Holy Spirit (Key of E) : Your Love Never Fails (Key of A) You Hold Me Now (Key of A) It Is Well (Key of A)
Holy Spirit (Key of E) : Your Love Never Fails (Key of A) You Hold Me Now (Key of A) It Is Well (Key of A)
Holy Spirit (Key of E) : Your Love Never Fails (Key of A) You Hold Me Now (Key of A) It Is Well (Key of A)
Words & Music by Matt Crocker 2009 Hillsong Publishing CCLI Licence #2911012
Words & Music by Bryan and Katie Torwalt 2011 Jesus Culture CCLI#2911012
It is Well (Key of A)
A E D E When peace like a river attendeth my way F#m B E When sorrows like sea billows roll A D B/D# Whatever my lot Thou has taught me to say A D E A It is well, it is well with my soul E A It is well with my soul D A E It is well, it is well with my soul A
F#m D Nothing can separate A E Even if I ran away F#m D A E Your love never fails I know I still make mistakes, but You have new mercy for me everyday Your love never fails D A You stay the same through the ages Bm D Your love never changes A There may be pain in the night E Bm But joy comes in the morning D A E And when the oceans rage Bm I dont have to be afraid D A Because I know that You love me Bm D F#m E Your love never fails E
Bm Where the streets are made of gold A/C# In Your presence healed and whole D Let the songs of heaven rise to You alone A D F#m No weeping no hurt or pain D No suffering You hold me now You hold me now A D F#m No darkness no sick or lame D No hiding You hold me now You hold me now In this life I will stand, through my joy and my pain Knowing there's a greater day There's a hope that never fails Where Your Name is lifted high and forever praises rise For the glory of Your Name. I'm believing for the day Where the wars and violence cease All creation lives in peace Let the songs of heaven Rise to You alone D / | / / | E / | / / | F#m / | / / |A/C# / | / / | D / | / / |E/|// A E For eternity all my heart will give Bm D All the glory to Your Name
My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought My sin not in part but the whole Was nailed to the cross and I bear it no more Praise the Lord, praise the Lord O my soul And Lord haste the day when my faith shall be sight The clouds be rolled back as a scroll The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend Even so, it is well with my soul
The wind is strong and the waters deep but Im not alone here in these open seas Cause your love never fails The chasm was far too wide I never thought Id reach the other side But your love never fails D F#m You make all things, work together for my good E