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Renaissance Revisited
With the release of the new Old Glory line of 15mm miniatures and the Venexia line for the Renaissance, I thought it would be a good time to revisit the period. This feature will talk about the period itself, rules, how to simulate the battles of the time, books, and figures that are available for the period. much sought after, especially by the French. The German landsknechts were a close second and were usually found in the employment of the Imperialist forces fighting France. Small units of crossbowmen were still on the battlefield, but by 1515 they were being replaced in most armies by units with the arquebus. Besides units of skirmishers, almost all German, Swiss, and Spanish pike units had arquebusiers attached to them that would screen their advance. Cavalry The main cavalry force of the day was the mounted gendarme, usually in full armor with lance. There were many variations of this, including some with horse armor, 3/4 armor, etc.., but most armies of this period had several heavily armored cavalry units designed for shock action. Other units, such as archers, were considered armored cavalry, but were not as effective as the gendarmes in a charge. There were also a number of light cavalry units, from Italian Stradiots to
Warning Order
The biggest discussion amongst gamers and historians is when did the Renaissance period of warfare begin and when did it end? For purposes of this article Im going to contend that it started at Fornovo in 1495, when the French and Swiss brought home the brutal truth of the new style of warfare to the Italians and their allies. A good ending would be when the last Scottish rebellion was put down after the end of the English Civil War around 1651. At this point the pike, lance, and sword gave way to the arquebus, pistol, and artillery. The Thirty Years War and the English Civil War each deserve their own feature as the armies, tactics, uniforms, etc, are
too involved to get into here. Instead, we will focus on the heart of the Renaissance era, namely from 1495 to around 1550, where the pike and mounted gendarmes were at their zenith. The biggest problem for commanders in this era was how to effectively use infantry, cavalry, and artillery. In many ways, it became a giant game of rock, paper, scissors as you never knew how your troops would perform or what strategy your opponents would use. Lets look at the three basic combat arms. Infantry During the early part of the Renaissance it was the Swiss who prevailed on the battlefield. Their relentless pike blocks swept all before them and they were
cally, if it is a historical game and someone else provides the figures and the rules, I'll be happy to play! 2) What was the thinking behind the development for Arc of Fire? Chris Pringle and I decided to create ARC of FIRE in my basement one night after realizing we were completely brain dead from 4 hours of BattlegroundWWII. We started playing with the idea of making a skirmish version of Chris' TAC:WWII platoon-level game. In the end, we built a completely new game that borrowed some ideas from the previous games. Total development of AoF took over two and a half years. I can't remember exactly when, but I had a draft of the rules done pretty quickly, then we edited that draft over about a two year period. We playtested using the scenarios from Skirmish Campaigns (another passion which Nate Forney and I created) which worked really well since we had already played most of the scenarios using Battleground and other rules (like Beer and Pretzels Skirmish). Having played the scenarios many times before, I could focus on tuning the game mechanics as opposed to worrying about the scenario. In the end, we had about 6 groups playtesting various versions of AoF until the final version was compete early this year (2002). 3) What had you seen were problems in other WW2 games that you wanted AOF to correct? Upon reflection, I think the primary thing I wanted to accomplish with AoF was to reduce complexity while allowing lots of lead on the table. I felt that skirmish-level miniatures games had become TOO complex, like the board games of the early 80s with 10 die-roll modifiers for each to-hit roll. I decided that I wanted to reduce the complexity of the game systems but still have a reinforced Platoon (with tanks!) on the board. At the same time, I like the
1) How did you get into wargaming and what periods do you game? First, I want to say thanks for the opportunity to respond to your questions the process has been a lot of fun and has given me the opportunity to think about some things that I dont have much time to consider normally. I started playing board games, the first one I ever got was AH's Panzer Leader. I played often with my Dad. Later I purchased others like Victory in the Pacific and eventually moved to Squad Leader. I think I was about 9 or 10 when I started gaming. As I grew older and time was not as available, I switched to miniatures. I like many periods though have been most interested in WWII. In the past, I played a lot of platoon-level WWII games and I finally settled on Chris Pringle's TAC:WWII; rules as my favorite. I also really enjoy playing Desperado (Wild West) skirmishes - we've had a tradition of holding Desperado games for the neighborhood kids for some years and it is really a blast! In younger years, I played a LOT of Wooden Ships and Iron Men (from AH) and later played a great computer assisted game in the age of fighting sail called Clear for Action. My most recent passions have been 15mm Napoleonic Peninsular Campaign and WWII aircraft. The later has really taken me by storm and I am in the process of writing (for 2007 release) a set of WWII air rules. BasiPage 2
