12-18 October
12-18 October
12-18 October
RNI No. 52621/93
Postal Regd.No-BN/43/12-14
Q- 19
ISSUE - 19
12 - 18 A{Lu 2013
12 - 18 October 2013
Samantaray Academy
Multiple Learning Solution Provider...
Visit Us : www.samantaray.ac.in
Top 1,50,000 (including all categories) in the merit list of JEE (Main)-2014 (Paper-1) will be eligible to write JEE(Advanced)-2014. They should register online at http:// jeeadv.iitkgp.ac.in immediately after declaration of JEE(Main)-2014 results. Registration fee as per the following schedule has to be deposited through Bank Challan after the online registration
Each paper will have separate sections in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. All relevant information in details about JEE (Advanced)2014 will be posted in http://jeeadv.iitkgp.ac.in time to time. All candidates are advised to visit the web page regularly for updates. Organizing Chairman, JEE(Advanced) - 2014
Indian Overseas Bank (A Governor of the Undertaking) Good people to grow with Recruitment of 480 Probationary Officers through Tie-up with Academic Institution; Result Notification
Based on online Examination conducted on 01.09.2013 & subsequent interview conducted for shortlisted Candidates in September 2013 the list of Roll Numbers of Candidates provisionally selected for admission for 1 year PGDBF course, at lOBMSB, Bangalore is available in the Bank's website www.iob.in under "Careers" page General Manager (HR)
-2013 A{ fZ
Sf H D{ f BD~Z { {b f~B H ~ L {; Z {S L Ld >
DNBPDCET - January 2014. Diplomate National Board - (Post Diploma) Centralized Entrance Test. National Board of Examinations
PUBLIC NOTICE: (For Admission to DNB Post Diploma Courses January 2014 Admission Session) DNB PD CET is the eligibility-cum-ranking examination for entry to various Post Diploma courses in modern medicine underthe National Board of Examinations (NBE). NBE shall be conducting DNB PD CET as a Computer Based Test (CBT) on 23rd November 2013 at test centres across the country in the following specialties DA, DVD, DNM, DGO. DOMS. DORTHO. DLO. DCH. DPM. DMRD. DMRT. DTCD. DMPR. DCP. Eligibility Criteria for DNB PD CET- January 2014: Candidates who have passed the final examination leading to the award of Post Graduate Diploma from Indian Universities which are duly recognized as per provisions of Indian Medical Council Act 1956, Govt of India i.e. have passed the final examinations for Post graduate diploma on or before 31" December 2013 may apply for the DNB-Post Diploma
CET in same Broad specialty through online application system at www.natboard.edu.in. For further details as instructions, list of specialties, scheme of examination, syllabus, list of seats available, Counseling etc. please refer to information bulletin for DNB PD CET January 2014 at website www.natboard.edu.in. Fees: Composite examination fee and information bulletin voucher (required for online application system) can be obtained from selected branches of Axis Bank on payment of Rs.4250. IMPORTANT DATES FOR DNB PD CET Availability of Information Bulletin-cum-Examination : 7th Oct - 08th Nov, 2013. Fee Voucher at designated branches of Axis Bank. Online Registration and Scheduling for DNB PD CET: 7th Oct -10th Nov. 2013. Examination Date for DNB PD CET: 23rd November 2013. Candidates will be able to schedule their exams at the online registration system on first come first served basis. For list of branches please refer to NBM website or Candidate Care helpline number: 1800111800 (Toll Free) (From Monday to Friday from 0900 Hrs to 1700 Hrs). For queries if any, kindly contact the above referred Candidate Care helpline or email: mail@natboard.edu.in
The Union Public Service Commission will hold the Special Class Railway Apprentices' Examination, 2014 on 12th January, 2014 for recruitment to the Special Class Apprentices in the Mechanical Department of Indian Railways. The examination will be held at various centers across the country. Candidates are required to apply only through online mode. No other mode for submission of application is allowed. For details regarding eligibility conditions, the syllabus and scheme of the examination, centres of examination, guidelines for filling up application form etc. aspirants must consult the Detailed Notice of the examination published in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar dated 5th October 2013 or Nijukti Khabar Website or the UPSC website : www.upsc.gov.in. Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply.
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{ 12 - 18 A{Lu, 2013
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(Approved by the Govt. of Orissa) {L H f LZ sL, NALCO, PWD, H B{S SZ{ QL A Revenue Inspector , { , {s , xu, Work Sarkar AL {D$# 8 B.A. {S$# $Z 45 { {s A SC/STZ
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LZ L AoL s Z B } {s {L Q A LDd > BbL f BIO-DATA, Certificate Xerox, 4s {s, 10 sZ xL sLs(Q {) f Phone {B 20 { Speed Post/Regd Post vB{ > S {S: sL L > : 18 35 >
Principal, Regional Institute
Plot No- 265/266, Krutibandhu Complex, Bhoisahi Lane, Backside of Baramunda Bus Stand, Bhubaneswar - 3, Ph: 9238103061, 0674-2354914
N Q{ A~Z {L~ N L {Q j {L ` $ # { {S{S L; 0674 - 2582532
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Principal, Regional Institute
Plot No- 266, Krutibandhu Complex, Bhoisahi Lane, Backside of Baramunda Bus Stand, Baramunda, Bhubaneswar - 3, Ph: 9238103061, 0674-2354914
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Government of Odisha. Department of Forest and Environment Advertisement for filling up the posts of Scientists in Climate Change Action Plan Cell Applications are invited for filling up the posts of Senior/ Junior Scientists on deputation basis/ engagement of consultants on Contractual basis in Climate Change Action Plan Cell under Department of Forest and Environment, Government of Odisha as per details available at www.odisha.gov.in and Department Website www.odisha.gov.in/ Forest & Environment Department. Interested candidates may send their application in prescribed format, CV and other documents to the Director, Environment-cum-Special Secretary, Forest and Environment Department, Secretariat Building, Bhubaneswar- 751001. The last date of receipt of applications is 15.10.2013.
1. Applications are invited from unmarriedmale/female candidates, who fulfill conditions of nationality as laid down by the Government of India for grant of Permanent Commission (PC)/Short Service Commission (SSC) in the following Cadre/Branch of the Indian Navy, for course commencing Jun 2014, at the Indian Naval Academy (INA), Ezhimala, Kerala:- (i) Naval Armament Inspection Cadre (NAIC) of Executive Branch - PC (ii) Education Branch - PC (iii) Logistics Cadre of Executive Branch -SSC. ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS 2. Age.
3. Educational Qualifications: Candidates with following educational qualification may apply:Branch/Cadre: (a) NAIC Education Qualification: (i) BE/B. Tech in Electrical/Electronics/Mechanical. (ii) Post Graduate Degree in Electronics/Physics. Min. (%): 65%. Gender: Men. Education - (i) MSc Physics (with Maths in BSc) (ii) MSc Maths (with Physics in BSc) (iii) MSc (Operational Research/ Analysis) (iv) MA (English OR History) (v) MSc Chemistry - 55% - Men. OR (i) BE/B Tech/M Tech in any of the following disciplines:- Computer Science Engineering/ Information Technology/Electrical/ Mechanical/Electronics and Communications/Instrumentation/ Telecommunication (ii) MCA - 60% - Men. Logistics/Works - (a) For SSC Logistics Cadre:- (i) B COM/ M COM (ii) BA/ MA (Economics) & (iii) BBA/ MBA Women (iv) BBM/BMS v) BCA/ MCA (vi) BSc (IT)/ MSc (IT) (vii) B.Tech/ BE(any discipline) (viii) Post Graduate Diploma/ Degree in Material Management (ix) ICWA (x) Chartered Accountancy (b) For Works:- (i) BE/B Tech in Civil Engineering (ii) B Architecture - 60% - Men. Note:- Candidates who have not completed their Degree on the date of filling the application (i.e. appearing candidates) need not apply. 4. Physical Standards (a) Height and Weight. Minimum height 157 cms for men and 152 cms for women with correlated weight. (b) Eye Sight. 6/60, 6/60 correctable to 6/6, 6/12 with glasses and should not be colour/night blind. HOWTO APPLY 5. Candidates are to apply only Online (e-application) for this entry. The candidates can register online from 07 OCT 13 to 25 OCT 13. The procedure for applying online is explained in Paras 6 & 7 below. 6. Online (e-application):- Whilst filling up the e-application, it is advisable to keep the relevant documents readily available to enable the following:- (a) Correct filling up of personal particulars. Details are to be filled up as given in the Matriculation Certificate. (b) Fields such as e-mail address, mobile number are mandatory fields and need to be filled. 7. Filling up of e-application:- For filling up application Online visit our website www.nausenabharti. nic.in and proceed as follows:- (a) Click on the "Officer Entry" button under the option 'Apply Online' on the Home Page. (b) Fill the online registration form. Tips to assist in filling up fields have been provided as you highlight each field. (c) Before clicking the Submit button it should be checked whether all the details entered in the form are correct as you will not be able to make any corrections after saving the record. (d) After successful submission of the Application form candidates are to read the instructions on conduct of SSB and also print the Application form with the system generated application number from the download section on the status bar. (e) Print two copies of the online Application Form having the system generated Application Number. One copy of this Application Form is to be duly signed and mailed (posted) to Post Box No. 04, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi - 110 021 along with the following documents:Self attested photograph, Attested photo copies of 10th & 12th class certificates along with Mark Sheets, other educational certificates and mark sheets of all semester/years. Note:- Application is to be posted through normal post. Application sent by Speed Post/Registered Post/Courier/e-mail will not be accepted. (f) A superscription is to be made on envelope : ONLINE ROLL NO. ____________ APPLICATION FOR NAIC/EDUCATION/LOG JUN 2014 COURSE Qualification____ Percentage _____%. Application and requisite enclosures must be properly tagged/stapled, IHQ MoD(Navy) will not be responsible for loss of enclosures, if sent loose. Note:- (i) Final receipt of the printout of the Online Application Form with system generated Application Number and all documents as mentioned in sub para (e) above (if received by 04 Nov 13) will be the final CONFIRMATION of receipt of your Application at IHQ MoD (Navy). Hence, only filling the application online/generation of Application No. does not imply that the candidate has fulfilled all the criteria given in the advertisement. (ii) Your application is subject to subsequent scrutiny and the application can be rejected, if found INELIGIBLE at any point of time. SELECTION PROCEDURE: 8. (a) Candidates will be issued call up for Service Selection Board (SSB) interviews based on their performance in Degree Course. If a candidate possesses higher qualification with better percentage, his higher qualification will be considered for cut off. Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence (Navy) reserves the right to short-list applications and to fix cut off percentage. No communication will be entertained on this account. SSB interviews for short-listed candidates will be scheduled at Bangalore/Bhopal/Coimbatore during Feb to May 2014. (b) Stage I test, consisting of Intelligence Tests, Picture Perception and Discussion Tests will be conducted on the second day of arrival at SSB. Candidate who fail to qualify in Stage I will be routed back on the same day. Stage II Tests comprising of Psychological Testing, Group Testing and Interview will last for 04 days. Successful candidates will thereafter undergo Medical examination (approx duration 03-05 days). For further details log on to www.nausena-bharti.nic.in. in order of All India Merit depending on the number of vacancies. (d) Change of SSB venue for interview is not permissible. (e) Any correspondence regarding change of SSB dates be addressed to the President of the concerned SSB on receipt of call up letter and copy endorsed to Directorate of
Manpower Planning & Recruitment (OI&R), Room No 204, CWing, Sena Bhawan, IHQ-MoD (N), New Delhi-110 011. Award of fresh dates for SSB would be subject to availability. (f) No compensation will be paid in respect of any injury sustained as a result of tests. (g) Return 3rd AC rail fare is admissible for the SSB interview, if appearing for the first time for the type of Commission. TRAINING 09. Candidate will be inducted as officers in the rank of Sub Lieutenant in Jun 2014 and undergo Naval Orientation Course at the Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala followed by professional training at various Naval Training Establishments/Units/Ships. Full Pay and allowances are admissible to the Officers whilst undergoing training. Important Officers inducted under SSC Scheme will be not given extension beyond fourteen years and will not be eligible for Permanent Commission. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 10. Selected Candidates will be on a probation for 02 yrs from the date of reporting to the Indian Naval Academy or the date of commencement of training whichever is later. Any candidate found married or who marries while undergoing training will be discharged. Candidate shall be liable to refund full pay and allowances drawn by him/her and any other expenditure incurred on the candidate by the Govt. 11. (a) DUTIES OF NAIC OFFICER: As a Naval Armament Inspection officer, you will be responsible for inspection of the armament supplied to the Navy by various agencies. You will also be responsible for in-house Research & Development, leading to indigenisation, and will have to ensure the quality, safety and reliability of Naval Armament and Stores procured by the Navy. In no other career, an officer gets exposed to such a wide spectrum of opportunities to keep abreast of modern and latest technological development in the field of armament. To enable you to perform your duties diligently, the Navy will provide you with some of the finest training facilities which will turn you into a skilled professional, mentally agile and a physically fit officer. (b) DUTIES OF EDUCATION OFFICER: Education officers are responsible for imparting instructions onboard Training Ships & Establishments. Avenues to specialise in Meteorology & Oceanography/ Naval Communications/Anti Submarine Warfare/Gunnery/Navigation & Direction/ Hydrography/ IT and MTech Courses are also available. Education officers will also be responsible for control and co-ordination of Schooling/Libraries/Academic facilities, Distance Education, Naval examinations (On/Off line), development of Training Design and Evaluation and Human Resources. (c) DUTIES OF LOGISTICS OFFICER: Logistics Officer deals with the Logistics aspects of Men and Material. He/She plays a vital role in the human aspect of the ship/establishments organisation. A modern warship irrespective of its role needs a continuous supply of fresh provisions, fuel and spares. You as a Logistics Officer will be responsible for smooth supply of stores to all naval units. In no other career does an officer get such a vast exposure to keep abreast of modern and latest development in the field of management and finance. Officers with Works Specialisation would get a wide exposure in Civil Works and Infrastructure related appointments during the span of their career. THE NAVYOFFERS YOU 12. Pay Scale & Promotions. The promotion from Sub Lieutenant to Commander is on time scale basis and thereafter on selection basis subject to fulfillment of requisite service conditions. The Pay Scale and promotion criteria is as follows:-
15. Cost to Company (CTC). The CTC for a Sub Lieutenant would be approximately Rs. 77,750/- per month. This includes Basic Pay, DA, Grade Pay, Military Service Pay, House Rent Allowance and Transport allowance. These rates are subject to change. 16. Privileges. In addition to the CTC mentioned above, Navy provides free Medical Facilities for self & dependents, Canteen Facilities, Entitled Ration, Mess/Club/Sports Facilities, Furnished Govt. Accommodation, Car/Housing Loan at subsidised rates. 17. Group Insurance & Gratuity. Insurance cover of Rs. 50 lakhs (on contribution) and Gratuity will be granted to the officer as per the latest rules in force. 18. Leave Entitlements. On Commission, officers are entitled to 60 days annual and 20 days casual leave every year (subject to service exigencies). They are also entitled for 40% rail concession to any place and free travel (as per extant rules) for self and family. Leave during training period will be as per the Training Policy in force. 19. Sports & Adventure. The Navy provides facilities to pursue any sport of your liking. In addition, one can learn and participate in adventure sports, such as river rafting, mountaineering, hot air ballooning, hang gliding, wind surfing etc. 20. Physical Fitness. In Naval Academy curriculum, a lot of emphasis is laid on physical fitness. You are therefore, advised to remain fit by undertaking regular physical exercise, sports, running, swimming, etc. so that you meet the training goals successfully. The terms and conditions given in this advertisement are subject to change and should, therefore, be treated as guidelines only Details are also available on website : www.nausena-bharti.nic.in
{ 12 - 18 A{Lu, 2013
Direct Joining (10th, +2, +3). Sal (5,400-8200). M o b :9 6 5 8 5 7 6 9 2 0 ,9 6 5 8 2 5 7 5 9 0
Bank H Tower B Security Guard, Peon, Supervisor, Data Entry, Ladies Security Guard, Security Field Officer, Back Office Ladies ITI(Fitter, Electrician), ATM Maintenance, Block Co-ordinator B AL > Ad >
(Qualification 9th to +2) (Age - 18 year to 45 year) Monthly Salary 6000/- to 9000/Contact: 9938886390,7873379016
The interested candidates are requested to apply for the following contractual post under National Rural Health Mission for Jagatsinghpur District:- Name of the Post: Pharmacist Cum Logistic Assistant. No.of Post: 1(One). Caste: Un Reserve. Remuneration (in Rs.): 6000/-Per Month consolidated pay & other incentives as per the society norms. Eligibility: Degree/ Diploma in Pharmacy. Minimum 1 year experience in managing a drug store in a reputed hospital/health centre recognized by the Govt. Other terms & conditions: The candidate 18 to 32 years will be eligible and the age as on 01.09.2013 will be calculated. The candidates of Jagatsinghpur district will be given preference and a valid residence certificate should be submitted alongwith the application. The candidates are requested to apply in the application format given in the website: www.jagatsinghpur.nic.in alongwith.documents and the same should reach on or before 21.10.2013 by 5.00 P.M. through Speed Post/Regd. Post only to the Chief District Medical Officer, Jagatsinghpur. " Application for the Post of Pharmacist Cum Logistic Assistant under NRHM" need to be mentioned on the top the envelop. The appointment will be done purely on merit basis. Incomplete application or application received after due date shall be rejected. Any postal delay or loss of application in any mode shall not be the responsibility of the authority. No personal query will be entertained. The undersigned reserves the right to cancel any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof. CDMO-Cum-District Mission Director, Jagatsinghpur
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Application with Bio-Data of candidates belonging to Jagatsinghpur District are invited through registered Service Provider Agencies for District level Mobilizer under SDIS scheme based on MES Training Programme for one year on monthly fixed remuneration @Rs. 10,000/- PM as per FD Circular No. 49134/F dt. 29.11.2010 Qualification & Experience 1. He/She must have passed Bachelor Degree in Arts/Science/Commerce. 2. He/She should be citizen of India with Odia Knowledge. 3. Should have knowledge to two years in Soft skills such as MS Office and Internet. 4. He/She must have attained the age of 18 years and shall not be above 32 years of age on 1st March 2013. For reserved category the age relaxation as Prescribed by Govt. Other terms and conditions : PI. Visit our Website : www.iticuttack.org. The Last date of receipt of application is 19.10.2013 upto 5 PM. Principal, ITI, Cuttack
Health & Family Welfare Deptt., Jajpur. CORRIGENDUM TO THE ADVERTISEMENT INVITING APPLICATION FOR DIFFERENT POSTS PUBLISHED IN THE DAILY NEWSPAPER "DHARITRI" & "SAMBAD" ADVT. NO. 1523/13, DATED 26.06.2013 & 1767/13, DATED 23.07.2013 The relaxation of upper age limit was extended to SC/ST/SEBC Candidates for five years and to Physically Handicapped Candidates/Ex-Serviceman for 10 years as per rule 3 of the Odisha Civil Service (Fixation of Upper Age Limit) rules, 1989 in respect of different posts advertised on 26.06.2013 for contractual appointment. The relaxation of upper age limit in respect of women candidates was not provided in the advertisement. Accordingly women candidates will be entitled to relaxation of upper age limit by five years. However, a person who comes under more than one category shall be eligible to only one benefit of relaxation which shall be considered most beneficial to him/her. Hence, those women candidates who could not apply for the Posts advertised on 26.06.2013 in absence of such upper age relaxation in the Advertisement may now apply. Those who have submitted their applications earlier need not apply again. The last date for receiving the applications is dated 21.10.2013 & the application format & other information are available in www.jajpur.nic.in. The qualification, remuneration, No. of Vacancies and Name of the Post as advertised earlier on 26.06.2013 & 23.07.2013 shall remain unchanged. CDMO-cum-District Mission Director, Jajpur ODISHA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION CUTTACK
In continuation of this Office Notice No. 5801/PSC, Dt. 25.09.2013, the Commission have decided to conduct interview of candidates for recruitment to the posts of Civil Judges in Odisha Judicial Service-2013, pursuant to Advertisement No. 15 of 2012/13, in the office of the Commission at 19, Dr. P.K. Parija Road, Cuttack as per the programme mentioned below:-
2. The concerned candidates are required to remain present as per the reporting time on the date of interview for verification of their original certificates/documents. 3. Intimation letters of the concerned candidates are being uploaded in the website of the Commission as well as E-mail account of the candidates. The concerned candidates are advised to visit Website of the Commission at http://opsc.gov.in and check their E-mail account to download their Intimation Letters along-with Attestation Form w.e.f. 15.10.2013. 4. Mobile Phones, Pagers or any other communication devices are not allowed inside the premises of the Commission. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action including ban from the present and future examination/interview. Special Secretary
{ 12 - 18 A{Lu, 2013
