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p-37 Recovery of Gold From Its Ores

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First Editfol'1, May 19a2

Seeond Edition, july 1~2

C. Ben RO~s, Governor

I i


John w. finch, Secretary


A. W. iFahrenwald

'Uni ver~ i ty ,.1" I.daho

Moslcow, Idaho


Occurrence of Gol d ... ... ... f- 1
PrQPorties of Gold - ... ... - ... i- - 2
Uses of Gold ... ... - - ... - ... i- 2
Pl-G»dl1ction of Gold... ... ... ... - 1- ... 4
Production of Gold by sourcels 6
Methods of Detecting and Assayin~ Gold Oro 6
Classif'1 ca tion of Gold Ores ...... ~ - - 7
Methods ot Gold Recovery ... - - ... i- - - 7
Amalgamation Process ...... - ... ... ... i_ - - ... - 8
History ... ... ... ... ... ... - ... - - ,- ... ... ... - - ... 8
Principle of the Process ... 1- - ... - - 8
The Process - ... - ... ... ~ - .... - ... ... ... ... 9
Forms ot Gold and Lossos in fAmalgama tion Process 9
Cyanide Process - - ... ... ... ... ... ... - ... - ... - ... 9
Discovery ... - - ... - ... ... ... ... ,- ... ... 9
Principle of the Process 10
The Process - ... ... ... 10
Gravity Concentration - ...... ... 11
I'lota.tion Process ......... - ... ... 11
Principle of the Process 11
The Procoss ... - ... - ... - - ... :- ...... 12
Flow Sheets of Modern Gold Recovqry Processes ... 12
Closed Circuit Grinding (Fiaure 2) .................. - ... 12
Stamp Mill Amalgamation Pro~esses~Figuro 3) 12
Amalgamation Process Employ~ng Ballor Rod Mills (Figure' 4)· 13
Cyanide Process (Figure 5) ~ ...... - ...... ... ......... - ...... - ...... 14
Combination Amalgamation, F~otation, and Cyanide ProceSB
(Figure 6)- - ... - ... - ... - ..; ......... - - - ... - ... - ...... 15
Plant and Operating Costs in Mod~rn Gold Milling Practice 17
Cost of Erecting Gold Treatmont Elants ...... - - ... - ... - ... - - ... 17
Metal1t.'1lg1cal Testing of Gold Or~s ... ... - - ...... 18
Marketint Gold Bulllon"a.ndRich Gold Products 18
Flotation ,.~ .'JCf~ Gold ... - - - - - 20
Introduction ... -_ ......... - ...... - 20
Limi ta tiona of Flotatt.on Prqcess 20
Crushing and Grinding - - - i_ - - tt)
Use of Amalgamation Ahead o~ Flotation - - - 21
Ratio of Concentration and qrade of Product ... - - - - - - - 21
Machinery Needed - - - ... - 1 - - - - - - 21
Examples of Gold Flotation ~ - - - - - - ...... - 21
Reagents - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - ... ... - 24
Treatment of the Concentrat~· ... - - - - - - - - ... - 24
The Well EquiPPQd Plant - - 1- - - - ... - - - - - - - - 24
Eeterences Not Mentioned in the ~ext ... - - - - - 25
Common 'Reagents Used in Gold Reco1very Pro cesses - - - - - - - - 26

. I

Gold o.cure .in nature in the me lic state alloyed Wi th small perQentages of
silver and eheDdcally combined with element tellurium. Native gold is found
in veiDel associated With quartz and ous sulfides, notably pyrite and pyrrhotite,
galena . . qhalcopyri te, arsenopyrite,
! ckel and cobalt minerals, and less commonly
zinc bleJide; With carbonates, espec 11y ankerite. Generally the metal is finely
disseminated in the body ot the sult s, or deposited on the surface ot mineral
particles, in the torm of thin tilms easily visible grains. Figure I is a
'~pbQtOmicrOgraph* ot a polished of a complex gold ore •. Lead, iron, copper,
stlver, and bismuth minerals are pre t. The light spots are gold. The smallest
p1eoes ~e about .001 inch in diame The patches marked "pH and "s" are respect-
ively iron pyrite and sphalerite, sulfide of zinc.

In the oxidized parts of veins ~he gold is often associated' with limonIte,
and gold-bearing quartz may .ontain ~mall amounts of copper carbonates and mang-
anese oxides. When gold is apparent~y disseminated in igneous or metamorphic
rockS', minute veinlets of quartz or qarbonates usually accompany it. Gold is
widely distributed. It is found in ~ea water (less than 1/40 grain per ton), and
in insignificant amounts in a great ~ariety of places.

The r~ason tDr the occurrence o~ gold in greater quantities in lodes than in
neighboring rocks is not known With 4ertainty, but it is considered that it has
risen from below with other minerals in solution and has been preclpitated cbem-
ioa11y where it is found.
• ..." • .. t·

Tellurides or gold are aontaine4 in rich ores in western Australia, in

Colorado, and elsewhere. The minera~ calaverite, AuTe2, a bronze-yellow gold
telluride,. contains 40 per .oen.~ ot S~ld and the gold-silver telluride, sylvanite,
AuAgTe4,a steel.gray mineral " contains up ·to 28 per cent of gold. When the gold
. tellurides OXidize, the resulting na ive gold is often extremely pure and finely
divided'" . . and may be covered with tel,urous OXide, called "tellurous" or "mustard
gold .." It ftaembles yellow clay, bu~ turns bright on heating.

AmOl)g the minerals s<5lletimes mi$taken for gold may be mentioned pyri te, mar-
casi te, and especially chalco~te, i the iron-copper sulfide. These minerals,
. however, are very brittle, they OXidize when beated and are qrrtte solub.·J# ...... ,
..", while gold remains bright on heat-ing ito high tempfTatures. it is\ sott Ihd '~~leabl
I •
In panning or concentrating, ma~y people have been mislead by heavy lead
minerals of a yello:- ,color, such as he molybdate, chromate, tungstate, and even
the phosphate, but th.'ese are distin . lshabl.e under a lens or low-power microscope
by their brittleness and transpareno. Nearly all substances which may b-e mis-
taken for gold are soluble in hot ac ds-. Cold is not.

When gold-bearing v~inshave ~e4ome disintegrated and swept away into alluvial
deposits, the particles ot gold, whe*e released, are found in the sand and gravel
ot the beds. Gold occurring in this Iway is 'called "allUVial" gold and is reeovereq
by methods of hydraulic mining and ~edging. For methods of recovering allUVial
gold, t.he reader is. referred to "Ele entary Methods ot PIa.cer Mining.," by W. W.
Staley, Pamphlet No. 35, Idaho Burea of Mines and Geology; "Placer Mining Methods

From a mineralogical report on ore of the Mayflower Gold Mines, Inc. By courtes~
of Thos .• H. Hi te, Geologist.

Figure 1
Photomicrograph of a polished surface of a complex gold ore.
and Costs in Alaska," by N. L. Wimmle~, Bulletin No. 259, U. S. Bureau 0"[ Mines
(1927); and Peele's "Mining Engineer' ~ Handbook," published by McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New York.


Gold is the only metal that has a yellow oolor when massive and pure. The
color is greatly modified by impurtties, silver lowering the tint, While copper
heightens it.

Gold exceeds all other metals in malleability and 'ductility. It can be beater,
when pure, into leaves one three hundred thousandth of an inch in thickness. The
presence of small percenta@es of bismuth, lead, or tellurium, renders it very
bri ttle.

The specific gravity of gold is 19.27, i.e., it is 19.27 tUnes as heavy'as

water. Its electric conductivity is not so great as that or either copper or
silver. If tae electric conductivi~ of silver is rated at 100, gold is 76.7.

The most effective solvents of gold are potassium ~r sodium cyanides, a mix-
ture of hydrochloric and nitric acids (called aqua regia), and chlorine, or any
chemical mixture that liberates free chlorine gas.

Gold is readily precipitated from cyanide solutions by metallic zinc (shavings

or dust); some zinc is dissolved and the gold is preCipitated as a black sltme on
the zinc. It is preCipitated from its chloride solution by treatmont with ferrous
sulfate, sulfuretted hydrogen or sulfur dioxide.

GOld alloys with most metals, but only a tew are of practical use in the arts.
The most important are those which gold forms wi th mercury, silver, palladium,
platinum, copper, and nickel. Metallurgically , its alloys ot zinc and lead are
important in recovering gold from molten lead bullion.


It is possible here to indicate enly a few of the ways in which gold performs
its varied important, and, in some cases, vital functions in modern life. Gold
has had a vi tal inf'luence in the world's historY;-". for the lure ot gold has led men
to wage war and subjugate whole peoples, and to colonize the most forbidding wastes .•

The essential main uses of gold are: (1) Gold held in reserve by the federal
government, (2) gold used in dentistry as pure gold and alloys, and (3) pure gold
used in tho arts,or alloyed with other metals.

Gold is held in stock by the federal government to provide the gold basis for
the currency and credi t requirements of the world's trade. There is practically
no gold money in oirculation. The ci:rculating medium is currency, the actual value
of which is determined primarily by the supply of gold within a country. The sole
importance of the gold reserve is that it guara~ees the convertibility of the
currency into gold at par. Such convertibility, however, is possible only When,
by proper adjustment of the supply of gold, the currency is maintained at an
approximate parity With gold.

