Quan Ten
Quan Ten
Quan Ten
Quantum Theory
by Prof. Maximilian Kreuzer Institute for Theoretical Physics Vienna University of Technology
The current version of the notes, as well as information on lectures and exams, is available at http://hep.itp.tuwien.ac.at/~kreuzer/QT.html Reports of typos and errors and suggestions for improvements are appreciated, e.g. by e-mail to maximilian.kreuzer@tuwien.ac.at (if possible after cross-checking with the current version).
The structure of these lecture notes is mainly motivated by the curricula of the bachelors and masters programs of the faculty of physics at the Vienna University of Technology, which requires a division of quantum mechanics into two parts. The rst part Quantum Theory I: chapters 1 7 should make available the prerequisites for the subsequent lecture on atomic physics and has to be covered in 45 units of 45 minutes each. After historic recollections in the introduction the principles of quantum theory are rst illustrated for one-dimensional examples in chapter 2 and then presented in the proper formalism in chapter 3. In chapters 4 and 5 we solve the Schr odinger equation for the spherically symmetric hydrogen atom and treat the quantization and the addition of general angular momenta, respectively. Chapter 6 introduces approximation techniques and chapter 7 initiates relativistic quantum mechanics and derives the Pauli equation and the ne structure corrections in the non-relativistic limit of the Dirac equation. The systematic discussion of symmetries as well as identical particles and many particle theory had to be postponed to part 2, Quantum Theory II: chapters 8 11. In chapter 8 we start with 3-dimensional scattering theory. Transformations, symmetries and conservation laws are discussed in chapter 9 and applied to non-relativistic and relativistic contexts. In chapter 10 we discuss many particle systems. The HartreeFock approximation is used as a motivation for the introduction of the occupation number representation and the quantization of the radiation eld. These three chapters are largely independent so that their order could be permuted with little modications. In the last chapter we discuss semiclassical methods and the path integral.
A rst draft of these lecture notes was created by Katharina Dobes (chap. 1,6,10), Wolfgang Dungel (chap. 3,11), Florian Hinterschuster (chap. 4,5,9) and Daniel Winklehner (2,7,8,9) as a project work. While the text was then largely rewritten by the lecturer, the draft provided many valuable ideas for the structure and the presentation of the contents. My acknowledgements also go to my colleagues at the Institute for Theoretical Physics for sharing their knowledge and ideas, with special thanks to Harald Grosse (Vienna University), Anton Rebhan and Karl Svozil, whose expertise was of great help, and to the late Wolfgang Kummer, from whom I learned quantum mechanics (and quantum eld theory) in the rst place. In addition to input from many of the books in the references I took advantage of the excellent lecture notes of Profs. Burgd orfer, Hafner and Kummer. Often as a rst and sometimes as a last resort I used Wikipedia and Google. Last but not least, many thanks to the students who are helping to improve these lecture notes by reporting errors and typos.
1 Introduction 1.1 1.2 Historical notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Limitations of classical physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 Blackbody radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The photoelectric eect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bohrs theory of the structure of atoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Compton eect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interference phenomena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 4 4 6 7 10 12 14 14 16 17 18 21 23 25 27 30 32 37 38 41 50 51 52 54 57 60
2 Wave Mechanics and the Schr odinger equation 2.1 The Schr odinger equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2 Probability density and probability current density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Axioms of quantum theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spreading of free wave packets and uncertainty relation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The time-independent Schr odinger equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 One-dimensional square potentials and continuity conditions . . . . . . . . . . Bound states and the potential well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scattering and the tunneling eect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transfer matrix and scattering matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Formalism and interpretation 3.1 3.2 3.3 Linear algebra and Dirac notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operator calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operators and Hilbert spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.4 Inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Position and momentum representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Convergence, norms and spectra of Hilbert space operators . . . . . . . . . . . Self-adjoint operators and spectral representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5 3.6 Ehrenfest theorem and uncertainty relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harmonic oscillator and ladder operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.1 3.7 Coherent states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 66 69 71 71 72 74 77 77 78 79 82 82 83 88 89 92 95 97 98
Axioms and interpretation of quantum mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7.1 3.7.2 3.7.3 Mixed states and the density matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measurements and interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schr odingers cat and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen argument . . . . . . . . . .
4 Orbital angular momentum and the hydrogen atom 4.1 The orbital angular momentum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 Commutation relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Angular momentum and spherical harmonics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The hydrogen atom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.1 4.2.2 The two particle problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The hydrogen atom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Angular Momentum and Spin 5.1 5.2 Quantization of angular momenta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electron spin and the Pauli equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1 5.3 Magnetic elds: Pauli equation and spin-orbit coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clebsch-Gordan coecients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Singlet, triplet and EPR correlations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 104
RayleighSchr odinger perturbation theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 6.1.1 Degenerate time independent perturbation theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
The ne structure of the hydrogen atom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 External elds: Zeeman eect and Stark eect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 The variational method (Riesz) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 6.4.1 Ground state energy of the helium atom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
6.4.2 6.5 Applying the variational method and the virial theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Time dependent perturbation theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 6.5.1 Absorption and emission of electromagnetic radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 127
The Dirac-equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Nonrelativistic limit and the Pauli-equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 135
The central potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 8.1.1 8.1.2 Dierential cross section and frames of reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Asymptotic expansion and scattering amplitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Partial wave expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 Expansion of a plane wave in spherical harmonics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Scattering amplitude and phase shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Example: Scattering by a square well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Interpretation of the phase shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
8.3 8.4
The Lippmann-Schwinger equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 The Born series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 8.4.1 Application: Coulomb scattering and the Yukawa potential . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Transformation groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Noether theorem and quantization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Rotation of spins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 9.3.1 Tensor operators and the Wigner Eckhart theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Symmetries of relativistic quantum mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 9.4.1 9.4.2 9.4.3 Lorentz covariance of the Dirac-equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Spin and helicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Dirac conjugation and Lorentz tensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
9.5.1 9.6 Discrete symmetries of the Dirac equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
10 Manyparticle systems
10.1 Identical particles and (anti)symmetrization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 10.2 Electron-electron scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 10.3 Selfconsistent elds and Hartree-Fock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
10.4 Occupation number representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 10.4.1 Quantization of the radiation eld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 10.4.2 Interaction of matter and radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 10.4.3 Phonons and quasiparticles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 11 WKB and the path integral 202
11.1 WKB approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 11.1.1 Bound states, tunneling, scattering and EKB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 11.2 The path integral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 References 211
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Historical notes
In the nineteenth century the profession of a specialized scientist was created and the main scientic activity moved to university-like institutions. As a result scientic research ourished. One of the major and at the same time one of the oldest branches of physics was mechanics. Its foundation dates back to 1687, when Isaac Newton (16421727) formulated the principles of mechanics and the gravitational law. The theory was further developed, among others, by Joseph Louis Lagrange (17361813), who formulated the dynamical equations, Carl Friedrich Gauss (17771855), who introduced the principle of least constraints, as well as William Rowan Hamilton (18051865) and Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi (18041851), who worked out a new scheme of mechanics. They stated that motions of objects in nature always occur with least action, which was dened as the time integral over the so-called Lagrange function. On the basis of these discoveries thermodynamics was developed as a new branch of physics. Julius Robert Mayer (18141878) and James Prescott Joule (18181889) found out that heat fully corresponds to energy. The rst and the second law of thermodynamics were rst explicitly stated in a book by Rudolf Emanuel Clausius (18221888) in 1850. Clausius also shaped the concept of entropy in 1865. Maxwells velocity distribution for the kinetic theory of gases was then explained by Boltzmann (18441906) with statistical mechanics. At the end of the 19th century this lead to the important problem of blackbody radiation, i.e. the quest for a theoretical understanding of the spectrum emitted by a perfect absorber (see chapter 1.2.1). Electrodynamics and optics were two separate disciplines until Heinrich Hertz (18571894) proved in 1888 that light possesses all characteristics of an electromagnetic wave. The rst quantitative description of an electrical force (attractive or repulsive) was made by Charles Auguste de Coulomb (17361806) in 1785. Andr e Marie Amp` ere (17751836) was the rst to speak of electrodynamics in 1822. In 1826 Georg Simon Ohm (17871854) formulated what is 1
nowadays known as Ohms law. In 1833 Gauss and Wilhelm Weber (18041891) invented the telegraph. One of the most important contributions was made by Michael Faraday (17921867) who discovered electromagnetic induction and electrolysis. Based on this work James Clerk Maxwell (18311879) found a complete system of equations that describes all electromagnetic phenomena. We conclude our excursion into the evolution of physics till the beginning of the 20th century with a short glance at atomism. In ancient Greece, Demokritus introduced the idea of atoms as indivisible building block of matter. This idea was reintroduced in the 17th century after it had been mostly forgotten throughout the middle ages. Chemists focused on matter that could not be separated by chemical methods. Physicists, on the other hand, tried to explain phenomena such as pressure, temperature, specic heat and viscosity in terms of the particles (molecules) that gases consist of. This approach is called the kinetic theory of gases. Out of this statistical mechanics evolved. At the beginning of the 20th century the atomic hypothesis was at last widely accepted among the scientic community. It was not until 1905, however, that a theoretical proof for the existence of atoms was made simultaneously by Albert Einstein (18791955) and Marian Smoluchowski (18721917) in their work on Brownian motion. Still the structure of an atom and the ways in which the atoms of dierent elements dier were not yet understood at all. All in all, one can say that atomic physics was in its infancy at the turn of the century. In the late 19th century some very important discoveries were made: In 1885 Wilhelm Conrad R ontgen (18451923) discovered what he called X-rays. This phenomenon reminded AntoineHenri Becquerel (1852-1908) of his work on phosphorescent stone and he began to search for a stone with similar properties. He nally found one a uranium salt and realized that he had observed a new kind of radiation emitted by radioactive material. This radiation later on turned out to be a very powerful tool for investigating atomic structure. In 1897 Joseph John Thomson (18561940) was able to identify the rst elementary particle, the electron, and to determine its charge to mass ratio. The reaction of the scientic world was rather unenthusiastic. Some physicists didnt even believe in the concept of atoms. Others thought that atom and electrons were too small to be made objects of speculation. Later, Lord Kelvin and J.J. Thompson together developed a theory of atomic structure.
Physicists distinguished two completely dierent categories of objects matter and radiation: According to Newtonian mechanics matter is built out of localizable corpuscles with a well-dened position and velocity. One can thus compute the time evolution of a system as soon as one knows this data at a given moment. The corpuscular theory could even be extended to the microscopic scale of solid bodies (i.e. to molecules or atoms). According to thermodynamics and statistical mechanics macroscopic parameters thus derive from the motion of the (microscopic) particles. Radiation, on the other hand, could well be explained with Maxwells laws that are able to link electromagnetism, optics and acoustics. As light was capable of interference and diraction, which are clearly associated with waves, light was eventually considered to be a form of radiation. At the beginning of the 20th century some experiments and theoretical problems implied, however, that this distinction between radiation and matter was not entirely valid. Physicists were confronted with a bunch of data that seemed hard to explain within the framework of what we now call classical physics and were even forced to look for dierent and at rst strange new concepts. This lead to the idea of quantization of physical entities and to wave-particle dualism. The important achievements of quantum physics in the rst three decades of the new century include the following: 1900 Max Planck derives his formula for blackbody radiation by introducing a constant h that determines the sizes of energy packages, called quanta, of electromagnetic radiation. 1905 Albert Einstein explaines the photoelectric eect in terms of the same constant. 1906 J.J. Thompson discovers the proton. 1910 Robert Millikan measures the elementary electric charge. 1911 After observations on the scattering of alpha particles caused by atoms, Ernest Rutherford introduces the rst modern picture of the atom. 1913 Niels Bohr explains spectral lines and the stability of atoms by postulating quantization of angular momentum. 1923 Arthur Compton gives an explanation for the scattering of photons on electrons by assigning the momentum p = k to photons. 1924 Wolfgang Pauli formulates his exclusion principle. 1925 Louis de Broglies doctoral thesis states that matter particles like photons are associated to waves of wavelength = h/p. 1925 Werner Heisenberg invents matrix mechanics, which assigns noncommuting matrix operators to dynamical variables.
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1926 Erwin Schr odinger nds his equation, which describes wave mechanics. 1927 Werner Heisenberg derives the uncertainty relation. 1927 Max Born suggests the probabilistic interpretation of the wavefunction.
1928 Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac discovers the Dirac equation, which combines quantum mechanics with special relativity. This lead him to predict the existence of antimatter. 1932 Andersons discovery of positrons in cosmic ray showers conrms Diracs prediction. 1932 Chadwick observes a neutron (predicted by Rutherford in 1920). We next discuss some of the problems mentioned above in more detail.
A blackbody is by denition a surface that absorbs radiation entirely. One can imagine a blackbody to be a closed container with a well-absorbing surface and with a small window brought to a uniform temperature, i.e in thermal equilibrium. Radiation entering the container through the small window is reected several times within the blackbody (see gure 1.1) and has a negligible chance for reemerging through the window. Hence this container is a perfect absorber. According to Kirchhos law the ratio of the emission power, or emittance, to the absorption coecient is the same for all bodies at the same temperature. Since a blackbody has a maximum absorption coecient it must therefore also be the most ecient emitter.
Rayleigh and Jeans used electrodynamics and thermodynamics to deduce a formula for the energy u( ) per frequency interval that is emitted by such a blackbody: 8 2 kB T, (1.1) c3 where kB = 1.381 1023 J/K is Boltzmanns constant and c is the speed of light. This formula uRJ =
ts the experimentally observed curve for low frequencies quite well but it deviates from the experimental value and diverges at larger ones (cf. gure 1.2)! The formula predicts an innite total energy emission and hence cannot possibly be correct. This indicates an inconsistency between statistical mechanics and electrodynamics. Wien also tried to describe the radiation of a blackbody. Upon general considerations he
came to the conclusion that the proper term for u( ) must be of the form , (1.2) u(, T ) = 3 g T where g is a function that cannot be determined from thermodynamics. In order to specify this function one has to go beyond thermodynamical reasoning and use a more detailed theoretical approach. Finally Wien, Lord Rayleigh and J. Jeans managed to derive an expression for g that could explain the experimental data for higher frequencies quite well. Planck tried to interpolate the two approximations of Wien and Rayleigh & Jeans. By guesswork he found a perfect t to the experimental data, but he was confronted with the problem that he was lacking a theoretical derivation for this formula. Thirty-one years after this discovery Planck described this situation as follows: I can characterize the whole procedure as an act of desperation, since, by nature, I am peaceable and opposed to doubtful adventures. I had fought for six years with the problem [. . . ] without arriving at any successful result. [. . . ] I knew the formula describing the energy distribution [. . . ] hence a theoretical interpretation had to be found at any price, however high it might be. He made an assumption that might at rst seem strange (and therefore at rst was not accepted by the physicists of his time): He postulated that the energy for radiation with the frequency exists only in multiples of h , where h is a constant of nature, the so called Plancks constant h = 6.6260755 1034 Js. (1.3)
According to this hypothesis energy is no longer a continuous quantity, but it consists of small quanta of energy h , called photons. Planck thus arrived at the following expression for the energy per frequency interval u( ): u( ) = 1 8h 3 . h 3 c e kB T 1 (1.4)
This formula ts strikingly well to the experimentally obtained curves. It looks similar to diverging at higher frequencies (see gure 1.2). the Rayleigh-Jeans approximation, but the factor [e kB T 1]1 prevents the expression from
Figure 1.2: Comparison of the results for the spectrum of a blackbody according to Wien, Rayleigh-Jeans and Planck
Although Planck received a Nobel prize in 1918 for his ideas, his explanation of the spectrum of blackbody radiation did not take the world by storm at rst. It seemed as if he had constructed a theory derived from experiment, but based on a hypothesis with no experimental basis.
Five years later Einstein built on the ad hoc hypothesis of the quantization of energy to explain the phenomenon of the photoelectric eect. This eect was rst observed by Hertz in 1887: If an alkali metal is irradiated by light with a frequency larger than a certain minimum frequency (which depends on the metal) electrons are emitted by this metal. It is interesting that the velocity of the electrons (and thus their energy) is only dependent on the frequency of the light beam hitting the metal, but not on its intensity. Classical physics is not able to explain the proportionality of this eect. Assuming light to be an electromagnetic wave, the electrons of the metal should absorb an energy that is increasing with the intensity of the light beam until their velocity is high enough to overcome the potential well. According to this, we should be able to observe a delay between the start of the irradiation and the onset of the emission of electrons. This delay has not been measured until today, even though by now we would be able to do so (if it existed). Classical physics thus fails to explain this eect correctly. Einstein took up the idea of Planck and even went a bit further. He assumed that light consisted of particles, called photons, with the energy h . When one of these corpuscles encounters an electron of the metal, it is absorbed and the electron receives its energy h (at one instant). If this energy is large enough for the electron to overcome the potential of the atom,
it escapes. The energy of such an electron would be 1 2 mv = h W, (1.5) 2 where W is the work needed to free an electron from the potential well. This theory is in complete accord with the experiment. At this time the whole extent of the idea of energy or light quanta could not yet be perceived. Planck thought that his hypothesis was a mere complement to the theories known so far. Years later it became evident that they were in fact revolutionary. Nernst wrote in 1911: It appears that we nd ourselves at present in the midst of an all-encompassing re-formulation of the principles on which the erstwhile kinetic theory of matter has been based. Although Einstein himself contributed to the development of this new theory, he turned out to be a strict opponent to some of its consequences. In 1944 he wrote in a letter to Max Born: You believe in the God who plays dice, and I in complete law and order in a world which objectively exists, and which I, in a wildly speculative way, am trying to capture. I hope that someone will discover a more realistic way [. . . ] than it has been my lot to nd. Even the great initial success of Quantum Theory does not make me believe in the fundamental dice-game, although I am well aware that our younger colleagues interpret this as a consequence of senility. No doubt the day will come when we will see whose instinctive attitude was the correct one. Einstein was appreciated for his work with a nobel prize in 1921.
At the end of the 19th century Gustav Kirchho and Robert Bunsen examined the spectrum of gas atoms. If you energize a tube lled with gas of atoms of a certain kind, the gas begins to glow at a sucient voltage. It emits a line spectrum, i.e. the emerging light has a discrete set of wavelengths. It turned out that every atom has a characteristic spectrum. The atomic number Z and the wavelengths of the spectrum are related by the Rydberg-Ritz-formula : 1 = RZ 2 R Z n,m ... ... ... ... 1 1 2 2 m n (1.6)
wavelength of spectral line Rydbergs constant, for big Z; R = 10, 97373 m atomic number whole numbers with n > m
At rst there was no theoretical explanation for this formula. In 1911 Rutherford and his coworkers Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden deduced from scattering experiments of -particles o a golden foil that the positive charge of the atom is cumulated in a small center, the nucleus. They imagined that the electrons move along circular or elliptical orbits around the nucleus, just like the planets move around the sun. Within the framework of classical physics, the moving electron would radiate (because its circular trajectory is equivalent to an accelerated movement) and thus loose energy until it would eventually fall into the nucleus within 108 seconds. Many attempts were made to overcome these and similar diculties without any signicant success. Physicists tried to nd a solution to this problem within the framework of the newly arisen quantum theory. It appeared natural to do so since the discrete lines in the spectra of atoms seemed to be related to the fact that the energy of an oscillator assumed values that were integral multiples of the energy packets h . In 1913 a so far unknown physicist, Niels Bohr, who worked with Rutherford in Manchester and had therefore come to know his model of the atom, had an idea to avoid this disaster. He set up two postulates : The electron moves around the nucleus in discrete circles according to classical mechanics. In these (stationary) states with energy En the atom does not radiate and the momentum is given by: p dr = nh The line integral extends over the electrons orbit around the nucleus. When an atom undergoes a change from energy En to Em it emits a photon with the energy E = En Em and correspondingly with the frequency = En Em . h (1.9) (1.8) (1.7)
Let us consider the rst postulate in more detail. If the electron moves along a circular trajectory, the line integral is 2rp = nh
h or, with p = k = ,
2r = n.
The circumference of the electrons orbit thus is a multiple of the wavelength of the electron and the orbits are quantized. We will now calculate the radius and the energy for such an orbit.
The electron moves in a circular orbit around the nucleus. The centripetal force thus balances the Coulomb force between the electrons and the protons, mv 2 1 Ze2 = . r 40 r2 So the radius of the atom is r= With p = mv we nd r= Using the above quantization rule, p= the radius becomes rn = a0 n2 n2 0 h2 = a0 Z me2 Z 0 h2 = me2 (1.16) (1.17) 1 Ze2 . 40 mv 2 Ze2 1 m 2 40 p nh , 2r (1.12)
rn a0
... ...
radius of the electrons orbit, for n = 1, 2, 3, ... dierent radii Bohr radius
Each radius belongs to a certain energy En . The energy for an electron in an orbit with the radius rn is En = mv 2 1 Ze2 2 40 rn
Ekin Epot
Using equation (1.12) we nd 1 Ze2 . 40 rn Inserting this and formula (1.16) into the expression for En we nd mv 2 = En = 1 Ze2 1 Ze2 1 Ze2 = , 80 rn 40 rn 80 rn En = me4 Z 2 . 2 2 82 0h n (1.19)
(1.20) (1.21)
Let us now return to the initial problem: the spectrum emitted by atoms and the RydbergRitz formula (1.6). If an electron falls from the energy level En to a lower level Em it emits a photon with a wavelength corresponding to En Em . According to (1.21): me4 hc = E = En Em = 2 2 Z 2 80 h 1 1 2 2 m n (1.22)
1 1 2 2 m n
= RZ 2
1 1 2 2 m n
. . . Rydbergs constant
We thus nd the following picture of the structure of an atom: The bound electrons of an atom move along circular orbits with dierent radii. The radii are quantized and correspond to discrete energy values. These values are all negative. There is a minimum energy E0 = 8me Z 2 (formula (1.21) with n = 1), the ground state 2 h2
0 4
returns to an energy as low as possible, whereby it emits light of a certain frequency. For rn the energy of an electron becomes limn En = 0. For E > 0 the atom is
Many years later, Werner Heisenberg recalled the work on the development of the atomic model: I remember discussions with Bohr which went through many hours till very late at night and ended almost in despair; and when at the end of the discussion I went alone for a walk in the neighbouring park I repeated to myself again and again the question: Can nature possibly be so absurd as it seemed to us in these atomic experiments? Niels Bohr was awarded the nobel prize in 1922.
The Compton eect also conrms the photon theory. Consider free electrons irradiated by x-rays (see gure 1.3). One observes that the wavelength of the incoming x-rays is dierent from the wavelength of the outgoing ones.
in = out
The dierence is related to the angle between the direction of propagation of the x-rays and of the scattered beam according to h sin2 mc 2
= 2
It is not possible to understand the shift of the wavelength of the radiation from a classical point of view. If we regard the x-rays as waves, the electrons should absorb energy and then re-emit radiation of the same wavelength . So, what is the origin of this ? Compton managed to explain this eect using the idea of photons. The irradiation of the electrons can thus be understood as an elastic collision between a photon and an electron. The photon loses energy to the electron and, since its wavelength is inversely proportional to the energy, it has to increase. Since photons travel at the speed of light their energy and momentum are related by the Einstein relation E = h and the relation between frequency and wave vector k in vacuum thus imply E = h = , p = k. (1.26) (1.27)
4 2 2 relativistic formula E 2 = m2 0 c + p c with rest mass m0 = 0, i.e. |p| = E/c. The Planck-
Considering the elastic collision of a photon with an electron we can use the conservation of momentum p1 = p2 + pe , or k1 = k2 + pe (1.29) (1.28)
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION p1 ,k1 p2 ,k2 pe ... ... ... momentum, wave vector before the impact momentum, wave vector after the impact momentum of the electron
p1 c
moving photon
me c2
p2 c
moving photon
2 2 4 p2 e c + me c
k1 + me c = k2 +
2 2 p2 e + me c
Combining (1.29) and (1.31) and eliminating pe , where the scalar product of k1 and k2 is k1 k2 = k1 k2 cos with being the angle between k1 and k2 , we nally end up with formula (1.25). (1.32)
Interference phenomena
So far, we have considered situations of electromagnetic waves behaving in a corpuscular manner. We have come to the conclusion that it is problematic to describe some phenomena in a classical way. In the following we will see that the new corpuscular theory is insucient too and that a combination of wave and particle aspects of matter is needed. Problems with the newly introduced photon theory arise when we observe phenomena such as diraction or interference. Is there a way to nd an explanation for these things based upon the photon theory? Consider Youngs double-slit experiment (see gure 1.4), in which light falls on a wall with two slits. Behind that wall there is a detector like a photographic plate in order to observe the interference pattern that is produced by the wall. The blackening of the photographic plate is proportional to the distribution of the light intensity.
The two beams produced by slit one and slit two interfere and thus the total intensity on the screen depends on the phase between the two beams. If these beams are represented by the two wave functions 1 = |1 |ei1 (1.33) (1.34)
2 = |2 |ei2
where 1 and 2 are the phases of the two waves, and thus functions of (r, t), the overall intensity on the photographic plate is I = | |2 = |1 + 2 |2 = |1 |2 + |2 |2 + |1 2 |[ei(1 2 ) + ei(2 1 ) ],
interference term
which is not only the sum of the two intensities I1 and I2 , I = I1 + I2 = |1 |2 + |2 |2 . (1.36)
One could try to explain this result with the interaction of the photons that passed through slit one and those that passed through slit two. If we diminish the intensity of the light beam that falls on the wall and increase the exposure time so that the overall amount of photons that are detected on the plate behind the wall remains the same, the photons eventually pass the two slits one after another and thus cannot interact. But the interference pattern on the photographic plate is found to stay the same! It seems as if in this case the wave-aspects of light would dominate. But if we diminish the intensity of the light beam and keep the exposure time short, we are still able to detect localized impacts on the photographic plate, i.e. single photons. Here the wave theory is insucient. On the other hand, even if these photons pass the double slit one by one (without possible interaction) they still generate the interference pattern. The result of this experiment leads to a paradox: As mentioned before the intensity distribution of a double slit is not simply the sum of two single slits. Although a photon is far too small to know whether there is a second slit or not, it nevertheless seems to be aware of it and moves accordingly. While all photons are emitted under essentially the same conditions, their trajectories are dierent. The initial state of a system thus no longer determines its evolution in time. There is only a statistical probability for dierent locations (for example, photons are more likely to hit the photographic plate at a maximum of the intensity of the interference pattern than at a minimum).
In this chapter we introduce the Schr odinger equation and its probabilistic interpretation. We then discuss some basic physical phenomena like the spreading of wave packets, quantization of bound state energies and scattering on the basis of one-dimensional examples.
Schr odingers wave mechanics originates in the work of Louis de Broglie on matter waves. De Broglie postulated that all material particles can have corpuscular as well as wavelike aspects and that the correspondence between the dynamical variables of the particle and the characteristic quantities of the associated wave, E = , and p = k, (2.1)
which was established for photons by the Compton eect, continues to hold for all matter waves. Schr odinger extended these ideas and suggested that the dynamical state of a quantum system is completely described by a wave function satisfying a homogeneous linear dierential equation (so that dierent solutions can be superimposed, which is a typical property of waves). In particular, we can express as a continuous superposition of plane waves, (x, t) = d3 k f (k ) ei(kx(k)t) . (2.2)
CHAPTER 2. WAVE MECHANICS AND THE SCHRODINGER EQUATION For the plane waves ei(kxt) the relation (2.1) suggests the correspondence rule Ei , t p .
Energy and momentum of a free classical particle are related by E = p2 /2m. When a particle moves in a potential V (x) its conserved energy is given by the Hamilton function H (x, p) =
p2 2m
+ V (x),
where = 2 is the Laplace operator and V = e for an electron moving in an electric eld More generally, a classical point particle with mass m and charge e moving in an electro1 E = t A, c B =A (2.5)
with gauge potential A = (, A) feels a Lorentz force F = e(E + 1 v B ). The Hamilton c H (x, p; t) = e 1 (p A(x, t))2 + e(x, t). 2m c (2.7)
With the correspondence rule (2.3) we thus nd the general Schr odinger equation i 1 = t 2m e A i c
+ e ,
which describes the motion of a quantum mechanical scalar point particle in a classical external electromagnetic eld. This is an approximation in several respects. First we have neglected the spin of elementary point particles like electrons, which we will discuss in chapter 5. In chapter 7 we will discuss the Dirac equation, which is the relativistic generalization of the Schr odinger equation. The relativistic treatment is necessary for a proper understanding of the magnetic interactions, and hence of the ne structure of the energy levels of hydrogen, and it will lead to the prediction of anti-matter. Eventually we should note that also the environment, including
In order to derive the Lorentz force from this Hamiltonian we consider the canonical equations of motion x i = pi e H c Ai = , pi m p j = H e Ai pi e e c Ai = e = (j Ai )x i ej , xj c xj m xj c (2.6)
e 1 e d (pi e i i )A = e which imply F = m x = dt c Ai ) = p c (t + x c (vi Ai vi i A) e( c A + ) = c v B + eE . Note that the relation between the canonical momentum pj = mx j + e c Aj and the velocity v = x depends on e = p A is sometimes called the gauge-dependent vector potential A. The gauge-independent quantity = mx c physical or mechanical momentum. According to the general quantization rule (see below) the operator i has to replace the canonical momentum.
the electromagnetic eld, consists of quantum systems. This leads to the second quantization of quantum eld theory. First, however, we restrict our attention to the quantum mechanical description of a single non-relativistic point particle in a classical environment. It is an important and surprising property of the Schr odinger equation that it explicitly depends on the electromagnetic potentials A , which are unobservable and whose values depend on the choice of a gauge. This is in contrast to classical physics, where the Lorentz force is a function of the gauge invariant eld strengths. A straightforward calculation shows that a gauge transformation = 1 , c t A A = A + (2.9)
of the scalar and vector potentials, which leaves the observable elds E and B invariant for an arbitrary function (t, x), can be compensated by an space- and time-dependent phase rotation of the wave function2 = e
ie c
i.e. if solves the Schr odinger equation (2.8) then solves the same equation for potentials and A . Since the phase of the wave function can be changed arbitrarily by such a gauge transformation we might expect that only its modulus | (t, x)| is observable. This conclusion is indeed consistent with the physical interpretation of the wave function that was suggested by Max Born in 1927: | |2 (x) = ( )(x) is the probability density for nding an electron
with wave function (x) at a position x R3 . It is a perplexing but characteristic feature of quantum physics that a local description of particle interactions requires the introduction of directly observable and only certain functions of which can be related to the real world.3 mathematical objects like gauge potentials (, A) and complex wave functions that are not
Borns interpretation of the wave function (x, t) implies that the integral over the probability density, i.e. the total probability to nd the electron somewhere in space, has to be one: d3 x (x, t) = 1, with (x, t) = | (x, t)|2 . (2.11)
This xes the normalization of the wave function , which is also called probability amplitude, at some initial time up to a phase. Consistency of the interpretation requires that the total probability stays one under time evolution. To check this we compute the time derivative of
e c = e c ( c = e c (i e). This follows from ( i e t c A )e i c A) and (i t e )e For the electromagnetic potentials this necessity manifests itself in the Aharonov-Bohm eect, which predicts an action at a distance of a magnetic eld on interference patterns of electrons (see section 9.6). This eect was predicted in 1959 and rst conrmed experimentally in 1960 [Schwabl]. 2 3
ie ie ie ie
for a solution of the Schr odinger equation. With i e A = i ( ig A) for g = e/( c) and c the anti-commutator {, A} A + A = (A) + 2A we nd + = ( 1 H ) + 1 H (x, t) = i i 1 2 ( + ig A)2 ( ig A)2 = i 2m = = 2im 2im ( + ig {, A} g 2 A2 ) ( ig {, A} g 2 A2 ) + 2ig (A) + A + A 2im ( ) e A mc (2.12)
We thus obtain a continuity equation (similar to the one we know for incompressible uids) (x, t) + j (x, t) = 0 t with the probability current density j (x, t) = ( ( ) ) e A mc
1 (p m
(2.14) e A).) c
= (It is instructive to compare this formula with the classical particle current x
By Gauss theorem, the change in time of the probability to nd the particle in a nite volume V equals the ow of the probability current density through the bounding surface V of that domain, t
(x, t)d3 x =
j (x, t)d3 x =
j (x, t)df
Normalizability of implies that the elds fall o at innity so that the surface integral is expected to vanish as V R3 . This establishes conservation of the total probability d3 x (x) = 1 for all times.
In order to gain some intuition for the physical meaning of the Schr odinger equation we will next work out its solutions for a number of simple one-dimensional examples. Before going into the details of the necessary calculations we list here, for later reference and discussion, the basic assumptions of quantum mechanics: 1. The state of a quantum system is completely determined by a wave function (x). 2. Observables correspond to self-adjoint operators A (these can be diagonalized and have real eigenvalues).
3. Expectation values of observables (i.e. mean values for repeated measurements of A in the same quantum state) are given by the scalar product A = |A = 4. The time evolution of the system is determined by the Schr odinger equation i A .
= H .
5. When the measurement of an observable A yields an eigenvalue an then the wave function immediately turns into the corresponding eigenfunction n of A (this is called collapse of the wave function). It can be shown that axioms 2 and 3 imply that the result of the measurement of an observable A can only be an eigenvalue an of that operator and that the probability for measuring an is given by |cn |2 , where cn is the coecient of the eigenfunction n in the expansion = In particular, this will imply Borns probability density interpretation of | (x)|2 . cn n .
The position and the momentum of a quantum mechanical particle are described by the linear operators (x), (2.16) i respectively. The uncertainty A of a measurement of an observable A in a state is dened X (x) = x (x) and P (x) = as the square root of its mean squared deviation from its expectation value, (A)2 = | (A A )2 | = A2 where A
( A )2 ,
A2 = A(A( )); to be more precise, within the expectation value the number A with that number times the unit operator.
= |A| =
is identied
For a free particle it can be shown that the uncertainty X of the position increases at late times, i.e. that the wave packets describing localized free particles delocalize and spread out. We now illustrate this phenomenon for a Gaussian wave packet and consider the time evolution of the wave function of a free particle in one dimension, which satises the Schr odinger equation with vanishing potential = i Fourier integral
(k ) of a Gaussian distribution is again Gaussian we start with a Since the Fourier transform 1 (x, 0) = 2 (k ) dk eikx (2.19)
so that the wave numbers are centered about k0 with width 1/d. The normalization constant will be determined later. Since plane waves ei(kxt) satisfy the free Schr odinger equation (2.18) if = (k ) = k 2 /(2m) we can directly write down the solution for arbitrary times as a Fourier integral 1 (x, t) = 2 (k )ei(kxt) = dk 2 (x, t) = 2 where we introduced the combinations a = d2 + i t , 2m b = k0 d2 + ix , 2
2 2 c = k0 d.
dk ei(kx 2m t) e(kk0 )
In order to evaluate this integral we bring the exponent into a quadratic form dk eak
2 +2bk c
Due to the exponential fallo of the integrand the integration path < k < can be shifted in the complex plane by the imaginary part of b/a and rotated by the argument of a without picking up a contribution from the arcs at innity. Introducing the new integration variable b ) we can thus again integrate over the real axis and nd = a(k a (x, t) = 2
dk ea(
b 2 b2 k a + a c
b2 = e a c 2
b2 d 2 e = e a c a 2
. a
For the probability density we obtain ||2 2Re e | (x, t)| = 2|a|
b2 ac a
(1 + T 2 )
where we introduced the velocity v0 and a rescaled time T as v0 = k0 , m ||2 T = t . 2md2 ||2 d (2.26)
As expected, the integrated probability density dx | (x, t)|2 = 2d2 (1 + T 2) 2d2 (1 + T 2 ) = 2 (2.27)
v0 = k0 /m is the group velocity of the wave packet and for large times t 2md2 / the width 2.1. Inserting the expressions eq. (2.23) we nd the explicit form 2 d4 ) (xv0 t)2 +i(T x2 +4xk0 d2 4T k0 1 iT 2 (1+T 2 ) 4 d e (x, t) = 2d(1 + T 2 ) for the solution to the Schr odinger equation with initial data (x, 0).
of the wave packet in position space becomes proportional to d T = t /(2md) as shown in gure
t = t1
t = t2
h h e1 0 v t1 2d2 (1 + T 2 ) v t2
Heisenbergs uncertainty relation for position and momentum In chapter 3 we will derive the general form of Heisenbergs uncertainty relation which, when specialized to position and momentum, reads X P uncertainty X 2 = (x x )2 of the position. x = x| (x, t)|2 dx = (x v0 t)| (x, t)|2 dx + v0 t | (x, t)|2 dx = v0 t. (2.30)
1 2
is satised for our special solution. We rst compute the expectation values that enter the
The rst integral on the r.h.s. is equal to zero because the integration domain is symmetric in x = x v0 t and is an even function of x so that its product with x is odd. The second integral has been normalized to one. For the uncertainty we nd (x)2 = (x x )2 = where we have used
x2 ebx dx =
ebx dx =
= b
1 , b 2b
1 2
(2.32) times
i.e. the expectation value of x2 in a normalized Gaussian integral, as in eq. (2.25), is the inverse coecient of x2 in the exponent.
The uncertainty of the momentum can be computed similarly in terms of the Fourier transform of the wave function since P = i x = k in the integral representation. For n = 0, 1, 2, . . . dx P n =
dk dk i(k x t) (k ) = e (k )( k )n ei(kxt) 2
(k )|2 ( k )n , (2.33) dk |
where dx eix(kk ) = 2 (k k ) was used to perform the k integration. Like above, symmetric integration therefore implies P = k = k0 , and by dierentiation with respect to the
CHAPTER 2. WAVE MECHANICS AND THE SCHRODINGER EQUATION (k )|2 we nd coecient of k 2 in the exponent of | 1
(P )2 = (k )2 = (k k0 )2 =
(k )|2 = (4d2 )1 . (k k0 )2 |
Relation (2.36) is known as the Heisenberg uncertainty relation and, for this special case, it predicts that one cannot measure position and momentum of a particle at the same time with arbitrary precision. In chapter 3 we will derive the general form of the uncertainty relations for arbitrary pairs of observables and for arbitrary states.
If the Hamiltonian does not explicitly depend on time we can make a separation ansatz (x, t) = u(x)v (t). The Schr odinger equation now reads
v (t)
v (t). t
u(x) and v (t) cannot vanish identically, and except for isolated zeros of these functions we can divide by their product, 1 u(x)
+ V (x) u(x) =
1 v (t)
v (t) t
= E.
The left hand side (Hu)/u depends only on x and the right hand side i v/v only on t, therefore both sides of this equation must be equal to a constant E . We thus obtain two separate eigenvalue equations: and
v (t) = Ev (t). (2.41) t Equation (2.40) is known as the time-independent or stationary Schr odinger equation. Up to a i constant factor, which is absorbed into a redenition of u(x), the unique solution to (2.41) is v (t) = e
= eit
eiKx ex u(x) V E
2m(V E )
Figure 2.2: Bound state solutions for the stationary Schr odinger equation. with the Einstein relation E = . The stationary solutions (x, t) to the Schr odinger equation thus have the form (x, t) = u(x)eit . (2.43)
Their time dependence is a pure phase so that probability densities are time independent. In order to get an idea of the form of the wave function u(x) we consider a slowly varying and asymptotically constant attractive potential as shown in gure 2.2. Since the stationary Schr odinger equation in one dimension
is a second order dierential equation it has two linearly independent solutions, which for a slowly varying V (x) are (locally) approximately exponential functions AeiKx + BeiKx = A sin(Kx) + B cos(Kx), K = 2m(E V ) 2 u(x) 2 m ( V E ) Cex + Dex = C sinh(x) + D cosh (x), =
In the classically allowed realm, where the energy E of the electron is larger then the potential, the solution is oscillatory, whereas in the classically forbidden realm of E < V (x) we nd a superposition of exponential growth and of exponential decay. Normalizability of the solution requires that the coecient C of exponential growth for x and the coecient D of exponential decay for x vanish. If we require normalizability for negative x and increase
the energy, then the wave function will oscillate with smaller wavelength in the classically allowed domain, leading to a component of exponential growth of u(x) for x , until we
reach the next energy level for which a normalizable solution exists. We thus nd a sequence (zeros). The normalizable eigenfunctions un are the wave functions of bound states with a discrete spectrum of energy levels En . It is clear that bound states should exist only for Vmin < E < Vmax . The lower bound follows because otherwise the wave function is convex, and hence cannot be normalizable. of wave functions un (x) with energy eigenvalues E1 < E2 < . . ., where un (x) has n 1 nodes
These bounds already hold in classical physics. In quantum mechanics we will see that the energy can be bounded from below even if Vmin = (like for the hydrogen atom). We also observe that in one dimension the energy eigenvalues are nondegenerate, i.e. for each En any one-dimensional). Normalization of the integrated probability density moreover xes un (x) up to a phase factor (i.e. a complex number with modulus || = 1). Since the dierential equation bound state eigenfunctions u(x) can therefore be chosen to be real. Parity is the operation that reverses the sign of all space coordinates. If the Hamilton symmetric V (x) = V (x), then the u(x) is an eigenfunction for an eigenvalue E whenever u(x) has that property because (H (x) E )u(x) = 0 implies (H (x) E )u(x) = (H (x) part u , operator is invariant under this operation, i.e. if H (x) = H (x) and hence the potential is (2.40) has real coecients, real and imaginary parts of every solution are again solutions. The two eigenfunctions are proportional (the vector space of eigenfunctions with eigenvalue En is
E )u(x) = 0. But every function u can be written as the sum of its even part u+ and its odd u(x) = u+ (x) + u (x) with 1 u (x) = (u(x) u(x) = u (x). 2 (2.46)
Hence u also solve the stationary Schr odinger equation and all eigenfunctions can be chosen to degenerate so that u+ and u are proportional, which is only possible if one of these functions
be either even or odd. In one dimension we know that, in addition, energy eigenvalues are nonvanishes. We conclude that parity symmetry in one dimension implies that all eigenfunctions
are automatically either even or odd. More precisely, eigenfunctions with an even (odd) number of nodes are even (odd), and, in particular, the ground state u1 has an even eigenfunction, for the rst excited state u2 is odd with its single node at the origin, and so on.
In the search for stationary solutions we are going to solve equation (2.40) for the simple one-dimensional and time independent potential V (x) = 0 for |x| a . V0 for |x| < a (2.47)
For V0 < 0 we have a potential well (also known as potential pot) with an attractive force and for V0 > 0 a repulsive potential barrier, as shown in gure 2.3. Since the force becomes innite (with a -function behavior) at a discontinuity of V (x) such potentials are unphysical idealizations, but they are useful for studying general properties of the Schr odinger equation and its solutions by simple and exact calculations.
- x
I V0 < 0
Continuity conditions
We rst need to study the behavior of the wave function at a discontinuity of the potential. Integrating the time-independent Schr odinger equation (2.40) in the form u (x) = 2m
(V E )u(x)
u (x) dx = u (a + ) u (a ) =
(V E )u(x) dx.
