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Career Management and Development


A) CAREER MANAGEMENT Career management is the lifelong process of investing resources to achieve our career goals. Career management is not a singular event but a continuing process that is a necessity for adapting to the changing demands of the 21st Century economy. Career management focuses on two key investment assets to manage throughout our working years, our personal lifelong learning and our network of relationships:1. Lifelong learning It is often surprising to realize how much of our day-to-day work is now based around technology. Computers and other scientific advancements have radically altered the way in which we conduct work. How well we are able to adapt to these ongoing innovations will be directly related to keep up to date our knowledge and skills.

2. Network of Relationships As we have moved to an information and service economy, relationships have become an increasingly critical asset. How we interact, respond and connect in all our relationships will impact our present performance and future opportunities. Very little is accomplished in isolation. Networking uncovers more than 70% of current job openings. Keeping connected and knowing how to build good relationships are more important than ever before. These skills can be developed in applied communication courses, mastering contact management software, effective listening and genuine desire to get to know people better.

Career Management and Development


From an organizations point of view career management in an organization is a strategy that need to be planned in well manner to develop the competencies and to attract as well as retain the talented persons in and for an organization.

Figure 1 Career management system & Organizational strategies

Career Management and Development

organization and show how these strategies affect the career management system in an organization.

A career has been defined as the sequence of a person's experiences on different jobs over the period of time. It is viewed as fundamentally a relationship between one or more organizations and the individual. To some a career is a carefully worked out plans for self advancement to others it is a calling- a life role to others it is a voyage to self discovery and to still others it is life itself. A career is a sequence of positions/jobs held by a person during the course of his working life. The Dictionary meaning of career is, advancement in life specially advancement in profession. According to Edwin B. Flippo,A career is a sequence of separate but related work activities that provide continuity, order and meaning to a persons life. According to Garry Dessler,The occupational positions a person has had over many years. Many of today's employees have high expectations about their jobs. There has been a general increase in the concern of the quality of life. Workers expect more from their jobs than just income. A further impetus to career planning is the need for organizations to make the best possible use of their most valuable resources the people in a time of rapid technological growth and change.

Career Management and Development

Career Planning is a relatively new personnel function. Established programs on Career Planning are still rare except in larger or more progressive organizations. Career Planning aims at identifying personal skills, interest, knowledge and other features; and establishes specific plans to attain specific goals.


1. To attract and retain the right type of person in the organization. 2. To map out career of employees suitable to their ability and their willingness to be trained and developed for higher positions. 3. To have a more stable workforce by reducing labour turnover and absenteeism. 4. To ensure better use of human resource through more satisfied and productive employees. 5. To increasingly utilize the managerial talent available at all levels within the organization. 6. To improve employee morale and motivation by matching skills to job requirement and by providing opportunities for promotion. 7. To ensure that promising persons get experiences that will equip them to reach responsibility for which they are able. 8. To provide guidance and encourage employees to fulfill their potentials. 9. To achieve higher productivity and organizational development.

Career development refers to set of programs designed to match an individuals needs, abilities, and career goals with current and future opportunities in the organization.

Career Management and Development

Where career plan sets career path for an employee, career development ensures that the employee is well developed before he or she moves up the next higher ladder in the hierarchy. G) ADVANTAGES OF CAREER PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT

In fact both individuals and the organization are going to benefit from career planning and development. So the advantages are described below: a) For Individuals 1. The process of career planning helps the individual to have the knowledge of various career opportunities, his priorities etc. 2. This knowledge helps him select the career that is suitable to his life styles, preferences, family environment, scope for self-development etc. 3. It helps the organization identify internal employees who can be promoted. 4. Internal promotions, up gradation and transfers motivate the employees, boost up their morale and also result in increased job satisfaction. 5. Increased job satisfaction enhances employee commitment and creates a sense of belongingness and loyalty to the organization. 6. Employee will await his turn of promotion rather than changing to another organization. This will lower employee turnover. 7. It improves employees performance on the job by taping their potential abilities and further employee turnover. 8. It satisfies employee esteem needs. b) For Organizations

A long-term focus of career planning and development will increase the effectiveness of human resource management. More specifically, the advantages of career planning and development for an organization include: 1. Efficient career planning and development ensures the availability of human resources with required skill, knowledge and talent.

Career Management and Development

2. The efficient policies and practices improve the organizations ability to attract and retain highly skilled and talent employees. 3. The proper career planning ensures that the women and people belong to backward communities get opportunities for growth and development. 4. The career plan continuously tries to satisfy the employee expectations and as such minimizes employee frustration. 5. By attracting and retaining the people from different cultures, enhances cultural diversity. 6. Protecting employees interest results in promoting organizational goodwill.







Figure 2: Career planning & Development process

Career Management and Development

1. Identifying individual needs and aspirations: Its necessary to identify and communicate the career goals, aspiration and career anchors of every employee because most individuals may not have a clear idea about these. For this purpose, a human resource inventory of the organization and employee potential are ascertained.