Tho following table gives the go+d production in millions of dollars for each
year from 1919 to 1928 mclusi ve, the! amount consumed each year in arts am.d by the
orient, and the balance available for; money:

1- .
I 2 ..
Total Gold Produced .nd Peroentage Available
for Arts anQ.IOrient and Money

(Joseph'Kitchin, Harvard Rer. of Economic Statistics (1928)

Year Total Produotion: c~nsumed1n Arts: Balance available

and Orient for Money

1919 365 304 61

1920 335 110 226
1921 331 66 265
1922 319 218 101
1923 36? 188 1?9
1924 394 334 60
1925 394 216 1?8
1926 399 154 245
192? 401 148 253
1928 409 163 246

It is seen that the amount of new gold likely to be available for monetary
uses is difficult to calculate because of the uncertainty {)f purchases of gold by
oriental countries. In the past 10 ye~rs the average annual addition to the
monetary gold stock has been about 1.8 per cent of the total stock, and in the last
three years about 2.3 per cent. Economists have estimated that an annual increase
of 3 per cent in the gold stook is required to provide the gold base for the in-
creasing currency and credit requirements of the world's trade. Such an estimate,
however, is seriously effected by price levels, etc.

Gold alloys of various degrees of fineness (parts of gold in 1000) are avail-
able in a variety of colors. Red, yellow, green, and white gold can be produced
by a suitable choice of the added silv~r and base metal alloying constituents.
White gold alloys, which were originally introduced as platinum substitutes, are
widely used in ihe less expensive grades of jewelry and are produced in both the
solid and filled grades ranging from 10 to 20 carats* fine.

These alloys are usually of the g¢)ld-nickel-copper-zinc type and the whi test
grades are difficult to fabricate on account ef hardness. Where better working
properties are required, the gold-pall~dium and gold-palladium-nickel alloys are

The color of the softer white galas is not very pleasing and the low-carat
gold alloys tarnish to some extent.

Gold-platinum and gold-palladium ~loys find an important application in mak-

ing spinnerets used in the production ~f rayon, the substitute for silk.

Gold is used in limited quantity in the manufacture of scientific apparatus

where it fills important needs.

A large amount of gold is used in. dentistry. Gold is the base of a large
variety of alloys used in dental work~ Platinum and palladium raise the melting
paint of gold, increase its hardness, ~d lighten its color. aertain of these
alloys possess unusually high tensile strength, in excess or 150,ooe pounds per

* Aandcarat is one part in 24 parts •. Ftlt~ example,

two parts of other alloying metal.
a 22 carat gold is 22 parts gold
square inch •..

Reoently oonsiderable interest ihas developed in white casting alloys consisting

essentially of palladium-gold-silven and copper with the palladium content ranging
tram 14 to 25 per cent. The appear~nce ot these alloys in the mou~h is far less
conspicuous than the yellow gold henetofore used.

For some concise and pertinent statements of gold production since the discovel r

of Amerioa, the reader is referred to a long press bulletin dated November 5, 1929,
issued by the Director of the U. S. Bureau of Mines. This notice states that since
the discovery ot America world production ot gold has been approxtmately
1,P03,500,OOO ounces; that this gold would make a cube 38.5 feet square.

Also a great volume of statist~cal information regarding the world production

ot gold since 1492 is contained in ~conomic Paper No. 6 by Robert Ridgway and the
staft ot the Common Metals Di.vision iot the U., S. Bure'au ot Mines, which may be ob-
tained from the Su.perintendent of Documents,Goyermnent Printing Office, Washington,
D. C., price 20 c e n t s . ' ,

The tollowing table gives the €Jold production ot the world, by countries:


Gold Production o,r th,e World, by Countries, since 1920

(Mineral Industrr)
, ;! :' .
'..' ,

United states(inc.

Central America
South America - - - -
Transvaal - - - -
Rhodesia - - - - - - -
West Africa - - -
Congo, Madagascar, etc.- - - -
Total Africa - - -
Russia '(inc. Siberia)
Other Europe - - - - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Total Europe
British India - -
East Indies -- . ..
Japan and Chosen -
China and others - - -
Total Asia - - -
Australia and New Zealand

Total for World - - - - -,:$398,55?,OOO:$40~,15a"OOO:$406,338,OOO:$403,366,OOO

Preliminary estimates

*McGraw-Hill Book Co." New York

.1- 4-
In Table III is given the gold pro4uction o~ the United States, by states.

Production or Gold in the tunited states, by states(a)

1926 1927 1929 1930 (b)

Fine oz. Fine ez. Fine oz. Fine oz, Fine oz.

Alaska. ...
Alabama • • •
. 189,519 379,669
• • • • • • • • •
Arizona • • • 232,200 203,088 211,108 1~1,428
California • • 581,700 564,981 513,249 409,020 438,912
Colorado • • • 346,297 259,111 258,564 220,285 214,195
Georgia •• 140 ,15 34 58 203
Idahll. •• 12,840 15,2()9 20,351 19,59'7 20,748
Montana •• 57,707 : 56,076 59,661 55,854 45,724
Nevada •• 170,8~ 149,445 177,730 158,991 134,410
New Mexico •• 20,105 26,098 34,961 33,02~ 29,576
North Carolina 121 34 131 1'14, : 184
Oregon • • • • 13,303 14,425 11,865 17,65'7 13,975
Pennsylvania •
South Carolina
South Dakota
15 :.
. . . . ....

..... 745

• • • • •
Tennessee 416 426 537 653 1,030
Texas • • 164 324 556 1,263 1,122
Utah • • •
Virginia ••
•• • • •
211,418 :
.... " .: ..... . ...

Washington •
Wyoming •• .. . . . .
8,833 19,398
• • •
34 48 450

Total 2,238,616 2,117,253 t 2,144,720 2,056,629 2,053,629

Islands • 96,426 B8 531 178,934
'rotal • • 2,335,042 2,197,125; 2,233,251 2,208,386 2,252,593
(a) Figures of Bureau ot the Mint and U. S. Bureau of Mine s.
{b} Prel~inary figures.

Of the countries, Africa leads by i8. large margin. Of the states, California
ranks No .. 1 in gold produotion; south Dakota a close second; Utah, third, and Idaho
ranks ninth.

The gold produced in Idaho COIQ,eS ~rom placer and dredging operations, from the
mining and milling of gold ores, as a b~-product in the milling and smelting of lead
alld zinc ores, and to a small extent fro~ copper ores.

The principal districts fram Which ,gold is now produced in the United states
are the WhiteWOOd district, South Dakot~; the Marysville, OrOVille, Folsom, Grass
Valley, and Ja,ckson districts, Ca,lif'ornl~; the Cripple Creek, Eureka, San Meguel,
(Telluride), a.nd California. districts, Cblorado; the West Mountain (Bingham Canyon),
Tintic, and Park City districts, Utah; the Verde, Warren, and Ajo districts, Arizona;

,~1,5- .
the Robinson, Jarbridge, Tonopah, and Comstock districts, Nevada; the Southeastern
district, Seward Peninsula, an.d Yukon Basin, Alaska; and the Summit Valley (Butte).

Production br Gold by Sources

Table IV gives data of gold prodtlct1on in the United states, by sources.


Gold produced in the United States*, by Sources (Mineral Industry)

:l'ry and Copper Lead Zinc : lead and. Lead-
:si11ceous ore ore ore :Copper-: zinc
Year Placers ores lead- ore Total
I • ores

1919 704,377 1,7BO,567 186,701 41,945: 86 1,~43 38,563 2,753,282

1920 66>3,002 1,523,331 171,055 46,776: 3,657 3,731 31,435 2,382,987
1921 677,435 1,548,251 52,765 61,924: 78 159 4,400 2,345,CnO
1922 537,910 1,560,789 130,928 35,415: 2,8~'7 2,46'7 22,935 2,293,251
1923 551,929 1,510,098 2'71,690 .38,109: 3,321 3,801 25,969 2,404,913
1924 450,720 1,602,469 310,413 39,947: 22'7 1,995 38,560 2,444,331
1925 436,251 1,414,446 348,025 50,3'78: 375 5,515 52,384 2,307,3'74
1926 457,717 1,295,570 365,223 45,724: 1,194 3,335 63,763 2,232,526
192'7 451,215 1,162,404 367,639 41,504: 1,563 2,631 80,076 2,10'7,032
1928 416,832 1,195,8~4 414,771 35,959: 130 6,973 77,595 2,148,064

Per cent,
1919 25.6 64.7 6.8 1.5 •• • II • • • 1.4 . • • II • • • • •

Per cent,
1928 19.4 55.7 19.3 1.'7 .. .• 0.3 3.6 ..........
* Philippine Islands and Porto Rico exeluded.
Here we see that the gold recovered from placers has declined from 25.6 per
cent in 1919 to 19.4 per cent in 1926, from dry and siliceous ores from 64.'7 per
cent to 55.'7, from copper ore increased from 6.8 per cent to 19.3 per cent, from
lead ore increased from 1.5 per cent to 1.'7 per cent, and from copper-lead and
copper-zinc ore increased from 1,4 per cent in 1919 to 3.6 per cent in 1928~ These
changes probably are due more to new and improved metallurgical methods (flotation
in particular) than to trends in mining or to discoveries of new ore.


