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MA Sociology New 2012

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To introduce the students to the early forces in the rise of Sociology as a social discipline. 2. To orient the students to the works of the founding fathers of sociology.
Lecture per Unit 1. Rise and Development of Sociology and Sociological Theory: 15

A. The Social, Economic and Political Forces in the Development of Sociology and Sociological Theory B. Intellectual and Philosophical Forces in the Development of Sociology and Sociological Theory 2. August Comte: A. Hierarchy of Sciences, Positivism B. Social Statics and Dynamics, Laws of three Stages 3. Herbert Spencer: A. Social Evolution, Organic Analogy, Military and Industrial Society Emile Durkheim: A. Social Facts: Its Characteristics and importance B. Division of Labour: Its Causes and Functions, Mechanical and Organic Solidarity C. Religion: Sacred and Profane elements in the Context of Religion D. Suicide: Statistics on Suicide, Causes and types of Suicide in Society 15




Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. George Ritzer, 1996, Sociological Theory, The McGRAW-HILL International Editions. Parsons Talcott, The Structure of Social Action, Vol. I & II, McGraw Hill, New York. Nisbet, 1966, The Sociological Tradition, Heinmann Educational Books Ltd, London. Zetlin Irving, 1981, Ideology and the Development of Sociological Theory, Prentice Hall. 5. Dahrendorf Ralph, 1959, Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society. 6. Bendiz Rinehard, 1960, Max Weber, An Intellectual Portrait. 7. Popper Karl, 1945, Open Society and its Enemies, Routledge, London. 8. Aron Raymond, Main Currents in Sociological Thought, Vol. I & II, Penguin. 9. Coser L.A., 1977, Masters of Sociological Thought, New York. 10. Giddens Anthony, 1997, Capitalism and Modern Social Theory. 11. Writings of Marx, Durkheim and Weber, Cambridge University Press. 12. R.N. Mukherjee and Arunansu Ghoshal, Social Thought, Vivek Prakashan, Delhi. 13. Francis Abraham and John Henry Morgan, Sociological Thought. 14. Michael Haralambos and Martin Holborn, 2000, Sociology: Themes and Perspectives, Harper Collins, London. 15. H.E. Barnes, Introduction to Sociology. 16. N.S. Vaidya, Samajik Vicharbant.

SOC 02: METHODOLOGY OF SOCIAL RESEARCH Objectives of the Paper: 1. To make students oriented to social research and the basic designs employed in research. 2. To give students an understanding about the quantitative and qualitative approach to research. Lecture per Unit 1. Nature and Designs of Social Research: A. Meaning and significance of social research, formulation of problem in social research, B. Objectivity in social research C. Hypothesis: meaning, characteristics, uses and importance in social research 2. Designs in Social Research: A. Exploratory, descriptive, diagnostic and experimental B. Sampling: probability and non-probability, their types, advantages and limitations. 3. Quantitative Methods in Social Research: A. Questionnaire, Structured Interview B. Survey, Panel Study C. Content Analysis 4. Qualitative Methods in Social Research: A. Participatory Action Research: Participant observation B. Ethnography, Unstructured Interview C. Case Study Suggested Readings: 1. Wilkinson, T. S., and P. L. Bhandarkar., Methodology and Techniques of Social Research, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, (Reprint, 2004) 2. Bryman, Alan, Quality and Quantity in Social Research, Unwin Hyman, London, 1988. 3. Hughes, John., The Philosophy of Social Research, Longman, London, 1987. 4. D.A.de Vaus, Surveys in Social research, George Relen and Unwin, London, 1986. 5. Bose, Pradip Kumar, Research Methodology, ICSSR, New Delhi. 6. Madge, John., The Origins of Scientific Research, Tavistock, London,1970. 7. Punch, Keith, Introduction to Social Research, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1986. 8. Srinivas, M.N. and A.M. Shah, Field Worker and the Field, Oxford University press, New Delh, 1979. 9. Beteille A., and T.N. Madan, Encounter and Experience: Personal Accounts of Fieldwork, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1975. 10. Barnes, John A., Who Should Know What? Social Science, Privacy and Ethics, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1979. 11. Mukherjee, P.N., Methodology in Social Research: Dilemma and Perspectives, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2000. 12. Shipman, Martin, The limitations of Social Research, Longman, London, 1988.





13. Sjoberg, Gidden and Roger Nett., Methodology for Social Research, Rawat publications, Jaipur. 14. Smeler, Neil J., Comparative Methods in Social Science. 15. Garett, Henry. E., Statistics in Psychology and Education, David Mckay, Indian Publication, Bombay, Tenth Reprint, 1981. 16. Moser, C.A., Survey Methods in Social Investigation, Heinemann, 1971. 17. Somekh, B and Lewin, C., (eds.), Research Methods in Social Sciences, Vistaar Publication, New Delhi, 2005. 18. Giri, Ananta K., (ed.), Creative Social Research: Rethinking Theories and Methods, Vistaar Publication, New Delhi, 2004. 19. Whyte, W.F., Street Corner Society. 20. Daniel Bell, Doing Sociological Research. 21. Bhandarkar, P.L., Samajik Sanshodhan Padhati (Marathi).

OPTIONAL PAPERS (SEMESTER-I) Students shall be required to select any one of the following optional groups


Objectives of the Paper: 1. To understand the intricacies of rural life in India. 2. To orient the students to the issues, problems and development of rural society in India. Lecture per Unit 1. Agrarian Problems: A. Problems of irrigation and low production B. Problems of landless labourers/bonded labourers C. Agriculture and natural calamities, loss of crops, poor price for agricultural produce D. Impact of globalization on agriculture 2. Problems of Poverty and Unemployment: A. Concepts of disguise unemployment and under unemployment B. Indebtedness and migration of agricultural labourers C. Problems of health and farmers suicide C. Agrarian legislation and rural social structure 3. Rural Movements and Rural Development in India: A. Agrarian movement and rural development in India B. Self -Help Groups (SHGs) and rural development in India 4. Planned Development in Rural India: A. 73rd Constitutional amendment for rural governance in India B. Poverty Alleviation Programmes for rural development Suggested Readings: 1. Beteille, Andre, Six Essays in Comparative Sociology, OUP, New Delhi, 1974. 2. Thorner, Daniel and Thorner, Alice, Land and Labour in India, Asia Publications, Bombay, 1962. 3. Berch, Berberogue, (ed.) Class, State and Development in India 1, 2, 3 and 4 Chapters, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1992. 4. Desai A.R., Rural Sociology in India, Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1977.





5. P. Radhakrishnan, Peasant Struggles: Land Reforms and Social Change in Malabar 1836 1982, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1989. 6. Dhanagare D.N., Peasant Movements in India, OUP, New Delhi, 1988. 7. Ashish Nandy, Ambiguous Journey to the City, OUP, New Delhi, 1999. 8. Karalay, G.N., Integrated Approach to Rural Development, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2005. 9. B.K. Swain, 1998, Changing Occupational Structure in Vidarbha, India, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. 10. Jena D.N., and Mohapatra U.K., Rural Sociology, Books and Books, Cuttack, 1994. 11. Sharma R.N., Indian Rural Sociology. 12. Twaniya, Gramin Samajshastra, College Book Depot, Jaipur. 13. Desai A.R., Bharatiya Gramin Samajshastra, Rawat Publication.

(A-2) SOC 04: URBAN SOCIETY IN INDIA Objectives of the Paper: 1. To make students acquainted with the trends of urban society. 2. To make students understand the urban problems and the changes in urban society. Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding Urban Society: A. Definition and scope of urban society B. Urban society as the subject matter of urban sociology C. Urban planning and development boards, concept of green city model metropolitan design, health and sanitation 2. Basic Aspects of Urban Sociology: A. Urban ecology and urban community B. Characteristics of urban society C. Classifications of urban society as urban centres, cities and towns 3. Key Concepts in Urban Society: A. George Simmels Metropolis B. Louis Wirths Urbanism C. Robert Redfields Rural Urban Continuum as a Cultural form 4. Theories of Urban Development: A. Ernest Burgess Concentric Zone Theory B. Homer Hoyts Sector Theory C. Harris and Ullmans MultipleNuclei Theory Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Bergel, E.E., 1955, Urban Sociology, Mc-Graw Hil Book Company, New York. Quinn J.A., 1955, Urban Sociology, S. Chand & Co, New Delhi. Pickwance C.G. (ed.) 1976, Urban Sociology, Critical Essays, Methuen. Saunders Peter, 1981, Social Theory and Urban Question, Hutchionson. Bose Ashish, 1978, Studies in Indian Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata McGraw Abrahimson M. 1976, Urban Sociology, Englewood, Prentice-Hall. Ronnan, Paddison, 2001, Handbook of Urban Studies, Sage India. Bharadwaj, R.K., 1974, Urban Development in India, National Pub.House. Gold Harry,1982, Sociology of Urban Life, Prentice Hall,Englewood, Cliffe. Colling Worth, J.B., 1972, Problems of Urban Society, Vol. 2, George Allen & Unwin Ltd. Alfred de Souza, 1979, The Indian City : Poverty, Ecology and Urban Development, Manohar, Delhi. Desai A.R., and Pillai S.D., (ed.) 1970, Slums and Urbanization, Popular Prakashan, Bombay. Castells M. 1977, The Urban Question, Edward Arnold, London. Ramachandran R, 1991, Urbanization and Urban Systems in India, OUP, Delhi. B.K. Swain, 1998, Changing Occupational Structure in Vidarbha, India, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. Ellin Nan, 1996, Post Modern Urbanism, Oxford, UK. Edward W. Soja, 2000, Post Metropolis: Critical Studies of Cities and Regions, Oxford,





Blackwell. 18. Fawa F. Sylvia, 1968: New Urbanism in World Perspectives - A Reader, T.Y.Crowell, New York. 19. Sujata Patel and Kushal Deb (ed) 2006, Urban Studies, OUP. 20. Setha Low, 2000, Theorizing the City, Rutgers University Press. 21. Sharon Zukin, 1995, The Cultures of Cities, Blackwell. 22. Kopardekar, H.D., 1986, Social Aspects of Urban Development, Popular Prakashan, Mumbai. 23. Bhattacharya, B., 1979, Urban Development in India, Shree Publishing House, Delhi. 24. De Souza, Alfred, (ed) 1983, Urban Growth and Urban Planning, Indian Social Institute, New Delhi. 25. Sassen, S. Cities in a World Economy, Thousand Okas: Sage, 2000. 26. Hannerz, U. The Culture Role of World Cities in Cohen, Anthony P. and Fukui, Katsuyoshi (eds.) Humanizing the City: Social Contexts of Urban Life at the Turn of the Millenium, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1993, pp. 69-83. 27. Reps, J.W. Monumental Washington: The Planning and Development of the Capital Centre, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1967. 28. Holston, J. The Modernist City: An Anthropological Critique of Brasilia, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1989. 29. Amit-Talai, V. and Lustiger-Thaler, H. (eds.), Urban Lives: Fragmentation and Resistance, Toronto: McLelland and Stewart, 1994. 30. Bourdieu, P. The Weight of the World: Social Suffering in Contemporary Society. Translated by Priscilla Panrkhurst Ferguson, Stanford: Stanford University press, 2000. 31. Hansen, T.B. 2001, Urban Violence in India: Identity, Mumbai, and the Postcolonial City, New Delhi: Permanent Black, (Chapter 3). 32. Baumann, G. Contesting Culture: Discourse and Identity in Multiethnic London, Cambridge: CUP, 1996. 33. Chauncy, G. Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture and the Making of Gay New York: Basic Books, 1994.


Objectives of the Paper: 1. To understand the nature and importance of religion in society. 2. To understand the theoretical perspectives on religion. Lecture per Unit 1. Introduction: A. B. C. D. Meaning, nature and importance of religion Religion and morality, Religion as Belief Systems The sacred and the profane Magic and Religion, and their functions 12 18

2. Sociological Perspectives on Religion: A. Durkheims perspective B. Webers perspective 3. Religious Organizations and Secularism in India: A. Nature, types and functions of religious organizations B. Religious pluralism and secularism 4. Contestation over religion in India: A. Fundamentalism B. Communalism C. Secularism D. Proselytism Suggested Readings:



1. Weber, M. The Sociology of Religion, Boston, Mass: Beacon Press, 1963. 2. Eliade, H. The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion, New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1959. 3. Durkheim, E. The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, London: Allen and Unwin, 1915. 4. Fischer, M.N.J. Iran: From Religious Dispute to Revolution, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1980. 5. Baird, Robert D, (ed.) 1995 (3rd edition) Religion in Modern India, Delhi, Manohar. 6. Jones, Kenneth W., 1989, Socio-Religious Reform Movements in British India, The New Cambridge History of India III I), Hyderabad, Orient Longman. 7. Madan T.N. (ed.) 1992, ( enlarged edition), Religion in India, New Delhi, Oxford Press. 8. Mazumdar H.T., 1986, Indias Religious Heritage, New Delhi, Allied Publishers. 9. Roberts, Keith A., 1984, Religion in Sociological Perspective, New York, Dorsey Press. 10. Shakir Moin (ed.) 1989, Religion, State and Politics in India, Delhi, Ajanta Publications. 11. Turner Bryan. S., 1991 (2nd edition) Religion and Social Theory, London, Sage Publications. 12. Robinson, Rowena, 2004, Sociology of Religion in India, Sage, India.