Assuming that u(x) is continuous (or at least bounded) the r.h.s. vanishes for 0 and we conclude that the rst derivative u (x) is continuous at the jump and only u (x) has a discontinuity, which according to eq. (2.48) is proportional to u(a) and to the discontinuity of V (x). With u(a ) = lim0 u(a ) the matching condition thus becomes u(a+ ) = u(a ) and u (a+ ) = u (a ) , (2.50)
conrming the consistency of our assumption of u being continuous. Even more unrealistic potentials like an innitely high step for which niteness of (2.49) requires V (x) = V0 for x < a for x > a u(x) = 0 for x a , (2.51)
or -function potentials, for which (2.49) implies a discontinuity of u V (x) = Vcont. + A (a) u(a+ ) u(a ) = 0 , (2.52)
u (a+ ) u (a ) = A 2m 2 u(a)
For a bound state in a potential well of the form shown in gure 2.3 we need V0 < E < 0. The stationary Schr odinger equation takes the form
d2 u(x) dx2 d2 u(x) dx2
+ k 2 u(x) = 0, + K 2 u(x) = 0,
k2 = K2 =
E = 2 (E V0 )
in the dierent sectors and the respective ans atze for the general solution read uI uII uIII = A1 ex = A3 ex + B1 ex + B3 ex f or f or f or x a, |x| < a, x a. (2.55)
= A2 eiKx + B2 eiKx
For x normalizability of the wave function implies B1 = A3 = 0. Continuity of the wave function and of its derivative at x = a implies the four matching conditions uI (a) = uII (a) uI (a) = uII (a) or u(a) =
1 u (a) iK
(2.56) (2.57)
A1 ea = A2 eiKa + B2 eiKa ,
A ea iK 1
(2.58) (2.59)
= A2 eiKa B2 eiKa ,
= A2 eiKa B2 eiKa =
i B ea . K 3
These are 4 homogeneous equations for 4 variables, which generically imply that all coecients vanish A1 = A2 = B2 = B3 = 0. Bound states (i.e. normalizable energy eigenfunctions) therefore only exist if the equations become linearly dependent, i.e. if the determinant of the 4 4 coecient matrix vanishes. This condition determines the energy eigenvalues because and K are functions of the variable E . Since the potential is parity invariant we can simplify the calculation considerably by using that the eigenfunctions are either even or odd, i.e. B2 = A2 and B3 = A1 , respectively.
i 1 A2 for ueven and B2 = A2 = 2 B2 for uodd the simplied ansatz becomes With A2 = B2 = 2
1 2 + 2 = R2 2
Figure 2.4: Graphical solution of the bound state energy equation for even eigenfunctions.
In both cases it is sucient to impose the matching conditions for x 0, i.e. at x = a. For the A2 cos(Ka) = B3 ea (2.62) (2.63)
KA2 sin(Ka) = B3 ea Taking the quotient we observe that the two equations are linearly dependent if tan(Ka) = K K for ueven .
For the odd case u(a) = B2 sin(Ka) = B3 ea and u (a) = KB2 cos(Ka) = B3 ea imply
for uodd .
x e ea ueven (x) = A1 x e
cos(Kx) cos(Ka)
x e ea uodd (x) = A1 x e
sin(Kx) sin(Ka)
|u|2 = 1.
The transcendental equations (2.64) and (2.65), which determine the energy levels, cannot be solved explicitly. The key observation that enables a simple graphical solution is that
equations therefore correspond to the intersection points of the graphs of these equations with 2mV0 / 2 . It is convenient to set = Ka and = a, hence 2mE
2 + 2 = (a)2 + (Ka)2 =
a2 +
(E V0 )a2 = a2
|V0 | = R2
The transcendental equations become = tan( ) cot( ) for ueven for uodd (2.69)
where only values in the rst quadrant , > 0 are relevant because K and were dened as positive square roots. Figure 2.4 shows the graph of the equations for even wave functions. We observe that there is always at least one solution with 0 < < /2. The graph of the equation the branches of tan , so that indeed even and odd solutions alternate with increasing energy levels in accord with the oscillation theorem. An odd solution only exists if R > /2 and for 2a 2mV0 . The energy eigenvalues are large R the number of bound states is approximately related by ( n )2 ( n )2 ( n )2 = = V + 0 2m 2ma2 2ma2 to the common solutions (n , n ) of equations (2.68) and (2.69). En = (2.70) for the odd solutions looks similar with the branches of cot shifted by /2 as compared to
We now turn to the consideration of free electrons, i.e. to electrons whose energy exceeds the value of the potential at innity. In this situation there are no normalizable energy eigenstates and a realistic description would have to work with wave packets that are superpositions of plane waves of dierent energies. A typical experimental situation is an accelerator where a beam of particles hits an interaction region, with particles scattered into dierent directions (for the time being we have to ignore the possibility of particle creation or annihilation). In our one-dimensional situation the particles are either reected or transmitted by their interaction with a localized potential. If we consider a stationary situation with an innitely large experminent this means, however, that we do not need a normalizable wave function because the total number of particles involved is innite, with a certain number coming out of the electron source per unit time. Therefore we can work with a nite and for x constant current density, which describes the ow of particles. According to the correspondence p = mv = i x we expect that the wave functions uright = Aeikx and ulef t = Beikx (2.71)
- x
Indeed, inserting into the formula (2.14) for the probability current density we nd jright = k 2 |A| m and jlef t = k 2 |B | . m
describe right-moving and left-moving electron rays with velocities v = k/m, respectively. (2.72)
As a concrete example we again consider the square potential. For V0 > 0 we have a potential barrier and for V0 < 0 a potential well. Classically all electrons would be transmitted as long as E > V0 and all electrons would be reected by the potential barrier if E < V0 . Quantum mechanically we generically expect to nd a combination of reection and transmission, like in optics. For a high barrier V0 > E we will nd an exponentially suppressed but non-zero probability for electrons to be able to penetrate the classically forbidden region, which is called tunneling eect. Our ansatz for the stationary wave function in the potential of gure 2.5 is uI = Aeikx + Beikx F ex + Ge+x uII = F eiKx + GeiKx for for for for x<0 E < V0 E > V0 x > L. with with with k= = K=
(2.73) , = i, (2.75)
2m(V0 E )
2m(E V0 )
Since for tunneling E < V0 and for the case E > V0 the ans atze in the interaction region II as well as the resulting continuity equations are formally related by K = i, both cases can be treated in a single calculation. Moreover, the ansatz for E > V0 covers scattering at a potential barrier V0 > 0 as well as the scattering at a potential well V0 < 0. Considering the physical situation of an electron source at x 0 and detectors measuring
the reected and the transmitted particles we observe that A is the amplitude for the incoming
ray, B is the amplitude for reection, C is the amplitude for transmission and we have to set
D = 0 because there is no electron source to the right of the interaction region. We dene the two quantities reection coecient R = jref , jin transmission coecient T = jtrans , jin (2.76)
where the reection coecient R is dened as the ratio of the intensity of the reected current over the intensity of the incident current and conservation of the total number of electrons the scattering ansatz to even or odd wave functions, we have shifted the interaction region by a = L/2 as compared to gure 2.3. This slightly simplies some of the intermediate expressions, but of course does not change any of the observables like R and T . Using formulas (2.72) for the currents we nd R= |B |2 |A|2 and T = |C |2 , |A|2 (2.77) implies T = 1 R. Since parity symmetry of the Hamiltonian cannot be used to restrict
where we used that the velocities v = k/m are equal vIII /vI = 1 on both sides of the barrier. ratio of the velocities has to be taken into account. For E > V0 continuity of u and u at x = 0, A + B = F + G, ik (A B ) = iK (F G), and at x = L, F eiKL + GeiKL = CeikL , iK (F eiKL GeiKL ) = ikCeikL , can now be used to eliminate F and G 2F = A(1 + 2G = A(1
k ) K k ) K
In situations where the potentials V () of the electron source and of the detector dier the (2.78) (2.79)
(2.80) (2.81)
+ B (1 + B (1 +
k ) K k ) K
= ei(kK )L C (1 + = ei(k+K )L C (1
k ), K k ). K
(2.82) (2.83)
From these equations we can eliminate either C or B , e2iKL A(K 2 k 2 ) + B (K k )2 = A(K 2 k 2 ) + B (K + k )2 (2.84) (2.85)
A (K + k )2 (K k )2 = 4kKA = CeikL eiKL (K + k )2 eiKL (K k )2 and solve for the ratios of amplitudes B (k 2 K 2 )(e2iKL 1) = 2iKL A e (k K )2 (k + K )2 and C 4kKeikL eiKL = 2iKL . A e (k K )2 (k + K )2
Using (e2iKL 1)(e2iKL 1) = 2 e2iKL e2iKL = 2(1 cos 2Kl) = 4 sin2 KL we determine the reection coecient R= 4k 2 K 2 |B |2 = 1 + |A|2 (k 2 K 2 )2 sin2 (KL) |C |2 (k 2 K 2 )2 sin2 (KL) = 1 + |A|2 4k 2 K 2
= 1+
= 1+
In general the transmission coecient T is less than 1, in contrast to classical mechanics, where the particle would always be transmitted. There are two cases with perfect transmission T = 1: The rst is of course when V0 = 0 and the second is a resonance phenomenon that occurs when KL = n for n = 1, 2, . . ., i.e. when sin KL = 0 so that the length L of the interaction region is a half-integral multiple of the wavelength of the electrons. Conservation of probability R + T = 1 holds since
1 1+X
1 1+1/X
= 1.
As we mentioned above the case of a high barrier V0 > E is related to the formulas for E > V0 by analytic continuation K = i. For the ratios B/A and C/A we hence obtain B (k 2 + 2 )(e2L 1) = 2L , A e (k + i)2 (k i)2 4ikeikL eL C = 2L , A e (k + i)2 (k i)2
(2.90) (2.91)
which leads to the reection and transmission coecients 4k 2 2 |B |2 = 1 + R= |A|2 (k 2 + 2 )2 sinh2 (L) (k 2 + 2 )2 sinh2 (L) |C |2 = 1 + T = |A|2 4k 2 2
= 1+
For E < V0 neither perfect transmission nor perfect reection is possible. For large L the transmission probability falls o exponentially T 16E (V0 E ) 2L e V02 for L 1/. (2.94)
The phenomenon that a particle has a positive probability to penetrate a classically forbidden potential barrier is called tunneling eect.
The wave functions ui (x) = Ai eiki x + Bi eiki x in domains of constant potential are parametrized by the two amplitudes Ai and Bi . The eect of an interaction region can therefore be regarded
as a linear map expressing the amplitudes on one side in terms of the amplitudes on the other side. This map is called transfer matrix. For the potential in gure 2.5 and with our ansatz uI = Aeikx + Beikx , with k=
uII =
2m(V0 E ),
2m(E V0 ) = i
ik (A B ) = iK (F G)
1 P = 2
1+ 1
K k K k
1 1+
K k K k
(1 (1 +
k )ei(k+K )L K k )ei(kK )L K
where A and D are the amplitudes for incoming rays while B and C are the amplitudes for outgoing particles. Because of the causal structure it appears natural to express the outgoing amplitudes in terms of the incoming ones, B C =S A . D (2.101)
This equation denes the scattering matrix, or S -matrix, which can be obtained from the transfer matrix by solving the linear equations A = M11 C + M12 D and B = M21 C + M22 D for B (A, D) and C (A, D). We thus nd C= or S11 = S21 =
2 1 A M11
M12 D, M11
M21 A M11
+ (M22
M12 M21 M11
S12 = M22
12 S22 = M M11
B R= A
= |S11 |2 =
|M21 |2 |M11 |2
(we can think of the index 1 as left and of 2 as right; hence T = S21 describes scattering from left to right and R = S11 describes backward scattering to the left). Conservation of the probability current implies |B |2 + |C |2 = |A|2 + |D|2 , i.e. the outgoing A D = |A|2 + |D|2 = |B |2 + |C |2 = (B C ) B C = (A D ) S S A , D (2.105)
where S = (S )T is the Hermitian conjugate matrix of S . Since this equality has to hold for arbitrary complex numbers A and D we conclude that the S -matrix has to be unitary S S = 1 or S = S 1 . We thus recover our previous result R + T = 1 as the 11-component of the
unitarity condition (S S )11 = S11 S11 + S21 S21 = 1.
A very important and also interesting potential is the harmonic oscillator potential
2 m0 V (x) = x2 , 2
which is the potential of a particle with mass m which is attracted to a xed center by a force proportional to the displacement from that center. The harmonic oscillator is therefore the prototype for systems in which there exist small vibrations about a point of stable equilibrium. We will only solve the one-dimensional problem, but the generalization for three dimensions is
2 2 trivial because |x|2 = x2 1 + x2 + x3 so that H = Hx + Hy + Hz . Thus we can make a separation
ansatz u(x, y, z ) = u1 (x)u2 (y )u3 (z ) and solve every equation separately in one dimension. The time independent Schr odinger equation we want to solve is
2 d2 m0 x2 u(x) = Eu(x). + 2 2m dx 2 2
For convenience we introduce the dimensionless variables = = Then the Schr odinger equation reads 2 2 + u( ) = 0 2
2 2 = ( 2 1)e 2 the asymptotic behavior of the solution for is Since e
1 2 1 2
m0 2E . 0
(2.108) (2.109)
u( ) e 2 ,
1 2
where we discarded the case of exponentential growth since we need normalizability. We hence make the ansatz u( ) = v ( )e 2
1 2
Inserting into equation (2.110) gives the conuent hypergeometric dierential equation: 2 2 + 1 v ( ) = 0 2 This is the Hermite equation which can be solved by using the power series ansatz v ( ) =
a .
The harmonic oscillator potential is symmetric, therefore the eigenfunctions u( ) of the Schr odinger equation must have a denite parity. We can therefore consider separately the even and the odd solutions. For the even solutions we have u( ) = u( ) and therefore v ( ) = v ( ). Hence our power v ( ) =
c 2 ,
c = a2 .
This equation will be satised provided the coecient of each power of separately vanishes, so that we obtain the recursion relation c +1 = 4 + 1 c . 2( + 1)(2 + 1) (2.117)
Thus, given c0 = 0, all the coecients c can be determined successively by using the above equation. We thus have obtained a series representation of the even solution (2.115) of the Hermite equation. If this series does not terminate, we see from (2.117) that for large 1 c +1 . c function u( ) has an asymptotic behavior of the form u( ) 2p e
2 /2
This ratio is the same as that of the taylor expansion of exp( 2 ), which implies that the wave
| | ,
which would spoil normalizability. The only way to avoid this divergence is to require that the series terminates, which means that v ( ) must be a polynomial in the variable 2 . Using the relation (2.117) we see, that the series only terminates, when takes on the discrete values = 4N + 1, N = 0, 1, 2, ... . (2.120)
To each value N = 0,1,2,... will then correspond an even function v ( ) which is a polynomial of order 2N in , and an even, physically acceptable, wave function u( ), which is given by (2.112). In a similar way we obtain the odd states by using the power series v ( ) =
b 2 +1 ,
which contains only odd powers of . We again substitute the ansatz into the Hermite equation and obtain a recursion relation for the coecients b . We now see, that the series terminates for the discrete values = 4N + 3, N = 0, 1, 2, ... . (2.122)
To each value N = 0,1,2,... will then correspond an odd function v ( ) which is a polynomial of order 2N+1 in , and an odd, physically acceptable wave function u( ) given by (2.112). Putting together the results we see that the eigenvalue must take on one of the discrete values = 2n + 1, n = 0, 1, 2, ... (2.123)
where the quantum number n is a non-negative integer. Inserting into (2.109) we therefore nd that the energy spectrum of the linear harmonic oscillator is given by En = n+ 1 2 0 , n = 0, 1, 2, ... (2.124)
We see that, in contrast to classical mechanics, the quantum mechanical energy spectrum of the linear harmonic oscillator consists of an innite sequence of discrete levels. The eigenvalues are non-degenerate since for each value of the quantum number n there exists only one eigenfunction (apart from an arbitrary multiplicative constant) and the energy of the lowest state, the zeropoint-energy E0 = 0 /2, is positive. This can be understood as a consequence of the
2 m0 (X )2 , 2
which has the positive minimum E0 . Since the wave function factors vn ( ) are solutions of the Hermite equation and polynomials of order n, they are proportional to the Hermite polynomials Hn ( ), which can be dended as Hn ( ) =
n 2 n 2 d e (1) e d n 2 /2
d d
2 /2
H2n =
H2n+1 = 2
Figure 2.6: Wave functions (Hermite polynomials times exponential factor) for n 0. The rst few polynomials are H0 ( ) = 1, H1 ( ) = 2, H3 ( ) = 8 3 12, H2 ( ) = 4 2 2, (2.129) (2.130) (2.131) (2.132) (2.133)
H4 ( ) = 16 4 48 2 + 12, as shown in gure 2.6. The generating function G(, s) of the Hermite polynomials is G(, s) =
Hn ( ) n n=0 n! s
= es
2 +2s
the coecients of successive powers of s are just 1/n! times the Hermite polynomials Hn ( ). Putting everything together we nd the eigenfunctions un (x) = Nn e
2 x2 /2
These relations mean that if the function exp(s2 + 2s ) is expanded in a power series in s,
Hn (x),
with normalization constants Nn , which have to be determined by requiring that the wave function u(x) be normalized to unity. That is |un (x)|2 dx = |Nn |2
2 e Hn ( )d = 1.
To calculate the normalization constant we use the generating function (2.134) twice, G(, s) = and G(, t) =
Hm ( ) m m=0 m! t Hn ( ) n n=0 n! s
= es
2 +2s
= et
2 +2t
e Hn ( )Hm ( )d
CHAPTER 2. WAVE MECHANICS AND THE SCHRODINGER EQUATION Using the fact that ex dx = We can calculate the left-hand side of (2.139) to e es
2 2 +2s 2
2 +2t
Equating the coecients of equal powers of s and t on the right hand sides of (2.134) and (2.141), we nd that
2 e Hn ( )d =
2n n!
and e Hn ( )Hm ( )d = 0
From (2.136) and (2.142) we see that apart from an arbitrary complex multiplicative factor of modulus one the normalization constant Nn is given by Nn = n 2 n!
and hence the normalized linear harmonic oscillator eigenfunctions are given by un (x) = n 2 n!
2 x2 /2
Hn (x).
These eigenfunctions are orthogonal and form an orthonormal set of functions u n (x)um (x)dx = nm , (2.146)
which is a general property of eigenfunctions of self-adjoint operators as we will learn in the next chapter.
The mathematical formalism of quantum theory, which we want to develop in this chapter, is based on the fact that the solutions of the Schr odinger equation form a Hilbert space, i.e. a vector space that is complete with respect to the norm dened by an inner product. All equations of the theory can be interpreted in terms of operators, i.e. linear maps on this space. This point of view is useful for theoretical as well as for practical reasons. As an example, we will solve the Schr odinger equation for the harmonic oscillator purely algebraically by introducing creation and annihilation operators. Along the way we will discuss the axioms and the interpretation of quantum mechanics, derive the general uncertainty relation, and develop new concepts and computational tools like the Heisenberg picture and density matrices.
The Schr odinger equation is a linear homogeneous dierential equation. Its set of solutions therefore forms a vector space H over the complex numbers, because linear combinations of solutions with complex coecients are again solutions. But this vector space is, in general, innite dimensional. We should hence also admit innite linear combinations so that convergence properties of such innite sums have to be considered. The notion of convergence is based on a measure ||v || for the length of a vector, where a sequence is called convergent if the distance between its members and its limit vector goes to 0. The length ||v || has to be positive and is space if it scales linearly according to ||v || = || ||v ||, where || is the modulus of the complex
required to satisfy the triangle inequality ||v + w|| ||v || + ||w||. It is called a norm on a vector
number C. A vector space with such a norm, a normed space, is called Banach space if it is complete (i.e. if it contains the limits for all Cauchy sequences, where a Cauchy sequence is a sequence for which the distances between its elements converge to 0).
Observables in quantum mechanics, like momentum or energy, are given by linear operators, i.e. by linear maps, which are the analogues of matrices in nite-dimensional spaces. Many of the concepts and tools of linear algebra can be extended to innite-dimensional linear spaces. This is the subject of the mathematical discipline of functional analysis [Reed, Kreyszig]. Hilbert spaces: In quantum mechanics there is a natural norm, namely the square root of the integral of the probability density of a wave function (x) at some given time t, || || = Q with Q=
d3 x | (x)|2
(as we have shown it is timeindependent for solutions of the Schr odinger equation). This norm has the additional property that it can be dened in terms of an inner product (, ) by || || = (, ) with (, ) =
d3 x (x) (x).
where semi-bilinear means linear in the second entry and anti-linear in the rst, (1 + 2 , ) = (1 , ) + (2 , ). as implied by eq. (3.3). Note that anti-linearity (i.e. the complex conjugation of scalar coecients) for the rst entry is necessary because strict bilinearity would be inconsistent with positivity of the norm (3.4)
whose norm is dened by (3.2) in terms of a positive denite inner product (, ) is called a Hilbert space. The standard Hilbert space H of quantum mechanics is the space of complexintegration (which has to be used to make the space complete).1 This is an -dimensional vector space. valued square-integrable functions (x) H = L2 (R3 ), where the letter L stands for Lebesgue
|| ||2 = (, ) 0. To see this compare ||(i )||2 = (i, i ) with ||( )||2 . A Banach space
Let us pretend for a while that our Hilbert space is a nite-dimensional complex vector space. We will introduce a number of concepts like commutators and exponentiation of linear operators. The denitions will be straightforward for (nite-dimensional) matrices, but the same calculus can then be used for linear operators in Hilbert spaces. Renements that are needed for the innite-dimensional situation will then be discussed later on. In linear algebra each vector space V automatically provides us with another linear space, called the dual space V dual , which consists of the linear maps w V dual from vectors v V to respectively. We can think of vectors v V as column vectors and of dual vectors w V dual numbers w(v ) C. The numbers w(v ) are real for real and complex for complex vector spaces, as line vectors, so that their product, the duality bracket w, v w(v ) is a number. If we
introduce a basis ei of V we can write each vector v as a unique linear combination v = v i ei and each co-vector w = wj ej is a sum of the elements of the dual basis ej , which has upper indices
j and is dened by ej , ei = i . Evaluation of w on v by linearity thus implies the formula
w, v w(v ) = wj ej , ei v i = wj v j ,
w = wj ej ,
v = v i ei ,
j ej , ei = i .
If we now make a change of basis e i = Gi j ej then the components of vectors transform with the inverse transposed matrix, and the same is true for the dual basis vectors e j : v = v i ei = v i e i ,
j = ej , ei = e j , e i , i
e i = Gi j ej e i = Gi j ej
(3.6) (3.7)
basis, w j = Gj l wl , and also have the same index position. They are therefore called covariant vectors. It might be tempting to identify contravariant vectors v V (column vectors, with with lower indices, transforming like the original basis) by transposition. Indeed this is possible upper indices, transforming like the dual basis e j ) and covariant vectors w V dual (line vectors,
Co-vectors w V dual , on the other hand, transform in the same way as the elements ei of the
in Euclidean space if we restrict ourselves to use orthonormal bases, because then the matrix G for the change of basis has to be orthogonal G = G1T so that upper and lower indices transform in the same way. In other situations, like in the Minkowski space of special relativity
Riemann integration would dene a pre-Hilbert space or inner product space, whose Cauchy sequences need not converge. Such spaces can always be completed to Hilber spaces similarly to the completion of Q to R.
(where the metric is not positive denite) or in quantum mechanics, where the inner product is semi-bilinear, it is important to distinguish between the two kinds of vectors.2 Dirac notation: Dirac introduced a very elegant and ecient notation for the use of linear algebra in quantum mechanics that is also called bra-ket notation because products are written by a bracket . . . as in eq. (3.8). We introduce bra-vectors w| and ket-vectors |v , which are duality pairing can be written as a bra-ket product, just the co- and contravariant vectors w| w V dual and |v v V , respectively. Their w, v = wi v i = w| |v w|v .
The Dirac notation is basis independent. Instead of using vector components v i with respect to some predened basis ei we will rather identify a state vector by specifying its physical properties, i.e. by the quantum numbers of the state of the physical system which it describes. For the energy eigenfunctions of the harmonic oscillator we can write, for example, un (x) ) E = 0 (n + 1 2 |En |n , (3.9)
where it is sucient to characterize the state by the number n = 0, 1, . . . if it is clear from the context what quantum number we are referring to. The bra-ket notation is suciently exible to allow us to write as much (or as little) information as we need. Note, however, that even a complete set of quantum numbers, which by denition uniquely denes the physical state of the quantum system, xes the wave function only up to an overall phase. Bra- and ket-vectors, accordingly, are determined by the quantum numbers only up to a phase |n
n| = ei n|. It is important not to change the implicit choice of that phase during the course The inner product allows us to dene a natural map from V to its dual by inserting an
= ei |n and
element v into the rst position of the inner product. For |v V the Hermitian conjugate vector v | V dual is dened by |v
v | V dual
such that
v |u = (v, u)
for all u V.
Since the inner product is positive denite this conjugation is a bijective map from V to V dual (this is also true for innite-dimensional Hilbert spaces), but it is an anti-isomorphism and not an isomorphism because it is anti-linear |v + |w
= v | + w|.
Linearity can be achieved by an additional complex conjugation so that V dual is isomorphic to the complex conjugate space V , while V can be identied with its Hermitian conjugate
In solid state physics the same distinction has to be made between the lattice of atoms in a crystal and the reciprocal lattice dual of wave vectors; if becomes ner then the reciprocal lattice becomes coarser.
vectors |v the Hermitian conjugate is the line vector v | with complex conjugate entries. For wave functions | = (x, t) it is the complex conjugate function | = |
|v |v
V = V (V dual ) . We will henceforth use these identications and the antilinear map
= v | V dual , which corresponds to the equation v, u v |u = (v, u). For column = (x, t).
Operator calculus
The components v i of a vector v in an arbitrary basis can be obtained by evaluation of the dual
i basis v i = ei (v ) = ei , v because ei (v ) = ei (v j ej ) = v j ei (ej ) = v j j = v i . For an orthonormal
|v = v i ei = |ei ei |v =
where we have chosen, for later convenience, to use Einsteins summation convention only for contractions of upper and lower indices. Since the identity (3.12) holds for all v we get a representation of the unit matrix, or identity operator
|ei ei | =
Pi = |ei ei |.
Orthonormal bases are thus characterized by the two equations ei |ej = ij orthonormality, completeness. (3.14) (3.15)
|ei ei | =
Pi is the (orthogonal) projector onto the direction of the basis vector |ei . As an example we
0 1 0 0 0 1
e2 =
e3 =
= 1,
e1 |e2 = (1, 0, 0)
0 1 0
= 0,
While the product v |w of a covector and a vector yields a complex number, the tensor product For a linear transformation v Av the components Ai j of the matrix representation
the entries (elements) of the matrix Ai j = ei (Aej ) in Dirac notation become Aij = ei |A|ej . trary bra- and ket-vectors v and w. The normalized diagonal term A
an orthonormal basis ei |ej = ij we can use the Kronecker to pull all indices down so that (3.20)
In quantum mechanics the numbers v |A|w are hence called matrix elements even for arbiv |A|v v |v
is called expectation value of the operator A in the state |v , where the denominator can Hermitian conjugation. If we apply a linear transformation v Av to a vector v and w, Av = wi Ai j v j = w| A|v . (3.22)
evaluate a covector w, i.e. multiply with w from the left, the resulting number is
But we might just as well rst perform the sum over i in wi Ai j and then multiply the resulting denes the transposed map AT on the dual space V dual , which can be written as a matrix multiplication wj (AT )j i wi with the transposed matrix AT . Using the non-degenerate inner product we can dene the Hermitian conjugate A of the linear operator A by (A v, w) (v, Aw) Using (, ) = (, ) we obtain the matrix elements v |A|w = A v |w = ( w|A v ) w|A |v = v |A|w . (3.24) v, w V. (3.23) bra-vector w|A, with the ket-vector |v from the right. In the language of linear algebra this
For an orthonormal basis |ei the compoments become (A )ij = ei |A |ej = ej |A|ei
= A ji ,
so that Hermitian conjugation is transposition combined with complex conjugation of the matrix elements. Like transposition, Hermitian conjugation reverses the order of a product of matrices (AB ) = B A and ( |A . . . B | ) = ( |A . . . B | ) = |B . . . A | because Hermitian conjugation of a number is just complex conjugation. An operator is called self-adjoint or symmetric or Hermitian3 if A = A. Consider a normalized eigenvector |ai for the eigenvalue ai of a self-adjoint operator A|ai = ai |ai ai |A = ai |a i, ai = ai | (A|ai ) = ai | (A |ai ) = ( ai |A ) |ai = a i, (3.27) (3.26)
i.e. all eigenvalues are real, and hence 0 = ai |(A A)|aj = ai |A |aj ai | A|aj = (ai aj ) ai |aj so that eigenvectors for dierent eigenvalues ai = aj are orthogonal ai |aj = 0. Self-adjoint operators and spectral representation. The importance of self-adjoint operators A = A in quantum mechanics comes from the fact that they are exactly the operators for which all expectation values are real,4 ( |A| ) = |A | = |A| |A| R, (3.32) (3.28)
as we require for observable quantities. Hermitian matrices can be diagonalized and have real eigenvalues. Eigenvectors for dierent eigenvalues are orthogonal. In case of degenerate eigenvalues, i.e. eigenvalues with multiplicity greater than 1, a basis of eigenvectors for the
For innite-dimensional Hilbert spaces there is a subtle dierence between the denitions of symmetric and self-adjoint operators, respectively, because due to convergence issues an operator may only be dened on a dense subset of H (see below). Hermitian is used synonymical with symmetric by most authors. 4 To see that Hermiticity is also necessary for real expectation values we bring A to Jordan normal form 0 1 1 and assume that there is a non-trivial block A = a 0 a with basis vectors |e1 = 0 and |e2 = 1 , i.e. A|e1 = a|e1 , A|e2 = |e1 + a|e2 . (3.29) Reality of (ai , Aai ) = ai (ai , ai ) = ai ||ai ||2 for eigenvectors |ai implies reality of all eigenvalues ai . For | = |e1 + |e2 we nd |A| = ( e1 | + e2 |) (( a + )|e1 + a|e2 ) = a ||2 ||e1 ||2 + | |2 ||e2 ||2 + (e1 , e2 ) + (e2 , e1 ) + | |2 (e2 , e1 ) + ||e1 ||2 (3.30)
which cannot be real for all if = 0. Real expectation values hence imply diagonalizability. It remains to show that eigenvectors for dierent eigenvalues are orthogonal. We consider | = |ai + |aj and compute |A| = ( ai | + aj |) (ai |ai + aj |aj = real + aj ( (ai , aj )) + ai ( (ai , aj )) , (3.31)
which cannot be real for ai = aj and arbitrary , unless (ai , aj ) = 0. We conclude that a matrix A with real expectation values is diagonalizable with real eigenvalues and orthogonal eigenspaces, and hence is Hermitian.
respective eigenvalue can be orthonormalized by the Gram-Schmidt algorithm and the 1, . . . , Ni . The li have to be summed over in the completeness relation. For Hermitian matrices or, more precisely, we thus can construct an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors A|ai = ai |ai with ai |aj = ij , A|ai , li = ai |ai , li A=
ai , li |aj , kj = ij li kj ai |ai , li ai , li | = ai Pi ,
in the degenerate case. Using the completeness relation this implies the spectral representation A |ai , li ai , li | =
where Pi =
li =1
|ai , li ai , li |
is the orthogonal projector onto the eigenspace for the eigenvalue ai . Unitary, traces and projection operators. We have seen that Hermitian matrices provide us with orthonormal bases of eigenvectors. A matrix U is called unitary if U U = U U = or U = U 1 . Dierent orthonormal bases {|ai } and {|bj } are related by a unitary transformation Uij = ai |bj because |bj = (
|ai ai |) |bj =
|ai Uij ,
Uij (U )jk =
where we used the completeness relation. In other words, the inverse change of basis is given by bj |ak = ak |bj
1 = (Ukj ) = (U )jk = Ujk .
Projection operators in quantum mechanics are always meant to be orthogonal projections and they are characterized by the two conditions P = P and P 2 = P. (3.37)
It follows from our previous considerations that projectors satisfy these equations. In turn, Hermiticity P = P implies the existence of a spectral representation Pi =
i |i i | and
|i i | is
extends over the subset of basis vectors with eigenvalue 1. While the eigenvectors for a |ai , li ai , li |
degenerate eigenvalue ai of a matrix A in the spectral representation (3.34) are only dened up to a unitary change of basis of the respective eigenspace, the projector Pi =
onto such an eigenspace is independent of the choice of the orthonormal eigenvectors |ai , li .
The axioms of quantum mechanics imply that measurements of the observable corresponding to a self-adjoint operator A yield the eigenvalue ai with probability P (ai ) = | |ai |2 if the state
of the system is described by the normalized vector | H. The resuling expectation value,
in accord with the denition (3.21) because the spectral representation of A implies |A| = | ai |ai ai | | = ai | |ai |2 .
The trace of a matrix is the sum of its diagonal elements and can be written as tr A =
Aii =
ei |A|ei
for any orthonormal basis |ei . An important property of traces is their invariance under cyclic permutations, tr(AB ) = tr(BA) tr(A1 A2 . . . Ar1 Ar ) = tr(Ar A1 A2 . . . Ar1 ). (3.40)
Probabilities and expectation values can be written in terms of traces and projection operators, which often simplies calculations. Insertion of the denition Pi = |ai ai | shows that ai |A|ai = tr(Pi A) = tr(APi ), P (ai ) = |Pi | = tr(Pi P ), (3.41)
where P = | | projects onto the one-dimensional space spanned by the normalized state surement of the degenerate eigenvalue ai if we use the projector Pi = complete eigenspace.
vector | . The second formula P (ai ) = tr(Pi P ) also holds for the probability of the mea|ai , li ai , li | onto the
Commutators and anti-commutators. The commutator [A, B ] of two operators is dened as the dierence between the two compositions AB A B and BA B A, [A, B ] = A B B A [A, B ] = [B, A]. (3.42)
In the nite dimensional case it is just the dierence between the matrix products AB and BA. We will often be in the situation that we know the commutators among a basic set A, B, . . . of operators, like the position operator Xi = xi and the momentum operator Pi = [Xi , Pj ] = i ij . This can be veried by application to an arbitrary wave function [Xi , Pj ]| = (Xi Pj Pj Xi ) (x) = i (xi j (x)j (xi (x)) = i (j xi ) (x) = i ij | . (3.44) If we want to compute commutators for composite operators like the Hamilton operator H =
1 P2 2m i xi
+ . . . one should then always use the identities [A, BC ] = [A, B ]C + B [A, C ], [AB, C ] = [A, C ]B + A[B, C ] (3.45)
rather than inserting and evaluating all the terms on a wave function and trying to recombine the result to an operator expression. (3.45) is easily veried by expanding the denitions [A, BC ] = ABC BCA, [A, B ]C + B [A, C ] = (AB BA)C + B (AC CA) (3.46)
and similarly for [AB, C ]. These identities can be memorized as the Leibniz rule for the action AB from the right. This Leibniz rule also holds for the action of [A, ] on a commutator [A, [B, C ]] = [[A, B ], C ] + [B, [A, C ]], [[A, B ], C ] = [[A, C ], B ] + [A, [B, C ]]. (3.47) of [A, ] on a product BC and a similar product rule for the action of [, C ] on the product
Each of these equations is equivalent to the Jacobi identity [A, [B, C ]] + [C, [A, B ]] + [B, [C, A]] = 0, (3.48)
which states the sum over the cyclic permutations of ABC in a double commutator is zero. This is again easily veried by expanding all terms A(BC CB ) (BC CB )A + B (CA AC ) (CA AC )B + C (AB BA) (AB BA)C = 0.
The equivalence of the product rule (3.47) with the Jacobi identity follows from the antisymmetry of the commutator [A, B ] = [B, A]. Similarly to the commutator we can dene the anti-commutator {A, B } = AB + BA anti-commutator is Hermitian, [A, B ] = (AB BA) = B A A B = BA AB = [A, B ], (3.51) (3.52) {A, B } = {B, A}. (3.50)
For two Hermitian operators A = A and B = B the commutator is anti-Hermitian and the
of an operator product AB as a sum of a commutator and an anti-commutator corresponds to a decomposition into real and imaginary part for products of Hermitian operators. Complete systems of commuting operators. We show that two self-adjoint operators A and B commute AB = BA if and only if they can be diagonalized simultaneously. Since
diagonal matrices commute, it is clear that [A, B ] = 0 if there exists a basis such that both operators are diagonal. In order to proof the only if we assume that [A, B ] = 0 and that A has been diagonalized. Then B must be block-diagonal because 0 = ai |[A, B ]|aj = ai |AB BA|aj = (ai aj ) ai |B |aj (3.54)
so that all matrix elements of B between states with dierent eigenvalues of A vanish. B can now be diagonalized within each block, by a change of basis that does not mix eigenstates for dierent eigenvalues of A and hence does not spoil the diagonalization of A. It is clear from the proof that the proposition extends to an arbitrary number of mutually commuting operators. Moreover, we see that any set of mutually commuting operators can be extended to a complete set in the sense that the simultaneous diagonalization uniquely xes the common normalized eigenvectors up to a phase (just add an operator that lifts the remaining degeneracies within the common eigenspaces of the original set). The set of all eigenvalues (ai , bj , ck , . . .) of such a complete system A, B, C, . . . thus completely characterizes the state |ai , bj , ck , . . . of a quantum system. Functions of operators. If we consider the position vector x of a particle as a vector of operators X then the potential V (X ) = V (x) can be a complicated function of operators Xi . If such a function is analytic f (x) =
n n=0 cn x
For matrices the series always converges if the radius r of convergence of the Taylor series is Of particular importance is the exponential function e =
A n=0
innite. If 0 < r < then f (O) can be dened by analytic continuation of its matrix elements. 1 n 1 A = lim (1 + A)n , n n! n
which usually appears if we are interested in the nite form of innitesimal transformations. For example, the innitesimal time evolution of the wave function is given by the Schr odinger equation t | (x, t) = with n , 1 H | (x, t) i | (x, t0 + t) = (1 + t H + O(t2 ))| (x, t0 ) i (3.57)
For a time-independent Hamiltonian H we obtain, after n innitesimal time steps t = (t t0 )/n | (x, t) = U (t t0 )| (x, t0 ) , U (t t0 ) = e
(tt0 )H
U (t) is called time evolution operator. It is, actually, a one-parameter family of operators satisfying U (t1 )U (t2 ) = U (t1 + t2 ) and t U (t) = i HU (t) with U (0) = . For operators A, B the product of exponentials is not the exponential of the sum if the operators do not commute. The correction terms are expressed by the BakerCampbell Hausdor formula eA eB = eA+B + 2 [A,B ]+ 12 ([A,[A,B ]][B,[A,B ]])+
1 1
multiple commutators
(for a proof consider example (1.21) in [Grau]). In many applications the double commutators [A, [A, B ]] and [B, [A, B ]] vanish or are proportional to so that the series terminates after operator iA is unitary, a few terms. In particular, since A and A commute, the exponential of an anti-Hermitian A = A (eiA ) = eiA = (eiA )1 . (3.60)
The Hamilton operator of a quantum system has to be self-adjoint because it corresponds to the energy, which is an observable.5 Time evolution is hence described by a unitary transformation U (t) = U (t). We have already checked this in chapter 2 by showing that | is preserved discussion is more general. Another important formula e Be
under time evolution for a nonrelativistic electron in an electromagnetic eld. But the present
with [A, B ]1 = [A, B ] and [A, B ](n+1) = [A, [A, B ](n) ] desribes the conjugation U B U 1 of an operator B by the exponential U = eA of A.6 Arbitrary functions of Hermitian operators can be dened via their spectral representation, A = A = ai |ai ai | f (A) = f (ai ) |ai ai | (3.62)
For analytic functions f this coincides with the power series (3.55), as is easily checked in a basis where A is diagonal. The denition (3.55) only makes sense for analytic functions, but it has the advantage that it does not require diagonalizability. With (3.62), on the other hand, even the Heaviside step function (A) of an operator A makes sense. Tensor products: If we have a quantum system that is composed of two subsystems, whose states are described by |i V1 with i = 1, . . . , I and |m V2 with 1 m M , then
In certain contexts, like the description of particle decay, it may nevertheless be useful to consider Hamilton operators with an imaginary part. 6 Conjugation of operators corresponds to a change of orthonormal bases |e U |e , for which the dual basis transforms as e| U e| = U 1 e|.
CHAPTER 3. FORMALISM AND INTERPRETATION the states of the composite systems are superpositions of arbitrary combinations |i, m |i |m , 1 i I, 1mM
of the independent states in the subsystems. The vector space V1 V2 describing the composite |w = wim |i, m V1 V2 (3.64)
i=1 m=1
of the dimensions of the factors V1 and V2 . The Dirac notation is particularly useful for such composite systems because we just combine the respective quantum numbers into a longer ketvector. It is a simple fact of linear algebra that generic vectors in a tensor product cannot be written as a product |w = for any |v1 = ci |i and |v2 = wim |i, m = |v1 |v2 (3.65) dm |m because this is only possible if the coecient matrix
with an arbitray matrix wim of coecients. Its dimension dim(V1 V2 ) = I M is the product
factorizes as wim = ci dm and hence has rank 1. In quantum mechanics non-product states like interpretation of quantum mechanics like in the EPR paradoxon (see below). The inner product on the tensor product space is dened by i, m|j, n = i|j m|n operators on a tensor product space also have double-indices |i, m Oi,m;j,n |j, n
(3.65) are often called entangled states. They play an important role in discussions about the
for product states and extended by semi-bilinearity to V1 V2 . In the product basis |i, m (3.67)
O(2) on V2 , like for example the rotation of the position vector of the rst particle and the system. In that situation the trace of the product operator factorizes into a product of traces
(2) Oi,m;j,n = Oij Omn (1)
Such operators will often correspond to the combined action of some operator O(1) on V1 and
simultaneous rotation of the position vector of the second particle for rotating the complete
(1) m (2) = tr O(1) tr O(2) . (3.68) Omm
tr Oi,m;j,n =
Oi,m;i,m =
corresponds to the insertion of the second matrix into the rst, ae (2) (2) ag aO bO e f a b = = ce g h c d cO(2) dO(2) cg
e f a b for V1 = V2 = C2 . In the basis and O(2) = g h c d e1 = |11 , e2 = |12 , e3 = |21 and e4 = |22 of the product space the product operator As an example consider O(1) = af ah cf ch be bg de dg bf bh . df dh
The Dirac notation is obviously more transparent than this. It is easy to verify (3.68) for (3.69).
Recall that the normalizable solutions (x, t) of the Schr odinger equation form an inner product space, i.e. a vector space with a positive denite semi-bilinear product | = it is complete with respect to the norm || || = | , (3.71) d3 x (x, t)(x, t). (3.70)
Inner product spaces are also called pre-Hilbert spaces. Such a space is called Hilbert space if
i.e. if every Cauchy sequence converges. Cauchy sequences are sequences n with the property that for every positive number there exists an integer N () with ||m n || < m, n > N (). (3.72)
Pre-Hilbert spaces can be turned into Hilbert spaces by a standard procedure called completion, which amounts to adding the missing limits. The standard Hilbert space of quantum mechanics is the space of square integrable functions called L2 (R3 ). (3.73)
The letter L stands for Lesbeques integration, which has to be used because Riemanns denition of integration only works for a restricted class of square-integrable functions is not complete and the Lesbeques integral can be regarded as the result of the completion.7 A that every vector | H can be written as a convergent innite sum | =
| 2 | < that
Hilbert space basis is a set of vectors |ei with some (possibly not countable) index set I such
cn |ein
|ein taken from the complete set of basis elements |ei . A Hilbert space is called separable if there exists a countable basis, i.e. if we can take the index set to be I = N. All Hilbert spaces that we need in this lecture will be separable.
