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BSBM Curriculum1

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FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER COURSE NO. Engl 1 Math 2a Nat Sci 1 Psycho 1 Socio 1a Comp 1 Hum 1 PerDev PE 1 NSTP 1 Total Units DESCRIPTIVE TITLE Communication Arts 1 College Algebra Introduction to Physical Science General Psychology Society & Culture Basic Computer Intro to Music & Art Appreciation Personality Development Physical Fitness National Service Training Program UNITS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 29 COURSE NO. Engl 2 Math 3a Nat Sci 2 Hist3b Philo 1 Pol Sci 1d Comp 2 PE 2 NSTP 2 Total Units SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER COURSE NO. Engl 3 Eco 1 Acctg 1 & 2 Mgmt 1 Mktg 1 Fin 1 Law 1 PE 3 Total Units DESCRIPTIVE TITLE Speech & Oral Communication Introduction to Microeconomics Theory & Policy w/ Land Reform Introduction to Accounting Principles of Management Principles of Marketing Principles of Money, Credit & Banking Obligations and Contracts Individual & Dual Sports UNITS 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 2 26 COURSE NO. Engl 4 Eco 2 Acctg 3 & 4 Math 4a Rizal Fil 1 Law 2 PE 4 Total Units SECOND SEMESTER DESCRIPTIVE TITLE English Literature Macroeconomics Partnership and Corporation Math of Investment Life and Works of Rizal Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Filipino Law on Negotiable Instruments Team Sports UNITS 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 2 26 SECOND SEMESTER DESCRIPTIVE TITLE Communication Arts 2 Business Statistics Introduction to Biological Science Philippine History Introduction to Philosophy & Logic Politics & Governance w/ Philippine Constitution Basic Programming Rhythmic Activities National Service Training Program UNITS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 26


THIRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER COURSE NO Engl 5 Fil 2 Tax 1 BSBM 1 BSBM 2 BSBM 3 BSBM 4 BSBM 5 Total Units COURSE NO Engl 6 Tax 2 BSBM 6 BSBM 7 BSBM 8 BSBM 9 BSBM 10 BSBM 11 Total Units FOURTH YEAR FIRST SEMESTER COURSE NO BSBM 12 BSBM 13 BSBM 14 BSBM 15 Ethics Total Units DESCRIPTIVE TITLE Business Leadership in the 21st Century Project 1 (Company Study) Advertising and Sales Promotion Strategic Marketing Management Business Ethics UNITS 3 5 3 3 3 17 COURSE NO BSBM 16 BSBM 17 Total Units SECOND SEMESTER DESCRIPTIVE TITLE Practicum (on the Job Training) Project II (Feasibility Study Development of Enterprises) UNITS 10 5 15 SECOND SEMESTER

DESCRIPTIVE TITLE Literature II Pagbasa at Pagsulat Tungo sa Pananaliksik Income Taxes Business & Professional Communication Financial Management Human Resource Management & Development Production and Operations Management E-Commerce and Internet Marketing

UNITS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 24

DESCRIPTIVE TITLE Conversational English Business Taxes & Other Taxes Organizational Behavior & Dev't Business Policy & Strategic Mktg

UNITS 3 3 3 3

Entrepreneurial Management 3 Investment Promotion & Capability 3 Management Sales, Bailments and Agency 3 Financial Investment & Portfolio Management 3 24



It is a study on students vocabulary and communicative abilities. It is oriented towards reading the concomitant activities students engage in while reading, listening, speaking and writing. It is designed to help students develop the necessary communication skills to prepare them for their academic subjects. The course does not only deal with the mechanical process of pronouncing words and proper use of grammatical patterns but also forming of letters into words, words into phrases, phrases into sentences, and sentences into paragraphs. Math 2a College Algebra

College Algebra covers concepts and operations on algebraic expressions, rational expressions and radical expressions. It also includes solutions of the different types of equations such as linear, quadratic equations, functions and relation, and systems of equation in two or three variables and inequalities. Nat Sci 1 Introduction to Physical Science

