Nazarene Messenger - January 13, 1910
Nazarene Messenger - January 13, 1910
Nazarene Messenger - January 13, 1910
Vol. XIV. Los Angeles, January 13, 1910 No. 29
messages to tbe Saints.
If you haven't got it, seek it from God. The desire to
make the coming year one of greater advance in the
divine 'life than ever before.
Putting God to the Test.
Those who read the Word intelligently cannot but be
cenvinced that God is very anxious and constantly urging
His people to put Him to the test. "Call upon me and I
will answer,'' ''Prove me now herewith,'' ''Take my yoke
and learn of me," "Come unto me, and I will in nowise
cast you out," "Giveand it shall be given unto you," and
a thousand others, are God's challenges to His church.
Now we all believe that the Lord stands behind His prom-
ises and commands, but that is not sufficient; He wants
us to put Him to the test-to prove Him-so that He may
have an opportunity of revealing His power to us and by
us. He wants us not only to believe His wor d is true, but
to prove it is true to us. It is no more use to believe
these spiritual promises without proving them than it is
to expect help from a check on the bank which is kept in
our pocket- uncashed. We know by experience that some
things in the Scriptures are true; this ought to spur us on
to so believe that other things are true that we will dare
to put them to the test, and thus have them become set-
tled facts in our life. It is blessed to believe; it is more
blessed to know-God wants to show you.
The Capital is Sufficient.
All God's commands and promises are made on the
basis of His provisions. It is only our unbelief and our
lack of obedience that stands in the way of our realizing
them more. The Lord being perfect in wisdom and true
to righteousness, it is for Him to take any
advantage of the weakness or ignorance of man, and
therefore His dealings with him are on the basis of truth.
It was therefore essential that the provisions He made for
the sal vation of man should be equal to His
and promises to man. This blessed truth to incite
faith and obedience in us as His children. The very fact
that He cannot fail should lead us to
"Make all our wants and wishes known,"
and fill us with an assurance that" would banish doubt
There is a place where we can get things from
. God, There are gracious experiences for the man and
woman who will"walk with God" that are as yet unasked
for an!i unthought 9f, experiences that it is God's
eign right to bestow. God's children to be striking
new veins of rich heavenly ore these days, else we shall
not be prepared to cope with the wicked worldliness and
the intellectual errors which are sweeping down upon us.
Brethren, God can bring us through triumphant if we
are faithful.
''True Holiness."
Thank God, there is such an experience as "True
Holiness," which always has for its companion ''Right-
It is God's pattern and God's provision for
every one who will obey Him. It is the nature of the
"new man," and is not grown into or purchased with
good works, but is "created." It is not of our doing, but
of God's doing. It works without a jar, is delightful to
possess, and is satisfactory under every condition of life.
A man knows when he has it, and-so do others. Those
who have it are on the side of every true man arid work,
love everything and everybody that is holy or wants
tc;> be. They trust the blood, keep clean, and say ''Halle-
lujah!" Those who have not got it, know they lack it.
They may keep up the form and deceive others, but they
can't deceive themselves. They feel their soul-lack-
empty, dry, spiritless and joyless; sometimes with an
intense longing for that which they lack, but which they
know is provided for them. Multitudes of "holiness
fo!ks" are in this condition, not opposing holiness, but
hi.tdering it by their false representation of it. 0
beloved, hurry! get the real thing.
Mate .rial for the Ministry.
It is a sad truth that fewer and fewer young men are
giving themselves to the ministry in our great institutions
of learning; and even the spiritual standard of those who
are in the theological departments is not of such a charac-
ter as to promise an aggressive warfare against sin on the
ono hand, nor a preaching of the gospel of holiness on the
other. While there have been in late years many so-called
"great revivals," under noted "world-wide" evangelists,
their card-signing and vopular methods have not produced
any material out of which a real preacher of the gospel
cari be made. The outlook on this line is rather discour-
aging, and while there may be many with brilliant
intellectual and social qualifications who will enter the
ministry from the various colleges, there will be few holy,
young men- compared with the great need-
who can be prepared, and these will mostly come from
holiness colleges. There is therefore great need for a
mig)lty Holy Ghost revival all over this country, which
will' produce a great company of thorougly saved and
sanctified young men- good material to be trained under
holY' influences for spiritual gospel work. Brethren, here
is we must pray and labor for in our church-the
of. young men for our ministry. Amen.
Contributed Articles
Let us survey with criticism,
This pleasing Universalism.
It says to all; it shall be well,
No angry God, no endless hell.
Drunkards may into glory reel,
And after death no sorrows feel.
Murderers from their gallows S\ving,
Up to the throne of their great King.
Jndas betrayed lost Israel's hope,
And swung to heaven on his own rope.
Before his. Lord he reached his home,
And then looked baek to see him come.
Saphira was for lying driven,
Away from earth direct to heaven.
And lil{ewise Ananias lied,
u'nto the Holy Ghost and died.
And for this sin though unforgiveo,
\Vas instantly sht,t up in heaven.
The Sodomites and the old world,
Were for their sins to glory hurled.
The Canaanites so wicked were.
God . took them np .into His sphere . . .
The valiant Josh\ia shed blood,
And sent the rascals home to God.
Christ died for all andall'must come,
To heaven and find a lasting home.
This is the creed and catecl1ism,
A ' pleasing
Now let a warning added be,
To this vain pleasing s()phistry.
It should be kindly, plainly said;
It contradicts the Word of God.
J.;ockport, N. Y.
.JC ""' ""'
I suggest. Temptation is suggestion,
not always. The gospel is propagated
by this means. Satan 11dvances his
kingdom by suggestion. His '''Ord is his
seed. 'rhe Word of God is the of
His Kingdom. It must fan and grow'
to be of value: All ' matter obeys the
la,vs of its being. God commands, and
all the material worl(ls obey His behests.
There is rio r eb:ellion only in spiritilai
beipgs. He commands t he sea and the
rock-ribbed lahd rises to hedge its 'way.
He c9mmands the earth ancl it tilts to
make the seasons and revolves to make
the and years. N'ot a second is
gained or iost in a million of years. He
ma.keth the clouds to be His chariots .
He rides on the win_gs of the wind. He
speaks and the angry storm is hushed
a'rid there is a great calm. . .
His word is a demand with executive
power. All created have. this
suggestive power in limitation. Satan's
word to Eve was a seed that found a
soil in which to grow- guilt resulted.
Guilt ha:..- the nature and life of Satan
in it. Satan lodges his suggestion in
the child before its birth, and unless dis-
Nazarene Messenger
lodged will be a .live moving. power in
all ltis life. Memory is delayed until
the child is three or four of age,
Yet the life is full learning and con-
sciousnessbefore memory awakes. Lit-
tle is lefu in. any of us for memory to
Vle have an inkling that "carnality"
is not so much transmitted as suggesteq.
It. is called '' Adamic'' because Sata n
lodged same life in Adam.
My boyhood had two suggestions con-
testing the way for me. to do the wrong
and obey the. right.. They were per-
sonal beings. \Ve read of the '"'babe
l eaping" ns the mother of ,Jesus
. the mother John, _showing a con-
sciousness in , the fore-runner of Christ ..
The early life consciousness is a deli-
cate seed lwd where the mystery of in-
iqnity works.
Many a has become one be-
ca.use .the .mother lws lived in holy sug-
gestions. The of the Devil"
is t he harvest of early seed sowing. Car-
nality is. Satan in the disposition, in-
trenchecl. The roots of carnality are
deep in the convicted; witness the strug-
gle, the crying drawn out in the
struggle for victory. Even the n ew life
is suppressed by Satnn 's suggestions . ..
The Holy Spirit preaches to every per-
soi1 in this age, convincing 'of sin of
and of jtidgment. He
ioves and constantly "proceeds" to do
this work His word is with life and
powl'r. Deat:11 is. the outcome of Satan's
suggestions. . God speaks nnd there is
n resurrection. Hallelujah.
Riverside, Cal.
. .II
[January 13 ,. 1910
cut il).dicatians are that
pastors whQ are sane; anP. sub-
stantial are in greater c;lemand tha.r1 the
special evangeHJ>t.
Because the field is . suffering ftom
the need pf pastors, and because wise
leaders have observed that. is
retarded and that'. already
achieved are being lost because they
cannot be secured, calls urgent and ef-
fecting have been sent forth by the dis-
trict superintendents for past<rrs of the
right sort, but it .has appeared to us for
some. time that the church has more to
do with the problem of pastorless
churches than is generally snpposecl,
and however the reader may disagree
";ith ur-;. we say fear of success-
ful <>o ntra<l.ict ion that the individual
churches of the holin(>,s movement hol<l
in ,th_eir hand the solution of this-impOI'
tnnt problem. ..