gritty action and detail. For example, I like playing games where the single guy who has the guts can sneak-up on a tank and try to take it out. I also like the simplicity of skirmish-level games because I've always hated record-keeping. Usually in the skirmish games I play, a guy is either dead, wounded or fine- no fuss, no muss. Time of play was also an important design constraint- I wanted to have most games last no more than 3-4 hours so we could play in the evenings after work. One of the primary components I wanted to stress was the quality of the soldier and not the mechanics of the weapon. We could talk for hours about the historical cases where it was, in the words of Chuck Yeager, the man, not the machine. One of my favorite examples is the Brewster Buffalo WWII fighter aircraft. British flyers in the Far East were readily destroyed flying them against skilled Japanese pilots (not all flying Zeros mind you) while these stubby aircraft dominated the skies over Finland when flown by skilled Finish pilots against Soviet pilots in similar performing machines. The same is true in the ground combat that AoF tries to represent a very good crew in a Sherman can do wonders against even facing a Panther if the
like. We build AoF specifically to accommodate that type of thinking. For example, is there a unit that is REALLY good? Well, give it three activation cards instead of the normal two; really BAD, give it one card instead of two. Another aspect of the game we thought was important was to make the combat system easy but reflective of reality. If you have played AoF a few times, you can pretty much memorize the combat table- though dont be fooled into thinking the underlying system is simple. In my book there is no better test of a game system in WWII than France 40. This campaign is unique in that there are superior French tanks (on paper anyway)
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I have to say that working with Scott recently to develop his WY6 air combat rules was one of the most intellectually exciting experiences I have had. It was like a battle in itself: Scott would send me his latest take on some aspect of the rules; I would then do some research and mathematical analysis to demolish it, and fire back my own idea for how to do it; then Scott would break mine apart in turn, and build something even better on top. I guess what we had going was a creative tension between the realism I kept pushing for, and the playability which is Scott's guiding light, and he has ended up achieving both. There were several moments of pure revelation that gave me a real high when we discovered beautifully simple and innovative mechanisms that captured the reality and helped make the game fun to play. I'm not really a math geek, I just wanted to enlarge on some of what Scott said, to show that a lot of careful research and applied math has gone into both AOF and WY6, but at the same time a lot of hard work has gone into hiding it "under the hood" to produce elegantly playable games that give realistic results. Chris Pringle
Scott also sent me some interview questions that he and Nate Forney had that relate to the publishing of the Skirmish Campaigns books that I thought should be shared.
Within your product range you've tackled some fairly obscure topics (Norway, Finland, etc.) compared to the more well-known campaigns of WWII was the research more difficult for these booklets? S: Definitely. The more obscure
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Magazine Reviews
I recently received the June issue of Miniature Wargames, the June and July issue of Wargames Illustrated, and HMG #6. Miniature Wargames continues to have good historical articles, but the pictures have reached the point where theyre so bad, the magazine is becoming a guide for how not to paint! People look to hobby magazines for inspiration and there isnt any here. Wargames Illustrated continues to baffle me. They seem to have gotten the message that they were turning into Skirmish Monthly and have some beautiful army shots, including some spectacular ACW pics in the June and July issues. But then, theres a several page article on Victorian era divers fighting prehistoric creatures! Then this is followed by a two issue guide on how to paint resin vehicles. Do they use a Panther or Bren Carrier? No, they use a sci-fi vehicle! I thought that this was supposed to be a historical gaming magazine? Overall, much improved since the first of the year. Finally, the last of the first six issues of HMG. There are good articles here and the photos arent great, but better than Miniature Wargames. HMG is in a tough spot. Its better than The Courier and is published on time, but theres no warmth or staying power like MWAN use to have. If I had to describe it, I would say its like Wargames Illustrated, but without the passion. There have been several discussions recently about whether we still need wargames magazines or not and I am undecided. I think that the inspiration, especially beautiful full color army pictures are much needed and catalog type ads are always nice. How to articles and painting guides for uniforms, flags, vehicles, etc, can give a magazine staying power and longevity. However, the history articles leave a lot to be desired. Please dont give me a history lesson on Operation Market Garden as theres 3,000+ books already out there. I want to know how you gamed it.