(A-4) SOC 04: SOCIOLOGY OF SOCIAL MOVEMENTS Objectives of the Paper: 1. To make students know the concept social movement and how it initiates social change and transformation in India. 2. To help them comprehend a variety of new social movements in India.

Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding Social Movements: A. Meaning and Defining Features of Social Movements B. Types of Social Movements: Reform, Revival, Revolutionary 2. Social Movements and Social Transformation A. Bases of Social Movements: Caste, Class, Gender and Ethnicity B. Counter Movements and Transformation 3. Leadership and Social Movements in India: A. The role and types of leadership in social movement B. Relationship between leaders and the masses C. Role of media in social movements 4. Theories of Social Movements: A. Marxist theory B. Structural-functional theory Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. Banks, J.A., 1972, The Sociology of Social Movements, London, Macmillan. Desai, A.R., (ed.) 1979, Peasant Struggles in India, Bombay, Oxford University Press. Dhanagare D.N., 1983, Peasant Movements in India 1920-1950, Delhi, OUP. Gore M.S., 1993, The Social Context of an Ideology: Ambedkars Political and Social Thoughts, New Delhi, sage. 5. Oommen T.K., 1990, Protest and Change: Studies in Social movements, Delhi, Sage. 6. Rao M.S.A., 1979, Social Movements in India, New Delhi, Manohar. 7. Singh K.S., 1982, Tribal Movements in India, New Delhi, Manohar. 8. Selliot Eleanor, 1995, From Untouchable to Dalit: Essays on the Ambedkar Movement, New delhi, Manohar. 9. Gouldner A.W., 1950, (ed.) Studies in Leadership, New York, Harper and Brothers. 10. Oommen T.K., 1972, Charishma, Stability and Change: An Analysis of Bhoodan Gramdan Movement, New Delhi, Thomas Press. 11. Shah Ghanshyam, 1990, Social movements in India: A Review of the Literature, Delhi, Sage. 12. Shah Nandita, 1992, The Issues at Stake: Theory and Practice in the Contemporary Womens Movements in India. 13. Shiva Vandana, 1991, Ecology and the Politics Survival, New Delhi, Sage. 15




(A-5) SOC 03: GENDER AND SOCIETY Objectives of the Paper: 1. To introduce the students to the issues and concerns of Gender and Gender inequality in society. 2. To acquaint students with the status of women in society under patriarchy. Lecture per Unit 1. Social Construction of Gender: A. Gender vs. biology B. Equality vs. difference Gender 2. Theories of Gender Analysis: A. Radical Theories B. Liberal Theories C. Marxist Theories Gender inequality in society: A. Sexual division of labour and gender inequality B. Patriarchy and gender inequality C. Unequal pay and gender inequality 15




4. Strategies to Overcome Gender Inequality: A. Democratic womens movements B. Increased political participation and decision making of women C. States concerns for women: Policies and programmes Suggested Readings:


1. Altekar, A.S., 1983, The Position of Women in Hindu Civilization, Delhi, Motilal Banarasidas, Second Edition, Fifth Reprint. 2. Chodrow, Nancy, 1978, The Reproduction of Mothering, Berkely University of California Press. 3. Desai Neera and M Krishnaraj, 1978, Women and Society in India, Delhi, Ajanta. 4. Dube Leela et al (eds.) 1986, Visibility and Power: Essays on Women in Society and Development, New Delhi, OUP. 5. Forbes G., 1998, Women in Modern India, New Delhi, Cambridge University Press. 6. Maccoby, Eleaner and Carol Jackin, 1975, The Psychology of Sex Differences, Stanford, , Stanford University Press. 7. Mc Cormack, C and M. Strathern (ed.) 1980, Nature, Culture and Gender, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 8. Myers, Kristen Anderson et al, (eds.) 1998, Feminist Foundations: Towards Transforming Sociology, New Delhi, Sage. 9. Oakely, Ann., 1972, Sex, Gender and Society, New York, Harper and Row. 10. Sharma, Ursula, 1983, Women, Work and Property in North-West India, London, Tavistock. 11. Shulamitz, Reinharz and Lynn Davidman, 1991, Feminist Research Methods, New York, Oxford University Press. 12. Srinivas, M.N., Caste Its Modern Avatar, New Delhi, Penguin (Leela Dubes Article on Caste and Women) 13. Vaid, S and K Sangari, 1989, Recasting Women Essays in Colonial History, New Delhi.

14. Agarwal, B, 1994, A Field of Ones Own Gender and Land Rights in South Asia, Cambridge University Press. 15. Channa Karuna, 1988, Socialization, Women and Education: Explorations in GenderIdentity, New Delhi, Orient Longman. 16. Dube Leela, 1997, Women and Kinship: Comparative Perspectives on Gender in South and South-East Asia, Tokyo, United Nations University Press. 17. Gandhi, N and N. Shah, 1992, The Issues at Stake: Theory and Practice in the Contemporary Womens Movement in India, New Delhi. 18. Ghadially, Rehana, (ed.) 1988, Women in Indian Society, New Delhi, Sage. 19. Jaywardene, Kuman, 1991, Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World, New Delhi. 20. Miss Maria, 1980, Indian Women and Patriarchy: Conflicts and Dilemmas of Students and Working Women, New Delhi, Concept. 21. Omvedt Gali, 1975, Caste, Class and Womes Liberation in India, Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars. 22. Pardeshi, Pratima, 1988, Dr. Ambedkar and the Question of Womens Liberation in India, Pune, WSC, University of Pune.


(A-6) SOC 04: CRIMINOLOGY Objectives of the Paper: 1. To introduce the students to the concept, approaches and perspectives on crime. 2. To acquaint the students with the changing profile of crime and criminals in the contemporary society. Lecture per Unit 1. Different Approaches to Crime: A. Legal, behavioural and sociological B. Deviance, crime and delinquency C. Types of crime: economic, violent and white-collar 15

2. Perspectives on Crime Causation: A. Classical, positivist and psychological B. Sociological, Marxian and geographical 3. Recent Theoretical Advances: A. The criminal personality B. Labeling theory 4. Changing Profile of Crime and Criminals: A. Organized crimes, crimes against women and children B. Cyber crimes and corruption C. Changing socio-economic profile of criminals in contemporary India Suggested Readings:




1. Bedi, Kiran. It is Always Possible, New Delhi, Sterling Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1998. 2. Gill, S.S. The Pathology of Corruption, New Delhi: Harper Collins Publishers, (India), 1998. 3. Goel, Rakesh. M. and Manohar S. Powar. Computer Crime: Concept, Control and Prevention, Bombay: System Computers Pvt. Ltd., 1994. 4. Lilly, J. Robert, Francis T. Wallen and Richard Ball A. Criminological Theory, Context and Consequences, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1995. 5. Makkar, S.P. Singh and Paul C. Friday. Global Perspectives in Criminology, Jalandhar: 6. ABC Publications, 1993. 7. Ministry of Home Affairs. Crime in India, New Delhi: Government of India, 1998. 8. Reid, Suetitus. Crime and Criminology, Illinayse: Deydan Press, 1976. 9. Shankardas, Rani Dhavan. Punishment and the Prison: India and International Perspective, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2000. 10. Sutherland, Edwin H. and Donald R Cressey. Principles of Criminology, Bombay : The Times of India Press, 1968. 11. Walklete, Sandra. Understanding Criminology, Philadelphia: Open University Press, 1998. 12. Williams, Frank R. and Marilym D. Meshare. Criminological Theory, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1998. 13. Williamsan, Harald E. The Correction Profession, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1990. 14. Bequuai, August. Computer Crime, Toronto: Lesington Books, 1978. 15. Buckland, John. Combating Computer Crime: Prevention, Detection and Investigation, New Delhi: McGraw-Hill, 1992.

16. Drapkin, Ismail and Viano, Emillio. Victimology: A New Focus, London, Lesington Press, 1975. 17. Hallman, Taryl A. The Economics of Crime, New York: St. Martins Press, 1950. 18. Inciarti James A. and Pottieger Anne E. Violent Crime: Historical and Contemporary Issues, London, Sage Publications, 1978. 19. Ministry of Home Affairs. Report of the All India Committee on Jail Reforms, 1980-83, New Delhi: Government of India. 20. Revid, JOrathan. Economic Crime, London, Kegan Paul, 1995.Ryan, Patrick J. and George Rush. Understanding Organized Crime in Global Perspective, London: Sage Publications, 1997. 21. Pace, Denay F. Concept of Vice, Narcotics and Organized Crime, London, Prentice Hall, 1991. 22. Weisburd, Dand and Kip Schlegal. White Collar Crime Reconsidered, Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1990. 23. Ahuja, Ram. Criminology, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 2009. 24. Barlow, H.D. Introduction to Criminology, Boston, Little Brown, 1987.



Objectives of the Paper: 1. The paper is intended to make students acquainted with the increasing trends of aging populations and the profile of changes in the age composition of different societies across the world. 2. The paper will make students know the implications of increasing aging population. 3. It will give an incisive understanding into various age related problems and elders coping with such problems. Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding Sociology of Aging: A. Meaning, definition, scope and significance of aging B. Trends of increasing aging population in different societies C. Factors responsible for increase in aging population D. Social, economic and political implications of aging population for developed and developing societies. 2. Situations of Aged in Different Societies: A. Aged in tribal, traditional and modern societies B. Status and role of the aged in traditional Hindu society C. Physical, social, economic and psychological problems of the aged D. Family care and support for the aged in urban and rural settings E. Urban society and the growth of institutional care for the aged 3. Nature of the Aged and Problems of Coping with Aging: A. Problems of coping with aging among retired salaried people B. Problems of coping with aging among the aged in unorganized daily wage earning sector C. Problems of coping with aging among the aged in farming/agriculture D. Successful aging: Its meaning, prerequisites and importance 4. National Policy on Older People in India: A. Strategies of accommodating aged people in society: Superannuation benefits/pensions/medical reimbursement B. Medical facilities including hospitalization and travel concessions C. Social pension and health insurance (medical claim policy) D. HelpAge India and the social policy on aged Suggested Readings: 1. Vinod Kumar, 1996, (ed.) Aging Indian Perspective and Global Scenario, New Delhi, All India Institute of Medical Sciences. 2. Proceedings of the United Nations Round Table on the Aging of Asian Populations, Bangkok, 1994. 3. Alfred de Soza; Walter Fernandes, 1982, (eds.) Aging in South Asia: Theoretical Issues and Policy Implications, New Delhi, Indian Social Institute. 4. Indira Jai Prakash, 1991, (ed.) Quality Aging: Collected Papers, Varanasi, Association of Gerontology. 5. P.K. Dhillon, 1992, Psycho-Social Aspects of Aging in India, New Delhi, Concept Publishing Company.





6. Added Years of Life in Asia, 1996, Current Situation and Future Challenges, New York, United Nations. 7. P.C. Bhatia, 2000, (ed.) lecture-Series in Geriatrics, New Delhi, National Institute of Primary Health. 8. R. Singh; G.S. Singhal, 1996, (eds.) Perspectives in Ageing Research New Delhi: Today and Tomorrow Printers and Publishers Proccedings of Indo-German Workshop on Education and Research in Gerontology, Max Muller Bhavan, New Delhi. 9. S.K. Biswas, 1987, (ed.) Ageing in Contemporary India, Calcutta, Indian Anthropological Society (Occasional papers). 10. E. Palmore, 1993, (ed.) Developments and Research on Aging, Westport, Greenwood Press. 11. S.K. Choudhary, 1992, (ed.) Problems of the Aged and of Old Age Homes, Bombay, Akshar Prathi Roop Limited. 12. Kumar S. Vijaya, 1991, Family Life and Socio-Economic Problems of the Aged, New Delhi, Ashish Publishing House. 13. Muthayya B.C.; Annesuddin M., 1992, Rural Aged: Existing Conditions, Problems and Possible Interventions A Study in Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, National Institute of Rural Development. 14. Rao K.S., 1994, Aging, New Delhi, National Book Trust of India. 15. Sati P.N., 1987, Needs and the Problems of the Aged, Udaipur, Himanshu Publishers. 16. Sen K., 1994, Ageing: Debates on Demographic Transition and Social Policy, London, Zed Books. 17. Soodan K.S., 1975, Ageing in India, Calcutta, T.K. Mukherjee Minerva Association (Pvt.) Ltd. 18. Ishwar Modi. (ed.), Ageing and Human Development, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 2001. 19. Read the abstracts on Age and Social Structure in all Abstract Books of All India Sociological Conferences of Indian Sociological Society, for the last 10 years.