candidate applying for the post under OBC category should also have to submit duly signed undertaking in the format given at Appendix-I of the Application Form. h) The Ex-Serviceman candidates applying for the post under Ex-Serviceman category will also have to submit duly signed undertaking in the format given at Appendix-ll of the Application Form. i) The last date of receipt of application is 21 days from the date of publication of this advertisement excluding the date of publication. For candidates residing at Asom, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti ^district and Panji subdivision of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep and Candidates residing abroad, last date of receipt of application will be 28 days from the date of publication of this advertisement excluding the date of publication. If the closing date falls on SUNDAY or Holiday, then the next working day will be taken as closing date, for receipt of application. Application after the last date will not be accepted. j) Place of work for the selected and appointed candidates will be Opto Electronics Factory, Raipur, Dehradun but the services are liable to be transferred to any Ordnance Factory/Unit in India, subject to exigencies. k) Only selected candidates will be informed of their selection in due course and no other correspondence on the subject would be entertained. I) Canvassing on Application Form In any form will disqualify the candidate. m) The above posts are temporary but likely to be permanent. n) The qualification prescribed for the above posts are minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle any candidate to be called for Trade Test/Written Test. o) Crucial date for determination of age for all applicants (including those residing in the areas mentioned in point no. (i) above) will be the last date of receipt of application i.e. 21 days from the date of publication of this advertisement. p) The above posts carry Pay scales as shown above plus usual allowances as admissible to Central Govt, employees from time to time. q) NO GPF and DCRG scheme is admissible to the post under Central Govt, for those appointed on or after 01 /01 /2004. The new pension scheme i.e. DEFINED CONTRIBUTORY PENSION SCHEME is compulsory for all Central Govt. Employees w.e.f. 01/01/2004 and the same will be applicable to the appointed candidates against the instant advertisement. r) The candidates seeking relaxation in fees must enclose copy of their Caste certificate/PH Certificate/Discharge Certificate duly attested by a Gazetted Officer of Central/State Government alongwith application form. s) Any attempt to bring in any influence by the candidate will be treated as disqualification. t) The number of vacancies may increase or decrease. u) Applications will be accepted by post only and not by hand/in person. The department shall not be responsible for postal delays or failure. v) Newspaper cutting should not be used as application form. w) A caution MUST be noted by all candidates that some unscrupulous elements may approach the candidates with assurance of procuring appointment for them in Opto Electronics Factory, Raipur, Dehradun through illegal gratification. The candidates MUST not fall prey to any such false assurance or exploitation and MUST not entertain or encourage such elements in any way. The Factory Management shall NOT be responsible in any manner whatsoever if a candidates succumbs to such tactics by anybody at any stage. Rejection of Application/Cancellation of Candidature:- a) If the age of candidates is found to exceed the prescribed age limit on closing date of application. b) If the candidate does not found to possess the essential qualification on closing date of application. c) If the candidate fails to produce/submit all the essential documents as and when asked to do so. d) If the postal order or Bank draft enclosed with the application is not payable at Dehradun and if the date of issuance of Postal Order/Bank Draft is before the date of publication of this advertisement. e) If the photocopies of all related documents not enclosed/not attested 'by the Gazetted Officer. f) In case the candidates is found using unfair means or adopting any malpractice at any stage of selection process. g) If the application does not accompanied with the crossed DD/ Postal Order of Rs. 50/- except in case of SC, ST, PH & Ex-Servicemen. h) If the photograph attested by a Gazetted Officer is not pasted by the applicant in the Application Form and additional two self attested photos are not enclosed attached with the application form, i) If application is not complete in any respect as per requirement given in the advertisement and /or date and signature and Left Thumb Impression are not put at the assigned places on the application form. j) If the application of departmental candidate/candidate employed in Govt. Service/SemiGovt. Service/PSU is not received through proper channel with NOC-k) If duly signed Appendix-I is not enclosed with Application form (in case of OBC candidates only). l) If duly signed Appendix-ll is not enclosed with Application Form (in case of Ex-SM only). NOTE: If any discrepancy is found in the above advertisement which is published bi-ligual i.e. Hindi and English, the English version will follow. (V.B.PACHNANDA), JT. GENERAL MANAGER/ADMIN Annexure 'A' APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYEES(SEMI-SKILLED) AT OPTO ELECTRONICS FACTORY, RAIPUR, DEHRADUN To Recent Passport size The Senior General Manager, Opto Electronics Factory, photograph here duly Raipur, Dehradun - 248008 attested byto be affixed Details of Advertisement No. and Date ............................................... Gazetted Officer. Post Applied for .................................................. 01. Name in Full (BLOCK LETTERS)(As per High School Certificate): ................................ 02. Father's/Husband's Name : .................................................. (As per High School Certificate of the applicant) 03. Sex (Male/Female): ...................... 04. Postal Address for correspondence: ....................... 05. Permanent Address : ........................... 06. Ph./Mob. No. ................................ 07. Email. ID. ....................................... 08. Nearest Railway Station: ............................ 09. Nationality : ............................... 10. (a). Date.of Birth : ..................................... (Attested copy of High School certificate showing Date of Birth must be enclosed) (b). Age on the last date of receipt of application.............Years.............Months..........Days 11. Category (Gen/SC/ST/OBC): ................................................ (Prescribed Caste Certificate for Employment in Central Govt, to be attached) 12. Whether Ex-servicemen, if yes, please furnish the detail and enclose an attested copy of discharge certificate:-
Government of India, Ministry of Defence Opto Electronics Factory, Raipur, Dehradun - 248008
Applications are invited for the following Industrial Cadre (Semi-Skilled) posts in the Pay Band PB1 Rs. 5200-20200/- and Grade Pay of Rs. 1800/- from the citizens of India, who fulfills the requisite Qualifications/Specifications as mentioned below. Applications should be addressed to the Sr. General Manager, Opto Electronics Factory, Raipur, Dehradun. The Specification of the posts is asunder:
The vacancy position is subject to variation at the discretion of Sr. GM/OLF depending upon the situation prevailing at.the relevant time. 02. ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: i) Matriculation or equivalent examination. ii) National Council for Vocational Training (NCTVT) in the relevant trade failing which by ITI or equivalent Diploma/Certificate holder. Note:- Candidates possessing National Apprenticeship Certificate or National Trade Certificate issued by National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) in the relevant - trade can only be accepted as the qualification. 03. AGE LIMIT: Between 18 & 32 years as on closing date of receipt of application. 03 (A): AGE RELAXATION: i) Upto 05 years for SC/ST(for reserved posts only). ii) Upto 03 years for OBC on production of Noncreamy layer certificate from the competent Authority (for reserved posts only). The OBC certificate must be in prescribed format applicable for Central Govt. Services, iii) Relaxable for Ex-Serviceman in accordance with instructions issued by the Government from time to time, iv) The Upper age limit is relaxable for physically handicapped candidates by 10 years (15 years for SCs/STs and 13 years for OBCs). v) The Upper age limit is relaxable for Govt. Servant candidates as per existing Govt. Rules in this regard, vi) Age concession to all other categories will be given as per extant Govt. Rules provided that the applicant submits the requisite certificate issued by a Competent Authority, alongwith application form, vii) For Ex-trade apprentices of Ordnance Factory Organisation the upper age limit will further be relaxed, by the period of trade apprenticeship training 04. MODE OF SELECTION: The selection process shall comprise of Written Test of 100 marks and Trade test (Practical), (i) Written test of 100 marks. The question papers of Written Test (Objective Type) will be in bilingual i.e. English and Hindi. The syllabus for the Written Test for a trade will be broadly as that of the NCVT Examination syllabus for that trade and as per the functional requirement of that trade, (ii) Trade Test (practical). The trade test shall be qualifying in nature, without any marks, (iii) All eligible candidates will be called for an objective type written test. On the basis of merit list based on marks obtained in Written Test, candidates 1.25 times the number of vacancies shall be called for Trade Test (Practical) in the respective trade. The Final select list shall be based on marks in the Written Test only, the Trade Test (Practical) being qualifying in nature. The final Select list shall be prepared in order of merit. In selection process, other things being equal i.e. marks being equal, trained Extrade Apprentices of Opto Electronics Factory, Raipur, Dehradun and sister Ordnance Factories will be given preference in the order as stated under: (a). In between the trained Ex-trade Apprentices of the Recruiting factory, preference shall be given to those who are senior i.e. if two or more Ex-Trade Apprentices secure the same marks then preference shall be given on the basis of seniority. b). For deciding seniority of Ex-Trade Apprentices of the Recruiting Ordnance Factory i.e. Opto Electronics Factory, Raipur; Dehradun, the criteria will be the NCTVT examination batch numbers (month/year) as well as the merit list of the particular NCTVT examination, c) Similarly, in between the trained ExTrade Apprentices of the sister Ordnance factories, preference shall be given to those who are senior as mentioned above. In all other cases of tie, the selection will be decided on the basis of marks obtained in the Written Examination only, (iv) Ex-Trade Apprentices of Opto Electronics Factory would not be required to apply against the recruitment notice. They will be considered along with others. Admit Cards will be issued to the Ex-Trade Apprentices of O.L.F at their addresses, as available in the Opto Electronics Factory's record. Sr. GM/OLF will not be responsible for-change in the residential address of the candidates. GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION : a) Applications must be submitted in the prescribed form published with this advertisement as Annexure "A". b) The eligible candidates fulfilling the requisite specifications may submit their application to The Senior General Manager, Opto Electronics Factory, Raipur, Dehradun - 248008 (Uttrakhand). c) Application must be filled up either in English/Hindi. d) Candidates must write the name of the post applied for on the left corner of the envelope in BOLD CAPITAL letters. Application shall be rejected if not superscribed with the name of the post applied for or name of the incorrect trade on the envelope. e) Photocopies of certificates duly attested by a Gazetted Officer of Central/ State Government only(in support of Age, Qualification, Experience, Caste, Disability, Discharge etc.) are required to be enclosed with the Application form. f) The candidate should affix a recent PASSPORT SIZE photograph, (not more than 03 months old) duly attested by a Gazetted Officer of Central/State Government on the application form and enclose 02 additional self signed similar photographs along with his/her application. g) Signature of candidate must be on the application form with date and Left Thumb Impression (in the prescribed place in the application format). h) Application Fee: Application should be accompanied with a fee of Rs.50/- through crossed Indian Postal Order Payable at Dehradun or Bank Demand Draft from any nationalized bank drawn in favour of The Sr. General Manager, Opto Electronics Factory, Raipur, Dehradun-248008 Payable at Dehradun. SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen & physically handicapped (as per rule) persons are not required to pay any fee. The Application fee is non-refundable. The Postal Order/DD should be issued on or after the date of publication of the advertisement and issuing date of Postal Order/DD should be indicated, clearly. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANTS/CANDIDATES: a) Before applying .for the post, the applicant(s) should read carefully all the instructions to satisfy themselves about their eligibility for the post so as to avoid any disappointment at later stage. b) Candidates appearing for written test, trade test will travel on their own expenses. However, SC/ST candidates appearing for Written Test will be paid passenger Train (only second class)/Bus fare to and fro on production of Train/Bus tickets by the shortest route. The reimbursement of journey fare for first 30 Kms. of each side is not payable. The aforesaid concession is not admissible to those SC/ST candidates who are already in Central/State Government service. The Candidates belonging to SC/ ST category should produce appropriate certificate at the examination hall to claim re-imburesment of travelling fare, failing which' travelling allowances will not be re-imbursed. c) Submission of any false/incorrect or dubious information in the application form shall disqualify the candidate at any stage of selection process. Appointments obtained on the basis of concealment of facts or false declration are liable to be cancelled/terminated. d) The'Candidature of the candidates shall be cancelled, if he/she submits more than one application form for same post. e) The candidates working in other Ordnance Factories/Central/State Government/Semi Govt. Deptt./ PSUs etc must specifically mention details of employment and forward the applications through their appointing authorities along with "NOC, pertaining to release in case of selection. Failure to do so will disqualify the applicants and the disqualified applicant will not be called or permitted to appear in the Written Test/Trade Test. f) In case of selection of persons working in Central/State Govt./PSU, they will have to submit a Disciplinary clearance and a No Objection Certificate from their employer. g) The OBC
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Walk-in-interview for appointment and empanelment of the various posts under NRHM, Malkangiri will be held at CDMO Office, Malkangiri as per the schedule dates, Interested candidates having eligibility may attend for the Walk in Interview along with all relevant documents. The ORV Act and Rule will be applicable for these contractual recruitments. Name of the Post: Medical OfficerSNCU, DHH, Malkangiri. Vacancy: UR-02 ST-01. Qualification / Eligibility: MBBS or equivalent degree from institutions recognized by Medical Council of India. Must have completed compulsory internship. Monthly Remuneration: Rs.28000/-. Date & Time of Interview: 28.10.13 & 10.A.M. to 5.00 P.M. Medical Officer-STD Clinic, DHH, Malkangiri - UR-01 - MBBS or equivalent degree from institutions recognized by Medical Council of India. Must have completed compulsory internship. Rs.28000/-. - 28.10.13 & 10.A.M. to 5.00 P.M. Laboratory Technician - UR-02 ST-01 - Must have passed from the Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (D.M.LT.) from the 3 Medical colleges of the state or from recognized private institutions approved by the AICTE. - Rs. 5200/- + Extra Allowances & incentives - 28.10.13 & 10.A.M. to 5.00 P.M. Staff Nurse-SNCU.DHH, Malkangiri - UR04 SEBC-01 SC-02 ST-02 - Must have passed in GNM / any other higher degree in Nursing from any 3 Medical College / Schools of Nursing MCL Talcher / IGH Rourkela & other recognized Private Institutions and must have registered with the Odisha Nursing Council. - Rs. 5,200/- to 13,700/(Inclusive all Incentives as per NRHM, Odisha norm). - 28.10.13 & 10.A.M. Staff Nurse-NBSU, CHCMathili - UR-02 SC-01 ST-01 - Must have passed in GNM / any other higher degree in Nursing from any 3 Medical College / Schools of Nursing. MCL Talcher / IGH Rourkela & other recognized Private Institutions and must have registered with the Odisha Nursing Council. - 28.10.13 & 10.A.M. HW(F)NRC, Malkangiri - UR-02 SC-01 ST-01 - The candidate must have passed the HSC examination and must have undergone the 1 year training for multipurpose health workers (Female) at the'approved Govt, training centers / recognized private institutions & must have registered with the Odisha Nursing Council - Rs. 5,200/- Extra Allowances & incentives - 28.10.13 & 10.A.M. PhysiotherapistDHH, Malkangiri (NCDCell) - UR-01 - Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (B.P.T.). Desirable: At least 2 years experience of working in a hospital. - Rs.12000/-. All candidates are required to be present with all academic mark sheet & certificates in original and one set of attested photocopies along with two recent passport size photographs. All have to submit a filled- up application form in the prescribed format during the time of registration and details of advertisement with the eligibility criteria & the application form can be downloaded from the district website www.malkangiri.nic.in. No. of vacancies may vary during the time of appointment. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all the applications and modify / cancel the advertisement without assigning any reason thereof. CDMO CUM DISTRICT MISSION DIRECTOR, MALKANGIRI
19. Check List of Enclosures: (Tick the relevant Column) i) 01 Photograph (duly attested by Gazetted Officer of Central/State Govt) is pasted on application form & 02 Self Attested passport size photographs are stapled with the application form ii) Date of Birth (10th Passed Certificates) iii) Educational Qualifications (Certificates & Marksheets) iv) Caste Certificate:(SC/ST/OBC- in prescribed proforma v) Declaration By OBC Candidates : APPENDIX-I vi) Discharge Certificate/NOC (in case of Ex-SM/Departmental candidates) vii) Form of undertaking: APPENDIX-II (in case of Ex-Serviceman) viii) PH Certificate in prescribed proforma for employment in Central Govt. ix) NCVT (NTC or NAC) Certificate enclosed. x) Whether All above documents/certificates are attested by a Gazetted Officer Date: Signature Place: LEFT THUMB IMPRESSION. (Name of the candidate) DECLARATION: I hereby declare that all the statements made in this application are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false/incorrect or ineligibility detected before or after the written test/interview or even after appointment, my candidature/appointment will stand automatically cancelled/terminated'. Place: (Signature) APPENDIX-I DECLARATION BY OBC CANDIDATES ONLY (Similar endorsement should be given in the caste certificate from the competent authority) I .................................. Son/daughter of Shri .................................. Resident .................................. .................................. of village/town/city .................................. District .................................. state .................................. hereby declare that I belong to the .................................. community which is recognized as a backward class by the Government of India for the purpose of reservation in services as the orders contained in DOPT OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 08.09.1993 and as amended. It is also declared that I do not belong to persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in column 3 of the Schedule to the above referred Office Memorandum dated 08.09.1993 and as amended. (Signature of the Candidate) APPENDIX-II FORM OF UNDERTAKING TO BE GIVEN BY CANDIDATES APPLYING FOR CIVIL POSTS UNDER EX-SERVICEMEN CATEGORY I understand that, if selected on the basis of the recruitment/examination to which this application relates, my appointment will be subject to my producing documentary evidence to the satisfaction, of the Appointing Authority that I have been duly released/retired/discharged from the Armed forces that I am entitled to the benefits admissible to Ex-Servicemen in terms of the ,Ex-Servicemen (Reemployment in Central Civil Services and. Posts) Rules, 1979, as amended from time to time. I also understand that I shall not be eligible to be appointed to a vacancy reserved for Ex-Servicemen in regard to the recruitment covered by this examination, If I have at any time prior to such appointment, secured any employment on the Civil side (including Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies/Statutory Bodies, Nationalized Banks etc.) by availing of the concession of reservation of vacancies admissible to Ex-Servicemen. (Signature of the Candidate)
ODISHA INDUSTRIAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (A Government of Odishi Undertaking) IDCO Towers, Janpath, Bhubaneswar - 751022
Advertisement for engagement of Consultants in Project Management Unit (PMU), Public Relation Division and Chairman-cum-Managing Director's Secretariat of IDCO on Contractual Basis. Odisha Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (IDCO) is keen to engage 3(three) personnels as Consultants in Project Management Unit (PMU), Public Relation Division and Chairman-cum-Managing Director's Secretariat on Contractual Basis for-a period of three years. The contract can be terminated by either party giving a notice of one month. The details of the job chart can be seen from our website: www.idco.in. Applicants are requested to send their update resume with copies of recent passport size photograph and copies of credentials addressed to the Chief General Manager (P&A) l/c so as to reach latest by 31.10.2013 through SPEED/ REGISTERED Post only. The organisation has got right to accept / reject any application without assigning any reason thereof. CHAIRMAN-CUM-MANAGING DIRECTOR
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the vacant posts of Accountant-Cum-Support Staff at BRC level under RTE-SSA, Bhadrak on contract basis with a consolidated remuneration. Name of the post: Accountant-Cum-support staff. No. of vacant posts: 04. Qualification remuneration: Graduate in Commerce having basic knowledge in computer. Consolidated: Rs. 5200/-per month. Application form and details can be down loaded from the website (www.opepa.ln) & www.bhadrak.nic.in Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria mentioned above are requested to apply to the District Project Co-ordinator. SSA. Bhadrak At. - Upper Bagural. P.O. - Madhabnagar. Dlst Bhadrak on or before 31.10.2013. The applications must be sent by Speed Post / Registered Post only mentioning the name of the post applied for in capital letters at the top of the envelope. The undersigned reserves the right to cancel any or all the proposals without assigning any reason thereof. Vacancies may vary at the time of actual engagement. General Conditions: (1) Age limit: 21-42 Years as on 01.10.2013 (2) 5 years age relaxation would be applicable for candidates beloging to SC/ST/SEBC/Women Categories & 10 years for P.H. Candidates. (3) All the posts are purely contractual and can be terminated at any time. (4) These posts are co-terminuous with the tenure of SSA programme (5) Selection of candidates will be made strictly on merit basis basing on their essential qualification. (6) Functional Computer literacy is essential 7) After engagement, no transfer will be made from the concerned Block. By the order of the Collector-Cum-Chairman, SSA, Bhadrak District Project Co-ordinator RTE-SSA, Bhadrak
Central Electronics Limited (A govt. of India Enterprise) 4, Industrial Area, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad (UP)
Recruitment of Graduate Engineers on Contractual Basis
Central Electronics Limited is a Public Sector Enterprise, Schedule B Company under Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology and is engaged in manufacturing of Solar Photovoltaic Cells, Module & Systems, Railway Electronics Systems and Microwave Electronics Systems. The Company is looking forward to recruit high caliber and talented professionals on contractual basis for two years which is further extendable on performance basis for one more year. On the basis of exemplary performance during the contractual period, the incumbents may also be considered for absorption in regular cadre of the Company. Applications are hereby invited for following posts.
Qualification: Full time Bachelors Degree or Masters degree in relevant discipline with not less than 65% marks. Final year/ semester students are also eligible. However, they have to obtain at least 65% marks in their engineering degree. Eligible candidates will have to appear for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)-2014. Based on the GATE-2014 marks and requirement, candidates will be shortlisted at Ist stage. The fixed emoluments per month shall be payable as per following
Note: The CTC shown is indicative only and does not create any privilege whatsoever. It includes Basic pay, DA, HRA, Transport allowance and PF amount etc. Candidates may be considered for absorption only on the basis of exemplary performance & requirement of the Company in particular cadre. They will however have No claim for regularization/absorption. General Instructions: 1. Candidates need to appear for GATE-2014 and apply for the post from 1st January 2014 to 20th January 2014 with the GATE-2014 Registration Number. 2. A non-refundable Bank Draft for Rs. 250/- drawn in favour of Central Electronics Limited payable at Ghaziabad/New Delhi is to be enclosed. Candidates are advised to write their name, GATE-2014 Registration Number and post applied on the reverse side of the bank draft. No application fee need to be paid by the candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwD. 3. Upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC (Non Creamy Layer). It is relaxed to 10 years for PwDGeneral, 13 years for PwDOBC and 15 years for PwDSC/ST candidates. 4. Reservation is applicable as per extant government rules. 5. Only typed application giving complete particulars in the prescribed proforma with one passport size photograph pasted and self attested copies of all the degrees and certificates should be sent. 6. Applications received after 20th January 2014, hand written application, application without signature, incomplete application and applications which are not in prescribed format or without required enclosures/self attestation will be summarily rejected without assigning any reason and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. 7. Duly completed application should be sent through post/courier super scribing on the envelope for the post applied to Assistant General Manager(HRD), Central Electronics Limited, Sahibabad, Distt. Ghaziabad (UP)-201010. 8. Shortlisted candidates may be informed regarding Date, Time and Venue for Group Discussion/ Personal Interview by E-mail, therefore, they are required to furnish their Email address in the application form. 9. Candidates, if shortlisted for Group Discussion/Personal Interview are required to bring their original GATE-2014 score card at the time of Interview.
