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HART Guide

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1 DateofPublication:September20,2011 DocumentDistribution/MaintenanceControl/DocumentApproval To obtain information concerning document distribution control, maintenance control, and document approval please contacttheHARTCommunicationFoundation(HCF)attheaddressshownbelow. Copyright2011(19972010)HARTCommunicationFoundation This document contains copyrighted material and may not be reproduced in any fashion without the written permission of theHARTCommunicationFoundation. TrademarkInformation HART is a registered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation, Austin, Texas, USA. Any use of the term HART hereafter in this document, or in any document referenced by this document, implies the registered trademark. WirelessHART is a trademark of the HART Communication Foundation. All other trademarks used in this or referenced documentsaretrademarksoftheirrespectivecompanies.FormoreinformationcontacttheHCFStaffattheaddressbelow.

Attention:FoundationDirector HARTCommunicationFoundation 9390ResearchBoulevard SuiteI350 Austin,TX78759,USA Voice:(512)7940369 FAX:(512)7943904 http://www.hartcomm.org IntellectualPropertyRights The HCF does not knowingly use or incorporate any information or data into the HART Protocol Standards which the HCF does not own or have lawful rights to use. Should the HCF receive any notification regarding the existence of any conflicting Private IPR, the HCF will review the disclosure and either (a) determine there is no conflict; (b) resolve the conflict with the IPR owner; or (c) modify the standard to remove the conflicting requirement. In no case does the HCF encourageimplementerstoinfringeonanyindividual'sororganization'sIPR. AcknowledgementofcontributionsbyDresserMasonelianandMooreIndustriesInternational,Inc.


PREFACE __________________________________________________________________________ 7 THEORYOFOPERATION ______________________________________________________________ 8 CommunicationModes_______________________________________________________________ 9

RequestResponseMode ____________________________________________________________________9 BurstMode_______________________________________________________________________________9

FrequencyShiftKeying(FSK)__________________________________________________________ 10 PhaseShiftKeying(PSK) _____________________________________________________________ 11 HARTNetworks____________________________________________________________________ 12

PointtoPoint ____________________________________________________________________________12 Multidrop _______________________________________________________________________________13 SplitRangingControlValves_________________________________________________________________14 ControlinFieldDevices ____________________________________________________________________17 HARTFieldControllerImplementation ________________________________________________________18

HARTCommands __________________________________________________________________ 19
Universal________________________________________________________________________________19 CommonPractice _________________________________________________________________________19 DeviceSpecific ___________________________________________________________________________19

BENEFITSOFHARTCOMMUNICATION__________________________________________________ 22 ImprovedPlantOperations___________________________________________________________ 23
CostSavingsinCommissioning_______________________________________________________________23 CostSavingsinInstallation__________________________________________________________________23 DigitalCommunication_____________________________________________________________________23 ImprovedMeasurementQuality _____________________________________________________________25 CostSavingsinMaintenance ________________________________________________________________26

OperationalFlexibility_______________________________________________________________ 27 InstrumentationInvestmentProtection_________________________________________________ 28

GETTINGTHEMOSTOUTOFHARTSYSTEMS_____________________________________________ 29

WiringandInstallation______________________________________________________________ 30

IntrinsicSafety _____________________________________________________________________ 31
IntrinsicSafetyDevices_____________________________________________________________________31 DesigninganISSystemUsingShuntDiodeBarriers ______________________________________________32 DesigninganISSystemUsingIsolators ________________________________________________________32 MultidropISNetworks _____________________________________________________________________33 ISOutputLoops___________________________________________________________________________33 ISCertificationConsiderations_______________________________________________________________33 ISNetworkCableLengthCalculations _________________________________________________________33 SafetyIntegrityLevel(SIL) __________________________________________________________________34

HARTMultidropNetworks ___________________________________________________________ 35
MultidropwithHARTFieldControllers ________________________________________________________36 ApplicationConsiderations__________________________________________________________________37 ConfiguringDevicesforMultidropOperation ___________________________________________________37

ControlSystemInterfaces____________________________________________________________ 38
HARTI/OSubsystems______________________________________________________________________38 HARTI/OforMultidropSupport _____________________________________________________________38 HARTI/OforBurstModeSupport ____________________________________________________________38 DataHandling ____________________________________________________________________________39 PassthroughFeature ______________________________________________________________________39 Gateways________________________________________________________________________________39 SCADA/RTUSystems_______________________________________________________________________39

Multiplexers ______________________________________________________________________ 40
Multiplexer/RemoteI/OasthePrimaryI/OSystem _____________________________________________40 ParallelMonitoringwithaMultiplexer ________________________________________________________41 HARTOverPROFIBUS ______________________________________________________________________43

ReadingHARTDataintoNonHARTSystems _____________________________________________ 44 CommissioningHARTNetworks _______________________________________________________ 47

DeviceVerification ________________________________________________________________________47 LoopIntegrityCheck_______________________________________________________________________47


DeviceStatusandDiagnostics ________________________________________________________ 48
ConnectingaPCtoaHARTDeviceorNetwork __________________________________________________49

INDUSTRYAPPLICATIONS ____________________________________________________________ 50 HARTMultidropNetworkforTankLevelandInventoryManagement _________________________ 52 MultidropforTankFarmMonitoring___________________________________________________ 53 UndergroundPetroleumStoragewithHARTCommunicationforAccuracy _____________________ 54 LonzaChoosesHARTTechnologyforQuickValidationandCommissioning _____________________ 55 GenentechUsesHARTtoReduceLifecycleDeviceManagement _____________________________ 58 DuPontUsesHARTDatatoSatisfySafetyInterlockSystemValveTestRequirements _____________ 63 EastmanChemicalUsesHARTPressureTransmittertoAchieveCostEffectiveMaintenance________ 70 SasolSolventsUsesHARTCommunicationtoImproveAssetManagement _____________________ 72 ORBCOMMGlobalUsesHARTCommunicationinSatellitestoTransferData____________________ 79 BPCanadaEnergyUsesHARTtoImproveProcessControlandSaveMoney _____________________ 82 FrenchNationalResearchInstituteUsesHARTtoGainHighResolutionProcessValues____________ 87 CebraceUsesHARTCommunicationInterfaceforAssetManagementIntegration _______________ 90 HARTCommunicationHelpsGasPipelineCompanyModernizeOperation______________________ 94 HARTtoEthernetGateway:TwoDiverseApplications,OneSolution__________________________ 97
REFINERYMEXICO _______________________________________________________________________97 WHEATMILLGERMANY___________________________________________________________________99

PetropriarUsesHARTtoStreamlinePreventiveMaintenanceProcess________________________ 100 ShellPetroleumUsesHARTCommunicationtoImproveNigerianOperations __________________ 104 StatoilHydroUsesHARTCommunicationtoDeliverNaturalGasfromUndertheSea ____________ 107 ClariantUsesHARTTechnologytoSolveMajorProductionProblem __________________________ 114 BPCooperRiverUsesHARTDiagnosticstoIncreaseProductivity ____________________________ 118 NewYorkPowerUtilityUsesHARTtoReduceCostsandImproveReliability ___________________ 122 OhioStateUniversityUsesHARTCommunicationtoReduceRisktoProduct___________________ 124 AppletonPaperUsesHARTCommunicationtoImproveAssetManagement ___________________ 129 FraserPapersGainsPredictiveMaintenanceEdgeUsingHARTValvePositioning _______________ 132

SwedishPulpandPaperPlantUsesHARTTechnologytoImprovePlantAvailability _____________ 135 BrazilianSteelPlantUsesHARTCommunicationtoReduceDataRetrievalTime ________________ 137 AECOMCanadaUsesHARTCommunicationtoKeepWaterwaysClean_______________________ 140 DetroitWaterandSewerageDeploysHARTTechnologytoImproveCustomerSatisfaction _______ 143 HARTCommunicationSupportsSaferSewerSystem______________________________________ 153 PersianGulfCompanyUsesHARTCommunicationtoImproveWaterConversionProcess ________ 155 SluvadWaterWorksEmploysHARTMultiDropNetworkCapabilityforCostSavings_____________ 158 WheretoGetInformation ___________________________________________________________ 161 APPENDIXA:HARTChecklist_________________________________________________________ 162 APPENDIXB:HARTFieldControl______________________________________________________ 165 APPENDIXC:TechnicalInformation ___________________________________________________ 167 GLOSSARY _______________________________________________________________________ 169

In todays competitive environment, all companies seek to reduce operation costs, deliver products rapidly and improve product quality. The HART (highway addressable remote transducer) CommunicationProtocoldirectlycontributestothesebusinessgoalsbyprovidingcostsavingsin: Commissioningandinstallation Plantoperationsandimprovedquality Maintenance The HART Application Guide has been created by the HART Communication Foundation) to provide users of HART products with the information necessary to obtain the full benefits of HART digital instrumentation. The HART Communication Protocol is an open standard owned by the more than 230 HCF member companies. Products that use the HART protocol to provide both analog 420A and digital signalsprovideflexibilitynotavailablewithanyothercommunicationtechnology. The following four sections of this guide provide an understanding of how the HART technology works, insight on how to apply various features of the technology, and specific examples of applications implementedbyHARTprotocolusersaroundtheworld: TheoryofOperation BenefitsofHARTCommunication GettingtheMostoutofHARTSystems IndustryApplications

The following sections explain the basic principles behind the operation of HART instruments and networks: CommunicationModes FrequencyShiftKeying HARTNetworks HARTCommands

The digital communication signal has a response time of approximately 23 data updates per second without interrupting the analog signal. A minimum loop impedance of 230 is required for communication.

HART is typically a requestresponse communication protocol, which means that during normal operation (23 data updates per second), each field device communication is initiated by a host communication device. Two hosts can connect to each HART loop. The primary host is generally a distributed control system (DCS), programmable logic controller (PLC), or a personal computer (PC).The secondary host can be a handheld terminal or another PC. Field devices include transmitters, actuators andcontrollersthatrespondtocommandsfromtheprimaryorsecondaryhost.

Some HART devices support the optional burst communication mode. Burst mode enables faster communication (34 data updates per second). In burst mode, the host instructs the field device to continuouslybroadcastastandardHARTreplymessage(e.g.,thevalueoftheprocessvariable).Thehost receivesthemessageatthehigherrateuntilitinstructsthedevicetostopbursting. Useburstmodetoenablemorethanonepassive HARTdevicetolistentocommunicationsontheHARTloop

The HART Communication Protocol is based on the Bell 202 telephone communication standard and operatesusingthefrequencyshiftkeying(FSK)principle.Thedigitalsignalismadeupoftwofrequencies 1,200 Hz and 2,200 Hz representing bits 1 and 0, respectively. Sine waves of these two frequencies are superimposed on the direct current (dc) analog signal cables to provide simultaneous analog and digital communications (Fig 1). Because the average value of the FSK signal is always zero, the 420mA analogsignalisnotaffected. Figure1.Simultaneousanaloganddigitalcommunications


PSK Physical Layerhigher speed physical layer optionavailable in HART 6 version of the HART Protocol. Supports significantly faster communications with standard command/response throughput up to 1012 transactions per second simultaneous with the 420mA signal. Approved specification, but nocommerciallyavailablechipatpresenttosupportimplementationin2wiredevices.



In pointtopoint mode, the 420mA signal is used to communicate one process variable, while additional process variables, configuration parameters, and other device data are transferred digitally using the HART Protocol (Fig 2). The 420mA analog signal is not affected by the HART signal and can be used for control. The HART communication digital signal gives access to secondary variables and other datathatcanbeusedforoperations,commissioning,maintenanceanddiagnosticpurposes.



The multidrop mode of operation requires only a single pair of wires and, if applicable, safety barriers and an auxiliary power supply for up to 15 field devices (HART 5) or 62 field devices (HART 7) (Fig 3). All process values are transmitted digitally. In multidrop mode, all field device polling addresses must be unique in a range of 163 (depending on the HART Protocol Revision) and the current through each deviceisfixedtoaminimumvalue(typically4mA). Use multidrop connection for supervisory control installations that are widely spaced such as pipelines, custodytransferstations,andtankfarms



Split range control is a single control loop divided into two or more independent final control elements such as valves acting in different directions or in different steps. There are many ways to implement a split range control: software, valve calibration or by connecting two or more positioners to a single controlsignal(usually420mA). HARTenabled intelligent valve positioners provide the easiest way to implement a split range control loop because of the easytouse configuration menus available in handheld terminals and the software configurationtoolsbasedoneitherDDsorDTMs. With HART Communication the range for each intelligent valve positioner, as well as the control action, canbesetwithhighprecision;forexample,airtoopen(ATO)orairtoclose(ATC)amongothers.Before proceeding with installation end users should check the following requirements for intelligent valve positioners: Atypicalsplitrangeloopwithtwovalveswillbeconfiguredasfollows: IntelligentValvePositioner#2 Action:ATC(AirtoClose) InputCurrentrange:1220mA Position Valve#1 Valve#2 4mA Closed FullOpen 12mA FullOpen FullOpen 20mA FullOpen Closed IntelligentValvePositioner#1 Action:ATO(AirtoOpen) Inputcurrentrange:412mA 5mAminimumcurrentspan 9VDCminimumpower Atleast18VDC(typical)availablefrompowersource(I/Ocard)fortwovalves


Setting Loop Addresses for Split Range Systems When more than one positioner is installed in a single current loop, the HART loop address of each device must be set to 1, 2, or 3 (or other nonzero values) to allow a HART master to recognize each intelligent valve positioner when connected to all three devices on a single current loop. Do not use 0 foranyofthepositioners.A0maycauseHARTmasterstostopsearchingforadditionalpositioners.



Most HARTenabled intelligent valve positioners can perform other routines prior to commissioning suchas: TodaytheuseofHARTintelligentvalvepositionersisconsideredasaBestPracticeintheindustry. FindStops Tuning Actuatoraction Shutofffunctionandlimit


Microprocessorbased smart instrumentation enables control algorithms to be calculated in the field devices, close to the process (Figure 5). Some HART transmitters and actuators support control functionality in the device, which eliminates the need for a separate controller and reduces hardware, installation, and startup costs. Accurate, closedloop control becomes possible in areas where it was not economically feasible before. While the control algorithm uses the analog signal, HART communicationprovidesthemeanstomonitortheloopandchangecontrolsetpointandparameters.

Figure5.TransmitterwithPID Placingcontrolinthefieldenhancescontrolfunctionality.Measurementaccuracyismaintainedbecause there is no need to transmit data to a separate controller. Control processing takes place at the high updaterateofthesensorandprovidesenhanceddynamicperformance.


AHARTfieldcontrollertakesadvantageoftheHARTProtocolssimultaneousanaloganddigitalsignaling by converting the transmitters traditional analog measurement output into a control output. The analog signal from the smart transmitter (controller) is used to manipulate the field device. The analog output signal also carries the HART digital signal, which is used for monitoring the process measurement,makingsetpointchanges,andtuningthecontroller. The communication rate of the HART Protocol (23 updates per second) is generally perceived as too slowtosupportclosedloopcontrolin thecentral host.With controlinthefield,the controlfunctionno longer depends on the HART Protocols communication rate. Instead, the control signal is an analog output that is updated at a rate that is much faster than can typically be processed in a conventional control system. Processing rates vary from 220 updates per second, depending on the product. The HARTdigitalcommunicationrateremainssufficientformonitoringthecontrolvariableandchangingset pointvalues.


The HART Command Set provides uniform and consistent communication for all field devices. The command set includes three classes: Universal, Common Practice, and Device Specific (Table 1). Host applicationsmayimplementanyofthenecessarycommandsforaparticularapplication.

All devices using the HART Protocol must recognize and support the universal commands. Universal commands provide access to information useful in normal operations (e.g., read primary variable and units).

Common Practice commands provide functions implemented by many, but not necessarily all, HART communicationdevices.

Device Specific commands represent functions that are unique to each field device. These commands access setup and calibration information, as well as information about the construction of the device. InformationonDeviceSpecificcommandsisavailablefromdevicemanufacturers. DeviceFamilySummaryTable UniversalCommands
Readmanufactureranddevicetype Readprimaryvariable(PV)andunits Writedampingtimeconstant Readcurrentoutputandpercentof range Readuptofourpredefineddynamic variables Readorwriteeightcharactertag,16 characterdescriptor,date Readorwrite32charactermessage Readdevicerangevalues,units,and dampingtimeconstant Readorwritefinalassemblynumber Writepollingaddress Readorwritedensitycalibrationfactor Writedevicerangevalues ChoosePV(mass,flow,ordensity) Calibrate(setzero,setspan) Setfixedoutputcurrent Performselftest Performmasterreset TrimPVzero WritePVunit TrimDACzeroandgain Writetransferfunction(square Readorwritematerialsorconstruction information Trimsensorcalibration PIDenable WritePIDsetpoint Valvecharacterization Valvesetpoint

Readselectionofuptofourdynamic variables

Readorwritelowflowcutoff Start,stop,orcleartotalizer



root/linear) Writesensorserialnumber Readorwritedynamicvariable assignments

Travellimits Userunits Localdisplayinformation

Table1.HARTCommands ThisisapartiallistofHARTcommands.SeeAppendicesB,C,andDformoredetailedinformation. Establishing Communication with a HART Device Each HART device has a unique 38bit address that consists of the manufacturer ID code, device type code and deviceunique identifier. A unique address is encoded in each device at the time of manufacture. A HART master must know the address of a field device in order to communicate successfully with it. A master can learn the address of a slave device by issuing one of two commands thatcausetheslavedevicetorespondwithitsaddress: Command 0, Read Unique IdentifierCommand 0 is the preferred method for initiating communication with a slave device because it enables a master to learn the address of each slave device without user interaction. Each polling address (015) is probed to learn the unique addressforeachdevice. Command 11, Read Unique Identifier by Tag Command 11 is useful if there are more than 15 devices in the network or if the network devices were not configured with unique polling addresses. (Multidropping more than 15 devices is possible when the devices are individually poweredandisolated.)Command11requirestheusertospecifythetagnumberstobepolled. Device Description HART Communication was the first protocol to implement Electronic Device Description Language (EDDL) as its standard. EDDL (IEC 618042, EDDL) is the only technology endorsed by the HART Communication Foundation for configuration of HART devices. It is the most important and widely used digital communication descriptive language, providing a stable platform for suppliers to define and documentthecapabilitiesofHARTenabledproductsinasingle,openandconsistentformat. Device Descriptions (DDs), created by using Device Description Language, provide the information needed by a host application or control system to properly access and display important device information located in intelligent field devices. The DD includes all of the information needed by a host applicationtofullycommunicatewiththefielddevice. HART EDDL is used to write a DD that combines all of the information needed by the host application intoasingle structuredfile.TheDDidentifieswhich CommonPracticeCommandsaresupportedaswell astheformatandstructureofallDeviceSpecificCommands.


A DD for a HART field device is roughly equivalent to an electronic data sheet. DDs eliminate the need for host suppliers to develop and support custom interfaces and drivers. A DD provides a picture of all parameters and functions of a device in a standardized language. HART suppliers have the option of supplying a DD for their HART field product. If they choose to supply one, the DD will provide information for a DDenabled host application to read and write data according to each devices procedures. DD source files for HART devices resemble files written in the C programming language. DD files are submitted to the HCF for registration in the HCF DD Library. Quality checks are performed on each DD submitted to ensure specification compliance, to verify that there are no conflicts with DDs already registered, and to verify operation with standard HART hosts. The HCF DD Library is the central location for management and distribution of all HART DDs to facilitate use in host applications such as PCs and handheldterminals. DDscanbedownloadedatwww.hartcomm.org.


The HART Protocol is a powerful communication technology used to exploit the full potential of digital field devices. Preserving the traditional 420 mA signal, the HART Protocol extends system capabilities fortwowaydigitalcommunicationwithsmartfieldinstruments. The HART protocol offers the best solution for smart field device communications and has the widest base of support of any field device protocol worldwide. More instruments are available with the HART protocol than any other digital communications technology. Almost any process application can be addressedbyoneoftheproductsofferedbyHARTinstrumentsuppliers. Unlike other digital communication technologies, the HART Protocol provides a unique communication solution that is backward compatible with the installed base of instrumentation in use today. This backward compatibility ensures that investments in existing cabling and current control strategies will remainsecurewellintothefuture. Benefitsoutlinedinthissectioninclude: Improvedplantoperations Operationalflexibility Instrumentationinvestmentprotection


TheHARTProtocolimprovesplantperformanceandincreasesefficienciesin: Commissioningandinstallation Plantoperations Maintenance

HARTbased field devices can be installed and commissioned in a fraction of the time required for a traditional analogonly system. Operators who use HART digital communications can easily identify a field device by its tag and verify that operational parameters are correct. Configurations of similar devices can be copied to streamline the commissioning process. A loop integrity check is readily accomplishedbycommandingthefieldtransmittertosettheanalogoutputtoapresetvalue.

The HART Protocol supports the networking of several devices on a single twisted wire pair. This configuration can provide significant savings in wiring, especially for applications such as tank monitoring. Multivariabledevicesreducethenumberofinstruments,wiring,spareparts,andterminationsrequired. Some HART field instruments embed PID control, which eliminates the need for a separate controller, andresultsinsignificantwiringandequipmentcostsavings.

A digital instrument that uses a microprocessor provides many benefits. These benefits are found in all smart devices regardless of the type of communication used. A digital device provides advantages such as improved accuracy and stability. The HART Protocol enhances the capabilities of digital instruments byprovidingcommunicationaccessandnetworking(Table2). Benefits Accuracyandstability Reliability Multivariable Computations Diagnostics HARTInstruments 3 3 3 3 3 DigitalInstruments 3 3 3 3 3


Benefits Multiplesensorinputs Easeofcommissioning TagID Remoteconfiguration Loopchecks Adjustableoperationalparameters Accesstohistoricaldata Multidropnetworking Accessbymultiplehostdevices Extendedcommunicationdistances Fieldbasedcontrol Interoperability

HARTInstruments 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3




HARTcommunicating devices provide accurate information that helps improve the efficiency of plant operations. During normal operation, device operational values can be easily monitored or modified remotely. If uploaded to a software application, these data can be used to automate record keeping for regulatorycompliance(e.g.,environmental,validation,ISO9000,andsafetystandards). Numerous device parameters are available from HARTcompatible instruments that can be communicatedtothecontrolroomandusedforcontrol,maintenance,andrecordkeeping(Fig6). Figure6.ExamplesofDeviceParametersSenttoControlRoom Some HART devices perform complex calculations, such as PID control algorithms or compensated flow rate. Multivariable HARTcapable instruments take measurements and perform calculations at the source, which eliminates time bias and results in more accurate calculations than are possible when performedinacentralizedhost. TheHARTProtocolprovidesaccesstoallinformationinmultivariabledevices. Inadditiontotheanalogoutput(primaryvariable),theHARTProtocolprovides accesstoallmeasurementdatathatcanbeusedforverificationor calculationofplantmassandenergybalances. SomeHARTfielddevicesstorehistoricalinformationintheformoftrendlogsandsummary data.These logsandstatisticalcalculations(e.g.,highandlowvaluesandaverages)canbeuploadedintoasoftware applicationforfurtherprocessingorrecordkeeping.


The diagnostic capabilities of HARTcommunicating field devices can eliminate substantial costs by reducing downtime. The HART Protocol communicates diagnostic information to the control room, which minimizes the time required to identify the source of any problem and take corrective action. Tripsintothefieldorhazardousareasareeliminatedorreduced. When a replacement device is put into service, HART communication allows the correct operational parameters and settings to be quickly and accurately uploaded into the device from a central database. Efficient and rapid uploading reduces the time that the device is out of service. Some software applicationsprovideahistoricalrecordofconfigurationandoperationalstatusforeachinstrument.This informationcanbeusedforpredictive,preventiveandproactivemaintenance.


The HART Protocol allows two masters (primary and secondary) to communicate with slave devices and provide additional operational flexibility. A permanently connected host system can be used simultaneously,whileahandheldterminalorPCcontrolleriscommunicatingwithafielddevice(Fig7).

