Online Learning Email
Online Learning Email
Online Learning Email
Positioned between traditional universities, business and industry, Cranfield combines the academic rigour and long-term perspective of a university with the commercial and business focus of industry. The University is a major force in the aerospace and defence sectors as a result of its people, resources and cutting edge technology. As prime contractor to BAE SYSTEMS, Cranfield University has, working with a range of industrial and academic experts, created a suite of innovative online courses. These unique courses are multimedia, tutor-led and interactive for a high quality learning experience. Previously delivered exclusively to BAE Systems and its partner companies, we are now able to offer these courses to the wider defence and aerospace audience worldwide. Each course engages up-to-date online learning technologies and employs the latest web-based software to deliver the material to the delegate at work or at home. Course key features
Successful completion is certificated by Cranfield University and can be used as a contribution towards further learning requirements for Professional Registration such as IEng and CEng. Delivered purely online via the internet (no travel or subsistence costs incurred). Interactive with a tutor available throughout the learning experience. Networking opportunities and interaction with other delegates through the examined discussion board and group project. Practical knowledge is gained and exchanged through several case studies and the group project. Set at 1st year undergraduate level. Candidates can be worldwide internet access permitting.
Courses overview
Each course contains a number of study units in audio-visual presentation format, discussion questions and assignments, followed by a group project, which involves delegates working together on a realistic project to address key issues introduced during the course and form the solution to a problem.
Principles of Vehicle Dynamics (course code - 0LLP1) Learning outcomes: To describe the basic physical performance and dynamic characteristics of a land/sea/air vehicle. To understand the potential consequences of gross and detail changes. To understand the influence of the physical environment on the performance and dynamics of the vehicle.
Key learning points: Fundamental dynamics Point mass and rigid body dynamics Loads and operational environment Vehicle response and control Vehicle dynamics and design.
Principles of Materials (0LLP2) Learning outcomes: To make initial material selections for a trade study exercise, taking into account processing and joining routes and lifecycle considerations. Debate material related issues with experts from a position of sound basic knowledge.
Key learning points: Materials properties and selection Primary metal processing Composites and their processing Non-metallic materials Joining, assembly and repair.
Principles of Structures and Design (0LLP4) Learning outcomes: To be able to design and stress a simple structural assembly such as part of a mechanism. To debate structural issues with experts from a position of sound basic knowledge.
Key learning points: Standards and definitions of structures and materials Stress analysis Detail design.
Principles of Engineering Integration (0LLP7) Learning outcomes: Understanding of the basic principles of engineering integration issues as applied within businesses and to be applicable in all sub-disciplines regardless of core product.
Key learning points: What is integration? The role of the integrator Integration in the development process Documentation and process leading to system clearance Configuration control Skills and competencies Tools and processes.
This was the first time I have experienced this type of online learning. I found it an enjoyable experience for a short course such as this. I liked the presentations and can relate this to some of the bid work I have been involved with and will use this information on future bids. The group project was interesting. All in all an enjoyable experience which has taken away that fear of an online learning for the future. Thank you.
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