SAMPLE Complaint Affidavit BP 22
SAMPLE Complaint Affidavit BP 22
SAMPLE Complaint Affidavit BP 22
____________________________ x-----------------------------------x
COMPLAINT AFFIDAVIT I, ________________________________, Filipino, of legal age, with postal address at _____________________________________________ , after being duly sworn in to accordance with law, hereby depose and say:
1. That I am filing a complaint against __________________________________ for Estafa and for violation of BP 22, who can be served with summons and notices at _________________________________________________________________.
2. That sometime on _________________________ at my residence in the City of Manila, _____________________________ convinced me to take her check for rediscounting representing that the checks will be good on the date indicated on the checks.
3. That the respondent delivered several checks and TWO (2) among several checks are the subject of this case amounting to P235,000.00, to wit:
4. That on the dates of the check I deposited the same and to my dismay they all came back with annotations ACCOUNT CLOSED.
5. That she defrauded me to part with my money when he issued a check with insufficient funds and worse account closed. She issues checks knowing very well that the same is worthless.
6. That upon bouncing of the checks I PERSONALLY delivered a demand letter to the respondent giving her a chance to make good the payments of the checks but she chose to ignore the same.
7. Herein attached is the Demand Letter delivered personally to the respondent on ____________, 2011 as ANNEX C.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have affixed my signature this ___ day of ____________ 2011 in _________________, Philippines.
_________________________________ Complainant
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ______ day of ___________,2011 in __________. I further certify that I have personally examined the Affiant and I am satisfied that she voluntarily executed her Counter-Affidavit and that she understood the contents of the same.
Note: Sample Only, Should be used with caution, forms are case to case basis, care should be made in using legal forms that suit your needs.