Opel Blink Codes
Opel Blink Codes
Opel Blink Codes
Thu Nov 07 2002 at 9:35:34 Inevitably, at some point in a car's life, something will go wrong with it. If t he car has been manufactured from about 1994 onwards, faults relating to the fue lling and ignition system may be warned of by the engine's control unit, or ECU, by illumination of a warning light on the dashboard or instrument display. This light usually has an engine symbol with a lightning bolt going through it, or s omething similar. To find out what this warning light means, one might take the car to a garage, w here it would be connected to a computer which would read out what the fault is, at a needless cost to the vehicle owner. I have known this five-minute procedur e to cost as much as 30 GBP (about $60 USD), when it can be done (depending on th e exact vehicle) by oneself for nothing, in just as little time. This will tell you how to read fault codes on several Vauxhall/Opel/Holden vehic les. For simplicity's sake, I will refer to them by their Vauxhall (i.e. British ) names only, since there is some conflicts with the Opel names (for example the Vauxhall Cavalier was sold as the Vectra in Europe, which is also the name of t he followup to the Cavalier in Britain). This covers the Cavalier, Calibra, Vect ra, Astra (Mk2/3), Carlton, Senator, and the Omega (at least up to 1999, unsure after that). Note that diesel models are not covered. All that is required for any of these procedures is: The car in question (obviously) Eyes A paperclip, or similar short piece of malleable (and conductive) wire It is also useful to know whether the engine of the car is an Ecotec. This is si mple to determine: just look at the spark plug cover in the engine bay; if it ha s 'Ecotec' on it in large letters, then it is an Ecotec (natch). If you don't kn ow what the spark plug cover is, then you might want to leave this to a garage a s the results of this will probably be meaningless to you. If you insist, open t he bonnet/hood and see if you can see the word 'Ecotec' in big letters somewhere under there. This procedure will differ in minor ways depending on the car - I will group the m into categories for simplicity: Group A: The Cavalier, Carlton, Senator and Calibra. Group B: The Astra and Omega. Group C: The Vectra. First, locate the diagnostic plug. This is the plug that would be connected to t he diagnostic machine, had you taken the car to a garage. In group A cars it is in the engine bay in the rear right hand corner (it is clipped into a small hold er), if at the front of the car looking back. Group B cars have it in the in-car fusebox. On group C cars it is under a detachable half-moon-shaped cover, under the handbrake handle. Next, get the plug/connector the right way up so you know which pins are which. All of them have a irregularity of some kind on one side (usually a stud, or cli p), so this is easy enough. Group A, the stud should be on the bottom. Group B, the stud should be on the right. Group C, the protrusions on one side of the plu g should be on the left. The different plugs all have between 10 and 16 pins. On group A cars they go from A to K, from top to bottom clockwise, thus:
------------| A B C D E | | K J H G F | ------------|| On the Astra they go from A to K from top right to top left clockwise, thus: -----K A | J B | H C || G D | F E | -----On the Omega and Vectra they go from 1 to 16 from the top left to bottom right, thus: / | | | \ -\--------__/ \ \ |__ 1 \_ 8 \ __| \ | |__ 9 \ 16 / \ \ / --------\-Now, if the engine is an Ecotec, start it up. Otherwise, just turn the ignition on (although this will still work if you start the engine). The next step involv es shorting two of these pins together, using the aforementioned piece of wire ( However before you do this I recommend you read the next paragraph). Cars in gro up A & the Astra, short pins A & B. Group C cars and the Omega, short pins 5 & 6 . In suitably-specified cars (cars with certain engines or those manufactured afte r