A New Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Testing Method: Knowledge
A New Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Testing Method: Knowledge
A New Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Testing Method: Knowledge
in Gnat
0013-7944/84 Pergamon
INTRODUCTION KNOWLEDGE of the rate of growth of fatigue cracks in highly loaded structural components is critical to damage tolerance and fracture control assessments of the expected life of these components in service. In response to this need, ASTM has issued a testing standard, E-647, which details an acceptable method for measuring fatigue crack growth rate (f.c.g.r.) as function of the stress intensity parameter, AK. The technique described in this ASTM method involves constant load amplitude cycling and is restricted to the measurement of crack growth rates above 1 x lo-* m/cycle (4 x 10m7in/cycle). The method permits crack growth monitoring by visual examination or any unspecified equivalent technique. While nonvisual compliance, electric potential and wire rupture gauge techniques have been employed in isolated cases to measure fatigue crack advance, a vast majority of the f.c.g.r. data generated to date have been obtained by visual observation of the growing crack. Although almost universally adopted for da/dn data generation, the visual crack observation method restricts our knowledge of fatigue crack growth in various material: service environment systems, because it makes the acquisition of such data a very labor intensive event. In order to make nonvisual methods attractive, they must permit the investigator to automate his collection of crack growth data such that laboratory personnel need not spend inordinate periods of time monitoring crack growth. Automating compliance and/or electric potential methods to obtain precise measurements of crack advance requires the use of digital computational devices and analog to digital conversion, which can only be done with intensive capitalization (see, for example, Ref. [ 11). The need for a simple yet accurate crack growth rate test has become increasingly apparent. The extensive use of fatigue crack propagation rate data in design, the concommitant requirement to understand the variation of this rate over a wide range of metallurgical and/or structural parameters and, the need for an economical measurement technique for use in quality control are the primary drivers to develop a simple crack growth rate test. The increasing need for data generated under long time test conditions (e.g., low frequency or low fatigue crack growth rate or long time stress corrosion crack growth studies) and the need for statistical information on crack growth behavior are additional drivers to have such a test available. The purpose of the current research is to provide one with a fatigue crack growth rate technique which, on the one hand is capable of producing a precise measure of da/dn at any AK in any desired environment while, on the other, is accomplished with a low level of a technicians time. This is as true while the test is in progress as it is during subsequent data reduction. A third objective is that the test method not involve the intensive capitalization related to automation via computer control.
TEngineering Consultant, Canoga Park, California. 449
and A. W. SOMMER
The displacement controlled constant K test method described herein fills those needs. This test will be simple enough so that a laboratory technician can perform it using a minimum of his time to set it up, run the test and analyze the result. Moreover, the specimen fabrication costs and material usage will be small. Thirdly, the test method will not require an expensive test machine. The test result is a single value of crack growth rate associated with a specific stress intensity factor. The crack growth rate and the stress intensity factor are measured independently and a permanent autographic test record is produced from which the crack growth rate and the stress intensity conditions can be verified at any time. At no time during the test is it necessary to make a crack length measurement. Typically, only two measurements are ever made; one is a load measurement and the other is the slope of a straight line (load vs cycles). One can accomplish the above goals by recognizing that he can monitor crack growth via a change in loading on a sample cycled between two fixed levels of deflection (e.g.; a sample becomes more compliant as a crack grows within it). Since measuring the autographically recording load measurements are common practices in almost all modern mechanical engineering laboratories, one should, in theory, be able to attain the goals we have set by pursuing this course. It will turn out as an additional benefit that the technique that we have developed does positively distinguish between transitory retarded crack growth (e.g.; due to overloading or corrosion debris build-up in the crack and unretarded crack growth in a rather straightforward manner) since all of our da/dn measurements are produced at a constant value of applied AK. This additional feature permits determination of near threshold da/dn data in an unequivocal manner. TEST METHOD PHILOSOPHY AND ANALYSIS Let us begin by considering the general concept and the advantages of a displacement controlled constant K specimen. Firstly, note that by displacement control we do not mean control at the specimen itself. Specimen displacement measurement and control are not easily accomplished. In practice, displacement will be controlled at a remote point in the test system. An example of this is the use of a simple cam as the driver in the loading system. This means that the compliance of the test system affects the stress intensity variation in the specimen. This is an advantage since the compliance of the test system can be modified to affect the K gradient in a geometrically simple specimen. Secondarily, a test with a remotely controlled displacement allows the use of a test machine which can be relatively simple and inexpensive. Finally at constant displacement, load, which is relatively easy to monitor, decreases as a crack in the specimen grows and the rate at which the load changes is an indicator of both the crack depth and the crack growth rate. If one can arrange a specimen that has a zero gradient in K over a portion of its width, then, the crack growth rate in that width portion is proportional to the rate of decreasing load. This is easily seen from the compliance relationship for the strain energy release rate where G is related to K by:
