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June 18, 2010

Issued by IIBI Ltd.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

DISCLAIMER ......................................................................................................................................... 1 DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 2 SCHEDULE OF BIDDING PROCESS ............................................................................................... 4 NOTICE FOR SALE ............................................................................................................................... 5 ELIGIBLE BIDDERS ............................................................................................................................. 5 BID SUBMISSION PROCESS............................................................................................................. 6 DATA ROOM VISITS .......................................................................................................................... 7 PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF BIDS .............................................................................. 8 BID OPENING AND EVALUATION ................................................................................................ 9 PAYMENT SCHEDULE ...................................................................................................................... 10 LEGAL DOCUMENTATION AND FILE TRANSFER ................................................................. 10 DEFAULT IN PAYMENT BY THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER(S) .................................................. 10 FORCE MAJEURE ............................................................................................................................... 11 GOVERNING LAW/ JURISDICTION ............................................................................................ 11 GENERAL INFORMATION TO THE BIDDERS .......................................................................... 11 KEY TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE BID .......................................................................... 12

ANNEXURE A ................................................................................................................................................ 14 ANNEXURE - B ................................................................................................................................................. 24 ANNEXURE C ................................................................................................................................................ 26 ANNEXURE - D ................................................................................................................................................ 38 ANNEXURE - E ................................................................................................................................................. 39

Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

1 Disclaimer
This document shall be referred to as the Tender Document for Non Performing Assets (TDNPA) of Industrial Investment Bank of India Limited (IIBI) and along with the other information provided would comprise the only information package, which is being made available to Bidders in accordance with the details contained herein. IIBI has appointed Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Private Limited ("DTTIPL") as its Consultant to advice on the sale process of its Non Performing Asset Portfolio. The purpose of this document is to provide Bidders with basic and preliminary information to assist the formulation of their Bids and is issued upon the express understanding that recipients will use it only for the purposes set out herein. This document has been prepared on the basis of available information and the Bidders should conduct their own due diligence, investigation and analysis. Further, it should not be assumed that there shall be no change or deviation in the information provided. While DTTIPL has taken due care to try and ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this TDNPA or contained in the data room, it has not conducted any due diligence and does not confirm the accuracy, adequacy, sufficiency or otherwise of any information contained in this TDNPA or in the data room. This TDNPA does not, and does not purport to contain all the information and data each Bidder and/or his advisors may desire or require in reaching decisions concerning their Bids. Each Bidder should conduct his own investigations and analysis and should check the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information in this TDNPA. Bidders should form their own views as to whether information provided herein or separately is relevant to any decisions that they make and should make their own independent investigations in relation to any additional information that they may require. The information contained in this TDNPA or any other information which may be provided to Bidders is subject to change without notice. IIBI may, in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information contained herein including the envisaged transaction process mentioned. While this TDNPA has been prepared in good faith, neither IIBI, nor its employees or its Consultant make any representation or warranty, express or implied, or accept any responsibility or liability, whatsoever, in respect of any statements or omissions herein, or the accuracy, completeness or reliability of information, and shall incur no liability,

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI

Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

under any law, statute, rules or regulations as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of this TDNPA, even if any loss or damage is caused by any act or omission on the part of IIBI or its employees or its Consultant, whether negligent or otherwise. This TDNPA has not been filed, registered or approved by any regulatory or judicial authority. Recipients of this document, resident in jurisdictions outside India as well as those residents in India should inform themselves of and observe any applicable legal requirements and IIBI, its representatives and its Consultants will not be responsible for compliance with the same. IIBI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids without giving any reasons. IIBI, its representatives and its Consultants will not entertain any claim for expenses in relation or pertaining to the preparation and submission of Bids and as such no financial obligation/liability would accrue to IIBI, its representatives or its Consultant on such eventualities.

2 Definitions
In this TDNPA, unless the context requires otherwise, the following terms and expressions shall have the meanings assigned to them herein: 2.1 Advance Deposit means the money deposited by way of a crossed Demand Draft payable to Industrial Investment Bank of India along with submission of bids as prescribed in Section 10.1. 2.2 Bidder(s) means Banks, Financial Institutions, Asset Reconstruction Companies, eligible Non Banking Financial Companies, Investment Banks in public and private sector subject to applicable laws and regulations. The Bidder(s) should disclose the identity of the ultimate buyer/ beneficiary. The ultimate buyer/ beneficiary should not be the borrower or its associate company. 2.3 Bids means the Bid prepared and submitted in accordance with the contents of this document and in the form prescribed herein. 2.4 2.5 Bid Submission Date shall have the meaning prescribed in Section 8.5. IIBI or IIBI Limited means Industrial Investment Bank of India Limited.

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI

Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.


Portfolio in this document refers to the NPAs of IIBI consisting of about 276 accounts and aggregating to an outstanding principal balance of approximately Rs. 668 crores. The details of NPAs offered for sale are provided in Annexure A.


Successful Bidder(s) means the Bidder(s) who is/ are declared as a Successful Bidder(s) for a particular Non Performing Asset (NPA) after evaluation of bids by IIBI in accordance with Section 9 of this document.


Tender Document for Non Performing Assets (TDNPA) means this document, as may be amended and modified together with all annexures and amendments which may be made from time to time.

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI

Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

3 Schedule of Bidding Process

The schedule for the bidding process will be as under:

S. No. 1. 2.

Activity Issue of Advertisement Issue of Tender Document for Non Performing Assets Submission of Expression of Interest - Intimation to participate in the bid process Data Room Visit Bid Submission Date on or before

Date June 18, 2010 June 18 - July 30, 2010


June 18 - July 30, 2010

4. 5.

June 21 - July 30, 2010 16:00 hrs on August 09, 2010 at any of the four centres mentioned in the advertisement from where the tender documents were issued 10:00 hrs on August 11, 2010 at Industrial Investment Bank of India, 19, Netaji Subhas Road, Second Floor, Kolkata 700 001 September 16, 2010 (Any change in date will be notified to the bidders by e-mail) September 24 November 24, 2010


Bid Opening Date


Declaration of Successful Bidder(s)


Signing of Assignment Agreement and file transfer

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI

Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

4 Notice for sale

4.1 IIBI invites sealed Bids for the sale of its Non Performing Assets comprising of about 276 loan accounts aggregating to an outstanding principal balance of approximately Rs. 668 crores. The Bids can be submitted for one or more or for all the NPAs mentioned in Annexure A. The NPA Sale will be on Cash Basis only. 4.2 Interested Bidders are requested to intimate their willingness to participate in writing by way of letter or email or fax to the persons mentioned below, duly mentioning their contact details:
Dr Tamal Datta Chaudhuri Chief General Manager (In-charge) IIBI Limited 19, Netaji Subhas Road Kolkata - 700 001 Tel: +91-33-2414 9046/ 2414 2359 +91-33-2231 3421/ 2230 9911 Fax: +91-33-2483 9477 Email: tamal5302@yahoo.com Mr. Rajgopal Pai Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Pvt. Ltd. 4th Floor, Maker Towers Cuffe Parade Mumbai 400 005 Tel: +91-22-6622 0500 Fax: +91-22-6622 0501 Email: rpai@deloitte.com


At the time of purchase of the TDNPA, a non-refundable processing fee of Rs.25,000/(Rupees twenty five thousand only) is payable by way of demand draft favouring "Industrial Investment Bank of India" payable at Kolkata. In case the TDNPA has been downloaded from the websites, the non-refundable processing fee of Rs 25,000/(Rupees twenty five thousand only) would be payable at the time of entry to the data room, by way of demand draft as mentioned above.

5 Eligible Bidders
5.1 The offer is open for Banks, Financial Institutions, Asset Reconstruction Companies, eligible Non Banking Financial Companies, Investment Banks in the public and private sectors subject to applicable laws and regulations. 5.2 Adequate disclosure would be required to be made by the Bidder about the ultimate buyer/ beneficiary at the time of submission of Bid. The ultimate buyer/ beneficiary should not be the borrower or its associate company. The Bidder should submit a Power of Attorney (along with a Board Resolution to that effect) as per the format enclosed at Annexure D authorizing the signatory (hereafter referred to as the "Authorised Signatory") of the Bid to commit the Bidder.

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI

Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.


The interested Bidders will have to execute a non-disclosure agreement ("NDA") with IIBI (on a Stamp Paper of Rs. 100) as also to agree with the general terms and conditions stipulated in this regard in this TDNPA for participation in the sale process. A format of NDA is enclosed in Annexure E.

