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PraiseBook 1

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We want to see Jesus lifted high Key: G We want to see Jesus lifted high A banner that flies across this land That all men might see the truth and know He is the way to heaven We want to see, we want to see We want to see Jesus lifted high (2) Step by step were moving forward Little by little taking ground Every prayer a powerful weapon Strongholds come tumbling down And down and down and down 2. Hail Jesus, Youre my King Key: A Hail Jesus, Youre my King Your life frees me to sing I will praise You all my days Youre perfect in all Your ways Hail Jesus, Youre my Lord I will obey Your Word I want to see Your Kingdom come Not my will but Yours be done Glory, glory to the Lamb Youll take me into the land We will conquer in Your name And proclaim that Jesus reigns Hail hail Oh! Lion of Judah How powerful You are Hail, hail oh Lion of Judah How wonderful You are 3. There is none like You Key: G There is none like You No one else can touch my heart like You do I could search for all eternity long and find There is none like You Your mercy flows like a river so wide And healing comes from Your hands Suffering children are safe in Your arms

There is none like You 4. God will make a way Key: G God will make a way Where there seems to be no way He works in ways we cannot see He will make a way for me He will be my Guide Hold me closely to His side With love and strength For each new day He will make a way (2) By a roadway in the wilderness Hell lead me Rivers in the desert will I see Heaven and earth will fade But His Word will still remain And He will do something new today 5. JesusJesus Key: G JesusJesus Holy and Anointed One, Jesus Risen and Exalted One, Jesus Your name is like honey on my lips Your Spirit like water to my soul Your Word is a lamp unto my feet Jesus I love You, I love You 6. I believe in Jesus Key: E I I I I believe believe believe believe in Jesus He is the Son of God He died and rose again He paid for us all

Standing in our midst Here with the power to heal now (With the power to heal) And the grace to forgive 7. Glory, Glory in the highest Key: G Glory, Glory in the highest Glory to the Almighty Glory to the Lamb of God And Glory to the Living Word Glory to the Lamb I give Glory (Glory) Glory (Glory) Glory - Glory to the Lamb I give Glory to the Lamb Honour, Praises 8. He is the Lord and He reigns on high Key: E He is the Lord and He reigns on high He is the Lord Spoke into the darkness creating the light He is the Lord Who is like unto Him, Never ending in days? He is the Lord And He comes in power, When we call on His name He is the Lord Show Your power, Oh Lord, our God (3) Our God Well the gospel of the Lord is the Hope for our nation You are the Lord Its the power of God for our salvation You are the Lord We ask not for riches, but look to the cross You are the Lord And for our inheritance, give us the lost You are the Lord Send Your power, Oh Lord, our God (3) Our God

9. I hear the sound of rustling Key: D I hear the sound of rustling in the Leaves of the trees The Spirit of the Lord has come Down on the earth The Church that seemed in slumber Has now risen from its knees And dry bones are responding with the Fruits of new birth Oh this is now a time for declaration The Word will go to all men everywhere The Church is here for healing of the nations Behold the day of Jesus drawing near My tongue will be the pen of a ready writer And what the Father gives to me Ill sing I only want to be His breath I only want to glorify The King All around the world the Body waits expectantly The promise of the Father is now ready to fall The watchmen on the tower all Exhort us to prepare The Church responds a people Who will answer the call And this is not a phase which is passing Its the start of an age that is to come And where is the wise man and the scoffer? Before the face of Jesus they are dumb A body now prepared by God and Ready for war The prompting of the Spirit is our Word of command We rise a mighty army at the Bidding of the Lord The devils see and fear For their time is at hand And children of the Lord, Hear our commission That we should love and Serve our God as one The Spirit wont be hindered by division In the perfect work that Jesus has begun 10. You are holy, Lord

And I believe He is here now (I believe that Hes here) Standing in our midst Here with the power to heal now (With the power to heal) And the grace to forgive I I I I believe believe believe believe in You, Lord You are the Son of God You died and rose again You paid for us all

And I believe You are here now (I believe that You're here)

Key: E You are holy, Lord; Majestic are Your ways You will be exalted, high above all else We give You all our praises, Almighty God Jesus, King of Glory; Saviour, Lord of all We come and bow before You Giving glory to Your name Jesus, King of Glory; Saviour, Lord of all We come and bow before You For You are holy, Lord

No weapon thats fashioned Against us will stand The battle belongs to the Lord We sing Glory, Honour Power & Strength to the Lord (2) When the power of darkness Comes in like a flood The battle belongs to the Lord Hes raised up a standard, The power of His blood The battle belongs to the Lord When the enemy presses in hard, do not fear The battle belongs to the Lord Take courage my friend, Your redemption is near The battle belongs to the Lord 14. We will worship the Maker of all things Key: C We will worship the Maker of all things Almighty God, to You our voices sing Hallowed be (3) Thy name (2) You are the Holy One, Father, Spirit, Son King of Kings and Lord of Lords Hallowed be (3) Thy name (2)

There is power, power, Wonder working power In the Blood of the Lamb There is power, power, Wonder working power In the precious Blood of the Lamb Would you be free from your Passion and pride? Theres power in the Blood (2) Come for a cleansing to Calvarys tide Theres wonderful power in the Blood Would you be whiter, Much whiter than snow? Theres power in the Blood (2) Sin-stains are lost in its life giving flow Theres wonderful power in the Blood Would you do service for Jesus the King? Theres power in the Blood (2) Would you live daily, His praises to sing? Theres wonderful power in the Blood 17. Well walk the land Key: G Well walk the land, with our hearts on fire And every step will be a prayer Hope is rising, new day dawning Sound of singing fills the air 2000 years and still the flame Is burning bright, across the land Hearts are waiting, longing, aching For awakening once again Let the flame burn brighter In the heart of the darkness Turning night, to the glorious day Let the song grow louder As our love grows stronger Let it shine, let it shine Well walk for truth, reach out for love In Jesus name, we shall be strong To lift the fallen, save the children Fill this nation, with Your song 18. I have decided to follow Jesus Key: D

I have decided to follow Jesus (3) No turning back (4) Though none go with me, Still I will follow (3) No turning back (4) The world behind me, The cross before me (3) No turning back (4) Oh take the whole world, But give me Jesus (3) No turning back (4) 19. I regret the hours I have wasted Key: G I regret the hours I have wasted And the pleasures I have tasted That You were never in And I confess that though Your love is in me It doesn't always win me When competing with my sin And I repent making no excuses I repent no one else to blame And I return to fall in love with Jesus And I bow down on my knees And I repent I lament the idols I've accepted The commandments I've rejected To pursue my selfish end And I confess I need You To revive me Put selfishness behind me And take up my cross again 20. Come sing a new psalm of David Key: G Come sing a new psalm of David Come sing a song of the Lord And praise Him with instruments Praise Him with music Praise to the One we adore, Hes the Lord Enter His gates with thanksgiving And into His courts with praise Come unto Him with singing And worship His name (2)

11. Father I cant explain Key: G Father I cant explain This kind of love, this kind of grace I know, I still break Your heart And yet You run to welcome me This is my song of praise to You For who You are and all that You do From the moment my life began You have been Faithful You will be Faithful Forever Faithful, my Father Father, I love the way You hold me close and say my name I know when my life is through My heart will find its home in You 12. Jesus take me as I am Key: D Jesus take me as I am I can come no other way Take me deeper into You Make my flesh life fade away Make me like a precious stone Crystal clear and finely honed Light of Jesus shining through Giving glory back to You (2) 13. In heavenly armour well enter the land Key: Em In heavenly armour well enter the land The battle belongs to the Lord

15. Praise Him, Praise Him Key: G Praise Praise Praise Praise Praise Him, praise Him Him in the morning Him in the noon time Him, praise Him Him when the sun goes down

16. Would you be free from the burden of sin Key: G Would you be free from the burden of sin? Theres power in the Blood (2) Would you oer evil a victory win? Theres wonderful power in the Blood

Jehovah, our God reigns 21. Dont let my love grow cold Key: G Dont let my love grow cold Im calling out; light the fire again Dont let my vision die Im calling out; light the fire again You know my heart my deeds Im calling out; light the fire again I need Your discipline Im calling out; light the fire again Im here to buy gold refined in the fire Naked and poor, wretched and blind I come Clothe me in white, so I wont be ashamed Lord, light the fire again 22. Do you love my Jesus Key: G Do you love my Jesus, Deep down in your heart? (2) Talking bout deep, deep, down, down, Deep down in my heart (2) Yes I love my Jesus, Deep down in my heart (2) Talking bout deep, deep, down, down, Deep down in my heart (2) 23. Jesus is the mighty God Key: D Jesus is the mighty God (echo) (2) Everybody bow before Him Hes the mighty God (echo) Jesus is the holy God Jesus is the righteous God

Christ is the Lord Let us exalt this Holy One (2)

Theyre loving and caring And praying for you 28. I was once in darkness Key: E I was once in darkness, now my eyes can see I was lost but Jesus sought and found me O what love He offers, O what peace He gives I will sing forever more, He lives Hallelujah Jesus, Hallelujah Lord Hallelujah Father, I am shielded by His Word I will live forever, I will never die I will rise up to meet Him in the sky 29. We fall down we lay our crowns Key: D We fall down we lay our crowns At the feet of Jesus The greatness of His mercy and love At the feet of Jesus We cry Holy, Holy, and Holy (3) Is the Lamb 30. When the music fades Key: E When the music fades All is stripped away And I simply come Longing just to bring Something thats of worth That will bless Your heart Ill bring You more than a song For a song in itself Is not what You have required You search much deeper within Through the way things appear Youre looking into my heart Im coming back to the heart of worship And its all about You, it's all about You Jesus Im sorry Lord for the things Ive made it When its all about You, all about You Jesus King of endless worth

No one could express How much You deserve Though Im weak and poor All I have is Yours Every single breath 31. I just came to praise the Lord Key: C I just came to praise the Lord (2) I just came to praise His Holy name I just came to praise the Lord He came into my life, one very special day He came into my life And showed me a better way He said Hed never depart And this is why I say I just came to praise the Lord 32. I have a Maker Key: E I have a Maker, He formed my heart Before even time began My life was in His hands He knows my name He knows my every thought He sees each tear that falls And hears me when I call And hears me when I call I have a Father, He calls me His own Hell never leave me No matter where I go 33. Send down Your rain Key: G Send down Your rain (3) from heaven Lord, we need Your rain (3) from heaven Let Your glory fall (3) from heaven 34. Praise is the power of heaven Key: E Praise is the power of heaven (2) Praise is the power that opens the door

25. How I love You Key: A How I love You You are the One (2) How I love You You are the One for me I was so lost But, You showed the Way Cos You are the Way I was so lost But You showed the Way to me I was lied to But You showed the Truth Cos You are the Truth I was lied to But You showed the Truth to me I was dying But You gave me Life Cos You are the Life I was dying But You gave Your Life to me Hallelujah, You are the One (2) Hallelujah You are the One for me 26. Running over Key: D Running over, running over My cup is full and running over Since the Lord saved me, I am happy as can be My cup is full and running over 27. Friends, love one another Key: G Friends, love one another Friends, sisters and brothers Friends, all in the family of God (2) Friends are a gift from above Friends are devoted and true And when the going gets tough

24. Come let us sing praise to our King Key: G Come let us sing praise to our King Glorious in splendor and majesty Give Him glory and honour, He is worthy Lift high His name, let us proclaim His praise to everyone

To the King, the King of kings The powers of darkness shall flee As we praise and worship Thee Praise is the power that opens the door To the King, the King of kings 35. Oh Lord in Jesus name Key: G Oh Lord in Jesus name, You came into my life With power to save, You opened up my eyes to see Your glory, Your Heart of love, before me I give You praise, Ancient of Days I give You praise I give You praise from my heart Oh Lord, You call to me, and I cannot be still My heart is free, You opened up my eyes to see Your glory, Your Heart of love before me 36. You are my strength when I am weak Key: G You are my strength when I am weak You are the treasure that I seek You are my all in all Seeking You as a precious jewel Lord to give up Id be a fool You are my all in all Jesus, Lamb of God worthy is Your name (2) Taking my sin my cross my shame Rising again I bless Your name You are my all in all When I fall down You pick me up When I am dry You fill my cup You are my all in all 37. No one but You Lord Key: G No one but You Lord Can satisfy the longing in my heart Nothing I do Lord

Can take the place of drawing near to You Only Only Only Only You You You You can can can can fill my deepest longing breathe in me new life fill my heart with laughter answer my hearts cry

Let me more of their beauty see Wonderful words of life Words of life and beauty Teach me faith and duty Beautiful words wonderful words Wonderful words of life Christ the blessed one gives to all Wonderful words of life Sinner list to the loving call Wonderful words of life All so freely given Wooing us to heaven Sweetly echo the gospel call Wonderful words of life Offer pardon and peace to all Wonderful words of life Jesus, only Saviour, sanctify forever 41. When the saints go marching in Key: D Oh when the saints go marching in (2) O Lord I want to be among the number When the saints go marching in Oh when they crown Him Lord of all (2) O Lord I want to be among the number When they crown Him Lord of all Oh when all knees bow at His name (2) O Lord I want to be among the number When all knees bow at His name Oh when they sing the Saviours praise (2) O Lord I want to be among the number When they sing The Saviours praise 42. Shout to the north and the south Key: E Shout to the north and the south Sing to the east and the west Jesus is Saviour to all Lord of heaven and earth (2) Men of faith rise up and sing Of the great and glorious King You are strong when you feel weak In your brokenness complete

Rise up women of the truth Stand and sing to broken hearts Who can know the healing power Of our awesome King of Love Weve been through fire and Weve been through rain Weve been refined by the power of His name Weve fallen deeper in love with You Youve burned the truth on our lips Rise up church with broken wings Fill this place with songs again Of our God who reigns on high By His grace again well fly 43. Mercy is falling Key: D Mercy is falling, is falling, is falling Mercy it falls like a sweet spring rain Mercy is falling is falling All over me Hey O, I receive Your mercy Hey O, I receive Your grace Hey O, I will dance forever more (Manna, The Spirit, Blessing) 44. I'm trading my sorrows Key: G I'm trading my sorrows I'm trading my shame I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord I'm trading my sickness I'm trading my pain I'm laying it down for the joy of the Lord We say yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord Yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord Yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord Amen I'm pressed but not crushed Persecuted not abandoned Struck down but not destroyed I am blessed beyond the curse For His promise will endure And His joy's gonna be my strength Though the sorrow may last for the

Father, I love You Come satisfy the longing in my heart Fill me, overwhelm me Until I know Your love deep in my heart 38. Youre calling me to lay aside Key: G Youre calling me to lay aside The worries of my day To quiet down my busy mind And find a hiding place Worthy, You are Worthy Open up my heart And let my spirit worship Yours I open up my mouth And let a song of praise come forth Worthy, You are Worthy Of Of Of Of Of Of a childlike faith and my honest praise and my unashamed love a holy life and my sacrifice and my unashamed love

39. Thy loving kindness is better than life Key: E Thy loving kindness is better than life (2) My lips shall praise Thee Thus will I bless Thee Thy loving kindness is better than life I lift my hands up unto Thy name (2) 40. Sing them over again to me Key: E Sing them over again to me Wonderful words of life

night His joy comes with the morning 45. The Lord loves me Key: G The Lord loves me And Oh! what a wonder I see A rainbow shines through my window The Lord loves me He died for me On the cross of Calvary He bore my sin and my shame And He died for me He rose from the dead Fulfilling each promise He said And someday home to my Saviour I shall be led 46. I will dance, I will sing Key: D I will dance, I will sing To be mad for my King Nothing Lord is hindering The passion in my soul (2) And Ill become even more Undignified than this (Though some may say its foolishness) And Ill become, even more Undignified than this (Lay my pride by my side) And Ill become, even more Undignified than this Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Hey (3) I will clap, I will wave 47. This is the air I breathe Key: A This is the air I breathe This is the air I breathe Your holy presence Living in me This is my daily bread This is my daily bread Your very Word spoken to me And I, Im desperate for You And I, Im lost without You

48. I wanna sing, wanna sing Key: E I wanna sing, wanna sing (2) For Jesus for Jesus for Jesus I wanna sing for Him I I I I I wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna clap dance wave live work

And I will soar with You Your Spirit leads me on By the power of Your Love Lord unveil my eyes Let me see You face to face The knowledge of Your Love As You live, in me Lord renew my mind As Your will unfolds in my life Living everyday In the power of Your Love 52. Welcome Holy Spirit Key: E Welcome Holy Spirit, We are in Your presence Fill us with Your power Live inside of me Youre the Living Water Never drying Fountain Comforter and Counselor Take complete control 53. Give me one pure and holy passion Key: D Give me one pure and holy passion Give me one magnificient obsession Jesus give me one glorious Ambition for my life To know and follow hard after You To know and follow hard after You To grow as Your disciple in the Truth This world is empty pale and poor Compared to knowing You my Lord Lead me on and I will run after You 54. Above all Key: A Above all powers, above all kings Above all nature and all created things Above all wisdom, and all the ways of man You were here before the world began Above all kingdoms, above all thrones Above all wonders the world has ever known

Above all wealth and treasures of the earth Theres no way to measure what Youre worth Crucified, laid behind a stone You lived to die, rejected and alone Like a rose trampled on the ground You took the fall And thought of me above all 55. With our hearts we believe Key: E With our hearts we believe With our mouths we confess You are Lord (2) Form this day to the end We will sing it again, and again You are Lord (2) By Your power You saved us By Your grace were redeemed To walk in the truth that You give us To minister life in Your name 56. Let Your Living Water flow over my soul Key: E Let Your Living Water flow over my soul Let Your Holy Spirit come and take control Of every situation that has troubled my mind All my cares and burdens unto You I roll Father, Father, Father Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Spirit,Spirit, Spirit Come now Holy Spirit and take control Hold me in Your loving arms And make me whole Wipe away all doubt and fear And take my pride Draw me to Your love And keep me by Your side Give your life to Jesus; let Him fill your soul Let Him take you in His arms And make you whole As you give your life to Him

49. Celebrate Jesus celebrate Key: E Celebrate Jesus celebrate (4) He is risen, He is risen And He reigns forevermore He is risen, He is risen Come on and celebrate (3) The resurrection of our Lord 50. You are my refuge Key: Em You are my refuge, You are my fortress You are my souls desire You are my God I will worship You with all my heart I will seek Your Face with all of my life I will serve You Lord with all that I have Here I am Here I am, O Lord (3) Here I am 51. Lord I come to You Key: A Lord I come to You, Let my heart be changed, renewed Flowing from the Grace, That Ive found, in You Lord I come to know The weaknesses I see in me Will be stripped away By the power of Your Love Hold me close Let Your Love surround me Bring me near Draw me to Your side As I wait Ill rise up like the eagle

Hell set you free You will live and reign with Him eternally 57. Mighty is our God Key: A Mighty is our God Mighty is our King Mighty is our Lord Ruler of everything Holy is our God Holy is our King Holy is our Lord Ruler of everything His name is higher Higher than any other name His power is greater He has created everything 58. We bring the sacrifice of Praise Key: D We bring the sacrifice of Praise Into the house of the Lord (2) And we offer unto You The sacrifices of thanksgiving And we offer unto You The sacrifices of Praise 59. Purify my heart Key: D Purify my heart, let me be as gold And precious silver Purify my heart, let me be as gold Pure gold Refiners fire, my hearts one desire Is to be holy, set apart for You Lord I choose to be holy, Set apart for You, my Master, Ready to do Your Will Purify my heart, cleanse me from within And make me holy; Purify my heart, cleanse me from my sins Deep within 60. In Your presence I will sing Holy Key: C

In Your presence I will sing Holy Holy is Your name (2) [gents] [ladies] Holy is Your (Holy is Your) name Holy is Your (Holy is Your) name Holy is Your (Holy is Your) name [together] Holy is Your name [Jesus is Your name] 61. Nothing can wash away my sin Key: G Nothing can wash away my sin (3) Nothing, no nothing, Nothing but the blood of Jesus (2) Nothing can bring me peace with God Nothing can lead me to Your Throne Nothing can make Your people One 62. Praise You, Lord for saving me Key: G Praise You, Lord for saving me Praise You, Lord, for setting me free Praise You, Lord, I want always to be Praising You Thank You, Lord 63. Change my heart Oh God Key: C Change my heart Oh God, Make it ever true Change my heart Oh God May I be like You You are the Potter, I am the clay Mould me and make me This is what I pray 64. Salvation belongs to Our God Key: G Salvation belongs to Our God Who sits upon the Throne

And unto The Lamb Be praise and glory Wisdom and thanks Honour and power and strength Be to our God forever and ever (3) Amen They the redeemed shall be strong In purpose and unity Declaring aloud 65. I am a wounded soldier Key: G I am a wounded soldier But I will not leave the fight Because the Great Physician Is healing me So Im standing in the battle In the armour of His love Because His mighty power Is real in me I am loved, I am accepted By the Saviour of my soul I am Loved, I am accepted And my wounds will be made whole 66. I love You Lord, and I lift my voice Key: A I love You Lord, and I lift my voice To worship You O! my soul, rejoice Take joy my King in what You hear Let it be a sweet sweet sound In Your Ears 67. Oh what a glorious God Key: E Oh what a glorious God, Oh what a powerful Saviour All creation cries out around You Holy is the Lord Oh what a glorious God Oh what a powerful Saviour Mercy, grace and goodness Surround You O Oh what a glorious God (2)

You speak with a voice Like a clashing cymbals O Oh what a glorious God You stretch forth Your Hand And the whole world trembles O Oh what a glorious God You rose from the dead To redeem Your people O Oh what a glorious God You give us Your strength And we soar like eagles O Oh what a glorious God 68. Holiness, holiness is what I long for Key: E Holiness, holiness is what I long for Holiness is what I need Holiness, holiness is what You want from me So, take my heart and form it Take my mind and transform it Take my will and conform it To Yours, to Yours, oh, Lord Faithfulness Brokenness 69. First Love Key: E First Love, my First Love My soul longs after You You are my First Love, my First Love I want my heart to stay so true Because You first loved me Jesus You will always be You will always be, my First Love 70. Fear Not! For I am with you Key: Am Fear Not! For I am with you (3) Says the Lord (2) I have redeemed you I have called you by name Child you are Mine When you walk through the waters I will be there

And through the flame Youll not [no way!] be drowned Youll not [no way!] be burned For I am with you. Fear not 71. I love to be in Your presence Key: G I love to be in Your presence With Your people singing praises I love to stand and rejoice Lift my hands and raise my voice You set my feet to dancing You fill my heart with joy You give me reason to rejoice..Rejoice! 72. Ah Lord God Key: D Ah Lord God Thou has made the heavens And the earth by Thy great power Ah Lord God Thou has made the heavens And the earth by Thine outstretched arm Nothing is too difficult for Thee (2) Oh great and mighty God Great in counsel and mighty in deed Nothing nothing absolutely nothing Nothing is too difficult for Thee(2) 73. Be Glorified Key: E Be Glorified (4) Be Glorified in the heavens Be Glorified in the earth Be Glorified in Your Temple Jesus, Jesus be Thou Glorified (2) 74. I will call upon Thee Lord Key: D I will call upon Thee Lord Who is worthy to be praised (2) The Lord liveth and blessed be the Rock And let the God of my salvation be exalted

75. Come on and celebrate Key: G Come on and celebrate His gift of Love we will celebrate The Son of God who loves us And gave us life Well shout Your praise oh King You give us joy nothing else can bring We give to You our offering In celebration praise Come on and celebrate, celebrate Celebrate and sing (2) To the King (2) 76. Lord the light of Your love is shining Key: A Lord the light of Your love is shining In the midst of the darkness shining Jesus, Light of the world shine upon us Set us free by the truth You now bring us Shine on me, shine on me Shine Jesus Shine Fill this land with the Fathers Glory Blaze Spirit Blaze Set our hearts on fire Flow River flow Flood the nations with grace and mercy Send forth Your Word Lord and let there be Light Lord I come to Your awesome presence From the shadows into Your radiance By the blood I may enter Your brightness Search me try me consume all my darkness Shine on me, shine on me As we gaze on Your Kingly brightness So our faces display Your likeness Ever changing from Glory to Glory Mirrored here may our lives tell Your story Shine on me, shine on me 77. Shepherd of my soul Key: E

Shepherd of my soul; I give You full control Wherever You may lead I will follow I have made the choice To listen for Your Voice Wherever You may lead, I will go Be it in a quiet pasture Or by a gentle stream The Shepherd of my soul, is by my side Should I face a mighty mountain Or a valley dark and deep The Shepherd of my soul, will be my Guide 78. Give thanks Key: G Give thanks with a grateful heart Give thanks to the Holy One Give thanks because Hes given Jesus Christ, His Son And now let the weak say I am strong Let the poor say I am rich Because of what The Lord has done For us, give thanks 79. Abba Father, let me be Key: A Abba Father, let me be Yours and Yours alone May my will forever be Evermore Your own Never let my heart grow cold Never let me go Abba Father, let me be Yours and Yours alone 80. As the deer Key: D As the deer panteth for the water So my soul longs after You You alone are my hearts desire And I long to worship You You alone are my Strength my Shield To You alone may my spirit yield You alone are my hearts desire And I long to worship You I love You more than gold or silver

Only You can satisfy You alone are the real joy giver And the Apple of my eye Youre my Friend and You are my Brother Even though You are a King I love You more than any other So much more than anything 81. Father God I wonder how I managed to exist Key: Em Father God I wonder how I managed to exist Without the knowledge of Your Parenthood And Your loving care But now I am Your child I am Adopted in Your Family and I can never be alone cos Father God Youre there beside me I will sing Your praises (3) Forevermore (2) 82. More love, more power Key: Em More Love[echo] More power[echo] More of You in my life (2) And I will worship You With all of my mind And I will worship You With all of my strength And I will worship You With all of my heart For You are my Lord (2) 83. Let there be love shared among us Key: E Let there be love shared among us Let there be love in our eyes May now Your Love sweep this nation Cause us O, Lord to arise Give us a fresh understanding Of brotherly Love that is real Let there be love shared among us Let there be love

84. I will enter His gates Key: D I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart I will enter His courts with praise I will say this is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice for He has made me glad He has made me glad, He has made me glad I will rejoice for He has made me glad (2) 85. Ascribe greatness to our God Key: G Ascribe greatness to our God the Rock His work is perfect and all His ways are just (2) A God of faithfulness and without injustice Good and upright is He (2) 86. You are my hiding place Key: Bm You are my hiding place You always fill my heart With songs of deliverance Whenever I am afraid I will trust in You I will trust in You Let the weak say I am strong In the strength of my Lord I will trust in You 87. Celebrate! Celebrate Key: G Celebrate! Celebrate Celebrate the victory of the Lord (2) For He has done mighty things yet again (3) Celebrate the victory of the Lord 88. As we gather Key: D As we gather may Your Spirit work within us

As we gather may we glorify Your name Knowing well that as our hearts begin to worship Well be blessed because we came (2) 89. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases Key: E The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases His mercies never come to an end They are new every morning New every morning Great is Thy faithfulness Oh Lord Great is Thy faithfulness 90. If youre happy and you know it Key: G If youre happy and you know it clap your hands (2) If youre happy and you know it And you really want to show it If youre happy and you know it Clap your hands If youre happy and your fingers If youre happy and your feet If youre happy and Amen If youre happy and these you know it, snap you know it, stamp you know it, say you know it, do all

92. Come let us worship and bow down Key: A Come let us worship and bow down Let us kneel before The Lord our God our Maker (2) For He is our God And we are the people of His pastures And the sheep of His hands Just the sheep of His hands 93. Create in me a clean heart Key: G Create in me a clean heart Oh God And renew a right Spirit within me (2) Cast me not away From Your presence Oh God And take not Thy Holy Spirit from me Restore unto me The joy of Thy salvation And renew a right Spirit within me (2) 94. Come, now is the time to worship Key: D Come, now is the time to worship Come, now is the time to give your heart Come, just as you are to worship Come, just as you are before your God, come One day every tongue will confess, You are God One day every knee will bow Still the greatest treasure remains for those Who gladly choose You now 95. I have seen, seen the downfall of Satan Key: E I have seen, seen the downfall of Satan Glory be to God! Glory be to Jesus! I have seen, seen, the downfall of Satan Glory be to God! Amen! When I look to my right, I see Satan has

fallen When I look to my left, I see Satan has fallen When I look to my front, I see Satan has fallen When I look to my back, I see Satan has fallen Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I have seen, seen the victory of Jesus Glory be to God! Glory be to Jesus! I have seen, seen the victory of Jesus Glory be to God! Amen! When I look to my conquered When I look to my conquered When I look to my conquered When I look to my conquered Hallelujah... 96. Im here to meet with You Key: G Im here to meet with You Come and meet with me Im here to find You Reveal Yourself to me As I wait (echo) You make me strong As I long (echo) You draw me to Your arms As I stand (echo) and sing Your praise You come, You come And fill this place Wont You come, wont You come And fill this place 97. Clap your hands all ye people Key: E Clap your hands all ye people Shout for joy with a voice of triumph Clap your hands all ye people Sing for joy to the Lord Were singing Halle-lujah, Hallelujah (4) right I see Jesus has left I see Jesus has front I see Jesus has back I see Jesus has