After all has .been gt:anted regardin g
the unsettledness of our ministeri lll
youth, and after all the musf.ard plasters
and fly blisters have been used to draw
the inflammation of discontent and de-
sire for the glar e and flare of special
evangelistic we say_:after t.hcse
have all been appljed to the head ancl
heart of the pastor \Vho undl'r
his special cnll ( 1) to evangelize, is lea\-
ing his church without a shepherd and
is starting for c>limes more congenial-
after all has heen said, the fact. still r e-
mllins that the individual churches han
. very much to do with the problem of.
being pastored.
"But how," you ask, "is this to he
t.rue1" We reply, first. :
If t he pastoral office is of such im-
portance as we are beginning to beliew
THE NAZARENE }?ASTOR. it is,' it is the duty of evPry church t o
"This is a true saying, if a man! de- make the pastor feel that they considt' r
sir.cth t he office of a bishop he . his office of vital importance to the .
desireth a good work." "And he 'gave progress o.f. the Kingdon1 of (;hrist in
. some; pastors and teachers.' ',-Paul. .. t heir midst. But instead o.f doing this.
That God calls certain men and .. some churches. (thank God not ours !)
,\rom en. to the' work special evangel- allow their hearts to. run after every
ism cannot be reasonably nor scriptur- "migratory . angel" who happens to
nlly denied.' That GocJ. also calls othei. ' drop his grip a)')d stay long enough to
men and women to the workof the pas- preach the best sermon of the-dozen ht
. _tor is too eviclent to n eed . argument. possesses. Entire sanctificntion
Tha:t the work. of the pastor is of the jealousy, but it does not make, .even n
utmost generally con- holiness preacher void of feeling, and
ceded, but especially is this true in the when a man has been faithfully visiting.
present of substantial and progres- praying for and preaching to his flock.
sive organized h.oliness effort. it n aturally hurts a little to have th<'
_That God is calling and may call .in ma.jority of . his members throwing bo
t he future pastors to the special work quets at the rapidly vanishing .chariot
of evangelists, we admit; but according of the traveling J,Dinisterial. angel, while
to the men who are l eaders .in .the holi- scarcely ever r eceives a. :Worcl
ness church movement of today, and . of commendation. Perhaps he .cimnot
who are in a position to know, the pres- preach as well as Bro. X.,
January 13', 1'910]
but then remember has
lots of opportunity to praciice on those
twelve se:r;mons while the pastor has
have new qnes every Sunday. Besides,
if he ian 't faithful in his pastoral visita"
tion_, is to get a sanctified ('I)
calling down from some officious mem-
As ' a pastor our heart has been
warmed to see our people loyally
around us after the. shining face, new
voice and inte;resting sermons of the
evangelist had ceased to. be seen and
heard. and have them say: "We loveu
the evangelist and he did us good, but
no one can take the place of our dear
pastor." A little more of this kind of
talk on the part of some churches might
assist the Holy Ghost to hold some pas-
tors steady.
Second. It .. has-boen really pa-inful -to
us to notice how some laymen will make
a bluster and fuss over the coming evan-
gelist. No trouble then to get .. the afore-
laymen to spend their money to ad-
vertise. Of course that's necessary now,
but wholly unnecessary when the pas-
tor was trying to hold his last winter's
revival meeting alone. Do not misun-
derstand us. A wise pastor will make
the best of his evangelistic help by thor-
oughly advertising him, and the laymen
will show their good sense and make t.hc
best of their pastor by considering him
worthy of an occasional advertisement.
Oh, yes, he is sanctified wholly and
will work without these things, but con-
the ten1ptation-if we may call it
discontent and discourage-
ment, when a church evidences more
loyalty and appreciation of a ten-day or
four-week evangelist than they do of
t.heir pastor. after he has stood by them
month in and month out.
Let your pastor feel that you love him
and . appreciate him and consider him
worthy of your enthusiastic support and
loyalty and it will work like magic on
him in times of depression and discour-
agement. Try it.
Third. , There is the matter of finan-
cial support. God knows we are not us-
ing this article to club our church or give
vent to a disposition to "kick," for our
salary reaches us twice a month as regu-
larly as the sun. But we have observed
that some churches are very generous
with the evangelist 's
while the pastor takes his salary out in
oats, salt pork and beans. After due
allowance has been made for the reli-
gious enthusiasm occasioned by the
spiritual and stirring appeal of . t})e
evangelist, yet it does seem as though a
Nazarene Messenger
church, especially a holiness chUrch,
should be as anxiotis'to generonsly com-
pensate a faithful pastor as they are the
The is nQt to blame if he is
paid from twenty-five to fifty dollars a
week. He needs it.. .Few of them are
remunerated as they be. But
how does it .look to the pastor in those
dark 'and trying moments which every
pastor experiences .to get. his little driz-
zling amount once in a while 'I
We have men in the pastorate of. our
churches who, considered from the
standpoint of generalship, preaching
ability or spirituality, can compare fa-
vorably with many evangelists who are
receiving three times as much salary.
But regardless of natural and ac-
quired gifts, every pastor is worthy of
the best--financial--support possible, . and
because he is not in the work for filthy
lucre and does not . complain .when in
need all the more reason why you
should regularly and sufficiently com-
pensate him for his work.
. "And I heard a voice behind me say-
ing, 'This is the way, walk ye in it.' "
The New Year brings with it both an-
. t icipation and retrospect ion. The past
is the school of experience, in which we
have learned many things; the future
is yet a vision, largely dependent for its
fulfillment upon the use we.make of the
past. Whatever there has been in the
past, of good or ill, may serve as a lov-
ing monitor under . the direction of the
The blessings of -the past speak to
ns of our Father's beneficent love. What
He "hath" done, He will to
do. He hath blessed. He bath loved,
He hath given, He hath never failed us.
And the voice behind us is the voice of
Praise, telling us that the walk of "His
dear children" is the only walk for us.
The victories of the past arc the
voices of Courage, undergirding us for
conflicts of the future, and pointing
us to the way of the "overcomer" and
the ''more than conquerer. ''
The mistakes of the past are a Warn-
ing voice, reminding us of undue baste,
and the humiliation which followed.
But it is not an upbraiding voice, as it
whispers its timely admonitions.
But some dear heart is saying, ''What
of the sin of the past; the time that
I fell in the sight of God; and though
it has been washed away with the
precioti.s Blood, how may that be u.aed
to point the way f"
Listen: Perhaps yourknowledge of
justice exceeded your . knowledge .... of
mercy. But now a voice comes to you
broken With sobs. is the . Voice of
love, pointing you to a path of compas-
sion for others, .and to the sW-eete8t fel-
lowship with Jesua you have ever
''There is no failure. God's .immortal
plan .
Accounts no loss, a lesson learned for
Defeat is oft the discipline we need
To save us from the wrong, or teaching
To errors, which would else more dear:-
ly cost. .
A lesson learned is ne'er a lost.
.Whene 'er the cause is right, be not
afraid ;
Defeat is then but victory delayed.
And e'en the greatest vict'ries of the
Are often won when battle flags are
Selected Articles
Such was Paul's unhesitating testi
mony, without evasion or boasting. He
had fought . .. From the time God's mes-
senger had said to him, "Bro. Saul, ro .
ceive thy sight," men and devils
hung upon his flanks and rear, only the
way straight ahead was open, and. as .
he had pressed toward the mark of the
prize-he had fought.
What a conflict. "In labors more
abundant, in stripes above measure, 1n
prisons more freq):lent, in deaths oft.
Of the Jews five time received I forty
stripes save one." Thing of it. This
man of noble spirit, high education and
genuine culture, five times his back is
bared to the lash, and there nothing
merciful about the men who apply the
cruel strokes. When the headless trunk
of this old hero lay dead at Rome no
doubt it was marked with many a scar
from these five flagellations.
One hundred and ninety-five stripeR
had been laid upon him. He had fought
with' bowed head and bleeding shoul-
ders, and bound bands. ''Thrice was I
beaten with rods, once was I stoned,
thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and
a day I have been in the deep. In jour-
neyings often, in perils of waters, in
perils of robbers, in J>erils of mine
countrymen, in. perils of the heathen,
in perils in the city, in perils in the
wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils
among false brethren. In weariness
and painfulness, in watchings often, in
hunger and thirst, in cold and
ness." What a records. In the midst
of it all he comforted himself with the
, thought tl1at, ''these light afflictions
which are but for a moment work out
for us a far more and eternal
weight of glory."