6 Bid Submission Process

6.1 The sale of the Non Performing Assets would be through a competitive bidding process. 6.2 The Bidder would be required to state in his offer that the Bid, on submission, is irrevocable and binding in all respects. Further, all Bids will mandatorily be "Cash Only" and must not have any conditionalities. 6.3 All Bidders are obliged to keep the Bid offer valid for a period of 180 days from the date of submission of the Bid. However, IIBI may require the Bidders to extend the validity for such period as may be determined by IIBI at its discretion. IIBI reserves the right to reject any Bid which does not meet this requirement. 6.4 The Bidder should have the financial capacity to undertake the transaction should his Bid be accepted. 6.5 The Bidder shall note that Bids should comprise of two sets, one set of original documents and one set of duplicate documents. The individual set of Bids would be clearly marked as Original and Duplicate. Both original and duplicate documents should be enclosed in a single envelope and in the event of any discrepancy between the Original and Duplicate Bid, the Original would be considered for evaluation purpose. 6.6 Demand Draft towards the Advance Deposit as mentioned in Section 10.1 below shall be placed in a separate sealed envelop along with the Original set of bid document. 6.7 The Bids must be submitted with all the pages numbered serially, along with an index of submission. All pages of the bid documents in original should be initialed by a person duly authorized in that behalf. In the event any of the instructions mentioned herein have not been adhered to, the Bid is liable to be rejected. 6.8 The Bids should be submitted no later than 16:00 hrs on August 09, 2010. All Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope superscribed "Bid for Non-Performing Assets of IIBI" and delivered by hand or courier. Bids received after the time and date specified

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI

Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

hereinabove are liable to be rejected. The Bids may be submitted at any of the following address:
Kolkata: Mr. Bhushan Ekka/ Mr. T.R.Chattopadhyay 19, Netaji Subhas Road Kolkata 700001 Tel:+91-33-2230 8058/ 2414 2359 Delhi: Mr. V.K. Sharma F-76 Kalkaji Ground Floor New Delhi 110 019 Tel:+91-11-2642 3530 Chennai: Mr. R. Rajagopalan/ Mr. A Upadhyay The Nest (2nd Floor) 19/1 Mcnichols Road Chetpet Chennai - 600 031 Tel:+91-44-2836 2231 Mumbai: Mr. Dinesh Balebail 11th Floor, Earnest House, NCPA Marg 194, Nariman Point Mumbai 400021 Tel:+91-22-2283 8846


A non-refundable processing fee of Rs.25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only) is payable for participation in this process as detailed in Section 4.3 above.

6.10 The Successful Bidder(s) would be declared by September 16, 2010. Any change in date will be notified to the Bidders by e-mail. IIBI reserves the right to reject any or all of the Bids without assigning any reasons thereof and the decision of IIBI would be final and binding on the Bidders. 6.11 All the Non Performing Assets offered are on AS IS WHERE IS, WHAT IS WHERE IS basis. 6.12 For further details/ clarifications, the interested Bidders may contact the following through written communication:
Dr Tamal Datta Chaudhuri Chief General Manager (In-charge) IIBI Limited. 19, Netaji Subhas Road Kolkata 700 001 Tel: +91-33-2414 9046/ 2414 2359 +91-33-2231 3421/ 2230 9911 Fax: +91-33-2483 9477 Email: tamal5302@yahoo.com Mr. Rajgopal Pai Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Pvt. Ltd. 4th Floor, Maker Towers Cuffe Parade Mumbai 400 005 Tel: +91-22-6622 0500 Fax: +91-22-6622 0501 Email: rpai@deloitte.com

7 Data Room Visits

7.1 The information pertaining to all the NPAs would be provided in the data room located at IIBI Ltd., 11th Floor, Earnest House, NCPA Marg, 194, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021. Any additions or deletions to the NPA Portfolio, would be notified to the Bidders from time to time. All prospective Bidders are invited for data room visits commencing from June 21, 2010 to July 30, 2010. The data room would remain open on all days from 10:00 hrs to 18:00 hrs. A query solving process and interviews with the IIBI's officials would be


Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI

Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

intimated to the Bidders during the period of data room visits. Any changes in the process, if undertaken, would also be notified to the Bidders from time to time. 7.3 It would be deemed that by submitting the Bid, the Bidder has: Made a complete and careful examination of the TDNPA Made a complete and careful examination of all the information/ data files kept in the Data Room pertaining to the NPAs Received all relevant information required for submission of the Bid either from IIBI or from his own due diligence Understood that he would have no recourse to IIBI post signing of the Assignment Agreement(s) 7.4 The Bidder shall thoroughly satisfy himself of the nature, terms, conditions and quality of the Non Performing Assets during their data room visits.

8 Preparation and Submission of Bids

8.1 8.2 8.3 The Bids and all related correspondence and documents should be written in the English language. The currency for the purpose of the Bid shall be the Indian Rupee (INR). Bid shall remain valid for a period of 180 days from the date of submission of Bid. However, IIBI may require the Bidders to extend the validity for such period as may be determined by IIBI at its discretion. IIBI reserves the right to reject any Bid which does not meet this requirement. Format and Signing of Bid The Bidder shall prepare one (1) original and one (1) duplicate of the documents comprising the Bid. The Demand Draft towards the Advance Deposit should be placed in a separate sealed envelope along with the original set of bid documents. The Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and the Bidder shall initial each page. All the alterations, omissions, additions, or any other amendments made to the Bid shall be initialed by the person(s) signing the Bid. Each envelope shall contain o Covering letter stating clearly the validity of the Bid as per the format enclosed at Annexure - B o Bid details in the prescribed format enclosed at Annexure C


Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI

Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

Power of Attorney as per the format enclosed at Annexure D. A separate copy of the Board Resolution to this effect should be enclosed

The envelope shall clearly bear the following identification: Bid for Non-Performing Assets of IIBI Submitted by Name, Address and Contact Phone No. and Email id of the Bidder.

The envelope shall be addressed to: ATTN. OF: Dr Tamal Datta Chaudhuri Chief General Manager (In-charge) IIBI Limited 19, Netaji Subhas Road Kolkata 700 001 Tel: +91-33-2414 9046/ 2414 2359 +91-33-2231 3421/ 2230 9911 Fax: +91-33-2483 9477


The Bids may be submitted at any of the places mentioned in Section 6.8 above.

The Bids should be submitted no later than 16:00 hrs on August 09, 2010. All Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope superscribed "Bid for Non-Performing Assets of IIBI" and delivered by hand or courier. Bids received after the time and date specified hereinabove are liable to be rejected. Bidders will be entitled to bid for one or more or all of the NPAs, the details of which are provided in Annexure A.


9 Bid Opening and Evaluation

9.1 The Bids will be opened by the Bid Opening Committee ('BOC') in the presence of bidders/their authorised representatives who choose to remain present at their own expense on August 11, 2010 at 10:00 hrs. The bids will be opened at IIBI office situated at 19, Netaji Subhas Road, Second Floor, Kolkata 700001. The offer quoted by each qualified bidder will be read out for information of those present. The successful bidder(s) would be announced on September 16, 2010 or at such extended date as may be decided by IIBI at its sole discretion, after evaluation and examination of the bids for their confirmation to the conditions specified in this Tender Document. Incomplete Bids or Bids submitted with conditionalities or at variance with the Terms and Conditions of this TDNPA will be liable to be rejected. In the event two or more bids are received at the same highest bid amount for a particular NPA, the concerned bidders would be invited for negotiations and the

9.2 9.3

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI

Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

bidder who offers the highest bid post negotiations would be declared as the Successful Bidder(s). 9.4 IIBI reserves the right to accept/ reject any Bid without assigning any reasons at its discretion. The Bank reserves the right to cancel the sale process at anytime without assigning any reason and the participants are deemed to have understood that they cannot make IIBI or its Consultants liable for any reason of whatsoever nature.

10 Payment Schedule
10.1 The NPA Sale would be on Cash Basis only and would be payable according to the following schedule by way of a crossed demand draft(s), drawn on a nationalized bank payable in favour of Industrial Investment Bank of India, Kolkata. Advance corresponding to 5% of the Bid consideration along with the submission of Bid ("Advance Deposit") 70% within a week of declaration of the Successful Bidder(s) The balance of the Bid consideration (25%) before execution of Assignment Agreement. 10.2 The Advance Deposit received from the unsuccessful Bidders would be returned within a period of 90 days from the date of declaration of the Successful Bidder(s). No interest will be payable on the Advance Deposit. 10.3 All taxes/duties/levies etc and expenses, if any, as applicable and related to the sale of the NPAs on offer shall be entirely paid by the Successful Bidder(s).