Figure7.Communicationwithtwomasters The HART Protocol ensures interoperability among devices through Universal Commands that enable hosts to easily access and communicate the most common parameters used in field devices. The HART EDDL extends interoperability to include information that may be specific to a particular device. EDDL enables a single handheld configurator or PC host application to configure and maintain HART communicating devices from any manufacturer. The use of common tools for products of different vendorsminimizestheamountofequipmentandtrainingneededtomaintainaplant. HARTtechnologyextendsthecapabilityoffielddevicesbeyondthesinglevariablelimitationsof420mA inhostswithHARTcapability.


Existing plants and processes have considerable investments in wiring, analog controllers, junction boxes, barriers, marshalling panels, and analog or smart instrumentation. The people, procedures and equipment already exist for the support and maintenance of the installed equipment. HART field instruments protect this investment by providing compatible products with enhanced digital capabilities.Theseenhancedcapabilitiescanbeusedincrementally. TheHARTCommunicationProtocolenablesyoutoretainyourprevious Investmentsinexistinghardwareandpersonnel. At the basic level, HART devices communicate with a handheld terminal for setup and maintenance. As needs grow, more sophisticated online, PCbasedsystems can provide continuous monitoring of device statusandconfigurationparameters.Advancedinstallationscan alsousecontrolsystemswithHARTI/O capability. The status information can be used directly by control schemes to trigger remedial actions and allow online reranging based on operating conditions and direct reading of multivariable instrumentdata.

AsHARTfielddevicesareupgraded,newfunctionsmaybeadded.AbasicpremiseoftheHARTProtocol is that new HART instruments must behave in precisely the same manner as older versions when interfacedwithanearlierrevisionhostsystem.


Totakefulladvantageofthebenefitsofferedbythe HARTCommunicationProtocol,itisimportant that youinstallandimplementthesystemcorrectly.Thefollowingsectioncontainsinformationthatcanhelp youtogetthemostfromyourHARTsystem: WiringandInstallation Intrinsicsafety(IS) HARTmultidropnetworks Controlsysteminterfaces Multiplexers ReadingHARTdataintononHARTsystems CommissioningHARTnetworks Devicestatusanddiagnostics ConnectingaPCtoaHARTdeviceornetwork


In general, the installation practice for HART communicating devices is the same as conventional 4 20mA instrumentation. Individually shielded twisted pair cable, either in singlepair or multipair varieties, is the recommended wiring practice. Unshielded cables may be used for short distances if ambient noise and crosstalk will not affect communication. The minimum conductor size is 0.51 mm diameter (#24 AWG) for cable runs less than 1,524 m (5,000 ft) and 0.81 mm diameter (#20 AWG) for longerdistances.

Most installations are well within the 3,000 meter (10,000 ft) theoretical limit for HART communication. However, the electrical characteristics of the cable (mostly capacitance) and the combination of connected devices can affect the maximum allowable cable length of a HART network. Table 3 shows the affect of cable capacitance and the number of network devices on cable length. The table is based on typical installations of HART devices in nonIS environments, i.e. no miscellaneous series impedance. Detailed information for determining the maximum cable length for any HART network configuration canbefoundintheHARTPhysicalLayerSpecifications. CableCapacitancepf/ft(pf/m) CableLengthfeet(meters) No.Network Devices 1 20pf/ft (65pf/m) 9,000ft (2,769m) 5 8,000ft (2,462m) 10 7,000ft (2,154m) 15 6,000ft (1,846m) 30pf/ft (95pf/m) 6,500ft (2,000m) 5,900ft (1,815m) 5,200ft (1,600m) 4,600ft (1,415m) 50pf/ft (160pf/m) 4,200ft (1,292m) 3,700ft (1,138m) 3,300ft (1,015m) 2,900ft (892m) 70pf/ft (225pf/m) 3,200ft (985m) 2,900ft (892m) 2,500ft (769m) 2,300ft (708m)



Intrinsicsafety(IS)isamethodofprovidingsafeoperationofelectronicprocesscontrolinstrumentation in hazardous areas. IS systems keep the available electrical energy in the system low enough that ignitionofthehazardousatmospherecannotoccur.Nosinglefielddeviceorwiringisintrinsicallysafeby itself (except for batteryoperated, selfcontained devices), but is intrinsically safe only when employed inaproperlydesignedISsystem.

HARTcommunicating devices work well in applications that require IS operation. IS devices (e.g., barriers) are often used with traditional twowire 420 mA instruments to ensure an IS system in hazardous areas. With traditional analog instrumentation, energy to the field can be limited with or withoutagroundconnectionbyinstallingoneofthefollowingISdevices: Shuntdiode (zener) barriers that use a highquality safety ground connection to bypass excessenergy(Fig8) Isolators, which do not require a ground connection, that repeat the analog measurementsignalacrossanisolatedinterfaceinthesafesideloadcircuit(Fig8A).

BothzenerbarriersandisolatorscanbeusedtoensureanISsystemwithHARTcommunicatingdevices, butsomeadditionalissuesmustbeconsideredwhenengineeringtheHARTloop.




Designing an IS directcurrent loop simply requires ensuring that a field device has sufficient voltage to operate,takingintoaccountzenerbarrierresistance,theloadresistor,andanycableresistance. WhendesigninganISloopusingshuntdiodebarriers,twoadditionalrequirementsmustbeconsidered: The power supply must be reduced by an additional 0.7 V to allow headroom for the HARTcommunicationsignalandyetnotapproachthezenerbarrierconductionvoltage. Theloadresistormustbeatleast230(typically250).

Depending on the liftoff voltage of the transmitter (typically 1012 V), these two requirements can be difficult to achieve. The loop must be designed to work up to 22 mA (not just 20 mA) to communicate with a field device that is reporting failure by an upscale, overrange current. The series resistance for the same zener barrier may be as high as 340. To calculate the available voltage needed to power a transmitter,usethefollowingequation: Power Supply Voltage (Zener Barrier Resistance + Sense Resistance) Operating Current (mA) =AvailableVoltage

Example:26.0V(340+250)22mA=13.0V Any cable resistance can be added as a series resistance and will reduce the voltage even further. In addition,thepowersupplytothezenerbarriermustalsobesetlowerthanthezenerbarrierconduction voltage.Forexample,a28V,300zenerbarrierwouldtypicallybeusedwitha26Vpowersupply. Whileitisdifficult tomeetthetworequirementsnotedaboveforanetworkusingshuntdiodebarriers, itcanbedone.Followingaretwopossiblesolutionstotheproblem: Shunttheloadresistorwithalargeinductorsothattheloadresistorimpedanceisstillhigh(and mainly resistive) at HART signal frequencies, but much lower at direct current. This solution, whileitdoeswork,isphysicallysomewhatinconvenient. UseanISisolatorratherthanashuntdiodebarrier.Theoutput voltageonthehazardoussideis usually specified as greater than X Vdc at 20mA (typically 1417 V). This value already includes thevoltagedropdue totheinternalsafetyresistor,sotheonlyextravoltagedropisthatdueto cableresistance.Systemoperationat22mArequiresreducingthe20mAvoltageby0.7V(340 2mA).

The implementation of HART loops in an IS system with isolators requires more planning. An isolator is designed to recreate the 420mA signal from the field device in the safeside load circuit. Most older isolator designs will not carry the high frequencies of HART current signals across to the safe side, nor will they convey HART voltage signals from the safe side to the field. For this reason, HART


communication through the isolator is not possible with these older designs. (It is still possible to work with a handheld communicator or a PC with an IS modem on the hazardous side of the isolator.) When retrofittingHARTinstrumentsintoanexistinginstallation,inspectthesystemforisolatorsthatmayhave tobereplaced(anyisolatorsthatwillnotsupportHARTsignals). Major suppliers of IS isolators have introduced designs that are fully HART compatible. Modern IS isolatorsprovidetroublefreedesignandoperationandtransparentcommunicationinbothdirections. IS device suppliers can assist with certification and performance specifications for their HART compatible products. Field device manufacturers will also supply certification details for their specific products.

HART multidrop networks are particularly suitable for intrinsically safe installations. With a multidrop configuration, fewer barriers or isolators are required. In addition, because each field device takes only 4mA(foratotalof16mAinafourdeviceloop),plainzenerbarrierscanbeused.Witha250load,25V (340 + 250 16mA = 15.5 V, which is well above the transmitter liftoff voltage and leaves a margin forcableresistance.

For output devices such as valve positioners, directcurrent voltage considerations will vary depending on the drive requirements of the device. Zener barriers may be possible. If not, modern HART compatibleoutputisolatorsareappropriate.

If the HART loop contains an ISapproved handheld communicator or modem, slight changes may be needed to meet IS installation certification rules. Handheld communicators and modems add the HART signal voltage to the voltage level coming from the zener barrier or isolator. For example, a handheld communicator typically adds a maximum of 2 V to the loop. Therefore, when used with a 28V zener barrier, a total of 30V may theoretically be present in the loop. The allowable capacitance must be reducedbyabout15%toaccountforthisincreaseinvoltage.



When performing a risk analysis on a process operation, each loop is analyzed for its potential contribution to an unsafe condition should a failure occur. This assessment will define an acceptable Safety Integrity Level (SIL) for each loop in that process. Using continuous HART Communication allows the diagnosis of potentially dangerous failures and conditions to be significantly increased which increasestheSIL. Every device in a loop has potential failure conditions. Sometimes increased maintenance will insure a higher degree of reliability. For many devices, online diagnoses of failures or potentially dangerous conditionsarerequiredtoinsurethelevelofreliabilitydemandedbytheSILoftheprocess. It is up to the design team to select the proper products and procedures to demonstrate the achievement of the required SIL. Guidelines are offered in the ISA Standard SP84.01 and in the IEC standard61508formethodstoimproveloopreliability.


The HART Communication Protocol enables several instruments to be connected on the same pair of wires in a multidrop network configuration (Fig 9). The current through each field device is fixed at a minimumvalue(typically 4mA)sufficientfordevice operation.Theanalogloopcurrentdoesnotchange in relation to the process and thus does not reflect the primary variable. Communications in multidrop modeareentirelydigital.

Figure9.MultidropConfiguration Standard HART commands are used to communicate with field instruments to determine process variables or device parameter information (see HART Commands on page 19). The typical cycle time needed to read information on a single variable from a HART device is approximately 500 milliseconds (ms). For a network of 15 devices, a total of approximately 7.5 seconds is needed to scan and read the primaryvariablesfromalldevices.Readinginformationfrommultivariableinstrumentsmaytakelonger, asthedatafieldwilltypicallycontainvaluesforfourvariablesratherthanjustone. Thetypicalmultidropnetworkenablestwowiremeasurementdevicestobeconnectedinparallel.Two wire looppowered and fourwire activesource devices can be connected in the same network. If both twoandfourwiredevicesareusedinthesamenetwork,threewiresmustbeusedtoproperlyconnect thedevices(seeWaterTreatmentFacilityUpgradeonpage158).


HART field controllers can also be wired in a multidrop network (Fig 10). Each analog output signal from the transmitter/controllers is isolated from every other output signal, which provides a costeffective HART network configuration. In this case, the analog signals are not fixed and are used for the output signaltothecontrolleddevice.



Connecting HART field devices in a multidrop network can provide significant installation savings. The total cable length in a multidrop network is typically less than the maximum cable length in pointto pointconnectionsbecausethecapacitanceoftheadditionaldevicesreducesthedistancethattheHART signalcanbecarried(seeWiringandInstallationsection). To save on installation costs, use HART multidrop networks for remote monitoring stations, tank farms, pipeline distribution systems, and other monitoring applications in which fast update rates are not required.

Using the polling address structure of the HART protocol, up to 15 devices can be connected in a multidrop network. The analog current of a HART device can be fixed by setting its polling address to a number other than zero. With the HART Protocol, each field instrument should be configured with different polling addresses or tag numbers before being connected to a multidrop networkotherwise, themasterwillnotbeabletoestablishcommunicationwiththeslavedevices.


WhenyouchangeyourexistingcontrolsystembyaddingaHARTinterface,itisimportanttounderstand the complete functionality offered by the HART interface. While several control system suppliers offer HARTinterfaces,notallinterfacesprovidethesamefunctionality. Control systems such as a DCS, PLC, or SCADA/RTU (remote terminal unit) implement only the functionality required for a given application. For example, a flow control system may only read the primary variable of a device and provide no additional support for viewing or changing configuration information. Other control system interfaces provide comprehensive HART support, maintaining completeconfigurationrecordsforallconnecteddevices. Contact your system supplier for specific details on their HART interface(s). Use the form in Appendix A toobtaininformationfromcontrolsystemsupplierstoidentifyspecificcharacteristicsoftheirproducts.

Many HARTcompatible I/O subsystems have multiple analog channels on each I/O card. Suppliers choose whether to provide one HART interface per channel or to share one HART interface among several channels. The number of shared channels per HART interface impacts the frequency of data updatesfromaHARTfielddeviceandtheHARTfunctionalitythatissupported.

For the best performance and flexibility, one HART interface should be dedicated to each I/O channel. Systems that share only one HART interface among several I/O channels may not support multidrop networks. The effective update rate of a multiplexed interface is slow enough that the performance of multiplexed multidrop networks would not be practical. Some suppliers enable multidrop support by fixing the HART interface to one specific I/O channel. However, the other channels on that card may thennotbeavailableforHARTcommunication.

Burst mode is an optional implementation in a field device. Receiving burst mode messages is optional in a host as well. To take full advantage of burst mode, the I/O system should have one HART interface for each channel. If the HART interface is shared by more than one channel, messages sent by the field device may not be detected by the control system. If the system does not have the ability to configure burstmodeinthefielddevice,ahandheldterminalorotherconfigurationtoolisrequired.


AllHARTcompatiblecontrolsystemscanreadthedigitalprimaryvariablefromaslavedevice.However, some system architectures may not be able to accommodate textual data (e.g., tag and descriptor fields). In these cases, thecontroller is able to read the process variable, but may not have direct access toallotherdataintheHARTdevice.

Some control systems are integrated with a configuration or instrument management application. In these systems, the control system passes a HART command, issued by the management application, to the field device via its I/Ointerface. When the control system receives the reply from the field device, it sendsthereplytothe managementapplication. This functionisreferredtoasapassthroughfeatureof thecontrolsystem.

GatewayscanbeusedtobringHARTdigitaldataintocontrolsystemsthatdonotsupportHARTcapable I/O. Some systems support HART gateways with communication protocols such as Modbus, PROFIBUS DP, or TCP/IP Ethernet. The typical HART gateway supports all Universal Commands and a subset of the Common Practice Commands. Support varies depending on the gateway supplier. Some gateways supportaccesstoDeviceSpecificinformation.

RTUs used in SCADA systems use a special telemetry to communicate with the control system. RTUs have the same considerations regarding multidrop and burst mode support as other systems. However, implementationismademorecomplexbecauseRTUsoftencommunicatetoanupperlevelhostusinga communication protocol other than HART (e.g., Modbus). While there are many benefits to implementing HART in an RTU (support of multidrop, burst mode, and multivariable instruments), HART data are only available to the central host system if the telemetry protocol supports the transfer of HARTcommandsorspecificHARTdata(seeMultidropforTankFarmMonitoringPage53).


HARTcompatible multiplexers are ideal for users who want to interface with a large number of HART devices. Multiplexers can be modular and are capable of supporting both pointtopoint and alldigital (multidrop) HART communication modes. Communication between a multiplexer and a host application dependsonthemultiplexercapabilities(e.g.,RS232C,RS485,Modbus,andTCP/IPEthernet). WheninstallingHARTmultiplexersystems,thefollowingcapabilitiesshouldbeconsidered: NumberofHARTchannelssupported NumberofHARTchannelsthatshareaHARTmodem Burstmodesupport Multidropsupport Methodofcommunicationwiththehostcomputerorcontrolsystem

HART multiplexers can be used as the primary I/O front end for a HARTbased control or monitoring system (Fig 11). Typically, a PC acts as the host, providing the humanmachine interface (HMI) and performing other highlevel functions. The multiplexer continuously monitors the field devices, reports the current readings and instrument status to the host, and passes HART commands from the host computertothefielddevices.



When a traditional 420 mA control system is using the analog signals for measurement and control outputs,aHARTmultiplexercanbeaddedtothenetworktogainaccesstothedigitalHARTsignal.Using a multiplexer enables a supervisory computer to monitor diagnostics and device status, access configuration information, and read any additional process inputs or calculations not provided by the 4 20mAsignal. UseaHARTmultiplexertogainaccesstothedigitalHARTsignal Two types of multiplexers are used in conjunction with a control system. A multiplexer wired in parallel withthefieldwiringiscommonlyusedwhenthecontrolsystemwiringisalreadyinplace(Fig12).

Figure12.HARTMultiplexerwithExistingI/O A multiplexer can also be an integral part of the control system as a thirdparty I/O (Fig 13 ). As an I/O system,themultiplexercanincludeISbarriersandotherfilteringcapabilitiesandprovideservicestothe field device, such as galvanic isolation or power. For this type of installation, no additional terminations


or space are required. The multiplexer can also act as a gateway to convert the HART messages to anotherprotocolsuchasModbus,PROFIBUS,orEthernet.



HART field devices can be seamlessly integrated with PROFIBUS DP networks using the HART/DP Link, which enables the connection of four HART devices and facilitates the passthrough of HART commands tohostapplicationsontheDPnetwork(Fig14).TheHART/DPLinksupportsISinstallations.



Many HART products are able to perform more than one measurement or output function (e.g., make multiple process measurements, calculate process information, and provide positioner feedback information). All of this information can be easily accessed digitally. However, existing controllers or interface equipment may not have the ability to read digital HART data. Products are available that can read HART digital signals and convert them to analog (420mA) and alarm trip (contact closure) information, which enables any traditional analog control system to take full advantage of the benefits ofHARTcommunicatingdevices. The HART loop monitor continuously communicates with any HARTcapable device and provides multiple analog outputs (420mA) and multiple alarm trip (contact closure) outputs based on the information received (Fig 15). For example, smart HART multivariable mass flow transmitters sense threeprocessvariables(pressure,temperature,anddifferentialpressureorrawflow).Usingthese,they perform an internal calculation to derive mass flow. The mass flow information is transmitted as a 4 20mA signal to the control system. However, there is no way to continuously monitor the nonprimary variablesusedtomakethecalculation. Installed transparently across the 420mA instrument loop, the HART loop monitor reads the HART digital data that is continuously being transmitted on the smart transmitters analog loop wires, and converts it to 420mA signals that can be readily accepted by a DCS or PLC. This allows continuous trackingofamultivariabletransmitterssecond,thirdandfourthvariables.HARTloopmonitorscanalso providealarmtrip(contactclosure)informationtowarnofhighand/orlowprocessconditionsbasedon userset trip points. Diagnostic alarms can be set to warn of problems with a smart HART transmitter usingtheFieldDeviceStatusdatathatisavailableinHARTsdigitalinformation.


Figure15.MonitoringMultivariableTransmitters HARTloopmonitorscanalsoextractdatafromsmartHARTvalve positionersanddamperoperators(Fig 16). Their 420mA analog outputs can be used to keep track of important parameters such as valve stem position, actuator pressure or temperature. Alarm (relay) outputs can also be set to alert of a smart valve condition such as valve position (open/closed), low actuator pressure, and positioner temperature(high/low).


ForonlinetestingofEmergencyShutdownvalves,theHARTloopmonitorcanbeusedtoverifythatthe valve is operational without the disruption of completely closing the valve (which is the traditional way toverifyESDvalveoperation)bymeansofpartialvalvestroketesting. For example, a Logic Solver (DCS or PLC) is used to apply a 90% (18.4mA) signal to the valve. When the valve reaches the 90% set point, the relay in the HART loop monitor will trip to verify that the valve has reached 90%. The test signal is then returned to 100% value by the Logic Solver, and the valve is reopened. A second HART loop monitor relay trip is set at 100% (full open) travel to ensure that the valvedidreopen completelyafterthe test. Thisprocedureverifiesthat thevalvedidreach90%,proving that the valve is not stuck. Because the valve was immediately reopened, the test has not impeded the processflowlongenoughtocausesignificantprocessdisruption. The HART loop monitors other analog outputs can be used to provide status information for other importantvalveparameterssuchasvalvetravelandvalveoutputpressure.



HARTbased instruments have several features that significantly reduce the time required to fully commission a HART network (loop). When less time is required for commissioning, substantial cost savingsareachieved.

Before installation, manufacturers usually enter device tags and other identification and configuration data into each field instrument. After installation, the instrument identification (tag and descriptor) can be verified in the control room using a configurator (handheld terminal or PC). Some field devices provide information on their physical configuration (e.g., wetted materials)these and other configuration data can also be verified in the control room. The verification process can be important in conformingtogovernmentalregulationsandISOqualityrequirements. The commissioning process can be further streamlined by connecting a PC configurator to each HART loop online, either by integration with the control system or by using one of the many available HART multiplexing I/O systems (see Multiplexers). With this centralized approach, there is no need to move the configuration device from one termination point to the next while commissioning all devices on the network.

Once a field instrument has been identified and its configuration data confirmed, the analog loop integritycanbecheckedusingthelooptestfeature,whichissupportedbymanyHARTdevices.Theloop test feature enables the analog signal from a HART transmitter to be fixed at a specific value to verify loop integrity and ensure proper connection to support devices such as indicators, recorders, and DCS displays. UsetheHARTProtocollooptestfeaturetocheckanalogloopintegrityandensure aproperphysicalconnectionamongallnetworkdevices.

A HART configurator also facilitates record keeping. As installed device configuration data can be stored inmemoryoronadiskforlaterarchivingorprinting.


Most HART field instruments provide both status information and diagnostic information. The HART Protocoldefinesbasicstatusinformationasinformationthatisincludedwitheverymessagefromafield device. Basic status information enables the host application to immediately identify warning or error conditions detected by the field device. Status messages also enable the user to differentiate between measurements that are outside sensor or range limits and actual hardware malfunctions. Examples of statusmessagesare: HART instruments can implement extensive, devicespecific diagnostics. The amount and type of diagnostic information is determined by the manufacturer and varies with product and application. Diagnostic information can be accessed using the HART Communication Protocol. Host applications using DD files can interpret and display diagnostic information. Applications not using DD technology mayrequireproductspecificsoftwaremodulestointerpretdiagnosticinformation. Many manufacturers offer special software applications for their own products. Some modules allow you to customize for specific products. Manufacturers of valve actuators have made extensive use of this capability to provide preventative and predictive diagnostic information that greatly enhances the valueoftheirproductsascomparedtoconventionalactuators. Several software applications are available that provide continuous communication with field devices using a HARTcompatible multiplexer and HART I/O (see Multiplexers). These applications provide real timemonitoringofstatusanddiagnosticinformation. Fielddevicemalfunction Configurationchanged Coldstart Morestatusavailable Analogoutputcurrentfixed Analogoutputsaturated Nonprimaryvariableoutoflimits Primaryvariableoutoflimits


PCs are commonly used for HART host applications for configuration and data acquisition. A specially designed device allows the HART network to be connected to the RS232C serial port, USB or PCMCIA slotofaPC(Fig17).



Many companies in a wide variety of industries have realized the advantages of using the HART Communication Protocol. In this section we will highlight realworld applications and the benefits that companies around the world have realized through the application of HART technology. In addition to threegenericapplicationexamples,informationisprovidedfromthefollowingcompanies: INDUSTRY COMPANY Lonza Genentech,Inc. Dupont EastmanChemicalCo. SasolSolvents Communications Energy Food ORBCOMMGlobal BPCanadaEnergy LOCATION Switzerland USA USA USA SouthAfrica USA Canada France Germany Brazil USA Mexico Venezuela Nigeria Norway Germany USA USA PAGE# 55 58 63 70 72 79 82 87 99 90 94 97 100 104 107 114 118 122

Biopharmaceutical Biotechnologies Chemical

NationalInstituteforAgronomic Research H.Thylmann Cebrace & MidwestGasCompany Pemex PVDSAPetroPiar ShellPetroleum StatoilHydro

Glass Oil Gas

Pharmaceutical Plastics Power&Energy

Clariant BPCooperRiver NationalGrid



COMPANY OhioStateUniversity

LOCATION USA124 USA Canada Sweden Brazil Canada USA USA SaudiArabia Wales



AppletonPaper FraserPapers VallviksBruk

129 132 135 137 140 143 153 155 158

Steel Water&Wastewater

COSIPA AECOM DetroitWater&Sewerage Department MilwaukeeMetropolitanSewerage District SalineWaterConversionCorporation SluvadWaterTreatmentWorks


Accurate measurements for inventory management are essential in all industries. The HART Communication Protocol enables companies to make sure inventory management is as efficient, accurateandlowcostaspossible. TanklevelandinventorymanagementisanidealapplicationforaHARTmultidropnetwork(Fig18).The HART network digital update rate of two PVs per second is sufficient for many tanklevel applications. A multidrop network provides significant installation savings by reducing the amount of wiring from the field to the control room as well as the number of I/O channels required. In addition, many inexpensive processmonitoringapplicationsarecommerciallyavailabletofurthercutcosts.

