Chapter Handbook 2013
Chapter Handbook 2013
Chapter Handbook 2013
Chapter Officers Handbook Contents Section 1 Vision, Mission, Core Beliefs, Constitution and By-Laws Vision Mission Statement Core Beliefs/Values Constitution and By-Laws
Section 2 General Rules for Chapter Presidents Chapter President General Rules and By-Laws Chapter Services
Section 3 Contact Information Officer - Names, address, phone, fax and e-mail Director Names (Term Expiration Year), address, phone, fax and e-mail Staff Name, staff position, address, phone, fax and e-mail Past Presidents Name, phone and e-mail Committee Chairs Name, phone and e-mail Chapter Liaison - Name, Chapters Assigned, address, phone, fax and email
Section 4 Chapter Report Forms Chapter Annual Report Chapter Annual Meeting Report/Officer Change Form IAAI Member Death Notice Oath of Office Chapter Posting item to Website Request Form
Section 5 Membership Information and Forms Enhanced Chapters Program Enhanced Chapters Program Highlights Enhanced Chapters Application Sample Chapter Constitution Language for Enhanced Chapters Program IAAI Membership Application IAAI Privacy Policy Insurance Benefit for IAAI Members
Section 6 Committee Information Awards IAAI-CFI IAAI-FIT Program Expert Witness Courtroom Testimony Facilitators Ethical Practices and Grievance Fire Investigator Standards Governmental Affairs Photographic Wildland Arson
This handbook is prepared to assist chapter officers with the administration of their organization. This document was compiled as an information guide so that your chapter will be in compliance with the constitution and bylaws of the International Association of Arson Investigators, Inc. We the IAAI are here to serve you. The IAAI headquarters has office staff that can help you with questions and support or point you in the right direction to get your questions answered.
Section 1 Vision, Mission, Core Beliefs, Constitution and By-Laws Vision The International Association of Arson Investigators will be the global resource for fire investigation training, technology, research and professional development. Mission The International Association of Arson Investigators is dedicated to improving the professional development of fire and explosion investigators by being the global resource for fire investigation training, technology and research. Core Beliefs/Values We will: As fire investigators, regard ourselves as a member of an important and honorable profession Will conduct both our personal and official lives so as to inspire the confidence of the public Regard it our duty to avail ourselves of every opportunity to learn more about our profession Encourage and support professional standards for fire investigators Assist our members in obtaining world class training and professional qualifications Avoid alliances with those whose goals are inconsistent with an honest and unbiased investigation
Will bear in mind always that we are truth-seekers not case makers; that it is more important to protect the innocent than to convict the guilty.
INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ARSON INVESTIGATORS, INC. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS ARTICLE I NAME AND OBJECT Section 1. Name. This organization shall be known as the "International Association of Arson Investigators, Inc." and is hereinafter referred to as the "Association." The name of the Association may be used by any member, if such is in conformance with a policy established and approved by the Board of Directors. Section 2. Object. The objectives and purposes of this Association shall be: A. To unite for mutual benefit those public officials and private persons engaged in the control of arson and kindred crimes. B. To provide for exchange of technical information and developments. C. To cooperate with other law enforcement agencies and associations to further fire investigation and the suppression of crime. D. To encourage high professional standards of conduct among members, and to continually strive to eliminate all factors which interfere with the administration of justice. E. To foster the advancement of the fire investigation profession through the promotion and facilitation of research; and the sponsorship of training, education and professional development. Section 3. Professional Conduct. All members of the Association shall comply with the Code of Ethics, which shall set out the personal and professional conduct expected of members. The Code shall be established and may be amended from time to time by the Board of Directors by Resolution. The Association shall not be operated for profit, and its funds may not be used to align with any political body, group or person to advance the candidacy of any individual for public office. ARTICLE II MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Active Membership. Any representative of good moral character involved with government or a government agency and/or any representative of a business or industrial concern who is actively engaged in some phase of fire and arson investigation or administration of justice at the time the representative makes application shall be eligible for full 9/27/13 5
membership, provided such person possesses the other qualifications for membership established by the Board of Directors upon recommendation of the Membership Services Committee and provided such person is not less than eighteen (18) years of age at the time he/she makes application. Active members shall have the right to vote on Association business and have the right to hold office. Section 2. Associate Membership. Persons who do not qualify for active membership may become associate members. Associate members shall have the privileges of an active member, except voting and holding office. Section 3. Student Membership. Associate members who are students will be permitted to pay a reduced fee for membership. This fee shall be established by the Board of Directors. Student shall be defined as any individual not currently working in a paid position in the fire investigation field who is currently enrolled as a full time student in an accredited institution of post secondary education pursuing a degree in fire science, fire investigation, the administration of justice, or related field of study. Student members shall not have the right to hold office or vote on Association business. Section 4. Life Membership. The Association may bestow life membership upon any qualified member of the association who has met the following requirements: Life Membership for Distinguished Service: A. The individual must be or have been an active member of the Association. B. The individual must be an active member in good standing for a minimum of ten (10) years. C. The individual must have rendered distinctive service to the Association through participation on committees or activities for a minimum of five (5) years. Nominations for life membership for distinguished service shall be made to the Awards Committee Chairman at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting of the Awards Committee. The Awards Committee shall review the nominations and make its recommendations to the Board of Directors as to recipients of this life membership. No more than two (2) life memberships for distinguished service shall be bestowed by the Board of Directors in any one calendar year. A life member shall have all rights and privileges of an active member without the payment of dues. Section 5. Corporate Members: Corporations and Public Agencies whose mission includes the profession of fire investigation may become Corporate Members. These Corporate Members shall receive services in 9/27/13 6
support of their organizational programs for fire and arson investigation and training. Fees for Corporate Memberships shall be established annually by the Board of Directors based upon the services which are available to Corporate Member and the size of the Corporate Members organization. Section 6. Personal Qualifications. To be eligible for membership in the International Association of Arson Investigators, the following qualifications shall be applicable, to wit: (1) The applicant should be of good moral personal character and reputation. (2) The nature, character and reputation of the applicants business should be consistent with the IAAI Code of Ethics. (3) The character and reputation of the applicant's employer and associates should be consistent with the IAAI Code of Ethics. (4) The general nature, character and reputation of the principal business of the applicants employer and associates should be consistent with the IAAI Code of Ethics. No person shall be eligible for any class of membership if that person has been a member, or is presently a member, or becomes a member of a subversive organization or of any organization whose objectives and purposes are inconsistent with the purposes of the Association. Section 7. Retired Membership. A member who wishes to apply for Retired Membership must have been an IAAI Active Member in good standing at the time of application for Retired Membership. The applicant must be retired and no longer actively working in any phase of fire and arson investigation or administration of justice. This section shall also apply to members who are permanently disabled due to job related injuries. If the applicant is granted a Retired Membership status and, anytime thereafter, obtains employment in any form of the fire investigation industry, the Retired Membership status must be upgraded to Active status. Any member holding the Retired Membership status found to be working in the aforementioned areas shall be determined to be in a breach of ethics and subject to sanctions as prescribed in Section 11. The member shall be given one (1) notice to adjust to the appropriate status and failure to comply with that notice shall subject the member to a referral to the EP&G Committee. Retired members shall not have the right to vote on Association business and are not eligible to hold any office or serve as a Director of the Association. Dues for Retired Membership status will be fixed by the Board of Directors with the approval of the membership. Section 8. Membership Approval. Applications for membership shall be made to the International Office. Upon the recommendation of an active member, in good standing, the International Office shall process such an application in accordance with Section 6 of this Article. Applications for membership shall be administratively processed and approved if the applicant meets all qualifications. Applications which contain information that 9/27/13 7
requires further review shall be forwarded to the Membership Committee for their action. Section 9. Incomplete Membership Applications. If an incomplete membership application is received by the International Office, the application will be held for thirty (30) days pending receipt of additional information from the applicant. Every effort will be made by the IAAI Director of Membership Services or the Executive Assistant of Membership Services to obtain the missing information. Upon receipt of the required information, the application will be processed according to the aforementioned procedures in Section 8. If the applicant fails to supply the required information within the aforementioned thirty (30) day period, the application will be rejected and any application fees forfeited to defray the costs of administrative processing. Associate members wishing to be reclassified to active membership status must submit a properly completed membership application. Reclassification will occur only upon verification that all information supplied is complete and accurate. Section 10. Termination. Membership in the Association shall terminate by: (1) (2) Voluntary withdrawal. The Executive Director when after notice, such member is in arrears in the payment of dues or any other obligation to the Association. (3) The consent of a majority vote of the Board of Directors,: a) if the applicant is within the aforementioned temporary status period, or b) in accordance with sanctions prescribed in Section 11. Section 11. Sanctions. The Board of Directors may place on probation, censure, suspend, or terminate the membership of any member. The Board of Directors may, upon receipt and after initial review of the circumstances, temporarily suspend the membership of any member pending evaluation by the Ethical Practices and Grievances Committee. Actions requiring referral to the Ethical Practices and Grievances Committee shall include but are not limited to: 1) Falsifications or misrepresentations in the application for membership 2) Conduct in a manner prejudicial to the good name or best interests of the Association. 3) Exhibited traits of character or conduct inconsistent with the qualifications for membership. 4) Other questionable conduct. Following an evaluation of the information by the Ethical Practices and Grievances Committee and upon its recommendation, the Board of Directors shall provide such member with due notice, a hearing and an opportunity to be heard. A majority vote of the Board of Directors present in a duly constituted meeting shall be sufficient to place on probation, 9/27/13 8