11 Legal Documentation and File Transfer

11.1 IIBI will endeavour to execute the Assignment Agreement(s) with the Successful Bidder(s) between September 24, 2010 to November 24, 2010 and would be extendable at IIBIs discretion. 11.2 All the records including the available documents/files relevant to the NPAs will be made available to the Successful Bidder(s). All the relevant files and documents relating to the NPAs have to be collected along with the execution of Assignment Agreement. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Successful Bidder(s), to collect the documents from the various offices of IIBI at his own cost. If any document has been executed/deposited with IIBI on behalf of other institutions/banks, such documents shall be handed to any of such participating institution/bank.

12 Default in payment by the Successful Bidder(s)

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

12.1 In case the sale consideration is not paid as specified in Section 10, the sale of the NPA(s) sold to the respective Successful Bidder(s) would stand cancelled and all payments made by the Successful Bidder(s) will stand forfeited.

13 Force Majeure
13.1 IIBI Ltd. shall not be liable for any failure or delay in performance due to any cause beyond its control including fires, floods, strikes, go-slow, lock-out, closure, dispute with staff, dislocation of normal working conditions, war, riots, epidemics, political upheavals, Governments actions, civil commotion and breakdown of Government machinery. The provisions aforesaid shall not be limited or abrogated by any other terms of the contract.

14 Governing Law/ Jurisdiction

14.1 This transaction shall be governed by the laws of India and all disputes arising out of the process shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at Kolkata, India.

15 General Information to the Bidders

15.1 IIBI reserves the right to modify the composition of the NPA Portfolio offered for sale and the sale structure at any time up to the bid date. Prospective Bidders will be advised of any proposed changes. 15.2 IIBI/ DTTIPL intends to carry out all communication with prospective bidders either at the Data Room or through direct electronic communication. All documents, guiding information, instructions and the various submission forms will be made available through direct electronic communication and the Data Room would be available only to prospective bidders during the period of data room visit. 15.3 The prospective bidders should evaluate all relevant data regarding the NPAs and perform necessary review, due diligence or verification of the data that may be necessary. All the information and analysis provided by IIBI/ DTTIPL are subject to the limitations, conditions and constraints set forth in disclaimer. 15.4 All questions, whether specific or of a general nature, should be directed to the officials of IIBI/ DTTIPL and answers will be provided as soon as practicable. Responses to questions will be provided to all prospective bidders and IIBI/ DTTIPL reserves the right to provide clarification of errors or omissions of data to all prospective bidders. IIBI reserves the right, in its sole discretion, not to respond to any questions raised or provide clarifications sought, or provide any such supplemental information.

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

15.5 The stamp duty applicable on instruments of transfer varies in different states of India and all costs and expenses towards stamp duty and registration are to be borne by the Successful Bidder(s).

16 Key Terms and Conditions of the Bid

16.1 The Bid, on submission, will be irrevocable and binding in all respects. Further, the Bid would be deemed to be unconditional. 16.2 By participation, all the Bidders shall be deemed to have the financial capacity to undertake the transaction in case of their Bid getting accepted. 16.3 Bid shall remain valid for a period of 180 days from the date of submission of Bid. However, IIBI may require the Bidders to extend the validity for such period as may be determined by IIBI at its discretion. IIBI reserves the right to reject any Bid which does not meet this requirement. 16.4 IIBI does not warrant realizations in terms of Valuations of underlying securities. 16.5 The format is given only for facilitating submission of Bids and nothing in this format shall operate as warranty or representation from IIBI inducing Bidders to submit the Bid. 16.6 IIBI reserves its right to take any NPA out of the offer for sale at any time before declaration of successful bidder. 16.7 All transaction costs for transfer of accounts shall be to the account of Successful Bidder(s). 16.8 IIBI reserves the right to modify/ cancel the Sale process at anytime without assigning any reason and the participants are deemed to have understood that they cannot make IIBI liable for any reason whatsoever. 16.9 All taxes/duties/levies etc, and expenses if any as applicable and related to the sale of the NPAs on offer shall be entirely paid by the Successful Bidder(s). 16.10 Participation in the bidding process implies that the Bidders are aware that the suit filed cases are pending at various stages before DRT(s), High Court(s), Supreme Court, Official Liquidator(s) etc. This is a continuous process and position keeps on changing from time to time. 16.11 Utmost care has been taken to take requisite steps in court cases, wherever necessary. The Bidder shall make its own due diligence regarding enforceability of the underlying security documents and also steps taken in court matters and shall not hold IIBI, its promoters, directors and officials responsible for their action(s)/ inaction(s) for any reason whatsoever. 16.12 The Successful Bidder(s) shall be liable to pay Advocates/ Solicitors fee relating to the court cases being handled by them on behalf of IIBI beyond the date of sale.

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

16.13 The Successful Bidder(s) shall be liable to pay the pro rata security expenses, insurance expenses etc. to the Official Liquidator or the lead institution/ bank (in case of joint finance) whenever demanded prospectively.

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

Annexure A
I. NPA CASES (Loan assets with connected investment, if any)
NPA Cases (Loan assets with connected investment, if any) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Outstanding Principal Balance as on 31 March 2010 120.00 155.55 36.55 63.13 330.00 20.30 49.50 129.00 48.00 51.20 200.00 49.95 36.00 72.00 42.13 12.50 2.73 62.75 78.34 93.84 37.00 3.34 14.00 133.50 25.00 48.53 178.00 25.00 1123.49 1060.64 15.00 1027.00 Connected Investment Equity Shares Preference Shares Debentures/ Bonds (Rs. in lakhs) Total Outstanding amount 120.00 155.55 36.55 63.13 330.00 20.30 49.50 129.00 48.00 51.20 200.00 49.95 36.00 72.00 42.13 12.50 2.73 62.75 78.34 93.84 37.00 3.34 14.00 133.50 25.00 48.53 178.00 25.00 1123.49 2087.64 15.00

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

A. S. Rototech Ltd Allied Resins & Chemical Ltd Anantpur Textiles Ltd Aryabhatta Paper Private Ltd. Ashok Paper Mills Ltd Assam State Textile Corpn Assam Valley Ply Barauni Paper Industries Bihar Solex Ltd Business Forms Ltd Creative Wares Ltd Das Reprographics Dieles Forge Ltd Durgapur Malleables Dwarka Industrial Eastend Paper Industries Eastern Cable & Conductors Extrusions (1985) Pvt. Ltd Fusion Engineering G. S. Atwal & Co Ganga Vanaspati Ltd Grand Steels Ltd Hathwa Vanaspati Ltd Himalayan Magnesite Hitek Industries Ltd India Jute & Industries Ltd Indo Japan Steel Industrial Corporation Ltd Jenson & Nicholson Jhagadia Copper Ltd (SWIL) Kalinga Carbonates Ltd

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

NPA Cases (Loan assets with connected investment, if any) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Outstanding Principal Balance as on 31 March 2010 1092.00 179.98 0.00 339.56 131.86 1500.00 450.00 85.60 193.10 410.03 122.00 10.82 47.60 965.00 440.54 720.00 80.00 417.98 66.16 700.00 9.33 342.56 621.40 545.00 96.00 88.30 3.63 1000.00 340.31 24.24 234.38 250.00 15.60 140.04 1200.00 640.06 9.46 51.42 29.00 184.43 200.00 50.98 46.00 111.10 Connected Investment Equity Shares Preference Shares 211.00 Debentures/ Bonds

(Rs. in lakhs) Total Outstanding amount 211.00 1092.00 179.98 111.10 339.56 131.86 1500.00 450.00 85.60 239.10 410.03 122.00 10.82 47.60 1165.00 491.52 720.00 80.00 602.41 66.16 700.00 9.33 342.56 621.40 545.00 96.00 117.30 3.63 1000.00 401.19 24.24 234.38 890.06 15.60 140.04 1200.00

32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

Kalyanpur Cement(INV) Kamlapur Sugar Ind Ltd KHSL Ltd Kitply Industries Ltd M B Industries Ltd Metal Box India Ltd Mideast Integrated Steel Ltd Modern Malleables Ltd National Board Ltd New Central Jute Mills Nicco Corporation Ltd Noble Pharmacare Limited Orissa Spgn. Mills Ltd Papyrus Papers Ltd Patriot Automation Projects Ltd. Polar Industries Ltd Polar Pharma India Ltd Ranjan Chemicals Ltd Red Ceramics Ltd Reliance Ispat Industries Ruia Cotex Ltd Shiv Shambhu Bran Shree Synthetics Ltd Sitapur Paper Mills Sone Valley Cements Swaika Vanaspati UMI Spl. Alloys & Steel United Cereal Production Uniworth India Ltd V.L.Cable West Bengal Scooters Ace Laboratories Ltd Alcobex Metals Ltd APR Wools Pvt. Ltd. Asian Alloys Ltd Basti Sugar Mills Ltd