The F irst .Pentecostal Church of the
Can it be that the. kid ?gloved gentle-
men, preaching for large salaf ies, living Nazarene. Chicago, closed the year 1909
in luxury, apologizing for sin, excusing with victory. The watch-night. service
_worldliness, and denying the inspira- was attended by between three arid four
tion of the Scriptures, are Pauline in hundred people, was. a time of
doctrine, experience, or practice 'l To
ask the question is to answer it. They spiritual refreshing and rejoicing. Just
are not Pauline. Come to think of it, as the old year was dying and the
how few of us now living on the earth's new year> coming in, seven persons
surface arP.? rushed to the altar to make their peace
[January 13,
penses . . The preacher's f1,1mily are not-
starving. Saints have brought in fruit
meats, groceries and cash. We have
cured Evangelist Rev. Jos. Owen for a
fifteen-days' meeting in February. The
writer has preached fifty-nine times in
months, kept sanctified, and seen
salvation all the way. They said Cnn-
ton was a hard place, but I ,just wish
. you could drop in on us; we are
tlie time of our life: I am convinced
that God is able to do for us even
greater things than we can 'think or
expect. F. J. Thomas.
How little we know of real suffering with God. A mighty tide of prayer COLUMBUS. OHIO.
for Christ. How few of us with. a glow- went up and the glory of God came we are glad_ to report victsry in
ing face have stripped off our down. Without doubt, the past year
and bared our backs to the lash; how has been the best of the present pas- church here: Our servic'-'s are increas-
' little we know of rods and stone.s. But torate. More persons have been at the ing in interest and attendance. We .are
let us not hasten to. conclude that the mourners' bench, more money given for having souls saved or sanctified nearly
Lions are all dead. There are suffer- various worthy purposes, and the every week Had four at the altar last
ings yet for those who are willing to churcJ:l has enjoyed an unust1al Sunday, two in the morl)ing and two
suffer. . of harmony. . . . in the evening. We_ -will begin our re-
..... brutish husband who c_an The Sunday ... vJv.aLserv..ices -January 14th.
be pleased; wh<rfi:nds faultwrth Tile Clir1stmas . A. R. Welch Pastor.
everything: and seeks to put' stumbling- exercises given -by the -school---were- de- '
stones, and every possible obstacle in lightful. The night was exceedingly
his wife's wfiy, will test her soul to the storrhy and cold, but in spite of this
utmost. A scolding wife makes one's . large audience assembled. to lis-
home a den ol: torment instead of a ten to the children recite their Christ-
place of and rest. mas pieces and sing their songs. The
There are children who bring shame boys and girls and young people ac-
and heartache, and there are a th{>u- quitted themselves in a most satisfac-,
sand methods by which satan can tempt tory manner. The whole program was
and torment the children of God. At of an high order, deeply spiritual and
an events those who sit down at the consistent with the occasion. The
marriage supper of the Tiamb. must school is manned by a corps of most
come up through grea-.: tribulation. excellent Christian men and ,i,romcn.
It means mudr fn the times in- which Bro. T. A. Peters was re-elected super-
we live, to stand true and strong for intendent for another year. .
the truth of God as taught by Moses, Plans with reference to paying off
Christ and the-Apostle. The war is not the balance on our new lot have been
over by any means. The conflict thick- changedsomewhat. It is now proposed
ens between goo.d a1,1d evil, between to have a grand Easter offering, and, if
God and Satan. Those _who would win possible, reach the goal.
must fight the good fight .of faith, and The first Sunday of the New Year
then at the end they too may say, "I was glo;ious. The audiences at the
have fought a good fight. "-Pentecos- three se1:vices were magnificent, almost
tal Herald. filling the church. The 'tide of revival
.JII .J/1 .J/1 was on, and during the day fifteen or
more souls prayed through-
DO YOU WANT IT? mourner's bench. These were nearly
Are you conscious of need in yonr all strangers and very clear cases.
soul Y and are. you convinced- t hat your were converted and some sanctified
need is one \vhich God in His Word wholly amidst the shouts of the people.
It was a most excellent start for. the
New Year. Eight persons were re-
ceived into the church duripg the day,
and 136 for the year 1909.
promises to meet? I>o you know that
you are born again 'l If you are you'
probably see that "the kingdom of God
is righteousness,--peace and joy in the
Holy Ghost," and that God is calling
you to "leave the principles of the doc-
trines of. Christ,'' and ''go on unto per-
fection.''. Then let me ask you are you
in earnest? Do you reall;o.' want to be
I?aptized with the Ho1y Ghost, to be
{<cleansed from all unrighteousness,''
and "filled with all the fullness of
God 'l" Do you want this at any cost or
which the Lord may ask of
you 'l Do you oelieve it possible to be
sanctified wholly, spirit, soul an.d body
tJ:tis present life? . . . It is God's
wo.t:k to bring you. in, not by growth,
but. by a sovereign act o.f divine grace.
-"How to Enter In."
We praise God 1=or all that has been
accomplished and push on for another
year of victory.
God is still with us, giving us victory
on every line. Sinners are being saved,
backsliders reclaimed, believers sancti-
fied wholly and members uniting with
the church, There have been nineteen
additions to our church (sixteen at
. Canton, three at St. David) since the
District Assembly in September; the
saints are work-for all there
is in them, have paid. off $116 on church
debt and raised $5.7 for current ex-
Rev. C. L. Kackison, the pastor of our
church at the above place, is doing a
gracious work under the tord 's bless-
ing. He writes: ''We -wish to report
. victory in OUr SQlllmer and fall cam-
paign in central anld western New York
state. Our three boys with their horns
and drums was good aid to the open air
meetings. We praise God for souls .
saved and all our needs supplied. How-
ever, we still solicit your prayers."
On the 14th of December I passed
seventy-ninth mile-stone, and my littl e
congregation being aware of it sur-
prised their pastor by calling on l1im
almosf in a body, of which he was en-
tirely . unaware. This call was greatlx
appreciated; the evening was spent
quite profitably even without gaming
or feasting, but not without prayer. If
any other of our congregations should
ha,ve so old a person as their pastor, T
would heartily recommend similar
11reatment, feeling quite sure that it
would be helpful, and very encourag-
ing. Well, praise the Lord! Amen!
James D. Acker.
We are getting along nicely at Mill
Creek. Bro. Jernigan organized a
small Nazarene church at this place last
August, I -believe, imd since that
we have been about the Master's busi-
ness. Have preaching twice a ' mont1l
with prayer meeting every Friday
night, Sunday school every Sunday .
Our prayer meeting hal? .. bee.Q
until we have good 0Ul'
Sunday school started very small, as
there are four other churches in our
little town, but I am proud to say we
are growing all the time. We have a
January 13, 1910l Nazarene Messenger
. . '
good ,frame building 30x50 feet, newly fully manifested . in the . altar service,
papered and sealed and every cent paid .. -_ and being reclaimed, one a.fter
for and. some money in the treasury. , another went down the seco:y.d time to
W are trying to get our folks to adopt be sanctified wholly. They all ''prayed
the tithing plan of giving, as we through," and claimed the blessing.
this is God's plan. I want to say to all Praise 'God for the power. We
that I am enjoying: the Nazarene home; expect to commence spe.cial revival ser-
I feel better satisfied in the Nazarene vices on January 2d with Bro. Dearn
_-church -than I had _ anticipated; glory. as evangelist, continuing over three
I have had some of the best times of my Sabbaths. Pray for us that God may
life. Let us do our very best this year. send a flood-tide of salvation. Amen!
f am proud . of our. leader of this A. F. Skinner.
great church; God bless you all. - I am
expecting something to coine to pass
this next year. Glory to God; let us all
say amen. R. A. Duncan.
. the Lord. The Christmas cori-
vention was truly a time of refreshin'g
to our souls. Souls ; were saved and
sanctified.( I was out part of the time
and held a.Jiv.e-days' convention for
For(fCounty Holiness Association. Di;;;-
trict .. .SJm.exintendent .. Jernigan - -goPs
there in February to organize a church
(D. V.)'. Pray for this field.
.. C. B. Widmeyer.
Praise the .Lord for fu11
During the past month we have been
. _ very busy in getting our chureh re-
paired: Thank God it is done so we1l!
We are holdingup Jesus as a complete
" Savior, to save to the uttermost in this
wicked summer resort. Th<' Lord has
some blessed saints here who have not
bowed their. knees to Baal. I wish all
the readers of the Messenger a heaven-
ly and prosperous new year for l!HO.
"Keep on believing."
Jolm Norberrv.
Very impressive Christmas exercises
were held by our Sunday school at the
home of our superintendent, Bro. G. K.
Adams. Nearly a hundred people were
present and enJoyed the speaking and
singing of the young people and little
tots. A pretty tree was unloaded to
the . joy of all. The pastor received
purses of money from both West Fitch-
burg arid at the exercises. This expres- '
sion of love was appreciated far above
t}le mere money. God is blessing us all
around. . D. Rand Pierce.