a certain date will not respond to this technique, and will require either a g arage, or a suitable device bought from somewhere like Halfords to read off the fault codes), the engine management light will flash according to the fault code s it has stored in its memory. These take the form of a sequence of flashes for each number, followed by a pause, followed by the next number, followed by a lon g pause, followed by the next number in the same manner. For example, when the light first begins flashing, it flashes the code '12' thre e times as a marker. The code '12' takes the form of one flash, a pause, then tw o flashes. After a longer pause, the code will flash again two more times. All t he codes are output in this fashion. If the only code output is code '12', then no fault codes are stored (code '12' is used to indicate the beginning and end o f the fault code list). All codes are flashed three times. Whilst this is a digression, to avoid unnecessary worry, it should be noted that if the fault codes are read without the engine running, the ECU will probably r eport a fault code for an absent RPM signal - this is simply because the engine is not running and no cause for concern. As an aside, to clear the ECU's list of fault codes (which would also cost extra money, at a garage), turn the ignition on and off 25 times (this has the effect of 'pushing' the stored fault codes off the memory stack of the ECU). Alternati vely, disconnect the battery or the ECU connector plug for about 30 minutes or s o. Note that this will also reset the ECU parameters to their defaults (there is a limited 'learning' facility in the ECUs which adapts certain parameters such as ignition timing, to the way the car is driven) - it will take about 200 miles of driving for them to adapt again.(1) This clearing technique, as with the cod e reading technique, may not work for newer vehicles. On such vehicles the codes
can only be cleared by a suitably-equipped garage. Further, on certain vehicles (those in group A, to my knowledge), it is possible to view fault codes from other ECUs in the vehicle - for example (where fitted) , those for the ABS (Anti-Lock Braking) system, the vehicle security system, the Traction Control system, the 4x4 system and the automatic gearbox. The full pin -out for the diagnostic plug on type A vehicles is as follows: A - Ground B - Engine ECU C - Automatic Gearbox (except models with traction control) D - Fuel Computer (not UK models) E - Engine ECU F - +12v (fused) G - Bi directional data line H - Alarm J - 4x4 or Traction Control (pin may not be present on certain models) K - ABS Simply short the pin for the desired system to ground, and if capable, the appro priate ECU will flash any fault codes on its dashboard light - for example, shor t pins A & K for the ABS fault codes, and the ABS warning light will flash with any ABS fault codes. Note that the engine ECU can be read on pin E as well as pi n B. Do not short pins A & F (12v+ to ground); it won't do anything except blow fuse 8 (therefore hopefully avoiding component damage) and you could burn yourse lf on the wire, as I did. Now you know how to read fault codes, you will probably find a list of these fau lt codes and their meaning useful. Read from one of the following tables dependi ng which make of ECU the vehicle has. Bosch Motronic fault code listing This covers Motronic version 2.5 and 2.8 ECUs, fitted in Vauxhall/Opel vehicles from approximately 1990 onwards, which control fuel and ignition systems. Fault codes are shown with the corresponding fault. Fault codes in related, electronic ally-controlled vehicle systems such as ABS, Traction Control, and 4x4. This mai nly pertains to the Vauxhall Cavalier, Carlton (Vectra-A and Omega-A in Europe, respectively), Senator, and Calibra. Engine ECU 12 Diagnosis initiation/separator (indicates beginning/end of fault code list) 13 Oxygen sensor - open circuit 14 Coolant temperature sensor - voltage low 15 Coolant temperature sensor - voltage high 16 