91. Lord I lift Your name on high Key: A Lord I lift Your name on high Lord I love to sing Your praises Im so glad Youre in my life Im so glad You came to save us You came from heaven to earth To show the way From the earth to the cross My debt to pay From the cross to the grave From the grave to the sky Lord I lift Your name on high (2)

Only one God over the nations Only one God of all In no other name is there salvation Jesus is Lord of all Jesus Christ is the Lord of all Lord of all the earth (4) 98. Blessing and honour Key: D Blessing and honour Glory and power Be unto the Ancient of Days From every nation, all of creation Bow before the Ancient of Days Every tongue in heaven and earth Shall declare Your glory Every knee will bow at Your throne In worship and You will be exalted O God And Your kingdom shall not pass away O Ancient of Days Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth Sing unto the Ancient of Days For none can compare to Your matchless worth Sing unto the Ancient of Days 99. Lord, You are more precious than silver Key: E Lord, You are more precious than silver Lord You are more costly than gold Lord You are more beautiful than diamond And nothing I desire compares with You 100. What a mighty God we serve Key: D What a mighty God we serve What a mighty God we serve Angels bow before Him Heaven and earth adore Him What a mighty God we serve 101. I lift my hands to the coming King

Key: G I lift my hands to the coming King To the great I Am, to You I sing For You are the One Who reigns within my heart And I will serve no foreign gods Or any other treasure For You are my hearts desire Spirit without measure Unto Your name I will raise My sacrifice (2) 102. Praise Him on the trumpet Key: E Praise Him on the trumpet The psaltry and harp Praise Him on the timbrel And the dance praise Him With stringed instruments too Praise Him on the loud cymbals (2) Let everything that has breath Praise the Lord Hallelujah praise the Lord (2) Let everything that has breath Praise the Lord (2) 103. Jehovah Jireh, my Provider Key: Em Jehovah Jireh, my Provider His grace is sufficient for me For me for me (2) My God shall supply all my needs According to His riches in glory He gives His angels Charge over me Jehovah Jireh cares for me (2) 104. Im gonna thank the Lord Key: C Im gonna thank the Lord He set me free (2) For my Saviour, He redeemed me For my Saviour rescued me Im gonna thank the Lord

He set me free Im gonna clap my hands and stamp my feet (2) Im gonna wave my hands in victory (2) Im gonna sing and shout aloud for joy (2) 105. Ill do my best my very best Key: G Ill love, Ill love Ill love You Lord With all of my heart (2) Ill do my best my very best O Lord, Ill do my best for You [echo]Ill do my very best Ill do my best my very best O Lord, Ill do my best for You Ill serve 106. You shall go out with joy Key: Em You shall go out with joy And be led forth with peace And the mountains and the hills Shall break forth before you Therell be shouts of joy And all the trees of the fields Shall clap, shall clap their hands And the trees of the fields Shall clap their hands (3) While you go out with joy 107. Stand up, stand up for Jesus Key: G Stand up, stand up for Jesus, Ye soldiers of the cross; Lift high His royal banner, It must not suffer loss. From victory unto victory His army shall He lead, Till every foe is vanquished, And Christ is Lord indeed. Stand up, stand up for Jesus,

The trumpet call obey; Forth to the mighty conflict, In this His glorious day. Ye that are brave now serve Him Against unnumbered foes; Let courage rise with danger, And strength to strength oppose. Stand up, stand up for Jesus, Stand in His strength alone; The arm of flesh will fail you, Ye dare not trust your own. Put on the gospel armour, And, watching unto prayer; Where duty calls, or danger, Be never wanting there. Stand up, stand up for Jesus, The strife will not be long; This day the noise of battle, The next the victors song. To him that overcometh A crown of life shall be; He with the King of Glory Shall reign eternally. 108. All hail the power of Jesus name Key: E All hail the power of Jesus name! Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all. Crown Him, ye martyrs of our God, Who from His altar call; Extol the stem of Jesses rod, And crown Him Lord of all. Ye chosen seed of Israels race, Ye ransomed from the fall, Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord of all. Ye gentile sinners, neer forget The wormwood and the gall, Go spread your trophies at His feet, And crown Him Lord of all. Let every kindred, every tribe On this terrestrial ball To Him all majesty ascribe And crown Him Lord of all.

O that, with yonder sacred throng, We at His feet may fall, Join in the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all 109. Amazing grace! How sweet the sound Key: E Amazing grace! How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found; Was blind, but now I see. Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed. Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; Tis grace that brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease, I shall possess within the veil, A life of joy and peace 110. Once again the Gospel message Key: E Once again the Gospel message From the Saviour you have heard Will you heed the invitation Will you turn and seek the Lord? Come believing! Come believing! Come to Jesus, look and live! (2) Many summers you have wasted Ripened harvests you have seen Winter snows by spring have melted Yet you linger in your sin Jesus for your choice is waiting Tarry not at once decide While the Spirit now is striving Yield and seek the Saviours side Cease of fitness to be thinking Do not longer try to feel It is trusting and not feeling That will give the Spirits seal

Let your will to God be given Trust in Christs atoning blood Look to Jesus now in heaven Rest on His unchanging word 111. Blessd assurance, Jesus is mine Key: D Blessd assurance, Jesus is mine! O what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Saviour, all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Saviour, all the day long. Perfect submission, perfect delight, Visions of rapture burst on my sight; Angels descending bring from above Echoes of mercy, whispers of love. Perfect submission, all is at rest I in my Saviour am happy and blest, Watching and waiting, looking above, Filled with His goodness, lost in His love 112. Jesus wants me for a sunbeam Key: G Jesus wants me for a sunbeam To shine for Him each day In every way try to please Him At home, at school, at play. A sunbeam, a sunbeam Jesus wants me for a sunbeam A sunbeam, a sunbeam Ill be a sunbeam for Him Jesus wants me to be loving And kind to all I see Showing how pleasant and happy His little one can be I will ask Jesus to help me To keep my heart from sin Ever reflecting His goodness And always shine for Him Ill be a sunbeam for Jesus

I can if I but try Serving Him moment by moment Then live with Him on high 113. Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! Key: D Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning Our song shall rise to Thee; Holy, Holy, Holy! merciful and mighty! God in Three Persons, blessd Trinity! Holy, Holy, Holy! all the saints adore Thee, Casting down their golden crowns Around the glassy sea; Cherubim and seraphim Falling down before Thee, Who was, and is, and evermore shall be. Holy, Holy, Holy! though the darkness hide Thee, Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see; Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee, Perfect in power, in love, and purity. Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! All Thy works shall praise Thy name, In earth, and sky, and sea; Holy, Holy, Holy! merciful and mighty! God in three Persons, blessd Trinity! 114. Take the name of Jesus with you Key: G Take the name of Jesus with you Child of sorrow and of woe It will joy and comfort give you Take it then whereer you go Precious name oh how sweet Hope of earth and joy of heaven (2) Take the name of Jesus ever As a shield from every snare If temptations round you gather Breathe that holy name in prayer Oh the precious name of Jesus

How it thrills our souls with joy When His loving arms recieve us And His songs our tongues employ At the name of Jesus bowing Falling prostrate at His feet King of Kings in heaven well crown Him When our journey is complete 115. I need Thee every hour Key: G I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord; No tender voice like Thine can peace afford. I need Thee, O I need Thee; Every hour I need Thee; O bless me now, my Saviour, I come to Thee. I need Thee every hour, stay Thou nearby; Temptations lose their power When Thou art nigh. I need Thee every hour, in joy or pain; Come quickly and abide, or life is vain. I need Thee every hour; teach me Thy will; And Thy rich promises in me fulfill. I need Thee every hour, most Holy One; O make me Thine indeed, Thou blessd Son 116. Jesus bids us shine with a clear, pure, light Key: G Jesus bids us shine with a clear, pure, light Like a little candle burning in the night In this world of darkness we must shine You in your small corner, and I in mine Jesus bids us shine, first of all for Him Well He sees and knows it if our light is dim He looks down from heaven to see us shine You in your small corner, and I in mine

Jesus bids us shine then for all around Many kinds of darkness in this world abound Sin and want and sorrow, so we must shine You in your small corner, and I in mine 117. When peace, like a river, attendeth my way Key: C When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to know It is well, it is well, with my soul. It is well, with my soul, It is well, it is well, with my soul. Though Satan should buffet, Though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul. My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to His cross, and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! 118. Jesus is our Shepherd, wiping every tear Key: E Jesus is our Shepherd, wiping every tear Folded in His bosom, what have we to fear Only let us follow whither He doth lead To the thirsty desert, or the dewy mead Jesus is our Shepherd, well we know His voice How His gentlest whisper makes our heart rejoice Even when He chideth, tender is His tone None but He shall guide us, we are His alone

Jesus is our Shepherd, for the sheep He bled Every lamb is sprinkled with the blood He shed Then on each He setteth His own secret sign They that have my Spirit, these, saith He, are mine Jesus is our Shepherd, guarded by His arm Though the wolves may ravin, none can do us harm When we tread deaths valley, dark with fearful gloom We will fear no evil, victors oer the tomb 119. Just as I am, without one plea Key: D Just as I am, without one plea, But that Thy blood was shed for me, And that Thou bidst me come to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come. Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind; Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need in Thee to find, O Lamb of God, I come. Just as I am, Thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve; Because Thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come. Just as I am, Thy love unknown Hath broken every barrier down; Now, to be Thine, yea, Thine alone, O Lamb of God, I come. 120. What a fellowship, what a joy divine Key: G What a fellowship, what a joy divine, Leaning on the everlasting arms; What a blessedness, what a peace is mine, Leaning on the everlasting arms. Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms;

Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms. O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way, Leaning on the everlasting arms; O how bright the path grows from day to day, Leaning on the everlasting arms. What have I to dread, what have I to fear, Leaning on the everlasting arms; I have blessed peace with my Lord so near, Leaning on the everlasting arms 121. Out of my bondage, sorrow and night Key: G Out of my bondage, sorrow and night Jesus, I come! Jesus, I come! Into Thy freedom, gladness and light Jesus, I come to Thee! Out of my sickness into Thy health Out of my want and into Thy wealth Out of my sin and into Thyself Jesus, I come to Thee! Out of my shameful failure and loss Jesus, I come! Jesus, I come! Into the glorious gain of Thy cross Jesus, I come to Thee! Out of earths sorrow into Thy balm Out of lifes storm and into Thy calm Out of distress to jubilant psalm Jesus, I come to Thee! Out of unrest and arrogant pride Jesus, I come! Jesus, I come! Into Thy blessed will to abide Jesus, I come to Thee! Out of my self to dwell in Thy love Out of despair into raptures above Upward for aye on wings like a dove Jesus, I come to Thee! Out of the fear and dread of the tomb Jesus, I come! Jesus, I come! Into the joy and light of Thy home Jesus, I come to Thee! Out of the depths of ruin untold Into the peace of Thy sheltering fold Ever Thy glorious face to behold Jesus, I come to Thee!

122. Nobody else couldve changed my heart Key: A Nobody else couldve changed my heart Nobody else couldve saved me Picked up the pieces when I fell apart Im so glad You unchained me Cause You are the One that I love Light of the world sent from above Sing Hallelujah, shout to the Lord You are the One (3) You are the One I love 123. Lord, I hear of showers of blessing Key: E Lord, I hear of showers of blessing, Thou art scattering full and free; Showers the thirsty land refreshing; Let some drops now fall on me; Even me, even me, Let some drops now fall on me. Pass me not, O God, my Father, Sinful though my heart may be; Thou mightst leave me, but the rather; Let Thy mercy light on me; Even me, even me, Let Thy mercy light on me. Pass me not, O gracious Savior, Let me live and cling to Thee; I am longing for Thy favor; Whilst Thourt calling, O call me; Even me, even me, Whilst Thourt calling, O call me. Pass me not, O mighty Spirit! Thou canst make the blind to see; Witnesser of Jesus merit, Speak the Word of power to me; Even me, even me, Speak the Word of power to me. Have I been in sin long sleeping, Long been slighting, grieving Thee? Has the world my heart been keeping? O forgive and rescue me; Even me, even me, O forgive and rescue me.

Love of God, so pure and changeless, Blood of Christ, so rich and free; Grace of God, so strong and boundless Magnify them all in me; Even me, even me, Magnify them all in me. Pass me not; but pardon bringing, Bind my heart, O Lord, to Thee; Whilst the streams of life are springing, Blessing others, O bless me; Even me, even me, Blessing others, O bless me. 124. Take my life, and let it be Key: E Take my life, and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee. Take my moments and my days; Let them flow in ceaseless praise. Take my hands, and let them move At the impulse of Thy love. Take my feet, and let them be Swift and beautiful for Thee. Take my voice, and let me sing Always, only, for my King. Take my lips, and let them be Filled with messages from Thee. Take my silver and my gold; Not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect, and use Every power as Thou shalt choose. Take my will, and make it Thine; It shall be no longer mine. Take my heart, it is Thine own; It shall be Thy royal throne. Take my love, my Lord, I pour At Thy feet its treasure store. Take myself, and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee 125. Peace is flowing like a river Key: D Peace is flowing like a river Flowing out through you and me Spreading out into the desert

Setting all the captives free Let it flow through me (2) Let the mighty peace of God Flow out through me (2) Hope.. Love.. 126. This joy that I have Key: G This joy that I have The world didnt give it to me (3) The world didnt give it and the World cant take it away This peace that I have.. Jesus that I have.. 127. I lift my eyes up Key: D I lift my eyes up Up to the mountains, Where does my help come from? My help comes from You, Maker of heaven, Creator of the earth. Oh, how I need You Lord, You are my only hope You're my only prayer. So I will wait for You To come and rescue me Come and give me life 128. Your love is amazing, steady and unchanging Key: G Your love is amazing, steady and unchanging Your love is a mountain, firm beneath my feet Your love is a mystery, how You gently lift me When I am surrounded, Your love carries me Hallelujah, hallelujah Hallelujah, Your love makes me sing Hallelujah, hallelujah

Hallelujah, Your love makes me sing Your love is surprising, I can feel it rising All the joy that's growing deep inside of me Every time I see You, all Your goodness shines through I can feel this God song, rising up in me 129. All to Jesus I surrender Key: D All to Jesus I surrender All to Him I freely give I will ever love and trust Him In His presence daily live I surrender all I surrender all All to Thee my blessed Saviour I surrender all All to Jesus I surrender Make me Saviour wholly Thine Let me feel Thy Holy Spirit Truly know that Thou art mine All to Jesus I surrender Lord I give myself to Thee Fill me with Thy love and power Let Thy blessing fall on me 130. I'm giving You my heart, all that is within Key: E I'm giving You my heart, all that is within I lay it all down for the sake of You my King I'm giving You my dreams, Laying down my rights I'm giving up my pride For the promise of new life And I surrender All to You, all to You I'm singing You this song I'm waiting at the cross All the world holds dear, I count it all as loss For the sake of knowing You

For the glory of Your name To know the lasting joy Even sharing in Your pain 131. Be careful little eyes what you see Key: G Be careful little eyes what you see (2) Theres a Saviour up above Watching all the games in love So be careful little eyes what you see Be careful little ears what you hear (2) Be careful little hands what you do (2) Be careful little feet where you go (2) 132. Jesus! We enthrone You Key: G Jesus! We enthrone You We proclaim You our King Standing here in the midst of us We raise You up with our praise And as we worship, build Your Throne (3) Come Lord Jesus and take Your place 133. Worthy, You are worthy Key: E Worthy, You are worthy King of Kings, Lord of Lords You are worthy Worthy, You are worthy King of Kings, Lord of Lords I worship You (2) Holy, You are Holy. Jesus, You are Jesus. 134. Alla lallalallelalleluyah Key: D Alla lallalallelalleluyah (3) Allla lalalalle leluyah Clap another hand Clap a hand next to you Clap another hand and sing along

Clap another hand Clap a hand next to you Clap another hand and sing Sing this song ShakeLift Wave Touch another toe. Scratch another back 135. Jesus is the winner Man Key: E Jesus is the winner Man The winner Man, the winner Man Jesus is the winner Man The winner Man all the time Satan is the loser being The loser being, the loser being Satan is the loser being The loser being all the time I am on the winning side The winning side, the winning side I am on the winning side The winning side all the time 136. O heaven is in my heart Key: E O heaven is in my heart (2) The Kingdom of our God is here Heaven is in my heart The presence of His Majesty Heaven is in my heart And in His presence joy abounds Heaven is in my heart The light of holiness surrounds Heaven is in my heart We are a temple for His Throne Heaven is in my heart And Christ is the Foundation Stone Heaven is in my heart He will return to take us home Heaven is in my heart The Spirit and the Bride say, Come! Heaven is in my heart 137. Soon and very soon Key: E

Soon and very soon We are going to see the King (3) Hallelujah, Hallelujah We are going to see the King No more crying there. No more dying there. 138. My Jesus My Saviour Key: C My Jesus, my Saviour Lord there is none like You All of my days I want to praise The wonders of Your mighty love My comfort, my shelter Tower of refuge and strength Let every breath all that I have Never cease to worship You Shout to the Lord all the earth let us sing Power and majesty praise to the King Mountains bow down and the seas will roar At the sound of Your name I sing for joy at the works of Your hands Forever Ill love You forever Ill stand Cos nothing compares to the promise I have in You 139. Im so in love with You Lord Key: E Im so in love with You Lord Im so in love with You For everything You are And everything You do Im so in love with You (2) 140. Father I adore You Key: G Father I adore You Lay my life before You How I love You Jesus I adore You.. Spirit I adore You.. 141. Hosanna in the Highest Key: G

Hosanna, hosanna Hosanna in the Highest (2) Lord we lift up Your name With our hearts filled with praise Be exalted oh Lord our God Hosanna in the Highest Glory, glory, glory to the King of Kings.. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus is the King of Kings.. 142. Its a great thing to praise the Lord Key: G Its a great thing to praise the Lord (3) Walking in the light of the Lord Walk, walk, walk, walk in the light (3) Walking in the light of the Lord Its a great thing to serve the Lord Its a great thing to love the Lord 143. When The Spirit of the Lord Key: Em When The Spirit of the Lord Is within my heart I will sing like David sang (2) I will sing I will sing I will sing like David sang (2) Dance Clap Pray

Key: G Im alive alert awake enthusiastic (2) Im alive alert awake, Im alive alert awake Im alive alert awake enthusiastic 146. Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost Key: A Righteousness, peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost (2) Thats the kingdom of God Dont you want to be a Part of the kingdom? (3) Come on; Come on everybody 147. Oh come let us adore Him Key: G Oh come let us adore Him (3) Christ the Lord For He alone is worthy (3) Christ the Lord Well give Him all the glory (3) Christ the Lord 148. All hail King Jesus Key: E All hail King Jesus All hail Emmanuel King of Kings, Lord of Lords Bright Morning Star Everyday You give me breath I'll sing Your praises And I'll reign with You Throughout eternity 149. All heaven declares Key: G All heaven declares The glory of the risen Lord Who can compare With the beauty of the Lord Forever He will be The Lamb upon the throne I gladly bow my knee And worship Him alone

144. With Christ in the vessel Key: G With Christ in the vessel you can Smile at the storm (3) With Christ in the vessel you can Smile at the storm, as we go sailing home. Sailing, sailing home (2) With Christ in the vessel You can smile at the storm, As we go sailing home 145. Im alive alert awake enthusiastic

I will proclaim, The glory of the risen Lord Who once was slain To reconcile us back to God Forever You will be The Lamb upon the throne I gladly bow my knee And worship You alone 150. When He rolls up His sleeves Key: Em When He rolls up His sleeves, He aint just putting on a ritz, Our God is an awesome God. There is thunder in His footsteps And lightning in His fists, Our God is an awesome God. And the Lord, He wasnt joking When He kicked them out of Eden, It wasnt for no reason that He shed His blood; His return is very close and So you better be believing that Our God is an Awesome God. Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from heaven above; With wisdom, power and love, Our God is an awesome God. And when the sky was starless In the void of the night, Our God is an awesome God. He spoke into the darkness And created the light, Our God is an awesome God. Judgement and wrath He poured out on Sodom, Mercy and grace He gave us at the cross; I hope that weve not too quickly forgotten that Our God is an awesome God 151. Father in heaven, how we love You Key: C Father in heaven, how we love You We lift Your name in all the earth May Your kingdom be established in our praises

As Your people declare Your mighty works Blessed be the Lord God Almighty Who was and is and is to come Blessed be the Lord God Almighty Who reigns forever-more 152. God is good, we sing and shout it Key: Em God God God God is is is is good, good, good, good, we sing and shout it, we celebrate. no more we doubt it, we know its true.

disease, I am the Lord, your Healer 156. For Thou, O Lord art high Key: E For Thou, O Lord art high, Above all the earth, Thou art exalted far above all gods (2) I exalt Thee, (3) O Lord 157. It's Your blood that cleanses me Key: C It's Your blood that cleanses me It's Your blood that gives me life It's Your blood that took my place In redeeming sacrifice; Washes me - whiter than the snow, (than the snow) Christ Jesus, God's precious sacrifice 158. In my life, Lord Key: E In my life, Lord, Be glorified, be glorified. In my life, Lord, Be glorified, today. In my church, Lord,..... In my heart, Lord,..... In my praise, Lord,..... 159. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord Key: Em Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, For He is worthy to be praised. Sing with your spirit, Clap with your hands, Our God is worthy to be praised. Worthy, worthy, He is worthy to be praised Hallelujah, Our God is worthy to be praised

160. Majesty, worship His Majesty Key: G Majesty, worship His Majesty Unto Jesus be all glory power and praise Majesty, kingdom, authority Flow from His throne, unto His own His anthem raise So exalt, lift up on high the name of Jesus Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus the King Majesty, worship His Majesty Jesus who died, now glorified King of all kings 161. Meekness and majesty Key: C Meekness and majesty, manhood and deity, In perfect harmony, the Man who is God. Lord of eternity dwells in humanity, Kneels in humility and washes our feet. O what a mystery, meekness and majesty Bow down and worship for this is your God This is your God Fathers pure radiance, perfect in innocence, Yet learns obedience to death on a cross Suffering to give us life, Conquering through sacrifice, And as they crucify prays, Father forgive. Wisdom unsearchable, God the invisible, Love indestructible, in frailty appears. Lord of infinity, stooping so tenderly, Lifts our humanity to the heights of His throne 162. No weapon formed against us shall prosper Key: G No weapon formed against us shall

And when I think of His love for me My heart fills with praise and I feel like dancing. For in His heart there is room for me And I run with arms opened wide 153. Great and mighty is He Key: D Great and mighty is He, great and mighty is He; Clothed in glory arrayed in splendour, Great and mighty is He (2) Let us lift His name up high, Celebrate His grace; For He has redeemed our lives And He reigns on high 154. He is Lord, He is Lord Key: G He is Lord, He is Lord He is risen from the dead and He is Lord Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess That Jesus Christ is Lord 155. I am the God that healeth thee Key: E I am the God that healeth thee I am the Lord, your Healer I sent My word and I healed your

prosper, All those that rise up against us shall fall; I will not fear what the devil may bring me, I am a servant of God, Oh, I am a servant of God. I am a servant, I am a servant of God (2) 163. Reign in me, sovereign Lord, reign in me Key: E Reign in me, sovereign Lord, reign in me Reign in me, sovereign Lord, reign in me Captivate my heart, Let Your kingdom come, Establish there Your throne, Let Your will be done 164. You are the Rock of my salvation Key: C#m You are the Rock of my salvation, You are the strength of my life; You are my hope and my inspiration, Lord unto You will I cry (2) I believe in You, believe in You For Your faithful love to me; You have been my help in time of need, Lord unto You will I cleave 165. Saviour, like a shepherd, lead us Key: D Saviour, like a shepherd, lead us, Much we need Thy tender care; In Thy pleasant pastures feed us, For our use Thy folds prepare. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Thine we are (2) We are Thine, do Thou befriend us, Be the Guardian of our way; Keep Thy flock from sin defend us, Seek us when we go astray. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Hear Thy children when they pray (2)

166. Seek ye first the kingdom of God Key: D Seek ye first the kingdom of God And His righteousness, And all these things shall be added unto you, Hallelu, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (3) Hallelu, Hallelujah! Man shall not live by bread alone, But by every word That proceeds from the mouth of God, Hallelu, Hallelujah! Ask and it shall be given unto you, Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you, Hallelu, Hallelujah! 167. Take me past the outer courts Key: Em Take me past the outer courts, And thru the holy place, Past the brazen altar; Lord I want to see Your face. Pass me by the crowds of people, And the priest who sing Your praise; I hunger and thirst for Your righteousness But its only found one place. So take me into the holy of holies, Take me in by the blood of the Lamb; So take me into the holy of holies, Take the coal, cleanse my lips, Here I am 168. When I look into Your holiness Key: C When I look into Your holiness, When I gaze into Your loveliness, When all things that surround become Shadows in the light of You. When Ive found the joy of reaching Your heart When my will becomes enthroned in Your love,

When all things that surround become Shadows in the light of You. I worship You, I worship You. The reason I live is to worship You (2) 169. You laid aside Your majesty Key: G You laid aside Your majesty, Gave up everything for me, Suffered at the hands, Of those You have created. You took all my guilt and shame, When You died and rose again. Now today You reign, In heaven and earth exalted. I really want to worship You, my Lord, You have won my heart and I am Yours. Forever and ever I will love You. You are the only one who died for me, Gave Your life to set me free, So I lift my voice to You in adoration 170. Holiness unto the Lord Key: G Holiness unto the Lord, unto the King Holiness, unto Your name I will sing Holiness unto Jesus Holiness unto You, Lord (2) 171. I sing praises to Your name, O Lord Key: G I sing praises to Your name, O Lord, Praises to Your name, O Lord, For Your name is great And greatly to be praised (2) I give glory to Your name, O Lord, Glory to Your name, O Lord, For Your name is great And greatly to be praised (2) I give honour to Your name, O Lord, Honour to Your name, O Lord, For Your name is great And greatly to be praised (2)

172. My life is in You Lord Key: G My life is in You Lord My strength is in You Lord My hope is in You Lord In You, its in You (2) I will praise You with all of my life I will praise You with all of my strength With all of my life With all of my strength All of my hope is in You 173. On bended knee I come Key: A On bended knee I come, With a humble heart I come, Bowing down before Your holy throne; Lifting holy hands to You, As I pledge my life anew, I worship You in spirit, I worship You in truth, Make my life a holy praise unto You 174. Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary Key: E Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary; Pure and holy, tried and true; With thanksgiving, Ill be a living Sanctuary for You 175. You are Lord of creation Key: D You are Lord of creation and Lord of my life, Lord of the land and the sea; You were Lord of the heavens Before they were styled, And Lord of all lords You will be. We bow down and we worship You, Lord (3) Lord of all lords You will be. You are King of creation And King of my life,

King of the land and the sea; You were King of the heavens Before they were styled King of all kings You will be. We bow down and we crown You the King, (3) King of all kings You will be 176. Don't you know it's time to praise the Lord Key: E Don't you know it's time to praise the Lord In the sanctuary of His Holy Spirit So set your mind on Him And let your praise begin And the glory of the Lord shall fill this place Praise the Lord (women echo) (4) He lives within the praises of His people He loves to hear us call upon His name So set your mind on Him And let your praise begin And the glory of the Lord shall fill this place 177. You are the sovereign I Am Key: G You are the sovereign I Am Your name is Holy You are the pure spotless Lamb Your name is Holy You are the Almighty One Your name is Holy You are the Christ, God's own Son Your name is Holy In Your name there is mercy for sin There is safety within In Your holy name In Your name there is strength to remain To stand in spite of pain In Your holy name 178. Who is like Him the Lion and the Lamb Key: Am

Who is like Him the Lion and the Lamb Seated on the throne Mountains bow down every ocean roars To the Lord of Hosts Praise Adonai From the rising of the sun 'Till the end of every day Praise Adonai All the nations of the earth All the angels and the saints sing praise 179. In the secret in the quiet place Key: G In the secret in the quiet place In the stillness You are there In the secret in the quiet hour I wait only for You 'Cause I want to know You more I I I I I I want want want want want want to to to to to to know You hear Your voice know You more touch You see Your face know You more

Key: E Theres not a friend like the lowly Jesus No not one, no not one None else could heal all our souls diseases No not one, no not one Jesus knows all about our struggles He will guide till the day is done Theres not a friend like the lowly Jesus No not one, no not one Theres not an hour that He is not near us No not one, no not one No night so dark that His love cant cheer us No not one, no not one Did ever saint find this Friend forsake him No not one, no not one Or sinner find that He would not take him No not one, no not one 182. If we call to Him He will answer us Key: G If we call to Him He will answer us If we run to Him He will run to us If we lift our hands He will lift us up Come now praise His name All you saints of God Oh sing for joy to God our strength (2) Draw near to Him He is here with us Give Him your love Hes in love with us He will heal our hearts He will cleanse our hands If we rend our hearts He will heal our land 183. Jesus put this song into our hearts Key: C#m Jesus put this song into our hearts, Jesus put this song into our hearts, Its a song of joy no one can take away Jesus put this song into our hearts.