. '
The watch-night service in the Oak-
land Nazarene church was a very pre-
cious meeting. There were about forty-
five persons -in the service during the
evening, and fully thirty-five knelt
around the altar as the old year faded
away and 1910 dawned upon us.
Some of our people took new -terri-
tory and began the new year full of
hope and--faith. ___ Tbe _LQrd was ve:r_y_gr._a:.
ciously near all-the.Jw.ening __ and w:eJtad_
neither time nor disposition to stop for
doughnuts and coffee, or to' have a so-
cial chat to. while- away the time. _
The _second day of t!anuary (Sunday)
was i good day. Several seekers for
holiness, and others were restored and
refreshed. We go forth in the new year
with faith in God expect to see His
salvation during the year. We still be-
lieve in the Deity of Jesus Christ, the
atonement through His blood, the per-
sonality of the Holy Ghost, and eradica-
tion of the sin principle from the human
heart through. the baptism with the
Holy Ghost and fire. Amen.
P. G. 'Linaweaver.
rrhis has been a very busy year for
me. As pastor of a chnrch there are
more responsibilities than we have as
an evangelist, but the Lord put us here
for this year, m1d we have been greatly
blessed and strengthened. The church
is moving on nicely. Last month we
assisted the pastor of the Nazarene
_ church, Alameda, anP, in March will as-
sist the pastor at :Milton, so yon see we
cannot keep entirely out of the evan-
gelistic field. _ Pray for me. My address
is Hotel California.
. Mrs. Phebe Epperson.
These are indeed busy days for our
LYNN, MASS. San Francisco -\vork. . While quite a
December 26th was another . clay of percentage of the members are on the
victory in" the Lynn church. Although sick list, in chiding the pastor, tl1e work -
the blizzard raged without, and only a of securing a church building goes on.
--bast---We-dnesday we attended -- an auc-
Lord met with the few in a blessed sea- tion sale of buildings being sold by the
son of prayer, in place of the morning city from a block to be used for a new_
preaching service. In the evening our school house and among the buildings
. paStor, -Bro. Gould, pre-ached an -effec- was a nice little . Apostolic _ Catholic
tive . sermon from .. Luke 5 :7,. "No room church 25x70 with three Sunday school
f9r: Jesus," and five hungry backsliders rooms added to the rear and two rooms
the door o.f their hearts, and in _ the _ We bought i_t at
maderoom for Him again. Glot:y be to wreckers'. price and now have qmte a
God i . The power of God was wonder- sum toward movin.., g it. There is a splen-
. . ...
did lot near by, price $3000, which . we
are in hopes to get. We have raised'
about $600, mostly in small
. our people are not rich in anything but
faith _and grace. To the human mind
it seems impossible but our God is able;.
. and He is going to have a rear second'
church in San Francisco. Now
brethren, while . we .. pray and
sing, faith and act .likewe had it, please
pray for us.
. C. W. Welts; Pastor. r
140 Dorland St., San Francisco, Cal
1 . . ..
We have had blessed victory since we
. ...
last Sunday a we_ek, more
than a half dozen were at the altar for
pardon or purity, _ and last Sabbath that
- many more came: The last two prayer
meetings there have been eight or ten
seeking the Lord, and New Year's eve
at the watch-night service a half a
.dozen.....wer-e--at--tbe-aUar. .
people and Sabbath school
are doing arid every
the church is on the up-grade. We
have entered upoil this New Year with
confidence. in God that . He will give us
the victory this . coming year, and en-
able us by His grace to drive under
cover the black-winged hosts of hell at
. every turn of the road, in Jesus' name.
A. 0. Henricks .
The love of the Lord constrains us to
' . '
write. We came here only a short time _
ago from -the Nazarene chprch at Saw-
yer, N. D. We are saved and sanctified
by the blood of Jesus. We have a holi-
ness prayer meeting in our home once a
week. Pray for us that God might send
a revival to this valley of dry bones;
We are looking for God to plant a N az-
arene church here. There . are some
good people here, who stand for and
want the truth.
Earl Pounds and wife,
As a New Year testimony among our
brethren, we can affirm that "His blood
cleanseth." We have great reason to
rejoice for victory all over the North-
west District. We haven't found any
of our folks with their on the
willows, neither are they singing thE'
Lo:r;d 's song in a strange land. We art
inhabiting our own possessions. praise
the Lord ! Was with Bro. Davis' folks
in Spokane recently when the Pnion -
Holiness .. conY.ention was h'Cld- in . hie;
church. It was a season of great re-
freshing from the presence of the
Bros.. L. Milton Williams and I. G.
1\fartin have just closed a three
meeting in our Seattl<.> churr.h. undcr
the auspices of the_ King -County Holi-
ness Association, which was oue of
usual power and victory, with- Flore
definite seekers at the -altar than
meeting ever held. in Seattle, to our.
knowledge. DeLance W alhiee:
3415 Woodland Park Ave.
6 Nazarene Messenger J-910 .
1 .
Nazarene Messenger . him into the Pentecostal Church of the
Nazarene, and of his joy in being per-
may be proper for them to put into it
themselves and such means as they .pos-
sess, and such as GGd shall send th.em
for it; but that "they shall invade the
altars o"f others and attempt to divert
P.. F. Braee, ;. Editor
. ll. PUree. - - . Office Editor
C. J . Kinne. .Aut. EdittJrZand Bu.. Mgr.
Entered at the J>08t-offiee. Aug. 7, 1900, at Loe
..,...lea, Calltomla, aa seeond-clasa matter.
. mitted to go as its representative to
preach Jesus in Japan. Missionary en-
velopes and the recently issued mission-
ary prospectus were distributed, and
the people moved to the front to shake
with Bro. Chenault and bic;I him
-God-speed, with . . prayer and thanks-
- Sl a year in advance; to Ministers 'l5 eenta; giving.
to foreia'n countries $1.60. Sample eoplee free.
Publlaned Ever:v Tbtarada:y. .
. to themselves and their work what arc .
the rightful resources of others, and at-
tempt to justify themselves in the .pres-
ence of we canriot under-
stand. '
CsANoE oF ADDRESS-Name thepoet-omooandState The night service .at Upland was a We find ourselveli! confronted by mis-
to wbleh the paJler t..s been sent, and the office and State
to whleh you wiah it sent. second ,;edition of the morning, with sionary workers of this kind. The Pen-
some added chapters. Br.other and Sis- tecostal Church of the Nazarene has
to have the paper continued, it will be DI.IICONTINUED at
the expiration of time. Thompson had arrived, coming . taken upon itself just as. great responsi-
SPmcu.L NoncE-Address aU bualneas eommunleatlona
to Buslnessltlanager. Never write buslneas from Los Angeles, so that in addition bilities for home and foreign missions
matters on same or sheet with any other matters.
It always eausea trouble and delay, and may eause to some words in reference to work as it dare; with great Cl\llS for greater
mJatakea. . .
Parties reeelvina' the paper regularly without havlnlf from myself, there were the experiences, service from crying needs. We are ear-
eubaeribed for it will know that It baa been presented
to them b:v aome friend and there wm be no bilL call and testimony of all three of these nestly planning to do all we can. And
In ease of any. lrre(rularlty or failure to receive your
P&per. notlf:v the Publisher by m .. n at once. missionaries, which were full of devote- yet we find independent missionary
How '1'0 REKIT - Remit by Money Order or Bank . .
Draft, payable to , ment and unction. workers . gettmg mto our churches and
. . . . NAZA."iiE!i"PciiiiisitiNG co. ........ .,-The people seemed_ _]?lessed turning aside the rightful resources of
8AN PEDRo s7. ws ANGELEs, CAL. through their messages, and to --be - tlie'"cliui''ch .. to .. other'-ea\ises and. w.ork ... -..
Tel. Broad_,
Ul Ho,_ F-2ti'T& drawn OUt in prayer for them ,and the ... W. e' feel tlia.t tliese. WOrkers .. do US a .
f:Our MissionB:rles.
Those of our outgoing missionaries
to Japan, coming from the East, were
so delayed by the severe storms and
washouts, having to be sent around by
long, circuitous routes, that while they
should have Southern Califor-
nia on Friday, they did not reach here
until Sunday morning, and then, in-
stead of coming by the Salt Lake road,
coming by the Soathcrn Pacific from
the North, so that they could not reach
Ontario for the Sunday morning serv-
ice, as had been arranged. Brother
Chenault and myself were on the
ground, and the morning service here
was greatly blessed of the Lord.
It was great pleasure to me to be
with our people of Ontario and see the
onward progress of the work. The
Sabbath seemed.. excellent, and
large; well organized, efficiently man-
ned and well cqnducted. It seemed to
fill the church. The audi-
ence filled. the church quite well. Bro.
