Laboratory. MATLAB Has Evolved Over A Period of
Laboratory. MATLAB Has Evolved Over A Period of
Laboratory. MATLAB Has Evolved Over A Period of
In recent times MATLAB has emerged as a powerful tool for technical computing and complete computer solution. It integrates computation, visualization, and programming in an easy-to-use environment where problems and solutions are expressed in familiar mathematical notation. Typical uses include: Math and computation Algorithm development Modeling, simulation, and prototyping Data analysis, exploration, and visualization Scientific and engineering graphics Application development, including graphical user interface building MATLAB is an interactive system whose basic data element is an array that does not require dimensioning. The name MATLAB stands for Matrix Laboratory. MATLAB has evolved over a period of years with input from many users. In university environments, it is the standard instructional tool for introductory and advanced courses in mathematics, engineering, and science. In industry, MATLAB is the tool of choice for high-productivity research, development and analysis. Simulink, a companion program to MATLAB, is an interactive system for simulating nonlinear dynamic systems. It is a graphical mouse-driven program that allows you to model a system by drawing a block diagram on the screen and manipulating it dynamically. It can work with linear, nonlinear, continuous-time, discrete-time and hybrid systems. The course will provide a hands-on learning experience in the basic operation and utilization of MATLAB and Simulink to solve many technical computing problems in a fraction of the time it would take to write a program in scalar non-interactive language such as C or FORTRAN. COURSE CONTENT 1. An Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB Fundamentals MATLAB Environment and Command Window Saving and re-loading a work MATLAB demos
Vector and Matrix Manipulation Scalar Operations Matrix Operations 2. Programming in MATLAB Basics of MATLAB programming structure Script Files Functions Debugging Programs Creating functions using m-files Loops, branches and Control flow Relational and logical operations Advanced data objects: Multidimensional matrices and structures 3. MATLAB Graphics Two and Three-dimensional graphics Multiple Plots Axis Scaling Printing Graphics 4. Introduction to SIMULINK What can SIMULINK be used for? Creating Models, Blocks Systems and Subsystems Simulating Dynamic Systems Solving a Model, Solvers MATLAB Simulink Integration SIMULINK and GUIs SIMULINK Exercises 5. Introduction to Neural networks Fuzzy logic 6. MATLAB Toolboxes training Control System, Power System, ANN, Fuzzy logic. etc. ABOUT ISM DHANBAD The Indian School of Mines (ISM) is a fully residential and co-educational public university located in the mineral-rich belt of India in the city of Dhanbad, Jharkhand. It was established in 1926 on the lines of the Royal School of Mines, London. What started as an institution to impart mining education has graduated into a full-fledged technical institution of international acclaim offering a host of programmes like B. Tech., M. Tech., M. Sc.
Tech.,integrated M.Sc., integrated and MBA. In addition the School offers M. Phil. and full as well as part time Ph.D. programmes, while also awarding D.Sc. as the highest degree of academic achievement. The institute has 17 departments and 2 inter-disciplinary schools. The institute admits undergraduate students through the Joint Entrance Examination (IIT-JEE) and post-graduate through GATE. The Indian School of Mines holds the privilege of being an Institute of National Importance in India. The Indian School of Mines is the only institute of its kind in India that caters to the human resource needs of the nation in the areas of Mining, Petroleum, Mining Machinery, Mineral engineering and Earth Sciences besides training manpower in the related disciplines of Management, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Science and Humanities and Social Sciences.
DATE & DURATION: Six days, 24th June to 29th June , 2013, 4 hour everyday
Dr. Kalyan Chatterjee Associate Professor Department of Electrical Engineering Indian School of Mines Dhanbad-826004 Phone: 9431126489(M) E-mail:
(Capital Letters with Surname underlined) 2. Designation: __________________________ 3. Qualification: _________________________ 4. Specialization: ________________________ 5. Department: __________________________ 6. Organization: _________________________ 7. Teaching Experience: 8. Mailing Address: ______________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Phone ____________________________ E-mail________________________________ 9. Accommodation required: YES / NO 10.Registration Fee: DD No. _______________Date _____________ Issuing Bank:____________________________ Date SIGNATURE -------------------------------------------------------------Sponsorship Certificate (if required)
Faculty/Scientists from AICTE approved Institutions/ Research organizations, Research scholars and B. Tech/M.E/M. Tech students Bachelors degree in Electrical/ Electronics/Instrumentation & Control/ Communication/Mechanical Engineering will be benefited immensely from the course.
Limited accommodation will be provided to the Participants in the institute guest house/ Hostel on Payment basis for first come first basis.
Candidates are required to fill the enclosed Registration form, and send it by e- mail//post to the Coordinator. The participation will be confirmed on a first come first basis upto a maximum of 40 candidates. The course fee (INR 4,500/- for B.TECH/M.E/M.Tech, INR 6,000/- for faculties/Ph.D student and INR 10, 000/- for others) in the form of demand draft drawn in favor of Registrar, INDIAN SCHOOL OF MINES payable at SBI, ISM CAMPUS Branch, Dhanbad (code- 1641) and the registration form should be sent to the Coordinator on or before 10th June, 2013. The course fee will cover expenses towards lecture notes, course kit . The course fee is refundable if the course is cancelled for unavoidable circumstantial reasons. Certificates would be issued after the completion of the program.
On the event of selection, Mr/ Ms. _______________________ will be relieved for participation of the above Programme.
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