Jesus taught us how to live in harmony, Jesus taught us how to live in harmony, Different faces, different races, He made us one Jesus taught us how to live in harmony. Jesus taught us how to be a family, Jesus taught us how to be a family, Loving one another with the love that He gives Jesus taught us how to be a family. Jesus turned our sorrow into dancing, Jesus turned our sorrow into dancing, Changed our tears of sadness into rivers of joy Jesus turned our sorrow into a dance. 184. Sing unto the Lord a new song Key: Dm Sing unto the Lord a new song, Sing unto the Lord all the earth. Sing unto the Lord a new song, Sing unto the Lord all the earth; For God is great and greatly to be praised God is great and greatly to be praised 185. I will celebrate, sing unto the Lord Key: Em I I I I I celebrate, sing unto the Lord, sing to Him a new song. praise Him, sing to Him a new song; praise Him, I will sing to Him a new song Hallelujah, hallelujah, (2) halle - lu, hallelujah (2) 186. Every move I make I make in You Key: G Every move I make I make in You You make me move Jesus Every breath I take I breathe in You Every step I take I take in You You are my way Jesus Every breath I take I breathe in You will will will will will

I am reaching for the highest goal That I might receive the prize Pressing onward, pushing every Hindrance aside out of my way 'Cause I want to know You more 180. Unto Thee O Lord Key: G Unto Thee O Lord (echo) Do I lift up my soul (echo) (2) O my God (echo), I trust in Thee (echo) Let me not be ashamed Let not my enemies triumph over me Show me Thy ways (echo), Thy ways O Lord (echo) Teach me Thy paths (echo), Thy paths O Lord (echo) Remember not (echo) the sins of my youth (echo) (2) 181. Theres not a friend like the lowly Jesus

La la la la la la la la la la.... Waves of mercy, waves of grace Every-where I look, I see Your face Your love has captured me, Oh my God this love, How can it be? La la la la la la la la la la.... 187. It is the cry of my heart to follow You Key: E It is the cry of my heart to follow You It is the cry of my heart to be close to You It is the cry of my heart to follow All of the days of my life Teach me Your holy ways oh Lord So I can walk in Your truth Teach me Your holy ways oh Lord And make me wholly devoted to You Open my eyes so I can see The wonderful things that You do Open my heart up more and more And make me wholly devoted to You 188. Your light broke through my night Key: C Your light broke through my night Restored exceeding joy Your grace fell like the rain And made this desert live You have turned my mourning into dancing You have turned my sorrow into joy Your hand lifted me up I stand on higher ground Your praise rose in my heart And made this valley sing This is how we overcome (4) 189. Who is like the Lord Key: Am Who is like the Lord There is no one Who is like the Lord

He is strong and mighty Who is like the Lord He is worthy Stand up and give Him your praise Praise the Lord; praise the Lord; Our God is worthy of glory From the rising of the sun Till its going down The name of the Lord is to be praised Stand up and praise Him And give Him the glory (2) Our God is worthy of praise 190. Father we love You Key: C Father we love You We praise You, and adore You Glorify Your name in all the earth Glorify Your name, glorify Your name Glorify Your name in all the earth Jesus we love You Spirit we love You 191. He is exalted, the King is exalted on high Key: G He is exalted, the King is exalted on high I will praise Him He is exalted, forever exalted And I will praise His name He is the Lord; forever His truth shall reign Heaven and earth, rejoice in His holy name He is exalted, the King exalted on high 192. Sing hallelujah to the Lord Key: C#m Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing Sing hallelujah to the Lord (men) hallelujah to the Lord (women) hallelujah to the Lord (men) hallelujah (women) hallelujah, sing hallelujah hallelujah to the Lord (echo)

Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth Jesus is living in His church Jesus is coming for His own 193. He that is in us is greater than he Key: D He that is in us is greater than he That is in the world He that is in us is greater than he That is in the world Therefore I will sing and I will rejoice For His Spirit lives in me Christ the Living One has overcome And we share His victory 194. God sent His Son Key: A God sent His Son they called Him Jesus He came to love, heal and forgive He lived and died to buy my pardon An empty grave is there to prove My Saviour lives Because He lives I can face tomorrow Because He lives all fear is gone Because I know (yes I know) He holds the future And life is worth the living just Because He lives. How sweet to hold a new born baby And feel the pride and joy he gives But greater still the calm assurance This child can face uncertain days Because He lives And then one day Ill cross the river Ill fight lifes final war with pain And then as death gives way to victory Ill see the lights of glory And Ill know He lives 195. Lets all go up to Zion Key: G Lets all go up to Zion (3)

Its the city of our God Chorus: Sing Hallelujah (3) Theres joy in the Lord Theres oil and wine in Zion (3) Its the city of our God Theres dancing in Zion (3) Its the city of our God King Jesus reigns in Zion (3) Its the city of our God 196. Beloved let us love one another Key: G Beloved let us love one another For love is of God and Everyone who loveth is born of God And knoweth God He that loveth not knoweth not God For God is Love Beloved let us love one another First John four seven and eight (2) 197. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised Key: E Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised In the city of our God In the mountain of His Holiness Beautiful for situation The joy of the whole earth Is mount Zion on the sides of the north The city of the Great King (2) One Body, one Spirit, one faith, one Lord One people, one nation, praise ye the Lord! (2) 198. God is so good Key: G God is so good (3) Hes so good to me He took my sin (3)

Jesus is risen from the dead

Hes so good to me Now I am free (3) Hes so good to me God is so good, He took my sin And now I am free Hes so good to me (2) 199. Happiness is to know the Saviour Key: D Happiness is to know the Saviour Living a life within His favour Having a change in my behaviour Happiness is the Lord Happiness is a new creation Jesus and me in close relation Having a part in His salvation Happiness is the Lord Real joy is mine no matter if tear drops fall Ive found the secret; Its Jesus in my heart Happiness is to be forgiven Living a life thats worth the living Taking a trip that leads to heaven Happiness is the Lord (3) 200. Ive got peace like a river Key: G Ive got peace like a river (3) In my soul (2) Ive got joy like an fountain (3) In my soul (2) Ive got love like an ocean (3) In my soul (2) 201. I wanna sing and praise the Lord Key: G I wanna sing I wanna sing and praise the Lord I wanna sing and praise the Lord I wanna sing I wanna sing and praise the Lord

Sing and praise the Lord I may be fat, thin, or just between Ive got a crown of beauty I dont care how the world looks at me Ive got a crown (3) on me 202. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord Key: D Let everything that (3) Has breath praise the Lord. Praise You in the morning, Praise You in the evening, Praise You when Im young and when I am old Praise You when Im laughing Praise You when Im grieving Praise You every season of my soul. If we could see how much Youre worth. Your power, Your might, Your endless love Then surely we will never cease to praise You 203. Amen praise the Lord Key: G Amen praise the Lord (2) Glory hallelujah, praise the Lord Im gonna jump up, turn around, Shout it out, praise the Lord He is the Way; the Truth the Life (2) No one comes to the Father but by Him 204. I walk by faith Key: G I walk (echo) by faith (echo) Each step (echo) by faith (echo) To live (echo) By faith, I put my trust in You Every step I take is a step of faith No weapon formed against me shall prosper

Every prayer I make is a prayer of faith And if my God is for me Then who can be against me? 205. I will fight for you I will see you through Key: G I will fight for you I will see you through By the power of My Spirit says the Lord In the day of the battle youll be fearless In the midst of the storm you will prevail As you lift up the mighty name of Jesus Know My child that you will never fail! 206. I delight in the Lord with all my heart Key: C I delight in the Lord with all my heart With all my heart and soul As I wait upon the Lord I grow stronger (3) Every day 207. Holy Spirit, You will never change Key: G Holy Spirit, You will never change I will lean on You, I will lean on You Holy Spirit You will never change Your faithfulness is forever sure (2) Loving Jesus Holy Father 208. Something on the inside working on the outside Key: D Something on the inside Working on the outside Oh what a change in my life (3) Oh what a change in my life Jesus on the inside. Holy Ghost on the inside. 209. When the Spirit of the Lord is

Key: E


When the Spirit of the Lord is moving (Move with the cloud- 2) Let the Spirit arise all flesh be removed (Move with the cloud- 2) 210. On whose side are you leaning on Key: D On whose side are you leaning on? (Im leaning on the Lords side) (2) I lean, I lean, I lean, I lean Im leaning on the Lords side Fighting On Marching On 211. You bring love like the summer sun Key: E You bring love like the summer sun You bring hope like the spring rain You bring peace like the breeze And natural things speak of Your loving (2) So good to be loved by You How I love Your loving (3) So good to be loved by You You have been so good to me Lord Your love is deeper than the ocean (2) Your love is higher than the mountain (2) 212. The Spirit of the Lord is great and mighty Key: E The Spirit of the Lord is great and mighty The Spirit of the Lord is my victory The Spirit of the Lord is great and mighty Great and mighty in me Greater is He that is in me Than he that is in the world

I am more than a conqueror By the power of His Word - of His Word In the name of Jesus I can do anything By the power of His Spirit through the One Who strengthens me - strengthens me 213. Oh God, You are my God Key: G Oh God, You are my God And I will ever praise You (2) I will seek You in the morning I will learn to walk in Your ways And step by step You'll lead me And I will follow You all of my days (2) 214. There is no rock Key: A There is no rock There is no god like our God No other name worthy of all our praise The Rock of Salvation that cannot be moved He's proven Himself to be faithful and true There is no rock; there is no god like ours Rock of Ages Jesus is the Rock (3) There is no rock There is no god like ours 215. I wanna live for Jesus Key: G I wanna live for Jesus Give Him all I have to give I wanna live for Jesus Without Jesus I dont even want to live at all - No (Repeat) 216. Open the eyes of my heart Lord Key: E Open the eyes of my heart Lord Open the eyes of my heart, I want to see You (2) To see You high and lifted up,

Shining in the light of Your glory Pour out Your power and love As we sing Holy, Holy, Holy (2) I want to see You (2) 217. All the way my Saviour leads me Key: G All the way my Saviour leads me; What have I to ask beside? Can I doubt His tender mercy, Who through life has been my guide? Heavenly peace, divinest comfort, Here by faith in Him to dwell; For I know whate'er befall me, Jesus doeth all things well; For I know whate'er befall me, Jesus doeth all things well. All the way my Saviour leads me; Cheers each winding path I tread; Gives me grace for every trial, Feeds me with the living bread; Though my weary steps may falter, And my soul athirst may be, Gushing from the Rock before me, Lo, a spring of joy I see; Gushing from the Rock before me, Lo, a spring of joy I see. All the way my Saviour leads me; O the fullness of His love! Perfect rest to me is promised In my Father's house above; When I wake to life immortal, Wing my flight to realms of day, This my song through endless ages, Jesus led me all the way; This my song through endless ages, Jesus led me all the way 218. Rescue the perishing, care for the dying Key: G Rescue the perishing, care for the dying, Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave; Weep oer the erring one, lift up the fallen, Tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save.

Rescue the perishing, care for the dying, Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save. Though they are slighting Him, still He is waiting, Waiting the penitent child to receive; Plead with them earnestly, plead with them gently; He will forgive if they only believe. Down in the human heart, crushed by the tempter, Feelings lie buried that grace can restore; Touched by a loving heart, wakened by kindness, Chords that were broken will vibrate once more. Rescue the perishing, duty demands it; Strength for thy labor the Lord will provide; Back to the narrow way patiently win them; Tell the poor wandrer a Saviour has died. 219. Faith of our fathers, living still Key: G Faith of our fathers, living still, In spite of dungeon, fire and sword; O how our hearts beat high with joy Whener we hear that glorious Word! Faith of our fathers, Holy faith! We will be true to thee till death Our fathers, chained in prison dark Were still in heart and conscience free How sweet would be their childrens fate If they, like them, could die for Thee! Faith of our fathers, we will strive To win all nations unto Thee; And through the Truth that comes from God, We all shall then be truly free. Faith of our fathers, we will love Both friend and foe in all our strife; And preach Thee, too, as love knows how

By kindly words and virtuous life 220. Shining for Jesus everywhere I go Key: C Shining Shining Shining Shining for Jesus everywhere I go, for Jesus in this world of woe; for Jesus, more like Him I grow; all the time for Jesus.

Shining all the time, shining all the time; Shining for Jesus, beams of love divine; Glorifying Him every day and hour; Shining all the time for Jesus. Shining for Jesus when the way is bright; Shining for Jesus in the darkest night; Shining for Jesus, making burdens light; Shining all the time for Jesus. Shining Shining Shining Shining for Jesus in a world of sin; for Jesus bringing lost ones in; for Jesus glorifying Him all the time for Jesus.

Shining for Jesus when He gives me grace Shining for Jesus while I run the race Shining for Jesus, till I see His face; Shining all the time for Jesus. 221. Light in the darkness, sailor, day is at hand Key: E Light in the darkness, sailor, day is at hand! See oer the foaming billows fair havens land, Drear was the voyage, sailor, now almost oer, Safe within the life boat, sailor, pull for the shore. Pull for the shore, sailor, pull for the shore! Heed not the rolling waves, but bend to the oar; Safe in the life boat, sailor, cling to self no more! Leave the poor old stranded wreck, and

Pull for the shore. Trust in the life boat, sailor, all else will fail, Stronger the surges dash and fiercer the gale, Heed not the stormy winds, though loudly they roar; Watch the bright and morning Star, and Pull for the shore! Bright gleams the morning, sailor, uplift the eye; Clouds and darkness disappearing, glory is nigh! Safe in the life boat, sailor, sing evermore; Glory, glory, hallelujah! pull for the shore 222. Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father Key: D Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father; There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be. Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed Thy hand hath provided; Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me! Summer and winter and spring time and harvest, Sun, moon and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

223. More about Jesus would I know Key: G More More More More about Jesus would I know, of His grace to others show; of His saving fullness see, of His love Who died for me.

Hearts that full surrender know; That the streams of living water From our inner self may flow. 225. 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus Key: E 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, And to take Him at His word; Just to rest upon His promise, And to know, "Thus saith the Lord." Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! How I've proved Him o'er and o'er! Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! O for grace to trust Him more! O how sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to trust His cleansing blood; And in simple faith to plunge me Neath the healing, cleansing flood! Yes, 'tis sweet to trust in Jesus, Just from sin and self to cease; Just from Jesus simply taking Life and rest, and joy and peace. I'm so glad I learned to trust Thee, Precious Jesus, Saviour, Friend; And I know that Thou art with me, Wilt be with me to the end. 226. I bring Thee dear Jesus, my all Key: E I bring Thee dear Jesus, my all Nor hold back from Thee any part Obedient to Thy welcome call I yield Thee the whole of my heart Oh speak! Oh speak! While before Thee I pray And Oh Lord what seemeth Thee good Reveal and my heart shall obey Perverse, stubborn once was my will My feet ran in self-chosen ways; Thy pleasure henceforth to fulfill; Ill spend all the rest of my days The doubts that have darkened my soul The shame and the fears that I hate Oh banish, and bid me be whole; A clean heart within me create!

A heart that beats loyal and true, Unspotted and pure in Thy sight; A love that would anything do, A life given up to the fight. Lord, make me, I pray Thee, a saint! As holy Id be as I ought! With Thee, since there is no restraint, Oh, give me this blessing bloodbought! 227. These are the days of Elijah Key: A These are the days of Elijah, Declaring the Word of the Lord, And these are the days of Your servant, Moses, Righteousness being restored. And though these are the days of great trials, Of famine and darkness and sword, Still, we are the voice in the desert crying, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord!" Behold He comes, riding on the clouds, Shining like the sun at the trumpet call. So lift your voice, it's the year of jubilee, And out of Zion's hill, Salvation comes. And these are the days of Ezekiel, The dry bones becoming as flesh. And these are the days of Your servant, David, Rebuilding the temple of praise. And these are the days of the harvest, The fields are as white in the world. And we are the laborers in Your vineyard, Declaring the Word of the Lord! There's no god like Jehovah (8) 228. Into Thy presence I come Key: G Into Thy presence I come Not by the works I have done But by Thy grace alone I come and bow before Your throne Singing holy, holy is the Lamb

More, more about Jesus More, more about Jesus More of His saving fullness see, More of His love Who died for me. More about Jesus let me learn, More of His holy will discern; Spirit of God, my teacher be, Showing the things of Christ to me. More about Jesus; in His Word, Holding communion with my Lord; Hearing His voice in every line, Making each faithful saying mine. More about Jesus; on His throne, Riches in glory all His own; More of His kingdoms sure increase; More of His coming, Prince of Peace 224. How I praise Thee, precious Saviour Key: G How I praise Thee, precious Saviour, That Thy love laid hold of me; Thou hast saved and cleansed and filled me That I might Thy channel be. Channels only, blessed Master, But with all Thy wondrous power Flowing through us, Thou canst use us Every day and every hour. Emptied that Thou shouldest fill me, A clean vessel in Thy hand; With no power but as Thou givest Graciously with each command. Witnessing Thy power to save me, Setting free from self and sin; Thou who boughtest to possess me, In Thy fullness, Lord, come in. Jesus, fill now with Thy Spirit

Holy is the Lamb that was slain (2) Singing worthy... Singing Jesus... 229. Hallelujah, hallelujah Key: D Hallelujah, hallelujah Hallelujah to The Lamb (2) Jesus You're the lover of my soul And You wash my every stain Though I stumble and I fall Your mercy draws me back again 230. What a friend we have in Jesus Key: E What a friend we have in Jesus All our sins and griefs to bear What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer O what peace we often forfeit O what needless pain we bear All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer Have we trials and temptations! Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged Take it to the Lord in prayer Can we find a friend so faithful Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness Take it to the Lord in prayer Are we weak and heavy laden Cumbered with a load of care? Precious Saviour still our refuge Take it to the Lord in prayer Do thy friends despise forsake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer In His arms He'll take and shield thee Thou wilt find a solace there 231. Bind us together Lord Key: E Bind us together Lord Bind us together with Cords that cannot be broken Bind us together Lord Bind us together Lord

Bind us together with love. There is only one God There is only one King There is only one body That is why we sing We We We We are are are are the the the the family of God promise divine chosen design glorious new wine

O gracious God above I could never earn Your love I'm amazed to see all You've given me O Gracious God above O Holy Spirit come Show the world where life comes from May they always see You alive in me O Holy Spirit come 234. We are here to praise You Key: D We are here to praise You Lift our hearts and sing We are here to give You The best that we can bring And it is our love Rising from our hearts Everything within us cries, Abba Father Help us now to give You Pleasure and delight Heart and mind and will that sing, I love You, Lord 235. Jesus, Youre the sweetest name of all Key: E Jesus, Youre the sweetest name of all Jesus, You always hear me when I call O Jesus, You lift me up each time I fall Youre the sweetest, the sweetest name of all Jesus, how I love to praise Your name Jesus, Youre the first, the last, the same O Jesus, You died and took away my shame Youre the sweetest, the sweetest name of all Jesus, Youre the soon and coming King Jesus, we need the love that You can bring O Jesus, We lift our voices up and sing Youre the sweetest, the sweetest name of all 236. Take time to be holy

Key: E Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy Lord Abide in Him always and feed on His word Make friends of Gods children, Help those who are weak Forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek Take time to be holy, the world rushes on Spend much time in secret with Jesus alone Be looking to Jesus, like Him thou shalt be Thy friends in thy conduct His likeness shall see Take time to be holy, let Him be thy guide And run not before Him, whatever betide In joy or in sorrow still follow thy Lord And looking to Jesus, still trust in His word Take time to be holy, be calm in thy soul Each thought and each temper beneath His control Thus led by His Spirit to fountains of love Thou soon shall be fitted for service above 237. You are exalted, Lord, above all else Key: G You are exalted, Lord, above all else, We place You at the highest place, above all else; Right now where we stand and Everywhere we go, We place You at the highest place, So the world will know. You are the mighty Warrior, Dressed in armour of light; Crushing the deeds of darkness, Lead us on in the fight. Through the blood of Jesus, Victorious we stand;

232. Oh, let the Son of God enfold you Key: D Oh, let the Son of God enfold you, With His Spirit and His love, Let Him fill your heart And satisfy your soul. Oh, let Him have the things That hold you, And His Spirit like a dove, Will descend upon your life And make you whole. Je - sus, O Je - sus, Come and feed Your lambs (2) O Come and sing this song with gladness, As your hearts are filled with joy, Lift your hands in sweet surrender To His name. Oh, give Him all your tears and sadness, Give Him all your years of pain, And youll enter into life In Jesus name 233. O Protector of my soul Key: D O Protector of my soul You will stand against the foe In the dark Youll be a light for me O Protector of my soul You who created the ends of the earth Guided me unto Your throne Offered Your healing hand to me Mercifully made me Your own

We place You at the highest place, Above all else in this land 238. All hail the Lamb, enthroned on high Key: E All hail the Lamb, enthroned on high; His praise shall be our battle cry; He reigns victorious, forever glorious, His name is Jesus, He is the Lord 239. From the valley floor to the mountain top Key: D From the valley floor to the mountain top, The song of the Lord rings free. At the ocean shore, as the sun slowly drops, I hear Your Spirit whisper to me. All this beauty belongs to the Father, The earth and everything within. And this glory must go to no other, So sing it out, lets say it out. All the earth belongs to You (2) All the earth belongs to You, I will declare Your worth, For all the earth belongs to You. In the streets of the city and over the world, We sing the praises of Jesus our King. With good news of redemption and healing to bring, There is deliverance for all who receive. For all people belong to the Father, Every tribe, every nation and tongue. And His glory must go to no other, So come and join us, well sing as one. All the earth belongs to You (2) All the earth belongs to You, I will declare Your worth, Proclaim Your Word. Awaiting Your return in glory, The trees of the fields clap their hands. Come redemptions story, Over the ground on which we stand. 240. Almighty, most Holy God

Key: E Almighty, most Holy God, Faithful through the ages; Almighty, most Holy Lord, Glorious, Almighty God. The beast of the field, the birds of the air, Are silent to call out Your name; The earth has no voice, and I have no choice But to magnify God unashamed. Let the rocks be kept silent for one more day; Let the whole world sing out, Let the people say. Well time marches on, with the innocence gone, And a darkness has covered the earth; But His Spirit dwells, He speaks, it is well, And the hopeless will offered new birth. He will break the leash of death, It will have no sting; Let the prisoner go free, Join the dance and sing 241. Be bold! Be strong! Key: G Be bold!(Be bold) Be strong!(Be strong) For the Lord thy God is with you Be bold!(Be bold) Be strong!(Be strong) For the Lord thy God is with you I am not afraid (no! no! no!) I am not dismayed 'Cause I'm walking in faith and victory Come on and walk in faith and victory For the Lord thy God is with you 242. I will give thanks to Thee Key: C I will give thanks to Thee O Lord, among the people, I will sing praises to Thee among the nations. For Thy steadfast love is great, Is great to the heavens, And Thy faithfulness, Thy faithfulness to the clouds

Be exalted O God, above the heavens. Let Thy glory be over all the earth (2) Let Thy glory, let Thy glory, Let Thy glory be over all the earth 243. Be still for the presence of the Lord Key: D Be still for the presence of the Lord, The Holy One is here. Come, bow before Him now, With reverence and fear. In Him no sin is found, We stand on holy ground. Be still for the presence of the Lord, The Holy One is here. Be still for the glory of the Lord Is shining all around; He burns with ho-ly fire, With splendour He is crowned. How awesome is the sight, Our radiant King of light. Be still for the glory of the Lord Is shining all around. Be still for the power of the Lord Is moving in this place, He comes to cleanse and heal, To minister His grace. No work too hard for Him, In faith receive from Him; Be still for the power of the Lord Is moving in this place. 244. Blessed be the name of the Lord Key: E Blessed be the name of the Lord, He is worthy to be praised and adored; So we lift up holy hands in one accord, Singing Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord! 245. For the Lord is marching on Key: Am For the Lord is marching on And His army is ever strong; And His glory shall be seen up-on our

land. Raise the anthem sing the victors song Praise the Lord for the battle won No weapon formed against us shall stand. For the Captain of the host is Jesus Were following in His footsteps No foe can stand against us in the fray. We are marching in Messiahs band, The keys of victory in His mighty hand Let us march on to take our promised land. For the Lord is marching on And His army is ever strong; And His glory shall be seen upon our land 246. Glory, glory Lord, we give You glory, Lord Key: E Glory, glory Lord, we give You glory, Lord; Glory, glory Lord, You are the mighty God You are the mighty God. You who go down to the sea, You who live in the islands; If you live in the city, Lift your voice and sing out. Sing to the Lord a new song; Sing His praise to the ends of the earth; Let every nation tell it, Till every man has heard. 247. He walked where I walk Key: D He walked where I walk (echo) He stood where I stand (echo) He felt what I feel (echo) He understands. He knows my frailty (echo) Shared my humanity (echo) Tempted in every way (echo) Yet without sin. God with us, so close with us, God with us, Immanuel! (3)

One of a hatred race (echo) Stung by the prejudice (echo) Suffering injustice (echo) Yet He forgives. Wept for my wasted years (echo) Paid for my wickedness (echo) He died in my place (echo) That I might live. 248. Everybody ought to know Key: E Everybody ought to know (3) Who Jesus is. Hes the Lilly of the Valley Hes the Bright and Morning Star Hes the fairest of ten thousands Everybody ought to know Everybody ought to tell... 249. Heavenly Father, I appreciate You Key: G Heavenly Father, I appreciate You (2) I love You, adore You, I bow down before You Heavenly Father, I appreciate You. Son of God, what a wonder You are (2) You cleansed my soul from sin, You set the Holy Ghost within Son of God, what a wonder You are. Holy Ghost, what a comfort You are (2) You lead us, You guide us, You live right inside us Holy Spirit, what a comfort You are. 250. As David did in Jehovahs sight Key: Em As David did in Jehovahs sight I will dance with all my might Before the King of kings As Miriam did with the tambourine I will clap my hands and sing Before the King of kings As Joshua did at Jericho We will shout to defeat the foe

Before the King of kings As Judah did on the battleground We will make a joyful noise Before the King of kings We can come before Him And worship Him today We can now adore Him Jesus made a way 251. Let the words of my mouth Key: D Let the words of my mouth And the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Thy sight, Oh Lord Oh Lord, my life Oh Lord, my strength 252. Jesus, we celebrate Your victory Key: E Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, we celebrate Your victory we revel in Your love we rejoice Youve set us free Your death has brought us life

What a faithful God have I, What a faithful God What a faithful God have I, faithful in everyway 254. There are no words to tell You how I love You Key: E There are no words love You There are no words start There are no words for me There are no words love. There are no words love You There are no words start There are no words sacrifice There are no words life to tell You how I to even make a worthy of Your Love so Lord I give my to tell You how I to even make a worthy of Your so Lord I give my

The earth is the Lords (men) And everything in it (women) And all things were made for His glory (all) The mountains are His the seas and the islands The cities and towns the houses and streets Let rebels bow down and worship before Him For all things were made for His glory Chorus last time: And all things were made Yes, all things were made And all things were made for His glory 257. I am a new creation Key: E I am a new creation No more in condemnation Here in the grace of God I stand My heart is overflowing My love just keeps on growing Here in the grace of God I stand And I will praise You, Lord Yes I will praise You, Lord And I will sing of all that You have done. A joy that knows no limit A lightness in my spirit Here in the grace of God I stand 258. Jesus, what a wonder You are Key: G Jesus, what a wonder You are You are so gentle, so pure and so kind You shine like the morning star Jesus, what a wonder You are 259. Worthy, Oh worthy are You Lord Key: D Worthy, Oh worthy are You Lord Worthy to be thanked and praised and Worshipped and adored (2) Singing Hallelujah, Lamb upon the throne

It was for freedom that Christ has set us free No longer to be subjects to a yoke of slavery So were rejoicing in Gods victory Our hearts responding to Your love Your Spirit in us releases us from fear The way to you is open with boldness we draw near And in Your presence our problems disappear Our hearts responding to Your love 253. Lord I come before Your throne of grace Key: C Lord I come before Your throne of grace I find rest in Your presence and fullness of joy In worship and wonder I behold Your face Singing, What a faithful God have I!

