmitter number on their car during tech inspection. Improper use of or loss of the transmitter during any official practice, qualifying or race session requires stopping for repair or replacement immediately. SECTION 11 - GRAND-AM OFFICIALS Officials The GRAND-AM Officials responsible for the orderly conduct of an Event are as follows 11-1.1 Vice President of Competition 11-1.2 Managing Director of Competition / Race Director 11-1.3 Race Operations Manager 11-1.4 Technical Manager 11-1.5 Series Manager 11-1.6 Starter / Flag Marshals 11-1.7 Pit/Paddock/Grid Marshals 11-1.8 Director of Member Services 11-1.9 Timing and Scoring Manager 11-1.10 Safety Car Team 11-1.11 The above GRAND-AM Officials may delegate part of their duties to assistants. Conduct Every GRAND-AM Official is expected to conduct himself or herself in a manner that will reflect positively on the sport of automobile racing, and that is in accordance with these Regulations, at all times. A GRAND-AM Official shall have no responsibility or authority beyond his position, but a single GRAND-AM Official may hold more than one position. Duties 11-3.1 Vice President of Competition Executive responsible for all aspects of GRAND-AM Competition and Event Operations. 11-3.2 Managing Director of Competition / Race Director - This individual is in charge of the overall competition and operations at GRAND-AM Events. This individual is responsible for the overall conduct of an event and had the authority and responsibility to- Execute the program of events and activities per the schedule published in the Supplemental Regulations /Official Entry Form. - Maintain order with respect to the conduct of the event. - Receive and process protests in accordance with section 14. - Authorize driver changes. - Modify or alter the Supplementary Regulations or schedule as may be appropriate in light of local conditions.
Determine whether conditions are suitable to commence and continue the event. - Assess penalties - Replace any Grand Am Official unable to perform his or her duties. - Compile a report on an Event if requested by another GRAND-AM Supervisory Official. - Remove from Competition any competitor failing to maintain the race pace The Managing Director of Competition /Race Director may delegate or share the responsibilities with or to the Race Operations Manager and may appoint other Officials as needed to fulfill specific duties. 11-3.3 Race Operations Manager This position has the authority and responsibility to execute any of the tasks listed above as directed by the Managing Director of Competition. 11-3.4 Technical Manager This position has the authority and responsibility to research and obtain data and technical information and develop technical procedures, as directed by the Managing Director of Competition. 11-3.5 Series Manager- This position has the authority and responsibility to- maintain order with respect to conduct and procedure of the series at an event. - assign at track staff duties. - assess penalties in conjunction with the Race Director. - maintain and modify , as needed the series procedural regulations. - compile a report on an event if requested by another Grand Am supervisory Official - establish and direct event procedures - to execute any other tasks assigned by the Race Director 11-3.6 Starter/Flag Marshals The Starter and Flag Marshals operate directly under the Race Director and control Competitors from the time the automobiles enter the course until the conclusion of the Event and all Competitors have returned to the pit/paddock area. 11-3.7 Pit/Paddock/Grid Marshals These Marshals are responsible for the orderly organization of the pit and paddock area, pit lane assignments, gridding cars in correct starting order, maintaining traffic flow between the paddock and pit areas, and enforcing pit lane regulations during practice, qualifying and racing. 11-3.8 Director of Member Services The Director of Member Services and assistants are responsible for the necessary entry verification, membership and issuance of credentials in accordance with the Supplementary Regulations for the Event. 11-3.9 Timing and Scoring Manager The Timing and Scoring Manager and assistants are responsible for the accurate timing and scoring of all practice, qualifying and racing activities. He or she maintains all point championships and is required to produce and maintain at GRAND-AM Headquarters a complete record of each Event for historical purposes. 11-3.10 Safety Car Team The Safety Car Team is responsible for the orderly execution, under the Race Directors direction, of all caution periods during a race and the coordination of all pace car activities prior to the race, including pace laps. 11-3.11 Other Other officials may be appointed as needed to fulfill specific duties. SECTION 12 - PENALTIES Penalties Any GRAND-AM Member who violates the GRAND-AM Regulations, or attempts to bribe anyone involved with an Event, or is party to a fraud or any act detrimental to the sport of automobile racing or an Event, may be penalized by the Race Director or by a court convened by the Race Director. Range of Penalties More than one penalty may be imposed for the same offense. Penalties may be imposed in order of severity as follows -
12-2.1 Warning/Probation The Race Director may impose a definite or indefinite period of warning/probation. 12-2.2 Fine The Race Director may impose a monetary fine of up to and including $25,000.00. Fines must be paid within one week of the date the Race Director notifies the Competitor of the imposition of the fine. At the request of the Race Director, GRAND-AM Headquarters will withhold or deduct prize moneys owed to a Competitor until all fines for which the Competitor is responsible are paid in full, or in addition to the fine, the Race Director may also deduct prize money. A Competitor may not participate in an Event until all fines are paid in full. 12-2.3 Loss of Points The Race Director may take away driver, team, and/or manufacturer points otherwise awarded for a specific Event. 12-2.4 Disqualification The Race Director or an appointed court may disqualify a Competitor from an Event. If a Competitor is disqualified, he or she will forfeit any monetary or point awards otherwise awarded for that Event. 12-2.5 Suspension The Race Director or an appointed court may suspend a Competitors license/membership to compete for an indefinite or definite period of time. 12-2.6 Loss of Accrued Points/Expulsion A court appointed by the Race Director may eliminate all accrued championship points and/or expel a Competitor. SECTION 13 - PROTESTS Matters Subject to Protest If a GRAND-AM Member who is a Competitor believes that another Competitor has or will obtain a significant unfair competitive advantage by some action that the Member believes is in violation of the GRAND-AM Regulations, the entrant may protest such action to the Race Director. Protests will not be accepted that are directed to a decision of a GRAND-AM Official or Supervisory Official on any subject not specifically provided for in these rules. Such subjects include, but are not limited to timing and scoring decisions (except as set forth in Section 11), inspection decisions and race procedure decisions. Form - Protests must be delivered to the Race Director in writing, specifically stating the regulation violated, signed by the entrant, and accompanied by a protest fee, in cash of $2,500 U.S. Dollars. Time Limits A protest must be received by the Race Director within the following time limits 13-3.1 Any protest that a Competitors car, car parts or equipment do not meet the specifications for the Event must be received prior to the scheduled close of prerace technical inspection for the relevant Event. 13-3.2 Any protest against a Competitors sporting rule violation during qualifying or a race must be received within thirty (30) minutes after the official completion of the qualifying attempt or race. Protests Against Cars If a protest is made against a cars eligibility, the protestor must provide, in addition to the written protest, a protest fee, in cash of $2,500 U.S. dollars. 13-4.1 If the protest is found to be valid, the cash deposit will be returned to the protester. If the Competitor who was protested is found legal the deposit is paid them. 13-4.2 Any Competitor who does not allow inspection of his or her car in connection with a particular Event is subject to immediate disqualification from the Event. Disposition of Protests The Race Director shall first decide whether the matter is protestable, and if so shall decide the protest, or appoint a group of GRAND-AM Officials to decide the protest, as promptly as possible, and shall inform the parties to the protest of the decision. A decision that the matter is not protestable is final and non-appealable. The Race Director (or the appointed Officials) will, as soon as practical, hear all parties and gather all appropriate information deemed relevant to the protest. In deciding the protest, the Race Director (or the appointed Officials) may take whatever action he or she deems appropriate to further the interests of fairness and finality in competition results. Such action includes, but is not limited to, revising the official race results, imposing
13-6 13-7
penalties (disqualifications, suspension or fines, and/or loss of finishing position(s) in the Event), awarding or subtracting points, or taking no action. Awards Prizes and awards will be distributed after the protest is determined, or at such later time as all protests affecting the results of the Event are resolved. Malicious Protests Any Competitor who makes a protest that, in the judgment of the Race Director or appointed Officials, is malicious or frivolous or otherwise presented in bad faith, may be penalized pursuant to Section 12. SECTION 14 - APPEALS Appeals 14-1.1 A Competitor may file an appeal against a protest or a decision imposed by the Race Director or GRAND-AM Officials affecting him or her, provided written notice of the appeal is given by the Competitor to the Race Director in writing within one hour of the receipt of the penalty or within one hour of the announcement of the protest decision. 14-1.2 Decisions by GRAND-AM Officials at the track involving race procedures are final and non-appealable and only subject to review by GRAND-AM if Officials determine that extraordinary circumstances exist that require such review. 14-1.3 Any Member or applicant whose membership application has been rejected or whose membership has been terminated may appeal such decision to the Commissioner. Appeals Board A competitor is entitled to file an initial appeal to GRAND-AM Supervisory Officials, and, if not satisfied with the result, to file a final appeal. The Commissioner is responsible for the orderly administration of final appeals. The appeals board may act with a quorum of three individuals. Effect Filing an appeal will have no effect on the implementation of the penalty or protest decision that is the subject of the appeal, unless the Commissioner determines in his or her sole discretion to the contrary. Prizes and awards may be withheld by GRAND-AM until such time as the appeal process is complete. Form Appeals must be in writing and signed by the appellant. Initial appeals must be received by the Race Director and accompanied by a $1,500.00 cash U.S. dollars appeal fee. With respect to an appeal of a protest decision, an appellant must notify the appeals board within 30 minutes of an initial appeal decision relating to a protest decision if he intends to present a final appeal to the Commissioner. Any final written appeal, whether relating to a penalty or protest decision, must be received by the Commissioner within three days of the initial appeal decision, accompanied by an additional $1,500.00 cash U.S. dollars final appeal fee. Hearings Initial appeals will be heard as soon as practical. For appeals involving a protest decision, all efforts will be made to administer the appeal prior to the conclusion of, or as promptly as possible after, the Event. The appeals board will establish the most appropriate procedure for hearing the appeal and shall inform all parties of the procedure prior to the hearing. Appellants and other involved parties may appear in person at hearings but may not be represented by another individual or attorney. Any Member summoned by the appeals board who refuses to appear may be subject to a penalty issued pursuant to Section 12. A majority of the appeals board must concur to modify any penalty or determine an appeal. If the appeals board fails to agree on any action, the appeal shall be forwarded to the Commissioner for final decision. Final Appeals A Member may file with the Commissioner a final appeal against a judgment in an initial appeal affecting him. The Commissioner may choose to hear or not hear a final appeal, or may choose to review the written documentation and base his/her decision on the evidence presented at the initial appeal. The Commissioners decision as to whether or not a final appeal should be heard is final and non-appealable. The Commissioner may hear the final appeal personally or may convene an appeals board to assist him in the final appeal. The final decision on the appeal, however, shall be made by the Commissioner. All parties will be informed of the time and place of any final appeal hearing. The Commissioner or parties may at their own expense call witnesses or
present evidence, but any party must present his or her own case and may not be represented at the appeal by another individual or attorney. No other persons may be present at the final appeal hearing except those permitted by the Commissioner. Appeal Decisions The initial appeal board or Commissioner may vacate, decrease or increase penalties previously imposed (or assess additional penalties), and may vacate, modify or uphold protest decisions, but may not order an Event re-run. The Commissioner and appeals board may publish their decision, and they may include the names of the parties involved. No Member shall have any right of action or claim against the Commissioner or appeals board. Malicious Appeals The Commissioner may penalize in accordance with Section 12 the proponent of any appeal judged to be malicious or frivolous or otherwise presented in bad faith.
15-1 15-2
15-3 15-4
SECTION 15 - PRIZES, POINT FUNDS AND AWARDS Sole Authority GRAND-AM is the only authority for awarding of all GRAND-AM Event prizes and GRAND-AM series points and awards, and naming of all series champions. Event Prizes Prizes and awards for all Events will be distributed by GRAND-AM in accordance with the Official Entry form for that Event. GRAND-AM Members agree to abide by decisions of GRAND-AM with respect to the establishment and distribution of such prizes and awards. Point Funds GRAND-AM may establish a point fund. Point Awards 15-4.1 GRAND-AM will awards points in each class by finishing position as follows 1. ..... 35 11. ... 20 21. ... 10 2. ..... 32 12. ... 19 22. ..... 9 3. ..... 30 13. ... 18 23. ..... 8 4. ..... 28 14. ... 17 24. ..... 7 5. ..... 26 15. ... 16 25. ..... 6 6. ..... 25 16. ... 15 26. ..... 5 7. ..... 24 17. ... 14 27. ..... 4 8. ..... 23 18. ... 13 28. ..... 3 9. ..... 22 19. ... 12 29. ..... 2 10. ... 21 20. ... 11 30. ..... 1 15-4.2 At only the Rolex 24 Hour race, points will be awarded as above except all th th finishers from 15 position down will receive 15 place points. GRAND-AM Driver Championships 15-5.1 A minimum of 30 minutes driving time is required to be eligible for driver points. A driver must drive at least one lap on-track under green flag conditions within 30 minutes. Red flag time will not be counted. In the event of a full course yellow situation just prior to the 30 minute mark, race control may announce that all starting drivers will get points for having driven to that point, though it may not actually be 30 minutes for all cars. This will be announced via the race control radio net on the out lap of the full course yellow procedure. GRAND-AM will award points to the second listed driver, of a season long championship driver team, if in the event that unforeseen mechanical or other circumstances prevent that driver from completing the 30 minute requirement once in the car, or getting into the car as originally intended. This will apply so long as appropriate time remains in the race to have completed the 30 minute requirement. GRAND-AM is the final judge of this determination and any decisions taken are not appealable. 15-5.2 Eligibility for Point Awards All driver listings must be finalized at the conclusion of qualifying. Drivers will be awarded points only if they hold a GRAND-AM Membership.
If a driver drives a car in competition without being properly nominated, either by being listed on the entry form or through a properly completed and submitted driver change form, all point awards for all drivers and the car and prize money for that car will automatically be forfeited. In the Rolex Series and Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge, at least two drivers must drive the car under green flag conditions. A driver may be nominated on the entry form or, with a Driver Change form at the track, to drive two cars in the same class provided he qualifies and starts in one of the cars. This is the only car in which the driver will earn points. 15-5.3 Distance is measured in whole laps completed by a car with lap credit going to the driver who crosses the scoring line at the end of each lap. In cases where a minimum distance is required to be eligible for points, fractional laps will not be counted. Time for driver point eligibility is measured when the car passes the scoring line on the race track. 15-5.4 Ties - In the case of a tie in the final point standings the tie will be broken according to the drivers relative number of first place finishes, the number of seconds, etc. down to tenth place finishes. If the tie is still not broken the tie will stand. 15-5.5 Dispute - GRAND-AM will decide any dispute or question about point awards. 15-5.6 For the Rolex 24 At Daytona a maximum of five drivers may be listed on a car. In races of 6 hours or 1000km, or greater in length, up to four drivers may be nominated. All other races the maximum number is three drivers. 15-5.7 The maximum driving time any one driver may drive in: 1) 24 hour races 14 hours total. 2) 6 hour or 1000 km races 5 hour total 3) Other event lengths than the standard 2.75 hour length will be detailed in the event supplemental regulations. No driver may drive for more than three and one half hours consecutively. After three hours consecutive driving time, they must take at least a one hour rest after getting out of the car and before returning to competition. GRAND-AM Manufacturer Championships - GRAND-AM will recognize manufacturer champions in each class as follows 15-6.1 Daytona Prototype engine and chassis manufacturer. Points for the Daytona Prototype chassis manufacturer championships will be awarded to the single current chassis license holder whether they are earned by 2008 versions or previous generation chassis. 15-6.2 GT automobile brand manufacturer 15-6.3 Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge (all classes) - automobile brand manufacturer 15-6.4 The manufacturer championship will be based on relative point standings at the conclusion of the series. 15-6.5 Championship points will be awarded as above, except a given make may receive points only for its highest placing position in each Event. GRAND-AM Team Championships - GRAND-AM will recognize team champions in each class. 15-7.1 To be eligible for points in the Team Championship Program, the team must hold a current GRAND-AM entrant license. Team Owners may register multiple cars in the Team Championship Program, but each car (different registered car numbers) will earn points as a separate entity. Team Owners may use no more than three chassis (same car number) during the season Championship. Points earned in one class cannot be transferred to another. During the 2010 season an individual team chassis /engine combination may change the chassis manufacturer one time and may roll over their previously earned points. During the season, a Daytona Prototype team may change engine manufacturers one time, only upon availability of an
approved new manufacturers engine, and may roll over their previously earned points. 15-7.2 Team points will be awarded as above. Special Awards Rolex Series: -BOSCH Award This award pays $10,000 to the champion in Daytona Prototype and $5,000 to the champion in the GT Class. Must run Bosch decals on car and use Bosch product. -GRAND-AM Contingency Sponsor Point Fund Yearend cash award will be distributed to Daytona Prototype and GT Class team participants. -MESCO Building for the Future Rookie of the Year Award This award pays $10,000 to the highest finishing rookie in either Daytona Prototype or GT Class points. Must display decals on both sides of car and wear a MESCO patch. A driver must have not competed in any more than four Rolex Sports Car Series events in any of the four (4) years preceding the participating year, or have never competed in more than six (6) Rolex series events in any past season, to be eligible for the award. In addition, drivers who have competed full-time in higherlevel series who have won major championships or who have run full-time for more than 10 seasons are not eligible for the award. All drivers must display MESCO decals on their race vehicle at all events in order to be eligible for Program Awards. Eligible drivers for the ROY Program must compete in a minimum of five (5) GRAND-AM Rolex Sports Car Series Events during (1) Participating Year to be eligible to win the Award in that particular Participating Year. Points earned by drivers in Events during the Participating Year will be compiled, and the winner of the Award will be determined by the total of points during the Participating Year. -SunTrust Improve Your Position Award This award pays $1,000 to both the Daytona Prototype and GT Class teams that improve the most positions during the race. There is also a yearend award that is paid out at the banquet to the Daytona Prototype and GT Class teams that won the most SunTrust Improve Your Position Awards throughout the season. Teams must run the SunTrust decal and must not be moved to the back of the field due to post qualifying rules infractions. Special Awards Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge: -BOSCH Award This award pays $1,000 to the champion in GS and $1,000 to the champion in the ST class. Must run BOSCH decals and required product use. -GRAND-AM Contingency Sponsor Point Fund Year end cash award will be distributed to GS and STparticipants. -MESCO Building for the Future Rookie of the Year Award This award pays $10,000 to the highest finishing rookie in either GS or ST Class points. Must display decals on both sides of car and wear a MESCO patch. A driver must have not competed in any more than four Continental Tire Challenge events in any of the four (4) years preceding the participating year, or have never competed in more than six (6) Continental Tire Challenge series events in any past season, to be eligible for the award. In addition, drivers who have competed full-time in higher-level series who have won major championships or who have run full-time for more than 10 seasons are not eligible for the award. All drivers must display MESCO decals on their race vehicle at all events in order to be eligible for Program Awards. Eligible drivers for the ROY Program must compete in a minimum of five (5) GRAND-AM Continental Tire Challenge Events during (1) Participating Year to be eligible to win the
Award in that particular Participating Year. Points earned by drivers in Events during the Participating Year will be compiled, and the winner of the Award will be determined by the total of points during the Participating Year. -SunTrust Improve Your Position Award - This award pays $500 to either the GS and ST Class teams that improves the most positions during the race. There is also a year end award that is paid out at the banquet to the GS Class and ST Class teams that won the most SunTrust Improve Your Position Awards throughout the season. Teams must run the SunTrust decal and must not be moved to the back of the field due to post qualifying rules infractions. SECTION 16 - GRAND-AM AUTHORITY GRAND-AM Authority GRAND-AM is the sole and final authority for the development, maintenance and distribution of GRAND-AM championship point funds, the awarding of GRAND-AM championship points, the naming of manufacturer or series-sponsored GRAND-AM champions, and the award of prize monies, in the manner set forth in the GRAND-AM Rule Book. Notwithstanding that a specific GRAND-AM Event may be listed on the FIA calendar or may be part of an Event counting towards a FIA championship, GRAND-AM retains sole authority to settle finally any dispute that may arise during a GRAND-AM Event, including any and all disputes that may affect individual or series awards, by naming a court of appeal according to the GRAND-AM Rule Book. FIA Licensing All car owners entering GRAND-AM Events that are FIA-listed must possess a current, valid FIA entrant license. All drivers entering such Events must possess a current, valid FIA driver license of the grade specified in the Official Entry Form. If the Official Entry Form permits FIA license holders who do not possess current GRAND-AM licenses to compete, they are not eligible for GRAND-AM point fund awards or any of the benefits of GRAND-AM membership. They will be bound by the GRANDAM Rule Book and any Supplemental Regulations for the Event.