2. Analyzing career opportunities: The organizational set up, future plans and career system of the employees are analyzed to identify the career opportunities available within it. Career paths can be determined for each position. It can also necessary to analyze career demands in terms of knowledge, skill, experience, aptitude etc.

3. Identifying match and mismatch: A mechanism to identifying congruence between individual current aspirations and organizational career system is developed to identify and compare specific areas of match and mismatch for different categories of employees.

4. Formulating and implementing strategies: Alternative action plans and strategies for dealing with the match and mismatch are formulated and implemented.

5. Reviewing career plans: a periodic review of the career plan is necessary to know whether the plan is contributing to effective utilization of human resources by matching employee objectives to job needs. Review will also indicate to employees in which direction the organization is moving, what changes are likely to take place and what skills are needed to adapt to the changing needs of the organization.

Career Management and Development

Career of an employee represents various job positions held by him during the course of his

Managing Director


General Manager

Assistant Manager

Management Trainee

Figure 3 Career path in case of a Management Trainee working life. This is described in Human resource management as career path. In the case of an executive, the career path includes generally five steps. These steps or say these job positions are described in Figure 3.

Career anchors are those pivots around which ones career swings and he or she cant drop these pivots, because these pivots give them a base for choosing a particular career. These pivots are as follows:-

Career Management and Development

1. Technical Competence Person having strong technical ability choose some technical filled like engineering. 2. Security Person seeking security may choose career in government sector.

Technical Competence Security



Managerial Competence

Figure 4: Career Anchors.

Career Management and Development


3. Autonomy Person may seek freedom of actions may go for his own business. 4. Creativity Creative person may become an artist or may work in a research lab. 5. Managerial Competence Such type of people seeks position of high responsibility with managerial position.



Almost all candidates who start working after college education start around midtwenties. Many a time they are not sure about future prospects but take up a job in anticipation of rising higher up in the career graph later. From the point of view of organization, this stage is of no relevance because it happens prior to the employment. Some candidates who come from better economic background can wait and select a career of their choice under expert guidance from parents and well-wishers.



This career stage begins with the candidate getting the first job getting hold of the right job is not an easy task. Candidates are likely to commit mistakes and learn from their mistakes. Slowly and gradually they become responsible towards the job. Ambitious candidates will keep looking for more lucrative and challenging jobs elsewhere. This may either result in migration to another job or he will remain with the same job because of lack of opportunity.

Career Management and Development



Mid-Career stage

This career stage represents fastest and gainful leap for competent employees who are commonly called climbers. There is continuous improvement in performance. On the other hand, employees who are unhappy and frustrated with the job, there is marked deterioration in their performance. In other to show their utility to the organization, employees must remain productive at this stage. climbers must go on improving their own performance. Authority, responsibility, rewards and incentives are highest at this stage. Employees tend to settle down inn their jobs and job hopping is not common.


Late-Career stage

This career stage is pleasant for the senior employees who like to survive on the past glory. There is no desire to improve performance and improve past records. Such employees enjoy playing the role of elder statesperson. They are expected to train younger employees and earn respect from them.


Decline stage

This career stage represents the completion of ones career usually culminating into retirement. After decades of hard work, such employees have to retire. Employees who were climbers and achievers will find it hard to compromise with the reality. Others may think of life after retirement.


Despite planning the career, employees face certain career problems. They are: 1. Dual Career Families:- With the increase in career orientation among women, number of female employees in on increase. With this, the dual career families have also been on increase. Consequently, one of those family members might face the problem of transfer. This has become a complicated problem to organizations. Consequently other employees may be at disadvantage.

Career Management and Development


2. Low ceiling careers:- Some careers do not have scope for much advancement. Employees cannot get promotions despite their career plans and development in such jobs. 3. Declining Career Opportunities:- Career opportunities for certain categories reach the declining stage due to the influence of the technological or economic factors. Solution for such problem is career shift. 4. Downsizing and careers:- Business process reengineering, technological changes and business environmental factors force the business firms to restructure the organizations by and downsizing. Downsizing activities result in fixing some employees, and degrading some other employees. 5. Career planning can become a reality when opportunities for vertical mobility are available. Therefore, it is not suitable for a very small organization. 6. In developing country like India, environment factors such as Government policy, public sector development, growth of backward areas, etc. influence business and industry. Therefore, career plans for a period exceeding a decade may not be effective. 7. Career planning is not an effective technique for a large number of employees who on the shop floor, particularly for illiterate and unskilled workers. 8. In family business houses in India, members of the family expect to progress faster in their career than their professional colleagues. This upset the career planning process. 9. Systematic career planning becomes difficult due to favoritism and nepotism seats for schedule castes/tribes and backward classes. 10. Several other problems hamper career planning. These include lack of an integrated human resources policy, lack of a rational wage structure, absence of adequate opposition of trade unions, lack of a good performance reporting system, ineffective attitudinal surveys, etc.