Knock signal circuit - no voltage change 17 Knock signal circuit 2 - no voltage change (V6 models only) 18 Knock control module (ECU) 19 Incorrect RPM signal (Crankshaft sensor - incorrect signal) 21 Throttle position sensor - voltage high 22 Throttle position sensor - voltage low 23 Knock sensor - out of range 24 Speed sensor (MPH) 25 Injector 1 - voltage high 26 Injector 2 - voltage high 27 Injector 3 - voltage high 28 Injector 4 - voltage high 29 Injector 5 - voltage high/ Fuel pump relay voltage low (non-V6 models) 30 Injector 6 - voltage high (V6 models only) 31 No engine RPM signal (engine not running, or no Crankshaft sensor signal) 32 Fuel pump relay - voltage high 33 MAP sensor - voltage high
34 MAP sensor - voltage low 35 Idle air control valve stepper motor (no idle speed control) 38 Oxygen sensor - voltage low (weak mixture) 39 Oxygen sensor - voltage high (rich mixture) 41 1 gear indent switch - voltage low 42 1 gear indent switch - voltage high 43 EGR system 44 Oxygen circuit - voltage low (weak mixture) 45 Oxygen circuit - voltage high (rich mixture) 47 Linear EGR position 48 Battery - voltage low 49 Battery - voltage high 51 ECU memory failure 52 Check engine light - voltage high 53 Fuel pump relay - voltage low 54 Fuel pump relay - voltage high 55 ECU faulty 56 Idle air control valve - voltage low/high 57 Idle air control valve - voltage high/low 61 Fuel tank vent valve - voltage low 62 Fuel tank vent valve - voltage high 63 EST line coil cylinders 2 & 3 - voltage low 64 EST line coil cylinders 1 & 4 - voltage low 65 Idle CO potentiometer - voltage low 66 Idle CO potentiometer - voltage high 67 Idle position switch - voltage low (idle position switch not opening) 69 Intake air temperature sensor - voltage low 71 Intake air temperature sensor - voltage high 72 Full position switch - voltage high 73 Air flow sensor - voltage low 74 Air flow sensor -voltage high 75 Torque control - voltage low 76 Torque control - continuous 79 Full load inhibitor - voltage low (traction control signal) 81 Injector valve 1 - voltage low 82 Injector valve 2 - voltage low 83 Injector valve 3 - voltage low 84 Injector valve 4 - voltage low 85 Injector valve 5 - voltage low (V6 models only) 86 Injector valve 6 - voltage low (V6 models only) 87 A/C cut-off relay - voltage low 88 A/C cut-off relay - voltage high 92 Camshaft sensor failure 93 Hall sensor - voltage low 94 Hall sensor - voltage high 95 Hot start valve - voltage low 96 Hot start valve - voltage high 97 Ignition/Injection cut off - voltage high (traction control signal) 113 Boost control out of range (turbo models only) 114 Boost pressure (idle) above upper limit (turbo models only) 115 Boost pressure (full) below upper limit (turbo models only) 116 Boost pressure (full above upper limit (turbo models only) 117 Wastegate valve - voltage low (turbo models only) 118 Wastegate valve - voltage high (turbo models only) Anti-Lock Braking System ECU 16 Left-front solenoid 17 Right-front solenoid 18 Rear solenoids 19 Solenoids relay circuits 25 Faulty sensor toothed ring
35 Pump relay circuits (hydraulic modulator) 37 Stop lamp switch (brake pedal switch) 39/44 Left front RPM sensor (air gap between sensor and toothed ring, & sensor o peration) 41/45 Left front RPM sensor (resistance & connections) 42/46 Right front RPM sensor (air gap between sensor and toothed ring, & sensor operation) 43/47 Right front RPM sensor (resistance & connections) 48 System voltage wrong (alternator or battery) 55 Faulty ECUFour-wheel drive ECU 15 Oil temperature sensor - voltage high 24 No speed signal 31 No engine RPM signal 32 Pressure switch faulty 33 Solenoid valve - voltage high/transfer box overheated to 160C on 1992 models 34 Solenoid valve - voltage low 37 Brake lamp switch 39 No ABS signal, or 0MPH and 2300RPM for more than 15 seconds 55 ECU faulty 71 Brake switch - voltage high 72 Brake switch - voltage low 73 Car stopped without braking from over 37mph 74 Power Assisted Steering PAS pressure less than 10 bar 75 Oil temperature