Gold occurring free in quartz can be easily identified by the man in the field
by simply crushing a few pounds of the rock in an iron mortar or on an anvil, and I

carefully panning with a miner's "gold pan." Particles of gold will appear in the
pan after the bulk of the quartz Band i,has been washed off. Gold associated with
various sulfides and as telluride is ~ch less easy to detect by simple methods. I
Ores of this type require a fire assay and this should be done by a competent and

reputable assayer.

There 1s a certain type ot aSayer who is willing to, and aotually does,
give tavorable assay reports .nen t re is absolutely no gold in the sample
subm1 tted to him for assay. This pe son olaims he has a new and secret method
or prooess that gets the gold and t t the old :fire assay is not capable of
recovering the gold, allot which is: nonsense. The motive baok of such olaims
1s dishonest. Methods of assaying at given in a number of books on the sub-
ject. A Manual of Fire Assaying by lton and Sherwood, published by the
McGraw-Hill Book Company,Inc., 370-7 h Avenue, New York, is one of the best.
There are many reputable public assayers, and their assaying is dependable.
state schools ot mines sometimes do trivate assaying. The Idaho School of
Mines, however, although it does mak assays for Idaho people, does not cater
to this kind of work and preters to ave tbe prospector, or .whoever is inter-
ested in gold assays, send his sampl.s to the public a~sayers. Their labor~
atories are as well equipped to mal<:e rapid and reliable assays as are the
schools of mines. A short list of c9mpetent assayers is published under Pro-
fessional Classification in the Engi*eering and Mining Journal. A list also
may be obtained from the nearest school of mines or your state mine inspector.

The fire assay is the only reli,ble method of deter.mining gold in ores,
It is comparable to commercial smelt~ng methods and it gives the true gold
content of t~e ore, and should be ac~epted as final.

The assayer reports the gold co.tent of an ore in terms of ounces per ton
and in dollars. The mint value of g~ld is $20,57813 per troy ounce, 1000 fine.
The number of ounces present times ~e value $20.67 is the assay value of the
sample in gol d.


From the viewpoint of gold recoVery methods, and for convenience to the
reader, gold ores may be classified as follows:

1) Quartz ores in which the gold is free, i.e., in the form of metallic
gold particles ranging in s~ze from particles easily visible to the
eye to particles as fine as dust and detectable only with a high-
power microscope.
2) Ores in which the gold is free but intimately associated physically
with such minerals as pyrit~ or galena, either in the crystal or as
a painted film on the crystal surface.

3) Ores in which the gold content, as a compound with tellurium or

partly as free gold, is ass~ciated almost wholly with one or several
minerals in the ore such as galena, pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite,

"The Ores of Copper, Lead, Goldl, and Silver," by Charles H. Fulton, U. S.

Bureau of Mines Technical Paper 143, contains a great deal of information bear-
ing on this subject.


Gold is recovered from its ores by one, or a combination, of the following


I. Amalgamation
II. Cyani da t ion
III. Concentration

All gold and/or silver ores y~eld a high percentage of their gold content
when smelted with lead or copper ores ,and an almost complete saving of gold·
is affected ia the process of ret1~ing thG lead and copper. Molten copper or
lead are strong collectors of gold and s 11 ver. Gold is separated from copper
bullion electrolytically and from ~ead bullion generally by agitation With a
small percentage of metallic zinc for which it has a strong affinity and with
wh ich 1 t forms a chemi cal compound"

Table V gives th0 percentage of gold produced by the various methods of



Percentage of Gold Produced by Various Methods of Recovery*

(Mineral Industry)

Year Amalgamation Cyanidation Placers Smeltlng**

Gold Silver Gold ': Silver Gold SilviJr Gold Silvur

1919 31.5 C.5 28.5 18.8 25.6 0.15 14.4 85,5

1920 28.5 .4 24.3 13.4 25.3 .13 21.9 86.1
1921 32.6 .45 23.9 16.0 28.9 .18 14.6 83.4
1922 35.4 .3 23.6 14.4 23,5 .1 17.5 85.2
1923 28.4 .3 25.3 14.3 22.9 .1 23.4 85,3
1924 30.6 .4 23.0! 13.9 18.4 .1 28.0 85.6
1925 32.6 .3 20.7 9.5 18.9 .1 27.8 90.1
1926 30.6 .3 20.4 8.3 20.5 .1 28.5 91.3
1927 30.8 .3 17.9 7.~ 21.4 .1 29.9 92.1
1928 31.9! .4 17.0 7.3 19.4 .1 31.7 92.3
1929 : 29.6: .35 15.8 5.3 19.8 .1 34.8 ... 94.3
*Philipplne Islands and Porto Rico excluded.
**Both crude ores and concentrates.

Much of the gold produced by smolting comes as a by-product in the smelting

of copper and lead ores. Due to the flotation process there has been an in-
crease in the tonnage of gold concentrates smelted. Comparatively little true
gold ore is diroctly sold for smolting. Smelting charges and deductions on the
full weight of ore, with the cost of freight and loading in accessibility and
bad roads, often make it advisable to adopt some method whi ch may be metallurgi-
cally inferior, as regards percentage recovery, but which puts the precious
metal in a form such as bullion, r:ich precipi tate, or high grade concentrate,
in which it is more profitably salable.



The amalgamation process is one of the oldest known methods of gold re-
covery. It is mentioned by Pliny iin his "Natural History" and descriptions of
amalgamation processes for both go~d and silver are to be found in various
16th Century treatises. The histo~y of the process is given in detail by
Pearcy (John Pearcy, Silver and Go~d, 1880).

Principle of tho Proces~

The process is based on the fact that mercury dissolves gold. A saturatod
solution of gold in mercury cantai~s 13,5 per cent of mercury. PhYSically the
alloy 1s a paste a.nd is cal1t;}d tf~lgatn."
t 8 -
The amalg&matton prooess compri see (1) crusl;l.ing the ore in water to pass,
say, about a 14 or 20 (somatimes fi'er) mesh sieve, (2) passing the crushed ore
in tho torm of a thin pulp over a m~rcury-oovered copper, or silver-ooated,
plate~ ",3) removing the gold-lOOrcurt amalgam at regular intervals and re-dress-
ing tho plates wi th new mercury, and. (4) distilling the mercury from the gold
amalgam, thereby producing nearly p~re gold, and recovering the mercury for
~~se on the plates.

In the early practice, the cru~hing was done by gravity stamps. In a number
of placos this practioe is still retained. Tho modern trend, however, is to use
sGcondary crushers of the jau or gytatory typo, and a ball or rod mill to reduce
to whatever mosh is desired.

The techni~e ot the steps 2, 3, and 4 of the process bas changod little
in the many years of the uso of tho amalgamation process.

Forms of Gold and Lossos in Amalg~on Pro<!..~~

Orcs that can be troated successfully by amalgamation are called "froe-

milling" orcs. It is practically nG,vG1' possible to obtain high extraction of
gold by amalgamation alone. This is due principally to two reasons, namely,
(1) fino (flour) gold that fails to sottle upon,and make contact with,thc plat('E~
and (2) a typo of gold occurronco in which the gold particles arc brown and
lusterless. This may be due to coatings of' oxide of iron, manganese, or tellur-
ium. Free-milling ores soldom yield more than a 70 per cent rocovo~y. This 1s
the oXplanation of tho existence (mostly in the past) of tailing p~lesabout the
country assaying several dollars a tan in gold. Many or most of them have since
been profitably retreated by cyanida.t1on or flotation. Present operators, even
the small ones, are not satisfied ~th the gold recovery possible by plate ,
amalgamation only, but follow the plates .with cyanidation or flotation, or table

Ama~gamation as used today recovers only relatively coarse gold and for this
purpose plays an important role in gold metallurgy. Cyanide acts too slowly in
dissolving coarse gold, but readily dissolves fine gold. Flotation concentration
is not effective on Goarse gold. Tbe small operator who wishes only to treat a
small tonnage of high-grade ore in remote places, and looks for quick returns
rather than for 100 per cent recoveries, probably still will find the amalgamatior.
process the best available method. A small stemp or preferably a ball mill and
a few square feet of mercury-covered oopper plate usually meet his needs. How-
ever, to the larger operator amalgamation is now only an adjunct to a more elab-
orate plant of high over-all efficiency.



The cyanide process was inventeld in 1887 just at a time When there was press-
ing ~eed tor improvement in the treaJtment of gold ores. It was about then that
the industry, atter languishing for many years, was receiving a fillip from the
discovery of the Rand gold field. Ait that time the available gold extraction
processes ;were cheap but in general icould o·nly extract some 60 per cent of the
values and in some cases gave no extract! on whatever. Sma 1 ting, although effect-
ive, was costly and required the supply of large quantities of rich ore, together
wi th lead ore and cheap fuel at no g!rea t di stance from the gold mines.

The cyanide prooess was put forWard by J. S. MacArthur and R. W. and W.