Chenault being the only outgoing mis-
mionary present, I took the opportunity
to speak to the people in reference to
our missionary work at home and
abroad, of our methods of work, to ex-
plain the envelope system, to urge
prayer, and emphasize the. _monthly
prayer meetings, and practical
things. I tlten introduced Bro. Ghen-:
aJJlt, who spoke of the missionary work
in general and of his oWn. experience
and call to the mission work, and the
special which .had brought .
missionary work. Tiiey pressed about great wrong: We are trying to do our
the altar to take by the hand and own work in the way the Lord directs;
to express to them their good will and and have never asked outside parties to
hope. help, what we can, "first gi:ving
Both Upland and . Ontario ourselves'' an;d . then what we possess,
churches seem in good condition. They trusting God to reinforce us in His owti
are both well served by able and faith- good providence. We do not feel that
ful pastors, who seem to be more and others should attempt to invade and
more reaching the people. At Upland take as spoil what belongs to this work.
they are holding special cottage prayer Our churches and people should ear-
meetings, preparatory to more public nestly resist such invasion.
special services,, I believe that the One of the reasons for our . existence
meeting of these outgoing missionaries a-s a denomination is that we may com-
with our . churches eventuate in bine and more effectually use our re-
. great good to the churches. P. F. B. sources-not the resources of others,
fit' ttl' fit'
When God calls a man to do any
given work, it evidently becomes his
duty and privilege to go about it ,and
further it, with alL the forces which
are lawfully at his command. But that
any person undertaking to do the Lord's
work should feel at liberty t.i: vade
churches who have their own w k to
do and are under obligation itedly
to help according to their a llity to
bring things to pass, and attempt to
turn from-their legitimate channels the
work and offerings of such a church, or
members of it, seems passing- strange.
Or that any man should ask or expect
people to do for him or his personai
work that would impoverish the work
they are in covenant relation with, and
still expect to be regarded as a person
trying to be and to fairly rep-
resent the Christian spirit;--we cannot
The work in whic4 persons are en-
gaged may be good and worthy, and it
but such as God shall give us.
One of the strenuous objections with
us to independent
work is that it draws from others what
others-at least seemingly-have a
right to. Let u"8 each do the work God
calls us to, with such resources as He
gives, but not seek to appropriate what
belongs to others. .
We regard independent missions,
even though they preach holiness, as
far from being most desire:ble. They
. draw their support from the holiness
people, and when the persons who
founded them and carried them on
a time pass away, they cease to be what
they have been and what their authors
and hop.ed A
illustration of this is in tlte case of
that great mission founded and carried
on so long in India by Brother Ward.
Supported by the gifts of the
holiness people, it became a great work.
-He-was VfPry' iin:x;ious that arr-apge-
ments might b.e made for. its .continu-
ance on the line of holiness. He m$de
some effort to arrange to transfer him
self and the mission to the Pentecostal
Church of the Nazarene. He died with-
out doing so, and what he feared came
pass. .All the work and sacrifice of
the holiness people fell into the hands
of the Methodist church; which it was
his fear would not maintain the holi-
ness- standard.
Be it , said to the credit of the Dis-
trict Superintendent who was appoint-
ed, and the Missionary Committee of
t hat Conference; knowing Bro. Ward's
desire, they proposed to us that if we
could take it and be responsible for it,
they would turn it over to us. Bl)t with
the great leader gone we saw no way
to assume and" care the
great work. But had it been possible
to have built it up under the fostering
care of a denomination, preaching and
teaching and testifying holiness, the
results would have been
altogether different. aod- now gives
this possibility and (lalls us to fidelity
to it.
J/1 J/1 J/1
We desi:re to give much attention to
our mission.ary work. We are .a mis-
sionary people. We scarce know home
or foreign missions, only desiring . to
know how we can reach men every-
where and thus fulfill the commission
of our Lord to ''preach the gospel to
every creature." But there wus't t>e
method; and so we are doing the best
we can in reference to the gathering of
money, as well as finding the way to
make it do the very best In
the circular sent out to the churches
there is the following clear on
Rev. Lucy P. Knott.
The envelope system Is no longer regarded
as an experiment. At the Assembly held at
Chicago ln the ran of 1907, the envelope
system was presented, and found favor In
the hearts of many who attended that great
Slnce Ulat Ume It has been generally used
by our churches, and God bas put His seal
upon It by arouslng a greater Interest In
mls.slons and by a marked Increase In the
missionary otrerlngs. .
God, who Is calling the Holiness people
together, and Is so wonderfully savlng the
people In the home land, has called us to the
speedy evangelization of the whole world
with the tun gospel. This great work must
have an abundant supply of ready means,
and we do not question that the envelope
system Is the God-appointed way for us.
Already a steady and growing stream Is
Why Called the System."
We speak of the "planetary system," the
"solar .system," the "block system," the
"card system," etc. Each of these "systems"
Is expressive of order and-studied preolslon.
God bas His dlvlne systems, controlling and
regulating the , material . universe. Men <?f
great business Interests seek to systematize.
their . work 1n order. that . mistakes may be
avoided and success secured.
The enyelope system Is a term expreaslng
a careful and methodical arrangement for
the flnanclng of the Lord's Great Commis-
sion to the Church.
What Doee the Envelope Syatem Do?
First. lt 1s the only plan of methodical
giving which puts the responsibility of
spreading the gospel upon the -individual
church member,. young and old, placing him
where he may be absolutely led of the Spirit
In assisting 1n: the Anancllll part of the great
work of the . Then the
llBe of the eiivetope system educates the
Individual on missionary llnes. Interest Is
aroused 1n a subject too often -sadly neg
lected by Chrlstlan people. queatlons are
asked ooncernlng the mlsslonaey work 1n
hand. Prayer Is oftered for an almost un
known cause, but God hears It and a vision,
opens to the awakened heart of the glorious
calllng of the true church of God. -
How Shall we Uae tf:le Envelope Syatem?
Every month give a Qllsslonary enyelope
to .each member of the church, not forgetting
the baby. Write the name or each member
on his or her envelope. Bring no pressure
to bear, except that of PRAYER, as to the
amount to be given, and fqr the blessing
God on that amount. The exceeding slmpllc
lty of the envelope system. appeals to the
DJOSt spiritual, to the children, to the aged,
.. and to .. those .who,. through lack of. teachlng _
on the subject or missions, are unconcerned
because of their Ignorance.
Preparation for the Beat SucceR of the
Envelope Syatem
This preparation Is greatly dependent upon
the pastor, .and the missionary committee.
More than any other human Instrumentality,
the pastor can be used of God In awakenlng
the true missionary splrlt 1n his church. As
the truth of missions burns In his own heart
the Holy Spirit wtu carry It to those who
look to hlm for lnstructlon.
Again, the pastor can never hope to im-
prove upon God's financial plan of tithes
and otrerlnga-whether It be observed by
Jews or Gentiles. The work of the Lord Is
half dead through starvation, much of lt
due to the fact that church members have
set up for themselves the standard of giving
"what they can," after other demands are
satisfied. This ought not to be. No human
concern would prosper under such loose
business arrangements.
In the distribution of the tithes and offer-
Ings, the missionary pastor will not fail to
press the financial needs of missions.
The missionary committee should not fall
to see that each member Is furnished month
ly, with an envelope; that the weak ones are
encouraged to give something; and see that
all return the envelope before the end pf the
The missionary committee should aid the
pastor 1n every way possible to make that
church a Philadelphia church.
Practical Suggeatlona
1. The use of the envelope system fa not
benefited by separating the church lnto sev
eral socleUes. For instance, If there are
young people's societies, let them recognize
that they are as much a part of the church,
and as responsible for the general mission
ary InterestS of the church, as other mem
6ers. should not be encouraged to feel
that they are separate bodies along mission-
ary lines, nor on any other lhies. If such
societies support a mission work, a part of
their otrerlngs should . be applied to that
special work, but their envelopes should be
given to the regular . missionary committee
of the church.
2. We would say the same of the Sabbath
school, with this added suggestion: It will
not prove satisfactory to give every child In
sa'tibath school a missionary envelope.
Give-them, of course,' to the children who
are members, but children left to
will not appreciate the difference between
the missionary and the Satibath-school offer-
Ing. This wpt cause confusion 1n Ananclng
the Sabbath school. One of the atttactlQnll
of membership, to the Uttle cb1ldren
who are saved, la the thought of receiving
a missionary envelope as a church member,
and the dignity of snch reaponalbWty. Their
Interest and prayers are a great fao.
tor In the missionary caue. ._
3. One pastor has demonstrated that the
ftrst season of In the mid-week meet-
Ing devoted to .missions and to the general
work of the church, has been greatlY bleaed l
of God.