For example, the integral of the function IQ (x) that is 1 for rational numbers and 0 for irrational numbers x is 0 for Lesbeques integration, because Q is countable so that IQ is the limit of a Cauchy sequence of function with only nitely many values dierent from 0. But the Riemann integral does not exist.
for a sequence cn of coecients and a sequence in of indices i I and hence of basis vectors
In this section we derive three inequalities that hold in any Hilbert space. Let us denote the projection vector vectors as f, g, h, . . . H. The orthogonal projection of f onto g is the vector |g |h = |f |g Pythagorean theorem f Since h
2 2 g |f g |g
orthogonal to |g since g |h = 0. Now we use the dening equation of |h to obtain the = f |f = h| + g | g |f g |g f and we obtain the Schwartz inequality f g | g |f | (3.78)
g |f g |g
|h + |g | g |f |2 g 2
g |f g |g
= h
| g |f |2 g |g
0 we see that:
which will later be used in the derivation of Heisenbergs uncertainty relation. More generally, we can consider a set g1 , . . . , gn of orthonormal vectors gi , gj = ij and write f as a sum of orthogonal projections |gi gi |f and the dierence vector
|h = |f
|gi gi |f ,
which is orthogonal to the linear subspace spanned by the |gi . The Pytagorean theorem thus
| gi |f |2 + ||h||2
||f ||2
| gi |f |2
follows from positivity of ||h|| . For a Hilbert space basis gi , i N the norm of h thus has to converge to 0 monotonously from above for n . The norm of |f + |g is f +g
= f + g |f + g = f
+ g
+ f |g + g |f
Since we can write the last two terms as f |g + g |f = f |g + ( f |g ) = 2Re f |g 2|Re f |g | 2| f |g | (3.83)
CHAPTER 3. FORMALISM AND INTERPRETATION we can use the Schwartz inequality in this relation and obtain f +g
+ g
+ 2||f || ||g ||
whose square root yields the triangle inequality f +g f + g , which shows that the denition (3.71) of the norm in inner product spaces makes sense. (3.85)
As compared to matrices in nite-dimensional vector spaces we will encounter two kinds of complications for operators in Hilbert spaces. Consider, for example, the Hamilton operator for the potential well. For negative energies we obtained a discrete spectrum of bound states. But for free electrons there are no normalizable energy eigenstates and normalizable wave packets are superpositions of states with a continuum of energy values. Hence, the spectrum of self-adjoint operators will, in general, consist of a discrete part and a continuum without normalizable eigenstates. Moreover, the eigenvalues may not even be bounded, which leads to additional complications. As an example we rst consider the momentum operator P = in one dimension we dene |px =
i 1 e px , 2
. i x
P |px = p|px ,
where the argument x of the wave function is indicated as a subscript of the eigenvalue p if necessary. The normalization of the momentum eigenstates |p have been chosen such that p |p = where we used 1 2 dx e
( p p ) x
= (p p),
p |p = 3 (p p).
The product
i 1 (p) dx e px (x) = (3.89) 2 yields the Fourier transform8 of the wave function and the validity of the formula for the Fourier
p| =
representation dp |px p| =
1 2
dp e+
p| =
1 2
dp e+
(p) = (x),
in the normalization, as compared to the conventions in section 2, is due the The extra factor 1/ rescaled argument p = k of the Fourier transform.
CHAPTER 3. FORMALISM AND INTERPRETATION which holds for all L2 (R), implies the spectral representation dp |px px| = x,x = (x x ),
but now with the sum over eigenvalues with normalizable eigenstates replaced by an integral over the continuum of eigenvalues with non-normalizable eigenfunctions. The spectral representation thus becomes P = P = dp P |p p| = dp p |p p|. (3.92)
For more general self-adjoint operators like the Hamilton operator of the potential well we hence anticipate a spectral representation that will combine a sum over bound state energies with an integral over continuum states. Similarly to the momentum operator we can now introduce a basis of eigenstates for the position operator X , where we would like to have X |x = x|x with dx |x x| = and x|x = (x x ). (3.93)
(x x), i.e. x (x ) = c (x x). This ansatz satises (3.93) if we choose the prefactor c = 1
wave function x (x ) of the state |xx should vanish for x = x and hence be proportional to
But what are the wave functions x (x ) corresonding to these states? Since X |x = x|x the
we can obtain the components v i of a vector v = v i ei by evaluation of the dual basis vectors v i = ei (v ) and that the bra-vectors obtained by Hermitian conjugation of an orthonormal basis provide the dual basis. Hence, for an arbitrary state | H the products (x) = x| , (p) = p| (3.94)
so that x (x ) = x|x . This should not come as a surprise if we recall from section 3.1 that
are the wave functions (x) in position space and (p) in momentum space, respectively. We hence regard | H as an abstract vector in Hilbert space independently of any
choice of basis and write x| = (x) for the position space wave function and p| = (p) for of basis from position space to momentum space |p = dx |x x|p and its inverse p|x are x|p =
ipx 1 e , 2
the wave function in the momentum space basis |p . The unitary matrix x|p for the change
ipx 1 e . 2
p|x =
Since the spectra of eigenvalues of P and X and the corresponding matrix indices p and x are continuous, matrix multiplication amounts to integration and the change of basis becomes (p) = p| = p|| = p| dx |x x| | = dx p|x (x), (3.96)
CHAPTER 3. FORMALISM AND INTERPRETATION which is nothing but a Fourier transformation. The basis independence of the integrated probability density || ||2 = | dx | (x)|2 = dx |x x| = dx | dp |p p| |x x| dp |p p | | = dp dp |p dx p| x x|p p | = dp |p p| = dp | (p)|2
expresses the unitarity dp p|x x|p = (p p ) of the matrix x|p of the change of basis. In Fourier analysis (3.97) is called Parsevals equation. The matrix elements of X and P are now easily evaluated in position space x |X |x = x (x x ), and in momentum space p |P |p = p (p p ), p |X |p = (p p ), i p (3.99) x |P |x = (x x ), i x (3.98)
Having gained some intuition about spectra and eigenbases of Hilbert space operators we are now turning to general denitions and results. Already for the case of a discrete spectrum, like in the Harmonic oscillator for which eletrons are always bound, it is clear that the spectral decompositon of the identity = lim
n n
|ei ei |
requires some notion of convergence for sequences of operators in order to be able to dene innite sums as limits of nite sums. For sequences of Hilbert space vectors there are, in fact, two dierent notions of convergence: The obvious one, which we used for the denition of completeness, is called strong convergence: |n | if
lim ||n || = 0
strong limit.
A second notion of convergence, which is called weak because it is always implied by strong convergence (see section 4.8 of [Kreyszig]), only requires that all products with bra-vectors converge: |n |
lim |n = |
| Hdual
weak limit.
An example of a sequence that weakly converges to 0 but that is divergent in the strong sense is the sequence {en } of basis vectors of a Hilbert space basis: A sequence pointing into the norm) because the distance ||en em || between any two elements of such a sequence is always 2. But the scalar products |en , which are the expansion coecients of | in the basis Convergence of operators: For us, Hilbert space operators are always meant to be linear O(| + | ) = O| + O| H. (3.103) innitely many directions of a Hilbert space with constant length 1 does not converge (in the
These operators are important in quantum mechanics because they correspond to observables. We now have two options: Every real measurement has a bounded set of possible results. For example, we can never measure the position of a particle, say, behind the Andromeda nebula, because our particle detector has a nite size. We could hence simply restrict the concept of an observable to bounded operators, which are quite well-behaved. But, like for wave packets and plane waves, it is much more convenient to work with unbounded operators like the position operator X rather than with more realistic approximations of this operators. We hence rst dene the concept of the norm of an operator, which we can think of as the modulus || of the largest eigenvalue : O = supp
In this denition we have to use the suppremum instead of the maximum because in the innitedimensional case the maximum may not exist and the suppremum (which is the smallest upper bound) may be innite 0 O . Considering a sequence n of localized waves packets for electrons whose distance from the earth increases, say, linearly with n, it is clear that X is unbounded ||X || = , and similarly one can show that the momentum P is also unbounded. be dened for any normed spaces V and W . For two such operators we can consider linear combinations dened by (O1 + O2 )| = O1 | + O2 | W for | V, (3.105) An operator is called bounded if ||O|| < . Bounded operators O : V W can, in fact,
norm dened by (3.104) the normed space B(V, W ) is complete and hence a Banach space. In
so that the set of all bounded operators B(V, W ) again forms a vector space. With the operator
this statement we refer to the strongest notion of convergens, which is called uniform convergence or convergence in the norm. For operators there are, however, even two dierent weaker notions of convergence: A sequence of operators On : V W is said to be:
CHAPTER 3. FORMALISM AND INTERPRETATION uniformly convergent if (On ) converges in the norm of B, i.e.
lim On O = 0,
lim On O = 0
| V
lim | |On |O | = 0
| V and | W dual ,
where O denotes the limit operator O : V W . The notions of strong and weak operator convergence make perfect sense also for unbounded operators, and, moreover, On O may be bounded and uniformely convergent even if the operators On and O are unbounded.
Spectra and resolvents of operators. Naively we think of the spectrum of an operator as the set of eigenvalues of the matrix A, which coincides with the values for which A = A is not invertible so that det A = 0. In that case there exists an eigenvector |a with A |a = 0 A |a = |a . (3.110) (3.109)
The generalization to innite dimensions is based on this fact and denes the spectrum as the set of complex numbers C for which A is not invertible. We have to take into account one further complication: For unbounded operators A it may happen that they are only dened on a subset of the Hilbert space vectors. As an example consider the position operator X and the wave function (x) = (x)/ 1 + x2 where the step function (x) is 1 for x > 0 and 0 for x < 0. The integral |X | =
x dx 0 1+x2
| |2 =
dx 0 (1+x2 )
exists, but
sequence n DA of vectors in the domain of denition.9 We now dene the resolvent R , if it exists, as the inverse of A = A , i.e.
1 R = A
that DA is dense in H, which means that every vector | H can be obtained as a limit of a
For the position operator X we can take the sequence n (x) = (n |x|) (x).
with R A = on DA . The resolvent R hence is a linear operator from the range of A to the domain of A . It does not exist if and only if there exists a vector | DA with A | = 0. In that case | is an eigenvector of A with eigenvalue .
operator and is called spectral value otherwise. The set of regular values is called resolvent spectrum (A) consists of three disjoint parts: set (A) C and its complement (A) = C (A) is called spectrum of the operator A. The The point spectrum or discrete spectrum p (A) is the set of values such that R
does not exist. p (A) is the set of eigenvalues of A (with normalizable eigenstates; this corresponds to the bound state energies for the Hamilton operator). The continuous spectrum c (A) is the set of values such that R exists and is corresponds to the energies of scattering states). dened on a set which is dense is H, but is not bounded (for the Hamilton operator this The residual spectrum r (A) is the set of such that R exists but the domain of denition is not dense in H. We thus obtain a decomposition of the complex plane as a disjoint union of four sets C = (A) p (A) c (A) r (A). From the denition it follows that the resolvent set is open and one can show that the resolvent R is an (operator valued) holomorphic function on (A), so that methods of complex analysis can be used in spectral theory [Reed]. In nite dimensional self-adjoint operators it can be shown that the residual spectrum is empty r (A) = . cases the spectrum of a linear operator is a pure point spectrum, i.e. c (A) = r (A) = . For
A densely dened Hilbert space operator A is called symmetric (or Hermitian) if its domain of denition is contained in the domain of denition of the adjoint operator10 D A D A and A| = |A , DA . (3.112)
A symmetric operator is called self-adjoint if DA = DA . The dierence between symmetric and self-adjoint hence is based on the domain of definition.
A becomes self-adjoint. This question has been answered by a theorem rst stated (for second order dierential operators) by Weyl in 1910, and generalized by John von Neumann in 1929: Self-adjoint extension of operators: The existence of a self-adjoint extension depends on the so-called deciency indices n of A, which are the dimensions of the eigenspaces N of A for some xed positive and negativ imaginary eigenvalues i, respectively, A = i, > 0, (3.113)
symmetric operator then we can ask the question whether it is possible to extend DA such that
a subset of DA , which will at the same time increase DA . If A thus becomes (or already is) a
where one may set, for example, = 1. Depending on these indices there are three cases: If n+ = n = 0 then the operator A is already self-adjoint. If n+ = n 1 then A is not self-adjoint but admits innitely many self-adjoint extensions. If n+ = n then a self-adjoint extension of A does not even exist.
A detailed discussion of simple examples for these situations can be found in a paper by Bonneau, Faraut and Valent.11 Spectral theorem. The content of the spectral theorem is that self-adjoint operators A are essentially multiplication operators in an appropriate eigenbasis, i.e. there exists a decomposition of unity as a sum of projection operators with the direction of the projections aligned with the eigenspaces of A,
Pi ,
ai Pi .
In the innite-dimensional case of self-adjoint operators in Hilbert spaces the rst complication is that the spectrum may consist of discrete and continuous parts, so that the sum has to be generalized to an operation that can at the same time describe sums and integrals. This is achieved by the Riemann-Stilties integral, which allows to assign dierent weights to dierent parts of the integration intervall. Assume that (x) is a monotonously increasing function with only isolated discontinuities. Then we think of the mass density given by the derivative d = dx which has (positive) -function like concentrations at the discontinuities of and the RiemannStiltjes integral for smooth functions can be written as
b b
f (x) d(x) =
f (x) (x) dx
G. Bonneau, J. Faraut, G. Valent, Self-adjoint extensions of operators and the teaching of quantum mechanics, Am.J.Phys. 69 (2001) 322 [http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0103153]
where we include, by convention, the contribution of -functions located at the upper integration limit
a b b+
f (x) d(x)
and accordingly drop point-like contributions at the lower limit to make the whole integral additive for intervals. The extension of the denition of the integral for non-smooth integrands f (x) then proceeds like for the case of Riemann integration by taking limits of upper and lower bounds. Using the methods of measure theory this can be generalized to the (Lesbeques) Stiltjes integral, allowing general measurable functions to be integrated. The application of Stiltjes integration to spectral theory introduces the concept of a spectral of the projectors for all spectral values up to a certain number R. At rst we assume that A family {E } associated with an operator A, which is the one-parameter family of sums/integrals
in and is a family of projectors that is continuous from above, i.e. one can show [Kreyszig] < a > b
is bounded, so that its spectrum is contained in an interval [a, b]. E grows monotonically : : : E E , E = 0, E = , (3.117) (3.118) (3.119) (3.120)
lim E = E .
The theorem of Stone then asserts that a bounded self-adjoint operator A has the spectral representation A=
a b
d E
for a spectral family E , where the RiemannStiltjes integral is uniformly convergent (with -function contribution at = a if a is part of the discrete spectrum. respect to the operator norm). The lower limit a indicates that we have to include the Unbounded and unitary operators.12 The spectral theorem can now be extended to unbounded operators using the Cayley transformation to a unitary operator U = (A i)(A + i)1 (3.122)
where the resolvent (A + i)1 exists as a bounded operator because the spectrum of A is real. The spectral decomposition for unitary operators follows from the fact that we can decompose them into a commuting set of self-adjoint operators V =
1 (U 2
+ U ) = V and
The most general family of operators for which a spectral decomposition exists are the normal operators, dened by the equation N N = N N , i.e. N commutes with its adjoint, which obviously covers both the self-adjoint and the unitary case. Normal operators can also be characterized by the fact that they are unitarily diagonalizable.
U = V + iW, U U = U U
V 2 i(V W W V )+ W 2 = V 2 + i(V W W V )+ W 2
ei dE .
The spectrum is located on the unit circle and the convergence of the integral is again uniform. For unbounded operators A the Cayley transform can now be inverted with the formula A = i( + U )( U )1 and we obtain A=
(3.125) (3.126)
dE =
with the appropriate change of measure density in the spectral family. Since the spectrum can be unbounded the Stiltjes integral is now dened in the sense of strong operator convergence.
We now return to the issue of time dependence in quantum mechanics, which we described so far by the time dependence of states (x, t) = x| (t) L2 (R3 ) for t t0 , (3.127)
i.e. by time-dependent vectors in Hilbert space that are determined by some initial condition (x, t0 ) at an initial time and by solving the Schr odinger equation for later times. Since the map (x, t0 ) (x, t) is linear it denes a linear operator U (t, t0 ) | (t) = U (t, t0 ) | (t0 ) (3.128)
called time evolution operator. More precisely U (t, t0 ) is a family of operators depending on two parameters, the initial time t0 and the nal time t, where we can also consider t < t0 by solving the Schr odinger equation backwards in time. If we choose some orthonormal basis |ei (t0 ) at an initial time then |ei (t) also forms an orthonormal basis at later times: The orthogonality at later times follows from the general fact that conservation of norms implies conservation of scalar products: Since ||e1 + e2 ||2 = e1 + e2 |e1 + e2 = ||e1 ||2 + ||e2 ||2 + e1 |e2 + e2 |e1 ||e1 + ie2 ||2 = e1 + ie2 |e1 + ie2 = ||e1 ||2 + ||e2 ||2 + i e1 |e2 i e2 |e1 . (3.129) normalization ei (t)|ei (t) = ei (t0 )|ei (t0 ) = 1 expresses the conservation of probability, and
for e1 |e2 and e2 |e1 , which become complex conjugates of one another because their sum
the scalar product e1 |e2 can be reconstructed from the norm by solving the equations (3.129)
is real and their dierence imaginary. We conclude that orthonormal bases stay orthonormal (and complete) during time evolution, so that the time evolution operator U (t, t0 ) amounts to
a change of basis and hence is a unitary operator U = U 1 . Inserting the denition (3.128) into the Schr odinger equation i and using
| (t0 ) t
| (t) = H | (t) t
Since this relation has to hold for all | (t0 ) it implies the operator dierential equation i U = HU. t (3.132)
If the Hamiltonian does not explicitly depend on time this equation can be solved formally and we obtain U (t, t0 ) = U (t t0 ) = e which only depends on the time dierence t t0 . The Heisenberg picture. With the time evolution operator we can now write expectation values of operators as A = = (t)|A| (t) = (t0 )|U AU | (t0 ) with
H (tt0 )
where we assume that A does not explicitly depend on time. So far we discussed quantum mechanics in terms of the so-called Schr odinger picture, in which the time dependence of the system is governed by the Schr odinger equation for a time dependent wave function and operators are time independent, at least if the apparatus is not moved and if there are no other external sources of time dependence, |S (t) | (t) , AS A. (3.135)
But since all observable quantities in quantum mechanics can be expressed in terms of expectation values, eq. (3.134) shows that we can take a dierent point of view and interpret the time evolution as acting on the operators according to AH (t) = U (t, t0 )A(t0 )U (t, t0 ) (3.136)
CHAPTER 3. FORMALISM AND INTERPRETATION while the states do not change |H (t) = | (t0 ) .
denitions imply
ture, whereas the descrition in terms of AS and |S (t) is called Schr odinger picture and our A = S (t)|AS |S (t) = H |AH (t)|H (3.138)
The description of quantum mechanics in terms of AH (t) and |H is called Heisenberg pic-
where the two pictures are related by a unitary transformation |S (t) = U |H with U = e
AS = U AH (t)U , AH (t) = U AS U
, |H = U |S (t)
(3.139) (3.140)
H (tt0 )
if H is time-independent.
While the Schr odinger picture seems to be more intuitive at rst glance, the Heisenberg picture shows a formal similarity with classical mechanics: Since t U = i HU and t U =
U U AH AS = AS U + U U + U AS t t t t = i (U HS AS U U AS HS U ) =
(U HS U )(U AS U ) (U AS U )(U HS U ) ,
functions f (p, q ), or
which has a formal similarity to Hamiltons equations of motion f = {H, f }P B for phase space
pi t
momenta; { }P B denotes the Poisson bracket. This analogy is the starting point for the The interaction picture (or Dirac picture) combines elements of the Schr odinger picture
= {H, pi }P B = ( H ) and qi
qi t
= {H, qi }P B =
H pi
and of the Heisenberg picture so that states and operators both become time dependent. It is the starting point for approximation techniques and useful if we can write the Hamitonian as a sum of a simple (exactly solvable) time-independent part H0 and a (small) time-dependent perturbation V (t), H (t) = H0 + V (t). (3.145)
The idea is to put the simple part of the time evolution into the time dependence of operators AI (t), thereby obtaining a modied Schr odinger equation for the time evolution of states,
cated but weak interaction term V (t). The interaction picture is thus dened by the unitary transformation
|I (t) = U0 (t)|S (t) , AI (t) = U0 (t) AS U0 (t)
which only leads to a relatively small time dependence of |I (t) due to a possibly compli-
with U0 (t) = e so that A = S (t)|AS |S (t) = I (t)|AI (t)|I (t) The Schr odinger equation in the interaction picture is now obtained by evaluating i |I (t) t
i (t)H0 |S (t) + i U0 (t) |S (t) e H0 (tt0 ) |S (t) = U0 t t = U0 (t) (H0 + H0 + V (t)) |S (t) = U0 (t)V (t)U0 (t) U0 (t)|S (t) , i
(tt0 )H0
= i
(3.149) (3.150)
where we used the Schr odinger equation t |S (t) = i (H0 + V (t))|S (t) , so that i |I (t) = VI (t)|I (t) t (3.151)
Replacing H by H0 and U by U0 in the derivation of Heisenbergs equation of motion we obtain the operator equation of motion AI (t) i = [H0,I (t), AI (t)] t (3.152)
in the interaction picture. The time evolution operator UI (t) = U0 (t)U (t)U0 (t) in the interaction
picture desribes the time evolution of the states |I (t) = UI (t, t0 )|I (t0 ) and hence satises i (3.153)
In this section we want to improve our understanding of the relation between quantum mechanics and classical mechanics. The content of the Ehrenfest theorem is that expectation values of observables obey classical equations of motion. Heisenbergs uncertainty relation, on the other hand, implies limitations to the validity of classical concepts. Let us compute the time evolution | A | d A = A| + | | + |A dt t t t (3.154)
of the mean value of an observable A in the Schr odinger picture. The Schr odinger equation yields A i i A i d A = + H |A| |A|H = + |H A A H | dt t t so that d A i |A| = | | + | [H, A] | dt t (3.156) (3.155)
The Ehrenfest theorem states that the mean values of certain quantum mechanical operators obey the classical relations. As an example let us compute the time evolution is time independent
X t d dt
+ V (x).
Inserting this result into the formula (3.156) for the mean value of an operator we obtain 1 d Xi = Pi . dt m (3.158)
i This is the quantum analogue of the classical equation pi = m dx . Similarly we can compute dt
the time evolution for the momentum operator. Inserting [H, Pi ] = i x V (x) into (3.156) we i
Heisenbergs uncertainty relation. Let A and B be the expectation values of two Hermitian operators A and B in some normalized state | H. The uncertainty A is dened by (A)2 = A2 A
= (A)2
A |A| ,
A = A A .
For the operators A = A A and B = B B , which describe the deviation of the oberservables A and B from their mean values, we consider the states | = A | whose norms are equal to the uncertainties | = |(A)2 | = (A)2 , | = |(B )2 | = (B )2 , (3.162) and | = B | (3.161)
CHAPTER 3. FORMALISM AND INTERPRETATION and which satisfy the Schwartz inequality | | | | |2 . Putting everything together we obtain the inequality (A)2 (B )2 = |(A)2 | |(B )2 | | |(A) (B )| |2 = | AB |2 .
commutator [A, B ]. Since A and B are scalars that commute with everything we observe [A, B ] = [A A , B B ] = [A, B ]. (3.165)
1 Now we write the operator in the last term as A B = 2 [A, B ] + 1 {A, B } and consider the 2
Since a commutator of Hermitian operators is anti-Hermitian its expectation value is imaginary. Anti-commutators of Hermitian operators, on the other hand, are Hermitian and thus have real expectation values. Hence 1 1 1 1 AB = {A, B } + [A, B ] = {A, B } + [A, B ] (3.166) 2 2 2 2 decomposes the expectation value into its real and its imaginary part, so that its squared modulus becomes 1 1 | AB |2 = | [A, B ] |2 + | {A, B } |2 4 4 Combining this estimate with the inequality (3.164) we nd 1 (A)2 (B )2 | [A, B ] |2 4 and by taking positive square roots on both sides we nd the uncertainty relation 1 AB | [A, B ] | (3.169) 2 which establishes a lower bound on the product of uncertainties of two operators in terms of the expectation value of their commutator. The two respective observables can hence be measured simultaneously with arbitrary precission only if the operators commute, or, more precisely, if their commutator has vanishing expectation value. We should stress that this uncertainty is not simply a problem of measurement but rather an intrinsic property of quantum mechanics. Uncertainty of position and momentum. For the most famous example of an uncertainty relation we insert the commutator between position and momentum and obtain ij (Xi )(Pj ) ij . (3.170) i 2 so that position and momentum in the same direction cannot be measured simultaneously with [Pj , Xi ] = arbitrary precision.13
For states of minimal uncertainty X P = 2 the two inequalities (3.164) and (3.167) have to be equalities, which requires that X | and P | are proportional and that XP + P X have vanishing expectation value. It is easy to check that this can only be the case for Gaussian wave packets.
1 | [A, B ] |2 . 4
CHAPTER 3. FORMALISM AND INTERPRETATION Uncertainty of time and energy. If we consider the form of a plane wave = e
we might expect that there exists an uncertainty between energy and time analogous to the one between momentum and position. There exists, however, no time operator in quantum mechanics and hence no uncertainty relation involving t in the literal sense. Uncertainty relations of the extected type do exist, however, if we think of time in terms of time measurements, like for example the time of the detection of a particle. Such a measurement always involves the observation of a change in time of the value of some observable A and the uncertainty of time would be the time that it takes for this change to become larger than the intrinsic uncertainty of that observable, tA =
d | dt
Since time evolution is generated by the Hamilton operator an uncertainty relation for tA can now be obtained as an consequence of the uncertainty relation between A and H , 1 AE | [H, A] |. (3.172) 2 If we combine this with the equation of motion (3.156) of the expectation value for a timeindependent observable A,
d dt
A . A|
we obtain A E
, (3.174) 2 which is exactly of the form that we had hoped for. It is hence not possible to simultaneously measure the energy of a particle and time of its detection with arbitrary precision.
Using the operator calculus we now determine the energy spectrum of the harmonic oscillator by purely algebraic calculations. We begin by introducing dimensionless position and momemtum operators X = so that m0 X, P= 1 P m 0 (3.175)
0 (P 2 + X 2 ). (3.176) 2 Classically we can factorize x2 + p2 = (x + ip)(x ip) as a product of complex conjugate H= numbers. Analogously, we introduce the non-Hermitian ladder operators 1 1 a = (X + iP ), a = (X iP ) 2 2 (3.177)
a + a ,
P =i
m 0 a a . 2
[a, a ] = [a , a] = 1. With the quantum mechanical relation X 2 + P2 = we thus obtain H = 0 a a + 1 (a + a)2 (a a)2 = a a + aa = 2a a + 1 2 1 2 = 0 N + 1 2 ,
where we dened the occupation number operator N = a a. This operator is positive, i.e. all its expectation values are positive, because |N | = ( |a )(a| ) = || (a| ) ||2 0 all energy eigenvalues E , are bounded from below by E
1 2
is the squared norm of the vector a| . Consequently all expectation values of H , and hence 1 0 . 2 (3.184)
0 is called zero-point energy of the harmonic oszillator. Creation and annihilation of energy. Since H = 0 (N + 1 ) the energy spectrum can 2 N |n = n|n )|n . H |n = 0 (n + 1 2 (3.185)
now be computed by solving the eigenvalue problem for the occupation number operator
In order to solve this equation we compute the commutators [N , a] = [a , a]a = a, [N , a ] = a [a, a ] = a , (3.186)
where we evaluated [a a, a] = a [a, a] + [a , a]a = [a , a]a = a using the Leibniz rule (3.45). one and, accordingly, the energy by 0 because N |n = n|n N a |n N a|n = ([N , a ] + a N )|n = (1 + n) a |n = ([N , a] + aN ) |n = (1 + n) a|n (3.187)
These commutation relations show that a (a) increases (decreases) the occupation number by
(where we used the identity XY = [X, Y ] + Y X ). Thus a and a are called creation and annihilation operator, respectively. Their collective name is ladder operators because they bring us up and down the ladder of energy levels. More precisely, since (3.187) implies that a|n and a |n have occupation numbers n 1, these states must be proportional to |n 1 a |n = cn+ |n + 1 , a|n = cn |n 1 . (3.188)
Assuming that all states are normalized n|n = 1 we can now compute the normalization factors cn . Since norms are computed by multiplication with the Hermitian conjugate states, a |n = cn |n 1
conj. conj.
a |n = cn+ |n + 1
n| a = c n+ n + 1|,
n| a = c n n 1|,
(3.189) (3.190)
the eigenvalue equation a a|n = N |n = n|n implies n + 1|n + 1 n 1|n 1 so that cn+ = = 1 |2 |cn+ |cn+ n 1 n | a = 1, a | n = = |cn |2 |cn |2 n + 1, cn = n|a a |n = 1 |2 ( n|a a|n + 1) = n+1 = 1, |cn+ |2 (3.191) (3.192)
where the phase ambiguity of the eigenvectors |n has been used to choose cn positive real. Quantization of occupation number and energy. Now we are ready to determine the which has to be non-negative n 0 because of the positivity (3.183) of N . Now we act on this state k times with the annihilation operator a and obtain a|n = = n |n 1 , n(n 1) |n 2 , ... ak |n = n(n 1) . . . (n k + 1) |n k . (3.196) (3.194) (3.195) eigenvalues n. We assume that at least one eigenstate |n exists for some eigenvalue n R,
a2 |n
procedure has to terminate because otherwise we would be able to construct energy eigenstates operator N . Hence there must exist a positive integer K for which aK |n = 0. Choosing K for arbitrary n k , which turns negative for k > n in contradiction to the positivity of the
minimal, so that aK 1 |n = 0, we conclude that a|n K + 1 = 0 and hence n K + 1|a a|n which is the only possibility to avoid the existence of an energy eigenstate with eigenvalue K + 1 = n K + 1 = 0. In other words, if a|n = 0 the normalization factor cn must vanish,
n 1. We conclude that each energy eigenvalue n must be a non-negative integer. Moreover, eq. (3.196) shows that the minimal energy state has occupation number n = 0, and by acting with creation operators on the ground state |0 , (a )n |0 exist. We thus recover the result 1 En = 0 (n + ) 2 with n = 0, 1, 2, . . . (3.198) =
n! |n
we conclude that all energy eigenstates with nonnegative integer occupation number indeed
the rst order dierential equation a|0 = (X + iP )|0 = 0, which is easily solved yielding the Gaussian wave function found in section 2. The wave functions with positive occupation numbers are 1 un (x) = x|n = (a )n u0 (x) n!
of our analytical treatment of the Harmonic oscillator. Moreover, the ground state |0 satises
Coherent states
Coherent states are, by denition, eigenstates of the annihilation operator a| veried by inserting the ansatz | = by |
coh coh
= |
coh .
They exist for all complex numbers C and are unique up to normalization. This can be eigenvalue equation (3.200). With the choice c0 = 1 the resulting recursion relation is solved =
n=0 n=0 cn |n
n |n = ea |0 . n!
the use of Greek letters for the eigenvalues of a. The eigenstate property of ea |0 can be a(ea |0 ) = ea (ea aea )|0 = ea (a + )|0 = (ea |0 ), where we used a|0 = 0 and the formula e Be
n [A, B ]n , n!
CHAPTER 3. FORMALISM AND INTERPRETATION with [A, B ]1 = [A, B ]. Since [a , a] = 1 all higher commutators vanish.
Scalar products among coherent states can be computed directly from the series expansion or with the Baker-Campbell-Hausdor formula | = 0|e a ea |0 = 0|ea e
[a,a ]
e a |0 = e
where we used that eq. (3.59) implies eA eB = eB eA e[A,B ] if all double-commutators of A and B (because only the rst term of the series is nonzero) and the Hermitian conjugate formula are neihter quantized nor required to be real (which is o.k. because a is not self-adjoint). For normalized coherent states we thus nd the formula e 2 || ea |0 . The time evolution of coherent states is easily calculated by using the expansion in terms of energy eigenstates, | (t) = e
i Ht n=0 n=0
1 2
0|ea = 0|. Eigenstates of a for dierent eigenvalues are not orthogonal and the eigenvalues
n |n ) = n!
0 1 n ei(n+ 2 )0 t |n = ei 2 t |(t) , n!
(t) = ei0 t .
Up to an unobservable phase factor the time evolution thus corresponds to a rotation of the given by a Gaussian distribution with minimal uncertainty X P = /2 and constant shape, whose mean value oscillates with the classical frequency 0 , explaining the name coherent state. This can be shown by computing the wave function in conguration space (x) = x| , which satises the rst order dierential equation 1 (a ) (x) = 2 x + 1 x 2 (x) = 0 m0 eigenvalue (t) = ei0 t in the complex plane. In fact, the probability density of | (t) is
2 1 (2Ax B ) 2 = 0 so that A = 2 /2 With the ansatz (x) = eAx +BxC we nd x and B = 2. A coherent state hence is a Gaussian wave packet of the form (x) = N e with constant width X =
1 2 2
2 2 x 2
(3.205), oscillates about the origin with the classical frequence 0 . It is straightforward to verify that coherent states have minimal uncertainty.14 Hence they are the quantum analogue
For Gaussian wave packets of the form u(x) = eAx +BxC normalization requires Re C = 1 2 Re A and the expectation values and uncertainties of X and P are 4 log X = 1 Re B , 2 Re A 1 X = , 2 Re A P = Im(A B ) , Re A P = |A| . Re A
(Re B )2 4 Re A
They have minimal uncertainty X P = /2 exactly if A is real (normalizability or course requires Re A > 0).
of a classical particle oscillating in a harmonic potential, which avoids the spreading of wave packets that we observed for free particles. Like harmonic potentials in classical physics, the harmonic oscillator is ubiquitous in quantum physics. In the quantum (eld) theory of many particle systems the ladder operators will create and annihilate particles. In quantum optics the particles are the photons of momentum k and polarization , created and annihilated by
a (k ) and a (k ), respectively. Coherent states are thus very useful in laser physics.
We already learned that expectation values of operators A for a system whose state is described by a vector | H can be computed by traces tr(P A) = tr | |A =
ai | (| |A |ai =
ai | ai | |2 =
p a i ai = A
where pai = | ai | |2 is the probability to measure the eigenvalue ai and P = | | is the projector onto the state | . In practice we may only have incomplete information about the state of a system. If we consider, for example, an unpolarized or partially polarized electron beam then we have a reasonably well-dened velocity, but for the spin polarization we only have a classical probability distribution. Such systems are said to be in a mixed state: Let {pi } with
pi = 1
expectation values have to be computed as quantum mechanical expectations weighted by classical probabilities, A =
pi i |A|i =
pi tr (Pi A) = tr (
pi Pi A)
pi Pi =
|i pi i |
= tr(A).
Like projectors, density matrices are self-adjoint, but in general 2 = . Density matrices are instead characterized by positivity and unit trace: Since classical probabilities are nonnegative pi R0 = 0, tr = pi = 1. (3.213)
Every quantum mechanical system can hence be described by a density matrix. The system is in a pure state if = P is the projector onto a Hilbert space vector | H because then all
eigenvalues and hence all probabilities are equal to 0 or 1 so that all remaining uncertainties have a quantum mechanical origin. This leads to the following criterion 2 = 2 = form = pure state mixed state. (3.214)
The spectral representation implies that every matrix obeying = 0 and tr = 1 is of the
matrix for some (pure or) mixed state of the quantum mechanical system under consideration. Using the Schr odinger equation t | =
1 H | i
pi Pei for some orthonormal basis {ei } and can hence be interpreted as the density for = pi |i i | we nd the time (3.215)
evolution equation
i t = [H, ]
for the density operator = S in the Schr odinger picture. This looks similar to Heisenbergs H are time-independent in the Heisenberg representation so that expectation values of timeindependent operators evolve according to t A
equation of motion (3.144), but mind the opposite sign! Like states |
density matrices
H, = tr S AS = tr H A
where the second equality can be checked using tr([H, ]A) = tr(HA HA) = tr(AH HA) = tr([H, A]), which follows from cyclicity of the trace. Boltzmann distribution can be described by the operator T = e kT /Z (T ),
Density matrices are particularly useful for quantum statistics because, for example, a
Z (T ) = tr(e kT )
In the canonical formulation of classical mechanics the state of a particle is specied at any time t by a pair of dynamical variables, the canonical momentum p(t) and the generalized coordinate q (t). The time evolution is governed by Hamiltons equations of motion (which are related to the Euler-Lagrange equations of the Lagrange formalism by a Legendre transformation). In contrast, quantum mechanics is dened by the following ve axioms, which we already mentioned in chapter 2, but which we now discuss in more detail (in a slightly modied version). Postulate 1: State of a system in a Hilbert space H. A (pure) state of a quantum system is completely specied at any time t by a vector | (t)
To every measurable quantity, called observable or dynamical variable, there corresponds a self-adjoint linear operator A, whose eigenvectors form a complete basis. Operators Bk and Cl that correspond to canonically conjugate variables, like the positions Xi and the canonical momenta Pj , obey the canonical commutation relations [Bk , Cl ] = i kl . The operator algebra dened by this equation is called Heisenberg algebra. Postulate 3: Measurements and eigenvalues of operators The measurement of an observable is related to the action of the corresponding operator by one of the eigenvalues an of the operator A. If the result of the measurement of A eigenstate |an ; this is often called the collapse of the wave function. If the eigenvalue an A on a state vector | (t) as follows. The only possible result of a measurement is given (3.218)
is an then the state of the system immediately after the measurement is given by the is degenerate, the new state of the system is proportional to the projection of the state | onto the eigenspace of the eigenvalue an , |
af ter
= cn Pan | (t)
Pan =
|ani ani |
the eigenspace with eigenvalue an . If the system has been in a pure state before the the system originally is in a mixed state, appropriate measurements can be performed to remove all classical uncertainties and to prepare a pure state. If the eigenvalue an is nondegenerate then a single measurement of an is sucient for this purpose. Postulate 4: Probabilistic outcome of measurements obtaining one of the nondegenerate eigenvalues an of the corresponding operator A is given by p(an ) = | an | |2 . |
and normalization factor cn = 1/ | tr(P Pan )|, where |ani is an orthonormal basis of measurement it will continue to be so after the measurement. If, on the other hand,
p(an ) =
j =1
| anj | |2 = tr Pan P . |
If the system is already in an eigenstate of A then a measurement of A yields the corresponding eigenvalue with probability p(an ) = 1. For continuous parts of the spectrum
probabilities have to be replaced by probability densities with obvious modications of the corresponding formulas. For the position operator X this implies, in particular, Borns probabilistic interpretation of the wave function. Postulate 5: Time evolution of a system The time evolution of a quantum mechanical system is determined by the Schr odinger equation | (t) = H | (t) , (3.222) t where H is the Hamiltonian operator corresponding to the total energy of the system. i
The probabilistic interpretation of Schr odingers wave function by Max Born spawned a long and controversial discussion about the proper interpretation of quantum mechanics, which was most vigorous in the 1930s but is still going on. The probabilistic Copenhagen interpretation was named after the aliation of its most prominent proponent Niels Bohr, who emphasized the role of an intelligent or conscious observer inducing the collapse of the wave function by his or her measurement activities. This somewhat extreme point of view was rediculed by Einstein, who asked whether the moon would still be there when he does not look at it, and by the famous story of Schr odingers cat, sitting in a closed box with a radioactive devices that triggers the killing of the cat on the random event of a nuclear decay. The wave function of the cat would hence be a coherent superposition cat = ca (t)alive + cd (t)dead (3.223)
possibly long after the cat was actually killed (in the original version of the story by poisoning). The collapse of the wave function would only occur when the box is opened by a human being. In more recent years the role of the observer has been replaced by the concept of decoherence, which amounts to a progressive loss of quantum mechanical interference patterns due to many small interactions of a particle with its environment like, for example, with a system in thermal equilibrium. A decoherence theorem was proven by Hepp, Lieb, et al. in 1982. In particular, decoherence is not certain itself so that there only exists a certain probability for this eect, which gets very close to one in macroscopic systems. In 1986 Asher Perez showed that the interaction of a quantum mechanical system with a chaotic system may also trigger the collapsing of the wave function. A very recommendably discussion of decoherence and of interpretations of quantum mechanics like Everetts many worlds can be found in the article 100 Years of the Quantum by Tegmark and Wheeler.15
Figure 3.1: Bohms version of the EPR experiment with the decay of a singlet state and spin measurements in directions and . EPR-paradox and Bells inequalities. In their famous 1935 article Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen tried to argue that quantum mechanics must be incomplete in the sense that there exist hidden variables that have to be supplemented to the quantum mechanical information of the wave function and that would, after all, remove any uncertainties except for classical probabilities due to inclomplete information about the state of a system. This paradox was the pinnacle of a long discussions over quantum theory between Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, and it became a standard setup on the basis of which questions about the interpretation of quantum mechanics can be translated into experimentally testable predictions. Actually, what we will discuss is a simplied version of EPR due to David Bohm, who avoided a technically complicated discussion of position and momentum measurements by considering, instead, discrete spin degrees of freedom. particles in a In Bohms version of EPR we consider a system consisting of two spin- 1 2 singlet state (i.e. the total angular momentum is zero), for which the spin degrees of freedom are described by the wave function 1 | = | | 2 , (3.224)
as we will learn in detail in chapter 5. If the two particles break up in a decay process, as shown in gure 3.1, the spin degrees of freedom continue to be described by the non-product wave function (3.224) until a measurement is carried out. This phenomenon is called entanglement. The spin measurement in direction for the left-moving particle will always result in either spin-up or spin-down, both with a probability of 1 . The paradox situation, which EPR pointed 2 out, is that conservation of angular momentum implies that the result of a spin-measurement for the second particle will immediately be inuenced by the result of the rst measurement. If the rst particle shows spin-up then we know that, when measured with respect to the same direction , the second particle will always have spin-down (and vice versa). According to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics the result of one measurement is governed by objective randomness. But this means that the result of the rst measurement has to aect the second one, immediately and regardless of the distance. This, so the conclusion of EPR, would be in contradiction to causality in special relativity where
P (| ) /2
Figure 3.2: Classical (dashed line) and quantum mechanical conditional probabilities in EPR. information can propagate only at the speed of light. The only way out seemed to be the existence of hidden variables which supplement the information contained in the wave function and which determine the results of future measurement. The particles would then know already right after the decay where the spin should point when measured and they would carry along this information until it is detected, thus removing the probabilistic aspects of quantum mechanics. This type of hypothetical hidden information is called local hidden variables. However, as Bohr pointed out the argumentation of EPR is not conclusive. Special relativity does not forbid all kinds of velocities larger than c, and while the outcome of the spin measurment of the second particle is instantly inuenced by the result of the rst, this cannot be used to transmit information with a velocity v > c and hence does not contradict special relativity. Nevertheless, the phenomenon is astounding and hence called spooky interaction at a distance. In 1932 John von Neumann gave a mathematical proof that hidden variables could not exist. However his assumptions were criticised as being too restrictive. Decisive progress only came with John Bell in 1964, who generalized the setup of the EPR paradox by measuring the probabilities for spin up or spin down in dient directions and for the two decay products, respectively. Bell showed that any classical probabilities due to incomplete knowledge of the values of local hidden variables obey certain constraints, known as Bells inequalities. Essentially, the probability to nd spin-up in direction for particle 1 under the condition of nding spin-direction for particle 2 whould have to be linear in the angle enclosed by the vectors and , PCL (| ) = / where cos = , (3.225)
as illustrated in gure 3.2. This is clearly distinct from the quantum mechanical correlation 1 PQM (| ) = (1 ), 2 (3.226)
which will be computed in chapter 5. Quantum correlations can hence be signicantly stronger than allowed by local hidden variables. For the EPR setup the maximal violation of Bells
3 , as can be seen in gure 3.2. Experimental results inequalities occurs for the angle = 4
In quantum mechanics degenerations of energy eigenvalues typically are due to symmetries. The symmetries, in turn, can be used to simplify the Schr odinger equation, for example, by a separation ansatz in appropriate coordinates. In the present chapter we will study rotationally symmetric potentials und use the angular momentum operator to compute the energy spectrum of hydrogen-like atoms.
