com ----------------------------------------------------------README for Source Highlighter(R) January, 2000 ----------------------------------------------------------(c) Copyright Golden State Software Systems, Inc., 1998-2000
Installation Instructions for Source Highlighter(R). ****************************************************************** NOTE The binary file shsavf.savf that you will download was originally created using the SAVOBJ command for V4R2M0. The file was then downloaded to a PC using a binary FTP transfer. To import the Source Highlighter(R) using these instructions, your AS/400 must be at release V4R2M0 or higher and you must have an FTP server running. If you would rather receive a CD-ROM, call us at (760) 943-9993 ****************************************************************** To restore, do the following: 0. IMPORTANT-If you decide to restore the software to QGPL in step 4 below, be sure to reconcile the inventory list at the bottom of these instructions to be sure that there are no objects of the same name already in your QGPL library. 1. Click on DOWNLOAD NOW and when prompted save file to disk. If you choose to download the zipped version(, you must unzip it after the download has completed and before proceeding with the rest of these instructions. The unzipped file will be shsavf.savf. 2. On the AS/400, issue the command: CRTSAVF FILE(YourLib/SHSAVF) 3. Using a binary FTP transfer, upload the PC file shsavf.savf to the AS/400. IMPORTANT: Be sure to indicate the transfer type as a binary transfer. 4. Issue the following command: RSTOBJ OBJ(*ALL) SAVLIB(SHTL) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(use the save file name you created in step 2) RSTLIB(QGPL)
To run Source Highlighter(R), type the following on any command line: STRSRCHLT FILE(Library/SourceFile) MEMBER(MemberName) TYPE(RPGLE) or STRSRCHLT FILE(Library/SourceFile) MEMBER(MemberName) TYPE(RPG)
To run Source Highlighter(R) from PDM execute the following instructions: 1. From the PDM display press F16 to Maintain User Options. 2. Determine what two character code you will use for the Source Highlighter(R). Example: SH (choose a code that is not already being used) 3. Press F6 to create a new user option. 4. Type the code (SH) and the following command. STRSRCHLT FILE(&L/&F) MEMBER(&N) TYPE(&S) and press Enter. 5. Press F12 to return to PDM and use your newly created User Option "SH" to launch the Source Highlighter(R). ************************************************************ Inventory List: The following objects will be restored onto your system. We have provided this inventory list so that you can reconcile naming conflicts BEFORE YOU RESTORE THE SOFTWARE. STRSRCHLT SH001C SH001CDF SH001FA SH001FB SH001P SH001PDF SH001PPG SH001SRC ************************************************************ IF YOU WOULD BE SO KIND: Please email us at and tell us who you are. We will not sell, distribute, or disclose this information outside of our company. What we will do is keep you informed as to the existence of new releases of the Source Highlighter(R) or of any new products that we have developed. Also, we would be very grateful if you would please let us know if you are having any problems installing the Source Highlighter(R). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The Source Highlighter(R) is extremely safe and non-invasive. It
cannot modify or update your source members in any way. All workspaces are located in QTEMP and therefore no housekeeping is required. The Source Highlighter's footprint on your DASD is about 500K and will never grow. The Source Highlighter(R) is intended as a promotional tool for the advancement of Golden State Software Systems, Inc. If you like our product, tell your fellow colleagues to visit our web site at HAPPY PROGRAMMING!