Forrest, and was reooived at first ~th deriSion, partly because the chemical
9 ,.. j
was rare and had been little Btudi~d. Oyanide was best known at the t~e as
a deadly poison. .

The process was first used ma~nly on the tailings from amalgamation in the
Transvaal, but was applied later t~ both gold and silver ores without previous
amalgamation, and this practice beqame the general rule by 1925.

For a thorough review of the ~arly history of the cyanide process, the
reader should refer to a 'serial ar1icle by A. W. Allen in the September 3rd,
and October 1st and 8th, 1927, numbers of the Engineering and Mining journal.

Principle of the Process

The process is based on two scientific fa~ts, namely, (l) that gold is
soluble in dilute solutions of pot·4ssium or sodi urn cyanide, and (2) that the
dissolved gold is precipitated from its cyanide solution by metallic zinc.

The Process

The process comprises the following steps: (1) Crushing the ore to a
suitable fineness in cyanide solution,or in water and cyanide, then added to
the ore-water pulp. (2) Agitation of the pulp to effect dissolution of the
gold content of the pulverized ore~ (3) Separation of the gold-contain~ng
cyanide solution from the pulverized ore. (4) Precipitation nf the gold from
the cyanide solution by passing it over zinc shavings, or agitating it with
zinc dust. (5) Refining the blac~ gpld-zinc precipitate which contains an
excess of zinc, and small amounts df other elements, producing gold bullion •
• If silver is present, the gold and silver are separated by dissolving the
fO silver wi th sulfuric or ni tric acid. (6) Melting and casting the gold bullion
into bars for shipment to the mint. In modern practice the gold solution prior
to precipitation is subjected to a vacuum treatment to remove dissolvod air.
This treatment is known as the Crowe process. This treatment gives a more rapid
and thorough preaipitation of the gold by the zinc with less consumption of zinc.

For gold extraction the strength of cyanide solution ranges from .01 per
cent to .05 per cent. Lime also is used in the process in just sufficient
amount to maintain the solution in an alkaline condition; two or three pounds
per ton usually are sufficient. For roasted concentrates more lime may be
needed and a cyanide solution as high as 15 or 20 pounds of cyanide per ton of

The cyanide process is highly technical and for its successful operation
the attention of an experienced me~allurgist is required.

Not all ores yield to high rooovery by the cyanide process. Arsenical and
antimonial ores always have given "trouble. They require a preliminary low
temperature roast. l Gold ores con~aining constituents, such as copper2 , readily
soluble in cyanide solution, consume so much cyanide as to make the process in-
applicable. It is on these ores that the flotation process has found wide

Leaver, E. S. and Woolf, ~. A., C~anidc Extraction of Gold and Silver Associntec
Wi th Arsenic and Antimonial Ores: U. S. Bureau of Mines Tech. Paper 423 (1928).
Leaver, E. S. and Woolf, J. A., E~toct of Copper and Zinc in Cyanidotion with
Sulfide-Acid Precipitation: .Am. Iinst. of Min. & Met. Engrs. Tech. Pub. No. 250

-; 10 -
~... ,


Woolen blankets have long been u~~d for catching gold at Brazilian mines,
where mercury is sickened by bismuth ~nd tellurium minerals. They were intro-
duoed into early Californian and Australian mills, and have been used in mills
t~eating the rich Goldfield, Nevada, bre. They are genorally laid overlapping
on inclined tables, the pulp flowing bver them for an hour, or several hours,
when they are folded, replaced by trelsh blankets, and the accumulation washed
otf in a tank.
On the Rand, amalgamation on copper plates had been generally discarded by
1925, owing to the difficulty of pre~enting theft and the danger from mercury
poisoning. Instead of passing the crushed ore from the tube mills over amalgam-
ated plates, it is concentrated on a surface of corduroy, Which retains the
heavy particles including all coarso gold. The corduroy also catches osmiridium
and other valuable minerals of th~ platinum group which had previously been lost.

Wool blankets ware found equally effecti va, but corduroy gives a less bulky
concentrate, and the lock-up of gold is very small. Canvas gave a still smaller
bulk, but caught only 75 per cent as much gold; riffles were only 57 per cent
as effective.

Canvas concentration as practiced in California is described by W. H. $torms,

Engineering and Mining Journal, Vol. 60, (July 13, Nov. 9 and 16, 1895), and by
E. B. Preston, Bulletin 6, California, State Mineralogist.

Gravi ty tables and vanners often serve a useful purpose in gold recovery
flow sheots. Flotation, however, is rapidly replacing these and other methods
of gravity concentration.


Flotation probably is the most important gold recovery process today.

Practically the only kind of gold the flotation process will not recover is
coarse gold, i.e., coarser than about 35 to 48 mesh. It recovers fino, free
gold, gold associated in any form wi~ sulfides, and gold in oxidized lead and
copper ores. A combination of amalgamation, cyanidation, and flotation almost
insures high gold recovery from any gold ore. ~nen gold is recovered from its
ore by flotation, a high grade conc0ntrato contains the gold. This concentrate
may be ground and~ nith_or Hithout rousting, treated with cyanide solution, with
the ultimate production of gold bullion, or it may be, and most often is.
shipped to a lead or copper smelter Where it is paid for on the basis of its
precious motal and base metal contents. It is a process easily available to the
small operator who may use it wi th good results wi th a minimum of me'tallurgical

Principle of tho Process

The prinCiple of the process is briofly tha t most metals and metallic min-
erals crushed in water and treated with a small amount of certain reagents
(xanthates and aerofloat for example)' collect this reagent on their surfaces,
giving them a "dry"tondcncy (like pafr"affin) toward water. In this condition
bubbles introduced into tho water in which tho particles aro stirred and suspend-
ed attach to these particles. A frotlhing or foaming agent, such as pine oil,
is added to produce an intense froth which collects on the top of tho pulp. This
froth contains the gold and sulf1des or other floatable substances. (For a
statement of the history and invention of the flotation process, see the July
15, '1916, issue of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, by Georgo E. Collins,

Mill feed bin (1)

+ ®
Fe e. der
BQ"II or Fd mi"®


~..2t:fl~r~ r---;:-,
~ ,--: ''f. ®I
'C~Qn;de or I clOSt1tief I
flolation I l Sand l
process L- - _J 'f - _.J ®
Boll o~ tube mill :
L ____ ~

-Sinsle ~tage grinding

---Double" .'


Figure 2

Mercur s-F
Mill feed bin 0

Stam hotter ®
from batter

S on e old
Melting furnace ®
Gold bullion
® t®


Jlgure 3 I

I. ~
4) Traps are poekets Iprovlded in launders at end of the
plates to catch e~eess mercury flowing off the plates.
This mercury may ~e used tor dressing plates or'added
to stamp mortar, Qr, if it contains enough gold, it is
squeezed in canva$ or ch~ols and retorted.
5) Retorts and conde~ser my be purchased from The Mine
and Smelter Supply Company, Denver. Heating is done
in an oil-fired ~r.naoe. T~perature of 360 0 C. is
required. Care slilould be taken not to inhale mercury
6) The oil-fired cru¢ible furnace 1s suitable for small
plants. Larger plants u:ee an oil-fired tilting furnace.
7) Slag is produced by adding soda and borax. It is broken
up and strunped or shipped to a smelter.
8) Gold bullion is s¢ld to the United States Mint.

Figure 4 is a flow sheet of the amalgamation process, in which grinding

is accomplished in· a ball or rod mill. Plates are shown both before and after
the classifier. The bulk of the gold, if it is free, will be caught on the
plate immediately following the ball mill. The use of a plate between the
ball mill and the classifier.may cause dilution troubles, since water in
liberal volume must be added to the pulp to cause it to flow freely over the
plate. This plate may be omitted and only the plate follo~ng the classifier
used. In this case, however, considerable coarse gold will build up in the
classifier which, of course, is ~eoovered periodically by cleaning' it out. A
small amount of mercury may be ted at intervals into the ball mill, if a plate
is used i~~ediately following the mill. Gold also accumulates in the ball
mill and can be recovered only when the mill is down for relining.

Notes on Figure 4 flo! shee!:

i) See (1) Figure ~.

2) For the small ~erator the ball mill is preferable. At
the Homestake a small amount of mercury is added to the
ball mill.
3} The addi tion ot some new mercury is required at this
point. The mercury consumption is determined by the
amount of gold in the feed. The 10s8 of mercury in well
regulated plants is about 0.1 oz. per ton of are milled.
Plate area reqUired varies; the average is about two
square feet pe~ ton milled. 'In stamp milling, six to
eight tons of water are required for each ton of ore.
With use of ball mills, this large volume of water causes
classifier problems and necessitates introduction into
the system of a thiekener. Oscillating Circular plates
obvia te these problems. '
4) See (4) Figure 3.
5) The classifier overflow should not contain probably more
than three tOO$ of water to each ton of are. The over-
flow can, however, be diluted as desired for proper plate
6} Plates used he~e catch only relatively fine gold. The
coarse gold remains in the ball mill and classifier cir-
cuit, from whe~e it is removed by periodic clean-ups.
7) See (5) Figure 3.
8) See (6) Figure 3.
9) The clean-up m~rcury from the various places where it is
caught contain~ a considerable excess of mercury. This
is removed by ~'luee~ing in. a c.anvas or chamois bag. The
exoess is retu~ned for. ~e~se on the plates.
I '"' 13 ..

