Study of Waste Water Treatment: A Seminar Report ON
Study of Waste Water Treatment: A Seminar Report ON
Study of Waste Water Treatment: A Seminar Report ON
January - June2013
Words are inadequate and out of place at times particularly in the context of expressing sincere feeling in the contribution of this work, is no more than a mere rituals. It is our privilege to acknowledge with respect & gratitude, the keen valuable and ever-available guidance rendered to us by Er. Pawan Kashyap (Lecturer) , Civil Engineering Department, R.P.I.I.T. Technical Campus (Bastara) Karnal, Haryana, India without the wise counsel and able guidance, it would have been impossible to complete the work in this manner. We would like to place on record my deep sense of gratitude to Dr. Sorabh Gupta (Director), Dr. G.S. Shrama (Executive Director), Dr. Harish Abhichandani (Additional Director), Dr. S.L. Verma, Head of Civil Engineering Department, R.P.I.I.T. Technical Campus (Bastara) Karnal, Haryana , India, for providing us infrastructural facilities to work in, without which this work would not have been possible.
throughout the course of this work. At last but not least we are also thankful to our parents & family member to support us financially & morally. Above all we are thankful to the almighty god for giving strength to carry out the present work.
CERTIFICATE We hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the Seminar Report entitled Study of Waste Water Treatment, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering and submitted to the Department of Civil Engineering of R.P.I.I.T. Technical Campus (Bastara) Karnal, Haryana, India is an authentic record of our own work carried out during a period from January 2013 to June 2013 (8th semester) under the supervision of
The matter presented in this Project Report has not been submitted by us for the award of any other degree elsewhere.
Seminar viva of Mr. Sunil Sharma Roll No. (7109762) is held today 08/05/2013 for partial fulfillment of the requirements the award of the degree of bachelor of technology and accepted.
1.1 General 1.2 System of sanitation 1.3 Need of waste water treatment 1.4 Types of sewage system 1.4.1 Combined sewage system 1.4.2 Seprate sewage system
2.1 Classification of waste water treatment
Combined sewage system Seprate sewage system Schematic of a typical wastewater treatment plant Coarse screen Manually racked screen Two chamber aerated grit chamber Skimming Tank Septic Tank Wastewater comes into the septic tank from the sewer pipes in the house Imhoff Tank Trickling Filter High Rate Trickling Filter UASB REACTOR
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3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 3.4 4.1 4.1.1 4.2 5.1 5.1.1 5.2
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Sewerage System
Sewage before being disposed of either in river streams or on land, has generally to be treated, so as to make it safe. The degree of treatment required,however,depends upon the characterstics of the souce of disposal.
always talk to their neighbors about sewage problems for a variety of reasons, including risk of enforcement actions.
2. Treatment of sewage
Treatment of sewage
Sewage before being disposed of either in river streams or on land, has generally to be treated, so as to make it safe. The degree of treatment required,however,depends upon the characterstics of the souce of disposal.
Preliminary Treatment
Preliminary Treatment includes simple processes that deal with debris and solid material.The purpose of preliminary treatment is to remove those easily separable components. This is usually performed by screening (usually by bar screens) and grit removal. Their removal is important in order to increase the effectiveness of the later treatment processes and prevent damages to the pipes, pumps and fittings.
3.1 Screening
Screening is the very first process carried out at a sewage treatment,plant and consist of passing the sewage through different type of screen,so as to trap and remove the floating materials, such as piece of cloth, paper , wood, cork ,hair, fibre, kitchen refuse etc. These floating materials, if not removed, will choke the pipes, or adversely affect the working of the sewage pumps. The idea of providing screens is to protect the pumps and other equipments from the possible
damages due to the floating matter of the sewage.Screen should preferably be placed before the Grit chambers.
3.2.3Fine Screen
Have perforations of 1.5 to 3mm in size. The installation of these screen prove very effective, and they remove as much as 20% of the suspended solid from sewage. These screen, however get clogged very often and need frequent cleaning.