censure, suspend or terminate membership for any reason specified in this section. 5) Failure to comply with the Code of Ethics. Section 12. Reinstatements. Any former member may be reinstated in the Association at the discretion of and by the consent of a majority of the Board of Directors, provided, however, that is such a former member shall have been in arrears in the payment of dues or other financial obligation to the Association at the time of his separation, he shall be required to pay to the Association all such arrears as a condition to his reinstatement, unless the Board of Directors, by majority and for good cause, shall waive the payment thereof. In this instance, the members original join date shall be retained. If a member has been terminated for more than one year for nonpayment of dues only, the member shall have the option of reapplying for membership, subject to meeting the qualifications outlined in this article, without paying arrearage. In such cases, the member shall be assigned a new join date. The member shall not be able to claim, advertise or otherwise reference his/her join date to imply uninterrupted membership. ARTICLE III ELECTIONS, TERMS AND OFFICES Section 1. Officers. The officers of this Association shall be a President, a First Vice President, and a Second Vice President. Section 2. Board of Directors. The officers, Immediate Past President and fifteen (15) others members of the organization, duly elected, shall constitute the Board of Directors. The number of directors shall be reduced from fifteen (15) to twelve (12) in accordance with Sections 3 and 6 of this Article. Section 3. Terms of Office. The officers shall hold office from the time of their election and qualification, for term of one year, or until the election and qualification of their respective successors. An officer may serve a term exceeding one year if necessitated by a vacancy between meetings. Other members of the board shall hold office from the time of the election and qualification for terms of three (3) years, or until the election and qualification of their respective successors. Their terms shall be so arranged that four (4) retire each year. No member of the Board of Directors shall succeed himself/herself from an expiring two full terms of office. Officers and Directors shall assume their respective offices upon installation. Ex-officio members of the Board, excepting past Presidents, shall serve for terms of one (1) year, or until the qualification of their respective successors. Section 4. Vacancies. In the event an officer or Board member shall be unable to fulfill their term of office, between Annual Meetings, the following provisions shall apply: 9/27/13 9
A. The President shall be succeeded by the First Vice President, who shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term and the next full term of the President. B. The First Vice President shall be succeeded by the Second Vice President, who shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term and the next term as First Vice President. C. The Second Vice President's position shall be filled by appointment of a qualified member, by the President, with the approval of the Board. This member shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term as Second Vice President. The position shall then be filled by election at the next annual meeting. The member who fills the unexpired term may be eligible for election to a complete term, but must be nominated and elected in accordance with the By-Laws. D. In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Directors, the vacancy or vacancies shall be filled by the President, from the list of those persons nominated at the last Annual General Meeting beginning with the candidate receiving the highest number of votes cast then proceeding to the lowest. In the event the vacancy cannot be filled in this manner, the President may make the appointment from the general membership with approval from the Board. Such newly appointed member or members of the Board shall hold office only until the next Annual General Meeting. Section 5. Removal from Office. The Board of Directors, for good cause is empowered to depose from office any officer or member of the Board of Directors. Such action will require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board. Section 6. Implementation Provision. The reduction of Directors from fifteen (15) to twelve (12) positions shall take place over a three year period beginning with the 2009 election and completing at the conclusion of the 2011 election. During this implementation period, the President shall not fill vacancies of Director positions in accordance with Article III, Section 4, so long as the number of elected Directors does not fall below twelve (12) members. This section of the By-Laws expires after the 2011 election, and shall be removed at that time. ARTICLE IV GOVERNMENT Section 1. Board of Directors. The Government of this Association shall be vested in a Board of Directors, consisting of the President, the First Vice President, the Second Vice President, Immediate Past President and twelve (12) elected Directors. Nine (9) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. Section 2. Duties and Powers. The Board shall have full power to initiate and transact all kinds of business necessary to the existence of the Association and the observances of its purposes. The board shall determine the date and location of the annual meeting and shall outline the program of activities during such meeting. They shall have general powers to direct, 9/27/13 10
control, and supervise the affairs of the Association. The Board shall appoint an Executive Director, Editor, Assistant Editor, and Legal Counsel, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. All officers of the International Association of Arson Investigators, Inc., are expected to encourage, aid, and assist in every way possible in the development and activities of Chapters. Section 3. President. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association, and it shall be his/her responsibility to supervise and coordinate the activities of the Association with the Executive Team. The President shall preside at meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors. He/she shall appoint appropriate committees for the conduct of the activities of the Association with the consensus of the Executive Team, and at each Annual General Meeting of the Association, he/she shall announce to the membership, those individuals appointed to serve on the Nominating Committee. In addition, he/she shall require reports at each Annual General Meeting, and as otherwise desired from the committees so appointed and from the officers of Association. The President shall appoint the Sergeant-at-Arms, and perform other duties as listed in the Standard Operating Procedure for the office of President. At the Annual General Meeting of the Association, he/she may call upon a designated representative of all chapters to report to the membership regarding the activities of the chapter during the past year. The President of the Association shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors of all chapters. A. The Executive Team shall consist of the President, Vice Presidents and the immediate Past President. Section 4. First Vice President. In the absence of the President, the First Vice President shall be the Chief Executive Officer and shall act as such. He/she shall perform liaison with committees as required, and shall also be a member of the Budget and Finance Committee. The First Vice President shall participate in the Executive Team, and perform other duties as listed in the Standard Operating Procedure for the office of Second Vice President. Section 5. Second Vice President. In the absence of the President and First Vice President, the Second Vice President shall perform the duties of the President. The Second Vice President shall serve as liaison with committees for Board reports and assistance, and shall also be a member of the Budget and Finance Committee. The Second Vice President shall assist the President and First Vice President as required, participate in the Executive Team and perform other duties as listed in the Standard Operating Procedure for the office of Second Vice President. Section 6. Executive Director. The Executive Director shall be the Chief Operating Officer of the Association, and shall be responsible for the day to day management and administration or the organization, and shall oversee all activities and functions of the IAAI. He/she shall work with the Officers and Directors to advance the goals and objectives of the Association, 9/27/13 11
and shall perform other duties as listed in the Executive Director Standard Operating Procedure. The Executive Director shall be a permanent member of the Seminar Site Selection Committee, and shall be responsible for logistical and operational aspects of the International Training Conference. The Executive Director shall keep the record and minutes of the Association and shall maintain currently the roll of members, the Constitution and all other documents of value. It shall be his/her duty to receive and acknowledge all communications of the Association addressed to him/her or that may be submitted to him/her by officers of the Association, and perform such duties as assigned by the President. He/she shall be custodian and sole depositor of the funds of the Association and shall disburse such funds by check as herein authorized or upon approval of the Board of Directors for purposes, which promote the welfare, and objects of this Association. He/she shall render a completed summary of all income, disbursements and balances whenever required by the Board and to the members at each regular meeting. A written copy of this report shall be made available to any member upon request. Section 7. Ex-Officio Members. The immediate Past President shall be a voting member of the Board. All other Ex-Officio Members shall have privilege of attending and participating in all meetings of the Board, but shall not have voting power in such meetings. Section 8. Indemnification. Every Director, principal officer or employee of the Association shall be indemnified by the Association against all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed in connection with any legal proceeding to which they may be made a part to, or become involved in by reason of their position past or present, except in such cases wherein they are adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance of malfeasance in the performance of duties of their office Section 9. Nominating Procedures. The Nominating Committee shall determine, at its sole discretion, eligibility to hold office according to the following requirements: The candidate has been an active IAAI member for at least five (5) years. The candidate has a minimum of five (5) years experience in a responsible position in some phase of arson prevention and suppression, fire service, law enforcement or civil investigation of arson. The candidate has attended a minimum of three (3) IAAI Annual Meetings within the preceding six (6) years. The candidate demonstrates significant service to the IAAI including active participation in committee work or special projects. 9/27/13 12
The candidate has established a favorable reputation of personal integrity and professionalism. If a candidate lives in an area where a Chapter exists, the Committee shall consider if the candidate has Chapter support, a record attendance and active participation at the Chapter level. Nominations may be made: When nominations are called for from the floor of the Annual General Meeting. In writing during a period of time and in a manner prescribed by the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall report to the Board for approval of candidates who may stand for election. Section 10. Election. A. Only one Board member (excluding officers) may be elected from each State Territory, District, Chapter or Province and must serve at least three years as a member of the Board before being eligible for election to a higher office. B. No member can be nominated for more than one position per election. C. Nominating Committee members cannot be nominated for an elective office without first resigning from the Nominating Committee. D. Vice Presidents shall advance to the next vacancy until reaching the office of president unless removed for cause by the Board. E. In the event of a tie vote between candidates for the same position, a ballot will be conducted during the Annual General Meeting and will contain the names of the tying candidates only. This ballot will be used to determine the successful candidate, and will be repeated as often as necessary until the position is filled. If after three (3) such ballots the tie still exists, a mandatory fifteen (15) minute recess will be called, after which the balloting will be continued. F. The Board of Directors will arrange for ballots listing all qualified candidates, with Chapter designation, in an order selected at random. G. The Sergeant-at-Arms and the Past Presidents shall administer the balloting, under the direction of the Election Committee. Additional assistance may be appointed as necessary by the President. H. Except as required in Section 10, E, voting shall take place prior to the Annual General Meeting, in accordance with procedures set by the Board of Directors at the time of the posting of the candidates. I. Members may receive and cast their ballots upon proper verification of active membership. J. The results of the election shall be announced at the general meeting. 9/27/13 13