K=JEG (1)
where: A=CP
P is the load in the system, A is the displacement at the load measurement
remote from the specimen), C is the system/specimen compliance which varies with a, a is the crack length and t is the specimen thickness. Substitution of (3) into (2) with A = constant yields:
(4) Thus, for sample geometries where G (or K) is constant, imposing dP/da = a constant. Under a specified displacement (or constant load and crack length are then linearly related. Under a constant any crack length (a) is proportional to the specific load (PO) at a may then write: dP -z--p
a constant displacement makes cyclic displacement amplitude) displacement, the load (P) at specified crack length (aJ. We
where the constant D2 is a function only of the test sample/system stiffness and is displacement and crack length independent. Equation (5) can also be rearranged as follows:
Therefore, at constant AG (or AK) and constant A, da/dn is linearly related to dP/dn which is also a constant since crack growth rates which are a function of AG (or AK) only will also be constant. Thus, when peak load versus cycles (n) or time (t) is recorded autographically, crack growth rate can be easily determined by measuring dP/dn, which is the slope of a straight line. Moreover, one does not have the difficulties, here, often associated with generating crack growth rate data (via conventional optical or compliance methods) of determining the first derivative of a curved line at a series of points along that line.
From eqns (2) and (3) we see that the compliance requirements controlled constant K test is that:
where the prime denotes differentiation with respect to a of the system/specimen compliance C. A general solution of eqn (7) is:
where Co can be thought of as the compliance of the system/specimen when the crack length is zero and b is the crack length when the crack traverses the entire specimen. However, it is not necessary or practical to use a specimen where K is independent of a over the entire specimen width. If eqn (7) is differentiated and we substitute: C = C,(a) + C2 where C,(a) is the compliance of the specimen alone (and is a function of crack length) and C, is the test system compliance (and is independent of crack length). We find that when:
c =
2(c;(a))2 _
dK 0.
da A=constant =
That is, for any specimen/system under displacement control, there are crack length and system compliance combinations that produce a zero gradient in the vicinity of that crack length. Schematically this is shown in Fig. 1, where the effect of system compliance on the point of attainment of maximum K is shown. Each of the curves in Fig. 1 have been plotted for cases where the applied constant displacement for each is such that the stress intensities at short crack length for all three are the same. Practically speaking, this variation in test system compliance can be controlled by using a stiff test system and placing specific flexible loading fixtures in line with the specimen. The specimen configuration to be examined in detail here is the three point bend specimen. This is a simple and convenient specimen shape for most metal product forms. Extensive testing has been performed by using this sample geometry in conjunction with the displacement controlled constant K test procedure. Results of this testing will be described in a subsequent section.
Prior to an analysis of the three point bend sample, it will be helpful to review an actual fatigue crack test procedure which incorporates the use of the constant AK approach. In this instance, crack growth data in the 10m6in/cycle range will be sought. Minor procedural variations for lower rate testing will be described at an appropriate point in the text. The basic test procedure is: (a) Use a notched test specimen in a test system which is compliance matched as per eqn (9); (b) Cyclically load the specimen under remote (not at the specimen) displacement control allowing the crack to initiate and grow across the specimen. This results in attaining a constant AK and concommitantly a constant crack growth rate across the central region of the specimen. It should be noted here that the attainment of a constant K (e.g., crack length invariant) region is quite desirable. As noted earlier, the constant K approach removes the experimental error in K determination which occurs due to errors in crack length measurement whenever tests are run where gradients in K exist. For a displacement controlled constant AK specimen, the method for establishing AK is straightforward. Note that we are controlling a displacement and that the value of the stress intensity at any point in the test sample is determined by, and is proportional to, the value of the applied displacement. Similarly, the applied displacement also determines, and is proportional to, the magnitude of the resulting initial load. Although the load varies (decreases) throughout the test, a unique linear relationship exists between the initially applied load and the magnitude of the stress intensity attained in the constant K region. This is because the applied displacement remains a constant throughout the test. Thus, AK is simply determined by measuring the initial load range
c2 = 00
Fig. 1.