SECTION 1 GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REGULATIONS 1-1 Eligibility 1-2 Definitions 1-3 Measurements 1-4 Equivalence Formula SECTION 2 - BODYWORK REGULATIONS 2-1 Bodywork 2-2 Rear Wing 2-3 Hood Pins 2-4 Windshield Wiper 2-5 Headlights 2-6 Windshield/Rear Glass SECTION 3 - ENGINE REGULATIONS 3-1 General Engine Eligibility 3-2 Pistons/Rods 3-3 Cylinder Heads 3-4 Crankshaft 3-5 Camshaft, Valve Lifter and Rocker Arms SECTION 4 - ELECTRICAL 4-1 Ignition System 4-2 Electrical System 4-3 Traction Control 4-4 Lighting SECTION 5 - COOLING
5-1 Cooling System SECTION 6 - ENGINE LUBRICATION/DRY SUMP 6-1 Oil Reservoir Tank SECTION 7 - EXHAUST 7-1 Exhaust System SECTION 8 - DRIVE TRAIN 8-1 Drive Train 8-2 Artificial Heating SECTION 9 - WHEELS AND TIRES 9-1 Official Tire - Rolex Series 9-2 Official Tire Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge 9-3 Control 9-4 Responsibility 9-5 Disposal 9-6 Tire Warmers 9-7 Tire Air Pressure control valves 9-8 Carbon fiber wheels 9-9 Wheel Attachment 9-10 Wheel Diameter SECTION 10 - CHASSIS 10-1 Suspension 10-2 Steering 10-3 Frame & Roll Cage 10-4 Air Jacks 10-5 Car Weight/Ballast SECTION 11 - BRAKES 11-1 Brakes 11-2 Brake Cooling System SECTION 12 - FUEL/FUEL CELLS 12-1 Official Fuel 12-2 Sampling 12-3 Fuel Handling 12-4 Fuel Cell/Fillers/Vents 12-5 Fuel Lines 12-6 Fuel Pumps 12-7 Fuel Capacity SECTION 13 - DATA ACQUISITION/RECORDING 13-1 Telemetry 13-2 Data Acquisition 13-3 Radios 13-4 Transmitter 13-5 Data Recording/Accident Data Recorders SECTION 14 - IDENTIFICATION AND MARKINGS 14-1 Competition Numbers 14-2 Decals and Advertising 14-3 Rig Identification SECTION 15 - SAFETY EQUIPMENT 15-1 Driver Equipment 15-2 Fire Extinguishers 15-3 Towing Eyes 15-4 Delphi Safety Light System SECTION 16 - FINAL TEXT 16-1 Final Text SECTION 17 - ROLL CAGE DIAGRAM SECTION 18 - WINDSHIELD BRACE DIAGRAM
SECTION 1 - GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REGULATIONS SECTION 17 These regulations do not allow variations from the stated technical specifications. All participants should presume that no variations are permitted unless specifically stated within these regulations. Any component, car construction or repair that does not meet the exact specifications of this rule book or is deemed not to be in the spirit of these regulations by GRAND-AM may be disallowed by GRAND-AM Officials. If a participant has a question or doubt regarding the eligibility of any component, specification or procedure, it is the participant's responsibility to obtain written approval of the component, specification or procedure from GRAND-AM prior to its use. 1-1 Eligibility All automobiles, chassis, components (including but not limited to brakes, wheels, shocks, driveline components, body parts, etc.), bodywork and engines presented for competition to GRAND-AM must be approved by GRAND-AM and conform to the rules, regulations and specifications for the various classes published in this rulebook. 1-1.1 The automobile must have four wheels with only the front two wheels controlling steering. 1-1.2 All engine or component changes or modifications not previously approved by GRAND-AM must be submitted for consideration of approval not less than 90 days prior to the date of intended use in GRAND-AM competition. The applicant will be notified of approval or rejection no less than 15 days before the date of intended use. 1-1.3 All approved automobile components (including but not limited to brakes, wheels, shocks, driveline components, body parts, etc.) must be available for sale to the public in a regular product offering. 1-1.4 Equipment will not be considered as having been approved by reason of having passed through inspection unobserved. 1-1.5 GRAND-AM may allow alternative specifications, in specific circumstances in individual classes, different from the specifications listed in these General Regulations. 1-2 Definitions Automobile or car is used throughout the GRAND -AM Rule Book to mean the GRAND-AM-approved engine block/crankcase and body shell/chassis combination. During a race neither the body shell/chassis nor engine block may be replaced. 1-3 Measurements - Measurements will be made while the car is stationary on a flat horizontal surface or as provided by GRAND-AM. 1-3.1 GRAND-AM templates may be used to check any car for body dimensions or configuration. 1-4 Equivalence Formula The following standard formula will be used throughout the GRANDAM Rule Book. 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters = 25.4 millimeters 1 foot = 12 inches = 0.3048 meters 1 mile = 1760 yards = 5280 feet = 1.60934 kilometers 1 square inch = 6.452 square centimeters 1 cubic inch = 16.387 cubic centimeters 1 U.S. gallon = 4 U.S. quarts = 231 cubic inches = 3.785 liters 1 pound = 16 ounces = 453.592 grams 1 mile per hour = 1.467 feet per second = 1.60934 kilometers per hour 1 millimeter = 0.1 centimeters = 0.03937 inches 1 meter = 3.281 feet = 1.0936 yards 1 kilometer = 1000 meters = 1093.6 yards = 0.62137 miles 1 cubic centimeter = 0.061 cubic inches 1 liter = 1000 cubic centimeters = 61.0255 cubic inches = 0.264 U.S. gallon 1 kilogram = 1000 grams = 2.2046 pounds 1 kilometer per hour = 0.62137 miles per hour
Cylinder volume = bore X bore X stroke X 0.7854. Cylinder volume = bore(mm) X bore(mm) X stroke (mm) X .0007854 Engine displacement = cylinder volume x number of cylinders 1 bar = 14.5 psi Atmospheric Pressure = 29.92 HG = 14.673 psi = 1.013 bar Average Speed = 3600 x length of track x number of laps / total of time in seconds SECTION 2 - BODYWORK REGULATIONS 2-1 Bodywork 2-1.1 With the exception of the lower half of the complete wheels, the bodywork must cover all mechanical components when seen from above. All bodywork must be contiguous and cover all mechanical components when viewed from above or from the side. 2-1.2 All bodywork must be rigidly secured to the entirely sprung part of the car (chassis/body unit), must be securely fixed and remain immobile in relation to this part while the car is in motion. 2-1.3 Any device or construction that is designed to bridge the gap between the sprung part of the car and the ground is prohibited. 2-1.4 The external shape and recognizable features of the body must not be changed. Original roofline, front and back window angle and shape must be maintained. All bodywork must be acceptable to GRAND-AM Officials. 2-1.5 Air Inlets Add on air inlets are not permitted. Snorkel-type air intakes are not allowed. 2-1.6 Front and rear overhang, and wheelbase must remain original or as approved. 2-1.7 Doors - The dimensions and functions of the doors must remain original. The door hinges in the Rolex Series may be replaced. 2-1.8 All bodywork joints in the vicinity of the fueling connections must be designed in such a way as to prevent any leakage of fuel into the engine compartment or cockpit during fueling. Bodywork, joints/seams may not be taped or covered in any way. 2-1.9 Cars competing in DP and GT classes are permitted to use paint protection film on their bodywork. 2-1.10 Where mentioned, NACA ducts must comply with the following definition: NACA duct: A submerged duct intended to draw air into or exhaust air from an aerodynamic surface, and roughly conforming to the outlines specified in NACA reference paper naca-acr-5i20. See the attached link: Adaptations of the shape may be accepted by Grand Am, but a duct described as a NACA duct must conform to the general shape and principles contained in this reference paper. 2-2 Rear Wing - All Rolex cars must use the Crawford wing in its as delivered form. For 2011 a new wing plate is required for DP. The finish cannot be altered/painted/covered (including tape) in any way. Removable die cut vinyl sponsorship decals may be applied per the approval of GRAND-AM Technical Inspection. 2-3 Hood Pins are required securing the hood and deck lid and it must be possible to remove or open them without the use of tools. The pins or catches used must hold the hood or body panel in its normal standard position and location at all times. 2-4 Windshield Wiper Motor, position, blades and mechanism are free (Rolex Series only). 2-5 Headlights - Headlights are required for all night races and must be in the stock locations. 2-5.1 Any other auxiliary lights (Rolex Series only) must be located within the bodywork. 2-5.2 During all Rolex Series events where headlights are required, all GT category cars must use yellow/amber tinted headlight lenses. Daytona Prototypes are not permitted to tint the headlight covers or lenses. 2-5.3 In events run in darkness, where headlights are required, headlights and taillights must remain functional and on when the car is stopped and/or if the engine is not
running. 2-5.4 It is not permitted to use flashing or strobe effect headlights while on course at night. Flashing or strobe lights may be used in conjunction with the speed limiter in pit lane. Headlights may be turned on and off (individual flashes) in daytime conditions. 2-6 Windshield/Rear Window 2-6.1 All Rolex DP and Prep 2 GT cars may be required to use polycarbonate (Lexan) windshields and rear window. Polycarbonate windshield and rear window must be positively retained by cam locks or 10-32 threaded fasteners thru the panel at a maximum spacing of 10 along top, sides, and bottom or must be secured by GRAND-AM approved alternate. Refer to GT Rules 4-4 for rear window retention. 2-6.2 Rolex Prep 1 GT and Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge cars glass windshield and rear window must be mounted using OEM standard including adhesive. Prep 1 GT cars additional retention must be provided by tabs at a maximum spacing of 10 along top, sides and bottom or must be secured by GRAND-AM approved alternate. Refer to GT Rules 4-4 for rear window retention. Prep 1 GT cars may use polycarbonate windshield and rear window if retained per 2-6.1. Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge cars may add windshield retention clips. SECTION 3 - ENGINE REGULATIONS 3-1 General Engine Eligibility 3-1.1 The eligible engines will be determined, selected, and approved by GRAND-AM. It is mandatory that all major components and parts be for sale to the public in a regular product offering. All engines and component parts must be approved by GRAND-AM prior to their being used in competition. 3-1.2 All engines must have an easily visible serial number (duplicate numbered engines will result in a $10,000 fine to the entrant). 3-1.3 The use of magnesium or any ceramic component is not allowed unless stated in engine specs. 3-1.4 Only a direct mechanical linkage between the throttle pedal and the engine is allowed unless an alternate system is approved by GRAND-AM. 3-1.5 The following characteristics must be identical with the production engine as approved by GRAND-AM. Cylinder Block - number and angle of cylinders, material, number of main bearings and type, location of camshaft, overall configuration, and cylinder bore centerline. Engine blocks are allowed a maximum .030 overbore. Cylinder Head - number of valves per cylinder, arrangement, location, angle, and type of actuation, and spring type. Combustion chamber, location and orientation of spark plug, number of intake and exhaust ports, shape and location of ports at mating faces of manifolds, angle of port face relative to mating face of head to block. 3-2 Pistons/Rods - (Rolex Series only) 3-2.1 Only solid magnetic steel connecting rods are allowed, except that titanium connecting rods may be used in GT (if fitted in production engine) and Daytona Prototype on approved engines under 4.0L. 3-3 Cylinder Heads 3-3.1 Only manufacturers' production or GRAND-AM-approved cylinder heads allowed. 3-3.2 Only steel or titanium valves. 3-3.3 Only magnetic steel valve springs are allowed. 3-4 Crankshaft 3-4.1 Only magnetic steel crankshafts are allowed. 3-4.2 Unless otherwise approved, the stock production angles of the crank throws must be retained. 3-5 Camshaft, Valve Lifter, and Rocker Arms
3-5.1 Rocker arms, lifters and steel pushrods may be replaced with aftermarket components with GRAND-AM approval. SECTION 4 - ELECTRICAL 4-1 Ignition System 4-1.1 The ignition system must be approved by GRAND-AM. 4-1.2 Magnetos are not allowed. 4-1.3 The distributor (if used) must mount in the stock location. 4-1.4 Unless otherwise approved, the standard firing order must be maintained. 4-2 Electrical System 4-2.1 A master electrical disconnect switch is required within reach of the driver. All cars are required to have additional electrical and fire system switches located outside of the car on the cowl at the base of drivers side A pillar. 4-2.2 Batteries All batteries must be lead-acid technology, either wet cell, AGM, or gelcell matrix permitted. No other forms of electrochemical energy storage are allowed. 12-volt systems only - must be securely mounted, sealed, and insulated. 4-2.3 A starter must be fitted and be in working order at all times. Cars must be equipped with a battery that is able to start the car at all times. The driver must be able to operate the starter when seated normally. 4-2.4 Electronic or digital dash is allowed. 4-2.5 Fuel pumps must shut off when the engine stops running. Fuel pumps may have a bypass for start-up. 4-3 Traction Control - (Rolex Series only) 4-3.1 Traction control or stability control are not permitted in any class. Any car suspected of using traction control, stability control or any like device will be impounded until GRAND-AM completes an investigation. If it determined by GRAND-AM Officials that any form of traction control is used the entrant and drivers will have their GRAND-AM privileges suspended for a period of up to one year .The results of GRAND-AMs investigation and subsequent decisio ns cannot be appealed. 4-3.2 All other automatic or electronic chassis control systems or functions are prohibited. This includes but not limited to: ABS/anti-lock brakes - power brakes throttle and/or brake activated traction control - automatic or semi-automatic shift transmissions - power-actuated clutches - electronically or automatically adjusted drive differential systems - damper suspension - ride height adjustment moveable ballast. ABS is not allowed in Rolex GT Series unless specified in specific car listings. 4.4 Lighting 4-4.1 During events and sessions in darkness, at least one operating head, tail and brake light is required. Cars will be black flagged in order to repair, if not in compliance. SECTION 5 - COOLING 5-1 Cooling System 5-1.1 Water Pump - Only mechanically driven water pumps are allowed. 5-1.2 Fan - Only electric radiator cooling fans are allowed. 5-1.3 Expansion tank in engine compartment is allowed. 5-1.4 All cars in all classes of competition are allowed to use additional engine, transmission and differential oil coolers, provided no external bodywork modifications are required. SECTION 6 - ENGINE LUBRICATION/DRY SUMP 6-1 Oil Reservoir Tank 6-1.1 Oil reservoir tank must be mounted within the main chassis framework. 6-1.2 All oil lines must be armor-braided with AN threaded coupling. SECTION 7 - EXHAUST
7-1 Exhaust System 7-1.1 Unless otherwise approved exhaust system must remain within the perimeter of the bodywork when viewed from above. Mufflers are mandatory. 7-1.2 Sound levels generated by individual cars may not exceed 106 dba. Compliance will be determined by static measurements taken at 18 inches from the ground, five feet back and five feet offset to the exhaust outlet. 7-1.3 Titanium exhaust systems are not permitted. SECTION 8 - DRIVE TRAIN 8-1 Drive Train - Semi-automatic or automatic gearboxes and differentials with electronic, pneumatic, hydraulic or mechanical adjustable slip control are prohibited. 8-1.1 Four-wheel drive is not allowed. (Rolex Series Only) 8-1.2 Viscous differentials are not allowed. (Rolex and Continental Tire Series) 8-1.3 The transmission must be designed so if the car is stopped and/or the engine has stalled, it can be freely pushed or towed. 8-1.4 All cars must have a working reverse gear, which can be selected while the engine is running and the driver is seated normally. 8-2 Artificial Heating - For qualifying and/or the race, artificial heating of the engine/oil sump tank transmission, rear end assembly, wheels/tires, and/or tire gas is not permitted. SECTION 9 - WHEELS AND TIRES 9-1 Official Tire - Rolex Series - The official tire brand of the Rolex Sports Car Series is Continental . See class rules for more information. 9-2 Official Tire Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge - The official tire brand for the Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge is the Continental Racing Tire. See Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge section for more information. 9-3 Control - GRAND-AM will control the eligibility of tires in its sanctioned Events. GRAND-AM may 9-3.1 Require competitors to use the same tires used in qualifying to start the race. 9-3.2 Limit the number of tires used in competition. 9-3.3 Require all competitors to use the same type of tire. 9-3.4 Mark, impound, or exchange the competitors tires at any time. 9-3.5 Prohibit the use of any tire that has, or a GRAND-AM official believes to have been, treated with a substance that may alter the properties of the tire. 9-3.6 All competitors must use the appropriate brand tire, as supplied by the manufacturer at the track, during all on-track sessions. All cars must display the appropriate unmodified official tire company decal on both front fenders above each front tire at all times. To be eligible for tire company awards, all drivers must display the appropriate tire company patch on the upper left of the chest area of their drivers suit. 9-3.7 If it is determined by GRAND-AM Officials that any form of unapproved testing and or testing on non series tires has taken place the entrant and drivers will have their GRAND-AM privileges suspended for a period of up to one year. The results of GRAND-AMs investigation and subsequent decisions cannot be appealed. 9-4 Responsibility - It is the responsibility of the team to confirm with the tire supplier for their class that tires will be available at each race. 9-5 Disposal Competitors in Rolex GT and Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge are responsible for proper disposal of used tires. 9-6 Tire Warmers - The use of tire warmers or any other means of artificially warming tires is prohibited. 9-7 Tire Air Pressure Pressure control valves are prohibited. 9-7.1 Tire temperature sensors of any kind are not permitted (all classes). 9-7.2 Tire pressure monitors are not allowed in Rolex GT or Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge. 9-8 Carbon fiber and Wide Five wheels are not allowed. 9-9 Wheel Attachment (Rolex Series only) - Spline-drive nuts are not allowed.