255. God of glory we exalt Your name Key: D God of glory we exalt Your name You who reign in majesty We lift our hearts to You And we will worship, praise and magnify Your Holy Name In power resplendent You reign in glory Eternal King, You reign forever Your word is mighty Releasing captives Your love is gracious You are my God 256. The earth is the Lords Key: C The earth is the Lords (men) And everything in it (women) The earth is the Lords (men) The work of His hands (women)

We worship and adore You, Make Your glory known Hallelujah, Glory to the King Youre more than a conqueror Youre Lord of everything 260. I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever Key: D I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever I will sing, I will sing I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever I will sing of the mercies of the Lord With my mouth will I make known Thy faithfulness, Thy faithfulness, With my mouth will I make known Thy faithfulness to all generations 261. O Lord, You're beautiful Key: D O Lord, You're beautiful Your face is all I seek And when Your eyes are on this child Your grace abounds to me O Lord, please light the fire That once burned bright and clear Replace the lamp of my first love That burns with holy fear 262. His name is higher than any other Key: D His name is higher than any other His name is Jesus, His name is Lord (2) His name is Wonderful, His name is Counselor, His name is Prince of Peace, The Mighty God His name is higher than any other His name is Jesus, His name is Lord His His His His name name name name a Fountain of Living Water is Bread of Life, to satisfy is Healing for every nation is Jesus, His name is Lord

263. My glory and the Lifter of my head Key: C My glory and the Lifter of my head (2) For Thou O Lord art a shield to me My glory and the lifter of my head I cried unto the Lord with my voice (3) And He heard me out of His holy hill 264. I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live Key: E I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live I will sing praise to my God while I have my being My meditation of Him shall be sweet I will be glad, I will be glad in the Lord Bless thou the Lord O my soul Praise ye the Lord (4) 265. Put on the garment of praise Key: A Put on the garment of praise For the spirit of heaviness Lift up your voice to God Praise with the Spirit And with understanding O, magnify the Lord 266. Standing in the presence of Jesus Key: E Standing in the presence of Jesus Bowing before the Lamb upon the throne Singing holy, holy, is our God Hallelujah to the Lamb Standing in the presence of Jesus The glory of His beauty fills the earth Singing worthy, worthy, is our God Hallelujah to the Lamb 267. He was pierced for our

Key: E


My heart will worship, Almighty Saviour You take all my guilt away Turn the darkest night to brightest day You are the Restorer of my soul Love that conquers every fear In the midst of trouble You draw near Youre the Restorer of my soul Youre the source of happiness Bringing peace when I am in distress Youre the Restorer of my soul 270. How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him Key: A How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him Who brings good news, good news Proclaiming peace announcing news of happiness Our God reigns! our God reigns! Our God reigns! Our God reigns! (2) You watchmen lift your voices joyfully as one Shout for your King, your King See eye to eye the Lord restoring Zion Our God reigns! Our God reigns! Waste places of Jerusalem break forth with joy We are redeemed, redeemed The Lord has saved and comforted His people Your God reigns! your God reigns! 271. I worship You, Almighty God Key: G I worship You, Almighty God There is none like You I worship You, O Prince of Peace That is what I love to do I give You praise, for You are my Righteousness I worship You, Almighty God There is none like You 272. Lord You are so precious to

He was pierced for our transgressions And bruised for our iniquities And to bring us peace He was punished And by His stripes we are healed He was led like a lamb to the slaughter Although He was innocent of crime And cut off from the land of the living He paid for the guilt that was mine We like sheep have gone astray Turned each one to his own way And the Lord has laid on Him The iniquities of us all 268. Thank You for the cross Key: A Thank You for the cross The price You paid for us How You gave Yourself, so completely Precious Lord (Precious Lord) Now our sins are gone, all forgiven Covered by Your blood, all forgotten Thank you, Lord (Thank you, Lord) Oh I love You, Lord Really love You Lord I could never understand Why You love me Youre my deepest joy Youre my hearts desire And the greatest thing of all Oh Lord I see You delight in me! For our healing there, Lord You suffered And to take our fear poured out Your love Precious Lord (precious Lord) Calvarys work is done, You have conquered Able now to save, so completely Thank You, Lord (thank You, Lord) 269. My lips shall praise You, my great Redeemer Key: G My lips shall praise You, my great Redeemer

Key: A


Lord You are so precious to me (2) And I love You, yes I love You Because You first loved me Lord You are so gracious to me (2) And I love You, yes I love You Because You first loved me 273. You are beautiful beyond description Key: A You are beautiful beyond description Too marvelous for words Too wonderful for comprehension Like nothing ever seen or heard Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom? Who can fathom the depths of Your love You are beautiful beyond description Majesty enthroned above. And I stand, I stand in awe of You I stand, I stand in awe of You Holy God to whom all praise is due I stand in awe of You 274. I am thinking today of that beautiful land Key: A I am thinking today of that beautiful land I shall reach when the sun goeth down When through the wonderful grace By my Saviour I stand Will there be any stars in my crown? Will there be any stars any stars in my crown When at evening the sun goeth down? When I wake with the blest in the mansions of rest Will there be any stars in my crown? In the strength of the Lord Let me labour and pray Let me watch as a winner of souls That bright stars may be mine in the glorious day When His praise like the sea billows roll Oh! What joy will it be when His face I

behold Living gems at His feet to lay down It would sweeten my bliss in the city of gold Should there be any stars in my crown? 275. Sitting at the feet of Jesus Key: E Sitting at the feet of Jesus Oh, what words I hear Him say! Happy place! so near, so precious! May it find me there each day. Sitting at the feet of Jesus, I would look upon the past; For His love has been so gracious, It has won my heart at last. Sitting at the feet of Jesus, Where can mortal be more blest? There I lay my sins and sorrows And, when weary, find sweet rest. Sitting at the feet of Jesus, There I love to weep and pray, While I from His fullness gather Grace and comfort every day. Bless me, O my Saviour, bless me, As I sit low at Thy feet. Oh, look down in love upon me; Let me see Thy face so sweet. Give me, Lord, the mind of Jesus; Make me holy as He is. May I prove I've been with Jesus, Who is all my righteousness. 276. There's no one, there's no one like Jesus Key: G There's no one, there's no one like Jesus (3) There's no one, there's no one like Him I've been searching searching here and there Seeking, seeking here and there Runnin around here and there Theres no one, theres no one like Him Kakuli wal soka la Yeshu (3) Kakuli, Kakuli, Kakuli

277. I will follow You, live my life in You Key: G I will follow You, live my life in You I will follow You, never looking back Through the doubts, through the change Through the storms that come my way I will run everyday, I will give You everything 278. Blessed be Your name Key: A Blessed be Your name, In the land that is plentiful Where Your streams of abundance flow Blessed be Your name Blessed be Your name When I'm found in the desert place Though I walk through the wilderness Blessed be Your name Every blessing You pour out I'll turn back to praise When the darkness closes in Lord Still I will say Blessed Blessed Blessed Blessed be be be be the name of the Lord Your name the name of the Lord Your glorious name

Song of freedom is on my lips, Today, today I sing about the One I love, Today, today All I can see is Your mercy All I can feel is Your grace Your love is, so wonderful Let all the people sing that Our God reigns, above all (2) 280. Be the reason I live Key: G Be the reason I live Be my quest, my constant vision Be the water I drink The treasure I seek more than gold Be the fire in my heart My consuming love and passion Be the air that I breathe The song that I sing from my heart and soul Jesus, Lord over all, be the Lord over me Jesus, drawn to this altar I come, Here is my heart, may Your will be done in me 281. Light of the world Key: E Light of the world, You stepped down into darkness Opened my eyes let me see Beauty that made this heart adore You Hope of a life spent with You Here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You're my God You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy Altogether wonderful to me King of all days, oh so highly exalted Glorious in heaven above Humbly You came to the earth You created All for loves sake became poor Ill never know how much it cost

Blessed be Your name When the sun's shining down on me When the world's 'all as it should be' Blessed be Your name Blessed be Your name On the road marked with suffering Though there's pain in the offering Blessed be Your name (Every blessing You pour out..) You give and take away, You give and take away My heart will choose to say Lord, blessed be Your name 279. Song of freedom is on my lips Key: C

To see my sin upon that cross (4) 282. There is a redeemer Key: D There is a redeemer, Jesus, God's own Son, Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, Holy One. Thank You oh my Father, For giving us Your Son, And leaving Your Spirit, Till the work on earth is done Jesus my Redeemer, name above all names, Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, Oh, for sinners slain. When I stand in Glory, I will see His face And there I'll serve my King forever, In that holy place 283. When I survey the wondrous cross Key: D When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of glory died My richest gain I count but loss And pour contempt on all my pride O the wonderful cross, O the wonderful cross Bids me come and die and find that I may truly live O the wonderful cross, O the wonderful cross All who gather here by grace draw near And bless Your name Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast Save in the death of Christ, my God! All the vain things that charm me most I sacrifice them to His blood Were the whole realm of nature mine That were an offering far too small Love so amazing, so divine Demands my soul, my life, my all 284. I'm forgiven, because You were

Key: E


I'm forgiven, because You were forsaken I'm accepted, You were condemned I'm alive and well, Your Spirit is within me Because You died and rose again Amazing love, how can it be That You my King would die for me? Amazing love, I know it's true And it's my joy to honour You In all I do, I honour You You are my King (2) Jesus, You are my King (2) 285. You are the Light of the world Key: G You are the Light of the world You are the Way, the Truth and the Light You are the Light of the world Lead us out of darkness And into Your marvelous light 286. How deep the Father's love for us Key: E How deep the Father's love for us How vast beyond all measure That He should give His only Son To make a wretch His treasure How great the pain of searing loss The Father turns His face away As wounds which mar the Chosen One Bring many sons to glory Behold the Man upon a cross My sins upon His shoulders Ashamed I hear my mocking voice Call out among the scoffers It was my sin that held Him there Until it was accomplished His dying breath has brought me life I know that it is finished I will not boast in anything No gifts, no power, no wisdom But I will boast in Jesus Christ

His death and resurrection Why should I gain from His reward? I cannot give an answer But this I know with all my heart His wounds have paid my ransom 287. How marvellous! How wonderful! Key: G How marvellous! How wonderful! And my song shall ever be How marvellous! How wonderful! Is my Saviour's love for me I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene I wonder how He could love me A sinner condemned, unclean For me it was in the garden He prayed not My will but Thine He shed no tears for His own grief But sweat drops of blood for yours and mine 288. Sing hallelujah, say hallelujah Key: E Sing hallelujah, say hallelujah Shout hallelujah, For the Lord God Almighty He reigns Oh for the Lord God Almighty He reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad Glorify His holy name Let us rejoice and be glad For the Lord God Almighty He reigns Oh for the Lord God Almighty He reigns 289. Romans 16:19 Key: G Romans 16:19 says (2) Be excellent at what is good Be innocent of evil (2) And the God of peace will soon crush Satan Yes God will crush him underneath your feet 290. Father I place into Your hands

Key: E Father I place into Your hands The things I cannot do Father I place into Your hands The times that I've been through Father I place into Your hands The way that I should go For I know I always can trust You Father I place into Your hands My friends and family Father I place into Your hands The things that trouble me Father I place into Your hands The person I must be For I know I always can trust You Father we love to seek Your face We love to hear Your voice Father we love to sing Your praise and In Your name rejoice Father we love to walk with You and In Your presence rest For we know we always can trust You Father I want to be with You and Do the things You do Father I want to speak the words That You are speaking too Father I want to love the ones That You will draw to me For I know I always can trust You 291. Holy words Key: G Holy words long preserved For our walk in this world They resound with God's own heart O let the ancient words impart Words of life, words of hope Give us strength, help us cope In this world where'er we roam Ancient words will guide us home Ancient words ever true Changing me and changing you We have come with open hearts O let the ancient words impart Holy words of our faith Handed down to this age Come to us through sacrifice

O heed the faithful words of Christ 292. Jesus, I've forgotten Key: Em Jesus, I've forgotten The words that You have spoken Promises that burned within My heart have now grown dim With a doubting heart I follow The paths of earthly wisdom Forgive me for my unbelief Renew the fire again Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy Lord have mercy on me I have built an altar Where I worship things of man I have taken journeys That have drawn me far from You Now I am returning To Your mercies ever flowing Pardon my transgressions Help me love You again 293. Some may trust in horses Key: Em Some may trust in horses Some may trust in chariots But we will trust In the name of our God (2) In the name of Jesus Our salvation lies He will hear from heaven To answer every cry By the blood of Jesus Sins are washed away We sing for joy To God our strength! His banner we wave We will trust In the name of our God (2) 294. Jesus, You're my firm foundation Key: E Jesus, You're my firm foundation

I know I can stand secure Jesus, You're my firm foundation I put my trust in Your holy Word (2) I have a living hope (echo) I have a future (echo) God has a plan for me (echo) Of this I'm sure, of this I'm sure! Your word is faithful (echo) Mighty with power (echo) God will deliver me(echo) Of this I'm sure, of this I'm sure! 295. God is good all the time Key: D God is good all the time He put a song of praise In this heart of mine God is good all the time Through the darkest night, His light will shine God is good, God is good all the time If you're walking through the valley And there are shadows all around Do not fear He will guide you He will keep you safe and sound He has promised to never leave you Nor forsake you and His word is true We were sinners so unworthy Still for us He chose to die Filled us with His Holy Spirit Now we can stand and testify That His love is everlasting And His mercies they will never end Though I may not understand All the plans You have for me My life is in Your hands And through the eyes of faith I can clearly see 296. I will rejoice Key: E I will rejoice I'm gonna' lift my hands and worship You And glorify Your name among the nations I will rejoice

In everything I will give thanks to You For You have been my help and my salvation Every step I take I feel Your love around me I cannot escape Your grace I cannot explain the Blessings that surround me I can only sing Your praise 297. Be it unto me according to Your Word Key: D Be it unto me according to Your Word According to Your promises I can stand secure Carve upon my heart The truth that sets me free According to Your Word O Lord Be it unto me 298. O Lord, Your tenderness Key: E O Lord, Your tenderness Melting all my bitterness O Lord, I receive Your love (2) O Lord Your loveliness Changing all my ugliness O Lord, I receive Your love (3) 299. O Lord our Lord how majestic Key: D O Lord our Lord how majestic Is Your name in all the earth (2) O Lord, we praise Your name O Lord, we magnify Your name Prince of Peace, Mighty God O Lord God Almighty 300. He is my everything Key: E He is my everything, He is my all He is my everything both great and small He gave His life for me Made everything new He is my everything

Now how about you? Like honey in the rock Sweet honey in the rock For He tastes like honey in the rock O taste and see, that the Lord is good For He tastes like honey in the rock 301. He is Jehovah, God of creation He is Jehovah, God of creation He is Jehovah, Lord God Almighty The Balm of Gilead, the Rock of Ages He is Jehovah, the God that healeth thee Sing Hallelujah (4) He is Jehovah, Lord God Almighty He is Jehovah, the God that healeth thee He is the great I AM, The God of Abraham Jehovah Shalom, The God of peace I AM The God of Israel, The Everlasting One He is Jehovah, the God that healeth thee Hes your Provider, Jehovah Jireh God of Salvation, He is our Messiah The Son He sent to you, and testified of Him He is Jehovah, the God that healeth thee 302. He is fairer than the Lilly of the valley He is fairer than the Lilly of the valley He is brighter than the morning star He is purer than the snow, fresher than the breeze Lovelier by far than all of these And He rides on the storms And He conquers the raging sea Hes the high and lofty One Who inhabits eternity Maker of the universe and Hes clothed with majesty He is forever more n shall be 303. Give me oil in my lamp

Key: D Give me oil in my lamp keep me burning Give me oil in my lamp I pray Give me oil in my lamp keep me burning Keep me burning till the break of day Sing Sing Sing Sing hosanna! Sing hosanna hosanna to the King of kings hosanna! Sing hosanna hosanna to the King!

Over all the earth (2) 306. Sweep over my soul Sweep over my soul (2) Sweet Spirit, sweep over my soul My rest is complete as I sit at His feet Sweet Spirit, sweep over my soul 307. Hark my soul! It is the Lord Hark my soul! It is the Lord Tis thy Saviour, hear His word Jesus speaks and speaks to thee Say poor sinner, lovst thou Me? I delivered thee when bound And when bleeding, healed thy wound Sought thee wandering set thee right Turned thy darkness into light Can a womans tender care Cease towards the child she bare? Yes! She may forgetful be Yet will I remember thee Mine is an unchanging love Higher than the heights above Deeper than the depths beneath Free and faithful strong as death Thou shall see My glory soon When the work of grace is done Partner of My throne shall be Say poor sinner, lovst thou Me? Lord, it is my chief complaint That my love is weak and faint Yet I love Thee and adore Oh, for grace to love Thee more 308. Come bless the Lord Key: E Come bless the Lord All ye servants of the Lord Who stand by night In the house of the Lord Lift up your hands In the Holy place And bless the Lord (2) He lifted me up

From the miry clay He placed my feet On the Rock to stay He put a song In my heart today A song of praise (2) Oh taste and see that the Lord is good (3) Blessed is the man who trusts in Him 309. I lift up my eyes I lift up my eyes (I lift up my eyes) I lift up my cry (I lift up my cry) To the hills around Jerusalem To the God of all the earth I lift up my eyes, I lift up my eyes. Who is our helper? The Lord of heaven He will deliver; God of all the earth Who will preserve us? The mighty God who saves He will deliver; God of all the earth 310. Think about His love Think about His love Think about His goodness Think about His grace, that brought us through For as high as the heavens above So great is the measure of our Fathers love Great is the measure of our Fathers love How could I forget His mercy, He satisfies, He satisfies, He satisfies, my desire Even when I stray away His love has sought me out and found me He satisfies, He satisfies, He satisfies, my desire 311. Almighty God, we bring You praise Almighty God, we bring You praise For Your Son, the Word of God By whose power the world was made

By whose blood we are redeemed Morning Star, the Fathers glory We now worship and adore You In our hearts Your light has risen Jesus, Lord we worship You 312. I'm confident of this very thing I'm confident of this very thing (echo) That He, who has begun a good work in me He will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ (2) 313. I waited for the Lord on High Key: G I waited for the Lord on High I waited and He heard my cry He pulled me out of my despair He taught me how to walk From fear into security From quicksand to the Rock I sing to let the people know That I have been restored And they will kneel and understand To return and trust in the Lord And theres a new song in my heart to sing Theres a new song praises for my King 314. Rejoice in the Lord always Key: E Rejoice in the Lord always And again I say rejoice (2) Rejoice, rejoice and again I say rejoice (2) Rejoice in the Lord always And again I say rejoice 315. O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder Key: A O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder

Give me peace in my heart keep me resting... Give me joy in my heart overflowing... 304. The law of the Lord is perfect Key: D The law of the Lord is perfect Converting the soul The testimony of the Lord is sure Making wise the simple More to be desired are they than gold Yea, than much fine gold Sweeter than the honey, and the honey comb (2) The statutes of the Lord are right Rejoicing the heart The commandment of the Lord is pure Enlightening the eyes The fear of the Lord is clean Enduring forever The judgements of the Lord are true And righteous altogether 305. The Lord reigns The Lord reigns (clap) (2) The Lord reigns let the earth rejoice (3) Let the people be glad That our God reigns A fire goes before Him And burns up all His enemies The hills melt like wax At the presence of the Lord (2) The heavens declare His righteousness The people see His glory For You alone are exalted

Consider all the works Thy hands hath made I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder Thy power throughout the universe displayed Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee How great Thou art! How great Thou art! (2) When through the woods and forest glades I wander And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur And hear the brook, and feel the gentle breeze And when I think that God His Son not sparing Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in That on the cross my burden gladly bearing He bled and died to take away my sin When Christ shall come with shouts of acclamation And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart Then shall I bow in humble adoration And there proclaim, my God, how great Thou art! 316. You are filled with compassion and mercy and grace Key: Am You are filled with compassion and mercy and grace With Your banner of love over me I am longing to see You one day face to face And to be with You endlessly Lord, how lovely You are to me Lovely Lord, You are all to me Lovely Lord, full of purity Worthy of honour and majesty Lord, how lovely You are to me (2) You are bright as the sunrise and fairest of all Unto You all the glory will be

You are God of creation and Lord of my life I will worship You faithfully Lord, how lovely You are to me We will worship the name of the holiest One We will worship Your excellency We will give You the glory For things You have done And be thankful eternally Lord, how lovely You are to me 317. Break our hearts Key: A Break our hearts, oh God Break our hearts Break our hearts, oh God Break our hearts For the sin in our lives, break our hearts For the sin in our land, break our hearts We cry out, we need Your help Come back to our land We confess, we've lived in sin Please show Your power once again 318. God of all Key: G God of all, we come to praise You We lift Your name on high in all the earth (2) God of glory, God of majesty, God of mercy, we lift Your name on high God of all, God of all. God of holiness, God of righteousness, God of heaven, we lift Your name on high God of all, God of all. 319. There's a life that's never ending Key: G Na na na na.......... Jesus loves me Na na na na.......... There's a life that's never ending There's a truth that lights my way There is mercy that's new every

morning It will never go away O that we would always see The Father's love for you and me HEY!! Jesus loves me (3) The greatest thing that there could ever be Is that Jesus loves me God the Father up in heaven Holy is His name We will live, live with Him forever That's why Jesus came I wish we could always see The Father's love for you and me I wish we could understand The price that Jesus paid (4) 320. Meri zindagi ki har khushi Tu hi hai Masih Key: A Meri zindagi ki har khushi Tu hi hai Masih Andheri raaton ki roshini Tu hi hai Masih (2) Tu miljaye to mith jayegi har Kami Tu miljaye to miljayegi zindagi Yeshu Masih ki ho....Jai (2) Tere hi naam ki jai gaye sada Tu hi hamara hai Prabhu hamaara Khuda (2) Mujhe maut ke badle mili ek nayi zindagi Tu nahi to kuch bhi nahi, Tu hi to hai sabhi (2) 321. You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning Key: C You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning You have turned my darkness to light Set my feet high on this mountain And put my enemies to flight So I will praise You as long as I live I will praise You again and again

And when I walk through the valley I will not fear For You are my strength and my shield And when everything around me is overtaken I know I'll never be shaken Oh, Ill never be shaken (4) 322. The sun cannot compare Key: E The sun cannot compare To the glory of Your love There is no shadow in Your presence No mortal man would dare To stand before Your throne Before the holy One of heaven It's only by Your blood And it's only through Your mercy Lord I come I bring an offering of worship to my King No one on earth deserves The praises that I sing Jesus may You receive The honour that You're due O Lord I bring an offering to You 323. Water You turned into wine Key: G Water You turned into wine Opened the eyes of the blind Theres no one like You, none like You Into the darkness You shine Out of the ashes we rise There's no one like You, none like You Our God is greater, Our God is stronger God You are higher than any other Our God is Healer, awesome in power Our God, Our God And if our God is for us Then who could ever stop us And if our God is with us Then what could stand against (2) 324. Don't want to stand here and shout Your praise Key: F#m

Don't want to stand here and shout Your praise, And walk away and forget Your name I'll stand for You if it's all I do, 'Cause there is none that compares to You 'Cause all I want in this life time is You And all I want in this whole world Is You, You, You Tell Tell Tell Tell the the the the world world world world that Jesus lives that, tell the world that that He died for them that He lives again

All that hath life and breath, Come now with praises before Him! Let the amen sound from His people again; Gladly forever adore Him. 326. How precious is Your heart, O God Key: G How precious is Your heart, O God Righteous and true Gaze on me with infinite tenderness I surrender to You Compassionate Friend, Lord of my life I will trust You Master of wind and raging tide I will trust You through the stormy night I will trust You, God of mercy and light I will trust You O Lord, I will trust You We praise you, magnificent Lord Merciful One, cover us With Your holy light, O God Shelter us with Your love Shelter us with Your love We will trust You when the sky is dark We will trust You Keeper of our hearts We will trust You through the stormy night We will trust You God of mercy and light We will trust You O Lord, we will trust You O merciful Lord, I will trust You 327. Everlasting God Key: G Everlasting God, The years go by but Youre unchanging In this fragile world, You are the only firm foundation Always loving, always true Always merciful and good, so good Yesterday today and forever You are the same, You never change Yesterday today and forever You are faithful and we will trust in You

Uncreated One, You have no end and no beginning Earthly powers fade, But there is no end to Your kingdom Yahweh, God unchanging Yahweh, firm foundation (2) 328. You are the only One I need Key: E You are the only One I need I bow all of me at Your feet I worship You alone You have given me more than I could ever have wanted And I want to give You My heart and my soul You alone are Father And You alone are good You alone are Saviour And You alone are God 329. I will sing hosanna Key: G I will sing hosanna (2) Singing round before The throne of glory I will sing hosanna 330. Giver of every breath I breathe Key: A Giver of every breath I breathe Author of all eternity Giver of every perfect thing To You be the glory Maker of heaven and of earth No one can comprehend Your worth King over all the universe To You be the glory And I am alive because Im alive in You Its all because of Jesus Im alive Its all because the blood of Jesus Christ It covers me and raised this dead mans life Its all because of Jesus Im alive Every sunrise sings Your praise

The universe cries out Your praise Singing freedom all my days Now that I'm alive 331. One thing we ask of You Key: E One thing we ask of You One thing that we desire That as we worship You Lord, come and change our lives Arise, arise, arise, arise Arise, take Your place Be enthroned on our praise Arise, King of kings Holy God, as we sing Arise, arise 332. We bow our hearts Key: G We bow our hearts We bend our knees Oh Spirit come make us humble We turn our eyes From evil things Oh Lord we cast down our idols So give us clean hands And give us pure hearts Let us not lift our souls to another (2) Oh God let us be A generation that seeks Who seeks Your face, Oh God of Jacob (2) 333. Greatest day in history Key: C Greatest day in history, Death is beaten, You have rescued me, Sing it out, Jesus is alive! The empty cross, the empty grave, Life eternal, You have won the day, Shout it out, Jesus is alive! He's alive! And Oh, happy day, happy day, You washed my sin away Oh, happy day, happy day, I'll never be the same Forever I am changed

No longer I, But Christ in me 'Cause it's the Truth that set me free How could this world be a better place, But by Thy mercy, and by Thy grace Come on, Come on We'll tell the world about You (4) 325. Praise to the Lord Key: E Praise to the Lord The Almighty, the King of creation O my soul, praise Him, For He is thy health and salvation! All ye who hear, now to His temple draw near; Join me in glad adoration! Praise to the Lord, Who oer all things so wondrously reigneth Shelters thee under His wings, Yes, so gently sustaineth Hast thou not seen How all thy longings have been Granted in what He ordaineth? Praise to the Lord, Who doth prosper thy work and defend thee; Surely His goodness And mercy here daily attend thee. Ponder anew what the Almighty can do, Who with His love doth befriend thee. Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in me adore Him!