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

NPA Cases (Loan assets with connected investment, if any) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Outstanding Principal Balance as on 31 March 2010 67.00 281.18 15.00 3.06 136.85 86.75 330.00 468.94 159.72 234.75 795.00 116.00 14.56 224.89 8.56 156.00 106.00 138.00 17.00 405.00 43.73 300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 69.63 90.00 1033.30 50.00 200.00 500.00 154.97 240.00 332.37 1989.97 231.62 50.00 Connected Investment Equity Shares Preference Shares 197.92 Debentures/ Bonds

(Rs. in lakhs) Total Outstanding amount 67.00 479.10 15.00 3.06 136.85 86.75 330.00 468.94 159.72 234.75 795.00 116.00 14.56 224.89 8.56 156.00 106.00 138.00 17.00 405.00 93.73 300.00 332.37 2229.97 231.62 69.63 90.00 1033.30 50.00 200.00 500.00 154.97

68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

Belwal Spinning Mills Ltd Bhandari Export Industries Ltd Binod Mills Ltd Brake Linings Ltd Consolidated Steel & Alloys Ltd Derby Textiles Ltd Dev Spinner Ltd Dewan Rubber Industries Ltd Dhar Industries Ltd Esslon Synthetics Ltd Govind Nagar Sugar Ltd Hallmark Healthcare Ltd HP Rubklame Ltd. HPM Industries Ltd Jain Cables Pvt. Ltd Jhalani Tools Ltd Kalyan Sundaram Cement Industries Ltd Kiran Overseas Exports Ltd KVR Pipe Fittings Pvt. Ltd. L R Brothers Indo Flora Ltd LML Ltd Mideast India Ltd Modern Denim Ltd. Modern Syntex (India) Ltd Modern Threads (India) Ltd Modipon Ltd Montari Industries Ltd Morepen Laboratories Ltd Nawabgunj Sugar Mills Ltd Parasrampuria Polyamide Ltd Parasrampuria Synthetics Ltd Patni Engineering Ltd

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

NPA Cases (Loan assets with connected investment, if any) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Outstanding Principal Balance as on 31 March 2010 60.00 299.90 1219.30 96.38 32.43 155.70 15.00 117.58 34.49 16.15 312.50 29.00 44.80 156.00 38.00 7.10 Connected Investment Equity Shares Preference Shares Debentures/ Bonds

(Rs. in lakhs) Total Outstanding amount 60.00

100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114

Rajasthan Communications Ltd Rajinder Pipes Ltd. Rajinder Steels Ltd Ram Swarup Oil & Allied Industries Ltd Rama Fibrea Ltd Rathi Alloys & Steels Ltd Ratna Sugar Mills Company Ltd Raval Papers Ltd Rohtak Textiles Mills Ltd Sarvodya Paper Mills Ltd Shamkeen Cotsyn Ltd Shree Manjusha Paper Ltd Shri Ishar Alloys & Steels Ltd. Sunlight Foods Ltd Swadeshi Mining & Manufacturing Company Ltd Tarpina Private Ltd Thapar Ispat Ltd Triveni Metal Tubes Ltd Uniplas India Ltd Universal Insulators & Ceramics Ltd UP Metal Industries Ltd UP Tyres and Tubes Ltd Village Paper Mills Ltd Vinayak Industries Ltd A P Lightings Ltd Akber Leathers Ltd Aluminium Industries Ltd Asia Pacific Inv.Trust Ltd Asoke Leyland B S Appliances Ltd (BPL Sanyo) Balaji Bio-Tech Ltd (Formerly Magunta Aqua


389.90 1219.30 96.38 32.43 155.70 15.00 117.58 34.49 16.15 312.50 29.00 51.90 156.00 38.00

115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130

26.77 250.00 24.19 500.00 107.35 43.00 65.86 37.83 105.00 31.06 36.00 113.90 70.80 0.77 291.08 500.00

26.77 250.00 24.19 500.00 107.35 43.00 65.86 37.83 105.00 31.06 36.00 113.90 70.80 0.77 291.08 500.00

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

NPA Cases (Loan assets with connected investment, if any) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Outstanding Principal Balance as on 31 March 2010 1184.45 500.00 1000.00 63.00 400.00 64.91 71.20 135.00 400.00 124.85 8.33 600.00 91.05 225.00 6.66 275.00 128.34 1835.67 Connected Investment Equity Shares Preference Shares Debentures/ Bonds

(Rs. in lakhs) Total Outstanding amount

Farms Ltd) 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 Bellary Steels & Alloys Colix Beverages Ltd ( DSQ) Consumer Awareness & Research Society (Car Trust) Coromandel Pharmaceuticals Deccan Remedies Ltd. Devi Spinning Mills Ltd Dunford Fabrics Ltd Femnor Minerals Ltd Galada Power&Telecom Ltd Garvee Granites Ltd Gum India Ltd IBIL Tech Ltd Indian Steels Rolling Mills Ltd Indiana Dairy Specalities Ltd Karnataka Ball Bearings Ltd Karur Yarnlinks Ltd Kathayee Cotton Mills Ltd Klen & Marshalls Manufactures & Exporters Ltd L N Polyesters Ltd Madras Fertilizers Ltd Madras Spinners Ltd Maruti Plastics Ltd Midwest Iron & Steel Co N P Foods Ltd Omega Cables Ltd Pandian Extractions Pvt Ltd Pearlite Wire Products Ltd Pigments India Ltd Prudential Sugar Corporation Ltd R G Foundry Forge Ltd Rank Industries Ltd 1184.45 500.00 1000.00 63.00 400.00 64.91 71.20 135.00 400.00 124.85 8.33 600.00 91.05 225.00 6.66 275.00 128.34 1835.67

149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161

780.00 203.61 441.00 150.00 167.54 24.37 38.03 60.80 23.04 33.50 165.25 5.47 270.00 8.00

780.00 203.61 441.00 150.00 167.54 24.37 38.03 60.80 31.04 33.50 165.25 5.47 270.00

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

NPA Cases (Loan assets with connected investment, if any) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Outstanding Principal Balance as on 31 March 2010 35.00 0.00 90.00 226.20 400.00 52.20 150.00 6.31 0.00 30.87 380.00 550.00 300.00 244.83 204.00 2.84 71.71 112.00 106.91 366.55 64.54 17.09 10.39 448.72 121.00 175.00 10.20 175.00 111.05 161.75 121.88 28.60 166.00 8.80 497.00 99.00 Connected Investment Equity Shares Preference Shares Debentures/ Bonds 1000.00

(Rs. in lakhs) Total Outstanding amount 35.00 1000.00 90.00 226.20 400.00 52.20 150.00 6.31 99.00 30.87 380.00 550.00 300.00 244.83 204.00 2.84 71.71 112.00 106.91 1029.55 73.34 17.09 10.39 448.72 121.00 175.00 10.20 175.00 111.05 161.75 121.88 28.60

162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193

Ranka Cables Ltd RSL Industries Ltd Rukmini Mills Ltd Rupa Steels Ltd S & S Industries And Enterprise Ltd Salem Textile Mills Ltd Seamen Aqua Farms Ltd Shanti Intermediates & Chem. Ltd Sharp Scan & Prints Ltd SIDCO (KSIDC) Sikora Salvador International Ltd Silcal Metallurgical Pvt Ltd SOL Pharmceuticals Ltd South Asian Financial Exchange Ltd South India Wire Ropes Ltd Southern Floculents Ltd Southern Petrochemicals Industries Corp Ltd Southern Steels Ltd Spectra Agrochem Ltd. Spectrum Power Gen.Ltd. Sree Ambuja Petro-Chem. Sree Seethavenkatesa Mills Ltd Sri Sivakami Mills Ltd Sri Vishnupriya Inds Ltd Srichakra Cements Ltd Sugun Pharma Ltd Tamilnadu Electronics Ltd Targof Pure Drugs Ltd Travancore Rayons Ltd TTMC Chemicals Ltd Uni-Metal Ispat Ltd Vaishu Engineering Inds Ltd

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

NPA Cases (Loan assets with connected investment, if any) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Outstanding Principal Balance as on 31 March 2010 2.60 58.15 141.79 4.35 280.00 116.59 400.00 58.73 9.75 2300.00 270.00 1200.00 34.69 126.81 500.00 1000.00 32.10 291.96 62.00 147.00 95.00 82.50 500.00 163.00 111.00 12.40 35.00 102.30 30.32 201.89 1500.00 16.68 17.64 3356.60 159.50 188.00 125.00 46.67 9.97 6.74 Connected Investment Equity Shares 50.00 Preference Shares Debentures/ Bonds