According to Emmy Noethers rst theorem continuous symmetries of dynamical systems imply conservation laws. In turn, the conserved quantities (called charges in general, or energy and momentum for time and space translations, respectively) can be shown to generate the respective symmetry transformations via the Poisson brackets. These properties are inherited by quantum mechanics, where Poisson brackets of phase space functions are replaced by commutators. According to the Schr odinger equation i t = H , for example, time evolution is translations. A (Hermitian) charge operator Q is conserved if it commutes with the Hamilgenerated by the Hamiltonian. Similarly, the momentum operator P = i generates (spatial)
tonian [H, Q] = 0. This equation can also be interpreted as invariance of the Hamiltonian
U = exp(iQ) that is generated by the innitesimal transformation Q. The constant of motion of classical mechanics that corresponds to rotations about the origin is the (orbital) angular momentum L = x p. The corresponding operator L in quantum mechanics is z x , z i x x y y x
z y y z
L=X P = or
(x ) =
. (4.2) i xk There is no ordering ambiguity because Xj and Pk commute for j = k . In addition to the Li = ijk Xj Pk = ijk xj orbital angular momentum L, which is familiar from classical mechanics, quantum mechanical point particles can have an intrinsic angular momentum, the spin S , which will be the subject called the total angular momentum J . of the next chapter. The sum of all spins and orbital angular momenta of a system will be
Commutation relations
The canonical commutation relation [Xi , Pj ] = i ij implies [Li , Xj ] = ikl [Xk Pl , Xj ] = i ijk Xk and [Li , Pj ] = ikl [Xk Pl , Pj ]. = i ijk Pk (4.4) (4.3)
The form of these results suggests that all vector operators Vj (i.e. operators with a vector index) should transform in the same way. Indeed, we will nd that the (axial) vector Lj transforms as [Li , Lj ] = i ijk Lk . To show this we use the identity ikl imn = km ln kn lm , (4.6) (4.5)
and mn take the same values, with the sign depending on the cyclic ordering, and vanishes otherwise. We thus nd [Li , Lj ] = jlm [Li , Xl Pm ] = i jlm (ilk Xk Pm + imk Xl Pk ) = i ((ji mk jk im )Xk Pm + (jk li ji lk )Xl Pk ) . (4.7) (4.8)
i.e. the sum over a common index i of a product of tensors is 1 if the free index pairs kl
CHAPTER 4. ORBITAL ANGULAR MOMENTUM AND THE HYDROGEN ATOM Since the terms with ji cancel this agrees with i ijk Lk = i ijk klm Xl Pm = i (il jm im jl )Xl Pm , which completes the proof of (4.5).
Since angular momenta in dierent directions do not commute they cannot be diagonalized which is classically invariant under rotations about the z -axis, commutes with Lz . This is
2 simultaneously. If we choose Lz as our rst observable we expect that the combination L2 x + Ly ,
2 2 indeed true, but it is more useful to use the completely rotation invariant L2 = L2 x + Ly + Lz as
the second generator of a maximal set of commuting operators. L2 is obviously Hermitian and [Li , L2 ] = [Li , Lk ]Lk + Lk [Li , Lk ] = i ikr (Lr Lk + Lk Lr ) = 0. with Li (and hence also with L2 ).
P2 2m
A similar calculation shows that [Li , P 2 ] = [Li , X 2 ] = 0, so that the kinetic energy commutes Angular momentum conservation [Li , H ] for rotationally symmetric Hamiltonians H =
+ V (r) with r =
function of X 2 , but let us check this explicitly in conguration space, xl V (r) = jkl xk V (r) = 0, [Lj , H ] = [Lj , V (r)] = jkl xk i xl i r r where we used the chain rule for V (r(x)) with [
r xl
xl r
or [xi , A(x)] = xi A(x) + A(x)xi A(x)xi = xi A(x), i.e. commutation of xi with an operator yields the partial derivative of that operator.
1 L2 1 2 r (4.13) r r2 r2 2 between L2 and the Laplacian, which will help us reduce the Schr odinger equation to an ordinary = radial dierential equation after separation of the angular coordinates. Hence we rst evaluate L2 in conguration space, L2 = Li Li = 2 ijk xj k ilm xl m = = 2 (jl km jm kl )xj k xl m =
= 2 (xj xj k k 2xj j xj xk k j ).
= 2 (xj k xj k xj k xk j ) =
CHAPTER 4. ORBITAL ANGULAR MOMENTUM AND THE HYDROGEN ATOM Next we transform to spherical coordinates x = (r sin cos , r sin sin , r cos ), hence r= In particular x2 + y 2 + z 2 , xi (r ) = ei , r = arctan x2 + y 2 , z x j j = r y = arctan . x , r
xj xj = r 2 ,
2 r2 2 ), r r
2 1 L2 1 2 1 L2 2 = r + r 2 2 = r r 2 2, r r r r which establishes (4.13). Recalling the formula for the Laplace operator in spherical coordinates = 1 2 1 r + r r2 r2 1 2 1 (sin ) + sin sin2 2
from Mathematical Methods in Theoretical Physics [Dirschmid,Kummer,Schweda] we conclude L2 = Using the chain rule i = (i r)
Lz =
They are the spherical harmonics [German: Kugel achenfunktionen] Ylm (, ) = (1)m
for iLz / = / are again known from the Mathematical Methods in Theoretical Physics. 2l + 1 (l m)! (m) P (cos ) eim = (1)m Yl,m (, ) 4 (l + m)! l
( ) =
For m = 0 they reduce to the Legendre polynomials Pl ( ) = Pl ( ). These results are obtained by a the separation ansatz Ylm = ()(). The eigenvalues for the angular momenta become L2 Ylm =
l(l + 1) Ylm ,
L3 Ylm = m Ylm ,
with l a nonnegative integer and m Z obeying l m l. The quantization conditions and the ranges of the eigenvalues follow from termination conditions for the power series ansatz and from single-valuedness at = cos = 1.
Figure 4.2: Polar plots of |Ylm | versus in any plane through the z -axis for l = 0, 1, 2. Note the equality |Ylm | = |Ylm |, which follows from Yl,m = (1)m Yl,m .
The completeness of the spherical harmonics enables us to solve the stationary Schr odinger equation for rotation invariant potentials by a separation ansatz u(x) = R (r)Ylm (, ) with Hl R (r) = R (r), with Hl = 1 2 r+ 2m r r
2 2
The energy eigenvalues are (2l+1)-fold degenerate due to the magnetic quantum number m. Note that we need the two observables L2 and Lz to characterize the wave function dependence on the two angle coordinates and .
Consider a system of two particles of the masses m1 and m2 and positions x1 and x2 , respectively. If there are no forces from outside translation invariance implies that the potential energy V (x1 , x2 ) only depends on the dierence vector x = x1 x2 . In classical mechanics this system is hence described by the Lagrangian 1 ; x2 , x 2 ) = T V = 1 (m1 x 2 + m2 x 2 ) V (x1 x2 ). L(x1 , x 1 2 2 The description can be simplied by using the relative coordinates x = x1 x2 and the center of mass coordinates xg = as new variables, so that x1 = xg + M and the reduced mass , M = m1 + m2 , m1 x1 + m2 x2 m1 + m2 and x2 = xg =
m1 x. m1 +m2
m2 x m1 +m2
m1 m2 , m1 + m2
the total momentum pg and the relative momentum p are g = m1 x 1 + m2 x 2 = p1 + p2 pg = M x = m 2 p1 m 1 p2 p = x m1 + m2 and the Hamiltonian becomes p2 p2 g H (xg , pg ; x, p) = Hg (xg , pg ) + Hr (x, p) = + + V (x). 2M 2 (4.33) (4.31) (4.32)
g = M x g = 0 of the center of mass, while the describes the uniform free motion p Hr = p2 + V (x) 2 (4.34)
reduced Hamiltonian
= x = V (x). described the dynamics p In quantum mechanics the canonical commutation relations [Xi , Pj ] = [Xi , Pj ] = i ij and [Xi , Pj ] = [Xi , Pj ] = 0 are, as expected, equivalent to [Xi , Pj ] = [Xi , Pj ] = i ij ,
(g ) (g ) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2)
[Xi , Pj ] = [Xi , Pj ] = 0
(g )
(g )
(i.e. the change of variables amounts to a canonical transformation). Hence Hg and Hr commute and can be diagonalized simultaneously with a separation ansatz u(x1 , x2 ) = ug (xg )ur (x) and the total energy becomes E = Eg + Er . After the separation of the center of mass motion the dynamics is hence described by a one-particle problem with eective mass = potential V (x).
m1 m2 m1 +m2
In this section we consider a simplied hydrogen-like atom (or ion) with a nucleus of atomic number Z and a single electron, where we neglect the spin and relativistic correction terms in the Hamiltonian, as well as the structure of the nucleus whose role is restricted to a massive point-like source for the Coulomb potential. It consists of protons with the mass mp and elementary charge q , mp = 1, 7 1027 kg, q = 1, 6 1019 Coulomb, (4.36)
and a number of neutrons, and the electron has charge q and mass me = 0, 91 1030 kg. (4.37)
The electrostatic interaction potential between the electron and the point-like nucleus thus is V (r) = where r = Ze2 q2 Z = , 40 r r (4.38)
(xe xnucleus )2 denotes the distance between the electron and the nucleus and e2 = q2 . 40 (4.39)
For the hydrogen atom Z = 1, while Z = 2, 3, . . . for the ions He+ , Li++ . . . .
CHAPTER 4. ORBITAL ANGULAR MOMENTUM AND THE HYDROGEN ATOM The quantum mechanics of this system is described by the Hamiltonian H (x, p) = where the reduced mass = me me mnucleus me 1 me + mnucleus mnucleus p2 p2 Ze2 + V (r) = , 2 2 r
is very close to me since mnucleus me . Now we recall the Laplace operator in spherical coordinates (4.19), which has a radial and a tangential part, = 1 2 r r r2
radial component
1 L2 r2 2
tangential component
H= or
2 Ze2 = r 2
1 L2 1 2 r r r2 r2 2
Ze2 r
p2 1 L2 r + r. + V ( r ) , p = r 2 2r2 i r r For bound states we expect negative energy eigenvalues E < 0 with H= L2 Ze2 p2 r + 2 2r2 r u(x) = E u(x).
With the separation ansatz u(x) = R(r)Ylm (, ) we obtain the radial eigenvalue equation
Hl R(r) =
1 2 r + r r2
R(r) = E R(r)
with a Hamiltonian Hl depending on an integer parameter l. For large angular momentum l the radial Hamiltonian Hl thus has an eective repulsive contribution proportional to 1/r2 , which is called centrifugal barrier (it stabilizes excited energy levels at high values of l). For xed l (and m) we introduce a label, the principal quantum number n, for the dierent eigenvalues En,l of Hl and we set 1 R(r) = un,l (r). r yields the dierential equation 2 l(l + 1) 2 Ze2 2En,l + 2 2 r2 r2 r un,l = 0 (4.47)
Multiplication with
We rst consider the asymptotics of its solutions un,l for r 0 and for r .
2 (r
+ ) un,l = 0
un,l has to vanish at innity, hence only e is acceptable for r . For r 0 the radial equation becomes
2 r +
l(l + 1) r2
un,l = 0 .
The ansatz un,l rq yields l(l + 1) q (q 1) = 0, hence un,l Arl + Brl+1 . Normalizability requires un,l to vanish at the origin so that un,l rl+1 for r 0. Introducing the Bohr radius a0
= 0.529 1010 m,
l(l + 1) + 2
2n 1
un,l = 0,
Z , a0
where the principal quantum number n parametrizes the energy eigenvalue E = R Z 2 /n2 with R=
2 4 2 18 /(2a2 J = 13.6 eV = 1 Rydberg. 0 ) = e /(2 ) = 2.18 10
In order to account for the asymptotics of the solutions we write un,l () = e l+1 F (), (4.56)
where F () should be nonzero at the origin and should not grow faster than polynomial at .
l(l+1) )F ) 2
we obtain
j =0
aj j the l.h.s. of (4.57) becomes a sum of three terms: j (j (j + 1)aj +1 ), j (2(l + 1)(j + 1)aj +1 2jaj ), j 2(n l 1)aj . (4.58) (4.59) (4.60)
j =1 j =0 j =0
The vanishing of the coecient of j implies the recursion relation (j + 1)(j + 2l + 2)aj +1 = 2(l + j + 1 n)aj . (4.61)
For large j the ratio aj +1 /aj is approximately 2/j , which is the same as in the Taylor series of e2 . The asymptotic behavior of the resulting solution would eectively invert the exponential damping in our ansatz (4.56). Normalizability therefore requires that the series terminates, number n has to be a positive integer which implies l + j + 1 n = 0 for some nonnegative integer j , i.e. the principal quantum n = 1, 2, 3, . . . , and the energy eigenvalues are En = 1 Z 2R = n2 2 Z a0 n
Somewhat surprisingly, the energy levels do not depend on the orbital quantum number l. For xed principal quantum number n we therefore have an degeneracy of
n1 l=0
(2l + 1) = n2 ,
which is larger than what is implied by angular momentum conservation. The energy degeneracy for dierent values of l is a special property of the pure Coulomb interaction. It is lifted in nature by additional interaction terms that lead to the ne structure and hyperne structure of the spectral lines. Note, however, that the degeneracy due to angular momentum conservation cannot be lifted by any corrections except in the presence of external forces, like an external magnetic eld, which would break the rotation symmetry of the complete system (i.e. the atom plus its interaction with the environment). For a proper discussion of these eects we need to consider the spin of the electron. This will be the subject of the next section.
Figure 4.3: Term diagram for the hydrogen atom illustrating all n2 degenerate states corresponding to the principal quantum number n.
The non-uniqueness of common eigenfunctions of H, L2 and Lz for the Coulomb potential implies the existence of an independent conserved quantity that lifts this degeneracy. An appropriate observable can be constructed in terms of the RungeLenz vector, M= x 1 (P L L P ) 2m r for V (r) = , r (4.65)
which is well-known in the classical mechanics of planetary motion. It is straightforward to check its conservation [H, M ] = 0. Evaluation of the classical version p L/m x/r at the perihelion shows that this vector points along the direction of the principal axis of the Kepler operator (4.65) is obtained by Weyl symmetrization, which is necessary for self-adjointness.1
With [P , 1 r] = i we can verify
1 x r3 ,
ellipse, which is a constant of non-relativistic motion in a pure 1/r potential. The quantum
xj r ] xi xj r 2 ),
[Pi ,
ir (ij
A (B C ) = Aj BCj Aj Bj C and (x L) = L x LL
x r3 x 1 +P1 r (P x) r 3 + r P x r 3 (xP )
P LLP P x [H, M ] = [ ] + [2 r, 2m m , r ] =
i 2m
x r3
= 0 (4.66)
The Lenz vector, of course, does not commute with Lz but rather transforms as a vector, [Li , Mj ] = i ijk Mk . H Since M L = L M = 0 and (after a tedious calculation) M 2 = 2m (L2 + 2 ) + 2 is a function of H and L2 , only Mz qualies for the additional commuting operator that lifts the degeneracy. The algebra is completed (after further tedious calculations) by 2H [Mi , Mj ] = i ijk Lk . (4.67) m
m For xed energy H = E the six conserved charges Li and Mj = 2E Mj form an angular momentum algebra SO(4) in 4 dimensions, or, equivalently, two independent angular momentum algebras SO(3) generated by 1 2 (Li Mi ). The properties of abstract angular momentum algebras, which will be derived in the next section, can then be used for a complete algebraic computation of the energy levels of the hydrogen atom. For more details see http://hbar.physik.uni-oldenburg.de/vlqm/VLqm/node72.html or [Hannabuss].
For a Hamiltonian of the form H =
P2 2m
angular momentum L = X P is conserved [H, Li ] = 0 and the algebra [Li , Lj ] = i ijk Lk leads to the following three commuting operators [H, Lz ] = [H, L2 ] = [Lz , L2 ] = 0.
The common eigenfunctions of L2 and Lz are the spherical harmonics with eigenvalues L2 Ylm = and Lz Ylm = mYlm with l and |m| l integer. The eigenvalue of L2 is (2l + 1) fold degenerate. The Schr odinger equation for the hydrogen atom can be solved by reducing the nonrelativistic two-body problem to the one-body problem with reduced mass = m1 m2 /M and a free center of mass motion with total mass M = m1 + m2 . With the formula for the Laplace operator = 1 2 1 L2 r r r2 r2 2
2 2
l(l + 1)Ylm
are determined by the termination condition of the power series solution to the radial equation (4.57), which is related to the dierential equation xL (x) + (2l + 2 x)L (x) (l + 1 n)L(x) = 0 for the associated Laguerre polynomials
s s x r x r Ls x, r (x) = x Lr (x) = x e x e
r = n + l,
s = 2l + 1
by x = 2 = 2r with = unlm =
Z . na0
the magnetic quantum number. Due to the approximation of a pure Coulomb interaction and electrons without spin En is n2 -fold degenerate.
where n N is the principal quantum number, l < n the orbital quantum number and m
The rst experiment that is often mentioned in the context of the electrons spin and magnetic moment is the Einsteinde Haas experiment. It was designed to test Amp` eres idea that magnetism is caused by molecular currents. Such circular currents, while generating a magnetic eld, would also contribute to the angular momentum of a ferromagnet. Therefore a change in the direction of the magnetization induced by an external eld has to lead to a small rotation of the material in order to preserve the total angular momentum. For a quantitative understanding of the eect we consider a charged particle of mass m and charge q rotating with velocity v on a circle of radius r. Since the particle passes through its orbit v/(2r) times per second the resulting current I = qv/(2r), which encircles an area A = r2 , generates a magnetic dipole moment = IA/c, I= qv 2r = IA qv r2 qvr q = = = L = L, c 2r c 2c 2mc = q , 2mc (5.1)
where L = mr v is the angular momentum. Now the essential observation is that the distribution of electrons with mass me and elementary charge e we hence expect e = g B L with B = e , 2me c
Figure 5.1: Splitting of a beam of silver atoms in an inhomogeneous magnetic eld. where the Bohr magneton B is the expected ratio between the magnetic moment e and the dimensionless value L/ of the angular momentum. The g-factor parametrizes deviations from the expected value g = 1, which could arise, for example, if the charge density distribution diers from the mass density distribution. The experimental result of Albert Einstein and Wander Johannes de Haas in 1915 seemed to be in agreement with Lorentzs theory that the rotating particles causing ferromagnetism are electrons.1 Classical ideas about angular momenta and magnetic moments of particles were shattered by the results of the experiment of Otto Stern and Walther Gerlach in 1922, who sent a beam of Silver atoms through an inhomogeneous magnetic eld and observed a split into two beams as shown in g. 5.1. The magnetic interaction energy of a dipole in a magnetic eld B is E = B = LB (5.3)
which imposes a force F = (B ) on the dipole. If the beam of particles with magnetic
Bz z
Bz Bz , y x
the force
Bz z
The experiment was repeated by Emil Beck in 1919 who found very precisely half of the expected value for L/, which we now know is correct. At that time, however, g was still believed to be equal to 1. As a result Emil Beck only got a job as a high school teacher while de Haas continued his scientic career in Leiden.
points along the z -axis. It is proportional to the gradient of the magnetic eld, which hence needs to be inhomogeneous. For an unpolarized beam the classical expectation would be a continuous spreading of deections. Quantum mechanically, any orbital angular momentum Lz But Stern and Gerlach observed, instead, two distinct lines as shown in g. 5.2. would be quantized as Lz = m with an odd number m = l, 1 l, . . . , l 1, l of split beams.
Figure 5.2: Stern and Gerlach observed two distinct beams rather than a classical continuum. In 1924 Wolfgang Pauli postulated two-valued quantum degrees of freedom when he formulated his exclution principle, but he rst opposed the idea of rotating electrons. In 1926 Samuel A. Goudsmit and George E. Uhlenbeck used that idea, however, to successfully guess formulas for the hyperne splitting of spectral lines,2 which involved the correct spin quantum numbers. Pauli pointet out an apparent discrepancy by a factor of two between theory and experiment, but this issue was resolved by Llewellyn Thomas. Thus Pauli dropped his objections and formalized the quantum mechanical theory of spin in 1927. The unexpected experimental value g = 2 for the electrons g -factor could only be understood in 1928 when Paul A.M. Dirac found the relativistic generalization of the Schr odinger equation, which we will discuss in chapter 7. Almost 20 years later, Raby et al. discovered a deviation of the magnetic moment from Dirac theory in 1947, and at the same time Lamb et al. reported similar eects in the spectral lines of certain atomic transitions. By the end of that year Julian Schwinger had computed the leading quantum eld theoretical correction ae to the quantum mechanical value, + O(2 ) = 1 + 0.001161 + O(2 ) (5.5) 2 and within a few years Schwinger, Feynman, Dyson, Tomonaga and others developed quantum g/2 1 + ae = 1 + electrodynamics (QED), the quantum eld theory (QFT) of electrons and photons, to a level that allowed the consistent computation of perturbative corrections. Present theoretical calculations of the anomalous magnetic moment ae of the electron, which include terms through order 4 , also need to take into account corrections due to strong and weak nuclear forces. The impressive agreement with the experimental result ae =
0.001 159 652 1884 (43) 0.001 159 652 2012 (27)
The history as told by Goudsmit can be found in his very recommendable jubilee lecture, whose transcript is available at http://www.lorentz.leidenuniv.nl/history/spin/goudsmit.html.
shows the remarkable precision of QFT, which is the theoretical basis of elementary particle physics. Modern precision experiments measure ae in Penning traps, which are axially symmetric combinations of a strong homogeneous magnetic eld with an electric quadrupole, in which single particles or ions can be trapped, stored and worked with for several weeks.3
Compelled by the experimental facts discussed above we now investigate general properties of angular momenta in order to nd out how to describe particles with spin /2. In the previous chapter we found the commutation relations [Li , Lj ] = i ijk Lk [L2 , Li ] = 0 (5.7)
of the orbital angular momentum L = X P with eigenfunctions Ylm and eigenvalues L2 Ylm =
l(l + 1)Ylm ,
Lz Ylm = mYlm
of L2 and Lz so that all states with total angular momentum quantum number l come in an odd number 2l + 1 of incarnations with magnetic quantum number m = l, . . . l. We thus want to understand how the electron can have an even number two of incarnations, as is implied
by the SternGerlach experiment and also by the double occupation of orbitals allowed by the Pauli principle. If we think of the total angular momentum J = L + S as the sum of a (by now familiar) orbital part L and an (abstract) spin operator S then it is natural to expect that the total angular momentum J should obey the same kind of commutation relations [Ji , Jj ] = i ijk Jk so that, for example, the commutator with
1 i
[J 2 , Ji ] = 0
now refrain, however, from a concrete interpretation of J and call any collection of three selfadjoint operators Ji = Ji obeying (5.9) an angular momentum algebra. Like in the case of the harmonic oscillator we will see that this algebra is sucient to determine all eigenstates, which
The high precision of almost 12 digits can be achieved because 1+ ae = s /c is the ratio of two frequencies, Bz , and independent of the precise the spin ip frequency s = gB Bz / and the cyclotron frequency c = me ec value of Bz . The cyclotron frequeny corresonds to the energy spacings between the Landau levels of electrons circling in a magnetic eld: Landau invented a nice trick for the computation of the associated energy quanta: If we use the gauge A = Bz Xey for a magnetic eld B = Bz ez in z -direction then the Hamiltonian becomes 1 c 2 2 2 H = 2m + (Py e Px c Bz X ) + Pz . The operators Px and X = X eBz Py , which determine the dynamics e 2 2 e Bz 2 1 2 Px + 2m e c of a harmonic oscillator, obviously satisfy a in the xy -plan via the Hamiltonian Hxy = 2m 2X e Heisenberg algebra [Px , X ] = . Recalling the (algebraic) solution of the harmonic oscillator we thus obtain
1 the energy eigenvalues En = (n + 2 ) c of the Landau levels with c = i eBz me c 3
= 2B Bz / [Landau-Lifschitz].
we denote by |j, . The eigenvalues of the maximal commuting set of operators J 2 and Jz can be parametrized as J 2 |j, Jz |j, = =
j (j + 1) |j,
(5.10) (5.11)
with j 0 because J 2 is non-negative. We also impose the normalization j , |j, = jj , where orthogonality for dierent eigenvalues is implied by Ji = Ji . Ladder Operators. As usual in quantum mechanics the general strategy is to diagonalize as many operators as possible. In order to diagonalize the action of Jz , i.e. a rotation in the xy -plane, we dene the ladder operators J = Jx iJy , (5.12)
which are transformed into one another by the commutator with H and J3 , respectively. In any case we nd [Jz , J ] = [Jz , Jx ] i[Jz , Jy ] = i Jy i(i )Jx = J and [J+ , J ] = [Jx + iJy , Jx iJy ] = i[Jx , Jy ] + i[Jy , Jx ] = 2 Jz . Since [Jz , J ] = J the ladder operators J shift the eigenvalues of Jz by , Jz J |j, = (J Jz J )|j, = ( 1) J |j, , so that J |j, = N |j, 1 . computed by evaluating the norms
where an analogy with the Harmonic oscillator would relate H to J3 and (X , P ) to (Jx , Jy ),
Since the eigenstates |j, are normalized by assumption, the normalization factors N can be || (J |j, ) ||2 = j, |J J |j, = |N |2 j, 1|j, 1 = |N |2 , operators to J 2 and Jz . We rst compute (5.17)
= J . The expectation values of J J are evaluated by relating these where we used that J
(j (j + 1) ( 1)) =
(j )(j + 1))
so that we end up with the important formula J |j, = (j )(j + 1) |j, 1 (5.21)
by the eigenvalue of J 2 ,
j (j + 1).
For xed total angular momentum quantum number j we conclude that is bounded from below and from above. Since the ladder operators J do not change j , repeated raising and repeated lowering must both terminate, J+ |j, max = 0, But this implies J J+ |j, max = |N+ |2 |j, max = 0, (5.24) (5.25) J |j, min = 0. (5.23)
max min = 2j N0
where 2j must be a non-negative integer because we get from |j, min to |j, max with (J+ )k
for k = max min = 2j . We thus have shown that quantum mechanical spins are quantized
N with ranging from j to j in integral steps. The magnetic in half-integral units j 1 2 0 particular, a doublet like observed in SternGerlach is consistent and implies j = 1/2.
quantum number hence can have 2j + 1 dierent values for xed total angular momentum. In
Naively one might expect that the eigenvalue of J 2 is the square of the maximal eigenvalue of Jz . But this is not possible because of an uncertainty relation, as can be seen from the following chain of inequalities:
2 2 2 2 2 J 2 = Jx + Jy + Jz Jz + (Jx )2 + (Jy )2 Jz + 2Jx Jy
(2 + ||).
CHAPTER 5. ANGULAR MOMENTUM AND SPIN This explains our parametrization of the eigenvalue of J 2 as
We conclude that it does not make sense to think of the angular momentum of a particle as pointing into a particular direction: Due to the uncertainty relation between Ji and Jj for i = j it is impossible to simultaneously measure dierent components of the angular moment, just like it is impossible to measure position and momentum of a particle simultaneously. Expectation values |J | , on the other hand, are usual vectors that do point into a particular direction.
of the eigenvalue spectrum shows that the inequality is saturated for max = j and min = j .
According to general arguments of rotational invariance and angular momentum conservation we expect that the total angular momentum J = L + S is the sum of an intrinsic and an orbital part, which can be measured independently and hence ought to commute, J = L + S, [Li , Sj ] = 0. (5.29)
Moreover, each of these angular momentum vectors obeys the same kind of algebra [Ji , Jj ] = i ijk Jk , [Li , Lj ] = i ijk Lk , [Si , Sj ] = i ijk Sk . (5.30)
and transforms as a vector under a rotation of the complete system (i.e. of the position and of the spin of a particle) [Ji , Lj ] = i ijk Lk , [Ji , Sj ] = i ijk Sk , [Ji , Jj ] = i ijk Jk . (5.31)
More generally, we can decompose the total angular momentum into a sum of (commuting) contributions of independent subsystens J =
L(i) +
spinning particles with respective orbital angular momenta L(i) = X(i) P(i) and spins S(i) . We now focus on the spin degree of freedom and consider the case s =
2 1 2
that is relevant
for electrons, protons and neutrons. The basis in which S and Sz are diagonal consists of the natural basis vectors e1 =
1 , 1 which span the Hilbert space H = C2 . We can hence identify | 1 , 1 with two states | 2 2 2 2 1 0
and e2 =
0 1
|1 , 1 2 2
1 0
and ,
1 |2 , 1 = | = | 2 0 1
1 |1 , +2 = |+ = | 2
(5.35) S ) we nd (5.36)
1 (S+ 2i
Sx =
0 1 1 0
Sy =
0 i i 0
Sz =
1 0 0 1
We hence can write the spin operator as S= where are the Paulimatrices x = 0 1 1 0 , y = 0 i i 0 , z = 1 0 0 1 . (5.38) 2 (5.37)
The matrices obey the following equivalent sets of identities, (i )2 = , i j = j i = iijk k i j = ij + iijk k . They are traceless, tr i = 0, tr i j = 2ij , (5.42) for i = j, (5.39) (5.40) (5.41)
{i , j } = 2ij ,
[i , j ] = 2iijk k ,
tr(Ai ). The Pauli matrices hence form a basis for the 3-dimensional linear space of all traceless Hermitian 2 2 matrices. The complete state of an electron is now specied by the position and spin degrees of
1 , = 2 . Once we agree that electrons have spin s = freedom |x R3 , s = 1 2 1 2
where tr A
3 i=1
we can omit
= xR3
+ (x ) (x )
More familiarly, a vector eld v (x), i.e. a wave function with spin 1, is described by three component functions vi (x).
Due to the experimental value g = 2 the total magnetic moment of the electron is total = e e L + 2S = L+ 2me c 2me c B (5.45)
and the corresponding interaction energy with a magnetic eld is Hint = total B = B where B =
e 2me c 1
L+ B =
L + 2S B,
is the Bohr magneton. The complete Hamiltonian thus becomes HP auli = B P2 + V (x) + L + 2S B. 2m (5.47)
The corresponding Schr odinger equation is called Pauli equation (without spin-orbit coupling) = i t
+ V (x) +
L + 2S B
which is a system of dierential equations for the two components (x) of the wave function spinor =
SpinOrbit coupling. When an electron moves with a velocity v in the electric eld produced by a nucleus it observes, in its own frame of reference, a modied magnetic eld according to the transformation rule B = B 1 vE , c (5.49)
where B is the magnetic eld in the rest frame (of the nucleus). We can therefore try to take into account relativistic corrections to the Pauli equation by considering the interaction of this eld with the magnetic moment e =
e S me c
of the electron.
If we ignore the weak magnetic eld of the nucleus5 B 0 then its electric eld E= induces a velocity-dependent magnetic eld B = 1 dV 1 dV (v x) = ecr dr ecr dr
1 L = m e
1 dV x e dr r
1 L . me
e S me c
Enaiv =
2 m2 ec r
dV dr
LS .
q Note that the magnetic moment = g 2mc is proportional to the inverse mass.
CHAPTER 5. ANGULAR MOMENTUM AND SPIN The correct spin-orbit interaction energy diers from this by a factor from the fully relativistic Dirac equation in chapter 7, HSO = 1 dV 2 2m2 e c r dr LS = Ze2 1 L S 2 2m2 r3 ec
1 2
The spin-orbit interaction is an instance of the more general phenomenon that angular momenta J1 and J2 coming from dierent degrees of freedom interact so that only the total angular momentum J = J1 + J2 is conserved. In order to be able to take advantage of this conservation it is therefore necessary to reorganize the Hilbert space spanned by the N = (2j1 + 1)(2j2 + 1) states |j1 , m1 |j2 , m2 into a new basis |j, m, . . . in which J 2 = J12 + J22 + 2J1 J2 and Jz = J1z + J2z (5.54)
are diagonal. In order to simplify the notation we use, in the present section, the indices 1 and 2 exclusively to label the angular momenta J1 and J2 , and we use x, y, z to label the dierent components. Since [J1 J2 , J1z ] = [J1x , J1z ]J2x + [J1y , J1z ]J2y = i J1y J2x + i J1x J2y the commutator [J 2 , J1z ] = 2i (J1x J2y J1y J2x ) = [J 2 , J2z ] (5.56) (5.55)
2 is non-zero so that we can not diagonalize J1z or J2z simultaneously with J 2 and Jz . But J1 2 and J2 both commute with J 2 and Jz and we can continue to use their eigenvalues to label the
= = = =
Jz |j, m, j1 , j2
2 2
2 J2 |j, m, j1 , j2
During the course of our analysis we will show that j and m completely characterize the new basis so that no further independent commuting operators exist. For xed j the angular momentum algebra implies that all magnetic quantum numbers with j m j are present J . Such a multiplet of 2j + 1 states is called an irreducible representation Rj of the and all of them can be obtained from a single one by repeated application of the ladder operators
CHAPTER 5. ANGULAR MOMENTUM AND SPIN m = m1 + m2 j1 + j2 j1 + j2 1 j1 + j2 2 ... j1 j2 + 1 j1 j2 j1 j2 1 ... j1 + j2 + 1 j1 + j2 j1 + j2 1 ... j1 j2 + 2 j1 j2 + 1 j1 j2 number of states 1 2 3 ... 2j2 2j2 + 1 2j2 + 1 ... 2j2 + 1 2j2 + 1 2j2 ... 3 2 1 m
- jmax
- jmin -0 - jmin
- jmax
- j
Table 5.1: Reorganization of the Hilbert space of states |j1 , m1 |j2 , m2 . angular momentum algebra and the change of basis that we are about to construct is called a decomposition of the tensor product Rj1 Rj2 into a direct sum of irreducible representations Rj . The result of our analysis will be that |j1 j2 | j j1 + j2 . For xed j1 and j2 there are 2j1 + 1 dierent values of m1 and 2j2 + 1 dierent values of m2 . Since Jz = J1z + J2z the eigenvalues in the old basis |j1 j2 m1 m2 = |j1 m1 |j2 m2 and in the new basis |j j1 j2 m are related by m = m1 + m2 , but since [J 2 , J1z ] = 0 a specic vector
|j1 j2 m1 m2 may contribute to states with dierent total angular momentum j . In order to
nd the possible values of j and the linear combinations of the eigenstates of J1z and J2z that
are eigenstates of J 2 we organize the Hilbert space according to the total magnetic quantum number m, as shown in table 5.1. For xed m we draw as many boxes in the respective row as there are independent combinations m1 + m2 = m with |m1 | j1 and |m2 | j2 . The numbers of boxes in one row are listed for the case j1 j2 (otherwise exchange J1 and J2 ). The next step is to understand the horizontal position of the boxes along the j -axis between which corresponds to the state |j1 m1 |j2 m2 . This box must belong to a spin multiplet Rj jmin = |j1 j2 | and jmax = j1 + j2 . For the maximal value j1 + j2 of m there is only one box, with angular momentum j = j1 + j2 because j m = j1 + j2 and for a larger value of j a state
other states of Rjmax by repeated application of the lowering operator J = J1 + J2 with (J )k |j1 + j2 , j1 + j2 = (J1+ J2 )k |j1 , j2 , j1 , j2 =
k l=0 k l
|j1 , j2 , m1max , m2 max . Having identied the state |j, m with j = m = j1 + j2 we can obtain all (J1 )l |j1 j1 (J2 )kl |j2 j2 . (5.61)
with a larger value of m would have to exist. Hence jmax = m1max + m2max and |jmax , mmax =
2j k
|j, j k . With m = j1 + j2 k ,
2j2 j2 m2
|j1 + j2 , m =
m1 +m2 =m
2j1 j1 m1
|j1 , m1
|j2 , m2 .
If we now remove the 2j1 + 2j2 + 1 states of the form (5.62), i.e. the last column in table 5.1, then the important observation is that we are left with a single box of maximal m, which now is mmax = j = j1 + j2 1. Repeating the above argument we hence conclude that there is a unique angular momentum multiplet Rj . The state with the largest magnetic quantum number
same magnetic quantum number m = j but a dierent total angular momentum. Iteration of this procedure until all states are exhausted shows that there is a unique multiplet with total angular momentum j with |j1 j2 | j j1 + j2 . colums in table 5.1 is 2j2 + 1 and
j1 + j2 j =j1 j2 (2j
As a check we count the number of states in the new basis. Assuming j1 j2 the number of
j1 2j2 +1) = (2j1 + 1)(2j2 + 1) + 1) = (2j2 + 1) (2j1 +2j2 +1)+(2 2
in accord with the dimension of the tensor product. Having determined the range of eigenvalues of J 2 and having established their non-degeneracy we now turn to the discussion of the unitary change of basis.
Clebsch-Gordan coecients
|j1 j2 m1 m2 j1 j2 m1 m2 |jmj1 j2
are called ClebschGordan (CG) coecients, for which a number of notations is used,
j1 j2 j j Cm . j1 j2 m1 m2 |jmj1 j2 j1 j2 m1 m2 |jm Cm 1 m2 m 1 m2
j For the shorthand notation Cm the values j1 , j2 must be known from the context; also the 1 m2
order of the quantum numbers and the index position may vary. Note that the elements of the CG matrix can be chosen to be real, so that the CG matrix becomes orthogonal. In chapter 6 we will need to know the CG coecients for the total angular momentum particle. From (5.62) we can read o the CG coecients J = L + S of a spin 1 2 j1 j2 m1 m2 |jm =
2j1 j1 m1 2j2 j2 m2
2j j m
j = j1 + j2 .
= 1 and
2l lml
2j j mj
ms =
1 2 1 2
1 2
ms = 1 2
lmj +1/2 2l+1 l+mj +1/2 2l+1
j =l+ j =l
The second line follows from unitarity with signs chosen such that the determinant is positive.6 Explicit formulas for general CG coecients have been derived by Racah and by Wigner (see [Grau] appendix A6 or [Messiah] volume 2). The coupling of three (or more) angular momenta can be analyzed by iteration. It is easy to see that now there are degeneracies, i.e. the resulting states are no longer uniquely described by |j, m with m = m1 + m2 + m3 . The 8 states of the coupling of three spins j1 = j2 = j3 =
1 , 2
into a unique spin 3/2 quartet and two non-unique spin 1/2 doublet representations. The resulting basis depends on the order of the iteration J = J12 + J3 = J1 + J23 with J12 = J1 + J2 and J23 = J2 + J3 . The recoupling coecients, which are matrix elements of the corresponding unitary change of basis, can be expressed in terms of the Racah W-coecients or in terms of the Wigher 6-j symbol, which essentially dier by sign conventions.7 These quantities are used in atomic physics.
Recursion relations that can be used to compute all CG coecients follow from j1 , j2 , m1 , m2 |J |j, m = j1 , j2 , m1 , m2 | (J1 + J2 ) |j, m (5.70)
where Ji can be evaluated on the bra-vector and J on the ket, (j m)(j m + 1) j1 , j2 , m1 , m2 |j, m 1 = + (j2 m2 )(j2 m2 + 1) j1 , j2 , m1 , m2 1|j, m . (j1 m1 )(j1 m1 + 1) j1 , j2 , m1 1, m2 |j, m (5.71)
Possible values of m1 and m2 for xed j1 , j2 and j are shown in the following graphics, where the corner X
can be used as the starting point of the recursion because the linear equations (5.71) relate corners of the triangles
m1 1 m1 , m2 m2 1 m2 + 1
m1 , m2
m1 + 1
The Wigner 6j symbols and the Racah W-coecients, which describe the recoupling of 3 spins, are related
total spin can have the values 0 and 1, and the respective multiplets, or representations, are called singlet and triplet, respectively.8 The triplet consists of the states |1, 1 = | , |1, 0 = |1,1 =
1 2 1 2
The four states in the tensor product basis are | | , or | , | , | and | . The
1 2
S | =
(| + | ) ,
(5.76) (5.77)
S |1, 0 = | .
The singlet state is the superposition of the Sz = 0 states | and | orthogonal to |1, 0 , |0, 0 =
1 2
(| | ) .
An important application for a system with two spins is the hyperne structure of the ground state of the hydrogen atom, which is due to the magnetic coupling between the spins of the proton and of the electron. The energy dierence between the ground state singlet and the triplet excitation corresponds to a signal with 1420.4 MHz, the famous 21 cm hydrogen line, which is used extensively in radio astronomy. Due to the weakness of the magnetic interaction the lifetime of the triplet state is about 107 years. In order to derive a formula for the projectors to singlet and triplet states we note that S 2 = S1 + S2 + 2S1 S2 with S 2 |1, m = 2 2 |1, m , The operator S1 S2 =
1 2 S 2 2 2
S 2 |0, 0 = 0
2 2 S1 = S2 =
3 2 4
1 2 4
3 2 on the singlet and therefore has eigenvalue 4 triplet states. With the tensor product notation S1 = S and S2 = S , i.e.
3 2 4
S1 S2 S S =
by j1 j2 J12 j3 J J23 j1 j2 j m1 m 2 m
The Wigner 3j symbols and the Racah V-coecients are related to the Clebsch Gordan coecients by = (1)j j1 +j2 V (j1 j2 j ; m1 m2 m) = (5.73)
Wigners sign choices have the advantage of higher symmetry; see [Messiah] vol. II and, for example, http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Wigner6j-Symbol.html and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racah W-coefficient. 3 8 The German names for j = 0, 1 2 , 1, 2 , . . . are Singulett, Dublett, Triplett, Quartett, . . . , respectively.
CHAPTER 5. ANGULAR MOMENTUM AND SPIN we thus obtain the projector P0 onto the singlet state P0 = |0, 0 0, 0| = and the projector P1 onto triplet states
1 1 4 1 12 S1 S2 = 4 ( )
P1 =
|1, m 1, m| = 3 + 4
1 (3 + ) , S1 S2 = 4
which we now apply to the computation of probabilities. Correlations in the EPR experiment. We want to compute the conditional probability measure spin up in the direction of a unit vector for the other decay product of a quantum mechanical system composed of two spin |0, 0 =
1 (| 2 1 2
P (| ) for the measurement of spin up in the direction of a unit vector for one particle if we
spin up in direction for the rst particle and spin up in direction for the second particle
1 divided by the probability for the latter. It is easily seen that = 2 ( z ) is the projector
| | onto the Sz eigenstate | . More generally, the spin operator S for a spin measurement in the direction has eigenvalues 2 , so that has eigenvalues 1. Therefore the projectors 1 = ( ) 2
onto the eigenspaces of spin up and spin down in the direction of the unit vector are
and the probability for spin up in direction for the second particle in the singlet state is P ( ) = tr(P0 ) = tr
(2) 1 ( 4
i i ) ( )
1 4
1 tr i i = =4
tr tr tr i tr(i )
where we used the factorization tr(O1 O2 ) = tr O1 tr O2 of traces of product operators shown in (3.68). In the two-dimensional one-particle spin spaces the traces are tr = 2, tr i = 0,
1 tr = 2 tr = 1, 1 tr(i ) = 2 tr(i + i j j ) = i
and we nd P ( ) = 1/2, as we had to expect because of rotational symmetry. For the conditional probability we thus obtain P (| ) = P ( )/P ( ) = 2P ( ) = 2 tr P0 = 2 tr =
1 2 1 4 (1) (2)
(5.86) (5.87)
1 2
i i
1 cos(, ) ,
Time independent (RayleighSchr odinger) perturbation theory applies to quantum mechanical systems for which a time-independent Hamiltonian H is the sum of an exactly solvable part H0 and a small perturbation, H = H0 + V, (6.1)
where serves as a formal innitesimal parameter that organizes the orders of the perturbative expansion. Of course only the smallness, in some appropriate sense, of the product V will be relevant for the quality of the resulting approximation. Non-degenerate time-independent perturbation theory. We rst assume that the eigenvalue problem for H0 has been solved H0 |a0 = Ea0 |a0 (6.2)
states |a0 . The label 0 refers to the unperturbed Hamiltonian H0 and to the 0th approximation.
with discrete1 non-degenerate eigenvalues Ea0 for some index set {a} and corresponding eigenIf appropriate, sums have to be augmented by integrals over continuous parts of the spectra as usual.
CHAPTER 6. METHODS OF APPROXIMATION We now make the ansatz that the exact solution to the eigenvalue problem H |a = Ea |a can be expanded into a power series Ea = Ea0 + Ea1 + Ea2 + . . . = |a = |a0 + |a1 + 2 |a2 + . . . =
i Eai , i |ai .