Applications are invited from All Major Port Trusts/All Public Sector Undertakings under Ministry of Shipping, Govt, of India and All Central Govt. Organisations/State Govt./Autonomous Bodies/Govt. Companies for filling up of 01 (one) post of Sr. Deputy Secretary in Paradip Port Trust on deputation basis. The details of qualification, pay scale, age, experience, how to apply, other conditions etc. are available at Paradip Port Trust website: www.paradipport.gov.in . Applications along-with Bio-data with copies of certificates should reach the Secretary, Paradip Port Trust, At/PO: Paradip Port, Orissa754 142 latest by 04.11.2013. Secretary (l/C)
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candidates respectively. 4.2.3. In case of staff of Quasi Administrative Offices of Railway Organization such as Railway Canteens, Railway Institutes and Railways Cooperative societies, relaxation of age will be given to the extent of service rendered by them subject to a maximum of 05 years and upper age limit of 35 years. 4.2.4. Widows and Divorced Women who have judicially separated from their husbands and are not remarried, will be given relaxation in age up to 35, 38 and 40 years in case of General, OBC and SC/ST candidates respectively. 4.2.5. BY FIVE years to the candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the State of Jammu and Kashmir during the period from the Ist day of Jan. 80 to the 31st day of Dec. 89, subject to production of a residential certificate from the appropriate authority of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. 4.2.6. The upper age limit for PWD (PH) candidates are 43 years, 46 years and 48 years as on 01.01.2014 for UR,OBC and SC/ST candidates respectively. 4.2.7 The Upper age limit is relaxable for ex.- servicemen upto the extent of service rendered in Defence forces plus 3 years provided they have put in a minimum of 6 months attested service. Ex.- servicemen who have already joined the Govt. Service on civil side after availing of other benefits given to them as ex.-servicemen for further employment cannot claim ex-servicemen status for the purpose of this recruitment, such a person will be deemed to be civil employee and will accordingly be entitled to only such of the benefits like relaxation of age, etc. as admissible to Civil Employees, in the normal course in accordance with the existing instructions in this regard subject to his fulfilment of the conditions governing the grant of such benefits. Sons/ Daughters/Wards/ of Ex-servicemen are not eligible to apply for the posts reserved for ex-servicemen. 4.2.8. No age relaxation is allowed to SC/ST/OBC candidates applying against unreserved posts. 5. PROOF OF AGE: (a) Admit Card of Matric / 10th / 12th Board or equivalent or (b) Matric / 10th pass Certificate issued by Board or equivalent. 6. EX-SERVICEMEN CANDIDATE: This employment notice contains vacancies reserved for ex-servicemen irrespective of their community. The term exservicemen means a person: (a) who has served in any rank (whether as a combatant or noncombatant) in the regular Army, Navy or Air Force of the Indian Union but does not include a person who has served in the Defence Security Corps, the General Reserved Engineering force, the Lok Sahayak Sena and the Para Military Forces; and, (b) who has retired from such service after earning his/her pension, (c) who has been released from such service on medical grounds attributable to military service or circumstances beyond his control and awarded Military service or other disability pension; or, (d) who has been released otherwise than on his own request as a result of reduction in such establishment; or, (e) the persons serving in the Armed forces of the Union who, on retirement from service, would come under the category of Ex-serviceman, may be permitted to apply for reemployment one year before the completion of the specific terms of engagement and avail themselves of all concessions available to ex-servicemen, but shall not be permitted to leave the Uniform until they complete the specified terms of engagement in the Armed Forces of the Union Service Personnel who are to be discharged from Military service on or before the closing date of this Notification, are eligible to apply for this advertisement. 6.1 Ex-servicemen are required to clearly indicate all required particulars including community in the application form and enclose all documentary proof, as required. However, regardless of community, ex-servicemen will be considered only against the ex-servicemen quota, if available. If UR vacancies are not available, then only ex-servicemen belonging to those particular communities where vacancies are available, will be considered against the ex-servicemen Quota. 6.2 Ex- servicemen candidates who have already secured employment under the ex-servicemen quota in Central Government in Group D / C or Govt. job on civil side will be given only age relaxation but will not be considered under ex-servicemen quota. 7. SERVING EMPLOYEES: A candidate serving under the Government or Public Sector Enterprise/Undertaking including Railways should either apply through proper channel duly certifying their service details by the employer, or, directly to RRC - ER with No Objection Certificate from the employer concerned. In addition, an advance copy of such application, complete in all respects, may be sent superscribing on the top of the application ADVANCE COPY so as to reach RRC ER before the closing date and time specified. 8. EXAMINATION FEE: 8.1 The Examination fee is Rs. 100/- (Rs. One hundred) only. Candidates belonging to SC/ST, PWD(PH), Women, Minority Communities, Exservicemen and Economically Backward Classes/Sections are exempted from payment of examination fees. For availing exemption under Economically Backward Class, Certificate in Proforma at AnnexureVIII should be enclosed. For Minority self declaration should be given at proforma at Annexure-X. 8.2 The Examination fee should be paid in the form of crossed Demand Draft/Pay Order from any Nationalized Bank or crossed Indian Postal Order from any Post Office drawn in favour of Senior Personnel Officer (Recruitment), Railway Recruitment Cell, Eastern Railway payable at KOLKATA . Validity of Bank Draft/Pay Order/IPO should be of minimum two years from the date of issue, otherwise application will not be considered and amount forfeited. 8.3 Application received with cash/cheque/Central Recruitment Stamps and Money orders will not be accepted and will be treated as rejected and amount forfeited. 8.4 Bank draft/Pay Order / IPO issued before the date of issue of Employment Notice and after closing date will not be accepted and such application form will be rejected and amount forfeited. 8.5 The candidates are advised to write their name and address at the space, if provided on the Bank Draft/Pay Order/ IPO and enclose it with the application form in original. The details of examination fee may be written in the Application form. Examination fee is not refundable under any circumstances including for the rejected applications. 8.6 The BANK DRAFT/PAY ORDER/IPO should be enclosed on the top of the application. 9. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES: 9.1 Candidates are advised to apply to one zonal Railway of their choice. It may be noted that Written Examination will be held on the same day simultaneously by all the Railways. Similarly Physical Efficiency Test (PET) will also be held during the same period simultaneously by all the Railways. 9.2 The number of vacancies shown is provisional and is liable to increase or decrease. No consequential damage/loss or refund of fee will be made to the applicant on this account. 9.3 Female candidates are also eligible. They may however, note that the nature of duties is arduous and may involve outdoor and night working. 9.4 Selected candidates are likely to be posted anywhere on the concerned Zonal Railway after successful completion of training, wherever prescribed. 9.5 Candidates should send their application sufficiently in advance before the closing date to the Railway Recruitment Cell, Eastern Railway. RRC-ER will not be responsible for any postal delay/wrong delivery whatsoever at any stage of the selection process. 9.6 The size of the column for correspondence address in Application Form is 8 x 4 cm. The same should not be changed under any circumstance. 9.7 All candidates irrespective of community will be considered for UR vacancy except PWD (PH). However, against specific community quota, only candidates of that particular community will be considered including PWD (PH). 9.8 It may please be noted that-- a) Caste certificate from competent authority for SC/ST and OBC candidates in the prescribed format have to be produced as given in Annexure I and II respectively. b) If the candidates wish to be considered against a specific community quota and fill the community column accordingly, their application will be rejected unless proof of community in the prescribed format is enclosed. c) Any subsequent representation for change of community status will not be entertained under any circumstances. 9.9 Before applying to the post, the candidates should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other criteria. RRC-ER would be free to reject any application not fulfilling the requisite criteria, at any stage of recruitment, and if erroneously appointed, such candidates shall be liable summarily termination of service without notice. 10. GUIDELINES FOR HOW TO APPLY: 10.1.1 Candidates should carefully read the instructions in this Employment Notice before applying for the post, and indicate their preference by indicating number of Post. 10.1.2 Candidates are required to fill up Application Form (AF) in the format given below. Format of AF should not be changed under any circumstance. 10.1.3 Application Form (AF) should be made separately on good quality, white, A-4 (210x297mm) size paper on a single sheet using ONE SIDE ONLY. 10.1.4 Candidates have to fill up required information in Black Gel Ink/Black Ball Point pen in his/her own handwriting. 10.1.5 AF should be written either in English or Hindi, not in any other Language. The language once selected, should only be used for filling all columns. 10.1.6 AF has to be duly dated and signed by the candidate. 10.1.7 Overwriting, cutting, erasing in the AF will lead to rejection of application. 10.1.8 The photograph should be a size of 4.5 x 3.5 cm. and should be colour photograph. The photograph should be taken without wearing coloured glass and Cap and face of the candidate should be clearly visible. If these conditions are not satisfied, the application will be summarily rejected. 11. Application Form (AF) 11.1.1 Specific details, as asked in AF, should be mentioned in the Column correctly. 11.1.2. Candidates are required to copy the following para (Declaration), in his/her own handwriting only in running script,
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RAILWAY RCRUITMNT CELL, EASTERN RAILWAY 56, C.RAVENUE KOLKATA- 700 012 --Web site address: wwwrrcer.com Employment notice No-0113 Recruitment in Pay Band-I Rs.5200-20200/- with GP Rs.1800/-(UR, SC, ST, OBC, PWD(PH) and ESM on ER and CLW Date of issue- 04/10/2013 Closing date- 15/11/2013 Time up to - 17: 00 hrs
1. Applications, on plain paper, in the given format at Annexure-XI, are invited from the citizens of India and from such other persons declared eligible by Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, for filling up posts in specified categories of Eastern Railway, as listed below. The Application, in prescribed format, may be sent by post to the Senior Personnel Officer (Recruitment), Railway Recruitment Cell, Eastern Railway, 56, C.R.Avenue, RITES Building, 1st Floor, Kolkata 700 012 or, dropped in the Application Box kept in the Office of Railway Recruitment Cell, Eastern Railway, 56 C.R.Avenue RITES Building, 1st Floor, Kolkata 700 012, upto 17:00 hrs. of the Closing Date i.e. 15/11/2013. For candidates belonging to Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshdweep Islands, the last date will be 15 days beyond the closing date (i.e.02/12/2013) upto 17:00 hrs. Applications received after closing date and time will not be entertained. The envelope containing application should be clearly superscribed Application for Recruitment in Pay Band-I Rs.5200- 20200/- with GP Rs.1800/ - Eastern Railway along with the community as applicable (i.e. SC/ST/OBC/UR/PWD(PH)/ESM). A Candidate should submit only one application form, even if he/she intends to be considered for more than one or all categories. Candidate submitting more than one application form will not be considered. Even if such a candidate gets selected inadvertently, he/she will not be offered appointment and where detected at a later stage, will be liable for summarily termination from service. The recruitment will be conducted by the Railway Recruitment Cell, Eastern Railway, (hereinafter referred as RRC-ER). Number of posts to be filled on Eastern Railway with community-wise, PWD wise and ESM distribution, scale of pay and medical classification are indicated below:
Number of posts to be filled on CLW with community-wise and PWD wise distribution, scale of pay and medical classification are indicated below:
N.B.: As per CPO's SL Circular No. 13/2012 a sub quota of 4.5% for minorities as defined under Section 2(e) of the National Commission for minorities Act 1992 from within the 27% reservation for OBCs are to be maintained (Authority :- RBE No.2/2012). Note: 1.1.Vacancies of Ex-Servicemen given in the table are not separate but included in the total number of vacancies. 1.2.Vacancies of PWD (PH) given in the table are not separate but included in the total number of vacancies. 1.3. Vacancies and categories indicated above are only tentative and are subject to change. 1.4. Candidates for Post SN-1 must meet the standard for Vision and colour vision specified in AnnexureIII. They should have their vision checked by competent eye specialist and obtain certificate as in Annexure-III, an attested xerox copy of which should be attached with the application form. 1.5 Physically challenged candidates should go through the details given in Annexure-V to AnnexureVII. 2. ABBREVIATIONS USED (2.1) RRC-ER Railway Recruitment Cell, Eastern Railway (2.2) EREastern Railway (2.3) SC-Scheduled Caste (2.4) ST-Scheduled Tribe (2.5) OBC- Other Backward Classes (2.6) UR-Un-Reserved (2.7) PWD (PH)-Persons with Disabilities (Physically Handicapped) VH Visually Handicapped, HH Hearing Handicapped, OH Orthopaedically Handicapped (2.8) ESM Ex-Serviceman (2.9) SRE-Serving Railway Employee (2.10) PET-Physical Efficiency Test. (2.11) Elect.- Electrical (2.12) Mech. - Mechanical (2.13) S&T Signal & Telecommunication (2.14) Comml. Commercial (2.15) Transp. Transportation (2.16) Engg. Engineering (2.17) AF Application Form (2.18) IPO Indian Postal Order. 3. MINIMUM EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: 3.1 The candidate should be minimum 10th Pass or ITI or equivalent and recognized by Indian Railways on the date of application. Candidates appearing at and/or awaiting results of final examination of Class 10th or ITI or equivalent are not eligible. 4. AGE LIMIT and RELAXATION: 4.1 For all the above vacancies, the age limit will be 18 to 33 years and will be reckoned as on 01-01-2014. 4.2 The upper age limit will be relaxed as under, subject to the production of requisite certificate - 4.2.1. By FIVE Years for SC/ST and by THREE years for OBC candidates in possession of valid certificates issued by the appropriate authority, copy of which is to be enclosed for claiming age relaxation. 4.2.2. Serving railway employees, including casual labours and substitutes, who have put in a minimum of THREE YEARS service will be given age relaxation subject to the age limit not exceeding 40, 43 and 45 years in case of General, OBC and SC/ST
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given in Annexure-V, VI & VII. 12.7 In the case of Ex-Serviceman and Government Servants, attested copy of Certificate from the competent authority giving their length of service/attested copy of service book, discharge certificate in case of ESM. 12.8 Only xerox, attested copies of certificates/ documents should be enclosed. A Gazetted Officer should attest copies of Certificates. Original copy of certificate/document SHOULD NOT be enclosed with the application. 12.9 No objection certificate from the employer, if already employed. 12.10 Any certificate, photograph etc. received separately, subsequent to the receipt of application will not be entertained. 13. SERVING GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES: Candidates serving Government, Quasi Government Offices/ Organizations and Institutions, can apply directly with No objection Certificate from their employer to avoid delay or they should apply through proper channel only. Advance copy of the application will be entertained provided the application through proper channel is received in RRC-ERs office within 15 days from the closing date, for which the entire responsibility would be of the candidate. Applications even if submitted to the employer concerned before the closing date but received by RRC-ER after the closing date will not be considered. It is the responsibility of the candidates to ensure that his/her application is forwarded to RRC-ER in time so that the application reaches RRC-ER office within time. 14. FREE JOURNEY RAILWAY PASS: A free Second Class journey Railway Pass, as and where admissible, will be issued to the candidates belonging to SC/ST communities only. All other candidates will have to bear their expenses for appearing in the written examination/physical efficiency test etc. 15. IMPORTANT NOTE: Candidates should have requisite academic qualification on the date of submission of application. Those who are appearing at and/or awaiting results of final examination are not eligible. Academic qualification must be from a recognized Institution/Board and recognized by Indian Railway, otherwise candidature will be rejected. Candidates having higher qualification may also apply. 16. SYLLABUS & EXAMINATION: The question paper for the written examination shall be based on Class 10th standard consisting of multiple choice objective type questions aimed to assess General Knowledge/Awareness, Mathematics and Reasoning etc. There will be no question for checking proficiency in language. Questions will be in Hindi, English, Urdu and Bengali. 17. SELECTION PROCEDURE. 17.1 Selection will be based on the performance of the eligible candidates in written examination, Physical Efficiency Test(PET) followed by original documents verification on the same venue and date. It may be noted that Physical Efficiency Test(PET) will be of qualifying nature only. For PET, candidates qualified in the written examination, will be called for as per merit to a limited extent as per the guideline. After written examination followed by PET and original document verification, successful eligible candidates to a limited extent, in order of merit will be called for Medical examination of relevant standard against the notified vacancy only. Qualifying in the written test, Physical Efficiency Test and Document Verification does not guarantee any claim for medical examination as the medical examination will be based on the merit position of the eligible candidates against the notified vacancy only. As such candidates may not be/will not be called for medical examination, who are below in merit and out of zone of consideration against the notified vacancy. There will be no interview. 17.2 Physical Efficiency Test (P.E.T.): The qualifying standard of PET will be as follows: 17.2.1 Male - Should be able to run for a distance of 1000 metres in 4 (four) minutes and 15 (fifteen) seconds in one chance. 17.2.2 Female - Should be able to run for a distance of 400 metres in 3 (three) minutes and 10 (ten) seconds in one chance. Railway Administration will not be liable/responsible for any loss/injury/damage, whether direct or consequential, suffered/ incurred by any candidate during the selection, including PET. Candidates are appearing in their own interest, therefore, to ensure that they are physically and otherwise fit to undertake the selection and observe due care to avoid injury/damage/loss to either themselves or others during the process of selection. 17.3. The appointment of the candidate will be subject to their being found suitable after antecedent verification and medical fitness as per rules. 17.4. The selection of candidate by RRC-ER does not confer any right to the candidate for appointment. RRC-ER shall not be held responsible for any inadvertent error or mistake. 17.5. RRC-ER at its discretion may hold additional written examination and/or hold re-examination, or, cancel part, or, whole of the written examination and/or PET. 17.6. Date and venue of written examination, Physical Efficiency Test, and document verification will be fixed by RRCER and intimated to only eligible candidates by post. Request for postponement of the examination and change of center/venue will not be entertained under any circumstances. Candidates trying to use influence or unfair means on this count would be liable to be disqualified. Note:- Admission to the examination centre is provisional as the applications are fully scrutinized later. In case a candidate does not fulfil the entire requirement prescribed in the Employment Notice, his/her candidature is liable to be rejected even at a later stage, when deficiency is noticed. Mere issue of call letter for appearing in written exam or PET or Document Verification or medical examination by RRC-ER, does not confer any right for any subsequent stage of recruitment process or placing his/her name on the panel. 18. INVALID APPLICATIONS: The applications having any of the following deficiencies or irregularities will be summarily rejected. 18.1. Applications not submitted in prescribed format as uploaded on (www.rrcer.com) or as given in this Employment Notice, or, if incomplete or illegible. 18.2. Unsigned/undated applications, applications without thumb impression, applications without marks of identification. 18.3. Without photos or affixing/ attaching xerox copy of photograph. 18.4. Without signature on Application Form/Full signature not done in running script/Signature done in capital letters/broken letters/open letters, place not mentioned. 18.5. Without Demand Draft/Pay Order / IPO of requisite value and validity. 18.6. Applications not filled in English or Hindi or not filled by the candidate in his own handwriting. 18.7. Applications without declaration, written in candidates own handwriting in running script only. 18.8. Without proper certificates, in respect of SC/ST/OBC candidates and PWD/PH. Certificate should be obtained from the competent authority in the prescribed format. 18.9. Under aged/Over aged candidates. 18.10. Not having the requisite Educational Qualification at the time of submitting application. 18.11. Applications received after 17.00 hrs. on closing date. 18.12. Photo copies of the certificates not attested by Gazetted Officer, or, if self-attested. 18.13. More than one application in one name or sent in one envelope. 18.14. Any other irregularity / incomplete application/overwriting/ erasing/use of more than one ink etc. 19. Action against candidates found guilty of misconduct: Candidates are warned that they should not furnish any particulars that are false or suppress any material information while filling in the Application Form. Candidates are also warned that they should in no case attempt to alter or otherwise tamper with any entry in a document or its attested / certified copy submitted by them nor should they submit a tampered / fabricated document. If there is any inaccuracy or any discrepancy, an explanation regarding this discrepancy should be submitted. 19.1. A candidate who is or has been found by the Railway Recruitment Board / Zonal Railway/ Recruitment Cell, to be guilty of : (i) Obtaining support for his candidature by any means, or, (ii) Impersonating, or, (iii) Procuring impersonation by any person, or, (iv) Submitting fabricated document or documents which have been tampered with, or, (v) Making statements which are incorrect or false or suppressing material information, or, (vi) Resorting to any other irregular or improper means in connection with his candidature for the selection, or, (vii) Using unfair means during the examination, or, (viii)Writing irrelevant matter including obscene language or pornographic matter, in the scripts(s),or, (ix) Committing mischief in any other manner in the examination hall, or, (x) Harassing or doing bodily harm to the staff employed by the RRC-ER for the conduct of their test/examination. May, in addition to action under relevant provision of the Rules render himself liable to criminal prosecution and further- (a) be disqualified by the RRC-ER from selection for which he is a candidate, or, (b) be debarred either permanently or for a period decided by the RRC-ER from any examination or selection conducted by all the Zonal Railway Recruitment Cells/RRBs. (c) If he is already in service under Government, be taken under disciplinary action under the appropriate rules. 20. All male candidates are liable for active Territorial Army Service in Railway Units or such other units as may be laid down in this behalf from time to time. 21. Candidates selected for these categories strictly on merit against the notified vacancy after the written test/Physical Efficiency Test/document verification are required to pass prescribed medical examination, before appointment. 22. Selected candidates may be required to undergo training wherever necessary, with stipend for a specific period and to deposit the security amount and execute an indemnity bond or agreement. 23. The candidates selected may be absorbed depending on the vacancies available, after successful completion of prescribed training. They may be considered in due course for promotion to higher grades according to rules/orders in force from time to time. 24. Posting of the selected candidates may be made as per
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in the space provided at column No. 22 in the Application Form --- I hereby declare that all the particulars given above by me are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am aware that in the event of any information furnished by me is found false / incorrect at any stage, my candidature / service will be rejected / terminated summarily and I am also liable to criminal action. I will abide by the instructions given in the notification. 11.2 Application Form (AF) 11.2.1. Candidates should write his/her name (in column no. 1), fathers/husbands name (in column no.2) in capital letters as given in Class-X certificate or ITI or equivalent certificate. Each letter should be filled in one box as shown below; one box should be left blank between each part of the name. 11.2.2. Candidates should write his/her nearest railway station in column no. 3, writing one letter in each box, leaving one box blank between two words. 11.2.3. Candidates should write Correspondence Address in column no. 4. Correspondence Address should be written in block letter. It should be legible complete and with PIN Code No. The dimension of this column is 8 cm x 4 cm. The same should not be changed, otherwise, address on scanning would become illegible and it is likely the correspondence may get misplaced in transit. 11.2.4 In column no. 5 appropriate code may be written as given below:
11.2.5 In column no.6 candidate should mention his/her Nationality. 11.2.6 In column no. 7 candidates should indicate his/her religion by writing the appropriate code as given below:
11.2.7 In column no. 8 marital status may be indicted by writing the appropriate code as given below:-
11.2.8 In column no. 9 candidate should write his/her date of birth in digits beginning with date, month and year with one digit in each box. If any of these figures is single digit prefix zero to make it double digit, for example if a candidate is born on 5th June, he/ she should write 05 under date and 06 under month. 11.2.9 PWD(PH) candidates should mention their type of disability in column 10 of AF as VH/OH/HH 11.2.10 Ex-Serviceman candidate should write ESM in column 11 of AF and others should write No 11.2.11 In column no. 12 candidate may indicate his/her community by writing the appropriate code as given below :-
11.2.12 For age relaxation under any of the categories mentioned in Para 4.2 above, write the appropriate undermentioned code in column no. 13.
