Ball Screw Selection
Ball Screw Selection
Ball Screw Selection
I Example of Selection of Ball Screws (For X-Axis of Orthogonal Robot) I Reference Formulas 6Buckling Load(Pk)Derived with Euler's Equations of Motion
1Mean Axial Load
(Pm)2Mean Revolution Frequency(Nm)
Conditions of Use nQ2 EI
Work (t 1 + t 2 + t 3 =100%) P k= (N )EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 6
KWork&Table Weight W=50(kg) Axial Load Revolution Frequency Operating Time Ratio R2
KMaximum Stroke Smax.=720(mm) Table Coupling Starting Motor Where;
KThreading Speed Vmax.=1000(mm/s)
P1daN(Max.) N 1 r/min t1 %
P2daN(Normal) N 2 r/min t2 % Pk :Load at Buckling Moment(daN)
KAcceleration Constant t=0.15(s)
KPositioning Precision Ú0.1/720(mm) P3daN(Min.) N 3 r/min t3 % R :Distance between Points of Buckling Load (mm)
KRepeat Accuracy Ú0.01(mm) E : Young's Modulus(2.06M104daN/mm2)
KLife Span Lh=30000 hours
( )
P 1 N 1 t 1+ P 2 N 2 t 2+ P 3 N 3 t 3 3
3 3 3
I : Min. Geometrical Moment of Across Root Thread Area(mm4)
KDirect Acting Guide Coefficient of Friction O=0.02 P m= (N)EEEEEEEEEEE 1 Q
KDriving Motor Nmax.=3000(r/min) N 1 t 1+ N 2 t 2 + N 3 t 3 I= d 4
KDuty Cycle Model Diagram 64
N 1 t 1+ N 2 t 2+ N 3 t 3 d : Thread Root Diameter(mm)
N m= ( min-1 )EEEEEEEEEEEEE 2
V 240a(Stroke) 720a t1 + t2 + t3 n : Coefficient Determined by Method of Screw Support
Distance Between Supports
a/s 1000a/s If little difference is obtained between the maximum(P1)
(Critical Speed:Fixed-SupportR2) Support-Support n= 1
minimum(P3)axial l oads, o r if the load change is almost linear, Fixed-Support n= 2
an approximated value can be obtained with the following formula. Fixed-Fixed n= 4
0.15 0.09 0.15 0.51 0.15 0.57 0.15 0.53 Fixed-Free n=0.25
2P 1 + P 3
s P m— (N)
0.9 3 7Allowable Axial Load(P)for Buckling Load
0.9M3=2.7 1.4 Distance Between Load Acting Points
4.1(1 Cycle) (Buckling Load:Fixed-FixedR1) 3Life Span Hours(hrs) P=ÅP(N k )
( )
106 C 3 Where;
1.Setting Lead(L) 3.Allowable Buckling Load and Critical Speed Lh = 60Nm Pmfw (hrs)EEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3 Pk :Buckling Load(daN)
Å: Safety Factor(Å=0.5)
Set lead based on maximum motor revolutions and threading speed. Use the following formula : Check overall length of thread(L), critical speed(Nc), and buckling load(Pk)as follows. Where;
Lh :Life Span Hours(hrs) Depending on the required safety level,
VmaxM60 a higher safety factor may be needed.
L˘ =20(mm) C :Basic Dynamic Load Rating (daN)
L= Max. Stroke+Nut Length+Margin+Dimensions of Both Ends Pm :Mean Axial Load (daN)
2.Calculating Basic Dynamic Load Rating
=720+62+60+78=920(mm) Nm :Mean Revolution Frequency(r/min) Driving Torque
Examines the required basic dynamic load rating and the Allowable Revolution Frequency (DN Value) fw :Work Factor This section provides a guide for selecting ball screw frictional characteristics and the driving motor.
Calculation of axial load for each operating pattern Impactless Run f w =1.0~1.2
A In Acceleration
Check allowable axial load in terms of buckling load. Normal Run f w =1.2~1.5 I Friction and Efficiency
Vmax Assuming the distance between load acting points Run with Impact f w =1.5~2.0 Ball screw efficiency ˝ can be expressed in the following formulas; wherein O i s the coefficient of friction
Acceleration(Å)= M 10 -3 =6.7(m/s 2 )
t The basic dynamic load rating that satisfies the set life- and ı i s the screw's lead angle. Variabls are determined through analysis of a dynamic model.
R1=820, the following is obtained from formulas 6and 7on P.1086.
Axial Load(Pa)=(WCÅ+OCWCg)M10–1=34.5 (daN) span hours is expressed by the following formula.