Career Management and Development



A) NEED OF CAREER PLANNING AND DEVLOPMENT PROGRAMS To support the Welfare there are some broad reasons that are as follows:1. To Retain the Employees Career development programs also helps an organization to retain its valuable asset- the People.

2. Goodwill of the Company The goodwill of a company is maintained when the attrition rates are low. Higher retention rates motivate potential employees to join the organization. 3. Loss of Companys Valuable Knowledge When an employee leaves, he takes with him valuable knowledge about the company, customers, current projects and past history (sometimes to competitors). Often much time and money has been spent on the employee in expectation of a future return. When the employee leaves, the investment is not realized.

4. Regaining Efficiency If an employee resigns, then good amount of time is lost in hiring a new employee and then training him/her and this goes to the loss of the company directly which many a times goes unnoticed. And even after this you cannot assure of the same efficiency from the new employee.

5. Tough Process, Stress & Frustration Textile industry has the toughest process from processing of cotton to the garment manufacturing. It may create some type of frustration and stress also. In this case

Career Management and Development


through adequate career planning & development programs organization can reduce the frustration and stress among employees.

6. Other reasons It motivates employees to grow. It motivates employees to avail training and development. It increases employee loyalty as they feel organization cares about them. Organization image as better employment market. It contributes to organizational development and effective achievement of corporate goals.

Career development is an organized approach used to match employee goals with the business needs of the agency in support of workforce development initiatives. In this process: The purpose of career development is to:

Enhance each employee's current job performance. Enable individuals to take advantage of future job opportunities. Fulfill agencies' goals for a dynamic and effective workforce.

Who's Responsible For It? Managers are responsible for linking the organization's needs to employee career goals, and can assist employees in the career planning process.

Human Resources is responsible for designing career paths and employee development programs that help employees reach their goals.

Each employee is responsible for planning and managing his/her career.

Career Management and Development



Career Development Definition: Career development involves managing your career either within or between organizations. It also includes learning new skills, and making improvements to help you in your career. Career development is an ongoing, lifelong process to help you learn and achieve more in your career. Whether you are looking at making a career change, or moving up within a company, planning your own career development will help you succeed. By creating a personal career development plan, you can set goals and objectives for your own personal career growth. Don't make the mistake of leaving your career development future in the hands of your employer, hoping that you will get the next promotion or pay raise. This misconception can lead to job dissatisfaction and resentment. You may have already experienced this... You work for so long for a company, hoping that your hard work and efforts will be rewarded. After a while, you're burned out, and you become disappointed and jaded, not understanding why you can't seem to get ahead. While many employers do have career development programs in place, there is no guarantee that your dream position will be open when you're ready, or that all your efforts will finally be rewarded. Just realizing that you need to take control of your own career future is the first step to career growth and job satisfaction. Career development represents the entire sequence of activities and events related to an individual's career. Career development encompasses acquiring of educational qualifications and certifications, career path, self-actualization as an individual, shifting

Career Management and Development


of careers and career growth, learning curve, family life, accomplishments and recognitions or felicitations. Goals 1. Setting goals and milestones based around well-defined objectives is integral to any career development plan. In today's fast-moving and constantly shifting business and external environment, goal setting tends to be more medium term. Individual Involvement 2. Career development is generally decided, shaped and managed by an individual rather than the immediate superior, Human Resources (HR) department or organization-defined influence that it was generation or two ago. Flexibility 3. A career development plan needs to flexible enough to account for crisis situations, mid-career blues, relocation possibilities, career shifts and other exigencies. Staying Competitive 4. Career development calls for innate professionalism, sharp-edged focus, a keen learning temperament, intent to gain new skills and certifications as desired. Family Role 5. Family commitments, growing needs of a young family and health-related issues of elderly parents are some aspects that are part of the stages of career development that influence career shifts, relocation plans and other changes.

Career Management and Development


Overview Development Model



All Career Center programs are based on the premise that career development is a lifelong, cyclical process. No matter where our students and alumni find themselves in the cycle, the Career Center is prepared to assist them.

The following phases provide organization to our approach: Phase I - Assessing Self & Preferences understanding self, skills, interests & values

Career Management and Development


Phase II - Exploring Options proactively identifying, understanding and matching self to the possibilities Phase III - Developing Skills & Experience building skills, knowledge & reputation Phase IV - Marketing Self obtaining the skills to seek, obtain, maintain and change jobs Phase V - Performing & Planning Next Steps developing the skills to make effective career-related decisions and career transitions Career Development Process

Making a successful plan for your future is a continual process through which you will cycle many times. Regardless of class year, you may jump in at whatever point is relevant to you. You may be working on two stages at once. The pathway to good decision making and successful life management typically involves the following four stages: 1. Self-Assessment Identify your interests, skills, values, and personality style. 2. Implementing Goals Take action through effective job search and/or education strategies. 3. Exploring Options Learn about different career and education options. 4. Narrowing Options Connect your knowledge about yourself and the world of work to formulate career goals.