11.2.13 In column no. 14 candidate may indicate his/her choice of posts by preferring the code as given in Para-1 of the Notification upto 05 preferences.
11.2.14 In column no. 15, 16, 17, 20 and 21, specific details as required, may be mentioned/written. 11.2.15 The question paper for written examination will be in English, Hindi, Urdu and Bengali medium. In column no.19 candidate should indicate his/her choice of medium by writing the appropriate code as given below:
11.2.16. In the prescribed space of AF, candidates should sign his full specimen signature in English or Hindi thrice as indicated in AF separately. Full Signature of the applicant must be specific so that it may not be copied easily. Full Signature in capital letters or open/broken letters will not be accepted and the applications having such type of signature will be rejected summarily. Full signature must be in running script only. 11.2.17 In the prescribed space of AF candidate should put his/her left thumb impression (LTI) in black printer ink only. LTI should be clear and complete; finger-print should be clearly visible and not smudged or fade. 11.2.18 Candidate should put his/her full signature in running script at the right bottom of the AF as prescribed in AF. The full signature of the applicant must be specific so that it may not be copied easily. Signature in capital letters or open/broken letters will not be accepted and the applications having such type of signature will be rejected summarily. 11.2.19 Candidate should write place and date at the left bottom of the Application as shown in the AF. 11.2.20 Port Blair centre is available only for candidates from Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshdweep Islands. The decision of Railway Administration regarding allotment of Examination Centre will be final. 11.2.21 In the prescribed column of Application Form, candidate should affix his/her passport size photograph, with light colour background, not older than one month, repeat, not older than one month, without wearing cap or goggles/coloured glasses. Do not put any mark or signature on the photograph. No attestation of photograph is required. The photograph should be neatly pasted and not stapled or pinned. One photograph is to be enclosed separately (not older than 1 month) without wearing cap & goggles/coloured glasses should be enclosed with name and father/husbands name written on reverse. Do not put any mark or signature on the photograph. Note: Candidates must keep a photocopy of the AF for further reference. 11.2.22 Candidates should send AF duly filled in along with required documents by Ordinary POST, so as to reach Railway Recruitment Cell office within the closing date positively. Application received after due date, for any reason whatsoever, will not be considered. Speed post/Courier/Registered AD will not be acknowledged. Such applications will be deemed to have been deposited in the box provided at RRC, Eastern Railway for this purpose. 11.2.23 Candidates should mention Recruitment in Pay Band-I Rs.5200-20200/- with GP Rs.1800/ - - Eastern Railway. Community ______ at the top of the envelope containing the Application. PWD (PH) candidates must mention PWD/PH at the Top of the envelope and Ex-Serviceman candidate must mentioned ESM at the top of the application for Recruitment in Pay Band-I Rs.5200-20200/with GP Rs.1800/- clearly. Each envelope should contain one application only. In case more than one applications are sent in one envelope, all such applications will be rejected as stated above. 11.2.24 Those candidates who are debarred from appearing at any of the RRB/RRC exam. need not apply unless such period expires by the closing date. Their application shall not be entertained. 12. ENCLOSURES: (Please also see Checklist at Annexure-IV) The following enclosures only are to be firmly stitched along with the application Form- 12.1 Attested, photocopy of certificates for DOB and qualification. 12.2 Certificates/documents, which are in language other than in Hindi or English, should be translated into Hindi or English and enclosed along with the attested Xerox copies of originals. 12.3 In case of SC/ST candidates, a certificate of their belonging to SC/ST category in the format given in Annexure-I. 12.4 In case of OBC candidates, a certificate of their belonging to OBC in format as given in Annexure-II & Annexure- IX. 12.5 In case of PWD/PH candidates the attested copy of the disability certificates in the format as given in Annexure-VI or Annexure-VII, which is applicable, should be attached. 12.6 All PWD/PH candidates must go through the instructions as
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Af { f{ L { S ~ o FLL A {Bd > A AQQ{ A{L S Ad , L } > L xLuSL L Q > L, {x H , s , x , s, {+, Ls, Av B B > A{s{B {{ {L ` s {B$F > F{ { L B { } L ~ {Dd `f {Ls sZ > L {S { S { > F LL AQ# AS{ Q# { {L{L Bq L{f{ L {s{L{f ` LBd > {D{ F vL{ {QB ; , {Z B B{ F L L B FL D L > F{ dd{ F$#{ F F , F { sL L{ > B{ F, FF L F{sL L { Q D N d > A~ ABH, FFf L { { N B{ > H L { { x { , F , FF H Bq {L D > x{ {L B f{ $# Bq {L{ B( B),
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requirement of the Indian Railways at the appropriate time. No particular place/post/category or Department or Division of posting can be assured or assumed. Vacancies and categories indicated in this notification are purely tentative and are subject to change as per discretion/decision of Railways. 25. For any legal dispute the Jurisdiction will be at Central Administrative Tribunal, covering the city where RRC-ER is located. 26. In the event of any dispute, English version of the Employment Notice will be treated as valid. In case of any misprint the copy of the notification displayed in the office of RRC-ER and also uploaded on the website of RRCER (www.rrcer.com) is final and valid. RRC-ER will not be responsible for printing/typographical error or any other inadvertent mistake. 27. RAILWAY RECRUITMENT CELL-ERs DECISION FINAL: The decision of RRC-ER in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, issue of free Rail Passes, penalty for false information, mode of selection, conduct of examination(s) and allotment of examination centre, selection, allotment of posts to selected candidates will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this connection. Candidates who submit forged caste certificates for securing eligibility and or obtaining privilege, including free travel, for appearing in an examination, shall be liable not only for rejection of his candidature for the particular recruitment for which he has applied, but shall be debarred from appearing at any examination conducted by any RRC/RRB all over the country for whole life. No change of community will be permitted on later stage. IMPORTANT: RRC-ER has not appointed any agents or coaching centres for acting on its behalf. Candidates are warned against any such claims being made by persons / agencies. Examination conducted by RRC-ER would be multiplechoice objective type and OMR answer sheets are being used and computer evaluation is being resorted to. Candidates are selected purely as per merit. Please beware of unscrupulous elements and do not fall in their trap. Any information on such elements or complaints may be addressed to either Chairman, Railway Recruitment Cell, Eastern Railway on the address below, or, SDGM/E.Rly.Headquarters, 17, N.S. Road, Fairlie Place, Kolkata-700-001. Candidates may also log on to RRC-ERs website www.rrcer.com for downloading Application Form and accessing other information. Chairman, Railway Recruitment CellEastern Railway 56, C. R. Avenue, RITES Building, 1st Floor, KOLKATA 700 012
{sL(L F ), {sL (L F ) > {L { F{sL B L {L A Ad > F {LL , F B, FF , {L {L ` > F {L A# {B$# {{ A {LSL ` > ABABs H B { F { sL { A# {L > F$# { {L {s{L{f B L {sL L $ # d d Z A B$F > s { FF B+{S{sx {L ` d > A {L{L { B A ,
{LL H {L{ A dZ B FF{ {QB d > B { Da B S{~ L B LZ d > F$#{ FF L F{sL L { F {B$F > a FF L { A L { > F L L, {f L, {LL B{ N B { > : ABABs L{f A Bq, A{ B, FB, F`x B {L ` > { Ls s B`s A {s{L{f, L{ F{sL {L >
B ` s A {s{L{f, o{ {sL ` L{f A AFx B, A{ B LL ` > B , B{ F( B) {L > ~ A {s{L{f, S{ L() F, F{sL({ ) vL > ;{{H B A Bq F {s{L{f , q{ {sL {L > L B A Bq F {s{L{f B({ F L ) } A {L > l {Q s { { sL ( L ) H F{sL(L) {L D >
CENTRAL RICE RESEARCH INSTITUTE (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) CUTTACK753 006 (ODISHA), India
Name of the Scheme/Project: "Stress Tolerant Rice for poor farmers in Africa and South Asia' (EAP-128). Name of the position: Agril. Field Operator. No.of position: 02(Two). Rate of Fellowship/ Remuneration: Rs. 6,000/- p.m. (Consolidated). Requisite qualification: Essential: Vocational in Agriculture or HSC with two years experience in Agriculture. Maximum age as on 01.07.2013: 30 yrs. for men and 35 yrs. for women. Duration: Up to 28.02.2014 or till completion of the project whicheveris earlier. Date & Time of Interview: 25.10.2013 at 10.00 a.m. at CRRI Committee Room. Place of posting: CRRI, Cuttack/ Ersama. Terms & Conditions: 1. The above position is purely temporary and is co-terminus with the scheme / project. The services of appointed candidates will stand terminated automatically after expiry of the scheme/ project or completion of period indicated in the selection offer, whichever is earlier and the candidate will not have any right for absorption in CRRI/ ICAR. The above age limits are relaxable forSC, ST and OBC candidates as per Govt. Of India norms. 2. Eligible candidates desirous to be considered for the above-mentioned position are advised to bring one copy of their bio-data along with Xerox copy of all the certificates and mark sheets affixing recent photograph thereon together with original copies of educational certificate/mark sheet (matriculation onwards) /experience certificates and appearfor a walk-in-interview comprising of a written-cumpersonal interview on prescribed date, time and place. 3. Director, CRRI reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of position and also to cancel the recruitment process for the position mentioned above. Director's decision will be final and binding in all aspects. 4. No TAand DA for appearing in the interview are admissible. 5. No candidate will be entertained after 10.00AM. 6. Canvassing in any form will render the candidate disqualified for the position. DIRECTOR
Applications in the prescribed forms are invited for admission ' into M.Phil, courses in the following subjects of Berhampur University for the year 2014: 1 Botany, 2.Chemistry, 3.Commerce, 4 Economics, 5.English, 6.History, 7. Home Science, 8.IR & PM, 9.Marine Sciences(a) Oceanography' (b) Marine Biology. 10.Mathematics, 11.Odia, 12.Physics, 13 Political . Sciences 14. Zoology and 15. Women's Studies, Candidates are advised to visit the University Website ' www buodisha.edu in for downloading application form and prospectus containing eligibility criteria and other details. The last date of receiving , the filled-in downloaded application along with the required documents, including fee is02.11.2013(Saturday). A.K.Panigrahi, Chairman,P.G.Council.
f L , S
F S f L H D L Da { { ~ {B$# H `NL Q L { {f B A{ L$# $Z f~B ADd L {Z {f ~ {S L L Bd > F f {HBs www.nayagarh.nic.in { D A{s > f { Ls A{ L{ LN $Z AL ~ H AL LSf f L, Sv{ A; 15.10.2013 Q 11.00 WsL { o LL {Bd > {D ${ DN A { {Z $#L `L A ] > f A# L , S
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Applications are invited in prescribed format from eligible candidates for filling up of the following category of posts for different NCC units of the State on Regular / Contractual basis so as to reach the Director of Higher Education, Odisha, Bhubaneswar on or before 26.10.2013. The scale of pay, qualification, terms and conditions as on date of application of each category of posts are indicated below. The successful candidates are required to produce necessary documents in original at the time of the appointment. Incomplete/ defective applications without proper format as per advertisement and applications received after due date shall not be taken into consideration and are liable for rejection. The date and place of examination will be intimated to the candidates later on whose applications are found to be correct in all respect.
f Q ~ ` L A# L , Sq,
F ~Z AS {; f~B ADAd {, f Q ~ `L A#L, Sq fZ 19 {Ss ~ L `NL { ~ L B f L S~ Ld; > , f fS ~ L ~ B L { LS >
BbL F {S $/$# N f Q ~`L A#LZ (Chief District Veterinary Officer) Q { H } { A{ L{ > `NL N { AL { LS > S {S: L A Intermediate j(I.Sc.) L +2 j(+2 Science) L Da L j (Higher Secondary Science) L S {S L N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production){ D {B$# AL > L$DL, N fB N {; D 50 N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production) vL{ D {B$# $/ $#Z ~ L > A 50 N B j L { D {B$# F N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production){ D {B$# {S {S L f {S L {{ {;fL L L A $# {S $/ $#Z ~ L > D{N B S Q$# {; {L~ {SsF S DN $/ $# ;, '{{ { A S $/$#Z ~ L > F $/$#(HA FL $B) f S Bf { D {B$#{ > DN $/$#Z S ~ A{ 9(A) (Theory) H xNQ/{ 3() (Practical) {s 1(FL) {s A > DN {s{ D {B$# $/$#Z ~ L { FL B `NL N A F L {;fL {{ DN N A B AB{ > `NL ~ LZ L {;L L (Consolidated Monthly Remuneration) L s. 5200/-Z A > : ~ $/$# Z 18 32 (01/06/2013 ) {B$# AL > N f/N ff F dA S f $/$#Z {{ {a A#L 5(o) {L L > L : (1) $Z {{ {Z D (Sound Health Good Physique), ``o A(Active Habits), Da 5 (o) s 2(B) Bo F d A~ 30 () Bo {S {S {Z {L~ L s (Organic Defect) L L A (Mental Infirmity) $# AL > $ B{L `B f~$#{ > (2) $#Z {{ {Z D (Sound Health, Good Physique), ``o A(Active Habits) Da 5 (o) s {S {S {Z {L~ L s (Organic Defect) L L A (Mental Infirmity) $# AL > $# B{L `B f~$#{ > ~ {S: $#/$# SL {B$#{ > $/$#Z {SsF / A#L $#{ > H LZ ~ L A~ L > $/$# {Z A{ L$ # f L {f { qL L$#{ H { f {B$#{ > {s: DN $/$#Z S ~ A{ 9(A) (Theory) H xNQ/{ 3() (Practical) {s 1 (FL) {s A > {s { $/$#Z L s 750/-( `) sZ A > A A{ F AL ~ AL L (Attested True Copy) Sq, f Q ~`L A#LZ(Chief District Veterinary Officer Berhampur, At: Military Line, Po: Berhampur-760001, Dist: Ganjam) L{ xL Q L{ L NS { Q L Q L$# LSf L {B{ > Q vB D{ "~ L B Q' D{ Q L AL > Q (Q {L A{LZ ~ {) {s S 1. $/$#Z : 2. /Z L 3. vL~: 4. {S{S vL~ 5. f 6. f Q 7. S {S: 8. Da d A~: 9. f(SC/ST/SEBC/GEN): 10. /A: 11. /: 12. L{f { qL L$# LL . H Q: F {W~ LAd {, { AB$# DQ# $ H A{s > Q A{LZ A{ Q L L $# ~ : 1. f B{Ss A{s{x {B$# {s Bf {sS > FL{Ss {sS Q D{ AB$# } { Av{B S L AL > As Q {S LL { > 2. S {S ~ A{s{x L > 3. QZv ` ~ A{s{x L > 4. Zv DN ~ A{s{x L > 5. L{f qL Lx A{s{x L > 6. fS ~ (SC/ST/SEBC) A{s{x L > 7. B{Ss ` ~ {S{f{sx AZv { L $/$#Z L {B$#{ > 8. NB L H NB j {S $# {S $/ $#Z { N f Q ~ `L A#LZv L f {S L {{ {;fL L L A ~ A{s{x L > A{ Q L { Q: 08.11.2013 > { Q A 5 WsL Q N L{ o{, S~ L ] > $/$# xL vB$# Q { o{ L { ] > A Q/AL ~ (attested copy) $B Q {B$# QSL L` L > f Q ~ `L A#L, Sq, f
L ~ A#N {S D{S ~ {L, Q H S{{S A{S, L, , W H D{S , D{S(S dL), {: QS, { -30, {: 0674-2350724
L LSf{ f ~- $ vL , f , /Z , , f, S {S F A vL~, {s{ FLL {s Bf {s, f F S {S ~ AL L S L vB D` > LSf{ Q L$# $/$#Z Ax { vL Q { 25 sZ f LL { > {L~ L (Govt.) L {L A(NGO) H {{L~ Ao{ {{fS L/ L L {S N {Z D{N vL{ ~ {L Bb L L${ # D{N vL~{ {S{S L; > ~ { ${ {fS f LL(Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme) {f{ B A;N {B {B{ > $ { AS#L { $ ${ QL $L A > Q S~ L { Q . 25.10.2013 Q > D{N ~ {L QS F {Qs dL S{ $ S dL Ls{ A > ~ {L{ o B sD Ad > { ~ B D{N vL~{ {S{S L; > Q H S{{S A{S {L~ L~ B {{L~ QL L L AL L; > A
3. A candidate in order to be eligible for applying to the above posts shall; i. Be a citizen of India. ii. Not less than 18 years and not more than 32 years of age as on 01.10.2013. The upper age limit shall be relaxed as per state Govt. Rules. iii. Be a good character. iv. Be of sound health & good physique. v. Be able to speak, read & write Odia & have passed the M.E. standard examination with Odia as a subject/passed a test in Odia in M.E. school standard conducted by BSE (0), Cuttack. vi. Applicants should have registered their names in any of the Employment Exchange of the State. 4. No application shall be considered unless it is accompanied by an Account payee Bank Draft of Rs.100/-(Rupees one hundred) only in case of U.R & S.E.B.C candidates and Rs.75/- (Rupees seventyfive) only in case of S.T & S.C Candidates drawn in favour of "Establishment Officer, Directorate of Higher Education, Odisha, Bhubaneswar payable at SBI, HOD Branch, Unit - V, Bhubaneswar as application and examination fees which is not refundable in any circumstances. 5. Examination/ Interview :- i. Written Test for the post of Ship Modeling Instructor. ii. Viva voce Test for the Post of Boat Keeper & Lascar. iii. Written Test & Basic computer skill & shorthand Type writing test for the post of Jr. Stenographer. Note :- Those who will qualify the written test shall be called for the practical skill test. 6. No person who has more than one spouse living shall be eligible for appearing the Examination / interview. 7. The Candidates shall furnish following documents with their application form:- i. Two recent passport size photograph duly attested by a Gazetted Officer with full signature of the candidates on the front side. ii. One self addressed envelope of 23 cm x 10 cm with required postage stamp for under certificate of posting. iii. Attested copies of certificates showing educational qualification date of birth etc. iv. Attested copy of caste certificate issued by competent Revenue Authority. v. Attested copy of Employment Registration Card. vi. Declaration regarding one spouse living. vii. Original Bank Draft. viii. Attested copies of other required certificates, if any. Note:- (a) The authority reserves the right to reject any application and modify / cancel the advertisement without assigning any reason thereof. (b) No TA/DA will be allowed to attend the interview. 8. How to apply:Application in the prescribed form as per advertisement alongwith required document properly tagged/ stapled may be sent to the Director, Higher Education, Odisha, Bhubaneswar. HOD Building, Unit - V, Bhubaneswar. The envelope should be super scribed with name of the post applied for, failing which the application will be rejected. The authority shall not be liable for any postal delay or loss of application. Applications containing without proper "Format" & "Superscription" shall be rejected and no correspondence in this matter will be entertained. APPLICATION FORM FOR THE POST OF SHIP MODELING INSTRUCTOR, BOAT KEEPER . LASCAR & JUNIOR STENOGRAPHER 1. Name of the Applicant:2. Father's / Husband's Name:Space for Photograph duly 3. Category (SC/ST/SCBC/UR):4. Post applied for:attested with full Signature 5. (a) Religion (b) Nationality.......................... of the Candidates on the 6. Gender (Male /Female) :................................... fron, side 7. Employment Exchange Regd.No :-............................... 8. Permanent Address : Present Address : At:At:Po:Po:Via :Via :Dist :Dist :PIN:PIN:9. Marital Status (Married / Unmarried):-. 10. Date of Birth :11. Educational Qualification :12. Other Qualification, if any :13. Details of Bank Draft (i) Bank Draft No...................& Date...................(ii) Amount...................... (iii) Name of the issuing Branch......................... DECLARATION: I do hereby declare that all the information given above are true and correct in all respect. In the event of any information given hereby is found in correct at any stage hereafter, my candidature / selection / appointment shall be liable to be cancelled without any notice to me. Place :Date: Full Signature of the Applicant
Online Recruitment Applications by using website www.odishassc.in 'are invited for direct recruitment to 03 post of Estate Supervisor (Post-tcode-ES-81) under the General Administration(Rent) Department carrying pay-in the Pay Band-2 of Rs.9,300 - Rs.34,800/- with Grade Pay of Rs 4200/-. Aspirants willing to apply for the above post are advised to visit the Commission's Website www.odishassc.in for detailed information on eligibility criteria; application fee, plan of examination and other instructions etc. Aspirants have to submit application online through the said website. On successful submission of the application, the Detailed Application Form (DAF), accompanied by proof of payment of examination fee and prescribed documents superscribing the envelope as "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ESTATE SUPERVISOR" has to be sent to the Secretary. Odisha Staff Selection Commission, Barrack No.1 Unit-V Bhubaneswar-751054 by Regd. Post/Speed Post. - Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected. The closing time for submission of the Online application is 11.59 PM W 05.11.2013 and the last date of receipt of DAF in the Commission's Office is 12.11.2013 by 5PM. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Mobile phone or other communication devices are strictly banned and -will not be allowed inside examination centers. Candidates found violating the instruction shall be debarred from the examinition. By order of Commission, Secretary
{ 12 - 18 A{Lu, 2013