Physical Science is a 3-unit subject that involves the study of non-living things and their significance. The subject focuses on Chemistry and Physics. It uses experimentation as it seeks answers to the countless mysteries of the universe and as it tries to understand the world. It helps formulate questions that might serve as guidepost toward the answers. Psycho 1 General Psychology

The course aims to provide students with the general overview of Psychology. Emphasis is on the scientific approach to understand human behavior and mental processes particularly on the Filipino individual. Socio 1a Society & Culture

The course introduces students to sociological ways of understanding the dialectic between self and society. Focus will be on the disciplines major paradigms and their concepts, their applications in interpreting social phenomena, methodological issues, and the value of sociological perspectives in understanding Philippine society and cultureincluding ones location in society. Comp 1 Basic Computer

This is an introductory course to Information Technology as a powerful technology providing us endless possibility. Topics include IT fundamentals, components of IT-computers, databases and communication networks, history of modern IT, capabilities and limitations of computers, classification of computers, computer systems organization, professional ethics of Filipino IT professionals and Intellectual Property Rights. This course also includes hands-on on basic PC trouble shooting and repair.


Hum 1

Intro to Music & Art Appreciation

This course focuses on the study of creative output of man. It is design to introduce the students to the different arts both in theory and practice: visual, auditory and performing arts. It intends to develop the students inner life, increase their awareness of the sensitivity of the state of the arts and culture of the countries and the Philippines. PerDev Personality Development

This focuses on activities and inputs to enhance the self-esteem of students. It emphasizes on the social graces and decorum, self-concept, assertiveness and strategies to discover potentials to enhance selfconfidence. It shall be delivered by processing the students self-evaluation of themselves and how they can improve themselves. PE 1 Physical Fitness

This is concerned with the development of muscular strength coordination and ones status with a group and self achievement through the performance of certain skills. NSTP 1 National Service Training Program

The National Service Training Program is a new paradigm in preparing the Filipino youth for the present and future challenges in nation building. The aim of the program as stipulated in RA 9163 otherwise known as the NSTP Act 2001 is to enhance civic consciousness and defense preparedness of the youth by developing their ethics of service and patriotism. Although the program has three components namely, Military Training Welfare Training Service ( CWTS), DHVTSU opted to offer only CWTS and LTS. The Literacy Training Service component is designed to train students to educate literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out-ofschool youth and other segments of the society in need of their service. On the other hand, the Civic welfare training service component intends to mobilize the students in conducting activities that will promote and contribute to the general welfare and the improvement of life of the community or will enhance its facilities, especially those that aim to improve their health, education, environment, economic life, safety, recreation, and morals.


FIRST YEAR- SECOND SEMESTER Engl 2 Communication Arts 2

This course is intended primarily to develop the writing skills of the students. To attain this, the teacher will provide opportunities for students to discover their strengths and weaknesses in both oral and written communication and through trainings and exposures leading to the enhancement of their micro and macro skills Math 3a Business Statistics

This course consists of two parts: Descriptive and Inferential. Descriptive statistics deals on data collection and presentation, measures of location, measures of variations, probability, normal and sampling distribution. Inferential statistics covers the tests of hypothesis, analysis of variance, correlational tests, parametric and non-parametric tests and regression analysis. This course develops the students to become aware of the importance of statistics in their field of studies and in national and world economy as well. Nat Sci 2 Introduction to Biological Science

This 3- unit course focuses about the living world and an introduction to human anatomy, which covers the various systems of the body. There will be a review of cell and tissue function and organization, how man develops from cell to a well-rounded individual of society, and on the different chemical and biological processes the body undergoes Hist3b Philippine History

This is a course on the history of the Filipino people covering the pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial periods. This subject shall be treated from an objective, impartial, analytical, comprehensive and nationalistic point of view. The topics are well selected and substantially discussed bearing in mind that history is supposed to enable us to understand the present situation and to guide us in our future actions as responsible people. Philo 1 Introduction to Philosophy & Logic

This course is a systematic training in correct inferential reasoning as taught by Aristotle. It helps the students differentiate good from bad arguments and organize their thoughts expressed in the manner that is coherent, clear, and sensible. This course serves as an introductory part to symbolic or formal logic and other higher forms of sciences. Pol Sci 1d Politics & Governance w/ Philippine Constitution

This is a course of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, the most fundamental and supreme law of the Republic. It emphasizes the operating principles of the presidential and democratic Philippine government and the basic civil liberties as guaranteed by the constitution. Moreover, it integrates matters of political culture.