Career Management and Development



Career development theories help make sense of experiences. A theory is, in effect, a rationalized set of assumptions or hypotheses that allows you to explain the past and predict the future. As such, theories may provide "direction"; and as theories are tested and prove "true", they may be said to expand knowledge. There are two types of career development theories: structural and developmental

Two types of theories 1. Structural Theories:

Focus on individual characteristics and occupational tasks. 2. Developmental Theories:

Focus on human development across life span. STRUCTURAL THEORIES

Trait and Factor

This theory began with Parsons, who proposed that a choice of a vocation depended upon:

An accurate knowledge of yourself. Thorough knowledge of job specifications, and The ability to make a proper match between the two.

Career Management and Development


He wrote: "In the wise choice of a vocation there are three broad factors: 1. A clear understanding of yourself, your aptitudes, abilities, interests, ambitions, resources, and limitations; 2. a thorough knowledge of the requirements and conditions of success, advantages and disadvantages, compensation, opportunities, and prospects in different lines of work; and 3. True reasoning on the relations of these two groups of acts"

--- (Parsons, 1909/1989, p.5). Two major assumptions of trait and factor theory are:

(1) that individuals and job traits can be matched, and (2) that close matches are positively correlated with job success and satisfaction.

These ideas are still part of our career counseling approach today. John Holland -- Vocational Personalities and Environments

This typology theory was developed to organize the voluminous data about people in different jobs and the data about different work environments, to suggest how people make career choices and to explain how job satisfaction and vocational achievement occur.

Holland suggested that "people can function and develop best and find job satisfaction in work environments that are compatible with their personalities"; (ICDM, 1991, p. 4-4). Holland based his theory of personality types on several assumptions. People tend to

Career Management and Development


choose a career that is reflective of their of their personality. Because people tend to be attracted to certain jobs, the environment then reflects this personality.

He classified these personality types and work environments into six types which he labeled realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional (often referred to by the acronym RIASEC). He suggests that the closer the match of personality to job, the greater the satisfaction.

All types are part of each of us. However, one type is usually evidenced most strongly. We may even resemble up to three of the types. Holland developed a hexagon model that illustrates some key concepts: consistency, differentiation, identity, and congruence.

A very brief overview of the six personality types, six work-related activities, and sample occupations is presented below:

TYPE Realistic



Working with things, i.e. tools and Farmer, machines

Mechanical Engineer


Working with information, i.e. abstract Chemist ideas and theories

Artistic Social

Creating things Helping people

Painter, Writer Social Counselor Worker,


Leading others



Career Management and Development


Entrepreneur Conventional Organizing data Night Auditor

"Holland's theory places emphasis on the accuracy of self-knowledge and career information necessary for career decision making".

--- (Zunker, 1994, p.49).

Although the theory appears to be applicable to both male and female workers, there is some question of gender bias in that most females frequently tend to score predominately in three personality types: artistic, social, and conventional. Holland suggests that in our sexist society, females will display a greater interest in female-dominated occupations.

Socioeconomic Theory Sociologists and economists provide detailed explanations and descriptions of how one's culture, family background, social and economic conditions and other factors outside an individual's control strongly influence one's identity, values, and overall human and career development. Socioeconomic theory is also known as the "chance" or "accident" theory. This approach to understanding career development suggest that many people follow the path of least resistance in their career development by simply falling into whatever work opportunities happen to come their way.

--- Improved Career Decision Making (ICDM) in a Changing World,, NOICC, Garrett Park Press, 1996, p.4-4 4-6)

Career Management and Development



Super's Theory Donald Super (1957) and other theorists of career development recognize the changes that people go through as they mature. Career patterns are determined by socioeconomic factors, mental and physical abilities, personal characteristics and the opportunities to which persons are exposed. People seek career satisfaction through work roles in which they can express themselves and implement and develop their self-concepts. Career maturity, a main concept in Super's theory, is manifested in the successful accomplishment of age and stage developmental tasks across the life span.

Self-concept is an underlying factor in Super's model: "...vocational self-concept develops through physical and mental growth, observations of work, identification with working adults, general environment, and general experiences....As experiences become broader in relation to awareness of world of work, the more sophisticated vocational selfconcept is formed" --- (Zunker, 1994, p.30).

Super's contribution was the formalization of stages and developmental tasks over the life span:

STAGE Growth



Birth to 14 or Form self-concept, develop capacity, attitudes, 15 interests, and needs, and form a general understanding of the world of work.



