All I WNT To Talk About Is CAT
All I WNT To Talk About Is CAT
All I WNT To Talk About Is CAT
Apurv Pandit
June, 2009
The Results
CAT 2003
Mock CATs
Serial Number
Date and Mock No
Reading Comprehension
DI, DS and Logic
Quantitative Ability
Data Interpretation
Verbal Ability
The D-Day
The paper was given to us, the first thing I did was
to smell it! At 11:00 am sharp, the invigilator said
Quant: 14
DI : 21
English : 14.33
Overall: 49.33
Refugee at Mumbai!
I knew this was one guy who made me feel good for
the first time in three years. I knew he had another
gave me. You guys deserve the best in life! All the
The Preps
Feb 15th
The Wait
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The best of ‘All I wanted to speak about CAT’ –
Lessons learnt
exam. I liked the idea and finally took it. And yes,
at that time, CAT had no rule which barred people
taking the exam who are not in their final years. I
think it is because of people like me that they
thought of this rule. It's good to be a reason which
made IIMs take a policy decision.!!
!CAT 2005
CAT 2006:
2007 CAT:!
Reject: SCMHRD!C
Important Lesson:
then at the end to DI. I had very less time left for DI
and screwed it on a colossal scale.!!
ii) Get over the "Ego" factor. If you are not able to
solve a DI Puzzle Set or a QA problem amidst a
test, leave it at that. You probably have the clout to
solve the others. And let me assure you there is
never a dearth of questions.!
June 2007!
!August 2007!!
October 2007
!November 2007!
!November 18th
November 20 – CAT’05
January 8 – XAT’06!
CAT’05 results:
November 18 - CAT'07!
My first thoughts
January 8, 2008
May 1, 2008!
!Converts - CLIK!
Waitlist - B (#35)!
Reject- A!!
July 2003
November 2003
February 2004
September 2004!
!May 2005!
November 2005
!March-April 2006
!November 2006
!XLRI, Jamshedpur
and side by side give CAT a last try and then decide
on the options. I liked this and started working on
it. But thanks to Simba's article on PG I decided to
concentrate on only one of these exams. I thought
what to choose between these two and I finally
decided that if I forget CAT all my preparation till
date will go waste so I decided to give one sincere
try to CAT. I realized that the previous two
attempts were not full fledged ones. I decided to
fully concentrate and focus on CAT preparation. I
joined IMS for intensive CAT course and started
preparing for the last CAT of my life.!! My initial rigor
depleted as days passed. It was August and the
IMS Simcat test series was around the corner and I
was still not finished with my basic part of the
course. The first Simcat result was positive for me
and I scored 94 percentile. Though it was not that
great, I thought that after preparation it will surely
go upwards. I started preparing but in next few
months my score decreased instead of increasing.
It varied in the range of 88-95 percentiles which
was not a good sign. Every time at the Simcat I
used to decide that this time I will touch the magic
figures of 99 but always found myself below 95. My
IIM dream was becoming hazy day by day but I
never lost my confidence. I used optimization
approach. Every time when I performed well I used
to appreciate myself and when my performance
declined, I learnt from my mistakes instead of
blaming myself. I told myself a 100 times that this
is the last CAT of my life and I have to crack it
anyhow. I thought in last three years I had made
The D-Day
When to start?!
Action Plan!!
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Test Series!
Please don't take these if you are real serious in
preparation. If you are lagging in preparation, I
guess this post will zap you up. :)
Starting problem:
I took the first CAT in 2001. I didn't know anything
about CAT, the competition prevailing, and the type
of questions that can be expected. I didn't know the
USP of different institutions either. I took itust
because I wanted to do something useful during
the last of my college days. I already had aob in
Oracle that made me as lax as a guy can be.
Second try:
I was too busy with the work, doing good stuff
there. I was also enjoying a good reputation in the
company, and most importantly I was enjoying the
work along with a good pay. But since coding was
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I was never in the top 100s anytime. My usual IMS
ranks were in the range 600 to 1000 kinds, with
intermittent trespassing either side. The highest I
got was some 201 once. But take home tests
(AIMCAT papers) were the real cushion. After
evaluation most of the time I found that I was close
to AIR 50s and 100s. Don't ask me why I didn't get
I guess I had a consistent average performance in
both the CATs - the leaked one and the next one. I
remember getting some 60+ in the leaked CAT. Low
by all standards.