Gazala 1942
Another in the Avalanche Press $20 game series, this game covers the Axis offensive in North Africa in 1942. The map is very well done and I like the old fashioned edges, plus the counters are very good as well. The rules arent the best, but they get the job done and most gamers can figure out what to do as its not a very complex game. The game uses a unique activation system and I especially like the armor combat which makes combat very interesting. The game itself, however, has some problems in my mind and its due to the subject and the activation system. The Germans pretty much need to activate the Afrika Korps every turn, which means that at least half of the other formations are
Game Review
going to sit still. Ditto for the British. So youre playing a game where 3/4 of the units sit still every turn and the action focuses on a small section of the map, making you think that they should have just made a game about that section of the map! Yes, the battle of Gazala was about the Afrika Korps drive into the British middle, but why have the rest of the area if it sits still the whole game? Overall, I would rate it as average.
Game Review
Gamble, but there are no other games that tackle a Patton drive into Germany during the early fall of 44. Again, unfortunately, while the game topic is interesting, the game itself is nothing to get too excited about. I would use it as a good introduction into wargames as it can be played quickly with few, if any problems. S&T continues to be hit and miss, with the quality f the components varying wildly from game to game.
plies that were used instead for the British operation. The 22 x 34 map is split into these two areas and each has their own counters. The game is on the higher end of the scale with units being mainly divisions and the rules are pretty easy. As far as game play goes, its pretty average. There are better Market Garden games out there such as Montys
the next battle, and what would be coming out next. That came to an end however, where after a few years the Captains Edition came out that made Squad Leader look like checkers and the interest went right out the door. This taught me another thing about gaming and that was nothing lasts forever. Gamers are always looking for the next big thing and that you have to be in for the long haul, especially when it comes to miniatures. So, where was miniatures gaming while I was doing all of this? We did have two members who were big into ACW and so Johnny Reb had quite the following. We did amass sizeable 15mm armies and played many historical battles, usually on Sunday afternoons after the NFL games were over. The other big thing in those days was modern microarmor. GHQ was cheap back then and you could create entire Soviet tank regiments, plus there were several rules sets and a lot of interest. Our battles were fought on huge tables with entire brigades and would take 8-10 hours for a game. It was a blast and there were no complaints about the time it took, unlike todays gaming. We had a member in the National Guard who got us terrain maps of an area around Frankfurt, so we did a several month micro-armor campaign, that to this day is still one of my fondest memories. The gamers of today have no idea about what gaming used to be and what they missed out on. Sure, figures are sculpted better today, theres more variety and periods than I ever dreamed about, but is the gaming that much better? My answer would have to be probably not. There are many reasons for this and Ill try to expound on my theory. Before the age of cell phones, the internet, 24 hr. cable TV, DVDs, etc,
we did have a lot more free time. Now I agree that all of these things are great improvements to life and I use them every day as part of my job of running a university computer lab. But theyve also had the negative effect of making gaming something that gets scheduled between 6:15pm and 8:55pm on a Friday night. We use to pour our heart and soul into the hobby. Whether it was drawing and copying game maps for everyone, talking on the phone about campaign moves, discussions over real world tactics, or just playing huge boardgames in an all night session. It was fun, it created great friendships, and everyone would get up off their death bed if necessary to make it to the next game. Contrast that to today where everyone has a point value for an army, you start 24 across from each other,, blast away, then finish in two hours so that you can get back home in time to play the newest version of HALO 3 and make sure that you get in a bid on something on Ebay. Anyway, back to the early 80s. Besides NATO vs. Warsaw pact on land, we also did some battles at sea. After a few tries with three different rules systems, we decided on Harpoon II and this started a 15 year long love affair with modern naval warfare that only recently ended when it was deemed that the US Navy is now the preeminent naval force in history and could defeat the combined navies of the world, so why game it anymore. We did dozens of actions, some involving ships, subs, and planes that went on all night. So, gaming was good and there was a lot of it. Roleplaying, sci-fi, boardgames, and miniatures. Then there was that one moment that changed everything for me and set me to work on my true passion: the Sudan. This was when the first issue of Miniature Wargames came into my hands. It was issue #5 and on the cover was some of Peter Gilders British Camel Corps at an oasis and I was hooked. (cont. next issue)
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Battle Report
PZ IVs and Stug IIIs, backed by panzeregrenadiers that were broken up into three main battlegroups. Because of cloud cover, the Allies needed to roll a 5 or 6 on consecutive turns to see if there was a break in the weather that would allow air support to come in. The Polish armor battalion consisted of 9 Shermans plus three Fireflys. The Canadians had an infantry battalion with two companies of Cromwells and a Firefly in support that were established around the village. The British force that was holding the vital rail yard and the road junction consisted of an infantry company, a company of Churchills, some anti-tank units, and was backed by three batteries of Sextons. After the set up and planning sessions, the battle began.