Where the Mlaalonary Enve'lopea C.n . Be i
Procured .
Rev. H. F. Retnolds, 823 River St., Haver-
bill, Mass.; LetiUe F. Gay, 2889 Idell St.,
East Los Angeles, Cal.; Rev. E. W. Stieelta,
Beebe, Ark.
.. J/1 ..
F'our new missionaries of the Pente-
costal Church of the Nazarene sail from
San Francisco February .1st; namely,
Miss Minnie Upperman, who has been
in Japan for five years and now returns
under the auspices of our church; Rev.
and Mrs. Thompson, and Rev. Bro. Che-
uault. ..:: - : : -.;::. _ . :-:-
It has been arranged by the District
Missi.onary Board for these missionar-
ies to visit our church in Southern Cal-
. ifornia, that our people may be brought
in closer touch with them and the work.
'Ne feel assured.that this will be a great
joy to our church and an added inspira-
tion to ihe general .missionary work.
Our resident General Superintendent,
Rev. Dr. Bresee, will attend' them and
introduce them as far as possible. Let
all t he church give them 'a large hear-
ing and enthusiastic send off.
The missionaries have already visited
Ontario, Uplands, Cucamonga, Pomona,
Whittier and L"ong Beach, and the fol-
lowing are the further meetings as
Vernon, Friday, Jan. 14, 7:30 p. m.
Compton Ave., Sunday, Jan. 16, 11
First Church, Sunday, Jau. 16, 7 :30
Elysian Heights, :Monday, Jan. 17,
7:30 p: m. .
Latin, Tuesday, Jan. 18, 7:30 p. m.
Erwin Heights, Wednesday, Jan. 19,
7:30p.m. .
Ocean Park, Thursday, _Jan. 20, 7:30
p. lll.
Snu Diego
Friday, Jan. 21, 7:30 p. m.
Pasadena, First Church, Sunday,
J nu. 23, 11 a. m.
Pasadena, Second Church, Jan 23,
Grand Ave, Jan. 23, 7 :30 p. ro.
Bnlcersfield, Jan. 24, 7:30 p. m.
They will spend the renuiining days
prior to sailing in the San Francisco
"Apples of Gold" is just . the book
for an in!iJpiring gift. It bless the ..
soul and inspire faith. Seixd for one.
.25 eenta postpaid.; io for ' $2: .
LOs' Angeles .and Vicinity
Sabbath. was a most blessed day at Church. CongregatiQns were
large, morning and night.
JVazarene Messenger
one converted; one backslider reclaimed
a:nd one sanctified. The street workers
pledged themselves to the servi;:0 of
God, so with J esu11 our Captain, success
is assured. ,
Tnos. B. Goossen.
Pastor Walker had charge all day. LONG BEACH, CAL.
The morning text was Acts 1:8: "But Bro . . St. Clair is here and surely sent
ye shall receive Not simply of God, for . a revival has begun and
"for service"; but for full Christian- who can see the end. Oh, glory to God,
hood. The reaches even to us peop1e. are being saved and reclaimed
who are afar off; even to as. many as in our midst once more. The Holy
the Lord God shall call unto Him." is working. "If God be for us
This is the divine assurance of ability who can be against us," or prevail
to achieve the full proposition of our against us (the church). ' Glory to God,
holy Christianity. First of all, holiness who giveth us the victory, and the end
-in. experience and practice--in all "is far off. May a revival have been
manner of living, making us to truly re- s;tarted that shall never end Jesus
present J esus. Nothing less than this comes.
is the gospel propositiony and what God We're asking God to give us our
proposes He disposes. Bless His name. loved ones- first those in our homes,
[January 13, 1910
. .
those' who failed to to Him. Eight
persons with the church. during
the day With .more to follow in the
The c6ngregatiozk-were large
With. the house packed at _the
serv1ce; Sunday school department
thrown open; all filled. Although the
extra meetings came to an end the re-
vival is to cop.tinue indefiniiely and we
.for a great time. of blessing and
victory in Whittier. .Pray for us .that
our God may gloriousJ:y.
. Thomas Fluck, Pastor.
520 N. Pickering Ave ...
. I elose_d at .Whittier last Suriday with
vtctory m my soul and victory in the
meeting. A good number were saved
and sanctified and some united with
the church. Please pray for Santa Bar-
bara as you did for Whittier. The bat-
tle is the Lord's, and we are His to use.
Evangelist Harry J. Elliott.
The afternoon service was in charge or unsan_ctified, and then our
-Ofc, tbepastorr assisted . J . .. H ..... . PASADENA, CAL. .
Mc!ntY!-'e of Oklahoma. our faitn can reacn out and call - - Wrr ilresull- rejo1c1Iiif and "prrusing
.At mght thex:e was .renewed consid- on God for Beach. E. Todd. God for His manifest goodness to .
of the text, ''How shall 'Ye es- Glory! He bas wonder 11 ble dus.
cape, if we neglect so great salvation?" God gave us a great day yest erday, . . . . u Y sse us
(Heb. 2 :3.) Some plans of escape by . Sunday, January 9th. Near a score of m the evangelistic of t he past
neglectors were considered and refuted. earnest seek.ers. and some prayed week, and Sunday, January 9th, was a
The utter folly of other ways of escape through. Hallelujah ! Misses Green, of great victory. Saturday even- .
than God's way was shown. Sharples, Robie and McPherson from mg a few of the saints met in the Sa b-
. Several cases of conversion and sane- the College were with us, and were fine bath school room of the church to pray,
tification wer e definite and happy frui f- "boosters." Amen! Sisters Whipple and God came so blessedly near to them
age of a full and triumphant day. and Tina Ledig are also over, helping that tbey,could "touch the hem of His
We are also delighted to report that to pray through. God is answering- garment.
at last Tuesday afternoon and Wednes- souls are seeking. Heaven is rejoicing. Sabbath day opened with a shout
day night meetings, as is frequently the Hell is getting mad. Amen! _of VIctory. Bro. 'Yilson preached the
case at these services there were sev- Fred St. Clair. sermon of the mornmg from Acts 19 :22,
eral seekers and finders of the great and Bro. Guy Wilson read a lesson from
. salvation. Our Tuesday afternoon meet- LATIN, CAL. St. Jfb: 14. ft the close of the service
ing is one of great interest and power, Sunday, January
th,. was a good day .o_ne a. Y exc ".I never sa'! it
and our Wednesday night prayer meet- hke this be_fore, and then phmged mto
ing is good and improving. for us at Latin. The morning service the fountam.
Last. week Pastor Walker baptized and Sunday school was better attended .Young meeting was led
sixteen by immersion. than usual, with good interest manifest by Stster Alma .The lesson
. Next Sabbath morning is the regular by all. The small, uncomfortable con- St. _John 22, and Alma spoke _es-
tlme for the reception of new members. n pe01ally of the necesstty of followmg
There is a constant stream beading this dition of our bm ding, together with all the the lesson the
way. Praise the Lord! E. F. W. . weather conditions, and the unusual tlme was spent m te.stlmpny.
This is the order at First Church next
Sabbath. Pastor Walker will preach a
missionary sermon in the morning. At
three o'clock will be a missionary "holi-
ness meeting." 4t night Dr. Bresee
will have charge and we expect to have
with us a little band of missionaries,
who are soon to depart for the ''utter-
most parts": Bro. and Sister Thomp-
son_, Bro. Chenault, and Sister Minnie
Upperman. There will be an ordination
to the ministry at this service.
We held the street meeting at
and San Pedro, praise God, in spite of
the d! weather. We had one of the
best meetings held for a long time. The
attention of the large audience was
something wonderful. Five came along
to the three came to the altar;
amount .of sickness prevailing among Bro. Guy Wilson prea:ched the ser-
t"ne people interferes more or less with mon of the evening, on the Bible char-
the success of our work, but we expect acter, "Jacob." . He showed us his defi-
to soon be over the building difficulties, nite conversion and sanctification, tak-
as work is progressing on our new ing his thought more especially from
church,and we trust to be able to dedi- Genesis 24::32. Four at the close
c:tte it by about March 1st. Glad to of the service, came to the altar seek
say t hat while we are few in numbers ing sanctification. Edna Murray.
there seems to be some of the proper
qualities in our people which go to make
real N azarenes. Then there are others
of our brothers and sisters outside of
Latin who are greatly assisting us in
this work. All of which we appreciate,
and give God the glory.