Comp 2

Basic Programming

This course will teach students the fundamentals of Web application site implementation. This course focuses on creating a web application that delivers dynamic content to a Web site. Explain the web application framework and create a component using a web development tool. PE 2 Rhythmic Activities

This course is designed in order to develop enthusiasm and liking on different folk dances, tribal and ethnic dances, basic dance steps, and up to the latest dance craze the modern dance, cheer dance and ballroom dancing which purposely aim to help interpret Philippine dances and develop an appreciation for the ideas and traditions of foreign dances. NSTP 2 National Service Training Program

The National Service Training Program is a new paradigm in preparing the Filipino youth for the present and future challenges in nation building. The aim of the program as stipulated in RA 9163 otherwise known as the NSTP Act 2001 is to enhance civic consciousness and defense preparedness of the youth by developing their ethics of service and patriotism. Although the program has three components namely, Military Training Welfare Training Service ( CWTS), DHVTSU opted to offer only CWTS and LTS. The Literacy Training Service component is designed to train students to educate literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out-ofschool youth and other segments of the society in need of their service. On the other hand, the Civic welfare training service component intends to mobilize the students in conducting activities that will promote and contribute to the general welfare and the improvement of life of the community or will enhance its facilities, especially those that aim to improve their health, education, environment, economic life, safety, recreation, and morals.


SECOND YEAR- FIRST SEMESTER Engl 3 Speech & Oral Communication

This course deals with the theories of oral communication via communicative strategy, a teaching approach which will harness the linguistic aspects of the learners. It also deals with the basic technique in checking out the learners correct pronunciation through the introduction of the Websters Dictionary Transcription and the I.P.A ( International Phonetic Alphabet ) symbols. Stress and Intonation patterns of both Casual and Formal Encounters. Its main approach is the Audio-Lingual Method which is useful for Speech Laboratory word, phrase, sentence and paragraph drills. In the final phase, the principles of both public speaking and debate are introduced, applied, and finally staged in the form of individual or group performance. Eco 1 Introduction to Microeconomics Theory & Policy w/ Land Reform

This course provides a comprehensive coverage of all major topics in economics. Attention is given to establish students understanding of key economic principles with particular emphasis on the Philippine Economic system, its growth and development. The course covers the foundation of economics, demand and supply analysis, the concept of elasticity, the theory of production and the fundamental concept of micro and macroeconomics with the use of simple graphical and mathematical illustrations. Likewise, the course involves topics on taxation and agrarian reform with discussion on issues and problems related to its implementation. Acctg 1 & 2 Introduction to Accounting

This course provides an introduction to accounting, within the context of business and decisions. Students explore the significance of accounting information in the decision-making and learn how to use various types of accounting information available from the financial statements and annual reports. This course starts with a discussion of the nature of accounting, its theoretical background, and the accounting profession. This is followed by discussion of the accounting cycle recording, handling, and summarizing accounting data, including the preparation and presentation of financial statements for merchandising and service concerns. Next, is the introduction to accounting information systems manual and computerized. Emphasis is placed on understanding the reasons underlying basic accounting concepts and providing students with an adequate background on the recording, classification, and summarization functions of accounting to enable them to appreciate the varied uses of accounting data. Also discussed are special journals, the voucher system, and simple bank reconciliation. Mgmt 1 Principles of Management

This course deals with the fundamentals of business organizations and management. The theories and principles of organization and management, as well as their application in business and industry are thoroughly discussed. The functions of management (Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling) and the different forms of business ownership with their strengths and weaknesses form part of the course coverage. The course covers the benefits derived from entrepreneurship and importance of social responsibility as another goal of business.


