The uterus has already risen out of the pelvis and is experiencing farther into the abdominal area at about the: a. 8th week of pregnancy b. 10th week of pregnancy c. 12th week of pregnancy d. 18th week of pregnancy
d. Assessment of clients previous experiences and cultural expectations. 8. A feature of Lamaze classes is effleurage, a gentle circular massage on the abdomen used to: a .maintan good posture b .relieve pain c. strengthens perineal muscles d .facilitate descent 9. Exercise is still best for pregnant mothers if not contraindicated, and it is done with moderation and must be done individualized. The nurse is asked about the use of Pelvic rocking exercise. The nurse is correct that the Pelvic rocking exercise is used to: a .maintan good posture b .relieve pain c. strengthens perineal muscles d .facilitate descent 10. Exercise is still best for pregnant mothers if not contraindicated, and it is done with moderation and must be done individualized. The nurse is asked about the use of squatting exercise. The nurse is correct that the squatting exercise is used to: a .maintan good posture b .relieve pain c. strengthens perineal muscles d .facilitate descent 11. What is the vitamin that can be stored in the body that is why taking it daily is no longer necessary? a. Water soluble Vitamins b. Fat soluble Vitamins c. Folate d. Minerals 12. Which of the following level of fundal heights indicates less than 12weeks gestation when the date of the last menstrual period (LMP) is unknown? a. uterus in the pelvis b. uterus in the xiphoid c. uterus in the abdomen d. uterus in umbilicus 13. This is a danger sign that the nurse should report promptly during antenatal period to prevent fetal compromise: a. constipation b. breast tenderness c. nasal stuffiness d. leaking amniotic fluid 14. During a home visit to Mrs. Fortuno, one of your client, a multigravida mother at 32 weeks gestation, disclosed that she craves and often eats charcoal for lunch and usually a bowl of soup for supper. Total weight gain to date has been 12 lb (5kg). A priority nursing diagnosis for the patient is: a. altered parenting related to single status b. ineffective individual coping related to pregnancy c. altered nutrition less than body requirements related to pica d. noncompliance related to insufficient resources
2. Which of the following urinary symptoms does the pregnant woman most frequently experience during the first trimester: a. frequency b. dysuria c. incontinence d. burning
3. Mrs. Jimenez went to the health center for pre-natal check-up. the student nurse took her weight and revealed 142 lbs. She asked the student nurse how much should she gain weight in her pregnancy. a. 20-30 lbs b. 25-35 lbs c. 30- 40 lbs d. 10-15 lbs 4. Mrs. Booba 2 months AOG visited the rural health unit with an onstetrical history reveals her first pregnancy resulted to an abortion. What is her OB score? a. G1P1 (0000) b. G1P0 (0010) c. G1P0 (0100) d. G1P1 (0010) 5. Mrs. Balisbis is again pregnant at 4months AOG. She th disclosed that she gave birth to her first child at 40 weeks AOG, her second baby was aborted at 16 weeks, her third was a stillbirth delivered at 36weeks AOG. What is her OB score? a. G3P2 (1110) b. G4P2 (1111) c. G4P2 (1110) d. G3P2 (1110) 6. A prenatal visit was made by Mrs. Orosco whos OB history revealed a baby boy delivered by 39 weeks AOG, her second pregnancy resulted to miscarriage, her third TH pregnancy was a twin delivered at 35 week AOG and she is rd pregnant at 3 month. What is her OB score? a. G4P2 (1112) b. G4P2 (1113) c. G4P1 (1112) d. G4P1 (1113) 7. Which of the following tasks an expectant mother should achieved during antepartum care? a. Trimester-specific physiologic and psychosocial assessment b. Increased expectant mothers and familys knowledge about pregnancy. c. Education and counseling for the pregnant woman and her family.