BaJl or rodmi"'®
Mercur . Wat~r 1# new mercury

Mer cur

Class I·f·rer ®

Mercury Sand

Gold tJmot 'Qtn Plafes . @

Squeeze in ® TQiling
canvas or Ghomois
£X'cess mercl.lr Gold amalgam




Figure 4
10) In cleaning out the ball mill, the classifier and the
mercury traps, i~ is necessary to include in the clean-
up sand and conc~ntrate as well as the mercury and the
gold it contains~ This matorial is placed in a small
mill along with ~ small charge of balls. The mill is
rotated for several hours, discharged, and the mercury
separated from the pulp. The mercury is strained through
canvas to remove excess mercury. The pulp is returned to
the ball mill.

Figure 5 represents a flow sheet of the cyanide process with its variati0P~
The solid lines give tho standard all-sliming process including agitation of
the pulp in two or more agitators (Pachuca tanks or mechanical-air agitators),
thickening and filtration of tho pulp. The thickener over-flow is the strong
gold solution and goes, as shown, to the preCipitation department.

In some plants the counter-current decantation process is used, and in

this case the agitators are omitted. The counter~current decantation process
includes an agitator, and a series of thickeners. The pulp from the agitator
is pumped to a thickener that makes an over-flow (which is the strong gold
solution) and a thickened pulp. The thlck pulp is pumped to a second thicken-
er that also makes a thickened pu~p and a clear over-flow. The system com-
prises a series of tanks and the jPulp advances from tank to tank through the
system. The final tank makes a thickened pulp quite free from gold solution
and may be discarded, or may, as shown, be filtered for recovery of the last
trace of gold solution. Fresh walter is admi tted to the final thickener of
the system and advances, by pumping from tank to tank, to the second thickener
of the system, or counter to the flow of the thickened pulp. The over-flow
from the second thickener conta mls some free cyani de and gold in solution, and
is returned to the ball mill or classifier after it has been made up to the
required strength by addition of new cyanide.

The counter current decantation process is shown in the flow sheet by the
dotted lines.

If the combination process of sand-leaching and slime-agitation is to be

employed, the flow sheet is modif'ied as shown by the waved lines. Some ores
give up their gold value so readily that the extraction may be accanplished by
sand percolation or leaching in porous-bottomed tanks. From one to several
days is required for the di ssolu tion of the gold •.

Notes on FiSRre 5 flow sheet:

I) See. (I) Figure 2.

2) See (2) Figure 2.
3) New cyanide and lime are added, usually at this point,
in amount equal to consumption of these reagents. Lime
may be added to ore bin.
4) See (3) Figure 2.
5) See (4) Figure 2.
5) The Pachuca tank, a tall, small diamoter tank, provided
cen trally wi th an air lift, is lTRlch used. Tho Dorr
mechanical-air agitator is also widely used. The object
is to have large capacity tanks in which pulp can be
thoroughly agitated and aerated. Gold is dissolved in
this operation. A number of tanks are made available
and the procosis is either intermittent or continuous.•

.. 14 -

.In! ore b·In (])

{ ®
Feeder ®
1- . Acid lime and new cyanide
Ball or rod or tube mill

·Cla.ssifier ®

Parf discarded Mi,y wifh wafer and

pump fa toil r(Jct!


Figure 5

7) The Dorr thieDne~, a large diameter, relatively shallow

tank, containing ~low-mov1ngpulp raking mechanism, is
most"; Widely used. Clear solu tion (containing the gold)
overflows the rim! of the tank and thick pulp discharges
through a spigot ~t the bottom of the tank.
8) The thickened pulp ot (7) is further dewatered and water-
washed on filter. The filter is continuous and of the
vacuum type. The dried cake contains 8 to 10 per cent
10) It is neoessary to remove oompletely gold solution from
the solids. This is best done by repulping the dried
cake with water and refiltration. Solutions from both
filters are weak :in cyanide and gold, and are used in the
ball mill circuit, along with enough new cyanide to make
up to proper strength.
11) The overflow from (7) is the strong gold solution and is
ready for treatment with zinc for precipitation of gold
val ues. It is fitr"st sprayed into. a vacuum tank which
rC!lX)ves dissolved oxygen. This is the Crowe process.
12) The solution is then agitated with zinc dust. Some zinc
goes into solution and the gold comes doWn as a black
precipi tate. The solution called "barren solution" is
removed from the precipitate by filtration in pressure-
type plate and frame filters. The ' filter medium is canvas
and filter paper. Part of this solution is discarded and
part is kept in tlhe system for re-:use, because it contains
a small percenta~e of gold solvent.
13) The gold precipitate contains considerable zinc which, after
a roast, is fluxeid off in a furnace, or it is removed by
treatment with acid.
14) A system of treatring the ore and water pulp in a cyanide
solution to effec.t gold dissolution known as the "counter
current deoantation system" is often used in place of the
agitation system. It already has been briefly described.
15) Sand-leaching is an old and well established practice
applicable to some ores. It is still practiced at the
Homestake mine. It saves grinding, but requires large
tank volume and building area.

Figure 0 is a combination amalgamation, flotation, and cyanidation flow


Straight flotation is shown by the solid lines. When amalgamation is

employed to catch roarse gold, its introduction into the flow sheet is indicat-
ed by the dotted lines. Amalgamation mayor may not be necessary and this can
be learned only through metallurgical studies in the laboratory or by careful
studies in the plant.

If a combination of ftlotatioin and cyanidation is required to give the de-

sired extracti 011, and if' calculations indicato the combination to be more
economical than oither process alone ,tho cyanide process is introduced as in-
dicated by the waving lines.

The flotation concentrate m~y go direct to the smelter or it may be

cyanided either arter, or without, a preliminary roasting. Roasting may be,
and most often is, necessary for. good extraction of the gold from the conccn-
trate. Direct disposal of the concentrate to the smelter is the simplest,
most conv~ient, and ~~ally the most economical, procedure to follow.
... 15 ""

C-' • CD

I Inc ore bin

----1 ~ rwater 8 in .some cases mercury

801lorro ill®
or here t I r- _ Water a. mercury- __ I
Amolgqmatif(n plate
f I
i' L- - - Rec.:;;~; ~~!d_ - -7- --,
c +.~ r® . I I
Sand Overflow, : I
, @)·t
&ruI1gqmftionlP-l!J.1s I I
Cyonldlzation @
by ogifafion 8 filtration
. ~ LAmolS'om__ ?_-I
or ceo. 8. filtration Afer",C)~ ~g~ @ I I
Set! Figure .s
I L "yer~tY-+-f I @)
• @ Retort
ThlcfIener I I "
- -~ L..J
Reagenf '"8" t ®
+ ®
MelFI ng. furqqce
t •
Slog Gold bullion
rlof. tion r ug,her cells (!)
Concentrate Ucil® ..

Flofofion cleaner cells ®


r d/r~cf to


Figure 6
Flotation tails may contain silf'ficient value~ to consider tbelir treatment
by cyanidation. This alternative ~s indicated in the flow sheet.

Combination processes are mor~ expensive in first cost and to operate,

and are justified only after thoro'\.lgh metallurgical studies and calculations.

The above flow sheets do not ~nclude all operating plant details. They
are here included simply to give a general picture of gold recovery processes.

Each ore requires individual consideration for best metallurgical and

commercial results.

Notes on Figure 6 flow seeet:

1) See (1) Figure 2.

2) See (2) Figure 2.
3) See (3) Figure 2.
4} See (3) Figure 3. In this flow sheet excessive dilution
not only in the cl~ssifier, but also in the flotation
system, must be avpided. The pulp should contain not much
in excess of 30. pelr cent mter. It large volume of water
is added at this pOint, or at (14), a thickener in the flow
sheet will be reqU!ired.
5) See (4) Figure 2. Certain flotation reagents may be added
at this pOint.
6) In the flotation process it is often necessary to give the
pulp a prelimin8?Y agitation with certain reagents in ad-
vance of the flotation cells. This device is called a
condi tioner. It is a small tank in which is installed a
pulp-stirring mechanism.
ll} The first set of oel1s racei vi'ng the pulp make a concen tra te
containing the go~d values and a tailing. The tailing
generally is discarded. Should it contain economic values,
it may, as is being done in a number of plants, be treated
by the cyanide process.
8} The grade of the concentrate may be markedly increased by a
second frothing treatment. The tailing from this second
flotation treatment is returned to the initial flotation
cells, or it may be returnod to the ball mill and ground
wi th the oro.
10) The gold concentrate is most conveniently sold to a smeltor.
In some instances, howevor, it may be more economical, be
cause of the isolated location of the mine, to cyanide the
concentrate produ~ing gold bullion. The concentrate mayor
may not require a preliminary roasting before cyanidation.
From some concentrates the gold is readily extracted by
cyanide while others are highly refractory.
12) See Flow sheet Figure 5,
14),15),16), and 17) See Figure 3~

Information Ciroular No. 5433,j U. S. Bureau of Mines, March, 1931, entitled

"Amalgamation Practice at Porcupinei United Gold Minas, Ltd., Timmons, Ontario,"
written by Ronald A. Vary, gives'co~plete details of operation, refining, and
costs ot a modern 30-ton gold amal~tion plant employing also blankets and
tables. The operating cost per ton of are treated is $1.851.