Mktg 1

Principles of Marketing

This course deals with the principles of marketing. The different functions of marketing are discussed with the view of orienting the students with its fundamentals. This course will expose the students to all the elements of the marketing mix. Fin 1 Principles of Money, Credit & Banking

This course is designed to discuss the basic principles and concepts, policies and programs of money, credit and banking. It also covers the role and functions of the financial institutions, the importance of the financial intermediaries as the key planner towards the development of economy. Law 1 Obligations and Contracts

This course deals with the basic principles of law in relation to contracts and obligations. It involves discussion of the nature, sources, kinds and extinguishments of contracts and other miscellaneous topics relevant to the course. Topics include general legal concepts of enforceable rights of obligation: types of laws and national legal systems: nature, purpose, scope and key principles of national legislation; sources of obligations; kinds of obligations under the Civil Code; specific circumstances affecting obligations in general (fortuitous events, frauds, negligence, delay and breach of contract); duties of obligor to do or not to do; extinguishment of obligation; general principles of the law of contracts, elements and stages of contracts; freedom from contract and limitation; object of contracts; consideration of contracts; formalities; interpretations and reformation of contracts and defective contracts. PE 3 Individual & Dual Sports

This discusses the introduction and participation in a variety of individual and dual games and sports activity with emphasis on outdoor and indoor activities.


SECOND YEAR- SECOND SEMESTER Engl 4 English Literature

English literature is a 3-unit subject offered to Education students particularly those who major in English. The course is a survey of English Literature from the Anglo-Saxon period until the 19th century. The course includes Shakespeare. Emphasis is focused on the shorter works such as lyric poems and essays. Longer selections are assigned for outside reading. Eco 2 Macroeconomics

This course introduces the students on the fundamental economic concepts and analysis, determinants of the aggregate level of economic activity and a mixed economy as well as fiscal and monetary policies. Topics include income, savings, investment and government participation through taxation and spending, employment. Acctg 3 & 4 Partnership and Corporation

This is a continuation of the first course in accounting. It deals with transactions, financial statements, and problems peculiar to the operations of partnership and corporations as distinguished from sole proprietorships. Topics include: partnership formation and operations including accounting for the admission of partners, changes in capital, and profit-and loss sharing ratios, the conversion of an unincorporated enterprise into a corporation; accounting for incorporated enterprises, including the preparation of financial statements for internal and external purposes; and sample financial statements of companies in the service, manufacturing and trading industries. Math 4a Math of Investment

This course involves the basic mathematical tools and operations needed in solving various problems in investment and other financing transactions. It covers the following topics: simple and compound interest, discount, annuities, amortization, sinking funds, stocks and bonds. Rizal Life, Works and Writings of Rizal

This course discusses the biography, works, writings of Philippine national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal and his contributions in the redemption of the oppressed Filipino during the Spanish colonial era in the Philippines. Fil 1 Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Filipino

Pag-aralan ang Filipino bilang isang wikang denamiko na gagamitin sa komunikasyong pasalita at pasulat. Linagin ang apat na sining ng pakipagtalastasan: paglalarawan, paglalahad, pagsasalaysay, at pangangatwiran.


Law 2

Law on Negotiable Instruments

This course deals with the provisions of the law on negotiable instruments. It includes discussions on topics on negotiability of the instruments; functions and kinds of negotiable instrument; construction of ambiguous instrument; forgery and its effect; consideration; accommodation party; manner and consequences of transfer of instruments; striking out endorsements; requisites of holder in due course; defense of the parties; discharge of negotiable instruments and the parties secondarily liable, liabilities of the parties, effects of alteration; and other kinds of instruments such as promissory notes and bills of exchange. PE 4 Team Sports

The subject deals with the acquisition of skills and participation on selected recreational activities such as Parlor games. Basketball, Volleyball for team sports and Chess and Dart for the individual sports. Mga Laro ng Lahi are likewise given to foster love of country.


