11/03/2011 at 9am Strategy & Title/Source for Lesson: o Tic Tac Toe Board Standard: o Reading: Reading Applications: Literacy text
Benchmark: Grade Level Indicator: Reading: o Reading: 2. Use concrete details from the text to describe characters and setting. Student Performance Objective: o The student will demonstrate the ability to use concrete details from the text to describe characters and setting by successfully creating a open mind portrait. Materials/Resources Needed: o Lesson Box One Paper Markers, crayons etc. Animal books for reference o Lesson Box Two Leap Frog Computer o Lesson Box Three Animal sorts Paper Markers crayons etc. o Lesson Box Four Paper Markers, crayons etc. Animal books for reference o Lesson Box Five Paper Markers, crayons etc. Animal books for reference o Lesson Box Six Brown bag Glue Scissors Markers, crayons etc. o Lesson Box Seven Paper Markers, crayons etc. Animal books for reference
o Lesson Box Eight Paper Markers, crayons etc. Animal books for reference o Lesson Box Nine Paper Markers, crayons etc. Animal books for reference Glue Scissors Markers, crayons etc. Paper plates Procedure: Choral Reading : time estimate-15 minutes o Opening/focus/anticipatory set: o Good Morning class today we are going to be working on our unit of animals! We have learned aobut how animals move, what they look like, where animals live, what animals eat etc. We are going to be working on some activities during this unit independently using tic tac toe boards! Who has played tic tac toe before? The point is you need to get three spot in a row going diagonally, horizontally or vertically. I am going to give each one of you a board and you need to complete three activities in a row just like if you were going to win a game of tic tac toe! You will do these activities when you have finished your regular activities and need something else to work on while the class is finishing up their work. There will also be days that we might just have time that is designated for only tic-tac-toe board work o Teacher modeling/demonstration of learning including any differentiation of instruction After discussing the topic I will then give a demonstration for the class how the tic tac toe board works so that the students can better understand how to do the activities. Okay so say I wanted to do my tic tac toe board and I am going to start with box 7. First I am going to grab all the materials it says I need for that lesson and bring them back to my desk. I am going to follow the directions on my own and draw a habitat of an animal. Once I am done with that activity I will color in that box and put my materials away. Then I have to pick either one of these activities (pointing to the three options I could use for a tic tac toe board) I will pick this activity then do the next one. o Guided practice: So now lets do an example together so that when we work on our own we will know what to do! So can I have a volunteer to please come up here and pick an activity to do? Good now what would you do? Get supplies and complete the assignment once you are done then what will you do? Right! Color in the box! Now lets get someone else to do the next one? I would continue this for three activities and discuss them with the children. I would also go through and explain in detail how to do the activities because they are kindergarteners and have trouble-reading directions at this point. o Independent practice: You guys seem to really get the hang of it so now we are going to spend some time working on our own boards!
o Class Discussion and/or group activity: After we finish I will ask the class what they thought of the tic tac toe board and, whether they liked it or not. I will ask them if they thought it was too difficult or too easy and why. I will also ask them what activities on the board were too easy or too hard. Then after this I will have them share with the class o Closure of lesson that determine if goals/objective(s) were met: After the activity I will assess the classes progress and see if the goals were met by checking their answers that they present in class. I will check their progress after they complete one or two activities to make sure that they are doing the activity correctly. Authentic Assessment of Learners Achievement Related to Goals/Objectives: Did the students learn from the activities? Were they successful in working independently? I will check their comprehension to make sure that they are able to follow the directions with the picture cues, sight words, and verbal directions that I have given them in class.