Objectives of the Paper: 1. To awaken the students to the health related issues in society. 2. To acquaint them with the health systems in India. Lecture per Unit 1. Concept of Health, Medicine and Disease: A. Meaning and definition of health, medicine, disease, illness and sickness B. Ecology, culture, health and disease C. Attitudes, beliefs and values associated with disease D. Health Systems in India: Ayurvedic, Homoeopathy and Allopathic 2. Hospital as a Social Organization: A. Types of hospitals: Specialty hospitals, Dispensaries, Teaching and Corporate hospitals B. Functions of hospitals: Co-ordination and supervision C. Inter-personal relationship in hospital settings D. Medical social service in hospitals Health Care and Role of Social Institution: A. State, market, community and family in health and medicine B. Community health problems in India C. Primary health centres, their organization and functioning D. Implementation and utilization of health programmes in rural, tribal and urban communities Health and Health Awareness: A. Awareness about existing health services B. Health, food and environment C. Media and health awareness D. Role of State, NGOs and Voluntary Groups in health awareness E. Health policy of the government of India F. Financing of health care: awareness on health insurance and discount on medicine 15






Suggested Readings: 1. Albrecht, Gary L., and Fitzpatrick, R. 1994, Quality of Life in Healthcare: Advances in Medical Sociology, Mumbai, Jai Press. 2. Albrecht, Gary L., Advances in Medical Sociology, Mumbai, Jai Press. 3. Coe. Rodney M, 1970, Sociology of Medicine, New York, McGraw Hill. 4. Cockerham, William C., 1997, Medical Sociology, New Jersey, Prentice Hall. 5. Cockerham, William C., 1997, Readings in Medical Sociology, New Jersey, Prentice Hall. 6. Conrad, Peter et al, 2000, Handbook of Medical Sociology, New Jersey, Prentice Hall. 7. Dasgupta, R., Nutritional Planning in India, Hyderabad, NIN, 1993. 8. Fox, Renee C., 1988, Essays in Medical Sociology, Journeys into the field, New York, Transac Publishers. 9. Nayar, K.R., 1998, Ecology and Health: A System Approach, New Delhi, APH Publishing Corporation.

10. Venkataratnam, R., 1979, Medical Sociology in an Indian Setting, Madras, Macmillan. 11. Gunatillake,G., 1984, Intersectoral linkages and health development: Case studies in India (Keral State), Jamaica, Norway, Sri Lanka, and Thailand (WHO Offset series), Geneva, WHO. 12. Rao, Mohan, 1999, Disinvesting in health: The World Banks prescription for health, New Delhi, Sage. 13. Schwatz, Howard, 1994, Dominant Issues in medical sociology, New York, MacGraw Hill. 14. Scrambler, Graham and Paul Higgs, 1998, Modernity, medicine and health: Medical sociology towards 2000, London, Routledge. 15. Human Development Report, United Nations.


SEMESTER-II COMPULSORY PAPERS SOC 05: CLASSICAL THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS Objectives of the Paper: 1. To introduce the students to the theoretical foundations in Sociology. 2. To acquaint the students with how the issues of the society are reflected in theoretical forms. Lecture per Unit 1. Karl Marx: A. Class Formation and Class Struggle B. Dialectical Materialism and the Theory of Social Change C. Alienation, Surplus Value and Exploitation 2. Max Weber: A. Social Action: Theory and Types of Social Action B. Protestant Ethic in the Emergence of Modern Capitalism C. Bureaucracy, Authority and Ideal Types and 3. Vilfredo Pareto: A. Logical and Non-Logical Actions B. Residues and Derivations C. Circulation of Elites 4. Georg Simmel: A. Social Interaction: Forms and Types B. Subjective and Objective Culture Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. George Ritzer, 1996, Sociological Theory, The McGRAW-HILL International Editions. Parsons Talcott, The Structure of Social Action, Vol. I & II, McGraw Hill, New York. Nisbet, 1966, The Sociological Tradition, Heinmann Educational Books Ltd, London. Zetlin Irving, 1981, Ideology and the Development of Sociological Theory, Prentice Hall. 5. Dahrendorf Ralph, 1959, Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society. 6. Bendiz Rinehard, 1960, Max Weber, An Intellectual Portrait. 7. Popper Karl, 1945, Open Society and its Enemies, Routledge, London. 8. Aron Raymond, Main Currents in Sociological Thought, Vol. I & II, Penguin. 9. Coser L.A., 1977, Masters of Sociological Thought, New York. 10. Giddens Anthony, 1997, Capitalism and Modern Social Theory. 11. Writings of Marx, Durkheim and Weber, Cambridge University Press. 12. R.N. Mukherjee and Arunansu Ghoshal, Social Thought, Vivek Prakashan, Delhi. 13. Francis Abraham and John Henry Morgan, Sociological Thought. 14. Michael Haralambos and Martin Holborn, 2000, Sociology: Themes and Perspectives, Harper Collins, London. 15. H.E. Barnes, Introduction to Sociology. 16. N.S. Vaidya, Samajik Vicharbant.






Objectives of the Paper: 1. To introduce the students to the techniques of data processing and analysis. 2. To acquaint the students with report writing in social research. Lecture per Unit 1. Processing of the Data to be Analyzed: A. Classification, coding, editing B. Tabulation: simple and cross tables C. Graphic presentation of data, analysis and interpretation Uses of Measures of Central tendencies in Data Analysis: A. Mean, median and mode: meaning, advantages and limitations B. Statistical calculations of mean, media and mode 15



3. Uses of Measures of Dispersion and Correlation: A. Standard/quartile deviation: meaning, advantages and limitations C. Correlation: Tests of significance and covariance. 4. Writing of Research Report: A. Introduction: statement of the problem, theoretical framework, review of literature - theoretical and empirical reviews and the overview of researchers own study B. Methodology of the study C. Results/Findings of the study D. Discussion E. Summary or abstract of the study F. Footnote, references, bibliography and appendix Suggested Readings:



1. Wilkinson, T. S., and P. L. Bhandarkar., Methodology and Techniques of Social Research, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, (Reprint, 2004) 2. Hughes, John., The Philosophy of Social Research, Longman, London, 1987. 3. D.A.de Vaus, Surveys in Social research, George Relen and Unwin, London, 1986. 4. Bose, Pradip Kumar, Research Methodology, ICSSR, New Delhi. 5. Madge, John., The Origins of Scientific Research, Tavistock, London,1970. 6. Barnes, John A., Who Should Know What? Social Science, Privacy and Ethics, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1979. 7. Mukherjee, P.N., Methodology in Social Research: Dilemma and Perspectives, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2000. 8. Moser, C.A. and Kalton, G, Survey Methods in Social Investigation, Heinemann, 1971. 9. Bhandarkar, P.L., Samajik Sanshodhan Padhati (Marathi).


OPTIONAL PAPERS (SEMESTER-II) Students shall be required to select any one of the following optional groups


Objectives of the Paper: 1. To introduce the students to various social institutions such as family, marriage, caste and religion in rural India.. 2. To make students understand the changing patterns of family, marriage, caste, and religion in rural society in India. Lecture per Unit 1. Family in Rural Society: A. Meaning and definition of rural family B. Nature and functions of rural family C. Factors responsible for changes in rural family 2. Marriage in Rural Society: A. Meaning and definition of marriage B. Mate selection in rural society C. Changing patterns of marriage in rural India 3. Caste and Rural Society in India: A. Nature, characteristics and change in caste B. Caste as a form of rural social stratification C. Caste and untouchability in rural India 4. Religion in Rural India: A. Nature and meaning of religion B. Changing nature of religious beliefs in rural India C. Religion, magic and superstition in rural India Suggested Readings: 1. Beteille, Andre, Six Essays in Comparative Sociology, OUP, New Delhi, 1974. 2. Thorner, Daniel and Thorner, Alice, Land and Labour in India, Asia Publications, Bombay, 1962.





3. Berch, Berberogue, (ed.) Class, State and Development in India 1, 2, 3 and 4 Chapters, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1992. 4. Desai A.R., Rural Sociology in India, Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1977. 5. P. Radhakrishnan, Peasant Struggles: Land Reforms and Social Change in Malabar 1836 1982, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1989. 6. Thorner, Daniel and Thorner Alice, Land and Labour in India, Asia Publications, Bombay, 1962. 7. Dhanagare D.N., Peasant Movements in India, OUP, New Delhi, 1988. 8. Ashish Nandy, Ambiguous Journey to the City, OUP, New Delhi, 1999. 9. Karalay, G.N., Integrated Approach to Rural Development, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2005. 10. B.K. Swain, 1998, Changing Occupational Structure in Vidarbha, India, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. 11. Jena D.N., and Mohapatra U.K., Rural Sociology, Books and Books, Cuttack, 1994. 12. Sharma R.N., Indian Rural Sociology. 13. Twaniya, Gramin Samajshastra, College, College Book Depot, Jaipur. 14. Desai A.R., Bharatiya Gramin Samajshastra, Rawat Publication.



Objectives of the Paper: 1. The paper intends to make students understand urbanization in terms of the overall changes emerging in society. 2. The paper also intends to acquaint the students with the emerging problems of urbanization and planning for urban development in India. Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding Urbanization: A. Concept, definition and meaning B. Urbanization, Industrialization and Migration C. Emerging trends in urbanization 2. Urbanization and the Concomitant Changes: A. Causes and consequences of urbanization B. Social, economic and cultural changes C. Changes in occupational structure 3. Urbanization and Social Exclusions: A. Class, caste and ethnic exclusions B. Gendered segregation of space, elite and popular culture 4. Urban Problems and Planning for Urban Development in India: A. Problems of housing, alcoholism, drug addiction B. Problems of slums and environmental pollution C. Loss of morality, crime and delinquency D. Planning for urban development Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Bergel, E.E., 1955, Urban Sociology, Mc-Graw Hil Book Company, New York. Quinn J.A., 1955, Urban Sociology, S. Chand & Co, New Delhi. Pickwance C.G. (ed.) 1976, Urban Sociology, Critical Essays, Methuen. Saunders Peter, 1981, Social Theory and Urban Question, Hutchionson. Bose Ashish, 1978, Studies in Indian Urbanization 1901-1971, Tata McGraw Abrahimson M. 1976, Urban Sociology, Englewood, Prentice-Hall. Ronnan, Paddison, 2001, Handbook of Urban Studies, Sage India. Bharadwaj, R.K., 1974, Urban Development in India, National Pub.House. Gold Harry,1982, Sociology of Urban Life, Prentice Hall,Englewood, Cliffe. Colling Worth, J.B., 1972, Problems of Urban Society, Vol. 2, George Allen & Unwin Ltd. Alfred de Souza, 1979, The Indian City : Poverty, Ecology and Urban Development, Manohar, Delhi. Desai A.R., and Pillai S.D., (ed.) 1970, Slums and Urbanization, Popular Prakashan, Bombay. Castells M. 1977, The Urban Question, Edward Arnold, London. Ramachandran R, 1991, Urbanization and Urban Systems in India, OUP, Delhi. B.K. Swain, 1998, Changing Occupational Structure in Vidarbha, India, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. Ellin Nan, 1996, Post Modern Urbanism, Oxford, UK.





17. Edward W. Soja, 2000, Post Metropolis: Critical Studies of Cities and Regions, Oxford, Blackwell. 18. Fawa F. Sylvia, 1968: New Urbanism in World Perspectives - A Reader, T.Y.Crowell, New York. 19. Sujata Patel and Kushal Deb (ed) 2006, Urban Studies, OUP. 20. Setha Low, 2000, Theorizing the City, Rutgers University Press. 21. Sharon Zukin, 1995, The Cultures of Cities, Blackwell. 22. Kopardekar, H.D., 1986, Social Aspects of Urban Development, Popular Prakashan, Mumbai. 23. Bhattacharya, B., 1979, Urban Development in India, Shree Publishing House, Delhi. 24. De Souza, Alfred, (ed) 1983, Urban Growth and Urban Planning, Indian Social Institute, New Delhi.