Grit chambers are designed to be cleaned manually or by mechanically operated devices. If cleaned manually, storage space for the deposited grit is usually provided. Grit chambers for plants treating wastes from combined sewers should have at least two hand-cleaned units or a mechanically cleaned unit with by-pass. Mechanically cleaned grit chambers are recommended. Single, hand-cleaned chambers with by-pass, are acceptable for small wastewater treatment plants serving sanitary sewer systems. Chambers other than channel type are acceptable, if provided with adequate and flexible controls for agitation and/or air supply devices and with grit removal equipment. There are a number of mechanical cleaning units available which remove grit be scrapers or buckets while the grit chamber is in normal operation. These require much less grit storage space than manually operated units.
Washing Grit
Grit always contains some organic matter which decomposes and creates odors. To facilitate economical disposal of grit without causing nuisance, the organic matter is sometimes washed from the grit and returned to the wastewater. Special equipment is available to wash grit. Mechanical cleaning equipment generally provides for washing grit with wastewater as it is removed from the chamber.
Quantity of Grit
This depends on the type of sewer system, the condition of the sewer lines and other factors. Strictly domestic wastewater collected in well constructed sewers will contain little grit, while
combined wastewater will carry large volumes of grit, reaching a peak at times of severe storms. In general, 1.0 to 4.0 cu.ft. of grit per million gallons of wastewater flow can be expected.
Manually cleaned grit chambers for combined wastewater should be cleaned after every large storm. Under ordinary conditions these grit chambers should be cleaned when the deposited grit has filled 50 to 60 percent of the grit storage space. This should be checked at least every ten days during dry weather. When mechanically cleaned grit chambers are used, they must be cleaned at regular intervals to prevent undue load on the cleaning mechanism. Recommendations of the manufacturer should be rigidly observed. This plus experience, will determine the cleaning schedule. A grit in which marked odors develop indicates that excessive organic matter is being removed in the grit chamber. Alternately, if sludge from a settling tank is excessively high in grit, or if there is excessive wear in pumps, comminutors, sludge collectors or other mechanical equipment, the reason is likely to be inefficient functioning of the grit removing process. In either case, a study of this unit should be made.
including oil, grease, soap, pieces of cork and wood, vegetable debris, and fruit skins. Tank can be rectangular or circular, designed for detention period of 1 to 15 minutes. Typical detention time of about 5 min is adopted in design (Metcalf and Eddy, 2003). The submerged outlet is opposite the inlet and at lower elevation to assist in flotation and remove any solids that may settle.
Pre-aeration is accomplished by introducing air into the wastewater for a period of 20 to 30 minutes at the design flow. This may be accomplished by forcing compressed air into the wastewater at a rate of about 0.10 cu.ft. per gallon of wastewater when 30 minutes of aeration is
provided or by mechanical agitation whereby the wastewater is stirred or agitated so that new surfaces are continually brought into contact with the atmosphere for absorption of air. To insure proper agitation when compressed air is forced into the wastewater, air is usually supplied at the rate of 1.0 to 4.0 cubic feet per minute per linear foot of tank or channel. When air for mechanical agitation (either with or without the use of chemicals) is used for the additional purpose of obtaining increased reduction in BOD, the detention period should be at least 45 minutes at design flow. The agitation of wastewater in the presence of air tends to collect or flocculate lighter suspended solids into heavier masses which settle more readily in the sedimentation tanks. Pre-aeration also helps to separate grease and oil from the wastewater and wastewater solids and to carry them to the surface. By the addition of air, aerobic conditions are also restored in septic wastewater to improve subsequent treatment. The devices and equipment for introducing the air into the wastewater are the same or similar to those used in the activated sludge process.
Primary Treatment
Primary treatment is mainly the removal of solids by settlement. Simple settlement of the solid material in sewage can reduce the polluting load by significant amounts. It can reduce BOD by up to 40%. Some examples of primary treatment is septic tanks, septic tanks with upflow filters, Imhoff tanks.