The constant D, is a independent of both applied displacement and crack length in the constant K region of the sample. D, is established by analysis for each specimen/system. A general expression for D, will be established in the next section. The stress ratio is simply the initially set stress ratio (R) given by:
POt&l R=-.
P Omax
A constant displacement amplitude is maintained throughout the fatigue crack propagation test, hqwever, the magnitude of that displacement is set by setting the initial loads. These loads are chosen by selecting the values of AK and R desired and using eqns (10) and (11) to determine the initial loads. The setting and determination of the applied stress intensity factor in this manner takes advantage of the facts that displacements are easy to control but difficult to measure accurately and that, although loads are difficult (expensive) to control, they are relatively easy to measure with high accuracy. In practice, the test specimens we shall employ will not be constant K specimens throughout their width, however, all the steps leading to eqn (6) are valid and eqn (6) can be used to easily evaluate da/dn for any remote displacement controlled specimen in a constant K region of that specimen. All that is required is to record peak load vs cycles as shown schematically in Fig. 2. The slope dP/dn is simply equal to tan 8. Note that, since a load term is in both the numerator and denominator of eqn (6), the ordinate of Fig. 2 need not be calibrated; it need only be proportional to the load. The autographic load vs cycles line generated is typically quite straight, however, a procedure of measuring the steepest slope on the load: cycle plot is used. This removes any variability that would be found from operator to operator if a visual averaging procedure was used. The availability of this permanent test record is invaluable. It affords the opportunity of checking the data at future points in time. Additionally, it allows unreliable tests to be screened out, since any variability in the linear portion of the test record or unusual behavior during precracking stages are permanently recorded. In our tests using the displacement controlled constant K specimen, the peak load vs cycles plot is produced by conditioning the alternating load signal using an analog circuit. The circuit outputs a voltage proportional to the peak load which is used as input to the Y axis of a strip chart recorder
\ v
Fig. 2.
EFM Vol.19, No. 3-E
moving at constant speed. Appropriate chart speed settings are used to maintain the angle of the straight line portion of the record to as close to 45 as possible. In terms of the physical quantities available during a test, eqn (6) becomes: da dn=
D2 x (c.s.) x tan 8
Y, x freq.
where Y, is the initial value of the ordinate setting (in.) on the strip chart (recall that Y,,- P,), C.S. is the chart speed (in./min.) and freq. is the loading frequency (cycles/min.) Examples of a typical test record and its data reduction are given in Fig. 3. The straightness of the record is an indication of the constancy of AK and the accuracy of the slope (rate) measurement.
In the laboratory, it is much simpler to control displacements at a point remote from the cracking sample than at the cracking samfile and, thus, analyses in this work will take into consideration both the test frames, as well as the test samples compliance. The analysis procedure for any specimen/system is straightforward. All that is required is an expression (C(a)) representing the compliance of the specimen/test system. In general, C(a) will be composed of two parts: C,(a), which is the compliance of the specimen alone and C,, the compliance of the test system which is independent of a. For a general specimen/system description, the separation of C(u) into these two parts need not be considered. The basic relationship required to generate our analysis procedures are given by eqns (l)-(3), which are repeated here:
A = C(u)P.
We wish to generate expressions for D, and D,, which appear in eqns (6) and (lo), in terms of the compliance C where:
In (223.5 (25.4 cpm (85.27 kg) mm) mm/min)
= 1 In/mln = 1440
da dN=.