When I stand in that place, Free at last, meeting face to face, I am Yours, Jesus You are mine. Endless joy, perfect peace, Earthly pain finally will cease Celebrate, Jesus is alive,He's alive! Oh, what a glorious day What a glorious way That You have saved me! And Oh, what a glorious day What a glorious name, Hey!!! What a glorious glorious day! I'll never be the same. 334. I will exalt Your name Key: E I will exalt Your name (3) Oh, my God Never before, never again, Will there be One like You 335. You are the God who reconciles Key: A You are the God who reconciles The wayward heart through Christ The old has gone, the new has come We are reconciled by love, We are reconciled by love And this is the new song we sing To the King of heaven This is the new song we bring After all Youve given And we stand before You redeemed As Your children This is the new song we sing We who were once so far away Are brought near by Your blood The barrier has been destroyed By Your grace we freely come, By Your grace we freely come We We We We live in You, we live for You live to You our King stand in You, we stand for You stand as Your redeemed

Key: E Praise is rising, eyes are turning to You We turn to You Hope is stirring, hearts are yearning for You We long for You When we see You We find strength to face the day In Your presence all our fears are Washed away, washed away Hosanna, hosanna You are the God who saves us, Worthy of all our praises Hear the sound of hearts returning to You We turn to You In Your kingdom broken lives are made new You make all things new Hosanna, hosanna Come have Your way among us We welcome You here Lord Jesus 337. Some hope in what their eyes can see Key: G Some hope in what their eyes can see We hope in the glorious unseen In a risen and returning King Some are chasing the treasures of this world We run to a glorious reward The only name worth living for Say say, say you believe it Sing loud, sing like you mean it We know and we declare it Jesus is King We set our hearts on what will last Your word, Your love, Your faithfulness Our hope is built on nothing less We open wide our mouths to praise Let this generation raise A song of freedom all our days I believe Your kingdom come Son of God, the King of love

338. Well Ive been moving in a new direction Key: A Well Ive been moving in a new direction Dont you know that somethings gonna change I have been infected by Gods injection Now I dont say the things I used to say Now I am changed, I am not the same And now Im moving in Gods direction And I feel good about that He makes me wanna jump up, Spin around, get up, get down Dont you know Id do it night and day Jump up, spin around, get up, get down Oh yeah Well, Ive been looking from a new perspective My eyes are open now, what can I say And now I am walking with a new objective Ever since the day that Jesus saved me The Spirits moving me to be effective And not just lay around and waste away And Lord, Im glad that You were resurrected And not still laying down there in that grave, No! Hell never change, He stays the same So get them moving in Gods direction And youll feel good about that 339. Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord Key: A Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord, We will wait upon the Lord We will wait upon the Lord Our God You reign forever Our hope our strong Deliverer You are the everlasting God The everlasting God You do not faint You won't grow weary

You're the Defender of the weak You comfort those in need You lift us up on wings like eagles 340. I will worship Key: G I will worship (echo) with all of my heart (echo) And I will praise You (echo) with all of my strength (echo) And I will seek You (echo), all of my days (echo) And I will follow (echo), follow all of Your ways (echo) I will give You all my worship, I will give You all my praise. You alone I long to worship, You alone are worthy of my praise. I will bow down (echo) and hail You as King (echo) I will serve You (echo), give You everything (echo) I will lift up (echo) my eyes to Your throne (echo) I will trust You (echo), trust You alone (echo) 341. Great is Your faithfulness oh God Key: G Great is Your faithfulness oh God You wrestle with the sinner's heart You lead us by still waters and to mercy And nothing can keep us apart So remember Your people Remember Your children Remember Your promise, Oh God Your grace is enough (3) for me Great is Your love and justice God You use the weak to lead the strong You lead us in the song of Your salvation And all Your people sing along Your Grace is enough Heaven reaching down to us Your Grace is enough for me

336. Praise is rising

God, I see Your grace is enough I'm covered In Your love Your grace is enough for me For me 342. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic Key: D O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth (2) The heavens declare Your greatness The oceans cry out to You The mountains, they bow down before You So I'll join with the earth and I'll sing The heavens declare Your greatness The oceans cry out to You The mountains, they bow down before You So I'll join with the earth And I'll give my praise to You I will worship You (4) We will worship You (2) 343. My ways are not Your ways Key: C My ways are not Your ways My thoughts are not Your thoughts As the heavens are higher than the earth Search me and know my heart I give myself to You For the heavens are higher than the earth I know Your ways are higher I know Your love is greater Show me Your ways I wanna be more like You Make me more like You My ways are not Your ways My thoughts are not Your thoughts As the heavens are higher than the earth Lord come and mold my heart My eyes are set on You For the heavens are higher than the earth 344. Down the mountain the river flows

Key: G Down the mountain the river flows And it brings refreshing wherever it goes. Through the valleys and over the fields The river is rushing and the river is here. The river of God sets our feet to dancing, The river of God fills our hearts with cheer. The river of God fills our mouths with laughter, And we rejoice for the river is here The river of God is teeming with life And all who touch it can be revived. And those who linger on this river's shore Will come back thirsting for more of the Lord. Up to the mountain we love to go To find the presence of the Lord Along the banks of the river we run, We dance with laughter giving praise to the Son. 345. You, oh Lord, are my refuge Key: D You, oh Lord, are my refuge You are holy and just You are faithful and righteous You, oh Lord, are my refuge By Your mercy You cover me Under the shadow of Your wings Lord, in Your presence I'll remain You are forevermore the same You are my refuge, my only refuge You, oh Lord, are my refuge In You I find rest You're my God and my fortress You, oh Lord, are my refuge By Your mercy You cover me You, oh Lord, are my refuge It is You I will trust You're my light in the darkness You, oh Lord, are my refuge By Your mercy You cover me 346. Be Thou my vision Key: E Be Thou my vision, oh Lord of my heart Naught be all else to me, saved that Thou art. Thou my best thought in the day and the night, Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light. Be Thou my wisdom, be Thou my true Word, I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord. Thou my great Father and I Thy true son, Thou in me dwelling and I with Thee one. Be Thou my breastplate, my sword for the fight, Be Thou my armour and be Thou my might. Thou my soul shelter, and Thou my high tower, Raise Thou me heavenwards, oh power of my power. Riches I need not, nor man's empty praise, Thou mine inheritance all of my days. Thou and Thou only the first in my heart, High King of heaven my treasure Thou art. Oh High King of heaven, when battle is done, Grant heaven's joy to me, bright heaven's Sun. Christ of my own heart, whatever befall, Still be my vision, Thou ruler of all. 347. How lovely is Your dwelling place Key: E How lovely is Your dwelling place, Oh Lord Almighty For my soul longs and even faints for You For here my heart is satisfied,

Within Your presence I sing beneath the shadow of Your wings Better is one day in Your courts Better is one day in Your house Better is one day in Your courts Than thousands elsewhere One thing I ask and I would seek, To see Your beauty To find You in the place Your glory dwells My heart and flesh cry out, For You the living God Your Spirits water to my soul Ive tasted and Ive seen, Come once again to me I will draw near to You I will draw near to You 348. Better than the riches of this world Key: G Better than the riches of this world Better than the sound of my friends voices Better than the biggest dreams of my heart And that's just the start Better than getting what I say I need Better than living the life that I want to Better than the love anyone could give Your love is You hold me now in Your arms And never let me go You oh Lord make the sun shine And the moon light in the night sky You give me breath and all Your love I give my heart to You because I can't stop falling in love with You I'll never stop falling in love with You 349. In Christ alone Key: E In Christ alone my hope is found, He is my light, my strength, my song;

This Cornerstone, this solid ground, Firm through the fiercest drought and storm; What heights of love, what depths of peace! When fears are stilled, when strivings cease; My Comforter, my all in all, Here in the love of Christ I stand. In Christ alone who took on flesh, Fullness of God in helpless Babe; This gift of love and righteousness, Scorned by the ones He came to save; Till on that cross as Jesus died, The wrath of God was satisfied; For every sin on Him was laid, Here in the death of Christ I live. There in the ground His body lay, Light of the world by darkness slain; Then bursting forth in glorious day, Up from the grave He rose again; And as He stands in victory, Sins curse has lost its grip on me; For I am His and He is mine, Bought with the precious blood of Christ. No guilt in life, no fear in death, This is the power of Christ in me; From lifes first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny; No power of hell, no scheme of man, Can ever pluck me from His hand; Till He returns or calls me home, Here in the power of Christ Ill stand! 350. A thousand times Ive failed Key: A A thousand times Ive failed Still Your mercy remains And should I stumble again Im caught in Your grace Everlasting Your light will shine when all else fades Never ending Your glory goes beyond all fame Your will above all else My purpose remains The art of losing myself In bringing You praise Everlasting Your light will shine when all else fades

Never ending Your glory goes beyond all fame In my heart and my soul Lord I give You control Consume me from the inside out Lord Let justice and praise Become my embrace To love You from the inside out Everlasting Your light will shine when all else fades Never ending Your glory goes beyond all fame And the cry of my heart Is to bring You praise From the inside out Lord my soul cries out 351. Lord of all creation Key: G Lord of all creation Of water earth and sky The heavens are Your tabernacle Glory to the Lord on high God of wonders beyond our galaxy You are holy, holy The universe declares Your majesty You are holy, holy Lord of heaven and earth Lord of heaven and earth Early in the morning I will celebrate the light When I stumble in the darkness I will call Your name by night Hallelujah, to the Lord of Heaven and earth (3) 352. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound Key: E Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now I'm found Was blind but now I see so clearly Hallelujah, grace like rain falls down on me Hallelujah, all my stains are

Washed away, washed away 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed When we've been there ten thousand years Bright shining as the sun We've no less days to sing Your praise Than when we first begun 353. A mighty fortress is our God Key: C A mighty fortress is our God, A stronghold never failing; Our helper He amid the flood Of mortal ills prevailing. For still our ancient foe Conspires to work us woe; His craft and power are great, And armed with bitter hate, On earth is not his equal. If we in our own strength confide, Our striving would be losing, Unless God's Man is on our side, The Man of God's own choosing. You ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is He; The Lord of Hosts, His name, From age to age the same, And He must win the battle. And though this world, with devils filled, Should threaten to undo us, We will not fear, for God has willed His truth to triumph through us. The prince of darkness grim, We tremble not for him; His rage we can endure, For lo, his doom is sure; God's Word shall overthrow him. That Word above all earthly powers, Is evermore abiding; The Spirit and the gifts are ours, Through Jesus with us siding. Let goods and kindred go, This mortal life also; The body they may kill; God's truth is with us still;

His Kingdom is forever. 354. The splendour of a King Key: A The splendour of a King, clothed in majesty, Let all the earth rejoice, all the earth rejoice. He wraps Himself in light, and darkness tries to hide, And trembles at His voice, trembles at His voice. How great is our God, sing with me, How great is our God, all will see, How great, how great is our God. Age to age He stands, and time is in His hands, Beginning and the end, beginning and the end. The Godhead, three in one: Father, Spirit, Son, The Lion and the Lamb, the Lion and the Lamb. Name above all names, Worthy of all praise, My heart will sing How great is our God. 355. Hungry Key: D Hungry I come to You For I know You satisfy I am empty but I know Your love does not run dry So I wait for You, so I wait for You Im falling on my knees Offering all of me Jesus Youre all this heart is living for Broken I run to You For Your arms are open wide I am weary but I know Your touch restores my life 356. The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want

Key: E The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want; He makes me down to lie In pastures green He leadeth me The quiet waters by. My soul He doth restore again And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousness, E'en for His own name's sake. Yea, though I walk through death's dark vale, Yet will I fear no ill; For Thou art with me, and Thy rod And staff me comfort still. My table Thou hast furnished In presence of my foes; My head Thou dost with oil anoint, And my cup overflows. Goodness and mercy, all my life, Shall surely follow me; And in God's house forevermore My dwelling place shall be. 357. Over the mountains and the sea Key: E Over the mountains and the sea Your river runs with love for me And I will open up my heart And let the Healer set me free I'm happy to be in the truth And I will daily lift my hands For I will always sing Of when Your love came down I could sing of Your love forever (4) Oh I feel like dancing It's foolishness I know But when the world has seen the light They will dance with joy Like we're dancing now 358. From the highest of heights Key: G From the highest of heights To the depths of the sea Creation's revealing Your majesty

From the colours of fall To the fragrance of spring Every creature unique In the song that it sings All exclaiming Indescribable, Uncontainable, You placed the stars in the sky And You know them by name. You are amazing God All powerful, Untameable, Awestruck we fall to our knees As we humbly proclaim You are amazing God Who has told every lightning bolt Where it should go Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow Who imagined the sun And gives source to its light Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night None can fathom Incomparable, unchangeable You see the depths of my heart And You love me the same You are amazing God You are amazing God 359. He became sin Key: G He became sin, who knew no sin That we might become His righteousness He humbled Himself and carried the cross Love so amazing, love so amazing Jesus Messiah, name above all names Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel The Rescue for sinners The Ransom from heaven Jesus Messiah, Lord of all His body the bread, His blood the wine Broken and poured out all for love The whole earth trembled and the veil was torn Love so amazing, Love so amazing All our hope is in You, all our hope is in You

All the glory to You, God, The Light of the world 360. Let the holy roar of God resound Key: G Let the holy roar of God resound, Watch the waters part before us now Come and see what He has done for us Tell the world of His great love, Our God is a God who saves (2) Let God arise, Let God arise Our God reigns now and forever, He reigns now and forever. And His enemies will run for sure And the church will stand, She will endure 'Cause He holds the keys of life, our Lord, Death has no sting, no final word 361. Everyone needs compassion Key: A Everyone needs compassion Love that's never failing Let mercy fall on me Everyone needs forgiveness The kindness of a Saviour The hope of nations Saviour, He can move the mountains My God is mighty to save He is mighty to save Forever, Author of salvation He rose and conquered the grave Jesus conquered the grave So take me as You find me All my fears and failures Fill my life again I give my life to follow Everything I believe in Now I surrender Shine Your light And let the whole world see We're singing For the glory of the risen King Jesus, shine Your light And let the whole world see

We're singing For the glory of the risen King 362. Give ear to my words Key: G Give ear to my words, oh Lord, Consider my meditation Harken unto the voice of my cry, My King and my God For unto Thee will I pray, My voice shalt thou hear in the morning Oh, Lord, in the morning Will I direct my prayer Unto Thee and will look up 363. Even though I walk Key: A Even though I walk Through the valley of the shadow of death, Your perfect love is casting out fear. And even when I'm caught In the middle of the storms of this life, I won't turn back, I know You are near. And I will fear no evil, For my God is with me. And if my God is with me, Whom then shall I fear? Whom then shall I fear? O no, You never let go, Through the calm and through the storm O no, You never let go, In every high and every low O no, You never let go Lord, You never let go of me. And I can see a Light That is coming for the heart that holds on A glorious Light beyond all compare. And there will be an end To these troubles, but until that day comes, We'll live to know You here on the earth. Yes, I can see a light that is coming For the heart that holds on, And there will be an end to these

troubles, But until that day comes, Still I will praise You, Still I will praise You. 364. Be still, my soul Key: E Be still, my soul; the Lord is on thy side. Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain. Leave to thy God to order and provide; In every change, He faithful will remain. Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heavenly Friend Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end. Be still, my soul: thy God doth undertake To guide the future, as He has the past. Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake; All now mysterious shall be bright at last. Be still, my soul: the waves and winds still know His voice Who ruled them while He dwelt below. Be still, my soul: when dearest friends depart, And all is darkened in the vale of tears, Then shalt thou better know His love, His heart, Who comes to soothe thy sorrow and thy fears. Be still, my soul: thy Jesus can repay From His own fullness all He takes away. Be still, my soul: the hour is hastening on When we shall be forever with the Lord. When disappointment, grief and fear are gone, Sorrow forgot, loves purest joys restored. Be still, my soul: when change and tears are past All safe and blessd we shall meet at last. Be still, my soul: begin the song of praise On earth, believing, to thy Lord on high; Acknowledge Him in all thy words and ways, So shall He view thee with a well pleased eye. Be still, my soul: the Sun of life divine Through passing clouds shall but more

brightly shine. 365. Praise Him! Praise Him! Key: G Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! Sing, O earth, His wonderful love proclaim! Hail Him! Hail Him! Highest archangels in glory; Strength and honour give to His holy name! Like a shepherd, Jesus will guard His children, In His arms He carries them all day long; Praise Him! Praise Him! Tell of His excellent greatness; Praise Him! Praise Him! Ever in joyful song! Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer, For our sins He suffered and bled and died; He, our Rock, our hope of eternal salvation, Hail Him! Hail Him! Jesus, the Crucified. Sound His praises! Jesus who bore our sorrow; Love unbounded, wonderful, deep and strong: Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer, Heavnly portals, loud with hosannas ring! Jesus, Saviour, reigneth for ever and ever; Crown Him! crown Him! Prophet and Priest and King! Christ is coming! over the world victorious, Powr and glory unto the Lord belong 366. Alas and did my Saviour bleed Key: E Alas and did my Saviour bleed? And did my Sovreign die? Would He devote that sacred head,

For sinners such as I. At the cross, at the cross, Where I first saw the light; And the burden of my heart rolled away, It was there by faith I received my sight; And now I am happy all the day. Was it for crimes that I have done, He groaned upon the tree? Amazing pity grace unknown, And love beyond degree. Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut His glories in; When Christ, the mighty Maker, died, For man the creatures sin. But drops of grief can neer repay, The debt of love I owe; Here, Lord, I give myself away, Tis all that I can do. 367. My hope is built on nothing less Key: E My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand. When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace; In every high and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the veil. His oath, His covenant, His blood Support me in the whelming flood; When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay. When He shall come with trumpet sound, Oh, may I then in Him be found; Dressed in His righteousness alone, Faultless to stand before the throne. 368. Wonderful grace of Jesus Key: B

Wonderful grace of Jesus, Greater than all my sin; How shall my tongue describe it, Where shall its praise begin? Taking away my burden, Setting my spirit free; For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me. Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus, Deeper than the mighty rolling sea; Higher than the mountain, Sparkling like a fountain, All-sufficient grace for even me; Broader than the scope of my transgressions, Greater far than all my sin and shame; O magnify the precious name of Jesus, Praise His name! Wonderful grace of Jesus, Reaching to all the lost; By it I have been pardoned, Saved to the uttermost; Chains have been torn asunder, Giving me liberty; For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me. Wonderful grace of Jesus, Reaching the most defiled; By its transforming power, Making him Gods dear child; Purchasing peace and heaven, For all eternity; For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me. 369. Jesus Christ, I think upon Your sacrifice Key: E Jesus Christ, I think upon Your sacrifice You became nothing, poured out to death Many times, I've wondered at Your gift of life I'm in that place once again Im in that place once again And once again I look upon The cross where You died I'm humbled by Your mercy And I'm broken inside

Once again I thank You, Once again I pour out my life Now You are exalted to the highest place King of the heavens, where one day I'll bow But for now, I marvel at Your saving grace I'm full of praise once again I'm full of praise once again Thank You for the cross (3), my Friend 370. You are holy Key: G You are holy (echo) You are mighty (echo) You are worthy (echo) worthy of praise (echo) I will follow (echo) I will listen (echo) I will love You (echo) all of my days (echo) (Guys) (Girls) I will sing to You are the Lord of lords And worship You are the King of kings The King who You are the Mighty God Is worthy Lord of everything I will love and Youre Emmanuel Adore You Youre the great I AM I will bow down Youre my Prince of peace Before You Who is the Lamb I will sing to Youre the Living God And worship Youre my Saving Grace The King who You will reign forever Is worthy Youre the Ancient of Days I will love and You are Alpha, Omega Adore You Beginning and end I will bow down Youre my Saviour,

Messiah Before You and Friend


To Thy glorious rest above! O the deep, deep love of Jesus, Spread His praise from shore to shore! How He loveth, ever loveth, Changeth never, nevermore! How He watches oer His loved ones, Died to call them all His own; How for them He intercedeth, Watcheth oer them from the throne! O the deep, deep love of Jesus, Love of every love the best! Tis an ocean vast of blessing, Tis a haven sweet of rest! O the deep, deep love of Jesus, Tis a heaven of heavens to me; And it lifts me up to glory, For it lifts me up to Thee! 373. Seek ye first the kingdom of God Key: E Seek ye first the kingdom of God And His righteousness And all these things shall be added Unto you, unto you Seek ye first the kingdom of God And His righteousness All these things shall be added Added unto you Dont worry about your house Dont worry about your clothes Dont worry about the things youre gonna eat Dont worry about your health Dont worry about your wealth For God has taken care of everything If God clothed the lilies And so arrayed the grass King Solomon in glory could never surpass Much more will He not care for you? Much more will He not care for you? 374. When we walk with the Lord Key: D When we walk with the Lord, In the light of His word; What a glory He sheds on our way!

While we do His good will; He abides with us still, And with all who will trust and obey. Trust and obey, For theres no other way; To be happy in Jesus, But to trust and obey. Not a shadow can rise, Not a cloud in the skies; But His smile quickly drives it away, Not a doubt or a fear; not a sigh nor a tear, Can abide while we trust and obey. Not a burden we bear, Not a sorrow we share; But our toil He doth richly repay, Not a grief nor a loss; Not a frown nor a cross, But is blest if we trust and obey. But we never can prove, The delights of His love; Until all on the altar we lay, For the favour He shows; And the joy He bestows, Are for them who will trust and obey. Then in fellowship sweet, We will sit at His feet; Or well walk by His side in the way, What He says we will do; Where He sends we will go, Never fear, only trust and obey. 375. All I once held dear built my life upon Key: C All I once held dear built my life upon All this world reveres, and wars to own All I once thought gain I have counted loss Spent and worthless now, compared to this Knowing You, Jesus knowing You There is no greater thing You're my all, You're the best You're my joy, my righteousness And I love You, Lord Now my heart's desire is to know You

Youre my Prince of Peace And I will live my life for You 371. And can it be Key: G And can it be that I should gain An interest in the Saviour's blood? Died He for me who caused His pain? For me, who Him to death pursued? Amazing love! How can it be That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? Amazing love! How can it be That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? He left His Father's throne above So free, so infinite His grace! Emptied Himself of all but love, And bled for Adam's helpless race! 'Tis mercy all, immense and free, For O my God, it found out me! Long my imprisoned spirit lay, Fast bound in sin and nature's night; Thine eye diffused a quickening ray; I woke, the dungeon flamed with light; My chains fell off, my heart was free, I rose, went forth, and followed Thee. No condemnation now I dread; Jesus, and all in Him, is mine; Alive in Him, my living Head, And clothed in righteousness divine, Bold I approach the eternal throne, And claim the crown, through Christ my own. 372. O the deep, deep love of Jesus Key: Em O the deep, deep love of Jesus, Vast, unmeasured, boundless, free; Rolling as a mighty ocean In its fullness over me, Underneath me, all around me; Is the current of Thy love, Leading onward, leading homeward

more To be found in You, and known as Yours To possess by faith what I could not earn All surpassing gift of righteousness Oh to know the power of Your risen life And to know You in Your suffering To become like You in Your death my Lord So with You to live and never die 376. When upon lifes billows Key: D When upon lifes billows You are tempest tossed When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost; Count your many blessings Name them one by one And it will surprise you what the Lord has done Count your blessings, name them one by one; Count your blessings, see what God has done; Count your blessings, name them one by one; And it will surprise you what the Lord has done Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heavy You are called to bear? Count your many blessings every doubt will fly And you will be singing as the days go by. When you look at others With their lands and gold, Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold Count your many blessings money cannot buy Your reward in heaven nor your home on high. So amid the conflict, whether great or small, Do not be discouraged, God is over all; Count your many blessings, angels will attend,

Help and comfort give you To your journeys end. 377. Jesus hope of the nations Key: A Jesus hope of the nations Jesus comfort for all who mourn You are the source of heaven's hope on earth Jesus light in the darkness Jesus truth in each circumstance You are the source of heaven's light on earth In history You lived and died You broke the chains You rose to life You are the Hope living in us You are the Rock in whom we trust You are the Light, Shining for all the world to see You rose from the dead conquering fear Our Prince of peace drawing us near Jesus our hope living for all who will receive Lord we believe 378. Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee Key: D Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee, God of glory, Lord of love; Hearts unfold like flowrs before Thee, Opening to the sun above; Melt the clouds of sin and sadness, Drive the dark of doubt away; Giver of immortal gladness, Fill us with the light of day! All Thy works with joy surround Thee, Earth and heaven reflect Thy rays; Stars and angels sing around Thee, Centre of unbroken praise; Field and forest, vale and mountain, Flowery meadow, flashing sea; Chanting bird and flowing fountain, Call us to rejoice in Thee. Thou art giving and forgiving, Ever blessing, ever blest; Well-spring of the joy of living, Ocean-depth of happy rest! Thou the Father, Christ our Brother,

All who live in love are Thine; Teach us how to love each other, Lift us to the joy divine. Mortals join the mighty chorus, Which the morning stars began; Father-love is reigning oer us, Brother-love binds man to man; Ever singing, march we onward, Victors in the midst of strife; Joyful music leads us sunward, In the triumph song of life. 379. There is a name I love to hear Key: E There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth; It sounds like music in my ear, The sweetest name on earth. O how I love Jesus (3) Because He first loved me! It tells me of a Saviours love, Who died to set me free It tells me of His precious blood, The sinner's perfect plea. It tells me what my Father hath, In store for everyday; And though I tread a darksome path, Yields sunshine all the way. It tells of One whose loving heart, Can feel my deepest woe; Who in each sorrow bears a part That none can bear below. 380. Fixing my eyes on You Key: A Fixing my eyes on You (3) Only You I wont turn left and I wont turn right I will not stray from the path thats right Im gonna keep on seeking Im gonna keep on reaching Follow, follow, follow Jesus Christ (2) 381. Whatever is true Key: C

Whatever is true, whatever is noble Whatever is right, whatever is pure Whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable Think about such things If anything is excellent, If anything is praiseworthy Think about, think about Think about such things 382. I believe that You're here with me Key: C I believe that You're here with me And You'll never let me go Not ashamed to call You a Friend And I'll shout it loud for all to hear That they can't take You away from me And I'll stand for all the world to see And I'll shout it loud in all the streets That they can't take You away from me Never gonna change my mind (3) about You 383. Who am I that You are mindful of me Key: C Who am I that You are mindful of me That You hear me when I call Is it true that You are thinking of me How You love me, it's amazing! Im a friend of God (3) He calls me friend God Almighty, Lord of Glory You have called me friend (4) 384. Love the Lord, your God Key: G Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart With all your soul, with all your mind, And with all your strength (2) With all your heart, with all your soul

With all your mind, with all your strength Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart With all your soul, with all your mind, And with all your strength I will serve the Lord with all my heart With all my soul, with all my mind, And with all my strength (2) I I I I will will will will love You (I will love You) praise You (I will praise You) serve You (I will serve You) trust You (I will trust You)

Oh Lord my God in You I put my trust Oh Lord my God in You I put my hope (2) In You, in You I find my peace In You, in You I find my strength In You, I live and move and breathe Let everything I say and do Be founded by my faith in You I lift up holy hands and sing Let the praises ring! Oh Lord my God Oh Lord my God Oh Lord my God everything Oh Lord my God to You I give my hands to You I give my feet to You I give my to You I give my life

I wanna know You today And Youre the best thing That has happened to me And the world will never take The world will never take You away 390. Youre the One who made the heavens Key: E Youre the One who made the heavens Youre the One who shaped the earth Youre the One who formed my heart Long before my birth I believe Youll always lead me All my days have been ordained All Your thoughts toward me are holy Full of love and grace You You You You You You You You You are are are are are are are are are the the the the the the the the the One One One One One One One One One You are holy You are worthy everlasting I will worship I will serve all my days everlasting

It was good for our fathers And Its good enough for me. 392. Have Thine own way Key: D Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way! Thou are the Potter; I am the clay. Mould me and make me After Thy will, While I am waiting, Yielded and still. Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way! Search me and try me, Master, today! Whiter than snow, Lord, Wash me just now, As in Thy presence humbly I bow. Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way! Wounded and weary, Help me, I pray! Power, all power, Surely is Thine! Touch me and heal me, Saviour divine. Have Thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way! Hold oer my being Absolute sway! Fill with Thy Spirit Till all shall see Christ only, always, Living in me. 393. God be with you till we meet again Key: C God be with you till we meet again! By His counsels guide, uphold you, With His sheep securely fold you; God be with you till we meet again! Till we meet! Till we meet! Till we meet at Jesus feet; Till we meet! Till we meet! God be with you till we meet again!