(6.4) (6.5)
i=0 i=0
Even if Ea and |a are not analytic in so that the expansion does not converge to the exact solution we may get excellent approximations for suciently small . In that case (6.4)(6.5) is called an asymptotic expansion. A well-known example is the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron (5.6), for which the perturbation series is known to diverge. The next step is to insert the ansatz into the stationary Schr odinger equation (H0 + V ) or
i=0 i=0
j =0
k |ak
H0 |ai +
V |ai =
i l=0
Ea,il |al
and to compare coecients of . For we obtain, of course, the unperturbed equation H0 |a0 = Ea0 |a0 . For the higher order terms we bring the |ai terms to the left-hand-side and collect all other terms on the other side, for 1 : for 2 : ... for i : (H0 Ea0 )|ai = (Ea1 V )|a, i 1 + . . . + Eai |a0 . (6.10)
(H0 Ea0 )|a1 = (Ea1 V )|a0 , (H0 Ea0 )|a2 = (Ea1 V )|a1 + Ea2 |a0 ,
(6.8) (6.9)
The best way to analyze the content of these equations is to compute their products with the complete set b0| of eigenstates of H0 . term by b0|Eb0 and thus obtain First order corrections. When evaluating b0| on (6.8) we can replace b0|H0 in the rst b0|(Eb0 Ea0 )|a1 = b0|(Ea1 V )|a0 = ab Ea1 b0|V |a0 . We thus have to distinguish two cases: (6.11)
CHAPTER 6. METHODS OF APPROXIMATION for a = b the equation can be solved for Ea1 = a0|V |a0 ,
so that the rst order energy correction is simply the expectation value of the perturbation. for a = b the equation can be solved for b0|a1 = b0|V |a0 . Eb0 Ea0 (6.13)
These scalar products are just the expansion coecients of |a1 in the basis |b0 so that |a1 = |b0 b0|V |a0 , Ea0 Eb0 (6.14)
b= a
where we omitted a potential contribution of |a0 for reasons that we now discuss in detail. l.h.s. vanishes for b = a and the r.h.s. contains a term Eai ab . The resulting equations non-degenerate energy levels Eb0 = Ea0 implies that the l.h.s. becomes (Eb0 Ea0 ) b0|ai so But a0|ai remains completely undetermined! The reason for this is easily understood: The that these equations determine the expansion coecients of |ai in the basis |b0 for b = a. If we consider the products of b0| with the equations (6.8)(6.10) we observe that the
hence determine the energy corrections Eai for each order i . For b = a the assumption of
Schr odinger equation is linear, and so are all equations that we derived with our perturbative ansatz. Every solution |a = |a0 + |a1 + . . . can hence be rescaled by an overall factor f () = 1 + f1 + . . ., which would reorganize the perturbation series such that the coecient of |a0 a0|b0 = ab of the unperturbed states. We are hence free to simply choose a0|ai = 0 in the expansion of |ai can be changed arbitrarily without impairing the orthonormalization (6.15)
as is done, for example, in [Schwabl]. This is the most convenient way to x the ambiguous coecients. Then |a1 and all higher order corrections are orthogonal to |a0 so that (according to Pythagoras) the norm of |a diers from the norm of |a0 by a positive correction term of divide |a as obtained with the choice (6.15) by its norm, which will keep a0|a1 = 0 but Second order energy correction. Multiplicaton of b0| with (6.9) yields b0|(Eb0 Ea0 )|a2 = b0|(Ea1 V )|a1 + ab Ea2 . (6.16)
order 2 . If we want to keep |a normalized at each order in perturbation theory then we can change a0|ai for i 2 such that |a stays normalized. We are now ready to proceed with the
For a = b we use a0|a1 = 0 and solve for Ea2 = a0|V |a1 , thus obtaining the energy correction Ea2 =
b= a
which shows that the contribution of other states to the energy correction is proportional to the squared matrix element of the perturbation, but suppressed by an energy denominator for states located at very dierent energy levels. It is straightforward to work out the second order corrections to the wave function2 but since our interest is usually focused on energy spectra this would only be relevant for the computation of Ea3 .
In the above derivation we used that the energy levels are non-degenerate and the results (6.14) and (6.17) show that we get in trouble with vanishing energy denominators if Ea0 = Eb0 for a = b. Indeed, equation (6.11) becomes inconsistent if there is an odiagonal matrix element because the choice of basis is ambiguous within the eigenspace for a particular eigenvalue and when the degeneracy is lifted by V then an arbitrarily small perturbation requires a noninnitesimal change of basis. This is inconsistent with a perturbative ansatz. What we thus that the perturbative ansatz becomes consistent. The vanishing r.h.s. of (6.11) thus implies Ea 0|V |a 0 1 = a with b0|V |a 0 = 0 for Ea = b 0 = E b0 , a need to do is to diagonalize the matrix b0|V |a0 within each degeneration space Ea0 = Eb0 so (6.19) b0|V |a0 between states with degenerate unperturbed energies. The reason is easily understood
so that the eigenvalues Ea of b0|V |a0 yield the rst order energy corrections.
The ne-structure of the hydrogen atom, which partially lifts the degeneracies of the pure Coulomb interaction that we observed in chapter 4, is an important application of degenerate perturbation theory. The relevant Hamiltonian consists of the relativistic corrections H =
2 P4 1 dV P2 V (r) + V (r) L S + + 2 2 2 2me 8m3 2m2 8m2 ec e c r dr ec H0
The solution b0|a2 = ( b0|V |a1 Ea1 b0|a1 ) /(Ea0 Eb0 ) of (6.16) leads to the second order wave function correction |a2 =
b= a
|a0 ,
a1|a1 .
with V (r) = Ze , where we dropped the unobservable zero-point energy mc2 of the electron r (as well as that of the nucleus).3 We now discuss the ne structure corrections HRK HSO HD ... ... ... relativistic kinetic energy correction spin orbit coupling Darwin term
in turn. At the end we will observe a surprising simplication of the complete result. Relativistic kinetic energy. Since the electron is much lighter than the nucleus, its velocity is much larger and the resulting relativistic corrections to the kinetic energy ERK set the scale for the size of the ne structure corrections. According to the Bohr model the velocity of the ground state orbit is e2 1 ERK v2 v = = (6.21) 2 2 104 c c 137 E0 c so that rst order perturbation theory is sucient for the derivation of very precise values for the level splittings. For small velocities the relativistic expression E=
2 4 2 2 m2 e c + P c = me c 2
P me c
can be expanded into a power series using 1/2 1 1 2 n 1+x= n=0 n x = 1 + 2 x 8 x + . . . , with the result E = me c2 +
P2 2me
1 P4 2 8 m3 ec
+ ...
The second term is the non-relativistic kinetic energy, which is the kinetic part of the Schr odinger Hamiltonien H0 . Thus the leading relativistic correction is HRK = P4 , 2 8m3 ec
RK Enl = nlm|HRK |nlm
where E denotes the rst order energy correction (6.12), which depends on the principal quantum number n and the orbital quantum number l. Since the momentum commutes with the spin operator, we can ignore the spin quantum numbers. Since the states |nlm satises the unperturbed Schr odinger equation H0 |nlm = En |nlm with energy En = Z 2 me e4 Z 2 e2 1 = n2 2 2 2n2 a0
to trade expectation values of powers of P 2 we can use P 2 = 2me (H0 V ) with V (r) = Ze r for expectation values of powers of the Coulomb potential, HRK =
P4 1 = 2 8m3 2me c2 ec
P2 2me
1 2me c2
H0 +
Ze2 r
1 1 1 While the replacement of the electron mass me by the reduced mass with = m + m leads to a p e larger absolute shift in the total binding energies than the ne structure, it can be ignored for the relative level splittings.
2En Z = , a0 n2 Ze2
a0 =
me e2
(6.28) (6.29)
2 4En n Z2 = 1 1, 2 3 2 4 Z e l+ 2 a0 n (l + 2 )
where a0 denotes the Bohr radius, the relativistic kinetic energy correction becomes
RK Enl =
me Z 4 e8 2n4 c2 4
3 n 1 4 l+ 2
which is of order 2 as expected. Spin-orbit coupling. The Hamiltonian HSO of the spin-orbit coupling HSO = Ze2 dV 1 1 L S L S = 2 2 2m2 2m2 r3 e c r dr ec (6.31)
has been discussed already in chapter 5 and will be derived from the Dirac equation in chapter 7. For the evaluation of the radial part of the expectation value we need 1 r3 =
nl 6 Z 3 m3 ee 6
n3 l(l
1 . + 1)(l + 1 ) 2
For the evaluation of the angular part we recall that J 2 = (L + S )2 = L2 + S 2 + 2LS so that the spin-orbit term can be written as
1 (J 2 L2 S 2 ) . LS = 2
Since J 2 does not commute with Lz the spin-orbit Hamiltonian is not diagonal in the basis momentum basis |n jlsmj . The energy correction thus becomes n jlsmj |HSO |n jlsmj = For an electron s =
1 2
|nlml |sms and we have to apply degenerate perturbation theory in the total angular Ze2 2 4m2 ec
1 |nl r3
the degeneracy of the 6 electron states |21m in the p orbital with principal quantum number n = 2 and induces a ne-structure dierence between the energy levels of the 4 states in the spin
3 2
quartet 2p3/2 and the 2 states in the doublet 2p1/2 . We hence need to distinguish the
1 2
two cases j = l
SO Enjl =
l (l + 1)
1 me Z 4 e8 1 2 4 3 4c n l(l + 1)(l + 2 )
l (l 1)
The Darwin term. For the last contribution to the relativistic corrections we start with a heuristic argument that is based on the idea of a Zitterbewegung, i.e. an uncertainty in the position of an electron that is of the order of its Compton wave length e = me c 3.86 1013 m. (6.38)
The eect of averaging over a slightly smeared out position of an electron in an electrostatic eld would amount to an eective potential Vef f (x) = V (x + x) = V (x) + xi i V (x) + 1 xi xj i j V (x) + . . . 2 (6.39)
Imposing rotational symmetry of the uctuations we expect xi = 0 and 1 1 1 xi xj = ij x1 x1 = ij xx = ij ( |x|)2 = ij (r)2 . 3 3 3 wavelength e we obtain Vef f (x) = V (x) + (6.40)
If we set the expectation value of the uctuation r of the position equal to the Compton
2 2 6m2 ec
V (x)
where = ij i j is the Laplace operator. This line of ideas leads to the correct functional
1 1 form, but the correct prefactor ( 8 instead of 6 ) of the Darwin term 2
HD =
8m2 ec
V (x) = 2
Ze2 1 2 8m2 r ec
is obtained from the Dirac equation, as we will see in chapter 7). The Coulomb potential solves the Poisson equation with point-like source, 1 = 4 3 (x). r Because of the -function only the s-waves contribute to the Darwin term
D Enl = nlm|HD |nlm =
Note that the Darwin term exactly corresponds to the formal limit l 0 of the spin-orbit correction (6.37) for the case j = l +
1 2
Figure 6.1: Fine structure splitting of the n = 2 and n = 3 levels of the hydrogen atom.
Fine structure. Putting everyting together we obtain the complete ne structure energy correction
FS Enj =
me Z 4 e8 2 4 n4 c 2
3 n 4 j+
1 2
1 2
As one can observe in gure 6.1 for the orbitals with principal quantum numbers n = 2 and n = 3, the energy shift is always negative because j + quantum number l and only depends on n and the total angular momentum j , which leads to a Stark eect. n. It is independent of the orbital
degeneracy of the orbitals 2s1/2 and 2p1/2 that will be important in our discussion of the linear
We now analyze the level splittings that are due to external static electromagnetic elds. Such elds reduce the symmetry, at most, to rotations about some axis and hence can lead to further liftings of degeneracies that are otherwise protected by the 3-dimensional rotation symmetry of an isolated atom. The Zeeman Eect. Taking into account the g -factor of the electron the Hamilton operator for the interaction with an external magnetic eld is H Z = B (mL + mS ) = e (L + 2S )B. 2me c (6.46)
For a constant magnetic eld along the z -axis we have B = Bz ez HZ = e e (Lz + 2Sz )Bz = (Jz + Sz )Bz . 2me c 2me c (6.47)
Taking the hydrogen atom without ne structure as the starting point, we note that the energy levels are degenerate for xed n in the orbital quantum number l < n and in the magnetic quantum numbers ml , ms . If we want to treat the spin-orbit coupling and the Zeeman Hamiltonian as perturbations, the problem is that [HSO , HZ ] = 0, so that these operators cannot be diagonalized simultaneously (in the degeneration space of xed n). We would therefore have to treat both interactions at once, thus diagonalizing much larger matrices. While this can be done (see [Schwabl] section 14.1.3), we rather consider the two limiting situations where one of the eects is dominant and the other is treated as a small perturbation on top of the larger one. Accordingly, there is a weak eld and a strong eld version of the Zeeman eect, where the latter is associated with the name Paschen-Back eect, as we will discuss below. Weak eld Zeeman eect. For weak external magnetic elds the spin-orbit coupling is dominant. We hence compute the matrix elements of HZ between eigenstates |njlsmj of HSO and need to diagonalize within the degenerate subspace of xed n, j, l. This will be a good approximation as long as the matrix elements of HZ between states with dierent total angular momentum are small compared to the energy denominators (6.17) caused by the ne structure splitting due to HSO so that second order perturbative corrections are small as compared to the leading order. This is the precise meaning of what we call a weak magnetic eld. Since we assume that HSO is dominant, the rst order energy correction is now computed for xed J 2 , i.e. in the basis |njlsmj and within the 2j + 1 dimensional subspace mj = j, . . . , j . need to evaluate
Z = Em j
But in this subspace HZ is already diagonal because Jz + Sz commutes with Jz . Hence we only eBz (Jz + Sz ) |njlsmj 2me c
|nlsml ms
lsml ms |jlsmj .
j ClebschGordan coe . Cm l ms
lsj j for J = L + S were computed in (5.69), Cmm The Clebsch-Gordan coecients Cm l ms l ms j Cm l ,ms
ms =
1 2 1 2
1 2
j =l+ j =l
Figure 6.2: Schematic diagram for the splitting of the 2p levels of a hydrogen atom as a function of an external magnetic eld B. For small B the degeneracy of the six 2p levels is completely 1 1 3 , m = 2 and j = 2 ,m = 1 converge, so that removed, but as B becomes large the levels j = 2 2 the degeneracy is only partially removed in the limit of very large B (Paschen-Back eect). with mj = ml + ms . For the two cases j = l jlsmj |Sz |jlsmj = Cm ,2+ 1 jlsml , +
l 1 1 2
(6.50) (6.51)
eB = 2me c
mj e B mj = mj 2l + 1 2me c
j = l + 1/2 j = l 1/2
The spin-orbit coupling already removes the degeneracy in j . From equation (6.52) we see that a weak external magnetic eld in addition lifts the degeneracy in mj , thus explaining the name magnetic quantum number. A level with given quantum numbers n and j thus splits into 2j + 1 distinct lines. As an example consider the 2p orbitals of the hydrogen atom. The 2p3/2 level, The 2p1/2 levels split into two with mj = 1/2 and E Z =
3 1 , 2, 1 , 3 with E Z = with j = l + 1/2, splits into 4 levels according to mj = 2 2 2 e B m 2me c j e B m 2me c j 4 3 .
2 3
Strong eld and PaschenBack eect. In the case of very strong magnetic elds the spin-orbit term becomes (almost) irrelevant and the Zeeman term HZ forces the electrons into states that are (almost) eigenstates of Lz + 2Sz = Jz + Sz . The total angular momentum J 2 is Z so that we can use the original hence no longer conserved, but L2 and S 2 commute with H basis |nlml |sms for the calculation. The fact that a strong magnetic eld thus breaks up the quantities is called PaschenBack eect. coupling between spin and orbital angular momentum and makes them individually conserved
CHAPTER 6. METHODS OF APPROXIMATION The energy shift due to the external magnetic eld B is now easily evaluated as
Z = Enlsm l ms
The magnetic eld B does not remove the degeneracy of the hydrogenic energy levels in l and it removes the degeneracy in ml and ms only partially. Considering again the 2p level as shown g = 2 the sum ml + 2ms can now assume all 5 integral values between 2, but the value in gure 6.2 we insert ml = 1, 0, 1 and ms = 1/2 into equation (6.53). Due to the g -factor
ml + 2ms = 0 can be obtained in two dierent ways and hence corresponds to a degenerate
1 line originating from 2p3/2 and the energy level. In gure 6.2 one observes that the mj = 2
mj =
1 2
The Stark eect. A hydrogen atom in a uniform electric eld E = Ez ez experiences a shift of the spectral lines that was rst observed in 1913 by Stark. The interaction energy of the electron in the external eld amounts to an external potential VS = eEx and hence to an interaction Hamiltonian HS = eE X = eEz z. (6.54)
First of all we shall assume that E is large enough for the ne structure eects to be negligible. We hence work in the basis |nlm and ignore the spin because the electric eld does not couple by symmetry considerations. First we note that z is invariant under rotations about the z -axis so that Jz is conserved and l m |z |lm is proportional to m,m . Moreover, under a parity transformation X X the interaction term HS is odd, so that l m |z |lm Since the integral
x x
to the magnetic moment of the electron. The matrix elements of HS are strongly constrained
(1)ll +1 l m |z |lm .
element can be non-zero only if l l is odd. Moreover, one can show that |l l | 1 for the electric dipole matrix element |X | , as we will learn in the context of tensor operators.4
Nonzero matrix elements therefore cannot be diagonal so that a linear Stark eect (i.e. a contribution in rst order perturbation theory) can only occur if energy levels are degenerate for dierent orbital angular momenta. Such degeneracies only occur for excited states of the hydrogen atom (in the ground state one can only observe the quadratic Stark eect, i.e. a level splitting in second order perturbation theory. The simplest situation for which we can hope for a linear Stark eect is for l = 0, 1 and n = 2, for which there may be a nonzero matrix element between the states |200 and |210 ,
A vector operator X correponds to addition of spin 1. Adding spin one to a state of angular momentum l can only yield angular momentum l with |l l| 1 (see chapter 9). The same argument will apply to selection rules of in the dipol approximation for absorption and emission of electromagnetic radiation (see section 6.5).
Figure 6.3: Splitting of the degenerate n = 2 levels of hydrogen due to the linear Stark eect. which are degenerate and satisfy the selection rules l l = 1 and m = m . Evaluation of the matrix element yields 210|z |200 = 200|z |210 = 3eEz a0 , where a0 is the Bohr radius. Since a matrix of the form magnetic quantum number m = 0, are
S En =2,m=0 = 3eEz a0 . 0 0
shifts of the linear Stark eect in the hydrogen atom for n = 2, which aect the two states with
as shown in gure 6.3. Recall that the linear Stark eect can only occur if there are degenerate energy levels of dierent parity, which can only occur for hydrogen.
The variational method is an approximation technique that is not restricted to small perturbations from solvable situations but rather requires some qualitative idea about how the ground state wave function looks like. It is based on the following fact: Theorem: A wave function |u is a solution to the stationary Schr odinger equation if and only if the energy functional E (u) = is stationary, i.e. H |u = E |u variations. u|H |u u|u E = 0 (6.58)
For the proof of this theorem we compute the variation of the functional (6.58). Since variations are innitesimal changes they obey the same rules as dierentiation, including the formula (f /g ) = f /g f g /g 2 , i.e. E = ( u|H |u ) ( u|H |u ) ( u|u ) ( u|H |u ) ( u|u ) = E . 2 u|u ( u|u ) u|u u|u
CHAPTER 6. METHODS OF APPROXIMATION Using the product rule u|u = u|u + u|u stationarity of the energy implies 0 = ||u||2 E = u|H |u E u|u + u|H |u E u|u .
If the variations of u and u can be done independently then the rst two terms (and the last variations u| of u (x), which is equivalent to the Schr odinger equation. To see that this is indeed the case we replace u by v = iu in (6.61) so that v = iu and v = iu , implying 0 = i u|H |u E u|u Adding i times (6.62) to (6.61) we nd E = 0 u|(H E )|u = 0 u|, (6.63) + i u|H |u E u|u . two terms) on the r.h.s. have to cancel one another, i.e. u|H |u E u|u = 0, for arbitrary
which implies the Schr odinger equation. This completes the proof since, in turn, (H E )|u = 0 implies the vanishing of the variation (6.61). If we expand |u in a basis of states |u =
n cn |en then our theorem tells us that the E = 0. But for an innitedimensional equations c n
Hilbert space we would have to solve innitely many equations. The variational method thus proceeds by introducing a family of trial wave functions u(1 , 2 , . . . , n ) (6.64)
parametrized by a nite number of variables i and extremizes the energy functional within the subset of Hilbert space functions that are of the form (6.64) for some values of the parameters i , i.e. we solve E (u(n , . . .)) E (u(1 , . . .)) = ... = = 0. 1 n (6.65)
(6.64) of trial functions then the solution to the stationarity equations with the smallest value of E (u) provides us with the exact solution to the Schr odinger equation. If we have, on the other
If the correct wave function |u0 for the ground state happens to be contained in the family
hand, a badly chosen family that does not anywhere come close to |u0 then our approximation eigenbasis |en u|H |u = |cn |2 en |H |en = |cn |2 En ||u||2 Emin E Emin (6.66)
to the ground state energy may be arbitrarily bad. Nevertheless, for an orthonormal energy
so that we will always nd an rigorous upper bound for the ground state energy.
We now apply the variational method to improve a perturbative computation of the ground state energy of the helium atom, which is a system consisting of a nucleus with charge Ze = 2e and two electrons. Treating the nucleus as innitely heavy and neglecting relativistic eects like the spin-orbit interaction we consider the Hamiltonian
(1 + 2 )
we omit the repulsive interaction among the electrons in a rst step, the Hamiltonian becomes the sum of two commuting operators
to the attraction by the nucleus and the mutual repulsion V12 = e2 /|x1 x2 | of the electrons. If
which consists of the kinetic energies Ti = 2mw i , the Coulomb energies Vi = 2e2 /|xi | due
H0 = wave functions
(1 + 2 )
for two independent particles and the Schr odinger equation H0 |u = E0 |u is solved by product u(x1 , x2 ) = un1 l1 m1 (x1 ) un2 l2 m2 (x2 ). The energy thus becomes the sum of the two respective energy eigenvalues, E0 = Z 2 R where R =
2 4 /2me a2 0 = me e /2 2
1 1 + 2 2 n1 n2
upert 0 (x1 , x2 )
where the superscript refers to the RayleighSchr odinger perturbation theory with H = H0 + V, V = V12 = e2 . r12
For the wave function we have ignored so far the spin degree of freedom and the Pauli exclusion principle. In chapter 10 (many particle theory) we will learn that wave functions of identical spin 1/2 particles have to be anti-symmetrized under the simultaneous exchange of all of their quantum numbers (position and spin), which is the mathematical implementation of Paulis exclusion principle. For the ground state of the helium atom the wave function is symmetric under the exchange x1 x2 and total antisymmetry implies antisymmetrization of the spin degrees of freedom so that u0 (x1 , x2 , s1z , s2z ) = u100 (x1 ) u100 (x2 ) |0, 0 where |0, 0
12 12 ,
is the singlet state in spin space. Since this will not inuence any of our results
we will, however, ignore the spin degrees of freedom for the rest of the calculation.
Taking into account now the repulsion term V between the electrons in (6.71) as a perturbation, the rst order ground state energy correction becomes E1 = u0 |V12 |u0 = e2 where d3 x1 d3 x2 |u100 (x1 )|2 |u100 (x2 )|2 |x1 x2 |
Z Z 2 a 1 r (6.74) u100 (x) = e 0 a0 is the wave function of a single electron in the Coulomb eld of a nucleus with atomic number
Z and a0 is the Bohr radius. The integrals for the energy correction (6.73) are best carried out in spherical coordinates, E1 = Z3 a3 0
2 0 2 dr1 r1 e
Z r1 2 a 0
2 dr2 r2 e
Z r2 2 a 0
d1 d2
If we rst perform the angular integration d1 it is useful to recall that a spherically symmetric charge distribution5 at radius r1 creates a constant (force-free) potential q/r1 in the interior Performing the 1 integration we thus obtain E1 = 4
Z3e a3 0 2 0 Z3e a3 0 2 0 2 dr2 r2 0
e2 . |x1 x2 |
r < r1 and a Coulomb potential q/r of a point charge located at the origin for r > r1 .
2 dr1 r1 r1
d2 e
Z r1 2 a 0
Z 2 r2 a 0
1 r2 1 r1
r2 > r1 r2 < r1
(6.76) (6.77)
= 2 (4 )2
2 dr1 r1
dr2 r2 e
Z r1 2 a 0
Z 2 r2 a 0
where the contribution of the domain r2 < r1 is accounted for by the prefactor 2 in the second line and the trivial 2 -integration has also been done. With we nd E1 = 32 and with
0 Z a0 6 cr cr e and c = recr = 1+ c2
Z 4 r1 a 0
2Z a0
2 dr1 r1
a0 2 2Z
a0 e + r1 2 Z
dr rn1 ecr = (n)/cn = (n 1)!/cn the energy correction becomes E1 = 32 Ze2 a0 2! 3! + 2 3 24 2 44 = 5 Ze2 34.015 eV . 8 a0 (6.79)
With E0 = 8R and R = 13.606 eV our perturbative result for the ground state energy of the helium atom becomes EHe
= E0 + E1 + . . . 74.83 eV EHe
This is about 5% higher than the experimental value 79.015 eV, (6.81)
which is not too bad for our simple approach, in particular if we note that the rst perturbative correction E1 , with almost 1/3 of E0 , is quite large.
Since all solutions to the homogeneous Laplace equation are superpositions of rl Ylm and rl1 Ylm spherical symmetry implies l = 0 so that the potential is constant in the interior r < rcharge , as there is no singularity at the origin, and proportional to 1/r for r > rcharge , as the potential has to vanish for r .
In order to improve our perturbative result we note that the second electron partially screens the positive charge of the nucleus so that the electrons on average feel the attraction of an eective charge qef f < Ze and are less tightly bound. This suggests to use the ground state wave function of a hydrogen-like atom with the atomic number Z of the nucleus replaced by a continuous parameter b. Our starting point is thus the family u(b) of normalized trial wave functions u(x1 , x2 ; b) = b3 ab (r1 +r2 ) , e 0 a3 0 (6.82)
where we recover the case (6.72) for b = Z and expect to nd b < Z at the minimum of E (b). The expectation value u(b)|V12 |u(b) = 5 be2 8 a0 (6.83)
directly follows from (6.79) by replacing Z by b. But in order to nd the expectation value of H0 = T1 + V1 + T2 + V2 we need to decompose the ground state energy T + V into the kinetic contribution, for which we simply can replace Z by b, and the potential contribution, which is proportional to the charge Ze of the nucleus. The decomposition can be obtained as follows. The virial theorem: If the potential V (x) of a Hamiltonian of the form H = T + V, is homogeneous of degree n, i.e. V (x) = n V (x) R, (6.85) T =
P2 2m
then the expectation values of T and V are related by6 2 u|T |u = n u|V |u so that u|T |u =
n E n+2
and u|V |u =
2 E n+2
The proof of the quantum mechanical virial theorem is based on the Euler formula xi i V (x) = nV (x)
for a homogeneous potential of degree n and on the fact that the expectation value of a commutator [H, A] vanishes for bound states |ui , ui | [H, A] |ui = ui |HA AH |ui = ui |Ei A AEi |ui = 0. The theorem then follows for A = X P because
P [X P , 2 m ] = 2i
P2 2m ,
[X P , V ] = i X i i V
[X P , H ] = i (2T nV ).
u(b)|Ti |u(b) =
b2 e2 , 2a0
The energy functional E (b) = u(b)| (T1 + V1 + T2 + V2 + V12 ) |u(b) thus becomes E (b) =
e2 a0 5 b2 2bZ + 8 b =
e2 a0
(b Z +
5 2 ) 16
5 . 16
5 2 ) 16
5 2 ) 16
thus obtain
is obtained for b = Z
(var )
e = a 0
27 2 16
77.5 eV,
which is only 2% above the experimental value (6.81). The eective charge becomes b
We now turn to non-stationary situations. In particular we will be interested in the response of a system to time dependent perturbations H (t) = H0 + W (t), (6.93)
where the unperturbed Hamiltonian H0 is not explicitly time dependent. For simplicity we assume that the unpertubed system has discrete and non-degenerate eigenstates H0 |n = En |n . If the perturbation is turned on at an initial time t0 this implies |(t) = H0 |(t) t i | (t) = (H0 + W (t)) | (t) t i where the state |i (t) is dened by the initial condition |i (t = t0 ) = |i (t0 ) (6.97) for for t < t0 t > t0 (6.95) (6.96) (6.94)
if the system is originally in the stationary state |i . We rst consider two limiting situations: In the sudden approximation we assume that a time independent perturbation is switched on very rapidly, tswitch tresponse W (t) (t t0 )W (6.98)
example would be a radioactive decay, where the reorganization of the electron shell takes much longer than the nuclear reaction. Hence the Hamiltonian suddenly changes to a new time-independent form H = H0 + W . For t > t0 the system has a new set time-dependent force the transition probability into a nal state Pif = | f |i |2 is determined by the overlap (scalar product) of the wave functions. The adiabatic limit is the other extremal situation, tswitch tresponse , (6.100) of stationary solutions |f , and since the wave function has no time to evolve under a (6.99)
for which the time variation of the external conditions is so slow that it cannot induce a transition and the system evolves by a continuous deformation of the energy eigenstate because we have, at each time, an almost stationary situation. More quantitatively, the transition probability will be negligable if the energy uncertainty that is due to the time variation of H is small in comparison to dierences between energy levels. In the rest of this section we will consider small time-dependent perturbations W (t) = V (t), where a small parameter can be introduced to control the perturbative expansion, but it is equivalent to simply count powers of W . Since the perturbation is small we can, at each possible outcomes of the reduction of the wave function. Our aim hence is to determine the probability Pif = | f |i (t) |2 (6.101) instant of time at which we perform a measurement, use eigenstates |f of H0 to represent the
of H = H0 + W according to (6.96) with boundary condition (6.97). For simplicity we set t0 = 0. It is convenient to perform the perturbative computation of (6.101) in the interaction picture | (t) so that i t | (t)
for nding the system in a nal eigenstate |f after having evolved from |i under the inuence
H0 t
U0 (t) = e
H0 t
= WI (t)| (t)
WI (t) = e
H0 t
W (t)e
H0 t
as we found in (3.1463.152).
Our next step is to transform the Schr odinger equation (6.103) of the interaction picture into an integral equation by integrating it over the interval from t0 = 0 to t, |i (t)
I t 0
1 = |i + i
dt WI (t )|i (t ) I ,
where we used the boundary condition (6.97). For small WI (t) we can solve this equation by higher order corrections of |i I . We thus obtain the Neumann series7 |i (t) = + |i
initial state
1 (i )2
dt f | WI (t ) |i + O(WI2 ).
In the remainder of this section we focus on the leading contribution to the transition from an initial state |i to a nal state |f with f = i,
(1) Aif
= =
dt f | e
H0 t
W (t )e
H0 t
(6.109) (6.110)
dt e
(Ef Ei )t
f | W (t ) |i
where we used H0 |i = Ei |i and f |H0 = f |Ef to evaluate the time evolution operators. For rst order transitions we thus obtain the probability Pif =
2 0
dt eif i t f |W (t )|i
Ef Ei
Introducing the time ordering operator T by T A(t1 )B (t2 ) = (t1 t2 )A(t1 )B (t2 ) + (t2 t1 )B (t2 )A(t1 ) = A(t1 )B (t2 ) if t1 > t2 B (t2 )A(t1 ) if t1 < t2 (6.105)
the Neumann series can be subsumed in terms of a formal expression for the time evolution operator |i (t)
= UI (t)|i ,
UI (t) = T e
dt WI (t )
Note that the transition probability (6.111) is related to the Fourier transform at f i of the matrix element f |W (t )|i restricted to 0 < t < t. Periodic perturbations. In practice we will often be interested in the response to periodic external forces of the form W (t) = (t)(W+ eit + W eit ) with
W = W+ .
Then the time integration can be performed with the result Pif = in terms of the integrals
t (1)
A+ f |W+ |i + A f |W |i
A =
dt ei(f i )t =
converge to -functions |A |2 =
Figure 6.4 shows that the functions A ( ) are well-localized about = f i , respectively, and
sin t/2 /2 2
2t ( )
= f i
for late times t 1/f i , where the prefactor follows from the integral
sin(t )
= t
1 t t
sin(t )
= ( ).
For t the interference terms between A+ W+ and A W in (6.114) can hence be negleted, Pif 2t (Ef Ei ) f |W |i
+ (Ef Ei + ) f |W+ |i
of A W is called resonant term (absorption of an energy quantum f i ) while A+ W+ is called it is useful to introduce the transition rate P ). if = limt ( 1 t if
For frequencies f i the transition probabilities become very large so that the contribution
CHAPTER 6. METHODS OF APPROXIMATION For discrete energy levels we thus obtain Fermis golden rule if = 2 | f |W |i |2 (Ef Ei )
which was derived by Pauli in 1928, and called golden rule by Fermi in his 1950 book Nuclear Physics. The -function innity for discrete energy levels is of course an unphysical artefact of our approximation. In reality spectral lines have nite width. For transitions to a continuum of energy levels we introduce the concept of a level density (E ) by summing over transitions to a set F of nal states, iF = if df if = dE (E ) if . (6.121)
f F
f F
Inserting this into the golden rule we can perform the energy integration and obtain the integrated rate i ( ) = (Ef ) 2 | f |W |i |2 , Ef = Ei . (6.122)
solid angle covered by a detector, the level density can be generalized to df (E, ) = (E, ) dE d and the integrated transition rate is obtained by integrating over the relevant range of s.
We now want to compute the rate for atomic transitions of electrons irradiated by an electromagnetic wave. The relevant Hamiltonian can be written as H= with A V (r ) e B 2me c ... ... ... vector potential of the electromagnetic radiation, central potential created by the nucleus, magnetic interaction with the radiation eld. e 1 P A 2me c
+ V (r)
e B 2me c
We split the Hamiltonian as H = H0 + W (t) and interaction term W (t) = e e e2 A2 . (P A + AP ) B + 2me c 2me c 2me c2
H0 =
P2 + V (r) 2me
The last term can be ignored because it is quadratic in the perturbation A. For the vector potential of the electromagnetic eld we take a plane wave A(x, t) = A0 ei(tkx) + ei(tkx) (6.126)
with frequency and polarization vector . Since B = curl A = ik A the magnetic interaction gauge term WB can be neglected for optical light, for which k | f |P |i | /a0 . In the radiation divA = i P A = 0 k = 0, (6.127)
hence P A + AP = 2AP and the relevant matrix element becomes (up to a phase) f |WA |i = A0 contributions from the exponential e f |P eikx |i . me c (6.128)
For optical transitions expectation values of x are of the order of a0 1/k so that we can drop f |P eikx |i f |P |i . to the matrix element of the dipole Df i = f |X |i using [H0 , X ] =
This is called electric dipole approximation because the matrix element of P can be related (6.130)
f |P |i = i me f | [H0 , X ] |i = i me (Ef Ei ) f |X |i .
Inserting everything into Fermis golden rule we obtain the transition rate if 2 A0 e me (Ef Ei ) f |X |i = me c = (Ef Ei )
(6.132) (6.133)
The selection rules for the dipole approximation are obtained by considering the matrix elements n l m |X |nlm . Under a parity transformation X X the spherical harmonics transform as Ylm ( , + ) = (1)l Ylm (, ).
The matrix element (6.134) hence transforms with a factor (1)ll +1 so that spherical symme[Lz , X1 iX2 ] = (X1 iX2 ) (6.136)
the components X3 and X = X1 iX2 of X change the magnetic quantum number by corresponds to addition of angular momentum 1, so that |l l| 1. Combining all constraints l l = 1, 1, rules translate to j j = 1, 0, 1, in the total angular momentum basis |jlsmj . In the present chapter we could only compute induced absorption and emission. Spontaneous emission will be discussed in chapter 10. j = 0 j = 1 (6.138) ml ml = 1, 0, 1. (6.137) m m {0, 1}. More generally, we will learn in chapter 9 that the vector operator X
we nd
but quantum mechanically interactions can induce a jump to the negative branch releasing E 2mc2 . Schr odinger hence arrived at his famous equation in the non-relativistic context. Two years later Paul A.M. Dirac found a linearization of the relativistic energymomentum relation, which explained the gyromagnetic ratio g = 2 of the electron as well as the ne structure of hydrogen. While his equation missed its original task of eliminating negative energy solutions, it was too successful to be wrong so that Dirac went on, inspired by Paulis exclusion principle, to solve the problem of unbounded negative energies by inventing the particle-hole duality that is nowadays familiar from semiconductors. In the relativistic context the holes are called anti-particles. While Dirac rst tried to identify the anti-particle of the electron with the proton (the only other particle known at that time) this did not work for several reasons and he concluded that there must exist a positively charged particle with the same mass as the electron. The positron was then discovered in cosmic rays in 1932. Dirac thus made the rst prediction of a new particle on theoretical grounds and, more generally, showed the existence of antimatter as an implication of the consistency of quantum mechanics with special relativity. This initiated the long development of the modern quantum eld theory of elementary particles and interactions. After a brief discussion of the problem with negative energy solutions we now construct the Dirac equation and analyze its nonrelativistic limit. The issue of Lorentz transformations and
further symmetries will be taken up in the chapter on symmetries and transformation groups. The Klein-Gordon-equation. If we start with the relativistic energy-momentum relation E 2 = m2 c4 + c2 p 2 . and use the correspondence rule E i t and p i we obtain (i t )2 (x, t) = (m2 c4 c2 2 ) (x, t), which can be written as + in terms of the dAlembert operator m2 c2
2 1 2 c2 t2
(x, t) = 0
already knew this relativistic wave equation, it was later named after Klein and Gordon who mechanical wave functions is the existence of negative energy solutions E (x, t) = e
rst published it. An immediate problem for the use of (7.3) as an equation for quantum
Et+ i px
E = mc2 + p2 c4 mc2
so that the energy is unbounded from below. Once interactions are turned on electrons could thus emit an innite amount of energy, which is clearly unphysical. If we try to avoid the negative energy solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation (7.3) by using an expansion of the positive square root, E = mc2 1+ p2 p4 p6 p2 2 = mc + + . . . mc2 , m2 c2 2m 8m3 c2 16m5 c4 (7.5)
the Hamiltonian becomes an innite series with derivatives of arbitrary order and we loose locality. More concretely, it can be shown that localized wavepackets cannot be constructed without contributions from plane waves with negative energies [Itzykson,Zuber].
The Dirac-equation
Dirac tried to avoid the problem with the negative energy solutions by linearization of the equation for the energy. We get an idea for how this could work by recalling the equation i j = ij + iijk k for the Pauli matrices i , which implies (v )2 = i vi j vj = v 2 . For massless particles we thus obtain the relativistic energy-momentum relation from a linear equation E = cp E 2 = c2 (p )2 = c2 p2 . (7.6)
operators because =
p1 ip2 p3
3 1 i2 . (7.7) 1 + i2 3
Equation (7.6) indeed shows up as the massless case of the Dirac equation. It is called Weyl equation and it describes the massless neutrinos of the standard model of particle physics. In 1928 Dirac made the following ansatz for a linear relation between energy and momenta E = c pi i + m c2 relativistic energy-momentum relation (7.1) we nd E 2 = (m2 c4 + c2 pi pi ) = c2 i j pi pj + mc3 pi (i + i ) + 2 m2 c4 , which is equivalent to the matrix equations 2 = , {i , } = 0, {i , j } = 2ij , (7.10) (7.9) (7.8)
with four dimensionless Hermitian matrices i and . Taking squares and demanding the
where {A, B } = AB + BA denotes the anticommutator. Assuming the existence of a solution we arrive at the free Dirac equation i t = H, H= ci i + mc2 (7.11)
with H = H . The coupling to electromagnetic elds is achieved as in the non-relativistic interacting Dirac equation i case with the replacement p i e A and E i t V . With V = e this leads to the c e = ci t e i Ai + mc2 , i c
for charged particles in an electromagnetic eld, where we still need to nd matrices i and representing the Dirac algebra (7.10). While i = i would satisfy {i , j } = 2ij it is impossible to nd a further 2 2 matrix
solving (7.10). A simple argument shows that the dimension of the Dirac matrices has to be even: Since 2 = and i = i cyclicity of the trace tr(M ) = tr(M ) implies tr i = tr i 2 = tr(i ) = tr (i ) = tr (i ) = tr i (7.13)
2 that the trace of also has to vanish). On the other hand, i = 2 = implies that all
are +1 and the other half are 1. This is only possible for even-dimensional matrices. Dirac
where we used a block notation with 22 matrices , 01and i0 as matrix entries. In full gory 0 0 1 0 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0C C 0A 0 B0 0 , 2 = B @0 i 0 0 0 i i 0C C 0 0A i 0 0 0 B0 , 3 = B @1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1C C 0 0A 0 0 B0 , =B @0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0C C 0 1 0 A 0 0 0 1
0 0
1 = i i = i , = = 1
, but one
should never use these explicit expressions and rather work with the dening equations (7.10), or possibly with the block notation (7.14) if a splitting of the 4-component spinor wave function = (1 , 2 , 3 , 4 )T into two 2-component spinors is unavoidable like in the non-relativistic limit (see below). It can be shown that (7.14) is the unique irreducible unitary representation of the Dirac algebra (7.10), up to unitary equivalence i U i U 1 , U U 1 with U U = . Relativistic spin. In order to derive the spin operator for relativistic electrons we observe that the orbital angular momentum L = X P is not conserved for the free Dirac Hamiltonian [H, Li ] = [cP + mc2 , ijk Xj Pk ] = i cijk j Pk = 0 (7.15)
because [Pl , Xj ] = i lj . A conserved operator J = L + S can be constructed by observing that [H, ijk j k ] = ijk [cP , j k ] = ijk cPl ({l , j }k j {l , k }) = ijk cPl (2lj k 2lk j ) = 4cijk Pj k because [A, BC ] = ABC + BAC BAC BCA = {A, B }C B {A, C }. The spin operator Si = 4i ijk j k = 2 i 0 0 i (7.17) (7.16)
therefore yields a conserved total angular momentum J = L + S . from Lorentz covariant form of the Dirac equation. Multiplication with the matrix 1 c the left recasts the relation E e = c(p e A) + mc2 into c ( 1 Ee ) (p e A) mc = 0. c c c (7.18)
The standard combination of coordinates, energy-momenta and gauge potentials into 4-vectors x = (ct, x), , ), = ( 1 c t p = ( 1 E, p), c A = (, A), (7.19)
1 1 0 0 0 B0 1 C 0 0 B C @0 0 1 0A 0 0 0 1
CHAPTER 7. RELATIVISTIC QUANTUM MECHANICS Putting everything together and dividing (7.18) by (i
c e A ) m = 0. c
Since (i ) = i = i the gamma matrices are unitary, but for = 0 not Hermitian ( ) = ( )1 , (7.22)
where the second equality should be interpreted as a numerical coincidence due to (7.20) and to the discussion of symmetries we will see that the non-Hermiticity of with = 0 is our convention g = diag(1, 1, 1, 1) and not as a covariant equation! When we will come
related to the fact that Lorentz-boosts are represented by non-unitary transformations, as one might expect to be required by consistency of probability density interpretations with Lorentz contractions. The Dirac sea. The Dirac algebra { , } = 2g implies ( p )2 = p p = p2 and ( p + mc)( p mc) = (p2 m2 c2 ) = 1 E 2 (p2 c2 + m2 c4 ) . 2 c (7.23)
Every component 1 , . . . , 4 of a solution of the free Dirac equation (p mc) = 0 is hence a solution of the Klein Gordon equation. In turn, the operator p + mc can be used to construct plane wave solutions (t, x) = e
( p + mc) 0
p2 c2 + m2 c4
in terms of constant spinors 0 . For each momentum p two of the four spinor polarizations have positive and two have negative energy. This is most easily seen in the rest frame p = 0
1 where p + mc = mc( ) for E = mc2 . For positive energies 2 ( + ) projects onto 1,2 1 while for negative energies 2 ( ) projects onto 3,4 .