Objectives of the Paper: 1. To understand the history and origin of social movements in India. 2. To orient the students to different types of social movements in India. Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding Social Movements in India: A. History and origin of social movements in India B. Causes and consequences of social movements C. Caste and social movements in India 2. Traditional Social Movements: A. Peasant and tribal Movements B. Trade union and nationalist movements 3. New Social Movements: A. Dalit and ethnic movements B. Womens movement C. Ecological and environmental movements 4. Consequences of Social Movements: A. Social movements, state and civil Society in India B. Social movements, social change and development Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. Banks, J.A., 1972, The Sociology of Social Movements, London, Macmillan. Desai, A.R., (ed.) 1979, Peasant Struggles in India, Bombay, Oxford University Press. Dhanagare D.N., 1983, Peasant Movements in India 1920-1950, Delhi, OUP. Gore M.S., 1993, The Social Context of an Ideology: Ambedkars Political and Social Thoughts, New Delhi, sage. 5. Oommen T.K., 1990, Protest and Change: Studies in Social movements, Delhi, Sage. 6. Rao M.S.A., 1979, Social Movements in India, New Delhi, Manohar. 7. Singh K.S., 1982, Tribal Movements in India, New Delhi, Manohar. 8. Selliot Eleanor, 1995, From Untouchable to Dalit: Essays on the Ambedkar Movement, New delhi, Manohar. 9. Gouldner A.W., 1950, (ed.) Studies in Leadership, New York, Harper and Brothers. 10. Oommen T.K., 1972, Charishma, Stability and Change: An Analysis of Bhoodan Gramdan Movement, New Delhi, Thomas Press. 11. Shah Ghanshyam, 1990, Social movements in India: A Review of the Literature, Delhi, Sage. 12. Shah Nandita, 1992, The Issues at Stake: Theory and Practice in the Contemporary Womens Movements in India. 13. Shiva Vandana, 1991, Ecology and the Politics Survival, New Delhi, Sage. 15






Objectives of the Paper: 1. The basic objective of the paper is to acquaint the students with key concepts, theoretical perspectives and the development of sociology of education. 2. The paper also aims at making students understand the relevance of education as an agent of change, development and growth of the human society. Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding the Importance of Sociology of Education: A. Definition, meaning and scope of sociology of education B. Education, family and social class C. Significance of sociology of education 2. Sociology of Education and Traditional Theoretical Perspectives: A. Functionalist perspectives: Emile Durkheim and Talcott Parsons B. Conflict perspectives: Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis 3. Sociology of Education and New Theoretical Perspectives: A. Liberal Perspective: John Dewey B. Postmodern perspective: Robin Usher and Richard Edwards C. Feminist Perspective 4. Education and Society: A. Education and socialization B. Education, social change and social mobility C. School as a system, schooling as a process and teacher as an agent of change Suggested Readings: 1. Haralambos, Michael, Martin Holborn and Robin Heald, 2000, Sociology: Themes and Perspectives, Fifth Edition, Collins, London. 2. Acker, S, 1994, Gendered Education: Sociological Reflections on Women,, Buckinghum: Open University Press. 3. Banks, Olive, 1971, Sociology of Education, (2nd Ed.), London: Batsford. 4. Banks, James A. and Lynch, James (eds.) 1986, Multicultural Education in Western Societies, London: Holt Saunders. 5. Blackledge, D. and Hunt, B., 1985, Sociological Interpretations of Education, London: Crom Helm. 6. Brint, Steven, 1998, Schools and Societies, Thousand Oaks, Calif: Pine Forge Press, A Division of Sage. 7. Uttam B. Bhoite, 2009, Higher Education in India: A System on the Verge of Chaos, Sociological Bulletin, Vol.58, No.2, May-August. 8. Channa, Karuna, 1988, Socialization, Education and Women: Explorations in Gender Identity, New Delhi: Orient Longman. 9. Chanana, Karuna, 1979, Towards a Study of Education and Social Change. In Economic and Political Weekly, 27, 14 (4): 157-64. 10. B.K. Swain, 1998, Changing Occupational Structure in Vidarbha, India, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.





11. Chitnis, Suma and P.G. Albach, 1993, Higher Education Reform in India, Experience and Perspectives, New Delhi: Sage. 12. Craft, Maurice, (e.d), 1970, Family, Class and Education: A Reader, London: Longman. 13. Dreze, Jean and Amartya Sen, 1995, Indian Economic Development and Social Opportunity, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 14. Gandhi, M.K., 1962, Problems of Education< Ahmedabad: Navjeevan Prakashan. 15. Gore, M.S. et.al. (ed.), 1975, Papers on the Sociology of Education in India, New Delhi, NCERT. 16. Halsey, A.H., Hugh Lander, Phillips Brown and Amy S. Wells, 1997, Education, Culture, Economy and Society, Oxford, Oxford University Press. 17. Jejeebhoy, Shireen, 1995, Womens Education, Autonomy and Reproductive B ehaviour, Oxford: Clarendon Press. 18. Meighan, Ronald and Iram Siraj- Blatchford, 1997, A Sociology of Educating, London: Cassell, Third Edition. 19. Robinson, P., 1987, Perspectives in the Sociology of Education: An Introduction, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 20. Sen, Amartya, 1992, Inequality re-examined, Delhi: Oxford University Press. 21. Shatrugan, M., 1988, Privatising Higher Education, EPW. Pp. 2624. 22. Ahmad Karuna, 1984, Social Context of Womens Education 1921 -81, New Frontiers in Higher Education, No.3, pp.1-35. 23. Durkheim,Emile, 1956, Education and Sociology, New York, Free Press. 24. Friere, Paulo, 1972, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. 25. Halsay, A.K. et.al., 1961, Education, Economy, and Society: A reader in the Sociology of Education, New York: Free Press. 26. Jayaram, N, 1990, Sociology of Education in India, Jaipur: Rawat Publication. 27. Jefferey, R. and Alaka M. Basu, 1996, Girls Schooling, Womens Autonomy and fertility Change in South Asia, New Delhi: Sage. 28. Kamat, A.R., 1985, Education and Social Change in India, Bombay: Somaiya. 29. Karabel, J. and A.H. Halsey (eds.) 1977, Powers and Ideology in Education, New York: Oxford University Press. 30. Naik, J.P., 1975, Quality, Quantity and Equality in Education, Naw Delhi: Allied Publishers, Whole Book. Tyler, William, 1977, The Sociology of Educational Inequality, London: Methuen.



Objectives of the Paper: 1. To introduce the students to crime correction, its forms and correctional programmes. 2. To acquaint the students with the problems of correctional administration and alternatives to imprisonment. Lecture per Unit 1. Crime Correction and its Forms: A. Meaning and significance of correction B. Forms of correction: prison-based and community-based 2. Correctional Programmes in Prisons: A. Educational and vocational B. Psychiatric and meditation 3. Problems of Correctional Administration: A. Antiquated jail manual and prison Act B. Overcrowding, custodial mindset and and lack of inter-agency coordination among police C. Human rights and prison management D. Limitations and prospects of correction 4. Alternatives to Imprisonment: A. Probation, parole and open prisons B. After-care and rehabilitation Suggested Readings: 1. Bedi, Kiran. It is Always Possible, New Delhi, Sterling Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1998. 2. Gill, S.S. The Pathology of Corruption, New Delhi: Harper Collins Publishers, (India), 1998. 3. Goel, Rakesh. M. and Manohar S. Powar. Computer Crime: Concept, Control and Prevention, Bombay: System Computers Pvt. Ltd., 1994. 4. Lilly, J. Robert, Francis T. Wallen and Richard Ball A. Criminological Theory, Context and Consequences, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1995. 5. Makkar, S.P. Singh and Paul C. Friday. Global Perspectives in Criminology, Jalandhar: 6. ABC Publications, 1993. 7. Ministry of Home Affairs. Crime in India, New Delhi: Government of India, 1998. 8. Reid, Suetitus. Crime and Criminology, Illinayse: Deydan Press, 1976. 9. Shankardas, Rani Dhavan. Punishment and the Prison: India and International Perspective, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2000. 10. Sutherland, Edwin H. and Donald R Cressey. Principles of Criminology, Bombay : The Times of India Press, 1968. 11. Walklete, Sandra. Understanding Criminology, Philadelphia: Open University Press, 1998. 12. Williams, Frank R. and Marilym D. Meshare. Criminological Theory, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1998. 13. Williamsan, Harald E. The Correction Profession, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1990. 14. Bequuai, August. Computer Crime, Toronto: Lesington Books, 1978.





15. Buckland, John. Combating Computer Crime: Prevention, Detection and Investigation, New Delhi: McGraw-Hill, 1992. 16. Drapkin, Ismail and Viano, Emillio. Victimology: A New Focus, London, Lesington Press, 1975. 17. Hallman, Taryl A. The Economics of Crime, New York: St. Martins Press, 1950. 18. Inciarti James A. and Pottieger Anne E. Violent Crime: Historical and Contemporary Issues, London, Sage Publications, 1978. 19. Ministry of Home Affairs. Report of the All India Committee on Jail Reforms, 1980-83, New Delhi: Government of India. 20. Revid, JOrathan. Economic Crime, London, Kegan Paul, 1995.Ryan, Patrick J. and George Rush. Understanding Organized Crime in Global Perspective, London: Sage Publications, 1997. 21. Pace, Denay F. Concept of Vice, Narcotics and Organized Crime, London, Prentice Hall, 1991. 22. Weisburd, Dand and Kip Schlegal. White Collar Crime Reconsidered, Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1990.


(B-6) SOC 08: WOMEN IN INDIAN SOCIETY Objectives of the Paper: 1. To understand women in Indian society with special reference to their changing status and role. 2. To understand the overall situation of women under the system of patriarchy in India. Lecture per Unit 1. The Changing Profile of Women in India: A. The changing status of women in pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial India B. The demographic profile - the gender gap (Census, NSS) C. Alternative conceptions of gender - caste and gender; class and gender 2. Patriarchy and Women in India: A. Women in family: gender roles B. Womens role in decision making: family, marriage, education, reproductive behavior, health, etc. 3. Women and Social Institutions: A. Education: Gender based participation in educational institutions B. Economy: Sexual division of labour and marginalization of women C. Polity: Gender based participation in politics; reservations for women and political empowerment 4. Women and Social Issues: A. Development B. Communalism C. Crime and violence Suggested Readings: 1. Altekar, A.S., 1983, The Position of Women in Hindu Civilization, Delhi, Motilal Banarasidas, Second Edition, Fifth Reprint. 2. Chodrow, Nancy, 1978, The Reproduction of Mothering, Berkely University of California Press. 3. Desai Neera and M Krishnaraj, 1978, Women and Society in India, Delhi, Ajanta. 4. Dube Leela et al (eds.) 1986, Visibility and Power: Essays on Women in Society and Development, New Delhi, OUP. 5. Forbes G., 1998, Women in Modern India, New Delhi, Cambridge University Press. 6. Maccoby, Eleaner and Carol Jackin, 1975, The Psychology of Sex Differences, Stanford, , Stanford University Press. 7. Mc Cormack, C and M. Strathern (ed.) 1980, Nature, Culture and Gender, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 8. Myers, Kristen Anderson et al, (eds.) 1998, Feminist Foundations: Towards Transforming Sociology, New Delhi, Sage. 9. Oakely, Ann., 1972, Sex, Gender and Society, New York, Harper and Row. 10. Sharma, Ursula, 1983, Women, Work and Property in North-West India, London, Tavistock.





11. Shulamitz, Reinharz and Lynn Davidman, 1991, Feminist Research Methods, New York, Oxford University Press. 12. Srinivas, M.N., Caste Its Modern Avatar, New Delhi, Penguin (Leela Dubes Article on Caste and Women) 13. Vaid, S and K Sangari, 1989, Recasting Women Essays in Colonial History, New Delhi. 14. Agarwal, B, 1994, A Field of Ones Own Gender and Land Rights in South Asia, Cambridge University Press. 15. Channa Karuna, 1988, Socialization, Women and Education: Explorations in GenderIdentity, New Delhi, Orient Longman. 16. Dube Leela, 1997, Women and Kinship: Comparative Perspectives on Gender in South and South-East Asia, Tokyo, United Nations University Press. 17. Gandhi, N and N. Shah, 1992, The Issues at Stake: Theory and Practice in the Contemporary Womens Movement in India, New Delhi. 18. Ghadially, Rehana, (ed.) 1988, Women in Indian Society, New Delhi, Sage. 19. Jaywardene, Kuman, 1991, Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World, New Delhi. 20. Miss Maria, 1980, Indian Women and Patriarchy: Conflicts and Dilemmas of Students and Working Women, New Delhi, Concept. 21. Omvedt Gali, 1975, Caste, Class and Womes Liberation in India, Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars. 22. Pardeshi, Pratima, 1988, Dr. Ambedkar and the Question of Womens Liberation in India, Pune, WSC, University of Pune.



