Change Management Strategies For Effective
Change Management Strategies For Effective
Change Management Strategies For Effective
2, March 2011
Change Management Strategies for Effective Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: A Case Study of a Saudi Company
Hailah Alballaa, Abdullah S. Al-Mudimigh
Department of Information Systems College of computer & Information sciences King Saud University, Riyadh
ERP systems offer enormous benefits to organizations in efficiency, productivity, quality management, cost reduction and decision making-speed. Implementing ERP usually involves applying change management strategies. In this paper different change management strategies for ERP implementation in the literature has been reviewed and a case study of National Prawn Saudi based Company has been presented.
Development, Testing and Troubleshooting, Top Management Support. It is important to know that most of these factors are interrelated and impinge on one another. In this paper we concentrate on change management.(Ngai 2008) (Almudimigh 2001) suggested that among ERP critical success factors the five key critical success factors are top management support, business case, change management, project management and training. Among the key critical success factors change management was found to be one of the most important critical success factors in ERP implementation (Hawking 2004; Trieu 2010). In this paper we will focus on change management and change management strategies.
ERP, Change Management, Implementation, National Prawn Company.
The enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is integrated information system software compromised of several modules that share a central database. It helps automate and integrate business processes and practices within a firm, and provides support for core organizational activities such as manufacturing, finance and accounting, sales and marketing, and human resources. Moreover, ERP provides access to information in a real time environment (Aladwani 2001; Almudimigh 2001; Kerimoglu 2006; Jing 2007; Trieu 2010). Implementing ERP is an extensive challenge. The performance of the firm is expected to get worse before it gets better and firms are expected to encounter the resistance throughout the states of ERP implementations (Ross 1999). Several researchers have developed different models for ERP implementation; and in spite of their differences, all of them extend from the beginning of the project to going live. (Jing 2007) argues that the implementation of ERP systems is time-consuming, expensive and arduous task. It states that 44% of the surveyed companies in that study reported that they had spent at least four times as much on implementation as they had on software licenses. There are many difficulties associated with implementing ERP and in spite of their benefits many ERP systems fail (Aladwani 2001; Chen 2009) . The high failure rate of ERP implementation calls for a better understanding of its critical success factors(Nah 2003). (Nah 2003) identified the following11 critical success factors for ERP found in the literature: Appropriate Business and IT legacy Systems, Business plan and vision, Business Process Reengineering (BPR), Change Management Culture and Program, Effective communication, ERP teamwork and composition, Monitoring and evaluation of Performance, Project Champion, Project management, Software
It is estimated that approximately one-half of all ERP projects fail to achieve anticipated benefits due to underestimating the efforts involved in managing change (Appleton 1997). Change management is required to prepare users for the introduction of the new systems, reduce resistance towards the system and influence user attitudes towards change (Kemp 2008). (Foster 2007) showed that 90 % of companies that applied change management to ERP implementations believed that it had a strong impact on the success of the project. Change management is a set of tools, activities, processes, and principles that support employee understanding and organizational shifts from a current state to desired future state during the implementation of ERP systems to achieve the organizational outcome. (Almudimigh 2001).