Figure18.Inventorymanagementwithmultidrop One company uses a HART multiplexer to digitally scan field devices for levelmeasurement and status information. The information is forwarded to the host application using the Modbus communication standard. Multivariable instruments further reduce costs by providing multiple process measurements, suchaslevelandtemperature,whichreducesthewiringandnumberofprocesspenetrationsrequired.


In one tank farm application, 84 settlement tanks and filter beds on a very large site (over 300,000 m2) are monitored using HART multidrop networks and HART RTUs (see SCADA/RTU Systems). The HART architecture required just eight cable runs for 84 tanks, with 1011 devices per run (Fig 19). Over 70 individualrunsofover500meachwereeliminated.Cablesavingswereestimatedatover$40,000(USD) when compared to a conventional installation. RTU I/O was also reduced, which resulted in additional hardware and installation savings. The total installed cost was approximately 50% of a traditional 420 mAinstallation.



Underground salt caverns are frequently used for crude oil storage. One customer pumps oil from bargesintothestoragecaverns.Anultrasonicflowmeterrecordsthetotalflow.Togettheoiloutofthe caverns, a brine solution is pumped into the cavern through a magnetic flowmeter. Brine and crude oil flowing in both directions are measured and reported to the DCS using the HART Communication Protocol for accuracy. The DCS tracks flow rate and total quantity to maintain a certain pressure inside thecaverns(Fig20).



PROJECTOBJECTIVES Assure quality data communications in processing specialty pharmaceutical and biotech chemicals

SOLUTION RESULTS HART Communication halves field device commissioning time, pays for itself through auto generationofvalidationdocumentation HART technology supports Lonzas continued adherence to current Good Manufacturing Practices Usedforbothdistrubutedcontrolandassetmanagementsystemapplications AbatchsystemexclusivelyusingHARTenabledinstrumentationacross1,700I/Opoints AnotherDCSsystemhosts1,400HARTdeviceswith7000I/Opoints

Worldbiotechpharmaceuticalleadertaps HARTCommunicationatnewbatchandcontinuous plantsfor thetechnologysreliabilityandquickcostjustification Lonza, headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, is one of the world's leading suppliers to the pharmaceutical, healthcare and life science industries. The chemical processor has a specialty in high quality biotech products, which are manufactured at its largest processing and research and development facility in Visp, Switzerland. Among its challenges, the site, with 2,600 employees, must assure quality in the microbial fermentation of active, intermediate ingredients such as vitamin B3 or niacin,ofwhichLonzasuppliesroughly75percentoftheworldsdemand.


Multiproductplants TosupportcurrentGoodManufacturingPractices(GMP)initsSmallScaleBiotechManufacturingfacility (BPMSS) commissioned in 2004, Lonza chose HART technology for data communications between process instrumentation and the distributed control system (DCS), including the plants first plant asset managementsystem.Thissystem,integratedwithitsprocesscontrolsystem,spansmorethan1,700I/O formeasuringtemperature,pressure,flow,levelandvariousanalyticalparameters. HARTTechsSpeed,ValidationDocumentationJustifiesCost The BPMSS employs 67, in two areas, microbial fermentation in one building and a purification process housed in a new building. The facility, which uses solvents in fermentation and purification zones, is designedtohazardousareastandards. Together with the DCS and asset management system, HART Communication offers many advantages intheBPMSSplant,saysHermannHutter,responsibleforengineeringandautomationintheupstream Lonza Exclusive Synthesis portion of the process. Here, a 1,000liter fermenter runs recipes in batch cyclesthattypicallylastfivetoeightdays.HesaysofHARTtechnologysbenefits,first,itspeedsupthe

commissioning of the field devices; the device commissioning time is halved. Additionally, he says the asset management system pays for itself through the savings in the automatic creation of required validationdocumentation.


HART technology is a standard offtheshelf option from all the major instrumentation suppliers Lonza uses;thecompanyusesonlyHARTtechnologyequippedfielddevices. New,LargerPlantAlsoUsesHARTTechnology Following success in its batch operations, Lonza chose HART technology as a solution in a new, larger Biotech Pharmaceutical plant housing two 15,000Liter fermentation units thats 30 times the productioncapacityoftheBPMSSfacility. The new facility employs an estimated staff of 150 and boasts a considerable process automation network of more than 7000 I/O points and 1,400 HARTenabled field devices communicating across 55 DCScontrollers,fiveservers,30operatorstationsand60humanmachineinterfacestations. Even as engineers were evaluating the extent to which it will use Foundation fieldbus, Hutter says, we have again decided for the HART technology, because the low risk of installing, which guarantees an in timeplantstartupandoffersalargercatalogofinstruments.




PROJECTOBJECTIVES Reduceinstallationcostsandstartuprisksduringconstructionofnewbiotechnologyfacility Manage critical device configurations that have a direct impact on plant efficiency and product quality Reducelifecycledevicemanagementcosts


IntegrateHARTCommunicationwithdistributedcontrolsystem(DCS) InstallHARTenabledinstrumentationandproductsthroughoutfacility

Mitigatedrisks Eliminatedaddressing,networksizing,specialcommunicationrequirements Nolearningcurve Enhancedviewofinstruments Remotedevicesetupandconfiguration Onlineconfigurationmanagementdatabase Regulatorycomplianceprotection

BiotechnologymanufacturerGenentechInc.(SanFrancisco)isintegratingHARTCommunicationwiththe distributed control system (DCS) in its CCP2 facility in Vacaville, California, to manage critical device configurations that have a direct impact on plant efficiency and product quality. Genentech chose HART technologybecauseofitscosteffectiveness,availability,reliability,easeofuseandflexibility.


YoucanuseHARTtoimplementallthehighvaluefunctionsofotherbustechnologies,butatafraction of their cost, by using infrastructure that you probably already have in your plant today, says Kevin Kerls, a senior automation engineer in Genentechs automation group. Kerls is helping automate the Vacaville facility, which is currently under construction and is expected to produce 200,000 liters of oncologypharmaceuticalsby2009. BiotechsDigitalAnalogFuture Genentech is implementing HART technology with 15% of the I/O in the Vacaville facility. There are a lot of instrumentation manufacturers that offer HARTcompatible products. That availability plus a huge installedbasemakesHARTaproventechnology,saysKerls. This is technology thats going to continue to be supported and developed. It uses the same 420mA wiring youd use in traditional I/O, so theres no steep learning curve. He emphasizes this means reducedinstallationcostsandreducedrisksduringstartup. Kerls adds that the simultaneous analog and digital communication capability of the HART Protocol is a key attribute. Were able to implement HART over simple 420mA twistedpair signal cable, a proven and simple installation method, he says. There are no addressing schemes, networksizing concerns, orspecialcommunicationrequirementstodealwith. And because the protocol uses standard signal cabling methods, theres no learning curve for installers either, he adds. Since HART is so widely used already, theres a very small learning curve for maintenancetechnicians.


Genentech reports it also chose HART Communication because its installed instruments are HART enabled. So, we need no new infrastructure other than a new database server. The information is seamlesslyintegratedthroughouttheI/O,theDCScontroller,andtheprocessdataserver,Kerlssays.In other systems, however, he believes multiplexers or other devices are needed to pick up digital signals. Withoursystem,HARTdataistightlyintegratedsothatinformationisavailablerightintheDCS. Kerls adds its important that Genentech can use any vendors flow or temperature devices as long as theyreHARTcompatible. IfadevicethatwewantedhadaHARToption,weaskedforit.Foralmostall devices,the HARTcapabilitywasfreefromthevendor.ButeveniftheHARToption costmoney,westill purchasedit,herecalls. RemoteConfigurationNearby The ability to view instrument health and other monitoring parameters is available in Genentechs DCS withoutimplementingaddedhardware. Were able to view/modify instrument configurations without interrupting process monitoring, Kerls explains. Genentech chose HART Communication because other buses had design issues, which are different from HART and its 420mA capability. So it takes more time to get other buses operable. We reallyfeltthatwegetthemajorityofthebenefitviaHART,headds. Number one on Kerls list of HART benefits is an enhanced view of the instruments. This includes status,alarminginformation,andremoteconfiguration. Genentech also values the remote capabilities of HART technology. The biggest bang for the buck is remote configuration and remote monitoring. HART won out over all the other buses, Kerls asserts. Because HART provides remote capabilities, installation simplicity, and met our requirements, it easily beattheotherbuses. Remote device setup and configuration is essential because it allows Genentech to easily backup instrument configurations using a central database. The firm also can make changes to instrument configurations from a controlled database compliant with 21 CFR Part 11Title 21 Code of U.S. Federal Regulations Part 11: Electronic Records; Electronic Signatures from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Kerls says this was possible without relying on handheld devices or a technicians handwrittennotes. OverallConfigurationCrucial CentralconfigurationmanagementisanotherareawhereGenentechwill usetheHARTprotocolintheir new facility. The company will use a database to capture, view, verify, test, and backup instrument configurationsformorethan1,125instrumentsduringthestartupofCCP2. The HART protocol with its online configurationmanagement database eliminates the need for a time consumingpaperprocess,saysKerls.Itprobablysavesanhouroffeachcalibrationwhichbasicallyisa


half a personyear saved under normal operations. In initial documentation of parameters and startup, thismayalsosave3,000hours.Theseareveryconservativeestimates. ComparedtotraditionalI/O,GenentechcanuseHARTCommunicationtodiagnoseaninstrumentjustby opening a view, rather than sending someone out to the devices location. If anything goes wrong with thatdevice,itllnotifytheoperatorthoughaDCSalarm,headds. Genentech reports that HARTassociated work at CCP2 is enabling more efficient management of instrumentconfiguration.Oncewegetthisupandrunning,partofcorporateautomationengineerings role is to disseminate information about the project throughout the corporation, says Kerls This also meanseducatingourmaintenancegrouponoursystemscapabilitiesanddevelopingefficientprocesses toleverageHARTenabledtechnology.

Another benefit provided by HART technology at this facility includes building the corporations instrument configurationandcalibration Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) on how to use the protocolandGenentechsconfigurationmanagementdatabase. Well continue to minimize the time required to perform configurations and calibrations, Kerls emphasizes. You can put these technologies in, but if you arent educating your lifecycle group maintenance and the local automation engineering groupto use them, then the corporation never getsthefullbenefit.


Benefits may be limited by not partnering with maintenance and local automation engineering on the front and back ends of a project. You may provide a solution based on incorrect assumptions and it may not meet their business criteria, says Kerls. And, if you dont partner with them on the back end oftheproject,theSOPswontbedevelopedwithHARTtechnologyinmind. ComplianceProtectsDoses Diagnostics. Maintenance. Regulatory compliance. SOPs exist for them. All are taken seriously at CCP2, andHARTtechnologyplaysacrucialrolehere,too. Our HART devices are installed as part of an 8,500I/O DCS. Any device errors or alarms will automatically be available to the operators/technicians, explains Kerls. HART Communication allows Genentechs staff to receive devicespecific alarm values, which reduces troubleshooting time, though theydontknowhowmuchyet. Onanewplant,wedontreallyknowwhattheissueswillbe,Kerlssays.Butweexpectthatwellfind themquicker.Fasterproblemidentificationgoesdirectlytothebottomline. In addition, the HART protocol helps CCP2s service department minimize the time required for troubleshootingandcalibrations.Thisisbecauseallconfiguration parametershistoricallywerenotedby hand and often were misplaced, lost, or simply incorrect, Kerls adds. Our HART implementation will ensurethatthecurrentconfigurationisalwayscorrectlybackedup. And, if an instrument needs replacement, HART also simplifies this process. We simply need to download the backed up configuration for the old instrument from our HART configuration management database. These configuration parameters then upload to the new device directly through the analog I/O card without special connections, says Kerls. Being able to effectively manage our instrumentconfigurationsreducesourregulatoryriskandourrisktoproduct. Risk to product involves reduced efficiency, which usually means producing less and producing poorer quality. If a critical instrument is involved and you cant prove you had adequate control over properly configured devices, it could lead to regulatory action and/or a recall of the entire batch, says Kerls. More than likely, however, youd have offline analytical measurements to monitor the batch so you mightnotlosethebatch,butyoumightspendalotoftimedefendingit. Overall,KerlsisevenmoreoptimisticabouttheroleofHARTtechnologyinGenentechsfuture.IfHART works well at CCP2, we can just roll it out to other Genentech plants, he says. If you use HART, youre goingtosavebigtimeinlifecycledevicemanagementbecausetheinstallationcostisnomorethanifwe installedtraditionalI/Osystems.



PROJECTOBJECTIVES SOLUTION DuPont added intermediate instrumentation to extract relevant data from the plant's HART instruments,andMooreIndustries'SPAHARTloopmonitorandalarmisusedforthispurpose Use partial valvestroke testing of emergency shutdown valves during normal operations for fewerandshortershutdowns. HART data is superimposed on the 420mA connection, and the SPA loop monitor and alarm extracts the valvestem position from the HART data. The SPA then sends the actual valvestem positiondatatotheDCSviaanadditional420mAconnection. Over 100 control valves equipped with Moore SPA loop monitors were installed, so valve safety interlocktestingwouldbealesslaborintensiveandcumbersomeoperation Neededabetterwaytotestsafetyinterlockcontrolvalvesduringplantoperations.

RESULTS "VirtuallyalloftheplantinstrumentationisHARTenabled...temperature,pressure,level,andflow." Expeditestestingofsafetyinterlockvalves,shorteningplantshutdowns Providesfailsafeinputstothehardwiredrelaysafetyinterlocksystem Allowsremoteconfigurationandrangingofvirtuallyallinstrumentation Reducesnumber/durationofshutdownsbyusingpartialvalvestroketesting Establishesthefoundationforanassetmanagementsystem


The DuPont DeLisle titanium dioxide manufacturing facility in Pass Christian, Mississippi, uses HART Communication fulltime in daily operations even though it does not have a HARTenabled control system. The plant is migrating to using HART data for additional costeffective solutions that will deliver significant benefits to the enterprise today and intothefuture. TheDeLisleplantproducesDuPont'sproprietary R104 TiPure titanium dioxide (TiO2). TiO2 is a white pigment used in paint, plastics, and products where color retention is desired. TiO2 absorbs ultraviolet light energy and it also possesses lightscattering properties that enhancewhiteness,brightness,andopacity. TiO2 production requires a sophisticated manufacturing process that includes chemical reduction, purification, precipitation, washing, and chlorination of titanium, iron, and other metal sulfates. "DuPont determined that the best way to controlandmonitortheseprocesseswaswithHARTenabledinstrumentation,"saysJoeMoffett,project manager with DuPont. "Virtually all of the plant instrumentation is HARTenabled, and this includes instrumentsusedtomonitorandcontroltemperature,pressure,level,andflow." TheDeLisle plant control and instrumentation system uses the HART Communication Protocol in a variety of ways. HART data is used as an input to the safety interlock system and as an input to the control system. Like most other users, DeLisle personnel use handheld HART communicators for configuration,calibration,andtroubleshooting.Andaswe'llsee,futureplanscallforHARTdataasakey inputtoanassetmanagementsystem.


Normal plant operations are controlled by a Honeywell TDC3000 distributed control system (DCS), and

theDCSisalsousedwithahardwiredrelaysystemtocontrolsafetyshutdownsystems.Althoughfuture generations of Honeywell DCSs will be able to directly receive and transmit HART data, the present DCS doesnothaveHARTcommunicationscapability. DuPont needed to add intermediate instrumentation to extract relevant data from the plant's HART instruments,andMooreIndustries'SPAHARTloopmonitorandalarmisusedforthispurpose. One of the main reasons DuPont selected the SPA instrument is that Moore Industries submitted the SPAtoanindependentthirdpartyforfailuremodes,effectsanddiagnosticanalysis(FMEDA). "FMEDA is a detailed circuit and performance evaluation that estimates the failure rates, failure modes, and diagnostic capabilities of a device," explains Bud Adler, director of business development with Moore Industries. "Using the reliability data from the SPA's FMEDA report, DuPont is able to verify that requiredsafetyintegritylevels(SILs)areattained." HARTIncreasesUptime TiO2 production involves many critical and potentially hazardous processes, so reliable operation of the safety shutdown systems is of paramount concern. DuPont uses HART to provide key safety interlock inputstotheDCSandtothehardwiredrelaysystem.




Dual Sensors Dual FCEs VLV Position Bad PV Dual Diverse SISs







The safety interlock system has a number of on/off control valves, each equipped with a HARTenabled valvestempositioner.EachcontrolvalveisconnectedtotheDCSviaa420mAsignalsentfromtheDCS to control the valve position. HART data is superimposed on the 420mA connection, and the SPA loop monitor and alarm extracts the valvestem position from the HART data. The SPA then sends the actual valvestempositiondatatotheDCSviaanadditional420mAconnection. The DCS compares the valve control output signal to the HART valvestem position data to ensure proper positioning. This data is used to verify correct functioning of the valve in normal operations, and totestthevalvewhenDuPontperformsperiodicallyrequiredplantshutdownstoverifyoperationofthe safetyshutdownsystem. The HART data allows DuPont to test valve safety interlock operation from the control room. Control room operators place the appropriate DCS output in manual mode and adjust the 420mA control valve output signal to open and close the valve. The SPA sends a 420mA signal derived from the HART data backtotheDCStoverifyvalveposition. Consider the alternative: If the valvestem position data was not available at the DCS through HART and the SPA, DuPont would have to station an instrument technician at each valve to observe valve


operation. The technician would have to observe valve travel, and communicate this information to controlroompersonnel. "There are over 100 control valves equipped with Moore SPA loop monitors, so valve safety interlock testingwouldbealaborintensiveandcumbersomeoperationwithoutHARTCommunication,"observes Moffett. OnlineTestsReduceOutages DuPont has plans to take valve testing to another levela level that will reduce the number and lengths of outages required for safety interlock testing. Certain valve testing requirements for safety interlock systems can be met with partial valvestroke testing of emergency shutdown valves during normal operations. Performing those tests during normal operations means fewer shutdowns are required, and therequiredteststakelesstimesotheshutdownscanbeshorter.



HART Enabled
Simulate interlock value Bum p valve Verify valve movem ent Issue report





Partial valvestroke testing during normal operations is a procedure, either manual or automated, used tostrokeavalveoverasmallpercentageofthevalve'stotaltravelrange.Forexample,asafetyinterlock valve might be fully closed during normal operations. Partial valvestroke testing could be used to move


the valve to a slightly open position. This would verify valve operation without affecting normal operations. The present system could be used to undertake manual partial valvestroke testing, or an upgraded systemcouldbeusedtoimplementautomatedpartialvalvestroketesting. "We are currently evaluating device management system that would be able to directly accept data from all of our HART instruments," Moffett says, "and the system could be used to implement automatedpartialvalvestroketesting." Other plans call for using additional SPA capabilities to monitor the diagnostic status of the valvestem positioners,toprovidealarmonlowvalveoperatingairpressure,andtoproviderelaycontactsforopen and closed valve position. For more critical applications, oneoutoftwo (1oo2) and twooutofthree (2oo3)configurationscanbeusedtoincreaseavailabilityandreliability. FailSafeSystemReliesonHARTCommunication Most safety interlocking at the DeLisle plant is implemented through a dedicated DCS controller, but certain processes must be equipped with a hardwired relay safety shutdown system. Many of these processesuseHARTenabledpressureandtemperaturetransmitters.Eachofthesetransmitterssendsa 420mA process variable signal to a Moore Industries SPA loop monitor that decodes the HART data superimposedonthe420mAsignal. The SPA then sends a process variable signal derived from the HART data to the DCS, and it also sends failsafealarmcontactstothehardwiredrelaysafetyshutdownsystem.Thesealarmcontactsaresetto indicatehighlevel,lowlevel,andthepresenceorabsenceoftheHARTsignal. HARTenabledinstrumentsallowDuPonttooperatetheplantinasafeandefficientmanner."HARTand the SPAs provide a solution that unlocks a wealth of diagnostic and process information in the positioners and transmitters," says DuPont project manager Joe Moffett. "This information is used to increasereliabilityandminimizethedurationofrequiredplantshutdowns." DuPontisusingthishighlyefficientTiO2processingsiteasabenchmarkforotherfacilitiesbecauseofits outstanding compliance with safety, health, and environmental requirements. DuPont plans to fully exploit the available HART data with an asset management system that will provide automated partial valvestroke testing, predictive maintenance alerts, and comprehensive management of the plant instrumentationsystem. MajorBenefitsofHARTCommunicationforDuPont Expeditestestingofsafetyinterlockvalves,shorteningplantshutdowns Providesfailsafeinputstothehardwiredrelaysafetyinterlocksystem Allowsremoteconfigurationandrangingofvirtuallyallinstrumentation


Reducesnumber/durationofshutdownsbyusingpartialvalvestroketesting Establishesthefoundationforanassetmanagementsystem




PROJECTOBJECTIVES SOLUTION RESULTS HART Communication lets the transmitter read actual voltage to determine actual pressure withoutrespanningthetransmitterandintroducingerror Upsets that exceed expected range can be accurately measured by the digital HART Communicationsignal. Remoteconfigurationsavestimebyreducingtripstothefield InstallationofasingleHARTenabledtransmitter,replacingtwoanalogtransmitters Duringprocessupsets,tankpressureexceededrangeofanalogpressuretransmitters

One HARTenabled transmitter replaces two analog transmitters to cope with pressure spikes and offer morecosteffectivemaintenance At Eastman Chemical Co.s operation in Longview, Tex., pressurized tanks may have an allowable working pressure of 63 psig, which may be 10 times more than the span of the tanks pressure transmitters. According to Josh Lowery, electrical engineer at Eastman Chemical, pressure variations in thosetankscancauseproblems. On startup, one tanks pressure shot up and popped a relief valve. The tank shot up past 12 psig, says Lowery, who adds that the tanks pressure transmitter span is 012 psig. A solution using HART technologyincludesonlyonetransmitter,ratherthantwoasrequiredbefore.


We use the HART signal to read the actual value at the cell, and so read the full range of the transmitter,saysLowery.Thismeansoperatorscandeterminetheactualpressurewithoutrespanning thetransmitter,whichcanincreasetransmittererrortenfold.WecanstriptheHARTsignal,andgetfull range from transmitters in which the scale has decreased, he says. When we have upsets where the processwentoutoftheexpectedrange,wecancapturetheactualreadingfromtheHARTsignal.

Fewer instruments, a HARTenabled device, and improved diagnostics help Eastman Chemical save on equipmentcostandmaintenancetime. In addition, HART technologys remote configuration capability has helped improve operations at the Texas facility. HART saves us the time we used to spend going to and from the instrument, Lowery says. More importantly, hazardousarea work requires many more permits. Hooking up with HART in thecontrolroomismucheasier. Remote configuration also allows Eastman to verify field wiring from the control room. Fewer instruments,aHARTenableddevice,andimproveddiagnosticsmeansEastmansavesonequipmentand maintenance.



PROJECTOBJECTIVES An engineer responsible for managing communication and control systems across two new chemical plants with a combined 10,000 I/O points, sought a communication solution with the intelligencetopredictfailures

SOLUTION Communication was implemented using the HART Protocol in field instruments and a DCS from apreferredvendor HART technology facilitated a consolidation of hardware and software vendors, and a program tostreamlineandreducemaintenancerelatedalarmsby90% In one area of the site (acrylic acid and acrylates), 4,000 HARTenabled devices were used for a seamlessdiagnosticviewformaintenanceoperations

RESULTS The new system provides yearly savings estimated at a conservative 6.5 million South African Rand,roughly$1millionatthetimeofimplementation HART devicebased diagnostic capabilities led to removal of 40 of 350 nonessential control valvesforsavingsofoveramillion Detectionoffaultyorpoorlyoptimizedvalvepositionerslikewiseledtosavingsestimatedtotop twomillionRand

The HART Protocol was a natural choice because it was compatible with the company's existing relationshipsandinstalledcontrolsystemtechnology


Handed the task of overseeing the implementation of communication and control systems that would serve as the automation data lifeline for two new plants, Sasol Solvents engineers started small, but finished big. The plants, to be constructed by South Africa's Sasol Solvents and Olefins and Surfactants, housed some 10,000 I/O points. A major installation of HARTcapable intelligent devices led to big savingsbyusingHARTtechnologyalreadyinthecompany'schemicalplants.