Objectives of the Paper: 1. To introduce to the students to the concept of social exclusion. 2. To identify the groups and communities subjected to social exclusion. Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding the Concept of Social Exclusion: A. Nature, meaning, definition and scope B. Theories: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and David Hardiman 2. Social Categories and Social Exclusion: A. Caste and social exclusion B. Gender, patriarch and social exclusion C. Religion and social exclusion 3. Socio-Revolutionary Movements and Social Exclusion in India: A. Mahatma Jyotibha Phule and Savitribai Phule B. Chhatrapati Sahu Maharaj and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 4. Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policies in India: A. Natural/ecological resources and weaker sections B. Politics of inclusive policies C. Positive discriminations and social exclusion Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. Ram, Ahuja. Society in India, Rawat Publications, 2004. Rao, Shankar. Sociology of Indian Society, S. Chand and Company, New Delhi, 2004. Ghurye, G.S. Caste and Race in India, Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1969. Guha, Ranjit. (ed.), Sabaltern Studies: Writings on South Asian History and Society, Oxford, Delhin 1982. 5. Michael, Haralambos. Sociology:Themes and Perspectives, 13th edition, OUP, Delhi, 1994. 6. Forbes, G. Women in Modern India, New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, 1998. 7. Oakley, Ann. Sex, Gender and Society, New York: Harper and Row, 1972. 8. Malcolm. Globalization, London: Routledge, 1996. 9. Beteille, Andre. The Backward Classes in Contemporary India, Delhi, OUP, 1992. 10. Zelliot, Eleanor. From Untouchable to Dalit: Essays on the Ambedkar Movement, New Delhi, Manohar, 1995. 11. Ambedkar, B.R. The Untouchables: Who were they and why they become untouchables, New Delhi, 1948. 15






Objectives of the Paper: 4. To understand the need and importance of the study of marginalized communities in India. 5. To identify the groups and communities subjected to social exclusion. Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding Marginalized Communities and the Bases of Marginalization: A. The meaning and definition of marginalized communities B. Bases of marginalization: socio-economic and political, discrimination, deprivation, exploitation, segregation and poverty 2. Theories of Marginalization: A. Caste theory of marginalization B. Racial theory of marginalization C. Religious and cultural theory of marginalization D. Economic (Marxist) theory of marginalization 3. Marginalized Communities in India: A. SCs, STs, NTs, DNTs, women and minorities Eradicate B. Socio-economic status, mobility and problems among the marginalized communities 4. Means of Eradicating the Situation of Marginality: A. Education, employment and political participation B. Access to health and civic amenities C. Socio-cultural assimilation and absorption Suggested Readings: 1. Ahuja, Ram. Indian Social System, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 1993/2002. 2. Beteille, Andre. Backward Classes and the New Social Order, OUP, Delhi, 1981. 3. Beteille, Andre. The Backward Classes in Contemporary India, OUP, Delhi, 1992.Charsley, S.R. and G.K. Karanth (Eds.), Challenging Untouchability, Sage Publications, Delhi, 1998. 4. Chaudhuri, S.N. Changing status of depressed castes in contemporary India, Daya Publishing House, Delhi, 1988. 5. Gore, M.S. The Social Context of an Ideology: The Social and Political Thoughts of Babasaheb Ambedkar, Sage, New Delhi, 1993. 6. Gupta, Dipankar. Social Stratification, OUP, New Delhi, 1991. 7. Jogdand, P.G. New Economic Policy and Dalits (Jaipur: Rawat)2000. 8. Jogdand, P.G. Dalit Movement in Maharashtra, Kanak Publications, New Delhi, 1991. 9. Mane Suresh. Glimpses of Socio-Cultural Revolts in India, Samrudh Bharat, Mumbai, 2006. 10. Omvedt, Gail. Dalit Visions: The anti-caste movement and the construction of an Indian identity, Orient longman, New Delhi, 1995. 11. Omvedt, Gail. Dalits and the Democratic Revolution, Sage, New Delhi, 1999. 12. Oommen,T.K. Protest and Change: Studies in Social Movements, Sage, Delhi, 1990. 13. Shah, Ghansham. Social Movements in India: A Review of Literature, Sage, Delhi, 1990. 14. Singh, K.S. The Scheduled Castes, Anthropological Survey of India, Delhi, 1998. 15. Singh, K.S. The Scheduled Tribes, OUP, Delhi, 1995.





16. Thorat, Sukhadeo. New Economic Policy and its Impact on Employment and Poverty of the Scheduled Castes, 1997, (Pune University). 17. Zelliot, Eleanor. From Untouchable to Dalit: Essays on the Ambedkar Movement, Manohar, New Delhi, 1995. 18. Venugopal, C.N. Ideology and Society in India: Sociological Essays, Criterion Publications, New Delhi, 1988.


SEMESTER-III COMPULSORY PAPERS SOC 09: ORIENTATIONS IN SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY Objectives of the Paper: 1. To introduce students to various theoretical perspectives in sociology. 2. To orient students to the use of theoretical perspectives in sociological researches. Lecture per Unit 1. Structuralism: A. A.R. Radcliffe-Brown B. Levi-Strauss 2. Functionalism: A. Bronislaw Malinowski B. Robert K. Merton C. Talcott Parsons 3. Conflict Theory: A. Ralf Dahrendorf B. Lewis Coser 4. Phenomenology and Ethnomethodology: A. Phenomenology: Alfred Schutz and Peter Berger B. Ethnomethodology: Harold Garfinkel and Erving Goffman Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ritzer, George. Sociological Theory, Mac-Graw-Hill, 2000. Ritzer, George. Encyclopedia of Social Theory. Vol.I&II. Sage Pub. 2005. Giddens and Turner (eds.). Social Theory Today, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1987. Abraham, M.F. Modern Sociological Theory, New Delhi: OUP. 1990. Haralambos and Holborn. Sociology: Themes and Perspective. Fifth Edition, Collins, 2000. 6. Calhoun, Craig, Rojek, Chris & Bryan Turner. The Sage Handbook of Sociology, Sage Publications, 2005. 7. Ritzer, George and Barry Smart. Handbook of Social Theory, Sage Publications, 2001. 8. Ruth A. Wallace and Alison Wolf. Contemporary Sociological Theory, 6 th Edition, Eastern Economy Edition, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, 2008. 9. David Ashley and David, Michael Orenstein. Sociological Theory, Sixth Edition, Pearson Education, 2005. 10. Tim Delaney. Contemporary Social Theory, Pearson Education, 2008. 11. Jonathan, H. Turner. The Structure of Sociological Theory, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 1987. 12. Anthony Elliott. Contemporary Social Theory, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 2009, Indian Reprint, 2010. 12






Objectives of the Paper: 1. To introduce the students to the concept, theories and factors of social change. 2. To acquaint the students with the processes of social change in contemporary India. 3. To make students also understand the approaches to the study of development and the relationship between social structure and development. Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding Social Change: A. Related concepts of social change: evolution, progress, development and transformation B. Theories of social change: socio-psychological and conflict theories C. Factors of social change: demographic, economic, religious, bio-tech, info-tech and media 2. Processes of Social Change in Contemporary India: A. Sanskritization and Westernization B. Modernization and Secularization 3. Approaches to the Study of Development: A. Modernization approach B. Dependency approach C. Neo-liberal approach (MNCs, TNCs, WTO, GATT) 4. Social Structure and Development: A. Structure as a facilitator/inhibitor of development B. Culture as an aid or impediment to development C. Development and displacement, sustainable development Suggested Readings: 1. Bryce F. Ryan. Social and Cultural Change, The Ronald Press Company, New Tork, 1969. 2. Wood Charles, Roberts Bryan (ed), 2005, Rethinking Development in Latin America, Peen State Press. 3. Preston P.W., 1982, The Theories of Development, London Routledge, Kegan Paul. 4. Abraham, M.F., 1990, Modern Sociological Theory: An Introduction, New Delhi, OUP. 5. Agarwal, B., 1994, A Field of Ones Own: Gender and Land Rights in South Asia, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 6. Appadurai, Arjun, 1997, Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization, New Delhi, OUP. 7. Dereze, Jean and Amartya Sen, 1996, India: Economic Development and Social Opportunity, New Delhi, OUP. 8. Desai A.R., 1985, Indias Path of Development: A Marxist Approach, Bombay, Popular Prakashan (Chapter 2). 9. Desai A.R., 1971, Essays on Modernization of Underdeveloped Societies, Thacker and Co, Bombay. 10. Giddens Anthony, 1996, Global Problems and Ecological Crisis, in Introduction to Sociology,





IInd Edition, New York, W.W. Norton & Co. 11. Harrison, D., 1989, The Sociology of Modernization and Development, New Delhi, Sage. 12. Haq, Mahbub Ul, 1991, Reflections on Human Development, New Delhi, OUP. 13. Moore Wilbert E., and Robert Cook, 1967, Social Change, New Delhi, Prentice-Hall of India. 14. Sharma S.L., 1980, Criteria of Social Development, Journal of Social Action, Jan-Mar. 15. Sharma S.L., 1986, Development: Socio-Cultural Dimensions, Jaipur, Rawat (Chapter !). 16. Sharma S.L., 1994, Salience of Ethnicity in Modernization: Evidence from India, Sociological Bulletin, Vol.39, Nos. 1 & 2. pp. 33-51. 17. Srinivas M.N., 1966, Social Change in Modern India, Berkley, University of Berkley. 18. Symposium on Implications of Globalization, 1995, Sociological Bulletin, Vol.44. (Articles by Mathew, Panin and Pathy). 19. UNDP. Sustainable Development, New York, OUP. 20. World Bank. 1995, World Development Report, New York. 21. Amin, Samir, 1979, Unequal Development, New Delhi, OUP. 22. Giddens Anthony, 1990, The Consequences of Modernity, Cambridge, Polity Press. 23. Kiely, Ray and Phil Marfleet (eds.), 1998, Globalization and the Third World, London, Routledge. 24. Sharma, S.L., 1992, Social Action Groups as Harbingers of Silent Revolution, Economic and Political weekly, Vol. 27, No. 47. 25. Sharma, S.L., 1994, Perspectives on Sustainable Development in South Asia: The Case of India in Samad (ed.), Perspectives on Sustainable Development in Asia, Kuala Lumpur, ADIPA. 26. Sharma, S.L., 2000, Empowerment Without Antagonosm: A Case for Reformulation of Womens Empowerment Approach, Sociological bulletin, Vol.49., No.1. 27. UNDP. 1997, Human Development Report, New York, Oxford University Press. 28. Wallerstein Imnanual, 1974, The Modern World System, New York, OUP. 29. Waters, Malcoln, 1995, Globalization, New York, Routledge and Kegan Paul. 30. World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987, Our Common Future, (Brundland Report), New Delhi, OUP. 31. Daniel Lerner. The Passing of Traditional Society,Glencoe: The Free Press, 1958. 32. Alan Peshkin and Ronald Cohen. The Values of Modernization, Journal of Developing Areas, Vol. 2, 1967. 33. Leslie A. White. The Evolution of Culture: The Development of Civilization to the Fall of Rome, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959. 34. Julian Steward. Theory of Culture Change: The Methodology of Multilinear Evolution, University of Illinois Press, 1955. 35. Alex Inkeles, The Modernization of Man, in Rajendra Pandey (ed.), Modernization and Social Change, Criterion Publications, New Delhi, 1988. 36. Myron, Weiner. Modernization: The Dynamics of Growth (ed.), New York: Basic Books, 1966. 37. S.C. Dube. Modernization and its adaptive Demands on Indian Society, in Rajendra Pandey (ed.), Modernization and Social Change, Criterion Publications, New Delhi, 1988. 38. S.C. Dube, Understanding Change, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1992. 39. Haralambos and Holborn. Sociology: Themes and Perspective. Fifth Edition, Collins, 2000. 40. Moor, Wilbert and Robert Cook, Social Change, New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India, 1967.


OPTIONAL PAPERS (SEMESTER-III) Students shall be required to select any one of the following optional groups

(C-1) SOC 011: EDUCATION AND SOCIETY IN INDIA Objectives of the Paper: 1. To introduce the students to the state of condition of education in India. 2. To acquaint them with the role of state and state policy towards education in India. Lecture per Unit 1. Socio-historical Context of Education in India: A. Education in pre-colonial and colonial India B. Education in contemporary India C. Significance of education in India 2. Equality of Educational Opportunity: A. Educational, diversities and disparities: region, tribe, caste, gender and rural urban community B. Equity and equality: positive discrimination and reservation C. Equity, excellence and efficiency 3. Gendering Inequalities and State Policy for Equality in Education: A. Education of girls and women B. State policy towards education for girls and women C. Education and modernization 4. State and Education in India: A. Basic education and social development B. Higher education: system, governance and finance C. Higher education: skill development, globalization and social mobility Suggested Readings: 1. Haralambos, Michael, Martin Holborn and Robin Heald, 2000, Sociology: Themes and Perspectives, Fifth Edition, Collins, London. 2. Acker, S, 1994, Gendered Education: Sociological Reflections on Women,, Buckinghum: Open University Press. 3. Banks, Olive, Sociology of Education, (2nd Ed.), London: Batsford, 1971.