Change management is primary concerned with people challenges during ERP implementation. Several studies suggested that people Challenges (soft issues) are more difficult to manage than the technical problems (Aladwani 2001). It is argued that successful change management is brought about through the implementation of change management strategies (Ngai 2008). Change management is important, starting at the project phase and continuing throughout the entire life cycle (Nah 2001). Different authors have different views of the scope of the change management mandate, but they all include activities 14
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887) Volume 17 No.2, March 2011 and introduce ideas that help end-users to learn and effectively use the ERP. Typically, these activities start from setting of the projects vision and end with any postimplementation activities (Calvert 2006). One of main people challenges when it comes to change management is people resistance to change (Jing 2007). The sources and types of resistance to change may vary. In order to reduce employees resistance to ERP implementation, top management of the organization must analyze the sources of resistance and employ the appropriate set of strategies to offset them.(Aladwani 2001). Moreover, it is critical for all change management managers to understand the values of their organizations and culture because they influence the way change will be accepted and adopted. Overcoming user resistance involves determining who resisting change, individuals or groups. A lot of times people are ready to change their technological platform but not the organizational processes (Ross 1999). Many researchers looked into the reason for user resistance. Possible reasons for user resistance include: loss of power and status, unclear strategic vision, extensive project schedules and more working hours, Modest financial return or no value added to the companys performance, high cost exceeding the budgeted amount... etc (Kotter 1979; Joshi 1991; Shang 2004) consolidated the reasons people resist change into four major categories: parochial self-interest, misunderstanding and lack of trust, different assessment, low tolerance for change and increased effort. Resistance behaviors vary in type and intensity; (Shang 2004) organize resistance behaviors into three types: nondestructive, proactively-destructive, and passively-destructive. Different Researchers propose different models for change management and overcoming user resistance. For example, (Zafar 2006) proposed a model for change management, managing user resistance and successful ERP implementation; It suggested organizational resistance is expected to be negatively related to implementation success, achievement of predetermined goals and user satisfaction. See Figure 1: Change Management Model From (Zafar 2006).
Figure 1: Change Management Model The change management initiatives such as getting the employees involved, attending to employees concerns, and making available support groups will mitigate the effect of resistance to change and enhance implementation success. The negative relationship between resistance to change and achievement of predetermined goals and user satisfaction will be lower when change management initiatives are higher. (Aladwani 2001) suggests approaches for change management from marketing research. In addition, he suggests a processoriented framework consisting of three phases: knowledge formulation, strategy implementation, and status evaluation. It assumes that change management and management support should positively influence system awareness, feelings towards the system and the intention to adopt that system for users to actually adopt the system. (Kerimoglu 2006) proposes a model for optimizing change management and implementing ERP successfully; it suggests the gaps between technology, human and organization should be minimized. The point surrounded by a dashed circle is the optimal point where the gaps are minimized. There are 3 places where compatibility is of concern: Between technology and organization Between technology and human Between human and organization By reaching the optimal point utilization of ERP systems will be maximized. See Figure 2: Actors of ERP project. It suggests an effective and appropriate change management 3. 2. Figure 2: Actors of ERP project (Trieu 2010) identified the following 9 change management strategies for successful ERP: 1. Top management support: top management support needs to be included in each step and in all company levels. Project Teams: team work was found to be important and project teams supporting the change management process are crucial. Project Champion: the presence of a champion is a critical faction for successfully manage change plan should be applied for each stage where incompatibilities take place.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887) Volume 17 No.2, March 2011 because he strong influence on the change process within the organization. 4. 5. 6. Clear and systematic planning: presence of clear plan for change. Broad Participation of staff in whole life cycle of ERP implementation. Effective Communication: at all levels of an organization before and during the ERP implementation. Feedback: feedback is important to find and identify the source of user resistance. Effective Training/Knowledge Transfer: Training crucial critical success factor in ERP implementation. Everyone who uses ERP systems needs to be trained on how they work and how they relate to the business process Incentives: they help develop strong feelings toward accepting and adopting new systems. Effective training, Project champions, Systematic plan for change) In addition, ten change management mechanisms were identified as important strategies in (Calvert 2006). This model introduced 2 important variables: 1. Individuals effective use of the ERP system: individual employees capacity to use the ERP system effectively, as an ultimate dependent variable. Individuals motivation to learn and use the ERP system effectively.
7. 8.
It argues that an employees capacity to use an ERP system effectively is driven in large part by an employees Motivation to learn and use the system. In other words, it is argued that organizations engage in change-management practices to stimulate their employees motivations to embrace change and to attend to learning to use the ERP system effectively. See Figure 3: Change Management Model (Calvert Model) From (Calvert 2006). Moreover, an additional variable adequate budget for resources was assumed to be the foundation upon which the extent of the change mechanisms is determined.