Johan Claassen, engineering manager for control systems, instrumentation, and electrical, began with a vision to implement a control system and corresponding field instrumentation that had the intelligence topredictfailuresbeforedowntimeresulted.Thisinitialvisionultimatelyledtoestimatedyearlysavings of6.5millionSouthAfricanRand(US$1million). "We significantly exceeded my expectations. I was expecting two or three million Rand in savings," he says. However, Claassen believes this figure to be conservative, as a number of benefits are hard or impossibletoquantify. Claassen'sandSasol'sresultsbenchmarkwhat'sachievable,accordingtoRonHelson,ExecutiveDirector of the HART Communication Foundation. "They really stepped out of the box and set the example for whatispossiblewhenyoustartusingthefullpotentialofsmartinstrumentation,"hesays. To finish this big, however, Claassen faced numerous obstacles that had him battling balky technology andovercomingobjectionsfromsometimesskepticalmanagement.


Breakingnewground In 2000, Claassen dusted off his crystal ball and peered into the future. He didn't do this because of the new millennium. Rather, he went into the forecasting business because Sasol, an integrated oilandgas companywithsubstantialchemicalinterests,neededtoexpand. In response to that need, Sasol would, over the next few years, build a butanol plant capable of producing 150,000 metric tons a year of solvent for the company's customers in the paint and ink industries.Thecompanywouldalsoconstructanacrylicacidandacrylatesprojectthatwouldeventually supply about 125,000 tons of products. Because of these projects, two plants would arise from empty fieldsnearthecompany'scomplexinSasolburg,atownmidwaybetweenCapeTownandJohannesburg, whereSasolhadgottenitsstart50yearsearlier. Claassen, who'd joined the company in 1995 with a controlsystem engineering degree from the University of Pretoria, focused on the automation and control systems proposed for the new facilities. He had his own plans for these systems, although he didn't have much of a team to help him push his ideas. "The team consisted of two peoplemyself and a Sasol technology engineerwith the vision to implementacontrolsystemandfieldinstrumentationthathadtheintelligencetopredictfailuresbefore they caused plant downtime," he recalls. The group started looking for solutions, investigating various technology options. It also looked at different distributed control systems (DCS) to provide needed functions. But Claassen could not start from a blank slate. The automation and control systems for the new plants had to take into account Sasol's existing relationships and installed technology. On that basis, HART based instruments and HART I/O had an advantage. Sasol already had a limited installation of HART instrumentsandsystemsinothersiteswithinSasol'sSolventsgroup.Inaddition,Claassennotesthatthe communicationsprotocolofferedanotherbenefit. "HART had the advantages of normal 420mA where you have one pair of wires per field device. Sasol's designspecificationsforthenewplantswerebuiltaroundthis,"hesays. Findingsuccess Changing to another industrial communication protocol would have forced the company to update design specifications before building new facilities. But Claassen was prepared to go down that road becausehefeltthatnewtechnologieshadtobepartofthenewfacilities.


Otherswerentquiteassure.ThegroupsproposalforacontrolsysteminvolvingHART,Foundation Fieldbus, and a new DCS was brought before Sasols board of directors in 2001, but that approach was rejected. Disappointed, Claassen and his team continued planning. We had to make the best of the situation.Someoftheboardsargumentsmadesense,andwehadtohonorit,hesays. Severalofthoseargumentsinvolvedtimingandrisk.Theboardapproveda$200millionbutanolproject in mid2001 and fast tracked it for completion by the end of 2002. This approach, which involved taking ontwonewtechnologiesonefortheDCSandtheotherforthecommunicationprotocolseemedtoo difficultandpresentedtoohighachanceforfailure. Claassens team reworked their ideas, concentrating on implementing HART along with a DCS from a vendor that Sasol had worked with before this project. When this idea was presented to the board, Claassengotapprovalforthecombination. A wrinkle at the time was that this particular vendor offered no integrated HART I/O solution, meaning that Sasol wouldn't be able to make use of the diagnostic capabilities of the technology. So the group decided to implement device management software from a rival vendor, using multiplexers to strip off the diagnostic information from the field devices. This solution required the use of OPC for communication and the development of a diagnostic bitextraction tool to handle traffic between the hardwareandsoftware. Disarmingalarms Bythetimethebutanolplantwasupandrunningin2003,Claassenwashopefulthathehadthedesired automation and communication solution in place. Over time, though, his optimism faded. Part of the communication setup in the plant involved signals being sent to indicate the existence of diagnostic errors in an instrument. An operator would then receive an alarm alerting him to the problem.


Unfortunately, operators and engineers were getting 10 alerts a minute, and many weren't about anythinganoperatorcouldaffect.Consequently,thosealarmswerelargelyignored. Due to this alarm situation, the Sasol team switched its approach in 2004, implementing a solution that used the same vendor for both hardware and software. The company also embarked on an alarm management program and changed its philosophy on maintenancerelated alarms, meaning that operatorswereonlypresentedwiththosealarmstheycoulddosomethingabout.Claassenreportsthat, today,thenumberofalarmsseenbyoperatorshasbeencutbymorethanafactorof10,andthat'sonly thebeginningoftheupgrades. "As things improve, we will start training the operators to do firstline fault finding on our asset managementsoftwareaswell,"hesays. The change in alarm philosophy coincided with the completion of the acrylic acid and acrylates facility and completion of current building projects. At present, Sasol uses some 4,000 HART instruments and about400FOUNDATIONfieldbusdevices.


Sasol Solvents
SCU, Butanol and AAA syste ms la yout
A MS Po rta l C lie nts
Aler t Publis hing A pplica tion

@ sse t.M AX C lie nts

@ s set .MA X

A MS Po rt al

F ield De vic e M anager (FDM )

A MS A A A S ystem 1 A MS B uta no l H on eyw ell FT A H AZ -R TP_IA H 16 1

DCS (E PK S R 2 10 ) AA A S yste m 2

P& F K F D2 -H MM -1 6 M aste r KFD 0 -H MS-16 Sla ve


P& F K F D2-H MM -1 6 M aste r KFD 0- H MS-16 S la ve

P &F KF D 2-H M M-16 M a ster K FD0 -H M S-1 6 Sl ave


H on eyw ell FT A H AZ -R T P_IA H 16 1


HART data is collected from intelligent instruments and conveyed to the process control system and asset management operator stations via HART flexible interface and via RS485 from I/O to operator stations. The mix includes multiplexers, shutdown and control valves, and pressure and temperature transmitters. Claassen uses the intelligence and diagnostic capabilities in these instruments for predictivemaintenancestrategies,rootcausefailureanalysis,andfaulttreeanalysis. By using the diagnostic capabilities on the control valves, his group has determined which valves should be removed, targeting 40 out of 350 at a savings of over a million Rand. They've also detected faulty or poorlyoptimizedvalvepositionersatasavingsestimatedtotoptwomillionRand. There are also advantages to the new systems that are harder to quantify. Claassen recalls that, after installing the latest assetmanagement portalsoftware, the acrylic acid plant went through a scheduled shutdowninSeptember2005.Usingtheassetmanagementportal,Claassenandhisteamcouldgivethe production department an update on the health status of all field instrumentation and control valves beforerestartingtheplant.


This was not possible before because it was not easy to tell how well qualityassurance and quality control tasks were done during the shutdown. Thanks to the new technology, Claassen was able to provideananswermuchquickerthanbefore. "In less than five minutes I could give my production department the goahead to start up the plant. Before we had HART and the new software packages, it was very difficult to do this. You had to rely on theinformationthatyourpeoplecouldgiveyou,"hesays. Results obtained through the use of intelligent instruments have been so encouraging to this point that Sasolplanstodeploysimilarsystemsinthecompany'sotherplantsoverthenextfewyears.



PROJECTOBJECTIVES Find a lowcost communications solution for satellite transceivers sourced from multiple manufacturers

SOLUTION HART technology equipped the full 28satellite network for remote asset monitoring applications Provide a method for customers to transmit critical data from offshore pipelines, remote well heads,tanksorflowmeters

RESULTS Critical data easily, efficiently transmitted from the field to 500 miles up, via Internet or file transfer Rapid,fullyconfigurabledatatransfersandremotediagnosticsforawidevarietyofapplications intheupstreamoilandgasmarket

ORBCOMM Global, the first lowEarth orbit (LEO) satellite provider of data communications services, helpsitscustomerstransmitwellheadpressures,naturalgasproductionandtanklevels Its official. HART Communication is out of this world. Since 1999, ORBCOMM Global has successfully used the HART Protocol to transfer data from HART field devices to lowEarth orbit (LEO) satellites. Still flyinghightoday,ORBCOMMsControlsatFieldSentryRTUcontinuestosupporttwowaymessagetraffic withHARTenabledfielddevicesthroughthecompanyssatellitenetwork. ORBCOMM Global became the first commercial LEO provider of data communications services when we completed our 28satellite constellation in September 1998 says Wally Walter, Controlsat product manager.Thenetwork wasdesignedtobealowcostcommunicationssolutionwith typicalmessaging feesbetween10and50dollarsamonth(circa1999)andaffordablesatellitetransceiversavailablefrom fivemajormanufacturers.


HARTCommunicationplaysapivotalroleinORBCOMMsstrategyforremoteassetmonitoring.Withthe HARTbased FieldSentry, rapid, fullyconfigurable data transfers and remote diagnostics are possible for awidevarietyofapplications.TheFieldSentryisinservicenowprovidingremotediagnosticsviasatellite of wellhead pressures, natural gas production and tank level monitoring for the upstream oil and gas market.

Unlike expensive, high altitude Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites, the new LEO satellite technology places a constellation of small, inexpensive satellites in continuous motion at approximately 500 miles altitude. This reduced distance lowers the power requirements dramatically and greatly simplifiesthetransmitterdesign.


This system allows us to transmit critical data from offshore pipelines, remote well heads, tanks or flowmeterstodistantclientsviaInternetorfiletransfer,Waltersays. In this out of this world application, the HART Protocol has proven itself once more to be a highly capable, costsaving process management tool. Many new HARTcompatible products, like the FieldSentry, are making remote operationsdata transfers, diagnostics, monitoring and measurementseasyandefficient.



PROJECTOBJECTIVES Achieveaccuracybetween0.1and0.2percentincustodytransferofoilasitchangesownership en route to and from sites across Canadas oilrich Alberta province to meet contractual requirements

SOLUTION In roughly a decade, a majority of the 600 transmitters were upgraded with HART devices and flowcomputershandlinguptofourtransmitterseach HART Communication provided an alldigital data path, eliminated the need for conversion whenanalogtodigitalconversionswereresultinginmeteringinaccuracies Transmitterswerealsoupgradedforgreateraccuracy

RESULTS HARTenabled transmitters helped improve accuracy to save almost a quartermillion dollars annually The plant achieved higher performance using upgraded transmitters and flow computers that didnotrequireanalogstepinobtainingmeasurements Marcel Boisvert, senior instrument/electrical craftsman, credits HART Communication with "fantastic"measurementbalancesand"phenomenal"accuracies Engineersandtechnicianssavedtimebyreducingtripstothefield

Making use of the digital process variable output of HARTenabled transmitters, BP Canada Energy improveditsprocesscontrolandsavedsubstantialtimeandmoney.


JustasallroadsonceledtoRome,todayallpipelinesleadtoFortSaskatchewanatleastthosecarrying hydrocarbons in the middle of Canadas oilrich Alberta province. The pipeline hub is the BP Canada plant located in the city. We have just about every pipeline in central Alberta coming in and out of Ft. Saskatchewan,saysMarcelBoisvert,aseniorinstrument/electricalcraftsmanwithBPCanadaEnergy.


The material in the pipelines not only moves through the area but also changes owners. BP Canada Ft. Saskatchewan does the custody transfer measurement, and getting those readings right presents a challenge. However, thanks to hard work and HART Communication technology, Boisvert reports, "Our measurementbalancesarefantastic.Ouraccuraciesarejustphenomenal.

The plants engineering staff put the digital process variable output of HARTenabled transmitters to use,therebyimprovingaccuracy,savinguptoaquartermilliondollarsannually,andearningHARTPlant


of the Year honors for 2006. Theirs is a tale interest for anyone who wants to know how HART technologiescanhelpimproveprocesses. Balancing the books The Ft. Saskatchewan plant makes propane, butane, natural gas liquid (NGL) condensate and ethane with carbon dioxide removed. In a given year, 1.5 million cubic meters of propane leaves the plant, bound for other BP facilities. The other products produced also ship in large volumes. The plant staff employs temperature and pressure readings to compensate the flow measurement and quantify whats inthepipes. A decade ago BP Canada started installing HARTenabled temperature and pressure transmitters in Ft. Saskatchewan. Today a majority of the 600 transmitters in the plant are HARTenabled. As part of the upgradepackage,thecompanyalsoinstalledflowcomputers,uptofourtransmitterspercomputer. In the initial configuration, Boisvert says the 420 mA analog signal output from a transmitter was fed into a flow computer. The digital signal superimposed atop the analog signal as part of the HART standardfunctionedasasecond communicationchanneltoandfromthe transmitterbutwasnotbeing usedbytheflowcomputer. For audit and other purposes, flowcomputer readings were and are compared to that of a standard, certified gauge. One plant staff person handled transmitter calibration while another did the meter proving. The accuracy in the mass delivery demanded by contract was one or two tenths of a percent, a figurethattranslatedintoaneedforhighlyaccuratetemperatureandpressurereadings. For example, a temperature error of 0.25 C results in up to a 0.07% net flow error. Multiplied by the amount of product Ft. Saskatchewan ships, that error meant a potential loss of $250,000 a year. For NGL, the corresponding figure was $350,000, creating strong incentives for accurate measurements. In addition, those receiving the product would make their own readings and take action if a large enough difference was found. There will be acorrection, if you have somebody at the other end able to do the measurementaswellasyoudoorbetter,saysBoisvertinexplainingwhatwouldhappen.


Speakingonelanguage Problems, however, cropped up when Boisvert and coworkers tried to reduce the measurement error. Despite diligent transmitter calibration efforts that should have kept the devices operating within a tenth degree, meter proving continued to indicate an inaccuracy of up to half a degree. The employee proving the meter would then adjust the transmitters or ask for them to be calibrated. Calibration showed that the transmitters were working well within tolerances. The sequence would then repeat for eachemployee'sareauntilvariousteammemberswitnessedeach. Theteamfinallyfoundtheproblemtobewithintheflowcomputer,specificallyinthetransformationof the analog signal into its digital equivalent. The analog to digital conversion was not as accurate as whatwewerelookingfor,notesBoisvert. The errors werent great, perhaps 0.2 to 0.5 C on a range of18 to +65.5 C. On the pressure side, the discrepancy might be up to 50 kiloPascals on a range of 10,000 kPa. Those small errors, though, were enoughtoeatupasignificantpartoftheoverallallowableerrorbudget. Faced with this problem, the team started looking for a solution. A series of tests convinced them the readout at the transmitter agreed with analog and digital signals. That was when the group decided to sidestep conversion, notes Boisvert. If the flow computer speaks HART and the transmitter speaks HART,let'sreadthedigitalvalueratherthantheanalogvalue,hesays,thinkingthroughtheprocess.


The simplesounding idea required a bit of work. For one thing, the flow computer's model didnt natively read or write HART commands. However, it was programmable at a low level. The vendor provided what was essentially a translator, allowing Ft. Saskatchewans team to worry only about the higherlevelapplicationsoftware. Part of the solution also involved upgrading the transmitters. A typical specification for a transmitter of 0.5degree accuracy wouldnt work. We were looking for that 0.2 degree accuracy, says Boisvert. Workingwithvendors,theyfoundtransmittersthatwouldhitthemorestringentspec.Suchatightening onlymadesense,though,becausetheconversioninducederrorhadbeeneliminated. Highlyaccurateresults With transmitters and flow computers talking without an analog step in the middle and with more accurate transmitters, the Ft. Saskatchewan plant achieved the desired performance. Its hard to pinpointanexactdollarfiguresavedduetotheimprovementbecause,asBoisvertnotes,theerrorcould have been positive or negative. The total amount of the possible adjustment, however, runs in the hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Since the setup has been in place for a decade, potential savingsareinthemillionsofdollars. Another benefit even harder to quantify has been removal of internal inconsistencies. That has contributedtocreationofawelldeservedreputationthathelpsincertifyingmeasurementstoexternal parties.Thereareneveranyissuesaboutouraccuracy,saysBoisvert. Theres alsobeen some savings of engineering and technician time. To take one example, the old meter proving required one employee to take a reading from a certified device placed next to the transmitter. Thestafferwouldthenhavetogotowheretheflowcomputerwaslocatedandseewhatitmeasured. Finally, the employee would have to travel back to the certified instrument and hope there hadnt been a process change during this back and forth. Now the task is much easier because the transmitter's digital display shows what the flow computer sees. He can look at the certified device sitting right next tothedigitaldisplayonthetransmitterandcomparehisreadings,notesBoisvert. There are also time savings because instruments arent being tweaked, and other adjustments arent being made only to be undone later. BP Canada Energy estimates total savings of at least an hour a weekofengineeringandtechniciantime. As for lessons learned by the whole process, Boisvert cites one that could apply to a wide variety of situations.HARTisnotjustamaintenancetool.Itisaprocessimprovementtoolaswell,hesays.




PROJECTOBJECTIVES SOLUTION In addition to direct data measurements, use HARTenabled multivariable transmitters for proprietarymathmodelsusedinrealtimeprocessoptimization Optimizethenumberofprocessvariablesthatcanbecosteffectivelymeasuredinline Obtainanaccuratedatafeedformathmodelingofmultivariableparameters

RESULTS HARTCommunicationderiveddataleadstopredictiveprocessmodels,resistselectricalnoise Wiringanddevicemaintenancerequireminimalinvestments Measurement quality is superb, accuracy is excellent and the analog path in the measurementchainisshorter,INRAreports.

Frenchagrofoodresearchersuse HART technology tocreate amathematicalmodelwithhigh resolution realtimeHARTprocessvalues Researchers at the National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA) in ThivervalGrignon, near Paris, France, are using HART Communication for inline measurement of key parameters in microbiologic processes as they occur during the production of yogurt, beer and wines. The French researchers are also acquiring valuable data required for the calculation of fermentation rates inside tanks, determining sugar and ethanol concentration, and obtaining indirect pH measurements during yogurt maturation throughmathematicalmodelsdevelopedbyINRA.


We are a state research lab, but we market the information gained in our labs to industrial production plants throughout Europe and worldwide, says Bruno Perret of INRAs Department of Food and FermentationEngineering.Weusepilotplants,whereweexperimentwithfermentationprocesses. According to Perret physical parameters are difficult to measure because many of INRAs biological process parameters require inline measurements that are physically challenging to achieve in a cost effective manner. In addition, it is hard to find a sensor that is reliable and inexpensive, as is the case in pH measurement during yogurt production or in measuring alcohol and sugar concentrations during fermentationinbreweriesandwineries. "Therefore, we have developed software packages with mathematical models that receive realtime digitalmeasurementsfromHARTmultivariabletransmitterstocalculatethesevalues,"Perretsays. Specifically, according to Perret, process values from the multivariable transmitters are filtered (mean value) locally in the transmitters for a better stability of the measurement, using the HART transmitters integrated output damping functions. This is more efficient then having filtering done by the host software, and especially avoids bottlenecks in the digital communication rate, which is limited in a multidrop network. The result is better resolution and stability of measurements, which would be much more difficult to achieve making evaluations based solely on analog transmitteroutputs. "Our process control is much more efficient with HART Communication. In fact, our model is so accurate that simply changing a few parameters makes it possible


to predict the process evolution," Peret says. This last point is particularly important when the electrical environmentofafactoryisnoisy. INRA has two trademarked HART software packages with HART technologyderived master capabilities: OenoBeer Control, which is used to manage ethanol concentration and density; and YAB, a specialized ininlinepHestimationandtrendingroutineusedinyogurtproduction. "With HART, the wiring is simple and economical, and measurement point maintenance is easy. So, operating costs are low," Perret says. "But the best thing is HART instruments have a superb measurement quality. The accuracy is just excellent. Most importantly, with HART digital data transmission,theanalogpathinthemeasurementchainisshorter." INRA was founded in 1946 and became a national public scientific and technological establishment in 1984 under the joint authority of the French Ministries of Research and Agriculture. Today INRA operates260researchcenters,80experimentalunitsandtechnologicalfacilitiesand100serviceunits.



PROJECTOBJECTIVES Improveplantmaintenancebyincreasingvolumeandqualityofdatareceivedfromequipment Integrate data from HARTenabled devices in conjunction with data from a Foundation fieldbus (FF)networkinasingleplantassetmanagementsoftwaresystem

SOLUTION A HARTtoFF gateway brought data from both protocols together in a single plant asset managementsoftwaresystem Anadditionalconverteraddedfullaccesstovalvepositionervariablesforadvanceddiagnostics Aprofusionofcabletypes,lengths,impedances

RESULTS Plant gained access to data from multiple protocols in an integrated, Webenabled, asset managementapplicationsystem Smart valvepositioning diagnostics further improved and loop operation and downtime avoidance

The benefit for us was the ability to pull all our process information together, improve maintenance quality,and,mostimportantly,improveourmeantimebetweenfailure,theuserreports


HART Communication proves a familiar, practical diagnostic solution that can coexist with Foundation fieldbusnetworksandintegratewellinasingleplantassetmanagementsoftwareenvironment As part of a major upgrade to their plant in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Cebrace Cristal Plano, a large plate and specialty glass manufacturer, sought to improve overall plant maintenance quality by increasing the volumeandqualityofdatareceivedfromplantequipment. Although a Foundation fieldbus (FF) network was already in place in the plant, Cebrace engineers chose to rely on instrumentation using HART Communication to enhance data retrieval in their maintenance and diagnostic system. Our plant technicians are more familiar with HART technology and feel more comfortable relying on its proven capabilities in critical situations, says Benedito Adalberto Pestana, CebraceAutomationSystemsCoordinator. Using an offtheshelf gateway between the HART and FF protocols, operators were able to view and control instruments on both networks from the same plant asset management software system. The software allowed the user to apply several tests via HART,such as partial/complete stroke, valve signature, step response, mileage/stroke/reversal tracking, and input/output pressure checks. All these features allow analysis, alarm/warning generation preventing problems by identifying them before they occur. The benefit for us was the ability to pull all our process information together, improve maintenance quality,and,mostimportantly,improveourmeantimebetweenfailure,saysPestana.

Because of the advanced diagnostics demanded by this project, achieving a complete HARTtoFF technology conversion, comprising Universal, Common Practice and Specific commands, required accessing all the valve positioner variables. To do this, Cebrace engineers selected a HARTtoFF convertersinceananalog signalisnotrequiredwhenthecontrolstrategyisbeingperformedviaathird partyprogrammablecontroller(seediagram). Since there were a small number of positioners in the system, Cebrace engineers placed all ten convertersintoasinglebatteryofbackplanesinsidethecontrolroominsteadofdistributingtheminthe field.Onecellwasalsoinstallednexttotheconvertersetsandinterconnectedtothenetworkviaafiber opticcablewithoneFO/ETHconverteratbothends.


Theproposedarchitecturetoaddresstheproblem A derivation was taken from every cable to connect each positioner to the converters eight HART master ports. Even with such a wide variety of cable types, lengths and impedances, no operational problemsweredetectedaftertheinstallationwascompleted.