4. Banks, James A. and Lynch, James (eds.) 1986, Multicultural Education in Western Societies, London: Holt Saunders. 5. Blackledge, D. and Hunt, B., 1985, Sociological Interpretations of Education, London: Crom Helm. 6. Brint, Steven, 1998, Schools and Societies, Thousand Oaks, Calif: Pine Forge Press, A Division of Sage. 7. Uttam B. Bhoite, 2009, Higher Education in India: A System on the Verge of Chaos, Sociological Bulletin, Vol.58, No.2, May-August. 8. Channa, Karuna, 1988, Socialization, Education and Women: Explorations in Gender Identity, New Delhi: Orient Longman. 9. Chanana, Karuna, 1979, Towards a Study of Education and Social Change. In Economic and Political Weekly, 27, 14 (4): 157-64. 10. B.K. Swain, 1998, Changing Occupational Structure in Vidarbha, India, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. 11. Chitnis, Suma and P.G. Albach, 1993, Higher Education Reform in India, Experience and Perspectives, New Delhi: Sage. 12. Craft, Maurice, (e.d), 1970, Family, Class and Education: A Reader, London: Longman. 13. Dreze, Jean and Amartya Sen, 1995, Indian Economic Development and Social Opportunity, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 14. Gandhi, M.K., 1962, Problems of Education< Ahmedabad: Navjeevan Prakashan. 15. Gore, M.S. et.al. (ed.), 1975, Papers on the Sociology of Education in India, New Delhi, NCERT. 16. Halsey, A.H., Hugh Lander, Phillips Brown and Amy S. Wells, 1997, Education, Culture, Economy and Society, Oxford, Oxford University Press. 17. Jejeebhoy, Shireen, 1995, Womens Education, Autonomy and Reproductive Behaviour, Oxford: Clarendon Press. 18. Meighan, Ronald and Iram Siraj- Blatchford, 1997, A Sociology of Educating, London: Cassell, Third Edition. 19. Robinson, P., 1987, Perspectives in the Sociology of Education: An Introduction, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 20. Sen, Amartya, 1992, Inequality re-examined, Delhi: Oxford University Press. 21. Shatrugan, M., 1988, Privatising Higher Education, EPW. Pp. 2624. 22. Ahmad Karuna, 1984, Social Context of Womens Education 1921 -81, New Frontiers in Higher Education, No.3, pp.1-35. 23. Durkheim,Emile, 1956, Education and Sociology, New York, Free Press. 24. Friere, Paulo, 1972, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. 25. Halsay, A.K. et.al., 1961, Education, Economy, and Society: A reader in the Sociology of Education, New York: Free Press. 26. Jayaram, N, 1990, Sociology of Education in India, Jaipur: Rawat Publication. 27. Jefferey, R. and Alaka M. Basu, 1996, Girls Schooling, Womens Autonomy and fertility Change in South Asia, New Delhi: Sage. 28. Kamat, A.R., 1985, Education and Social Change in India, Bombay: Somaiya. 29. Karabel, J. and A.H. Halsey (eds.) 1977, Powers and Ideology in Education, New York: Oxford University Press. 30. Naik, J.P., 1975, Quality, Quantity and Equality in Education, Naw Delhi: Allied Publishers, Whole Book. Tyler, William, 1977, The Sociology of Educational Inequality, London: Methuen.



Objectives of the Paper: 1. To introduce the students to the nature and functioning of political systems and processes. 2. To acquaint them with the prerequisites of a sound democratic political system. Lecture per Unit 1. Concepts in Political Sociology: A. Society and Polity B. Politics, power, authority C. State and the nation-state D. State and Civil Society 2. Elite Theories of the State: A. Classical Elite Theory of Vilfredo Pareto and Gaetano Mosca B. Power Elite of C. Wright Mills. C. Marxist Elite Theory and Communist Society. 3. Political System and Bureaucracy: A. Characteristics, functions and dysfunctions of bureaucracy B. Bureaucracy and the elected representatives C. Bureaucracy in India. 4. Political Processes and Political Parties in India: A. Role of caste, religion, regionalism and language in Indian politics. B. Pressure groups and interest groups C. Political parties in India: Their Ideology and Politics D. Political participation of women, dalits and minorities in India Suggested Readings: 1. Dowse, R.E.,and Hughes, 1971, Political Sociology, New York, Basic Book. 2. Horowitz, Irving L., 1972, Foundation of Political sociology, New York, Harper and Row. 3. Runciman W.G., 1965, Social Sciences and Political Theory, Cambridge University Press, London. 4. Eisendstadt, S.N. (ed.) 1971, Political Sociology, New York, Basic Book. 5. Kornhauser, W., 1971, The Politics of Mass Society, Penguin. 6. Kothari R., 1979, Politics in India, Orient Longmans Ltd. 7. Lipset, s.m., 1959, Political man, H.E.B. 8. Merton R.K., 1952, (ed.) Reader in Bureaucracy, Glenco, The Free Press. 9. Key V.O., 1964, Politics, Parties and Pressure Groups, Crowell, New York. 10. Mills C.W., & Hans Gerth, 1946, Essays in Sociology, Oxford, New York. 11. Samuel P., Huntington, 1969, Political Order in Changing Societies, Yale University Press, New Haven. 12. Almond A. Gabriel et. al., 1973, Crises, Choice and Change: Historical Studies of Political Development, Boston. 13. P.Blau, 1956, Bureaucracy in Modern Society, Random House, New York. 14. Lipset S.M., 1959, Political Man, H.E.B.





15. William Riker et. al., 1973, An Introduction to Positive Political Theory, Englewood, Cliff. 16. Robert Michels, 1949, Political parties, Glencko, Free Press. 17. Benedict Anderson, 1983, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, Beso, London. 18. Dipti Kumar Biswas, 1989, Political sociology, Firma KLM Private, Calcutta. 19. Rajani Kothari, 1973, (ed.) Caste in Indian Politics, Orient Longmans Ltd. 20. Barrington Moore Jr., 1958, Political Power and Social Theory, Cambridge, Harvard University Press. 21. Mitra Subratha K., 1992, Power, Protest and Participation, : Local Elites and the Politics of Development in India, Routledge. 22. Marris Jones, W.H., 1982, Government and Politics in India, Cambridge. 23. Jangam R.T., 1980, Text Book of Political Sociology, Oxford and IBH Publishing Company, new Delhi. 24. Om Prakash Verma, Rajnitik Samajsashtra (Hindi) Kanpur, Grantham Press. 25. N.R. Inamdar & S.N. Puranik, Rajkiya Samajsashtra (Marathi) Pune, Continental Prakashan.


(C-3) SOC 011: INDUSTRY AND SOCIETY IN INDIA Objectives of the Paper: 1. To expose the students with the knowledge on the intricacies of industrial society. 2. To acquaint students with the emerging trends of industrial society and make them understand the impact of industrialization process on social institutions and various aspects of human life. Lecture per Unit 1. The Concept of Industry as an Organization: A. Formal and informal organization B. Structure and functions of formal and informal organizations 2. Industry as a Social System: A. Industrial relations B. Industrial conflict C. Resolution of conflict: Conciliation, arbitration, adjudication and collective bargaining 3. Work in Industry: A. Work and technology: Impact of automation on labour B. Work culture and work ethics C. Human relations at work 4. Industry and Society: A. Impact of industry on family, religion and caste B. Impact of industry on occupational structure of society C. Industrialization and Environmental problems Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Watson K.Tony, 1995, Sociology, Work and Industry, Routledge and Kegan Paul. Ramaswamy E.A., 1998, Industry and Labour, OUP. Ramaswamy E.A., 1978, Industrial Relations in India, New Delhi. Karnik V.B., 1970, Indian Trade Union, A Survey, Popular Prakashan, Mumbai. Mamoria C.B. and Mamoria, 1992, Dynamics of Industrial Relation in India, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. 6. Ramaswami E.A., 1977, The Worker and his Union, Allied, New Delhi. 7. Ramaswami E.A., The Worker and Trade Union, Allied, New Delhi. 8. Agarwal R.D., 1972, Dynamics of Labour Relations in India, A book readings, Tata McGraw Hill. 9. Laxmanna C et al, 1990, Workers Participation and Industrial Democracy, Global Perspective Ajantha Publications. 10. Seth, N.R. and Patel, P.J. Industrial Sociology in India, Rawat Publications, Jaipur. 11. Hyman R. Industrial Relations: A Marxist Introduction, London, MacMillan, 1975. 12. Seth, N.R. Social Framework of an Indian Factory, Hindustan Publishing Co. Delhi, 1982. 13. Swain, B.K. 1998, Changing Occupational Structure in Vidarbha, India, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. 14. Philip Hancock, Melissa Taylor, 2001, Work, Post Modernism and Organization, Sage India.





15. Zeitlin Irving. M, 1969, Ideology and the Development of Sociological Theory, Vol. 1 & Vol. 2, Basic Books, New York. 16. Aziz Abdul, 1984, Labour Problems of Developing Economy, Ashish Publishing House. 17. Miller and Form, 1964, Industrial Sociology, Harper and Row, New York. 18. Parker S.R. Brown, Chield Jaud Smith, M.A., 1964, The Sociology of Industry, George Allen and Unwin Ltd, London. 19. Schneider Eugene V., 1971, Industrial Sociology, Mcgraw-Hill, London. 20. Gilbert S.J., 1985, Fundamentals of Industrial Sociology, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing house Co. Ltd, New Delhi.



Objectives of the Paper: 1. The paper seeks to develop understanding about the nexus between society and environment. 2. The paper also aims at acquainting the students with the current discourses on environmental issues, policies, justice, action and development. Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding Environment: A. Meaning and definition of environment B. Types of environment: Physical or abiotic environment, Biological or biotic environment C. Relationship between man and environment 2. Changing Relationship of Man with his Environment (Pre-historic to modern times): A. Hunting and food gathering B. Animal domestication and pastoralism C. Plant domestication and agriculture D. Science, technology and industrialization 3. Environmental Issues and Concerns: A. Pollution: Water, air and noise B. Deforestation: Causes and consequences C. Development, displacement and relocation and environmental problems 4. Environment and Development: A. Environmental justice, policy and action: Sustainability of resources and development B. Policy and action to conserve various components of environment C. Strategy for pollution control Suggested Readings: 1. Gadgil, Madhav and Ramchandra Guha, 1996, Ecology and Equity:The Use and Abuse of Nature in Contemporary India, New Delhi, OUP. 2. Giddens, Anthony, 1996, Global Problems and Ecological Crisis in Introduction to Sociology, 2nd Edition, New York: W.W. Norton and Co. 3. Michale, Redclift, 1984, Development and the Environmental Crisis, Meheun Co. Ltd. New York. 4. Munshi, Indra, 2000, Environment in Sociological Theory, Sociological Bulletin, Vol. 49, No.2. 5. Schnaiberg Allan, 1980, The Environment, Oxford University Press, New York. 6. Sharma, S.L. 1984, Perspective on Sustainable Development in South Asia, in Samad (ed.) Perspectives on Sustainable Development in Asia, Kualalumpur: ADIPA. 7. Harvey, Brian and John D. Hailett, 1977, Environment and Society: An Introductory Analysis, McMillan, London.





8. Mukherjee, Radhakamal, 1968, Man and His Habitat, A Study in Social Ecology, Popular, New Delhi. 9. Botkin, D.B. and Keller E.A. 1982, Environmental Studies: The Earth as a Living Plannet, Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co. Columbus. 10. Merchants, Carolyn. 1996, (ed) Key Concepts in Critical Theory: Ecology, Rawat, New Delhi. 11. Goudie, Andrew. 1981, The Human Impact: Mans Role in Environmental Changes, Basil Blackwell, Oxford. 12. Guha, Ramchandra, 1994, (ed) Social Ecology, OUP, New Delhi.



Objectives of the Paper: 1. To introduce the students to the concept of human rights. 2. To make students understand the theories and issues related to human rights. Lecture per Unit 1. Concepts in Human Rights: A. Civil rights B. Democratic rights C. Human rights 2. Perspectives on Human Rights: A. Liberal perspective B. Marxist perspective C. Neo-Marxist perspective 3. State, Constitution and Human Rights in India: A. Class, caste, tribe and human rights B. Gender and environmental rights 4. Human Rights Movement in India: A. Rights movement in post independent period B. Rights and globalization C. Role of United Nations and Anti-Globalization Movements Suggested Readings: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Desai, A.R. Repression and Resistance in India: Violation of Democratic Rights of the Working Class, Rural Poor, Advasis and Dalits, Bombay Popular Prakashan, 1990. Desai, A.R. Violation of Democratic Rights in India, Vol. 1, Bombay Popular Prakashan, 1986. Oliver Menderlsohn: The Rights of the Subordinated People. G, Haragopal. Political Economy of Human Rights. Kirti, S. Parikh. India Development Report, 1997. World Development Report, 1997. Human Development Report, 1997. 15






Objectives of the Paper: 1. To introduce new trends in global economy. 2. To make students know the differences between organized and unorganized labour. Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding the Sociology of Work and Labour: A. Meaning, definition and importance work and labour B. The changing concept of work and labour 2. Changing Division of Labour: A. Labour, post industrialism and post-modernity B. Labour and global changes 3. Organized Labour in India: A. Nature and meaning of organized labour B. Labour Union, movement and present challenges 4. Labour in Unorganized Sector: A. Women and child labour B. Migrant labour and working conditions C. Impact of globalization on unorganized sector Suggested Readings: 1. Kofman and Youngs. Globalizationa; Theory and Practice, Continuum, London, 2003. 2. Friedman, T. World is Flat: A Brief History of Globalized World in 21 st Century, Penguin, London. 3. Bernard and Schlemmer. The Exploitd Child, Zed Books, London, 2000. 4. Watson, Tony. Sociology, Work and Industry, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1995. 5. Banerjee Nirmala. Women in Unorganized Sector, Hyderabad, Orient Longmans, 1985. 6. Breman, Jan. Footlose Labour, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996. 15