"Try out" through classes, work experience, hobbies. Collect relevant information. Tentative

Career Management and Development


choice and related skill development. Establishment 25-44 Entry skill building and stabilization through work experience. Maintenance 45-64 Continual position. Decline 65+ Reduced output, prepare for retirement. adjustment process to improve

People change with time and experience, and progress through the following vocational development stages:





Developing and planning a tentative vocational goal.



Firming the vocational goal. Training for and obtaining employment. Working and confirming career choice. Advancement in career.

Implementation 21-24 Stabilization Consolidation 24-35 35+

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Although Super originally presented the stages and tasks in a sequential manner, he later added that we cycle and recycle throughout our life span as we adapt to changes in ourselves as well as to the trends in the work place. Understanding these ages and related stages of career development helps the facilitator select appropriate responses and activities.

Super and Thompson (1979) identified six factors in vocational maturity: 1. Awareness of the need to plan ahead 2. Decision-making skills 3. Knowledge and use of information resources 4. General career information 5. General world of work information, and 6. Detailed information about occupations of preference. Super also looked at the different roles we play during our lifetimes and the relative importance we give to those roles at different times in our lives.

Krumboltz's Social Learning Theory Much growth takes place as a result of learning and imitating the behavior of others. Krumboltz developed a theory of career decision making and development based on our social learning, or environmental conditions and events, genetic influences and learning experiences. People choose their careers based on what they have learned. Certain behaviors are modeled, rewarded and reinforced. Decision-Making Theories Some decision-making theories hypothesize that there are critical points in our lives when choices are made that greatly influence our career development. These decision making points are such events as educational choices, entry-level job positions, changing jobs,

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etc. Other decision-making theories concerned with ongoing choices across the life span. The decisions that we make are influenced by our awareness of the choices that are available to us and our knowledge of how to evaluate them.

Others address our complex environment. For example, H.B. Gelatt says, "We make our decisions based upon what is actual and what is actual is never static"

--- (Gelatt, 1991, p. 1).

Cognitive Theories Cognitive theories of career development are built around how individuals process, integrate and react to information. The ways in which individuals process information are determined by their cognitive structures. These structures influence how individuals see themselves, others and the environment. Cognitive theories suggest ways to help clients build or refine a hierarchy of thinking skills and decision making skills that influence career development.

Career Management and Development


View Career Development Cycle The career development cycle model was developed to help students better understand the process of career development. Throughout your college experience you should touch upon each part of this cycle. Over time you will find yourself building your resume, and your confidence in a particular career direction. Begin to explore our career services and educational opportunities that match your need by clicking on each section of the career development cycle.

Career Management and Development


Experience Getting experience can involve anything from taking a class that interests you to joining a club or organization on or off campus. Experiencing something will allow you to distinguish between your likes and dislikes. Further, this will help you discover where your strengths and/or weaknesses lie. Reflection Reflection is a great way to understand your experiences more fully. Whether using a career log , journal writing, or talking with a career counselor this practice can help you organize your thoughts and create career goals. Career Concept The career you think you want to pursue after graduation. For example, after reflecting on my last two internships, I think I really want to be a pediatrician. Information Gathering Doing occupational research through our online resources, meeting with alumni through the Zebra Career Advising Network (ZebraCAN) to talk about their career experiences, reading books from our Career Library or observing others doing the job you think you would like to do someday.

Career Management and Development


Development Activities Development Activities can be work assignments, projects, training and other activities that help you develop the skills you require to be successful for the next step in your career path. The following examples of Development Activities have been provided to assist you in your own career development planning. Choose one or two that are appropriate for your situation and feel free to add your own development activities to the list. Incorporate these into your Career Development Plan and work towards achieving your goals.

Career Management and Development


WHY CAREER DEVELOPMENT IS IMPORTANT So why is career management important? It means that you can assume responsibility for what happens to your in relation to your career and employment. Sure events not under your control will still happen from time to time, but if you take the trouble to learn what career planning and career management are all about you'll understand that to a significant degree you CAN be in control of your own destiny.

The concept of career management starts to become important to most people when their career is up and running and then usually some crisis occurs which causes people to become serious about taking charge of their career.

What sort of crisis? - Your employer goes out of business because of an event like a global financial crisis for example, or your position is made redundant because your company is taken over, or downsizing or change management occurs or any other related reason you can think of. It's amazing how energetic people become in relation to career management when they lose their jobs because someone decided to terminate their employment.

Under these circumstances people can, and do, change jobs, and even entire career direction because they learn how to prepare a career management plan.

Most people actually experience career by accident. That is they drift along in their job day to day taking what their employer of boss dishes out, perhaps taking advantage of opportunities that are offered to them along the way or not.

A recent CNN on-line article suggested that more than 50% of people are dissatisfied with their jobs - yet people stay where they are. It doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to put up with a 'settle for' existence.