sensor - voltage low/transfer box overheated to 160C or 140C fo r over 118MPH. (Note that codes 15,39,71-75 apply only to models from roughly 1994 onwards, wit h electronic speedometers) Traction Control ECU (V6 models and Astra GSi only) 14 Coolant temperature sensor - voltage low 15 Coolant temperature sensor - voltage high 21 Throttle position sensor - voltage high 22 Throttle position sensor - voltage low 26 Traction control throttle position sensor - voltage high (throttle motor resi stor failure; V6 models only) 27 Traction control throttle position sensor - voltage low (throttle motor resis tor failure; V6 models only) 31 No engine RPM signal 37 Stop lamp switch (brake pedal switch) 39 Left front RPM sensor (ABS fault) 42 Right front RPM sensor (ABS fault) 44 Left rear RPM sensor (ABS fault) 46 Right rear RPM sensor (ABS fault) 55 ECU fault 57 ABS status - signal low (indicates ABS system fault, not TC system fault) 58 ABS status - open circuit 63 Throttle motor - open circuit 64 Throttle motor - short circuit 82 On/off switch voltage low (dashboard switch) Alarm ECU (Factory fitted alarms only) 18 Fault with disarm signal 25 Horn - Voltage Low (Horn O/C or fuse blown) 26 Indicator left - open circuit 27 Indicator right - open circuit 28 Ultrasonic sensor driver side - open circuit or incorrect voltage 29 Ultrasonic sensor passenger side - open circuit or incorrect voltage 32 Boot (trunk) sensor caused an alarm condition 33 Bonnet (hood) sensor caused an alarm condition 34 Doors caused an alarm condition 35 Ignition turned on caused an alarm condition 36 Immobilization circuit - open circuit (starter circuit triggered causing alar
m) 37 Radio caused an alarm condition 38 Ultrasonics caused an alarm condition 39 Fault with disarm signal. (central locking fuse blown, causing alarm conditio n) 40 Two alarm triggers at the same time. 41 Spare alarm input caused alarm condition 46 Rear Window smashed caused an alarm condition ('92 onwards models only) 52 Horn Voltage Low - Horn O/C or fuse blown 55 ECU faultAutomatic Gearbox ECU 17 Solenoid 1-2/3-4 - voltage low 21 Throttle position sensor - voltage high 22 Throttle position sensor - voltage low 23 Coolant temperature switch - voltage high 25 Solenoid 1-2/3-4 - voltage high 26 Solenoid 2-3 - voltage low 27 Connection solenoid 2-3/solenoid TCC 28 Solenoid 2-3 - voltage high 29 TCC Solenoid - voltage low 31 No engine RPM signal 32 Pressure regulator solenoid - voltage low 33 Pressure regulator solenoid - current high 36 TCC Solenoid - voltage high 38 No transmission input RPM signal 39 No transmission output RPM signal 41 Gear error - hydraulic fault 42 Pressure regulator solenoid - short circuit 47 Down shift protection fault 48 Battery - voltage low 49 Battery - voltage high 56 Selector switch - incorrect signal 65 AT oil temperature sensor - voltage high 66 AT oil temperature sensor - voltage low/high 67 AT oil temperature sensor - voltage high 75 Transmission switch - voltage low 76 Engine TPS load signal incorrect 77 Kickdown switch - voltage low 78 AT shift time - too long Simtec 56 Fault code listing Models from about 1995-1996 on will probably use codes from this list. 13 Oxygen Sensor - open circuit 14 Coolant temperature sensor - voltage low 15 Coolant temperature sensor - voltage high 16 Knock sensor signal circuit 19 Incorrect RPM signal 21 Throttle position sensor - voltage high 22 Throttle position sensor - voltage low 23 Knock signal - out of range 24 No vehicle speed signal 25/26/27/28/29/30 Injector valve 1/2/3/4/5/6 - voltage high (injector(s) short-c ircuited to battery, or injection signal not present) 37 Check light - voltage low 38 Oxygen sensor circuit - voltage high 39 Oxygen sensor circuit - voltage low 44 Oxygen sensor - lean exhaust 45 Oxygen sensor - rich exhaust 48 Battery - voltage low 49 Battery - voltage high 52 Fuel pump relay - voltage low