Section 11. Ex-Officio Members of the Board of Directors. All retiring Presidents shall become ex-Officio members of the Board of Directors. The President, with approval of the Board of Directors, may appoint ex-officio members to serve as Editor for the Association, Sergeant-at-Arms, Director of Arson Investigation Seminar, and Corporation Process Agent. The Executive Director and General Counsel shall be Ex-Officio members of the Board. ARTICLE V COMMITTEES Section 1. Standing Committees. The following committees shall be standing full time committees of the association. A. Budget and Finance. The committee shall be responsible for all financial matters involving dues, expenses, income, salaries, and/or honorariums incurred by or on behalf of the Association. In addition, the committee will see the proper planning and budgeting is carried out during the year. An annual audit will be conducted by the Committee in accordance with Article VIII, Section 2. B. Constitution and By-Laws. The duties of the committee shall be to advise the officers, directors, and members of the Association on matters pertaining to the Constitution and By-Laws. In the event of proposed changes, it shall further be the duty of the committee to review and prepare the proposed changes in a suitable format for presentation to the officers, directors, and members of the Association. Additionally, the Committee shall serve in a review capacity for the Standard Operating Procedures for the committees of the Association. C. Ethical Practices and Grievances. The duties of the Committee shall be to investigate any and all allegations of misconduct directed toward the officers, directors, or members of the Association. Allegations of misconduct shall include, but are not limited to the following: (1) criminal offenses, (2) neglect of duty, (3) violation of the Code of Ethics, policies, rules or procedures of the Association, and (4) conduct that tends to reflect unfavorably on the member of the Association. These duties also include the investigations of violations of Chapter 7 of the Certified Fire Investigators Practice and Procedures Manual. Following the completion of an investigation the Committee shall forward the results and recommendations in writing to the officers and directors of the Association for final action. D. Nominating. The duties of the Committee shall be to encourage, solicit, receive and screen all nominations received for the position of Second Vice President and Directors of the Association. The Committee shall present a list of qualified candidates to the membership in the Fire & Arson Investigator. The Committee shall consist of one representative from each of the following disciplines: fire service, law enforcement, legal, private investigator, scientific, insurance, current Director, Past President and a member at large who will be a non-voting Chair (except in the event of a tie). Members shall serve a term of three (3) years with the President appointing three (3) members each year. Members may be reappointed. 9/27/13 14
E. Membership. The duties of the Committee shall be to promote, encourage and solicit membership in the Association through any appropriate means. In addition, the Committee shall develop and recommend guidelines to the Board relative to annual cost, levels, and benefits of Sustaining Membership. F. Chapters. The duties of the Committee shall be to promote, encourage, and assist in the formation of new chapter in the Association. The Committee shall, following review, make recommendations to the Association on applications received for new chapter charters. The Committee shall review the activities of all chartered chapters and make recommendations to the Association regarding the chapters. G. Certified Fire Investigators. The duties of this committee shall be the general administration of the certified fire investigator program in accordance with the Practice and Procedures Manual of the International Association of Arson Investigators. Additionally, the committee shall be responsible to promote and encourage participation in the Certified Fire Investigators program by all qualified persons. H. Seminar Site Selection and Planning. The duties of the Committee shall be to evaluate potential sites for the Annual Training Conference (ATC). After evaluation, the Committee shall present recommendations to the Board of Directors for review and consideration. The determination of the site for the Annual Training Conference (ATC) shall be by the vote of the Board of Directors. The Committee will plan, coordinate and/or oversee the production of the ATC. I. Education and Training. The duties of the Committee shall be to oversee or plan the seminars of the Association, develop training programs for the Association, provide topical education to the membership via the Fire and Arson Investigator, and increase the development of educational material through the Association Library. The Committee shall further encourage, solicit, and assist in the development of new and innovative ideas for the education and training of the Association. J. Appellate Review. The duties of the Committee shall be to review upon written request, actions taken by the Board of Directors resulting in adverse action being imposed upon any officer, member of the Board of Directors, or members of the Association. The Standing Committee shall consist of five (5) active participating Past Presidents with the exception of the incoming Past President. K. Election. The duties of the Election Committee shall include the publication of ballots and procedures for voting, the administration of the voting at the annual meeting, and the security and tallying of all votes cast. Section 2. Additional Duties. In addition to the duties described, each Committee shall perform additional duties, as described in the Standard Operation Procedures for that Committee, and other duties as may be delegated by the Association. Section 3. Standard Operating Procedures. The Standard Operation Procedure for each standing Committee shall be subject to review and recertification every two years or as necessary. 9/27/13 15
ARTICLE VI MEETINGS Section 1. Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held at such a time and place as may be fixed by the Board of Directors, and shall consist of, but not limited to the annual meeting of the Board of Directors and the annual meeting of the members of the Association. The annual meeting shall begin at the time the Board of Directors convenes, and shall end upon adjournment of the annual meeting of the members of the Association. Notice thereof shall be mailed to each member at his/her last known address, not less than thirty (30) days in advance. Election shall occur and other business may be presented at the annual meeting. When any question comes before the meeting not specifically provided for herein, the presiding officer shall be governed in his/her decision by the rules laid down in "Robert's Rules of Order", as revised. A majority of the members present at the annual meeting shall constitute a quorum. Section 2. Special. Special meetings may be called by order of the Board of Directors at such places and time as fixed by the Board of Directors, giving due notice thereof to all members at least fifteen (15) days in advance. Section 3. Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall meet at any time or place upon call of the President or any nine (9) members of the Board. Emergency business of the Board of Directors may be conducted by telephone conference call at the discretion of the President or upon all of any nine (9) members of the Board. The First Vice President shall have such authority in the event of the resignation of the President, or in the event the President is unable to fulfill his duties. The telephone conference shall be conducted as a regular Board Meeting in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws. A quorum must participate to conduct business. The Executive Director shall take minutes of the meeting, and shall reduce same to writing for distribution. Acceptance of the minutes by the Board at the following meeting shall constitute ratification. Individual calls or "polling" shall not be considered to meet necessary standards for a quorum at a Board Meeting. ARTICLE VII REGIONAL, STATE OR PROVINCIAL ORGANIZATION Section 1. Regional, State or Provincial Representative. The President may appoint Regional, State or Provincial Representatives, in those areas not covered by charter, who shall assist in the functioning of the Association in his/her territory. Section 2. Regional, State or Provincial Chapter. The Board may recognize Regional, State, or Provincial Chapters of the Association after written application by such Chapter. All Chapter Officers and Directors shall be members of the IAAI. Any member of the Association wishing to become 9/27/13 16
a member of a Regional, State, or Provincial chapter, shall comply with the Regional, State or Provincial Chapter's Constitution and By-Laws. Section 3. Associate Members. Regional, State or Provincial Chapters. Persons not qualified for active membership may become associate members, after determination of their qualifications by the Chapter's Membership Committee. Associate members shall have the privileges of an active member, except, voting and holding office. Section 4. Regional, State or Provincial Constitution and By-Laws. Regional, State or Provincial Chapters shall provide the Executive Director of the Association a complete copy of their current Constitution and By-Laws as directed at such time a Charter is applied for. Regional, State or Provincial Chapters Constitution and By-Laws shall be constructed in a form which best facilitates the administration of such chapter, but shall not, in any way, conflict with the Constitution of the Association. Section 5. Regional, State and Provincial Chapter Meeting. The number of meetings to be held by a chapter shall in no way conflict with the annual meeting in the International Association of Arson Investigators, Inc., but shall otherwise be at the discretion of the chapter, provided, however, that each chapter shall hold at least one meeting each year. All member of a chapter shall be given thirty (30) days notice prior to any meeting and the Executive Director shall be furnished with a copy of all such notices at the same time. Copies of the minutes of the meetings shall be furnished to the Executive Director within thirty (30) days after the meeting has been held. All papers presented at any meeting shall be submitted to the Executive Director, together with a copy of the minutes of said meeting, before being published. All official meetings of chapters shall be professional in nature and shall be conducted for the sole purpose of furthering the objectives of the International Association of Arson Investigators. Section 6. Grievances. In order to protect the best interest of the Association against potential sanctions imposed upon the Association for misconduct of a member or apparent member; any chapter receiving or filing a grievance against any member of the chapter or the Association, shall defer any action/response upon the allegation(s) until: A. Written notification of the allegation(s) are directed to the Officers, Directors and Chairman of the Ethical Practices and Grievances Committee of the Association, outlining the circumstances and conditions surrounding the alleged incident, and B. The allegation(s) will be acted upon by the Association with written response directed to the chapter outlining its findings and/or its 9/27/13 17
referral to the Ethical Practices and Grievances Committee for continued study, to be completed in a timely manner. Section 7. Probation, Suspension, or Recall. The charter of any Chapter may be placed on probation, suspended or recalled, by two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors in the event the Chapter becomes inactive or is conducted in a manner, which is determined to be contrary to the best interests of the Association. Section 8. Definition. All references to Regional, State Provincial, District or Charter organizations, contained within this Constitution and ByLaws, shall mean those organizations duly recognized and chartered by the Association. ARTICLE VIII FINANCE Section 1. Fees and Dues. Dues for active and associate membership in this Association shall be fixed by majority vote of members present at the Annual General Meeting and shall be payable in advance in the manner prescribed by the Executive Director. The fiscal year for the Association shall be January 1st-December 31st. Failure to pay membership dues within ninety (90) days of the due date shall forfeit membership in the Association. Reinstatements are subject to approval by the Board and payment of all arrears. There shall be no other fees or assessments except as provided by amendment to these articles. Section 2. Audit. The Budget and Finance Committee shall complete an audit of the accounts and expenditures of the Executive Director and shall audit and verify all income, expenses, assets and liabilities of the Association at each Annual General Meeting. ARTICLE IX AMENDMENT Section 1. Requirements. This Constitution may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Association by a two-thirds majority of the total electronic vote, providing: A. The proposed amendment is presented in a form consistent with and without conflict with the remainder of the existing constitution of the Association B. The proposed amendment is disseminated to the general membership by publication in the Fire & Arson Investigator or on the IAAI website for review at least thirty (30) days preceding the next regular or special meeting of the Association. C. The Constitution and By-Laws Committee shall review and automatically amend, as necessary, those portions of the Constitution and 9/27/13 18
By-Laws which are in conflict with existing Federal rules, regulations, or laws pertaining to gender/sex discrimination. Section 2. Voting. Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws shall be voted upon by electronic ballot, in conjunction with the election of candidates, in a manner prescribed by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE X RATIFICATION Section 1. Articles. Upon ratification vote by two-thirds of the members present at the Annual General Meeting in Victoria, British Columbia on May 1, 2007, all provisions and articles become effective and enforceable by the Association. Section 2. Membership. Those provisions or articles relating to membership, shall apply to all new members, and chapters from the date of ratification. AMENDED, ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING DOVER, DE APRIL 24, 2012
Section 2 - General Rules for Chapter Presidents As an officer in the chapter you need to be aware of some general rules and bylaws in the IAAI, which have an affect on your position.