ASSETMANAGEMENT Our manufacturing facility is built around a huge linear machine hundreds of meters long. Any disturbance, especially in the initial stages of the production process, can cause a major shutdown and, evenworse,destroythemainoven,Pestanaadds. If this occurs, set up and restart lasts a minimum of60 hours, which represents a cost of about $30,000US in lost product. Through the use of HART technology, we are able to maintain online preventivemaintenancefulltimeandreducemaintenancecostsatleast50percent. HART integration allows Cebrace to monitor processrelated variables, diagnostic status, and information stored in their database, such previous operation conditions, next scheduled shutdown for maintenance, etc., 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They are able to access all field devices from every station plantwide and even worldwide (if an Internet connection is available) in a single, web based, integrated software environment to improve loop operation and to avoid unscheduled downtime. Conclusion The main benefit of this integration project was that the plant gained access to data from all fieldbus as well as HARTenabled devices, in a single, integrated asset management application, at every station in theplantaswellasremotelyusingasecureInternetconnection. The high level of diagnostic data available via the HART smart valve positioner additionally allowed accesstoinformationneededtoimproveloopoperationandtoavoidunscheduleddowntime.




PROJECTOBJECTIVES Replacepaperchartrecorderswithcosteffectivedigitalcommunications Extendautomatedmeterreadingtoawirelessnetworkwithan80mileradius. Extend the HART Communication network beyond the traditional 10,000foot (3,000meter) distancelimitation.

SOLUTION Installed HARTenabled network gateway/multiplexer for use with a multivariable flow transmitterprovidingflowmeasurementanddatalogging Spread spectrum radios provided the wireless link, with multipoint and repeater configurations, betweenthenetworkgatewayandtheHARTenabledinstruments

RESULTS Reliabledataacquisitionfromdeviceswithinaradiusofupto80milestoacentralhostinTulsa, Oklahoma Dataeasilyintegratedwiththepreexistingmeasurementsystem. Eliminatingmanualpaperbasedoperationssavesanannual$1.25million Additional savings include elimination of costly cable runs and hardware savings of almost 30% onfutureinstrumentationinstallations

When a major Midwestern gas pipeline company sought to modernize its legacy paperbased meter reading operations, HART technology proved equal to the challenge by providing a capable, flexible and costsavingsolution.


In an extraordinary automation project involving multiple wireless messaging links, the power and adaptability of the HART Communication helped a major Midwestern gas pipeline company meet the challenge of modernizing its analog meterreading infrastructure. HART technology provided the communication tool needed to create an extended meter reading network via spread spectrum radio andsatellitecommunication. Thegaspipelinecompanyplannedtoreplacepaperchartrecordersontheirnaturalgaspipelinewithan automated meter reading (AMR) system. The AMR system would have to be capable of acquiring data from devices within a radius of up to 80 miles, publishing field data from locations throughout the Midwest to a central host in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and integrating the data with an existing measurement system. To meet the challenge, company engineers chose the Director, a HARTenabled network gateway/multiplexer from Arcom Control Systems used in conjunction with a multivariable flow transmitterprovidingflowmeasurementanddataloggingcapabilities. The HART master satisfied all the requirements for the project, says John Tandy of Arcom Control Systems.TheDirectorusesHARTtoacquirerealtimeandhistoricalinformation.Dataisthenpublished toacentralhostviasatelliteoroverEthernetviaTCP/IP.


The AMR system uses spread spectrum radio and satellite communication to extend the HART network beyond the traditional 10,000foot (3,000meter) distance limitation. Spread spectrum provides the wirelesslinkbetweentheDirectorandtheHARTinstruments. Tandy adds that the radios allow great flexibility in network architecture through multipoint and repeater configurations, as well as providing reliable data transmission of the HART messages, Tandy adds.Withtheuseofrepeaters,HARTunitscanbebroughtintoasinglemultiplexerfromaradiusof80 milesormore. At each remote site the Freewave radio connects to the field devices using a serial HART interface. This transmits the HART signal from the radio onto the local current loop to a single or multidropped HART network.Becauseupto32devicesperradionetworkwererequired,theHARTpollbytagfeaturewas implementedtoallowmorethanthetraditional15devices. By implementing the HARTbased AMR system, the pipeline company was able to realize cost savings in several ways. The paper chart recorders previously had to be collected and tabulated manually for each monthlybilling.Nowthisisdoneautomaticallywithongoingsavingsestimatedat$1.25millionperyear. Because the HART signal is transferred over the radio link, there is no need for a separate Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) or multiplexer at each meter site. One Director is master to 32 HART meters, allowingdataconsolidation. Wireless communication avoids very costly cable runs to each HART meter. The multivariable flow transmitter effectively combines a traditional flow meter and three discrete instruments into a single instrument,yieldinghardwarecostsavingsofalmost30%persite.TCP/IPcommunicationallowsremote diagnosticsandconfiguration,reducingtheneedforonsitetechnicalsupport. Global industry growth continues to present an everincreasing challenge to provide strong networking and interoperability communications solutions. HART technology has demonstrated for more than a decadethatitiscapableofmeetingthechallenge.


What does a large refinery have in common with a 650 yearold wheat mill? A common HART Protocol, andasimplesolutiontoasometimescomplicatedproblemintheHARTtoEthernetgateway. Numerous automation suppliers offer offtheshelf gateways to bridge the data divide between the HARTprotocolandmanyindustrialEthernetprotocols.Thesegatewaysprovideahighlyeffectivemeans ofbringdatafromHARTdevicesinthefieldandanyhostcomputerordeviceontheEthernetnetwork. Considerthesetwoverydifferentplantenvironments

PROJECTOBJECTIVES In Mexico, a PEMEX refinery required a means of integrating of all HARTcompatible field devicesintooneuserprogram.

SOLUTION Installed autonomous 100Mbit Ethernet Network (HARTLAN), ring topology with optical Ethernetports,conversionfromRS485usingCOMserversandHARTLANstoaccessesdevices

RESULTS EachsatelliteroomgotaCOMserver; RS485buslineextendedasatwowirecableasabusline connectingtoHARTmultiplexer;HARTServerautomationinterfaceallowsusermonitoring. PEMEX refinery uses HARTtoEthernet Gateway Web Server to integrate 10,230 analog inputs and2,430analogoutputstosatelliteroomsupto3kilometersaway

Faced with a daunting integration task, the PEMEX refinery in Madero, Mexico, turned to HART Communication for a viable solution. A part of the overall requirement of the project was the full integration of all HARTenabled field devices for parameter assignment and configuration into one user program.


Access to these field devices had to be via both a central computer with a backup system and individually using a Notebook in each individual satellite room. This involved the transfer of a total of 10,230 analog inputs and 2,430 analog outputs via 728 HART multiplexers (211 masters, 517 slaves). Distancetotheindividualsatelliteroomswasupto3km. In order to effect the required functionality, engineers decided in favor of an autonomous 100Mbit Ethernet Network (HARTLAN). A ring structure topology was selected with automatic redundancy switchover. The ring structure was achieved by interconnecting the optical ports of the Ethernet switchesintheCCRbunker. Successful conversion from Ethernet to RS485 interfaces in the satellite rooms has been achieved through the use of COM servers. These devices are set to a specific IP address and can be addressed throughthecorrespondingdevicedriverviaEthernet asanoutlyingRS485interface.Thus,everystation on the HART LAN has access to these devices, which proved to be an excellent solution for individual accessviatheNotebooks. One COM server has been installed per satellite room and the RS485 bus line has been extended as a twowire cable. Up to 15 HART multiplexer masters are connected to this bus line. The central computers and the Notebooks are equipped with seven software packages, including the HART Server automationinterface.


PROJECTOBJECTIVES Ancient German wheat mill needed to transfer radar levelsensor data from silos to the control room

SOLUTION HARTtoEthernetGatewayactsasaWebserver,sendingdataviawirelessLANtocontrolroom

RESULTS Process variables displayed in standard Web browser; no new cabling needed to bring data to controlroom. In Germany, the H. Thylmann Kilianstdtermhle wheat mill needed to transfer radar level sensordatafromsilostothecontrolroom.

A 650yearold wheat mill near Frankfurt, Germany, is now linked with 21st Century process automation thanks tothepowerofHARTCommunicationusedtosenddatafromsilostothemills controlroomvia astandardWebbrowser. The H. Thylmann stores bran in six silo tanks of 40 to 60tons capacities. The mill equipped the silos with guided radar level sensors that monitor tank levels. A HARTenabled multiplexer scans and collects theanaloganddigitaldatafromtheleveltransmitters. The data is fed to a HARTtoEthernet gateway which acts as a web server. The data is then transmitted viaawirelessLANtothecontrolroomlocatedabout40metersawayanddisplayedasprocessvaluesby usingastandardWebbrowser. There was no new cabling to the control room needed, says Thomas Funfgeld, the mills instrumentationmanufacturerrepresentative.Allequipmentcouldbemountedinasinglecabinetnear thesilotanks.Also,theHARTdataisavailableviathenetworktoallusersinthecompany. Visualizing the data with a standard Web browser saves additional money because custom display software is not required. This is another example of how HART Communication, when used in a real time process application, can provide simple, costeffective solutions that can reduce operating costs andimproveprocessoperations.



PROJECTOBJECTIVES Achievetroublefreeplantstartupofa248,000barrel/dayoilprocessingfacility Eliminate erratic performance of underperforming field devices in a DCS network of 5,000 instruments

SOLUTION AdditionofassetmanagingsoftwaresystemplatformtoitsDCS Use the combined platform's HART technology to access intelligent device diagnostic informationandrootout"badactor"devicestobeeliminatedand/orreplaced

RESULTS Streamlined work processes led to reduced maintenance costs for a 60% reduction in lost profit opportunitiesvaluedat$70millionintwoyears Instrumentationperformanceandcalibrationproblemswerepreventedbeforestartup.Number offailuresattributedtoinstrumentationduringstartup?Zero Since startup, HART technology has streamlined preventive maintenance, allowing this large planttooperatewithastaffofonlyfivereliabilityengineersand12instrumenttechnicians

OneofVenezuelasmajorproducingoilfieldsliesinitsOrinocoRiverbasin;however,crudefromthisfieldis extraheavy and must undergo upgrading in one of several plants before refining. One of those plants is usingHARTCommunicationtostreamlineoperationsandtheirpreventivemaintenanceprocess.


The Petropiar Mejorador (upgrader) facility in the Jos Antonio Anzotegui industrial complex near Barcelona, Anzotegui, Venezuela, is controlled by PdVSA (the Venezuelan national oil company) in a joint venture with Chevron. It begins with thetarlikefeedstockat7.5API, and turns it into 26 API synthetic crude. The plant first started operation in 2003 as Petrolera Ameriven, and began delivering product in January, 2004. By the middle of that year, it achieved normal production, with capacity rated at 248,000 barrels per day with 1,500employees. As in any oil processing facility, reliability is paramount, and with 5,000 instruments communicating with the DCS, eliminating problems from erratic devices was key. To achieve that, Petropiar added an Asset Management System platform to its DCS. This system uses HART technology to communicate intelligent device diagnostic informationfrominstrumentsandactuatorsthroughouttheplant. Since our plant went on line in 2004, HART technology has opened a door of opportunity to the reliability community, says Mariela Leon, Petropiar instrumentation reliability leader. We were able to optimize our work process creating a reduction of maintenance costs which led to a 60% reduction of lost profit opportunities (LPO) caused by instrumentation faults. Eliminating bad actors and having the abilitytoreducerandomfailurehasresultedinareportedreductionofLPOontheorderof$70million intwoyears.


Petropiars maintenance group found that their efforts using HART technology made the plant startup go much smoother, as instrumentation performance and calibration problems had been sought out and corrected before it went on line. As a result, there were no failures attributed to instrumentation reported during the startup period. Their bad actors had already been identified and corrected, eliminating95%ofrelatedproblems. Since startup, this preventive method has continued. Calibration tasks are thoroughly defined, with routes and schedules laid out for the entire universe of instrumentation. This emphasis on predictive maintenance allows them to attend to only the items that really need attention, resulting in a 10% increaseineffectivepersonnelwrenchtime.Thishasallowedtheplanttooperatewithastaffofonly fivereliabilityengineersand12instrumenttechniciansandstillstayaheadofmostproblems. These experiences have caused the reliability team to look for other opportunities where HART has not already been put to work. There is still a small population of installed devices that are not HART capable, but these will be upgraded. All new instruments and process analyzers must be HART compliant. Moreover,allsystemshavenotyetbeenintegratedintotheAMS,butthisisalsounderway.Someparts ofthesafetyinstrumentedsystem(SIS),somePLCdrivensubsystems,andthefireandgas(F&G)detection systemarestillbeingincorporatedintothelargerassetmanagementnetwork.


One example of this increased reliability relates to valve positioners. HART technology was used to pinpoint a bad valve positioner which provided the justification to change or add positioners to 400 valves, says Livia Lefebre, reliability superintendent. We also demonstrated the partial valve stroke application to management who then approved its use, significantly increasing the time between requiredshutdowns. HART technology is also used at the oil production site that feeds Petropiar, and by the end of 2008 the two systems will be interconnected. This will allow the reliability engineers at the upgrader to analyze whatshappeningupstreamaswell.




PROJECTOBJECTIVES: SOLUTION: HART devices and communications installed across the plants field instrumentation and control networksforrealtimeprocessmonitoring UseofremoteHARTcommunicationsformaintenanceactivities Improveonplantoperationtoincreasethroughput Improvemaintenanceefficiency

RESULTS: HARTCommunicationhassped instrumentinstallationsaswell asmaintenancejobsforShellPetroleum DevelopmentCompanyNigeria,forimprovementstooperationsandmaintenanceintheSokuGasPlant locatedinPortHarcourt,RiversState,Nigeria. Shell Petroleum Development Company Nigeria, needed to improve on plant operation and maintenance andtoincreasethroughput,saysAweKayode,leaderoftheefforttobring HART benefits tothecompanysSokuGasPlant. Remoteaccesstohardtoreachplacesreducesthetimeandcostoftripstofielddevices Shortenstimeforinstrumentinstallationandconfigurationinhalforbetter Improvesplantoperationsandmaintenancethroughgreaterdatavisibility


TheSolution DevicesequippedwithHARTcommunicationswereinstalledacrosstheplantsfieldinstrumentationand control networks for realtime process monitoring. Additionally, HART communication is used for preventivemaintenanceandfirstlinemaintenancejobs.

HART Communication made it easier to access the instrumentation in hardtoreach areas such as the plantsglycolregeneration skidswheretechnicianswouldotherwiseclimbladders.Kayodeexplainsthat the HART capability has helped the maintenance staff comply with its goals, which has had a direct impactinkeepingourplantrunning. BenefitsandOutcomes The use of HART technology has greatly reduced setup and configuration time of field devices, Kayode says, citing the installation of new transmitters at the Soku plants Enhanced Gas Gathering System: The configuration time was initially scheduled for seven days, but was completed in three days. Additionally, remote communications access has greatly reduced trips to the field. Instead of climbing ladders to access instruments on a glycol regeneration skid, HART technology speeds access while reducingtime,costandrisk.

Kayodeaddsthatplantworkprocessesandoperationshavebeengreatlyimprovedthroughthebetter data visibility the HART Protocol provides, which he sums up as knowing the status of field devices and beabletobeproactiveintheirmaintenance.



PROJECTOBJECTIVES Optimize efficiency in communicating data from an undersea gas field of 24 wells to a 1,200 km longunderseapipelinethelongesteverbuilt Minimizethestaffrequiredtoeffectivelymanagecommunicationswiththecontrolsystem

SOLUTION An distributed control system was installed with secondary controllers at substations to handle theinterfaceswithfielddevices Approximately1,400HARTenabledfielddeviceswereconnectedtothesystemfulltime Severaltraditional420mAantisurgevalveswereconnectedtoHARTmultiplexerstoallowtheir datacanbeconvertedforcommunication A videoconferencing application lets experts around the world collaborate on diagnosing and correctingproblemsastheyarise

RESULTS HARTtechnologyhelpedtheplantmeetacommissioningschedule Diagnostic data enhance compliance with the company's Total Reliability Initiative for higher efficiency,assetavailabilityandsafety A fulltime connection between HARTenabled devices and the control systems asset optimizationpackageallowsrealtimetracking,troubleshootingandfaultdiagnosis

By designing in the advanced communication and selfdiagnostics capabilities of HART technology, NorwaysStatoilHydroanditspartnersstartedefficientlydeliveringnaturalgastotheU.K.


When winter strikes, you need heat to beat back the cold. It would be best if the fuel were reliable, plentiful, and relatively clean burning. Now consumers in the U.K. have a new source for that heat, natural gas and condensate pumped across the ocean from Norways subsea Ormen Lange gas field. Theyllwarmwaterfortea,cookfood,heathomes,generatepowerandotherwiseusethefuelforyears tocome.


Theyre able to do so, in part, because of HART technology. Erling Ramberg is an automation lead engineer at the Norwegian oil company StatoilHydro. The firm designed the onshore processing facility that produces the natural gas and condensate shipped to the U.K. He notes that the goal was to be as efficient as possible and that HARTcapable transmitters and valves were chosen for thisandotherfactors. Ithastodowithsizeoftheplant,ofcourse,andthelocationoutontheisland.Also,wedonot wanttobringinmorepeoplethanrequired,hesays. UpfromtheCold,DarkSea DiscoveredadecadeagobyoneofStatoilHydrosparentcompanies,OrmenLangeisanaturalgas fieldofftheNorwegiancoast.Itslargeinmorewaysthanone.Itmeasures40kilometerslongand eightwide.Italsohasprovengasreservestotalnearly400billioncubicmeters,anamount projectedtobeabletosupplyupto20percentofthenaturalgasneedsoftheU.K.forthenext fortyyears.


But Ormen Lange is not easy to exploit. The gas field itself lies roughly 3000 meters below sea level, buried beneath an uneven seabed and sitting under 800 to 1100 meters of water. Situated 120 km off the coast of Norway, the site experiences some extreme natural conditions. There are subzerotemperatures,whethermeasuredinFahrenheitorCentigrade,mostoftheyear.Theseas arestormy,withstrongunderwatercurrents.


TheprojectthatbroughtthisfuelupfromthebottomoftheseaandintoBritishhomesconsistsof a 24 subsea wells in four seabed templates. The output of the wells is sent in pipes 120 km to Nyhamna on the island of Aukra on the west coastof Norway. There the fuel is processed and readiedforshipmenttotheU.K.viaa1200kmlongunderseapipeline. Ramberg notes that direct pumping of the fuel to shorebased processing wont be problematic becausespecialstepsaretakento prevent pipeclogging due tofreezingofthe liquid.Thatsdone with an onshore monoethylene glycol (MEG) plant. We pump the MEG liquid out to the wells, injectitinthepipelinesandtransportitwiththegastoshoretopreventfreezing. MeetingtheChallengeforLess Onceonshore,theMEGisremovedandreused.Thefuelthenhastobeprocessedandreadiedfor shipmenttotheU.K. When designing the plant, StatoilHydro faced several constraints. One was the remote location, another was the sometimes harsh weather, and a third was the size of the facility. As finally built, the onshore plant is one square km, with a main control room and 10 substations. This plant is


quitelarge,saysRamberg. An overriding concern in the design was the need for absolutely reliable operation. No one, after all, wanted a consumer in the U.K. to turn on a burner and get nothing out because of a problem with a plant across the sea. The company, quite naturally, also wanted to accomplish all of its goalsasefficientlyandwithaslittleonsitemanpoweraspossible.

Ramberg recalls the technology selection process. Given the constraints, the ability to do predictive diagnostics was particularly important. With that capability, the health of a valve or othercomponentcouldbegaugedandmaintenancecouldbedoneasneeded.Valveswouldntbe changed out too soon, which would waste money. They also wouldnt be changed out too late, whichcouldpotentiallyjeopardizeoperations. There were other benefits to having a wealth of diagnostic information. With the right data, it shouldbepossibletoidentifytherootcauseofaproblem.Itmightthenbepossibletocorrectthe issue remotely, meaning fewer personnel would be exposed to harsh weather and possibly dangerousconditions.Whatsmorethecollectionofdatacould,overtime,leadtotheelimination ofsomeproblemsasrootcauseswereidentifiedandfixesimplemented. Because of the advantages of a communication rich approach, the company selected HART Communication technology to deliver the device diagnostic information they were seeking. The finished plant has about 1400 separate HARTenabled field devices connected onlinefull time.


Of these, about 350 are valve positioners, with most of the rest transmitters. A handful of traditional420mAantisurgevalvesareconnectedtoHARTmultiplexerssothattheirdatacanbe convertedforcommunication. Control is handled by a DCS with secondary controllers in the substations handling the interface between local devices and the plantwide controller. As might be expected given the need for reliability, there are redundancies and intelligent approaches built into the setup. Some of these arent those typically thought of or used. For example, theres a robust video conferencing capabilitysothatexpertsfromaroundtheworldcanmeetvirtuallytohelpdiagnoseproblemsand proposesolutions.

After processing at the plant, the fuel begins a trek to the U.K., traveling 1200 km before arriving at a terminal at Easington at the other end. It is a very long pipeline. I think it is the longest subseapipelinesofar,saysRamberg.


OperationsBegin He notes that startup of the operation was an activity that took some time, with an eye toward full production over a span of months. The startup was an activity going on for weeks, but the actualstartupwaswhentheyopenedthevalvetothewell,hesays. RambergaddsthatHARTtechnologyhelpedtheplantmeetitscommissioningschedule.However, in some sense, his job is done. Starting in December, operation of the plant was taken over by projectpartnerA/SNorskeShell,theNorwegianmemberoftheShellfamily. GrahamBaird,aconditionmonitoringengineerforA/SNorskeShell,willbeoneofthoseresponsiblefor monitoring of the plants daytoday operations and health. Hes had input in the design phase, particularly with regard to whats needed for operational monitoring of intelligent field equipment condition. While there hasnt been a lot of operational data so far, what the HARTenabled technology has delivered is promising. Baird cites the control systems asset optimizing package and device manager. Early indications are that these will give us a lot of useful actionable data, as they are online systems scanningtheHARTenabledinstrumentationcontinuously,hesays. With alert reporting activated, work can be prioritized, scheduled, and tracked. Baird notes that so far fault diagnosis has been made very quickly, thereby enabling corrective action to be taken in a controlledmanner.Often,thishasallowedfixestobemadedirectlytotherootcauseoftheproblem.


There also can be synergies with other nonHART condition monitoring systems. For example, compressor performance can be influenced by surge valve conditions, instrumentation calibrations, and so on. With more diagnostics data available, its possible to cross reference between systems to establishwhyequipmentmaynotappeartobeperformingaccordingtodesign. AllinallwegetamuchbetteroverallviewoftheplantassetconditionrightnowsumsupBaird. He explains that the use of HART technology and the wealth of diagnostic information it provides aligns with Shells Total Reliability Initiative. Getting that more informative picture also helps plant operators resteasieratnight,Bairdsays. HavingalargenumberofinstrumentsandvalvesconnectedtotheHARTbasedsystemsfordiagnostics can help us achieve a high availability for safety related instruments, critical process instruments and control valves. This gives plant operators the confidence that they have properly operating control equipment. Thus, an intelligent application of HART technology helps keep the U.K warm. With the predictive diagnostic capabilities built into the system, the Ormen Lange plant should be able to do so in a cost effectivemannerforyearstocome.



PROJECTOBJECTIVES SOLUTION Create a centralized system that would allow access to and modification of the HART devices currentlyinstalledintheplantviaaRemoteDeviceManagementconcept Centralized access to all devices and centralized the database and management of our instruments. HART Communication is used to deliver the process measurement values and device configuration information to a PROFIBUSRemoteI/O system, which converts the data to cyclic PROFIBUSDPData. Thedataanddeviceinformationisvieweddaily Reconfiguredfielddevicesfromasafeareatoadapttoanewproductionbatches.

RESULTS InitialinvestmentcostwaslowsinceinstalleddeviceswereHARTcapable Bysavingjust2or3hoursofdowntime,initialinvestmentcouldberecovered Plantengineershavedeterminedthatthisprojecthasreduceddowntimebyatleast6070% Changingdeviceparameterstoadjustforanewproductisnowfasterandeasier Deviceproblemsanderrorscannowbequicklyanalyzed Accessingdatafromdevicesinhazardousareaisnotlongeraproblem Equipmentreplacement(whennecessary)isnowfaster


Predictive maintenance alerts enable problems to be detected within seconds and process disruptionstobeavoided Realtimeaccesstofielddevicesprovidesassurancethatthingsareworkingproperly

ThereturnoninvestmentisveryhighwhenyouusetheHARTtechnologythatisalreadyinyourplant. Rather than waiting for a perfect solution that may require a significant investment, plant managers should look at the technologies they already have for a viable solution to improve operational performance.