(Rs. in lakhs) Total Outstanding amount 2.60 108.15 141.79 4.35 280.00 116.59 400.00 75.44 9.75 2346.67 270.00 1200.00 34.69 126.81 500.00 1000.00 32.10 291.96 62.00 147.00 95.00 82.50 500.00 163.00 111.00 12.40 35.00 102.30 30.32 201.89 1625.00 16.68 17.64 3356.60 159.50 188.00

194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229

Valli Cotton Traders Ltd Veena Textiles Ltd Victory Glass Industries Ltd Vijayakumar Mills Ltd Akar Laminators Alpic Finance Ltd. Alpine Industries Ltd. APS Star Industries Aruna Mills Ashima Ltd. Atash Industries Ltd. Beta Naphthol Ltd. Bijlee Products BIL Industries Ltd. Blue Blends (India) Chemox Chemicals Ltd. Divya Chemicals Ltd. Emtex Industries Ltd. Exomet Ltd. Fit Tights Nuts & Bolts Ltd Gandhinagar Electronics Ganesh Benzoplast Gujarat Optical Commn. Hathising Mfg Co. Heat Shrink Technologies (REPL) Industrial Research Ltd. Jain Spinners Ltd. Khandelwal Hermann Kolhapur Zilla SVSSG Kusum Ingots Lloyds Steel Industries Ltd. Madhu Textile Ahmedabad Mahendra Mills Ltd. Mardia Chemicals Ltd. MH Mills Motorol India Ltd.

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

NPA Cases (Loan assets with connected investment, if any) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Outstanding Principal Balance as on 31 March 2010 850.00 213.80 57.95 23.24 12.20 52.00 605.32 163.51 1041.15 160.00 501.43 33.38 43.97 150.00 0.00 443.90 95.00 147.50 350.00 912.50 395.00 130.00 25.27 3.96 35.37 4.03 100.00 300.00 180.00 2592.50 18.00 270.00 356.78 0.05 66.94 1000.00 27.39 152.80 Connected Investment Equity Shares Preference Shares Debentures/ Bonds

(Rs. in lakhs) Total Outstanding amount 850.00 213.80 57.95 23.24 165.00 52.00 605.32 163.51 1068.54 160.00 501.43 33.38 43.97 150.00 1000.00 443.90 95.00 147.50 350.00 912.50 395.00 130.00 25.27 3.96 35.37 4.03 100.00 300.00 180.00 2592.50 18.00 270.00 356.78 0.05 66.94

230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264

Nachmo Knitex Nath Pulp & Paper New Gujarat Synthetics Panchmahal Cement Co. Panchsheel Paper Mills Limited Paper & Pulp Conversion Parekh Platinum Pharmaceutical Products Rainbow Denim Real Value Appliances Roofit Industries Ltd. Rustom Mills & Industries Shree Amruta Mills Ltd. Shree Mahavir Ispat Shree Rama Multitech Ltd. Shree Vindhya Paper Mills Shri Prithvi Cotton Mills Sonu Synthetics Ltd Sudesh Seafoods Ltd. Suman Motels Ltd. Sun Earth Ceramics Super Stainless Steel & Hialloys Ltd The Khodiyar Pottery The New Rajpur Mills The Patel Mills Co. Ltd. Trimurthy Malleables Vatan Dyechem Ltd. Vidiani Agrotech Ltd. Vikram Projects Vishnu Vijay Packagers Wood Polymer Ltd. World Digital Sound Ltd. Aluminium Mfg Co Purban Pvt Ltd Oriental Metal Inds

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

NPA Cases (Loan assets with connected investment, if any) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Outstanding Principal Balance as on 31 March 2010 434.15 66844.69 Connected Investment Equity Shares 961.72 Preference Shares 1485.92 Debentures/ Bonds 6449.16

(Rs. in lakhs) Total Outstanding amount 434.15 75741.49


Textile Processing Corpn Total

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

II. NPA cases where principal outstanding is fully repaid as per ledger, but interest and other dues have been claimed from companies/promoter guarantors as per the petition filed before DRT.
NPA cases (Principal balance recovered, other dues pending) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Other Dues Equity Shares 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ajanta textile Srishti Videocrop Ltd. Kunal Engg. Co. Ltd Micam Leather Exports Ltd Raveendra Mills Ltd Standard Motor products Ltd Titan Alloy & Steel Associated Pulp & Paper Nanikram Sovraj Mills Ltd Raipur Mills Shree Ambika Mills Total 68.00 163.00 36.00 139.00 75.00 92.00 151.60 71.00 55.00 62.00 45.00 957.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 Connected Investment Preference Shares Debentures/ Bonds (Rs. in lakhs) Total Outstanding amount 68.00 163.00 36.00 139.00 75.00 92.00 151.60 71.00 55.00 62.00 45.00 957.60

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

Annexure - B
Letter of Bid and Intent (Letter head of the Bidder including full Postal Address, Telephone No., Fax No/ Email) (as applicable)

Date: To, Industrial Investment Bank of India Limited, 19, Netaji Subhas Road, Kolkata- 700 001 Kind Attn.: Dr. Tamal Datta Chaudhuri Subject: Bid for purchase of NPAs of IIBI Sir, 1. Being duly authorized to represent and act for and on behalf of ____________(herein the Bidder), and having studied and fully understood all the information provided in the TDNPA, the undersigned hereby apply as a Bidder for the purchase of Non Performing Assets of IIBI according to the terms and conditions of the offer made by IIBI Ltd. 2. Bids are submitted in a separate envelope, duly filled and signed on each page. The same together with demand draft towards Advance Deposit (in a separate sealed envelop) are enclosed in a sealed envelope marked Bid for Purchase of NPAs of IIBI. 3. IIBI is hereby authorized to conduct any inquiries/ investigation to verify the statements, documents and information submitted in connection with the Bid. 4. IIBI and its authorized representatives may contact the following persons for any further information: Name of the Person(s): Address: Phone No: Fax No.:

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

5. This Bid is made with full understanding that: a. IIBI reserves the right to reject or accept any Bid, cancel the bidding process, and/or reject one or more or all Bids. b. IIBI shall not be liable for any of the above actions and shall be under no obligation to inform the Bidder of the same. c. The ultimate buyer/ beneficiary is __________________ (fill in the name of the ultimate beneficiary) and the same is neither the borrower or its associate company. 6. This Bid is unconditional, irrevocable and binding in all respects. 7. I, the undersigned declare the statements made, and the information provided in the duly completed Bid forms enclosed are complete, true and correct in every aspect. 8. I have understood the terms and conditions of the offer detailed in TDNPA and am willing to abide by them unconditionally. 9. The offer made by us is valid for 180 days from the Bid Submission Date. However, IIBI may require the Bidders to extend the validity for such period as may be determined by IIBI at its discretion. IIBI reserves the right to reject any Bid which does not meet this requirement.

Name: __________________ For and on behalf of _______________________ (Name of Bidder)

Enclosures:a. Bid Details Annexure C b. Advance Deposit amounting to 5% of Bid value in a separate sealed envelop marked as Advance Deposit for NPA Sale c. Power of Attorney supported by necessary Board Resolution

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

Annexure C
Bid Details 1. Particulars of the Bidder a. Name b. Country of Incorporation c. Address of the corporate headquarters and its branch office(s), if any, in India (as applicable) 2. Details of Authorised Signatory of the Bidder a. Name b. Designation (as applicable) c. Address d. Telephone No. e. Email Address. f. Fax No. 3. Particulars of Bid The summary of price offered for the NPA(s) are as under:

S. No

Name of NPA

Bid amount (Rs)

Advance Deposit (Rs) (5% of Bid amount)

1 2 3 4 5 Total
Note: Please add rows as may be required depending on the number of NPAs bid for

We have enclosed the Demand Draft towards Advance Deposit for Rs (Rupees...) as computed in the table above based on the specification in this TDNPA. The aggregate Bid amount offered is Rs..

(Rupees.) for the abovementioned NPAs.

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

Certified that:i. In case our offer is accepted and if we fail to pay the amount in the manner as specified by IIBI Ltd., the amount of Advance Deposit and any further installments paid by us under this offer shall stand forfeited by IIBI Ltd. This offer is valid for a period of 180 days from the Bid Submission Date. However, IIBI may require the Bidders to extend the validity for such period as may be determined by IIBI at its discretion. IIBI reserves the right to reject any Bid which does not meet this requirement. I/We agree to abide by the decision of IIBI Ltd. I/We have read and understood the terms and conditions of the TDNPA and hereby unequivocally and unconditionally accept the same.


iii. iv.