9-10 Wheel Diameter (Rolex Series only) - All wheels must be 18-inch diameter. SECTION 10 - CHASSIS 10-1 Suspension 10-1.1 Suspension - The type, number of mounting points, components and uprights must remain as approved. Coil springs - steel only, maximum four. The springing medium must not consist solely of flexible arms or bushings. There must be suspension travel in excess of any flexibility in the attachments. 10-1.2 All suspension components must be approved by GRAND-AM. 10-1.3 Rubber joints may be replaced with uniball joints (Rolex Series only). 10-1.4 Front and rear anti-roll bars are allowed. (see specific series regulations) 10-1.5 Driver adjustable springs and shock absorbers are not allowed. 10-1.6 Shocks - only one per wheel, and only one remote canister per shock is allowed. Driver, electronic or hydraulic adjustments are not allowed. Metallic or compressible fluids are not allowed. Cross-connected shocks/remote canisters are not allowed. 10-1.7 Chromium plating of steel suspension parts is not allowed. 10-1.8 Suspension Parts - All suspension parts must be made from homogeneous metallic materials. 10-2 Steering 10-2.1 All automobiles must use the two front wheels for steering. 10-2.2There must be a continuous metal linkage between the steering wheel and the steered front wheels. 10-2.3 A magnetic steel collapsible steering shaft and a quick release metal steering wheel coupling is required (Rolex Series only). 10-2.4 Power steering is allowed. 10-2.5 Four-wheel steering is not allowed. 10-3 Frame/Roll Cage 10-3.1 All roll cage components must be made of round magnetic seamless steel tubing and welded. The chassis must incorporate a full roll cage per normal industry standards. 10-3.2 Roll cage should include: Main roll bar #1. Front roll bar legs #2 A&B. Roof halo bar #3. Roof center bar #4. Center windshield bar #4A. Main roll bar diagonal bar #5. Horizontal tunnel bar #6. Horizontal shoulder bar #7. Dashboard bar #8. At least three NASCAR style door bars #9A are recommended on both the right and left sides as applicable. The door bars rear-mounting point should be at the main roll hoop bulkhead and the front mounting point must be at the Front roll bar legs #2 A or B. The door bars must include at least three equally spaced vertical uprights and at least two horizontal bars on the drivers side that must extend outward to the outer door skin from the lower door bar down to the mainframe rail/rocker panel. Vent window bar 10 A&B. Rear support bars #13 A&B plus a diagonal, or X cross bars. See exhibit #1 exploded view of basic roll cage, section 17. 10-3.3 Bars number 1, 2, 3, 4, 4A, 5, *6, *7, *8, 9A and 13 A&B must be round magnetic seamless steel tubing at least 1.750 inches diameter X 0.090 inch minimum wall thickness. *Bars number 6, 7, and 8 may also be 1.750 inch square tubing X 0.090-inch minimum wall thickness. Proof of material and structural design is the responsibility of the entrant and must be acceptable to GRAND-AM officials. 10-3.4 Carbon fiber as the primary structural component is not allowed. 10-3.5 Door bars and/or a roll cage of an alternate configuration may be approved by GRAND-AM. 10-3.6 Specific FIA-approved manufacturer-installed roll cages may be accepted following GRAND-AM review of FIA homologation papers. These must be provided by the entrant wishing to use the FIA cage. GRAND-AM may require additional structure and/or material dimension and support changes to these cages before being approved.
10-4 Air Jacks - On board air jacking system is permitted. (Rolex Series only) 10-4.1 A maximum of four (4) air jacks may be installed, with a maximum opening diameter of 3.750 inches for each jack in the floor bottom. 10-4.2 Onboard compressed air bottles are prohibited. 10-4.3 The floor/bottom of the car may have no openings other than those required for the onboard air jacks. 10-5 Car Weight/Ballast 10-5.1 Minimum weight will be less fuel and driver, as raced. 10-5.2 Any ballast added must be bolted in a location acceptable to GRAND-AM officials. 10-5.3 Weights must be in solid form (no pellets) and not less than five pounds. 10-5.4 It is prohibited to add or remove weight or change to a lighter component during the race. 10-5.5 GRAND-AM reserves the right to check vehicle weight at any time during an event. 10-5.6 GRAND-AM reserves the right to adjust minimum weights. SECTION 11 - BRAKES 11-1 Brakes - Brakes must meet the following requirements. 11-1.1 Only magnetic cast iron or cast steel rotors. 11-1.2 Titanium pistons are allowed in brake calipers. (Rolex only) 11-1.3 Unless originally as produced, the brake pedal must operate all four wheels through a dual master cylinder system. 11-1.4 Unless otherwise allowed, anti-lock/ABS brakes and power brakes are prohibited. (Rolex Series only) 11-1.5 Carbon brake rotors are prohibited. 11-1.6 Brake pad material is unrestricted. Brake pad backing plates must be steel. 11-1.7 Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge - ABS is allowed in Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge when the factory ECU and ABS controller are used. GRAND-AM may specify an aftermarket ABS controller. 11-1.8 Brake bias (front to rear proportion) may be adjusted by the means of a manual adjuster. 11-2 Brake Cooling System - must meet the following requirements. 11-2.1 All brake cooling components, parts and installation must be acceptable to GRAND-AM officials. 11-2.2 Liquid and/or gas cooling of the brakes are not allowed. 11-2.3 Brake fluid re-circulating system is not allowed. SECTION 12 - FUEL/FUEL CELLS 12-1 Official Fuel - The Official Fuel of GRAND-AM is Sunoco Race Fuels Sunoco 260GTX. 12-1.1 Official fuel must be used exactly as supplied at the race track 12-1.2 Only air may be mixed with the fuel as an oxidant. 12-1.3 All competitors must use the official fuel, as supplied by the manufacturer at the track, during all on-track sessions. 12-1.4 Rotary engines in Rolex Series GT and Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge ST will be allowed to add two-cycle oil to their fuel. Teams must provide a sample of the oil and the mixture rate. 12-2 Sampling - GRAND-AM has the right to sample a competitor's fuel at any time. 12-3 Fuel Handling - Competitors are responsible for the safe and proper handling and security of their fuel from when it is dispensed to them until it is used. 12-3.1 Competitors are responsible for properly disposing of all unused fuel. 12-4 Fuel Cell/Fillers/Vents 12-4.1 GRAND-AM officials will reject any fuel cell, container, or check valve which appears to be damaged, defective, or does not function properly. 12-4.2 Fuel cells must be commercially manufactured and meet at least FIA Specification FT3, the bladder must have a printed code indicating the name of the manufacturer, the specification to which the tank has been manufactured and the
date of manufacture. Fuel cells must contain fuel cell foam to a minimum of 80% of the enclosed volume. 12-4.3 Fuel cells become obsolete five years after date of manufacture and must be replaced, unless inspected and recertified by the manufacturer for a period of two additional years. Entrant must provide proof of certification at each event. 12-4.4 Rolex Series or Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge cars using dual probe filler must be fitted with a dual probe fuel tank filler and vent system. Both the filler and the air vent must be equipped with a leak proof probe dry break coupling complying with the dead man principle. The couplings must not incorporate any retaining device when in an open position. The only permitted dry break is the unmodified ATL red head # RE105. Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge cars are permitted to use PP125DVR10 dry breaks from Read Head Valves. With 1 inch restrictor installed in line. 12-4.5 Fuel tank filler and vent may not protrude beyond the bodywork or be placed in a vulnerable location. GT and Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge cars must use flexible filler lines to fuel cell. 12-4.6 The filler/vent may not be situated in the rear windows. 12-4.7 Any breather pipe connecting the tank to the atmosphere must exit outside the bodywork and must be fitted with a gravity activated rollover valve to control fuel loss under any condition. 12-4.8 The fill tube from the cover plate may extend no farther than six inches into the enclosed volume of the fuel cell bladder .The fill tube must be straight and may not have any swirl pots ,diffusers or any other augmentation .The top or side mounted fuel cell fill/cover plate must be removable for inspection. Bottom fill panels are not permitted. The fill tube cannot enter the fuel cell below a point 13 inches above the bottom of the fuel cell. 12-4.9 At least three of the mounting bolts that fasten all fuel cell top /side and or bottom covers to the fuel cell bladder must be drilled to allow wire sealing by GRANDAM after inspection. 12-4.10 There must be a valve, supplied by the manufacturer, in the fuel cell top cover, which seals in the event of the filler hose being knocked off. 12-4.11 All fittings in the rubber fuel cell bladder including air vents, inlets, outlets, tank fillers, inter-tank connectors and access openings must be metal fittings bonded to the bladder. 12-4.12 All fuel cell installations must be approved by GRAND-AM technical department prior to competition. Pictures and or drawings must be supplied. 12-5 Fuel Lines 12-5.1 All lines must be fitted in such a way that any leakage cannot result in accumulation of fluid in the cockpit. 12-5.2 All fuel lines must have threaded connectors and be armor braided. 12-6 Fuel Pumps - are free except: 12-6.1 May not be mounted in driver/passenger compartment. 12.6-2 Fuel pumps must shut off when the engine stops running. Fuel pumps may have a by-pass for start-up. 12-7 Fuel Capacity 12-7.1 Any device, system, procedure, construction or design, for the purpose and/or effect of increasing whatsoever, even temporarily, the total fuel storage capacity beyond the maximum is prohibited. 12-7.2 Any device used to adjust fuel cell capacity beneath the maximum cannot be located in drivers compartment. 12-7.3 Rolex Series maximum allowed total onboard fuel capacity is 24 U.S. gallons for Daytona Prototype and 22 gallons for GT. See Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge section for Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge fuel capacity.
12-7.4 GRAND-AM reserves the right to adjust the fuel capacity. Capacity will be measured using GRAND-AM measuring devices/procedures. 12-7.5 Regardless of whether a fuel system/cell has been sealed or not, GRAND-AM may measure and act on any inconsistencies at any time.
SECTION 13 - DATA ACQUISITION/RECORDING 13-1 Telemetry - is not allowed, except for Daytona Prototypes. See Daytona Prototypes section for more information. 13-2 Data Acquisition - Engine/chassis data acquisition system having a separate wiring system with visible wire tracing ability is allowed. (Rolex Series only) Downloading of any kind is not permitted during qualifying. 13-3 Radios One working two-way voice radio with car-to-pit communication capability is required in all classes at all times. 13-3.1 Radio Frequencies MUST be registered with GRAND-AM and Speedcom. 13-3.2 Radio signals cannot be encrypted or scrambled. Frequency hopping, Digital or Project 25 radios and trunking equipment are not permitted. Frequency range limited to 450 to 470 mega hertz. Power limited to 10 watts on mobile, repeater and base units and 4 watts on hand held units. 13-3.3 Teams are limited to a maximum of four frequencies. GRAND-AM may choose to record conversations to be reviewed at a later date. 13-3.4 GRAND-AM recognizes that the FCC by law requires radio frequency users to be licensed. GRAND-AM recommends that you contact Speedcom for your licensing needs at 386-760-7110. 13-3.5 GRAND-AM requires that all teams monitor the race control channel at all times their cars are scheduled to be on track. 13-3.6 Race Control must be monitored on frequency 461.6250 mz. 13-4 Transmitter - The official driver ID timing and scoring transmitter, or designated alternative located in the left front wheel well is required at all times. Driver ID plugs MUST be located on drivers helmets during official practice, qualifying, and race. If not functioning properly, the car must pit to repair. A single exception will be allowed for a new car for their first official on track session. During a race, reasonable efforts must be made to repair and thereafter, GRAND-AM may use its discretion to continue scoring or not. 13-5 Data Recording - GRAND-AM reserves the right to view any/all data collected by a team/entrant at anytime. Each car in Rolex GT and Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge will make provisions for a data recorder as required by GRAND-AM upon request. GRAND-AM may specify a wiring harness to be used for data logger as provided by GRAND-AM. 13-5.1.1 Accident Data Recorders - GRAND-AM accident data recorders may be required in all cars for all on-track activities. The recorder will be supplied by GRAND-AM at the beginning of each event and collected immediately following the race. 13-5.1.2 Teams will be instructed on acquiring an approved mounting bracket at the appropriate time. The mounting bracket must be installed per GRAND-AM direction. 13-5.1.3 Installation drawings and instructions will be supplied by GRAND-AM. 13-5.1.4 In the event of an accident, a GRAND-AM Official will download the data from the recorder, photograph and/or film and document the damage, and collect other information as needed. 13-5.1.5 Analysis will be performed by GRAND-AM or a third party and data will be retained on a secure server. 13-5.1.6The purpose of the program is to acquire and provide information on accidents to support ongoing safety development. GRAND-AM may require the installation of the recorder made by Independent Witness in all Rolex cars and eventually in all Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge cars.
13-5.2 Only GRAND-AM specified EFI Level 4, Motec ADL, ADL2, ADL3 and Bosch data logging systems are permitted. All teams using specified data gather systems in Rolex DP and GT competition must use the following standardized tire circumference roll-out in the set up of their data: DP Front 2042mm Rear 2212mm 265/645R18-2032mm 285/645R18-2032mm 305/660R18-2080mm 325/680R18-2145mm Failure to use these dimensions in qualifying or the race may result in loss of points and/or fine. SECTION 14 - IDENTIFICATION AND MARKINGS 14-1 Competition Numbers - Numbers will be assigned and required by GRAND-AM. 14-1.1 Daytona Prototype - Block numbers at least 12 inches high by 2 inch stroke and must be separated by at least 2 inches, must be applied between the wheel arches below a longitudinal line 20 inches above the flat floor reference plane. The number strokes must be separated from one another by at least 2 inches. Numbers at least 8 inches high by 1 inch stroke must be on the front of the car and in a visible location. All car numbers must be of a contrasting color to the car and cannot be chrome. GRAND-AM may pre-approve alternate color and number designs. 14-1.2 GT and Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge cars - Block numbers at least 12 inches high by two-inch stroke and must be separated by at least 2 inches, must be applied between the wheel arches below a longitudinal line 20 inches above the rocker panel. The number strokes must be separated from one another by at least 2 inches. Numbers at least 8 inches high by 1 inch stroke must be on the front and back of the car and in a visible location. All car numbers must be of a contrasting color to the car and cannot be chrome. GRAND-AM may pre-approve alternate color and number designs. 14-1.3 All numbers must be acceptable to the Series Manager, Timing & Scoring, Race Control, and Course Workers. 14-2 Logos and Brand marks 14-2.1 Conflicting series/sanctioning body identification or conflicting official mandatory product identification (fuel, tires, etc.) of any kind must be removed from race cars and uniforms while participating at any GRAND-AM event. 14-2.2 All conflicting series sponsor or official product identification of any kind must be removed from race cars and uniforms while participating at any GRAND-AM event, unless otherwise authorized in writing by GRAND-AM. 14-2.3 GRAND-AM may refuse to permit, or may restrict or assign the size or placement of decals, identification, and advertising of any kind on a car, transporter, pit equipment, or uniforms for any reason. All GRAND-AM members agree to accept GRAND-AM's decision in this regard. 14-2.4 GRAND-AM may refuse to permit a competitor to participate in an Event if GRAND-AM determines that any advertising, sponsorship or similar agreement to which the competitor (or a car owner, driver or crew member related to the competitor) is or will be a party to, is detrimental to the sport, to GRAND-AM, or to the Promoter for any reason, including without limitation the public image of the sport. 14-2.5 Advertising slogans and designs are subject to approval by GRAND-AM. 14-2.6 GRAND-AM will designate an area on the car for: -Decals, advertising or identification of series sponsors. -Decals, advertising or identification of contingency program sponsors. -Such other decals, advertising or identification as GRAND-AM may in its sole discretion permit or require. GT
14-2.7 GRAND-AM will designate requirements for driver fire suits and crew uniforms. 14-2.8 Windshield signage is permitted if approved by GRAND-AM. GRAND-AM may require exclusive windshield signage. (Refer to individual series diagrams at the end of each category section for the above information.) 14-3 Rig Identification All race car transporters and support vehicles with access to the garage/paddock area must have clearly visible in the front windscreen and on the rear doors, the team name, car number and category, and awning dimension. SECTION 15 - SAFETY EQUIPMENT 15-1 Driver Equipment - The following items must be worn/used during all on-track activity and must be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. It is the sole responsibility of the driver to ensure that all safety items are correctly installed, maintained and properly used. All driver safety equipment including nets, belts, restraint devices, etc. must remain on and in place until the car comes to a stop in its pit location. All equipment must be installed and be in proper place prior to the car leaving the pit space. 15-1.1 Helmet of recognized high quality approved by the Snell Foundation or British Standard BS6658-85 Type A/FR (Red label). 15-1.2 Effective January 1, 2009, all drivers helmets are required to be fitted with eject Helmet removal system. Contact: Toto Lassally, Speedcom 386-760-7110 15-1.3 Nomex or equivalent fire-resistant driving suit meeting SFI or FIA standards with a minimum of two layers and full-length underwear of similar material. 15-1.4 Gloves, shoes, and socks made of fire-resistant material. 15-1.5 A six-point driver restraint system - lap belt and shoulder harness minimum three inches wide or FIA standards 8853-98 or NASCAR standard. The system must conform to the manufacturers mounting instructions, and it must be configured, maintained and used in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. It is the sole responsibility of the driver to ensure that the system is correctly installed, maintained and properly used. The system must be dated by the manufacturer, and must not be used beyond three years after date of manufacture. 15-1.6 Head and Neck Restraint Device/System It is mandatory that drivers use an approved system. The system must conform to the manufacturers mounting instructions, and it must be configured, maintained and used in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. It is the sole responsibility of the driver to ensure that the Device/System is correctly installed, maintained and properly used. The following is the only current system approved by GRAND-AM: HANSmanufacturer Hubbard/Downing, Inc. contact Trish England in Customer Service at 888-426-7999 (for overseas calls use 770-457-1046) or 151.7 GT and Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge cars A drivers side window net meeting SFI Specification 27.1 is required. It must latch in the upper forward corner and cannot be mounted to the bodywork. The system must be dated by the manufacturer, and must not be used beyond three years after date of manufacture. 15-1.8 All areas of the cockpit (including roll cage tubes, upper frame rails and any other object) that are within the proximity of the driver in his seated position must be padded. The padding must be dense-foam hard coat, approved padding, (the SFI approved padding) offered by CV Products, RPXpress, and others) acceptable to GRAND-AM Officials. 15-1.9 Seats must be rigidly mounted and incorporate a headrest. Adjustable sliding seats must have positive retention in both forward and rearward directions so as not to slide during impact. DP Seats: - All DP seat systems must incorporate rigid lateral support and restraint at the head, shoulder and hips for all entered drivers, and must have a
rigidly affixed head pad (minimum 6h x6w) behind the drivers head with a minimum of 2 SFI 45.2 padding. - Seats must be carbon fiber shell rigidly mounted to the chassis at the base and seatback. Alternate construction seats may be submitted to GRANDAM for approval. - The shell must contain 1 minimum of impact padding measured perpendicular to the seat back. Padding may taper to less than 1 at edges or non support areas. Padding must be either bead foam or SFI 45.2. - Inserts must also be bead foam or SFI 45.2 padding molded to driver. No gaps between insert and seat. - Gap between seat back and firewall must be filled with padding to prevent shell deflection in rear impacts. - Lateral head support, if used, may be part of seat or chassis mounted, and must be rigid and have minimum of 2 SFI 45.2 padding. - All seats and head restraint materials must be fire resistant or covered in fire resistant material such as Nomex or Carbonex. GT and Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge - All seat systems must incorporate rigid lateral support and restraint at the head, shoulder, and hips for all entered drivers, and must have a rigidly affixed head pad (minimum 6h x6w) behind the drivers head with a minimum of 2 SFI 45.2 padding. - FIA approved seats are recommended. - The seat must contain 1 minimum of impact padding measured perpendicular to the seat back. Padding may taper to less than 1 at edges or non support areas. Padding must be either bead foam or SFI 45.2 or as delivered on FIA approved seats. - Inserts must also be bead or SFI 45.2 padding molded to driver. No gaps between insert and seat. - It is recommended that seats be rigidly mounted to the chassis at the base and seatback. - If seat adjusters are used they must be approved by GRAND-AM. Single rail locking systems are not allowed. It is recommended that adjustable seats incorporate a structure or mechanism that provides lateral stability to the seat at shoulder level in all fore/aft positions. - All seat and head restraint materials must be fire resistant or covered in fire resistant material such as Nomex or Carbonex. 15-1.10 The use of center and door side nets is required. Only GRAND-AM approved mounting kits and SFI 37.1 Kevlar approved nets are allowed. The only approved release mechanisms are the Safety Solutions swing-close hasp and the Safecraft bullet release. The Safecraft release may be used in combination with the swing-close hasp. Daytona Prototypes: Must use only constructor supplied installation kits. Net Installation: For seats without lateral head supports the nets should be along the longitudinal centerline of car. Net should be as close to helmet as possible, with minimal angular divergence allowed. For seats with lateral head supports the installation is similar but net must be in contact with head support and attached slightly inboard at the rear so as to partially wrap around the support. The nets should be installed with some tension. Upper strap of net must be at or above center of gravity of helmet for all drivers. 15-2 Fire Extinguishers for GT and Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge Daytona Prototypes see Section 13.1.1 15-2.1 It is mandatory that all racecars have a built-in fire extinguishing system, minimum
capacity 10 pounds (Halon 1211 or equivalent), with discharge nozzles at the cockpit, fuel cell and engine compartment. The actuator must be within the driver's reach. Fire system must be mounted so the mandatory gauge is visible at all times. All cars must identify all extinguisher and electrical cut off switches with appropriate E and Spark decals. All cars are required to have additional electrical and fire switches located outside of the car on the cowl or bodywork at the base of the drivers side A pillar. 15-3 Towing Eyes - All cars must be equipped with a strong steel, steel cable, Kevlar rope or at least 6000 series aluminum, clearly marked towing eye front and rear. The towing eye must have an eye diameter of not less than two inches and not more than four inches with a minimum thickness of 0.312-inch. Towing eyes must be painted a contrasting color - red, yellow or orange. 15-4 Delphi Safety Light System- Rolex and Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge cars must use the Delphi Course Condition In Car Safety System. GRAND-AM will supply each registered car with the wiring harness kit and the receiver. The receiver and complete mounting bracket must be installed as a system, once issued by GRAND-AM, remains the property of GRAND-AM at all times. If not returned upon GRAND-AMs request, the entrant will automatically be fined $2000 for replacement. All cars must have the system functioning before any official on track activity. 15-5 In-Car T.V. Camera All ROLEX Sports Car Series Daytona Prototype and GT cars must mount on their roof either an actual in-car camera or the in-car camera replacement dummy unit. The unmodified dummy unit must be mounted on the opposite side of center-line of the car from the driver 12.5 inches rearward of the trailing edge of the windshield and 4.5 inches off of the centerline of the roof. Each dummy unit is dimensionally identical to an actual camera unit. The dummy unit is available in advance from BSR as part # BSR.CP.2004 (Contact BSR, 704-795-0901) or is available at the track from the RPXpress or CV Products trailers. SECTION 16 - FINAL TEXT 16-1 Final Text - The final text is the GRAND-AM Road Racing Association regulations, which will be used, should any dispute arise over their interpretation.