K When rotational force is converted into axial force(forward action)
( )
(g:Gravitational Acceleration 9.8m/s2) 60LhNm 3
P k =722(daN) C= P mfw(N)
B At Constant Speed 10 6 1 -O tan ı
1 +O/tanı
(Pb)=OCWCgM10 =1
Axial Load (daN) –1
Setting life span hours longer than what is actually necessary
This satisfies the conditions of use. only requires a larger ball screw, but also increases the price.
C In Deceleration K When axial force is converted into rotational force(reverse action)
To calculate critical speed, assuming the distance between supportsR2=790 In general, the following standards are used for life span hours:
Axial Load (WCÅ–OCWCg)M10–1=32.5
(daN) Machine Tools:20000hrs Automatic Control Equipment:15000hrs
the following is obtained from the formula5(Fixed-Support)on P.1086. 1 -O/tanı
Industrial Machinery:10000hrs Measuring Instruments:15000hrs ˝'
Operating Time(s)Per 1 Cycle for Each Operating Pattern(s) 1 +O tanı
4Allowable Revolution Frequency(DN)
Operating Pattern A B C Total Operating Time Nc=3024(r/min) (Precision Ball Screws)
DmN¯70000 EEEEEEEEEEEEEE 4 I Load Torque
(Rolled Ball Screws)
DmN¯50000 The load torque(constant speed driving torque)required in
Operating Time 0.60 0.84 0.60 2.04 Ball Dia. A Value
drive source design(motors, etc.)is calculated as follows.
This satisfies the conditions of use. Where; 1.5875 0.3
Load Conditions for a Lead of 20 2.3812 0.6 KForward Action
Dm:Thread Outer Diameter(mm)-A Value 3.175 0.8 Torque required when converting rotational force into axial force
Operating Pattern A B C 4.7625 1.0
4.Design Precision Nm:Max. Revolution Frequency(r/min) 6.35 1.8 PL
Axial Load 345N 10N 325N Investigate the degree of Precision and axial play T= (NCcm)EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3
5Critical Speed(Nc) 2Q ˝
Number of Revolutions 1500r/min 3000r/min 1500r/min According to the tolerance values for lead accuracy(P.1086), Where;
T : Load Torque(daNCcm)
Oprating Time Ratio 29.4% 41.2% 29.4% the class of positioning Precision Ú0.1/720mm is 60 2 EI
N c =f a M102 (min-1) EEEEEEEEE 5 (daN)
P : External Axial Load
(Accumulated typical lead errors=0.035
C5 2Q R2 ÇA
Calculating the mean axial load(Pm) and the mean turns(Nm)by load conditions (cm)
L : Ball Screw Lead
(P.18061, 2), fluctuation=0.025) R :Distance Between Supports(mm) ˝ : Ball Screw Efficiency(0.9)
Axial play is max. 0.005 based on fa :Safety Factor(0.8)
Pm=25(daN) Nm=2118(r/min) KReverse Action
repeated positioning Precision ofÚ0.01 E :Young's Modulus(2.06M104daN/mm2)
(C) External axial load when converting axial force into rotational force
Calculation of the required basic dynamic load rating I :Min. Geometrical Moment of Across Root Thread Area(mm4)
5.Results of the Selection of Ball Screws and Support Units Q
The actual life span in running(Lho), which excludes downtime, is as follows: I= d4 2Q T
From the calculations made, the best selection of the ball 64 P= (N )EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 4
( )
2.04 ˝'
L ho =30000 =14927
(hrs) d : Thread Root Diameter(mm) Where;
4.1 screw is Catalog No.
Ç: Specific Gravity(7.8M10–6kg/mm3) P :External Axial Load
Insert the work factor(fw)=1.2 into the formula of deformation given in 3on P.1806, T :Load Torque(daNCcm)
A : Root Thread Section Area(mm2)
BSS1520-950-FC18 Q
( )
60L ho N m
3 L :Ball Screw Lead
C= MPmMfw=370(daN) A= d2
10 6 4 ˝ ':Ball Screw Efficiency(0.9)
: Coefficient Determined by Method of Screw Support
and select a fitting ball screw from P.1807~. The best support unit is Catalog No.BSW12. KFriction Torque Caused by Preloading
Support-Support =Q
Fixed-Support =3.927 This is a torque generated by preloading. As external loads increase, the preload
The result is BSS1520.
of the nut is released and therefore the friction torque by preloading also
Fixed-Fixed =4.730
Next, look at the DN values(P.18064)as the Allowable Revolution Frequency. decreases.
Fixed-Free =1.875
For a DmN¯70000, DmN=15.8M3000=47400
1805 1806
This is within the Allowable range: therefore, proceed to the following investigation using this size of ball screw.