As negative energy states are thus unavoidable in the realtivistic quantum theory Dirac concluded that what we observe as the vacuum is a state where all (innitely many!) negative energy eigenstates are lled by electrons. This vacuum is called Dirac sea. Paulis exclusion principle then forbids transitions to negative energy states because they are already occupied. But the existence of this sea implies that, when interactions are turned on, a sucient amount a hole in the vacuum. A missing negative charge in a uniform background density, however, acts like a positive charge so that the holes are perceived as positively charged particles, called positrons, and a particle-antiparticle pair has been created out of the vacuum. The same story can now be told for other particles, but for bosons there is no Pauli exclusion principle and the Dirac sea has to be replaced by the more powerful concept of eld quantization of energy E 2mc2 can be used to bring an electron into a positive energy state while leaving
where wave functions are replaced by (superpositions of particle creation and annihilation) operators [Itzykson,Zuber]. This is true, in particular, for the quanta of the electromagnetic eld, called photons. We will further discuss the concept of particle creation and annihilation in chapter 10 (many particle theory). While the relativistic Dirac sea should hence not be taken too literally it is still a very powerful intuitive concept and later found important applications in solid state physics.
In this section we show that the Pauli-equation, as well as the ne structure of the hydrogen atom, can be obtained from a non-relativistic approximation of the Dirac-equation. Assuming that the potentials V = e and A are time-independent we make the stationary ansatz (x, t) = w(x) e
u(x) i Et e v (x)
for energy eigenfunctions where we decomposed the 4-spinor w(x) into two 2-component spinors u =
u1 u2
and v =
v1 v2
0 0 for the gauge-invariant physical momentum = P e A and insert = 0 , = 0 c into the stationary Dirac-equation Ew = Hw with H = c + V + mc2 . Putting everything
together we obtain
E V mc2 0 0 E V + mc2 u v
0 c c 0
u . v
For positive energies E E mc2 > 0 equation (7.27) is now written as a coupled system of two dierential equations (E V ) u = c( ) v (7.29) (7.30) (7.28)
In the non-relativistic approximation we now assume that all energies, momenta and electromagnetic potentials are small V, A, p, E mc2 . (7.31)
CHAPTER 7. RELATIVISTIC QUANTUM MECHANICS Then we can solve (7.30) for the small components v of the 4-spinor w as v= f (x) u 2mc with f (x) = 1 1+
E V (x) 2mc2
E V (x) . 2mc2
which can be interpreted as a non-relativistic Schr odinger equation with the Hamilton operator Hnonrel = and non-relativistic energy E . In the evaluation of the resulting operator we now assume a centrally symmetric potential V (x) = V (r). With
f (r ) xi
i = f (r) x , i j = ij + iijk k and = i e A we nd r c
1 ( f (x) ) 2m
( )f (r)( ) = i f j i j =
f i j +
f j (ij + iijk k ) i xi
which we now discuss in turn. We will neglect higher order corrections that lead to energy corrections of higher order in the ne structure constant = suppressed by additional powers of
103 .
Angular momentum term. We begin with the evaluation of the rst term f 2 = f i j ij = f e e2 p 2 (pA + Ap) + 2 A 2 . c c (7.37)
that satises the Coulomb gauge condition div A = i Ai = 0 and neglect the last term,
which is quadratic in B . Since i Ai = (i Ai ) + Ai i = Ai i in Coulomb gauge and 2 e Ap = 2 e ( 1 x B )p = e BL c c 2 ijk j k i c the leading contribution mentum coupling
1 f 2m
1 2m
e 1 1 2 p 2 (LB ) + O(B 2 ). = 2m 2m c
Relativistic kinetic energy. Since p 2 /2m is the leading non-relativistic term we should
In the resulting correction term we insert E = V + p 2 /2m + . . . and obtain Hrel = in agreement with (6.20). Gyromagnetic ratio. The next term that we need to consider is
1 2m
V also keep its combination with the next-to-leading term in the expansion f = 1 E + . . .. 2mc2
p4 8m3 c2
times (7.41)
e e iijk i j k = iijk k (pi Aj + Ai pj ) = iijk k (pi Aj Aj pi ). c c Since (pi Aj Aj pi ) = (pi Aj ) this expression becomes e e e e ijk (i Aj )k = (rotA)k k = B = 2 B S c c c c
e (L + g S )B . which amounts to a g -factor g = 2 in the magnetic coupling 2mc
1 i f x i 2m i r
where we used
xi V r
quadratic in the electromagnetic elds. This term is equivalent to the Darwin term
HDarwin =
8m2 c2
yields (7.45)
f f dV 1 iijk xi pj k = Lk k LS, i r r dr mc2 r which completes our evaluation of the terms in eq. (7.36). Collecting all relevant contributions we thus obtain the Pauli-equation HP auli u = e dV LS p2 +V B (L + 2S ) + 2m 2mc dr 2m2 c2 r u,
which contains the spin-orbit coupling and explains the observed gyromagnetic ratio. In addition we nd the relativistic energy correction (7.40) and the Darwin term (7.44), which together with (7.46) explain the complete ne structure of the energy levels of the hydrogen atom.
Most of our knowledge about microscopic physics originates from scattering experiments. In these experiments the interactions between atomic or sub-atomic particles can be measured. This is done by letting them collide with a xed target or with each other. In this chapter we present the basic concepts for the analysis of scattering experiments. We will rst analyze the asymptotic behavior of scattering solutions to the Schr odinger equation and dene the dierential cross section. With the method of partial waves the scattering amplitudes are then obtained from the phase shifts for spherically symmetric potentials. The LippmannSchwinger equation and its formal solution, the Born series, provides a perturbative approximation technique which we apply to the Coulomb potential. Eventually we dene the scattering matrix and the transition matrix and relate them to the scattering amplitude.
The physical situation that we have in mind is an incident beam of particles that scatters at some localized potential V (x) which can represent a nucleus in some solid target or a particle in a colliding beam. For xed targets we can usually focus on the interaction with a single nucleus. In beam-beam collisions it is more dicult to produce sucient luminosity, but this has to be dealt with in the ultrarelativistic scattering experiments of particle physics for kinematic
reasons.1 We will mostly conne our interest to elastic scattering where the particles are not excited and there is no particle production. It is easiest to work in the center of mass frame, where a spherically symmetric potential has the form V (r) with r = |x|. For a xed target comparison with the experimental data. Because of the quantum mechanical uncertainty we can only predict the probability of scattering into a certain direction, in contrast to the deterministic scattering angle in classical mechanics. With particle beams that contain a suciently large number of particles we can, however, measure the probability distribution (or dierntial cross section) with arbitrary precision. experiment the scattering amplitude can then easily be converted to the laboratory frame for
Imagine a beam of monoenergetic particles being scattered by a target located at x = 0. Let the detector cover a solid angle d in direction (, ) from the scattering center. We choose a coordinate system x = (r sin cos , r sin sin , r cos ), kin = 2mE e3 (8.2)
so that the incoming beam travels along the z -axis. The number of particles per unit time entering the detector is then given by N d. The ux of particles F in the incident beam is dened as the number of particles per unit time, crossing a unit area placed normal to the direction of incidence. To characterize the collisions we use the dierential scattering crossd N = , (8.3) d F which is dened as the ratio of the number of particles scattered into the direction (, ) per unit time, per unit solid angle, divided by the incident ux. The total scattering cross-section tot = d d
d =
d sin
d d
is dened as the integral of the dierential scattering cross-section over all solid angles. Both the dierential and the total scattering cross-sections have the dimension of an area. Center-of-Mass System. As shown in g. 8.1 we denote by p1 and p2 the momenta of the incoming particles and of the target, respectively. The center of mass momentum is pg = p1 + p2 = p1L with the target at rest p2L = 0 in the laboratory frame. As we derived
Using the notation of gure 8.1 below with an incident particle of energy E1 = Ein = hitting a target with mass m2 at rest in the laboratory system the total energy
1 2 4 c2 p12 L + m1 c
2 4 2 4 2 E 2 = c2 (p1L + p2L )2 = (E1 + m2 c2 )2 c2 p12 (8.1) L = m1 c + m1 c + 2Ein m2 c available for particle production in the center of mass system is only E 2Ein m2 c2 for Ein m1 c2 , m2 c2 .
p1 p2 p2
Figure 8.1: Scattering angle for xed target and in the center of mass frame. in section 4, the kinematics of the reduced 1-body problem is given by the reduced mass = m1 m2 /(m1 + m2 ) and the momentum p= p1 m 2 p2 m 1 . m1 + m2 (8.5)
Obviously = L , while the relation between in the center of mass frame and the angle L in the xed target (laboratory) frame can be obtained by comparing the momenta p1 of the scattered particles. With pi = |pi | the transversal momentum is p1L sin L = p1 sin . (8.6)
The longitudinal momentum is p1 cos in the center of mass frame. In the laboratory frame we have to add the momentum due to the center of mass motion with velocity vg , where p1L = p1 + m1 vg = pg = (m1 + m2 )vg m 2 vg = p 1 . (8.7)
Restricting to elastic scattering where |p1 | = |p1 | we nd for the longitudinal motion p1L cos L = p1 cos + m1 vg = p1 (cos + We hence nd the formula
elastic tan L = el.
m1 ) m2
sin cos +
m1 min = m2 mtarget
for the scattering angle in the laboratory frame for elastic scattering. According to the change of the measure of the angular integration the dierential cross section also changes by a factor d(cos ) d (1 + 2 cos + 2 )3/2 d () = () d(cos L ) d |1 + cos | d L where we used cos L = 1/ 1 + tan2 = (cos + )/ 1 + 2 cos + 2 . d d (L ()) = (8.10)
We now consider the scattering of a beam of particles by a xed center of force and let m denote the reduced mass and x the relative coordinate. If the beam of particles is switched on for a long time compared to the time one particle needs to cross the interaction area, steady-state
conditions apply and we can focus on stationary solutions of the time-independent Schr odinger equation
to the incident momentum p, the incident wave vector k and the incident velocity v . For convenience we introduce the reduced potential U (x) = 2m/ so that we can write the Schr odinger equation as [2 + k 2 U (x)]u(x) = 0. For potentials that asymptotically decrease faster then r1 |Vas (r)| c/r of a free particle [ + k 2 ]uas (x) = 0. (8.16) for r with > 1, (8.15) (8.14)
V (x)
we can neglect U (x) for large r and the Schr odinger equation reduces to the Helmholtz equation
Potentials satisfying (8.15) are called nite range. (The important case of the Coulomb potential is, unfortunately, of innite range, but we will be able to treat it as the limit 0 of the part uin describing the incident beam and a part usc for the scattered particles u(x) uin (x) + usc (x) for r . (8.17) nite range Yukawa potential er /r.) For large r we can decompose the wave function into a
Since we took the z-axis as the direction of incidence and since the particles have all the same momentum p = k the incident wave function can be written as uin (x) = eikx = eikz , where we were free to normalize the amplitude of uin since all equations are linear. Far from the scattering center the scattered wave function represents an outward radial ow of particles. We can parametrize it in terms of the scattering amplitude f (k, , ) as 1 eikr + O( ), usc (x) = f (k, , ) r r (8.19) (8.18)
where (r, , ) are the polar coordinates of the position vector x of the scattered particle. The asymptotic form uas of the scattering solution thus becomes uas = (eikx )as + f (k, , ) eikr . r (8.20)
The scattering amplitude can now be related to the dierential cross-section. From chapter 2 we know the probability current density for the stationary state j (x) = 2im ( ) = m Re (u u) (8.21)
with the gradient operator in spherical polar coordinates (r, , ) reading = er 1 1 + e + e . r r r sin (8.22)
For large r the scattered particle current ows in radial direction with jr = 1 k |f (k, , )|2 + O( 3 ). 2 mr r (8.23)
Since the area of the detector is r2 d the number of particles N d entering the detector per k |f (k, , )|2 d. (8.24) m For |in (x)|2 = 1 the incoming ux F = k/m = v is given by the particle velocity. We thus N d = obtain the dierential cross-section d = |f (k, , )|2 d as the modulus squared of the scattering amplitude. (8.25) unit time is
For a spherically symmetric central potential V (x) = V (r) we can use rotation invariance to simplify the computation of the scattering amplitude by an expansion of the angular dependence in spherical harmonics. Since the system is completely symmetric under rotations about the direction of incident beam (chosen along the z -axis), the wave function and the scattering amplitude do not depend on . Thus we can expand both uk (r, ) and f (k, ) into a series of Legendre polynomials, which form a complete set of functions for the interval 1 uk (r, ) = f (k, ) =
l=0 l=0
where the factor (2l + 1) in the denition of the partial wave amplitudes fl (k ) corresponds to the degeneracy of the magnetic quantum number. (Some authors use dierent conventions, like either dropping the factor (2l + 1) or including an additional factor 1/k in the denition of fl .) The terms in the series (8.26) are known as a partial waves, which are simultaneous aim is now to determine the amplitudes fl in terms of the radial functions Rl (k, r) for solutions (8.27) to the Schr odinger equation. The radial equation. We recall the formula for the Laplacian in spherical coordinates = 1 r2 r r2 r L2 2 r2 with L
1 sin
1 2 sin2 2
for the time-independent Schr odinger equation with central potential in spherical coordinates 1 2m r2 r
r r
2 d d2 + dr2 r dr
l(l + 1) 2mr2
Behavior near the center. For potentials less singular than r2 at the origin the behavior of Rl (k, r) at r = 0 can be determined by expanding Rl into a power series Rl (k, r) = r
s n=0
an r n .
Substitution into the radial equation (8.32) leads to the quadratic indicial equation with the u(r, ) at the origin r = 0. two solutions s = l and s = (l + 1). Only the rst one leads to a non-singular wave function El (r) = rREl (r) and substituting into (8.31) leads to Introducing a new radial function R the equation d2 El (r) = E R El (r) + Vef f (r) R 2m dr2
which is similar to the one-dimensional Schr odinger equation but with r 0 and an eective l(l + 1) 2 (8.35) 2mr2 containing the repulsive centrifugal barrier term l(l + 1) 2 /2mr2 in addition to the interaction Vef f = V (r) + potential V (r). Free particles and asymptotic behavior. We now solve the radial equation for V (r) = 0 so that our solutions can later be used either for the representation of the wave function of a free particle at any radius 0 r < or for the asymptotic form as r of scattering solutions for nite range potentials. Introducing the dimensionless variable = kr with Rl () = REl (r) d2 2 d l(l + 1) + + 1 2 d d 2
for U (r) = 0 the radial equation (8.31) turns into the spherical Bessel dierential equation Rl () = 0, (8.36)
whose independent solutions are the spherical Bessel functions jl () = ()l and the spherical Neumann functions nl () = ()l Their leading behavior at = 0,
1 d d
1 d d
cos .
lim jl ()
l , 1 3 5 . . . (2l + 1)
(8.39) (8.40)
lim nl ()
1 3 5 . . . (2l 1) l+1
can be obtained by expanding 1 sin and 1 cos into a power series in . In accord with our previous result for the ansatz (8.33) the spherical Neumann function nl () has a pole of order l + 1 at the origin and is therefore an irregular solution, whereas the spherical Bessel function jl () is the regular solution with a zero of order l at the origin. The radial part of the wave
f ree function of a free particle can hence only contain spherical bessel functions REl (r) jl (kr).
In order to use the spherical symmetry of a potential V (r) we need to expand the plane wave representing the incident particle beam in terms of spherical harmonics. Since eikx is a regular solution to the free Schr odinger equation we can make the ansatz eikx =
clm jl (kr)Ylm (, ),
l=0 m=l
where the radial part is given by the spherical Bessel functions with constants clm that have exp(ikr cos ) is independent of so that only the Ylm with m = 0, which are proportional to the Legendre polynomials Pl (), can contribute to the expansion e
ikr cos l=0
to be determined. Choosing k in the direction of the z-axis the wave function exp(ik r) =
al jl (kr)Pl (cos ).
al jl ()Pl (u).
One way of determining the coecients al is to dierentiate this ansatz with respect to , iueiu =
djl Pl . d
The left hand side of (8.44) can now be evaluated by inserting the series (8.43) and using the recursion relation
m (2l + 1)uPlm = (l + 1 m)Plm +1 + (l + m)Pl1
al jl
al jl Pl
and, since the Legendre polynomials are linearly independent, for the coecient of Pl al jl = i l l+1 a l 1 jl 1 + al+1 jl+1 . 2l 1 2l + 3 l+1 d + d d l+1 ( jl ) l+1 d 1 (8.47)
The derivative jl can now be expressed in terms of jl1 by using the recursion relations jl1 = and (2l + 1)jl = [jl+1 + jl1 ], which imply jl = jl1 l+1 l+1 l l+1 jl = jl 1 (jl+1 + jl1 ) = jl 1 jl+1 2l + 1 2l + 1 2l + 1 (8.50) (8.49) jl = (8.48)
[the equations (8.48-8.50) also holds for the spherical Neumann functions nl ]. Substituting this expression for jl into eq. (8.47) we obtain the two equivalent recursion relations al al 1 =i 2l + 1 2l 1 and al al+1 = i 2l + 1 2l + 3 (8.51)
have the solution al = (2l + 1)il a0 . The coecient a0 is obtained by evaluating our ansatz at = 0: Since jl (0) = l0 and P0 (u) = 1 eq. (8.43) implies a0 = 1, so that the expansion of a plane wave in spherical harmonics becomes e
ikr cos l=0
as coecients of the independent functions jl1 () and jl+1 (), respectively. These relations
Using the addition theorem of spherical harmonics 2l + 1 Pl (cos ) = Ylm (1 , 1 )Ylm (2 , 2 ) 4 m=l to the expansion of the plane wave in any polar coordinate system e
ikx +l
with being the angle between the directions (1 , 1 ) and (2 , 2 ) this result can be generalized
+l il jl (kr)Ylm (k , k )Ylm (x , x ),
= 4
l=0 m=l where the arguments of Ylm and Ylm are the angular coordinates of k and x, respectively.
The computation of the scattering data for a given potential requires the construction of the regular solution of the radial equation. In the next section we will solve this problem for the example of the square well, but rst we analyse the asymptotic form of the partial waves in order to nd out how to extract and interpret the relevant data. For large r we can neglect the potential U (r) and it is common to write the asymptotic form of the radial solutions as a linear combination of the spherical Bessel and Neumann functions Rl (k, r) = Bl (k )jl (kr) + Cl (k )nl (kr) + O(r ) asymptotic forms 1 1 l + O( 2 ), sin kr kr 2 r 1 1 l nl (kr) = cos kr + O( 2 ), kr 2 r jl (kr) = we can write
as Rl (k, r) =
with coecients Bl (k ) and Cl (k ) that depend on the incident momentum k . Inserting the
(8.56) (8.57)
(8.58) (8.59)
CHAPTER 8. SCATTERING THEORY where Al (k ) = [Bl2 (k ) + Cl2 (k )]1/2 and l (k ) = tan1 [Cl (k )/Bl (k )].
The l (k ) are called phase shifts. We will see that they are real functions of k and completely characterize the strength of the scattering of the lth partial wave by the potential U (r) at the energy E =
2 2
k /2m. In order to relate the phase shifts to the scattering amplitude we now
insert the asymptotic form of the expansion (8.52) of the plane wave e
l=0 l=0
(8.62) (8.63)
into the scattering ansatz (8.20) uas (r, ) eikx + f (k, ) k eikr . r (8.64)
we can write the radial function Rl (k, r), i.e. the coecient of Pl (cos ), asymptotically as
as Rl (k, r) = (2l + 1)il (kr)1 sin kr
With sin x = (eix eix )/(2i) and the partial wave expansions (8.26)(8.27) of u(x) and f (, ) l 2 2l + 1 ikr e fl (k ) r
(8.65) (8.66)
2l + 1 2ikr
+ 2ikeikr fl
Al 2ikr
comparison of the coecients of eikr implies Al (k ) = (2l + 1)il eil (k) . The coecients of eikr /(2ikr) are (2l + 1)(1 + 2ikfl ) and Al eil /il , respectively. Hence 1 e2il (k) 1 = eil sin l . fl (k ) = 2ik k The scattering amplitude 1 f (k, ) = (2l + 1)fl (k )Pl (cos ) = 2ik l=0
hence depends only on the phase shifts l (k ) and the asymptotic form of Rl (k, r) takes the form
as Rl (k, r) =
Sl is the partial wave contribution to the S-matrix, which we will introduce in the last section of particle currents, i.e. conservation of particle number or unitarity of the S matrix. For inelastic scattering we could write the radial wave fuction as (8.71) with Sl = sl eil for sl 1 describing the loss of part of the incoming current into inelastic processes like energy transfer of particle production. (The complete scattering matrix, including the contribution of inelastic channels, would however still be unitary as a consequence of the conservation of probability.) The optical theorem. The total cross section for scattering by a central potential can be written as tot = |f (k, )|2 d = 2
this chapter. Reality of the phase shift |Sl | = 1 expresses equality of the incoming and outgoing
2 ll 2l + 1
we nd tot =
4 (2l + 1)|fl (k )| =
l =
4 (2l + 1) sin2 l . 2 k
Since (8.69) implies Im fl = k |fl |2 we can set = 0 in (8.70) and use the fact that Pl (1) = 1 to tot = 4 Imf (k, = 0), k (8.76)
The optical theorem can be shown to hold also for inelastic scattering with tot = el + inel . The proof relates the total cross section to the interference of the incoming with the forwardscattered amplitude so that (8.76) is a consequence of the unitarity of the S-matrix [Hittmair].
The centrally symmetric square well is a potential for which the phase shifts can be calculated by analytical methods. Starting with the radial equation (8.32) and the reduced potential U (r) = U0 , 0, r < a (U0 > 0) r > a, (8.77)
CHAPTER 8. SCATTERING THEORY we can write the radial equation inside the well as 2 d l(l + 1) d2 + + K 2 Rl (k, r) = 0 2 2 dr r dr r with K 2 = k 2 + U0 . Inside the well the regular solution is thus
in Rl (K, r) = Nl jl (Kr),
by the matching condition at r = a. Continuity of R and R at r = a hence implies Nl jl (Ka) = Bl (jl (ka) tan l nl (ka)), (8.81) (8.82)
KNl jl (Ka) = kBl (jl (ka) tan l nl (ka)) . The ratio of these two equations yields an equation for tan l (k ) whose solution is tan l (k ) = with K = k 2 + U0 . kjl (ka)jl (Ka) Kjl (ka)jl (Ka) knl (ka)jl (Ka) Knl (ka)jl (Ka)
tan l (k ) goes to zero like a constant times k l /k l1 = k 2l+1 . In this limit the cross section, l k 4l , constant. With j0 () =
sin , n0 () = cos , j0 () = cos sin , 2
and nl () l1 , and thus for the derivatives jl () l1 and nl () l2 , to conclude that (8.84)
n0 () =
sin +cos 2
Dividing numerator and denominator by cos x cos X we obtain the result tan 0 (k ) = k tan(Ka) K tan(ka) . K + k tan(ka) tan(Ka) (8.87)
For k 0 we observe that tan 0 becomes proportial to k . The limit as = lim tan 0 (k ) k0 k (8.88)
CHAPTER 8. SCATTERING THEORY is called scattering length and it determines the limit of the partial cross section 0 = For the square well we nd as = 1 4 4 sin2 0 = 2 2 k k 1 + cot2 0 (k ) tan(a U0 ) 1 a U0
4a2 s.
The coecient of the next term of the expansion k cot 0 (k ) = r0 can be used for all short-range potentials. Another exactly solvable potential is the hard-sphere potential U (r) = +, 0, r < a, r > a, (8.92) 1 1 + r0 k 2 + as 2 (8.91)
denes the eective range r0 . This denition of the scattering length as and the eective range
for which the total cross section can be shown to obey (k ) 4a2 , 2a2 , k 0, k 1/a. (8.93)
the classical value. For ka 1 the wave lengths of the scattered particles goes to 0 and one might naively expect to observe the classical area a2 . The fact that quantum mechanics yield twice that value is in accord with refraction phenomena in optics and can be attributed to interference between the incoming and the scattered beam close to the forward direction. This eect is hence called refraction scattering, or shadow scattering.
For k 0 the scattering length as hence coincides with a and the cross section is 4 times
For a weak and slowly varying potential we may think of the phase shift as arising from the change in the eective wavelength k For an attractive potential we hence expect an advanced oscillation and a positive phase shift l > 0, while a repulsive potential should lead to retarded oscillation and a negative phase shift l < 0. Comparing this expectation with the result (8.90) for the square well and using
1 3 x3 for small U0 we nd as 3 a U0 so that indeed the scattering length (8.88) tan x x + 1 3
becomes negative and the phase shift 0 positive for an attractive potential U0 > 0. It can also
be shown quite generally that small angular momenta dominate the scattering at low energies and that the partial cross sections l are negligible for l > ka where a is the range of the potential.
Figure 8.2: Z boson resonance in e+ e scattering at LEP and light neutrin number. As we increase the energy the phase shift varies and the partial cross sections l (E ) = 4 4 1 (2l + 1) sin2 l = 2 (2l + 1) 2 k k 1 + cot2 l (8.94)
go through maxima and zeros as the phase shift l goes through odd and even multiples of , respectively. For small energies the single cross section 0 dominates so that we can get minima where the target becomes almost transparent. This is called Ramsauer-Townsend eect. A rapid move of the phase shift through an odd multiple of , i.e. ) l cot l (n + 1 2 ER E + O(ER E )2 (E )/2 for ) l (n + 1 2 (8.95)
with (ER ) small at the resonance energy ER , leads to a sharp peak in the cross section with an angular distibution characteristic for the angular momentum chanel l. This is called resonance scattering and described by the Breit-Wigner resonance formula l (E ) = 2 /4 4 (2 l + 1) . k2 (E ER )2 + 2 /4 (8.96)
A resonance can be thought of as a metastable bound state with positive energy whose lifetime is /. For a sharp resonance the inverse width 1 is indeed related to the dwelling time of the scattered particles in the interaction region. Note that max at a resonance is determined by the momentum k of the scattered particles and not by properties of the target. A striking example of a resonance in particle physics is the peak in electron-positron scattering at the Z -boson mass which was analyzed by the LEP-experiment ALEPH as shown in g. 8.2. Since the Z boson has no electric charge but couples to the weakly interacting particles its lifetime is very sensitive to the number of light neutrinos, which are otherwise extremely hard to observe. This experiment conrmed with great precision the number N = 3 of such species, which is also required for nucleosynthesis, about one second after the big bang, to produce the right amount of helium and other light elements as observed in the interstellar gas clouds.
Resonances can be interpreted as poles in the scattering amplitudes that are close to the real axis (with the imaginary part related to the lifetime). Poles on the positive imaginary axis, on the other hand, correspond to bound states for the potential V (x). The information of the number of such bound states is also contained in the phase shift. For the precise statement we x the ambiguity modulo 2 in the denition (8.61) of l by requiring continuity. The Levinson theorem then states that l (0) l () = nl for l > 0, (8.97)
where nl denotes the number of bound states with angular momentum l [Chadan-Sabatier]. so-called bound state a zero energy with l = 0. While we consider in this chapter the problem of
1 The theorem also holds for l = 0 except for a shift nl nl + 2 in the formula (8.97) if there is a
determining the scattering data from the potential, in inverse problem of obtaining information on the potential from the scattering data is physically equally important, but mathematically quite a bit more complicated. Inverse scattering theory has been a very active eld of research in the last decades with a number of interesting interrelations to other elds like integrable systems [Chadan-Sabatier].
We can use the method of Greens functions to solve the stationary Schr odinger equation (8.14) (2 + k 2 )u(x) = U (x)u(x). Using the dening equation of the Greens function for the Helmholtz equation (2 + k 2 )G0 (k, x, x ) = (x x ) we can write down the general solution of equation (8.98) as a convolution integral u(x) = uhom (x) + G0 (k, x, x )U (x )u(x ) d3 x (8.100) (8.99) (8.98)
where uhom is a solution of the homogenous Schr odinger equation (2 + k 2 )uhom (x) = 0. an incident plane wave uhom (x) = k (x) eikx (8.102) if G0 = Gret 0 is the retarded Greens function. The existence of solutions to the homogeneous equation is of course related to the ambiguity of G0 , as we will see explicitly in the following computation. (8.101)
We will see that the scattering boundary condition (8.20) is equivalent to taking uhom (x) to be
Since (8.99) is a linear dierential equation with constant coecients we can determine the Greens function by Fourier transformation. Because of translation invariance G0 (k, x, x ) = G0 (k, R) hence G0 (k, x x ) = 1 (2 )3 1 (x x ) = (2 )3 eiK R g 0 (k, K )dK eiK R dK. (8.104) (8.105) with R = x x , (8.103)
Substituting the Fourier representations into the dening equation of the Greens function (8.99) we nd that 1 . K2 Since g 0 has a pole on the real axis we give a small imaginary part to k and dene g 0 (k, K ) = k2
G 0 (k, x, x )
1 = (2 )3
Let (K, , ) be the spherical coordinates of K and let the z-axis be along R = x x . Then G 0 (k, R) = 1 (2 )3
0 2
dKK 2
d sin
eiKR cos . k 2 K 2 i
Performing the angular integrations and observing that the integrand is an even function of K we can extend the integral from to + and obtain G 0 (k, R) 1 = 2 8 iR
1 k 2 K 2
= 21 K
1 K +k
G0 (k, R) = with I1 = I2 =
+ +
i (I1 I2 ), 16 2 R 1 1 dK + K k K +k 1 1 dK + K k K +k
eiKR eiKR
(8.111) (8.112)
The integrals can now be evaluated using the Cauchy integral formula if we close the integration path with a half-circle in the upper or lower complex half-plane, respectively, so that the contribution from the arcs at innity vanish. The ambiguity of the Greens function arises from dierent choices of the integration about the poles of the integrand on the real axis, and dierent pole prescriptions obviously dier by terms localized at K 2 = k 2 and hence by a
P x +k
Figure 8.3: (a) The contour (P+C1 ) for calculating the integral I1 by avoiding the poles K = k and closing via a semi-circle in innity. (b) the contour for calculating the integral I2 . superposition of plane wave solutions to the homogeneous equation. The integration contour in the complex K -plane shown in g. 8.3 corresponds to a small positive imaginary part of k
iKR and hence to G+ vanishes on C1 and eiKR vanishes on C2 we nd 0 . Since e
(8.113) (8.114)
With a similar calculation for k k i the Greens function in the original variables x and
G 0 (k, x, x )
1 eik|xx | = . 4 |x x |
V we can now
m 2 2
This integral equation is known as the Lippmann-Schwinger equation for potential scattering. It is equivalent to the Schr odinger equation plus the scattering boundary condition (8.20).
We can now relate this integral representation to the scattering amplitude by considering potential to which the integration variable x is essentially conned so that r r. Hence |x x | = r2 2xx + r2 = r 1 xx + O( ). r r the situation where the distance of the detector r is much larger than the range of the (8.117)
Since x points in the same direction (, ) as the wave vector k of the scattered particles we have k = kx/r for elastic scattering and hence eikr ik x eik|xx | e + , |x x | r r Schwinger equation we nd eikx uk (x)
where terms of order in 1/r2 have been neglected. Substituting this expansion into the Lippmann1 eikr 4 r
Comparing with the ansatz (8.20) we thus obtain the integral representation f (k, , ) = 1 eik x U (x)uk (x)dx 4 m 1 k |U |uk = |V |uk = 4 2 2 k
The Born series is the iterative solution of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation by the ansatz u( x ) = which yields u1 (x) = . . . un (x) =
G+ 0 (k, x, x )U (x )un1 (x )dx , G+ 0 (k, x, x )U (x )u0 (x ) dx , n=0
un (x)
or at high energies. Insertion of the Born series into of the formula (8.120) yields f = 1 + + |U + U G+ 0 U + U G0 U G0 U + |k 4 k
so that the nth term un is formally of order O(V n ). It usually converges well for weak potentials (8.124)
CHAPTER 8. SCATTERING THEORY and keeping only the rst term we obtain the (rst) Born approximation fB = to the scattering amplitude. 1 |U |k . 4 k
Phase shift in Born approximation. The Lippmann Schwinger equation (8.116) can also be analysed using partial waves. We assume that our potential is centrally symmetric and expand the scattering wave function uk in Legendre polynomials (see equation (8.26)). With the normalisation Rl (k, r) jl (kr) tan l (k )nl (kr)
(8.126) l 2 , (8.127)
l 1 sin kr kr 2
+ tan l (k ) cos kr
we nd that each radial function satises the radial integral equation Rl (k, r) = jl (kr) +
where Gl = kjl (kr< )nl (kr> ) with r< min(r, r ) and r> max(r, r ) (8.129)
We solve this equation by iteration, starting with Rl (k, r) = jl (kr). When we analyse equation (8.128) for r we obtain the integral representation tan l (k ) = k
Substituting the iteration for Rl into the integral equation yields a Born series whose rst term tan lB (k ) = k
is the rst Born approximation to tan l . Total scattering cross section in rst Born approximation. With the wave vector transfer q = k k (8.133)
the rst Born approximation of the scattering amplitude can be written as the Fourier transform fB = 1 4 eiqx U (x)dx (8.134)
of the potential. For elastic scattering with k = k and k k = k 2 cos we nd q = 2k sin , 2 coordinates with angles (, ) such that q is the polar axis. We thus nd that f B (q ) =
2 1 deiqr cos d sin drr2 U (r) 4 0 0 0 +1 1 d(cos )eiqr cos drr2 U (r) = 2 0 1 1 r sin(qr)U (r)dr = q 0
with being the scattering angle. For a central potential it is now useful to introduce polar
only depends on q (k, ). The total cross-section in the rst Born approximation hence becomes
B tot (k )
= 2
2 |f (q )| sin d = 2 k
B 2
2k 0
|f B (q )|2 q dq
q dq . k k
d of (8.135) and sin d = 2 sin 2 cos 2 d = where we used the dierential dq = k cos 2
Since the Coulomb potential has innite range we apply the Born approximation to the Yukawa potential er/a er =C with a = 1 , (8.138) r r which can be regarded as a screened Colomb potential. At the end of the calculation we can U (r) = C then try to send the screening length a . For the Born approximation (8.136) we obtain fB = 1 q
r sin(qr)
C C r e dr = Im r q
eiqrr dr =
C 1 C Im = 2 (8.139) q iq + q2
and the corresponding dierential cross section C2 d B = 2 d ( + q 2 )2 of the Yukawa potential. The Coulomb potential. The electrostatic force between charges QA and QB corresponds to the potential VCoulomb (r) = QA QB 1 40 r (8.141) (8.140)
Born approximation as
which we obtain the scattering amplitude f B = C/q 2 and the dierential cross-section in rst
B C2 dc = 4 = d q 2k 2
2m QA QB (8.142) 2 4 0 but obviously violates the nite range condition. Nevertheless, there is a nite limit 0 for C=
1 = 4 sin (/2) =
QA QB 40
16E 2
1 sin4 (/2)
QA QB C = (40 ) v 2k
is a dimensionless quantity. This result for the dierential cross-section for scattering by a Coulomb potential is identical with the formula that Rutherford obtained 1911 by using classical mechanics. The exact quantum mechanical treatment of the Coulomb potential yields the same result for the dierential cross-section. The scattering amplitude fc however diers by a phase factor. It can be shown that fc = (1 + i ) i log[sin2 (/2)] e 2 2k sin (/2) (1 i ) (8.145)
where denotes the Gamma-function [Hittmair]. The Rutherford dierential cross-section scales with the energy E at all angles by the factor (QA QB /160 E )2 so that the angular distribution is independent of the energy. The phase correction in (8.145) becomes observable in the scattering of identical particles due to interference terms. This will be discussed in chapter 10.
In this section we introduce the scattering matrix S and relate it to the scattering amplitude via the transition matrix T . We start with the observation that the Greens function G 0 can be free Hamiltonian H0 = 2m we nd for a momentum eigenstate with p |K = K |K that
. Indeed, with k =
and the
(E H0 )|K = so that
(k 2 K 2 )|K
1 2m = 2 G 0 E H0 i
follows by Fourier transformation and regularization with a small imaginary part of the energy. More explicitly, the matrix elements of the operator (E H0 i)1 in position space are x| 1 1 |x = x| E H0 i E H0 i = =
d3 K |K K |x
1 eiKx d K x| 2 |K (2 )3/2 (k 2 K 2 ) i 2m
2m d3 K eiK (xx ) = 2 G 0 (x x ). 3 2 2 (2 ) k K i
With z = E i this is proportional to the resolvent Rz (H0 ) = (H0 z )1 of H0 , which is a bounded operator for > 0. The LippmannSchwinger equation can now be written as |u = |u0 + 1 V |u E H0 i (8.151)
where |u+ corresponds to the scattering solution with retarded boundary conditions. Wave operator and transition matrix. The Born series for the solutions of (8.151) is |u = |u0 +
1 V )n |u0 E H0 i
In order to sum up the geometric operator series we use the matrix formula
1 1 1 1 1+ A V + (A V )2 + . . . = (1 A V )1 = ( A (A V ))1 = (A V )1 A
1 A V
(A V + V ) = 1 +
1 A V
for A = E H0 i. Since A V = E H i with H = H0 + V the Born series can thus 1 V |u0 = |u0 , E H i 1 V E H i (8.154)
= 1 +
we insert this representation for the scattering solution into the formula (8.120) we need to be careful about the normalization of the wave function. In the present section we prefer to work compared to the plane waves eikx with normalized amplitude |k (x)| = 1. We hence obtain f = 2 2 k |U |u+ = 4 2 m
which maps plane waves |u0 to exact stationary scattering solution |u0 |u = |u0 . If
for the scattering amplitude, which suggests to dene the transition operator T as T := V + = V (1 +
1 V E H +i
) = (1 + V
1 )V E H +i
= V
k |T |k
The Smatrix. The idea behind the denition of the scattering matrix in terms of the the detector to a state that is a plane wave in the asymptotic future and hence, as an exact solution to the Schr odinger equation, corresponds to advanced boundary conditions |k . Since ( |k ) = k | the scattering amplitude should correspond to the matrix element k |S |k in the momentum eigenstate basis. Hence we dene k |S |k = k | + |k S = + . wave operator is that the incoming scattering state + |k is reduced by the measurement in
It can be shown that this denition of the S -matrix agrees with the limit S = t lim UI (t1 , t0 ) +
1 t0
of the time evolution operator in the interaction picture [Hittmair], which implies unitarity. operators preserve scalar products. It will then be easy to directly show that SS = S S = .
0 0 of free energy eigenstates |u0 i with H0 |ui = Ei |ui and the corresponding exact solutions 0 For this we introduce a more abstract notation with a complete orthonormal basis u0 i |uj = ij
Unitarity of the S -matrix. We rst prove that are isometries, i.e. that the wave
H |u = Ei |u i i ,
= =
+ 0 u+ i |uj + ui | 0 u+ i |uj
1 V |u0 j Ej H + i 1 0 + u+ i |V |uj . Ej Ei + i
(8.162) (8.163)
= =
+ 0 u0 i |uj + ui |V 0 u0 i |uj
1 |u0 Ei H0 i j 1 0 u+ + i |V |uj Ei Ej i
(8.164) (8.165)
In contrast to the nite-dimensional situation the isometry property of does not imply unitarity because an isometry in an innite-dimensional Hilbert space does not need to be surjective. Indeed, the maps send plane waves, which form a complete system, to scattering
states, which are not complete if the potential V supports bound states. More explicitly, we can write = Hence = =
ij ij |u0 u0 i ui |uj j| = ij 0 |u0 i ij uj | = i 0 |u0 i ui | = i
|u u0 i |. i
(8.167) (8.168)
|u i
0 u0 i |uj
u j |
|u u i i | = Pb.s.
where Pb.s. is the projector to the bound states. If the potential V has negative energy solutions these states cannot be produced in a scattering process and are hence missing from the completeness relation in the last sum. Combining these results unitarity of the S matrix
S S = + + = + ( Pb.s. )+ = + + =
(8.169) (8.170)
SS = + + = ( Pb.s. ) = =
is established. Relating the S -matrix to the transition matrix. In order to derive the relation between S and T we write the S-matrix elements Sij as
+ + + + + Sij = u i |uj = ui |uj + ( ui | ui |) |uj . + With u+ i |uj = ij and 0 0 u i | = ui | = ui |(1 + V
1 ), Ei H + i 1 0 0 u+ ). i | = ui |+ = ui |(1 + V Ei H i 1 1 )|u+ . Ei H + i Ei H i j
(8.172) (8.173)
we obtain Sij = ij + u0 i |V (
+ Since H |u+ and j = Ej |uj
1 1 ) = 2i (z ) 0 z i z + i + we conclude Sij = ij 2i (Ei Ej ) u0 and hence i |V |uj lim( Sij = ij 2i (Ei Ej )Tij . The non-relativistic dispersion E = ( k )2 /2m implies (Ei Ej ) = k |S |k = 3 (k k ) +
m 2 k (ki
i (k k )f (k , k ). 2k
Partial wave decomposition on the energy shell [Hittmair] then leads to Sl = e2il = 1 2iTl .
Transformation groups
Newtonian mechanics in Euclidean space is invariant under the transformations gv (t, x) = (t, x + vt) g, (t, x) = (t + , x + ) gO (t, x) = (t, Ox) Galilei transformation, time and space translation, rotation or orthogonal transformation, (9.1) (9.2) (9.3)
where O is an orthogonal matrix O OT = . In special relativity the structure of the invariance group unies to translations x x + and Lorentz transformations x L x , LT gL = g with g =
0 1 1 0 0 0 B0 1 0 0C C B @0 0 1 0 A 0 0 0 1
which leave x2 = x x invariant. A transformation under which the equations of motion of a classical system are invariant is called a symmetry. Transformations, and in particular symmetry transformations, are often invertible and hence form a group under composition.1 Innitesimal transformations. For continuous groups, whose elements depend continuously on one or more parameters, it is useful to consider innitesimal transformations. Invariance under innitesimal translations, for example, implies invariance under all translations. For the group O(3) O(3, R) of real orthogonal transformations in 3 dimensions this is, however, not true because O OT = only implies det O = 1 and transformations with a negative process by composing small transformations with determinant +1. The orthogonal group O(3) determinant det O = 1, which change of orientation, can never be reached in a continuous
hence decomposes into two connected parts and its subgroup SO(3, R) of special orthogonal matrices R (special means the restriction to det R = 1) is the component that contains the identity. In three dimensions every special orthogonal matrix corresponds to a rotation R such rotation can be obtained by a large number of small rotations so that
1 R )n = exp(R ) R = (R 1 )n = limn ( + n
about a xed axis with direction by an angle || for some vector in R3 . Obviously any (9.5)
where we introduced the innitesimal rotations R()xi = ijk j xk = R()ik xk , R()ik = ijk j . (9.6)
Like for the derivative f of a function f in dierential calculus, an innitesimal transformation T is the linear term in the expansion T () = + T () + O(2 ) and hence is linear and
Since translations g and orthogonal transformations gO do not commute they generate the Euclidean group E (3) as a semidirect product, each of whose elements can be written uniquely as a composition gO g . Lorentz transformations and translations in Minkowski space similarly generate the Poincar e group.