53 Fuel pump relay - voltage high 54 Fuel pump relay 0 - voltage high 55 ECU memory fault 56 Idle air control valve - voltage high 57 Idle air control valve - voltage low 61 Fuel tank vent valve - voltage low 62 Fuel tank vent valve - voltage high 69 Intake air temperature 71 as above 73 Mass air flow temperature 74 Mass air flow temperature 75 Torque control - voltage low 76 Torque control - continuous 81/82/83/84/85/86 - Injector valve 1/2/3/4/5/6 - voltage low (injector(s) short circuit to ground) 87 A/C cut-off relay - voltage low 88 A/C cut-off relay - voltage high 91 Oxygen heating - voltage high 92 Camshaft position sensor - incorrect signal 93 Camshaft position sensor - voltage low 94 Camshaft position sensor - voltage high 95 Hot start valve - voltage low 96 Hot start valve - voltage low 97 Traction control module - incorrect signal 98 Oxygen Sensor heating - voltage low 113 Turbo wastegate control - boost pressure high 114 Turbo boost pressure (idle) - above upper limit 115 Turbo boost pressure (full) - below upper limit 116 Turbo boost pressure - above upper limit 117 Turbo wastegate regulating valve - voltage low 118 Turbo wastegate regulating valve - voltage high 119 Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor - range or performance 121 Oxygen sensor - lean mixture 122 Oxygen sensor - rich mixture 123 Intake manifold air control solenoid (1) - blocked 124 Intake manifold air control solenoid (2) - blocked 125 MAP sensor - below upper limit 126 MAP sensor - above upper limit 129 Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system - voltage low 131 EGR system - voltage high 132 EGR system - incorrect signal 133 EGR system (2) - voltage high/low (unclear) 134 EGR system (2) - voltage low/high (unclear) 135 Malfunction indicator lamp - voltage low 136 ECU memory fault 137 ECU - temperature high 138 MAP sensor - voltage low 139 MAP sensor - voltage high 143 Immobiliser - no signal/wrong signal 144 Immobiliser - no signal 145 Immobiliser - wrong signalSimtec 56.5 Fault Code Listing If someone could contribute some extra meaning to this section I'd be grateful, as the source is not very comprehensive. 0100 0105 0110 0115 0120 0150 Mass air flow sensor Intake manifold pressure sensor Intake air temperature sensor Intake coolant temperature sensor HEGO heater HEGO
0173 HEGO 0201/020/0203/0204/0205/0206 Injector 1/2/3/4/5/6 0230 Fuel pump 0325 Knock sensor 0330 Knock sensor 2 0335 Crank sensor 0340 Camshaft sensor 0351 Ignition coil 1+4 0352 Ignition coil 2+3 0400 EGR valve 0403 EGR valve 0410 Secondary air pump relay 0412 Secondary solenoid valve 0433 Fuel tank vent valve 0500 Odometer frequency sensor 0505 Idle speed stepper motor/idle air regulator 0560 Battery 1110 Switch over valve solenoid 1112 Switch over valve 1 1113 Switch over valve 2 1120 Throttle body malfunction 1229 Power supply relay 1231 Fuel pump relay 1320/1327/1328/1329 Knock control cylinder 1/2/3/4 1405 EGR valve 1410 Secondary air pump relay 1411 Secondary air pump 1501/1502/1503 Immobiliser control unit 1530 Air flow relay 1600 Internal control module 1601 ECU temperature high 1602 Knock control module 1604/1605/1606 Knock control unit 1640 Knock control unit or quad drive module 1690 MIL/Engine fail (malfunction indicator lamp) 1740 Torque control unit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------These instructions worked fine for me. It's not my fault if you hurt yourself or damage your car following them. Sources: akirwan.freeserve.co.uk www.cavweb-forums.co.uk www.vauxweb.com A good friend of mine who owns a garage and first pointed this 'trick' out to me. I like it! 2 C!s
How to ride long distances in a car Natch General Motors Carelessness C20LET Girls and the theory of the last man packed camshaft ECU Ignition Diagnostic Dashboard Vauxhall Traction Control 2000 US Presidential Election Fusebox Hall Effect sensor spark plug Senator 4x4 factory service manual You know you want me, baby! air flow ignition timing I told you I love you, now get out Log in or register to write something here or to contact authors. Sign in
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