T. S. Mashburn, Pastor.
Tqe extra meetings at the Pentecos-
tal Church of the Nazarene conducted
by HarryJ. Elliott Clime to a close the
evening of January 7th. The Sabbath
a day of victory and blessing with
intense conviction on the and
a real burden on -the' Lord's people for
The many friends of this aged saint
will be glad to bear. from him. He
writes from Jacksonville, Ill.: " De-
clare iny love to all dear brethren and
sisters. That the Lord shall give you
all a year of blessing and spiritual pros-
perity Js, and will be my prayer, And
I rejoice to say that .never have I .been
more blest of the .Lord personally than
the past year. And though in
age and feebleness, I rejoice to be per-
mitted to labor somewhat in .. cheerful
and humb.le service. Life evening I
am content; a.nd :assured of thE) Lord's
approval. .
January 13, 19101 .
Bro: Ruth is in a battle for souls in
Spokane, Wash. The Lord give hiin
the victory.
B. Page and Christina Duff .
were united 'in marriage in this city,
December 28, .1909,. by . Rev. E. F.
Rev. Joseph Owen commenced meet-
.ings with the Second Church of Chica-
go; January 8th. are looking for
great blessings,
Rev. Will Hafer, formerly of the
Charles St. Mis'sion. Canton, Ohio, is
now pastor of the Nazarene church at
Lisbon, Ohio.
Nazarene Mesaenger
nigan and Rev. J. H. Mcintyre, pastor
of our church at Ponca City, Okla., and
the following pages give reports of in-
terest of the late District Assembly held
there, with a list of the preachers and
churches of the district. Send 10 cents
for a copy of this issue. lt will do you
. "' J/1 .
This third day of the New Year finds
me fully saved and on the way to glory.
With the thermometer 22 degrees be-
low zero and eight ip.ches of snow on
the grouJ:U.i, my soul is burning with the
fire of Pentecost. .1; am miles from
Emmett; where we held watch-night
services, and God's blessing is upon ll!!:-::-
One soul came out clear in salvatiqn
New Year's night: Sabbath morning
we had communion and the Lord was
with us. My wife held a meeting here
a few weeks ago and many of the peo-
ple are still going on. They are press-
ing their way under difficulties, but:God
is with them. May the Lord bless all
the readers of the Messenger. ,
Howard Vernon.
"' "' "'
Our precious editors ask u11 to say
some words of cheer to them. It really
11tt'uck me hard when .he said it would
them to make it better; wen; r.
don't know how they would make it
be.tter, hut I want to say to the glory of
God, it is the best paper that ever came
into my home and I have a dozen good.
papers sent to my home oy my most
precious friends, and they are good, but
I esteem the Messenger the very best
. one of .the dozen that comes, because it
-The Kentucky sisters, Mrs. Oarr1e is good and has the clean ring all There has 'been so much seeming de-
Crow and Maud Kell , arc meet- through it, and I feel a very special sire on the part of some of the churches
. . .with.Bro .. .. p !'.Q.Q..k- .. wa.x:m_feeliQg.J.Q.WJH'-4. __ of.- the-.. distr.ict . __ Q!:. ....
lyn, N. Y., durmg this month. , .. --they seem neal'er . to .. me ... than. any - .. ..
. t' f f d
f 1 conventions as mg ora-- ew ays, em ...
. ohtheNr folks o Hmy rieloatlkonf m br-acing, if possible, a Sabbath, held
Bro. St, Clair is having victory at t e amr y. . ow. ?r- lar ely by our own preacher& and peo-
the Long Beach church. After these 'vard_to Its day commg, w1th a _good pleg that the Advisory Board of the Dis-
meetings he goes to Upland, Cal., to mormng to you, and then I on advised that I
District Superin-
continue tlHl battle by PMtor U. t.he front _wha!_a feast tenilent should arrange wherever it
E. . do have to With-and I never h ,...ld b f d rovidential to hold a
want to stop till I have read all there sfi oqd e oun This I have al
General Superintendent H. F . Rey-
nolds writes that his address until fur-
ther notice will be 836 North Park
nue, Austin Station, f.'hie:-,go, Ill., <:are '
J. A. Reynolds.
Word comes from our Marshalltown,
Town. pastor,' saying: "We enjoy the
weekly visits of the Messenger. It is
better each time. '\Ve have starterl our
special services. Bro. E. 1\f. Isaac is
our evangelist. God's blessing is rest-
ing on the service and we are looking
for great things."
The Gospel Her_ald is a bright little
paper, issued monthly by Bros. Arthur
Beaver and S. M. Stafford. in the inter-
ests of our work in Mexico. Send 50
cents for a year to Bro. Beaver, Okla-
homa City. Okla., a nd add this to your
source of. by learning what
the Lord is doing in that great country.
The miSSionary offerings of the
Compton Ave. Church, Los Angeles, for
the past year to $1340.59.
Besides this, they up an offering
'in November for the church building
of $550. This only shows what can be
done by a triumphant and devoted peo-
ple-=a church with a membership of
about 160.
The spe.cial number of the Highways
and Hedges, issued from Oklahoma City
in the interests of the Rescue Work car-
ried on 'in connection -with our work by
Bro. and Sister Jerniga.n, is full of good
things. On the front page are portraits
of General superintendent E. P. Elly-
son, District Superintendent C. B. J cr-
I l'k h 1 tt f ve ays conven ton. -
IS m It. t _Is I e. avi!lg a e er rom ready held in two of our churches with
all the prec1ons samts m our own fam- t'fyi ults d I am now ar.:
ily that's near to me. God bless all gra
. ng res an . . f
st.and back of it to give us all the /or some farther services o
good words of cheer about inter- t desiring such a conven-
cst so dear to us. I nm your Sister be- t' 'f th '11 cate with me
1 d th th IOn 1 ey wt communi 110
e M. E. A. Hallowell. at an early date I be pleased
llO% N. Belmont Ave., .. undertakt.e tbo
_ arraTnhge for
I An 1 c 1 as prac tea e. ese mee mgs
.JOS es, a our work and give opportunity to
I drop these few lines to let you know
how much I enjoy reading l'he Messen-
ger; it is food to my soul; it helps me
to pass away my lonely hours, and yet
I am not alone, because God is with me
to comfort and cheer.. I have been
praying that: Go(l would send some .one
that is filled with the Holy Ghost to
this place. The Free Methodists arc
the onlv ones that seem to have any
spiritua-lity about them; but I thank
God that Jesus has rise!\, and He said
He would never l eave us nor forsake
up; praise His holy name. .
E. Honseweart.
.. .. .J/1
We had a good meeting beginning
November 26th and closing December
8th. Bro. E. M. I saac was with us, and
he preached with -unction from the
Holy one. Conviction settled qn the
people, and some were converted and
others sanctified, and the saints built
up in the most holy faith. Seven united
with as to push the work of lroliness.
The saints arc on fire for God, and wP.
are expecting great t hings from God.
I feel the glory in my soul. Bless His
holy name.
Jacob Lucksinger, Pastor.
gather the people to us.
J. W. Goodwin, District Supt.
, 730 San Pedro St .. Los. Angeles, Cal.
Mohave Children
Stories from life by
' Missionarv to Mohave Indians
A beautiful book, illustrated with fine half-
tone engravings, bound in Onyx BristoL
This book is instructive as well as entertain-
ing and gives an interesting account of real
life among these little known people. _,. ,
An. admirable gift for Swiday School 'Teach-
ers to present to their claases.
16 cents 730 Street
two for 25c Loa An((eles,' Cat.
The Manual
The usual prices in. quantities
Retail price 25c post paid.
1.\azarene Publitthing Co.
730 San Pedro Strt
Loa Angela. Cal.
G ll'"'s .....
Y(aves of p>tt'$tt
"AZAIOE I'll. CO.. 730 Sal"*' n La ......... Cil
Nazarene . Messenger
. . 'M07'7'0:-"HOLINESS UNTO THE' f:ORD. _"
Deets. Pacific . Bible
641 E. 28th St Loa Angela. Cal.
. . : .
. . . . . ::
c ' -- _. -:-MATRON;MRS. S. M."ELY------
Chapel Service Each Morning at S:SQ.
9 A. M.-HomlleUcs ., ..................... ...... Rev. R. Pierce
ro A.M.-Moral Science ..................... Rev. W. W. Danner
11 A. M . Biography .... .. ...... . .. Rev. W. W. Danner .
9 A. M.-Engllsh ........... ..................... Benj. D. Scott
'ihe :a1i,i8 :::::::::::.:: J: :;:
t he world in, such a .they
couldn't -raise a family if they 'desired,
and . one of them would think that she
.if the Lord in IDs divine
providence thought. best to. give her a
child. .
''And so the world goes on, and I am
doinglily -a-eaa bEist- to- kee:In:nen and-
women out of an awful .hell, . and God
knows that I al\1 .and the devil knows
tliat I -am, and so it is known in three
worlds th'at I am doing my best."