1. All of your chapter officers and directors must be a member of the IAAI. See Bylaws Article VII, Section 3. 2. Every chapter must have at least one meeting a year, which must not conflict with the IAAI Annual General Meeting. See Bylaws Article VII, Section 5. 3. Only members in good standing of the IAAI and your chapter are considered active members with the right to vote at your meetings and hold office. See Bylaws Article VII, Section 3. 4. All grievances and ethical complaints shall be forwarded to the IAAI office. See Bylaws Article VII, Section 6. 5. A Chapter Annual Report shall be submitted every year within 30 days of the Chapter Annual Meeting. Form under Section 4 of this handbook. 6. IAAI Governmental Affairs represents members in Washington, DC. See Section 6 of this handbook. 7. The IAAI Certified Fire Investigator Program. Applications can be requested from the IAAI Headquarters or via the Website. See description of program Under Section 6 of this handbook. 8. The IAAI has many awards given out during the annual general meeting. Please encourage your membership to submit nominations for deserving people. Descriptions and application under Section 6. Feel free to post these in your chapter's newsletter or on your chapters web site. 9. Please encourage all of your associate members to become members of the IAAI. In numbers we are stronger. Application under Section 5. 10. To assist in handling membership dues collection your chapter can sign up for the joint membership program. Under this program the International Office will handle billing and collecting both your chapter dues and the members International dues at one time. For Information See Enhanced Service Chapter Membership and application Under Section 5. 11. Tax reporting: Every chapter needs to make sure they are following the tax laws of their state, providence or country and follow the rules of the appropriate government agency. Professional advice from a legal or tax accountant may be necessary to avoid problems or tax liability. 12. A copy of the IAAI Occupational Health and Safety Committee Fire Investigator Safety Checklist is printed Under Section 7. Please feel free to share these with your chapter members. 13. Your Chapter President, board member or other chapter officer should attend the IAAI annual meeting to represent their membership. The IAAI offers reduced registration for Chapter Presidents at the ITC. 9/27/13 20
14. Your Chapter President or their designate is invited to attend the Chapter Presidents meeting/luncheon during the week of the ITC. The meeting is a forum for Chapters to express their opinions and ideas. 15. The annual business meeting is held on Tuesday afternoon during the International Training Conference from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. unless otherwise announced. 16. Please encourage your IAAI members to vote via e-mail ballot. 17. We encourage you to contact the office if interested in co-hosting available IAAI Seminars, locating training instructors or setting up of an Expert Witness Courtroom Testimony program. 18. The Chapter Committee will support your training efforts by passing on your Chapters training information. Forward your training information to the Chapters Committee. We will pass on the information to all Chapters.
Chapter Services To better serve IAAI Chapters, a basic set of Chapter services are available to all IAAI Chapters. To further assist Chapters and foster continued growth among Chapters and the IAAI, expanded capacities are available for those participating with the Enhanced Chapter Program. Chapter Services for all IAAI Chapters Services provided for no charge: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Listing of events on Chapter events page of website Listing of Chapter with link to Chapter website Chapter Presidents newsletter Designated Chapter liaison Chapter manual Chapter officers orientation at the ITC Chapter Presidents luncheon at ITC Participation as partner in IAAI class delivery Use of IAAI logo in co-branded marketing
Optional services available, at additional cost: 1. 2. Participation in the merchandise section Use of online testing platform
Enhanced Chapter Services Services provided at no charge: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. All Chapter services listed above Participation in the merchandise section Use of online testing platform Processing of joint memberships (IAAI pays credit card and e-pay processing fees) Online registration for chapter training events Chapter landing page/portal on to Chapter website Chapter leadership access to view chapter membership records
Optional services requiring a fee to cover costs 1. 2. 3. Listing of Associate Chapter members Processing of Chapter-only memberships (2013 feature) Affinity discount for Directors & Officers Insurance (2013 feature)
International Office 2111 Baldwin Avenue, Suite 203 Crofton, Maryland 21114-2419 Business Ph: (410) 451-3473 Fax: (410) 451-9049 Deborah Neitch, Executive Director Cell: (904) 910-4112 Staff Gloria Guernsey Ryan, Director of Administration and Editor, Fire & Arson Investigator Cell: (443) 597-3991 Debra Miller, Finance & Accounting Manager Chris Burt, Certification & Membership Coordinator Tom Aurnhammer, Training Manager Lisa Quible, Training Coordinator Stephen P. Austin Director of Governmental Relations 460 Polly Drummond Hill Road Newark, DE 19711 Phone: (302) 454-7377 Cell: (302) 379-2318 Jim Shackleford, Chaplain Cell: (561) 307-3361 Rod Ammon, Stonehouse Media 243 N. Union Street, Suite 220 Lambertville, NJ 08530 Phone: (609) 773-0422
Past Presidents Rodney Pevytoe E-mail: Cell: (715) 891-7869 Dave Nichols Cell: (314) 599-3310 Robert Schaal Phone: (504) 841-7138 Ken Finley, IAAI-CFI Phone: (979) 836-9633 Thomas J. Fee Phone: (909) 622-2325 R. Kirk Hankins, IAAI-CFI Phone: (573) 474-1105 Michael A. Schlatman, IAAI-CFI Phone: (913) 262-5200 David R. Sneed, IAAI-CFI Phone: (817) 421-9193 Lloyd O. Johnson, IAAI-CFI Phone: (435) 867-0390 I.J. Kranats, IAAI-CFI Phone: (406) 883-4739 Gerard J. Naylis, ARM Phone: (201) 384-2059 Robert R. Kramer Phone: (859) 331-6682 Judy E. Maydew Phone: (905) 474-7441 Philip Horbert Alan L. Clark Phone: (641) 269-8265 Jackie V. Yates, IAAI-CFI Phone: (918) 455-3700 Robert B Whitemore, IAAI-CFI Phone: (952) 461-4200 Jean-Claude Cloutier Phone: (905) 828-5833 Jack A. Ward Phone: (904) 233-2228 David M. Smith, IAAI-CFI Phone: (520) 579-5548 Donald Ben Cypher, IAAI-CFI Phone: (724) 352-4101 John H. Primrose Phone: (308) 384-4013 JHPR24@AOL.COM Thomas R. Brace Phone: (651) 644-1716 Bill Buxton, IAAI-CFI Phone: (618) 344-1621
Committees and Chairperson Contact Information 921 Advisory Joe Sesniak (480) 632-9696 Appellate Review Jack Ward (866) 559-3473 Awards Jim Cubbage (302) 734-9390 Behavioral Science Tim Huff (707) 984-6140 Budget and Finance Miles Watters (740) 364-4630 - CFI Kirk Hankins (573) 474-1105 Steering - Kirk Hankins (573) 474-1105 Chapters George Wendt (973) 584-0313 Constitution & By-Laws Joe Mazzone (708) 974-0092 Election Mike Schlatman (913) 262-5200 Ethical Practice & Grievance Bill Dickinson (520) 881-2058 Fire and Arson Editorial Review Dave Icove (865) 693-4361- Fire Investigation Standards Terry-Dawn Hewitt (303) 902-5956 Forensic Science Vince Desiderio Historical Advisory Council - Alan Clark (641) 269-8265 Insurance Advisory Michael Linscott (800) 782-6851 Membership Gene Pietzak (516) 330-0372 Nominating - Steve Austin (302) 379-2318 Non-US Member Training Grant Kim Yates 27828929355 Photographic James Kuticka (417) 353-1117- Public Relations George Wendt (973) 584-0313 Seminar Site Selection Rodney Pevytoe (715) 479-7869 Strategic Planning Gene Pietzak (516) 330-0372 Training and Education Daniel Heenan (702) 347-5903 - and George Codding (303) 638-0474 Wildland Arson Richard Woods +6(124) 889-4420
Tim Austin (VT) (VT, NH, Maine) 133 Chimney Ridge Road Perkinsville, VT 05151 800-675-8500 David Brining (WV) (VA, WV, Maryland) Pyr-Tech, Inc. 701 Panorama Drive Martinsburg, WV 25403 304-671-0754 (Cell) 304-274-3900 (Office & Fax) Brian J. Richardson (QLD) Australia (QLD) PO Box 8155 Woolloongabba 04102 617 339 11136 Jim Pioth (IL) (IL, IN, IA, OH) 4425 Richard Ave Oak Forest, IL 60452 708-687-2031 708-687-1424 fax William Bumper Moylan (FL) (FL, NC, SC) New Port Richey, FL 34654 727-858-5785 Cell 813-814-0928 Office Jeff Crain (AL) (AL, MS) Crain & Associates, Inc. 151 Business Center Drive Birmingham AL 35244 205-995-8231 office 205-995-8232 fax
