Errington-Vermillion Fact Sheet
Errington-Vermillion Fact Sheet
Errington-Vermillion Fact Sheet
Ontario, Canada
The Errington-Vermillion Project is in the South West corner of the Sudbury basin. The project comprises two distinct sites five kilometers apart. The Errington site contains an estimated 6 million tonnes of ore while the Vermillion site about 3 million tonnes. Both deposits are polymetallic and contain zinc, copper, lead, silver and gold. Both Errington and Vermillion sites were previously mined. The Errington underground mine began in 1924 and ended in 1928 while Vermillion was mined between 1952 and 1957. From the late 1990s until 2006 both sites were re-habilitated and managed by Xstrata Zinc. Some of the infrastructure from the original sites will be re-used, such as the shafts for ventilation and lateral headways which will be re-habilitated and used for mining. The ore produced at both Errington and Vermillion will be trucked to a concentrator that will be built on Xstratas property near the Strathcona Complex. The current total capital cost of this project is $350 million CDN and it is expected to create 250 direct jobs. The project is currently at the feasibility stage. If the project proves to be feasible, production could begin by 2016.
Size of orebodies
Errington 5.8MT / Vermillion 2.5MT
Mining rate
2900 tonnes/day
Errington 4.16% / Vermillion 4.7%
Direct employment
250 (both mining and milling)
Errington 1.23% / Vermillion 1.46%
Errington 1.06% / Vermillion 1.46%
Errington 50.53g/t / Vermillion 53.77g/t
Life of mine
710 years
Errington 0.73g/t / Vermillion 0.89g/t
About Xstrata
We are one of the worlds largest mining and metals companies - a major producer of seven commodities used in everything from constructing buildings and delivering electricity to developing jet engines and mobile phones. We operate in more than 20 countries and employ more than 70,000 people globally. Our mission is simple. It defines our role in society. We deliver natural resources that are at the heart of everyday life and are central to the development of society. We extract these products profitably to create value for our shareholders, efficiently with respect for the environment, and responsibly to leave communities with lasting benefits from our presence such as infrastructure, improved local skills or thriving new businesses. We cant do this alone. Our success depends on the strength of our partnerships with our stakeholders, from our people to our customers to local communities, governments and other mining companies.
It is the way we do business. Every day we strive to perform better than yesterday, not just in financial terms which are crucial but also in the way we contribute to society, the environment and the communities in which we operate.
Project timeline
Additional exploration and definition drilling for both deposits Completion of feasibility for both deposits Aboriginal consultation Ongoing community and stakeholder consultation Permitting Application for Errington
Exploration and definition drilling for both deposits Started pre-feasibility for both deposits Community and stakeholder consultation
2016 2015
Finalization of production and beginning of operation for Errington mine and mill
Strathcona Mill
Xstrata Nickel
Mines Growth projects Processing plants Xstrata Process Support
Copper Cliff Smelter Creighton Mine Copper Cliff South Mine Copper Cliff Nickel Refiner y Kel Totten Mine
ly Lake Mine
69 S
Mines Growth projects Processing plants
Trucking route Operations
Trucking route
Windy Lake
144 144
December 2012
Vermillion Lake