The 'real' CAT was equally bad. I remember getting
some 50 to 55s, as per the IMS key. But people
who claimed 60s and 65s got lesser than me
finally. So, I really don't know what my score was.
All I know is: I got 98.1 percentile, calls from L and
L interview was a nightmare (as posted in PG), the
worst one can expect. I interview was cool, and
naturally I'm in I now.
CAT 2004
That was the year I joined the IMS classroom
course (Yeah, I am quite an oldie with CAT). As the
year rolled on I realised that I was good in QA and
DI but lacked a bit in VA. I was shocked at that
realization. Here I was, an ICSE pass out where
English is like God-types and was struggling to
clear the VA cut-off! I just couldn't figure out what
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CAT - 2005!
CAT - 2006!
CAT - 2007!
What I learnt
!A bit on profile:
10th - 93 percent!
12th - 91.7 percent!
Graduate of NIT Calicut, CSE 2004 - 74 percent!
QA - 97.6 percentile
DI - 93.17 percentile
VA - 96.4 percentile
Overall - 98.62 percentile!
Calls - L and K.
!L - Good GD, But pathetic interview. They quizzed
me on Economics and it’s rare that two economists
would agree. Needless to say, a reject.
!K – Fish market GD. I chipped in with just two
sound points. Rest were submerged in cacophony.
But great interview, they tried to stress me out with
questions from 12th standard Physics and
Chemistry. But I could answer almost all.
!Early Days
Mauled at MICA
A different path
!Enter PG !!!!
!Attempt No. 2!
Will I, wont I ?
!By the time this ended, the final results had also
started trickling in. I had quit my company because
it made no sense to carry on; things had reached a
nadir. SIBM had already come out in February with
a straight reject 3 days before my A interview, a
result which shocked me. NMIMS followed in mid-
march with a lousy rank. IMT-G gave me the
feeling that the tide had turned, with a
straightforward convert which made me go ‘At least
I can stop looking for a job now.’ MICA came out
with an expected ding. Only MDI, the IIMs and IIT-
B were left. !Then came the stunner in the form of
the SC stay on the OBC quota, which was followed
by the MHRD directive to stop the results. The
following fortnight was agonizing. Every day I spent
on the computer checking out news sites, hoping
that something would have happened which would
let the results come out quickly. The IMT-G
payment date was fast approaching, and at that
time there was no AICTE directive preventing
institutes from retaining whatever amount they
wanted from the first installment in case of
cancellation of admission. Having had what seemed
like a good interview at MDI, with the added fact
that MDI gives a huge weightage to CAT scores, I
was expecting a sure-shot convert at least for the
IM and HR courses. !However, MDI refused to give
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!Disaster Strikes!
‘Want me to check?’!
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!The End?
!Then, one fine day, out of the blue, I got a call from
a friend. Things moved quickly, and within 3 days,
I had a job offer. Best of all, it was in marketing,
and in the mechanical field. A perfect way to enter
the job market again. The package was ordinary,
but I didn’t deserve more with the way my career
had moved. I was not going to IMT-G. My parents
tried a lot to convince me to go for it. A lot of
friends were shocked that I was turning down a
prestigious college like that. After the job offer,
however, I was very clear about what I was going to
do. I went into the job with full earnest. June, July
and August flew by as I immersed myself into the
job and into CAT preparation. The job was not
rigorous time wise, but was challenging otherwise. I
enjoyed the experience thoroughly, and was lucky
to get a boss who was just about incredible. There's
no other word to describe him, really. For a change,
life was moving smoothly.
!Mini D-Day
!Stupid, stupid me
A wild experience
!Déjà vu?
!‘Ohh. Bol.’!
‘Congrats saale.’
Yes, indeed!!!!!
The epitome
Leading up to D-Day