Fig.4.1 Septic Tank In this picture, you can see three layers. Anything that floats rises to the top and forms a layer known as the scum layer. Anything heavier than water sinks to form the sludge layer. In the middle is a fairly clear water layer. This body of water contains bacteria and chemicals like nitrogen and phosphorous that act as fertilizers, but it is largely free of solids. Wastewater comes into the septic tank from the sewer pipes in the house, as shown here:
Fig.4.1.1 Wastewater comes into the septic tank from the sewer pipes in the house
A septic tank naturally produces gases (caused by bacteria breaking down the organic material in the wastewater), and these gases don't smell good. Sinks therefore have loops of pipe called Ptraps that hold water in the lower loop and block the gases from flowing back into the house. The gases flow up a vent pipe instead -- if you look at the roof of any house, you will see one or more vent pipes poking through. As new water enters the tank, it displaces the water that's already there. This water flows out of the septic tank and into a drain field. A drain field is made of perforated pipes buried in trenches filled with gravel. The following diagram shows an overhead view of a house, septic tank, distribution box and drain field: A typical drain field pipe is 4 inches (10 centimeters) in diameter and is buried in a trench that is 4 to 6 feet (about 1.5 m) deep and 2 feet (0.6 m) wide. The gravel fills the bottom 2 to 3 feet of the trench and dirt covers the gravel, like this: The water is slowly absorbed and filtered by the ground in the drain field. The size of the drain field is determined by how well the ground absorbs water. In places where the ground is hard clay that absorbs water very slowly, the drain field has to be much bigger. A septic system is normally powered by nothing but gravity. Water flows down from the house to the tank, and down from the tank to the drain field. It is a completely passive system. You may have heard the expression, "The grass is always greener over the septic tank." Actually, it's the drain field, and the grass really is greener -- it takes advantage of the moisture and nutrients in the drain field.
Contact between the waste stream and the anaerobic digesting sludge is practically eliminated and the holding period in primary settling compartment at the tank is reduced. The Imhoff tank may be either circular or rectangular and is divided into three compartments: The upper section or sedimentation compartment The lower section known as the digestion compartment and The gas vent and scum section
It is desirable to be able to reverse the direction of flow to prevent excessive deposition of solids at one end of the sedimentation compartment. Periodically reversing the flow will result in an even accumulation of sludge across the bottom of the tank. In operation, all of the wastewater flows through the upper compartment. Solids settle to the bottom of this sloped compartment, slide down and pass through an opening or slot to the digestion compartment. One of the bottom slopes extends at least six inches beyond the slot. This forms a trap to prevent gas or digesting sludge particles in the lower section from entering the waste stream in the upper section. The gas and any rising sludge particles are diverted to the gas vent and scum section.
frequently than large amounts at long intervals. Sludge should be removed at a slow regular rate to avoid coning (i.e. the formation of a channel through the sludge) which would permit partially digested sludge and liquid held in storage above the digested sludge to be withdrawn from the tank. Before winter temperatures are expected, most of the digested sludge except that necessary for seeding (about 20 percent) should be removed to provide space for winter accumulations when digestion is very slow. The height of the sludge in the sludge compartment should be determined at inlet and outlet end of the tank at least once a month. After each time that sludge is removed, the sludge pipes should be flushed and drained to prevent sludge from hardening in and clogging the pipes. Prevention of "Foaming". Every effort should be made to prevent "foaming" because correction after the condition arises is sometimes difficult. "Foaming" is usually associated with an acid condition of the sludge and in such cases may be prevented or corrected by treatment with lime or sodium bicarbonate to counteract the acidity of the sludge. There are a few simple measures which may, under certain circumstances, remedy or improve the condition. The Imhoff tank has no mechanical parts and is relatively easy and economical to operate. It provides sedimentation and sludge digestion in one unit and should produce a satisfactory primary effluent with a suspended solids removal of 40 to 60 percent and a BOD reduction of 15 to 35 percent. The two-story design requires a deep over-all tank. Primary tanks with separate digesters have largely replaced the Imhoff tank for large municipal installations. The Imhoff tanks is best suited to small municipalities and large institutions where the tributary population is 5,000 or less, and a greater degree of treatment is not needed.
Secondary Treatment
In secondary treatment the organic material that remains in thewastewater is reduced biologically. Secondary treatment actually involves harnessing and accelerating the natural process of waste disposal whereby bacteria convert organic matter to stable forms. Both aerobic and anaerobic processes are employed in secondary treatment. Some examples of secondary treatment are UASB, reed bed systems, trickling filters and stabilisation ponds.
matter temporarily attached to the filter medium and to inorganic matter carried off with the effluent. The attached material intermittently sloughs off and is carried away in the filter effluent. For this reason, trickling filters should be followed by secondary sedimentation tanks to remove these sloughed solids and to produce a relatively clear effluent.