THIRD YEAR- FIRST SEMESTER Engl 5 World Literature

World Literature is a 3-unit course dealing with literary masterpieces of great writers. It focuses on the literatures of various continents of the world, from the beginnings of civilization to the present. It helps foster critical understanding and appreciation of how people give expression to their experience in the world. Fil 2 Pagbasa at Pagsulat Tungo sa Pananaliksik

Ang kursong ito ay naglalayong mabigyang-linaw ang ugnayan ng mga mahalagang pangyayari sa buhay ng mga Pilipino noon, ngayon at bukas. Ninanais din nitong pukawin ang mahimbing na isipan at damdamin ng mga mag-aaral ukol sa kahalagahan ng Panitikang Pilipino. Ang mga ibat ibang pagsasagawa ng sariling pananaliksik. Tax 1 Income Taxes

The course is an in-depth study of Philippine tax system and income taxation. It provides a solid foundation on the areas of tax that are likely to be encountered during the initial stage of a CPAs professional tax practice. It covers the overview of the national tax system, and the income taxation of employees, unincorporated, and incorporated businesses. Also, provides the students with knowledge of the capital gains tax; final tax on certain passive income; and the year-end tax, including the minimum corporate tax, the normal tax and the improperly accumulated profits tax of corporations. Tax forms are provided for specific topics discussed. BSBM 1 Business & Professional Communication

The course is a three-unit subject that deals on the historical perspective of mass media, their role, functions, and how they the lives of many. BSBM 1 is a three-unit course, which is designed to acquaint students with the process of purposive communication in general, and with communication in the business environment in particular. It covers lessons on the various techniques of communication can use in actual situations. Simulated activities are utilized to provide students with a feel of communication situtations they may face in the future. BSBM 2 Financial Management

This course is the first part of financial management, it deals with the basic financial policies and strategies in business operation and the role of the financial manager in determining the financial goals of the business. It covers financial statement analysis, time value of money, financial planning and budgeting and short-term financing management. BSBM 3 Human Resource Management &Development

This is a 3-unit major course that deals on the organizations employee assistance program contributory to their motivation toward achieving efficiency and effectiveness in disposing their tasks. The course also deals on the occupational safety for employees based from the mandate of the law and the commitment on the


part of the organization in viewing how important its human resources. The course will be delivered through lectures, interactive discussions, case analysis and discussions. BSBM 4 Production and Operations Management

This course covers the function of planning, supervision, and control in the production of goods and services specifically the principles of production method analysis, work measurement, plant layout, materials handling, quality control, plant engineering and maintenance, including capital investment. BSBM 5 E-Commerce and Internet Marketing

In this course, students will examine the history of the Internet and its influence on E-Commerce; and the validity of E-Commerce and why it is increasingly being integrated into the business model. Students will also explore the fundamental business concepts as they relate to E-Commerce, such as customer relationship management; e-procurement; security and staffing issues; planning; metric identification techniques for measuring the success of E-Commerce initiatives; marketing strategies on the World Wide Web; and information on E-Commerce software, hardware, and service providers. Engl 6 Conversational English

The course is designed to provide students with basic survival skills in English, that is, to communicate using the language needs in different functions such as introducing self and others, greetings, making invitations, etc. Tax 2 Business Taxes & Other Taxes

The course covers transfer and business taxes. It deals with the imposition of the tax on the gratuitous transfer of property and on the privilege to engage in trade or business. It emphasizes the social and moral responsibility of the people to pay the taxes in support of the government in order that the same government will be able to render the appropriate services in their favor. The emphasis is on the application of the theory and principles in solving tax problems. It tests the students conceptual knowledge and proficiency in the practical application of the law as they relate to accounting practice, and use the same knowledge to enhance human development and social transformation. BSBM 6 Organizational Behavior & Development

The student will be given the general idea of what is involved in developing an organization to achieve its vision and mission, its philosophies and culture to ensure its competitiveness in a globalized economy. The scope will cover such topics as principles and theories of organization development, organization design and structuring, training and development, performance management, culture and change management. It focuses on the management of organizational change/interventions from a system perspective. The students will gain sufficient knowledge to appreciate the overall impact of these activities for the success of an organization.