The Clariant antioxidants plant in Gersthofen, Germany, solved a major production problem by utilizing the resources already installed in their plant. Clariant uses HART Communication technology in their daily operations to deliver process measurement values and device configuration information to a PROFIBUS remote I/O system, which converts the data to cyclic PROFIBUS DP Data for realtime data access,preventivemaintenanceandtroubleshootingofcriticaldeviceslocatedinahazardousarea. ThereturnoninvestmentisveryhighwhenyouusetheHARTtechnologythatisalreadyinyourplant, saysLudwigWenninger,Clariantplantengineer.Goingtothedeviceinthefieldtookalotoftime.Now we can access parameters from a central location in a safe area which has reduced the duration of plannedshutdownsbyatleast60to70percent. The Clariant plant produces additives used in plastics production and is responsible for prototyping new production plants. Because of the numerous chemicals produced, their field devices need to be re configured frequently to adapt to a new production batch. Many of the devices are located in a hazardous area, which limits accessibility, so a plan was devised to allow access to smart devices from a safe, remote (awayfromthedevices)location. To create a centralized system that would allow access to and modification of the HART devices currentlyinstalledintheplant,we decided on a Remote Device Management concept, says Wenninger. The system is based on PROFIBUSEthernet gateways and uses several automation technologies working together to provide a costeffectivesolution.


Since 1995, the Clariant plant has used numerous HARTenabled devices from multiple suppliers. Because HART technology is defined by a standard specification, all devices were able to be included in the application regardless of supplier, device age or measurement type. HART provides the means of remotedeviceconfigurationtomeettwooftheprojectsmainrequirements. Some of the devices were installed in hazardous areas and a notebook PC and other configuration tools could not be used in those areas. Since accessibility and management of the different devices would provide faster process adjustments and possibly provide early notification of pending device problems, theplanneededtoprovidecentralaccesstotheintelligentHARTdevicesfromasafe,remotelocationto eliminatetheneedforroutinevisitstothehazardousareas.

Wewantedtousethepossibilityofdeviceadjustmentsandremoteconfigurationwhichisbuiltintothe HART devices, says Wenninger. We wanted to centralize access to all devices and to centralize the database and management of our instruments. So, we decided on a structure where the devices and theirinformationwereavailablefulltimeandwouldalwaysbeconnectedtothesystem. HART Communication is used to deliver the process measurement values and device configuration information to a PROFIBUSRemoteI/O system, which converts the data to cyclic PROFIBUS DP Data. TheremoteI/OfromR.Stahlwasselectedforthisapplicationsinceitisdesignedasintrinsicallysafeand canprovideaccesstodevicesinthehazardousarea.


The link to the hazardous area is a RS485 intrinsically safe option of PROFIBUS, converting to Standard RS485andthentothePROFIBUSMastergatewaybySoftingandtotheDeltaVFieldControllersupplied byEmersonProcessManagement. The Clariant project is an ideal example of how to use installed HARTsmart devices to their maximum potentialin other words, finding better ways to use what you have, says Ron Helson, HART Communication Foundation Executive Director. Realtime integration of HART data with plant control, safetyandassetmanagementsystemsunleashesthePowerofHARTtechnologyandprovidessignificant benefitsinallphasesoftheplantlifecycle. The data and device information is viewed daily and has provided several expected and unexpected results. InitialinvestmentcostwaslowsinceinstalleddeviceswereHARTcapable Bysavingjust2or3hoursofdowntime,initialinvestmentcouldberecovered Plantengineershavedeterminedthatthisprojecthasreduceddowntimebyatleast6070% Changingdeviceparameterstoadjustforanewproductisnowfasterandeasier Deviceproblemsanderrorscannowbequicklyanalyzed Accessingdatafromdevicesinhazardousareaisnotlongeraproblem Equipmentreplacement(whennecessary)isnowfaster Predictive maintenance alerts enable problems to be detected within seconds and process disruptionstobeavoided Realtimeaccesstofielddevicesprovidesassurancethatthingsareworkingproperly

Combining HART with other automation solutions delivers realtime benefits to the Clariant plant 24 hoursaday,7daysaweek.Reconfigurationoftheprocesstoincludeanewproductisnowmuchfaster and is accomplished with significantly less time, effort and cost. The ability to diagnose the overall plant operation is considerably enhanced. Downtime due to device reconfiguration has been greatly reduced andhasalreadyprovidedcompleterecoveryofinitialinvestment. HART Communication technology is the right tool for management of all field devices delivering data to the control system and device monitoring applications. Justifying the cost for the hardware and softwareneededforthistypeofprojectiseasybecausetheinstalledHARTdevicescanbeused.




PROJECTOBJECTIVES Gain diagnostic data on hundreds of control valves to pinpoint problems during scheduled shutdowns Migratetonewtechnologywithminimalproductiondowntimeforinstallation Makeuseofexistingwiringandbecompatiblewithexistingvalvesandtransmitters

SOLUTION Aphasedupgradetointelligentvalvepositionerscausednomajordisruptionstotheoperation A multiplexer was added to send digital HART device data to an asset management system, whilealsoallowinganalogsignalstopasstothecontrolsystem. To accommodate an older, analog control system, a converter translated digital HART device datawhereneededbetweenHARTenabledpositionersand420mAsignals.

RESULTS HARTenabled devices provided process, status and diagnostic data to provide actual valve positions,actascontrolsystempositionswitchesandeliminateextrafielddevicesandwiring. Plant availability has increased to about 96 percent, and site output rose more than 25 percent inpartduetotheuseofHARTtechnology Plant personnel need only pull five or six valves during a plant shutdown instead of 35 to 50 to save hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in maintenance and production costs, BP reports.

Wearesavinghundredsofthousandsofdollarsperyearinmaintenanceandproductioncosts,reports a specialist at BP Cooper River, which supplies onethird of the worlds supply of a vital ingredient in


plastics. HART technology improves communication from valves to analog and digital controls as well as maintenance A. J. Lambert, an instrument and electrical reliability specialist at the BP Cooper River Plant in Wando, South Carolina, sought to balance two important goals: increasing plant availability without incurring additional maintenance costs. He achieved his goals, thanks to the application of engineering expertise, hard workandHARTCommunicationtechnology. The latter, he notes, played a key role. We know of no other activity that can provide the kind of savings and plant availability that we are achieving using HART diagnostic data. We are saving hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in maintenance and production costs, he says. Located approximately 20 miles from Charlestown, the BP CooperRiverPlantmanufacturespurifiedterephthalicacid (PTA), which is used in making polyesters, plastic bottles, andotheritems.Thus,whiletheplantdoesntmakeplasticitdoesmanufactureavitalplasticprecursor. There are two units on the site, one built in 1977 and the other in 1997. Between them they produce over 2.7 billion pounds of PTA annually, the largest amount of the product from any single location in the world. The plant accounts for nearly a third of the total global PTA production, with hundreds of employeesandcontractorsonsite.TheCooperRiverPlantruns24hoursaday,sevendaysaweek. However, it doesnt run all the time. Periodically, BP has a planned shutdown so that needed maintenance can be done. These scheduled shutdowns cost millions of dollars a day per unit. Before 2001,theplantwouldundergoashutdownformaintenancepurposeseverycoupleofyears. Duringthosetimes,theplantsmaintenanceandengineeringstaffwouldpull35to50controlvalvesout of a total of few hundred in both units. They selected the valves to pull based on various criteria, including past history and an assessment of wear and use from the manufacturing process. They didnt havespecificinformationpinpointing,which,ifany,valveswerecausingproblems. As part of a plantwide drive to lower expenses and increase availability, Lambert started looking at itemsthathadthehighestmaintenancecost.Aftergoingoverrecordsfortheunitbuiltin1997,Lambert identified50ofthemorecriticalcontrolvalves. Getting information on the health of those valves could be vital in meeting the overall goals of the Cooper River Plant. That meant intelligence had to be added to the valves, which in turn required the useofnewtechnology.Anyupgrade,though,hadtomeetcertaincriteria.Migrationhadtobeeasyand notinterruptcurrentoperationsforanysignificantlengthoftime.


The investment needed to be minor and benefits readily attainable. Those parameters implied that any solution would have to run over existing wiring and be compatible with the mix of valves and transmittersalreadyinplace,acombinationthatvariedbyplantunit.Forinstance,atthetimethe1997 unit hadsmarttransmittersbutnosmartpositionersandananalogcontrolsystem.The1977unit hada differentblendoftechnologies. GettingSmart Around 2000, BP had spent thousands of dollars installing diagnostic software. At the time the project had been justified in order to get information from a single valve. That installation introduced the HART Communication protocol into the plant, and Lambert started looking into getting valve diagnostics from other locations using the HART signal. After a bit of investigation, Lambert and others were convinced thatnotonlycouldthisbedonebutthatitcouldbedoneusingthewiringalreadyinplace. Therefore, they proposed a HARTcentered upgrade, which plant management approved. The project was completed over the next few years without a problem. The upgrade to intelligent positioners was phasedinovertimewithnomajordisruptionstotheoperation,saysLambert.

Because of differences between the units, various hurdles had to be overcome. One was the analog control system in the 1997 unit. The BP team solved this through the use of a converter, which transformed digital HART data from the positioner into 420mA signals that the analog control system couldunderstand.


That same data, sans conversion, eventually also had to go into an asset management system that would eventually provide intelligence, data for analysis, and other benefits. For that, they used a multiplexer,sendingdigitaldatatotheassetmanagementsystemwhileallowingtheanalogsignaltogo tothecontrolsystem. Anotherhurdleinvolvedhandlingvalvepositionfeedback.Forthat,theCooperRiverPlantstaffselected interface instruments to extract process, status and diagnostic data from the HART transmitters and valves. These provided actual valve position feedback and acted as position switches for the control system.Theyalsoeliminatedtheneedforextrafielddevicesandwiring. By mid 2004 all of the positioners in the 1997 unit had been upgraded, while 10 percent of those in the 1977 unit were smart. While far from complete, the figure for the older unit includes the most critical controlvalves.Alsoatthattime,some150transmittersand125valveswereconnectedtotheAMS. BenefitingfromBrains The payback for this work, notes Lambert, shows up in a number of areas. For one thing, theres been a reduction in valve maintenance costs. Whereas before, some 35 to 50 valves would be pulled during a planned plant shutdown that number has now been cut to only five or six. The maintenance and engineeringgroupsknowalsowhythevalvesshouldbeyankedoutofproductionbeforetheyrepulled. Theannualcostsavingsforthismoreaccuratemaintenanceisinthehundredsofthousandsofdollars. Through the use of HART monitoring, the plants staff is able to monitor the health of half a dozen critical valves. Theyre notified if those valves show signs of either freezing or overheating, allowing preventive measures to be scheduled and taken. This prevents those valves from causing unscheduled shutdowns,whichcanbeverycostly. As a result of the upgrade, plant availability has increased to about 96 percent. One consequence is an increase in output. The installed capacity of the two units was originally 2.2 billion pounds a year. Throughtheseandotherimprovements,thatproductionhasnowrisento2.76billionpoundsayear,an increaseofmorethan25percent. Inthefuture,additionalbenefitsareexpected.Planscallforboth engineeringandoperationspersonnel to begin using the data collected by the smart instrumentation to pin down problems and spot trends. By taking action based on this ongoing analysis, availability should go up and costs come down even more. Sothesmart controlvalves,transmittersandHARTCommunicationhaveled tobothmore paper,in the formofmonetarysavings,andmoreplastic,duetotheincreasedplantoutput.ThelessonforLambertis thatthepayoffoftherightsolutiontoaproblemcouldbelarge.Getcontroloftheitemsthattouchthe productandyoucansavesomebigmoney,hesays.



PROJECTOBJECTIVES SOLUTION RESULTS Savingapproximately$700persite Facilitatesfutureimprovementstoreliability,redundancyandregionalcustomerservice EliminatedtheneedforaminiRTUorPLCateachremotemeasurementsite Eliminatedtheneedforaswellasananalogmodemateachremotemeasurementsite Monitorandcontrolpressuredata EnablemonitoringofACpowerstatus,which420mAanalogwiringcouldnotdo Reducecostsbyeliminatingaremoteterminalunit(RTU)orprogrammablelogiccontroller(PLC)

Public infrastructure projects are necessary but power utilities face ongoing challenges to provide the mostreliable,costeffectiveservicepossible.Inkeepingwiththisneed,MarkViglucciatthepublicpower utilityofNationalGrid,Niskayuna,N.Y.,usedHARTtechnologytoreducecostsandimprovereliability. WhatNeededtoHappen Theevolutiontowarddigitalcommunicationraisedthepossibilityoffindingmorecosteffectivewaysto manage Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems than to continue using a traditional 420mA remote terminal unit (RTU) or programmable logic controller (PLC) at each remote measurement and control installation. Additionally, Viglucci found that traditional analog wiring could nothandleallmonitoringjobsneededforSCADAsystemtroubleshootingandfielddiagnostics.


Typically these sites have two pressures and one DI alarm for AC power status. Unfortunately, the AC powerstatuscan'tbemonitored,hesaid. TheSolution Viglucci decided to use HART technology in an experiment to eliminate unnecessary hardware in the utilitys SCADA system. At two sites, for example, three transmitters were being polled at two different sites by a compact programmable SCADA RTU/controller transmitting data across leased analog data lines. For signal level and fourwire to twowire conversion, he designed a simple interface board containing only four ICs, with the telephone company providing the bridging to allow multiple stations and numerous HART transmitters to be polled (using longframe addressing), and data to be received in real time. BenefitsandOutcome The test was a success. Eliminating a controller (RTU or PLC) and analog modem, persite savings are $700, according to Viglucci. AC power can now be brought into the maintenance program for greater system reliability. This strategy sets the stage for cumulative savings as sites are added or retrofit, while layingthegroundworkforNationalGridtomakecontinualimprovementsinservingitscustomers.


PROJECTOBJECTIVES: SOLUTION: Installed approximately 250 HARTbased devices, with automatic loading of tags and operating informationbyaHARTenabledDCS IntegrationwithDCSassetmanagementsoftware Improveddiagnosticsthroughgreatervisibilityofinstrumentationandprocess Improveconsistencyofprocessperformancewithmoreefficientmaintenance Speedtroubleshootingandcorrectivemaintenanceforgreaterprocessconsistency Bettermanageinstrumentconfigurationstoreducerisk

RESULTS: Saved a potential $300,000 (USD) superheater replacement by using HART data to convince vendortoinsteadaddressfaultyvalvecontrols Enhanced maintenance responsiveness with contextspecific notifications such as primary variable(PV)wasoutofsensorlimitsorbad:checkmeasuring ProtectedprocessintegritybyvalidatinganalogreadingswithdigitalHARTdatatotriggerevents andinvestigationofdiscrepancies BroadenedqualityassurancethroughtrackingofPVdriftusingPVvalidation(above) Enabledincreasedfaultmonitoringusingautomaticredundantformats

The Ohio State Universitys McCracken power plant provides 85% of the campus steambased energy. Without HART, this plant wouldnt operate, says Jerry Lowery, control systems engineer. Better data visibility helped to ensure process consistency and instrument reliability for greater productivity and bettermaintenance.


Beingabletoeffectivelymanageourinstrumentconfigurationsreducesourregulatoryriskandourrisk to product, says Jerry Lowery of The Ohio State University (USA) as he attests to the essential value of HART Communication in industrial automation applications. One benefit he names is that most techniciansarefamiliarwithHARTenabledcommunicators. The technicians just love them. Theyre superior for the technicians, he says. Another important feature for Lowery, who is a control systems engineer for the universitys McCracken power plant, is that HART is an open standard. It gives everyone a common thing to work toward. HART is the way to go.Itmakeslifesomucheasier. Operatingcontinuously,theMcCrackenplantprovides85%oftheBuckeyecampussteambasedenergy needs.Thesteamisusedforheating,humidification,sterilization,chilledwater,anddomestichotwater production. The plant has five industrial boilers, a Babcock & Wilcox DStyle, 600psi, 220,000 lbs/hr unit, and four 200psiNebraskaDstyleunitsthatproduce150,000lb/hrofsteam.ColocatedattheplantaretenYork chillers producing 16,000 TR/hr, and three Caterpillar emergency diesel generators with a rated total of 6,300kWH. Lowery doesnt mince words about how important HART technology is to the plant. We have approximately 250 HARTenabled devices. Without HART, this plant wouldnt operate, he says. HART also helps the plants technicians save time finding instrument problems. We dont have to spend as muchtimelookingforwhatswrong,Loweryadds. In one instance, staffers observed intermittent signal failures on a temperature transmitter on one boilers superheater (SH) vent control, which caused the vent to go into the wrong position. However, thanks to a HARTenabled DCS system on the Nebraska boiler, they were able to quickly correct the problem. Intermittentsignalfailuresaresomeofthemoredifficultfieldproblemstodiagnoseastheproblemmay only happen occasionally for no apparent reason. Before having continuous HART monitoring of devices, we would have to guess at the problem if it wasnt apparent and start replacing items (sensor, transmitter, or analog input) to see if the problem would go away, says Lowery. With HART and the ability to continuously monitor the HART signal from the device, we are able to log the issue in the DCS/AssetManagementsoftwareandgooutandcorrecttheactualproblem. Wehavetwoquadoperatorstationswithfourhumanmachineinterface(HMI)screensandfourothers whereHARTdataappearsviatheDCS,heexplains.ThiswasthefirsttimewedseenthistypeofHART information. The displayed spreadsheet showed data which has a log/timestamp describing an event. In this case, descriptions included primary variable (PV) was out of sensor limits or bad: check measuring and fielddevicemalfunction.


Once the staff learned of the event descriptions in the event log, they were able to solve their problem the same day. We knew exactly what was wrong. The technician went out and repaired the resistance temperature device (RTD), Lowery says, adding that with their HARTenabled DCS, our technicians knowexactlywhattheproblemis. ResultsProven,RisksLessened A second occurrence at Ohio State involved a Superheater (SH) ventcontrol valves failure. The boiler superheater vent valve wouldnt open or would become stuck while partially open, Lowery recalls. A ventcontrolvalvefailureputtheboilersuperheateratrisk. LoweryssolutionwastousetheHARTProtocolsdigitalPV(DigPV)thatwasaccessiblefromtheDCS.He used the valve positioner digital PV to validate the valves position. He says if the valve didnt reach proper position within 30 seconds, an alarm would sound and a warning would simultaneously be displayedontheHMIscreen. The DigPV, which proved that the valve was not seating properly, and the digital secondary variable (DigSV),inthiscasepositionertemperature,indicatedthatatemperatureexceedancehadoccurred. The HART secondary value or device temperature on the original positioner was trended and used to provethatthedevicehadneverexceededitsmaximumoperatingtemperatureof50C,saysLowery. The data convinced the vendor to replace the valve positioner, and the problem went away. This is important because the vendor originally claimed the boilers operation had overheated and caused the SHventcontrolvalvetobecomestuck.


Armedwith theirHARTenabledDCSevidence,Ohio State gotthe vendortofix sixSHventvalvessaving approximately $10,000 (USD). Also, the combined digital PVs and SVs performance not only saved a potential $300,000 (USD) cost of replacing the existing superheater, but also led the vendor to install a morereliablepositioner. Loweryappreciatesthisdigitalvaluefunctionality.DigitalPVsareextremelyvaluableincriticalloopsto validate the analog position with the digital position, he says. In addition to diagnostics, having both analoganddigitalcommunicationavailablesimultaneouslywithHARTisofparticularvaluetoLowery. This capability is extremely important when validating loops. We use the digital PVs to validate analog PVs on critical positioners. It just tells us what is wrong with the device, he states. And on critical loops, if the analog PVs and digital PVs dont match up within a certain percentage of each other, we alarmthatloopandhaveoperatorsinvestigatetheactualvalveposition.

The simultaneous analogdigital capability of HART fulfills one of the most obvious asset management functionsofHARTenabledautomationprotectingequipmentandkeepingplantsoperating. Ofthe250HARTenableddevicesattheMcCrackenplant,anassetmanagementsystem(AMS)monitors 188200ofthem.Withaseparateserver,theAMShasaprocessorandinput/output(I/O)modules.The asset manager monitors and tracks device faults for all HARTenabled devices. Types of device faults anythingyoucanthinkof,hesays. Overall, diagnostics are much improved. Our asset manager package tracks faults that occur in HART devicesthroughourDCS.Smallitems,likeapositionerlosingitszeroposition,arenowcaughtearlyand repaired, Lowery says. But without that asset management software, the problem might have never beencorrectedbecauseitwouldnthavebeenseenuntilcompletedevicefailure.


Correct monitoring, particularly with HARTenabled instruments, also concerns Lowery, who offers tips forusers.HARTdevicediagnosticsisonlyasgoodasthevendorsdevicedescription(DD)file.Themore detailedtheDDfile,themorediagnosticsyoullhave. Lowery also suggests insuring that the DCS analog I/O is HARTenabled. Using a thirdparty solution to strip out and send HART data via a serial connection will likely prevent using HART digital PVs in a fast changing loop, he says. Caveat emptor (Let the buyer beware!) is his advice regarding proprietary functionsinHARTdevices. Some vendors tweak a HART DD file to their advantage, so youll use their DCS with their HART devices,Lowerysays.Headvisesuserstomakesureallfunctionsareaccessible. Check that the DD file registered at the HART Communication Foundation is the file that the vendor distributes. Also, consider joining the Foundation. DD files from the Foundation are tested to be sure theyarecomplianttothestandards. Ohio States experience with HART was so positive that, according to Lowery, the university has only scratched the surface of using the protocol. For quality assurance, the power plants staff is examining tracking the drift of the analog PV compared to the digital PV. Also, therell be more use ofHART device diagnostic faults in the control strategy. Adding this tracking ensures agreement between the digital PV andanalogPVreadings. Ohio State also plans to evaluate using a field device manager (FDM) for configuring HART devices, ratherthanusingHARTcommunicators.Howwillthataffectoperations?Itwillhelpuscatalogdevices. Were told that if you replace a device, when you plug it in, the DCS will automatically load its tag and otheroperatinginformation,Lowerysays. Finally, through its asset manager, the university will increase fault modeling at McCracken. What part will HART play? All HART devices can tell you if theres a fault, Lowery says. We can go to redundant formatautomatically.Thatsimportant,henotes,becausetheanalogPVvaluecouldbeinerror.



PROJECTOBJECTIVES Minimizecostsforhardware,software,training,spareparts,etc. Find a simple, robust system to inform staff about the device health and use that system in otherapplications. Getadatabaseforconfiguration,tracking,troubleshooting,etc. Obtainaccesstoallinstrument/devicedata.


IntegrateHARTCommunicationwithdistributedcontrolsystem(DCS). Install more than 100 HARTenabled flowmeters, control valves and pressure sensors throughoutthefacility.

RESULTS Improvedinstrumentconfigurationandpreventivemaintenancecapabilities Loweredoperationandmaintenancecosts Accessedmultivariablemassflowinformation Realizedenhanceddevicediagnostics Improvedcontrolloopvalidation Increasedplantavailability Enhancedregulatorycompliance Achievedhigherproductqualityandproductyield


Pulpandpaper producer Appleton Paper used HART technology in a major upgrade of their paper coating operation as the catalyst for improving asset management. The company installed more than 100 HARTenabled flowmeters, control valves and pressure sensors at its facility in Appleton, Wisconsin, withpositiveresults. HARTgaveusthebestopportunitytoexpandwiththerestofourexistingcontrolsystemsatthelowest costs,saysChrisVanSambeek,Appletoncontrolsystemstechnician. The papermaker targeted several criteria for the project: minimize costs for hardware, software, training, spare parts, etc.; find a simple, robust system to inform staff about the device health; use that system in other applications; get a database for configuration, tracking, troubleshooting, etc.; and obtainaccesstoallinstrument/devicedata. Appleton uses HART Communication via a PLC and a HARTenabled I/O system to link the smart instruments to an asset management system. With the enhanced troubleshooting capability that HART technology provides, Appleton has improved its instrument configuration and preventive maintenance capabilities. HART technology saved us roughly $40,000onwiringalonewithitsabilityto pull multivariable information from our mass flowmeters, says Sambeek. Appleton has also saved time and money by remotely configuring devices. HART technology saved the company another $10,000 because they now need 12 fewer pressure and 12 fewer temperaturetransmitters. Sambeek says HART also improved operations in other areas including better diagnostics; controlloop validation by pulling information into the PLC through the HART signal; increased plant availability; better product quality and utility; higher product yield; lower operations and maintenance costs; and enhancedregulatorycompliance.