We hereby declare that the information stated hereinabove is complete and correct and any error or omission therein, accidental or otherwise, will be sufficient justification for IIBI to reject our Bid and/or to cancel the award of sale and forfeit the payments made by us. Dated:

___________________ Signature of the Bidder Full Name Designation (as applicable) Name of the Company (as applicable) Address

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

Schedule 1

NPA Cases (Loan assets with connected investment, if any) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Outstandin g Principal Balance as on 31 March 2010 120.00 155.55 36.55 63.13 330.00 20.30 49.50 129.00 48.00 51.20 200.00 49.95 36.00 72.00 42.13 12.50 2.73 62.75 78.34 93.84 37.00 3.34 14.00 133.50 25.00 48.53 178.00 25.00 1123.49 1060.64 15.00 211.00 1027.00 Connected Investment Equity Shares Preferenc e Shares Debentur es/ Bonds (Rs. in lakhs) Total Outstandi ng amount 120.00 155.55 36.55 63.13 330.00 20.30 49.50 129.00 48.00 51.20 200.00 49.95 36.00 72.00 42.13 12.50 2.73 62.75 78.34 93.84 37.00 3.34 14.00 133.50 25.00 48.53 178.00 25.00 1123.49 2087.64 15.00 211.00 Bid amount (Rs. Lakhs)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

A. S. Rototech Ltd Allied Resins & Chemical Ltd Anantpur Textiles Ltd Aryabhatta Paper Private Ltd. Ashok Paper Mills Ltd Assam State Textile Corpn Assam Valley Ply Barauni Paper Industries Bihar Solex Ltd Business Forms Ltd Creative Wares Ltd Das Reprographics Dieles Forge Ltd Durgapur Malleables Dwarka Industrial Eastend Paper Industries Eastern Cable & Conductors Extrusions (1985) Pvt. Ltd Fusion Engineering G. S. Atwal & Co Ganga Vanaspati Ltd Grand Steels Ltd Hathwa Vanaspati Ltd Himalayan Magnesite Hitek Industries Ltd India Jute & Industries Ltd Indo Japan Steel Industrial Corporation Ltd Jenson & Nicholson Jhagadia Copper Ltd (SWIL) Kalinga Carbonates Ltd Kalyanpur Cement(INV)

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

NPA Cases (Loan assets with connected investment, if any) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Outstandin g Principal Balance as on 31 March 2010 1092.00 179.98 0.00 339.56 131.86 1500.00 450.00 85.60 193.10 410.03 122.00 10.82 47.60 965.00 440.54 720.00 80.00 417.98 66.16 700.00 9.33 342.56 621.40 545.00 96.00 88.30 3.63 1000.00 340.31 24.24 234.38 250.00 15.60 640.06 9.46 51.42 29.00 184.43 200.00 50.98 46.00 111.10 Connected Investment Equity Shares Preferenc e Shares Debentur es/ Bonds

(Rs. in lakhs) Total Outstandi ng amount 1092.00 179.98 111.10 339.56 131.86 1500.00 450.00 85.60 239.10 410.03 122.00 10.82 47.60 1165.00 491.52 720.00 80.00 602.41 66.16 700.00 9.33 342.56 621.40 545.00 96.00 117.30 3.63 1000.00 401.19 24.24 234.38 890.06 15.60

Bid amount (Rs. Lakhs)

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

Kamlapur Sugar Ind Ltd KHSL Ltd Kitply Industries Ltd M B Industries Ltd Metal Box India Ltd Mideast Integrated Steel Ltd Modern Malleables Ltd National Board Ltd New Central Jute Mills Nicco Corporation Ltd Noble Pharmacare Limited Orissa Spgn. Mills Ltd Papyrus Papers Ltd Patriot Automation Projects Ltd. Polar Industries Ltd Polar Pharma India Ltd Ranjan Chemicals Ltd Red Ceramics Ltd Reliance Ispat Industries Ruia Cotex Ltd Shiv Shambhu Bran Shree Synthetics Ltd Sitapur Paper Mills Sone Valley Cements Swaika Vanaspati UMI Spl. Alloys & Steel United Cereal Production Uniworth India Ltd V.L.Cable West Bengal Scooters Ace Laboratories Ltd Alcobex Metals Ltd APR Wools Pvt. Ltd.

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

NPA Cases (Loan assets with connected investment, if any) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Outstandin g Principal Balance as on 31 March 2010 140.04 1200.00 67.00 281.18 15.00 3.06 136.85 86.75 330.00 468.94 159.72 234.75 795.00 116.00 14.56 224.89 8.56 156.00 106.00 138.00 17.00 405.00 43.73 300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 69.63 90.00 1033.30 50.00 200.00 240.00 332.37 1989.97 231.62 50.00 197.92 Connected Investment Equity Shares Preferenc e Shares Debentur es/ Bonds

(Rs. in lakhs) Total Outstandi ng amount 140.04 1200.00 67.00 479.10 15.00 3.06 136.85 86.75 330.00 468.94 159.72 234.75 795.00 116.00 14.56 224.89 8.56 156.00 106.00 138.00 17.00 405.00 93.73 300.00 332.37 2229.97 231.62 69.63 90.00 1033.30 50.00 200.00

Bid amount (Rs. Lakhs)

66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97

Asian Alloys Ltd Basti Sugar Mills Ltd Belwal Spinning Mills Ltd Bhandari Export Industries Ltd Binod Mills Ltd Brake Linings Ltd Consolidated Steel & Alloys Ltd Derby Textiles Ltd Dev Spinner Ltd Dewan Rubber Industries Ltd Dhar Industries Ltd Esslon Synthetics Ltd Govind Nagar Sugar Ltd Hallmark Healthcare Ltd HP Rubklame Ltd. HPM Industries Ltd Jain Cables Pvt. Ltd Jhalani Tools Ltd Kalyan Sundaram Cement Industries Ltd Kiran Overseas Exports Ltd KVR Pipe Fittings Pvt. Ltd. L R Brothers Indo Flora Ltd LML Ltd Mideast India Ltd Modern Denim Ltd. Modern Syntex (India) Ltd Modern Threads (India) Ltd Modipon Ltd Montari Industries Ltd Morepen Laboratories Ltd Nawabgunj Sugar Mills Ltd Parasrampuria Polyamide Ltd

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

NPA Cases (Loan assets with connected investment, if any) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Outstandin g Principal Balance as on 31 March 2010 500.00 154.97 60.00 299.90 1219.30 96.38 32.43 155.70 15.00 117.58 34.49 16.15 312.50 29.00 44.80 156.00 38.00 26.77 250.00 24.19 500.00 107.35 43.00 65.86 37.83 105.00 31.06 36.00 113.90 70.80 0.77 7.10 90.00 Connected Investment Equity Shares Preferenc e Shares Debentur es/ Bonds

(Rs. in lakhs) Total Outstandi ng amount 500.00 154.97 60.00 389.90 1219.30 96.38 32.43 155.70 15.00 117.58 34.49 16.15 312.50 29.00 51.90 156.00 38.00 26.77 250.00 24.19 500.00 107.35 43.00 65.86 37.83 105.00 31.06 36.00 113.90 70.80 0.77

Bid amount (Rs. Lakhs)

98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128

Parasrampuria Synthetics Ltd Patni Engineering Ltd Rajasthan Communications Ltd Rajinder Pipes Ltd. Rajinder Steels Ltd Ram Swarup Oil & Allied Industries Ltd Rama Fibrea Ltd Rathi Alloys & Steels Ltd Ratna Sugar Mills Company Ltd Raval Papers Ltd Rohtak Textiles Mills Ltd Sarvodya Paper Mills Ltd Shamkeen Cotsyn Ltd Shree Manjusha Paper Ltd Shri Ishar Alloys & Steels Ltd. Sunlight Foods Ltd Swadeshi Mining & Manufacturing Company Ltd Tarpina Private Ltd Thapar Ispat Ltd Triveni Metal Tubes Ltd Uniplas India Ltd Universal Insulators & Ceramics Ltd UP Metal Industries Ltd UP Tyres and Tubes Ltd Village Paper Mills Ltd Vinayak Industries Ltd A P Lightings Ltd Akber Leathers Ltd Aluminium Industries Ltd Asia Pacific Inv.Trust Ltd Asoke Leyland

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

NPA Cases (Loan assets with connected investment, if any) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Outstandin g Principal Balance as on 31 March 2010 291.08 500.00 Connected Investment Equity Shares Preferenc e Shares Debentur es/ Bonds