Infbr.mation Qircular No. 5408, U. S. Bureau of Mines, February, 1931, entit-

led "Milling Methods and Costs at tlhe Homestake Mine, Lead, South Dakota," by
that famous gold metallurgist Allan J. Clark t is a veritable treatise on the
subject of modern gold milling.

The are assays about $5.00 a tpn, 52.8 per cent is recovered by amalgamation,
and 30.2 per cent by oyanidation.· The total gold recovery is 93.0 per oent. The
total milling cost for the year 19219 was $~503 per ton of ore milled. Detailed
costs of every part of the operatiQn are given.

Information Circular No. 6236, U. '8. Bureau of Mines, February, 1930, en-
ti t1ed "Milling Praotice at the Alaiska Juneau Concentrator, tt by P. R. Bradley,
is another excellent contribution to the subject of milling gold ores.

The outstanding features of the operations upon tho Alaska Juneau are are -
an are body of such size and character as to permit a caving system of mining
whereby are is mined and delivered to the mill at a cost of $0.25 to $0.29 per
ton; rejection by screening and ha~d-sorting at approximately 50 per cent of the
material mined, at a cost of $0.13 to $0.15 per ton rejected; milling of the
sorted ore at a cost of $0.31 to $0.33 per ton milled, giving a total operating
cost of $0.51 to $0.5? per ton trammed from the mine.

Information Circular No. 64?6, U. S. Bureau o~ Minos, July, 1931, entitled

"Milling Methods and Costs at the .l\rgonaut Mill, Jackson, California," is an
article giving complete metallurgioal and operating data on a present day gold
milling plant employing amalgamatitin and gravity concentration. Tho mill heads
in 1929 assayod $6.0? in gold; 69.0 per cent is recovered by amalg~ation and
18 per cent by concentration. Theora is crushed in stamps through a 24 mesh
screen, and amalgamation is affected both in the mortar and on shaking tablos.
The total milling cost in 1929 was $0.95 per ton ,of ore treated.

Information Circular No. 6411" U.· S. Bureau of Mines, March, 1931, entitled
"Milling Methods and Costs at the Spring Hill Concentrator of the Montana Mines
Corporation, Helena, Montana," by L. N. Grant, is an example of a plant that re-
cently has been converted from cyanidation to all-flotation recovery of gold.
The gold is associated with pyrite, arsenopyrite, and bismuth. Modern eqUipment
is used throughout the flow-sheet. Tho total milling cost per ton of ore treated
is $1.00?

"Gold Milling in Canada,t' Bulletin of tho Canadian Institute of Mining and

Metallurgy, January, 1930, by J.J.Denny, is another excellent roforence for
those interested in modern gold reoovery methods.


The cost of a metallurgical plant for gold recovery depends upon a nwnbor
of factors. Large tonnage plants Qost loss por ton of ore to be treated than
small ones. Simplo flow shoets are less costly than those for complox orcs;
henco, tho difficulty of extracting the gold is a primo factor in determining
the initial plant cost. Aocessibility and locat1on,which detormine cost of
materials and transportin.g and installing oquiprnont, arc lar!Q variable factors.
'\"!' 17 ....
The cost of building a straightl amalgamation mill will run from $450 to $700
per ton of ore treated per 24 hours., All.slime cyanide plants cost from $aoo to
$1,400 per ton per 24 hours; a1l-floltation plants, from $600 to $800, depending
upon the size of plant (tons of ore Itreated per 24 hour.s).

For metallurgical cost and ope~ating data, the reader is referred to the
following manufaoturer's bulletins:

Bulletin 2901 - Resultsl in Modem Flotation: Denver Equipment

Company, l419-l7th street, Denver, Colorado.

Metallurgical Bulletin - The General Engineering Company,

159 Pielrpont Avenue , Salt Lake City, Utah.

Notes on the Flotation ~rocess - Southwestern Engineering Corp.,

606 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, California.

"The Trend of Flotat iOlli, tt - Colorado School of Mines Quarterly,

Vol. XXIV, No.4, October 1929.

The above publica~ions, the first three of which may be had on request, and
the last at a small charge, contain data sut"fi cient to answer practl cally any
question pertaining to ore dressing and milling.


Gold ore having been found in What appears to be sufficient quantity to be

of commercial interest, the problem jarises as to 1 ts proper metallurgical treat-
ment. The large company knows the proper course to take, namely, that a thorough
metallurgical study by a competent IIfetallurgist should first be made to determine
the most economic extraction, i.e., the type of metallurgical treatment that will
net the greatest return per ton of ore treated. The inexperienced, however, may
not get off to a good start. In short, the proper procedure is to obtain the
help and advice of a reputable and experienced metallurgist.


Gold is the easiest of all metals to sell, The only procedure necessary is
to take or send by express the gold bullion, pure or impure, to the nearest
United states Mint or government assay office, where the metal will be assayed
and settlements made on the basis ot $20.67183 per troy ounce, 1000 fine. Silver
in gold bullion is paid for at the Gurrent market price. Base metal content is
not paid for.

The Treasury Department maintains an assay office in New York, Helena,

Montana, Deadwood, South Dakota, Sal t Lake, Utah, and Seattlo, Washington. At
'New Orleans, Louisiana, and Carson ¢ity, Nevada, there arc mints that are con-
ducted as assay offices. All the insti tutions mentioned are bullion-purchasing
offices for the largor institutions in Philadelphia, San FranCisco, ~nd Denver,
where coining operations aro centered. The assay officos also assay gold and
silver ores for prospectors and any others interested. The charge for gold or
silver is $1,.00.

Gold-bearing matorial, such as gold ore or gold concentrate, will be bought

by any copper or lead smelter. The minimum amount of gold sottled for, say, in
the case of a lead or copper concentrate, is ,01 to .05 ounces par ton. Often
the entire assay content is paid for, but most smelters pay only for 95 per cent
of the assay content, and the price paid varies fram $19 to $20 per ounce.

.. 18 -

Gold concentrate invariably contamls silver. The smol tor pnys for 90 to 95 per
cent ot tho silver content as dete~nod by fire assay, at the New York quotation,
if more than one ounce is present.

The value of a ton of ore or concentrate at the smelter is determined not

only on the gold content, but also Ion (1) the valuable recoverable base metals,
such as lead, copper, and bismuth, (2) the undesirable constituents from the
purely smelting point of View, sucb as, for example, zinc, sulphur, arseniC, and
antimony, and (3) tho desirable co~sti tuents from a fluxing point of view, such
as, for example, iron or limo, or slilica~ Lead in concentrate 1-s usually paid
for at 90 per cent of the lead contant (wet assay less Ii per cent) at the New
York quotation, loss 1.65 cents pe~ pound. If less than 5 per cent of lead is
present, it is not paid for.
Paymen t for copper in con contra te is determined on the bas is of the wet
assay less than 1 to 1.5 per· cent aind therefore, naturally, when the o.opper con-
tent of an are or concentrate is lCiSS than 1.5 or 1 per cent, it is not paid
for. A second doduction of 2i to 3~ cents per pound of coppor is made to cover
fro igb. t , .se 11 in g, and del ivory charges.

Zinc is an undesirable constituent in mnolting gold orcs or concentrates.

Tho freo maximum per cent allowable, at nearly all smelters (excepting those
employing the Waolz process) is 5 tb lQ per cont~ The penalty is from 25 to 50
conts per unit (one unit equals 20 pounds per ton) for each unit in excess of
tho allowable amounts.

Sulphur is penalized at tho ra;te of about 25 oents per uni t above tho
allowablo free maximum per cent which ranges from one to four per cent. Tho
maximum penalty is $2.50 a ton.

Silica may be penalized, or it may command a premium, If a smelter is S0

located that it rocoives an excess of basic ore or concentrates, i,o., matorjal
containing high per centages of iron, it will pay a premium for the silica. FOl·
example, tho Consolidated Mining anid Smelting Company of Canada, Trail, B. C.,
pays a premium for silica at tho ra~e of ? cents a unit and penalizes iron at
tho rate of 5 cents a unit.

It thus pays tho seller to "shop around" an.d learn the condi tions prevailing
at the various smelters. He should write to severnl of the smelters within
possible shipping distanoe of his ptroperty, giving a complete chemical analysis
of the matorial for sale, and obtain from thE) smelter a quotation of the net
value of a ton of arc at that smeltpr. These quotations, in conjunction with
freight rates, which the smoltor al~o is in u position to give, provides, of
coursc, the necessary data upon which a decision is reached as to tho most
profitable place to do business. The smelter also makes a base charge for
smelting the ore. This basocharge varies \nth tho grade of the ore from $4 to
$10 per ton.

Freight rates also are based on the value of the are. The higher the value
of the material, tho higher the freight rate.