Martin Delaune (LA) (LA, AR) 224 Prairie Ave New Iberia, LA 70560 337-369-2370 office 337-367-3473
Martin O. Jaekel (ON) (NS, Quebec, ON) Whitehall Bureau of Canada Limited 944 South Service Rd Stoney Creek, ON L8E 6A2 Canada 905-643-3233
(NZ) FIANZ Michael Rindt, (MI, WI, SD, ND, MN) JW6228 Communications Ct Appleton, WI 54914 920-832-0122 office Daniel P. Heenan (NV, UT) Special Agent, ATF CFI/NRT 8965 S. Eastern Avenue, Suite 200 Las Vegas, Nevada 89123 (702-347-5910 office 702-347-5911 fax 702-303-2822 cell Charlie Mangan (GA) (CO, GA, WY) 2337 Tollwood Court, Grayson, Ga. 30017 404-386-3786
Jeff Flocken CFI (AZ) (NM, TX, AZ) PO Box 1466 Mesa, Arizona 85211-1466 480-644-3387 office 480-682-7778 cell Bill Reiger (NJ) (NJ, DE, PA) 420 King Street Woodbury, NJ 08096 609-352-4388 856-848-0402 fax Student Liaison Roger Krupp (IL) 1400 Opus Place, #300-FS Downers Grove, IL 60515-1198 630-541-4449 office
Jack Spurgeon, Jr. (TN) (TN, KY) 241 Summer Sound Rd. Piney Flats, TN 423-538-7664 423-989-5706 Fax Ricardo Torres (TX) (Mexico, Northwest Mexico) PO Box 3186 Edinburg, TX 78540 281-671-6114 office 956-929-0271 cell
Section 4
Your Annual Report must be completed on the attached form provided by I.A.A.I. Officers and Board of Directors must be members of the I.A.A.I. in order to hold office. Please include their IAAI member number where requested. Your entire report shall then be forwarded to IAAI via e-mail or regular mail. E-mail: Mail: IAAI 2111 Baldwin Avenue, Suite 203 Crofton, MD 21114-2419
PLEASE ANSWER EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS with either yes or no: 1. 2. 3. Have you adopted any changes in your Constitution and Bylaws? Yes
(Submit a copy of changes)
No No No
Is a copy of the minutes of your Annual Meeting attached? Is a copy of your membership list attached? to I.A.A.I. Member #: Fax: Home:
Yes Yes
PRESIDENT: Term From: Name: Address: Business Phone: E-Mail Address: FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: *Term From: Name: Business Phone: E-Mail Address: SECOND VICE PRESIDENT: *Term From: Name: Business Phone: E-Mail Address: SECRETARY: *Term From: Name: Address: Business Phone: E-Mail Address:
TRAINING AND EDUCATION CHAIR: *Term From: to Name: E-Mail Address: CFI CHAIR: *Term From: Name: E-Mail Address: to
I.A.A.I. Member #:
I.A.A.I. Member #:
Chapter Newsletter Editor Name: Address: Business w/AC: E-Mail Address: Membership Chair Name: Address: Business w/AC: E-Mail Address: MEMBERSHIP NUMBERS: Active: Associate: Life: Sustaining: Fax w/AC: DUES PER YEAR: (Example: $15.00) Active: $ Fax w/AC:
* Write Same if the term of office is the same as the term of office for President. DIRECTOR: Term From: to Name: I.A.A.I. Member #: E-Mail Address: DIRECTOR: Term From: Name: E-Mail Address: DIRECTOR: Term From: Name: E-Mail Address: DIRECTOR: Term From: Name: E-Mail Address: DIRECTOR: Term From: Name: E-Mail Address: to I.A.A.I. Member #:
to I.A.A.I. Member #:
to I.A.A.I. Member #:
to I.A.A.I. Member #:
DIRECTOR: Term From: Name: E-Mail Address: DIRECTOR: Term From: Name: E-Mail Address: DIRECTOR: Term From: Name: E-Mail Address: DIRECTOR: Term From: Name: E-Mail Address: DIRECTOR: Term From: Name: E-Mail Address: DIRECTOR: Term From: Name: E-Mail Address: DIRECTOR: Term From: Name: E-Mail Address:
to I.A.A.I. Member #:
to I.A.A.I. Member #:
to I.A.A.I. Member #:
to I.A.A.I. Member #:
to I.A.A.I. Member #:
to I.A.A.I. Member #:
to I.A.A.I. Member #:
IAAI Member Name: _________________________________________________ Name of Deceased (if not IAAI member): _________________________________ Relationship to IAAI Member: _________________ Date of Death: ____________________ Visitation Date/Time: __________________________ Funeral Date/Time: ____________________________ Name/Address of Service Location: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Condolences Address: Phone: ______________
Person for IAAI to Contact regarding this Notice: Name:________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________________________
Oath of Office I, ____________________________, do solemnly swear, that I will uphold the Constitution and By-Laws of the International Association of Arson Investigators and ___(Your Chapter Name)_______________________________ and to faithfully execute all of the duties of my office, in accordance with the rules and regulations of this association, so help me God.
Request for program posting on Website Form Email Request to: Information appears on Chapter Events page. There is also a link to the Chapter Events page on the home page under Events Calendar. Format used on Date, Title of Class Host: Chapter name Location: City, State Contact: Name & Phone, E Mail, Website (At least one type must be listed.)
Section 5
TO: FROM: RE: IAAI Chapters Gene Pietzak, Chair Membership Services Committee Enhanced Chapter Program
The following is a summary of the above-referenced program. The program starts at your Chapter renewal cycle. Instead of your regular renewal form, you send the combination membership program form provided by the International. The International will customize the form to meet your specific Chapter needs while maintaining usability by the International. Your Chapter can include other information such as a letter from your president or an IAAI membership brochure. Your Chapter members complete the form and select the option appropriate for them. It is important that current members of the International mark that box on the form and only renew their Chapter membership. This will ensure that all existing International members are reclassified as enhanced chapter members by the International. The completed form and payment is mailed to the Chapter. Chapters deposit the funds as per their normal procedure so no financial hardship is experienced. The Chapter then writes one check and submits that payment with all new applications (signed originals) to the International. The applications received by the Chapter must be forwarded to the International at thirty day intervals. This way the International can get new membership cards and information packages out quickly and avoid complaint phone calls. Your Chapter will still have to mail renewals each year to Chapter only (associate) members. The International will handle renewals for your enhanced chapter (active) members on the anniversary of their international join date. Please note that the international join date may not correspond to your Chapter renewal date and a modification to your constitution and by-laws may be necessary. The International can help you with this process too. The International will send list of those enhanced chapter members who have renewed every month. The international will mail payments to Chapters quarterly, however, exceptions can be made for more timely dispersals in special circumstances. This program will save your Chapter time, printing/copying, envelope, and postage expense. The International membership card will indicate membership in participating Chapters so Chapters may, if they choose, save more time and money by not issuing separate membership cards to enhanced chapter members. This program also affords your members expanded benefits of membership and opportunity for professional development. If your Chapter would like further information or is interested in participating in the enhanced chapter membership program please contact me at (516) 330-0372 or Chapter Presidents and Chapter members. Is your Chapter participating in the Enhanced Chapter Membership Program? At your next meeting please give some thought to signing your Chapter up to participate in the Enhanced Chapter Membership Program. The program allows International members of your Chapter to pay one bill each year to cover their International and Chapter dues. The International will handle the billing for your Chapter. Your Chapter will still bill associate members separately.