APO -1881bs
e = 50 2 (,)xtan _~~..___ 8.8(1440) AK= ,**(l35):12.2
Fig. 3.
K and da/& are the values these quantities attain in the constant K region of any displacement controlled fatigue crack propagation test specimen and POis measured at some initial crack length a = 6. Firstly, we note that differentiation of eqn (7) yields: CC - 2(C)2 = 0 as a condition for K (or G) to be constant. We will, in practice, be dealing with systems in which constant in the region of interest. K will actually be a local maximum here (see Fig. 1). If we designate the crack length at which K is a maximum as a,,,, we have a nonlinear equation:
K is only approximately
- 2(C(a,)) = 0
WV(a) = PoWO)
and combining eqns (I), (10) and (14) at a = a,,, yields:
D _
-- C&J
C(a,) r
D2 =C(aJC'(a,)
or, by virtue of eqn (13):
D, =
THREE POINT BEND SPECIMEN Three point bend specimens, as shown in Fig. 4, having values of s/w = 8 and s/w = 4 have been evaluated in depth. It was found that the s/w = 8 specimen had the larger constant K region (see Fig. 4). For this reason, the s/w = 8 specimen shown has been adopted as a standard specimen and has been used for most of the test work performed. The analysis of the three point bend specimen is straightforward. The compliance of an untracked specimen is:
C110 cnck= 1t4Er.
s/w (19)
and A. W. SOMMER
0.6 P LE 0.4
0.8 a/W
Fig. 4.
The additional compliance due to the presence of the crack for s/w = 4 is given by Ref. [2] as: (5.58 - 19.57(@/w) + 36.82@/~)~34.94(a/w)3 + 12.77 (a/~)~). (20a) Tada (Ref. [2]) notes that the displacements for s/w = 8 are nearly averages of pure bending and s/w = 4. Using this we have:
cc--~~,w~8 = $(&)
If the test system compliance is C,, we can write a general expression for the compliance, which is:
Equation (21) is then substituted into eqns (13), (16) and (18) to get values of D, and D2. These values were obtained using a numerical procedure to solve for a,,, in eqn (13). a,,, was then inserted into the other relations in order to evaluate D, and 4. The results of these calculations are presented in normalized form in Fig. 5 for s/w = 8 and s/w = 4. The evaluation was conducted assuming that a,,/~ = 0.1. As described below, this corresponds to the initial notched configuration of our test. The difference between the compliance of a shallowly notched specimen and a cracked specimen is insignificant and may be ignored. A COMPARISON OF FATIGUE CRACK GROWTH RATES USING ASTM-E647 AND CONSTANT AK METHODS In order to ascertain the utility of the constant AK method, several heats of aluminum, titanium and steel alloys were subjected to an f.c.g.r. assessment using both techniques. The specific alloys
tModified to correct a typographical error in Ref. [2].
15 Klfi ,6
I 100
I 200 C2EL
1 300
, 400
Fig. 5.
1 heat of 7475 1 heat of 7475 1 heat of 6AL4VTi 1 heat of 6Al-4VTi 1 heat of 6Al-4VTi 3 heats of PH13-8Mo steel
Rolled Plate Rolled Plate Rolled Plate Rolled Plate Rolled Plate Rolled Plate Forging
Crack growth data in accordance with ASTM-E-647 were obtained on pairs of compact samples of each heat (B = f, W = 5). All of these data were obtained under constant load amplitude cycling in a closed loop electrohydraulic facility using visual crack advance measurements with the aid of a traveling microscope. Crack growth data were also obtained in these same heats employing the constant AK method. In this case, the sample took the form of a rectangular bar, f x $ x 4?, with a 0.050 vee notch in the $IIx 4y plane at midspan. The bars were cyclically flexed in three point bending between a pair of fixed deflection levels and crack growth was monitored employing a standard strain gauge load cell (calibrated to N.B.S. requirements) in the sample: loading cam chain. The output of the load cell was amplified and sent to a standard laboratory strip chart recorder for preservation (see Fig. 3). As noted earlier, a linear relationship does, indeed, develop between load and cycles in Fig. 3 which, in turn, is directly proportional to da/dn. Results typically obtained during this testing are given in Figs. (i-8.1 The open squares and circles shown in each figure are the results obtained with the pairs of compact samples tested for each heat.