Minimum 1/2" angle or 1/2" tubing, aluminum or steel. Bottom must be bolted to firewall or cowl, or welded to roll cage structure. Top to be attached to roll cage at roof bar #3. Minimum spacing between braces is 8.
DAYTONA PROTOTYPE REGULATIONS 2011 Rule Book As of 1/5/11 SECTION 1 - REGULATIONS 1-1 Classifications 1-2 Competition 1-3 Approval 1-4 Eligibility SECTION 2 - BODYWORK 2-1 Bodywork 2-2 Headlights 2-3 Aerodynamic Devices Ducts Vents - Louvers SECTION 3 WEIGHT 3-1 Minimum Weight SECTION 4 ENGINE ELIGIBILITY AND MODIFICATIONS 4-1 Eligibility 4-2 General Engine Requirements 4-3 Detailed Engine Requirements SECTION 5 TRANSAXLE/DRIVETRAIN 5-1 Approved Models 5-2 Clutch/Flywheel 5-3 Maximum Forward Gears
5-4 Sequential Gear Change 5-5 Gear Ratios 5-6 Bell Housing 5-7 Axle Retention 5-8 Attenuator SECTION 6 WHEELS & TIRES 6-1 Official Tire 6-2 Tire Control 6-3 Tire Testing 6-4 Wheels SECTION 7 SUSPENSION 7-1 Design 7-2 Rear Suspension 7-3 Active Suspension 7-4 Shock Absorbers SECTION 8 CHASSIS 8-1 Basic Dimensions SECTION 9 - BRAKES 9-1 Rotors 9-2 Calipers 9-3 Brake Hat 9-4 Rolex 24 Brake Systems 9-5 DP Brake Systems SECTION 10 FUEL SYSTEM 10-1 Specification 10-2 Location 10-3 Fueling 10-4 Fuel Capacity SECTION 11 - TELEMETRY/DATA RECORDING SECTION 12 - IDENTIFICATION 12-1 Identification 12-2 Engine Identification SECTION 13 - SAFETY EQUIPMENT 13-1 Fire Extinguishers 13-2 Wheel Tethers
GRAND-AM DAYTONA PROTOTYPES SECTION 1 - REGULATIONS 1-1 Classifications - GRAND-AM has developed these specifications for competition automobiles that will participate in the category titled Daytona Prototypes. 1-1.1 Daytona Prototype coupes are closed-cockpit, mid-engine automobiles, with a complete frame (non-stressed engine). 1-2 Competition 1-2.1 Daytona Prototype coupes will compete in a single classification. 1-3 Approval 1-3.1 Daytona Prototype coupes may only be built by constructors approved by GRANDAM. 1-3.2 The list of chassis suppliers approved for construction of Daytona Prototypes is closed. Until further notice, no additional chassis plans will be considered for approval by the GRAND-AM Road Racing Association. 1-3.3 Once approval has been given, no changes, modifications or adjustments in any form may be made to the approved chassis, suspension and or body design unless specifically allowed in these regulations. Approved parts must be the
same as the example or specifications that GRAND-AM has on record. It is each competitors responsibility that all components are in compliance at all times. 1-3.4 A current Approved Constructor List (chassis and bodywork) is available from GRAND-AM at 386-310-6500 or online at 1-4 Eligibility 1-4.1 The only approved constructors of Daytona Prototype chassis for the 2011 season are: Riley Bill Riley 704-526-8758 Proto Auto LLC Lola Daytona Prototype Jeff Hazell 770-965-0835 Lola Cars Stephen Charsley 704-657-8143 Coyote Eddie Cheever 317-713-3191
Crawford Max Crawford 704-483-8726 1-4.2 Any Daytona Prototype chassis, built to the original 2003-2010 specification that was registered for competition with GRAND-AM is eligible to compete. SECTION 2 - BODYWORK 2-1 Bodywork 2-1.1 The bottom of the car must be flat from the front bulkhead to the rear axle centerline and the full width of the bodywork, side to side with a tolerance of +.25 -.00 inches. Rub blocks may be added to the underside of the flat bottom behind the front axle centerline of the car. There may be a maximum of six areas, each 3 inches x 3 inches to accommodate the installation of rub blocks. The maximum thickness of the rub blocks in the rub block area is 0.250 inch. These rub blocks may protrude below the minimum ground clearance requirement of 1.5 inches. The bodywork between the front and rear wheels below the axle centerline may be moved inward to a minimum overall width of 77 inches exposing the flat floor (reference plane) to a maximum of 1 inch on either side. Add on components are not allowed. 2-1.2 The under side of the flat bottom will serve as the reference plane for all subsequent measurements unless otherwise specified. 2-1.3 No sprung part of the car is permitted below the reference plane, except the rub blocks referred to in 2-1.1. 2-1.4 Bodywork must fully cover the circumference of all of the wheels and tires above the axle centerlines, as viewed from above, and all other mechanical components, except the radiator. 2-1.5 The area directly behind the frontal projection of the rear tires may have aero devices added respecting all other originally approved body dimensions regulations. Bodywork may not be modified in any way. An up to maximum 60 square inch hole is allowed in the bodywork under the tail light and directly behind the frontal projection of the rear tire. 2-1.6 No ducts or openings are permitted from the front wheel well/arch to the engine/main roll hoop bulkhead along the vertical sides of the car, below a longitudinal plane of 20 inches above the flat floor reference plane. The
maximum size for a single duct per side, behind the engine/main roll hoop bulkhead on the sides of the car below the 20-inch reference is six inches high by 12 inches long. 2-1.7 The only air allowed to pass through the inside of the car from the dash bulkhead to the engine/main roll hoop bulkhead, must only pass above the side pod structure(s). 2-1.8 The rear engine bulkhead separating the driver compartment from the engine compartment must be maintained with no holes or openings of any kind. 2-1.9 Wheel wells/arches must be complete and remain open as viewed from the side. Wheel well covers/doors are prohibited. No modifications of any kind may be made to the original approved constructors wheel opening design. 2-1.10 All cars must be equipped with two functional outside/A-pillar/front fender rear view mirrors that must be a minimum dimension of 2 5/8 inches by 5 5/8 inches. An open unobstructed area measuring 7 inches by 11 inches (with a one-inch chamfer on each corner) must be maintained from the mirror to the rear of the car. 2-1.11 All cars must have a transparent polycarbonate rear window above the engine compartment with a minimum size of 865 square inches. Two clear plastic flush NACA ducts may be installed in the rear window. These ducts may not alter the profile of the roofline or rear window. These ducts may be used to duct intake air to the engine or duct air into or out of the engine compartment. Maximum size of each duct, 12 inches by nine inches. 2-1.12 An adjustable rear lip spoiler may be added to the rear of the original approved bodywork provided it complies with requirements for rearview mirror visibility as well as the other dimensional requirements for the class. The leading edge of the spoiler must not extend further forward than the leading edge of the rear wing. No air may pass under the bottom side of the spoiler. 2-1.13 With the introduction of new Daytona Prototype bodywork for the 2008 season, each registered Daytona Prototype car may use either the complete original approved bodywork or the complete new approved 2008 bodywork. Once a team has changed to the 2008 bodywork and the specific chassis/car enters and participates in an official practice at a race event, the individual team /registered car may no longer revert to the old approved bodywork. 2-1.14 Riley Technologies 2008 and later cars must use the wide rear engine cover decklid. 2-2 Headlights and tail/brake lights are required. 2-2.1 Additional driving lights are permitted. 2-2.2 The primary head and tail light of the cars engine manufacturer may be original, replacements of the same dimension, or represented by a GRAND-AM approved decal of the same dimension and shape, so long as fully functioning lights are maintained within the lens/decal area. Headlight and taillight shapes and sizes must come from the engine manufacturers current road car catalog. Headlights must be fitted and operational at all times. Primary headlights must be located forward of and outboard of the inner edge of the front tire and brake lights and taillights must be located above the rear axle centerline and aft of and outboard of the inner edge of the rear tire. 2-2.3 A high intensity red rear rain light (minimum 21 watt) must be mounted in the center rear of the car. 2-2.4 Headlamp and tail lamp changes must be approved by GRAND-AM. 2-3 Aerodynamic Devices Ducts Vents - Louvers 2-3.1 Any air intake ducts/openings in the exterior bodywork must duct all of the air directly to the brakes, through a cooler or directly into the engine compartment intakes or cockpit, or exhaust air from the cockpit. Additional ducting may be added to the door windows for driver cooling, subject to GRAND-AM technical staff approval. 2-3.2 The engine water radiator must be mounted forward of the front bulkhead, and
must exhaust the hot air out of the bodywork forward of the windshield. Viewed from above, the radiator may be visible. The radiator exhaust duct area may be adjustable in length but may not extend beyond the original body contour or be visible in side profile. A 0.500 inch gurney may be added to the radiator exhaust duct area. Any added material must be painted to match the car color. 2-3.3 Engine air intakes may only be located rearward of the side door window/opening and below the plane of the roof and may extend outwards from the plane of the vertical bodywork no more than three inches and be an integral part of the bodywork. Inlet air may also be ducted through clear NACA ducts in the rear window as described in 2-1.11. 2-3.4 Roof air inlets, or snorkel scoops are not permitted. A maximum of two 11 sq. inch vents may be installed in the roof for exhausting air from the cockpit. 2-3.5 The rear wing and end plates must be the spec GRAND-AM single element fixed rear wing and end plates mounted at the rear of the car and subject to the following limitations. The new (2011) design end plate is required on all cars. The wing must be the Crawford Composites spec rear wing, 72 inches wide. Maximum .750 inch wicker. Wing must be mounted so that no part of the wing or wicker is higher than 41 inches above the flat floor reference plane and so that no part of the wing extends beyond the perimeter of the car as viewed from above. Wing must be mounted symmetrical to the centerline of the car. For the 2011 Rolex 24 event the wing end plate will be the 12 inch long by six inch high Crawford composites wing end plate (As delivered in 2010 and prior years) and installed per article 2-3.5 in the 2010 Rulebook. Following the ROLEX 24 the new 2011 specification (described below) will be the only acceptable wing end plate. End plates are the new spec Crawford Composites end plate as delivered by Crawford with no modifications. End plates must be mounted using the provided holes and slots and must be oriented such that the top edge is horizontal +/- 1 deg. End plate may be higher than the 41 inch from flat-floor reference plane dimension. Wing must use the standard wing support mounting position as specified and approved by the supplier. Wing supports are to be made of flat aluminum or steel plate as submitted by the constructor and approved by GRAND-AM. Wing may not be adjustable from inside the car. The exclusive approved wing supplier is Crawford Composites. Contact Crawford Composites at 704-483-8726. Order part number TBD (Wing, with end plates and gurney, GRAND-AM Daytona Prototype, carbon/autoclaved) Wings cannot be painted or covered in any way. 2-3.6 Louvers above the front wheels/tires are required with a minimum of 30 square inches of opening. The louvers must not protrude more than one inch above the bodywork and no mechanical components (including the tires) may be visible when viewed from above (or perpendicular to the radius if on a curved surface). 2-3.7 Front spoiler/splitter may be used. The maximum spoiler/splitter length is four inches from the approved body work as viewed from above, respecting all maximum dimensions for car width and overhang. A single splitter with underside shape is approved by GRAND-AM for each type of chassis constructor. Alternative-configuration devices such as blockers and/or turning vanes are specifically approved by GRAND-AM for each chassis constructor. No modification to these specific approved components is permitted. A single wheel wicker on the leading edge of the front wheel opening may be added to each side of the car to a maximum height of 13 inches off the measuring (scale platform) surface. Wheel wickers must be compliant with all other requirements and
dimensions of the Daytona Prototype. A single add-on dive plane may be added to each side of the car in front of the front wheel centerline to a height of 13 inches off the measuring (scale platform) surface and no further inboard than the frontal projection of the front tire. There may be no modifications allowed to the originally approved bodywork. On approved 2008 bodywork, dive planes will be described as a single plane of a consistent thickness. Curved surfaces are not permitted. The dive plane may have a vertical surface only to attach the dive plane to the bodywork. Dive planes must be installed at an angle no greater than 75 degrees and no less than 25 degrees. Dive planes maximum length is four inches from the approved body work as viewed from above and must be compliant with all other requirements and dimensions of the Daytona Prototype. 2-3.8 Up to two rear dive planes may be added to the rear of each side of the car. The rear dive plane(s) may be curved. The rear dive plane(s) may not have end fences. The dive plane may have a vertical surface only to attach to the body work. The rear dive planes must be compliant with all other requirements and dimensions of the Daytona Prototype. No modifications of the originally approved bodywork are permitted.
SECTION 3 - WEIGHT 3-1 Minimum Weight - Minimum car weight, per engine displacement, less fuel and driver race ready. Minimum weight for cars 4.0 liters or more, 2325 lbs Minimum weight for cars under 4.0 liters, 2275 lbs 3-1.1 GRAND-AM reserves the right to adjust the weight of any car. 3-1.2 The use of titanium is prohibited except for engine valves and valve spring retainers. 3-1.3 The use of magnesium is prohibited. SECTION 4 - ENGINE ELIGIBILITY AND MODIFICATIONS 4-1 Eligibility - GRAND-AM will regulate engines as follows 4-1.1 The eligible engines will be determined, selected, and approved by GRAND-AM. To be approved, an engine must be submitted to GRAND-AM for testing and analysis. Upon approval, GRAND-AM will specify components and performance levels that must be strictly adhered to. 4-1.2 All engines must be production-based engines (changes in bore and stroke or other specifications may be required by GRAND-AM in some circumstances). 4-1.3 Maximum engine RPM, throttle body size/diameter, valve lift and size, and maximum compression ratio will be specified for each approved engine. Engine air box and air inlet restrictions may also be required. 4-1.4 It is mandatory that all major components and parts be for sale to the public in a regular product offering. GRAND-AM must approve all components/parts prior to being used in competition. 4-1.5 All approved components/parts and modifications will be specifically listed for each eligible engine. A current Engine Eligibility and Approval List is available from GRAND-AM at 386-947-6681 or online at 4-2 General Engine Requirements 4-2.1 Engines must be normally aspirated. 4-2.2 All components/parts and dimensions must remain as series produced or as GRAND-AM specifies. 4-2.3 Cylinder heads must retain the same number and location of intake and exhaust ports, valves, spark plugs, and camshafts (if used) as the production engine. Valve location, valve size (engines exceeding 4.35L) and angles must remain stock as on the approved production heads. Intake/exhaust porting and polishing is permitted. 4-2.4 Normal blueprint machining may be performed on the engine components. The
stock production block and cylinder heads must be used, unless an alternate has been approved. Production bore size with a maximum of .030-inch overbore is allowed. 4-2.5 The use of titanium or ceramic engine components is prohibited except for titanium valves and titanium valve spring retainers. 4-2.6 The following items may be replaced with aftermarket components - steel crankshaft, steel rods, round aluminum pistons, titanium or steel valves, steel valve springs, camshafts, cam followers, timing chain/cam drive and dry sump oil pump and system. Replacement items must be readily available to all competitors. 4-2.7 The intake system (manifold and/or throttle body), unmodified, as on the originally approved and tested engine must be used. Actual pieces, engineering drawings, CAD files, and photographs will be used to determine standard compliance. 4-2.8 Only a direct mechanical link between the throttle pedal and the engine throttle control is permitted. 4-2.9 The exhaust is free except - Exhaust system must be of round or oval tubing and must exit at the rear of the car, below the rear valance. Exhaust system must remain within the perimeter of the bodywork when viewed from above. Variable exhaust systems are prohibited. 4-2.10 Engine Air Box The complete engine air box and/or cool air induction system to the air box must be approved by GRAND-AM. 4-2.11 All teams, with the assistance and coordination of the engine builders or Manufacturer must ensure that there is at least one shipping crate available at each GRAND-AM race capable of transporting their engine, exhaust headers and engine air inlet system to a testing facility of GRAND-AMs choosing. 4-3 Detailed Engine Requirements 4-3.1 Six or eight-cylinder engines up to 3.99 L are allowed with unlimited compression and unlimited air inlet. Four-valve engines larger than 4.0Lto 4.35L are allowed a maximum compression ratio of 11:1. Maximum RPM and maximum valve lift will be determined for each engine-type and listed in detailed engine specifications. Intake air restriction may also be required. Four-valve engines larger than 4.35L to a maximum of 5.0L are allowed a maximum compression ratio of 11:1 and a maximum cylinder bore of 3.720 inches. Maximum RPM and maximum valve lift will be determined for each engine-type and listed in detailed engine specifications. Intake air restriction may also be required. Engines over 4.5L in displacement must run a five speed transaxle. Two-valve engines up to 5.0L are allowed a maximum compression ratio of 11:1 and a maximum cylinder bore of four inches. Maximum RPM and maximum valve lift will be determined for each engine-type and listed in detailed engine specifications. Intake air restriction may also be required. 4-3.2 All Daytona Prototype race cars must use the GRAND-AM specified Bosch ECU and wiring harness. Each entrant will be eligible to purchase one ECU, one engine wiring harness and one chassis adapter harness at the discounted price. Spares are available on a different price scale. Spec ECU and wiring harnesses cannot be modified in any way.