Objectives of the Paper: 1. To introduce and update the new areas of sociological explorations related to industry. 2. To develop familiarity with the emerging areas of human resource and its interface with social issues. Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding Human Resources: A. Meaning, scope and significance B. Types of human resources C. Human resource development 2. Human Resource Concerns: A. Work and social context B. Technology and work experience 3. Structuring of Work in Industrial Organization: A. Skilled, semiskilled and unskilled work B. Formal and informal work 4. Human Relations at Work: A. Stress, well being and management B. Human relations and efficiency Suggested Readings: 1. Caplow, Theodore. The Sociology of Work, University of Minnestota Press, 1970. 2. Gisbert, Pascaul. Fundamentals of Industrial Sociology, Bombay: Tata McGraw Hill, 1972. 3. Schneider, Eugnene. Industrial Sociology, New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1969, Part 1, 2 and 3. 4. Watson, Tony. Sociology, Work and Industry, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1995. 5. Miller, D.C. and Form, W.H. Industrial Sociology, New York: Harper and Row, II Ed. 15






Objectives of the Paper: 1. To discuss the issues of minority groups in India. 2. To introduce the students to contemporary debates on issues related to minority groups. Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding the Minority Groups: A. Definition, meaning and characteristics of minority community B. Approaches to minority communities: liberalism, pluralism, multiculturalism, and post-modernism 2. Minorities Through Ages: A. Pre-colonial, colonial and post colonial period B. Cultural and political rights of minorities 3. State and Minority Communities in India: A. Constitutional provisions B. Policies and programmes C. Politics of equality 4. Minority Communities and Social Movements: A. Regional reorganization and politics of political representation B. Exclusion and new social movements Suggested Readings: 1. Weinner, Myron. Indias Minorities: Who are they? What do they want?, in Partha Chatterjee (ed.), State and Politics in India, OUP, 1997. 2. Kohli, Atul. (ed.), Indias Democracy: An Analysis of Changing State - Society Relationship, Princeton University Press, 1998. 3. Brass, Paul R. Ethnicity and Nationalism: Theory and Comparison, Sage, New Delhi, 1991. 4. Hassan, Mushiral. Islam, Communities and the Nation: Muslim Identities in Asia and Beyond, Manohar, New Delhi, 1997. 5. Kakar, Sudhir. The Colours of Violence, Viking, 1997. 6. Ahmed, Imtiyaz & Ghosh, Partha & Reifeld, Helmut (eds.), Pluralism and Equality (Values in Indian Society and Politics), Sage, New Delhi, 2000. 7. Schemerhorn, R.A.Ethnic Plurality in India, Arizona, 1978. 8. Harisson, Selig. India: Most Dangerous Decades, OUP, 1968. 15






Objectives of the Paper: 1. To introduce students to the school of critical theory and its theorists. 2. To introduce the students to post structuralism and the recent trends in sociological theorizing. Lecture per Unit 1. Critical Theory: A. Georg Lukacs, Antonio Gramsci, Louis Althusser B. Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse 2. Post Structuralism: A. Jacques Derrida B. Michel Foucault 3. Recent Trends in Sociological Theorizing I: A. Structuration: Anthony Giddens B. Culture and agency: Margaret Archer 4. Recent Trends in Sociological Theorizing II: A. Habitus and Field: Pierre Bourdieu B. Colonization of the Life-World: Jurgen Habermas, C. Post-modernism: Jean Francois Lyotard Suggested Readings: 1. Alexander, Jeffrey C, 1987, Twenty Lectures: Sociological Theory since World War II, New York, Columbia University Press. 2. Craib, Ian, 1992, Modern Social Theory: From Parsons to Habermas (2 nd edition), London, Harvester Press. 3. Collins Randall, 1997 (Indian edition), Sociological Theory, Jaipur and New Delhi, Rawat Publications. 4. Giddens Anthony, 1983, Central Problems in Social Theory: Action, Structure and Contradiction in Social Analysis, London, Macmillan. 5. Kuper Adam, 1975, Anthropologists and Anthropology: The British School, 1922-72, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Penguin Books. 6. Kuper Adam and Jessica Kuper (ed.), The Social Science Encyclopedia, London and New York, Routledge. 7. Ritzer George, 1992, Sociological Theory, New York, McGraw-Hill. 8. Sturrock John, (ed.), 1979, Structuralism and since: From Levi-Strauss to Derida, Oxford, OUP. 9. John Rex, Key Problems of Sociological Theory, Routledge, London. 10. Turner, Jonathan H., 1995, The Structure of Sociological Theory, Jaipur and New Delhi, Rawat Publications.





11. Zeitlin, Irving M., 1998, Rethinking Sociology: A Critique of Contemporary Theory, Jaipur and New Delhi, Rawat Publications. 12. Francis Abraham, Modern Sociological Theory, Delhi, OUP. 13. Skidmore William, Theoretical Thinking in Sociology, Cambridge University Press. 14. Wallace Walter, 1969, Sociological Theory: An Introduction, Chicago Aldine. 15. Narendra Kumar Sindhi, 1998, Samajsashtriya Sidhanta: Vivechan abam Bakhya, Rawat Publications (in Hindi). 16. S.L. Doshi, and M.S. Trivedi, 1996, Uttar Samajsashtriya Sidhanta, Rawat Publications. 17. Pradeep Aglwe, Samajsakhatil Saidhantik Drustikon, Sainath Prakashan, Nagpur. 18. Anthony Elliott. Contemporary Social Theory, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 2009, Indian Reprint, 2010. 19. James Williams. Understanding Poststructuralism, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 2005. 20. Michael Grenfell. (ed.), Pierre Bourdieu: Key Concepts, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 2008.



Objectives of the Paper: 1. To give students a comprehensive understanding of Indian society in terms of its diverse and interrelated theoretical perspectives. 2. To acquaint students with the pioneering works of Indian Sociologists. Lecture per Unit 1. Indological and Textual Perspective: A. G.S. Ghurye B. Louis Dumont 2. Structural-Functional Perspective: A. M.N. Srinivas B. S.C. Dube 3. Marxist Perspective: A. D.P. Mukherjee B. A.R. Desai C. R.K Mukherjee 4. Subaltern and Civilizational Perspectives: A. Subaltern Perspective 1. B.R. Ambedkar 2. David Hardiman B. Civilizational Perspective 1. N.K. Bose 2. Surajit Sinha Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DeSouza, P.R. (ed), 2000, Contemporary India-Transitions, New Delhi, Sage. Dhanagare, D.N. 1993, Themes and Perspectives in Indian Sociology, Jaipur, Rawat. Dube, S.C. 1973, Social Sciences in a Changing Society, Lucknow University Press. Dube, S.C. 1967, The Indian Village, London, Routledge, 1955. Dumont, Louis. 1970, Homo Hierarchicus: The Caste System and its Implications, New Delhi, Vikas. 6. Karve, Irwati. 1961, Hindu Society: An Interpretation, Poona, Decan College. 7. Momin, A.R. 1996, The Legacy of G.S. Ghurye: A Centennial Festschrift, Popular Prakashan, Bombay. 8. Mukherjee, D.P. 1958, Diversities, Peoples Publishing House, Delhi. 9. Oommen, T.K. and P.N. Mukherjee, (eds.), 1986, Indian Sociology:Reflections and Introspections, Popular Prakashan, Bombay. 10. Singh, K.S. 1992, The People of India: An Introduction, Seagull Books, Calcutta. 11. Singh, Y. 1986, Indian Sociology: Social Conditioning and Emerging Concerns, Delhi Vistaar. 12. Singh, Y. 1973, Modernization of Indian Tradition, Delhi, Thomson Press. 13. Srinivas, M.N. 1960, Indias Villages, Asia Publishing House, Bombay. 14. Tylor, Stephen: India;An Anthropological Perspective.





15. Guha, Ranjit (ed), 1982, Subaltern Studies: Writings on South Asian History and Society, Oxford. 16. Desai, A.R. 1948, Social Background of Indian Nationalism, Popular, Bombay. 17. Ambedkar, B.R. Speeches and Letters, Bombay. 18. Sinha, Surajit. 1980, Tribes and Indian Civiilization, in Manin India. 19. Bose, Nirmal Kumar, Problems of Indian Nationalism, Calcutta. 20. Singhi, N.K.1996, Theory and Ideology in Indian Sociology, Rawat, Jaipur. Refer all concerned Articles from Man in India, Eastern Anthropologist and Social Change.


OPTIONAL PAPERS (SEMESTER-IV) Students shall be required to select any one of the following optional groups.

(D-1) SOC 015: SOCIOLOGY OF INFORMAL SECTOR Objectives of the Paper: 1. The paper intends to orient the students to the issues related to informal sector in the wake of globalization. 2. The paper deals with the issues concerning caste, gender, region and labour market in India. Lecture per Unit 15

1. Understanding Informal Sector: A. The nature and meaning of informal sector B. Characteristics and importance of informal sector 2. Composition of Informal Labour Market: A. Gender, caste and region B. Child labour and migrant labour 3. Organizing the Unorganized Sector: A. Problems of unionization B. Labour boards and co-operatives C. Social security and role of the state 4. Conditions of Work, Wages and Occupations: A. Street vendors, home based workers B. Garment workers, leather workers Suggested Readings:




1. Breman, Jan. Foot loose labour: Working in the Informal Sector, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2001. 2. Datt, R. (ed), Organizing the Unorganized Labour, Vikas Publications, New Delhi, 1997. 3. Jhabvala R. and Subramaniam (eds), The Informal Sector: Employment and Social Security, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2001. 4. Kundu, A. and Sharma, A.N. Informal Sector in India: Perspectives and Policies, Manohar Publications, 2001. 5. Holmstrom, M. (ed), Industry and Inequality, Orient Longman, New Delhi, 1985. 6. Swain, B.K. Child Labour in India, Dattsons, Nagpur.


Objectives of the Paper: 1. The paper aims at acquainting the students with the challenges of disasters and disaster management. 2. To students understand the role of state and voluntary agencies in disaster management. Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding the Sociology of Disasters: A. Concepts, nature, meaning and definitions of disasters B. Causes and types of disasters: famines, floods, cyclone, earthquakes, epidemics, wars, industrial and nuclear disasters 2. Effects of Disasters: evacuation A. On victims and survivors B. On economy and society 3. The State and Disasters: A. Role of state in preventing, apprehending and managing disasters B. Role of state in the evacuation of the affected people 4. Disasters and Civil Society: A. Role of citizens associations and voluntary organizations B. Role of international bodies and political organizations Suggested Readings: 1. Veena Das and Ashish Nandy. Violence, Victimhood and the Language of Silence, Contributions to Indian Sociology. 2. Dhirendra Sharma, Indias Nuclear Estate (New Delhi: Lancers, 1983). 3. P.N. Haksar et. Al., A Statement of Scientific Temper, Bombay: Nehru Centre, 1981. 4. Ashish Nandy: Science, Authoritarianism and Culture. 5. Praful, Bidwai: Atomic Power on the Run, The Times of India, 13-15 October, 1986. 6. Dhirendra Sharma (ed.): The Indian Atom: Power and Proliferation (New Delhi: Philosophy and Social Action, 1986). 7. Dhirendra Sharma, Indias Nuclear Estate. 8. Ashish Nandy: The Bomb, The Illustrated Weekly of India, 4 August 1985. 9. Jatinder K. Bajaj: The Bhopal Tragedy: The Responsibility of the Scientific Community. 10. Sunil Sahasrabudhey, Bhopal: Science Must Share the Blame, PPST Bulletin, 1985, 5, pp.6-14, 25-29. 11. Shiv Visvanathan, Bhopal: The Imagination of a Disaster, Alternatives, 1986, II, pp. 147-65. 12. Sen Amartya (1981), Poverty and Famines, New Delhi: OUP. 13. Pradeep Kumar Parida, Understanding Evacuation Behaviour in a Disaster Society: The Case of Coastal Orissa, Sociological Bulletin, Vol. 59, No. 2, May-August, 2010, pp. 179-195. 15






Objectives of the Paper: 1. To make students know the role of media in society. 2. To orient students to different forms of media in society. 3. To make students understand the states control over media Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding Media in Society: A. Media: the concept, meaning and definition B. Media, education and popular culture in India 2. Different Forms of Media: A. Print media B. Electronic media 3. Media Roles in Society: A. Positive roles of media in society B. Negative roles of media in society C. Media as agent of social change and development 4. Media, State and Ideology: A. Media, caste, class, gender and religion B. State control over media in society Suggested Readings: 1. Asa Briggs and Peter Burke, A Social History of the Media, Polity Press, Cambridge, 2005. 2. Benjamin, W. The Work of Art in the age of Mechanical Reproduction, Illuminations, New York, Schocken Books, 1969. 3. Williams, R. Communications, Penguin: Harmondsworth, 1962. 4. Hall, S. Cultural studies: two paradigms, Media, Culture and Society, 1980. 5. Herman, Edward S. and Chomsky, Noam. Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of Mass Media, Pantheon Books, 1988. 6. John Corner. Dick Pels (eds.), Media and the Restyling of Politics: Consumerism, Celebrity, and Cynicism, London: Sage, 2000. 7. Desai, A.R. The Role of the Press in the Development of Indian Nationalism, in Social Background of Indian Nationalism, Bombay: Popular Prakashan, 1948. 8. Kohli, V. The Indian Media Business, London: Sage, 2003. 9. Jeffrey, Robbin. Indias Newspaper Revolution. Capitalism, Politics and the Indian language, New York: Martins Press, 2000. 10. Kumar, K.J. Mass Communication in India, Jaico Publishing House, 2010. 11. Gans, H.J. Deciding Whats News, Northwestern University Press, 2004. 12. Appadurai, Arjun. Modernity at Large: The Cultural Dimensions of Globalization, OUP, 1996. 13. Sohat, Ella and Robert Stam. Unthinking Eurocentrism: Multiculturalism and the Media, Routledge, 1994. 14. Uberoi, Patricia. Freedom and destiny: gender, family, and popular culture in India, OUP, 2006. 15. Hall, Stuart. The Whites of their eyes: racist ideologies in the media. In Gail Hymes and Jean M. Hume zeds Gender, race, and class in media: a text reader, Sage, 2003. 16. Said, Edward. Covering Islam: How the Media and Experts Determine How We See the Rest of the World, New York; Pantheon, 1981.