Business Policy & Strategic Marketing

This course introduces students to fundamental concepts in business policy within an Asian Context. Integrated in the concepts are the strategic management principles and theories which are relevant in the corporate world. BSBM 8 Entrepreneurial Management

Designed to develop and prepare students with skills needed in identifying business opportunities, developing and preparing business plans and starting and managing a business enterprise. The program will provide students with a detailed understanding of how to do business across domestic and possibly international borders. This is line with the objectives of the College of Business Studies, which is to develop future entrepreneurs among students. BSBM 9 Investment Promotion & Capability Management

Addresses the strategic need for businesses to envision and purposively create the culture that will help you win in the market place. This course will also help you view organizational capability building in a practical and integrated manner aligned to organizational culture and brand building. BSBM 10 Sales, Bailments and Agency Management

This course deals with the law on sales covering contracts for the sale of goods including nature, forms, and requisites, distinguished from dacion en pago, cession in payment, contract for a piece of work, and barter; earnest money as distinguished from option money; rights/obligations of vendee and vendor; remedies of unpaid seller; warranties; sale with a right to repurchase or conventional redemption and legal redemption; sale on credit; installment sales (personal-property- Recto Law, real property- Maceda law). It also covers the law on agency; its nature, form and kinds; obligation of the agent and the principal; and modes of extinguishments. Also discussed are employment contracts and pertinent provisions of the Labor Code and the law on credit transactions such as loan, deposit, guarantee, pledge, real mortgage, antichresis, and chattel mortgage. Other relevant laws on commerce and trade such as law on investments likewise discussed. BSBM 11 Financial Investment & Portfolio Management

The course seeks to orient the students on the basis of corporate and personal investment, leading to intermediate and advances studies on the subject. It deals on the different areas into which a corporation can invest its resources including application and techniques in investing wisely and profitably. The course emphasizes on four major investment arenas namely: Stocks, Bank account and Credit Securities, Mutual Funds and Real Assets.


FOURTH YEAR- FIRST SEMESTER BSBM 12 Business Leadership in the 21st Century

This course aims to introduce students to the different types and styles of leadership and prepare them for their future roles as managers in their respective organizations and communities. BSBM 13 Project 1 (Company Study)

Course is an independent project in which the student conducts a substantial research project in industry trends, production company organization, and/or media conglomerates. BSBM 14 Advertising and Sales Promotion

This course deals with the study on sales organization management. Emphasis is given to planning, organizing, directing and controlling sales organization. Topics will include theories, principles and practical applications in managing a sales force. BSBM 15 Strategic Marketing Management

The course introduces students to the process of developing and managing marketing strategy, examining how firms create and sustain customer valuefrom market analysis and product positioning to communications and channel systems design. Ethics Business Ethics

This is a 3-unit course that introduces to students the importance of business ethics. As an introductory course, it examines the ethical foundation of society. Likewise, it attempts to provide students with a realistic assessment of what is necessary to prepare themselves to engage in business, which would lead them to a greater understanding and appreciation of this undertaking.


FOURTH YEAR- SECOND SEMESTER BSBM 16 Practicum (on the Job Training)

This course is a required subject for all senior students. This course is designed to provide students with the necessary skills and exposures to job and apply the theories and knowledge learned on the job training. It also aims to give students opportunity to work and experience actual operations in the real business world BSBM 17 Project II (Feasibility Study- Development of Enterprises)

The course entails the viability of a business undertaking proposed by the student. It deals with the development of a business enterprise through writing a feasibility study. The preparation of a project study allows the student to cover several aspects like marketing, management, technical, financial and socioeconomic.



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