and the Cromwells who wee supporting the defense of the village. On the far right the German armor came in first, followed by the panzergrenadiers and AA units. Then, in a bold move, the Polish armor battalion launched an aggressive
counterattack towards the Germans! Both sides began frantically maneuvering for the cover of a farm near by and the hedge lined field. The German armor split into two groups to deal with this unexpected threat, while the Poles also split into two forces, hoping to catch the German armor in a crossfire. The British in the center sent the Churchills and AT units to support the village and Canadian flank.
Battle Report
lage with more moving around the opposite end. The remaining Polish Shermans were hunkered down in the farm and the fields, firing at the Panthers and getting more fire in return. By the seventh turn and despite more artillery support the Poles were destroyed and the Germans were on the move again. By now the village position was in serious shape. Most of the Cromwells and the Firefly were knocked out and the infantry were under a lot of pressure. The German heavy armor had been knocked out, but there were still plenty of Panthers and MK IVs milling about.
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Figure Review
foot command, flagbearers, and several mounted officers and flagbearers. The foot figs were better than average and stand about 16mm tall, so that they will fit in with Essex and Venexia, but may be small compared to Testudo. Now, theres not a lot of variation that you can do with troops carrying 15 foot pikes into battle, but there are separate armor and padding styles on some of the figures. After they were based and painted, I found that they did a good job of representing an advancing pike block. Overall, if they would just come out with the Spanish arquebus I would be a happy man. For around $15 a bag, this s a pretty good deal and the 50 figs per package seems about the right amount to make several units for any game system.
Baueda Accessories
As I am always on the lookout for items to add to my Renaissance collection, I came across the resin items sold by Baueda. Baueda is a company that primarily sells 15mm scenics that are meant to be used with DBA armies. They offer a wide variety of forts, camps, tents, etc, that make great additions to anyones army. I ordered the Kings Pavilion for around $10 and was a little disappointed when it came in. There is nothing wrong with the quality as it is
Product Review
beautifully cast in resin and should paint up nicely, making it a great add on to my renaissance camp. Rather, I was surprised at the price. I could see $5 or even $6, but it seems for $10 it was overpriced. For those of you who are looking at the picture and saying, What are you talking about, that thing is huge and should be $10. No, its actually pretty small(only a few inches long), but it does look nice.
Figure Review
The infantry packs I received had 8 figures in them with about three variations in each pack. The figures are cleanly sculpted and detailed with accurate uniforms. Overall, these will make great BashiBazouks and I look forward to more items from this company.
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Point2Point Podcast
Jason White and Scott Moll are the creators and voices behind this board wargaming podcast. Each episode, usually an hour or a little longer in length, talks about wargames, with game reviews, interviews, discussions about game theory and design, plus the infamous Gamers Rule at the end of the podcast. Although the first few episodes had some technical problems, the content was still really good. These problems have slowly been resolved and the recent episodes have been much improved. If youre a miniatures gamer who dabbles in board games, or a board gamer who occasionally dabbles in miniatures games, you could be in for quite a shock. Gamers like Jason and Scott(and theres a lot of them, particularly at Consimworld and Boardgame Geek) take their wargaming seriously. How seriously you ask? Well, when I buy a boardgame, say for example I just bought Gazala 1942, I read the rules, play it a time or two, then every year or two down the road I might break it out and try it again. No, these guys read the rules, play it once, then start developing strategies for playing it a second time. This can be followed by more games and in the case of some games, such as Paths of Glory, playing it several times a day for a few days at a convention! You quickly see that the board wargamers and miniature wargamers,
Podcast Review
with a few exceptions, are from different planets. I do enjoy the give and take of their discussions, particularly on what makes a good game and the issue of longevity for certain games. One of the best sections of the podcast is the Gamers Rule, where they describe a problem with gaming, such as quitting early when one side is clearly losing and not finishing the game. Many of these rules could be equally applied to miniature gaming as I have seen examples of everything that theyve talked about in our own games! To sum it up, this podcast is a definite must if youre into board wargaming. You may not like all the topics or features, but theres always something that you can use.