10+2 examination with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (Hereinafter referred to as PCM) subjects and fulfill the eligibility conditions prescribed in the subsequent paragraphs, for the grant of Permanent Commission in the Army after 4 years of Basic Military Training and Technical Training thereafter with the terms and conditions given in the succeeding paragraphs. 2. ELIGIBILITY: (a) Nationality: A candidate must be A citizen of India. (b) Age Limit: A candidate must not be below 16 years and above 19 years on the first day of the month in which the course is commencing i.e. the candidate should not be born before 01 Jan 1995 and not after 01 Jan 1998 (both days inclusive). The date of birth accepted by the office is that entered in the Marticulation or Secondary School Leaving certificate or in the certificate recognised by an Indian University as equivalent to Matriculation or in an extract from a Register of Matriculates maintained by a University which extract must be certified by the proper authority of the University or in the Higher Secondary or an equivalent examination certificate. No other document relating to age will be accepted. The expression Matriculation/Higher Secondary Examination Certificate in this part of the instruction includes the alternative certificate mentioned above. NOTE 1: Candidate should note only the date of birth as recorded in the Matriculation/Higher Secondary Examination Certificate or an equivalent certificate on the date of submission of applications will be accepted and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted. NOTE 2: Candidates should also note that once a date of birth has been claimed by them and entered in the records, no change will be allowed subsequently or a subsequent examination on any ground whatsoever. NOTE 3: Candidates must undertake not to marry until they complete their full training. A candidate who marries subsequent to the date of his application, though successful, will not be selected for training. A candidate who marries during training shall be discharged and will be liable to refund all expenditure incurred on him by the government. (C) Educational Qualification: Only those candidates who have passed 10+2 Examination or its equivalent with a minimum aggregate of 70% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics from a recognized education boards are eligible to apply for this entry. Eligibility conditions for calculating % of PCM will be followed as per the present guideliness/ instructions in vogue of various state/central Boards. 3. VACANCIES: 85. Vacancies are provisional and can be changed depending on the training capacity at the training Academy for this course. The vacancies are subject to increase/decrease keeping the organizational requirement at the point of time. 4. TYPE OF COMMISSION: On successful completion of 4 years of the course cadets will be granted Permanent Commission in the Army in the rank of Lt. 5. Grant of Commission: On successful completion of total 04 years training, the candidates will be commissioned in the rank of Lt. They will be granted seniority on overall order of merit of the three technical institutes combined i.e. CME, MCTE, MCEME and in case the date of commissioning coincides with that of IMA, Dehradun, they will be placed en-block junior to IMA (NDA / ACC / DE Course ) but above TGC / UES course. TRAINING 6. Total training will be 5 years, Details as under: (a) Basic Military Training : 1 year (Officer Training Academy Gaya). (b) Technical Training: (i)Phase-I (Pre Commission Training): 3 Years (CME Pune, MCTE Mhow and MCEME Secunderabad), (ii) Phase-II (Post Commission Training): 1 year at CME Pune, MCTE Mhow and MCEME Secunderabad. (c) Award of Degree: The candidates will be awarded Engineering degree after successful completion of training as given out in para 6 (a) and (b) above. No ante date seniority will be admissible to candidates on account of this Engineering degree. In case they fail to qualify in the following year examination, the same will result in loss of seniority to them and they will forfiet seniority to the extent of delay in passing Engineering degree examination. If they fail to qualify even within three years of their commissioning, their commission will be terminated. COST OF TRAINING 7. The entire cost of training including books and reading material is borne by the Army. Cadets are also provided with free accommodation and messing. In case the GC is withdrawn from training academy due to reasons other than Medical ground or the reasons not beyond his control, he will be liable to refund cost of training @ Rs. 8135/ -per week for the period of his stay at the Officer Training Academy, Gaya/Cadet Taining Wing. 8. The selection procedure is as follows: (a) Short listed candidates will be called for Services Selection Board (SSB) interview at Bhopal, Bangalore or Allahabad. Interviews will be held in Feb/Mar 2014 onwards. (b) Duration of SSB interviews is five days excluding day of arrival. During their stay at SSB, Candidates are put through psychological Test, Group test and Interviews. (c)Candidates will be put through stage - I of the selection procedure on the first day. Only successful candidates shall be retained for balance of the testing. Candidates who fail to qualify in stage - I, will be returned on the first day itself, Stage I are psychologically originated test including intelligence test. (d) Successful candidates at the SSB will be required to undergo medical test lasting 3 to 5 days less Sundays and gazetted holidays. (e) Candidates recommended by the SSB and declared medically fit, will be appointed for training in the order of merit, depending on the number of vacancies available. (f) The finally selected candidates will execute all the Bonds/Certificates as prescribed for the Cadets of NDA entry under Al 53/78.(g) Candidates appering for SSB interview for the first time for a particular type of commission shall be entitled for AC III tier to and fro railway fare or bus fare including reservation cum sleeper charges within the Indian limits. Candidates who apply again for the same type of commission will not entitled to travelling allowance on any subsequent occasion STIPEND/PAY AND ALLOWANCES 9. The candidates will be given a stipend of Rs. 21,000/- p.m. (Rs 15,600/- as pay in Pay Band plus Grade Pay of Rs. 5,400/-) as is admissible to NDA cadets on completion of 3 years training. On completion of 4 Years training they will be commissioned in the rank of Lt and entitled to pay as admissible to the rank. (a) The Pay Bands, Grade Pay and Military service Pay are as under:-
In case of allowance spcific to Defence Forces, the rates of these allowances have been further enhanced by 25% a Dearness Allowance has gone up by 50%. (f) Cost to company(CTC). The CTC for a Lieutentant would be approximately Rs. 65000/- per month. This includes Basic Pay, DA, Grade Pay, Military Service Pay, Tech Pay, House Rent Allowance and Transport allowance. These rates are not statutory and are subject to change. (g) Privilleges, In addition to the CTC mentioned above, Army provides free medical Facilities for Self & dependents, Canteen facilities, Entitled Ration, Mess/Club/Sports Facilities Furnished Govt Accommodation, Car/Houing Loan at subsidised rate. (h)PROMOTION (i) Substantive Promotion The following are the service limit for the grant of the substantive promotion to higher ranks: By time scale: Lt. (on Completion of training). Capt. 2 years of reckonable commissioned service. Major 6 years of reckonable commissioned service. Lt. Col. 13 years of reckonable commissioned service. Col (TS) 26 years of reckonable commissioned service. By Selection : Col. 15 years of reckonable commissioned service. Brigadier 23 years of reckonable commissioned service. Major Gen 25 years of reckonable commissioned service. Lt. Gen. 28 years of reckonable commissioned service. General No restriction (ii) Acting promotion Officers are eligible for acting promotion to higher ranks on completion of the following minimum Service limits subject to availability of vacancies. Captain 1 year. Major 4 years. Lt. Colonel 7 years. Colonel 8 years. Brigadier 12 years. Major General 20 years. Lt. Gen 25 years. (j) RETIREMENT BENEFITS:- Pension Gratuity and casual pensionary award will be admissible in accordance with the rules in force from time to time. (k) Officers may be granted commision in any arms/services and will be liable for service in any part of the world on selected appoinments as decided by Army headquarters from time to time. (l) LEAVE: Leave will be admissible in accordance with the rules in force from time to time. 10. On commission, officers are entitled to 60 days annual leave and 20 days casual leave LTC, and other concessions. 11. On being commissioned, all officers will be guided by the terms and conditions as given out by the Army Group Insurance Scheme and as amended from time to time. (a) Army Group Insurance Fund Provides Insurance cover of Rs. 15 Lac on payment of one time non-refundable premium of Rs. 8200/- by cadets from the date of joining for pre-commission training i.e. for 3 years. If a cadets is relegated an additional premium of Rs. 1,444/- per relegated term will be paid. Those who are medically boarded out on account of disability, the disability cover provided for 100% disability will be Rs. 7.5 Lac reduced up to Rs. 1.5 Lac for 20 per cent disability. However, disability for less than 20 percent, an ex-gratia of Rs. 50,000/ - will be paid and Rs. 1 lac ex-gratia will be paid to cadets invalid out during their last year of trg wef 01 Jan 2011. There is no saving component under this scheme. Disability due to alcoholism, drug addiction and due to the diseases of pre-enrolment origin will not qualify for disability benefit and ex-gratia Grant. (b) The Gentlemen Cadets when in receipt of stipend of Rs. 21,000/- per month are insured for Rs. 50 lac wef 01 Sep 2013. For those who are medically boarded out of Academy on account of disability, the disability cover provided for 100% disability will be Rs. 25 Lac which is proportionately reduced up to Rs. 5 Lac for 20% disability. However, for disability less than 20 percent an ex-gratia grant of Rs. 50,000/- for first two years of training and Rs 1 lac during the 3rd year will be paid. Disability due to alcoholism, drug addiction and due to the diseases of pre-enrolment origin will not qualify for disability benefit and ex-gratia grant. Subscription at the rate of Rs. 5000/- will have to be paid in advance on monthly basis by the Gentlemen Cadets to become member under the main AGI Scheme as applicable to Regular Army Officers. The subscription for the relegated period would also be recovered at the same rate. 12. GUIDELINES FOR PHYSICAL STANDARDS FOR ADMISSION TO THE 10+2 (TES) ENTRY PERMANENT COMMISSION. Note: Candidates must be physically fit according to the prescribed physical standards. The guidelines for the same are given below. A number of qualified candidates are rejected subsequently on medical grounds. Candidates are, therefore, advised in their own inerest to get themselves medically examined before submitting their applications to avoid disappointment at the final stage. Candidates are also advised to rectify minnor defects/ailments in order to speed up finalisation of medical examination conducted at the Military Hospital after being recommended at the SSB. The undermentioned ailments are considered, common minor ailments:- (a) Wax (Ears), (b) DNS, (c) Hydrocele/phimosis, (d) Overweight/ Underweight, (e) Piles, (f) Gynecomastia, (g) Tonsilitis, (h) Varicocele. Civilian candidates appearing for all types of commission in the Armed Forces will be entitled to outpatients treatment from services sources at public expense for injuries sustained or disease contracted during the course of their examination by the selection Board. They will also be entitled to in-patient treatment at public expense in the Officers ward of a hospital privided, (a) the injury is sustained during the test or; (b) the disease is contracted during the course of the examination by selection board and there is no suitable hospital; or (c) the medical board requires the candidates admission for observation. NOTE: They are not entitled to special nursing. A candidate recommended by the Services Selection Board will undergo a medical examination by a Board of Service Medical officers. Only those candidates will be admitted to the academy who are declared fit by the Medical board. The proceeding of the Medical Board are confidential and will not be divulged to anyone. However, the candidates declared unfit will be intimated by the president of the Medical Boards and the procedure for request for an Appeal Medical Board will also be intimated to the candidate. Candidates declared unfit during Appeal Med. Board will be intimated about the provision of Review Med. Board. (a) The candidates must be in good physical and mental health and free from any disease/disability which is likely to interfere with the efficient performance of duties. (b) There should be no evidence of weak constitution, bodily defects or under weight. (c) The minimun acceptable height is 157.5 cms. For Gorkhas and individuals belonging to hills of North Eastern regions of India, Garhwal and kumaon, the minimun acceptable height will be 5cms. less. In case of candidates from Lakhadweep the minimun acceptable height can be reduced by 2 cms. Height and weight standards are given below:-
(b) Qualification Grant: Officers possessing certain prescribed qualification are entitled to lumpsum Qualification Grant of 7,500/-, 11,250/-, 18,750/- or 25,000/- based on the qualification held by the them. (c) The Army Aviators (Pilots) serving in Army Aviation Corps are entitled to the Qualification Pay, based on the Qualification held by them, as under: - (i) Master Aviation Instructor - Rs. 500/- p.m. (ii) Senior Aviation Instructor Class I - Rs. 400/- p.m. (iii) Senior Aviation Instructor Class II - Rs. 280/- p.m. (iv) Aviators holding Master Green-Card - Rs. 400/- p.m. (v) Aviators holding Green Card - Rs. 280/- p.m. (d) The Army Aviators (Pilots) serving in the Army Aviation Corps are entitled to flying allowance as under:- (i) Brig & above Rs 10,500/- (ii) Maj to Col Rs 14.000/- (iii)Capt Rs 11,000/- (iv) Lt Rs 9,000/-. (e) Allowances as applicable - The rates of allowances applicable to officers are as under:-
A 10% departure from the average weight given in the Table 1 above is to considered within normal limits. However, in individuals with heavy bones and broad built and as well as individuals with thin built itherwisee healthy, this may be reaxed to some extent on merit. NOTE: Height relaxation upto 2.5 cm. may be allowed where the Medical Board certifies that the candidate is likely to grow and come up to the required standard on completion of his training. On account of lower age of
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entitled to such of the benefits like relaxation of age, etc. as admissible to Civil employees. 7. Serving Employees: A candidate serving under the government or Public Sector Enterprise/ Undertaking, including Railways, may apply directly to RRC/ECoR with a "No Objection Certificate" and a 'Certificate of Service Details' from the employer concerned. 8. Examination Fee: (i) UR and OBC candidates should submit application fee for an amount of Rs.100/- in the form of Indian Postal Order from any Post Office, (issued on or after the date of this notification) drawn in favour of "Assistant Personnel'Officer(Recruitment), East Coast Railway, Bhubaneswar" payable at Bhubaneswar. (ii) Applications received with cash /cheque / Demand Draft/Pay Order/Central Recruitment Fee Stamps and Money Orders will not be accepted and liable to be rejected and amount forfeited, (iii) The candidates are advised to write their name and postal address at the prescribed place on the IPO and enclose it on the top of the application form, (iv) The details of IPO for the examination fee should be written in the application form. Examination fee is not refundable under any circumstances including applications rejected, (v) SC/ST, ex-servicemen, physically challenged, women, minority candidates (Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists & Zorastrians [Parsis]) and candidates belonging to, economically backward classes (whose family income is less than Rs.50,000/- per annum) need not'pay this fee. The following authorities are authorized to issue income certificate (in the office letterhead) for'the purpose of identifying economically backward classes:- (a) District Magistrate or any other Revenue Officer upto the level of Tehsildar; (b) Sitting Member of Parliament of Lok Sabha for persons of their own constituency; (c) BPL Card or any other certificate issued by Central Government under a recognized poverty alleviation programme or Izzat MST issued by Railways; (d) Union Minister may also recommend to any persons from anywhere in the country; (e) Sitting Member of Parliament of Rajya Sabha for persons of the. district in which these MPs normally reside, (vi) Minority candidates (Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists & Zorastrians [Parsis]), who claim waiver of examination fee, should furnish "self declaration in the format given at Annexure-lll along with the application. At the time of document verification, such candidates will be required to furnish "minority community declaration" affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper that he/she belongs to any of the above minority community. If the affidavit is not produced during document verification, the candidature will be rejected. 9. Selection Procedure: (i) Selection will consist of Written Examination and Physical Efficiency Test (PET). Only those who qualify in the Written Test will have to appear for the Physical Efficiency Test (PET). The Written examination can be attempted in languages English, Hindi, Urdu, Telugu and Oriya. There will be no interview. Final empanelment of the candidates for the required .number of vacancies will be strictly on merit position obtained in the written examination duly following the community reservation rules for the earmarked quotas specified in this notification and their passing the Medical Examination of the prescribed standard and document / certificate verification. (ii) For PWD candidates, there is no Physical Efficiency Test but they have to appear in Written Test along with other candidates. Only those who suffer from not less than 40% of relevant disability will be considered as PWD candidate. They have to submit PWD certificate issued by a competent authority i.e. a medical Board duly constituted by Central or State Government consisting of at least three members out of which at least one shall be a specialist in the particular field for assessing Locomotor / Cerebral/Visual/Hearing disability as the case may be. (iii) RRC/ ECoR reserves the right to conduct second stage written examination if required, (iv) The marks obtained in the Written Exam will determine the 'merit order' of the candidates, whereas PET is of 'qualifying' in nature, (v) Date, time and place of Written Examination and PET will be fixed based on administrative feasibility. No request for any change in time, date and centre of examination will be entertained on any account, (vi) Physical Efficiency Test Standards: The candidate should be able to perform following physical tasks: [a] for Male Candidates: Should be able to run for a distance of 1000 meters in 4 minutes and 15 seconds in one chance, [b] for Female Candidates: Should be able to run for a distance of 400 meters in 3 minutes 10 seconds in one chance, (vii) Written Exam Syllabus: Question paper for the written test shall be generally in conformity with the educational standard of 10th Class, consisting of multiple choice objective type questions, mainly aimed to assess general knowledge / general awareness / mathematics / general science / reasoning etc. Question paper shall be printed in five languages: Hindi, English, Urdu, Oriya and Telugu only. Note: RRC/ECoR and Railway administration will not be liable / responsible for any loss / injury / damage, whether direct or consequential, suffered / incurred by any candidate during the selection, including PET. Candidates are advised to appear in PET in their own interest, therefore, to ensure that they are physically and otherwise fit to undertake the selection and observe due care to avoid injury / damage / loss to either themselves or others during the process of selection, (viii) Medical Examination: The candidates in the zone of consideration after Written Examination, PET will be subjected to Document Verification and Medical Examination of prescribed medical standard, and only those who qualify in the medical examination will be considered for empanelment subject to fulfillment of other conditions, (ix) Date and venue of Written Examination, Physical Efficiency Test, Document Verification and Medical Examination will be intimated by RRC/ECoR to eligible candidates by post. The RRC/ ECoR at its discretion may hold additional written examination and/or Physical Efficiency Test or re-examination or cancel part or whole of the written examination and/or Physical Efficiency Test as the situation may warrant. Request for postponement of the Written Examination, Physical Efficiency Test, Document Verification, Medical Examination and change of center/venue will not be entertained under any circumstances, (x) The inclusion of a candidate in the select panel published by RRC/ECoR does not confer any right to the candidate, for actual appointment by the concerned appointing authority. Final appointment will be subject to such selected candidate being found suitable after antecedent verification etc. by the appointing authority as per rules, (xi) RRC/ECoR shall not be held responsible for any situation arising in case of any certificate / declaration submitted by the candidate being found false after verification at the time of actual appointment or later by the concerned authority. 10. FREE JOURNEY RAILWAY PASS: A free Second Class Railway Pass from nearest railway station (as indicated by the candidate in the application) to the place of examination and back will be issued to candidates belonging to SC/ST communities for appearing in the Written Examination, Physical Efficiency Test and Medical Examination. 11. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS / PROCEDURE FOR SUBMITTING APPLICATIONS: (i) Candidates should carefully read the instructions in this Employment Notice before filling up application form. Application Form should be made on a good quality white A-4 (210x297 mm) size paper using ONE SIDE ONLY. The candidate should use the same format published in the Employment Notice, (ii) The candidates have to fill up required information in his/her own handwriting using blue / black ball point pen. The application should be filled either in English or Hindi but not in any other language. Application filled in any language other than Hindi/ English and by any person other than the applicant and having any change in the format of application will lead to rejection of application summarily. However, in case of VH candidates and those PWD candidates who are unable to fill up their own application form, can take necessary assistance and get'their forms filled up with the help of others, (iii) One recent passport size photograph should be affixed on the application form without fail. The Photo may preferably be not older than 1 month as on date of applying. The photo should clearly reveal the full face and should be taken without wearing cap and goggles/coloured glasses. Photo should be new, sharp and clear, with light background, suitable for scanning and printing. Do not put any mark or signature on the front side of the affixed photograph. The photograph should be neatly and firmly pasted in the prescribed space, and not stapled or pinned. This affixed Photograph should not be attested, (iv) One loose extra photograph with name, date of birth, and signature of the candidate written on the backside should be clipped with the application form, (v) Sample declaration statement given in ltem-17 of the application should be reproduced by candidate in his/her Own running handwriting in the space given below the declaration, (vi) Signature of the applicant must be full and in running hand, (vii) While filling up of the application, candidates have to ensure that two specimen .signatures and two marks of physical identification are clearly given without fail. Candidates should also give two left thumb impressions in the application form. If the LTIs are not clear and are smudged, the application will be liable to be rejected, (viii) Candidates should mention "Application for recruitment against E.N.No.ECoR/RRC/D/ 2013"on top of the envelope containing the application. A candidate can submit one application only. Each envelope "should contain application of one candidate only, (ix) The candidates should send application duly filled in along with required documents by ORDINARY'POST, so as to reach RRC/ECoR office within the closing date and time positively.