TDetails of the alloy chemistry and tensile behavior of the individual heats have been published elsewhere (Ref. [3]). $A complete set of comparative da/dn data for all eleven heats of material cited above can be found in Ref. [3].
10 0 a
m 1 10
w d 5
ION 0 0 ACT-3 ACT-4 TL TL 3 5% 3.5% NACL NACL
K (KS1 m)
Fig. 6.
LIK Mpa 6
: 0
0 c
II1 0 c 0 c 7 10 70 A
K (KS1 d%
Fig. 7.
K (KS1 fii-)
Fig. 8.
triangles designate data obtained with the constant AK method. In the case of the alloys, da/dn data was obtained in both lab air and 3.5% NaCl in Hz0 with both (only the salt water result is published here, see Fig. 6). As one can observe in Figs. 6-8, results are obtained when the data generated by the two methods are compared over the to 10e4 crack growth rate range, regardless of the material tested. This observation also when an aggressive environment is present at the crack tip (as shown in Fig. 6).
ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES OF THE CONSTANT AK METHOD Load control when cycling in the range between 0.1 Hz and 50 Hz requires the use of closed loop electrohydraulic equipment in order to insure precision. However, deflection or displacement control can be accomplished with precision by the aid of simple mechanical cam offset. In contrast, load measurements (via a wheatstone bridge strain gauge arrangement) are relatively easy to ascertain when compared with precise sample displacement determinations. In the constant AK technique, displacement control is combined with measurements of load in order to perform the test. One need not gauge the displacement amplitude to which any given sample is subjected in order to obtain the desired data from the test. As was pointed out in an earlier section, one need only calibrate the compliance of his test apparatus initially and thereafter load measurements can be combined with fracture mechanics analysis results to generate the desired da/dn and AK information. The autographic 1oad:cycle strip chart graph, which is generated during each test becomes a permanent record of the da/dn AK data and is not subjective in the sense that a test technicians visual crack length measurements are. Moreover, since crack length in the constant AK method is obtained from the load measurement, what one measures is an average crack length as it exists over the entire thickness of the sample, rather than at the samples surface only (e.g., crack shape changes that occur as the crack advances are automatically integrated into the overall da/dn measurement).
All considerations thus far have assumed that our fatigue crack is propagating at a constant rate in the constant AK zone of the sample. There are, however, situations where the velocity of the fatigue crack will vary in a prescribed manner, as it moves through a region when the applied AK is constant. Such an event can be generated by the imposition of an overload cycle(s) during the otherwise constant AK crack growth program. An example of what happens in such a situation is depicted in Fig. 9. The 7475-T7351 aluminum sample bar was precracked into its constant AK region (not shown in Fig. 9). The unretarded crack growth rate (under the fatigue cycling conditions. given in the figure) was then measured as shown in the figure. The test was then interrupted as indicated and a single overload applied (the load spike itself was not recorded on the chart paper). Following the overload, one notes a transition region where the crack growth rate is reaccelerating from a much lesser velocity to its unretarded level. Due to the inverse proportionality of load and crack length with this method, a simple change of scale allows us to replot the results of Fig. 9 in terms of crack length and cycles (see Fig. 10). The results in Figs. 9 and 10 are significant because they graphically demonstrate that the constant AK technique is quite capable of distinguishing transitory retarded from unretarded (or continuously retarded, as in the case of low stress ratio testing) crack growth in a simple and unambiguous fashion. Thus, this technique should be considered as a strong candidate when da/dn information is needed at low or near threshold AK levels. This is due to the fact that even a small variation of the local driving force with crack length will have a major impact on the level of da/dn observed in the test. In other words, determining when the crack has grown beyond the influence exerted on it by the prior precrack, becomes a much simpler task than it is using a more conventional approach. In order to run near threshold da/dn tests, it is necessary to initiate a crack at higher loads than are required to obtain low stress intensity values in the constant K region of the specimen. This is easily accomplished by reductions in load in two or three stages as the crack advances towards the constant K region. The value of P, or ( YO) in the evaluation equations is then simply modified by the product of the load reduction ratios. Due to the existence of the permanent autographic record, the occurrence of inadvertant retardations will be discerned. Finally, one reason inhibiting our knowledge of the relationship between crack growth rates, crack growth environment and micro-structure/alloy chemistry is the fact that such testing is either very labor intensive (using visual crack monitoring) or capital intensive (e.g., employing expensive computer control and monitoring techniques). The constant AK techniques simplicity allows one
(13.3 (1.98
Mpafii) x 10 -7
\ m/cy
da dN
= 1.7 x 1O-6 in. cy CYCLES (4.3 CYCLES=2430
I[lo -8 m/cy)
Fig. 9.