Dear Prospective Chapter Members: As Chair of the Membership Services Committee, I have become aware of some important issues affecting members of IAAI Chapters. Some misunderstanding exists regarding the structure of the International and Chapters, the role each plays, and the benefits of membership in each. Each is a separate legal entity with separate dues and benefits of membership, though they work together in support of each other. Each has strengths the other does not. Think of the concept of a union with the international and the local. The IAAI however does not mandate that Chapter members join the International. Though many Chapter members have expressed a desire to join the International, it is sometimes difficult to get authorization from their agency to belong to more than one organization. Multiple forms, renewal dates, and payments complicate this issue. The International is committed to being of support and service to the Chapters and their membership. To overcome this issue, the IAAI has offered a program intended to facilitate joint membership. Now, the same application can be used by the membership committees of both groups, AND best of all, one check can pay for International and Chapter dues. I cannot stress too strongly the significance of understanding the separate structure and function of the IAAI and Chapters. In a recent Arizona Chapter newsletter article, a story was related of a fire investigator who testified that he was a member of the International Association of Arson Investigators. Subsequent to his testimony, the opposing attorney checked and learned the expert was not a member of the International. The investigator apparently thought that chapter membership made him an International member. It does NOT. Now the expert faces having his testimony impeached and possible perjury charges. Again, if you are a member if the Chapter of the IAAI, you are not automatically a member of the International Association of Arson Investigators. If you are already a member of the International, please pay only the chapter renewal at this time. We are working to provide a mechanism for joint renewal but that process is not yet in place. If you have any questions about the International, benefits of membership, or the pilot program, please call me at (516) 3300372, or e-mail me at Regards, Gene Pietzak, IAAI-CFI, IAAI-ECT Chairman Membership Services Committee
PARTICIPATION APPLICATION ENHANCED CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM The program is intended to provide potential members with a mechanism to join the International and their Chapter jointly, to provide an efficient manner in which to do this, to foster conversion of chapter members to combination members, and to create goodwill and close working relationships between the International and its Chapters. It is recognized that modification of some existing procedures will be required of both the International and participating Chapters. Participation in the program by Chapters is voluntary. International membership committee will visit chapters as available and practical to promote the program. The program involves using one form, and one disbursement by members, for chapter membership renewal. and application for NEW membership in the International. The International will provide this form. Changes to the form, to meet chapter specific needs, must be approved by the International prior to distribution by the chapter. The chapter must submit a current roster of all members and this protocol signed by a chapter officer, prior to distribution of application forms. The roster needs to indicate those chapter members which are already international members. Forms will be distributed by the chapter during the annual renewal cycle of the participating chapter. Combination applications and associated monies are collected by the participating chapter. Chapters will forward to the International, new applications for International membership and one check to cover same, 30 days after chapter renewal date, and on 30 day intervals thereafter. Chapters must submit a list of applicants, in a format approved by the International, with the applications and funds. Chapters will be liable for and indemnify the International for lost International applications/funds. International will handle future combination renewal invoicing for Chapters and will distribute all renewal funds (Note: This does not apply to chapter only / associate members.) Chapters must still mail and collect renewals for chapter associate and sustaining members according to their normal renewal cycle. International will disburse membership renewal funds to the chapters quarterly (e.g. March, June, September, December) and report renewals monthly. Chapter must adjust their members join/renewal date to the International join date. The International cannot bill pro-rata chapter membership renewals. Chapters may choose to accept the International membership identification card or issue their own. I, ___________________________, representing the __________________________ Chapter, request Print name Chapter name participation in the IAAI Enhanced Chapter Membership program. Our chapter renewal date is __________. I understand and agree to adhere to the procedure outlined above. I further understand that the International will return materials that are improperly or inadequately completed to the Chapter. The Chapter will assume full responsibility for communications with Chapter members regarding the process and status of the program. Our Chapter roster, as described above, is attached. _____________________________________________________________ Signature / title __________ Date
SAMPLE CHAPTER CONSTITUTION LANGUAGE FOR Enhanced Chapter MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM ARTICLE II MEMBERSHIP: SECTION 1: ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP; Membership in the International and payment of initiation fees and dues. SECTION 2: ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP; Approval of the Chapter Membership Committee and payment of dues and initiation fees. Recommend this section be deleted from your Constitution and ByLaws SECTION 3: LIFE MEMBERSHIP; Awarded by the Board of Directors of the Chapter. SECTION 4: SUSTAINING MEMBERSHIP; As per the International guidelines except the Chapter Board will set the cost of Membership. SECTION 5: PERSONAL QUALIFICATIONS; Same as International By-laws. SECTION 6: MEMBERSHIP APPROVAL; Same as International By-laws. ARTICLE VII FINANCE: SECTION 1: DUES: Dues for Active and Associate Membership in the Chapter shall be $25.00 a year. Dues for active, membership shall coincide with the renewal date for international membership , and associate membership in the chapter shall be April 1 st to March 31st. The fiscal year of the chapter shall be October 1st to September 30th. Recommend above in red should be deleted from your Constitution and By-laws SECTION 2: AUDIT; The Finance and Audit Committee shall make an audit of the accounts of the Executive Secretary at each Meeting and shall verify all assets and liabilities of the Chapter. SECTION 3: GIFTS OR GRANTS; All gifts or grants to the Chapter may be accepted by the Board of Directors. The Chapter shall make proper acknowledgments of all such gifts or grants accepted.
Name (Last, First, M.I.) Home Address City Home Telephone ( Employer Business Address City Business Telephone ( Occupational Affiliation Public Service Scientist/Laboratory Primary Duty Fire investigator Instructor Forensic engineer Private Investigation Attorney Forensic accountant Other
Date of Birth State/Province ) Zip/Postal Code Supervisor State/Province ) Zip/Postal Code Fax No. ( ) Engineering Country Country
E-mail Address:
Have you ever been convicted of a felony or any crime, felony or misdemeanor, involving moral turpitude? No Yes If yes, explain offense and date/location of conviction ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you interested in serving on an IAAI Committee Yes No Are you interested in delivering IAAI training Yes No Are you a member of an IAAI Chapter Yes No If yes, please list Charge my membership dues Name on card Billing Address Recommended by member in good standing Members name (print) Applicants signature Mail correspondence to Home Business Intl ID# Members Phone: Date: Amex Visa Master Card Account #
Expiration date
Mail to: ONLY International Association of Arson Investigators, Inc. No. ________________ 2111 Baldwin Ave. Suite 203 ______________ Crofton, Maryland 21114 _______________ Privacy Policy
The International Association of Arson Investigators, Inc. (IAAI) treats confidential information received from its membership with respect and concern. We maintain physical, electronic, or procedural safeguards to protect the information. During the course of business, it is necessary to disclose routine information relating, for example, to membership status, CFI status, committee participation, and address verification. However, the IAAI maintains the confidentiality of information such as social security numbers, government issued identification numbers, banking data and credit card numbers- the exception to which would be in response to a subpoena or court order.
Provident Agency, Inc. PO Box 11588 Pittsburgh, PA 15238-0588 800.447.0360 Fax: 412.963.0415 Secure Claims Only Fax: 412.963.0148
Section 6
AWARDS COMMITTEE The Awards Committee is seeking nominations for the awards listed below, which customarily are presented at the annual meeting by the Association. For your convenience a form is attached. Life Membership Award The Life Membership Award may be conferred upon an active member in good standing for a period of 10 years and one who has rendered distinctive service to the Association and its purposes for a minimum of five years. It is limited to two recipients annually. Distinguished Service Award (George H. Parker Award) The Distinguished Service Award is given to the individuals who have shown outstanding service, effort and direction the purposes and objectives of the Association. It is limited to two recipients annually. Outstanding Chapter Award (James L. Smith Award) The Committee will choose recipients of this award after a thorough study of the activities of each Chapter throughout the year, including goals suggested by the President of the Association. In addition, the annual report submitted by the Chairman of the Chapter Committee will be studied for additional information. It is limited to two recipients annually. Award of Recognition The Award of Recognition may be given to any individual or organization for service rendered to the Association and its purposes. No more than two such awards may be given in any year. Investigator of the Year Award Investigator of the Year Award is given to an individual who is an active member of the IAAI and who has shown outstanding achievement through the use of professional expertise in both the criminal and civil fields of arson control. The recipient shall not be a current officer or member of the Board of Directors, nor shall the recipient be a member of the Awards Committee. There shall be on annual Investigator of the Year.
Photography Award Awards will be given in the categories of Arson and Accidental Fire Photography. First place, Second place, and Honorable Mention awards are presented for each category. Photos will be judged on content, technique and composition. In addition, photos will be published in the Fire & Arson Investigator magazine. Rules for the Annual IAAI Photo Competition 1. The Photographic Award competition is open only to members in good standing of the IAAI. 2. All photos entered must be the work of the person entering and must have been taken within the preceding 48 months. 3. There are two categories for competition: Category 1 - Arson Photos; Category 2 Accidental or Training Fire Photos (A maximum of five photographs may be submitted by any one entrant in each category.) 4. Photos may be in color or black and white. 5. If submitting digital photos they must be shot at 3 to 5 mega pixels and in JPG format. If shot by 35mm, photos can be scanned into digital format, or prints may be submitted in an 8 x 10 format. No identification or marks of any kind may be placed on the photograph. Photographs are not to be mounted. A designation of appropriate category and a brief explanation of the subject of the photograph, including type of structure or item, must accompany each photograph submitted and reference the digital number of the photograph (if applicable). 6. The following information must be included for each photo submission: Name, Mailing Address, Telephone Number, Department or Company Name, Date photo was taken, Location of photo scene, Current e-mail address, Number sequence of each photo submitted by digital number as described in Rule 5 (if applicable). 7. All photo entries become the property of the IAAI and will not be returned. 8. Any entry not complying with these rules will be eliminated. 9. All photos must be submitted either via email to or by mail postmarked no later than February 15 each year to the Awards Committee at the address below.