385. You are the source of life Key: C You are the source of life I can't be left behind No one else will do I will lay hold of You I need You Jesus to come to my rescue Where else can I go? There's no other name by which I am saved Capture me with grace I will follow You 386. As morning dawns and evening fades Key: A As morning dawns and evening fades You inspire songs of praise That rise from earth to touch Your heart And glorify Your name Your name is a strong and mighty tower Your name is a shelter like no other Your name, let the nations sing it louder 'Cause nothing has the power to save But Your name Jesus, in Your name we pray Come and ll our hearts today And give us strength to live for You And glorify Your name 387. Oh Lord my God in You I put my trust Key: D

388. God above, the world in motion Key: G God above, the world in motion, God above my hopes and fears And I don't care What the world throws at me now It's gonna be alright Hear the sound of the generations, Making loud our freedom song All in all that The world will know Your name It's gonna be alright 'Cause I know my God saved the day And I know His Word never fails And I know my God made a way for me Salvation is here 389. With all Im holding inside Key: E With all Im holding inside With all my hopes and desires And all the dreams that Ive dreamt With all Im hoping to be And all that the world will bring And all that fails to compare You say You want all of me I wouldnt have it any other way Ive got a Saviour and Hes living in me Whoa, I wanna know,

391. Its the old-time Holy Spirit Key: D Its the old-time Holy Spirit, And the devil wont go near It, Thats the reason people fear It; But its good enough for me. Give me that old-time religion, Give me that old-time religion, Give me that old-time religion, Its good enough for me. It will make you stop your lying; It will save you when youre dying; It will start the devil flying; And Its good enough for me. Its so good I want no other, For It makes me love my brother; And It brings things from under cover, And Its good enough for me. It was good in the fiery furnace It was good for Paul and Silas

God be with you till we meet again! Neath His wings securely hide you, Daily manna still provide you; God be with you till we meet again! God be with you till we meet again! When lifes perils thick confound you, Put His arms unfailing round you; God be with you till we meet again! God be with you till we meet again! Keep loves banner floating oer you, Smite deaths threatning wave before you; God be with you till we meet again! 394. The churchs one foundation Key: C The churchs one foundation Is Jesus Christ her Lord: She is His new creation By Water and the Word From heaven He came and sought her To be His holy bride; With His own blood He bought her And for her life He died. Elect from every nation, Yet one oer all the earth, Her charter of salvation One Lord, one faith, one birth, One holy name she blesses, Partakes one holy food, And to one hope she presses, With every grace endued. Though with a scornful wonder Men see her sore oppressed, By schisms rent asunder, By heresies distressed, Yet saints their watch are keeping Their cry goes up, How long? And soon the night of weeping Shall be the morn of song. Mid toil and tribulation, And tumult of her war, She waits the consummation Of peace forevermore. Till with the vision glorious Her longing eyes are blest, And the great church victorious Shall be the church at rest.

395. All who are thirsty Key: E All who are thirsty All who are weak Come to the fountain Dip your heart in the stream of life Let the pain and the sorrow Be washed away In the waves of His mercy As deep cries out to deep (We sing) Come Lord Jesus come (3) 396. We all want to be part of Key: G We all want to be part of Gods great family. So Jesus came to show Gods love, He died for you and me. He paid the price for all our sin, Then He rose up from the dead. He made the way to bring us in. Heres what Jesus said: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life (3) No one comes to the Father except Through Me (3) 397. Before the day, before the light Key: G Before the day, before the light Before the world revolved around the sun God on high stepped down into time And wrote the story of His love for everyone He has filled our hearts with wonder So that we always remember You and I were made to worship, You and I are called to love You and I are forgiven and free When you and I embrace surrender, When you and I choose to believe Then you and I will see Who we were meant to be

All we are and all we have Is all a gift from God that we receive Brought to life we open up our eyes To see the majesty and glory of the King Even the rocks cry out Even the heavens shout At the sound of His holy name So let every voice sing out, Let every knee bow down He's worthy of all our praise. 398. Come unto Me Key: E Come unto Me all you who are weary Come unto Me all you who need rest Take up My yoke and learn all about Me And I will give you rest Why do you linger Why do you wait You carry on without Me I have always been here But still you hesitate I have much in store for you If only you would 399. Everything that moves and breathes Key: D Everything that moves and breathes Sing a song and praise the Lord Lay your troubles at His feet Sing a song and praise the Lord Oh what a lovely noise When we raise our voice and sing I wanna thank You Lord Youre the giver of all good things If Im rich or if Im poor Sing a song and praise the Lord If Im shaky or if Im sure Sing a song and praise the Lord If Im weak or if Im strong Sing a song and praise the Lord If Im short or if Im long Sing a song and praise the Lord If Im up or if Im down

Sing a song and praise the Lord If Im square or if Im round Sing a song and praise the Lord 400. I am not skilled to understand Key: C I am not skilled to understand What God has willed, what God has planned I only know at His right hand Stands One who is my Saviour I take Him at His word and deed Christ died to save me; this I read And in my heart I find a need Of Him to be my Saviour That He would leave His place on high And come for sinful man to die You count it strange, so once did I Before I knew my Saviour My My My My Saviour loves, My Saviour lives Saviour's always there for me God: He was, my God: He is God He's always gonna be

Yes, living, dying, let me bring My strength, my solace from this spring; That He who lives to be my King Once died to be my Saviour 401. I cry out Key: G I cry out For Your hand of mercy to heal me I am weak I need Your love to free me O Lord, my Rock My strength in weakness Come rescue me oh Lord You are my hope Your promise never fails me And my desire Is to follow You forever For You are good (3) to me (2) 402. I lay my life down at Your feet Key: A

I lay my life down at Your feet Cause You're the only One I need I turn to You and You are always there In troubled times it's You I seek I put You first that's all I need I humble all I am all to You One way, Jesus You're the only One that I could live for (2) You are always, always there Every how and everywhere Your grace abounds so deeply within me You will never ever change Yesterday today the same Forever till forever meets no end You are the Way the Truth and the Life We live by faith and not by sight for You We're living all for You (4) 403. For I'm building a people of power For I'm building a people of power For I'm making a people of praise That will move through this land by My Spirit And will glorify My precious name Build Your church Lord Make us strong Lord Join our hearts Lord Through Your Son Make us one Lord In Your body In the kingdom of Your Son 404. John 3:16 Key: E John 3:16 says that God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son That whoever believes in Him Will never die, but have eternal life (2) He is the Way, He is the Truth, He is the Life So put your faith in Jesus Christ, And your soul will never die (will never

die) Youll have ever) Youll have Youll have ever) Youll have

eternal life (forever and eternal life (will never die) eternal life (forever and eternal life.

And I will not be shaken I will let my praises show Holding on to what I know Because I know You're always there And I will not be shaken I will not be shaken I will not be moved I'm leaning on the throne Because You died for me And called me to Your own And even when the Strongest winds begin to blow I will stand my ground I will not be moved I will not be shaken 407. Oh Lord I want to sing Your praises Key: E Oh Lord I want to sing Your praises I want to praise Your name every day (2) Halelujah, Halelu (2) God You are my God and I will seek You I am satisfied when I find Your love (2) I will praise You as long as I live For Your love is better than life In Your name I will lift up my hands For Your love is better than life 408. Thank You for the cross Lord Key: A Thank You for the cross Lord Thank You for the price You paid Bearing all my sin and shame In love You came And gave amazing grace Thank You for this love Lord Thank You for the nail pierced hands Washed me in Your cleansing flow Now all I know Your forgiveness and embrace Worthy is the Lamb Seated on the throne Crown You now with many crown You reign victorious High and lifted up

Jesus Son of God The Darling of heaven crucified Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb 409. There is an endless song Key: G There is an endless song Echoes in my soul I hear the music ring And though the storms may come I am holding on To the Rock I cling How How How How can I keep from singing Your praise can I ever say enough amazing is Your love can I keep from shouting Your name I know I am loved by the King And it makes my heart want to sing I will lift my eyes In the darkest night For I know my Saviour lives And I will walk with You Knowing You'll see me through And sing the songs You give I can sing in the troubled times Sing when I win I can sing when I lose my step And fall down again I can sing 'cause You pick me up Sing 'cause You're there I can sing 'cause You hear me, Lord When I call to You in prayer I can sing with my last breath Sing for I know That I'll sing with the angels And the saints around the throne 410. There is joy in the Lord Key: G There is joy in the Lord There is love in His Spirit There is hope in the knowledge of Him There's a fountain that flows Like a river from heaven Abounding in love to my soul All blessing and honour are His

405. Come, Thou fount of every blessing Key: D Come, Thou fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above. Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it, Mount of Thy redeeming love. Here I raise mine Ebenezer; Hither by Thy help I'm come; And I hope, by Thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood. O to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrained to be! Let Thy goodness, like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to Thee. Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love; Here's my heart, O take and seal it, Seal it for Thy courts above. 406. My soul finds rest in You Key: G My soul finds rest in You My Fortress and my Rock My hope for life my hiding place My refuge and my God In You I've found my home My shelter from the storm And I'll pour out my heart to You And lean upon Your throne I will put my trust in You I will put my hope there, too I will stand upon Your word

And all glory and power are His Let all wisdom and strength Be the Lord's in this place Let all glory be given to Him There is joy in the Lord There is love in His Spirit There is hope in the knowledge of Him There's a fountain I know Every time I am near it My heart overflows to the Lord 411. This is my desire Key: G This is my desire To honour You Lord, with all my heart I worship You All I have within me I give You praise All that I adore Is in You Lord, I give You my heart I give You my soul I live for You alone Every breath that I take Every moment I'm awake Lord, have Your way in me 412. Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet Key: G Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet And a light unto my path (2) When I feel afraid Think I've lost my way Still You're there right beside me And nothing will I fear As long as You are near Please be near me to the end Now I will not forget Your love for me and yet My heart forever is wandering Jesus be my guide and hold me to Your side And I will love You to the end 413. We are the servants of the only

Key: E


And with You we'll reign You are the King of kings, The Lord of lords All men will bow to You, before Your throne 415. We have heard the thunder Key: A We have heard the thunder We have seen the storm Echoes of Your kingdom coming Rumors of our home Where one day we will stand before You Lord Our altogether beautiful reward And we will give You glory Bring You honour King above all kings You deserve our everything We will lift our voices with Your praises Jesus You are our King Though now we walk in darkness Though now we see in part Right now we're warmed By the burning flames Of the fire in our hearts You've promised You would Lead us to Your throne Where we will worship You and You alone Yes, You alone. 416. We have sung our songs of victory Key: C We have sung our songs of victory We have prayed to You for rain We have cried Your compassion To renew the land again Now we're standing in Your presence More hungry than before Now we're on Your steps of mercy And we're knocking at Your door How long Before You drench the barren land How long Before we see a righteous Man How long

We are the servants of the only King He is worthy Given dominion over everything He is worthy We will declare it with one voice We will stand up and make a holy noise And make a holy noise Glory Glory Glory Glory Glory Glory and honour and power and honour unto the Lamb and honour forever and honour unto the Lamb

Before Your name is lifted high How long Before the weeping turns to songs of joy Lord, we know Your heart is broken By the evil that You see And You've stayed Your hand of judgment For Your plan to set men free But the land is still in darkness And we've fled from what is right And we've failed the silent children Who will never see the light But I know a day is coming When the deaf will hear His voice When the blind will see the Saviour And the lame will leap for joy When a widow finds a Husband Who will always love His bride And the orphan finds a Father Who will never leave Her side How long Before Your glory lights the skies How long Before Your radiance lifts our eyes How long Before Your fragrance fills the air How long Before the earth resounds With songs of joy 417. We stand and lift up our hands Key: G We stand and lift up our hands For the joy of the Lord is our strength We bow down and worship Him now How great, how awesome is He And together we sing Everyone sing Holy is the Lord God Almighty The earth is filled with His glory (2) The earth is filled with His glory It's rising up all around It's the anthem of the Lord's renown (2) 418. What kind of joy can make me

We offer Him a sacrificial praise He is worthy No one among us is above His grace He is worthy We will declare it with one voice He has become the reason we rejoice The reason we rejoice The Son of Heaven who would die for us He is worthy Eternal Word of God alive in us He is worthy We will declare it with one voice We will declare that we have made our choice And make a holy noise 414. You are the holy One Key: G You are the holy One, the Lord most high You reign in majesty, You reign on high We exalt Your name, High and mighty One of Israel We exalt Your name, Lead us on to war In the power of Your name We exalt Your name, The name above all names, Our victorious King We exalt Your name You are the worthy one, Lamb that was slain You bought us with Your blood,

Key: A


He is Rock (2) Jesus is the Rock on whom I stand (2) 421. Wonderful, so wonderful Key: D Wonderful, so wonderful Is Your unfailing love Your cross has spoken mercy over me No eye has seen no ear has heard No heart could fully know How glorious, how beautiful You are. Beautiful One I love You Beautiful One I adore Beautiful One my soul must sing. Powerful so powerful Your glory fills the skies Your mighty works displayed for all to see The beauty of Your majesty Awakes my heart to see How marvelous how wonderful You are. You opened my eyes To Your wonders anew You captured my heart with this love Because nothing on earth Is as beautiful as You (2) 422. You are more beautiful Key: G You are more beautiful Than anyone ever Everyday You're the same You never change, no never And how could I ever deny The love of my Saviour You are to me everything All I need forever How could You be so good? There is no one like You There has never Ever been anyone like You (2) Everywhere You are there Earth or air surrounding I'm not alone, the heavens sing along My God You're so astounding

How could You be so good to me Eternally I believe that How could You be so good to me? (2) We're not alone, so sing along We're not alone, so sing along, Sing along, sing along 423. You are my supply Key: G You are my supply My breath of life Still more awesome than I know. You are my reward Worth living for Still more awesome than I know. And all of You Is more than enough for all of me For every thirst and every need You satisfy me with Your love And all I have in You is more than enough You're my sacrifice Of greatest price Still more awesome than I know. You're my coming King You're my everything Still more awesome than I know. More than all I want More than all I need You are more than enough for me. More than all I know More than all I can see You are more than enough for me. 424. You have my heart Key: E You have my heart And I am Yours forever You are my strength God of grace and power And everything You hold in Your hand Still You make time for me I can't understand Praise You God of earth and sky How beautiful is Your unfailing love Unfailing love

What kind of joy can make me dance? What kind of love can make me sing? What kind of grace is all I need? Jesus is everything Im givin everything to God (3) Hes givin everything to me Theres so much joy Theres so much love Theres so much grace Hallelujah (2) 419. What to say Lord it's Key: C What to say Lord it's You who gave me life and I Can't explain just how Much You mean to me now That You have saved me Lord I give all that I am to You That every day I can Be a light that shines Your name Everyday, Lord I'll Learn to stand upon Your Word And I pray that I, That I might come to know You more That You would guide me in Every single step I take and Everyday I can be Your light unto the world Everyday it's You I live for Everyday I'll follow after You Everyday I'll walk with You my Lord It's You I live for everyday (3) 420. Pickd me up from the miry clay Key: D Pickd me up from the miry clay Put me on the Rock to stay (4) Oh my life was in a mess I thought theres no way out Then I cried on Jesus name and He gave me a brand new start

And You never change God You remain The holy One, my unfailing love Unfailing love You are my Rock The One I hold on to You are my song And I sing for You 425. Your love is deep Key: E Your Your Your Your love love love love is is is is deep high long wide (2)

Deeper than my view of grace Higher than this worldly place Longer than this road I travel Wider than the gap You filled (2) Who shall separate us? Who shall separate us from Your love? Nothing can separate us From the love of Jesus Nothing can separate us from Your love 426. Your love is everlasting Key: G Your love is everlasting; It's an everlasting love Your mercy is as new As every rising of the sun And Your loving kindness, Loving kindness is better than life Your grace is all-sufficient; It's an all-sufficient grace Your power and Your glory Are forever on display And Your loving kindness, Loving kindness is better than life Oh it's better, Oh, better than life Oh so much better, Jesus, Your loving kindness, is better than life Fairest of ten thousand, Of ten thousand You are fair And nothing in this world Could ever measure or compare To Your loving kindness, Loving kindness is better than life

All Your ways are just, oh Lord, You're just in all Your ways And I will lift my hands, oh Lord, In gratitude and praise For Your loving kindness, Loving kindness is better than life 427. Hide me now under Your wings Key: C Hide me now under Your wings Cover me within Your mighty hand When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with You above the storm Father you are King over the flood I will be still and know You are God Find rest my soul in Christ alone Know His power in quietness and trust 428. Bigger than all my problems Key: C Bigger than all my problems, Bigger than all my fears God is bigger than any mountain That I can or cannot see Bigger than all my questions, Bigger than anything God is bigger than any mountain That I can or cannot see Bigger than all the shadows That fall across my path God is bigger than any mountain That I can or cannot see Bigger than all the confusion, Bigger than anything God is bigger than any mountain That I can or cannot see Bigger than all the giants, Fear and unbelief God is bigger than any mountain That I can or cannot see Bigger than all my hangups, Bigger than anything God is bigger than any mountain That I can or cannot see 429. Who am I Key: G

Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth Would care to know my name Would care to feel my hurt Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star Would choose to light the way For my ever wandering heart Not because of who I am But because of what You've done Not because of what I've done But because of who You are I am a flower quickly fading Here today and gone tomorrow A wave tossed in the ocean A vapour in the wind Still You hear me when I'm calling Lord, You catch me when I'm falling And You've told me who I am I am Yours Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin Would look on me with love And watch me rise again Who am I, that the Voice that calmed the sea Would call out through the rain And calm the storm in me 430. I believe I will see Key: G I believe I will see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living (2) So wait for the Lord and Let your heart take courage So wait for the Lord and be strong 431. The Lord is my Light and my Salvation Key: F The Lord is my Light and my Salvation Whom shall I fear? Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life Of whom shall I be afraid Of whom shall I be afraid? (2)

432. O precious sight Key: A O precious sight, my Saviour stands, Dying for me with outstretched hands. O precious sight, I love to gaze, Remembering salvations day, Remembering salvations day. Though my eyes linger on this scene, May passing time and years not steal The power with which it impacts me, The freshness of its mystery, The freshness of its mystery. May I never lose the wonder, The wonder of the cross. May I see it like the first time Standing as a sinner lost, Undone by mercy and left speechless, Watching wide eyed at the cost. May I never lose the wonder, The wonder of the cross. Behold the God-Man crucified, The perfect sinless sacrifice. As blood ran down those nails and wood, History was split in two, yes, History was split in two. Behold the empty wooden tree, His body gone, alive and free. We sing with everlasting joy, For sin and death have been destroyed, yes, Sin and death have been destroyed. 433. Jesus, name above all names Key: D Jesus, name above all names Beautiful Saviour, glorious Lord, Emmanuel, God is with us Blessed Redeemer, Living Word. 434. I've wandered so aimless Key: G I've wandered so aimless, life filled with sin I wouldn't let my dear Saviour in Then Jesus came like a stranger in the night Praise the Lord, I saw the light

I saw the light, I saw the light No more darkness, no more night Now I'm so happy, no sorrow in sight Praise the Lord, I saw the light I've walked in darkness, clouds covered me I had no idea where the way out could be Then came the sunrise and rolled back the night Praise the Lord, I saw the light Just like a blind man I wandered alone Worries and fears I claimed for my own Then like a blind man who God gave back his sight Praise the Lord, I saw the light When death takes me down and I breathe here no more My anthem will sound on that eternal shore When I join with the angels in heaven on high Singing "Praise the Lord, I saw the light" 435. Behold what manner of love Key: D Behold what manner of love, The Father has given unto us (2) That we should be called the sons of God (2) 436. In His time Key: D In His time, in His time, He makes all things beautiful, in His time. Lord, please show me every day, As You're teaching me Your way, That You'll do just what You say, in Your time In Your time, in Your time, You make all things beautiful, in Your time 437. I just want to be where You are

Key: G I just want to be where You are Dwelling daily in Your presence I dont want to worship from afar Draw me near to where You are I just want to be where You are In Your dwelling place forever Take me to the place where You are Cause I just want to be with You. I want to be where You are, Dwelling in Your presence Feasting at Your table Surrounded by Your Glory In Your presence, Thats where I always want to be I just want to be, I just want to be with You I just want to be where You are, To enter boldly in Your presence I dont want to worship from afar Draw me near to where You are. O my God, You are my strength and my song And when Im in Your presence Though Im weak Youre always strong 438. Great is the Lord Key: C Great is the Lord, He is holy and just By His power we trust in His love Great is the Lord, He is faithful and true By His mercy He proves He is love Great is the Lord and worthy of glory Great is the Lord and worthy of praise Great is the Lord, now lift up Your voice Now lift up Your voice: Great is the Lord! Great is the Lord! 439. Blessed be the name of the Lord Key: E Blessed be the name of the Lord (3) most high (2) The name of the Lord is A strong tower,

The righteous run into it, And they are saved (2) Glory to the name of the Lord Jesus is the name of the Lord 440. Love the Lord your God Key: G Love the Lord your God with all your heart and All your soul, with all your mind and Love all of mankind As you would love yourself and Love the Lord your God With all your heart with all your soul And mind and love all mankind Weve got holy lives to live Weve got Jesus love to give Weve got nothing to hide because In Him we all find love 441. Be still and know that I am God Be still and know that I am God (3) I am the Lord that healeth thee (3) In Thee, O Lord, I put my trust (3) 442. Im finding myself at a loss for words Key: A Im finding myself at a loss for words And the funny thing is its okay The last thing I need is to be heard But to hear what You would say Oh Word of God speak Would You pour down like rain Washing my eyes to see Your majesty To be still and know That Youre in this place Please let me stay and rest in Your holiness Word of God speak Im finding myself in the midst of You Beyond the music, beyond the noise

All that I need is to be with You And in the quiet hear Your voice 443. Give thanks to the Lord Key: G Give thanks to the Lord our God and King His love endures forever For He is good, He is above all things His love endures forever Sing praise, sing praise With a mighty hand and outstretched arm His love endures forever For the life thats been reborn His love endures forever Sing praise, sing praise (2) Forever God is faithful Forever God is strong Forever God is with us Forever, Forever (2) From the rising to the setting sun His love endures forever By the grace of God we carry on His love endures forever Sing praise, sing praise (2) 444. Turn your ear to heaven Key: G Turn your ear to heaven And hear the noise inside The sound of angels awe The sound of angels songs All this for a King, we could join and sing All to Christ the King How constant, how divine This song of ours will rise O, how constant, how divine This song of ours will rise, will rise O Praise Him, O Praise Him He is Holy, He is Holy Turn Your gaze to heaven And raise a joyous noise The sound of salvation come The sound of rescued ones All this for a King, angels join to sing All for Christ our King

How infinite and sweet, This love so rescuing O, how infinitely sweet This great love that has redeemed As one we sing Alleluia, Alleluia, He is holy, He is holy Alleluia, Alleluia, He is holy, He is holy 445. Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power Key: G Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb Are you trusting fully in His grace this hour Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb Are you washed (are you washed) In the blood (in the blood) In the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb Are your garments spotless Are they white as snow Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb Are you walking daily by the Saviour's side Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb Do you rest each moment in the Crucified Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb When the Bridegroom cometh Will your robes be white Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb Will your soul be ready for the mansions bright And be washed in the blood of the Lamb Lay aside the garments that are stained with sin And be washed in the blood of the Lamb There's a fountain flowing for the soul unclean

O be washed in the blood of the Lamb 446. I can only imagine Key: E I can only imagine, what it will be like When I walk by Your side I can only imagine, what my eyes will see When Your face is before me I can only imagine Surrounded by Your glory, What will my heart feel Will I dance for You Jesus, Or in awe of You be still Will I stand in Your presence, Or to my knees will I fall Will I sing hallelujah, Will I be able to speak at all I can only imagine, I can only imagine I can only imagine, when that day comes And I find myself standing in the Son I can only imagine, when all I will do Is forever, forever worship You I can only imagine I can only imagine 447. Over all the earth You reign on high Key: A Over all the earth You reign on high Every mountain stream every sunset sky But my one request Lord my only aim Is that You'd reign in me again Lord reign in me reign in Your pow'r Over all my dreams in my darkest hour You are the Lord of all I am So won't You reign in me again Over every thought over every word May my life reflect the beauty of my Lord 'Cause You mean more to me Than any earthly thing So won't You reign in me again 448. Standing on the promises Key: A Standing on the promises Of Christ my King Thro' eternal ages

Let His praises ring Glory in the highest I will shout and sing Standing on the promises of God Standing, standing Standing on the promises Of God my Saviour Standing standing I'm standing on The promises of God Standing on the promises That cannot fail When the howling storms Of doubt and fear assail By the living Word of God I shall prevail Standing on the promises of God Standing on the promises I now can see Perfect present cleansing In the blood for me Standing in the liberty Where Christ makes free Standing on the promises of God Standing on the promises Of Christ the Lord Bound to Him eternally By love's strong cord Overcoming daily with The Spirit's sword Standing on the promises of God Standing on the promises I cannot fall List'ning every moment To the Spirit's call Resting in my Saviour As my all in all Standing on the promises of God 449. Let the redeemed Key: D Let the redeemed of the Lord say so (3) Im redeemed, Im redeemed, Praise the Lord 450. To God be the glory Key: G

To God be the glory Great things He hath done So loved He the world That He gave us His Son Who yielded His life An atonement for sin And opened the life-gate That all may go in Praise the Lord, praise the Lord Let the earth hear His voice Praise the Lord, praise the Lord Let the people rejoice O come to the Father Thro' Jesus the Son And give Him the glory Great things He hath done O perfect redemption The purchase of blood To every believer The promise of God The vilest offender Who truly believes That moment from Jesus A pardon receives Great things He hath taught us Great things He hath done And great our rejoicing Thro' Jesus the Son But purer and higher And greater will be Our wonder, our transport When Jesus we see 451. We believe in God the Father Key: Em We believe in God the Father Maker of the universe And in Christ His Son our Saviour Come to us by virgin birth We believe He died to save us Bore our sins, was crucified Then from death He rose victorious Ascended to the Father's side Jesus, Lord of all, Lord of all (4) Name above all names (2) We believe He sends His Spirit On His church with gifts of power God His Word of truth affirming Sends us to the nations now

He will come again in glory Judge the living and the dead Every knee shall bow before Him Then must every tongue confess 452. We've a story to tell to the nations Key: D We've a story to tell to the nations That shall turn their hearts to the right A story of truth and mercy A story of peace and light A story of peace and light For the darkness shall turn to dawning And the dawning to noon-day bright And Christ's great kingdom shall come on earth The kingdom of love and light We've a song to be sung to the nations, That shall lift their hearts to the Lord, A song that shall conquer evil, And shatter the spear and sword, And shatter the spear and sword. We've a message to give to the nations That the Lord who reigneth above Hath sent us His Son to save us And show us that God is love And show us that God is love We've a Saviour to show to the nations Who the path sorrow hath trod That all of the world's great peoples Might come to the truth of God Might come to the truth of God 453. El-Shaddai Key: E El-Shaddai, El-Shaddai El-Elyon na Adonai Age to age You're still the same By the power of the name El-Shaddai, El-Shaddai Erkamka na Adonai We will praise and lift You high El-Shaddai Through Your love and through the ram You saved the son of Abraham Through the power of Your hand

Turned the sea into dry land To the outcast on her knees You were the God who really sees And by Your might You set Your children free Through the years You made it clear That the time of Christ was near Though the people couldn't see What Messiah ought to be Though Your Word contained the plan They just could not understand Your most awesome work was done Through the frailty of Your Son 454. Jesus loves me! this I know Key: D Jesus loves me! this I know For the Bible tells me so Little ones to Him belong They are weak but He is strong Yes Jesus loves me (3) The Bible tells me so Jesus loves me! He who died Heaven's gate to open wide He will wash away my sin Let His little child come in Jesus loves me! He will stay Close beside me all the way He's prepared a home for me And some day His face I'll see 455. My Jesus I love Thee Key: E My Jesus I love Thee I know Thou art mine For Thee all the follies of sin I resign My gracious Redeemer My Saviour art Thou If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now I love Thee because Thou hast first loved me And purchased my pardon on Calvary's tree I love Thee for wearing The thorns on Thy brow If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now

I'll love Thee in life I will love Thee in death And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath And say, when the death-dew Lies cold on my brow If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now In mansions of glory and endless delight I'll ever adore Thee in heaven so bright I'll sing with the glittering Crown on my brow If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now 456. From heaven You came Key: D From heaven You came, helpless Babe Entered our world, Your glory veiled Not to be served, but to serve And give Your life that we might live This is our God, the Servant King He calls us now to follow Him To bring our lives as a daily offering Of worship to the Servant King There in the garden of tears My heavy load He chose to bear His heart with sorrow was torn "Yet not my will but Yours", He said Come, see His hands and His feet The scars that speak of sacrifice Hands that flung stars into space To cruel nails surrendered So let us learn how to serve And in our lives enthrone Him Each other's needs to prefer For it is Christ we're serving 457. Draw me close to You Key: A Draw me close to You Never let me go I lay it all down again To hear You say that I'm Your friend You are my desire No one else will do Cause nothing else could take Your place

