Advanced Collections
Advanced Collections
Advanced Collections
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In this Document Purpose Questions and Answers STRATEGY 1. An incorrect strategy has been assigned via strategy management program to the customer, Why? 2. Strategy is missing in strategy tab? 3. Collector of my customer is not assigned to the customers strategy work item? 4. Work item doesnt appear in UWQ. 5. My strategy is created at a different business level than expected? 6. Change Strategy button in strategy tab is disabled. 7. Under what circumstances will my strategy will go on hold? 8. Under what circumstances my strategy will go on hold change to open? 9. My strategy doesnt automatically change if any activity happens for the customer. 10. Strategy automatic work items delivery status is not successful. It is in XMLDATA/XMLDOC status. 11. Strategy tab is missing in collections form 12. Why latest work item is still in status "To be created" even after completion of previous work item? 13. Why work items corresponding to a strategy has different resource assigned? 14. Strategy for Bankruptcy is not created? 15. Work item with skill is not assigned to the collector of the customer. 16. Why fulfillment work item is not completed even after running IEX: Bulk XML delivery manager concurrent program? DUNNING 1. My invoice(s) doesnt appear in stage dunning letter. 2. My invoice(s) doesnt appear in days overdue dunning letter. 3. Dunning letter is not generated for the customer. 4. Dunning Callback is not created for dunning record. 5. When will dunning record be in Close status? 6. Please explain how the dunning correspondence gets picked up from Days Overdue dunning plan. 7. Please explain how the dunning correspondence gets picked up from Stage dunning plan. 8. Is there a way to deliver dunning letter in a different format for an email method? 9. How will my collector get copy of dunning letter sent to his customer? 10. Only a single letter is sent for different stages belonging to different lines for a stage dunning plan. 11. Modification of stage dunning level from transactions tab is disabled. CONTRACTS & LATER STAGE DELINQUENCIES 1. I am not able to view a bankrupt customer in UWQ. Why? 2. Unable to create litigation and repossession for a transaction from life cycle tab (or) Maintain status in lifecycle tab is disabled. 3. Repossession for a contract is disabled? 4. What setups are required for write off of a contract? 5. Write-off of contracts cannot be approved? 6. Cases are created for the customer but how the contracts are filtered between cases? COLLECTION SETUPS 1. Loans / Contracts tabs cannot be seen in collections form. 2. How is correspondence for various collection activities like adjustments, disputes, promises etc sent? 3. Can I disable particular collection activity? 4. My unpaid reason code doesnt appear while assigning unpaid reason to a transaction, Why? 5. Newly created Aging bucket is missing in Aging tab. 6. What setups are required for setting up collector at customer level? OTHER COLLECTION ACTIVITIES 1. Can see multiple values for each metric in profile tab? 2. I am not able to cancel dispute as cancel dispute is disabled. 3. Details for dispute in history tab is disabled. 4. Unable to View /Print Invoices for BPA templates from Collections. 1/11
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5. Unable to Promise delinquent invoices. 6. Unable to make payment or promise for multiple transactions. 7. Only few records are shown in transactions tab. Not all delinquent transactions are shown? 8. Why Amount columns (Amount overdue, net balance & Last payment amount) in Collections header are null? 9. Why Aging tab is disabled? SCORING 1. Score did not appear for customer. 2. My scoring engine do not appear for running in Concurrent Program. 3. Scoring engine output includes limited records. 4. Why value of Score in collections header is not changing, when changing view by object? LOANS 1. When and How does Loan status change? COLLECTIONS SEARCH 1. When opening search form, from Collections form, why search type is not getting defaulted to value in IEX: Default Universal Search Type?
Applies to:
Oracle Advanced Collections - Version: 12.0.0 to 12.1.3 - Release: 12.0 to 12.1 Information in this document applies to any platform.
This document discusses some of the commonly asked questions about Advanced Collection process in Oracle Collections. All features mentioned are current as of the latest release 12.1.3
1. An incorrect strategy has been assigned via strategy management program to the customer, Why?
a. Please check the score of the customer/account/bill to/delinquency as applicable and check the minimum applicable score of the strategy template. b. Make sure you have not selected the strategy from Change strategy button c. If the object (customer/account/bill to/delinquency) doesn't fall in segment corresponding to any strategy template and then default strategy will be assigned.
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customer/account/bill to has j. If IEX: Skip Default Strategy Assignment is Yes and there is no matching strategy found with customer, it will not assign default strategy also k. If there is a single automatic work item without any pre-wait/post-wait then also it completes immediately and strategy will be closed immediately.