Filter Media
The ideal filter medium is a material that has a high surface area per unit volume, is low in cost, has a high durability, and does not readily clog. The choice of filter media is more often governed by the material locally available which may include field stone, gravel, broken stone, blast furnace slag and antracite stones. Stones less than one inch in diameter do not provide sufficient pore space and may therefore result in plugging of the media and ponding. The tendency is to use larger sizes with 2 1/2 inches in diameter now considered the minimum size. Large diameter stones tend to avoid ponding situations but also limit the surface area per unit volume available for the slime layer to grow. An upper size limit of about 4 inches is therefore recommended.
Distribution System: The rotary distributor has become standard for the trickling filter
process because of its reliability and ease of maintenance. The rotary distributor consists of a hollow vertical center column carrying two or more radial pipes or arms, each of which contains a number of nozzles or orifices for discharging the wastewater onto the bed. All of these nozzles point in the same direction at right angles to the arms and the reaction of the discharge through them causes the arms to revolve. The necessary reaction is furnished by a head of 18" to 24". The speed of revolution will vary with the flow rate, but it should be in the range of one revolution in 10 minutes or less for a two-arm distributor. A dosing tanks and siphon should be provided for standard rate trickling filters to shut off the flow when the head falls below that necessary to revolve the arms at the required speed. In some cases positive drive mechanisms are being used. A clearance of 6 to 9 inches should be allowed between the bottom of the distributor arm and top of the bed. This will permit the waste streams from the nozzles to spread out and cover the bed uniformly, and it will also prevent ice accumulation from interfering with the distributor motion during freezing weather. Fixed spray nozzles were used when trickling filters were first developed. The nozzles were attached to pipes laid in the filter medium and were fed intermittently from a siphon controlled dosing tank. By this method, wastewater is applied to the filter for short periods of time. Between applications the filter has rest periods while the dosing tank is filling. Many types and shapes of nozzles were developed and the siphon dosing tank was designed to attain the best
possible even distribution of wastewater over the entire surface of the filter. At best, the distribution was not even and there were areas of the filter on which very little wastewater was sprayed. In addition, due to the greater number of nozzles used for the distribution of the wastes, clogging and increased operational and maintenance problems were encountered.
Under-drain System
The under-drain system in trickling filters serves two purposes: (a) to carry the wastewater passing through the filter and the sloughed solids from the filter to the final clarification process, and (b) to provide for ventilation of the filter to maintain aerobic conditions. The underdrains are specially designed vitrified clay blocks with slotted tops that admit the wastewater and yet support the media. The blocks are laid directly on the filter floor, which is sloped toward the collection channel at a 1 to 2 percent gradient. Since the underdrains also provide ventilation for the filter it is desirable that the ventilation openings total at least 20% of the total floor area. Normal ventilation occurs through convection currents caused by a temperature differential between the wastewater and the ambient air temperature. In deep filters or heavily loaded filters, there may be some advantage in force ventilation.
Filter Classification
Trickling filters are classified by hydraulic or organic loading, as high-rate or low-rate. The organic load on a filter is the BOD content in pounds applied to the filter. This is usually expressed as pounds of BOD per day per 1000 cubic feet of filter medium or pounds of BOD per day per acre foot. The hydraulic load, including recirculation flow if used, is the gallons of flow per acre of filter surface per day. Low-rate filters are relatively simple treatment units that normally produce a consistent effluent quality even with varying influent strength. Depending upon the dosing system, wastewater is applied intermittently with rest periods which generally do not exceed five minutes at the designed rate of waste flow. With proper loadings the low-rate trickling filter, including primary
and secondary sedimentation units, should remove from 80 to 85 percent of the applied BOD. While there is some unloading or sloughing of solids at all times, the major unloadings usually occur several times a year for comparatively short periods of time. High-rate filters are usually characterized by higher hydraulic and organic loadings than low-rate filters. The higher BOD loading is accomplished by applying a larger volume of waste per acre of surface area of the filter. One method of increasing the efficiency of a trickling filter is to incorporate recirculation. Recirculation is a process by which the filter effluent is returned to and reapplied onto the filter. This recycling of the effluent increases the contact time of the waste with the microorganisms and also helps to "seed" the lower portion of the filter with active organisms. When recirculation is used, the hydraulic loading per unit area of filter media is increased. As a result, higher flow velocities will usually occur causing a more continuous and uniform sloughing of excess growths. Recirculation also helps to minimize problems with ponding and restriction of ventilation. Recirculation can be continuous or intermittent. Return pumping rates can either be constant or variable. Sometimes recycling can be practiced during periods of low flow to keep the distributors in motion, to prevent the drying of the filter growths, and to prevent freezing during colder temperatures. Also, recirculation in proportion to flow may be utilized to reduce the organic strength of the incoming wastes, and to smooth out diurnal flow variations.