To feel the warmth of Your embrace Help me find the way, Bring me back to You You're all I want You're all I've ever needed You're all I want Help me know You are near 458. Beautiful Lord, wonderful Saviour Key: G Beautiful Lord, wonderful Saviour I know for sure, all of my days are Held in Your Hand Crafted into Your perfect plan You gently call me into Your presence Guiding me by Your Holy Spirit Teach me dear Lord To live all of my life Through Your eyes Im captured by Your holy calling Set me apart I know Youre drawing me to Yourself Lead me Lord I pray Take me, mould me Use me, fill me I give my life to the Potters Hand Call me, guide me Lead me, walk beside me I give my life to the Potters Hand 459. Every new day Your glory unfolds Key: D Every new day Your glory unfolds Filling my eyes with Your treasures untold The beauty of holiness Brings worship anew My greatest love is You Call me deeper into Your grace A river that flows from the Holy place Wash over me, cleansing me through My greatest love is You 460. On a hill far away Key: A

On a hill far away Stood an old rugged cross The emblem of suffering and shame And how I love that old cross Where the Dearest and Best For the world of lost sinners was slain So Ill cherish the old rugged cross Till my trophies at last I lay down I will cling to the old rugged cross And exchange it some day for a crown O that old rugged cross, So despised by the world, Has a wondrous attraction for me; For the dear Lamb of God Left His glory above To bear it to dark Calvary. In that old rugged cross, Stained with blood so divine, A wondrous beauty I see, For 'twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died, To pardon and sanctify me. To that old rugged cross I will ever be true, Its shame and reproach gladly bear; Then He'll call me some day To my home far away, Where His glory forever I'll share 461. Wonderful, merciful Saviour Key: C Wonderful, merciful Saviour Precious Redeemer and Friend Who would have thought that a Lamb could Rescue the souls of men Oh You rescue the souls of men Counselor, Comforter, Keeper Spirit we long to embrace You offer hope when our hearts have Hopelessly lost the way Oh, weve hopelessly lost the way You are the One that we praise You are the One we adore You give the healing and grace Our hearts always hunger for Oh, our hearts always hunger for

Almighty, Infinite Father Faithfully loving Your own Here in our weakness You find us Falling before Your throne Oh, we're falling before Your throne 462. This world is not my home Key: E This world is not my home I'm just a passing through My treasures and my hope Is placed beyond the blue Many friends and kindred Have gone on before And I can't feel at home In this world anymore Oh Lord You know I have no friend like You If heaven's not my home Oh Lord what will I do Angels beckon me To heaven's open door And I can't feel at home In this world anymore Over in Glory-land Therell be no dying there The saints all shouting Victory! And singing everywhere I hear the voice of them Whove gone on before And I cant feel at home In this world anymore Heavens expecting me Thats one thing I know I fixed it up with Jesus A long time ago He will take me through Though I am weak and poor And I cant feel at home In this world anymore If you get there before me Ill be there just the same Youll hear me when I shout O glory to His name! Ill fly away with Him My Saviour I adore And I cant feel at home In this world anymore

463. I'll fly away Key: A I'll fly away, oh glory, I'll fly away When I die, hallelujah by and by, I'll fly away Some bright morning when this life is over, I'll fly away To a land on God's celestial shore, I'll fly away When the shadows of this life have grown, I'll fly away Like a bird from these prison bars, I'll fly away Oh how glad and happy when we meet, I'll fly away No more cold iron shackles on my feet, I'll fly away Just a few more weary days and then, I'll fly away To a land where joy will never end, I'll fly away 464. Hear my cry O Lord Key: C Hear my cry O Lord attend unto my prayer From the end of the earth will I cry out to Thee. When my heart is overwhelmed Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I That is higher than I. For Thou hast been a Shelter for me And a Strong Tower, from the enemy 465. Jesus put a song in my heart Key: E Jesus put a song in my heart He turned my life around He gave me a treasure The heart of a servant Jesus put a song in my heart

A joyful melody that sings Of His wonderful love He gave me a new heart He gave me a new song He put a song in my heart 466. Just one of us can put a thousand to flight Key: Em Just one of us can put a thousand to flight And two of us can send the legions fleeing Just one of us can put a thousand to flight And two of us can rout evil principalities O there are many of us here Exalting the name of the Lord And in His name we declare Our victory in spiritual war We bind the powers of the air By wielding the Word as our sword Over princes and powers Jesus gave authority We raise our voice with a shout He has won the victory 467. The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want Key: Em The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul And guides my path in righteousness For His name's sake. Surely goodness and loving kindness Shall follow me all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever and ever and ever. Though I walk through the valley Of the shadow of death I will not fear, Thou art with me. Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table

Before me in the presence of my enemies. Thou anointest my head with oil My cup's overflowing 468. Make my life a prayer to You Key: E Make my life a prayer to You I wanna do what You want me to No empty words and no white lies No token prayers no compromise I wanna shine the light You gave Through Your Son You sent to save us From ourselves and our despair It comforts me to know You 're really there Well I wanna thank You now For being patient with me Oh it's so hard to see When my eyes are on me I guess I'll have to trust And just believe what You say Oh You're coming again I wanna die and let You give Your life to me so I might live And share the hope You gave me The love that set me free I wanna tell the world out there You're not some fable or fairy tale That I've made up inside my head You're God the Son and You've risen from the dead 469. I found it hard to believe Key: G I found it hard to believe Someone like You cared for me You put this love in my heart I tried but could not refuse You gave me no time to lose You put this love in my heart I want to know where the bad feelings go When Im depressed and I get down so low

And then I see You coming to me and its alright I want to tell You right now Im not afraid to say how You put this love in my heart There are sometimes when I doubt But You always find me out You put this love in my heart Cause when I see all that Youve done for me Its hard to doubt, I just have to believe Cause You followed and proved it all of Your life Well I know The loneliness I had before Is gone now Ill never feel it anymore Cause Your love has released me From all thats in my past And I know I can believe You When You say Ill never be forsaken Your love is gonna last Theres so much more I should say If I could just find a way You put this love in my heart Is all this real or a dream I feel so good I could scream You put this love in my heart I want to know where the bad feelings go When Im depressed and I get down so low And then I see You coming to me and its alright You put this love in my heart (3) 470. After all the things that You have shown me Key: A After all the things that You have shown me I'd be a fool to let them slip away In doing things I know I shouldn't do But I don't want to fall away from You From You

After all I've only grieved Your Spirit And then I don't know why You stay with me But every time I fall Your love comes through And I don't want to fall away from You When the light is gone And good times are getting old There's no one left to count on And all my friends are cold When I thirst for love oh Lord You're a fountain to my soul My soul My soul Oh Lord My soul In a way my life is full of burdens But in a way You carry them for me Jesus Cause no one understands the way You do And You know Lord I don't want to fall away from You Well every day I pray to start anew Cause I don't want to fall away from You No Lord I don't wanna fall away from You No Lord I don't wanna fall away from You From You...Lord 471. To hear with my heart Key: A To hear with my heart, To see with my soul, To be guided by a hand I cannot hold, To trust in a way that I cannot see, That's what faith must be. When the universe fell from His fingertips, He decided He wanted some fellowship. But the man and the woman would not submit, So He made a better way When the moment was right, He sent

His own Son, And He opened the way so that everyone Could have hope and believe that when time was done, He'd be able to make us one Now I understand that there is a key. It's Jesus in me, a reality, That God is in Christ, and that Christ's in me, That with faith I see what is unseen 472. Praise the Lord! Hallelu! Key: E Praise the Lord! Hallelu! I don't care what the devil's gonna do! The Word in faith is my sword and shield, And Jesus is Lord of the way I feel Tho' the fig tree shall not blossom, Tho' there be no grapes up on the vine, Tho' the olive tree shall cast its fruit And the feild shall yield no grain to grind, Tho' the flock shall all be scattered And there be no cattle in the stall, The Lord is still my joy and strength And by His Word He'll change it all The Spirit of the Lord is here And He has anointed me To tell the news to ev'ry one: He's come to set the captive free! So, if you're broken hearted But tired of all those chains you wear, The Lord is here to heal you now And bring the pow'r that holds you there. 473. You are good Key: C You are good, You are good When theres nothing good in me You are love, You are love On display for all to see You are light, You are light When the darkness closes in You are hope, You are hope You have covered all my sin

You are peace, You are peace When my fear is crippling You are true, You are true Even in my wandering You are joy, You are joy Youre the reason that I sing You are life, You are life In You death has lost its sting And Oh! Im running to Your arms Im running to Your arms The riches of Your love Will always be enough Nothing compares To Your embrace Light of the world Forever reign You are more, You are more Than my words will ever say You are Lord, You are Lord All creation will proclaim You are here, You are here In Your presence Im made whole You are God, You are God Of all else Im letting go My heart will sing No other name Jesus, Jesus (3) 474. Still in the Spirit, Im free Still in the Spirit, Im free There aint no chains on me Jesus already gave me the key Still in the Spirit, Im free. I am going to new Jerusalem The Lord keeps me in His hand Though I walk through the valley all alone He is there to lead me on. Though this world wants to call me its own Ive got my eyes on the heavenly throne I will praise Him through all eternity For the day that He delivered me. 475. For The Lord is my tower Key: A

For The Lord is my tower And He gives me the power To tear down the works of the enemy In a difficult hour He will crush the devourer And bring the powers of darkness Underneath my feet 476. Lord,You are good Key: G Lord,You are good and Your mercy endureth forever (2) People from every nation and tongue, From generation to generation; We worship You, Hallelujah (2) We worship You for who You are We worship You, Hallelujah (2) We worship You for who You are And You are good. You are good all the time, And all the time You are good. 477. I can feel You Key: G I can feel You Flowin' thru me. Holy Spirit, Come and fill me up, Come and fill me up. Love and mercy, Fill my senses. I am thirsty For Your presence, Lord, Come and fill me up. Lord, let Your mercy wash away All of my sin. Fill me completely with Your love Once again. I I I I want You, I need You, love Your presence. want You, I need You, love Your presence

478. To Him who sits on the throne Key: C To Him who sits on the throne And unto the Lamb (2) Be blessing and glory And honour and power for ever (2) 479. Great and mighty is the Lord our God Key: E Great and mighty is the Lord our God Great and mighty is He (2) Lift up your banner, let the anthems ring, Praises to our King. 480. There is joy, joy, joy There is joy, joy, joy In the presence Of the Lord Singing hallelujah amen Amen! Dance and celebrate Dance and celebrate Dance with joy Before the Lord (2) 481. Im so glad Jesus set me free Key: G Im so glad Jesus set me free (3) Singing glory, hallelujah Jesus set me free! Satan had me bound But Jesus set me free, (3) Singing glory, hallelujah Jesus set me free! I'm on my way to heaven Shouting victory (3) Singing glory, hallelujah Jesus set me free! 482. You are the words and the music Key: G

You are the words and the music You are the song that I sing You are the melody You are the harmony Praises to You I will bring You are Almighty God You are the Lord of Lords You are the King of all kings Now I return to You The song that You gave to me You are the song that I sing 483. I won't stop never gonna stop praising Key: D I won't stop never gonna stop praising Everyday You'll be my Number One Jesus, Jesus my Number One As the sun comes up 'till it's going back down No I'll never back down From living for You my God I'm living for truth my God As time goes by and the seasons change No I'm never gonna change My love for You my God My hope in You my God Everybody now... As I wake up in the morning And I'm ready to start my day... I'll praise You my God No matter what I face Gonna put my faith in You... I'll praise You my God And the end of the day Gonna stand my ground and say... I'll praise You my God Wave your hands in the air And tell me what you're gonna do... I'll praise You my God I won't stop Never gonna stop praising (4) 484. Lift up His name within the sanctuary Key: A

Lift up His name within the sanctuary Lift up His name among the people Who are gathered here to sing His praise Who are gathered here to sing His praise Holy is our God Holy is Your name Mighty are Your works and deeds and Wondrous are Your ways All that You have made Shall return and give You glory Lord The earth the sky the sea and all within them This universe beyond the sight of mortal men All subject to His reign All creation subject to His reign The great I AM no end and no beginning You were and are and evermore You shall be All my days are in Your hands All my days are in Your hands 485. Here is our King Key: G Here is our King Here is our Love Here is our God who's come To bring us back to Him He is the One, He is Jesus From wherever spring arrives to heal the ground From where ever searching comes to look itself A trace of what we're looking for So be quiet now, and wait The ocean is growing The tide is coming in Here it is: And what was said to the rose to make it unfold Was said to me, here in my chest So be quiet now, and rest. 486. The day is brighter here with

Key: C


The day is brighter here with You The night is lighter than its hue Would lead me to believe Which leads me to believe You make everything glorious (3) And I am Yours What does that make me? My eyes are small but they have seen The beauty of enormous things Which leads me to believe There's light enough to see that From glory to glory You are glorious You are glorious From glory to glory You are glorious You are glorious Which leads me to believe Why I can believe 487. Never ending always Key: D La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la Never ending always You will never end Because Youre always Never ending You were there before There was beginning Always You were You are never ending Here you are now with us here We are found in You And this makes all the difference This changes everything Making our whole existence Worth something so we sing 488. Now unto the King eternal Key: Bm Now unto the King eternal Unto the reigning King Unto the Lord Almighty Praises I will

Sing To the King Eternal Sing to the King of kings Sing to declare His glory Let His praises ring So I will lift my hands In joy before my King I lift my hands in praise I lift my heart in joyful jubilation Lift my voice in praise! And I will shout BLESSING! to the King I will shout GLORY! To the King And I will shout HONOUR! To the King And I will shout POWER! To the King Declaring BLESSING and GLORY And HONOUR and POWER Belong to Jesus the King of kings! Let His praises ring 489. Bless the Lord, Oh my soul Key: E Bless the Lord, Oh my soul And all that is within me Bless His holy name He has done great things (3) Bless His holy name 490. Every day, Im growing up Every day, Im growing up A little bit, a little bit; Every day, I do whats right, A little bit, a little bit more (2) I use my ears to hear Gods Word; I use my eyes to see the world He made; I use my hands to help my friends; That makes me want to shout Hurray! (HURRAY!) 491. In a world thats lost and seeking Key: E In a world thats lost and seeking Youre the answer to every need I know Its You alone

I find a hope for all my life Im living as a sacrifice for You In freedom and in truth Always I know You are here and You live in me In my life Youre the only One I need Jesus I believe Youre the One who saved my soul You gave me life so I give it back to You My God, God one and only Now I stand in Your salvation I keep the faith and I fix my life on You My hope is found in You. You chose the cross and You took my place And I believe it This is love that I cant explain Yes I believe it 492. Behold, bless ye the Lord Behold, bless ye the Lord, All ye servants of the Lord Lift up your hands in the sanctu - ary And bless, bless ye the Lord (Lift up your hands, voice, praise) 493. Hallelujah, Hallelujah Key: A Hallelujah, Hallelujah, For our Lord God Almighty reigns (2) Hallelujah, Holy, holy Are you Lord God Almighty Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb You are holy, holy, Are you Lord God Almighty Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb Amen 494. Glory Hallelujah to the Key: C Glory Hallelujah to the

King of kings and Lord of lords (2) Hallelujah He reigns (3) In heaven and earth (2) Hallelujah He reigns (3) He reigns in me 495. Let no one caught in sin remain Key: E Let no one caught in sin remain Inside the lie of inward shame We fix our eyes upon the cross And run to Him who showed great love And bled for us Freely You've bled for us Christ is risen from the dead Trampling over death by death Come awake, come awake Come and rise up from the grave Christ is risen from the dead We are one with Him again Come awake, come awake Come and rise up from the grave Beneath the weight of all our sin You bowed to none but Heaven's will No scheme of hell, no scoffer's crown No burden great can hold You down In strength You reign Forever let Your church proclaim O death, where is your sting? O hell, where is your victory? O church, come stand in the light The glory of God has defeated the night O death, where is your sting? O hell, where is your victory? O church, come stand in the light Our God is not dead He's alive! He's alive! 496. I will call upon the Lord Key: D I will call upon the Lord Who is worthy to be praised (2) So shall I be saved from my enemies The Lord liveth and blessed be the Rock And let the God of my salvation be exalted (2)

497. Lord I stand in the midst of a multitude Key: G Lord I stand in the midst of a multitude Of those from every tribe and tongue We are Your people Redeemed by Your blood Purchased from death by Your love There are no words Good enough to thank You There are no words To express my praise But I will lift up my voice And sing from my heart With all of my strength Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah To the Lamb Hallelujah hallelujah By the blood of Christ we stand Every tongue every tribe Every people every land Giving glory, giving honour Giving praise unto the Lamb of God Lord we stand by grace in Your presence Cleansed by the blood of the Lamb We are Your children called by Your name Humbly we bow and we pray Release Your power To work in us and through us Till we are changed to be more like You Then all the nations will see Your glory revealed And worship You Every knee shall bow Every tongue confess That You are Lord of all 498. We will seek Your face Almighty God Key: G We will seek Your face Almighty God Turn and pray for You to heal our land Father let revival start in us Then every heart will know Your kingdom come Lifting up the name of the Lord In power and in unity We will see the nations turn

Touching heaven changing earth Touching heaven changing earth Never looking back, well run the race Giving You our lives, well gain the prize We will take the harvest given us Though we sow in tears Well reap in joy Send revival, send revival, send revival to us Send revival, send revival, send revival to us 499. Lord make me an instrument Key: A Lord make me an instrument An instrument of worship I lift up my hands in Your name (2) Lord make us a symphony A symphony of worship I lift up my hands in Your name (2) We'll sing You a love song A love song of worship We lift up our hands in Your name (2) 500. Jesus, Youre all I need Key: D Jesus, Youre all I need You're all I need. Now I give my life to You alone, You are all I need. Jesus, You're all I need, You're all I need. Lord, You gave Yourself so I could live, You are all I need. Oh, You purchased my salvation, And wiped away my tears; Now I drink Your living water, And I'll never thirst again. For You alone are holy, I'll worship at Your throne; And You will reign forever, Holy is the Lord. 501. Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down Key: G

Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down O Comforter and Friend How we need Your touch again Holy Spirit rain down, rain down Let Your power fall, Let Your voice be heard, Come and change our hearts, As we stand on Your word Holy Spirit, rain down. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, No mind can know what God has in store. So open up heaven, open it wide Over Your church, and over our lives. 502. Only by grace can we enter Key: C Only by grace can we enter Only by grace can we stand Not by our human endeavour But by the blood of the Lamb Into Your presence You call us You call us to come Into Your presence You draw us And now by Your grace we come And now by Your grace we come Lord if You mark our transgressions Who would stand Thanks to Your grace we are cleansed By the blood of the Lamb (2) 503. We come into Your presence with singing Key: A We come into Your presence with singing Come into Your presence with praise And enter Your gates with thankful hearts We are going to celebrate All of heavens waiting Power is on its way So we shout Hallelujah Lifting to You a mighty roar of praise You deserve the highest praise That we can give and more Lord we give You our praise Thats what we came here for

Everything within me reaches out to You Your power Your majesty Grace and mercy too Therell be singing and dancing Hearts and voices raised You have set Your people free Now the house is filled with praise 504. I could sing unending songs Key: D I could sing unending songs Of how You saved my soul I could dance a thousand miles Because of Your great love My heart is bursting Lord To tell of all You've done Of how You changed my life And You wiped away the past I wanna shout it out From every rooftop sing For now I know my God is For me, not against me Everybodys singing now Cause we are so happy Everybodys dancing now Cause we are so happy If only we could see Your face See You smiling over us Unseen angels celebrate Cause joy is in this place 505. All creatures of our God and King Key: D All creatures of our God and King Lift up your voice and with us sing O praise Him, alleluia Thou burning sun with golden beam Thou silver moon with softer gleam O praise Him, O praise Him Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia Thou rushing wind that art so strong Ye clouds that sail in heav'n along O praise Him, alleluia Thou rising moon in praise rejoice Ye lights of evening find a voice O praise Him, O praise Him

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia Let all things their Creator bless And worship Him in humbleness O praise Him, alleluia Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son And praise the Spirit, three in One O praise Him, O praise Him Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia 506. Open up the skies of mercy Key: G Open up the skies of mercy Rain down the cleansing flood Healing waters rise around us Hear our cries Lord, let them rise It's Your kindness Lord That leads us to repentance Your favour Lord, is our desire It's Your beauty Lord That makes us stand in silence Your love, Your love Is better than life We can feel Your mercy falling You are turning our hearts back again Hear our praises rise to heaven Draw us near Lord, meet us here 507. O God, our help in ages past Key: A O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home! Beneath the shadow of Thy throne Thy saints have dwelt secure; Sufficient is Thine arm alone, And our defense is sure. Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, From everlasting Thou art God, To endless years the same. Thy word commands our flesh to dust: Return, ye sons of men! All nations rose from earth at first And turn to earth again.

A thousand ages in Thy sight Are like an evening gone; Short as the watch that ends the night Before the rising sun. O God our Help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Be Thou our Guard while troubles last, And our eternal home. 508. Our God is a great big God Key: G Our God is a great big God (3) And He holds us in His hands. He's higher than a skyscraper He's deeper than a submarine He's wider than the universe And beyond my wildest dreams And He's known me and He's loved me Since before the world began How wonderful to be a part Of God's amazing plan! 509. Lord, You have my heart Key: G Lord, You have my heart; And I will search for Yours; Jesus take my life and lead me on Lord, You have my heart, And I will search for Yours; Let me be to You a sacrifice And I will praise You, Lord (I will praise You, Lord) And I will sing of love come down (I will sing of love come down) And as You show Your face, (Show Your face) We'll see Your glory here 510. Fairest Lord Jesus Key: E Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all nature, O thou of God and Man the Son, Thee will I cherish, Thee will I honour, Thou, my soul's glory, joy, and crown. Fair are the meadows, fairer still the woodlands,

Robed in the blooming garb of spring: Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer Who makes the woeful heart to sing. Fair is the sunshine, fairer still the moonlight, And all the twinkling starry host: Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer Than all the angels heaven can boast. Beautiful Saviour! Lord of all the nations! Son of God and Son of Man! Glory and honour, praise, adoration, Now and forevermore be Thine. 511. Before the throne of God above Key: D Before the throne of God above I have a strong, a perfect plea: A great High Priest, whose name is Love, Who ever lives and pleads for me. My name is graven on His hands, My name is written on His heart; I know that while in heaven He stands No tongue can bid me thence depart When Satan tempts me to despair, And tells me of my guilt within, Upward I look, and see Him there Who made an end of all my sin. Because the sinless Saviour died, My sinful soul is counted free; For God, the Just, is satisfied To look on Him and pardon me Behold Him there, the risen Lamb My perfect, spotless righteousness, The great unchangeable I AM, The King of glory and of grace! One with Himself, I cannot die My soul is purchased by His blood My life is hid with Christ on high, With Christ, my Saviour and my God 512. Worthy is the Lamb who was slain Key: D Worthy is the, Lamb who was slain

Holy, Holy, is He Sing a new song, to Him who sits on Heaven's mercy seat Holy, Holy, Holy Is the Lord God Almighty Who was, and is, and is to come With all creation I sing: Praise to the King of kings! You are my everything, And I will adore You! Yeah! Clothed in rainbows, of living color Flashes of lightning, rolls of thunder Blessing and honour, strength and Glory and power be To You the Only wise King, Yeah! Filled with wonder, Awestruck wonder At the mention of Your name Jesus, Your name is Power Breath, and Living Water Such a marvelous mystery Yeah... 513. When the stars burn down and the earth wears out Key: G When the stars burn down and the earth wears out And we stand before the throne And the witnesses who have gone before We will rise and all applaud Singing blessing and honour, Glory and power, forever to our God When the hands of time wind fully down And the earth is rolled up like a scroll The trumpets will call and the world will fall To its knees as we all go home Singing blessing and honour, Glory and power, forever to our God Star of the morning, Light of salvation, Majesty God of all mysteries Lord of the universe Sovereign King There will come a day, standing face to face

In a moment we will be like Him He will wipe our eyes dry Take us up to His side And forever we will be His Singing blessing and honour, Glory and power, forever to our God 514. Theres a sound on the wind like a victory song Theres a sound on the wind like a victory song; Listen now, let it rest on your soul. Its a song that I learned from a heavenly King, Its a song of a battle royal. Theres a loud shout of victory That leaps from our hearts, As we wait for our conquering King. Theres a triumph resounding from dark ages past, To the victory song we now sing. Come on heavens children, The city is in sight. There will be no sadness On the other side. Theres a sound on the wind like a victory song; Listen now, let it rest on your soul. Its a song that I learned from a heavenly King, Its a song of a battle royal. 515. Rejoice, rejoice, Christ is in you Key: D Rejoice, rejoice! Christ is in you The hope of glory in our hearts. He lives, He lives! His breath is in you. Arise! A mighty army we arise! Now is the time for us to march upon the land Into our hands He will give the ground we claim; He rides in majesty to lead us into victory, The world shall see that Christ is Lord.

Rejoice, rejoice.... God is at work in us, His purpose to perform Building a kingdom of power not of words; Where things impossible By faith shall be made possible: Lets give the glory to Him now. Rejoice, rejoice.... Though we are weak, His grace is everything we need Were made of clay, but this treasure is within; He turns our weaknesses into His opportunities, So that the glory goes to Him. 516. Jesus is tenderly calling you home Key: A Jesus is tenderly calling you home Calling today, calling today, Why from the sunshine of love will you roam, Farther and farther away? Calling today, calling today, Jesus is calling, is tenderly calling today. Jesus is calling the weary to rest, Calling today, calling today, Bring Him your burden and you shall be blest; He will not turn you away. Jesus is waiting, O come to Him now, Waiting today, waiting today, Come with your sins, at His feet lowly bow; Come, and no longer delay. Jesus is pleading, O list to His voice, Hear Him today, hear Him today, They who believe on His name shall rejoice; Quickly arise and away. 517. There's a peace I've come to know Key: A

There's a peace I've come to know Though my heart and flesh may fail There's an anchor for my soul I can say "It is well" Jesus has overcome And the grave is overwhelmed The victory is won He is risen from the dead And I will rise when He calls my name No more sorrow, no more pain I will rise on eagles' wings Before my God fall on my knees And rise I will rise There's a day that's drawing near When this darkness breaks to light And the shadows disappear And my faith shall be my eyes And I hear the voice of many angels sing, "Worthy is the Lamb" And I hear the cry of every longing heart, "Worthy is the Lamb" 518. Be free in the love of God Key: G Be free in the love of God, Let His Spirit flow within you. Be free in the love of God, Let it fill your soul. Be free in the love of God, Celebrate His name with dancing. Be free in the love of God, He has made us whole. For His purpose He has called us, In His hands He will uphold us. He will keep us and sustain us In the Father's love. God is gracious, He will lead us Through His power at work within us. Spirit, guide us, and unite us In the Father's love. 519. Grace! 'tis a charming sound Key: C

Grace! 'tis a charming sound, Harmonious to the ear; Heav'n with the echo shall resound, And all the earth shall hear. Saved by grace alone! This is all my plea; Jesus died for all mankind, And Jesus died for me. 'Twas grace that wrote my name In life's eternal book; 'Twas grace that gave me to the Lamb, Who all my sorrows took. Grace taught my wandering feet To tread the pilgrim road; And new supplies each hour I meet While pressing on to God. Grace taught my heart to pray, And made my eyes o'erflow; 'Tis grace which kept me to this day, And will not let me go. Grace all the work shall crown Through everlasting days; It lays in love the topmost stone, And well deserves the praise. Oh, let that grace inspire My heart with strength divine; May all my powers to Thee aspire, And all my days be Thine. 520. In the summer of life Key: A In the summer of life In the laughter and light I will love You I will trust You When I am weary and dry In the soul's darkest night I will love You I will trust You You are my strength and my song Always giving me hope to go on At all times I will sing of Your greatness At all times I will sing of Your love At all times I will say You are faithful For Your goodness remains And Your love is the same

At all times On the mountain of joy Where the view is so clear I will love You I will trust You When I feel all alone In the valley of tears I will love You I will trust You Whatever life brings Still I will sing You are good (3) (2) 521. Yeshu ne hame chudaya hai Key: E Yeshu ne hame chudaya hai paapon ke jaal se Yeshu ne hame bachaya hai shaitan ki chaal se (2) To Gao Hallelujah (8) Hum ne shanti payi hai Yeshu ke naam se Hum ne payi hai shamaa mukti shraapon se (2) Ab hum naa darenge Yeshu jo sath hai Shaitan se hum ladenge Yeshu ke naam se (2) Shalom shanti aur salaam Laye hai Apke naam Shalom shanti aur salaam Ye hai Yeshu ka paigaam 522. I am a C, I am a CH Key: G I am a C, I am a CH, I am a CHRISTIAN And I have CHRIST in my HEART And I will LIVE ETERNALLY 523. Bags of gold Key: Em Bags of gold can never buy, The happiness you're hunting for (2) Happiness is not the money you have

Nor the gold, nor the car, Nor the dress you wear Happiness is loving Jesus everyday Happiness is not the fun you have With the friends who will come And stick around you Happiness is loving Jesus everyday Happiness is not the liquor you drink Nor the books, nor the film, Nor the cigar you smoke Happiness is loving Jesus everyday. 524. Be bold and be strong Key: Em Be bold and be strong, Banish fear and doubt, For the promise of the Lord Is to bless your coming in And bless your going out Rejoice(8) Arise O Lord, save me O my Lord (2), For thou has smite the cheeks of my enemy, Thou has shattered the teeth of the wicked, Salvation belongs to the Lord (2), And the blessings be upon thy people. (Arise..) 525. I don't know why Jesus loved me Key: A I don't know why Jesus loved me I don't know why He cared I don't know why He sacrificed His life Oh, but I'm glad, so glad He did Where would I be if Jesus didn't love me? Where would I be if Jesus didn't care? Where would I be if He hadn't sacrificed His life Oh, but I'm glad, so glad He did 526. Yield not to temptation Key: G Yield not to temptation, for yielding is

sin; Each victry will help you some other to win; Fight manfully onward, dark passions subdue; Look ever to Jesus, He will carry you through. Ask the Saviour to help you, Comfort, strengthen, and keep you; He is willing to aid you, He will carry you through. Shun evil companions, bad language disdain, Gods name hold in revrence, nor take it in vain; Be thoughtful and earnest, kindhearted and true; Look ever to Jesus, He will carry you through. To him that oercometh, God giveth a crown, Through faith we will conquer, though often cast down; He who is our Saviour, our strength will renew; Look ever to Jesus, He will carry you through 527. He leadeth me Key: D He leadeth me, O blessed thought! O words with heavnly comfort fraught! Whateer I do, whereer I be Still tis Gods Hand that leadeth me. He leadeth me, He leadeth me, By His own Hand He leadeth me; His faithful follwer I would be, For by His hand He leadeth me. Sometimes mid scenes of deepest gloom, Sometimes where Edens bowers bloom, By waters still, oer troubled sea, Still tis His Hand that leadeth me. Lord, I would place my hand in Thine, Nor ever murmur nor repine; Content, whatever lot I see, Since tis my God that leadeth me.