CHAPTER 9. SYMMETRIES AND TRANSFORMATION GROUPS obeys the Leibniz rule for products and the chain rule for functions,2 T (f g ) = T (f ) g + f T (g ), T (f (x)) = df (x) T (xi ) i dx
In accord with (9.6) the innitesimal form R of an orthogonal transformation RRT = is given by an antisymmetric matrix since ( + R)( + RT ) = + (R + RT ) + O(2 ). Similarly, the innitesimal form U = iH of a unitary transformation U U = is antihermitian U = + iH + O(2 ), UU = H = H . (9.8)
In turn, exp(iH ) is unitary if H is Hermitian. The advantage of intesimal transformations is that they just add up for combined transformations, T1 T2 = + (T1 + T2 ) + O(2 ). combination of innitesimal rotations about the coordinate axes R() = j Rj , (Rj )ik = R(ej )ik = ijk . (9.10) (9.9)
Since the nite transformations are recovered by exponentiation the BakerCampbellHausdor formula eA eB = eA+B + 2 [A,B ]+ 12 ([A,[A,B ]][B,[A,B ]])+
1 1
multiple commutators
shows that a nonabelian group structure of nite transformations corresponds to nonvanishing commutators of the innitesimal transformations. In the following an inntesimal transformation will not always be indicated by a variation symbol, but it should be clear from the context which transformations are nite and which are innitesimal. Discrete transformations As we observed for the orthogonal group, invariance under innitesimal transformations only implies invariance for the connected part of a transformation group and a number of discrete large transformations, which cannot be obtained by combining many small transformations, may have to be investigated seperately. In nonrelativistic which is equivalent to a reecion x x 2n(x n) at a mirror with normalized orthogonal vector n combined with a rotation R(n) about n by the angle . In 1956 T.D. Lee and C.N. Yang came up with the idea that an apparent problem with parity selection rules in neutral kaon decay might be due to violation of parity in weak interactions and they suggested a number of experiments for testing the conservation of parity in weak processes. By the end of that year
Linear transformations obeying the Leibniz rule on some associative algebra, like the commutative algebra of functions in classical mechanics or the noncommutative algebras of matrices or operators in quantum mechanics are called derivations.
Madame C.S. Wu and collaborators observed the rst experimental signs of parity violation in -decay of polarized
selection rules had become a standard tool in atomic physics and parity conservation was also well established for strong interactions. In the relativistic theory there is another discrete transformation, called charge conjugation, which amounts to the exchange of particles and anti-particles. The combination CP of parity and charge conjugation turns out to be even more natural than parity alone, and CP is indeed conserved in many weak processes. But in 1964 it was discovered that CP is also violated in the neutral kaon system.3 In 1967 Sakharov showed that CP-violation, in addition to thermal non-equilibrium and the existence of baryon number violating processes, is one of the three conditions for the possibility of creating matter in the universe. Invariance under the combination CP T of all three discrete transformations of relativistic kinematics, can be shown to follow from basic axioms of quantum eld theory, and indeed no CP T violation has ever been observed. Active and passive transformations. A transformation like, for example, a translation of it as a motion where a particle located at the position x is moved to the position with coordinates x with respect to some xed frame of reference. Such a motion is often called an active transformation. On the other hand we can leave everything in place and describe the same physical process in terms of new coordinates x . The resulting coordinate transformation is often called a passive transformation. Active and passive transformation are mathematically equivalent in the sense that the formulas look identical. If we physically move our experiment to a new lab, however, our instruments may be suciently sensitive to detect the change of the magnetic eld of the earth or of other environmental parameters that are not moved in an active transformation of the experiment. If we also move the earth and its magnetic eld, then it is most likely that we are still in our old lab and that all that happened was a change of coordinates. If we simultaneously perform an active and a passive transformation then a scalar quantity like a wave function (x) does not change its form so that (x) = (x ), x = Rx (x) = (R1 x). (9.12) x x = x + can be interpreted in two dierent ways. On the one hand, we can think
Quantum mechanics has its own way of incorporating this relation into its formalism. Since a symmetry transformation has to preserve scalar products we consider unitary transformations
Since quarks have both weak and strong interactions, it is still mysterious why CP violation does not also aect the strong interactions. This is known as the strong CP problem. Its only proposed explanation so far has been the Peccei-Quinn symmetry, which postulates a new particle called axion. If they exist, axions might contribute to the observed dark matter in the universe.
CHAPTER 9. SYMMETRIES AND TRANSFORMATION GROUPS R = R1 in Hilbert space. Hence (R )(x) = x|R| = R x| = R1 x| = (R1 x), the case for time reversal and charge conjugation.
in accord with (9.12). For discrete symmetries also anti-unitary maps are possible, as will be
Canonical mechanics. For a dynamical system with Lagrange function L = L(q i , q i , t) Hamiltons principle of least action states that the functional
( ) =
dtL(q i , q i , t)
has to be extremal among all paths = {q (t)} with xed initial point q i (t0 ) and xed nal point q i (t1 ). Since q i =
t1 d q i dt
L i L i q + i q q i q
dt (
d L i d L L )q + ( i q i ) . i i q dt q dt q
Due to the boundary conditions the variation q i (t) is zero at the initial and at the nal time so that the surface term L =0 q i for all variations is hence equivalent to the Euler-Lagrange equations of motion with L L d L L i = i p i i i q q dt q q
L q i L d L 1 ( qi q i ) = ( q i )|t dt dt t0 vanishes. Extremality of the action = 0 q i
L . q i
The space parametrized by the canonical coordinates q i is called conguration space. By Legendre transformation with respect to q i we obtain the Hamilton function H (pi , q i , t) = pi q i L(q i , q i , t) with pi = L , q i
as a function of the momenta pi and the coordinates q i , which together parametrize the phase space. Since the inverse Legendre transformation is given by eliminating the momenta pi from the equation q i = H/pi (p, q ) the Hamiltonian equations of motion q i = H , pi p i = H q i (9.18)
are equivalent to the Euler-Lagrange equations. The equations (9.18) can also be obtained i directly as variational equations L/p i = 0 and L/q = 0 of the rst order Lagrangian (q, q, L p) = q i pi H (p, q ). Innitesimal time evolution, as any innitesimal transformation,
obeys the Leibniz rule for products and the chain rule for phase space functions f (q, p, t), for which we admit an explicit time dependence. Regarding f as a function of time on a classical trajectory we hence obtain f i f + f = i q p i + t f = {H, f }P B + t f q pi where we dened the Poisson brackets {f, g }P B f g f g i i pi q q pi (9.20) (9.19)
for arbitrary phase space functions f (p, q ) and g (p, q ). i with q j = f j (q i , q The Noether theorem. An innitesimal transformation q i q i +q i ) =K is a total time is a symmetry of a dynamical system with Lagrange function L(q i , q i ) if L derivative because a total derivative does not contribute to the variation (9.15) and hence leaves the equations of motion invariant. The Noether theorem states that these innitesimal symmetries are in one-to-one correspondence with constants of motion Q, which are also called with L =K implies that conserved charges or rst integrals. More explicitly, a symmetry q i pi K Q = q (9.21)
is a constant of motion. In turn, if some phase space function Q(q i , q i ) is a constant of motion for all classical trajectories then its time derivative is a linear combination of the equations of i j j i L i = motion Q ) is then a symmetry of the Lagrange i q i . The transformation q = (q , q =K i pi Q. with K = q function, i.e. L Remarks: A constant of motion is only constant for motions that obey the equations of motion! =0 It is important to discern identities and dynamical equations. For a constant of motion Q = is a consequence of the equations of motion. This implies that there is an identity Q
i L i q i L that holds for arbitrary functions q i (t) and not only for solutions to q A symmetry i = 0. i (like e.g. a translation) does not have to vanish at an initial or nal time! transformation q
=K hence implies is an identity for an arbitrary variation. L L i d i ) = K. q + (pi q i q dt The theorem follows by subtracting the time derivative
d i) (p q dt i
functions p (p, q ) and q (p, q ) that leave the form of the Poisson brackets invariant are called
can canonical transformations. It can be shown that innitesimal canonical transformations be written in terms of a generating function Q(p, q ) as i = {Q, q i }P B , q i = {Q, pi }P B . p (9.24)
rule, as required for an innitesimal transformation. In the canonical formalism a symmetry transformation is, by denition, a canonical transformation {Q, .}P B with some generating function Q(p, q ) that leaves the Hamilton function invariant {Q, H }P B = 0. This makes the = 0 is at the same time Noether theorem quite trivial, because {Q, H }P B = {H, Q}P B = Q the condition for Q to be a constant of motion.
For a xed phase space function Q the map g {Q, g }P B is linear and obeys the Leibniz
The equivalence of the Hamiltonian and the Lagrangian denition of a symmetry, as well of the rst as the equality of the Noether charges Q, can be seen by computing a variation =q order Lagrangian L i pi H , i H (q q i pi H ) = i pi + q i p d i i p H p j, ip i qi H q (q pi ) q i + q i p = j dt (9.25) (9.26)
i ) is equal i) + p i) = q (p, q ) if d (K pi q i pi (K pi q i qi (K pi q which can only be equal to K dt ip i so that is a canonical transformation to q i + q i p i = Q q pi i = Q and p q i = {Q, f }P B f (9.27)
thus have shown that the Noether charge Q, when expressed as a function of the canonical . coordinates q i and pi , is the generating function for the transformation Quantization. Since {pi , xj }P B = ij in classical mechanics and [Pi , Xj ] = i ij in quantum
i K . The last two terms in (9.26), which do not contain with generating function Q = pi q = {Q, H } = 0. We time-derivatives and hence have to cancel each other, now combine to H
mechanics canonical quantization replaces Poisson brackets of conjugate phase space variables by times the commutator of the corresponding operators, {pi , xj }P B = ij = i [Pi , Xj ]. (9.28)
For the generating functions of innitesimal transformations this amounts to i = {Q, q i }P B q X = i [Q, X ]. (9.29)
Note that Poisson brackets and commutators both are antisymmetric, satisfy the JacobiIdentity, and obey the Leibniz rule for each of its two arguments, so that {Q, .}P B and [Q, .]
i of the real coboth qualify as ininitesimal transformations. Moreover, the real variation q ordinate q i naturally leads to the anti-Hermitian operator i Q so that the nite transformation exp( i Q) becomes a unitary operator. More precisely, one has to be careful about possible ordering ambiguities if Q(q i , pi ) is a composite operator. It is always possible to choose Q
1 Hermitian (for example by Q 2 (Q + Q ), or by Weyl ordering). In quantum mechanics it is
usually also possible of nd a proper quantum version of the symmetry generators, but for an innite numbers of degrees of freedom quantum violations of classical symmetries, which are called anomalies, can be unavoidable and may lead to important restrictions for the structure of consistent theories.4 Energy, momentum and angular momentum. As an example we now compute the i=q generators of translations and rotations. Under a time translation q i of an autonomous
This proves the equivalence of time independence and energy conservation. Uppon quantization (9.29) we nd i d (9.30) X = [H, X ], dt which is Heisenbergs equation of motion for the position operator X . Canonical quantization hence naturally leads to the Heisenberg picture. The corresponding time evolution of the wave function in the Schr odinger picture is given by the Schr odinger equation
d | dt
= K = L , so that the system the Lagrange function transforms into its time derivative L i pi K = q corresponding Noether charge Q = q i pi L agrees with the Hamilton function.
= i H | .
i x = ei into the coordinate direction ei is the momentum The generator of a translation i L = 0, hence K = 0, and i xj pj = ei p = pi for a translation invariant Lagrange pi because L = K = 0. function. Under rotations a centrally symmetric action is also strictly invariant = Re x. With (9.10) we have x i = ijk xk and A rotation about the xj -axis is given by x j thus obtain the corresponding Noether charge i pi 0 = ijk xk pi = jki xk pi Lj = x in the following table. Symmetry time evolution translation rotation
or L = x p in accord with the usual denition of angular momentum. The results are collected Noether charge Hamiltonian H momentum Pi orbital angular momentum Li innitesimal transformation | = i P |
d | dt
= i H |
R | = i L|
In the standard model of particle interaction, for example, cancellation of certain anomalies between quarks and leptons is indespensible for the consisteny of the theory, while the anomalay in baryon number conservation is in principle observable and enables proton decay, one of Sakharovs conditions for the creation of matter. Anomalies are also the origin of the space-time dimension 10 in superstring theory.
For nite transformations U = exp( i H ) is the time evolution operator and exp( i aP ) (x) yields the Taylor series expansion of (x a) in the translation vector a. For innitesimal rotations i i R (x) L (x) = i ijk xj k (x) = ijk j xk i (x), i in accord with (9.13). Transformation of operators. A unitary transformation | T | of states implies | T | O T OT (9.33)
because matrix elements should not change if we apply both transformations simultaneously. Since T OT 1 = ( + T )O( T ) + O(2 ) = + [T, O] + O(2 ) the innitesimal version of this correspondence is | T | O = [T, O]. (9.34)
placed by the inverse transformation of states, projectors and density matrices | T | P T P T and T T
These rules hold for all unitary transformations and not only for symmetry transformations!
Rotation of spins
If we consider the total angular momentum operator J = L + S for a particle with spin S we obtain its nite rotations by e
= e
L i S
because the orbital angular momentum and the spin operator commute. The former operator is responsible for the shift in the position resulting from the rotation while the latter rotates spin space, and it is often sucient to study its action if the spin orientation rather than the precise position of the particle is relevant for a computation. In the basis |s, where S 2 and Sz are diagonal we have S |s, = (s )(s + 1) |s, 1 and Sz |s, = |s, (9.37) the orientation of the spin. The operator exp( i S ) is hence called the rotation operator in
S ).
1 2
1 , 1 = 0 and | = | 2 , 1 = 1 and the spin operator becomes S = 2 in with | = | 1 2 2 2 terms of the Pauli matrices
x = 1 0 ,
0 1
y = i
0 i , 0
z = 0 1
i j = ij + iijk k . tr i = 0
i e sin 2 2
= || and e = /,
which leave the position invariant but mix the spin-up and the spin-down components of the wave function. We observe that a rotation by an angle = 2 transforms | | . This strange behavior of spinors is not inconsistent because | only dier by a phase and hence
represent the same physical state of the system and cannot be distinguished by any observable.
Phases do become observable, however, in interference pattens. The change of sign for a rotation by 2 has indeed been veried experimentally with neutrons interferometry by H. Rauch et al. in 1975, who achieved destructive interference between coherent neutron rays whose spins were rotated by a relative angle 2 . Remark: The projector |,n onto a state with spin up in the direction of a unit vector
e sin z
cos = nz ,
n for (9.41)
R =
2(1+nz )
1 z R = 2 ( + n ). |,n | , n , n| = R + 2
Without lengthy calculation the result directly follows from the fact that n = 2 nS has eigenvalues 1 on states with spin component 2 in the direction n. Vectors. For spin s = 1 the analog of the Pauli matrices can again be obtained from (9.37) with Sx = 1 (S+ + S ) and Sy = 2
(1) Sx 1 (S+ 2i (1) Sy
0 1 = 1 0 2 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 0 1 0 1 = i 2 0 1 0
S ),
(1) Sz
1 = 0 0
0 0 0 0 . 0 1
In order to relate the spherical basis |1, m to the standard vector basis ei we start with ez = |1, 0 (9.43)
because ez is an eigenvector of the innitesimal rotation Rez about the z -axis with eigenvalue 0. Evaluating S = Sx iSy on |1, 0 = ez we nd ! (1 0)(1 0 + 1)|1, 1 = 2 |1, 1 = (Sx iSy )ez = (ey iex ) (9.44) S |1, 0 = i i because Si generates an innitesimal rotation about ei . Equality of these expressions implies 1 |1, 1 = (ex iey ). (9.45) 2 (1) The spherical components Vq of a vector V in the Sz -basis |1, m are hence dened by 1 (1) (1) (9.46) V0 = Vz , V1 = (Vx iVy ). 2 Since V1 W1 + V1 W1
(1) (1) (1) (1)
q =1
(1)q Vq(1) Wq
is no simple analog of the formula (9.40) for nite rotations exp( i S (1) ). A general formula for arbitrary spin is known, however, if we represent the rotation in terms of the Euler angles. General representation of the rotation group. Every rotation in R3 can be written as a combination of a rotation by an angle about the z -axis followed by a rotation by about the y -axis and a rotation by about the z -axis. The angles (, , ) are called Euler angles (see appendix A.10 in [Grau]) and the corresponding rotation operator is R = e
can be written as
Since Jz |j, m = m|j, m the matrix elements of this operator in an eigenbasis of J 2 and Jz j, m |R|j, m = eim j, m |e dm m ( ) = j, m |e Without proof we state the formula dm m ( ) = (1)m m
(j )
|j, m eim
|j, m
cosm +m
r,s where Pn ( ) are the Jacobi polynomials, which can be dened by [Grau, A2] r,s Pn ( ) = (n+r )! (nr )! 1+ 2 2 +1 F n, n s, r + 1; 1
(9.52) (9.53)
matrix with 4 degrees of freedom, which we expect to contain a scalar and vector. Since the three traceless Pauli matrices and the unit matrix together form a basis for all 2 2 matrices | | can be written as linear combinations of || and | | . (9.54)
can be written as
i matrix the exponential A = exp( 2 ) is a arbitrary special unitary matrix A SU (2) which
These matrix elements indeed transform as a skalar and a vector, respectively, since i i (9.55) R ( |i | ) = j ( |i j j i | ) = j |2iijk k | = j ijk |k | 2 2 i i and R ( | ) = 2 ( | )| 2 |( | ) = 0. Since is an arbitrary traceless Hermitian
SU (2) A =
a b , c d
AA = A
a c b d
|a|2 + |b|2 = 1 . ca + db = 0
d (aa a
d . a
+ bb ) =
We thus
obtain d = a , c = b and
a b b a
|a|2 + |b|2 = 1.
As a manifold SU (2) is therefore a 3-sphere with radius 1 in R4 whose coordinates are the real and imaginary parts of a and b. For nite transformations the spinor rotation | A| leads to the vector rotation |i | The equation A i A = Rik (A)k (9.59) |A i A| = Rik (A) |k | . (9.58)
because A and A lead to the same rotation. This should not come as a surprise because we
hence denes a map from A SU (2) to a rotation R(A) SO(3). This map is two-to-one
already know that a rotation by 2 , which is the identity in SO(3), reverses the sign of a spinor. A and A are antipodal points of the S 3 that represents SU (2). We can therefore think of SO(3) as the 3-sphere with antipodal points identied and SU (2) is a smooth double cover of
the rotation group. The mathematical reason for the existence of spinor representations of the rotation group is the fact that SO(3) admits an unbranched double-cover and hence admits so called projective or ray representations where a full rotation gives back the original state only up to a phase factor. Such objects would be forbidden in classical mechanics, but in quantum of vectors | with = 0. mechanics a physical state is not represented by a unique vector | H but rather by a ray
Vector and tensor operators are collections of operators labelled by vector or tensor indices that transform accordingly under rotations, [Ji , Vj ] = i ijl Vl , [Ji , Tjl ] = i ijm Tml + i iln Tjn , ... (9.60)
The number of indices is the order k of the tensor. Since J (T | ) = [J, T ] | + T J | (9.61)
the action of a general vector operator is like an addition of an angular momentum j = 1 as far as the properties under rotations are concerned. For a vector operator (9.46) we already know that Jz , Vq(1) J , Vq(1) = q Vq(1) = 2 q (q 1) Vq1
(9.62) (9.63)
For higher order k > 1 a general tensor decomposes into irreducible parts that are connected by the ladder operators. An irreducible tensor operator Tqk of the order k is dened by the following commutation relations, Jz , Tq(k) J , Tq(k) = = qTq(k) , k (k + 1) q (q 1) Tq1 ,
(k )
(9.64) (9.65)
where k and q are the analogues of the eigenvalues l and m of the spherical harmonics and q = k, . . . , k labels the 2k + 1 spherical components of the irreducible tensor operator T (k) . A tensor operator Til of order 2, for example, has nine elements. Since two spins j1 = j2 = 1 example it is easy to guess that the scalar is the trace T (0) = il Til , while the 3 vector degrees of freedom are found by anti-symmetrization Ti
(2) (1) 1 ijl Tjl . This leaves the traceless symmetric =2
add up to spin j 2 we expect Til to contain irreducible tensors of order 0, 1 and 2. In this
1 part Til = 1 (Til + Tli ) 3 il T (0) to represent the 5 components of the irreducible operator of 2
order 2. The proof of this is analogous to the addition of angular momenta. One rst writes the tensor Til in spherical coordinates with i q1 and l q2 . Then the highest component must be T2
(2) (2)
matrix elements of an irreducible tensor operator of order k are of the form , j, m|Tq(k) | , j , m = j , m , k, q |j, m, , j ||T (k) || j where
CHAPTER 9. SYMMETRIES AND TRANSFORMATION GROUPS j , m , k, q |j, m, , j ||T (k) || j . . . Clebsch-Gordon coecients (independent of Tq ), . . . reduced matrix element(independent of m, m , q ), . . . represents all other quantum numbers.
(k ) (k )
The Wigner-Eckhart theorem thus factorizes the matrix representation of Tq element, which does not depend on the magnetic quantum numbers. Proof: For the proof we consider the (2k + 1)(2j + 1) vectors Tq(k) | , j , m and their linear combinations |, j , m =
into a geometric
part, which is given by the Clebsch-Gordon coecients, and a constant, called reduced matrix
(q = k, ..., k ;
m = j , ..., j )
Tq(k) | , j , m j , m , k, q |j , m ,
where contains j and as well as further quantum numbers that characterize T (k) . The |m | j j + k indeed transform according to the irreducible spin-j representations, as crucial point is that the collections |, j , m of (2k + 1)(2j + 1) states for xed and for
is suggested by the notation. This follows from (9.61) and the denitions of tensor operators and Clebsch-Gordon coecients. Since the latter form a unitary matrix we can invert this transformation and obtain Tq(k) | , j , m =
j ,m
|, j , m j , m |j , m , k, q .
, j, m|, j , m j , m |j , m , k, q
(9.70) (9.71)
, j, m|, j, m j, m|j , m , k, q
with , j, m|, j, m , j ||T (k) || , j because , j, m|, j , m is 0 except for j = j and insertion of [J+ , J ] = 2J3 , and its dependence on j and T (k) is implicitly contained in . As an application we consider the spherical harmonics Yq k , operating on wave functions by multiplication,
(k )
m = m . The scalar product , j, m|, j, m does not depend on m, as can be shown by Ykq with angular momentum (9.72)
, j, m|Yq(k) | , j , m = j , m , k, q |j, m j ||Yk ||j . The reduced matrix element is j ||Yk ||j = j, 0, k, 0|j , 0 (see [Messiah] II, appendix C). (2j + 1)(2k + 1) (2j + 1)
In chapter 7 we introduced the Dirac equation e (9.74) H = ci (Pi Ai ) + mc2 + e c with 4-component spinors and Hermitian 4 4 matrices and i with 2 2 block entries 0 0 = 0 , (9.75) i = 0i i which satisfy the anticommutation relations {i , j } = ij 44 , {i , } = 0, and 2 = 44 . In = H, i the relativistic notation we distinguish upper and lower indices = 0, . . . , 3 and combine spacetime coordinates, scalar and vector potential, and energy-momentum to 4-vectors according to 1 1 A = (, A), p = ( E, p). (9.76) = ( t , ), c c After multiplication with / c from the left and with the correspondence rule p i the x = (ct, x),
e c A m (t, x) = 0, (9.77) c where we introduce the four matrices = (, ), which are unitary ( ) = ( )1 and i satisfy the Cliord algebra { , } = 2g , with = g (9.78)
matrices are the relativistic analog of the three Pauli matrices i . Since relativistic spinors have 4 components (describing the spin-up and the spin-down degrees of freedom of particles and antiparticles) the are 4 4 matrices. Their unitarity implies that only 0 is Hermitian while the three matrices i are anti-Hermitian, which can be expressed in the formula ( ) = ( )1 = 0 0 . Explicitly the Dirac matrices read (9.79)
Matrix representations of the Cliord algebra (9.78) are far from unique, but it can be shown For concrete calculations it is usually much better to use the algebraic relations (9.789.79) than to use an explicit form of the -matrices.6
In quantum electrodynamics it is common to introduce Feynmans slash notation a / a [read: a-slash] for contractions of vectors with matrices and to set = c = 1 so that the Dirac operator reads (i / eA / m) 2 and a / = a2 44 , which generalizes the nonrelativistic formula (v )2 = v 2 22 . 6 For certain applications particular representations may, however, be useful: The Pauli representation is convenient for taking the non-relativistic limit (see chapter 7). In a Majorana representation all are imaginary 0 = 2 0 , 1 = 0 2 i1 0 , 2 = 0 i1 0 i3 , 3 = i3 0 i3 0 0 i3 [Majorana] (9.81)
0 0 = 0 ,
i = i
i 0
[Pauli representation].
We want to show now that the Dirac equation (9.77) retains its form under a Lorentz transformation x = L x . For given L we expect the Dirac spinor to transform linearly matrix notation and never write explicit indices for spinors and their linear transformations by multiplications with -matrices, which are four 4 4 matrices acting by matrix multiplication on 4-component spinors but labeled by a Lorentz vector index . One should not be confused by the coincidence that spinors and vectors have the same number of components in 4 dimensions. They nevertheless transform dierently under Lorentz transformations!7 For simplicity we consider the free Dirac equation with A = 0. Inserting x = L x = x = = L = L x x x x and = 1 (9.83) (x ) = (L) (x) with some 4 4 matrix depending on L. Note that we always use a
This transforms into (i c m) = 0 by multiplication with from the left provided that
L 1 = or
1 = L .
This is the relativistic version of the equation (9.59) and denes the spinor transformation (L) same L so that the spin group is a double cover of the Lorentz group. The condition (9.85) A transforms like the gradient . Finite transformations (L) can be obtained by exponentiation of innitesimal ones, L = + + O( 2 ) = g = . (9.86) in terms of a Lorentz transformation L. Like in the non-relativistic case correspond to the
also guarantees covariance of the interacting Dirac equation (9.77) because the gauge potential
Similarly to the electromagnetic eld strength F = F , which contains the electric and
so that the free Dirac equation becomes real. Weyl representations are block-odiagonal 0 = 0 0 , i = 0 i i 0 [Weyl representation] (9.82)
the magnetic elds as 3-vectors, the antisymmetric tensor contains innitesimal spacial
decomposing the massless Dirac equations into two-component equations for left- and right-handed particles. 7 We already know that spinors in 3 dimensions have 2 compoments, while vectors have 3 components; in higher dimensions d > 4, on the other hand, it can be shown that the number of components of spinors grows like 2d/2 , which is much larger than the number d of vector components.
CHAPTER 9. SYMMETRIES AND TRANSFORMATION GROUPS rotations R about an axis R xi = ijk j xk = i k xk jk = i ijk
and innitesimal boosts i0 = vi /c in the direction of a velocity vector v , whose nite form for v = vex is L
= 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 2
v and = . c
[ , ] = = g
1 [ , ] 2
1 =2 (g g )
whose solution can be guessed to be of the form = a[ , ]. Since [ , ] = 2 2g and [ , ] = 2a[ , ] = 2a({ , } { , }) = 4a(g g ) equation (9.89) is indeed solved for a =
1 4
1 [ , ]. = 4
operator Si for spacial rotations, which has already been determined in chapter 7, in a Lorentz covariant form. We recall the formula [H, Li ] = i cijk j Pk = [H, Si ], With S = for Si = 4i ijk j k =
i 2 0 0 i
For an alternative derivation of the relativistic spin operator S = i we write the spin
from which we concluded that J = L + S is the conserved angular momentum and S is the spin.
should be given by
which indeed is the specialization of our previous result to spacial rotations i0 = 0, jk = i ijk .
A covariant description of the spin of a relativistic particle can be given in terms of the PauliLubanski vector where J 1 W = J P with 0123 = 1 = 0123 (9.94) 2 = x P x P + S is the total angular momentum. By evaluation in the center W 2 = m2 c2
(without proof). For massless particles, however, W 2 = 0 so that s cannot be determined by W ! The physical reason for this problem is that massless particles can never be in their center of mass frame. In fact, the spin quantum number j refers to the rotation group SO(3) which cannot be used to classify massless particles exactly because of the non-existence of a center of mass frame (indeed, if photons could be described by spin j = 1, then the magnetic quantum number would have three allowed values; but we know that photons only have the two tranversal polarizations). The intrinsic angular momentum of massless particles therefore has to be described by a dierent conserved quantity. Equation (9.92) implies that p S is a constant of motion [p S , H ] = 0. If p = |p| = 0, which is always the case for massless particles, we can dene the helicity sp = pS , p (9.97) (9.96)
which is the spin component in the direction of the velocity of the particle. For solutions of Dirac particle can have two dierent helicities for positive-energy and two dierent helicities for the Dirac equation its eigenvalues can be shown to be sp = /2. For a given momentum a
negative energy solutions, so that the four degrees of freedom describe particles and antiparticles of both helicities. For the massless neutrinos, however, only positive helicity (left-handed) particles and negative helicity (right-handed) anti-particles exist in the standard model of their own antiparticles and they exist with two rather than 2sp + 1 polarizations. particle interactions. The massless photons with sp = and the gravitons with sp = 2 are
If we try to construct a conserved current j = (c, j ), which satises the continuity equation + divj = 0 and thus generalizes the probability density current of chapter 2, it is natural to consider the quantity , which however is not real ( ) = ( ) = ( ) = (9.98)
because the is anti-Hermitian for = 0. It can, hence, also not transform as a 4-vector because Lorentz transformations would mix the real 0-component with the imaginary spacial components. An appropriate real current can be constructed by replacing the Hermitian conjugate by the Dirac conjugate spinor = 0, j = . (9.99)
CHAPTER 9. SYMMETRIES AND TRANSFORMATION GROUPS Now we can use eq. (9.79) and nd (j ) = ( 0 ) = ( ) 0 = 0 = j so that j is indeed real.
The reason for introducing the Dirac conjugation can also be seen by computing the Lorentz transform of , | = | , = 1 . (9.101)
Considering innitesimal transformations we observe that the non-unitarity of again has its origin in the non-Hermiticity and thus again can be compensated by conjugation with 0 .
+ [ , ]
1 8
1 1 1 = + ([ , ]) = + [( ) , ( ) ] = [( ) , ( ) ] 8 8 8
1 1 = ( [ , ]) 0 = 0 + [ , ] 8 8
0 + O( 2 ).
is unitary for purely spacial rotations, but for Lorentz boosts it is not. For the Lorentz transformation of the Dirac adjoint spinor (9.103) implies = = 0 = 0 1 = 1 (9.104)
The divergence of the current j = can now be computed using the Dirac equation (9.77) and its conjugate 0 = (i
e A )( ) c
c m 0 = (i
e A ) ) c
cm ,
which establishes the continuity equation j = 0. Lorentz tensors. Similarly to eq. (9.105) we can compute the Lorentz transformation for the insertion of a product of -matrices, ( 1 . . . k ) = 1 1 1 2 . . . 1 k = L1 1 . . . Lk k 1 . . . k (9.108)
CHAPTER 9. SYMMETRIES AND TRANSFORMATION GROUPS The expectation values 1 . . . k hence transform as Lorentz tensors of order k . Since 1 1 1 = [ , ] + { , } = [ , ] + g 2 2 2
every index symmetrization reduces the number of -matrix factors by two so that irreducible tensors are completely antisymmetric in their indices i . In 4 dimensions we can antisymmetrize in at most 4 indices. The complete set of irreducible Lorentz tensors is listed in table 9.1 (we avoid the customary sympols A V for the axial vector and P S for the pseudoscalar to avoid confusion with with gauge potentials and parity). Lorentz tensor Scalar Vector Antisym. tensor Axial vector Pseudo scalar S = V =
i T = 2 [ , ] 4 k
1 4 6 4 1
V =
i 3!
S = 0 1 2 3
4 k
Table 9.1: Lorentz tensors of order k with The total number of components is
d k=0
antisymmetrized products of matrices are linearly independent.8 They hence form a basis of all 16 linear operators in the 4-dimensional spinor space. This is the relativistic analog of the fact that the Pauli-matrices together with the unit matrix form a basis for the operators in the 2-dimensional spinor space of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. The transformation properties under the discrete symmetries C , P and T are indicated in the last columns of table 9.1 and will be discussed in the next section.
time reversal T t = t.
The nonrelativistic kinematics is invariant under the discrete symmetries parity P x = x and Parity. In quantum mechanics the classical action P x = x of partity is implemented by P x = x P X P = X, P P P = P . (9.110)
The proof of linear independence uses the lemma that all products of matrices that dier from are traceless. A spinor in d dimensions has 2[d/2] components ([d/2] is the greatest integer smaller or equal to d/2).
While coordinates and momenta are (polar) vectors, i.e. odd under parity, the angular momentum x p is a pseudo vector, or axial vector), i.e. even under parity L=xp P LP = L, P S P = S (9.111)
Electromagnetic and strong interactions, as well as gravity, preserve parity. The form of the Maxwell equations implies that the electric eld is a vector while the magnetic eld transforms as an axial vector P E P = E, P B P = B. (9.112)
odd. The spin-orbit coupling LS and the magnetic coupling B (L +2S ) are axial-axial couplings and hence allowed by parity, while E S would be a vector-axial coupling and is hence forbidden by parity. The parity of the spherical harmonics is P|Ylm = (1)l |Ylm which is the basis for parity selections rules in atomic physics. Parity is violated in weak interactions, as was rst observed in the radioactive -decay of polarized
In the relativistic notation A A , i.e. A0 is parity even and the vector potential A is parity
Co. Since spin is parity-even the emission probability has to be the same for the
angles and if parity is conserved. But experiments show that most electrons are emitted Time reversal. For a real Hamiltonian the eect of an inversion of the time direction can
be compensated in the Schr odinger equation by complex conjugation of the wave fuction t t = t i =i = H . t t (9.114)
Time reversal therefore is implemented in quantum mechanics by an anti-unitary operator T (t, x) = (t, x) T |T = | , T | = T | (9.115)
which implies complex conjugation of scalar products but leaves the norms
For antilinear operators Hermitian conjugation can be dened by |T | = |T | . Antitheir signs under time inversion we have
| invariant.
unitary is then equivalent to antilinearity and T T = 1. Since velocities and momenta change T Xi T 1 = Xi , T Pi T 1 = Pi (9.116)
The above formulas are compatible with the canonical commutation relations T [Pi , Xj ]T 1 = [Pi , Xj ] = ij = T ij T 1 . i i (9.117)
CHAPTER 9. SYMMETRIES AND TRANSFORMATION GROUPS Invariance of the Maxwell equations under time reversal implies T E T 1 = E, T B T 1 = B, T A0 T 1 = A0 , T A T 1 = A
interactions violation of time reversal invariance has only been observed for weak interactions.
so that gauge potentials transforms in the same way A A as under parity. In fundamental
In addition to parity and time reversal the relativistic theory has another discrete symmetry, called charge conjugation, which is the exchange of particles and anti-particles. Parity. Invariance of the Dirac equation under the parity transformation x x implies P 1 i 0 which implies P 1 0 P = 0 , P 1 i P = i P | = 0 | . (9.120) + i 0 x (xi ) m P = (i m) x
Equation (9.119) actually xes the action of the unitary parity operator P on spinors only up Charge conjugation. According to Diracs hole theory exchange of particles and anti-
particles should reverse the signs of electric charges and hence the sign of the gauge potential C E C 1 = E, C B C 1 = B, C A C 1 = A . (9.121)
The derivation of the action of C on spinor starts with the observation that the relative sign between the kinetic and the gauge term is reversed in the conjugated Dirac equation (9.106). Transposition of that equation yields ( )T (i + This lead to the condition C 1 ( )T C =
0 i 0
e A ) c
c m = 0.
C = i 2 0 = i 2
While P = 0 is representation independent the explicit form of the antilinear operators C and T in terms of -matrices depends on the representation used for
B = i 1 3 ,
T | = i 1 3 |
in the standard representations (with the customary choice of the phase). The transformation properties for the Lorentz tensors that follow from the formulas (9.120, bination of these three discrete transformations is a symmetry in every local Lorentz-invariant quantum eld theory. The proof is based in the fact that all Lorentz tensors of order k (the complete set of fermion bilinears in table 9.1 as well as scalar elds and gauge elds A ) transform with a factor (1)k under CPT and that Lorentz invariant interaction terms have no free which was rst observed in 1964.10 Lorentz indices. Violation of time reversal invariance thus becomes equivalent to CP violation, 9.123, 9.124) for the P , C and T are listed in table 9.1. The CPT theorem states that the com-
An important aspect of the electromagnetic interaction with quantum particles is the fact that the interaction term in the Dirac equation ( (i
e A ) c
c m) = 0,
CP-violation in kaon decay is observed as follows [Nachtmann]. The theory of strong interactions implies that nucleons like the proton |p = |uud with mp = 938M eV and the neutron |n = |udd with mn = 940M eV + consist of three quarks, = |ud , | = |du with m = 140M eV and while mesons like the pions | 0 | = (|uu |dd )/ 2 with m0 = 135M eV consist of a quark and an anti-quark. The K mesons |K + = |us , 0 |K = |su = with mK = 494M eV and |K 0 = |ds , |K = |sd with mK 0 = 498M eV contain the somewhat heavier strange quark s and hence can decay by weak interactions. 0 0 Now the states |K 0 = C|K and |K = C|K 0 are each others antiparticles and both are observed to be 0 0 parity odd P|K = |K (according to the parity conserving strong processes in which they are created). The neutral K -mesons can only decay by weak interactions, |K 0 , |K
+ , 0 0 ,
+ 0 , 0 0 0 , e , .
which break parity as well as charge conjugation. If we assume that weak interactions preserve the combination CP then the CP eigenstates
0 |K( ) = 1 (|K 0 2
|K ,
0 0 CP|K( ) = |K()
0 |KS |K(+) ,
0 |KL |K( )
can only decay into CP eigenstates. In particular, |KS (S=short lived, with s = 0.89 1010 s) can decay into two pions (a CP -even state because l = 0 by angular momentum conservation), while |KL (L=long lived, with L = 5.18 108 s) can only have the less likely 3-particle decays. But |KL is observed to decay into two pions with a probability of about 0.3%. Moreover, the 3-particle decay of |KL producing a positively charged lepton is observed to be 0.66% more likely than its decay into the CP conjugate states containing an electron e or a muon .
electron source magnetic ux Figure 9.1: In the modied double slit experiment proposed by Aharonov and Bohm one observes a shift of the interference pattern proportional to the magnetic ux although the electrons only move in eld-free regions. like in the Schr odinger equation, explicitly depends on the gauge potential A , which is not A = A . We already noticed in chapter 2 that the complete wave equation is invariant observable because the electromagnetic elds F = A A are invariant under A
under this gauge transformation if we simultaneoly change the equally unobservable phase of the wave function A = A (t, x) because (i
ie e A )e c c
ie c
= e
ie c
e A ). c
In the nonrelativistic limit this gauge invariance, split into space and time components, is inherited to the Schr odinger equation. In 1959 Y. Aharonov and D. Bohm made the amazing prediction of an apparent action at a distance due to the form of the gauge interaction, which was experimentally veried by R.C. Chambers in 1960. This phenomenon is also used for practical applications like SQIDS (superconducting quantum interference devices) and it implies ux quantization in superconductors [Schwabl]. The experimental setup is a modication of the double slit experiment as shown in gure 9.1 where a magnetic ux is put between the two electron beams. For an innitely long coil the B -eld is conned inside the coil so that the ux lines cannot reach the domain where the electrons move. Nevertheless, a ux B = phase shift BdS between the two rays leads to a relative (9.130)
e B c and hence to a shift in the interference pattern on the screen behind the slits. (arg(1 ) arg(2 )) =
In the AharonovBohm experiment all electromagnetic elds are static. In a domain without magnetic ux B = A = 0 the vector potential A is curl-free and hence can locally (in a contractible domain) be written as a divergence A = (x). This can be considered as a gauge
transform of the special solution A = 0. The potential for the vector potential A = grad can be computed as a line integral (x) =
x x0
deformations of the path as long as we stay in regions without magnetic ux. The computation of the phase shift (9.130) now uses this fact to relate the wave functions i Schr odinger equation with A = 0, to the wave functions i a gauge i (x) =
C i (x ) (B ) (0)
electron beams in the double slit experiment without magnetic eld, which are solutions to the by gauge transformations. For each of the two beams the trajectories Ci belong to a contractible domain so that we can choose A ds i (x) = i (x) e
(B ) (0)
ie (x) c i
where the contour Ci (x) starts at the electron source and extends along Ci to the position of the electron. Since the initial points of the paths Ci at the electron source and their nal points at the screen where the interference is observed are the same for both paths the dierence between the phase shifts is e c A ds A ds = e c Ads = e c (A) dS = e c B dS = e B , (9.132) c
where Stockes theorem has been used to convert the circle integral extending along the closed path C2 C1 into a surface integral over a surface enclosed by the beams. This surface integral derivation of the phase shift (9.130). Since the gauge transformation is the same for the Dirac equation and for the Schr odinger equation the relativistic and the nonrelativistic calculations are identical. ( A)dS measures the complete magnetic ux between the beams. This completes the
Figure 10.1: Two types of paths that the system of two colliding particles could have followed.
As an example we consider the scattering of two identical particles, as shown in gure 10.1. Oppositely polarized electrons essentially remain distinguishable because the magnetic spin interaction is negligible as compared to the electric repulsion. If the detector D counts electrons of any spin then the classical probabilities for both processes just add up d = |f ()|2 + |f ( )|2 . d (10.1)
If beams (1) and (2) are both polarized spin up then the detector cannot distinguish between the incident particles and we will see that the rules of quantum mechanics tell us to superimpose amplitudes rather than probabilities. Particles with integral spin, like -particles, follow the BoseEinstein statistics, which means that their amplitudes have to be added
d d BE
= |f () + f ( )|2 , 184
while particles with half-integral spin, like electrons, obey FermiDirac statistics, which means that their amplitudes have to be subtracted
d d F D
= |f () f ( )|2 .
( ) = 4 |f ( )|2 , 2 2
d d F D
( )=0 2
so that identical fermions never scatter at an angle of /2, while the dierential cross section for boson scattering becomes twice the classical value for this angle [Feynman]. In the present chapter we discuss the construction of many particle Hilbert spaces and their application to systems with many identical particles. As applications we discuss the derivation of (10.110.3) for particle scattering and the HartreeFock approximation for the computation of energy levels in atoms. We then introduce the occupation number representation and discuss the quantization of the radiation eld, which will allow us to compute the amplitudes for electromagnetic transitions. As a last point we briey discuss phonons and the concept of quasiparticles.
Particles are said to be identical if all their properties are exactly the same. In classical mechanics the dynamics of a system of N identical particles is described by a Hamilton function and momenta pi , that is invariant under all N ! permutations i i (i) of the index set for the positions xi H (x1 , p1 , . . . , xN , pN ) = H (x(1) , p(1) , . . . , x(N ) , p(N ) ), The permutation group is generated by transpositions ij = 1 . . . j . . . i . . . N ,
1...i...j ...N
... . 1 2 N
1 2 ... N
and the sign (1)n of a permutation is dened in terms of the number n modulo 2 of required transpositions, sign( ) = sign( ) sign( ), sign(ij ) = 1. (10.7)
Even and odd permutations have sign = +1 and sign = 1, respectively. Although identical particles cannot be distinguished by their properties we can number them at some instant of time and identify them individually at later times by following their trajectories, as is illustrated for the example of a scattering experiment in gure 10.1. In
quantum mechanics, however, there are no well-dened trajectories and the wave functions start to overlap in the interaction region. It is hence no longer possible to tell which of the two particles went into the detector. The principle of indistinguishability of identical particles states that there is no observable that can distinguish between the state with particle 1 at position |x1 and particle 2 at position |x2 and the state with the positions of the particles states with quantum numbers |x1 , x2
exchanged. But then the state vectors in the Hilbert space H2 of two identical particles for the and |x2 , x1
id id
|x2 , x1
= ei |x1 , x2
because otherwise, for example, the projector |x1 , x2 x1 , x2 | could be used to nd out whether the position x1 is occupied by particle 1 or by particle 2. In the case of N distinguishable particles the wave functions (x1 , . . . , xN ) are arbitrary (normalizable) functions of the N positions. An N -particle state is thus in general not a of the tensor product product state 1 (x1 ) . . . N (xN ) but a superposition of such states and hence an element (x1 , . . . , xN ) HN H . . . H
of N copies of the 1-particle Hilbert space. The states | can be taken from an arbitrary complete orthonormal basis of H. Often the positions are combined with the magnetic quantum numbers describing the spin degrees of freedom (and possibly other quantum numbers) as qi = (xi , mi ). Permutations of the particles correspond to unitary operations P in the product space P |q1 . . . qN = |q(1) . . . q(N ) . For identical particles |q1 , q2 |qj , qi
id id
and |q2 , q1
= Pij |qi , qj
= ei |qi , qj
Pij P (ij )
= Pij |qi , qj
because exchanging the position twice brings us back to the original state. Particles for which
id id
fermions. For more than two particles every permutation can be obtained as a product of transpositions and it is easy to see that N -boson states are invariant under P while N -fermion
are called
states transform with a factor sign( ).1 Based on the axioms of relativistic quantum eld theory Wolfgang Pauli (1940) proved the spin statistic theorem, which states that particles are bosons
1 2 if they have integer spin j Z and fermions if they have half-integral spin j Z + 2 .