SECTION 5 - TRANSAXLE/DRIVETRAIN 5-1 Approved Models - GRAND-AM will specify the manufacturers and approved models of transaxles. 5-1.1 Limited slip differential will be allowed as follows; either a non-ramp type, limited slip, clutch plate differential or a ramp type differential will be utilized. Only the approved ramp angles will be permitted. The ramp angles will remain equal for all approved transaxles. The only ramp angles that are approved are 30/60 and
45/70. Ramps may be run in either orientation. (Flipped around). There is no limit on gear ratios. No suspension mounting points are allowed on/to the transaxle case(s). All transaxle units must include a GRAND-AM approved transaxle/suspension plate. 5-1.2 Daytona Prototype cars are allowed to use the following externally adjustable differential kits. Xtrac # 386-981-002A, EMCO # 469771 and Hewland NLT-212. These cannot be modified from their original configuration. 5-2 Clutch/Flywheel Flywheel must be steel. Clutch must be a heavy-duty multiple-disc type, using three or more metallic discs with a minimum diameter of 5.5 inches. Carbon clutches not permitted. 5-3 Maximum forward gears - A maximum of five forward gears are allowed for car with engines over 4.51L. A maximum of six forward gears are allowed for cars with engines up to 4.5L. 5-4 Sequential gear change - Mechanical sequential gear change is allowed. The use of an approved paddle shift system may be permitted with approval from the Series Manager. GRAND-AM will regulate software, hardware, plumbing configuration and wiring harness for all approved installations. It is permitted (and recommended) to maintain the existing manual shift mechanism for re-connection. 5-5 Gear ratios are free. 5-6 Bell housing/Adapter Plate - The engine to transaxle adapter plate must be made of steel or aluminum. 5-7 Axle Retention - The transaxle must be fitted with a complete approved axle retention system, including the output flanges, tripod joints, axles and hub drive. The approved axle retention systems are: EMCO Gears, Inc. Pankl Racing Systems XTrac 703 South Girlschool Rd. 16615 Edwards Road 6183 West 80 th Street Indianapolis, IN 46231 Cerritos, CA 90703 Indianapolis IN 46278 317 243 3838 562-677-7254 317 472 2454 5-8 Attenuator Each transaxle must be fitted with the Riley Technologies rear transaxle attenuator mounted per the manufacturers specifications. Contact - Mike Croake at Riley Technologies, 704-663-6319 email
SECTION 6 - WHEELS & TIRES 6-1 Official Tire - The official tire supplier for the Rolex Series Daytona Prototype class in 2011 is Continental Tire. Contact: Continental Tire by email: Tires sizes are: Front 320/650-18; Rear 325/710-18. A set is two front tires and two rear tires. 6-2 Tire Control GRAND-AM will determine the number of sets of tires permitted for each race based on the duration of each event. Each registered car will supply serialized or marked wheels to Continental to facilitate mounting and balancing prior to their first event. Teams must identify wheels with a permanent car number on the wheel center. Continental will bring each team their mounted tires and wheels to the event ready for use. Teams must return their tires and wheels to Continental within one hour of the conclusion of each event. Teams will be allowed to retain one set of designated set up tires in their possession at all times. If a team wishes to reuse any tires they will be marked accordingly and returned at the next event and will become part of the allotment. 6-2.1 Tires are allotted to specific cars numbers and cannot be used by another car under any circumstance and must be mounted to the numbered wheels for that car. Any car found to be using a tire allotted to another car will be immediately excluded from the race. 6-2.2 24 hours: Limited to 30 sets of dry tires. Only six sets of tires at a time can be mounted. New tires are only available on an exchange basis. 6-2.3 Wets: Teams are encouraged and allowed to keep one or more sets of wet tires in their possession. 6-2.4 Tire and wheel exchange: If for any reason a team does not return all the tires to Continental at the conclusion of the event their allotment of tires for the next
event will be limited. For instance if a team is four tires short on the return they will be docked eight tires from their allotment for the next race. 6-2.5 Damaged wheels: Wheels that have been damaged at the event should be dismounted and replaced if possible. Teams will be notified of any wheels received damaged at Continentals facility and will be responsible for their replacement. 6-3 Tire Testing - GRAND-AM Road Racing will authorize the sale of specially marked Continental tires for independent testing on the following basis. 6-3.1 On an individual case-by-case basis following a written request from the team/constructor for the purposes of testing new drivers, shaking down new cars for customers, GRAND-AM approved media events, new customer introductions or other special cases. GRAND-AM will be the sole entity deciding on these cases and the decision will be final. 6-3.2 All tires authorized for independent testing and/or on GRAND-AM test days cannot be used for any official Rolex event practice, qualifying or race sessions. 6-3.3 All test tires must be returned to Continental prior to picking up race tire sets. 6-3.4 Entrants who proceed with testing without proper notification and approval from GRAND-AM or conduct testing with non-series specific tires will be subject to the following: If is determined by GRAND-AM Officials that any form of unapproved testing and or testing on non series tires has taken place the entrant and drivers will have their GRAND-AM privileges suspended for a period of one year. The results of GRAND-AMs investigation and subsequent decisions cannot be appealed. 6-3.5 Each GRAND-AM Rolex Sports Car Series Entrant is specifically prohibited from any independent testing without GRAND-AMs prior knowledge and approval. This includes all forms of testing whether it is on track or off. GRAND-AM may specify official track tests during the course of the 2011 season. All testing must be conducted on the series approved Continental tires as delivered by the tire manufacturer. 6-4 Wheels 6-4.1 All wheels must be 18-inch diameter and permanently marked on the wheel centers with the number of the car they will be used on. 6-4.2 Maximum complete wheel/tire cross-section width is 14 inches. 6-4.3 Wheel offset is free. 6-4.4 Wheels must be of an approved three-piece design. BBS and Forgeline are the only approved wheels. Front - Maximum 12.5-inch bead width allowed. Rear - Maximum 13-inch bead width allowed. 6-4.5 Single wheel minimum weight Front 22.5 lbs. Rear 23.5 lbs. 6-4.6 To be approved, all wheel companies must provide example wheels to GRAND-AM and post minimum awards with the GRAND-AM Contingency Award Program. SECTION 7 - SUSPENSION 7-1 Design - Suspension must be four-wheel independent design, with only one spring and one shock absorber per wheel allowed. The spring must be on the shock absorber (coilover style). No third spring is allowed. Bump rubbers or packers are allowed. All suspension components must be used as they were delivered or updated by the chassis constructor. 7-2 Rear Suspension - All rear suspension and coilover mounting/pickup points must be to either the main chassis framework, the engine bell housing/adapter plate and/or the transaxle/suspension mounting plate. No suspension mounting points are allowed on the transaxle case. 7-3 Active Suspension is not permitted. 7-4 Shock Absorbers Only GRAND-AM approved make and model shock absorbers may be used. All shocks must be the same as the GRAND-AM sample shock. 7-4.1 Approved brands and models
Dynamic Suspension DSSV Penske 8760 GRAND-AM will maintain checking components in order to verify compliance and identical configuration; it is the teams responsibility to verify that their units are exactly the same as the GRAND-AM checking pieces in all regards. Team modifications to or fabrications of complete damper components that are not produced by approved damper manufacturers are prohibited. The following exceptions apply: 1. Oil bleeding vacuum machine port addition to shaft bearings (Penske) 2. Machining of piston ID from .500 to .625 (to accept Penske decoupled top-out plate assembly AS-DCP454 or Digressive Blow-Off Components P-DIG-A and PI-DIG-B). Parts lists will be posted on GRAND-AM website. 7-4.2 Maximum three-way adjustment with one remote canister is permitted. 7-4.3 No cross-connected shocks permitted. 7-4.4 Spring and shock absorber adjustment from inside the cockpit are prohibited. 7-4.5 Hydraulic ride height adjustment of any kind is not permitted. Any form of driver controlled ride height adjustment is not permitted. 7-4.6 To be approved, all shock absorber companies must post minimum awards with the GRAND-AM Contingency Award Program. . SECTION 8 - CHASSIS /BODY Dimensions 8-1 Basic Dimensions 8-1.1 Overall length - 175 to 180 inches. 8-1.2 Overall width - 77 to 79 inches. 8-1.3 Overhangs - Front; maximum 36 inches total, including a maximum of four inches of splitter length. Rear; 32 to 34 inches, measured from the axle centerlines. 8-1.4 Overall height - Minimum roof height 41 inches, measured from the reference plane. 8-1.5 Minimum ground clearance - 1.5 inches. 8-1.6 Additional chassis structure or reinforcement may be added to the approved chassis design. 8-1.7 The #2 floor section (center engine compartment) may have up to 400 sq. in. total of flush opening (no protrusions on the inner or outer surface of the floor panel) symmetrical around the centerline of the car. 8-1.8 It is recommended that the drivers compartment foot well have an additional metal floor above the reference plane floor to protect the drivers feet and legs in the event of detachment of the original floor. 8-1.9 The front floor may not project forward of the front bulkhead section. Riley cars may use part # for front floor repair.
SECTION 9 - BRAKES 9-1 Brake rotors must be made of magnetic cast iron or cast steel (ferrous) material. Maximum size - thickness 1.42 inches (36mm) X 14 inches (355mm) diameter. Minimum of 48 cooling vanes in the rotor are required. 9-2 Calipers- Only GRAND-AM approved brake calipers of aluminum construction are allowed Only one brake caliper with a maximum of six pistons per wheel is permitted. Maximum/Minimum front caliper stack width is 96mm/88mm, minimum rear caliper stack width is 83mm. Approved caliper list is available from the GRAND-AM Competition Department. 9-3 Brake hat material must be aluminum or steel alloy. No titanium. No gear driven hats. Hat offset is free. 9-4 Rolex 24 brakes are per 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3. 9-5 For all events except the Rolex 24, complete brake systems for the Daytona Prototype
category will be specified and may only be used in the as-produced configuration from the approved manufacturer. The following specific approved brake components, by manufacturer part number, will be permitted: Manufacturer Front Caliper Front Rotor Rear Caliper Rear Rotor Alcon CAR9549Z55DSLT/RT DIV2199X270C48L/R CAR8040E01DSLT/RT DIV2198X431 AP CP6056-2/3S7MP CP5772-1150/1 CP6070-2/3S7MP CP3870-1130/1 Brembo XA6.61.21/249 Forged
XA4.F1.01.04 Sm. Piston XA3.02.31/32 Lg. Piston 09.a026.13/23 X9.060.53/54 22.355.290.365.11/12 09.a.9226.10/20 328.32.0049.47/48
Note: All front and rear brake rotors must be of the same manufacturer. Any combination of rotors and calipers are accepted.
SECTION 10 - FUEL SYSTEM 10-1 Specification - Daytona Prototypes must use a safety fuel cell meeting FIA FT 3.5 or FIA FT-5 specifications. All fuel cells must be approved by GRAND-AM. 10-1.1 All rubber bladders must have a printed code naming the manufacturer, the specifications to which the tank has been manufactured and the date of manufacture. 10-1.2 The fill tube from the cover plate may extend no farther than six inches into the enclosed volume of the top of the fuel cell bladder. The fill tube cannot enter the fuel cell below a point 13 inches above the bottom of the fuel cell. The fill tube must be straight and may not have any swirl pots ,diffusers or any other augmentation. The fuel cell fill/cover plate must be removable for inspection. 10-2 Location 10-2.1 The fuel cell and lines must be sealed from the engine and cockpit compartments. 10-2.2 The fuel cell compartment must have an easily accessible panel located on top of the car above the cell, through which fuel cell inspection and capacity checks, and/or fuel samples may be made. 10-3 Fueling - A twin probe dry brake fueling/vent system with the ability of changing from the right to the left side of the car must be installed on a metal plate firmly attached to the main roll bar of the car. 10-4 Fuel Capacity Maximum onboard fuel capacity is 24 U.S. gallons. SECTION 11 - TELEMETRY/DATA RECORDING 11-1 Data Recorder Each car must have installed only an EFI Level 4, Motec ADL, ADL2, ADL3, or Bosch GRAND-AM-specified data recording system and optional telemetry system. GRAND-AM reserves the right to view any/all data collected by a team/entrant at anytime. GRAND-AM specified Bosch Data systems are allowed. The spec ECU/Data logger must always have a 128 mb or larger Bosch memory card installed during a race or qualifying. Data cards cannot be removed from the race car without permission from a GRAND-AM official. Data card cannot be erased without permission from a GRAND-AM official. Pitot tubes are permitted for data gathering.
SECTION 12 - IDENTIFICATION 12-1 Car Identification - Daytona Prototypes will be identified first by the name of the engine manufacturer and then by the chassis manufacturer. 12-2 Engine Identification - The name of the engine manufacturer, or the term powered by (the name of the engine manufacturer) must be displayed across the upper portion of the windscreen with the manufacturers name in letters at least 6 inches high. Additionally, the same term (or name) or manufacturers logo must be displayed in a prominent location,
on the centerline of the car at the front and on each side of the engine cover rearward of the side window openings. Minimum size: 32 square inches. SECTION 13 - SAFETY EQUIPMENT 13-1 Fire extinguishers All Daytona Prototypes must utilize a GRAND-AM approved dual fire extinguisher system. The system must consist of separate fire bottles for the engine/fuel compartment and for the cockpit. The cockpit system must consist of a 2 lb. minimum capacity FE36 bottle. The actuator for this bottle is to be mounted within reach of the driver when fully strapped in. Triggering is by means of a PULL actuator. The engine compartment system consists of a 10 lb. minimum capacity bottle of either Halon 1211 or FE36 with a remotely mounted, 286 degree Fahrenheit, fast response, thermal sensor and optional cable mounted manual override, the thermal sensor and nozzle must be mounted to the firewall above the fuel cell per the suppliers recommendations. The optional manual override cable must be PULL actuated and mounted within easy reach of the driver when fully strapped in. Only approved supplier components may be used. All system components must be used and serviced per suppliers specifications. No other system or extinguishing agents are approved. The fire system must be mounted so the mandatory gauge is visible at all times. Approved Suppliers are: Firefox Industries 3243 Old Frankstown Rd. Pittsburg PA 15239 724.733.3936 James Zwergel and Safecraft Inc. 5165-C Commercial Circle Concord ,CA 94520 925.405.0307 Steven Baker
13-2 Wheel TethersIt is mandatory that all Daytona Prototype race cars have the front and rear uprights linked to the frame using Vectran HS V-12 fiber cables (tethers) available fromCV Products. On the chassis end the tether must either loop around a chassis tube or be otherwise securely retained. On the upright end the tether may be looped through openings in the upright or captured by a substantial bolt-on structure or a dedicated mounting loop attached to the upright. These attachments must be as designed by the constructor and approved by GRAND-AM for each chassis type. Tether attachment points may not be common with any other suspension mounting points. Attachment should be secured such that it exceeds the tensile strength of the tether. Each approved Daytona Prototype constructor has available an all-inclusive kit containing all of the components and installation instructions. The approved kit must be used.
2011 Rule Book
As of 1/18/11
General Class Explanation and Purpose SECTION 1 - APPROVED MODELS 1-1 Approved Models 1-2 Eligible Prep 1 and Prep 2 GT cars SECTION 2 - Detailed Specifications 2-1 Aston Martin Vantage V-8 2-2 Audi R8 2-3 BMW M3 E92 2-4 BMW M6 2-5 Chevrolet Camaro 2-6 Chevrolet Corvette C6 2-7 Ferrari 430 Challenge 2-8 Ferrari 458 2-9 Ford Mustang 2-10 Hyundai Genesis 2-11 Infiniti G35 / G37 Coupe 2-12 Jaguar XK 2-13 Lamborghini Gallardo 2-14 Lexus IS-F 2-15 Lexus SC 430 2-16 Mazda RX8 2-17 Mercedes CLK 430 2-18 Mercedes SLS 2-19 Nissan 350Z / 370Z 2-20 Pontiac G6GXP 2-21 Porsche 997 GT3 cup 2-22 Porsche GT3 Cup 2009 / 2010 2-23 Porsche GT3 Cup 2011 prep 1 2-24 Other models may be approved upon request SECTION 3 - GENERAL ENGINE REGULATIONS 3-1 Eligibility 3-2 Engine Location 3-3 General Engine Requirements 3-4 Exhaust Systems 3-5 Cylinder Heads 3-6 Camshaft, Valve Lifter, and Rocker Arms 3-7 Intake Manifold 3-8 Air Cleaner, and Air Intake 3-9 Electrical System 3-10 Radiator SECTION 4 - CAR BODY REQUIREMENTS 4-1 Bodywork - (Prep 1) 4-2 Bodywork - Prep 2) 4-3 Dash/Installed Components 4-4 Windows 4-5 Floor 4-6 Rear Wing 4-7 Front Splitter/Air Dam 4-8 Air Inlets
4-9 Lighting SECTION 5 - DRIVE TRAIN 5-1 Drive Train (Prep 1) 5-2 Drive Train (Prep 2) 5-3 Clutch/Flywheel 5-4 Maximum forward gears 5-5 Bell housing/Adapter Plate 5-6 Prop/Drive Shaft SECTION 6 WHEELS AND TIRES 6-1 Official Tire SECTION 7 - SUSPENSION AND STEERING 7-1 Suspension (Prep 1) 7-2 Suspension (Prep 2) SECTION 8 - BRAKES 8-1 Brake Rotors 8-2 Brake Calipers 8-3 Brake Master Cylinders SECTION 9 -FUEL SYSTEM 9-1 Fuel Tanks 9-2 Fittings and Piping 9-3 Fuel Tank Fillers SECTION 10 - WEIGHT 10-1 Maximum permitted rear weight percentage
General Class Explanation and Purpose The GT class for 2009 will be comprised of two distinct preparation methods, all designed to have cars at a similar competition level for GT class racing. Prep 1 Unibody GT - This category is reserved for production cars with little or no modifications. GRAND-AM will define each car separately and specify modifications individually. Prep 2 Semi-Tube GT - This category is for cars with modified production or tube-frame chassis. They may be front-wheel drive cars converted to rear-wheel drive or they may be cars that require physical modifications to be competitive in GT. Specified tube-frame construction is allowed. Alternative engines from the original manufacturer may be approved. SECTION 1 - APPROVED MODELS 1-1 Approved Models - GRAND-AM has developed these specifications for competition automobiles that will participate in the category titled "GT". Cars must have been in production for road use or meet homologation criteria, and have been/or be for sale to the public in a regular dealer offering. Approved models, unless otherwise stated are to be current production models or those no older than three years after the end of production. GRAND-AM may approve additional models upon request. 1-2 The following cars are recognized as eligible models. 1-2.1 Aston Martin Vantage V-8 1-2.2 Audi R8 1-2.3 BMW E92 1-2.4 BMW M6 1-2.5 Chevrolet Camaro 1-2.6 Chevrolet Corvette C6 1-2.7 Ferrari 430 Challenge 1-2.8 Ferrari 458 1-2.9 Ford Mustang 1-2.10 Hyundai Genesis 1-2.11 Infiniti G35/G37 Coupe 1-2.12 Jaguar XK 1-2.13 Lamborghini Gallardo 1-2.14 Lexus IS-F 1-2.15 Lexus SC 430 1-2.16 Mazda RX8 1-2.17 Mercedes CLK 430 1-2.18 Mercedes SLS 1-2.19 Nissan 350Z / 370Z 1-2.20 Pontiac G6GXP 1-2.21 Porsche 997 GT3 cup 1-2.22 Porsche GT3 Cup 2009/2010 1-2.23 Porsche GT3 Cup 2011 prep 1 1-2.24 Other models may be approved upon request SECTION 2 - Detailed Specifications 2-1 Aston Martin Vantage V-8 2-1.1 Specifications TBD 2-2 Audi R8 2.2.1 Engine Specifications TBD 2-2.2 Tire sizes are 320/650R18 front and 325/710R18 rear. 2-2.3 Minimum weight TBD 2-2.4 Permitted Catalyst Exhaust system.
2-2.5 Maximum front splitter dimension 1.5 inches from vertical projection outline. 2-2.6 Flat under tray in front of front wheels. 2-2.7 ABS controller may be retained for ECU communication. ABS Brakes not permitted. Traction control not permitted. 2-2.8 Single differential ramp set of 30/45 2-2.9 Maximum front brake rotor dia. 370mm, maximum rear brake rotor dia. 355mm. 2-2.10 Vented rear window permitted. 2-2.11 Single lug hubs are approved.