Finding a new HART smart card that the PLC system could use also helped Appleton. This card allowed the company to upgrade existing systems with minimal equipment and costs, says Sambeek. Most of our existing instruments are HARTenabled, and the HART cards used are compatible with our existing controlsystems. Installing an OEMs HARTenabled cards into the control PLC platform allowed Appleton to use HART data in both the asset management and control systems. HART provides additional information not availabletonormalanalogsystems,Sambeekadds. HARThasbeenveryeffective,saysSambeek.WesucceededbecausetheHARTProtocolisabetterfit forexpansionthanotherfieldbustechnologies.


PROJECTOBJECTIVES ConnectHARTenabledvalvepositionerstoasinglecentralcomputer Integrate the newly accessible control valve position data into a predictive maintenance program

SOLUTION HARTbased positioners were linked to a multiplexer using a HARTenabled interface module withadditionalhardwareandsoftware Importandarchivecriticaldatasuchasvalvesignaturesandoperationaldata Operational and diagnostic data coming through the multiplexer were presented to control as wellasdevicemanagingsystemsoftware

RESULTS The maintenance system provided critical benefits in diagnosing problems during outages as wellasongoingpreventivemaintenancebenefits By avoiding direct PC and handheld calibrator contact at the field level, HART technology reducedtheriskofcreatinganupsettotheprocess,andalsoreducedmaintenancemanhours Using HART Communication and interfacing digital valve positioner data using a multiplexer allows a Canadian paper mill to increase efficiency, improve data retrieval and perform continuousremotediagnostics.

Many end users have realized the benefits of installing HARTbased control valve positioners and using HART technology to integrate the positioners with their central computer system. Fraser Papers, a division of Thurso in Quebec, Canada, standardized its paper mill on HARTbased positioners as the first stepinaproactivemaintenanceprogram.


In June of 2000, the mill wanted to connect all of its HARTbased positioners to one central computer. An integration package consisting of digital products and software solutions allowed the mill to realize the full benefit of their HART Communication investment. The solution was to link all HARTenabled positioners to a multiplexer (MUX) using a HARTbased interface module in addition to other hardware and software components. TheMUXallowsthefacilitytousecomputer software to oversee all of its digital positioners in the mill and link the information in an effective device managementsystem. Fraser Papers began to realize significant benefits soon after implementing the HART enabled device management system, includingincreasedefficiency,easierretrievalofinformationandcontinuousremotediagnostics. With this system in place, our maintenance technicians can quickly access the device to calibrate and create electronic maintenance records, says Mario Leclerc, Fraser Papers instrumentation engineer. This reduces the risk of creating an upset to the process by avoiding a PC or handheld calibrator connectiontotheloopterminals.Italsohelpsusmanagemanhoursmoreefficiently. Archiving information (such as valve signatures and continuous operational diagnostics) in maintenance records allows technicians and maintenance engineers to implement a program of preventive maintenanceoncontrolvalvesinvarioussectorsofthemillduringoutages. Using the dialup modem or through the Ethernet, personnel can remotely troubleshoot valves or request remote assistance from the positioner manufacturer. This helps determine whether to pull the valve out or simply do minor corrections. The maintenance software can generate step tests of varying amplitudes,makingiteasytovalidatevalveresponsivenessonline. Using the online diagnostic capabilities of the positioners, the MUX is able to acquire information seamlessly. This, in turn, simplifies the implementation of a preventive maintenance program, based on recorded meantimebetweenfailures. These continuous diagnostic values allow the user to determine ifthevalveselectedisadequatefortheservice.Theycanalsodetermineprematuretrimwear,usingthe timenearclosedcounter.


HARTbased technology has opened new doors to help run plants with less downtime while providing a mechanism to transport critical information from field devices over existing field wiring. The implementation of a HART system similar to that installed at Fraser Papers is the key element in implementingapredictiveandpreventivemaintenanceprogram.


PROJECTOBJECTIVES SOLUTION RESULTS HART technology saves trips to the field for improved plant availability. That's what user Jimmy Andersson, found when he upgraded existing control loops with HART protocolcompliant instrumentationatapulpandpaperplantoperatedbyVallviksBrukABinSderhamn,Sweden. As with many users, the Swedish plant needed a way to upgrade its 420mA analog wiring without the expenditureinfulldigitalfieldnetworks.Withouteffectivecalibrationanddataaccess,plantoperations, assetavailabilityandqualitycompliancesuffer. TheSolution Handheld or PCbased HARTenabled devices/applications that can be installed anywhere on the 4 20mA control loop help Andersson save time and reduce costs. Now I dont have to go out in the field to check if a specific instrument is 'alive', he says. A trip to the field averages about 30 minutes per device.Multiplyingthenumberofdevicesaccordinglymultipliesthesavings. HARTtechnologyeliminateda30minutetriptothefieldforanygivendevice. Calibrationnowdonefromthesafetyandcomfortofthecontrolroom. Enhancedconnectivityfromcontrolroomtoinstruments HARTenableddevicescanbeinstalledanywhereonthe420mAcontrolloop. Moreefficient,effectivecalibrationoffielddevices Higherdataavailabilitywithouttheupfrontinvestmentindigitalfieldnetworks.


BenefitsandOutcome According to Andersson, HART technology improves operations, specifically enhancing plant availability and quality compliance. The greatest benefit is that I can calibrate instruments from inside the control room,hesays,whichisalotsaferandmorecomfortablethandoingitoutinthefield. HART Communication has reduced configuration and setup time as well. Before HART we had to calibrate the instruments out in the process. Now we can do it right where the signal goes into the control system, Andersson says. After initial implementations, the plant's plans with HART technology expandedtothestartupofanewturbine. According to Andersson, using HART technology for data including instrument calibration has improved theperformanceofcontrolsforimprovedplantoperations,assetavailabilityandquality.


PROJECTOBJECTIVES SOLUTION RESULTS More data available to personnel on offhoursincluding technicians at hometo assist at plantpersonnelasneeded. Timeandmoneysavingsthroughfasterconfigurationandmodifications. Changing a range in a traditional analog setting once took an hour; it now takes five minutes withHARTtechnology. HARTenabledcontrol,softwareandassetmanagementsystems Handheldcommunicationsdevices(Models275and375). PCAnywhereforremoteoffsiteaccess. Faster,morecompleteaccesstodata Moredatavisibilityforprocessmanagementandinstrumentmaintenance Acosteffectivesolutionforanexistingplant

HART technology helped engineers and technicians at a COSIPA plant in Sao Paulo, Brazil, more effectively configure and access data to better manage field devices across the automation network. In fact,sometasksthatoncetookanhourtocompletenowtakefiveminutes.


WhatWasNeeded Personnel at this existing plant needed faster data access for process management and instrument maintenance. TheSolution HARTenabled process control and asset management systems plus handheld communications devices (Models275and375). BenefitsandOutcome To calculate the cost savings in time and money realized by the COSIPA plant, we must first note that in Brazil atechnician earns the equivalent of $10 USD per hour. Using HART Communication saves the plantaboutonehouroneachdeviceandthereare200devicesintheplant. According to user Marcos Martins, when with traditional 420mA wiring, I spent one hour just to change a range. I spend five minutes to do this same task with AMS. Equipped with HART Communication,theassetmanagementsystemprovidestheuserwithinstantvisibility.


Eliminating trips to the field has significantly sped setup time for Martins technical team. Instead of traveling to a device in the field, opening it and working with configuration tools there before heading back to the workshop, a technician can cut an hour down to 20 minutes using the HART enabled asset managementsystemwithoutleavingtheworkshop. HART information, of course, travels wherever the network takes it. Martin says, With PC Anywhere and the asset management system, I can work from my house to see the diagnostics, configurationand process variables at the plant, 24/7. The same goes for all plant personnel off their shift, who might be calledupontosolveproblemsonanadhocbasis.


PROJECTOBJECTIVES SOLUTION HARTenabledremoteterminalunitandinstrumentationateachsite HART communications card and IPaddressable Ethernet data radio at each site for remote access Standard singlewire, singlebus connection for a faster, more accurate multivariable data path tomagneticflowmetersandpressuretransmitters Preventunplanneddischargesofsewagetokeepwaterwaysclean Avoidfinesthatresultfromtighteningregulations Findthemostcosteffectiveandaccuratesystemsothesystemcanbewidelyreplicated.

RESULTS Fullaccesstomultiplevariablesfromfieldinstrumentsonasinglewire. Significanttimesavingsovertheuseofseparate420mAwiring. Areliabledefenseagainstpotential100softhousandsinregulatoryfines. Futureproofing: Engineers can change their control strategy without running new wires or re wiringtheirsystems. With WirelessHART technology solutions now shipping, future installations will reap additional savingsbyeliminatingphysicalwiringlabor,timeandcost.

Few cities use modern technology to monitor and detect leaks, particularly as sewerage travels across waterways. Facing tightening environmental and regulatory requirements, AECOM Canada, Ltd., in Winnipeg, Manitoba, designed and created firstcase system using HART Technology to address the issue.


Topreventunplanneddischargesleaksinitssewagesystem,particularlyatrivercrossings,onecityin Manitoba, Canada, called upon engineering firm AECOM Canada, Ltd., Winnipeg, to design and test a firstofakind monitoring and detection system. HART technology proved critical in speeding implementation and providing the flexibility to reconfigure the system without the time or expense of physicalrewiring, The particular challenge was to monitor forcemain sewer lines at river crossings, where gravity cannot lift material through lines and lowpressure pumping (10 to 15 psi) is a common solution. Despite tightening environmental regulations, engineers could find no existing solutions. Most cities rely on visual inspectiona poor substitute for technology because contamination can leak for weeks before a problemisdetected,damagingwaterwaysanddrawingregulatoryfines. Unfortunately, "very few" cities have applied modern monitoring solutions because, says AECOM's Kent McKean,seniorautomationdesigner,andaviablecommercialsolutioncouldn'tbefound. TheSolution McKean'steamusedabasicarchitectureinvolvinginstrumentationconnectedtoaremoteterminalunit (RTU).TheRTUwasequippedwithanIPaddressableEthernetdataradioateachsitetoremotelyaccess sitedataandaHARTcommunicationscard. McKean and team decided that for test installations, they would specify a system that would give us flexibility, perhaps more flexibility than what we actually needed because there was no way to definitivelypredictwhichsystemdesignwouldworkbest. In mid2007, the first test installation came online using magnetic flowmeters sending data to the RTU to be totalized and compared with data points coming in eight to 10hour increments. The HART protocolwouldproveitsvalueinprovidingthatflexibilitywhen McKean'steamdecidedona"changein philosophy" that would require reconfiguring the system to provide instantaneous, realtime data in additiontotheexistingtotalizationstrategy.


This change "was easily accomplished because we had selected HART," says McKean. Instead rewiring andreconfigurephysical equipment,hesays,"HARTtechnologyandthesystem'ssoftwareputallofthe variablesweneededatourfingertips."Thechangeindatahandlingledtoanincreaseinresolutionfrom 10to15literspersecond,tooneortwoliterspersecond. Late in the summer of 2008, the AECOM team installed a second testsite system using the same strategy but switching from flowmeters to smaller,easiertoinstall pressure transmitters measuring the pressure inside and also in the interstitial space. This enabled users to pinpoint the location of a leak as well as its failure mode, such as whether the exterior or interior pipe has failed. This solution was less intrusive and provided easier, safer access; reduced maintenance trips by several hours; and slashed systemcostfromroughly$500,000tobetween$30,000and$50,000percrossing,accordingtoMcKean. BenefitsandOutcomes HART technology provided much higher accuracy and resolution than 420mA analog wiring while requiring nohardwareandonlyminor softwarechangestoaccommodate theupgradefromtotalization toinstantaneousdatamonitoring.The samebenefitscan,inturn,reducethecostoffutureupgrades."If we had gone with a nonHART solution or a nondatabus solution, we would have been very limited in thedatathatwecouldhavegotten,McKeansays.Wewouldhavehadtouseaseparateradioordata channel for each variable that we may need, or we would have had to change things on the fly as we weredeveloping. Ifweweretoimplementthissystemtoday,wewouldutilizeWirelessHART,McKeansays.



PROJECTOBJECTIVES SOLUTION Modernize and unifying the point of sale metering system and transmit the data in realtime to DWSDandeverywholesalecustomer. Use existing analog instrumentation and the skill set of our technicians while providing us the benefitsofastateoftheartdigitalandpaperlessmeteringsystem. Distribute the totalization function to a lower, HARTenabled smart device level, instead of the traditionalPLC/RTUdevice. Redundantmeteringsystemswouldregisterdifferentvolumes,whichledtobillingdisputes.

RESULTS Complaints about low water pressure have been virtually eliminated since a majority of these complaints have been attributed to faulty regulating valves operated by our wholesale customers. Safety has also been improved since the need to enter the OSHA regulated confined space of the underground metering facilities for troubleshooting purposes has been greatly reduced or eliminated.. Metering data obtained from the HARTinstrument is communicated and stored in digital form, eliminatingpaperbasedrecordings. Adigitalpacketradionetwork,whichfunctionslikeawirelessintranet,isused tocarboncopy all metering data to redundant data historians and to SCADA PCs that DWSD provided to each customer.

The need for having redundant metering systems has been eliminated since the same metering data reported from our HARTbased instruments to the RTU, is carbon copied every five minutes directly


fromtheonsiteRTUtoDWSDaswellastoourwholesalecustomerswithinafewsecondsweprovided aSCADAPCtoeachwholesalecustomer.Thishasalreadycontributedtoimprovedcustomersatisfaction.

ByDennisL.Green,P.E. HeadWaterSystemsEngineer DetroitWaterandSewerageDepartment(DWSD) The Detroit Water & Sewerage Department (DWSD) is the third largest water and wastewater utility in the United States. DWSD provides services to nearly 1 million Detroit residents and, on a wholesale basis,toover3millionsuburbaniteslivinginthesurroundingareas. To determine water consumption at the pointofsale, we had installed metering systems. Our pointof salemeteringsystemsincludedavarietyoftraditionalinstrumentssuchasmechanicalmeters,venturis, orifice systems, magnetic flowmeters and chart recorders. Likewise, our wholesale customers had installed their own point of purchase metering systems, acting in parallel, to make their own measurements.Veryoften,theredundantmeteringsystemswouldregisterdifferentvolumes,whichled tobillingdisputes. The solution was modernizing and unifying the point of sale metering system and transmitting the data in realtime to DWSD and every wholesale customer. An essential and critical part of the multimillion dollar modernization project was implementing an automatic meter reading/supervisory control and data acquisition (AMR/SCADA) system that relies on the HART global standard to deliver consistent, reliabledataonsystemperformance. The innovative application of HART technology enabled us to use existing analog instrumentation and skills set of our technicians while providing us the benefits of a stateoftheart digital and paperless meteringsystem. Today, the HART standard based digital metering system has not only improved the reliability of our water metering operations but has also provided our customers with greater satisfaction by virtually eliminating billing disputes caused by metering problems. As a bonus, our new HART based smart instruments also provide additional flexibility to make online configuration changes including calibration,performcalculationsandsupportrealtimeremotediagnostics. DWSDServices With an operating budget of over $350 million, DWSDs services extend well beyond the Detroit city limits to an 8county area of more than 1,000 square miles including approximately 43% of Michigans population. DWSD, which is a branch of the City of Detroit government, employs about 3,200 persons andhasthefifthlowestcombinedwaterandsewerageratespermonthamongstthe20mostpopulated


cities in the United States. DWSD operates five water treatment plants pumping an average of 655 milliongallonsofcleandrinkingwatereachday,peakingat1.5billiongallonsperday. DWSD serves about 90 wholesale customers representing about 137 suburban communities via nearly 300 underground metering facilities. Figure 1 illustrates one such underground metering facility. These metering facilities typically include flow and pressure measuring instruments, valves and actuators to monitorandcontroltheflowofwatertothewholesalecustomer. Akin to custody transfer stations, these metering systems, which include approximately 750 smart instruments, provide valuable inputs to detect and compute water usage, and hence billable sale to each wholesale customer. Since the metering systems are critical for billing purposes, we often refer to themetersasourpointofsalecashregisters.


NeedForaNewMeteringSystem Prior to implementation of the AMR/SCADA project, the metering facilities included a variety of traditional instruments such as mechanical meters, venturis, orifice systems, differential pressure transmitters, sonic meters, magnetic flowmeters and chart recorders. The existing metering facilities used no electronics with the mechanical meters, and all other instruments used chart recorders and mechanicalpulsetotalizers.


Thus, recording of all metering data was paperbased and collected manually bimonthly or weekly by human meter readers. Various instrumentation companies including Smar, Endress+Hauser, and ABB manufacturedtheseinstruments. By the mid1990s, however, many of our wholesale customers had concerns over their water consumption data. They elected to install their own pointofpurchase cash registers to collect more frequent readings and validate their DWSD water bills. The pointofpurchase cash registers included redundant metering systems measuring the same water flow and pressure as DWSD recorded on our paper chart recorders. Quite often, the two metering systems disagreed over the water consumption data. Moreover, the resolution of the chart records was insufficient to prove one partys assertions over the other, the simple odometertype totalizers provided no profiles of the consumption data between visits by our meter readers, and all humans make occasional mistakes when recording data. The disagreements over a mutually acceptable set of measurements resulted in billing disputes, customer dissatisfactionandlossofthousandsofdollarsinrevenues. AcquiringLeadingEdgeTechnologytoImproveCustomerSatisfaction DWSD decided it must modernize and unify the pointofsale metering system and improve customer satisfaction. Our goal was to eliminate disputecausing devices such as chart recorders and mechanical totalizersandreplacethemwithadigitalandpaperlessmeteringsystemspecificallyto: 1) Improve dependability, accuracy and confidence in the metering data by recording meter readings every 5 minutes Objectives were ending the practice of our wholesale customers installing their own redundant metering equipment that often disagreed with DWSDs, leading to billing disputes. Failure of any single component of the system must not disrupt system performance, any recording of data, or any calibration work of the meter technicians exceptingtheonefailedmeterregister. 2) Preserve metering data integrity Data consistency must be maintained throughout the system. The same consumption data must be concurrently provided to DWSD as well as each wholesale customer. In addition, there must be opportunities to recover data when failures occur. 3) Archive 10years of meter data in redundant historian systems for efficient storage and retrieval,engineeringanalysisandprocessimprovement. 4) Provide an intuitive, easytouse, user interface to assist our staff in the setup and calibration of the meters while automatically documenting the data for certification of our cash register the billing meter. Minimal reliance on paperwork to share information throughout the system bystoringthecalibrationreportsinthedatabaseoftheAMR/SCADAhistorian. 5) Reduce operating costs of the Meter Operations Division by standardizing on the equipment usedandbycontrollingsoftwarerevisions.


To get the maximum out of the investment in the meters, they are usually sized for predicted future consumption that may or may not develop. By using peak hourly consumption data, rather than maximum meter capacity, a more equitable rate formula can be established based on peak consumption. In addition, the range of the instruments can be set based on actual peak demands to improve the accuracy of the instruments as the technicians have a basis for making their range adjustmentsasconsumptionincreasesordeclinesovertheyears. DWSD is owned and operated by The City of Detroit and has had to resist frequent regionalization attempts by some of its suburban customers. Being a rate funded utility and having to defend those rates annually, the project risk and overall installed costs were of paramount importance to our management. Any proposed solution incorporating the latest and greatest technology had to address risks and costs satisfactorily and, in addition, had to address the risk of failure. hat is, a backup plan had to be developed and approved by our management in case the proposed solution did not function as planned. DemandBasedRateModel In addition to the above described project objectives, Stephen Gorden, former director of DWSD, had expressed a desire to use the modernization project for restoring DWSDs traditional position as an industryleader.Hisvisionwastointroduceademandbasedwaterusageratemodelinthewaterutility industry.Morespecifically,hewantedasystemthatwouldsupportthedevelopmentofademandbased rate model, similar to the model(s) used by the electric utility industry, where there is an infrastructure chargebasedonpeakloadandaconsumptionchargefortotalusage.Thisrequirementimpliedthat the new metering system was capable of performing and preserving multiple reads every hour to identify thepeakhourlydemand. DevelopingaNewAMR/SCADASystembyLeveragingHARTTechnology Before launching the project to modernize the pointofsale metering system, we had recognized the ability to calibrate instruments remotely and online as an important function to improve reliability and confidence of metering data. By 1996, we were well underway to implement an instrument upgrade project to incorporate the HART standard into many of our existing 420mA instruments. The HART basedsmartinstrumentswouldfacilitatecalibrationandatthesametimepreserveourinvestment. During 199697, DWSD developed and implemented a pilotscale version of the AMR/SCADA system to modernize the pointofsale metering system. The pilot project was expanded (19992002) to a $10 million major infrastructure upgrade. Figure 2 illustrates a schematic diagram of DWSDs AMR/SCADA system. The AMR/SCADA system utilizes a packet radio network of personal computers, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and remote terminal units (RTUs). The system relies on the power of HART communicationtodeliverconsistent,reliabledataonsystemperformance.



The decision to adopt the HART standard for integrating our meters was relatively simple since we alreadyhadinhouseexperience.Perhaps,moreimportantly,HARTwasevaluatedtobetheonlystable and reliable technology available at the time which would enable us to integrate a vast array of diverse field devices and technologies including mechanical, venturi, orifice, magnetic and sonic meters into a singledigitallynetworkedsystem. Other field device technologies such as FOUNDATION fieldbus and ProfibusDP were still evolving, costly, and radically different and incompatible with our existing smart instrumentation. Use of these othertechnologieswouldhavesubstantiallyincreasedtheprojectriskandthetotalinstalledcosts. HART technology was an ideal fit for our requirements since it delivered the benefits of an all digital system at a minimized incremental investment for the modernization project. Most of our existing instrumentation was HARTcapable, which enabled us to use the existing wiring. The project easily gained management approval mainly due to our ability to default back to the existing analogchart recordersystemincaseofdifficulties. MaintainingtheLookandFeelofMechanicalMeterstoEaseTransition At the start of the pilot project, our technicians and customers indicated a strong preference for mechanical metertype totalizers at each metering site. To improve their comfort level with the


electronicinstruments,weconfiguredtheLCDdisplaysoftheHARTbasedsmartinstrumentstoindicate the current value of the measured variable, e.g., flow rate and/or totalized flow, which provided an emulation of the odometerlike registers of the mechanical meters. Figure 3 illustrates one such HART based smart instrument (manufactured by SMAR International) indicating measured flow rate. The LCD alternatesdisplayingtheflowrateandtotalizedflow(notshown).


UnlockingthePowerofHARTToReapBigDividends Most HARTbased smart devices are capable of performing multiple functions in a single instrument. Previously, we required multiple electrical devices for detecting the rate of flow, outputting a proportionalsignal,integratingtheproportionalratesignalintoavolume,andtotalizingthevolume. Thus, by combining functions we were able to eliminate these old devices, as we selected HARTbased differential pressure transmitters that are capable of performing onboard, flow totalization and self monitoring for diagnostics. In addition, the HART data communications protocol provides the values to thePLC/RTUsinbinarybitstreamsthatvirtuallyeliminatesignaltransfererrors. As a result of HART technology, we were able to distribute the totalization function to a lower, HART enabled smart device level, instead of the traditional PLC/RTU device. This resulted in reducing the load on the PLC/RTU, as well as eliminating the potential loss of data in case of a power loss. A schematic diagramofanadvancedmeteringsystembasedonHARTtechnologyisillustratedinFigure4.