PLEASE ATTACH ALL SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Mail to: Awards Committee, IAAI Office, 2111 Baldwin Avenue, Suite 203 Crofton, MD 21114 Deadline for submitting Nominations is February 15 each year
CFI Committee and Program In 1986, the IAAI resolved a national concern by developing the Certified Fire Investigator (CFI) Program. The CFI Program is an established procedure for identifying and recognizing a fire investigators expertise. You do not have to belong to the IAAI to become certified. Certification is based on: a) Attaining at least 150 points from your education, training, and experience b) Passing a comprehensive examination Before you are allowed to take the examination, review committees must approve your application. You must be able to document every point claimed on the application. Certificates, diplomas, testament letters, and transcripts are examples of acceptable documentation. Once your application is approved, you will be sent examination date and location alternatives. Application Fee IAAI members: $150 Non-members: $525 The fee must be submitted with the application. The IAAI will return 50% of the application fee if the application is rejected. All Certified Fire Investigators must recertify every five years. Recertification Fee IAAI members: $95 Non-members: $475 This brochure contains information about examination topics, an overview of application point requirement, and a sample of the point allocation schedule. Candidates for certification must contact the IAAI to receive an official application. CALCULATION OF POINTS You must attain at least 150 points before you are allowed to challenge the test. A sample of the IAAI point allocation schedule follows: Education: 10 points minimum to 50 points maximum: High school graduate or GED One-year certificate in Fire Investigation Associate degree in unrelated field Associate degree in related field Bachelor degree in unrelated field Bachelor degree in related field Points are also allowed for advanced degrees.
Training: 20 points minimum to 90 points maximum: Fire Investigation Training (not tested) Fire Investigation Training (tested) Certified Fire Fighter I Certified Fire Fighter II Police Academy Certified
Experience: You must have provided expert testimony a minimum of two times or completed the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms or IAAI testimony course. Been a full-time investigator for past four (4) years or a part-time investigator for past 5 years, with a minimum of 40 required points attainable as follows: Full-time Fire Investigator 10 pts. per year Part-time Fire Investigator 5 pts. per year Additional experience points are issued for private investigators, patrolmen, supervisors, evidence technicians, lectures taught, articles published and membership affiliations. The examination is comprehensive and evaluates the investigators knowledge in respect of the following topics: Chemistry of fire Laboratory evaluation of fire scene evidence Criminal and Civil Law relations to fire investigation Investigation of fatal fires Investigation of automotive fires Investigation of explosions Scene documentation Motive of fire setters Insurance as it relates to fire investigators Interviewing Determining origin and cause including electrical and mechanical equipment Building construction
For additional information please contact: CFI Committee Chair-Kirk Hankins 2111 Baldwin Avenue, Suite 203 Crofton, MD 21114 (410) 451-IAAI
IAAI-FIT Program International Association of Arson Investigators, Inc. Fire Investigation Technician
The Fire Investigation Technician Program is designed to verify an applicant's fundamental knowledge as measured against core job performance requirements of established professional qualification standards for fire investigators defined in NFPA 1021, NFPA 1033, and NFPA 1037. The applicant must provide documentation of meeting minimum requirements including experience, training, and education. Upon approval they must successfully pass a comprehensive examination
EXPERIENCE: A minimum of 18 months of general experience in a fire investigation related agency or industry. TRAINING EDUCATION Minimum of 44 hrs of tested training. COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION: An examination that is based upon core job performance requirements. A score of 75% or above must be achieved to successfully pass the exam.
Track A
Mandatory classes from CFITrainer.Net - Ethics and the Fire Investigator (3 hours) CFITrainer.Net - NFPA 1033 and Your Career (2 Hours)* CFITrainer.Net - The Practical Application of the Relationship Between NFPA 1033 and NFPA 921 (2 hours)* Approved Comprehensive Fundamental Fire Investigations Course (40 hours) Comprehensive Examination
Track B
Mandatory classes from CFITrainer.Net - Documenting the Event (4 hours) CFITrainer.Net - Ethics and the Fire Investigator (3 hours) CFITrainer.Net - NFPA 1033 and Your Career (2 Hours)* CFITrainer.Net - The Practical Application of the Relationship Between NFPA 1033 and NFPA 921 (2 hrs)* CFITrainer.Net - The Scientific Method for Fire and Explosion Investigation-Updated 2009 (3 hours) General Tested Training: 30 Hours Comprehensive Examination * Replaces - Fire and Explosion Investigations: Utilizing NFPA 1033 and 921 (4 hours)
IAAI Members: $90.00 USD Note: This rate applies to International members only. IAAI chapter members must belong to the International Association of Arson Investigators to be able to receive the member rate. Non-Members: $325.00 USD IAAI-FIT Designation RENEWAL: All holders of this professional designation must renew their designation every three years. Documentation of 18 months of general work experience and 48 additional hours of tested training must be provided. The renewal applicants will not be required to retake the exam.This professional designation program is specifically designed to provide recognition for those who are at work in the field of fire investigation. A separate Certified Fire Investigator program (IAAI-CFI) is available through IAAI for those who are active as expert witnesses and have greater work experience. For information call Chris Burt at 800-468-4224 or email at
Facilitator: An individual trained by the I.A.A.I. to conduct "Train the Trainer" course programs to the Chapters. This individual may also deliver the course on behalf of the I.A.A.I.. Chapter Instructor: An individual selected by the Chapter to delivery, teach and coordinate the Expert Witness Courtroom Testimony program. These individuals must be certified by the I.A.A.I.. Train the Trainer: Certification course the Chapter Instructors must complete. The course is the Expert Witness Courtroom Testimony program with additional instructor training. IAAI Courtroom Testimony Facilitator List Wayne L. Tyson Coordinator 9725 E. Naranja Ave Mesa. AZ. 85209 480-205-1520 Parker, CO. 80138 303-840-4705 Glenn Lauper Coeur dAlene FD, 320 Foster Ave. Coeur dAlene, ID. 83814 208-769-2340
Michael Schlatman PO Box 16086 Shawnee Mission, Kansas, 66203 913-262-5200
Alan Finke Brenham FM, 101 N. Chappell Hill St. Brenham, TX. 77833 979-337-7302
Bob Puddy 5800 Gratiot Rd. # 101 Saginaw, MI. 48638 989-790-0450
Lori Ratliff 2601 Mimosa Lane Johnson City, TN. 37604 423-434-6184
Ryan Fields PO Box 494 Medford, OR. 97501 541-944-3444 David Row Donan Engineering Co. Inc. 49732 Martin Dr. Wixom, MI. 48393 248-960-7226
Hal Lyson 5548 E. Glade Ave Mesa, AZ. 85206 480-325-7509
David Brining 701 Panorama Dr. Martinsburg, WV. 25403 304-671-0754
Rusty Horton Jr. 347 Kitti Wake Dr. West Columbia, SC. 29170 803-385-9093
Sabino Vasquez 2222 Wenneca Ave. Fort Worth. TX. 76102 817-392-6856
Chuck Thacker 9129 W. 131st. Court. Overland Park, Kansas. 66213 816-985-2387
Jerry Carter PO Box 17356 Chattanooga, TN. 3741 423/421-4588 423-876-1700
Gary Rhodes Fort Worth Fire Dept, 2222 Wenneca Ave. Fort Worth, TX. 76102 817-334-0864
Mark Bishop PO Box 120411, St. Paul, MN, 55112 612-860-8611
James Shinsky 1409 Sioux Trail Niles, MI. 49120 269-876-2216
John Hill 171 East Side Dr. Ballston Lake, NY. 12019 518-424-6828
Paul Chase 10319 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA. 99206-3627 509-892-4121
David Toohey 12880 Meadowbreeze Dr. Wellington, FL. 33414 561-616-7054
Kim May 6525 Landmark Dr. Fort Wayne, IN. 46815 260-241-2996
Chris King 4400 Gretchen Ct. Lawrence. KS. 66049 785-766-2015
Edward C. Schons Jr. 829 E. Cothrell St. Olathe, KS 66061 913/768-7706 hm 913/371-7924 wk 913/971-7905 fax
David Kloss Shand Forensic Investigations, Inc. 18322 State Road 101 Spencerville, Indiana 46788 Office 260-238-5800 Fax 260-238-5829 Cell 317-445-9482
James A. Maxwell 1950 Sequoia Trail Owosso MI 48867 (810) 733-5461 hm (800) 326-5980 wk (989)725-6004 fax
Peter Lennon Fire Investigator, Manchester Fire Dept. 100 Merrimack St. Manchester, NH 03101 w(603)669-2256x3402 Mitch Cady Fire Investigator, Manchester Fire Dept.