Career Management and Development


Career Management: Defining the Process and Purpose

The term career management is a bit abstract for some people. It sounds like this fluffy, indefinable concept that doesnt really mean a whole lot. In reality, career management is a very significant and specific process that, when done properly, helps to ensure longterm career success. According to CareerVision.org, its sort of like contributing to your own career piggy bank:

Career Management and Development


Career management uses concepts similar to good financial management. A good rule of thumb to keep in mind is that a disciplined investment, made on a regular basis, yields a greater return. In order to get the most out of your career, you have to put some effort into caring for it. Left to its own devices, your career may end up wildly off course. Without a structured career management plan, youll quickly find yourself doing whats easy or convenient or what others want you to do. You may discover that your future goals dont align with your present-day actions. And, before you know it, your career will be managing you. 1. Career Management is a Lifelong Process The first point to understand is that career management is not a single event; its a part of your career journey. Dont put it off until you suddenly realize theres a problem. Just like a car, regular maintenance will help ensure a smooth ride. 2. Career Management is an Active Process You cant simply sit back and let others do the work for you. Otherwise, youll end up in someone elses career! You have to be an active, engaged participant. 3. Career Management is a Structured Process I believe that career management is most beneficial when it is carefully structured. Without structure, most of us would neglect it until an emergency came along. Structure helps keep the process moving at a steady, stable pace regardless of whats happening. 4. Career Management is about Establishing, Tracking and Correcting:

Establish Goals: The real nitty-gritty of career management is in understanding what youre trying to achieve. This, for many people, can also be the hardest part.

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Each goal should be broken down into tasks that, once completed, will achieve the goal. A timeline can then be created to map each step along the way.

Track Goals: Monitoring progress is a satisfying and useful strategy. Career management involves regularly checking in on established goals and the movement being made. This helps prevent stagnation and ensures career goals are being methodically incorporated into the rest of your life.

Course Correct: Career goals will change and grow just as you do. Part of the career management process involves monitoring and adjusting them as needed. Each step along the way will heighten your understanding of what you want and how to get there. The map isnt set in stone. As you move forward, the career management process will help you identify new paths and new destinations.

Participating in a structured career management process demonstrates the important role that career plays in your life as a whole. For most people, your career can provide you with the means to achieve a great number of other personal goals, like buying a house or starting a family or traveling the world. Work also occupies a huge portion of our time spent on this planet, so managing your career is clearly a worthwhile investment of energy.

Career Management Skills Modules In response to suggestions from employers, academics and final year students, the Career Development Centre now offers students a range of assessed whole and half module courses in Career Management Skills (CMS). Each course is designed to help students identify appropriate career options and pursue their goals effectively. These credit-bearing modules are unique within the Scottish Higher Education system and include, along with the tutorial-based modules in CMS, an on-line course, an

Career Management and Development


Internship and courses in Active Learning in the Community. In the current academic year the courses have reached around 500 students, ensuring that the equivalent of half of all of our student population will have undertaken some form of Career Planning academic module. The Career Development Centre is keen to involve alumni and employers in the delivery of these programmes. Input is welcomed on subjects such as CV and applications techniques, succeeding at assessment centres, entrepreneurship, presentation skills and understanding working cultures. In addition, alumni/employer involvement is invaluable to students completing a job study and mock interview assignments.

Career Management Cycle

Career Management and Development


Managing your career is a process that is very self-driven: it is up to you to determine your career goals and to plan for their achievement. To support employees in managing their careers through each of the steps in this process, the Public Service Commission offers a series of training courses through the Corporate Training Calendar. These courses provide tools and resources which support potential and aspiring leaders at all levels throughout the Government of Nova Scotia to effectively manage their careers and help realize their career goals. The course offerings are designed to support employees at all different stages in the career management process: employees can choose whichever courses they require on an as needed basis. The Career Management courses offered focus on each step of the career management cycle and promote career management and advancement through targeted development, as illustrated below. Career Management Courses Available Through Corporate Training Calendar

Career Management and Development


To learn how to effectively manage your career, register online at LearnNet. Additional information on available Career Management courses is provided below. Career Management Step 1: Determine Where You Want To Go The first step in managing your career is knowing yourself, and an important part of this self-insight is knowing where you want to go in your career. Why do you pursue the work and the life you do? What activities are you drawn to? What keeps you engaged and energized? What gives you the greatest satisfactions and wanting to strive for excellence? These questions are at the heart of knowing yourself. In this module, you will begin to identify your life interests, personality traits, and values that in turn drive your passions. In this module you will identify the interests, values, and skills you already have and which allow you to contribute productively to your workplace. This will help you to see more clearly which competencies and life interests you want to continue to use in a work setting and those you may want to develop further. This self-reflection will guide you in determining career goals that are a good fit. Career Management Step 1 (optional): Understand Your Worktype The first step in managing your career is knowing yourself, and a key piece of this selfinsight is understanding your worktype. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI ) is an indispensable tool in understanding your strengths and how to leverage these when planning your career path. This half-day course explores the relationship between personality types and the workplace. It is designed to increase self-understanding and appreciation of personal differences in order to improve one-on-one interactions and career success. Career Management Step 2: Identify Your Strengths and Development Areas Through 360 Degree Feedback