2-3 BMW M3 E92 (Prep 1 and Prep 2) 2-3.1 Stock M5 5.0 L V8 engine with the following Dinan camshafts Int:DC526-0005 + 0007 Ex: DC526-0006 + 0008. Piston rod and pin 936 gms. 2-3.2 Tire sizes: 305/660R18 front and 325/680R18 rear 2-3.3 Minimum weight 2650 lbs. or 2756 w/ DP transaxle. 2-3.4 Allowed maximum engine set-back of 3 inches. 2-3.5 Maximum front splitter dimension 3 inches. 2-3.6 5-speed transmission. 2.3.7 Maximum RPM 7000. 2-4 BMW M6 2007-2008 (Prep 2) 2-4.1 Stock M5 5.0 L V8 engine with the following Dinan camshafts: Int:DC526-0005 + 0007 Ex DC526-0006 + 0008 . Piston rod and pin 936 gms. 2-4.2 Tire sizes 305/660R18 front and 325/680R18 rear. 2-4.3 Minimum weight 2650 lbs. or 2756 w/ DP transaxle. 2-4.4 Allowed maximum engine set back of 6 inches. 2-4.5 5-speed transmission 2-4.6 Maximum RPM 7000 2-5 Chevrolet Camaro 2-5.1 Stock LS-3 (Specifications available from GRAND-AM office with approved camshaft, main caps, LS6 throttle body @ 76mm, and pistons). main caps and pistons.) 2-5.2 Minimum weight 2625 lb or 2730 lb with DP transaxle. 2-5.3 Five-speed transmission 2-5.4 Allowed #2301-E2-0900R&L front spindle 2-5.5 Allowed #26E1-0201W upper control arm assembly 2-5.6 Tire sizes are 305/660R18 front and 325/680R18 rear. 2-5.7 Maximum front splitter dimension 3 inches. 2-6 Chevrolet Corvette C6 ( Prep1 and Prep 2 ) 2-6.1 Stock LS6 engine. Prep 2 may use OEM engine location. Stock LS2 engine # PAX0662 with spec cam and installation Contact: Jeff Kettman at Stock LS-3 (specifications available from GRAND-AM office with approved camshaft, main caps and pistons.) 2-6.2 Prep 1 six-speed transmission, prep 2 five-speed transmission. Prep 1 cars permitted to use CG46 EMCO replacement transmission. 2-6.3 Prep 1 cars may use maximum 14 front brake rotor. 2-6.4 Minimum weight Prep 1 is 2550 lbs, Prep 2 is 2575 with solid axle, 2650 with IRS or 2756 with DP transaxle. 2-6.5 C6 bodywork allowed with 105.7 inch wheel base. 2-6.6 Complete rear wing height w/ end plates cannot exceed roof height. 2-6.7 Allowed to use non-OE brake pedals and cylinders. 2-6.8 Prep 1 Corvettes may use OEM ABS system. 2-6.9 Prep 1 Corvettes may use 1 drop spindle. 2-6.10 Tire sizes are 305/660R18 front and 325/680R18 rear. 2-6.11 May use side of rear back window for NACA duct mounts.
2-6.12 Prep 1 cars are permitted a 3 maximum front splitter dimension. 2-7 2006 Ferrari 430 Challenge prep 1 prep 2 2-7.1 May use # ANSA-GA-(TBD) front nose assembly otherwise body cannot be altered from OEM specifications. 2-7.2 Engine must be stock Prep 1& 2 may use GT2 production 6 speed Hewland gearbox. 2-7.3 Minimum weight is Prep 2 2600, 2704 with Dp transaxle, Prep 1 2650 2-7.4 Brake rotor sizes are 380 front and 355 rear, Prep 2 calipers, or 360 challenge brakes 2-7.5 Must use original fuel cell location. 2-7.6 Must use 360 challenge front hub assembly. (Prep 1) 2-7.7 Allowed to use exhaust headers. 2-7.8 May use OEM ABS. 2-7.9 Tire sizes are 285/645R18 front and 305/675R18 rear. Prep 2 tires are 305/660R18 front and 325/680R18 rear 2-7.10 The top of the front fender may be stretched to the maximum stock width defined by the points on the leading and trailing edge of the wheel arch. 2-7.11 The rear diffuser panel may be removed. If removed, rear inner fenders must be added per GRAND-AMs approval. 2-7.12 Rear bulkhead window must be replaced with a continuous metal bulkhead.
2-8 Ferrari 458 GT GRAND-AM as built by Ferrari and approved by GRAND-AM 2-8.1 Specifications TBD. 2-8.2 All cars must be built and delivered by Michelotto Ferrari s.n.c as approved by GRAND-AM. 2-8.3 Tire sizes are 320/650R18 front and 325/710R19 rear. 2-8.4 Single lug hubs are approved.
2-9 Ford Mustang 2007-2010(Prep 2) 2-9.1 5.0 Ford Performance cammer engine # M-6007-GT50. Must use exhaust as supplied with engine. 2-9.2 5-speed transmission 2-9.3 Min weight: 2650 lbs or 2756 with DP transaxle. 2575 with solid axle. 2-9.4 Front spark plug allowed to be 3 inches behind front spindle C/L 2-9.5 Tire sizes are 305/660R18 front and 325/680R18 rear. 2-10 Hyundai Genesis 2-10.1 Specifications TBD
2-11 Infiniti G35 / G37 (Prep 2) 2-11.1 4.5L Q45 engine. 10.5 :1 compression. Intake cam .416 lift @ 262 duration. Exhaust cam .376 lift @ 245 duration. May modify throttle body to accept manual linkage. 2-11.2 Minimum weight 2540 lbs. or 2642 with DP transaxles. 2-11.3 Tire sizes are 305/660R18 front and 325/680R18 rear. 2-12 Jaguar XK (Prep 2) 2-12.1 Specifications - TBD. 2-13 Lamborghini Gallardo 2-13.1 Specifications TBD 2-13.2 Tire sizes are 305/660R18 front and 325/710R18 rear. 2-14 Lexus IS-F 2-14.1 Specifications - TBD
2-15 Lexus SC 430 (Prep 2) 2-15.1 Specifications - TBD. 2-16 Mazda RX8 (Prep 2) 2-16.1 20B Cosmo three rotor (Mazda Spec parts). 2.0 liter, 9.7 compression ratio, 352mm throttle bodies, maximum of 6 injectors, maximum fuel pressure 4.2 bar, intake manifold is free. Maximum RPM 8800. Call GRAND-AM for parts list at386-310-6500. 2-16.2 Minimum weight 2260 lbs or 2350 lbs with DP transaxle. 2-16.3 Six-speed transmission. 2-16.4 Maximum body width is 73.5 inches. st 2-16.5 Engine set-back 5.125 inches from spindle centerline to 1 spark plug. 2-16.6 Complete rear wing height w/ end plates cannot exceed roof height. 2-16.7 Fuel capacity 24 gallons May use oil in fuel. May machine the blue fuel rig restrictor to an inside dimension of 1.200 inch with square edges. 2-16.8 Allowed larger/higher exhaust position. 2-16.9 Tire sizes are 285/645R18 front and 305/660R18 rear. 2-16.10 2009 Mazda RX-8 R3 bodywork permitted with 3 maximum front splitter dimension. 2-17 Mercedes CLK 430 (Prep 2) 2-17.1 Specifications TBD. 2-18 Mercedes SLS (Prep 2) 2-18.1 Specifications - TBD. 2-19 Nissan 350 Z / 370 Z (Prep 1 and 2) 2-19.1 3.5 Liter VQ35DE,13:1 compression,RRZ31-Spec 2 heads, 515/264 In,485/250 Ex. Camshaft, 38 lb crank piston /rod 902 gms. 2-19.2 Tire sizes are 305/660R18 front and 305/675R18 rear. 2-19.3 Minimum weight prep 1: 2600 lbs. 2-20 Pontiac G6 GXP (Prep 2) 2-20.1 Stock LS6 engine. Stock LS2 engine # PAX0662 with spec cam and installation. Contact Jeff Kettmen at 2-20.2 Minimum weight 2750 or 2860 lbs with DP transaxle. Maximum rear weight percentage is 50% 2-20.3 Five-speed transmission. 2-20.4 Additional specifications - TBD. 2-20.5 Allowed #2301-E2-0900R&L front spindle. 2-20.6 Allowed #26E1-0201W upper control arm assembly. 2-20.7 May use the approved front fascia #26A1-0100-01, rear fascia # 26A1-1100-01, hood 26A1-0300-01 rear spoiler # 26A1-1600-01 and splitter # 2301-C1-0100-001, available from Pratt and Miller, contact:248-4469800. 2-20.8 Tire sizes are 305/660R18 front and 325/680R18 rear.
2-21 Porsche 997 2006-2008 GT3 Cup (Prep 1) USA/GRAND-AM version 2-21.1 3.8L Engine eligible. Engine must be unmodified and sealed by PMNA. 2-21.2 Minimum weight: 2600 lbs. 2-21.3 No additional front splitter allowed. Must use 2008 splitter as supplied in 2008. 2-21.4 OEM fuel cell location required. 2-21.5 ABS not permitted. 2-21.6 Front fenders PMN 503-031-00 and PMN 503-032-00 are allowed. 2-21.7 #996 352 425 9A and #996 352 426 9A rear calipers may be used. 2-21.8 All cars must use the upgraded rear deck lid wing supports as supplied by PMNA.
2-21.9 Tire sizes are 265/645R18 front and 325/680R18 rear. 2-21.10 Must use OEM roof panel, engine location and suspension pick up points. 2008 2-21.11 Aluminum bolt-on external front wheel wicker is permitted. (This is the replacement of previous carbon part. Available from Porsche Motorsports North America) 2-21.12 Maximum rear body width 74 inches. Rear inner fender wheel house may be modified for suspension travel clearance. Permitted 997-331-041-9C Rear Control arm, 997-331-047-9E dogbone top front and 997-331-047-9F dogbone top rear. 2-21.13 Car must have two inches minimum ground clearance. 2-22 Porsche GT3 Cup 2009, 2010 (GRAND-AM) (Prep 1) 2-22.1 3.8L Engine eligible. Engine must be unmodified and sealed by PMNA. 2-22.2 Minimum weight 2600 lbs. 2-22.3 Must run 2009 splitter. 2-22.4 OEM fuel cell location required. 2-22.5 ABS not permitted. 2-22.6 #996 352 425 9A and #996 352 426 9A rear calipers may be used. 2.22.7 All cars must use the upgraded rear deck lid wing supports as supplied by PMNA. 2.22.8Tire sizes are 265/645R18 front and 325/680R18 rear. 2-22.9Must use OEM roof panel, engine location, and suspension pick up points. Must run entirely of 2009 body with front fender vents closed. Rear fascia vents may be open. 2-22.10 Front dive planes are not permitted. 2-22.11 Maximum rear body width 74 inches. Rear inner fender wheel house may be modified for suspension travel clearance. Permitted 997-331-041-9C Rear Control arm, 997-331-047-9E dogbone top front and 997-331-047-9F dogbone top rear. 2-22.12Car must have two inches minimum ground clearance.
2-23 Porsche GT3 Cup 2011 (Prep 1) 2-23.1 3.8L Engine eligible. Engine must be unmodified and sealed by PMNA. 2-23.2 Minimum weight 2600 lbs.2-23.3Must run 2009 splitter.2-23.4 OEM fuel cell location required. 2-23.5 ABS not permitted. 2.23.6 #996 352 425 9A and #996 352 426 9A rear calipers may be used. 2-23.7 All cars must use the upgraded rear deck lid wing supports as supplied by PMNA. 2-23.8 Tire sizes are 265/645R18 front and 325/680R18 rear. 2-23.9 Must use OEM roof panel, engine location, and suspension pick up points. Must run entirety of 2011body. Rear fascia vents may be open. 2-23.10 Front dive planes are not permitted. 2-23.11 Maximum rear body width is 74 inches. Rear inner fender wheel house may be modified for suspension travel clearance. Permitted 997-331-041-9C Rear Control arm, 997-331-047-9E dogbone top front and 997-331-047-9F dogbone top rear. 2-23.12 Car must have two inches minimum ground clearance.
SECTION 3 - GENERAL ENGINE REGULATIONS 3-1 Eligibility 3-1.1 The eligible engines will be determined, selected and approved by GRAND-AM.
3-1.2 Engine specifications will be determined for each engine. 3-1.3 To be approved, engines may be required to be submitted to GRAND-AM for testing and analysis. 3-1.4 GRAND-AM will specify components and performance levels that must be strictly adhered to. 3-1.5 GRAND-AM may approve alternate engines from the manufacturer's production car lines that are not originally fitted to a specific model. 3-2 Engine Location must remain as approved. 3-2.1 (Prep 1) The engine may be freely located in the original engine bay as long as no changes to the cockpit dimensions are made. A stress mounted engine installation is not allowed. 3-2.2 (Prep 2) The engine must be located in the original engine bay/compartment. Front wheel drive cars may reposition the engine to allow for rear wheel drive installation. Engine may be located so that the foremost spark plug is no farther rearward than the front axle centerline unless specified otherwise. The foremost spark plug location is defined as the centerline of the access hole in the valve cover or cylinder head casting. One-inch maximum right side offset measured from the front tread centerline is allowed. Stressed engines are not permitted. 3-2.3 Minimum nine-inch crankshaft centerline height. 3-3 General Engine Requirements. 3-3.1 All engines must be production-based. (GRAND-AM may require changes in bore and stroke or other specifications in some circumstances.) GRAND-AM may approve other engines. 3-3.2 Maximum engine RPM, throttle body size/diameter, valve lift and size, and the maximum compression ratio may be specified for each approved engine. Engine air box and inlet air restrictors may also be required. 3-3.3 It is mandatory that all major components and parts be for sale to the general public in a regular product offering. GRAND-AM must approve all components/parts prior to use in competition. 3-3.4 All approved components/parts and modifications will be specifically listed for each eligible engine. See Engine Eligibility and Approval List. 3-3.5 Engines must be normally aspirated. (Exceptions may be listed in detailed specifications.) 3-3.6 All component parts must remain per GRAND-AM specifications. 3-3.7 Cylinder heads must retain the same number and location of intake and exhaust ports, valves, spark plugs, and camshafts (if used) as the production engine. Valve location, valve size and angles must remain stock as on the approved production heads. 3-3.8 Normal blueprint machining may be performed on the engine components. The stock production block and cylinder heads must be used, unless an alternate has been approved. Engine blocks are allowed to be bored to a maximum of .030 over. 3-3.9 Unless the engine was originally produced with them, the use of titanium or ceramic engine components is prohibited except for titanium valves and titanium valve spring retainers. 3-3.10 The following items may be replaced with aftermarket components - steel crankshaft, steel rods, round aluminum pistons, titanium or steel valves, steel valve springs, camshafts, cam followers and rocker arms with OEM ratio, timing chain/cam drive and dry sump oil pump and system. Replacement items must be readily available to all competitors. 3-3.11 Crank, rods and pistons must be of OEM weight and dimension. 3-3.12 Variable valve timing and variable inlet systems are not allowed. 3-3.13 Only a direct mechanical linkage between the throttle pedal and the engine throttle control is permitted. Production drive-by-wire systems may be approved for specific models. 3-3.14 All lines containing fuel, oil or coolant within the cockpit area must be armored lines.
3-3.15 All Rolex GT cars that choose to use an aftermarket ECU in lieu of the OEM ECU must use the GRAND-AM specified Bosch ECU and wiring harness. Each entrant will be eligible to purchase one ECU , one engine wiring harness and one chassis adapter harness at the discounted price. Spares are available on a different price scale. Spec ECU and wiring harnesses cannot be modified in any way. 3-4 Exhaust Systems 3-4.1 The exhaust system must exit rearward of the door. 3-4.2 Side exhaust exits may be no higher than the top of the rocker panel. 3-4.3 Exhaust system must remain within the perimeter of the bodywork as viewed from above. 3-4.4 The exhaust must meet GRAND-AM and local sound limits. 3-4.5 Variable exhaust systems are prohibited. 3-5 Cylinder Heads Must remain as approved. Ports cannot be altered in shape, form or volume. Porting is prohibited. 3-6 Camshaft, Valve Lifter, and Rocker Arms - Must remain as approved. 3-7 Intake Manifold 3-7.1 The intake system (manifold, and/or throttle body/air box) must remain as approved on the approved engine. 3-7.2 OEM variable length inlet systems are not allowed unless approved by GRANDAM. 3-7.3 Internal coating or painting is not permitted. 3-8 Air Cleaner, and Air Intake 3-8.1 Cowl or ram air induction is only permitted through existing standard air intake areas of the bodywork. 3-9 Electrical System - Must remain as approved. 3-10 Radiator 3-10.1 The water radiator must remain in the original position. Expansion tank in engine compartment is allowed. SECTION 4 - CAR BODY REQUIREMENTS 4-1 Bodywork - (Prep 1) 4-1.1 The width of the bodywork across the front and rear wheel arches may be increased symmetrically by a maximum of four inches over the original stock production bodywork by adding a maximum of up to a two-inch extension over the standard wheel arch. The total width of any car modified this way is 74 inches. Vehicles that are wider than 74 inches in standard configuration, may modify the fenders for the fitting of required wheels and tires, but CANNOT exceed the standard configuration width. 4-1.2 Each car must have two and one-half inches minimum ground clearance or as specified in individual car specifications. 4-1.3 Strengthening of the unibody chassis and bodywork is allowed provided that the material used follows the original shape and is in direct contact with it. 4-1.4 Material used for replacement parts, hood, deck lid, doors, roof, fenders, is free, but where a panel is replaced, it must be attached in a way, which is as strong as the original method. 4-1.5 Bodywork dimensions must remain as approved. Molds for replacement body panels must be made from the standard original panel. They must be a direct replacement for the production part. 4-1.6 Specific mention of original approved dimensions and equipment include, but are not limited to Chassis/bodywork must retain original height, width, wheelbase, and front and rear overhang. Wing mounting and profile, and the end plates must lay on a single plane in front view (flat). Nose (including splitter) in original configuration must remain as approved. Rocker panels, front and rear bumper, and fender flares must remain as approved. No other underbody aids are allowed. 4-1.7 No additional ducting or aero aids, except as authorized by GRAND-AM.