(Rs. in lakhs) Total Outstandi ng amount 291.08 500.00

Bid amount (Rs. Lakhs)

129 130

B S Appliances Ltd (BPL Sanyo) Balaji Bio-Tech Ltd (Formerly Magunta Aqua Farms Ltd) Bellary Steels & Alloys Colix Beverages Ltd ( DSQ) Consumer Awareness & Research Society (Car Trust) Coromandel Pharmaceuticals Deccan Remedies Ltd. Devi Spinning Mills Ltd Dunford Fabrics Ltd Femnor Minerals Ltd Galada Power&Telecom Ltd Garvee Granites Ltd Gum India Ltd IBIL Tech Ltd Indian Steels Rolling Mills Ltd Indiana Dairy Specalities Ltd Karnataka Ball Bearings Ltd Karur Yarnlinks Ltd Kathayee Cotton Mills Ltd Klen & Marshalls Manufactures & Exporters Ltd L N Polyesters Ltd Madras Fertilizers Ltd Madras Spinners Ltd Maruti Plastics Ltd Midwest Iron & Steel Co N P Foods Ltd Omega Cables Ltd Pandian Extractions Pvt Ltd Pearlite Wire Products Ltd Pigments India Ltd

131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148

1184.45 500.00 1000.00 63.00 400.00 64.91 71.20 135.00 400.00 124.85 8.33 600.00 91.05 225.00 6.66 275.00 128.34 1835.67

1184.45 500.00 1000.00 63.00 400.00 64.91 71.20 135.00 400.00 124.85 8.33 600.00 91.05 225.00 6.66 275.00 128.34 1835.67

149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158

780.00 203.61 441.00 150.00 167.54 24.37 38.03 60.80 23.04 33.50 8.00

780.00 203.61 441.00 150.00 167.54 24.37 38.03 60.80 31.04 33.50

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

NPA Cases (Loan assets with connected investment, if any) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Outstandin g Principal Balance as on 31 March 2010 165.25 5.47 270.00 35.00 0.00 90.00 226.20 400.00 52.20 150.00 6.31 0.00 30.87 380.00 550.00 300.00 244.83 204.00 2.84 71.71 112.00 106.91 366.55 64.54 17.09 10.39 448.72 121.00 175.00 166.00 8.80 497.00 99.00 1000.00 Connected Investment Equity Shares Preferenc e Shares Debentur es/ Bonds

(Rs. in lakhs) Total Outstandi ng amount 165.25 5.47 270.00 35.00 1000.00 90.00 226.20 400.00 52.20 150.00 6.31 99.00 30.87 380.00 550.00 300.00 244.83 204.00 2.84 71.71 112.00 106.91 1029.55 73.34 17.09 10.39 448.72 121.00 175.00

Bid amount (Rs. Lakhs)

159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187

Prudential Sugar Corporation Ltd R G Foundry Forge Ltd Rank Industries Ltd Ranka Cables Ltd RSL Industries Ltd Rukmini Mills Ltd Rupa Steels Ltd S & S Industries And Enterprise Ltd Salem Textile Mills Ltd Seamen Aqua Farms Ltd Shanti Intermediates & Chem. Ltd Sharp Scan & Prints Ltd SIDCO (KSIDC) Sikora Salvador International Ltd Silcal Metallurgical Pvt Ltd SOL Pharmceuticals Ltd South Asian Financial Exchange Ltd South India Wire Ropes Ltd Southern Floculents Ltd Southern Petrochemicals Industries Corp Ltd Southern Steels Ltd Spectra Agrochem Ltd. Spectrum Power Gen.Ltd. Sree Ambuja Petro-Chem. Sree Seethavenkatesa Mills Ltd Sri Sivakami Mills Ltd Sri Vishnupriya Inds Ltd Srichakra Cements Ltd Sugun Pharma Ltd

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

NPA Cases (Loan assets with connected investment, if any) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Outstandin g Principal Balance as on 31 March 2010 10.20 175.00 111.05 161.75 121.88 28.60 2.60 58.15 141.79 4.35 280.00 116.59 400.00 58.73 9.75 2300.00 270.00 1200.00 34.69 126.81 500.00 1000.00 32.10 291.96 62.00 147.00 95.00 82.50 500.00 163.00 111.00 12.40 35.00 46.67 9.97 6.74 50.00 Connected Investment Equity Shares Preferenc e Shares Debentur es/ Bonds

(Rs. in lakhs) Total Outstandi ng amount 10.20 175.00 111.05 161.75 121.88 28.60 2.60 108.15 141.79 4.35 280.00 116.59 400.00 75.44 9.75 2346.67 270.00 1200.00 34.69 126.81 500.00 1000.00 32.10 291.96 62.00 147.00 95.00 82.50 500.00 163.00 111.00 12.40 35.00

Bid amount (Rs. Lakhs)

188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220

Tamilnadu Electronics Ltd Targof Pure Drugs Ltd Travancore Rayons Ltd TTMC Chemicals Ltd Uni-Metal Ispat Ltd Vaishu Engineering Inds Ltd Valli Cotton Traders Ltd Veena Textiles Ltd Victory Glass Industries Ltd Vijayakumar Mills Ltd Akar Laminators Alpic Finance Ltd. Alpine Industries Ltd. APS Star Industries Aruna Mills Ashima Ltd. Atash Industries Ltd. Beta Naphthol Ltd. Bijlee Products BIL Industries Ltd. Blue Blends (India) Chemox Chemicals Ltd. Divya Chemicals Ltd. Emtex Industries Ltd. Exomet Ltd. Fit Tights Nuts & Bolts Ltd Gandhinagar Electronics Ganesh Benzoplast Gujarat Optical Commn. Hathising Mfg Co. Heat Shrink Technologies (REPL) Industrial Research Ltd. Jain Spinners Ltd.

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

NPA Cases (Loan assets with connected investment, if any) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Outstandin g Principal Balance as on 31 March 2010 102.30 30.32 201.89 1500.00 16.68 17.64 3356.60 159.50 188.00 850.00 213.80 57.95 23.24 12.20 52.00 605.32 163.51 1041.15 160.00 501.43 33.38 43.97 150.00 0.00 443.90 95.00 147.50 350.00 912.50 395.00 130.00 25.27 3.96 1000.00 27.39 152.80 125.00 Connected Investment Equity Shares Preferenc e Shares Debentur es/ Bonds

(Rs. in lakhs) Total Outstandi ng amount 102.30 30.32 201.89 1625.00 16.68 17.64 3356.60 159.50 188.00 850.00 213.80 57.95 23.24 165.00 52.00 605.32 163.51 1068.54 160.00 501.43 33.38 43.97 150.00 1000.00 443.90 95.00 147.50 350.00 912.50 395.00 130.00 25.27 3.96

Bid amount (Rs. Lakhs)

221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253

Khandelwal Hermann Kolhapur Zilla SVSSG Kusum Ingots Lloyds Steel Industries Ltd. Madhu Textile Ahmedabad Mahendra Mills Ltd. Mardia Chemicals Ltd. MH Mills Motorol India Ltd. Nachmo Knitex Nath Pulp & Paper New Gujarat Synthetics Panchmahal Cement Co. Panchsheel Paper Mills Limited Paper & Pulp Conversion Parekh Platinum Pharmaceutical Products Rainbow Denim Real Value Appliances Roofit Industries Ltd. Rustom Mills & Industries Shree Amruta Mills Ltd. Shree Mahavir Ispat Shree Rama Multitech Ltd. Shree Vindhya Paper Mills Shri Prithvi Cotton Mills Sonu Synthetics Ltd Sudesh Seafoods Ltd. Suman Motels Ltd. Sun Earth Ceramics Super Stainless Steel & Hialloys Ltd The Khodiyar Pottery The New Rajpur Mills

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

NPA Cases (Loan assets with connected investment, if any) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Outstandin g Principal Balance as on 31 March 2010 35.37 4.03 100.00 300.00 180.00 2592.50 18.00 270.00 356.78 0.05 66.94 434.15 66844.69 961.72 1485.92 6449.16 Connected Investment Equity Shares Preferenc e Shares Debentur es/ Bonds

(Rs. in lakhs) Total Outstandi ng amount 35.37 4.03 100.00 300.00 180.00 2592.50 18.00 270.00 356.78 0.05 66.94 434.15 75741.49

Bid amount (Rs. Lakhs)

254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265

The Patel Mills Co. Ltd. Trimurthy Malleables Vatan Dyechem Ltd. Vidiani Agrotech Ltd. Vikram Projects Vishnu Vijay Packagers Wood Polymer Ltd. World Digital Sound Ltd. Aluminium Mfg Co Purban Pvt Ltd Oriental Metal Inds Textile Processing Corpn Total

