Master Fard
Master Fard
Master Fard
Monotheistic Religion Know More About Monotheism Based Archeology,Artifact&Ancient Scripts
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3/23/2013 12:08 PM
Master Fard
This is really good spiritual stuff when you get down to the wisdom it really contains. When Fard was fully prepared for his work, he then took his father's seat among the 24 scientists and became the leader, i.e., Allah (as Nation of Islam believes). He "came to North America by myself in 1910 and studied the ways of its people for 20 years. Then, on July 4, 1930, he declared the independence of the Black man of America.." A year later he met and taught Elijah Muhammad for 3 years. He gave Elijah 104 books to read. In 1934 he and Elijah drove to the airport in a Model-T Ford. Elijah cried because he loved his saviour and didn't want to be without him. Fard said to him, "You don't need me anymore." "Oh, yes I do," Elijah replied. Fard repeated, "You don't need me anymore." Fard then boarded the airplane and flew away, never to be seen publicly again. Deciphering Nation of Islam Code Master Fard called his teaching "Mathematical Theology" because math is a language of symbols. In so doing, he all but told anyone with a scintilla of wakefulness that nearly everything he taught was symbolic. The 104 books Fard gave to Elijah to read represent the 14 Kau of Ra and the Quran's 14 mystic letters, i.e., the principles contained in those. 1 Alphonso probably did exist as an actual person, but his mythic significance lies in his name. Alphonso symbolizes mantic sound power. The "fon" part of his name is of the same root as "phone" and "phonic." Al-Fon represents the sound. Some spiritual schools believe all that exists is made up of light and sound. Al-Fons (plural) symbolizes all the sounds or the 50 possible sound powers contained in the Tree of Life's 3rd sphere, Seker. Alphonso was a "jet black man," symbolising the conscious level that is metaphorically black, 2 having no movement or differentiation. The proper mate for divine sound is divine light or energy. So he sought "a white woman" to be his wife. Here we have yin and yang expressed on multiple levels. Kundalini is often symbolized as feminine. Alphonso searched in the hills and caves of Europe, i.e., in the upper (hills) and depths (caves) of the subconscious. Europe (from Europa) conceals "ur," i.e., light. There he found "Baby G." The letter G is the 7th letter of the English alphabet and here symbolizes the seven chakras of the kundalini. She is "Baby" G because the chakras are not yet developed to their fullest potential. Alphonso then "cast seven devils" out of her, i.e., purified the chakras (and thereby the subconscious). Baby G is then "fit" to bear a child who would be "God in Person." ...Who came in the person... Other Islamic sects were understandably horrified that Nation of Islam members would dare to claim that "Allah appeared in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad." To them, that represented the worst form of shirk (association of others with Allah). Person, in Arabic, is simply nafs (soul or mind). To say that Allah appeared in the person of Master Fard Muhammad is just a fancy way of saying that Fard Muhammad succeeded in totally giving up his ego and his id to
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Master Fard
God so that he realized God as his only true self. God is everyone's true self, but few realize that in a full way. The 24 scientists (elders, seniors) are simply the 24 vertebrae along the spine through which kundalini travels. The Book of Revelation calls them elders and the Enochian system calls them seniors because the elasticity of the spine has much to do with the ageing process. Fard, then, represents the synthesis of child of divine light (Baby G/Mother Kundalini) and divine sound (Alphonso). Master Fard said, "I came to North America by myself." In Nation of Islam mythology North American represents hell. But hell, itself, is symbolic of the Tuat (Underworld) which is symbolic of the subconscious. Fard is saying that he entered the subconscious by the power of his Self, i.e., his Bat or Atman. Independence Day Fard declared "the Black man's" independence on 7/4/30 which, by gematria, amounts to 14. In the early part of the 20th Century, several popular religious movements had predicted that the destruction of the world would occur in 1914. They didn't know that 1914 was code for the 19-base energy patterns and the 14 energy forces. The "Black man's independence" symbolized the full development of the spirit body or Ba which is housed inside the Ka/energy body even as the Ka is housed within the Khaibit and the Khaibit within the Khab. The highest goal of the Tao is the development of the spirit body ("Black man") to the point that it is completely free and independent of any ties to the lower parts of being. Destruction of the World All the destructions in spiritual texts refer to the highest states of consciousness where the physical is apprehended as maya and the meditator finds himself "in the kingdom of heaven." Master Fard Muhammad, then, represents that consciousness that transcends the physical world. He was born in 1877 in Mecca. The meaning of Mecca is in its original name, Bakka. Bakka is the fusion of Ba (divine self) with the Ka (the personal or lower self). Being born in Mecca symbolizes the attainment of yoga (union) of Ba with Ka. The year of birth, 1877, gives us 18 and 77. Seventy-seven conceals the esoteric number 14 (7 + 7 = 14). The Number of the Beast Here is wisdom. Let him who hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man. And his number is six hundred three score and six. - Book of Revelation 13:18 In magical rituals such as the Middle Pillar and the Circulation of Light 3 18 breaths are taken to move light energy around the body, powering it up to do "the great work." In the West the average breath per minute rate is 15, but in the East it is 18. Eighteen breaths per minute places