100 Merrimack St. Manchester, NH 03101
(603)699-2256x3401 Michael R. Roarty IAAI-CFI, NAFI-CFEI Senior Fire Investigator Unified Investigations & Sciences 44612 Morley Drive Macomb Twp., MI 48042 (586) 945-4756
John Hager Taylor Fire Department 23345 Goddard Road Taylor, Michigan 48180 1-734-374-1358
Steven R. Shand CFI, CFEI, CVFI Shand Forensic Investigations, Inc. 18322 State Road 101 Spencerville, Indiana 46788 Office 260-238-5800 Fax 260-238-5829 Cell 260-450-1022
Ethical Practices and Grievance A filing of an EP&G complaint is a very serious matter. It should not be taken lightly. A person's reputation and even their livelihood can be adversely affected. Please consider prior to filing ANY complaint that there MUST be a factual basis and evidence to accuse a person of UNETHICAL CONDUCT. If the person in question merely opposes your opinion in a fire case. That is not grounds for a complaint. There must be evidence that the person has grossly violated the IAAI Code of Ethics by actively engaging in felonious conduct, or has, as an example, been found to have tampered with evidence (such as salting samples) or has committed perjury as recognized by a court etc. Our committee is also responsible for complaints concerning the IAAI Certified Fire Investigator Program. Any complaints about how the test was administered, cheating or theft of questions, etc., will be considered. Complaints about the test difficulty or program administration (covered in the CFI Procedures Manual) should be made in writing to the CFI Committee. The EP&G Committee will only accept written complaints. Individual contacts with committee members will not be evaluated. The EP&G Committee will investigate complaints found to have merit. Please remember that the IAAI can only discipline a current member of the IAAI or IAAI Certified Fire Investigator. We will not have the funds, authority or time to investigate or peruse allegations against nonmembers or non IAAI Certified Fire Investigators. Fire Investigation Standards Committee (FISC) The primary mission of the Fire Investigation Standards Committee (FISC) is to keep abreast of standards that may have an impact on fire investigation and to impart information on these standards as appropriate to the IAAI membership around the world. To meet this mission, FISC first seeks to educate FISC members, and in-turn, have FISC members educate the IAAI membership about the relationship of IAAI to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the NFPA Standards-Making Process, and how individual IAAI members or organizations can become involved in creating or revising NFPA documents (codes, standards, recommended practices & guides.) Additionally, FISC endeavors to inform IAAI members about the content of NFPA 921, NFPA 1033, and changes to these documents when new editions are released. FISC members are also tasked to keep apprised of developments in other standards or guidelines that affect fire investigations worldwide and to objectively consider these standards as to how the may impact the fire investigation community. The primary forum used by FISC is the Fire & Arson Investigator where a FISC
Bulletin Board is published in each issue. These articles relate to some aspect of NFPA 921, 1033 or some other timely topic relating to fire investigation to include aspects and information directly relating to the international membership.
Governmental Affairs The IAAI has long had a mission to represent the interests of its members in Washington. In the early 1970s the IAAI was a key player in establishing the Joint Council of National Fire Service Organizations that led to the development of the now NFPA Fire Service Professional Qualifications Standards. These standards are the benchmark of training and professional development of fire service and related professions throughout North America and much of the rest of the world. Included in these standards is NFPA 1033 the Fire Investigators Professional Qualifications Standard. The Association is a Charter Member of the National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications or Pro Board as it has become to be known. This independent non-profit corporation accredits the testing program of many fire related agencies including the IAAI Certified Fire Investigator Program. Outside accreditation provides an added value and a quality assurance that tested programs are unbiased and fairly measure the objectives of the standards. IAAI Governmental Affairs also includes maintaining the Associations relationship with the other six major fire service organizations as well as the smaller and/or regional groups. Association representatives meet at a minimum of once per month with the other fire service groups in Washington to discuss matters of mutual interest. Governmental Affairs also seeks coalitions and partnerships with fire service groups to advance our mission and the overall well being of the fire service. The governmental affairs mission works with groups representing the interests of the insurance industry especially in the area of fraud. A cornerstone of our relationship in Washington is the Congressional Fire Services Institute with whom we work on a daily basis helping to educate Congress and their staffs about the issues that are important to Fire Investigators. The IAAI maintains direct contact with the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Working with our fire service partners such as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) and others we have been able to reach out and deliver a greater number of fire investigative programs than we could have done on our own. Finally the governmental affairs mission maintains insider contacts with key leaders in Congress and the Administration to ensure that the voice of fire investigators are heard at the highest levels of the government. Officers and members visiting Washington can count on appointments with Washington insiders. As THE professional association for fire investigators worldwide, IAAI members can rest assured that they receive best level of representation possible in Washington.
Photographic The Photographic Committee takes pictures at all annual training conferences. We photograph all award recipients, instructors, speakers, board meetings and social events. Many of the photos at social events (President's Reception, Theme Night & Banquet) are random shots of the people enjoying themselves (eating, in food lines, standing around talking). The main reason for all of this, is to provide a photographic history of the IAAI. All photographs are digital. This provides us with an inexpensive way of storing the pictures, eliminates processing fees (nice when you don't have to pay to process a picture, to find out it didn't turn out the way you intended), and allows us to send photos to people who need them, at no cost. Each year we email pictures to various individuals and chapters that request them. We also provide a photo album to each President, that provides a photographic history of his or her year in office. Wildland Arson Committee The IAAI-Wildland Arson Committee is Co-Chaired by Doug Allen, California Chapter and Richard Woods, Australia Chapter. Some of the Committee objectives that are being addressed are: 1. SOP's for the committee, completed in 2005. 2. Develop a Field guide for Wildland Fire Investigation. This is completed and is in the hands of the National Wildfire Coord. Group for approval and printing. We are hoping it will be available this year. 3. Develop a Distance Training Program on Wildland Fire Investigation. This is being worked on by committee members and will likely follow the outline of NWCG's F210 Wildland Fire Investigation Course. 4. Develop an internet webpage for Wildland Fire Investigators. The outline for this has been completed by Richard Woods and we are awaiting direction from the IAAI.
Air Monitoring Assemble Proper Response Incident Commander Safety Officer Accountability Officer De-contamination officer EMS Branch Officer Staging Officer Identify above listed personnel Buddy system Back-up team EMS standing by De-contaminate area if needed Law enforcement (Scene security) Protective equipment Safety meeting for all site personnel Identify types and locations of all hazards Specify the role of each responder Location of nearest medical facility and means of transportation ENTERING THE SCENE Account for all personnel entering the scene Identify each individuals specific job and the location that their assigned task will be conducted. Instruct all individuals to contact the Accountability Officer when their job is completed EXTERIOR SURVEY 360 Degree Exterior Survey Identify Site Hazards Water hazards (moving and standing) Terrain changes Terrain conditions Exposure hazards Electrical supply entrance (location and condition) Identify alternate power sources (if present) Gas supply entrance (location and condition) Building construction Hazards of the building construction exterior evidence of building damage Compromised building supports Freestanding walls Overhanging structural members General condition of the structure After completing the exterior survey, assess the general hazards present at the scene. This information should be used when making the decision to continue the investigation. If the structure is not safe, what equipment will be required to make the building safe prior to the investigation beginning? Construction / demolition equipment
Shoring material INTERIOR SURVEY The following should be conducted for each room or area of the investigation. Air Monitoring Oxygen levels Flammable gases (percentage of lower explosive limits) Toxic gases (toxicity levels of known gases) Structural Stability Floors Walls Ceiling If partial collapse has occurred, identify the new building supports. Electricity Has power to the fire scene been shut off or disconnected? No De-energize appropriate circuits (if necessary entire structure) Utilize appropriate lockout / tagout equipment to prevent the accidental reenergizing of the circuits. Yes Check for alternate power sources (energy diversion) Independently check circuits and wiring utilizing a no-contact AC voltage sensor De-energize appropriate circuits (if necessary, the entire structure) Utilize appropriate lockout / tagout equipment to prevent the accidental reenergizing of the circuits. Lighting Properly light the work area. NOTE: The use of internal combustion engines in an enclosed area creates a hazard and should be avoided. Work Area Atmosphere Assure safe breathing air within the work area through hazard mitigation or proper engineering controls. Alternate Means of Egress Identify a minimum of two means of egress from the work area when working in hazardous conditions Identify other work operations in progress at the incident scene Assess the effect on the investigation and the investigators safety Assure that all personnel are informed of the investigators presence and the scope of the investigation. Evidence Collection Proper protective clothing to protect the investigator and guard against crosscontamination of samples. Gloves of a material that is compatible and will provide adequate protection from the material being collected. Respiratory protection (if required)
Proper packaging, storage, and transportation of collected samples POST INVESTIGATION Structure and Site Safety Conduct any additional demolition, which is necessary to prevent injury to any future trespassers or bystanders. Secure the structure Secure the site Properly remove any hazardous materials still on site Identify the responsible party for the hazardous waste or materials Ensure the proper disposal of the hazardous waste or material Account for all personnel present at the scene. Assure that all personnel are safe and are not unknowingly left behind. Post Incident Critique Required by OSHA for all Hazwoper sites