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

NPA cases (Principal balance recovered, other dues pending) Sr. No. Name of the Borrower Other Dues (Rs. in lakhs) Connected Investment Equity Shares 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ajanta textile Srishti Videocrop Ltd. Kunal Engg. Co. Ltd Micam Leather Exports Ltd Raveendra Mills Ltd Standard Motor products Ltd Titan Alloy & Steel Associated Pulp & Paper Nanikram Sovraj Mills Ltd Raipur Mills Shree Ambika Mills Total 68.00 163.00 36.00 139.00 75.00 92.00 151.60 71.00 55.00 62.00 45.00 957.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 Preference Shares Debentur es/ Bonds Total Outstandin g amount 68.00 163.00 36.00 139.00 75.00 92.00 151.60 71.00 55.00 62.00 45.00 957.60 Bid amount (Rs. Lakhs)

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

Annexure - D

FORMAT FOR POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR SIGNING BID (On a Stamp Paper of Rs.100/-) POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all men by these presents, we .. (Name and address of the registere d office) do hereby constitute, appoint and authorize Mr. /Ms (name and address of residence) who is presently employed with us and holding the position of .as our attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things necessary in connection with or incidental to our Bid for the purchase of Non Performing Assets of IIBI, including signing and submission of all documents and providing information / responses to IIBI, representing us in all matters before IIBI, and generally dealing with IIBI in all matters in connection with our Bid. We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said attorney pursuant to this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.

(Signature) (Name, Title and Address) I Accept (Signature) (Name Title and Address of the Attorney)

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

Annexure - E
(On a Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/-) NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT This agreement entered into in Kolkata/ Mumbai on _____ Day of ________ 2010 BETWEEN Industrial Investment Bank of India Limited , a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at 19, Netaji Subhas Road, Kolkata - 700001 (hereinafter referred to as "IIBI" or "Disclosing Party" which expression unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART. AND ______________, having its office at ______________________ (hereinafter referred to as "___" or "Receiving Party" which expression unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART: IIBI and ____ are hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Parties". WHEREAS: The Parties intend to engage in a professional working relationship concerning the sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI. In the course of such professional relationship, it is anticipated that the Disclosing Party may disclose or deliver to the Receiving Party certain or some of the confidential or proprietary information, for the purpose of enabling the other party to conduct the due diligence of the Assets leading to submission of Bids by the Receiving Party for the aforementioned Assets (hereinafter referred to as "the Purpose"). NOW, THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED TO BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS:

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

1. Confidential Information: "Confidential Information" means all information disclosed/ furnished by the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party and identified as such in connection with the business transacted/to be transacted between the Parties and/or in the course of discussions and negotiations between them in connection with the Purpose. Confidential Information shall include any copy, abstract, extract, sample, note or module thereof. The Receiving Party may use the Confidential Information solely for and in connection with the Purpose. Notwithstanding the foregoing, "Confidential Information" shall not include any information which the Receiving Party can show: (a) is legally and publicly available without breach of this Agreement by the Receiving Party, (b) was rightfully in the possession of the Receiving Party without any obligation of confidentiality prior to receiving it from the Disclosing Party, (c) was rightfully obtained by the Receiving Party from a source other than the Disclosing Party without, to the best of the Receiving Party's knowledge, any obligation of confidentiality, (d) was developed by or for the Receiving Party independently and without reference to any Confidential Information and such independent development can be shown by documentary evidence, or (e) is disclosed pursuant to an order of a court or governmental agency as so required by such order, provided that the Receiving Party shall, unless prohibited by law or regulation, promptly notify the Disclosing Party of such order and afford the Disclosing Party the opportunity to seek at its own expense appropriate protective order relating to such disclosure. 2. Non-disclosure: The Receiving Party shall not commercially use or disclose any Confidential Information or any materials derived therefrom to any other person or entity other than persons in the direct employment of the Receiving Party who have a need to have access to and knowledge of the Confidential Information solely for the Purpose authorized above. The Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information to consultants only if the consultant has executed a Non-disclosure Agreement with the Receiving Party that contains terms and conditions that are no less restrictive than these. The Receiving Party shall take appropriate measures by instruction and written agreement prior to disclosure to such

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

employees to assure against unauthorized use or

disclosure. The

Receiving Party agrees to notify the Disclosing Party immediately if it learns of any use or disclosure of the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information in violation of the terms of this Agreement. 3. Publications: Neither Party shall make news releases, public announcements, give interviews, issue or publish advertisements or publicize in any other manner whatsoever in connection with this Agreement, the contents/ provisions thereof, other information relating to this Agreement, the Purpose, the Confidential Information or other matter of this Agreement, without the prior written approval of the other Party.

4. Term: This Agreement shall be effective from the date hereof and shall continue till expiration or termination of this Agreement due to cessation of the business relationship between IIBI and the Receiving Party. Upon expiration or termination as contemplated herein the Receiving Party shall immediately cease any and all disclosures or uses of Confidential Information; and at the written request of the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall promptly return or destroy all written, graphic or other tangible forms of the Confidential Information and all copies, abstracts, extracts, samples, notes or modules there of with the exception of copies that may be retained to comply with regulations or internal policies. The obligations of the Receiving Party respecting disclosure and confidentiality shall continue for six (6) months from the date hereof. 5. Title and Proprietary Rights: Notwithstanding the disclosure of any Confidential Information by the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party, the Disclosing Party shall retain title and all intellectual property and proprietary rights in the Confidential Information. No license under any trademark, patent or copyright, or application for same which are now or thereafter may be obtained by such Party is either granted or implied by the conveying of Confidential Information. The Receiving Party shall not conceal, alter, oblite rate, mutilate, deface or

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

otherwise interfere with any trademark, trademark notice, copyright notice, confidentiality notice or any notice of any other proprietary right of the Disclosing Party on any copy of the Confidential Information, and shall reproduce any such mark or notice on all copies of such Confidential Information. Likewise, the Receiving Party shall not add or emboss its own or any other any mark, symbol or logo on such Confidential Information. 6. Return of Confidential Information: Upon written demand of the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall (i) cease using the Confidential Information (ii) return the Confidential Information and all copies, abstract, extracts, samples, notes or modules thereof to the Disclosing Party within seven (7) days after receipt of notice with the exception of copies that may be retained to comply with regulations or internal policies, and (iii) upon request of the Disclosing Party, certify in writing that the Receiving Party has complied with the obligations set forth in this paragraph. 7. Indemnity: The Receiving Party hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless IIBI, its directors, officers, employees and consultants either individually or collectively (the Indemnified Party or Parties) from and against any a nd all losses, claims, actions, suits, damages or liabilities, joint or several (including the aggregate amount paid in settlement of any action, suit, proceeding or claim that may be made against any Indemnified Party or Parties) that any Indemnified Party or Parties suffers or incurs which are finally determined by a judgment of a court or an arbitration of competent jurisdiction to have resulted from any act of bad faith, intentional misconduct, gross negligence or fraud of the Receiving Party during t he course of transaction. 8. Remedies: The Receiving Party acknowledges that if the Receiving Party fails to comply with any of its obligations hereunder, the Disclosing Party may suffer immediate, irreparable harm for which monetary damages may not be adequate. The Receiving Party agrees that, in addition to all other remedies

Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI


Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.

provided at law or in equity, the Disclosing Party shall be entitled to injunctive relief hereunder. 9. Entire Agreement, Amendment, Assignment: This Agreement constitutes the entire agree ment between the Parties relating to the matters discussed herein and supersedes any and all prior oral discussions and/or written correspondence or agreements between the parties. This Agreement may he amended or modified only with the mutual written consent of the parties. Neither this Agreement nor any right granted hereunder shall be assignable or otherwise transferable.

10. Governing Law: The provisions of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of India and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at Kolkata, India. 11. General: The Receiving Party shall not reverse-engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise interfere with any software disclosed hereunder. All Confidential Information is provided "as is". In no event shall the Indem nified Party or Parties be liable for the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the Confidential Information. None of the Confidential Information disclosed by the Parties constitutes any representation, warranty, assurance, guarantee or inducement by either Party to the other with respect to the fitness of such Confidential Information for any particular purpose or infringement of trademarks, patents, copyrights or any right of third persons.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed these presents the day, month and year first hereinabove written. For and on behalf of INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT BANK OF INDIA LIMITED ____________________________________ For and behalf of ____________________________________
Tender Document for sale of Non Performing Assets of IIBI 43

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