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9. My strategy doesnt automatically change if any activity happens for the customer.
a. If and only if Automatic change is disabled in the strategy template setup then strategy will not automatically change. b. Even though in the template setup we have enabled automatic change, it may also happen that when we run strategy management concurrent program we pass no for strategy tolerance override parameter
10. Strategy automatic work items delivery status is not successful. It is in XMLDATA/XMLDOC status.
a. If "IEX: Deliver Dunning Letters" is set to batch then strategy automatic work items will be send only if you run IEX: Bulk XML Delivery program b. To send immediately you need to set "IEX: Deliver Dunning Letters" to Immediate
12. Why latest work item is still in status "To be created" even after completion of previous work item?
a. There may be post wait time for previous work item. Once the post wait time is completed then the next work item will go into pre-wait or open based on setups.
13. Why work items corresponding to a strategy has different resource assigned?
a. This happens when there is a group collector assigned to the business level. b. When group collector assigned to this customer at the corresponding business level, work items will be assigned to different resource of that group based on load balancing.
15. Work item with skill is not assigned to the collector of the customer.
a. If the skill doesnt exist or is not valid on the date of the work item to the collector of the customer then default collector will be assigned to the work item.
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16. Why fulfillment work item is not completed even after running IEX: Bulk XML delivery manager concurrent program?
a. If profile IEX: Work item delivery waiting time is set to more than 0 then work item waits until the delivery completes. b. If the delivery doesnt complete within no of days specified in the profile option work item goes to in error. c. We need to run IEX: Bulk XML Delivery Manager Concurrent program for Get status only parameter as Yes to get the delivery status before running Workflow Background Process for Strategy Workflow. d. If IEX: Bulk XML Delivery Manager Concurrent program for Get status only parameter as Yes is not run then work item will end in error after the time mentioned is passed.
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a. A new dunning record may be created for the same dunning method i.e. Days overdue or stage dunning b. A payment must have been made for the transactions appearing in dunning letter and running delinquency management will close the dunning record. c. You may have run in draft status.
6. Please explain how the dunning correspondence gets picked up from Days Overdue dunning plan.
a. First criteria is score of a customer/account/bill to/delinquency based on business level and scoring engine assigned in dunning plan. b. Secondly score should match with the aging line where your oldest delinquent transaction lies. The correspondence of that will be matched accordingly.
7. Please explain how the dunning correspondence gets picked up from Stage dunning plan.
a. First criteria is score of a customer/account/bill to/delinquency based on business level and scoring engine assigned in dunning plan. b. Secondly score should match with the stage level where your delinquent transaction lies. c. The correspondence of stage level will be grouped for various stage levels of that line into a single letter
8. Is there a way to deliver dunning letter in a different format for an email method?
a. Set your profile IEX: Email Delivery Format to a format (PDF Attachment, XLS Attachment, RTF Attachment and Inline) for the user to which collector of the customer/account/bill to has access
9. How will my collector get copy of dunning letter sent to his customer?
a. Set IEX: Copy Dunning to Collector to Yes and dunning letter copy will be sent to the collectors email.
10. Only a single letter is sent for different stages belonging to different lines for a stage dunning plan.
a. This will happen only if you pass parameter Single Stage letter as Yes while running dunning plan concurrent program
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2. Unable to create litigation and repossession for a transaction from life cycle tab (or) Maintain status in lifecycle tab is disabled.
a. Check profile IEX: Maintain Status in lifecycle tab must be set to No
6. Cases are created for the customer but how the contracts are filtered between cases?
a. For each bill to for a customer case is created. b. Hence contracts are filtered based on the bill to location between cases
2. How is correspondence for various collection activities like adjustments, disputes, promises etc sent?
a. It all depends upon value of profile IEX: Send Correspondence Automatically which has 3 values: 7/11
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i. Automatic Sends correspondence automatically ii. Manual Prompts window for sending correspondence after activity has been executed iii. Disabled Will not sent correspondence
4. My unpaid reason code doesnt appear while assigning unpaid reason to a transaction, Why?
a. Unpaid reason code must be future dated or end dated in the past
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a. Cancel dispute button will be disabled in 3 situations i. Dispute is already approved and credit memo is created ii. Dispute is already cancelled iii. Dispute workflow is rejected by customer
7. Only few records are shown in transactions tab. Not all delinquent transactions are shown?
a. It may happen that some filter is applied in transactions tab. Remove the filter and then you can view all delinquent transactions.
8. Why Amount columns (Amount overdue, net balance & Last payment amount) in Collections header are null?
a. If Operating Unit is all and operating units has different functional currencies then these columns will be null.
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4. Why value of Score in collections header is not changing, when changing view by object?
a. Score field in header always show score of the party.
1. When opening search form, from Collections form, why search type is not getting defaulted to value in IEX: Default Universal Search Type?
a. When opened from collections form, Search form's search type default value is determined by the focus before clicking on torch button. If focus in Organization field default type will be Organization. If focus is in First Name/Last 10/11
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