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The second step in managing your career is identifying your strengths and areas of development. The Hay Group 360 Tool will enable you to receive input from your manager, peers, people you manage, and other colleagues on the leadership competencies deemed critical to the provincial public service. A survey tool is administered online which allows participating individuals and their nominated colleagues to complete feedback in a secure, confidential and user-friendly environment. You will then meet individually with your Human Resources Development Consultant to review and discuss your feedback report. Career Management Step 3: Make a Career Development Plan The third step in managing your career is creating your own career development plan. Completing the plan will help you make the link between your career goals and the development that will help you move towards the achievement of your goals. Based on your past performance, strengths and career goals, you will prioritize your areas for development. You will then identify what types of opportunities will target your development areas and explore how to access these opportunities. You will also learn about the different available development resources. Career Management Step 4: Resume Writing and Interview Skills For many individuals, their career goal involves moving into a new position. Success in getting a job externally or within government is largely determined by gaining entry to the interview and then interviewing well. Good resumes are vital to getting an interview and strong interview skills are a must in selling the match between your qualifications and the job requirements. This workshop will provide you with the necessary skills to compete effectively for job opportunities. Courses Available For Managers Supporting Others in their Career Management: Basics of Coaching

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This course examines effective coaching in the workplace. Youll explore the different roles a coach may play: the coach as trainer, as mentor, and as counsellor. Youll examine the criteria and conditions that must exist in order to engage an individual and establish a climate of trust and commitment so that coaching may take place. Build on the skills that you have in the areas of leadership and communication by exploring how to adapt coaching to meet the needs of individuals and manage the process.

Career Management Model When faced with the challenge of obtaining a new position, many people start by writing or updating their resumes. Unfortunately, this approach does not always produce the best results. Career development is a self-initiated process with support and resources provided by managers and the organization. (See Roles and Responsibilities.) (pdf) At Cornell, we provide a 5-step model to help you manage and organize your individual career development. By following the steps in the Career Management Model, you will have a better understanding of both yourself and the job market at Cornell. We encourage you to explore all the information, resources, and tools provided in each area of our model. The Career Management Model consists of five steps: 1. Self-Assessment Clarify and understand your interests, skills, values, and personality 2. Exploring Options Explore career or job opportunities that interest you 3. Skill Development Develop your knowledge and skills to enhance your performance or advance your career

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4. Personal Marketing Write or update your resume, interview, evaluate or accept a job offer, or begin work or study toward a long-term career goal. 5. Career Enrichment Assess and regroup, or start over

Roles Involved Career Management In the March 2006 Spotlight Human Resources discussed the different kinds of developmental pay at Lehigh. Lets discuss further the roles of staff members and supervisors in developmental pay and career management at Lehigh.

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The Staff Members Role Each staff member assumes primary responsibility for managing his or her own career planning and personal development. Development is fueled by the staff member's own ability and desire to grow. Each person is responsible for his or her own self-assessment of the current career status, knowledge and skills, mobility, accomplishments, and progress as a starting basis for determining individual career goals. Each person should assess his or her own personal interests, define personal success for him or her, and determine his or her own willingness to provide the investment of time, effort, and mobility needed to succeed, evaluate alternatives, and develop a timetable. Individuals are ultimately responsible for seeking information on what job or training is available, where it is available, and what training paths are necessary to obtain goals. Learn the importance of development for each position held. This development is important for two reasons. Staff members will want to: 1. Build a successful track record growth must be visible in job accomplishments. 2. Master current job responsibilities and strive to raise performance of these responsibilities to an above-average level. Dont become so engrossed in preparing for some future job assignment that individuals cease to perform effectively in current jobs. Drawing upon a variety of experiences will widen perspectives and apply a comprehensive outlook to later jobs. Look upon the current job as a building block for later opportunities. The Supervisor's and Staff Member's Role Its helpful to remember that any type of employment change doesnt just happen overnight. Staff members may be tempted to focus immediately on advancement and not