Wednesday, 9 A. M.-Publlc Speaking ...... Miss Adelaide. Haller, Teacher
. . In cumnock School of Expression. T h p t J . . }
10 A. M.-sermonlzlng ....................... Rev. W. W. Danner e U r} y Q Urn a
10 A. M.-Old Test .- s tudies .............. .. . Rev. w. w. Danner A monthly magazine devoted
11 A. M.-Church History ........... . ..... w. Burt Clark, LL. B. to rescue work and social pur.;
9 A.M.-Text Drill ......................... C. Epperson
10 A. M.-N- Test Studies ..... . ... . .. Rev. E. F. Walker, D. D . . l'ty Thl's l's an ably-edl 'ted and
11 A. M.-Hollness . . ... ....... ...... ... Rev. E. F; Walker, D. D.
Thursday, 7:30 P. M.-Vocal Music and Sight Reading................. Well-gotten-Up journal Which
vooal ..
:::s ' ,
as he whispered: . "Thank you, of the Nazarene' the best Song Book we have ever had. It is especially
adapted for revival work. It contains about forty new songs that hllve never 1
God.'' Somehow everybody seeme'd to come to us before, as well as a choice lot of old, tried songs. There iJJ a r;uffi- i
feel as Tom did, and when Benny w'as cient number of older songs so that you will find no-difficulty in taking.the . I
propped up in bed next day, and, book right up in your church meetings. I would especially call attention to .
t d h
. "tl 1 " th Nc 10, Brother Martin's 'Glory also No. 116, 'It's Real,' an!l No.
coun e IS Ian t-you money, ere 120, 'The Year of Jubilee.' This is the song the New England girls sung at I
were two dollars arid a half iii it, wJtich the General Assembly. Also No. 136, 'Mounting Up.' 'l'his No. is one of
papa changed for a gold piece that very the sweetest songs I have ever heard. ll'hese four songs alone are worth
day.-Selected .. niore than the of the book. It is just the book you need for' your sum
meetings. . .
-Nazarene Puplishing Company
N annie had a bright silver dollar 730. sa n' . Pedro . Street
given her. She asked her papa to :
change it into dimes. . . L LOS ANGELES, CAL. . . ..
''So that I get the Lord's part . ___ _
12 . Meuenger- . . ,. r J ahuary i3, 1910
. . It is agood way tq round up this A Book for A .GIFT .. :
one ltind year. '. . .
"It is curious how smiles furnish a Al>PLES. OF GOLD,
house: I presume you know .what it is
t h
'f b t b Or WordS Fitly Spoken. ,
\ A married man who cured himself of , o ave your. w1 e: eg you o uy a new . . . .
b 'i f
. 'f chair, or picture, or other thing. Brief Spiritual Heart Messages to tile Sainte
__ Y .. o t-hings get worn out. Weli, my ----" ---8y REV. R:-PIERC!i!-." -=- . -
Jus cluldrcu and Jus employes wr1tcs as wife hasn't asked me a thing all . .
. .follows: . this one kind .year. Yet somehow I say
" I have lived o11e kind year. . To the old home looks better furnished The!' IIUlp&re and Blesa .
. many other -people I presume I have than i.t did a year ago .. Maybe it's 240 pages; -in Heliotrope eover. With por-
. ' . . ' snnshme on the old thmgs. Sunshme f h
beeu about the same sort of f ello.w ns can do almost anything. tr.ait o t e Authot, and intr6ductior. by
f B f hf
Dr . J;lresee. .
or many year s. nt. to my a1t u "I have been surprised by my in- .Price 26 Cent. by mail; in lots of 10 $2.
wife I have not spoken one fretful or creased appetite for breakfast and din- Address Author, .
cross or complaining word, ,to t he best ner. A fellow can't eat sc.old too. 730 San. Pedro St .. Los Angeles, Cal.
of my knowledge and belief,. for twelve was tlme for -----------------
months Ic\st vear. I t I d scoldmg-ex.cept dmner at mght-for I T.RACTS .
. . ' n o na c take my lunch down town_. see: ' By Rev. R. Pierce.
1nueh money tlus year , but I have made tha"t inad.e n meal at home a growJer's ---
one heart. glad. feast. \Vell, that was about so. My THE HOLY GHOST BAPTISM; Its Pri-
' 'Let me tell you how difficult t his lunch was my best meal , for I ate alone, mary Purpose.
1vas. Did .you ever stand by a running there wns nobody to f ret at. N?w WHY WE SHOULD BE HOLY. Words to
s tream and think how smooth as oil its all lS changed. Meals at home, I hke CBitLhDeRJ!!sNtifiOeFd.T. BE OLD MAN.
them. . There are no salt tears on t he ""
.. .t.hrust .your .. brearl .. --- G.o.d. fQP.gJ:ve me! How often 1 Them -Up. . '
hand in the water, and lo! it .. was a mill used to make somebody.cry,"\v)f(f or oi:fe per ,doz,.: ; per 100, postpaid, -
race. The :waters boiled and spattered of the two children at tab.le. All is no1v .
ahout your hand till yon could hardly ehangcd in this one k ind. year.
hold it there. . ''In fact, the t hing has gqne with me
OUR HOLY BUSINESS. "Re ye kind one
to another.,.
lOc. perdoz.; 50r.. per 100,
730 San Pedro Los Angeles, Cal.
'' I n ever r ealized the force of my to the. store. I have gradually got t he
snappy, scolding habit to that woman habit of being first civil , then li:ind, to
till my new vow began t9 check it. I the boys. It is l'ike oil down there the
found t hat. I .. had been .in the constant last few months. n is queer, but every-
habit of playing the coward-that is, hody hates to be even I do. A
scolding a good woman. A dozen times kind word is better than a whip with a . FOR PREACHERS' COURSE OF STUDY. ,
each week the fretful words sprang to clerk. Now, I am going one kind year
my lips. I shut my mouth tightly, more. I don't make any very loud pre-
my! how bitter stuff bubbled and boiled tensions, but I think . ther e ' s a deal of
against my ... inside_! _ .. Yon . .gratitude to the in being kind
may laugh, but I had to chew to His creatures: - P erliap"S it will go
the words. further than creeds. For if a man is
''I have noticed an increased fondness not kind to his fellow, whom. he has
in my wife this one kind year. She seen how shall he be to his God, whom
'draws near to me she confides he has not seen 1 "-Family Herald.
'in rue more, she has lost that 'I am-
afraid-of-yon' look that half t he time
she used to wear. We consult now
about family matters; for we used to
telephone to each other, as it were. Her
has improved. The irritation that
I had reflected , it seems she caught , and
now t hat I am a better man she is a.
sweeter woman. It makes my heart
ache to recall l10w often she 1\sed at
first, in t his kind year, to glance up at
me with a surprised nnd questioning
look, when I spoke gently. I caught her
studying me curiously, as if she were
wondering I haa secr etly made a for-
tune r ecently. or had met with what.
the minister calls a change of .heart,
or was growing to be a boy .again. I
think she decided on the latter, for her
Stockholders of the Nazarene Pub-
lishing Co. will be held at the office
of the Company, 730 San Pedro St.,
city of Los Angles, Califqrnia, on Jan-
uary 18th, 1910, at 7:30 p, m., for the
purpose of electing directors and to
transact suc'h other business as may
-properly come said
.. FRED C. EPPERSON, s ecretary.
Smith's Smaller Scripture History . . 80
Theological Com pend. (Ellyson) . . . 76
Manual of..the Church .. - . . . . . 26
Wesley's Five Sermons . . .26
Quiet Talks on Power (Gordon) . . .80
Preacher and Prayer (Bounds) . . 30
None Like It (Parker) . $1. 25; paper .60
We can supply the whole four-years' course-
and will publish prices later. .
730 San Pedro St . Los Angeles
Art Thou?,,
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This book by this noted Evangelist will
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Bound in Cloth. 320 Pages
Price, $1.00
eyes grew soft and young, like the girl-
ish eyes I first loved years ago. . An.d
she to act young herself. She 1
resumed the use of the pet name she
.gaYe me long, long ago. I never let At:l interesting!ame designed to teach Bible History.
on. I just silently k ept to my resolve: Both young an old find it attractive and he1pfti.t ..
.'Not one hr oss word in one k ind year.' .An. excellent present for your young friend$ .... : : :.
''The best of all is t he decided im- .
provement in the dear woman's 25 CENT$, PqST-:-PAID. .. . .. .
wife eats bet_ter, has more .nerve, N
. z::h . . .. . : . .. :. - .. .
. used t o. She gets along with t ess fret
. . ::-- 730 San Pedro. St:, Los Cal.