Stuka Pilot
When you think of the great combat aviators of all time or talking with the guys at your gaming club, does the name Hans Ulrich Rudel ever come up? If not it should. Not only did Rudel survive four years on the Eastern Front, he flew over 2500 combat missions. Rudel destroyed 500+ tanks, 700 trucks, 150+ guns, shot down 9 aircraft, and sank several Russian ships. He was shot down over 30 times, wounded several times, and lost a leg. Stalin even put a bounty on his head! All of this while flying a JU87 Stuka! The book goes over his military career with hundreds of pictures of his aircraft, squadron mem-
Book Review
bers, and views of the Eastern front. The biographical information was alright, but I thought that more could have been included as you only get to know him through the combat missions and the post war period. I didnt admire his post war politics, but his combat record and sense of duty is overwhelming. I highly recommend this to anyone who is interested in military aviation or the Russian front during WW2.
Product Review
for about $35. I was very excited and promptly ordered them. After opening the package up I could see that they werent bad, had interesting designs, and would look good once they were finished. One big problem, though, they werent 10mm! Yes, thats correct, they were closer to 15mm buildings, which is what I will now use them for. I cant complain about the finished product as they painted up easily and look great, but these are not 10mm. In fact, you could fit at least one and a half 10mm figures stacked one on another in the doorway. So, if youre doing a 15mm North African/Arabic village, these buildings are ideal. For 10mm, however, its back to the drawing board.
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The arquebus is not a rifle! If units armed with firearms are unleashing crushing volleys against anything in front of them, then the rules have a serious problem. No gigantic units allowed! While many books talk about things like, A block of 3,000 German armored pike moved forward, there really wasnt a unit of 3,000 that attacked the enemy. More than likely, it was in groups of 3-500 that totaled 3,000 that all charged individual units, remained in reserve, decided that today wasnt a good day to charge, etc . Most infantry units averaged about 500 men and most cavalry units anywhere from 50 to 200. Warfare in the Age of Discovery
The Swiss should be particularly nasty. They were the pre-eminent ground force of the day, and although checked a few times, their remorseless advance across Italian battlefields should be able to be simulated on the tabletop. The Germans and Spanish should be close, but not as good as the Swiss. If the rules your thinking about choosing rate them the same as the Swiss, move on to something else. Artillery is not a battle winner. Civilian crews were prone to run away at the first sign of trouble. If youre set of rules has the gunners defending the guns every time, then youve chosen poorly. Artillery should be treated as another wild
From the same authors who gave us the well loved Seven Years War rules, Warfare in the Age of Reason, this set represents to me what is needed for the Renaissance period. The rules are 1:25, which works out great for the small size of most units in this era, plus there is the aura of unpredictability in the combat and morale tables. You really have no idea what is going to happen, which accurately reflects the period! Some people have complained about the army lists, but the rules do a god job with the period and our group has had many great games using them. WRG 1420-1700 For many years this was the preeminent set of rules for the Renaissance. If youve ever tried the WRG Ancients rules, then these will be easy to pick up. A very clock-like play sequence along with the famous WRG prose that can even cause lawyers to cringe when going over some of the rules interpretations. Although this set of rules doesnt go along with todays quick, simple, kill
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Osprey has several Men at Arms books on the Swiss, Germans, Venice, etc.., but surprisingly most of them cover the late medieval period leading up to the Renaissance. The illustrations, however, give you a pretty good idea of the uniforms of the period. There are several books in the Campaigns series, including Fornovo, Pavia, and Malta, which are all well worth owing. There are of course, many other books on this subject, but most of them are pretty esoteric and suited more for the professional historian or researcher than for the wargamer. Figures For this period there is no lack of choice in figure ranges or scale. The most popular scales for this period are still 25mm and 15mm, although a good 10mm range and a Warmaster Renaissance supplement might change that in the future. 25mm There are huge ranges in this scale, including Wargames Foundry, Redoubt, and Old Glory. Since many of the armor
So there you have it. An interesting and unusual period that has armored infantry, cavalry with lances, artillery, beautiful and extravagant uniforms, plus a wide variety of armies to choose from. Finding a set of rules and a figure scale will probably be your toughest choices, but of all of the periods that our group plays, nothing looks as good as this one on the tabletop.