Good referencos on the subject of buying and selling ores and metallurgical
products are as follows:

.. c.• H. Fulton - "Tho Buying and Selling of Metallurgical Products:"

U. S. Bureau of Minos Technical P~'or 83, (1915).

Arthur J. Wcinig and Irving A. Palmer - "The Trend of Flotation;"

Colorado School of Mines Quarterley, Vol, XXIV,
No.4, october 1929.
... 19 -
Spurr and Wormser .. 'ke~11ng
'''Mar. ot Metals and Miner.als;"
MeOrs -Hill Book Compuy,370 Seventh Al'8nue
New Y rk City.



Gold has a constant and invari~ble value of $20.6? an ounce fixed by law,
as already stated. It is the only metal Whose value is not effected by the law
of supply and demand, or by economiQ depressions. Hence, naturally, in times ot
depression when the market prices ot other metals are so low as to discourage
base metal mining, there developes ~ncreased interest and activity in gold mining.
In such times too, conditions are decidedly favorable to profitable gold mining
because of cheap labor, supplies, and transportation.

The School of Mines at the Uni'\tersity of Idaho receives almost daily letters,
or people call in person. requesting information relative to methods of gold re-
It is the purpose of this shor~ paper to give a tew examples of gold flotatiol
and to discuss the application of t~otation to the treatment of gold-bearing
Metallic spld, like metallic capper and metallic silver, floats readily if
proper flotation conditions are pro~ided. SUrprisingly coarse gold can be success·
fully floated even in the absence of froth stabalizing minerals such as the sul-
fides. In the case of quartz and oJ¢ldized siliceous ores, the condition necessar:'
is veIy similar to that required for flotation of metallic copper in Michigan
oopper ores. Suffi cien t frothing aaent is added to produce a -'clean white foam
which runs freely ever the lip of t~e flotation cello. The metallic gold pal:"ti ell
are entangled in the watery froth w~ich readily breaks up on leaving the flo~ati(.

When the gold is free, but ass~ciated with sulfides, the free (liberat.ed)
gold and the gold locked in the sul~ide particles float in a froth that readily
forms on the surface o~ the pulp in the flotation cell. This sulfide-laden froth
1s much more stable.

The gold in fine placer sand or in black sand resulting from sluicing and
table concentration operations also itloats freely.

Limitations o~ Flotation~~~

The flotation process of cours~ has its l~itatlons. Very coarse gold cannot
be lifted py the bubbles. It is di~ticult to indicate by the use of sieve scale
numbers, for example, such as 48 me~ or 85 mesh, the size of particles that can
be floated. The shapes of the parti:cles determine this, assuming. of course, the
particle surfaces are clean and lus~rous. Much of the gold in ores is in the form
of thin flakes, and same of it OCCU~B as compact particles. The gold particles
in most black sand concentrates have the form of thin. discs. Pieces of this ahape
as large as i millimeter in diameten float readily. "Float" or "flour" gold, whic!:
always has given trouble in amalgamation .and gravity concentration processes, floa:

Crushin~ and Grin din...&

The purposes of crushing and gr!ind1ng are (1) to liberate the gold and sul-
fide from the worthless rock, and (2) to reduce the material to a fineness that
can be lvIati•• 1a ttae tlotatiQll mai1Jle.It 18 difficult to a.p coarse sand
in ctr011l.a"tOA aa4..,...1011 tnth eells, 8IldperilapalO__ ah sand is about as
coarse aa can be suooea.tul.ly had! 4. Gold ores of the compla aul.t1 de olas8
otten require very tine grinding, d in some cases the tinest grinding po.8ible
in practioal operation is not suttiF~ent to give satisfactory l1beratlQn. On
such ores, it is ot course ~possib~e to get satistactory reooveries by flotation.
Fortunately this type of ore is not! often encountered.

Use. ot Amal.gamat~on Ahead ot Flotati on

In any case, ooarse gold proba~ly should be removed by amalgamation, although
this operation often may be ~-voidedi Without sacrifice in total recovery. When
grinding is done in a ball mill in ~lose circuit with a olassitier, the ooarse
gold accumulates in the system and ~es not escape in the classifier over-tlow.
Muoh EP 1d is retained in the ball m~ll in the liner joints and this is reoovered
when the mill 1s shut down for rel~ing. The classifier may be "cleaned up" at
regular intervals. The clean-up majt;erial is dewatered and shipped to the smelter
or it may be treated in a clean-up barrel with mercury.
There may, however, be certain. economic advantages in catching the coarse
tree gold on plates from which the ~ld may be recovered daily. As already
stated, the freight rate charged by the railroads is based on .the grade (value)
of the conoentrate, the higher the $rade, the higher the freight rate. Also
otten the base charge made by the s~lter for smelting the concentrate 1s on a
sliding scale, the Charge tnoreasi~ with eoncentrate grade.
When amalgamation is employed ~n conjunction wi th flotation, it must precede
the flotation treatment, since the tlotation reagents seriously prevent SOld frtt._
attaching to the meroury. Also ro~se of the mill water recovered from the tails
is out ot the question, beoause it contains tho harmful chemicals.
Ratio of Ooncentra~ion and Grade of Product
The flotation process, unlike tho amalgamation or cyanide processes, in most
cases, is not a gold reoovery proce~s. The gold value is contained in a concen-
trate which is a small and ¥ariable fraction of the original ore. Clean quartz
ores, naturally, give a very high-grade concentrate and high ratio of oonoentra-
tion. Massive sulfide ores give lo~-grade concentrate and low ratio of concen-
tration. In flotation concentration of gold ore, naturally, the effort is to
make as high a ratio of conoentrati~n as possible. This is accomplished by
skillful use of flotation equipment and chemical reagents and is a job for the
experienced flotation metallUrgist.

~ohiteEl ~eeded

The machinery needed in the average small gold flotation plant is a rock
crusher, ball mill, classifier, flotation machine, reagent feeders, and a concen-
trate filter.

Examples of Gold Flotation

ExamPle No.1
'The gold was partly free and p.rtly intimatoly associated with pyrite. The
silver occurs prtnoipally with tetrahedrite. Results:
Gold Silver
Feed 0.210 oz. 15.08 oz.
Tails 0.041oz. 4.07 oz.
Concentrate 44.00 oz. 3000.00 oz.
Recoveries 80.5% 72.8%
+ 21 -

MallY years ago i.8 ore 1188 tJated by I!Itrail#lt oyan1dation, but the re-
consumpti~n or

coveries were low and the cyanide high.


. p l e No •.!
The ore is a very intimate mix,~ure of arsenopyrite, pyrite, and pyrrhotite,
with calcite. The gold and silver ~re associated wi th the sulfides. Results:

!JQlS .2£.
Heads 0.35 to 0.40
Concentrates 7.00 to 9.00
Tails 0.03
Recovery 91e;O - 92.5%

Ex!!$l~ No.3

This is oxidized siliceous or~, the gold being free and not associated with
sulfide minerals. Results:

Gold oz.
Concentrates 4.34
Tailing .08
Recovery 88.00 %
The concentrate of this test ~hen recleaned in a second cell assayed 8~25
ounces of gold per ton.

ExatP1e No.4

In this ore the gold is assoc ated with pyrite, galena, sphalerite, bi,smuth-
inite, and a few other sulfides.
nder a microscope the gold appeared free as
filling between the mineral erysta 8 and incased in the sulfides, parti cularly
the bismutheni te. Amalgamation un~er favorable conditions gave an extraction of
40 per cent of the gold. Resul ts t
Gold oz. Silver oz. ~ Silver

Heads 1.53 17.1 .

Concentrate 8.16 90.4
Tailing .48 3.8 ?7%

Gold oz. Silver oz. Lead % Bismuth % ~ Silver ~

Heads 1.62 17.P. 1.5 .04

Concentrate 23.62 227.+1 19.8 1.84
Tail:ing .47 2.8 .15 72% 85% 90%
The sample was grqWld to 68 ~r cent .,.325 mesh.


_ l , e No.5

This is highly siliceous gold 4re containing small percentages of iron sul-
fide and galena. Amalgamation reootered only 24% of the gold, and cyanidation
'l4/fo. Results:

Heatls 2.35
Con¢entrate 32.00
Tailing .43
RecQvery 83.00 %
The sample was ground through ~ -65 mesh sieve. Extraction of the gold in
the -200 mesh part of the tail was $0%.
E:x:$le No. 6

This is highly siliceous gold Qre with a small amount of pyrite. Amalgamatic"
alone recovered 75 per cent of the gold. Cyanidation recovered 90 per c€nt of
the gold. Results:

Gold oz.

Headis .43
Con een tra te 6.26
Tailing .03
ReCCi)very 93.00 %
Ex~ple No.7'

This is highly oxidized siliceous gold ore. Results:

Gold oz. S.iIvar .2!'

Heads ,54 1.09
Concentrate 20.76 29.8
Tailing .03 .4
Recovery, 94.00 % 63.0 %
Example ~o. 8
This was a black sand concentrate resulting fram concentrating by panning
Snako River sand assaying 50.22 oun¢es per tan. The gold in the sand was in the
form of thin plates from 0.1 to 1.0 millimeters in diameter by about .01 milli-
meters thick. The black sand was about 35 to 65 mesh in size. A 500-gram
charge was floated in a gravity-flow mechanical flotation machine with propor
flotation reagents. The following results were obtained;
Gold oz. ~r oz. Recovery

Heads 50.22
Concontrate 8620.00 1680.0
Tailing 1.67 2.0 97.3 %
Tbe value of the concentrate in gold is $172,400.00.