Aero Filter: The aero-filter is still another process which distributes the wastewater by
maintaining a continuous rain-like application of the wastewater over the filter bed. For small beds, distribution is accomplished by a disc distributor revolving at a high speed of 260 to 369 rpm set 20" above the surface of the filter to give a continuous rain-like distribution over the entire bed. For large beds a large number of revolving distributor arms, 10 or more, tend to give more uniform distribution. These filters are always operated at a rate in excess of 10 million gallons per acre of surface area per day.
Fig. 5.1.1 High Rate Trickling Filter High-rate trickling filters, including primary and secondary sedimentation, should, under normal operation, remove from 65 to 85 percent of the BOD of the wastewater. Recirculation should be adequate to provide continuous dosage at a rate equal to or in excess of 10 million gallons per acre per day. As a result of continuous dosing at such high rates, some of the solids accumulated on the filter medium are washed off and carried away with the effluent continuously. High-rate trickling filters have been used advantageously for pretreatment of industrial wastes and unusually strong wastewaters. When so used they are called "roughing filters". With these filters the BOD loading is usually in excess of 110 pounds of BOD per 1000 cubic feet of filter medium. Generally, most organic wastes can be successfully treated by trickling filtration. Normally food processing, textile, fermentation and some pharmaceutical process wastes are amenable to trickling filtration. Some industrial wastewaters which cannot be treated by trickling filtration are those which contain excessive concentration of toxic materials, such as pesticide residues, heavy metals, and high acidic and alkaline wastes. Since the organisms growing on the media are temperature dependent, climatic changes will affect the filter's performance. The organisms metabolic rate increases with increasing temperature and warmer weather. Therefore, higher loadings and greater efficiencies are
possible in warmer temperatures and climates, if aerobic conditions can be maintained in the filter. 5.2 Up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) UASB technology, normally referred to as UASB reactor, is a form of anaerobic digester that is used in the treatment of wastewater.The UASB reactor is a methanogenic (methane-producing) digester that evolved from the anaerobic clarigester. A similar but variant technology to UASB is the expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) digester. A diagramatic comparison of different anaerobic digesters can be found here. UASB uses an anaerobic process whilst forming a blanket of granular sludge which suspends in the tank. Wastewater flows upwards through the blanket and is processed (degraded) by the anaerobic microorganisms. The upward flow combined with the settling action of gravity suspends the blanket with the aid of flocculants. The blanket begins to reach maturity at around 3 months. Small sludge granules begin to form whose surface area is covered in aggregations of bacteria. In the absence of any support matrix, the flow conditions creates a selective environment in which only those microorganisms, capable of attaching to each other, survive and proliferate. Eventually the aggregates form into dense compact biofilms referred to as "granules". A picture of anaerobic sludge granules can be found here. Biogas with a high concentration of methane is produced as a by-product, and this may be captured and used as an energy source, to generate electricity for export and to cover its own running power. The technology needs constant monitoring when put into use to ensure that the sludge blanket is maintained, and not washed out (thereby losing the effect). The heat produced as a by-product of electricity generation can be reused to heat the digestion tanks. The blanketing of the sludge enables a dual solid and hydraulic (liquid) retention time in the digesters. Solids requiring a high degree of digestion can remain in the reactors for periods up to 90 days. Sugars dissolved in the liquid waste stream can be converted into gas quickly in the liquid phase which can exit the system in less than a day.
UASB reactors are typically suited to dilute waste water streams (3% TSS with particle size >0.75mm).
When the outfall sewer of the city of the treatment plant is situated near some natural waters having large volume.
A Text book of Sewage Disposal and Air Polution Engineering By S.K. Garg.