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Battle Report
The Allied plan was to drive down the right side of the board while probing the center and guarding the left flank with the artillery. They hoped to overwhelm a portion of the line before reinforcements could be brought up. The Turks and Germans, meanwhile, were going to try to hang on unit reinforcements could come up and hopefully counterattack any Allied force that got through the wire and to the main road that runs along the ridge. Although many of us have played in dozens of WW1 games, this was the first time that we had played any kind of WW1 ground combat. The setting was certainly unique and both sides had no idea what barbed wire, MGs, or for that matter, how the ordinary infantry would perform.
reached the main defense line in time. The Turkish MGs came to life as the Allied force came closer, then it was joined by the Turkish troops along the wire emplacements, causing a few Allied casualties. The Turkish firing was pretty bad considering that they had the Al-
lied troops in the open. The Allies began to return fire, causing some Turkish casualties and holding their own in the initial stages of the attack. The fire of the shore battery was abstracted a bit as well, but the destruction of the minesweepers could adversely affect the scenario, so it was important to take out the guns as soon as possible. Fortunately, their shooting was as bad as the rest of the Turkish army!
Battle Report
Indians, who by now were getting the upper hand. The Turks launched a counterattack with a fresh unit from the reserves, but it was met and defeated along the road by the Australians, who by now were approaching 50% losses. The next few turns would tell if the Allied attack would succeed or not. Finally, the shore battery scored a hit on the minesweepers, so it was now or never to take out the guns! The Australians and Indians rolled forward, taking the road and moving towards the final few defensive positions. The Germans were simply getting butchered, even though they had knocked out a British artillery crew, so that flank would not be able to provide any assistance to the hard pressed defenders.
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gamers who spend a lot of time trying to convince others that their period is mainstream and others, like ACW, are a fad! 3) Could we inject at least some realism into rules?
There have been a number of threads lately on The Miniatures Page(the best source for gaming info on the planet) where people see beautiful Napoleonic games in magazines or on sites, but dont want to paint the 500 or so miniatures to do it properly. They then ask if theres a watered down version of Waterloo where they can just paint a handful of figs. Guess what? Doing something right takes time and the ADD generation of gamers today just cant be bothered about painting large armies. Heres a suggestion; turn off your Playstation, quit watching the same anime episodes over and over, and sit down for an hour a night and paint some figs. 2) A fad is a fad, nothing more.
In the last few years I have seen in rules, reviews, or played in games with the following: Modern jet combat where altitude isnt important or used. Rules with no command and control or so little, it is usually ignored. Armies taking over 50% casualties and hanging around for battle. Tanks lined up end to end, side by side, with so many special rules that you need a cheat sheet just for them. All of these things are a result of the current state of the hobby, namely, I only have two hours for a game tonight and I feel like WW2. So lets throw some stuff out there and kill things! Theres also the famous reply to many threads on this, I achieve the same result in less time than more complex rules. That may be so, but did you learn anything about the period? Probably not. Were you using real tactics or just special rules for your army to help you to win? Probably the latter. Why not just put tank silhouettes on round pieces and play checkers with them, which is about the equivalent of what youre doing anyway. If youre running a scenario where a Chinese task force is approaching Taiwan and is intercepted by Taiwanese subs and jets, you can probably use Shipwreck and finish the game in under two hours. Will you have learned anything about the period or tactics? No. If you play the scenario using Harpoon 4, I guarantee that you will gain a deeper understanding of weapons, sensors, tactics, and what happens in modern naval combat. Will it take longer to play? Yes. Is there more of a learning curve? Yes. But wouldnt you rather do that and get something out of the game rather than roll a bunch of D10s trying to sink things with weapons that you know nothing about? Judging by todays gamers, I would have to say that
Has anyone else noticed the alarming number of threads on gaming forums featuring scenarios about What if Hitler had survived?, How do I game Van Helsing?, Why dont people buy more zombie rules?, and Why wont all gamers sell off everything they own and get into Victorian science fiction? These are niche periods at best and some, like VSF or Pirates, are fads. Despite all the hype, ranting, self promoting, etc, these periods will never be as popular as WW2 or Ancients, no matter how hard some gamers want it to be. Most of the gamers who are into these periods defend them with a religious zeal that makes the Inquisition look like an afternoon tea party! Now Ive seen some pretty impressive games for some of these obscure periods and I salute those people who do it well. My beef isnt with them as most of them do other periods and arent threatening anyone who questions the period with death. Rather, I take issue with many
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Back in the day, there wasnt a lot of skirmish gaming, even though there were rules, articles and scenarios in magazines, and it was used as a good break at the club in between campaigns or playing the same subject. Currently, a large percentage of TMP threads, magazine articles, discussion on Yahoo groups, etc, revolve around skirmish gaming. Why? Well, its the dirty little subjects that no one wants to talk about; painting and time. Between work, eating out three times a day, watching Lost and Battlestar Galactica, surfing Ebay, then posting on TMP, when is a gamer supposed to paint figs? What, make time or expend effort to paint figs? No, its much easier to go searching for a set of rules that fits your gaming style, namely one that you only need four figs to have a game! I think that we had more figs on some of our D&D floor maps in the 70s than some of the pictures of skirmish games Ive seen. Six people playing a Sword and Flame game with 100 figs is my definition of a skirmish game. Playing with two British soldiers against a mummy and three arabs should be classified as role playing. 6) Reality sucks, doesnt it?
