I. Ethico-Moral Nursing
I. Ethico-Moral Nursing
I. Ethico-Moral Nursing
o Etymologically, it derives its meaning from the Greek word Ethos, which literally means customs or particular behavior. o Is a practical science dealing with the morality of the human acts or conduct. (Alora, 1997:7) o It guides the intellect in the acquisition and application of moral principles. The way to a right moral decision. (Panizo, 1964:4)
o systematic inquiry into the principles of right or wrong conduct, of virtue or vice, and of good and evil as they relate to conduct morals, although similar in meaning to ethics, usually refer to personal standards of right and wrong in conduct, character, or attitude.
Morality o Conformity with recognized rules of correct conduct. A system of duties. (Blacks Law Dictionary) Moral Law o A collection of principles defining right and wrong conduct o A standard to which an action must conform to be right or virtuous. (Blacks Law Dictionary)
II. Ethical conduct essential to the practice of professional nursing described in the nursing code of ethics formal statement that determines the standards of conduct of a professional nurse
The Nursing Code of Ethics reflects the following underlying moral principles: i. Autonomy (the right to make ones own decisions) ii. Nonmaleficence (duty to do no harm) iii. Beneficence (doing good) iv. Justice (fairness) v. Fidelity (faithfulness to agreements and responsibilities one has undertaken) vi. Veracity (telling the truth)
Functions of the nursing code of ethics i. inform the public about the minimum standards of the profession and to help them understand professional nursing conduct ii. to provide a sign of the professions commitment to the public it serves iii. to outline the major ethical considerations of the profession iv. to provide general guidelines for professional behavior v. to guide the profession in self-regulation vi to remind nurses of the special responsibility they assume when caring for the sick
Ethical Principles
o The ethical principles provide a foundation for nursing practice. Ethical principles are defined as basis for nurses decisions on consideration of consequences and of universal moral principles when making clinical judgments
The most fundamental of these principles is the respect for persons. The primary and basic ethical principles are the following: o o o o Respect for autonomy Nonmaleficence Beneficience Justice
The secondary ethical principles that can be incorporated with the primary principles when interpreting ethical issues and making clinical decisions are the following: o Veracity o Confidentiality o Fidelity
Nonmaleficence means duty to do no harm. This is promoted by doing the following nursing interventions: o Avoiding deliberate harm, risk of harm that occurs during the performance of nursing actions. o Considering the degree of risk permissible. o Determining whether the use of technological advances provides benefits that outweigh risks.
o Beneficence is doing or active promotion of good. This is done by: o Providing health benefits to the clients. o Balancing the benefits and risks of harm. o Considering how a client can be best helped.
o Justice is the promotion of equity or fairness in every situation a nurse encounters. The following nursing implications promote justice: o Ensuring fair allocation of resources. (example: appropriate staffing or mix of staff to all clients) o Determining the order in which clients should be treated. (example: priority treatments for the clients in pain)
It is protecting and supporting of another's rights by pleading the case of another
Patient Advocate
an individual who protects and supports the rights of a patient by pleading the case of the patient
i. Informing Patients
about their rights in a situation and providing them with the information they need to make an informed decision, e.g.: i. determining if the patient agrees to receiving the information ii. either having the necessary information or knowing how to get it