Static Analysis of Spur Gear Using Finite Element Analysis: Mrs - Shinde S.P., Mr. Nikam A.A., Mr. Mulla T.S
Static Analysis of Spur Gear Using Finite Element Analysis: Mrs - Shinde S.P., Mr. Nikam A.A., Mr. Mulla T.S
Static Analysis of Spur Gear Using Finite Element Analysis: Mrs - Shinde S.P., Mr. Nikam A.A., Mr. Mulla T.S
ABSTRACT : Gear is one of the most critical component in a mechanical power transmission system, and most industrial rotating machinery. A pair of spur gear teeth in action is generally subjected to two types of cyclic stresses: bending stresses inducing bending fatigue and contact stress causing contact fatigue. Both these types of stresses may not attain their maximum values at the same point of contact fatigue. These types of failures can be minimized by careful analysis of the problem during the design stage and creating proper tooth surface profile with proper manufacturing methods. In general, gear analysis is multidisciplinary, including calculations related to the tooth stresses and to tribological failures such as wear or scoring. In this paper, bending stress analysis will be performed, while trying to design spur gears to resist bending failure of the teeth, as it affects transmission error. First, the finite element models and solution methods needed for the accurate calculation of bending stresses will be determined. Then bending stresses calculated using ANSYS, were compared to the results obtained from existing methods.
Keywords Beam strength, Bending stress, contact stress, Gear analysis using ANSYS, Static load.
1. Introduction
Gears usually used in the transmission system are also called speed reducer, gear head, gear reducer etc., which consists of a set of gears, shafts and bearings that are factory mounted in an enclosed lubricated housing. Speed reducers are available in a broad range of sizes, capacities and speed ratios. In this paper, analysis of the characteristics of spur gears in a gearbox will be studied using linear Finite Element Method. Gear analysis was performed using analytical methods, which required a number of assumptions and simplifications. In this paper, bending stress analysis will be performed, while trying to design spur gears to resist bending failure of the teeth, as it affects transmission error. As computers have become more and more powerful, people have tended to use numerical approaches to develop theoretical models to predict the effect of whatever is studied. This has improved gear analysis and computer simulations. Numerical methods can potentially provide more accurate solutions since they normally require much less restrictive assumptions. The finite element method is very often used to analyze the stress state of an elastic body with complicated geometry, such as a gear. There are two theoretical formulas, which deal with these two fatigue failure mechanisms. One is the Hertz equation, which can be used to calculate the contact stresses and other is the Lewis formula, which can be used to calculate the bending stresses. The finite element method is capable of providing this information, but the time needed to create such a model is large. In order to reduce the modeling time, a 3D model created in solid modeling software can be used. One such model is provided by PRO-E. PRO-E can generate models of three-dimensional gears easily. In PRO-E, the geometry is saved as a file and then it can be transferred from PRO-E to ANSYS in IGES form. In ANSYS, one can click File > Import > IGES > and check. The main focus of the paper is:1) To develop and to determine bending stresses using ANSYS and compare the results with conventional methods. 2) To generate the profile of spur gear teeth and to predict the effect of gear bending using a three dimensional model and compare the results with those of the Lewis equation. 3) To compare the accuracy of results obtained is ANSYS by varying mesh density
Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (SICETE) Dr.J.J.Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur
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Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (SICETE) Dr.J.J.Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur
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5 Analysis of Gear
5.1 Theoretical Calculation of Gear a) Face width =10 m (m=module) F.S. = 1.5, Y =0.308 for Zp =18, C.S. = 1.5 m= =
6010 6 6010 6 kw C s F.S. p n 1
ut 3 b YC v m
= 240 N/mm2
Cv = 3+v = 0.3559 Peff= 6210.28 N Sb> Peff It is concluded that the design is safe for static load and dynamic load for bending stresses of beam strength. 5.2 Analysis of Spur Gear Using ANSYS Step 1:- Import the solid model from pro e:-File-import-IGES
Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (SICETE) Dr.J.J.Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur
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Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (SICETE) Dr.J.J.Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur
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m p dp
p=m dp = m z
ha = m
hd = 1.25m
da = dp + (2 m) dd = dp 2 + z m db = dp cos F = 10 m
db F
192 40
Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (SICETE) Dr.J.J.Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur
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30 40 50 11827.2
The parametric model is capable of creating spur gears with different modules and number of teeth by modifying the parameters and regenerating the model. Sets of gears having the same module and pressure angle can be created and assembled together. It is possible to carry out finite element analysis such as root bending stress and contact stresses between gear teeth pair and effect of root fillet radius on the root stresses. In this paper, a 3D deformable-body (model) of spur gears is developed. The result is checked with theoretical calculation data. The simulation results have good agreement with the theoretical results, which implies that the deformable-body (model) is correct. This study provides a sound foundation for future studies on contact stresses. The model is applied onto commercial FEA software ANSYS. Simulation results were compared and confirmed by the theoretical calculation data. According to these results, we can draw the conclusion; it was found out that the numerically obtained values of stress distributions were in good agreement with the theoretical results.
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Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (SICETE) Dr.J.J.Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur
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