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RAILWAY RECRUITMENT CELL, EAST COAST RAILWAY, BHUBANESWAR Office of the Chairman, 2nd Floor, South Block, Rail Sadan, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha - 751017. Employment Notice No. ECoR/RRC/D/2013 Date of Issue: 12.10.2013 Closing Date: 11.11.2013. Closing Time: 17.00hrs. (For residents of Andaman, Nicobar & Lakshadweep: Closing Date: 25.11.2013. Closing Time: 17.00hrs. Employment Notice for recruitment of staff in Pay Band-1 of Rs.5200-20200 having Grade Pay of Rs.1800/- in East Coast Railway
IMPORTANT: Candidates to note that all the zonal railways are likely to issue separate notifications for recruitment to the posts. The Written Test will be conducted by all the railways in the-same period, simultaneously. Candidates should keep this in mind before applying in response to any particular notification. DETAILED NOTIFICATION: Applications are invited from the Citizens of India and from such other persons declared eligible by Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India for filling up posts in Pay Band-1 of Rs.5200-20200 having Grade Pay of Rs.1800/- in the Divisions and Workshop of East Coast Railway. Application in prescribed format in A-4 size may be sent by ordinary post addressed to the "Assistant Personnel Officer(Recruitment), East Coast Railway Headquarters, Office of the Chairman, Railway Recruitment Cell, 2nd Floor, South Block, Rail Sadan, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha - 751017" upto 17.00 hrs. on the closing date 11.11.2013. Alternatively, application can also be dropped intothe Application Drop Box available at the Railway Recruitment Cell, East Coast Railway Headquarters, 2nd Floor, Rail Sadan, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha - 751017 upto 17.00 hrs. on the closing date 11.11.2013. The envelopes containing the application should be clearly superscribed "Application for recruitment against E. N. Nd.ECoR/RRC/D/2013". Applications received after closing date and time will not be entertained. For candidates belonging to Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep, the last date for receiving application by post will be 25.11.2013. They should also mention on the bottom-left portion of the envelope their complete 'from-address' so that it is possible to receive their applications by ordinary post. 1. Number and category of posts for which recruitment is to be conducted are indicated below:
Note: (i) The break-up of total 49 Helper-ll & Safaiwala/Hospital Attendant vacancies earmarked for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) is as follows: (a) VH-16 (Suitable for LV); (b) HH-16 (Suitable for HH); (c) OH-17 (Suitable for OA", OL, BL, OAL). (ii) The number of vacancies notified is provisional and liable to be increased or decreased by the competent authority. No consequential damage/ loss or refund of fee will be made to the applicant on this account, (iii) A candidate should submit only one application form, even if he / she intends to be considered for more than one or all categories of notified vacant posts, (iv) Details of abbreviations used in this notification: RRC -Railway Recruitment Cell; SRE - Serving Railway Employees; ECoR - East Coast Railway; PET - Physical Efficiency Test; UR - Unreserved; SC - Scheduled Caste; ST - Scheduled Tribe; OBC - Other Backward Classes; PWD-Persons with Disabilities; OH - Orthopaedically Handicapped; VH Visually Handicapped; NH - Hearing Handicapped; LV - Low Vision; OA - One Arm; QL-One Leg; BL - Both Legs, OAL - One Arm and One Leg. 2. Minimum Educational Qualification: Candidates must have passed 10th standard or ITI or equivalent from a recognized educational institution or Board. Candidate should possess requisite academic qualification on the date of submission of application. Those who are appearing at and/ or awaiting results of final examination are not eligible. 3. Age Limits including Relaxation Provisions: (i) The age limit will be minimum 18 years and maximum 33 years, and will be reckoned as on "01.01.2014. (ii) The upper age limit will be relaxed as under subject to the production of requisite certificates in the formats given in Annexures-I & II required for respective relaxations: [a] by FIVE Years for SC/ST and by THREE years for OBC candidates, [b] 'Serving' railway staff/ casual labourers or substitutes with a minimum of 3 years of such service will be given age relaxation to the extent of length of service rendered by them, subject to the upper age limit not exceeding 40, 43, 45 years in case of General, OBC, SC/ST candidates respectively, [c] In case of staff of Quasi Administrative Offices of Railway Organization such as Railway Canteens, Railway Institutes and Railway Cooperative Societies who have put in 3 years service, relaxation of upper age will be given to the extent of service rendered by them subject to a maximum of 5 years subject to the upper age limit not exceeding 35 years, [d] For widows and divorced Women who are 'judicially separated' from their husband and not remarried, will be given relaxation in upper age limit up to 35, 38 and 40 years in case of General, OBC and SC/ST candidates respectively, [e] For candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the State of Jammu and Kashmir during the period from the 1st day of Jan. 1980 to the 31st day of Dec. 1989, will be given relaxation in upper age limit by 5 years, subject to production of a residential certificate from the competent authority of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, (f) The upper age will be relaxed for Persons with Disabilities by 10 years subject to production of Disability certificate as explained under Para12(viii) of the notification, (g) The Upper age limit is relaxable for Ex. Servicemen upto the extent of service rendered in Defence forces plus 3 years provided they have put in a minimum of 6 months attested service. Ex-Servicemen who have already joined the Govt. Service or civil side after availing other benefits given to them as ex-servicemen cannot claim Ex-Servicemen status for the purpose of this recruitment, and such a person will be deemed to be civil employee and will accordingly be entitled to such of the benefits like relaxation of age, etc. as admissible to Civil employees. Sons/Daughters/Wards of Ex-servicemen are not eligible to apply for the posts reserved for Ex-Servicemen. 4. List of authorities empowered to issue certificates of verification for SC/ST// OBC status: (i) District Magistrate / Additional District Magistrate / District Collector / Deputy Commissioner / Deputy Collector/ First Class Stipendary Magistrate / City Magistrate / Sub-Divisional Magistrate / Taluka Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate / Extra Assistant Commissioner (not below the rank of First Class Stipendary Magistrate), (ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate / Additional Presidency Magistrate / Presidency Magistrate, (iii) Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar. (iv) Sub Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his family originally resides, (v) Administrator / Secretary to Administrator / Development Officer (Lakshadweep Islands) 5. Proof of Age: The 10th standard or ITI or equivalent board certificate issued by a recognized Board / institution where the date of birth is mentioned. 6. Ex-Servicemen Candidates: (i) This employment notice contains vacancies reserved for ex-servicemen irrespective of their community against each category of post, (ii) The term 'ex-serviceman' means a person: [a] who has served in any rank (whether as a combatant or non-combatant) in the regular Army, Navy or Air Force of the Indian Union and who has retired from'such services after earning his/her pension, but does not include a person who has served in the Defence Security Corps, the General Reserved Engineering Force, the Lok Sahayak Sena and the Para Military Forces, or [b] who has been released from such service on medical grounds attributable to military service or circumstances beyond his control and awarded military service pension or other disability pension, or [c] who has been released otherwise than on his own request as a result of reduction in such establishment are eligible to apply against this Employment Notice, (iii) Exservicemen are required to clearly indicate all required particulars including their community in the application form and enclose all documentary proof, as required. However, regardless of their community, ex-servicemen will be considered only against the ex-servicemen quota, to the extent available, (iv) Ex. Servicemen who have already joined the Govt. Service or civil side after availing other benefits given to them as ex-servicemen cannot claim ex-servicemen status for the purpose of this recruitment, and such a person will be deemed to be civil employee and will accordingly be
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or false or suppressing material information, (f) Resorting to any other irregular or improper means In connection with his / her candidature for the selection, (g) Using unfair means during the examination, (h) Writing irrelevant matter including obscene language or pornographic matter, in the script(s), (i) Committing mischief in any other manner in the examination hall, or (j) Harassing or doing bodily harm to the staff employed by the RRC/ECoR for the conduct of their test. 15. All male candidates are liable for active Territorial Army Service in Railway Units or such other units as may be laid down in this behalf from time to time. 16. Selected candidates may be required to undergo training wherever necessary, with stipend for a specific period, and to deposit the security amount and execute an indemnity bond or agreement. 17. For any iegal dispute the jurisdiction will be at Central Administrative Tribunal, Cuttack. 18. In the event of a dispute, English version of the Employment Notice will be taken as valid. In case of any misprint in the advertisement in the newspaper / website, the copy of the notification as displayed in the office of RRC/ECoR is final and valid. 19. The decision of RRC/ ECoR in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, issue of free Rail Passes, Penalty for false information, mode of selection, conduct of examination(s),. allotment of examination Centers, allotment of category of posts to selected candidates will be final and binding on the-candidates and not enquiry or correspondence will be entertained In this connection. Railway Recruitment Cell, East Coast Railway, Bhubaneswar reserves the right to cancel or modify the recruitment process without assigning reasons.thereof. CAUTION: RRC/ECoR have not appointed any agents or coaching centres for acting on its" behalf. Candidates are cautioned against any false -claims made by any unscrupulous persons/ agencies of getting them selected in this recruitment on illegal consideration. Candidates are also warned to avoid any unscrupulous elements who may assure appointment in railways by seeking bribe in cash or in kind or any other inducement, and are advised "not to fall in their trap. The recruitment process conducted by RRC/ECoR is fully computerized and the selection is based purely on the merit of the candidates. Any one coming across any such persons/agencies, should immediately inform either Chairman, Railway Recruitment. Cell, East Coast Railway, 2nd Floor, South Block, Rail Sadan, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar or the Chief Vigilance Officer, East Coast'Railway Hqs. 1st Floor, South Block, Rail Sadan, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751017. Downloading through internet: Candidates can also download and print copy of this notification, Application form and format of SC/ST & OBC certificates etc. from the website address: wwwrrcbbs org.in. This site may.also be referred to in future by the candidates for information / updates pertaining to further stages of the recruitment process. Note.: Candidates must keep a photocopy of the Application f-orm with them for further reference. CHAIRMAN RAILWAY RECRUITMENT CELL, EAST COAST RAILWAY, BHUBANESWAR.
Alternatively, application can also be dropped into the Application Drop Box available at the Railway Recruitment Cell, East Coast Railway Headquarters, 2nd Floor, South Block, Rail Sadan, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha - 751017 upto 17.00 hrs. on the closing date. Application received after due closing date/time, for any reason whatsoever, will not be considered. Speed post/ Courier/ Registered AD will not be acknowledged since there will be no arrangement for receiving applications personally at the office of the RRC/ECoR. However, there is no objection if the courier agency drops the application in the Application Box at the office of the RRC/ECoR before closing date/ time, (x) Those candidates who are debarred from appearing in any of the RRB/RRC exams need not apply unless their debarration period expires by the closing date of this Employment Notification. Their application shall not be entertained, (xi) Candidate's photograph, Signature & address etc. in the application form are to be scanned by a machine. Put your address and signature in blue / black ink only, (xii) Candidate should write his/her name, father's name / husband's name in capital letters as given in educational Certificate. Each letter should be filled in one box as shown below. One box should be left blank between each part of the name: (xiii) Candidates should indicate Religion, Sex(Male/Female), Marital Status, Community(UR/ SC/ ST/OBC), Serving Employee, Serving railway Casual labour/substitutes, judicially separated woman / widow etc. in the relevant column of the application form, (xiv) Candidates should send the application so that it reaches RRC/ECoR office sufficiently in advance and not later than the closing date and time to the RRC/ECoR. RRC/ECoR will not be 'responsible for any postal delay/ wrong, delivery whatsoever at any stage of the selection process, (xv) Female candidates are also eligible. They may however, note that the nature of duties is arduous and involve outdoor duties. (xvi) Selected candidates are likely to be posted anywhere on East Coast Railway after successful completion of all pre-appointment formalities, including training wherever prescribed, (xvii) (a) If a candidate wishes to be considered against a specific community quota, may indicate the community and the latest certificate (not older than 12 months) issued by the competent authority in the prescribed format should be enclosed with the application form, (b) Any subsequent representation for. change of community status will not be entertained under any circumstances, (xviii) Before applying for a post, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other criteria stipulated for the post. The RRC/ECoR would be free to reject any application not fulfilling the requisite criteria at any stage of recruitment and if erroneously appointed, such candidate is liable to be summarily removed from service even after appointment, (xix) Admission to the examination center is provisional" as the applications are fully scrutinized later also during various stages of the recruitment/appointment process. In case a candidate does not fulfill all the requirements prescribed in the Employment Notice, his/her candidature is liable to be rejected even at a later stage, when deficiency is noticed. Mere issue of call letter for appearing in Written Examination,/ PET by RRC/ ECoR does not confer any right to be called for any subsequent stage of recruitment process or placing his name on the final select panel.(xx) Visually Impaired candidates / those candidates whose writing speed is affected by Cerebral Palsy can avail the assistance of Scribe for writing answers on their behalf. In eligible cases, the candidates will have to arrange their own Scribe at their own cost. The academic qualification of the Scribe should be one grade below the qualification prescribed for the post on the date of written exam. Candidates opting to avail the assistance of Scribe should come to the office of Railway Recruitment Cell accompanying the Scribe at least-one week before the date of written exam for obtaining a separate Admit Card for the Scribe. The Scribe will not be allowed into exam hall without the Admit Card. 12. ENCLOSURES: The following enclosures are to be firmly stitched along with the application form. All enciosed certificates which are in a language other than Hindi or English should be translated into Hindi or English, (i) One Passport size photograph should be affixed on application form without fail, (ii) One loose extra photograph with name, date of birth, and signature of the candidate written on its backside to be clipped with the application form, (iii) In the case of SC/ST candidates, a certificate from the appropriate authority should be submitted in the format given in Annexure-I. (iv) In case of OBC candidates, a certificate from the appropriate authority should be submitted in the format given in Annexure-ll. (v) Copies of educational qualification certificates and proof of age as specified in the preceding paras, (vi) For Widow or Divorced woman who seek relaxation in upper age limit, a certificate obtained from a civil authority, in proof of being 'judicially separated' and not remarried should be enclosed with the application, (vii) 'No Objection Certificate' in original from the employer for serving government/Public sector employees, '(viii) PWD candidates should submit physical disability certificate issued by a competent authority i.e. a Medical Board duly constituted by Central or State Government consisting of at least three members out of which at least one shall be a specialist in the particular field for assessing Locomotor / Cerebral/Visuai/Hearing disability as the case may be in terms of Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training Memorandum No.36036/3/2004 - Estt(Res) dtd.29.12.2005. (ix) Any certificate, Photograph etc, received.separately, subsequent to the receipt of application will not be entertained. Original Certificates should not be enclosed with the application, unless specifically mentioned anywhere in the instructions/notification. 13. Applications liable to be rejected for any of the following deficiencies, discrepancies or irregularities: (i) Applications from other than Citizens of India or from such persons other than those declared eligible by Ministry.of Home Affairs, Government of India, (ii) Envelope containing the application not superscribed "Application tor recruitment against E.N.No.ECoR/RRC/D/2013", (iii) Application not submitted In prescribed format as given in this employment notice, (iv) Incomplete or illegible applications, (v) Application not filled in blue/black ink. (vi) Applications with overwriting, cutting or erasing marks, (vii) Unsigned/ Undated applications (viii) Application without two thumb impressions, (ix) Application without pasting passport size photograph, (x) Applications of UR/ OBC candidates without Postal Orders of requisite value or issued before the date of issue, and after the date Of closure, of this Employment Notice, (xi) Application not filled in English or Hindi, (xii) Application with signatures that are not in running script, and not in Hindi or English, (xiii) Application without the "Declaration" written in candidate's own handwriting and in running script in English, (xiv) Application without proper certificates obtained from the competent authority in the prescribed format in respect of SC/ST/OBC candidates, judicially separated divorced women and widows, (xv) Application of Under aged/Over aged candidates, (xvi) Application of candidates not having the requisite Educational Qualification on the date of submitting application, (xvii) Academic qualification found to "be not from recognized Board (xviii) Application without proof of age. (xix) Applications of more than one candidate sent in one envelope, (xx) Applications of a candidate who submits more than one application in single / several envelopes, (xxi) Applications received after closing time on closing date by any means modes, (xxii) Employees serving under-Government or Public Sector Enterprise/ Undertaking, including Railways, applying without "No Objection Certificate" in original and attested copy of 'Certificate of Service details' from the employer concerned, (xxiii) Any other condition or any other deemed irregularity as mentioned elsewhere in this Employment Notice. 14. ACTION AGAINST CANDIDATES FOUND GUILTY'OF MISCONDUCT: (i) Candidates are warned that they should not furnish any particulars that are false or suppress any material information while filling in the application form. Candidates are also warned that they should in no case attempt to alter or otherwise tamper with any entry in a document or its attested / certified copy submitted by them nor should they submit a tampered / fabricated document. Candidates who submit forged caste certificates for securing eligibility and / or obtaining privilege, including free travel, for appearing in an examination, shall be liable not only for rejection of his/her candidature for the particular recruitment for which he/she has applied, but shall be debarred from appearing at any examination conducted by any RRC or RRB all over the country for whole life, (ii) A candidate may, in addition to the action under relevant provision of the Rules, render himself liable to criminal prosecution and further be disqualified by the RRC from selection for which he is a candidate, or be debarred either permanently or for a period decided by the RRC/ECoR from any examination or selection conducted by all the RRCs / RRBs, and if he/she is already in service under Government, be subjected to disciplinary action under the appropriate rules, if he/she has been found by the RRC/ECoR, or found earlier by any RRC or RRB, to be guilty of any of the following misconduct: (a) Canvassing support for his candidature by any means, (b) impersonating, (c) Procuring impersonation by any person, (d) Submitting fabricated document or documents which have been tampered with or (e) Making statements which are incorrect