And when my task on earth is done, When by Thy grace the victrys won, Een deaths cold wave I will not flee, Since God through Jordan leadeth me. 528. I am Thine, O Lord Key: G I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice, And it told Thy love to me; But I long to rise in the arms of faith, And be closer drawn to Thee. Draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, To the cross where Thou hast died; Draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, To Thy precious, bleeding side. Consecrate me now to Thy service, Lord, By the pow'r of grace divine; Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope And my will be lost in Thine. O, the pure delight of a single hour That before Thy throne I spend, When I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my God, I commune as friend with friend! There are depths of love that I cannot know Till I cross the narrow sea; There are heights of joy that I may not reach Till I rest in peace with Thee. 529. I feel like singing all the time Key: A I feel like singing all the time, My tears are wiped away; For Jesus is a friend of mine, I'll serve Him every day. Im singing, singing, Singing all the time; Singing, singing, Singing all the time. When on the cross my Lord I saw,

Nailed there by sins of mine; Fast fell the burning tears; but now, Im singing all the time. When fierce temptations try my heart, I sing, Jesus is mine; And so, though tears at times may start, Im singing all the time. The wondrous story of the Lamb, Tell with that voice of thine, Till others, with the glad new song Go singing all the time. 530. Rock of Ages, cleft for me Key: A Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood, From Thy wounded side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath and make me pure. Not the labor of my hands Can fulfill Thy laws demands; Could my zeal no respite know, Could my tears forever flow, All for sin could not atone; Thou must save, and Thou alone. Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling; Naked, come to Thee for dress; Helpless, look to Thee for grace; Foul, I to the Fountain fly; Wash me, Saviour, or I die. While I draw this fleeting breath, When my eyes shall close in death, When I rise to worlds unknown, And behold Thee on Thy throne, Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee 531. What can wash away my sin Key: E What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus; What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh! precious is the flow

That makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. For my pardon, this I see, Nothing but the blood of Jesus; For my cleansing this my plea, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Nothing can for sin atone, Nothing but the blood of Jesus; Naught of good that I have done, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. This is all my hope and peace, Nothing but the blood of Jesus; This is all my righteousness, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Now by this Ill overcome Nothing but the blood of Jesus, Now by this Ill reach my home Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Glory! Glory! This I sing Nothing but the blood of Jesus, All my praise for this I bring Nothing but the blood of Jesus. 532. Searching the world Key: E Searching the world, The lost will be found In freedom we live, As one we cry out You carried the cross, You died and rose again, My God, I'll only ever give my all. You sent Your Son, From heaven to earth, You delivered us all, It's eternally heard, I searched for Truth And all I found is You My God, I'll only ever give my all. Jesus, we're living for Your name, We'll never be ashamed of You, woo,oh,oh Our praise and all we are today Take, take, take, it all Take, take, take, it all.

Running to the One who heals the blind Following the shining light In Your Hands the power to save the world And my life 533. My foes are many Key: B My foes are many, they rise against me But I will hold my ground I will not fear the war, I will not fear the storm My help is on the way, my help is on the way Oh, my God, He will not delay My refuge and strength always I will not fear, His promise is true My God will come through always, always Troubles surround me, chaos abounding My soul will rest in You I will not fear the war, I will not fear the storm My help is on the way, my help is on the way I lift my eyes up, my help comes from the Lord (4) From You Lord, from You Lord 534. I hear the Saviour say Key: D I hear the Saviour say, Thy strength indeed is small; Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in Me thine all in all. Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow. For nothing good have I Whereby Thy grace to claim, Ill wash my garments white In the blood of Calvrys Lamb. And now complete in Him My robe His righteousness, Close sheltered neath His side,

I am divinely blest. Lord, now indeed I find Thy power and Thine alone, Can change the lepers spots And melt the heart of stone. When from my dying bed My ransomed soul shall rise, Jesus died my soul to save, Shall rend the vaulted skies. And when before the throne I stand in Him complete, Ill lay my trophies down All down at Jesus feet. 535. In the city on the hill Key: G In the city on the hill Hear the bells chime Peace on earth good will Its Christmas time Glad tidings we will bring Of Christ the new born King And with the angels sing At Christmas time In a town of Bethlehem See the stars shine Fall down and worship Him Its Christmas time Glo...ho...ho...oo..ria In exelcis Deo... (2) 536. One day when Heaven was filled with His praises Key: A One day when Heaven was filled with His praises One day when sin was as black as could be Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin Dwelt among men, my example is He Word became flesh and the Light shined among us His glory revealed Living He loved me, dying He saved me And buried He carried my sins far away

Rising He justified freely forever One day He's coming, oh, glorious day Oh, glorious day One day they led Him up Calvary's mountain One day they nailed Him to die on a tree Suffering anguish, despised and rejected Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He Hands that healed nations, stretched out on a tree And took the nails for me One day the grave could conceal Him no longer One day the stone rolled away from the door Then He arose, over death He had conquered Now He's ascended, my Lord evermore Death could not hold Him The grave could not keep Him from rising again One day the trumpet will sound for His coming One day the skies with His glories will shine Wonderful day, my beloved One bringing My Saviour Jesus is mine 537. Into my heart Key: E Into my heart, Into my heart, Come into my heart, Lord Jesus Come in today, come in to stay, Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. He's He's He's He's He's in my heart, in my heart, in my heart, forever here today, He's here to stay, in my heart, forever.

His blessings You have given them forever And holy is His name Holy is His name You alone have done great things I cant boast of anything Mighty One and King of kings, Jesus You alone have done great things By Your living Word in me Mighty One and King of Kings, Jesus And its Your name we're shouting out Shouting out loud (4) 539. Hosanna Rock Key: F Hosanna Ho, ho hosanna (4) Everybody praise the Lord (4) So clap your hands And wave your arms Play the drums Then rock the guitar (2) 540. All Your ways are good Key: Dm All Your ways are good All Your ways are sure I will trust in You alone Higher than my sight High above my life I will trust in You alone In You alone Where You go, I'll go Where You stay, I'll stay When You move, I'll move I will follow You Who You love, I'll love How You serve I'll serve If this life I lose, I will follow You I will follow You Light unto the world Light unto my life I will live for You alone You're the one I seek Knowing I will find

All I need in You alone, in You alone In You there's life everlasting In You there's freedom for my soul In You theres joy, unending joy And I will follow 541. I am chosen, I am free Key: A I am chosen, I am free I am living for eternity Free now forever You picked me up, turned me around You set my feet on solid ground Yours now forever And nothing's gonna hold me back Nothing's gonna hold me back Nothing's gonna hold me back My chains fell off, my heart was free I'm alive to live for You I'm alive to live for You Amazing Love, how can it be? You gave everything for me You gave everything for me You washed my sin and shame away The slate is clean, a brand new day Free now forever Now boldly I approach Your throne To claim this crown through Christ my own Yours now forever I'm free to live, free to give Free to be, I'm free to love You (3) Lord 542. Reach up high Key: A I reach up high, I touch the ground I stomp my feet and I turn around I've got to praise the Lord I jump and dance with all my might I might look funny but that's alright Ive got to praise the Lord Ill do anything just for my Lord Cos He's done everything for me It doesn't matter who is looking on Jesus is the person that I want to please

May my whole life be a song of praise To worship You in every way In this song the actions praise Your name I want my actions every day to do the same 543. Reboot Key: D Oh oh oh oh oh....... Reboot, restart, when Jesus came into my heart My life is set apart; You gave me a brand new start Made me a new creation, old things they will depart So I want to remain in Christ (2) Oh oh oh oh oh....... Shout aloud with a heart full of joy, Sin's hold over us has been destroyed Washed my stains now I'm whiter than snow, Declared "Not Guilty!" by the mercy of God Our transgressions are removed from us, As far as the east is from the west Reboot, restart, when Jesus came into my heart My life is set apart; You gave me a brand new start Made me a new creation, old things they will depart So I want to remain in Christ (2) Oh oh oh oh oh....... Uproot my pride and all lies will disappear, Your Word is the only Truth I will endear Against the flow I'm striving to endure, For it's only the Lord and not death that I fear 544. When you've prayed every prayer Key: C When you've prayed every prayer That you know how to pray

538. My soul proclaims Your greatness Lord Key: E My soul proclaims Your greatness Lord Rejoicing in my Saviour Your mercy belongs to those who fear Your Son

Just remember the Lord will hear And the answer is on it's way Our God is able He is mighty He is faithful And He never sleeps, He never slumbers He never tires of hearing our prayer When we are weak He becomes stronger So rest in His love and cast all of your cares on Him Do you feel that the Lord Has forgotten your need Just remember that God is always Working in ways you cannot see. 545. Who holds the heavens in His hands Key: C#m Who holds the heavens in His hands Who made the stars by the word of His power Who put the spirit in man And causes all the earth to cry out glory Glory to the Lord Worship Him The God of our salvation Glory to the Lord Honour Him He reigns He rules the nations He is righteous and worthy To be worshiped and adored Lift your voices and give Glory to the Lord Who holds the rightous by the hand Who is the way in the marvelous hour Who stirs the heart of a man And causes all His saints to cry out glory 546. What can I give Key: F What can I give, what can I bring That would be pleasing to my King I'll give my heart, not just a part I'm lifting up my everything Well it's all I have to offer And it's all I have to give

Two hands, one heart One life to offer You Two hands one heart That's what I give to You Use me today, I know You can Lord I surrender to Your plan You made this heart, You made these hands Take me and use me as I am Well it's all I have to offer And it's all I have to give Little becomes a lot When it's in Your hands Take me and make me more like You Well it may not seem like much But with the Master's touch I know that I'll be more like You

INDEX We want to see Jesus lifted high 1 Hail Jesus, Youre my King 2 There is none like You 3 God will make a way 4 JesusJesus 5 I believe in Jesus 6 Glory, Glory in the highest 7 He is the Lord and He reigns on high 8 I hear the sound of rustling 9 You are holy, Lord 10 Father I cant explain 11 Jesus take me as I am 12 In heavenly armour well enter the land 13 We will worship the Maker of all things 14 Praise Him, Praise Him 15 Would you be free from the burden of sin 16 Well walk the land 17 I have decided to follow Jesus 18 I regret the hours I have wasted 19 Come sing a new psalm of David 20 Dont let my love grow cold 21 Do you love my Jesus 22 Jesus is the mighty God 23 Come let us sing praise to our King 24 How I love You 25 Running over 26 Friends, love one another 27 I was once in darkness 28 We fall down we lay our crowns 29 When the music fades 30 I just came to praise the Lord 31 I have a Maker 32 Send down Your rain 33 Praise is the power of heaven 34 Oh Lord in Jesus name 35 You are my strength when I am weak 36 No one but You Lord 37 Youre calling me to lay aside 38

Thy loving kindness is better than life 39 Sing them over again to me 40 When the saints go marching in 41 Men of faith rise up and sing 42 Mercy is falling 43 I'm trading my sorrows 44 The Lord loves me 45 I will dance, I will sing 46 This is the air I breathe 47 I wanna sing, wanna sing 48 Celebrate Jesus celebrate 49 You are my refuge 50 Lord I come to You 51 Welcome Holy Spirit 52 Give me one pure and holy passion 53 Above all 54 With our hearts we believe 55 Let Your Living Water flow over my soul 56 Mighty is our God 57 We bring the sacrifice of Praise 58 Purify my heart 59 In Your presence I will sing Holy 60 Nothing can wash away my sin 61 Praise You, Lord for saving me 62 Change my heart Oh God 63 Salvation belongs to Our God64 I am a wounded soldier 65 I love You Lord, and I lift my voice 66 Oh what a glorious God 67 Holiness, holiness is what I long for 68 First Love 69 Fear Not! For I am with you 70 I love to be in Your presence 71 Ah Lord God 72 Be Glorified 73 I will call upon Thee Lord 74 Come on and celebrate 75 Lord the light of Your love is shining 76 Shepherd of my soul 77 Give thanks 78 Abba Father, let me be 79 As the deer 80 Father God I wonder how I managed to exist 81 More love, more power 82

Let there be love shared among us 83 I will enter His gates 84 Ascribe greatness to our God 85 You are my hiding place 86 Celebrate! Celebrate 87 As we gather 88 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases 89 If youre happy and you know it 90 Lord I lift Your name on high 91 Come let us worship and bow down 92 Create in me a clean heart 93 Come, now is the time to worship 94 I have seen, seen the downfall of Satan 95 Im here to meet with You 96 Clap your hands all ye people 97 Blessing and honour 98 Lord, You are more precious than silver 99 What a mighty God we serve 100 I lift my hands to the coming King 101 Praise Him on the trumpet 102 Jehovah Jireh, my Provider 103 Im gonna thank the Lord 104 Ill do my best my very best 105 You shall go out with joy 106 Stand up, stand up for Jesus 107 All hail the power of Jesus name 108 Amazing grace! How sweet the sound 109 Once again the Gospel message 110 Blessd assurance, Jesus is mine 111 Jesus wants me for a sunbeam 112 Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! 113 Take the name of Jesus with you 114 I need Thee every hour 115 Jesus bids us shine with a clear, pure, light 116 When peace, like a river, attendeth my way 117 Jesus is our Shepherd, wiping every tear 118

Just as I am, without one plea 119 What a fellowship, what a joy divine 120 Out of my bondage, sorrow and night 121 Nobody else couldve changed my heart 122 Lord, I hear of showers of blessing 123 Take my life, and let it be 124 Peace is flowing like a river 125 This joy that I have 126 I lift my eyes up 127 Your love is amazing, steady and unchanging 128 All to Jesus I surrender 129 I'm giving You my heart, all that is within 130 Be careful little eyes what you see 131 Jesus! We enthrone You 132 Worthy, You are worthy 133 Alla lallalallelalleluyah 134 Jesus is the winner Man 135 O heaven is in my heart 136 Soon and very soon 137 My Jesus My Saviour 138 Im so in love with You Lord 139 Father I adore You 140 Hosanna in the Highest 141 Its a great thing to praise the Lord 142 When The Spirit of the Lord 143 With Christ in the vessel 144 Im alive alert awake enthusiastic 145 Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost 146 Oh come let us adore Him 147 All hail King Jesus 148 All heaven declares 149 When He rolls up His sleeves 150 Father in heaven, how we love You 151 God is good, we sing and shout it 152 Great and mighty is He 153 He is Lord, He is Lord 154 I am the God that healeth thee 155 For Thou, O Lord art high 156 It's Your blood that cleanses me 157 In my life, Lord 158

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord 159 Majesty, worship His Majesty 160 Meekness and majesty 161 No weapon formed against us shall prosper162 Reign in me, sovereign Lord, reign in me 163 You are the Rock of my salvation 164 Saviour, like a shepherd, lead us 165 Seek ye first the kingdom of God 166 Take me past the outer courts 167 When I look into Your holiness 168 You laid aside Your majesty 169 Holiness unto the Lord 170 I sing praises to Your name, O Lord 171 My life is in You Lord 172 On bended knee I come 173 Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary 174 You are Lord of creation 175 Don't you know it's time to praise the Lord 176 You are the sovereign I Am 177 Who is like Him the Lion and the Lamb 178 In the secret in the quiet place 179 Unto Thee O Lord 180 Theres not a friend like the lowly Jesus 181 If we call to Him He will answer us 182 Jesus put this song into our hearts 183 Sing unto the Lord a new song 184 I will celebrate, sing unto the Lord 185 Every move I make I make in You 186 It is the cry of my heart to follow You 187 Your light broke through my night 188 Who is like the Lord 189 Father we love You 190

He is exalted, the King is exalted on high 191 Sing hallelujah to the Lord 192 He that is in us is greater than he 193 God sent His Son 194 Lets all go up to Zion 195 Beloved let us love one another 196 Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised 197 God is so good 198 Happiness is to know the Saviour 199 Ive got peace like a river 200 I wanna sing and praise the Lord 201 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord 202 Amen praise the Lord 203 I walk by faith 204 I will fight for you I will see you through 205 I delight in the Lord with all my heart 206 Holy Spirit, You will never change 207 Something on the inside working on the outside 208 When the Spirit of the Lord is moving 209 On whose side are you leaning on 210 You bring love like the summer sun 211 The Spirit of the Lord is great and mighty 212 Oh God, You are my God 213 There is no rock 214 I wanna live for Jesus 215 Open the eyes of my heart Lord 216 All the way my Saviour leads me 217 Rescue the perishing, care for the dying 218 Faith of our fathers, living still 219 Shining for Jesus everywhere I go 220 Light in the darkness, sailor, day is at hand 221 Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father 222 More about Jesus would I know 223

How I praise Thee, precious Saviour 224 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus 225 I bring Thee dear Jesus, my all 226 These are the days of Elijah 227 Into Thy presence I come 228 Hallelujah, hallelujah 229 What a friend we have in Jesus 230 Bind us together Lord 231 Oh, let the Son of God enfold you 232 O Protector of my soul 233 We are here to praise You 234 Jesus, Youre the sweetest name of all 235 Take time to be holy 236 You are exalted, Lord, above all else 237 All hail the Lamb, enthroned on high 238 From the valley floor to the mountain top 239 Almighty, most Holy God 240 Be bold! Be strong! 241 I will give thanks to Thee 242 Be still for the presence of the Lord 243 Blessed be the name of the Lord 244 For the Lord is marching on 245 Glory, glory Lord, we give You glory, Lord 246 He walked where I walk 247 Everybody ought to know 248 Heavenly Father, I appreciate You 249 As David did in Jehovahs sight 250 Let the words of my mouth 251 Jesus, we celebrate Your victory 252 Lord I come before Your throne of grace 253 There are no words to tell You how I love You 254 God of glory we exalt Your name 255 The earth is the Lords 256 I am a new creation 257 Jesus, what a wonder You are 258 Worthy, Oh worthy are You Lord 259

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever 260 O Lord, You're beautiful 261 His name is higher than any other 262 My glory and the Lifter of my head 263 I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live 264 Put on the garment of praise 265 Standing in the presence of Jesus 266 He was pierced for our transgressions 267 Thank You for the cross 268 My lips shall praise You, my great Redeemer 269 How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him 270 I worship You, Almighty God 271 Lord You are so precious to me 272 You are beautiful beyond description 273 I am thinking today of that beautiful land 274 Sitting at the feet of Jesus 275 There's no one, there's no one like Jesus 276 I will follow You, live my life in You 277 Blessed be Your name 278 Song of freedom is on my lips 279 Be the reason I live 280 Light of the world 281 There is a redeemer 282 When I survey the wondrous cross 283 I'm forgiven, because You were forsaken 284 You are the Light of the world 285 How deep the Father's love for us 286 How marvellous! How wonderful! 287 Sing hallelujah, say hallelujah 288 Romans 16:19 289 Father I place into Your hands 290 Holy words 291 Jesus, I've forgotten 292

Some may trust in horses 293 Jesus, You're my firm foundation 294 God is good all the time 295 I will rejoice 296 Be it unto me according to Your Word 297 O Lord, Your tenderness 298 O Lord our Lord how majestic 299 He is my everything 300 He is Jehovah, God of creation 301 He is fairer than the Lilly of the valley 302 Give me oil in my lamp 303 The law of the Lord is perfect 304 The Lord reigns 305 Sweep over my soul 306 Hark my soul! It is the Lord 307 Come bless the Lord 308 I lift up my eyes 309 Think about His love 310 Almighty God, we bring You praise 311 I'm confident of this very thing 312 I waited for the Lord on High 313 Rejoice in the Lord always 314 O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder 315 You are filled with compassion and mercy and grace 316 Break our hearts 317 God of all 318 There's a life that's never ending 319 Meri zindagi ki har khushi Tu hi hai Masih 320 You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning 321 The sun cannot compare 322 Water You turned into wine 323 Don't want to stand here and shout Your praise 324 Praise to the Lord 325 How precious is Your heart, O God 326 Everlasting God 327 You are the only One I need 328 I will sing hosanna 329

Giver of every breath I breathe 330 One thing we ask of You 331 We bow our hearts 332 Greatest day in history 333 I will exalt Your name 334 You are the God who reconciles 335 Praise is rising 336 Some hope in what their eyes can see 337 Well Ive been moving in a new direction 338 Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord 339 I will worship 340 Great is Your faithfulness oh God 341 O Lord, our Lord, how majestic 342 My ways are not Your ways 343 Down the mountain the river flows 344 You, oh Lord, are my refuge345 Be Thou my vision 346 How lovely is Your dwelling place 347 Better than the riches of this world 348 In Christ alone 349 A thousand times Ive failed 350 Lord of all creation 351 Amazing grace, how sweet the sound 352 A mighty fortress is our God 353 The splendour of a King 354 Hungry 355 The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want 356 Over the mountains and the sea 357 From the highest of heights 358 He became sin 359 Let the holy roar of God resound 360 Everyone needs compassion 361 Give ear to my words 362 Even though I walk 363 Be still, my soul 364 Praise Him! Praise Him! 365 Alas and did my Saviour bleed 366 My hope is built on nothing less 367

Wonderful grace of Jesus 368 Jesus Christ, I think upon Your sacrifice 369 You are holy 370 And can it be 371 O the deep, deep love of Jesus 372 Seek ye first the kingdom of God 373 When we walk with the Lord374 All I once held dear built my life upon 375 When upon lifes billows 376 Jesus hope of the nations 377 Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee 378 There is a name I love to hear 379 Fixing my eyes on You 380 Whatever is true 381 I believe that You're here with me 382 Who am I that You are mindful of me 383 Love the Lord, your God 384 You are the source of life 385 As morning dawns and evening fades 386 Oh Lord my God in You I put my trust 387 God above, the world in motion 388 With all Im holding inside 389 Youre the One who made the heavens 390 Its the old-time Holy Spirit 391 Have Thine own way 392 God be with you till we meet again 393 The churchs one foundation 394 All who are thirsty 395 We all want to be part of 396 Before the day, before the light 397 Come unto Me 398 Everything that moves and breathes 399 I am not skilled to understand 400 I cry out 401 I lay my life down at Your feet 402 For I'm building a people of power 403 John 3:16 404

Come, Thou fount of every blessing 405 My soul finds rest in You 406 Oh Lord I want to sing Your praises 407 Thank You for the cross Lord 408 There is an endless song 409 There is joy in the Lord 410 This is my desire 411 Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet 412 We are the servants of the only King 413 You are the holy One 414 We have heard the thunder 415 We have sung our songs of victory 416 We stand and lift up our hands 417 What kind of joy can make me dance 418 What to say Lord it's 419 Pickd me up from the miry clay 420 Wonderful, so wonderful 421 You are more beautiful 422 You are my supply 423 You have my heart 424 Your love is deep 425 Your love is everlasting 426 Hide me now under Your wings 427 Bigger than all my problems 428 Who am I 429 I believe I will see 430 The Lord is my Light and my Salvation 431 O precious sight 432 Jesus, name above all names 433 I've wandered so aimless 434 Behold what manner of love 435 In His time 436 I just want to be where You are 437 Great is the Lord 438 Blessed be the name of the Lord 439 Love the Lord your God 440 Be still and know that I am God 441 Im finding myself at a loss for words 442

Give thanks to the Lord 443 Turn your ear to heaven 444 Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power 445 I can only imagine 446 Over all the earth You reign on high 447 Standing on the promises 448 Let the redeemed449 To God be the glory 450 We believe in God the Father 451 We've a story to tell to the nations 452 El-Shaddai 453 Jesus loves me! this I know 454 My Jesus I love Thee 455 From heaven You came 456 Draw me close to You 457 Beautiful Lord, wonderful Saviour 458 Every new day Your glory unfolds 459 On a hill far away 460 Wonderful, merciful Saviour 461 This world is not my home 462 I'll fly away 463 Hear my cry O Lord 464 Jesus put a song in my heart 465 Just one of us can put a thousand to flight 466 The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want 467 Make my life a prayer to You 468 I found it hard to believe 469 After all the things that You have shown me 470 To hear with my heart 471 Praise the Lord! Hallelu! 472 You are good 473 Still in the Spirit, Im free 474 For The Lord is my tower 475 Lord,You are good 476 I can feel You 477 To Him who sits on the throne 478 Great and mighty is the Lord our God 479 There is joy, joy, joy 480 Im so glad Jesus set me free 481 You are the words and the music

482 I won't stop never gonna stop praising 483 Lift up His name within the sanctuary 484 Here is our King 485 The day is brighter here with You 486 Never ending always 487 Now unto the King eternal 488 Bless the Lord, Oh my soul 489 Every day, Im growing up 490 In a world thats lost and seeking 491 Behold, bless ye the Lord 492 Hallelujah, Hallelujah 493 Glory Hallelujah to the 494 Let no one caught in sin remain 495 I will call upon the Lord 496 Lord I stand in the midst of a multitude 497 We will seek Your face Almighty God 498 Lord make me an instrument 499 Jesus, Youre all I need 500 Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down 501 Only by grace can we enter 502 We come into Your presence with singing 503 I could sing unending songs 504 All creatures of our God and King 505 Open up the skies of mercy 506 O God, our help in ages past 507 Our God is a great big God 508 Lord, You have my heart 509 Fairest Lord Jesus 510 Before the throne of God above 511 Worthy is the Lamb who was slain 512 When the stars burn down and the earth wears out 513 Theres a sound on the wind like a victory song 514 Rejoice, rejoice, Christ is in you 515 Jesus is tenderly calling you home 516 There's a peace I've come to know 517 Be free in the love of God 518

Grace! 'tis a charming sound 519 In the summer of life 520 Yeshu ne hame chudaya hai521 I am a C, I am a CH 522 Bags of gold 523 Be bold and be strong 524 I don't know why Jesus loved me 525 Yield not to temptation 526 He leadeth me 527 I am Thine, O Lord 528 I feel like singing all the time 529 Rock of Ages, cleft for me 530 What can wash away my sin 531 Searching the world 532 My foes are many 533 I hear the Saviour say 534 In the city on the hill 535 One day when Heaven was filled with His praises 536 Into my heart 537 My soul proclaims Your greatness Lord 538 Hosanna Rock 539 All Your ways are good 540 I am chosen, I am free 541 Reach up high 542 Reboot 543 When you've prayed every prayer 544 Who holds the heavens in His hands 545 What can I give 546

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