Bodywork - Mounting type is free (screws, dzus, cam-lock). Fasteners must be of the captive type. Nose screening may be extended to cover all openings. Ducting behind the nose in front of and below the front wheel centerline is free. Air jack port location is free. 4-2 Bodywork - (Prep 2) 4-2.1 The external shape and recognizable features of the body must not be changed. The roofline, front and rear window angles and shape must remain standard. The original outer unibody may be duplicated in composite material. Bonding of components will be restricted to body panel to body panel, no other bonding of components is permitted. The firewall and cowl may be replaced with a steel (0.035 minimum thickness) welded-in panel of the same dimensions and placement as OEM. No air may pass over, above or around the floor. The floor pan from the firewall rearward to the rear of the car and laterally from the inside of the rocker panels and the rear wheel tubs may be modified or replaced. Floor pan height including rear floor kick-up must remain similar to production. The modified or replacement floor must be flat with no ducts or tunnels allowed. The floor pan from the firewall to the rear floor kick-up must be steel (0.035 minimum thickness). The bottom of the floor must be tangent to the bottom of the rocker panels with the weld seam removed. The driveshaft tunnel may be enlarged for the passage of the exhaust system, but no more than necessary for the fitting of the system and any insulation used. The front frame rails may be modified or replaced for allowed replacement suspension modifications. The minimum replacement frame rail sizes are 2 x 2 x 0.095 for stock car style kick-up frames or 1 3/4 x 1 3/4 x 0.095 for double frame rail cars. The rear frame rails may be modified or replaced for allowed replacement transaxles and differentials and for allowed rear suspension modifications. Minimum replacement rear frame rail sizes are 2 x 2 x 0.095 for stock car style kick-up frames or 1 3/4 x 1 3/4 x 0.095 for double frame rail cars. Replacement frame rails from the firewall to the rear floor kick-up must be at least 2 x 2 x 0.095 for stock car style frames or 1 3/4 x 1 3/4 x 0.095 for double frame rail cars. The rear side of the main roll hoop may be mounted no further rearward than the floor kick-up, perpendicular to the floor or with no more than 10-degree rearward incline. All required tubes of the roll cage must be at least 1 3/4 x 0.095 DOM tubing. Stock car frames are defined as having lower frame rails with front frame rails kicked-up and rear rails under-slung or kicked-up with an integrated roll cage. Double frame rail cars are defined as having upper and lower frame rails with a roll cage affixed to the top of the upper frame rail. 4-2.2 The width of the bodywork across the front and rear wheel arches may be increased symmetrically by a maximum of four inches over the original stock production bodywork by adding a maximum of up to a two-inch extension over the standard wheel arch. The total width of any car modified this way is 74 inches. Vehicles that are wider than 74 inches in standard configuration, may modify the fenders for the fitting of required wheels and tires, but CANNOT exceed the standard configuration width. 4-2.3 Each car must have three and one half inches minimum ground clearance. 4-2.4 These modifications must result in the panel being as close to the original as possible in appearance. (The hood, fenders, doors, and trunk/deck lid must be able to replace a production example and fit properly). The only bodywork permitted is that approved by GRAND-AM. Hood, doors and trunk must hinge as per original location. Doors must retain original door handles and latches. 4-2.5 The hood must use at least three hood pins mounted to the chassis or nose frame. 4-2.6 There must be at least two rear deck lid pins securing the deck lid. 4-2.7 Only the approved front nosepiece is permitted. Only a GRAND-AM-style front under tray with tunnels or a flat bottom is allowed, extending no farther rearward
than the leading edge of the front wheel opening on front-engine cars. 4-2.8 Front Bumper Nose Box assembly must be solid mounted. Floating nose box is not permitted. Minimum ground clearance is three and one-half inches. 4-2.9 Rear bumper/tail light tray area. The rear of the car (area surrounding the original license plate area) may be vented a maximum of 100 square inches and must be covered by a maximum 0.250-inch mesh screen. Cars must have at least two original production red brake and taillights with a minimum of one working at all times. No rear under trays are allowed. The trunk floor must surround the fuel cell at the production drop well dimension using steel panels. 4-2.10 Right and left outside rear view mirrors are required. The mirror housing must be identical to the production mirror for the make and model. 4-2.11 The floor pan, from the engine firewall rearward and laterally from rocker panel to rocker panel, must be the original or a flat replacement with no ducts or tunnels allowed. Floor paneling forward of the engine firewall is not allowed. The floor pan under the driver from the engine firewall to the main hoop must be steel with a minimum thickness of 0.049. All replacement floors must retain original configuration with foot wells and kick ups in their original location. Passenger floor may be raised no higher than the top of the door sill to accommodate exhaust only. 4-2.12 A fully sealed steel engine firewall with a minimum thickness of 0.035-inch is required and must extend all the way down to the flat floor; no air may pass over/above or around the floor. 4-2.13 A fully sealed steel rear firewall with a minimum thickness of 0.035-inch is required separating the driver/passenger compartment from the fuel cell area. Floor to roof bulkheads are not permitted. 4-2.14 Interior panel material is free. 4-2.15 One NACA duct per side, painted to match the car may be installed anywhere in the bodywork rearward of the door number area. 4-3 Dash/Installed Components - Must remain as original or may be replaced with an updated instrument cluster. Gauges are free. It is permissible to move dash rearward in Prep 2. 4-3.1 The dash pad must be identical to the production dash in shape. 4-3.2 Driver seat location must remain on the original longitudinal centerline and no further rearward than the back of the original front seat reclined at 20 degrees. 4-4 Windows 4-4.1 Windshield may be replaced with a standard reproduction at least 0.250 inch thick, of hard-coated polycarbonate. Refer to the General Regulations 2-6. 4-4.2 A minimum of three metal reinforced braces inside the windshield are required on all vehicles. Minimum dimension one-half inch (angle or tubing) and minimum spacing eight inches between the braces. Top of braces must be attached to the roll cage at the roof bar #3. Bottom of braces must be attached to roll cage dashboard bar #8, bolted to the cowl or firewall or other attachment as approved by GRAND-AM officials. 4-4.3 NACA ducts for driver cooling may be used in side windows. 4-4.4 Rear and rear quarter windows may be replaced with a standard reproduction at least 0.125 inch thick polycarbonate. The rear window must be secured on the outside with at least two metal straps 1 inch wide by 0.1875 inch thick. The rear window may have up to (5) 1.5x 5 oval shaped holes for the purpose of exhausting air from the interior of the car. These holes must be spaced symmetrically across the car. 4-4.5 Door windows are not allowed, except a triangular clear polycarbonate single plane panel in the front of the drivers door window. The triangles bottom length will be 27 percent of the original opening. The rear plane of the panel must be 90 degrees to the bottom plane. 4-5 Floor 4-5.1 Between the front and rear axles the floor must remain as approved - ref. Bodywork - (Prep 2) section. 4-5.2 The floor pan must produce a uniform, solid, hard, continuous, rigid (no degree of freedom in relation to the body/chassis unit), impervious surface, under all circumstances.
4-5.3 No sprung part of the car is allowed below the floor pan. 4-5.4 No air may pass above this surface. Circular openings are allowed for the use of air jacks. These openings must seal to the air jack body. 4-5.5 Flat add-on floor or rear diffuser are not allowed. 4-6 Rear Wing - A single-element GRAND-AM spec rear wing and end plates are required. A maximum 0.75-inch wicker is allowed. The end plates must lay on a single vertical plane in front view. The exclusive spec wing supplier is Crawford Composites. Contact Crawford Composites at 704-483-8726. 4-6.1 Crawford Composites wing endplates must be at least two inches from the body and the wing mounts must be at least 12 inches in from each end of the wing. Wing end plates may be repositioned on the ends of the original wing end mounts, such that they cover the wing end cross section. 4-6.2 Complete wing, endplates and wickers must be a minimum of two inches below the roof, unless otherwise specified. 4-6.3 The complete wing must not exceed the rear-most perimeter of the bodywork when viewed from above. 4-6.4 All Rolex GT cars must use the Crawford wing and end plates in its as delivered form. The finish cannot be altered/painted/covered (including tape) in any way. Removable die cut vinyl sponsorship decals may be applied per the approval of GRAND-AM Technical Inspection. 4-7 Front Splitter/Air Dam 4-7.1 The stock front unmodified valance/fascia must be used. A horizontal splitter may be added to the front of the car to a maximum of two inches forward of the car as viewed from above. Front splitter must be flat and a consistent thickness in the area that protrudes from the body. Front splitter must be approved by GRANDAM by submission of drawing and pictures. 4-8 Air Inlets 4-8.1 Air inlets must have a single, precise function of cooling or ventilation. They must not protrude beyond the outline of the car when viewed from above, and not extend beyond the surface of the bodywork. Snorkel-type air intakes are not allowed. Only the production holes in bodywork may be used for inlets, unless otherwise stated. Headlight holes may not be used as air inlets. 4-8.2 One fabricated duct with a maximum 2 inch hose outlet may be installed on each side of the car between the production mirror and the door or A pillar for the purpose of directing air to the driver. Panels described in 4-4.5 may have a duct for driver cooling installed or through said panel. 4-9 Lighting 4-9.1 When lighting is required, OEM or direct aftermarket replacement headlights must be utilized. 4-9.2 When lighting is not required, headlights may be replaced with a panel of the exact shape and contour of the original and have decals installed that replicate the OEM lights. 4-9.3 Modifications required to fit additional lighting are allowed. All other auxiliary lights must be located within the bodywork. SECTION 5 - DRIVE TRAIN 5-1 Drive Train (Prep 1) 5-1.1 Drive train must remain original in type, mounting and location. 5-1.2 Mechanical sequential gear change is permitted. Paddle shift systems may be approved in detailed vehicle specifications. 5-1.3 The gearbox may have a maximum of six forward ratios (or as specified in detailed regulations) and a reverse gear. 5-1.4 Gearbox ratios are free. The original cases (or approved alternate), mounting, location, and the shifting mechanism must be maintained. 5-2 Drive Train (Prep 2) 5-2.1 GRAND-AM GT front-engine cars may have either an approved Daytona Prototype transaxle or a conventional transmission in the standard mounting location with a standard differential. Front engine cars utilizing an approved Daytona Prototype transaxle must add 4% of the authorized minimum weight of the vehicle.
5-2.2 GRAND-AM will specify the manufacturers and approved models of transaxles. The transaxles will have a maximum of six forward speeds (mechanical sequential gear change is allowed) and one reverse gear; using straight cut gear, dog ringstyle design. The transaxle case(s) must be cast or billet aluminum. The transaxle must be of the longitudinal design, using only two shafts, input to layshaft and mainshaft to the pinion. Only one non-adjustable, non-ramp type, limited-slip clutch plate-type differential is allowed. Gear change ratios are free. No suspension mounting points are allowed on/to the transaxle case(s). All transaxle units must include a GRAND-AM approved transaxle/suspension mounting plate. 5-2.3 A current list of approved transaxle suppliers is available from GRAND-AM at 386947-6681 or online at 5-3 Clutch/Flywheel 5-3.1 Flywheel must be steel. Clutch may be a heavy-duty multiple-disc type, using three or more metallic discs with a minimum diameter of 5.5 inches. 5-3.2 Carbon clutches are not permitted. 5-3.3 Clutch pressure plate and flywheel must mount directly to the engine. 5-4 Maximum forward gears 5-4.1 A maximum of five forward gears are allowed for cars with engines 5.0L and over. A maximum of six forward gears are allowed for cars with engines under 5.0L. 5-5 Bell housing/Adapter Plate 5-5.1 The engine to transaxle adapter plate must be made of steel or aluminum and must be approved by GRAND-AM. 5-6 Prop/Drive Shaft 5-6.1 Drive shaft must be steel or aluminum. 5-6.2 It is mandatory that two 360 steel loops be placed around the drive shaft.
SECTION 6 - WHEELS AND TIRES 6-1 The official tire supplier for 2011 is Continental Tire. The tires must be used as sold at the track by Continental Tire. No other tire may be used. Contact at Tires must be ordered two weeks prior to the event. 6-1.1 Carbon fiber and wide-five wheels are not permitted. 6-1.2 Wheel offset is free. 6-1.3 Wheels must be three piece. 6-1.4 Wheel fans are not permitted. 6-1.5 Centerlock wheels are not permitted on a pre-approved basis for specific Prep 1 car models introduced after 1/1/11. 6-1.6 Wheel centering or hubcentric devices may be added. They must be bolted or mechanically retained to the hub, (no floating spacers). The centering/locating device up to three inches in length must not protrude beyond the outside wheel rim flange. The wheels studs can be a maximum of two and one half inches in length and must be at least once half inch shorter than the centering device.
SECTION 7 - SUSPENSION AND STEERING 7-1 Suspension - (Prep 1) 7-1.1 The type, number of mounting points, components, and uprights in the suspension must remain as approved. Springs are free (maximum of four) provided they are the original type. The springing medium must not consist solely of bolts located through flexible bushings or mountings. There must be movement of the wheels to give suspension travel in excess of any flexibility in the attachments. 7-1.2 All suspension components, with the exception of parts specifically mentioned must be original equipment for the approved model supplied by the manufacturer or homologated per GRAND-AM approval. 7-1.3 The position of the suspension mounting points on the chassis may be moved or changed by not more than one inch, while respecting the number and the original
type of the suspension. 7-1.4 Rubber joints may be replaced with uni-ball joints. 7-1.5 Shock Absorbers Any shock absorber maximum three-way adjustment with one remote canister is permitted. Cross-connected shocks are not allowed. 7-1.6 Driver adjustable front and rear anti-roll bars are allowed. 7-1.7 Driver controlled electronic or hydraulic adjustments of springs and shock absorbers are not allowed. 7-1.8 No metallic, magnetic, or compressible fluids are allowed. 7-1.9 Suspension Parts All suspension parts must be made from homogeneous metallic materials, unless otherwise supplied as OEM. Chromium plating of steel suspension parts is not allowed. 7-1.10 Steering All steering components (except the steering ratio and tie rod ends) must be original equipment supplied by the manufacturer. These parts may be strengthened provided the original part can still be identified. 7-2 Suspension (Prep 2) 7-2.1 Suspension may be four-wheel independent design, with only one spring and one shock absorber per wheel allowed. Front-engine cars may use a live axle rear end housing with a three or four-link suspension attachment and a watts-link or panhard bar for axle centering. The spring must be on the shock absorber (coilover style). Active Suspension is not permitted. All cars may use the production hub/bearing carrier/stub-axle. If replaced, the front suspension upright/spindle must be one-piece, fabricated, welded or forged steel upright and must either be Stock Car Products (SCP) Grand National style GN90F-96F or its GRAND-AM approved replacement. Five bolt steel or aluminum hubs are required. Hub must be comparable to Hoerr Racing Products GN 5x5-102-5GN. 7-2.2 Front Suspension - only basic coil-over, double wishbone type permitted. All suspension pick-up points must be incorporated in the chassis framework. Upper Control arm must be 8.25 to 10.5 in length, fabricated steel. Control arm must use screw-in or bolt-in automotive style ball joints. Control arm must either be AFCO part number 19006-19013 or P/N 20002 to 20010-1 or its exact replica. Suspension must be of outboard design. Push rod/pull rod, bell cranks or remote coil-over shocks are not permitted. 7-2.3 Rear Suspension - All rear suspension and coil-over mounting/pickup points must be to the main chassis framework, the engine bell housing/adapter plate, and/or the transaxle/suspension mounting plate. No suspension mounting points are allowed on/to the transaxle case. Push rod/pull rod, bell cranks or remote coilover shocks are not permitted. 7-2.4 Shock Absorbers - Any shock absorber maximum three-way adjustment with one remote canister is permitted. Cross-connected shocks are not allowed. 7-2.5 Driver adjustable front and rear anti-roll bars are allowed. 7-2.6 Driver, electronic or hydraulic adjustments of springs and shock absorbers are not allowed. 7-2.7 Materials Suspension members (A-arms, uprights) must be made from magnetic steel material. Front A-arms must be of an anti-intrusion design. 7-2.8 Steering Components Only front steering is allowed. Rack and pinion only, no bell cranks, only one tie rod per side from the spindle steering arm to the steering rack. 7-2.9 Lower control arm, steering arms and sway bars are free. SECTION 8 - BRAKES 8-1 Brake Rotors 8-1.1 Only magnetic cast iron or cast steel rotors. 8-1.2 Maximum rotor diameter: Prep 1 - OEM diameter or as described in car specs
Prep 2 - 330 mm 8-2 Brake Calipers 8-2.1 Only one two-piece (split into two halves) brake caliper of aluminum alloy, with a maximum of four pistons and two pads per wheel is permitted. Maximum caliper stack width is 78mm. 8-2.2 Titanium pistons are allowed in brake calipers. 8-2.3 The brake pedal must operate all four wheels through a dual master cylinder system. 8-2.4 Anti-lock/ABS brakes are prohibited on prep 2 cars. Factory installed ABS allowed on prep 1 cars as approved. 8-2.5 Prep 1 cars may use prep 2 brakes. 8-3 Brake Master Cylinders 8-3.1 Master Cylinders are free.
SECTION 9 - FUEL SYSTEM 9-1 Fuel Tanks 9-1.1 The fuel cell must be located within 26.5 inches of the longitudinal centerline of the car. It is recommended that the fuel cell be mounted above and/or behind the rear axle assembly. All other installations require advance approval by GRANDAM. 9-1.2 The fuel cell(s) must be separated from the driver and engine compartment by a metal firewall. Floor to ceiling bulkheads are not permitted unless in original configuration. 9-1.3 All fuel cell installations must be approved by the Technical Department prior to competition. 9-2 Fittings and Piping 9-2.1 All fittings in the rubber fuel cell bladder (including air vents, inlets, outlets, tank fillers, inter-tank connectors and access openings) must be metal fittings bonded into the bladder. 9-2.2 Fuel, cooling water or oil lines that pass through the cockpit must be shielded hose with bulkhead fittings. 9-2.3 No hydraulic fluid lines may have quick connectors inside the cockpit. 9-3 Fuel Tank Fillers 9-3.1 The tank filler and vent must not protrude beyond the bodywork. The filler/vent must be situated in the rear deck lid as far rearward as possible. 9-3.2 Fuel Capacity - The maximum fuel capacity is 22 gallons. Three bolts must be drilled that fasten the fuel cell top cover for sealing purposes. 9-3.3 GRAND-AM reserves the right to adjust fuel capacity. SECTION 10 - WEIGHT 10-1 Maximum permitted rear weight percentage for front-engine cars, without fuel and driver, race ready is 51%.
SECTION 1 - PURPOSE 1-1 Purpose SECTION 2 DEFINITIONS 2-1 Definitions SECTION 3 - ELIGIBILITY 3-1 Eligibility 3-2 Classes 3-3 Recognition/Configuration SECTION 4 - CHASSIS/BODYWORK REGULATIONS 4-1 Drive and Steering 4-2 Added car weight SECTION 5 - FUEL/FUEL CELLS 5-1 Fuel Tank/Cell 5-2 Fuel Fillers/Vents 5-3 Fuel Lines 5-4 Fuel Capacity SECTION 6 - MANDATORY SAFETY EQUIPMENT/MODIFICATIONS 6-1 Roll Cage 6-2 Glass 6-3 Other Safety Modifications SECTION 7 - AUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS 7-1 Standard Components 7-2 Brakes 7-3 Shocks, Springs, Suspension 7-4 Lights 7-5 Exhaust System 7-6 Turbocharging/Supercharging 7-7 Other Items Which May Be Substituted 7-8 Engine 7-9 Steering Wheel/Steering System 7-10 Doors/Hood/Body Shell 7-11 Ride Height/Track 7-12 Items That May Be Removed 7-13 Gearbox, Differential, Drive train 7-14 Tires SECTION 8 - VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY AND NOTES
CONTINENTAL TIRE SPORTS CAR CHALLENGE REGULATIONS SECTION 1 - PURPOSE 1-1 Purpose - This category is designed to encourage race competition of standard volume-produced cars and components, to demonstrate the quality and reliability of various makes and models, and to promote the performance of drivers, manufacturers and other participants. SECTION 2 - DEFINITIONS 2-1 Definitions Automobile or car is used throughout the GRAND -AM Rule Book to mean the GRAND-AM approved engine block/crankcase and body shell/chassis combination. During a race neither the body shell/chassis nor the engine block may be replaced. SECTION 3 - ELIGIBILITY 3-1 Eligibility All automobiles, chassis, bodywork and/or engines presented for competition to GRANDAM must be approved by GRAND-AM and conform to the rules, regulations and specifications for the various classes published in this rulebook. 3-1.1 GRAND-AM will determine and publish a list of specific eligible makes and models of automobiles. Eligible cars will ordinarily be those described in manufacturers catalogs, produced at a minimum rate of 500 units per year, and available for purchase through normal dealer outlets 30 days or more prior to competing in an event. Exemption from minimum production requirements must be approved by GRAND-AM. 3-1.2 Equipment will not be considered as having been approved by reason of having passed through inspection unobserved. 3-2 Classes 3-2.1 GRAND-AM will recognize two classes of eligible makes and models - Grand Sport (GS) and Street Tuner (ST). 3-2.2 GRAND-AM may at its own discretion reclassify, add or delete specific makes and models, or change specifications. 3-2.3 Cars will remain eligible for competition for five years after the last model goes out of production. 3-3 Recognition/Configuration 3-3.1 GRAND-AM may use any legitimate forms, publications, original components and vehicles describing the production OEM (original equipment manufacturer) specifications of the eligible makes and models in order to verify compliance with these regulations. GRAND-AM may require a competitor to furnish factory specifications prior to competing. 3-3.2 GRAND-AM may establish specifications that are not per the original manufacturer specification. 3-3.3 Each car must conform to the standard configuration as delivered to U.S. consumers by the manufacturer except where these regulations allow or require modifications. 3-3.4 GRAND-AM may require competitors to exchange or replace parts with those of another competitor; manufacturer's replacement part or as otherwise stipulated by GRAND-AM. No modification, alternate component, or deletion is permitted unless specifically allowed by these regulations. 3-3.5 GRAND-AM will publish the required tire sizes for each eligible make and model on the vehicle eligibility list. 3-3.6 ABS and Traction Control, if used, may only be OEM for the car unless specified in Section 8. These systems, if used, must be used in conjunction with the as delivered OEM management systems. Aftermarket ABS and Traction Control systems and/or aftermarket ABS and Traction Control management systems and/or processors are not permitted. GRAND-AM may specify an aftermarket ABS unit. 3-3.7 Data Acquisition Systems may be used. A separate, visible and traceable wiring harness must be used for all data acquisition equipment. If used data acquisition systems must as a minimum monitor engine RPM, speed in MPH, physical track map position and boost pressure (PSIG, on turbo cars).The system may include engine monitoring functions, (including oil pressure and temperature, water temperature, etc.) Additional inputs may only include one longitudinal and one lateral g load sensor, front and rear brake pressures, four wheel speed sensors, steering input, gear selected, throttle position, gps mapping and beacon hit.