Yes, imagine that, another range of 25mm Napoleonic figures coming out. How many are there now? 15? 25? 40? With all the periods that need figures, buildings, terrain, why do new and existing manufacturers keep coming out with more 25mm Napoleonics? Dont they know that every pose possible for the Napoleonic era has already been sculpted? Then surprise, surprise, these companies go out of business. I guess that they found out that the 2.5 million 25mm Napoleonic figures that have already been made were probably enough. Now, many of you may come away with the idea that Im bitter, which isnt the case. I love the hobby of wargaming, I like painting, and I love reading military history. If I hated it, why would I spend several weeks a year putting out a free wargames magazine? My big concern is that the hobby is going in the wrong direction. Are the figs better? Definitely yes. Are the rules more attractive? Again, definitely yes. Is the selection of periods, terrain, and painting guides better? You bet. So if this is the Golden Age of Gaming, whats the problem? The big problem as I see it is that gamers are gaming for the sake of gaming and not really having fun with it. Its become something to fit in between taking the children to soccer games on Saturday morning and having lunch with the wife/ girlfriend at noon, leaving you 90 minutes to game. Then a set of rules are chosen to get a game through in that amount of time, regardless if theres any realism attached to them, then figs are spray painted and put on the table. Everyone blazes away, then says what a great game it was and how they love being so heavily involved in the hobby! I know that theres no going back, but it would be nice to see a little more effort & passion being put into the hobby.
Time and time again you see images of games on sites, forums, etc, that just plain looks bad. Badly painted buildings, no trees, or some aquarium terrain piece put out on the table as is. The gamers have spent $1,000 on Warmachine, WH40K or FOW figs, then put them on terrain boards that could be called disappointing at the very least. When you think of all the companies that produce ready painted buildings like Crescent Root Studio, Miniature Building Authority, and all the stuff on Ebay, not to mention the incredible selection of items from model train stores, there should be no excuse to not be able to put on a decent game. Heres a hint; next time spend some money on something other than the new Terminator Overlord Death Squad, which will set you back $75. That money could buy a few ready painted buildings, some bags of trees, etc, then spend a few hours working on the terrain. Guess
I just love the discussions about how to make Desert Storm scenarios more fair, F-22s less lethal in air to air combat, or why is it that thousands of natives charging across a barren landscape at a place called Omdurman get mowed down by rifle and machine gun fire by the thousands? This is invariably followed by suggestions involving making all of the U.S. Abrams tanks broken down for maintenance, leaving only trucks to fight the Iraqis with, the F-22s are out of hydraulic fluid and cant dive, or there is too much heat haze that day, creating a
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Gaming Review
Ogre At the time, no one had heard of Steve Jackson Games or the term Microgames, but that was soon to change. I came across an ad for Ogre when I was reading a science fiction magazine at a thrift store when I was about 15. The ad sounded cool, after all, what hotblooded young male can resist giant cybernetic tanks slugging it out with nukes against infantry, tanks, and howitzers! I went down to my local gaming store and plunked down the $3, then went home and opened it up. Small map, about 120 thin counters, black and white rulebook, and a plastic pouch. OK, nothing to get excited about so far. Then I played my first game and fell in love with it. The game play was fast, furious, and you could teach someone in a few minutes. Within a week there was about six of us playing it at school. Well, others must have thought it was cool as a sequel, called GEV came out and the excitement continued. Now you had new vehicles, bridges, forests, towns, and some great scenarios. This was followed by a book of scenarios, then a supplement called Shockwave, which added laser towers, cruise missiles, and more new vehicles. We played gigantic games with hundreds of units that would take 6-8 hours! It was a great game and is still beloved by many gamers. Later, there was an attempt to do a miniatures game, with rules, boxed sets, and more, but it never felt like you were playing the board game. The entire franchise is currently in limbo and trying to figure out the rights would take an army of lawyers. Still, Ogre, GEV, and Shockwave remain to this day as some of my favorite games and every so often I break them out and try a scenario. The simplicity, excitement, and great game play has stood the test of time.