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Master Fard
one in animal, beast, emotional, zodiacal consciousness. When animals and beasts are mentioned in scriptural context, seekers would do well do consider astrology for the word zodiac means circle of animals. In Genesis, when Adam (i.e., the Atman) names the animals, it is the naming of the zodiac that is actually being discussed. Gematria reveals 18 as the number 9 (1+8 = 9) and connects it with Yesod, the 9th Tree of Life sphere. Yesod is ruled by the Moon whose archangel is Gabriel and whose goddess is Isis. Eighteen symbolizes the meditative state which "gives birth" to the god consciousness (Master Fard Muhammad, Heru, Jesus, Krishna, et al.). The Moon's archangel brought revelation of Prophet Muhammad. That itself is code for the process of downloading the wisdom of the second sphere (Chokmah/Tehuti) by cultivating trance consciousness (Gabriel, Isis, Mary). Mantras only manifest during trance states. So this same 18 is coded in the number of prayer beads of various religions. Hinduism has 1080 rosary beads; Catholicism has 108; there are 108 Upanishads and Islam provides 99 dhikr beads, each of which represents one of Allah's 99 names. 9+9 = 18 = 1+8 =9. So important was trance in Islam originally that the crescent Moon was placed upon Islamic flags. The 99 dhikr beads symbolize the same tat the 108 and 1080 rosaries do, 9. Fard being born in 1877 symbolizes psychic birth (initiation) via meditation (18/9) and chakra empowerment (77/14). Seventy-seven also points to two sets of seven, i.e., seven chakras and the cultivation of the seven glands associated with them. But this stands for the beginning of a birth (initiation). The Saviour still had to read and study. Umph... I missed As do many Western wisdom writings, Alphonso's "missing" by fathering a girl smacks of denigration of women. Fard's sister, however, actually represents the yin stage of the energy body. In scripture, mothers often symbolize the receptive state of meditation and its function of giving birth to the first level of divine consciousness (Heru, Jesus, Krishna, etc.). Sisters often represent the attainment of siddhis (psychic powers). Wives often represent the full master of shakti kundalini energy. Fard had to "sneak into America like a thief in the night." This indicates that his message's true meaning was veiled in symbolism. He intended for his coded message to filter into the national collective consciousness subliminally. People would react to the outer (exoteric) teaching but would be affected subconsciously at the level where symbolism is the universal language of the soul. The 10 in 1910 (year of Wallace Fard Muhammad's arrival in America) refers to the 10 Tree of Life spheres and, by extension, his mastery and use of Kabalistic wisdom. In the original Egyptian Tree of Life (Paut Neteru) 4 the spheres numbered 11 and 1910 becomes 11 by gematria. As people cannot attain mastery until the are forced to do it on their own, Fard told Elijah, "You don't need me anymore." Jesus said previously to his students, "It is expedient for you that I go away for if I do not go away the comforter cannot come unto you." Students become dependent upon their masters and their own abilities cannot develop until their masters take leave of them. Fard had to leave Elijah in order for Elijah to develop into a master himself. But all the necessary wisdom was compressed and encrypted within Elijah and would gradually unfold over the next 40 years. Most of The Honorable Elijah
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Master Fard
Muhammad's followers got stuck at the level of understanding he expressed in the 40's and 50's. But in the early 1970's Mr. Muhammad taught at a vastly different level which he called the Theology of Time. To this day, few people comprehend the Theology of Time. Elijah "lived with God" for 3 years. That's similar to the kundalini serpent's symbolic coiling 3 times around the base of the spine. Fard didn't give The Honorable Elijah Muhammad the name Muhammad. Fard named him Karriem. Mr. Muhammad, himself, took the name Muhammad because, he said, "I didn't like the name Karriem." But later in life, the Messenger would say, "I wish I'd kept that name" because he understood the science behind the name later in his development. Karriem (honorable) is the name of the master heka (mantra) "krim" which rules the 3rd Tree of Life spere and gives power over all 50 sound powers. It is the mantra of Seker.
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