(Note: This specifically does not mention chassis parameters like shock travel, load cells, tire temp., brake temp., ride height sensors and other higher order functions as these are beyond the scope of the expectations for a Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge data acquisition system as determined by the sanctioning body.) SECTION 4 - CHASSIS/BODYWORK REGULATIONS 4-1 Drive and Steering 4-1.1 The automobiles must have four wheels not in line. 4-1.2 Four-wheel steering is prohibited. 4-2 Added car weight 4-2.1 All ballast must be carried in a ballast box constructed of metal with a minimum thickness of .100 and utilize the passenger seat mounts for anchoring. The box must fully enclose the ballast with a top that bolts in place. The ballast must also be secured inside the ballast box. 4-2.2 It is prohibited to add or remove weight or change to a lighter component during the race. 4-2.3 GRAND-AM reserves the right to check vehicle weight at any time during an event. 4-2.4 GRAND-AM reserves the right to adjust minimum weights. SECTION 5 - FUEL CELLS 5-1 Fuel Tank/Cell 5-1.1 Fuel tanks must remain OEM unless an approved fuel cell is used. 5-1.2 Safety fuel cell foam is permitted in the OEM fuel tank. 5-1.3 Fuel cell installation must be approved by GRAND-AM. 5-2 Fuel Fillers/Vents 5-2.1 Fueling systems must conform to GRAND-AM General Automobile Regulations. Dry break rigs must use 1 1/2 inch hose. 5-2.2 Cars may be fueled using single or double dry break fueling systems. When using the dry break system, both the filler and the air vent must be equipped with a leak proof probe dry break coupling complying with the dead man principle. The couplings must not incorporate any retaining device when in an open position. If dual dry break is used the receptacle must be accessed by opening the trunk, hatch or OEM fuel door. 5-2.3 Modifications necessary for a dry break fuel system installation are permitted. OEM fuel doors must be operational. 5-2.4 Fuel Sample Ports - Competitors must install a fuel sampling port at or just before the injector rails. 5-3 Fuel Lines 5-3.1 Standard fuel hoses and lines may be replaced by armored lines maintaining standard I.D. and routing. 5-3.2 When flexible, all lines must have threaded connectors and have armored braid. 5-4 Fuel Capacity 5-4.1 Any device, system, procedure, construction or design, the purpose and/or effect of which is any increase whatsoever, even temporarily, of the total fuel storage capacity beyond the maximum is prohibited. 5-4.2 GRAND-AM reserves the right to adjust the fuel capacity. SECTION 6 - MANDATORY SAFETY EQUIPMENT/MODIFICATIONS 6-1 Roll Cage - All cars must be equipped with a roll cage made from a minimum of 1.750 x .090 DOM seamless steel tubing and constructed per normal industry standard on any car built after 2001. The roll cage must include a horizontal bar between the main hoop upright, at shoulder height, to facilitate seat bracing/mounting. The roll cage structure may not extend forward beyond the firewall. Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge cars present a variety of different scenarios when it comes to roll cage construction. Please feel free to contact GRAND-AM for clarification. 6-1.1 For Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge roadsters, the roll cage specification is per sections 10-3.1, 10-3.1-1.1, and 10-3.1-1.2 except for bars #16A, #4A and #8. Bar #6 is optional. See General Automobile Regulations: Ref. Section 10-3. In addition to the drivers side window net in Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge roadsters, driver arm restraints must be worn by the driver in such a fashion that the
driver cannot reach within 6 inches of the top of the roll cage. 6-1.2 Accepted FIA-spec cars may use 40.0 mm X 2.0 mm tubing. 6-2 Glass - The driver and passenger door glass must be removed. All other greenhouse glass must remain as standard. All headlight, taillight, side marker and turn signal lenses must remain as standard unless otherwise allowed to be removed. Windshield and rear glass supplemental clips or straps may be added. Tinted glass is not permitted. Damaged or cracked windshields or rear glass are not permitted. 6-3 Other Safety Modifications 6-3.1 Hubcaps, wheel trim, spare wheel, jack and any tools must be removed. 6-3.2 Air bags and related components must be removed. Steering wheel locks must be removed. 6-3.3 Wheel lugs may be lengthened up to two inches in order to accommodate thicker wheels. The lug type is free. i.e. bolt vs. stud. The lug nut assembly may not protrude more than two inches from the mounting face or protrude beyond the outer plane of the wheel. 6-3.4 Catalytic converters must be removed. SECTION 7 - AUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS 7-1 Standard Components - The following authorized modifications may be made but are not required. The standard OEM components may be used at all times. 7-2 Brakes 7-2.1 GRAND-AM may allow a brake upgrade for specific models. If allowed, only one two-piece (split into two halves) caliper of aluminum alloy with a maximum of four pistons and two pads per wheel permitted. 7-2.2 The emergency brake system may be removed. ABS brake components and system may be deactivated and/or removed. ABS, if used, may only be OEM system for car unless noted in Options for each car. Aftermarket ABS systems will be limited to either (Tevis) system as authorized on 2004 BMW M3, Nissan 350Z and Porsche 997. Bosch system as authorized on new cars by being specifically listed on model options. 7-2.3 Brake rotor dust shields may be modified or removed. 7-2.4 Fluid or fan cooling of the brakes is prohibited. 7-2.5 Brake pads, brake lines and hoses are free provided standard I.D. and routing are maintained. Quick couple brake line connectors are prohibited. Friction material and backing plate dimensions must maintain industry standards. Brake pad backing plates must be steel. 7-2.6 Replacement brake rotors may be used provided the replacement is of the same material and is within five-percent of the OEM rotor dimension. If GRAND-AM specifies a rotor size it may not be changed. One-piece rotors may be replaced with two-piece design (hat and disc). 7-2.7 Air ducting to the front brakes is permitted either through the front OEM parking or fog light openings or the underside of the front bumper. Maximum two individual brake ducts front and rear are allowed. 7-2.8 Cars are allowed cockpit brake fluid bias adjustment. 7-3 Shocks, Springs, Suspension 7-3.1 No modifications to suspension components are allowed unless otherwise approved per vehicle make and model. 7-3.2 Springs may be replaced with commercially available aftermarket or OEM units provided they are used without modification to any other components. Coil-over shocks may be used provided OEM pick up points are utilized. KONI 2800 series shocks or AST (model AST-5220) are mandatory on all Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge cars beginning 01/01/11. The external unmodified and internal KONI/AST components must be maintained for their respective shocks. (This is to clarify that no internal parts may be modified by machining of any kind. Parts must be used as supplied by KONI or AST for their respective shocks, in any combination.) All Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge cars may use only unmodified parts from the posted parts list. Parts list will be posted on the GRAND-AM website. 7-3.3 Caster and camber adjustments may be made with approved fitting of camber plates to an allowable limit of negative 3 degrees or as specified by GRAND-AM. 7-3.4 Front and rear sway bars may be added or replaced with aftermarket bolt on sway bars
affixed to the OEM sway bar mounting points. Welded in sway bars are not permitted unless OEM in which case no modification is allowed. Cockpit/driver adjustable sway bars are not permitted. 7-3.5 Any suspension bushing, sub-frame bushing, engine mount, transmission mount or differential mount may be replaced with non metallic substitutes of the same dimensions that do not require modification to any other component. The replacement bushing cannot change / offset the location of any component. 7-3.6 No spherical rod ends or similar applications are permitted with the exception of shock and sway bar ends. 7-3.7 Offset ball joints may be used for camber adjustment. 7-4 Lights 7-4.1 Standard headlights and parking lights may be removed and replaced with a plate of identical shape and size of the lens - for daytime racing only. OEM headlights must be used when lights are required. 7-4.2 Standard headlight beams may be replaced with aftermarket units of equal dimension. 7-4.3 For nighttime events a maximum of two front auxiliary lights may be added in the grill area on the front of the car. 7-4.4 Daytime running lights and back up lights may be disconnected. 7-4.5 Brake lights must be operational. 7-5 Exhaust System 7-5.1 All catalytic converters must be removed unless otherwise stated. 7-5.2 Exhaust pipes must exit behind the driver; extend to the perimeter of the bodywork and direct exhaust gases on a minimum of 45 degrees down. 7-5.3 The exhaust system on naturally aspirated cars is free beyond the OEM exhaust manifold except as noted in 7-5.2. 7-6 Turbocharging/Supercharging 7-6.1 All forced induction vehicles will be assessed an additional fee when registering for the season. This is to offset the cost for data collection equipment for these cars. Forced induction teams will also be required to purchase (from GRAND-AM) and install the following sensors: ST453 Boost sensor with DSP ST543 IR Lap Time Rx The boost sensor may be collected by GRAND-AM at any time to verify calibration and accuracy. Replacement for sensors damaged in use will be the responsibility of the team. The data acquisition modules will be randomly assigned by GRAND-AM. Only a GRAND-AM official may access the information on the unit. These units must be returned to at the conclusion of each event. 7-6.2 Teams must install a 1/8 NPT (female) port directly in the intake plenum. This location must be approved by the GRAND-AM Technical Manager. 7-6.3 Teams will be required to purchase and properly install the harness and mounting system provided by GRAND-AM. Teams will provide the necessary information and access for GRAND-AM to design the wiring harness including providing taps and connectors for non-driven wheel speed sensor, (Note: All-wheel drive cars will have the position of the wheel speed sensor determined by the Technical Manager), RPM feed, independent intake manifold pressure sensor, lap time trigger beacon, and throttle position sensor (Note: An existing 0-5V sensor is acceptable for TPS, otherwise one will need to be installed by the team). This harness must remain unmodified and unaltered in any way. Any repairs must be completed under the direct supervision of a GRAND-AM official. GRAND-AM may require replacement rather than authorizing any repair or addition. 7-6.4 All eligible turbocharged/supercharged cars must compete using the standard OEM production intake and exhaust system excluding the catalytic converters and mufflers. Once removed, a replacement pipe of the OEM diameter must be installed in place of the catalytic converters and mufflers. 7-6.5 Cars will be required to use a GRAND-AM-supplied data logger and/or provide access to their data logger (if used). 7-6.6 Supercharged cars must use OEM pulleys
7-6.7 Any device that controls boost levels other than the production parts are not permitted unless mandated by GRAND-AM. 7-6.8 GRAND-AM may mandate a mechanical boost control. 7-6.9 GRAND-AM may establish alternate boost parameters for turbocharged and supercharged cars at specific race events. 7-6.10 Teams must provide a mounting for the recorder box. The recorder must be mounted in the cockpit in a location accessible for download during pit stops. 7-7 Other Items Which May Be Substituted 7-7.1 Spark plugs, wires, distributors, ignition wiring and batteries. Batteries must be of the same minimum standard dimension of 10 long x 6.7 wide x 7.6 tall. Batteries may not exceed the dimension of the production battery for the car. Battery must be standard OE size as delivered or the above minimum standard dimension. 7-7.2 Filters, fluids, lubricants 7-7.3 Belts, pulleys, hoses, wiper blades 7-7.4 Inside mirrors, fittings, nuts, bolts and fasteners 7-7.5 Gaskets, bearings, piston rings. Replacement head gasket must be OEM thickness. 7-7.6 Fuel pressure regulators and fuel injectors 7-7.7 Radiators Standard ducting must be retained with no additions or changes. Areas that are left open by the removal of items authorized in 7-12 and openings in the original duct may be closed only by small, independent and flat pieces of metal or plastic affixed to the original duct. These pieces may have a flange of no more than 3/8 inch but may not have any other bends for any reason. Production radiator duct may be sealed to front of radiator with foam rubber to close the gap. 7-8 Engine 7-8.1 Engine management systems may be replaced with non-OEM systems with GRAND-AM approval. Effective 01/01/08 all GS and 05/01/08 all ST Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge cars that choose to use an aftermarket ECU must use the GRAND-AM specified ECU and wiring harness. Spec ECU and wiring harnesses cannot be modified in any way. 7-8.2 The following components may be tooled enough for balancing only - pistons, rods, crankshaft, harmonic balancer, flywheel and clutch. 7-8.3 The lightest rod and piston must remain unaltered. 7-8.4 The crankshaft and harmonic balancer may weigh no less than the OEM specification. 7-8.5 Aftermarket pistons may be used provided they remain identical in weight, dimension and form. 7-8.6 Allowed to overbore block up to .030 maximum. 7-8.7 The oil pan and oil pick up may be modified (not the pump) 7-8.8 Engine oil Accu-sump system and valve is permitted. 7-8.9 All pushrod engines may use aftermarket blueprinted or adjustable length pushrods, provided they are of the same material and configuration of the original. 7-8.10Other items that may be replaced include cam gears, sprockets and chains. 7-8.11The airbox and air filter are free on normally aspirated cars unless otherwise specified by GRAND-AM. Ram air induction is not permitted. 7-8.12 GRAND-AM will provide restrictors when required. Teams will be responsible for gaskets and bolts to attach the restrictors. Return of the restrictors is mandatory following each event or fines will be imposed. 7-9 Steering Wheel/Steering System 7-9.1 The steering wheel may be replaced with any non-wood steering wheel. 7-9.2 Steering wheel locks must be removed. 7-9.3 All air bags must be removed. 7-9.4 Power steering must be retained, if so equipped. 7-9.5 Quick release steering wheel adapters are allowed with technical department approval. 7-10 Doors/Hood/Body Shell 7-10.1 Seam welding is permitted provided no metal is added. 7-10.2 Jacking points are permitted. Four plates not exceeding 30 square inches may be added. Air jacks may not be used at any time. 7-10.3 Hood and trunk pins must be installed with a cable attaching the pin to the car. Original
hood and trunk latches must be removed. There must be a minimum of two pins or latches on hood and trunk. 7-10.4 Original door latches must function as originally installed. 7-10.5 Doors must remain unlocked at all times. The standard door locks must be removed. 7-10.6 A metal panel of equal size and shape must replace the transparent portion of a factoryinstalled sunroof. Sunroof slide mechanism may be removed. 7-10.7 It is permitted to install a removable strut between the opposite strut tower points, front or rear, (all classes) and permissible to run two symmetrical rearward running struts from the shock towers to the center of the front firewall. 7-10.8 It is permitted to remove inside bracing and panels from the doors. 7-10.9 Driver cooling ducts are permitted in open side windows provided they do not extend beyond the inner plane of the window. 7-11 Ride Height/Track 7-11.1 Minimum ride height is 3.5 inches measured anywhere on the car. 7-11.2 Tires and wheels must be inside the bodywork from axle centerline up as viewed from above. 7-12 Items That May Be Removed 7-12.1 Air conditioners, compressors, hoses, condenser, cruise control and related components may be removed. 7-12.2 Radios, antennas, and stereo system components may be removed provided a metal plate covers the remaining hole. 7-12.3 Inner fender liners may be removed. 7-12.4 Sun visors may be removed. Interior headliners, carpeting, passenger and rear seats, trim panels, center consoles, inner front door panels and door winding mechanisms may be removed. 7-13 Gearbox, Differential, Drive train 7-13.1 Driveshaft - On front-engine rear-wheel drive vehicles, a sturdy metal strap must be mounted to the chassis to prevent the drive shaft from leaving the vehicle in the event of drive shaft coupling failure. 7-13.2 GRAND-AM will approve an aftermarket manual transmission for makes and models available only with an automatic transmission. 7-13.3 Only manual transmissions are allowed. 7-13.4 GRAND-AM will specify any alternate gear ratios for cars on the vehicle eligibility chart. 7-13.5 Limited slip or posi-traction differentials are permitted. 7-13.6 On manual transmission models, the clutch may be replaced with an aftermarket clutch that is interchangeable (using the same mounting holes) and the same dimension of the OEM component. 7-13.7 Original flywheel/clutch assembly may be replaced with an aftermarket assembly provided it is within eighty percent of the weight of the original and utilizes the OEM starter motor. 7-13.8 Installation of a ballistic flywheel/transmission blanket is recommended. 7-14 Tires 7-14.1 Official Tire - The official tire is the Continental Tire performance radial tire. No other tire may be used. Contact: Continental Tire, TIRES MUST BE ORDERED TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE EVENT. SECTION 8 - VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY AND NOTES 8-1 New model or vehicle eligibility requests may be made directly to GRAND-AM at anytime. New approvals will not be eligible for competition until such time as GRAND-AM publishes a bulletin listing any new additions. 8-2 Go to the link below to refer to the GRAND-AM website, under the Competitor Rules and Regulations section, for Sports Car Challenge Detailed Vehicle Specifications which are the complete, detailed options and allowed modifications for each eligible model. GRAND-AM will approve cars for competition based on findings that determine a cars capability to be competitive.
Audi S4 2010
Chevrolet Camaro
Dodge Challenger
3.55 :1
Hyundai Genesis
Specifications TBD
Tire size: 245/45/17 front, 275/40/17 rear. Using alternative ECU. Tire size: 245/45/17 front, 275/40/17 rear. Using Stock ECU. Tire size: 245/45/17 front, 275/40/17 rear Using Stock ECU Tire size: 245/35/18 Front 275/35/18 Rear
Porsche 997 (3.8) 2005-2007 with 3.8 (97.01) Sealed Engine Porsche 997 Carerra S (3.8) 2009-2011 Sealed Engine
Specification TBD
Tire size:225/45/17
Tire size:225/45/17
BMW 128
Tire size:225/45/17
Mazda Speed 3
4.875 :1
Mazda 6 (3.0)
Porsche Boxster (2.7) (986 based) 2004 Porsche Boxster (2.7) (987 based) 2005
Tire size: 225/45/17 Front 245/40/17 Rear Tire size: 225/45/17 Front 245/40/17 Rear
Scion TC
Subaru Legacy Spec B Sedan 2007 (2.5) 6 speed Volkswagen GTI 2006 2.0 L
Tire size :225/45/17 Tires size :225/45/17 Maximum RPM 7000. Must run stock exhaust Tires sizes: 225/45/17 Maximum RPM 7000. Must run stock exhaust Tire sizes: 225/45/17 Maximum RPM 7000. Must run stock exhaust