Yellow Green Purple Pink Gray Orange Tan Dashed = = = = = = = = Differential Pressure Cells Pressure Transmitters HART Data Communications on Instrument Loop AC Power to Solenoid of 4-Way Cross-Over Valve Actuator & 4-Way Cross-Over Valve Limit Switches on Valve RTU, Metricom Radio & DF/1 Data Communications Present in Some Meter Pits, or in Separate Pit

Above Ground Control Cabinet

Coax & Power Surge Suppressors, Open Door Alarm, High Sump Alarm, AC Power Fail Alarm, Strip Heaters


File = Typ ical M eter.vd s Prep ared b y: Cliff Montgomery Rhythm Techno log ies, L LC

Battery , Chargers & Power Supplies

Meter Pit


Limit S witch

Actuator & Limit Switches, Four-Way Valve with Solenoid

Sump & Sump Pump

Figure4.SchematicofaVenturi/OrificemeterbasedonHARTtechnology The flow totalization data is actually retained in the memory of each HARTenabled smart instrument evenwhenthereisalossofpower.Asamatteroffact,oursystemsurvivedthemassivepowerfailureof August 14, 2003 that occurred in the Northeastern part of the United States with little or no loss data. Thiswasanunrehearsedcriticaltestsinceitoccurredduringourpeakrevenuesummermonths. Asanadditionalbenefit,byexecutingthetotalizationfunctionattheHARTdevicelevel,wewereableto obtain much more accurate totalization data. The HART device integrates totalization data sampled far morefrequentlythanthePLC/RTU.Asaresult,thetotalizationvaluesaremoreaccurate. The sampling frequency of the microprocessor based instrument approaches the Nyquist criteria for integrating the fluctuations of the water flowing through venturis and orifices that can reach to audio frequencies. The best of the communications protocols for instrumentation are substantially slower resulting in random sampling errors that although small relative to instantaneous flow, accumulate in thetotalizedflowfarbeyondacceptablelimits. With the need to read instantaneous flow for range switching combined with the necessity of totalizing flow in the instrument, this project would have been far more costly without the HART ability to read multiplefunctionsinasinglesmartinstrument.Byshiftingthecalculationstothesmartinstruments,we freedthePLC/RTUto performother tasks,suchasdevice monitoringforall HART deviceslocatedatthe undergroundmeteringfacilities,andstoring31daysofmeteringdatacollectedat5minuteintervals.


We were also able to maintain greater accuracy of metering data throughout our waterdistribution system, largely due to HARTs ability to preserve the full accuracy of the measuring element in a digital format. The improved accuracy has directly resulted in increased revenues, since our old mechanical meterbasedcashregistersoftenerredinfavorofourwholesalecustomers. The need for having redundant metering systems has been eliminated since the same metering data reported from our HARTbased instruments to the RTU, is carbon copied every five minutes directly from the onsite RTU to DWSD as well as to our wholesale customers within a few seconds we provided a SCADA PC to each wholesale customer. This has already contributed to improved customer satisfaction. Ourwholesalecustomerscanaccessmeteringdatareceivedfromtheirrespectivemetersdirectlyrather than receiving it through our headquarters. This assures our wholesale customers that DWSD is not adjustingormanipulatingtheirmeteringdata. HART enables the master device such as the PLC/RTU to automatically query each smart instrument to detect the types and brands of HARTbased instruments on the network. Instrument data such as their brandtypeandserialnumbersarecollectedeachdayforapermanentrecordofeachinstrument.HART enablesthedetectionanddocumentationofinstrumentchangesthatinvalidatecalibration. Metering data received from failed instruments is not logged or used in any billing computation. Previously, a failed analog instrument sometimes produced bogus signals thereby corrupting the meter readings. HARTenabled remote monitoring, calibration, and validation of metering systems have contributed to improved safety and greater customer satisfaction. Our technicians can now perform these tasks on any HARTbased smart device in the comfort of their office. For example, pause and resume signals can be sent remotely to these instruments for series connected meters for range switching. With improved diagnostics,ourtechnicianscanquicklydetectandrepairfailuresinourwaterdistributionsystem. Complaints about low water pressure have been virtually eliminated since a majority of these complaints have been attributed to faulty regulating valves operated by our wholesale customers. Our systemnowmonitorsthesevalvesandreportsanyproblemsdirectlytothecustomers. Safety has also been improved since the need to enter the OSHA regulated confined space of the underground metering facilities for troubleshooting purposes has been greatly reduced or eliminated. Previously,therehavebeenfatalaccidentsintheseundergroundmeteringfacilities. Metering data obtained from the HARTinstrument is communicated and stored in digital form, eliminating paperbased recordings. A digital packet radio network, which functions like a wireless intranet, is used to carbon copy all metering data to redundant data historians and to SCADA PCs that DWSDprovidedtoeachcustomer.


The DWSD meter technicians use radio linked laptop computers for configuration and direct entry of calibration data, eliminating paper and copying errors. By analyzing the realtime and historical data collected,wehaveimprovedefficiencybyrevisingoperatingprocedures. HART has served us so well by utilizing all of our existing plant assets. Other fieldbus technologies have matured considerably since 1996, when DWSD began piloting our system. Nevertheless, we would still useHART,eveniftheprojectwerestartingtoday.Othernewerfieldbustechnologieswouldhavecostus atleasttwiceasmuch,sincewewouldhavehadtodiscardamajorityofourexistinginstruments. Looking ahead, DWSD is developing another SCADA system for controlling our treated water transmission system and wastewater collection system, which includes new sewer meters. Since many instruments included in the SCADA system are also HARTcapable, we would like to tie them in into our watermeteringAMR/SCADAsystem.



PROJECTOBJECTIVES Improve measurement by using temperature compensated devices and perform installation calibrationinanexplosionproofarea.

SOLUTION MMSD installed more than 200 level transmitters with HARTbased interfaces in manholes, which are Class 1, Division 1rated areas. MMSD installed the HART instruments because the levelinstrumentationinplacewasnottemperaturecompensated. The HART dual functionality (analog plus digital) allows seamless operation of the system while theinstrumentisbeinginterrogatedandupdated.

RESULTS HARTenableddevicessavedmoneyforMMSDandthosesavingscoupled with thetechnologys flexibility, reliability and field ruggedness are why HART devices are used throughout Milwaukeessewagetreatmentsystem. The installation reduces the time to calibrate the instrument and eliminates the need to enter themanhole

To keep its own process competitive, the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) installed more than 200 level transmitters with HARTbased interfaces in manholes, which are Class 1, Division 1 rated areas. MMSD installed the HART instruments because the level instrumentation in place was not temperaturecompensated. HARTtechnologysanalogfunctionalityallowedanintrinsicallysafebarrierandinstallationcalibrationin an explosionproof area. The collectionsystem manholes are typically entered onceayear for calibration checks, explains Eugene Moe, senior instrumentation and control engineer for Earth Tech Inc. in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Earth Tech was part of a joint venture team hired to manage MMSDs operations.


The result is an installation that reduces the time to calibrate the instrument and eliminates the need toenterthemanhole,unlesstheunitfailscompletely. This analog functionality plus HART Protocols simultaneous digital functionality is important to Moe. Its not critical that the signal and calibration be available at the same time, he explains. But the dual functionality allows seamless operation of the system while the instrument is being interrogated and updated. Moe asserts that using HARTenabled devices saved money for MMSD and adds that those savings coupled with the technologys flexibility, reliability and field ruggedness are why HART devices are used throughoutMilwaukeessewagetreatmentsystem.


PROJECTOBJECTIVES: Getbetterresolutionandaccuracyfrommeasurementdevices Savetimeandlaborincalibrationandtroubleshooting. Achievebestfunctionalityofassetmanagement Obtainaccesstoallinstrument/devicedata



RESULTS: Saved time and labor in calibration and troubleshooting during precommissioning, startup and commissioning. Analogsignalprovidedthefastestandbestoverallscanperiod Digital signal helped to quickly calibrate and troubleshoot devices including control valve positionerfeedback HART technologys interoperability capability allowed integration of asset management system anddevicesfromdifferentmanufacturers Remotetroubleshootingofdevicestatusreducedtimeneededtocheckdevicesinthefield NodisputesbecauseHARTisproventobeaveryreliableplatform

Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) used HART technology in a major reinstrumentation project as the catalyst for improving asset management. Despite the size of this mega project, HART technology helped us at the core achieving best resolution and accuracy of the data, says T. Veeresh Prasad,YokogawaEngineering.


The Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) used HART technology in a major reinstrumentation project as the catalyst for improving asset management. The company installed more than 2,000 HART enabled devices in a facility in Jubail, Saudi Arabia, that houses six 60megawatt power plants and a desalination plant. Water and electricity from the facility service both Jubail and the Saudi capital, Riyadh. Despite the size of this mega project, HART Communication helped us at the core, says T. Veeresh Prasad, Yokogawa Engineering Asia System Integration Center, Singapore. HART technology achieved bestresolutionandaccuracyofthedata,comparedtotheolddevicesthatwereinplaceforthepast20 plusyears.(TheAlJubailPhase1plantwasbuiltonthePersianGulfin1982.) Installation of the new HART devices saved the company time and labor in calibration and troubleshooting during precommissioning, startup and commissioning. HART technologys simultaneousanaloganddigitalcommunicationscapabilityprovidedanadditionalbenefit. Analog communications helped because of our fastest turnaround time requirements for achieving best overall scan period, Prasad says. Digital helped to quickly calibrate, and to troubleshoot issues, includingcontrolvalvepositionerfeedback,etc. HARTtechnologysinteroperabilitycapabilityallowedSWCCtoutilizetheinstrumentassetmanagement systemas part of turnkey total system integration and the field devices from different manufacturers usingHARTcompatibleI/Ocards.Bestfunctionalityofassetmanagementisachieved,eventhoughthe hostsystemandtheactualfielddevicesarentfromthesamesupplier,Prasadsays.


HARTbasedHMIsprovidedgreateraccuracyandwereusedtocalibratemostdevices,addsPrasad.And, rather than running to the field to check devices troubleshooting status, the staff now uses the asset managementsystemtocrosscheckthatstatus. The result is less disputesor no disputes, Prasad says. HART is a very reliable platform for fastest response requirements of control and automation safetyinstrumented systems. It competes with all otherbuses,allthetime.



PROJECTOBJECTIVES SOLUTION RESULTS Connecting up to four instruments on each multidrop loop reduced cabling and system I/O requirementsnearly75percentforsignificantreductioninhardwareandinstallationcosts Highlymodulardesigncontributedsignificantengineeringandcommissioningsavings;engineers codedonce,copied28times 92networkedHARTenabledinstrumentsinstalledtocontrolflow,levelandpressure HARTinstrumentsconnectedusingHARTProtocolsmultidropnetworkingcapability InstrumentsconnecttotheDCSusing16channelHARTfieldmodulestomultiplexthesignals Automatethewatertreatmentplantforhighestpossibleredundancy Renovatefilterbedsystemswhilesafeguardingtheintegrityoftheplantcontrolsystem

Switchingfromhydraulictoelectricvalveactuation,HARTProtocolsmultidropcapabilityprovesatime, costandhardwaresaverinnetworking92instruments


HARTbased instrumentation was used in a major renovation of filter bed systems at the Sluvad Water Treatment Works in South Wales. Water treatment contractor, Purac Ltd., used an innovative design to renovate the plant with HARTbased instrumentation and to safeguard the integrity of the plant control system.



According to Purac Senior Engineer Mark Cargill, the project objective was to automate the plant using the most appropriate equipment for giving the highest possible redundancy. After careful evaluation, Purac engineers based their project design on an alldigital HART multidrop network solution that offered considerable hardware and installation cost savings over traditional 420mA and other available options. There is such a wide range of HARTcompatible products available for flow, level and pressure applications that we found it offered the flexibility and performance we required at the best cost, Cargillsays.HARTwasaneasychoicebecauseitisaproven,costeffectivetechnology. The project replaced the hydraulicallyoperated filter bed valves with new electrically actuated valves, and added new instrumentation and a new distributed control system (DCS) to provide full automated controloftheentirefacility.Becausetheplanthadtostayoperationalduringtherefit,amodulardesign approach with HARTcompatible instruments in multidrop network configurations proved to be the idealsolutionforeachfilterbed. Twentyeight rapid gravity filter beds were fitted with a total of 92 networked HART instruments to control flow, level and pressure. All HART instruments are connected using the multidrop networking capability of the HART Protocol. The instruments are connected to the DCS system using 16channel HARTfieldmodules(HFM)tomultiplexthesignals.


MultidropNetworkwith2&4wireDevices In a novel architecture, one HFM channel is allocated to each filter bed. If a problem occurs in any one loop, only one filter is affected, Cargill says. The other 27 filter beds remain fully operational, safeguardingtheintegrityoftheplantcontrolsystem. According to Cargill, with up to four instruments on each multidrop loop, the cabling and system I/O requirements were cut by nearly 75 percent, creating a significant reduction in both hardware and installationcosts. Significantsavingsinengineeringandcommissioning werealsorealizedfromthehighlymodulardesign. Systemengineershadtodevelopthedesignandcodeonlyoncethenrepeatit28times.


WhatInformationisAvailable? HARTSpecifications Technicaloverview Applicationnotes Technicalassistance Trainingclasses

WheretoFindInformation: ByMail MainOffice HARTCommunicationFoundation 9390ResearchBlvd,SuiteI350 Austin,TX78759USA EuropeOffice 210Dornacherstrasse 4053Basel,Switzerland ByPhone +15127940369(USA) +41613332275(Europe) ByFax 5127943904 ByEmail hcfadmin@hartcomm.org Online www.hartcomm.org +862167120417(China) ChinaOffice BlockF3,MuhuaRoad ShanghaiChemicalIndustryPark Shanghai201507,P.R.China


Manufacturer: Model number/name: Revision or version: Product application (configurator, DCS, RTU, etc.): Function How many HART I/O channels per card? Can the system power the devices with an internal power supply? Which HART revisions are supported? Is burst mode channels? supported on all Yes No Commands/Notes Support Provided

Rev 3 Rev 4 Rev 5 Yes No

Is multidrop networking supported on all channels? If yes, how many devices can be placed on a single network? How are device-specific functions and features supported?

Yes No # of devices: _____________ Hard coded HART DDL binary files HART DDL source files Application resource files Other: ________________ Device-specific features are not supported.

Indicate the parameters that accessed in ANY HART device.


Manufacturers identification


Display text

Display code


Function Device identification (device type code) Device identification (unique ID) Device serial number Revision levels TAG DESCRIPTOR MESSAGE DATE Upper-range value Lower-range value Sensor limits Alarm selection Write-protect status Analog reading Primary variable Secondary variable Tertiary variable Fourth variable Change engineering units Damping value Read device variables How many? (u to 250) Materials of construction HART status information (change flag, malfunction, etc.) Device-specific status information Use of status bits in control logic? Use of status bits in alarm handling?

Commands/Notes 0 0 0 0 13, 18 13, 18 12, 17 13, 18 15, 35 15, 35 14 15 15 1, 2, 3 1, 3 3 3 3 44 15, 34 33

Support Provided Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Write Write Display text Display text Display text Display text Write Write Write Write Write Write Display code

Device specific Standard status bits

Read Read

Write Display text Display code

48 Std & 48 Std & 48

Read Yes Yes

Display text No No

Display code


Function Set point (PID and output devices) Which devices? Support of device-specific commands/ functions: (a) for your own companys field devices (b) for other vendors field devices Rezero Loop test (fix the analog current at specified value) Support calibration procedures? Which products?

Commands/Notes Device specific

Support Provided Read Write

Yes Yes 43 40 Yes Yes

No No No No



Calibrate the D/A converter Initiate device test Clears configuration flag? Read/Write assignments? dynamic variable

45, 46 41 38 50, 51

Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No

Support for devices with multiple analog outputs Set polling address Text messages provided on command error responses OPC Client OPC Server HART Command Passthrough




6 All

Yes Yes

No No

Yes Yes

No No

Some systems have the ability to act as a conduit or router between a software application running on a separate platform and a HART field device. In effect, this ability gives the end user the functionality provided both by the system and by the application. Is passthrough supported? Yes No


HARTTransmitterwithPIDControlInstallation The HART transmitter with PID control (Figure 21) is wired in series with the field device (valve positionerorotheractuator).Insome cases,abypasscapacitor mayberequiredacrosstheterminalsof thevalvepositionertokeepthepositionersseriesimpedancebelowthe100 levelrequiredbyHART specifications.Communicationwith the HARTtransmitterrequiresthecommunicatingdevice(handheld terminal or PC) to be connected across a loop impedance of at least 230 . Communication is not possible across the terminals of the valve positioner because of its low impedance (100). Instead, the communicatingdevicemustbeconnectedacrossthetransmitterorthecurrentsenseresistor.



It is also possible to use both a smart transmitter and a smart valve positioner in the loop. The control function can be in either device. The HART Protocol allows one lowimpedance device on the network, which is typically the current sense resistor. In Figure 22, the smart valve positioner is the low impedancedevice,which eliminatestheneedforacurrentsenseresistor.Communicationispossibleby connectionacrosstheterminalofeitherthetransmitterorthepositioner.



CommunicationSignals TypeofCommunication Traditionalanalog Digital Signal 420mA FSK, based on the Bell 202 telephone communication standard 2,200Hz 1,200Hz

Logical0frequency Logical1frequency DataInformation Dataupdaterate:

Request/responsemode23updatespersecond Optionalburstmode34updatespersecond Databytestructure: 1startbit,8databits,1oddparitybit,1stopbit Dataintegrity: Twodimensionalerrorchecking Statusinformationineveryreplymessage

SimpleCommandStructure TypeofCommand Universal Commonpractice Devicespecific Structure Commontoalldevices Optional;usedbymanydevices Foruniqueproductfeatures


CommunicationMasters Twocommunicationmasters Variables Upto256variablesperdevice IEEE754floatingpointformat(32bits)withengineeringunits WiringTopologies Pointtopointsimultaneousanaloganddigital Pointtopointdigitalonly Multidropnetworkdigitalonly(upto15devices) CableLengths Maximumtwistedpairlength10,000ft(3,048m) Maximummultipletwistedpairlength5,000ft(1,524m) Cablelengthdependsonthecharacteristicsofindividualproductsandcables.


Bell202 AU.S. telephonestandardthatuses1,200Hzand2,200Hzas1and0,respectively,at1,200baud;afull duplex communication standard using a different pair of frequencies for its reverse channel. HART uses Bell202signalsbutisahalfduplexsystem,sothereversechannelfrequenciesarenotused. Burst(Broadcast)Mode A HART communication mode in which a master device instructs a slave device to continuously broadcast a standard HART reply message (e.g., value of a process variable) until the master instructs it tostopbursting CableCapacitancePerUnitofLength The capacitance from one conductor to all other conductors (including the shield if present) in the network;measuredinfeetormeters CableResistancePerUnitofLength T heresistanceforasinglewire;measuredinfeetormeters ClosedLoopControl Asysteminwhichnooperatorinterventionisnecessaryforprocesscontrol CommunicationRate The rate at which data are sent from a slave device to a master device; usually expressed in data updatespersecond DCS SeeDistributedControlSystem. DistributedControlSystem Instrumentation (input/output devices, control devices, and operator interface devices) that permits transmission of control, measurement, and operating information to and from userspecified locations, connectedbyacommunicationlink EDD/DD SeeDeviceDescription. EDDL/DDL SeeDeviceDescriptionLanguage.


ElectronicDeviceDescription A program file written in the HART Device Description Language (DDL) that contains an electronic description of all of a devices parameters and functions needed by a host application to communicate withthedevice ElectronicDeviceDescriptionLanguage AstandardizedprogramminglanguageusedtowriteDDsforHARTcompatiblefielddevices Field The area of a process plant outside the control room where measurements are made, and to and from whichcommunicationisprovided;apartofamessagedevotedtoaparticularfunction(e.g.,theaddress fieldorthecommandfield) FieldDevice Adevice generallynotfoundin the controlroom;fielddevicesmaygenerateorreceiveananalogsignal inadditiontotheHARTdigitalcommunicationsignal FrequencyShiftKeying Method of modulating digital information for transmission over paths with poor propagation characteristics;canbetransmittedsuccessfullyovertelephonesystems FSK SeeFrequencyShiftKeying. Gateway A network device that enables other devices on the network to communicate with a second network usingadifferentprotocol HARTCommandSet A series of commands that provide uniform and consistent communication for all master and slave devices;includesUniversal,CommonPractice,andDeviceSpecificcommands HARTCommunicationProtocol Highway Addressable Remote Transducer communication protocol; the industry standard protocol for digitallyenhanced420mAcommunicationwithsmartfielddevices HARTHandheldCommunicator A handheld master device that uses the HART Communication Protocol and DDL to configure or communicatewithanyHARTdevice


HARTLoop AcommunicationnetworkinwhichthemasterandslavedevicesareHARTcompatible HostApplication A software program used by the control center to translate information received from field devices into aformatthatcanbeusedbytheoperator Interoperability The ability to operate multiple devices in the same system, independent of manufacturer, without loss offunctionality IntrinsicSafety A certification method for use of electrical equipment in hazardous (e.g., flammable) environments; a type of protection in which a portion of an electrical system contains only intrinsically safe equipment thatisincapableofcausingignitioninthesurroundingenvironment IntrinsicSafetyBarrier A network or device designed to limit the amount of energy available to the protected circuit in a hazardouslocation IS SeeIntrinsic Safety. MasterDevice Adeviceinamasterslavesystemthatinitiatesalltransactionsandcommands(e.g.,centralcontroller) MasterSlaveProtocol Communication system in which all transactions are initiated by a master device and are received and respondedtobyaslavedevice Miscellaneous Series Impedance Thesummationofthemaximumimpedance (500Hz10kHz)of alldevicesconnectedinseriesbetween two communicating devices; a typical nonintrinsically safe loop will have no miscellaneous series impedance Modem Modulator/demodulatorusedtoconvertHARTsignalstoRS232signals


MultidropNetwork HART communication system that allows more than two devices to be connected together on a single cable;usuallyreferstoanetworkwithmorethanoneslavedevice Multimaster Multimaster refers to a communication system that has more than one master device. The HART Protocol is a simple multimaster system allowing two masters; after receiving a message from a slave device,themasterwaitsforashorttimebeforebeginninganothertransmission,whichgivesthesecond mastertimetoinitiateamessage Multiplexer AdevicethatconnectstoseveralHARTloopsandallowscommunicationtoandfromahostapplication MultivariableInstrument A field device that can measure or calculate more than one process parameter (e.g., flow and temperature) Network Aseriesoffieldandcontroldevicesconnectedtogetherthroughacommunicationmedium ParallelDeviceCapacitance T hesummationofthecapacitancevaluesofallconnecteddevicesinanetwork ParallelDeviceResistance T he parallel combination of the resistance values of all connected devices in the network; typically, there is only one lowimpedance device in the network, which dominates the parallel deviceresistance value Passthrough A feature of some systems that allows HART Protocol sendandreceive messages to be communicated throughthesysteminterface PID Proportionalintegralderivative PIDControl Proportionalplusintegralplusderivative control; used in processes where the controlled variable is affectedbylonglagtimes


PointtoPoint A HART Protocol communication mode that uses the conventional 420 mA signal for analog transmission, while measurement, adjustment, and equipment data are transferred digitally; only two communicatingdevicesareconnectedtogether Polling Amethodofsequentiallyobservingeachfielddeviceonanetworktodetermineifthedeviceisreadyto senddata PollingAddress Every HART device has a polling address; address 0 is used for pointtopoint networks; addresses 115 areusedinmultidropnetworks ProcessVariable A process parameter that is being measured or controlled (e.g., level, flow, temperature, mass, density, etc.) Protocol Asetofrulestobeusedingeneratingorreceivingamessage PV SeeProcessVariable. RemoteTerminalUnit AselfcontainedcontrolunitthatispartofaSCADAsystem RTU SeeRemoteTerminalUnit. SCADA SeeSupervisoryControlandDataAcquisition. SlaveDevice A device (e.g., transmitter or valve) in a masterslave system that receives commands from a master device;aslavedevicecannotinitiateatransaction SmartInstrumentation Microprocessorbased instrumentation that can be programmed, has memory, is capable of performing calculations and selfdiagnostics and reporting faults, and can be communicated with from a remote location


SupervisoryControlandDataAcquisition A control system using communications such as phone lines, microwaves, radios, or satellites to link RTUswithacentralcontrolsystem Zener Typeofshuntdiodebarrierthatusesahighqualitysafetygroundconnectiontobypassexcessenergy


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