Symmetrization and antisymmetrization. For bosons and fermions the N -particle space HN of distinguishable particles. We introduce the symmetrization operator S= and the antisymmetrization operator A= 1 N! sign( )P .
Hilbert spaces HN and HN can now be constructed as subspaces of the N -particle Hilbert 1 N! P
(B )
(F )
equal to the set of all inverse permutations, for which sign( 1 ) = sign( ). Similarly it can be shown that both operators are idempotent S2 = 1 N! P S = 1 N! S = S = S , 1 N! A = A = A (10.16) (10.17)
The operators S and A are Hermitian because (P ) = P1 and the set of all permutations is
1 A2 = N!
sign( )P A =
project onto orthogonal eigenspaces, SA = AS = 0, and commute with all observables O for identical particles [S , O] = [A, O] = 0 (10.18)
and hence projection operators. States of the form S| and A| are eigenstates of the
because such observables must be invariant under every exchange of two identical particles [Pij , O] = 0. The images of the projectors S and A hence can be used as Hilbert spaces for the
1 2 2 The conclusion Pij = in eq. (10.12) is not stringent because, in principle, Pij could dier from the identity by a phase. For 2-dimensional quantum systems that violate parity it is indeed conceivable that the phase ei in (10.11) depends on the direction in which the particles are moved about one another so that the 1 phase of Pij = Pji remains free. The particles are then neither bosons nor fermions and were therefore called anyons in the 1970s. For rational phases 21 Q such particles would have fractional statistics or braid group statistics. In the present context the braid group relates to the permutation group in the same way as the spin group SU (2) relates to the rotation group SO(3): A double exchange, like a rotation by 2 , is physically unobservable but still can lead to a non-trivial phase in quantum mechanics. The permutation of two particles in two dimensions can thus be regarded as a braiding process where the phase ei depends on which strand is above and which strand is below. Fractional statistics presumably has indeed been observed in the 1980s in the fractional quantum Hall eect, where charge carriers with fractional charges Q = 1/3 ... up to about Q = 1/11 have been observed. These are believed to be quasi-particles that obey a corresponding fractional statistics. Parity violation in these eectively two-dimensional thin layers is due to a strong magnetic eld. 2 In two dimensions the rotation group SO(2) is abelian and therefore spin is not quantized. In accord with the spin-statistics connection fractional statistics, as discussed in the previous footnote, comes along with fractional spin of the quasi-particles on the fractional quantum Hall eect.
CHAPTER 10. MANYPARTICLE SYSTEMS quantum mechanical description of identical particles HN = S (H . . . H),
N (B )
HN = A(H . . . H).
(F )
Operators corresponding to permutation invariant observables automatically restrict to welldened operators on HN and on HN . HN of N identical particles. To get started we consider the examples of antisymmetrized two-particle and three-particle states |q1 , q2 |q1 , q2 , q3
A A (B ) (F )
Given some basis |qj of H we now want to construct useful bases for the Hilbert spaces
1 3!
1 (|q1 2
sign( ) |q1
2 A|q1 , q2 , = 3! A|q1 , q2 , q3 ,
(10.20) (10.21)
to the quantum numbers labelling an orthonormal basis of 1-particle wave functions j (x) the antisymmetrized product states |qj H. It is easily vered that q1 , q2 |q1 , q2 =
q1 , q2 , q3 |q1 , q2 , q3
= 1. More generally,
N ! A|q1 , q2 , . . .
q1 , q2 , . . . |q1 , q2 , . . .
= 1,
qi = qj
for i = j,
the double sum over all permutations of the bra and the ket vectors for which the permutations match contribute to the norm. The antisymmetrization of a product state can also be written as a determinant A (q1 , . . . , qN ) = 1 N ! A |q 1 , . . . , q N = N!
|q1 . . . |qN
|q1 . . . |qN
... ...
(N )
. . .
(N )
called Slater determinant, which vanishes if two quantum numbers agree. Antisymmetrization hence implies Paulis exclusion principle. For bosons we can similarly construct an orthonormal basis as |q1 . . . qN where the normalization
N! S|q1 . . . qN , n1 ! . . . nr !
nj = N,
j =1
groups of nj of the quantum numbers qi agree because then all terms where the order of identical
q1 . . . qN |q1 . . . qN
quantum numbers is exchanged also contribute in the double sum over all permutations of the quantum numbers of the bra and the ket vectors. (If, for example, all quantum numbers agree, the Slater determinant the symmetrization of product states is sometimes written in terms of the permutant |qi
(j )
, 1 = N!
|q1 . . . |qN
S |q1 , . . . , qN
|q1 . . . |qN
... ...
(N )
. . .
(N )
which is dened similarly to the determinant except that all signs of the N ! terms are positive.
Electron-electron scattering
The above considerations imply that our ansatz (8.20) for the asymptotic scattering wave eikr uas = (eikx )as + f (k, ) (10.27) r has to be modied for identical particles. With uS = 2S uas and uA = 2Auas it becomes 1 u{ S = A 2 (eikx eikx ) + (f () f ( )) eikr 1 + O( 2 ) r r (10.28) function
in the center of mass system, which leads to the dierential cross section d = |f () f ( )|2 d as we anticipated in the introduction of the present chapter. (10.29)
For non-scalar wave functions we have to be more precise, however, because antisymmetrization non only aects the positions but also the other quantum numbers. For scattering of identical spin 1/2 particles like electrons the relevant quantum numbers are the relative coordinate x and the magnetic quantum numbers m1 , m2 of the two particles. In the total spin basis the spin part of the wave function is either in the singlet state |u or in the triplet state |u
(triplet) (singlet) 1 ( | 2
= uS (x)S ,
S =
| )
= uT (x)T ,
T =
Since the spin part of the singlet is antisymmetric the total antisymmetrization leads to a symmetrization of the position space wave function and hence d d = |f () + f ( )|2 , (10.32)
1 ( | 2
+ | ) .
while the triplet is symmetric under exchange of the two electrons so that the position part has to be antisymmetrized d d
= |f () f ( )|2 .
For unpolarized electrons the triplet state is 3 times more likely than the singlet state and since |f () f ( )|2 = |f ()|2 + |f ( )|2 f ()f ( ) + f ()f ( ) the classical probabilities T = 3/4 and T = 1/4 imply 3 d = d 4 d d +
1 4
d d
This is in accord with our anticipation that electrons with dierent spin orientation experience no quantum interference while the exclusion principle aects the 50% of the scattering events where both spins are up or both spins are down. For Coulomb scattering of electrons we recall formula (8.145) for the amplitude, f () = 2 ei(20 log sin (/2) 2 2k sin (/2) (10.36)
with 0 = Im log (1 + i ), and hence f ( ) = 2 ei(20 log cos (/2) . 2 2k cos (/2) (10.37)
In f ()f ( ) the constant 0 drops out and the logarithms combine to log tan2 (/2). We thus arrive at Motts scattering formula d 2 = 2 d 4k 1 1 cos( log tan2 (/2)) + sin4 (/2) cos4 (/2) sin2 (/2) cos2 (/2)
which shows that the quantum mechanical interference term and its modication by the phase correction to the classical formula for Coulomb scattering can be observed already for unpolarized electrons.
The Hamilton function for an atom with N electrons and nuclear charge Z consists of the kinetic and potentials energies Ti + Vi of the electrons in the electric eld of the nucleus and the repulsive interaction terms Wij among the electrons, 1 H = (Ti + Vi ) + 2 i=1
Wij =
i=j i=1
Ze2 pi 2 2m ri
1 2
e2 |xi xj |
(Ti + Vi ),
H (2) =
1 2
Wij .
If N is large then it is plausible to assume that the potential that is felt by an individual electron is approximately independent of its own motion. We can hence think of each electron as moving in a mean eld that is determined a posteriory in a self consistent way, i.e. we compute the electron states for a given potential Vi and then make sure that the electron states indeed produce exactly (or at least approximately) that potential. In the present section we discuss selfconsistent methods for a central potential V (r), i.e. in the context of atomic physics. Similar methods can also be used for solids, where the electrons move in the periodic potential of the nuclei that are located on a crystal lattice. The Hartree method. Under the assumptions of the selfconsistent approach we can i = Ti + V i and determine energy eigenstates | (x) by solving the Schr odinger equation for H
then ll up the available orbits with increasing energies. This is motivation for the Hartree approximation, which assumes that the wave functiton is of the product form (q1 , . . . , qN ) = 1 (q1 ) . . . N (qN ) where i (qi ) = i (xi )i are energy eigenstates i |i = (Ti + V i )|i = Ei |i H (10.42) (10.41)
and i = | 1 , 1 describes the spin degree of freedom. Within this class of wave fuctions the 2 2 i are determined with the help of the variational principle. The Pauli exclusion principle is implemented in the naiv way of assuming that any two eigenfunctions i (x) and j (x) are dierent except for a possible two-fold degeneracy for electrons that dier by their spin degrees of freedom i = j . The variational method has been introduced in chapter 6, where we have shown that the Schr odinger equation is equivalent to the variational equation E [ ] = 0 for the energy functional E [ ] = If is restricted to belong to a family of trial wave functions then an approximation to the ground state is obtained by minimizing E [ ] within that family. The quality of this approximation depends on the quality of chosen candidate family. In the Hartree approximation the family consists of all N -particle wave functions of the product form (10.41). The main trick of this approach is to implement the orthonormalization of the one-particle wave functions i by a collection of Lagrange multipliers ij . We hence extremize the extended functional E [, ij ] = |H +
i,j |H | |
, which assumes its minimum exactly if is the ground state wave function.
ij ij i |j
for arbitrary variations of |i and ij . In order to simplify out notation we ignore for a moment a possibe degeneracy of the conguration space wave functions i (x) = j (x) in case of dierent spins si = sj , which would reduce the number of Lagrange multipliers. For the evaluation of the expectation value |H it is important to note that the one-particle part H (1) of the Hamiltonian (10.39) is a sum of terms that only act on one of the factors of the kets multiply to 1,
product wave function (10.41) while all others are unaected so that the respective bras and | H (1) | = Similarly, the two-particle Hamiltonian H factors can again be ignored, | H (2) | = 1 2 i , j | Wij |i , j . (10.45)
i | (Ti + Vi ) |i .
consists of a sum of terms that only act on two factors of the wave function, while the remaining
vary all factors i (xi ) of the wave function | . In the treatment of the variational method in chapter 6 we have shown that extremality under real and imaginary variations of i (xi ) is equivalent to a formally independent variation of the bra-vector i | with xed ket |i . The
i |(Ti + Vi )|i +
1 2
i , j | + i , j |
Wij |i , j i |ij |j = 0
j |Wij |j |i =
ij |j .
Since the Lagrange multipliers ij in (10.43) form a Hermitian matrix this matrix can be which can be written in a more explicit notation as
diagonalized by a unitary transformation of the |i . We thus obtain the Hartree equation, Ze2 r i (x) + e2
j =i
In addition to the one-particle potential Vi it contains the Hartree potential ViH (x) = j |Wij |j = e2 (10.49)
j =i
which describes the combined repulsion by the other electrons. The entries i of the diagonalized matrix of Lagrange multipliers thus obtain the meaning of energy eigenvalues of an auxiliary
one-particle Schr odinger equation (10.42) with potential Vi = Vi + ViH . The complete binding energy of the system can now be written as
E= H =
e2 2
|i (x)|2
1 |j (x )|2 d3 xd3 x , |x x |
where the energy of the electron-electron interaction has to be subtracted because is counted twice in the sum over the one-particle energies i . HartreeFock. We now improve the product ansatz for the wave function by antisymmetrization, as we should for fermionic N -particle states, and replace (10.41) by A (q1 , . . . , qN ) =
1 N 1 1 1 . . . . N ! A 1 (q1 ) . . . N (qN ) = . . . N ! (q ) . . . (q ) N N N 1
(q )
(q )
straightforward to verify that the expectation value of the one-particle Hamiltonian H (1) rebution, A | H (2) |A = 1 2
Evaluating the functional (10.43) for the HartreeFock family {A } of wave fuctions it is
mains unchanged, while the two-particle interaction term (10.45) obtains an additional contrii , j | Wij |i , j j , i | Wij |i , j , (10.52)
because now also permutations for which the two interacting particles are exchanged can have a non-vanishing expectation value. The detailed calculation can be done by cancelling the normalization factor (1/ N !)2 of the Stater determinants against the sum over all permutations of the positions in the ket-vectors. This leaves us with a signed sum over all orderings of the bra quantum numbers for a xed ket. But then the contribution of nontrivial permutations of the bra vectors vanishes because of the orthogonality of the factors of unless all displaced factors are modied by the action of a nontrivial operator. For the two-particle operator Wij trivial permutation survives. this keeps the identity and the transposition Pij . For the one-particle operator H (1) only the The second term in (10.52) is called exchange energy. Since it is negative it amounts to an attractive force that reduces the mutual repulsion of the electron. Variation of the bra-vectors in (10.52) adds an exchange contribution j , i | Wij |i , j (10.53)
to the variational equation and we obtain the HartreeFock equation Ti |i + Vi |i + ( j |Wij |j ) |i ( j |Wij |i ) |j = i |i , (10.54)
j =i
j =i
which is an integro-dierential equation for i (x) because Ti acts as a dierential operator while i (x ) is integrated over in the exchage term. Including the spin degrees of freedom into our discussion we note that the sum over j = i in the exchange terms is restricted to equal spins because the product j |Wij |i is proportional to si sj . This is in accord with our experience The expectation value of the total energy for the HartreeFock wave function thus becomes
from electron scattering, where quantum interference also occured only for equal spin directions.
A |H |A
i |(Ti + Vi )|i + e2 2
e2 2
|i (x)|2
si sj
e2 2
|i (x)|2 si sj
1 |j (x )|2 d3 xd3 x |x x |
e2 2
for solutions to the HartreeFock equation. Summarizing, the HartreeFock approximation is a variational procedure so that the result can only be as close to the correct ground state wave fuction as one can get with an antisymthis, the HartreeFock equation (10.54) can only be solved approximately, which is usually done by a numerical interation. A resonable starting point for this interation can be constructed by following the semiclassical ideas of L.H. Thomas (1926) and E. Fermi (1928). The ThomasFermi method. This method is based on the idea that the uncertainty According to Paulis exclusion principle N electrons hence occupy a volume of at least function H (x, p) =
p2 2m
metrized product wave function in the much larger N -particle Hilbert space HN . On top of
in phase space.
where the factor 1/2 accounts for the two allowed spin projections. For a classical Hamilton + V (x) we can then assume that the density of states f (x, p) in phase
particles and vanishes for higher energies H (x, p) > EF . This energy level is refered to as Fermi surface because if bounds the volume in phase space that is occupied by the N particles. The momentum pF (r) = dependent. These ideas have a wide range of application including nuclear physics and an easy derivation of an estimate for the size of neutron stars. Density functional theory. Modern computations in chemistry and in solid state physics are mostly based on this improvement of the HartreeFock method, which is based on the theorem of P. Hohenberg and W. Kohn theorem (1964) stating that the ground state energy can 2m(EF V (r)) is called Fermi momentum, which obviously is position
be expressed as a functional E [] of the electron density (x). This functional is a sum of the Hartree energy HHartree , the exchange energy Hexchange and the correlation energy Hcorrelation , which accounts for the fact that the correct ground state wave function is not of the antisymmetrized product form. In less fancy terms, the correlation energy is simply all the rest. Unfortunately, the correlation functional is not known explicitly, but it is determined by the KohnSham equation (1965), which serves as the analog of the Hartree equation. Popular approaches to the solution of that equation go under the names LDA (local density approximation) and LSD (local spin density approximation).
We have seen that it is often useful to describe states | HN of systems with a large number N of identical particles in terms of a basis of symmetrized or antisymmetrized products states whose factors belong to a xed basis |i of the one-particle Hilbert space H. Such a product ni only a
counts how often the vector |i occurs as a factor in the product state. Since N =
state is then uniquely described by the occupation numbers ni of the states |i , where ni
nite number of occupation numbers is nonzero and for fermions ni is restricted to the values 0 and 1. A basis vector of HN can hence be simply be characterized by the collection of nonzero occupation numbers |ni1 . . . niL with
L l=1
nil = N,
where it is usually clear from the context whether we are talking about bosons or fermions. The Fock space. It is now a small step to drop the condition of having a xed particle number N . Nonconstant particle numbers are needed for many purpuses, like the description of grand canonical ensembles in statistical mechanics, particle creation in relativistic quantum eld theory, but also for the description of photons or phonons, which can be created with little energy in quantum optics of solid state physics. The appropriate Hilbert space is now the innite direct sum of the N -particle spaces for N = 0, 1, 2, . . ., which is called Fock space F = H0 H1 H2 H3 . . . (10.58)
space F (B ) is much larger than the fermion one F (F ) , because the occupation numbers are not restricted to nil 1.3 Creation and annihilation operators. All operators that we inherited from the singleparticle Hilbert space can change occupation numbers but do not change N . Once we have introduced the Fock space we should also consider operators that allow us to change the total
where H1 = H and H0 is the 0-dimensional Hilbert space C. In a sense, the bosonic Fock
One the other hand, they are of equal size in the sense that both remain seperable if H is separable.
from HN to HN +1 is called creation operator a i and it acts as N + 1 S (|i |ni1 . . . ni . . . niL ) a | n . . . n . . . n = i i i 1 i L = ni + 1 |ni1 . . . (ni + 1) . . . niL on the normalized basis vectors, where the factor S |q0
N! Q ni ! (N +1)!
number of particles. We rst discuss the case of bosons. In order to increase a particular occupation number ni by one we tensor with N + 1 |i and symmetrize. The resulting map
(B ) (B )
(10.59) (10.60)
S |q1 . . . qN =
N! Q ni ! (N +1)! 1
P (N +1)!
. . . qN
(10.61) (10.62)
P |q q (N +1)! 0 1
. . . qN =
ni +1 N +1
|q0 q1 . . . qN
in the notation of formula (10.25). The adjoint of the creation operator in Fock space is called annihilation operator and its action on the basis vectors is ai |ni1 . . . ni . . . niL = ni |ni1 . . . (ni 1) . . . niL . (10.63)
With (10.60) and (10.63) it is now easily veried that creation operators a i and annihilation operators aj commute for i = j , while they satisfy the same algebraic relations as those of the harmonic oscillator if i = j . All commutation relations are summarized in the formulas [ai , aj ] = 0, [ai , a j ] = ij ,
[a i , aj ] = 0.
Some authors use bi for bosonic and ai for fermionic annihilation operators but we prefer to keep the a of the harmonic oscillator for the bosonic case. Fermions. The same construction can now be applied to fermions. Since now all nonzero occupation numbers are 1 we can drop the redunant n from the notation and denote the states by |i1 . . . iL . Accordingly the normalizations simplify. But on the other hand orderings and signs have to be treated more carefully because the sign of a state changes for every transposition, |i1 . . . ik . . . il . . . iL = |i1 . . . il . . . ik . . . iL . The fermionic creation operators b i are again dened by tensoring with with a subsequent antisymmetrization so that we obtain bi |ii1 i2 . . . iL = |i1 i2 . . . iL , b i |i1 i2 . . . iL = |i i1 i2 . . . iL 0 (10.65) N + 1 |i , but now
if ni = 0 , if ni = 1
and bi vanishes if ni = 0. For fermions the sign changes whenever we transpose two positions. We hence obtain the same algebra as for bosons, except that now all commutators are replaced by anticommutators {bi , bj } = 0, {bi , b j } = ij ,
{b i , bj } = 0.
These formulas are easily veried for our basis of the Fock space by using the denitions (10.66). Operators and occupation numbers. For bosons, as well as for fermions, every basis vector of the Fock space can now be obtained by repeated application of creation operators from the Fock vacuum |0 , for which all occupation numbers are zero and which is hence a operators normalized state in H0 . As for the harmonic oscillator we can dene the occupation number N (B ) =
a k ak ,
N (F ) =
b k bk ,
which count the occupation numbers for bosons and fermions, respectively. It is a beautiful feature of this formalism that we can rewrite all our previous operators for identical particles in terms of creation and annihilation operators [Hittmair]. For a single-particle operator like V =
N i=1
i|V |j a i aj .
1 2 i=j
W =
An important special case of this is the Hamilton operator of non-interacting particles, which is a one-particle operator so that H (1) =
i a i ai
where H |i = i |i . From the analogy with the harmonic oscillator we expect an additional a zero-particle operator, whose contribution could be recovered as H (0) = 0|H |0 . In any case, a constant contribution to the Hamilton function is unobservable in quantum mechanics.
contribution from the zero point energies. A constant is, however, not a one-particle but rather
Our rst application of the occupation number formalism is the quantization of the electromagnetic eld in an intuitive and simplied form where we are only interested in radiation and exclude Coulomb interactions. In the absence of charges the Maxwell equations for the electromagnetic potentials are A A = 0. Imposing the Coulomb gauge A(x, t) = 0 (10.73) (10.72)
CHAPTER 10. MANYPARTICLE SYSTEMS the equation for the scalar potential = A0 becomes 1 2 = = 0, c2 t
which contains no time derivative so that is not dynamical and can be set to = 0. This gauge is also called radiation gauge and the vector potential equation becomes A(x, t) = with E (x, t) = 1 2 A(x, t) A(x, t) = 0 c2 t2 B (x, t) = A(x, t). (10.75)
1 A(x, t), c t
Its solutions A(x, t) can be written as superpositions of plane waves ei(kxt) with = c |k |. To simplify the subsequent discussion we put our system into a large box with volume V = L3 and impose periodic boundary conditions (physical boundary conditions would be inconsistent with = 0 because of the presence of surface charges). For later convenience the coecients in the Fourier series of the vector potential A(x, t) are normalized such that A(x, t) =
nZ3 2 c2 L3 i(kxt) ak ei(kxt) + a k e
2 n. L
The constant contribution for n = 0 can be omitted because it does not contribute to E or B . For n = 0 the coecient vectors a(k ) have to be transversal k ak = 0. This condition is solved by linear combinations of two transversal polarization vectors ek with = 1, 2 which we choose to be orthonormal, k ek = 0, ek ek =
(ek )i (ek )j = ij
ki kj k2
T ij .
A(x, t) =
nZ3 n =0
1 = 8
1 A c2 t
+ A
Inserting the ansatz (10.79) into this expression the integral can be evaluated and we obtain H= 1 2
(ak a k + ak ak ) n,
2 n, L
= c |k |.
This form of the Hamilton function reminds us of the harmonic oscillator and also of the Hamiltonian (10.71) of free particles in the occupation number representation. It is hence
natural to interpret the Fourier coecients ak as anihilation operators and to replace their complex conjugates by the corresponding creation operators
a k ak ,
[ak , a k ] = , k,k .
This procedure is called eld quantization, or second quantization in contrast to the rst quatization in which particle trajectories were replaced by wave functions. Electromagnetism is described by a eld already at the classical level, and its quantization is performed by replacing (the Fourier modes of) the classical eld by operators.4 With the identication of the Fourier coecients of the electromagnetic eld in a box with creation and annihilation operators we interpret each oscillation mode as a harmonic oscillator. According to the Hamilton function (10.81) E 2 provides the kinetic term and B 2 plays the role of a harmonic potential. For nite volume we have a discretely innite sum over polarizations and wave vectors k
2 3 Z L
We are now in the position to compute electromagnetic transitions in atomic physics. Our starting point is Fermis golden rule Pif = 2 (Ei Ef ) | f |HI |i |2 , (10.86)
which we derived in chapter 6. It expresses the transition probability Pif per unit time from an
HI in the interaction picture. We will only work out the leading approximation and neglect
4 In a more deductive approach, the starting point for the quantization of the electromagnetic eld A(x, t) is the Lagrange function L = d3 xL with Lagrange density
initial state |i to a nal state |f in terms of the matrix element of the interaction Hamiltonian
1 1 (E 2 B 2 ) = 8 8
1 2 A ( A)2 . c2
By inserting the expansion (10.79) one can show that the commutation relations (10.82) for the Fourier coecients are equivalent to T [Ai (x, t), j (y, t)] = i ij (x y ), (10.85)
T where ij (x y ) is the Fourier transform of the transversal -function that was dened in eq. (10.78). The restriction of the -function to transversal degrees of freedom is required by the Coulomb gauge condition (10.73). This can be shown to follow from the quantization prescription in the presence of constraints that was developed by Dirac and Bergmann [Dirac]. A theoretical framework that enabled a Lorentz covariant canonical quantization of the full electromagnetic eld was only developed in the 1970s.
magnetic interactions with the electrons spin and the order (eA)2 term in the Hamiltonian H= e 1 (p A)2 + . . . 2m c HI = e (pA + Ap) + . . . , 2mc (10.87)
where pA = Ap in the Coulomb gauge. In the interaction picture the initial and nal states are energy eigenstates of the Hamiltonian Hmat + Hem , which factorize into a matter part with energy eigenvalue and a photon state in the occupation number representation, |i = |i |ni , |f = |f |nf , Hmat | = | (10.88)
where = (, . . .) species the energy eigenstate of the electron. For the emission or absorption of a single photon it is sucient to specify the occupation number nf = ni 1 for the momentum
e pA k and the polarization for which we want to compute the probability (10.86). Inserting mc
A(x, 0) =
nZ3 n=0
2 c2 ikx ek ak eikx + a k e V
and the matrix elements ni 1|a|ni = we obtain the absorption probability Pif = 4 2 e2 (i + f ) ni,k m2 V f | p ek eikx |i
ni .
ni + 1|a |ni =
ni + 1
For ni = 0 we obtain the probability for spontaneous emission, while the probabilities for absorption and induced emission are proportional to the occupation number. In the dipol approximation the exponentials eikx are replaced by 1. Since [x, H ] = expectation value of p is related to the dipol moment by f |p|i =
im i p m
(f i ) f |x|i
2 L
If we want to compute the life time for an excited state we need to integrate over all momenta and to sum over all polarizations. Since k = 1 V the limit L amonts to d3 k (2 )3 (10.94)
The energy conserving -function leads to a nite integral over a sphere in momentum space.
As one can hear by knocking on a door the lowest vibration frequencies of a solid are far below the frequencies that correspond to excitations of single atoms or molecules. This implies that the smallest energy quanta that are available in a solid for quantum mechanical processes correspond to excitations that involve the collective motion of a large number of atoms. The particle-like degrees of freedom that enter such a process are called quasi-particles. In the case of lattice vibrations of a solid the quasi-particles are called phonons. For small temperatures anharmonic eects may be neglected and the Hamiltonian has the form H=
l=1 L
where ml are the eective masses of the elementary degrees of freedom and the matrix Kkl describes the harmonic forces. Diagonalization yields the normal modes, which correspond to decoupled harmonic oscillators. In terms of the respective creation and annihilation operators the quantum system is hence described by a Hamilton function H= 1 i (a i ai + ). 2 (10.96)
The number operators Ni = a i ai count the occupation numbers of the phonon states with wave vector k and their dispersion relation (k ) is given by the speed of sound. Many physical properties of solids such as specic heat and thermal conductivity can be describe in terms of phonons, which are bosons with spin zero. Phonons in a solid are quite analogous to electromagnetic modes in a cavity and we can read the previous quantization procedure backwards and construct a phonon eld (x, t)
i(kxt) (ak ei(kxt) + a ). For certain quantities non-linear interaction terms become imke
portant. Creation and annihilation of phonons requires cubic terms 3 , which automatically have a excess of a creation operator or an annihilation operator and hence change the phonon number. Phonon-phonon scattering is described by interaction terms 4 , whose expansion in creation and annihilation operators assumes the form of two-particle operator.
L(q, q ) dt
is the value of S [ ] for a classical trajectory from q to q regarded as a function of the initial and the nal coordinates and of the time t = t t needed for the travelling. The dependency of S (q , q , t) on its arguments can be shown to be given by S = p , q S = p , q S = E t (11.2)
S S S = 0. , . . . , ) + q1 qN t
The dependency of S on time can be traded for a dependency on the energy E that is available for the trip from q to q by a Legendre transformation (q , q , E ) = S + Et = S + S
t t t t t q q
dt H =
dt(L + H ) =
pi q dt =
pi dq i .
(q , q , E ) = S
called simplied action to distinguish it from the action (11.1), while textbooks on semiclassics 202
often use the name Hamiltons principal function and the letter R for (11.1), and reserve the word action and the letter S for (11.4). are well-dened as long as q and the trajectory stay in a neighborhood While S and S of q , ambiguities can arise globally because several classical trajectories may lead from q to q with the same energy (consider, for example, the free motion on the surface of a sphere for which there are generically two extremal paths connecting two points). Moreover, a whole family of dierent trajectories originating from the same point q can meet along a caustic. Itersections of classical trajectories from q to q with caustics are called conjugate points (on a sphere the south pole is a conjugate point for trajectories originating from the north pole). In one dimension the dynamics of an autonomous system is quite simple because energy conrectangular billard, i.e. a particle moving in a rectangular box with perfectly reecting walls, servation xes the momentum p(x) = (E V (x))/2m up to a sign. For a two-dimensional
there are already innitely many trajectories from q to q , but additional constants of motion (the momentum components squared) make the system integrable. A dynamical system is called integrable if there are d constants of motion I1 , . . . , Id with vanishing Poisson brackets {Ii , Ij }P B , where d is the dimension of the conguration space. For such systems there exists a canonical transformation to action-angle variables (or torus variables) that brings the Hamil (, I ) = H (I ). In a rectangular billard the two conserved tonian to the form H (q i , pi ) H
2 quantities are the squares of the momentum components Ix = p2 x and Iy = py , and for xed
Ix and Iy there are 4 possible directions of the momentum. In a stadium-shaped billard, howerver, the motion becomes chaotic (non-integrable and extremely sensitive to initial conditions), which makes the WKB approach inadequate. Path integral techniques have a wider range of applicability.
WKB approximation
This semi-classical method was named after G. Wentzel, A. Kramers and L. Brillouin, who developed it independently in 1926. It is the quantum analog of the Sommerfeld-Runge procedure for the transition from wave optics to ray optics and hence also called eiconal approximation. We parametrize the wave function (x, t) = A(x, t)e
S (x,t)
by its the real amplitude A and its real phase S and search solution to the Schr odinger equation i i 2 = H with H = + V (x). Since 2 e S = (i S (S )2 )e S we nd i
2 =
AS )e i t = (i A
2 A 2i AS i AS + A(S )2 e
(11.6) (11.7)
CHAPTER 11. WKB AND THE PATH INTEGRAL Dropping the overall factor = Ae
(S )2 S +V + = 2m t
A . 2mA
The left-hand-side exactly corresponds to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation if we identify S with the classical action, while the right-hand-side is a quantum correction of order O( 2 ) that is neglected in the WKB approximation. For time-independent potentials stationary solutions are obtained with the separation ansatz (x, t) = u(x)e
u(x) = A(x)e
(S (x,t)+Et)
= A(x)e
(x) S
= S + Et. The stationary Schr with S odinger equation thus becomes equivalent to )2 = 2m(E V ) + (S
2 A
+ 2S A , 0 = S A
(11.10) (11.11)
= 0. We now restrict where the second equation is just the imaginary part of (11.6) because A our discussion to one-dimensional problems. Then the equation for the imaginary part becomes A 1S + =0 2S A d dx 1 dS log + log A 2 dx =0 A=c dS dx
1 2
with an integration constant c. For the real part (11.10) of the Schr odinger equation we use the WKB approximation and drop the term of order O( 2 ) so that dS dx This equation is easily integrated to (x) = S
x x 2
= 2m(E V ).
2m(E V (x )) =
dx p(x )
where p(x) = 2m(E V (x)) is the classical expression for the momentum. The WKB wave function thus becomes a sum of a left-moving and a right-moving wave u(x) = c+ p(x) exp + i
dx p(x ) +
dx p(x )
is inverse proportional to the velocity for a conserved particle ux. For bound state solutions we can always choose u(x) to be real so that, by an approriate choice of the constants c , u(x) = c p(x) cos 1
a x
with amplitudes A c / p(x). This is easy to interpret because the probability density A2
dx p(x ) + (a)
V E a b x b x
Figure 11.1: Soft wall approximation for a potential with turning points x = a and x = b. with a phase (a) depending on the choice of the lower limit x = a of the integration domain. Validity of the WKB approximation. Intuitively we can expect that the WKB approximation is good if the variation of the amplitude is small over distances of the order of the wave length (x) 2 /p(x). More precisely the condition is
2 2
1 d2 A A dx2
dS dx
Using (11.12) this can be written as dp 1 p p2 = 2 . dx we can expect good results for high energies and short wave lengths. Soft reection and Airy functions. The WBK approximation certainly breaks down at While this local eect will be negligable for high energies we can improve our results by solving a linear approximation as shown in gure 11.1. The exact solution for the linearized potential equation becomes u =
In regions where this condition is valid we may trust the WKB wave function. In particular,
classical turning points where V (x) = E so that p(x) 0 and the amplitude A(x) diverges.
the Schr odinger equation exactly at the zeros of E V (x). For smooth potentials we can use
is then compared with the WKB solution. At the right turning point x = b the Schr odinger (V E )u
2mV (b)
(x b)u.
After a change of variables of the form z = c(x b) we hence have to solve the equation w zw = 0. The solutions are linear combinations of the Airy functions, w(z ) = Ai(z ) + Bi(z ), which can be dened in terms of Bessel functions as 2 3/2 z J1/3 ( 2 Ai(z ) = 1 z 3/2 ) + J1/3 ( 3 z ) , 3 3 2 3/2 2 3/2 z Bi(z ) = 3 J1/3 ( 3 z ) J1/3 ( 3 z ) . (11.21) (11.20)
CHAPTER 11. WKB AND THE PATH INTEGRAL For real z the asymptotics is given by
2 3/2 cos( 3 z 1 ) 1/4 4 , Ai(z ) z 1 2 3/2 ) sin( 3 z 4 1/4 Bi(z ) , z 2 3/2 z ) exp( 3 1/4 , Ai(z ) 2 z exp( 2 z 3/2 ) Bi(z ) 3 1/4 . z
(11.23) (11.24)
Since the second Airy function Bi(z ) blows up at large z only Ai(z ) is relevant for our purposes. For real z it has the integral representation Ai(z ) =
1 0
cos(t3 /3 + zt)dt,
cb =
2mV2 (a) .
Comparing the asymptotic form (11.23) of ua (x) to the WKB solution (11.16) 2 cos 1 3 2mV (a)(xa)3/2 a KB uW =c a
(ax)2mV (a)
where we have choosen the lower limit for the momentum integration in (11.16) at the classical turning point. This phase shift can be interpreted as a quantum mechanical tunneling into the classically forbidden region with an eective penetration depth of one eights of the wavelengths. We will see that this leads to a correction of the BohrSommerfeld quantization condition.
Bound states. The original application of the WKB approximation is the derivation of the BohrSommerfeld quantization condition. If we begin our considerations, for simplicity, with Neumann boundary conditions at the classical turning points a bound state wave function of the form (11.16) with n nodes has for the round trip is condition
1 2 1 b a
as superposition (11.15) of a left-moving and a right-moving wave the complete action integral =
b a
a b
for the ring integral of the momentum along a closed trajectory. Note that this integral can be interpreted as the area enclosed by the periodic orbit of the particle in its two-dimensional
1 the harmonic oscillator, then the phase shifts a and b add up to an eective shift n n + 2
phase space, i.e. in the x p plane. If the potential is smooth at both turning points, like for which exactly reproduces the ground state energy of the harmonic oscillator. For Dirichlet boundary conditions (i.e. for a hard reection at an innitely high potential step) the wave function has a node at the classical turning point which leads to a phase shift a = /2. In general the improved BohrSommerfeld quantization formula can hence be written as p(x)dx = 2 (n + /4) with = Nsof t + 2Nhard . (11.30)
is called Maslov index and counts the number of classical turning points with smooth potential (soft reection) plus twice the number of classical turning points with Dirichlet boundary conditions (hard reections). Tunneling. A semiclassical interpretation of the tunneling eect might be a bit far fetched because there are no classical trajectories available. In any case, however, we can use our approximate WKB solution (11.15) of the Schr odinger equation to obtain a formula for the tunneling rate. Turning the bound state potential in gure 11.1 upside down amounts, by analytic continuation, to an imaginary momentum p(x) ip(x) = forbidden region of a potential hill. The appropriate solution for a tunneling process from x < a to x > b is hence the second term in eq. (11.15). The resulting ratio exp( 1 of the amplitudes at x a and x b squares to a tunneling rate of T = exp 2
b dx a 2m
2m(V E ) (11.31)
V (x) E
in the WKB approximation, where boundary eects and back-tunneling have been neglected. Semiclassical scattering. For central potentials we can use spherical symmetry to reduce the Schr odinger equation to a one-dimensional problem by the separation ansatz u(x) = R(r)Ylm (, ). We recall the radial equation (8.34) with the eective potential d2 (r) = E R (r) + Vef f (r) R 2m dr2 Vef f = V (r) +
l(l + 1) 2 (11.33) 2mr2 (r) = rR(r), which has to vanish at the origin R (0) = 0 for for the radial wave fuction R
normalizale u(x). In order to derive a semiclassical approximation for the phase shift l we compare the asymptotic ansatz (8.59)
as Rl (k, r) = Al (k )
1 l sin kr + l (k ) , kr 2 4 1
which dened the phase shift, to the radial WKB solution W KB cos R 1
= sin
d p() +
2 4
W KB has to become proportional to R as = rRas for with classical turning point r0 . Since R l l 1 r l (11.36) kr + d p() + r 2 2 4 r0 l r0 1 r (11.37) d p() p() p() . = (l + 1) + 2 4 r0 with p() = k = 2mE . For l = 0 and an attractive potential the classical turning point l = lim l is r0 = 0 with Dirichlet boundary conditions so that the Maslov index is 0 = 2. For l > 0 the centrifugal barrier dominates stable potentials at the origin so that we have r0 > 0 and soft boundary conditions with Maslov index l = 1. Except for l = 0 the WKB approximation turns out to yield good results only for large l.1 EKB approximation. The generalization of the WKB approach to higher-dimensional dynamical systems was named after A. Einstein (1917), L. Brillouin (1926) and J. B. Keller (1958). Already in 1917 Einstein realized that the BohrSommerfeld quantization rules can only work for integrable dynamical systems because nonperiodic orbits only form a subset of measure zero in the non-integrable case, so that a quantization condition like (11.29) does not make sense if the classical trajectory of a bound particle does not form a closed curve. Einstein also gave the coordinate independent formula
1 2 C
r we obtain
pi dq i =
quantization condition, where the d closed orbits C form a basis for the cycles in the phase space of the integrable system. This formula was later improved to 1 2 pi dq i = (n + /4),
which takes into accout the Maslov indices along the orbits C .
The rst attempt to formulate quantum mechanics in terms of the Lagrangian goes back to P.A.M. Dirac (1933), who discovered that the overlap of position state vectors corresponds to the classically computed exponential exp( i central object of our interest is the propagator K (x , x ; t t ) = x , t |x , t = x |e
R. Feynman (1949) took up the idea and turned it into a powerful computational scheme. The
H (t t )
This problem was overcome by Langer (1937), who applied the change of variables r = ex that magnies the critical region near the origin r 0 and makes WKB applicable also for small l. It turned out that the net 1 2 ) in the eective potential. eect of this change of coordinates amounts to the replacement l(l + 1) (l + 2 The bound state problem for centrally symmetric potentials can, of course, be analyzed similarly.
which corresponds to the matrix elements of the time evolution operator in the position space basis X |x = x|x (for simplicity we consider the one-dimensional situation). In the double slit experiment our intuition from ray optics tells us to superimpose the contributions of the two slits to the complete transition amplitude. More generally, the superposition principle of quantum mechanics and completness of the basis |x implies x , t |x , t = dx x , t |x, t x, t|x , t (11.40)
for some intermediate time t with t > t > t . By the same token we can decompose the time intervall into n small time steps and write the transition amplitude as an (n 1)-fold integral over all intermediate positions. For large n this integral can also be considered as an integral over all trajectories connecting the intermediate positions. The path integral is formally constructed as the limit n of this expression and hence can be considered as an integral over all paths from x at time t to x at time t . The building blocks of the path integral are the transition amplitudes for small time steps. Since the Hamilton operator generates time evolution x2 , t2 |x1 , t1 = x2 |e and since the momentum P generates translations |x2 = e
i i
H (t2 t1 )
P (x 2 x 1 )
|x1 ,
where states without explicit time dependence refer to the Heisenberg picture and time independence of H is assumed. Putting this together we nd x2 , t2 |x1 , t1 = x1 |e eigenstates between the exponentials x2 , t2 |x1 , t1 =
P (x2 x1 ) i H (t2 t1 )
|x1 .
The momentum operator can now be evaluated if we insert a complete set |p1 of momentum dp1 x1 |e
p1 (x 2 x 1 )
|p1 p1 |e
H (t2 t1 )
In order to replace all operators by classical functions we would also like to evaluate the position and the momentum in the Hamilton operator H (X, P ). For this we assume that H can writen H as a sum of terms with all momentum operators on the left of all position operators. This is certainly the case for the Hamiltonian H =
P2 2m
+ V (X ) of a particle in a potential V . If we
consider short time intervals t = t2 t1 and neglect terms of order O(t2 ) then exp( i Ht)
i Ht also has this property and we can evaluate X on the right and P on the left to obtain
x2 , t2 |x1 , t1 = dp1 x1 |e
p1 (x 2 x 1 )
|p1 p1 |e
t H (x1 ,p1 )
|x1 + O(t2 ).
For small t we can write x2 = x1 + t x 1 , and since all terms in the exponentials are mere functions we arrive at x2 , t2 |x1 , t1 = = dp1 x1 |p1 e dp1 e
i i
p1 |x1 + O(t2 )
(11.46) (11.47)
+ O(t2 ).
because x1 |p1 p1 |x1 = 1. We hence got rid of all operators and states and found a purely classical expression for the propagator for small time steps. As promissed, it conains the Lagrange function L(q, q ). For a Hamilton function of the form H (x1 , p1 ) = p2 1 /2m + V (x1 ) that is quadratic in the momentum we can, moreover, perform the Gaussian momentum integration dp1 and arrive at the nal expression x2 , t2 |x1 , t1 = m 1 )/ eit L(x1 ,x + O(t2 ). 2i t1 (11.48)
for the transition amplitude in terms of the Lagrange function L(x1 , x 1) = 1 mx 2 1 V (x1 ). For 2 the path integral representation of the propagators we hence arrive at the formal expression x , t |x , t = = dx1 . . . Dx e
(11.49) (11.50)
R t
L(x,x )
m 2i t
For an interpretation of the path integral we note that the integrand is a pure phase so that most contribution average themselves away due to rapidly changing phases for neighbouring paths. An exception occurs of exactly for the classical trajectories for which the phase, which is given by the action, is stationary so that we get constructive interference. In this way we get a very intuitive picture of the classical action principle because it is exactly the paths for which action is (near) extremal that contribute to the transition amplitude. The stationary phase approximation is based on this interpretation and only keeps the leading quadratic variations of the action for evaluating the semiclassical contribution of a classical trajectory to the transition amplitude. The remaining path integral is a Gaussian integral that can be evaluated exactly. This is possible, in particular, for the Lagrangian of a free particle for which the evaluation of the Gaussian path integral yields the free propagator Kf ree (x , x ; t) =
d 2
m 1 2i t
im (x x )2 2 t
in d dimensions. The argument of the exponent is indeed i/ times the action of the classical trajectory and the prefactor is due to the collective contribution of all near extremal paths.
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