In particular, the following components of change management strategies were common to most projects (Trieu 2010): (Effective communication, Top management support,
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887) Volume 17 No.2, March 2011 The ten identified are(Calvert 2006): 1. change management mechanisms It is important to recognize that most ERP research was conducted in the USA since many companies there already adopted ERP systems (Davenport 1998; Mabert 2000).There has been limited relevant research on some developing countries such as Saudi Arabia. A number of studies have pointed out that popular ERP packages developed by Western countries may not fit the requirement of other organizations in other countries (Mabert 2000; Davison 2002; Ngai 2008). In the following section a case study of a Saudi company will be presented.
Executive Champion: An executive supporter of the ERP initiative is an important motivator for change. The reason is because they are the ones who have the authority to effectively remove cross-departmental political obstacles. Effective Change Team: It is preferred for the team members to be cross-functional, dedicated full-time to the task of managing. Moreover, in selecting the team organization should try to limit its dependent on consultants. Project Vision: A vision specifies what the implementation project is meant to achieve and how it can make a positive impact on the organization employees to work towards achieving the vision. Change-Readiness Evaluation: It is argues that testing for organizational readiness for change is just as important as analyzing technical feasibility. Both the readiness for change and the capabilities for making that change must be present for successful ERP implementation. Change Strategy: A change strategy is a formal plan that details the organizational elements that will be affected by the change and the tactics for introducing that change. Stakeholder input: it is found that people responded favorably to the implementation of new technology when others listened to their suggestions and requirements. Communication: the importance of communication to educate about the project vision, to inform about the implementation project and to help overcome resistance to change. Incentives: providing incentives and/or disincentives to help employees overcome resistance to change. Not only should incentives be offered to help staff overcome resistance to change, incentives also help to retain key implementation staff. An incentive can be a higher pay to those assigned to higher-level, skilled jobs or offering revised titles. Or, an overtime pay to cover the extra work during the changeover phase. Other types of incentives included cash awards, letters of merit, and certificates of recognition. Training: Training should be readily and broadly available to encourage ERP acceptance and use. It is important to consider both practical and conceptual skills when delivering ERP training. Training can also be used as a tool to help overcome some employees resistance to change.
10. Post-Implementation Change-Management Activities: post-implementation activities, such as mentoring by super-users, training, help-desk support, end-user documentation, newsletters about ERP advanced features and functions, online help, etc., are instrumental. Furthermore, ongoing post implementation change management activities are necessary to help maintain a competent end-user base.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887) Volume 17 No.2, March 2011 The implementation was not successful and the software ended up being used only in the finance department. Other departments depended on in-house developed applications and such tools as Microsoft Excel for their report requirements.
Key users were promised special bonuses depending on success rate and individual efforts and dedication demonstrated.
Analysis documents from the previous implementation were studied. More user interviews were conducted. Potential vendors were invited to conduct business studies before presenting their proposals. The NPC project manager had prior experience in similar projects
Managements commitment to provide necessary manpower resources to run the system coupled with a clear view of the benefits of the ERP, at departmental level, proved effective in getting sufficient buy-in from middle-management
An annual maintenance contract with the implementation partner company binds them to provide support services as well as help in the optimization phase. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to state that effort required for a full implementation was grossly under-estimated, resulting in the need to obtain management approval for more financing. The support was granted and the implementation was successful.
They started with one department at a time. They studied their requirement and planned change accordingly
Detailed process study and requirement analysis was conducted at departmental level, involving key staff of the departments with sound process knowledge and analytical skills. Care was taken not to pay too much attention to unpractical desires which tend to present obstacles more than anything else.
Change management is important because it helps understand change and its effects on the organization and on people in the organization which leads to successful ERP implementation. In this paper, different methodologies for change management were reviewed and presented. While different researchers proposed different methodologies for change management, they all included activities that help organizations transition from a current state to desired future state during the implementation of ERP systems to achieve the organizational outcome. It is central to recognize that differences dont only exists among those reviewed methodologies; change management tasks are not the same even in one ERP project as different groups and individuals will be affected differently and therefore will need different strategies. In addition, more research on ERP implementation, change management and country related issues need to considered.
Key figures in top management were involved throughout the implementation exercise. At key mile-stones, project status would be presented to them and they would give valuable feedback
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