These results bring out unmistakably the high potentialities of flotation

as a gold rocovery process.

- 23 -
The gold in river sand is fine~much of it rete!'red to as "flour Bold,"
and 1 ts recovery always has present~da hard, if not insurmountable, problem.
Gravi ty concentration gives a black: sand concentra'te which contains much, but
not all, of the gold. The loss of sold is high and recovery 01' gold from the
black sand concentrate in most inst~nces cannot be efficiently made by working
it with mercury, and cyanide acts tbo slowly.

In view of these resul ts, the :placer miner may :rind it advantageous to add
to his kit 01' apparatus a flotation cell and a few chemical reagents.

These results suggest that poseibly in the future river sands may be profit-
ably handled by washing or screenin~and flotation of the fine gold containing
sand. The concentrate will be a nearly pure gold ready for sale to the Unit ed
States Mint.

The reagents required for gold flotation are few and simple. The following
usually are sufficient: Soda ash, 0.5 lb. to 2 lb.; sodium amyl or ethyl
xanthate alone or sodium aerofloat;, .005 to 0.05 lb. per ton. If aerofloat
(15 per cent strength) is used, pine oil is not necessary, but if xanthate is
used, pine oil is needed for frothing. In some cases, a very small addition of
copper sulfate, or sodium cyanide, is beneficial. On oxidized ores sodium sul-
fide assists materially,

Close regulation of reagent feed is essential. FOr this purpose, standard

and approved reagent feeders should be used, of which there are several on the

Treatment qt the Concen tra1!E!.

The concentrate, either with or without thickening in a sui'table thickener,

is fil tared on a continuous vacuum fil tar. Where the tonnage of concentrate to
handle is large, thickeniag of the concentrate as it' comes off the flotation
machine, is standard practice. At small plants, often the concentrate is tiltorc(
direct. The filter makes a product, containing 8 to 10 per cent moisture.

The We~l ~quip~ed Plant

The well equipped flotation plant, of course, includes automatic weighing
apparatus and samplers for sampling both mill feed and tails. The plant includes
also a suitable assay office and assayer. A complete metallurgical balance sheet
and cost data are kept by the metallurgist ruld his assistants. The sma1l scale
operator, however, gets along Without these facilities and interests himself
mainly in getting ore into the mill and smelter returns. It is remarkable too
the good work tha t can be done by flotati on with hay-wire equ~pmont and common

t' 24 -
Austin, L. S.: Metallurgy of the Common Metals. (1921)· John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., New York. Chapters XII, XIII, and XIV.

Bray, John L.: The Principles ~f Metallurgy. (1929) Ginn & Co" New York.
Chapters X and XI.
Clennell, J. E.: The Cyanide Handbook. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.

Gaudin, A. M.: Flotation. (1'J32) McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.

Hayward, Carle R.: An Outline ot Motallurgical Practice. (l929)~. Van Nostrand·

Company, Inc., 250 Fourth Avenue, New York. Chapter XIV.

Julian and Smart: Cyaniding Gold and Silver Ores. Griffin & Co., London.

Liddell, Donald M.: Handboolc of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy, Part II. (1926)

McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. Chapters XXVIII and XXVIX.

Maclaurin, J. S.: Tho Dissolution of Gold in a Solution of Potassium Cyanide.

Vol. 53 (1893), pp. 724-738; Vol. 67 (l895), p. 199. Jour.
Chem. Sao., London.
MacFarren, H. W.: Cyanide Practice. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.
Richards, Robt. H.: Text Book Qf Ore Drossing. (1909) Gravity stamp and
Amalgamation, Chapter V. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Now York.

Roso, T. Kirko: The Metallurgy of Gold, Griffin & Co., London.

Taggart, A. F.: Handbook o·f Ore Dressing. (1927) John Wiley and Sons, Now
Thomson, F. A.: Stamp Milling and Cyaniding, 1st Edition. (1915) McGraw-
Hill Book Co., Now York.

White, H. A. and others: Text Book of Rand Metallurgical Practice, 3rd

Edi tion.

i- 2f) -
MERCURY, Hg, a solvent of gold, is used in gold amalgamation processes.,
Cost per pound - - ~ - - - - $0.72.,
CYANIDE, KIN, or NaCN, and cyanamide cyanide, has the following uses in gold
metalll~gy: Cleantng copper plates for mercury coatings, dis-
solving gold and silver in the cyanide process, and for depress-
ing iron and zinc, and for activating gold in gold flotation.
In cyaniding,the s~lution contains from 2 to 8 lbs. cyanide per
ton of solution. tn flotation, from .1 to .01 Ibs. per ton of
ore are added to tij.e pulp. Cost per pound"barpel lots,$O.15.

LIME, CaO, is made cheaply by calcining limestone. Used in the cyanide pro-
cess (1 to 10 lb. ~er ton of ore) to neutralize pulp acidity and
to promote classiftcation of pulps. Used in the flotation procesf
to depress iron minerals and as conditioner. It should not be
used in gold flotation, Cost per ton - $R.50.

ZINCllJST, Zn, used in the cyanide process (about .1 lb. per tun vi' ore) for
preCipitating gold from cyanide solution.
Cost per pound - - $0.10. '

SODIUM CABfONATE, Na2C03' has a vari~ty of uses. As a flux in gold refining

and fire assaying; in flotation pulps to maintain alkalinity and
to promote selectivity of mineral flotation.
Cost per 100 Ibs. - - - - $1.15.

SODIUM SILICATE, (Soluble glass; sodium meta-silicate; liquid glass; water

glass) is a valuable reagent in flotation of some ores. It is
a strong depressant of gangue slime, producing a high-grade con-
centrate. Often b~nefio1al (1 to 4 lb. per ton) in flotation of
oxidized ores. Cost per lb. (30%)100-lb.drums,$0.60.

SODIUM SULFIDE, Na2s, in carefully controlled amounts (i to 3 lb. per ton) is

an effective depressant of iron and zinc. Often highly benefic-
ial in flotation of some ox1dizad gold ores.
Cost per lb.(60 to 52%)100-lb, Qrums,$0.035!

ZINC SULFATE, ZnSC4, is used occasionally alone but more often in conjunction
with cyanide to depress zinc and iron minerals in flotation.
Cost per 100 lbs, - - - $3.25.

, COPPER SULFATE, CuS04' blue vlttol, is widely used (i to 3 lb. per ton) as a
strong activator ot zinc in the flotation process. It also aids
gold flotation from some ores when used in very small (.005 lb.
per ton) quantities. Cost per 100 lbs. - - - - - $3.25.

FERROUS SULFATE, FeS04' is a standard precipi tan t of gold from gold chloride

HYDROGEN SULFIDE, H2S, a gas soluble in water, also an effective precipitant

of gold from gold chlor.ide solutions. It is made by the action
of sulfuric aci d on a sulfi de, usually iron sulfide. It is a
strong sulfidizing agent of oxide ores and is used for this
purpose in flotation.

I - 2e~
LEAD ACETATE, (sugar of lead), ~bt (C2H302}2' 3H20, is occasionally us~d in
aiding tho proci~itation of gold and silver from cyanide
solutions in the cyanide process. Lead nitrate may be used
instead. Cost per lb. in 100 lb. barrel, $0.11.

pmE OIL, steam distilled, is wtdely and principally used as a frothing agent
in the flotation process. Cost per gal. - - - - $0.45.

CRESYLIC ACID is used for the s$lle purpose as pine oil and is widely ~mployed
particularly in lead ore flotation. It is effective on gold
ore flotation. Cost per gal. - - - - $0.50.

XANTHATES, ethyl, ~yl,. and butyl, are universally used as mineral flotation
promoters in the flotation process. They float metallic gold,
but must be used in minute amounts ~ from .05 to .001 lb. per
ton of oro. Amyl xanthate i.s particularly effective on ox-
idized ores. Cost per 100 lbs. - - $O.20~

SUIJru:RIC ACID ~ H2S0 , used in assaying in parting gpld-silver beads. Silver

is dissolved by it~ At some cyanide plants sulfuric acid is
usod to dissolve the excess of z:inc from the zinc-gold preCip-
itate resulting from the treatnPnt of gold solutions with zinc
dust~ Sulfuric acid is also an activator of pyrite that has
been previously depressed with lime.
Cost per ton tank - ~ $15,00.

AEROFLOAT is oresyiic acid with phospho-pentasulfide in different strengths.

It is a much used promoter in flotation;
Cost per 100 Ibs. - - $20.00.

NITRIC ACID, HNO~, is used in a$sayi~g to part gold-silver. beads. When 'mixed
WIth hydrochloriO acid in the proportion of 82 parts hydro~
cloric to 18 parts nitric aCid, aqua regia is formed, which
is a strong solvent of gold and platinum.
Cost per lb. in carboys $0.055~

1- 27 ,.

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