17. DECLARATION BYTHE CANDIDATE (Please reproduce the following paragraph in your own running handwriting in the space given below): I hereby declare that all the particulars given above by me are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false, my candidature / appointment is liable to be cancelled/ terminated. 18. Place : 19. Date : 20. Signature of the candidate (Do not sign in capital letters) Form of Caste Certificate to be produced by SC/ST/OBC Candidates applying for Appointment to Posts under the Government of India The candidates are required to obtain caste certificates in the proper proforma from the appropriate authority and produce the original certificate at the time of verification failing which he/she may be disqualified. This is strictly required vide chapter 13 of the Brochure (Published by Govt, of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training, New Delhi). As a large number of candidates are producing certificates issued by an authority different from the competent authority they are advised to comply with these instructions. ANNEXURE-I FORM OF CASTE CERTIFICATE for SC/ST CANDIDATES (Form of certificate to be produced by a candidate belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes in support of Claim) This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kum* ....................................... Son/Daughter* of ....................................... of village/town* ....................................... District/ Division*....................................... of State/Union Territory* ....................................... belongs to the .......................................Caste/Tribe* which is recognised as a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe* under: . The Constitution (Scheduled Caste) order, 1950, The Constitution (Scheduled Tribe) order, 1950
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system. One copy of the print out application duly Signed and affixed photograph attested by a gazatted officer of Central/State Govt, photocopies of Class 10th Certificate/Mark sheet showing date of birth and 12th Class Certificate alongwith mark sheets duly attested by Gazetted officer and all the above certificates in original are to be carried to the Selection Centre by the candidate for the SSB interview. Any candidate who does not carry all these document for the SSB interview, his candidature will be cancelled. The second copy of the printout of online appllication is to retained by the candidate for his reference. No need to send any hard copy to DG Rtg / Rtg Dte. (iv) Candidates must submit only one application, Receipt of multiple applications from the same candidate will result in cancellation of candidature. (v) ONLINE APPLICATION WILL OPEN ON 22 OCT 2013 AT 1000 HRS AND WILL BE CLOSED ON 29 NOV 2013 AT 1000 HRS. 15. Note.(a) Any change in your postal address after submission of application must be communicated by post duly quoting your Roll No, name and course opted for. (b) All original certificates along with two attested copies each Will be carried by the candidate for SSB interview. Originals will be returned after verification at the Service Selection Board itself. 16. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS (a) The candidate needs to apply on line on Indian Army Website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in. The application will be screened at Recruiting Directorate, Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence (Army) and the candidate thereafter will be detailed for SSB, (b) For SSB interview, print out of online application must be accompanied by attested (By a Gazetted Officer of the Central/State Govt/1st Class Magistrate etc.) photocopies of 10th class certificate issued by the Board concerned (CBSE/State Boards/lCSE) in which date of birth is reflected for proof of date of birth (Admit card/Marksheet/Transfer/Leaving Certificate etc. are not acceptable for proof of date of birth) and 10+2 certificate and marksheet for proof of education. Revised marksheets issued by a Board/University after last date of submiting online application will not be accepted for this course, however, the same will be accepted for the subsequent course. (c) While filling up the application form, candidate are required to indicate exact PCM percentage of Class 12th upto two decimals and are not to be rounding off. Any false entry of PCM percentage, detected at any stage of selection will be outrightly rejected. (d) Army Headquarters reserves the right to short list applications and to fix cut off percentage of PCM marks without assigning any reason. No communication will be entertained on this account. (e) Shortlisted candidates will be detailed to undergo SSB interview from Feb 2014 onwards. No compensation will be paid in respect of any injury sustained as a result of test conducted at SSB. All incompleted online applications will be rejected outright. No intimation will be given to the candidate In writing or verbally. (f) Candidate! withdrawn from NDA, OTA, IMA, Naval Academy, Air force Academy on disciplinary grounds are not eligible to apply. (g) Final merit list will be displayed at the notice board of Rtg Dte., (Offers Selection), DG Rtg, West Block-III, R.K Puram, New Delhi PIN-110066 as well as Indian Army, Recruiting Directorate website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in before induction for pre-commissioning training. For any queries regarding SSB interview centre, call up details, reporting date and merit list, contact: 011-26175473 between 1400 hrs to 1700 hrs on working days or visit www.joinindianarmy.nic.in. DG Rtg's fax No is 011-26196205. 17. CHANGE OF INTERVIEW DATES Request for change of SSB Interview date should be avoided. However, under most unavoidable circumstances, such change may be considered based on the circumstances of the case. This will be an exception rather the rule. Request for such change should be forwarded to Selection Centre from where the call-up letter for SSB interview has been received and not to Directorate General Recruiting. The Selection Centre may permit change of date at their discretion. 18. REASONS FOR REJECTION OF APPLICATION (a) Incomplete applications in any respect. (b) Variation in names and spellings as recorded in application/Matric or equivalent certificate not supported by affidavite. (c) Non-attachment of copy of 10th class certificate for age proof and 12th class marksheet for proof of PCM % duly attested by a Govt. Gazetted officer No other certificate is valid for authentication of age. (d) Without attested photograph affixed on application form (e) Application not signed by Candidate (f) Submission of more than ONE application. (g) Any ambiguity / false information/concealment of information detected in the certificates (mentioned at para 14(iii) will result in cancellation of the candidature at any stage of selection. 1, No. 163, dated 20th October 1994 3) Resolution No.12011/7/95-BCC, dated 24th May, 1995, published in Gazette of India - Extraordinary - part 1, Section 1, No.88, dated 25th May 1995. 4) Resolution No.12011/44/96-BCC, dated 6th December 1996, published in Gazette of India Extraordinary - part 1, Section 1, No.210, dated 11th December 1996. 5) Resolution No.12011/ 68/ 93-BCC, published in Gazette of India - Extraordinary - No.129, dated the 8th July 1997. 6) Resolution No. 12011/12/96-BCC, published in Gazette of India - Extraordinary - No. 164, dated the 1st Sept *1997. 7) Resolution No.12011/99/94-BCC, published in Gazette of India - Extraordinary - No.236, dated the 11th Dec 1997. 8) Resolution No.12011/13/97-BCC, published in Gazette of India Extraordinary - No;239, dated the 3rd Dec 1997. 9) Resolution No.12011/12/96-BCC, published in Gazette of India - Extraordinary - No;166, dated the 3rd Aug 1998. 10) Resolution NO.12011/68/93BCC, published in Gazette of India - Extraordinary - No.171, dated the 6th Aug 1998. 11) Resolution No.12011/68/98-BCC, published in Gazette of India - Extraordinary - No.241, dated the 27th Oct 1999. 12) Resolution No.12011/88/98-BCC, published in Gazette of India - Extraordinary - No.270, dated the 6th Dec 1999. 13) Resolution No.12011/36/99-BCC, published in Gazette of India Extraordinary - No.71. dated the 4th April 2000. Shri.................................................and/or his family ordinarily reside(s) in the .,........................District/ Division of the.........................State. This is also to certify that he/she does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in column 3 of the Schedule to the Government of India, Department of Personnel & Training OM NO.36012/22/93 -Estt (SCT), dated 8.9.1993 and modified vide Government of India, Department of Personnel and Training O.M. 36033/32004Estt.(Res) dated 09.03.2004. Dated: District Magistrate/Dy.Commissioner etc. Seal: Note: The term 'ordinarily' used here will have the same meaning as in section 20 of the Representation of Peoples Act, 1950. Annexure-lll SELF DECLARATION OF MINORITY COMMUNITY CANDIDATES (Proforma for declaration to be submitted by Minority Community Candidates along with the application while applying for the Employment Notice No. ECoR/RRC/D/2013* dtd. ............................. for claiming waiver of examination fee) DECLARATION: I .......................................................... Son of Shri .............................. ............................ resident of Street. .......................................................... Village/Town/City .......................................................... belongs to the .......................................................... (indicate Minority community notified by Central Government i.e. Muslim/ Sikhs/Christian/Buddhist/Parsis) Date: Signature of Candidate Place: Name of Candidate Note:- At the time of document verification such candidates claiming waiver of examination fee will be required to furnish 'Minority Community Declaration' affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper that he/she belongs to any of the minority community notified by Central Govt. (i.e. Muslim/ Sikhs/ Christian/Buddhist/Parsis). Date of Interview: 17/10/2013. Technical Assistant (Data base Management) - Rs.12,000/(Consoiidated) -Post: 1 - Essential: BCA or any equivalent degree in the field of computer applications. Desirable: MCA, - Experience in database management of Livelihood / development projects - 17/ 10/2013. Technical Assistant - Post: 8. - Rs. 12,000/-(Consolidated) - Essentia!: Bachelors Degree in Agriculture/Veterinary/Fisheries/ Life Science Social Sciences. Desirable: Working experience in the relevant field. - 19/10/2013. The minimum age for the above position will be 21 years and maximum 35 years for men and 40 for women. Age relaxation and reservations is as per Govt, of India/ICAR rules. Eligible and Interested candidates should bring their (5 copies Bio-data), 2 nos. passport size photograph and one set of attested copies of Certificates/ mark sheet / experience, if any, against the proof of age and division/ class. However, the Competent Authority reserves right to go for screening test, if required. The same text is also available in institute website www.cifa.in
candidate, a margin of upto 5.00 cm. in height, 2.5 cm. in leg length (minimum) and 1.0 cm sitting height (minimum) may be gibven provided it is certified by the Medical Board that the candidate is likely to grow and come upto the required standard on completion of his training. (d) Chest should be well developed. The minimum range of expansion after full inspiration should be 5 cms. The measurement will be taken with a tape so adjusted that its lower edge should touch the nipple in front and the upper part of the tape should touch the lower angle of the shoulder blades behind. Xray of the chest is compulsory and will be talen to rule out any disease of the chest. (e) There should be no disease of bones and joints of the body. X-ray of Spine of candidates will not be carried out as a routine. It will, however, be done on the advice of Surgical Specialist wherever, clinically indicated. Minor congenital defects which are not likely to interfere in the perfomance of molitary duties may be acceptable on merit though congenital defects are considered as a cause for rejection. Spinal conditions : (f) Thorough Clinical examination of the spine including its shape, local tenderness if any, spinal movements etc. is to be carried out. (g) Mild kyphosis or Lordosis where deformity is barely noticeable and there is no pain or restriction of movement will not preclude acceptance. (h) In case of noticeable Scoliosis or suspicion of any other abnormality of spinal deformoty, more than mild, appropriate X- ray of the spine are to be taken and the Examinee referred for specialists advice (j) A candidate should have no past history of mental breakdown or fits (k) The hearing should be mormal. A candidate should be able to hear a forced whisper withper with each ear at a distance of 610 cms in a quiet room. (I) There should be no signs of functional or organic disease of the heart and blood vessels, Blood pressure should be normal. (m) The muscles of abdomen should be well developed and there should be no enlargement of liver or spleen. (n) Unoperated hernia will make a candidate unfit. If operated this should have been done at least a year prior to the present examination and the healing is complete. (o) There should be no hydocele, varicocele ir pile. (p) Urine examination will be done and any abnormality if deteced will be a cause for rejection. (q) Any disease of skin which is likely to cause disabilities or disfigurement will also be a cause of rejection. (r) A candidates should be able to read 6/6 in a distant bision chart with each eye, with or without glasses. Myopia should not be more than 2.5 D and hypemetropia not more than 3.5 D including Astigmatism. Internal examination of the eye will be done by means of opthalmoscope to rule out any disease of the eye. A Candidate must have good binocular vision, the colour vision standard will be CP III for Army. A candidate should be able to recognise red and green colours. Candidates will be required to give certificates that neither he nor any member of his family has suffered from congenital night blindenes. Candidates who have undergone or have the evidence of having undergone Radial Keratotomy, to improve the visual acuity, will be permanently rejected. (s) The candidates should have sufficient number of natural and sound teeth. A mininum of 14 dental points will be acceptable. When 32 teeth are present, the total dental points are 22. A candidate should not be suffering from severe pyorrhoea. (t) Physical conditioning. Prospective candidates are advised to keep themselves in good physical condition, by following the undermentioned regimen daily:- (i) Jogging 3 to 5 Kms interspersed with short sprints (ii) Skipping (iii) Pushups and sit ups (minimum 20 each). (iv) Chin ups (Minimum 08). (v) It would be of immense benefit the candidates could learn the basic of swimming. However, non swimmers will be taught swimming at the training academy. 13. Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearm i.e. from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side of palm / back (dorsal) side of hand / Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body are not acceptable and candidats will be barred from further selection. Tribes with tattoo marks on the face or body as per their existing custom and traditions will be permitted on a case to case basis. 14. HOW TO APPLY: Application will only be accepted on line. To do so the candidates needs to click on the online application button on website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in (i) Candidates must enter their particulars in the online application. Terms and conditions linked to the form must be read, prior to submitting the form (ii) After submitting the form an acknowledgement with a Roll number will be provided to the candidate. If the system does not generate Roll Number, it is an indication of non acceptance of application by the system. (iii) After submitting online application, candidates are required to obtain two copies of the application printout and the Roll Number generated by the
(Contd. from prev,. Page.. )
The Constitution (Scheduled Caste) (Union Territories) order, 1951, The Constitution (Scheduled Tribe) (Union Territories) order, 1951 (as amended by the Scheduled , Caste and Scheduled Tribes Lists Modification), Order, 1956, the Bombay Reorganisation Act 1960, the Punjab Reorganisation Act, 1966, the State-of Himachal Pradesh Act, 1970, the North Eastern Areas Reorganisation Act, 1971, and the Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Act, 1976. The Constitution (Jammu and Kashmir) Scheduled Caste Order, 1956. The Constitution (Jarnmu and Kashmir) Scheduled Tribe Order, 1956. The Constitution (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1959. The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes Order, 1962. The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1962. The Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order, 1964. The Constitution Scheduled Tribes (Uttar Pradesh) Order, 1967, The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Castes Order, 1968. The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1968. The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1970 The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Caste Order, 1978. The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1978. 2) Application in the case of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe Pensons who have migrated from One State/Union Territory. This certificate is issued on the basis of Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe Certificate issued to Shri /Smt. /Kum*....................................... Father/Mother of Shri/Smt./Kum ....................................... in District/Division* ....................................... State/Union Territory * .......................................who belongs to the ....................................... Caste/Tribe* which is recognised as a Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe* in State/Union Territory* ....................................... issued by the ....................................... (Name of prescribed authority) vide their No. ....................................... dated ........................................ 3) Shri/Smt/Kum.* .......................................and of his/her* family Ordinarily reside(s) in village/ town* ....................................... of ....................................... District/Division of State/Union Territory of ....................................... Place ....................................... State/Union Territory. Signature ....................................... date ....................................... Designation (with seal of office) (*) Please delete the words which are not applicable. (*) Please quote specific presidential order. (*) Delete the Paragraph which is not applicable NOTE: The term "Ordinarily resides" used will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the Representation of the Peoples Act. 1950. [List of Authorities empowered to issue certificates of verification: Refer to para-5 of this Employment Notice.] ANNEXURE-II FORM OF CERTIFICATE TO BE PRODUCED BY OTHER BACKWARD CLASSES This is to certify that.......................................son/daughter of........................................of village.............................. district/division ...........................in ........................... state belongs to .............................community which is recognized as a backward class under: 1) Resolution No.12011/68/93-BCC dated 10th September 1993, published in the Gazette of India - Extraordinary - part 1, Section 1, No 186 dated 13th September 1993. 2) Resolution No.12011/9/ 94-BCC-dated 13th October 1994, published in the Gazette of India -Extraordinary - part 1, Section
{ 12 - 18 A{Lu, 2013
f Q ~ ` L A# L , f
F ~Z AS {; f~B ADAd {, f Q ~ `L A#L, Z 28 {Ss ~ L `NL { ~ L B f L S~ Ld; > , f fS ~ L ~ B L { LS >
f Q ~ ` L A# L , { f
F ~Z AS {; f~B ADAd {, f Q ~ `L A#L, {Z 4 {Ss ~ L `NL { ~ L B f L S~ Ld; > , f fS ~ L ~ B L { LS >
BbL F {S $/$# N f Q ~`L A#LZ (Chief District Veterinary Officer) Q { H } { A{ L{ > `NL N { AL { LS > S {S: L A Intermediate j(I.Sc.) L +2 j(+2 Science) L Da L j (Higher Secondary Science) L S {S L N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production){ D {B$# AL > L$DL, N fB N {; D 50 N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production) vL{ D {B$# $/ $#Z ~ L > A 50 N B j L { D {B$# F N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production){ D {B$# {S {S L f {S L {{ {;fL L L A $# {S $/ $#Z ~ L > D{N B S Q$# {; {L~ {SsF S DN $/ $# ;, '{{ { A S $/$#Z ~ L > F $/$#(HA FL $B) f S Bf { D {B$#{ > DN $/$#Z S ~ A{ 9(A) (Theory) H xNQ/{ 3() (Practical) {s 1(FL) {s A > DN {s{ D {B$# $/$#Z ~ L { FL B `NL N A F L {;fL {{ DN N A B AB{ > `NL ~ LZ L {;L L (Consolidated Monthly Remuneration) L s. 5200/-Z A > : ~ $/$# Z 18 32 (01/06/2013 ) {B$# AL > N f/N ff F dA S f $/$#Z {{ {a A#L 5(o) {L L > L : (1) $Z {{ {Z D (Sound Health Good Physique), ``o A(Active Habits), Da 5 (o) s 2(B) Bo F d A~ 30 () Bo {S {S {Z {L~ L s (Organic Defect) L L A (Mental Infirmity) $# AL > $ B{L `B f~$#{ > (2) $#Z {{ {Z D (Sound Health, Good Physique), ``o A(Active Habits) Da 5 (o) s {S {S {Z {L~ L s (Organic Defect) L L A (Mental Infirmity) $# AL > $# B{L `B f~$#{ > ~ {S: $#/$# SL {B$#{ > $/$#Z {SsF / A#L $#{ > H LZ ~ L A~ L > $/$# {Z A{ L$ # f L {f { qL L$#{ H { f {B$#{ > {s: DN $/$#Z S ~ A{ 9(A) (Theory) H xNQ/{ 3() (Practical) {s 1 (FL) {s A > {s { $/$#Z L s 750/-( `) sZ A > A A{ F AL ~ AL L (Attested True Copy) N f Q ~`L A#LZ(Chief District Veterinary Officer) L{ xL Q L{ L NS { Q L Q L$# LSf L {B{ > Q vB D{ "~ L B Q' D{Q L AL > Q (Q {L A{LZ ~ {) {s S 1. $/$#Z : 2. /Z L 3. vL~: 4. {S{S vL~ 5. f 6. f Q 7. S {S: 8. Da d A~: 9. f(SC/ST/SEBC/GEN): 10. /A: 11. /: 12. L{f { qL L$# LL . H Q: F {W~ LAd {, { AB$# DQ# $ H A{s > Q A{LZ A{ Q L L $# ~ : 1. f B{Ss A{s{x {B$# {s Bf {sS > FL{Ss {sS Q D{ AB$# } { Av{B S L AL > As Q {S LL { > 2. S {S ~ A{s{x L > 3. QZv ` ~ A{s{x L > 4. Zv DN ~ A{s{x L > 5. L{f qL Lx A{s{x L > 6. fS ~ (SC/ST/SEBC) A{s{x L > 7. B{Ss ` ~ {S{f{sx AZv { L $/$#Z L {B$#{ > 8. NB L H NB j {S $# {S $/ $#Z { N f Q ~ `L A#LZv L f {S L {{ {;fL L L A ~ A{s{x L > A{ Q L { Q: 31.10.2013 > { Q A 5 WsL Q N L{ o{, S~ L ] > $/$# xL vB$# Q { o{ L { ] > A Q/AL ~ (attested copy) $B Q {B$# QSL L` L > f Q ~ ` L A# L , { f DISTRICT PROJECT OFFICE, SSA, BALASORE