15. The average amount of weight gained during pregnancy is presented by which of the following? a. 12-22 lb b. 15-25 lb c. 20-30 lb d. 25-35 lb 16. A clients last menstrual period (LMP) began July 5. Her estimated date of delivery should be which of the following? a. January 2 b .March 28 c. April 12 d. October 12 17. . A clients last menstrual period (LMP) began Jan 5. Her estimated date of delivery should be which of the following? a. January 2 b .March 28 c. April 12 d. October 12
a.pelvic tilt b. Kegels exercise c. Mini sit-ups d. Leg lifts 22. Karen Michelle, a primigravida at 6 weeks gestation tells the nurse that a friend of hers had a baby that was born with spina bifida. The nurse should teach the patient that to reduce the possibility of neural tube defects, most doctors prescribe multivitamins and: a. Niacin b. Folic acid c. Iron d. Zinc 23. The diet that is appropriate in normal pregnancy should be high in A Protein, minerals and vitamins B Fats and minerals C Proteins, carbohydrates and fats D Carbohydrates and vitamins 24. Shoes with low, broad heels, plus a good posture will prevent which prenatal discomfort? A Leg cramps B Backache C Nausea D Vertigo 25. In the later part of the 3rd trimester, the mother may experience shortness of breath. This complaint maybe explained as: A A normal occurrence in pregnancy because the fetus is using more oxygen B The woman is having allergic reaction to the pregnancy and its hormones C The woman maybe experiencing complication of pregnancy D The fundus of the uterus is high pushing the diaphragm upwards 26. Which of the following is a positive sign of pregnancy? A Enlargement of the uterus B (+) ultrasound C Fetal movement felt by mother D (+) pregnancy test 27. Which of the following signs will require a mother to seek immediate medical attention? A Mild uterine contraction B Slight dyspnea on the last month of gestation C No fetal movement is felt on the 6th month D When the first fetal movement is felt 28. When preparing the mother who is on her 4th month of pregnancy for abdominal ultrasound, the nurse should instruct her to: A Drink at least 2 liters of fluid 2 hours before the procedure and not void until the procedure is done B Observe NPO from midnight to avoid vomiting C Void immediately before the procedure for better visualization D Do perineal flushing properly before the procedure 29. Pelvic rocking is an appropriate exercise in pregnancy to relieve which discomfort? A Urinary frequency B Orthostatic hypotension C Backache
17. A clients last day of menstruation was Mar 31. She disclosed that she has a 3 day duration of menstruation. Her estimated date of delivery should be which of the following? a. January 7 b . December 7 c. January 5 d. December 5 18. A clients last day of menstruation was Oct 28. She disclosed that she has a 5-day duration of menstruation. Her estimated date of delivery should be which of the following? a. July 31 b. August 4 c. July 30 d. March 4 19. A clients last day of menstruation was Dec 1. She disclosed that she has a 3 day duration of menstruation. Her estimated date of delivery should be which of the following? a. September 8 b . August 30 c. September 4 d. December 5 20. A clients last day of menstruation was Nov 4. Her estimated date of delivery should be which of the following? a. January 7 b . August 11 c. September 5 d. September 11 21. A primigravida at 16 weeks gestation asks the nurse, How can I begin to strengthen my pelvic muscles? The nurse should instruct the client that she should practice the exercise such as:
D Leg cramps 30. From the 33rd week of gestation till full term, a healthy mother should have prenatal check up every: A week B 2 weeks C 3 weeks D 4 weeks 31. In Leopolds maneuver step # 3 you palpated a hard round movable mass at the supra pubic area. The correct interpretation is that the mass palpated is: A The mass is the fetal back. B The buttocks because the presentation is breech. C The mass palpated is the head. D The mass palpated is the fetal small part 32. The most common normal position of the fetus in utero is: A Transverse position B Vertical position C None of the above D Oblique position 33. The hormone responsible for a positive pregnancy test is: A Follicle Stimulating hormone B Human Chorionic Gonadotropin C Estrogen D Progesterone 35. If the LMP is Jan. 30, the expected date of delivery (EDD) is A Oct. 7 B Nov. 8 C Nov. 7 D Oct. 24 36. In Leopolds maneuver step #1, you palpated a soft broad mass that moves with the rest of the mass. The correct interpretation of this finding is: A The mass palpated is the buttocks. B The mass palpated at the fundal part is the head part. C The mass palpated is the back D The presentation is breech. 37. Kegels exercise is done in pregnancy in order to: A strengthen abdominal muscles B Strengthen perineal muscles C Prevent leg varicosities and edema D Relieve backache 38. When a pregnant woman experiences leg cramps, the correct nursing intervention to relieve the muscle cramps is: A Allow the woman to exercise B Let the woman lie down and dorsiflex the foot towards the knees C Ask the woman to raise her legs D Let the woman walk for a while 39. In the Batholonews rule of 4, when the level of the fundus is midway between the umbilicus and xyphoid process the estimated age of gestation (AOG) is: A 5th month B 7th month C 6th month D 8th month 40. The expected weight gain in a normal pregnancy during the 3rd trimester is
A 10 lbs a month B 1 pound a week C 10 lbs total weight gain in the 3rd trimester D 2 pounds a week
41. Nurse Bella explains to a 28 year old pregnant woman undergoing a non-stress test that the test is a way of evaluating the condition of the fetus by comparing the fetal heart rate with: A.Fetal lie B.Fetal movement C.Maternal blood pressure D.Maternal uterine contractions 42. Mrs. Jovel Diaz went to the hospital to have her serum blood test for alpha-fetoprotein. The nurse informed her about the result of the elevation of serum AFP. The patient asked her what was the test for: A.Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia B.PKU C.Down Syndrome D.Neural tube defects 43. Fetal heart rate can be auscultated with a fetoscope as early as: A.5 weeks of gestation B.10 weeks of gestation C.15 weeks of gestation D.20 weeks of gestation 44. Mrs. Bendivin states that she is experiencing aching swollen, leg veins. The nurse would explain that this is most probably the result of which of the following: A.Thrombophlebitis B.PIH C.Pressure on blood vessels from the enlarging uterus D.The force of gravity pulling down on the uterus 45. Mrs. Pichie Gonzaless LMP began April 4, 2010. Her EDD should be which of the following: A.February 11, 2011 B.January 11, 20111 C.December 12, 2010 D.November 14, 2010 46. Which of the following prenatal laboratory test values would the nurse consider as significant? A.Hematocrit 33.5% B.WBC 8,000/mm3 C.Rubella titer less than 1:8 D.One hour glucose challenge test 110 g/Dl