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on the changes necessary to prepare to play a more responsible role within the current position. Individuals and supervisors will discuss what the departments needs are in relation to the staff member's own professional development and career aspirations. This process involves five different elements: Direction This involves career goals. Goal setting has two components. First, what the employee is able and wants to do, which consists of knowledge, interests, and needs. The second component is what the department or organization needs to have done. Goal setting focuses on both components through self-assessment if in current role and organizational/departmental assessment for other roles. Self-assessment refers to the staff member's role, relationships, personal attributes, personal limitations, and job identification. Organizational or departmental assessment refers to the boundaries that are set by the department and Lehigh that influence your perception of available alternatives and the extent to which personal aspirations are realistic and timely. Boundaries include the hierarchy or levels in an organization, the function of the staff member's department, the degree to which individuals are identified with a particular group or specialty, and the staff member's supervisors insights. Any combination of these factors and the norms of the organization may lead individuals to feel boxed in or frustrated. So, weigh the impact of organizational goals and values on individual plans. Take time to review the article in the May 2006 issue of LASER about Individual Development Plans (IDP). Career Time This relates to distance and speed factors, that is, how far individuals want to go on the career path and how fast each person expects to get there. Most of us think of career progress in terms of time, the distance we travel (typically upward), and the speed of advancement. Staff members gauge progress as being on schedule, ahead of

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schedule, or behind schedule. Supervisors may help by providing feedback as to whether or not these are reasonable timeframes within each department. Transitions Transitions relate to the changes expected (in knowledge, skills, and attitudes) en route to a career goal. Individuals may be inclined to focus immediately on advancement and salary increases and not on the changes necessary to prepare to play a more responsible role within Lehigh. At this point in the career planning process, the notion of investment is introduced. It refers to what price each person is prepared to pay in order to change positions (taking on more responsibility, more energy output, more time, and perhaps more money spent to prepare for a new position). It also concerns the degree of certainty that individuals will be happy and satisfied in the new assignment. There are people who ultimately learn to perform well in their new positions but, if they are absolutely honest with themselves, they may discover that the new role does not completely match their expectations. Transitions involve the most thinking and planning. Setting goals and a timetable only initiates the career planning process. The transition factors are considered and analyzed in detail. Because it is very difficult to be absolutely objective about yourself, individuals require both information and feedback from others (supervisors, mentors, friends, and family) in order to calculate the transitions involved. Career Planning Options Many employees are unaware of all the options available to them for professional development/career management or reaching career goals:

Advancement Moving to a position with a higher grade than the current position (which is the option to which most aspire)

Lateral Moving across functions at the same grade to develop new skills or as a way to reach a career goal when one career path dead-ends

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Change to lower grade This may also be used for development or career goal attainment. Some individuals choose to take a step back to diversify their skills and job knowledge in order to move forward an investment in future growth. A change to a lower grade may result in a loss of pay at first, but ultimately may lead to future career growth.

Job enrichment For various reasons, a staff member may not desire advancement (he or she likes the present position or location). Career goals for such a person may be working toward greater accountability and variety in the present position, which requires use of enhanced knowledge or abilities. Accomplishment of these goals results from high motivation and provides personal growth. Where business needs and departmental structure allow, supervisors may be able to facilitate job enrichment by restructuring jobs or shifting duties.

Exploratory research Actively investigating other options or taking temporary special projects or assignments to explore a new area are forms of exploratory research.

Projected Outcome This relates to the probabilities that individual investments and sacrifices for career progress will pay off. When considering predicted or actual outcomes, individuals will calculate the risks attached to the various actions in the career plan. When attempting to predict outcome, seek feedback from colleagues and leadership to reinforce understanding of the organization. As staff members think about professional development and career changes at Lehigh, keep these guidelines in mind:

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For staff members:


Make professional development/career management an ongoing process

Work out agreements between staff members and supervisors about what is expected performance outcomes, results, achievements, etc.

Seek opportunities and training programs to learn new skills and build or develop existing skills.

For supervisors:

Identify compelling business needs and discuss them with staff members to help them understand why workplace learning and performance are critical for Lehighs success now and in the future

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Make a personal commitment to help staff members grow Keep staff members informed as to how they are doing in their current job feedback is essential in any kind of development

Stay current with alternatives available at Lehigh for helping staff members develop, such as special assignments, coaching, and formal training

Provide a supportive atmosphere.

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CONCLUSION Career planning and development programs as we find from the study plays crucial role in employee as well as organizations development. Career planning is an integral part of every organization. It motivates and inspires employees to work harder and keeps them loyal towards the organization. Career planning helps an employee know the career opportunities available in organization. This knowledge enables the employee to select the career most suitable to his potential and this helps to improve employees morale and productivity. On the basis questionnaire and personal interviews with the employees I also find that promotion is the major reason that sticks them with the current job. Employees also prefer sound compensation as well as proper training. So for conclusion, my objectives of the study, to get the overall knowledge about actually what the career planning and development is?, the scope of such programs in textile industry with specific reference to Him Chem etc., are adequately fulfilled. And study concludes that in textile industry because of its manpower orientation and due to tough process as well as more stress and frustration, need to be handling the careers of most valuable asset that is the People. Conclusively that was worthwhile to choose such topic as project, which not only important for an employee and employer, But for the student also like me to select my career, a particular line and may be a particular industry in which I wants to make my career and get the enough chances of advancement in my career.

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