Applications are invited from eligible interested candidates in the prescribed format for engagement of different category of staffs in the following posts in three KGBV Hostels located at Khuard under Jaleswar, Chhatrapur under Nilgiri and Khaira UGUP under Oupada Block of Balasore district. The engagement is purely contractual and temporary for a period of one year. The person, only who is interested to work in any of the KGBV shall apply for the post. Name of the Post: Part-time Teacher (Math & Science). Total No. of Vacancies: 3 (1 each for Jaleswar, Nilgiri & Oupada Block). Qualification: B.Sc. + B.Ed, and in case of non-availability of Trained Science Graduate, untrained Science Graduate will be considered. Age as on Dt. 01.10.2013: 18-35. Monthly Remuneration: @5200/- per Month for Trained and @4500/- per month for untrained Tr. Part-time Teacher (English) - 1 (Nilgiri Block) - B.A. + B.Ed, and in case of non-availability of Trained Arts Graduate, untrained Arts Graduate having English as Hons. And if not available. English as subject will be considered. 18-35 - @5200/- per Month for Trained and @4500/- per month for untrained Tr. Part-time Teacher (Sanskrit) - 1(Oupada Block) - B.A. with Sanskrit or "Sahityacharya" - 18-35 - @5200/- per Month for Trained and @4500/- per month for untrained Tr. Assistant Cook - 2 (Jaleswar Block) - Female Cook shall be preferred as they will work in the Girls Hostel. She must be trained in cookery, should be perfectly hygienic in her dress & cooking habits, shall be well conversant to use LPG. The committee will conduct a test of physical cooking of some items to evaluate the deliciousness / time consumption / hygienic condition of her cooking to select the best. - 18-35 - @4300/- per Month. Peon-cum-Attendant - 1 (Jaleswar Block) - Female Candidate having HSC Exam / Matric Pass Qualification. Interview may be conducted to select the best. - 18-35 - @3800/- per Month. Watchmancum-Sweeper - 1 (Jaleswar Block) - HSC Exam / Matric Pass. Interview may be conducted to select the best. - 18-35 - @3800/- per Month. Application form can be downloaded from the website i.e. www.baleswar.nic.in & www.opepa.in. Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria mentioned above are requested to apply by Regd. Post / Speed Post / Courier to The Office of the District Project Coordinator, Sarba Sikshya Abhiyan, Public High School Campus, Near ADM Chowk, Balasore756001 on or before Dt.15.10.2013 (during office hours only). The applications received after the last date shall be liable for rejection. The undersigned reserves the right to cancel any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof. Collector cum-Chairman, SSA, Balasore
BbL F {S $/$# N f Q ~`L A#LZ (Chief District Veterinary Officer) Q { H } { A{ L{ > `NL N { AL { LS > S {S: L A Intermediate j(I.Sc.) L +2 j(+2 Science) L Da L j (Higher Secondary Science) L S {S L N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production){ D {B$# AL > L$DL, N fB N {; D 50 N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production) vL{ D {B$# $/ $#Z ~ L > A 50 N B j L { D {B$# F N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production){ D {B$# {S {S L f {S L {{ {;fL L L A $# {S $/ $#Z ~ L > D{N B S Q$# {; {L~ {SsF S DN $/ $# ;, '{{ { A S $/$#Z ~ L > F $/$#(HA FL $B) f S Bf { D {B$#{ > DN $/$#Z S ~ A{ 9(A) (Theory) H xNQ/{ 3() (Practical) {s 1(FL) {s A > DN {s{ D {B$# $/$#Z ~ L { FL B `NL N A F L {;fL {{ DN N A B AB{ > `NL ~ LZ L {;L L (Consolidated Monthly Remuneration) L s. 5200/-Z A > : ~ $/$# Z 18 32 (01/06/2013 ) {B$# AL > N f/N ff F dA S f $/$#Z {{ {a A#L 5(o) {L L > L : (1) $Z {{ {Z D (Sound Health Good Physique), ``o A(Active Habits), Da 5 (o) s 2(B) Bo F d A~ 30 () Bo {S {S {Z {L~ L s (Organic Defect) L L A (Mental Infirmity) $# AL > $ B{L `B f~$#{ > (2) $#Z {{ {Z D (Sound Health, Good Physique), ``o A(Active Habits) Da 5 (o) s {S {S {Z {L~ L s (Organic Defect) L L A (Mental Infirmity) $# AL > $# B{L `B f~$#{ > ~ {S: $#/$# SL {B$#{ > $/$#Z {SsF / A#L $#{ > H LZ ~ L A~ L > $/$# {Z A{ L$ # f L {f { qL L$#{ H { f {B$#{ > {s: DN $/$#Z S ~ A{ 9(A) (Theory) H xNQ/{ 3() (Practical) {s 1 (FL) {s A > {s { $/$#Z L s 750/-( `) sZ A > A A{ F AL ~ AL L (Attested True Copy) N f Q ~`L A#LZ(Chief District Veterinary Officer) L{ xL Q L{ L NS { Q L Q L$# LSf L {B{ > Q vB D{ "~ L B Q' D{Q L AL > Q (Q {L A{LZ ~ {) {s S 1. $/$#Z : 2. /Z L 3. vL~: 4. {S{S vL~ 5. f 6. f Q 7. S {S: 8. Da d A~: 9. f(SC/ST/SEBC/GEN): 10. /A: 11. /: 12. L{f { qL L$# LL . H Q: F {W~ LAd {, { AB$# DQ# $ H A{s > Q A{LZ A{ Q L L $# ~ : 1. f B{Ss A{s{x {B$# {s Bf {sS > FL{Ss {sS Q D{ AB$# } { Av{B S L AL > As Q {S LL { > 2. S {S ~ A{s{x L > 3. QZv ` ~ A{s{x L > 4. Zv DN ~ A{s{x L > 5. L{f qL Lx A{s{x L > 6. fS ~ (SC/ST/SEBC) A{s{x L > 7. B{Ss ` ~ {S{f{sx AZv { L $/$#Z L {B$#{ > 8. NB L H NB j {S $# {S $/ $#Z { N f Q ~ `L A#LZv L f {S L {{ {;fL L L A ~ A{s{x L > A{ Q L { Q: 31.10.2013 > { Q A 5 WsL Q N L{ o{, S~ L ] > $/$# xL vB$# Q { o{ L { ] > A Q/AL ~ (attested copy) $B Q {B$# QSL L` L > f Q ~ ` L A# L , f
Application are invited from the eligible candidates for the post of one Lecturer on contractual basis for M.Sc. Programme in Food Science & Nutrition for the academic session, 2013-14. Interested candidates may apply to the Coordinator, M.Sc. in Food Science & Nutrition, Centre for Food Science & Technology, Department of Home Science, Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar-768019, Odisha on or before 25th October, 2013 along with the following documents; (i) A resume, with a passport size colour photograph, present postal address, phone No. & e-mail ID (ii) Photocopies of certificates and marksheets of all examinations/ courses passed (iii) Certificate of teaching experience, if any and other relevant documents (iv) A demand draft of Rs.250/- in favour of Coordinator; M.Sc. in Food Science & Nutrition, Sambalpur University payable at SBI, Jyoti Vihar Branch (code-6672). The eligibility, qualification, pay, preference etc. are specied below; Post: Lecturer. No.: One. Pay: Rs.12,000/-per month consolidated. Qualification: Candidates should have a good academic record with 55% marks or equivalent grade of B in seven point scale with letter grades O,A,B,C,D,E & F at Master (M.Sc./ M.Tech.) Degree (Food Science & Nutrition)/ Food Science & Technology or any other related subjects) level or equivalent degree from a foreign University. Candidates belonging to SC/ST and Physically Challenged category with 50% marks or equivalent grade are also eligible to apply. Preference: Candidates with NET/GATE qualification and / or teaching experience in Food Science & Technology. Date, Time & Venue of Interview: 28.10.2013 at 11:00 A.M., Centre for Food Science & Technology, P.G. Department of Home Science, S.U. The authority reserves the right to reject any candidate or to cancel the entire selection process without assigning any reason thereof. The candidates required for appointment shall have to furnish an undertaking for not claiming permanency and / or entering into any litigation on that account. Tele Fax : 0663-2432258. Cell No.9861133954 Chairman, P.G.Council
{ 12 - 18 A{Lu, 2013
A walk-in-interview will be held at Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University), Shree Sadashiva Campus, Puri on 21.10.2013 at 11.00 A.M. for selection of two Guest Teachers in (M.Ed.) on contractual basis for the Academic Session 2013-14. Qualification : As per U.G.C. norms for Assistant Professor. Salary: Rs.25,000/p.m. Applicants are required to report for interview one hour before from the stipulated time along with Bio-data, one set attested copies of certificates and one photograph. Reservation norms of Govt, of India will be followed in appointment. (Dr. G. Ganganna), Principal
f Q ~ ` L A# L , f
F ~Z AS {; f~B ADAd {, f Q ~ `L A#L, Z 09 {Ss ~ L `NL { ~ L B f L S~ Ld; > , f fS ~ L ~ B L { LS >
Application with Bio-Data of candidates belonging to Jagatsinghpur District are invited through registered Service Provider Agencies for District level Mobilizer under SDIS scheme based on MES Training Programme for one year on monthly fixed remuneration @Rs.10,000/- PM as per FD Circular No.49/ 34/Fdt.29.11.2010. Qualification & Experience: 1. He/She must have passed Bachelor Degree in Arts/ Science/Commerce. 2. He/She should be citizen of India with Odia knowledge. 3. Should have knowledge of two years in Soft skills such as MS Office and internet. 4. He/She must have attained the age of 18 years and shall not be above 32 years of age as on 1 st March 2013. For reserved category the age relaxation as Prescribed by Govt. Other Terms and condition :- PI. visit our Website : www.iticuttack.org. The last date of receipt of application is 19.10.2013 upto 5PM. Principal, ITI Cuttack
BbL F {S $/$# N f Q ~`L A#LZ (Chief District Veterinary Officer) Q { H } { A{ L{ > `NL N { AL { LS > S {S: L A Intermediate j(I.Sc.) L +2 j(+2 Science) L Da L j (Higher Secondary Science) L S {S L N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production){ D {B$# AL > L$DL, N fB N {; D 50 N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production) vL{ D {B$# $/ $#Z ~ L > A 50 N B j L { D {B$# F N B L (Animal Husbandry/Dairy/Poultry/Meat/Animal Production){ D {B$# {S {S L f {S L {{ {;fL L L A $# {S $/ $#Z ~ L > D{N B S Q$# {; {L~ {SsF S DN $/ $# ;, '{{ { A S $/$#Z ~ L > F $/$#(HA FL $B) f S Bf { D {B$#{ > DN $/$#Z S ~ A{ 9(A) (Theory) H xNQ/{ 3() (Practical) {s 1(FL) {s A > DN {s{ D {B$# $/$#Z ~ L { FL B `NL N A F L {;fL {{ DN N A B AB{ > `NL ~ LZ L {;L L (Consolidated Monthly Remuneration) L s. 5200/-Z A > : ~ $/$# Z 18 32 (01/06/2013 ) {B$# AL > N f/N ff F dA S f $/$#Z {{ {a A#L 5(o) {L L > L : (1) $Z {{ {Z D (Sound Health Good Physique), ``o A(Active Habits), Da 5 (o) s 2(B) Bo F d A~ 30 () Bo {S {S {Z {L~ L s (Organic Defect) L L A (Mental Infirmity) $# AL > $ B{L `B f~$#{ > (2) $#Z {{ {Z D (Sound Health, Good Physique), ``o A(Active Habits) Da 5 (o) s {S {S {Z {L~ L s (Organic Defect) L L A (Mental Infirmity) $# AL > $# B{L `B f~$#{ > ~ {S: $#/$# SL {B$#{ > $/$#Z {SsF / A#L $#{ > H LZ ~ L A~ L > $/$# {Z A{ L$ # f L {f { qL L$#{ H { f {B$#{ > {s: DN $/$#Z S ~ A{ 9(A) (Theory) H xNQ/{ 3() (Practical) {s 1 (FL) {s A > {s { $/$#Z L s 750/-( `) sZ A > A A{ F AL ~ AL L (Attested True Copy) N f Q ~`L A#LZ(Chief District Veterinary Officer) L{ xL Q L{ L NS { Q L Q L$# LSf L {B{ > Q vB D{ "~ L B Q' D{Q L AL > Q (Q {L A{LZ ~ {) 1. $/$#Z : 2. /Z {s S 3. vL~: 4. {S{S vL~ L 5. f 6. f Q 7. S {S: 8. Da d A~: 9. f(SC/ST/SEBC/GEN): 10. /A: 11. /: 12. L{f { qL L$# LL . H Q: F {W~ LAd {, { AB$# DQ# $ H A{s > Q A{LZ A{ Q L L $# ~ : 1. f B{Ss A{s{x {B$# {s Bf {sS > FL{Ss {sS Q D{ AB$# } { Av{B S L AL > As Q {S LL { > 2. S {S ~ A{s{x L > 3. QZv ` ~ A{s{x L > 4. Zv DN ~ A{s{x L > 5. L{f qL Lx A{s{x L > 6. fS ~ (SC/ST/SEBC) A{s{x L > 7. B{Ss ` ~ {S{f{sx AZv { L $/$#Z L {B$#{ > 8. NB L H NB j {S $# {S $/ $#Z { N f Q ~ `L A#LZv L f {S L {{ {;fL L L A ~ A{s{x L > A{ Q L { Q: 18.10.2013 > { Q A 5 WsL Q N L{ o{, S~ L ] > $/$# xL vB$# Q { o{ L { ] > A Q/AL ~ (attested copy) $B Q {B$# QSL L` L > f Q ~ ` L A# L , f Odisha State Health & Family Welfare Society Deptt. of Health & Family Welfare, Govt, of Odisha Annex Building of SIH&FW, Nayapalli, Unit-8, Bhubaneswar-751012 Phone/Fax: 0674- 2392479/80/88
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up posts under ICU in Capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar on contractual basis with a monthly consolidated remuneration as noted below. The upper age limit is 68 years as on 1st October 2013. Name of the Post: DOCTOR. Vacancy: ST-1 SC1 UR-5. Base Remuneration (in Rs.) And Special ICU Allowance: Rs. 30,000/- plus Rs. 15,000/Special ICU allowance. Rs. 30,000/- plus Rs.10,000/- Special ICU allowance. Qualification: MBBS with M.D. in Medicine'/ Pulmonology /Anaesthesiology having one year I.C.U experience in reputed hospital. MBBS Doctors having 2 years of experience in I.C.U in reputed hospital. The above positions are purely temporary initially for a period of 1 (one) year, renewable basing on satisfactory performance. Canvassing in any form will render the candidate disqualified for the position. Candidates who are already working in Health Department either on regular or on contractual basis have to apply through proper channel. Application form and details can be downloaded from the website (www.nrhmorissa.gov.in). Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria mentioned above are to apply to the CDMO, Khurda on or before 25.10.2013 through Regd. Post / Speed Post / Courier only and the envelope should be superscribed with the name of the post applied for. If any candidate is found to have suppressed any material information or furnished false information / documents, his/ her case shall not be considered for the post applied for and in case already engaged on the basis of the said information / documents, his / her service shall be terminated forthwith. Candidates who have been disengaged from the Govt, on administrative ground such as disobedience / poor performances/ misbehavior/ involvement in criminal activity etc. are not eligible to apply. Incomplete application in any form will be rejected. The District Office will not be held responsible for any postal delay. No personal correspondences/enquiry will be entertained in this matter. All communication will be made through e-mail. Govt. reserves the right to cancel any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof. Mission Director NRHM, Odisha
DISTRICT OFFICE, KENDRAPARA (Welfare Section) No. 1247/Date: 26.9.13 No............................../DWO,Dated........... ADVERTISEMENT 15-i SPECIAL DRIVE FOR ST CANDIDATE LAST DATE OF SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION -31.10.2013
Application in the prescribed format appended here to are invited from eligible Schedule Tribe candidates belonging to Kendrapara District for engagement of contractual post of teacher (IA) (+ 2 CT ) in monthly / remuneration of Rs 5200/- under the Educational institution of ST.& SC Dev Deptt schools in Kendrapara District as detailed description given below .The applications should reach to the District Welfare Officer Kendrapara on or before 5 PM of 31.10.2013 by registered post/speed post only. Submission of application in any other mode will be uprightly rejected and the authority will no way be responsible for any postal delay .Incomplete defective and applications received after due date shall not be taken in to consideration and liable for rejection .For reservation of Ex-service men physically handicapped and spot persons is to be strictly followed as per GO no 25384 /Gen dated 20.9.2005 of Govt of Odisha
The no of post is subject to change .Selection will be made on mark basis a) Eligibility Criteria 1-A candidate must have passed IA/+2 with CT 2-For the post mentioned above the applicant must be under 32years and above 18 years as on 1.4.2013 the upper age limit shall be relaxed by 5 years in SC/ST/Women candidate and 10 years for physical handicraft Exserviceman candidate. 3- He/She must not have more than one spouse living. 4- He/She must be able to speak read and write in Oriya and must have passed IA/+2 or equivalent with Oriya as principal subject or have passed Oriya test equivalent to M.E school standard conducted by the Educational Department of Govt Odisha, 5- He/She must have registered his/her name in the local Employment Exchange in Kendrapara District and registration must be valid up to date of application. Application form -candidate must apply in the prescribed application form which is also available in district website www.kendrapara.nic.in b).Documents to be enclosed with application: The following documents should be enclosed with the application otherwise the same will be rejected .Attested photo copies of a ) Academic Qualification Certificate i.e HSC/+2/CT b)Mark sheet of all examinations c)Caste Certificate from the competent authority e)Employment registration having validity f) Two Character Certificate in original from gazetted officer g) Recent Residential Certificate of Kendrapara District issued by the concerned Tahasildar h)Two recent pass-port size" photograph clearly visible and duly attested by a Gazetted Officer i)two self addressed envelope the application completed in all respect along with its enclosures may be sent in a closed cover addressed to the District Welfare Officer ,Kendrapara ,PO-Kendrapara Dist-Kendrapara Pin754211 by registered post/speed post only so as to reach the office on or before the closing date .On the front cover of the envelop the post applied for should be clearly mentioned. C-In case the applicants are found to have furnished false information regarding any of the qualifying criteria etc the appointment /agreement for engagement shall automatically get cancelled at without assigning any reason thereof. COLLECTOR KENDRAPARA Application Format To The District Welfare Officer, Kendrapara (to be filled in by the candidate) Advertisement no........................... 1- Name of the post applied for 2- Full name of the applicant 3- Father /Husband name 4- Permanent Address (i.e At,Po,Via,P.S ,Dist) 5- Present Address (i.e At,Po,Via,P.S ,Dist) 6- Phone No .................. Mobile no........................... 7- Date of Birth as recorded in Matriculation /H.S.C certificate Exam .Proof to be attached (Board Certificate of Matriculation Examination ) 8- Sex(MaIe /Female) 9- Category (ST/SC/SE&C) Attached Caste Certificate from the competent authority 10- Employement Registration No & Date 11- Employment Registration valid up to 12- Educational qualification to be filled up as required for the post (excluding extra optional)
13. Certificate /Documents enclosed a) b) C) D) Declarationl.Sri/Smt /Kumari....................................do hereby declare that all the statements made in this application are true complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and brief,! have red the details in the Advertisement notice of the Collector ,Kendrapara and I here by declare that I fulfill all the conditions of eligibility if it will be detected false /incorrect /negligibility at any time in future before or after the selection my candidature will be rejected /cancelled /terminated Place Date I&PR 24040/11/0006/1314 Signature of (he Applicant
{ 12 - 18 A{Lu, 2013
North Eastern Railway: It is to inform that the written examination for recruitment of Constables,
RPF/RPSF as notified vide Employment Notice No. 01/2011 dated 25.02.2011 which was organized on 30.06.2013 was cancelled and in reference to that re-examination is to be held on 20.10.2013. Call letters to suitable candidates have been dispatched. Those candidates who have not received the call letters from any reason may download the same from website www.ner.indianrailways.gov.in one week before the examination. Such downloaded call letter above website will be valid with I'.D. proof and two coloured passport size photographs. For any correction in Call Letters or issuing of duplicate call letters, candidates can contact RPF Recruitment Cell at DRM Office/NER/Ashok Marg, Hazratganj, Lucknow five days before the examination. CPRO/M-42 IG-cum-Chief Security Commissioner/RPF, N.E. Railway, Gorakhpur Railway Vigilance Mobile Helpline No. - 0551-155210 (For complaints regarding Corruptions)
f N , H
{ f L L { f LZ N { 2013-14 A$#L B {L L H Z {; N {S L D{{ N L ~ L` A A{f LL LBd > DN {S BbL $/$# { L { N L{ LD{ { D L A{ >
LsL f { ` N L L N
LsL f{ $# L $ D Da Z{ `NL B A{ L$ # H L{ L B$# $ H $Z AS {; f~B ADAd {, B {s F {Lu , LsL f A#LZ L j L $ f Z {H Bs { BAd > {Lu { $# $/ $# Z ~ o {{ L f F s { 22.10.2013 Q A { > {~ {S $ H $#{ 22.10.2013 Q 10W.30 { {{ LfFs , LsL{ ` N H ~(Equivalent Certificate) D L A{ LDAd > } Q{ A $# $ H $# Z $# L S~ L ] > f Z A{ A { . , f A# L , LsL
We are one of India's largest professionally managed engineering and construction companies with international operations. To cater to our growing business requirements, we need young, smart, dynamic, result-oriented Graduate Commercial Trainees (Male). Eligibility: Full-time, first-class degree from a recognised university in Commerce / Corporate Secretaryship / Humanities/ Science/ Business Administration. Should have passed out in the year 2012 or 2013 in first attempt. Age: Born on or after 1st July, 1989 Vision: (+) or (-) 5 diopters, if wearing glasses Minimum Height: 155 cms Minimum Weight: 45 kgs
Selection Process: Written test followed by a personal interview for those who clear the written test. Final selection will be subject to medical fitness. Training: Selected candidates will be given intensive training for 12 months in the areas of Finance & Accounts / Project Administration & Industrial Relations:/ Stores & Materials Management / Time office, etc. Must be willing to relocate anywhere in India/abroad at our project sites. Absorption: On successful completion of the training, you will be considered for absorption in the Company's permanent cadre with CTC varying between Rs.3.35and 3.90 lacsp.a. During training period it will vary from Rs. 1.75 to 1.96 lacs p.a. At project sites, you will be entitled to subsidised bachelor accommodation and company transport. To apply: Eligible candidates may apply online at within 5 days.
{s `: 1. 18 35 ; {L L H Z N L S~{ AL A > 2. 5 {~ E H L S {S $# L H { ~ A{ L{ > 3. ~ { Qa f N L{ > 4. LZ l~ L$ # } L SL FL { L > 5. { A f { H f { N {S A > 6. L$DL F L `L {; D { > 7. A#L ` B {f/L L{ {S{S B A{ > f { f A# L f $ A { N {
Applications are invited from eligible candidates to fill up the following posts on purely temporary and contractual basis in Govt. Higher Secondary School, Dharambandha in Nuapada District. Category of Post: Junior Lecturer in Physics. Consolidated remuneration per month: Rs. 12,500/ -. Minimum Qualification required: Minimum 55% marks in Post Graduate in Physics from any recognized University. Junior Lecturer in Odia - Rs. 12,500/- - Minimum 55% marks in Post Graduate in Odia from any recognized University. A candidate must not be less than 21 years and more than 32 years of age as on 01.01.13. The upper age limit is relax-able by 5 years in case of candidates belongs to SC/ST/Woman/ SEBC candidates. Relaxation of age for other candidates will be given as per Govt. Rules. At the end of each academic year, the performance will be reviewed and basing on the performance and the engagement will be renewed. Candidates having experience will be given priority. Interested candidates having the above mentioned requisite qualification may attend the walk -in -interview with following documents. 1. Original documents and one set of attested copies of all Educational Certificates. 2. Two present passport size photographs duly attested. 3. Boi-Data Form duly filled up by the candidates. The Walk-in-lnterview will be held on 25/10/2013 at 11.00 AM in the Sadbhabana Gruha. Collectorate, Nuapada. COLLECTOR, NUAPADA.
Printed, Published & Owned by SATYAJIT PANDA, Published at TS-3/193, Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Bhubaneswar-751 010, Printed at Nijukti Khabar Prakashan , TS-3/193,Mancheswar Ind.Estate, Bhubaneswar-751010, Phone No.(0674) 2582532, 2582533, 2582534 FAX: 2582535, e-mail: nijuktikhabar@gmail.com
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