17. C. Berry and F. Martin. (eds.), Mobile Cultures: New Media in Queer Asia, Duke University press, 2003. 18. Khan, R. and D. Keller. New Media and Internet Activism: From the Battle of Seattle to Blogging. New Media and Society, 2004.



Objectives of the Paper: 1. To understand the models and theories of migration. 2. To understand the trends in migration: local, regional and international. Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding the Concept of Migration: A. Nature, meaning and definition of migration B. Place of origin and destination in migration C. Trends in local, regional and international migration 2. Migration, Society and Social Categories: A. Gender, caste and class in migration B. Migration and capitalist society C. Refugees, migration and nationalism 3. Models/Theories of Sociology of Migration: A. Models: Ravensteins distance model and Lees Push Pull model B. Theories: neo-classical economic, dual labour market, relative deprivation, world systems and Marxist theories 4. Factors of Migration: A. Factors having mobility potentials: finance and income, age, gender, Education, family ties and personality B. Factors creating stresses/dissatisfaction: housing, environment, employment opportunities, prospects for children, sense of belonging, persecution and intolerance, population pressure and poverty C. Industrialization, migration and urbanization Suggested Readings: 1. Lydia Potts. The World Labour Market, Zed Books Ltd., London and New Jersey, 1990. 2. Stephen Castles and Mark J. Miller. The Age of Migration, The Gulford Press, New York, 1993. 3. Loes, Schenk Sand Bergen (ed.): Women and Seasonal Labour Migration, Sage Publications, New Delhi, London, 1995. 4. R. Mansell Prothero and Murray Chapman. Circulation in Third World Countries, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1983. 5. Omprakash Mishra (ed.): Forced Migration, Manak Publication, Delhi, 2004. 6. Milton Israel and N.K. Wagle. Ethnicity, Identity, Migration. The Centre for South Asian Studies, University of Toronto, 1993. 7. Binod Khadria. The Migration of Knowledge Workers, Sage Publications, New Delhi, London, 1999. 8. Brinley Thomas. Migration and Urban Development, Methuen and Co. Ltd., London, 1972. 9. Swain, B.K. Changing Occupational Structure in Vidarbha, India, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, 1998. 15






Objectives of the Paper: 1. To understand the historical and social contexts of globalization. 2. To acquaint students with the distinctive characteristics of globalization. 3. To make students understand the pros and cons of globalization. Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding Globalization: A. Concept: Meaning and definition of globalization B. History and distinctive characteristics of globalization C. Benefits and disadvantages of globalization. Spheres and Agencies of Globalization: A. Spheres: Economic, political and cultural B. Agencies: Multinational Corporations (MNCs), Nation-state, Media, Market, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), IMF, World Bank) C. Information and communication technology. 15



3. Globalization and Indian Society: A. Globalization and education B. Globalization, livelihood and health care C. Globalization and marginalized sections (SCs, STs, women and poor) 4. Challenges of Globalization: A. Environmental degradation B. Religious movements and fundamentalism C. Transnational migration Suggested Readings:



1. Appadurai, Arjun, 1997, Modernity at Large: Culture Dimensions of Globalization, New Delhi, Oxford University Press. 2. Applebaum R. and Robbison W., 2005, Critical Global Studies Routledge, New York. 3. Cohen Robin and Shirin M, (ed), Global Social Movements, The Athlone Press, London. 4. Dubhashi P.R., 2002, Peoples Movement against Globalism Capitalism: EPW Feb. 9. 5. Drezem Jean and Amartya Sen, 1996, Indian Economic Development and Social Opportunity, Delhi, OUP. 6. Giddens Anthony, 2000, Runawat World: How globalization is reshaping our lives, Routledge, New York. 7. Escobar, Arturo, 1995, Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World, Princeton, Princeton University Press. 8. Hoogvelt, Ankie, 1997, Globalization and the Post-Colonial World - The New Political Economy of Development, London, Macmillan. 9. Hoogvelt, Ankie, 1998, The Sociology of Development, London, Macmillan. 10. Jha Avinash, 2000, Background to Globalization, Centre for education and Documentation, Mumbai. 11. Kofman and Young, 2003, Globalization, Theory and Practice, Continuum, London.

12. Kiely, Ray and Phil Marfleet (eds.) 1998, Globalization and the Third World, London, Routledge. 13. Lechner F. and Boli J. (ed), 2000, The globalization, Blackwell Oxford. 14. Preston, P.W., 1996, Development Theory - An Introduction, Oxford, Blackwell. 15. Schuurman Frans J. (ed), 2002, Globalization and Development Studies, Sage Publications, New Delhi. 16. Waters, Malcolm, 1996, Globalization, London, Routledge.



Objectives of the Paper: 1. To introduce the students to the concepts and theories underlying social problems in India. 2. The paper intends to deal with various aspects of social problems. Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding the Social Problems: A. Nature, meaning and definition of social problems B. Theoretical approaches to social problems: anomie, social pathology, deviant behaviour, and social disorganization 2. Structural and Familial Problems: A. Structural: poverty, caste and gender inequality B. Familial: Domestic violence, intra and intergenerational conflict and the problem of the aged 3. Developmental Poblems: A. Development induced displacement B. Ecological degradation and environmental pollution C. Consumerism 4. Disorganizational Problems: A. Crime and delinquency B. White-collar crime, corruption, drug addiction and suicide Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Jogan, Sankar. (ed.), Social Problems and Welfare in India, Ashish, New Delhi, 1992. Madan, G.R. Indian Social Problems, Vol. I and II, Allied, Bombay, 1973. Ahuja, Ram. Social Problems in India, Rawat, Jaipur, 2002. Jain, Prabha Shasi and Singh Mamta. Violence Against Women, Radha, New Delhi, 2001. Mishra, Girish and Pandey Brajkumar. White-Collar Crimes, Gyan, New Delhi, 1998. Ahmad, Siddique. Criminology (5th ed.), Eastern Book Company, New Delhi, 2005. Paranjape, N.P. Criminology (12th ed.), Central, Allahabad, 2005. Attar, Chand. Poverty and Underdevelopment: New Challenges, Gyan, New Delhi. Horton, Paul B and Leslie, Gerald R. The Sociology of Social Problems (Fifth ed.), PrenticeHall, New Jersey, 1974. 10. Weinberg, M.S., Rubington Earl Sue Kiefer Hammersmith. The Solution of Social ProblemsFive Perspectives, (2nd Edition), OUP, New York, 1981. 15






Objectives of the Paper: 1. To introduce the students to the concept, nature and characteristics of social stratification. 2. To make them understand the theoretical perspectives of social stratification. 3. To orient them to gender issues, mobility and change in social stratification. Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding Social Stratification: A. Meaning, nature and characteristics of social stratification B. Social inequality and social stratification C. Social inequality vs. biological/natural inequality 2. Theoretical Perspectives on Social Stratification: A. Functional perspectives: Talcott Parsons, Kingsley Davis and Wilbert E. Moore B. Conflict perspectives: Karl Marx 3. Social Stratification and Social Mobility: A. Class, occupation and mobility B. Status, power, prestige and social mobility C. Stratification and changes in occupations 4. Gender and Social Stratification: A. Patriarchy and womens status in society B. Gender, work and entitlement C. Gender stratification and inequlity Suggested Readings: 1. Haralambos, Michael, MartinHolborn and Robin Heald. Sociology: Themes and Perspectives, Collins, 2000. 2. Gordon,L. On Difference, Gender, 1991. 3. Gupte, D. Hierarchy and Difference, in Dipankar Gupta (ed.): Social Stratification (1-21), Delhi: OUP, 1991. 4. Dahrendorf, R. Essays in the Theory of Society, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1968. (Chapter 1) 5. Beteille, A. Introduction, in Andre Beteille (ed.): Equality and Inequality: Theory and Prac tice (1-27), OUP, Delhi, 1983. 6. Beteille, A. Inequality among Men, Oxford: BasilBlackwell, 1977. 7. Mencher, J. The Caste System Upside Down, in Dipankar Gupta (ed.): Social Stratification (93-109), Delhi:OUP, 1991. 8. Vasanth and Kannabiran K. Caste and Gender: Understanding Dynamics of Power and Violence, in Anupama Rao (ed.) Gender and Caste (249-60, Delhi: Kali for Women. 9. Weber, M. 1978. Economy and Society, Berkeley: University of California Press, (Vol. 1, Part1, Chapter 4:, Vol. 2, Part-2, Chapter 9, Section 6). 10. Wesolowski, W. 1979. Classes, Strata and Power, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. (Chapters 1 and 3) 11. Wright, Olin E. 1985. Classes, London: Verso (Chapter 3)





12. Marx, K. 1975. The Poverty of Philosophy, Moscow: Progress Publishers (Chapter 2, Section 5). 13. Miliband, R. 1983. Class, Power and State Power, London: Verso (Chapter 1). 14. Beteille, A. 1983. The Idea of Natural Inequality and other Essays, Delhi: OUP, pp. 7-32. 15. Sen, A. 1990. Gender and Cooperative Conflicts, in Irene Tinker (ed.): Pe rsistent Inequalities (123-49), New York: OUP. 16. Palriwala, R. 2000. Family: Power Relations and Power Structures, in C. Kramarae and D. Spender 9eds.): International Encyclopedia of Women: Global Womens Issues and Knowledge, vol.2: 669-74), London: Routledge. 17. Mazumdar, V and Sharma, K. 1990. Sexual Division of Labour and the Subordination of Women: A Reappraisal from India, in Irene Tinker (ed.): Persistent Inequalities (185 -97), New York: OUP. 18. Chakravarti, U. 1995. Gender, Caste, and Labour, EPW, 30 (36): 2248-56. 19. Kapadia, K. 1996. Sive and Her Sisters: Gender, Caste, and Class in Rural South India, Delhi: OUP. (Part 3). 20. Chowdhry, P. 1997. Enforcing Cultural Codes: Gender and Violence in Northern India, EPW, 32(19): 10119-28.



Objectives of the Paper: 1. To introduce the students to the nature and characteristics of the tribal society. 2. To make them know the scenario of recent developments in tribal life in India. Lecture per Unit 1. Understanding the Tribal Society: A. The concepts: tribe, adivasis, indegenous aborigines B. Meaning and characteristics of tribal society 2. Tribal Communities in India: A. Demographic features among the tribes B. Religion, economy, culture and language among the tribes 3. Globalization and Tribals in India: A. Deforestation, displacement and unemployment B. Exploitation, unrest and movements for statehood 4. Understanding Changes among the Tribals: A. Education, migration, assimilation and acculturation B. Protective discrimination and tribal welfare Suggested Readings: 1. Bailey, F.G. Tribe, Caste and Nation, OUP, Bombay, 1960. 2. Singh, K.S. (ed.) Tribal Situation in India, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Simla, 1972. 3. Singh, K.S. Tribal Movements in India, Vol. I &II, New Delhi: Manohar Prakashan, 1982. 4. Bose, A., Nangbri, T. and Kumar, N. (eds.) Tribal Demography and Development in North-East India, Delhi: B.R. 5. Bose, N.K. Tribal Life in India, New Delhi: National Book Trust, 1971. 6. Doshi, S.L. Tribal Ethnicity, Class and Integration, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 1990. 7. Dube, S.C. Tribal Heritage of India, New Delhi: Vikas, 1977. 8. Ghurye, G.S. The Scheduled Tribes, Bombay, Popular Prakashan, 1963.. 9. Furer-Haimendorf, C.V. Tribes of India: The Struggle for Survival, Delhi: OUP, 1991. 10. Mehta, P.L. Constitutional Protection to Scheduled Tribes in India in Retrospect and Prospect, Delhi: H.K., 1991. 15





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