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Pacific Victory
After playing Crusader Rex and Hammer of the Scots, Ive been hooked on the Columbia block games. The games are nicely done, have a good degree of historical accuracy, can be completed in a few hours, and best of all, the block system does a great job creating the fog of war. So, I was pretty happy when I got Pacific Victory as a birthday gift. Unlike some of the other block games, this one has no cards and uses large hexes instead of area movement which is featured in some of their other games. You get a nice Pacific theater map and 100 blocks, 50 blue and 50 orange, to represent the combat forces. One of the interesting things about this game is that it starts AFTER the Pearl harbor attack, although there is an optional rule for that. The game does represent the big problem for the Japanese in all Pacific WW2 games, namely, where do you attack? You basically have three options, India, Australia, or form a line of fortified islands in the Central Pacific and try to hold on. By the sixth turn(turns are three months) the Japanese offensive has died out and the Allies are reaching the point where theyve built up enough stuff for a major offensive. Then, its a defensive game for the Japanese player as they try
Game Review
to hang on for a victory. As with most Pacific games, winning as the Japanese is not an easy thing to do. Time, geography, and industrial production is very much against you. I still need to get a few more games under my belt before I get a good feel for the system(most campaigns only last 4 hours). My first impression is that it is Empire of the Sun without the complexity! The components are good, the rules are laid out well, and once you start playing its pretty easy to pick up the system. Is it the best WW2 Pacific game out there? Probably not. My vote still goes for Empire of the Sun. But, if you like Hammer of the Scots, Crusader Rex, or are looking for a challenging WW2 strategic game, this is pretty good.
Book Review
through the first year, into the second, and the focus on the first part of the invasion gets lost. Overall, its probably worth the $10 I paid for it, if just for the pictures and maps alone as it has several photos I have not seen before. If youre looking for a comprehensive book on the Eastern Front then you probably should look somewhere else.
Book Review
ing scenarios and a much better appreciation of the close range fighting between the German and Soviet tanks. A goo book if you can get past the robotic writing style and try to focus on the real life stories of the troops.
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I think that Ive come to the conclusion that theres no way that either I, nor Warning Order, can be all things to all people. Wargaming, both miniatures and board, have broken into so many fragmented groups that putting out a general publication that tries to cater to all of them is impossible. Theres too many rules,
figures, magazines, and periods to cover everything in depth, so Im going to just keep doing what weve been doing for awhile now. This basically is talking about stuff that our group games, the figures that we use, and the rules and games that we are currently playing. I will still post reviews about the latest products, but only if its something that our group is going to try sometime. Hopefully, the people who have been reading Warning Order for a few years now, will continue to download issues and support us.
Meets every other Friday night in the SLC area. We game colonial, 7YW, renaissance, ACW, Napoleonics, WW2 in three different scales, and more...
To contact the editor, send an email to : mirsik1@juno.com
I will say that I am going to be building a colonial specific site that will be under the WFHGS site. This new site, called The Colonial Gateway, will feature a gallery, reviews, battle reports, and information about the period. I am also working on a massive colonial campaign game based upon an old series in The Courier
magazine. It will feature a large map, counters, 54 event cards, and is designed so that all the players are on the same side. The map and cards are done, with work beginning on the rules and counters, so maybe it will be out by January 1st.
Product Review
Timecast has a great site and the gallery photos are truly inspiring, showing the incredible scenery pieces that you can create in this scale. Finally, one of the most interesting ways to create buildings is here: Http://www.iandrea.co.uk and click on Ians Wargames. He has a set of 1/300th paper buildings(for free) where he took photographs of the actual buildings and then Photoshopped them to assemble as mini-kits. Ive finished a few of them and they really look good! With some touch up painting on the edges and seams, then add some trees and a base, they look as good as most of the commercial buildings. The good thing about this scale is that you can quickly create a village and add as much detail as you wish. The only down side is that you need a lot of buildings for a large board!