Fig. 10.
to set up and perform the desired crack growth tests with relative ease when compared to more conventional ASTM-E-647 approaches. An objection that one can raise to the constant AK technique is that each sample provides only one measurement of da/dn at a specific AK. Using the small sample plan area we recommend in this paper, that is certainly true. One could, of course, move to a larger plan area sample and make deflection amplitude changes at predetermined points in the constant AK region in order to obtain additional da/dn vs K data points, but it is not clear whether such an approach would be of value here. To appreciate the utility of the single point measurement consider, for example, the results presented in Fig. 11. Here we view the effect that a variation in heat treatment procedure
da/dN (x10-6
itvcy) AK
= 11,000 Ksi G (11,990Mpafi)
TEMP. = 1400 F
1 o-4,
8x lo-
Fig. 11.
can have on the fatigue crack growth rate of 6A1-4VTi plate product in saline environment. Each point on the graph was obtained by averaging the results of pairs of samples ($ x 5 x 4:). Uniquely, defining the cooling rate transition region shown in Fig. 11 was important because the structural element to be heat treated and cooled was not only both fracture critical and to be used in saline environment, but also was very large and complex. Simply air cooling this part without any restraint fixtures would have resulted in unacceptable warpage. The data contained in Fig. 11 allowed one to design an appropriate heat treat fixture. Another example of how one can use the single point da/& measurement effectively is shown in Fig. 12. In this case, a large number of aluminum forging lots existed in a warehouse (approximately 250 lots). The forging lots had been purchased from several vendors over a series of years. These forgings were to be used in a fracture critical application and no information on f.c.g.r. was available. In order to develop design data, it was necessary to survey these lots in order to determine which of them exhibited the highest growth rates. In Fig. 12, we present the results of pairs of samples taken from 24 lots arranged according to their individual averaged crack growth rates. Once this had been accomplished, we generated the required f.c.g.r. design data from the lot which cracked most rapidly. In conclusion, the constant AK method offers both technical advantages and cost economies over more traditional da/dn methods under certain circumstances. Moreover, it offers a potential solution for the transitory retardation problems that can, and often do, lead to false estimates of near threshold da/dn data.
- 1x10-4
- 9x1o-5
A A AAA A A A 2 5 0 h fJ 2 5
. 8x10-5
- 7x10-5
1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9101~12131415161718I9202122232425
Fig. 12.
Acknowle&mtwrs-Tire work described in this paper was performed at Del West Engineering, Inc., Chatsworth, California under USAF Contract No. F33651-75-C-5106. The contract work was administered under the Air Force Material Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio with Mr. Allan Gunderson as Project Engineer. The authors wish to acknowkdge the efforts of their co-worker Mr. W. Renslen, both for his initial sug@ion of the viability of a spring modified constant displacement fatigue crack growth test as weil as his extnunely helpful etrorts involved in bringing this method to experimental fruition.
REFERENCES [I] J. J. Ruschau, J. al Test. & Euaf. ASTM 9, (6). (Nov. 1981).
[2] H. Tada, P. Paris and G. Irwin The Stress Analysis of Cracks Hmabok. Del Research Corp., Hellertown, Pa (1973). [3] M. Creager and A. W. Sommer, Development of a Crack Growth Rate Test for Quality Control. AFML-TR-77-193, Nov. 1977. (Received 30 August 1982; received for publication 26 October 1982)