Drácula Bilingüe
Drácula Bilingüe
Drácula Bilingüe
Este libro no puede ser reproducido, ni total ni parcialmente, sin el permiso escrito del editor. Todos los derechos reservados. Edicin y traduccin: Multiactiva Creacin y Servicios Editoriales, S.Ly Rosario Outes PMI,2OO9 Diseo de cubierta: Babel grafistes Ilustracion de la cubierta: Winona Ryder y Gary Old man en Dracula (1992), de Francis Ford Coppola COLUMBIA PICTURES / NELSON, RALPH / Album ISBN (obra completa):978-84-674-7288-2 ISBN (libroi):978-84-674-7289-9 Depsito Legal: B.2540-2009 Impresor: Cayfosa (Impresia Iberica) Impreso en Espaa
Versiones bilingues abreviadas y simplificadas
Jonathan Harker's Journal
May 3rd, Bistritz. I am on my way to Transylvania, for I have to deal with a nobleman from that country. I read that the district he named is in the extreme East of the country, just on the borders of three states, Transylvania, Moldavia, and Bukovina, in the midst of the Carpathian mountains, one of the wildest and least known portions of Europe; but I found that Bistritz, the post town named by Count Dracula, is a well-known place. I read that every known superstition in the world is gathered in this area. The country is full of beauty of every kind, I saw so1 during my trip. Count Dracula had directed me to go to the Golden Krone Hotel. I was evidently expected for the old couple at the reception gave me a letter: "My friend. Welcome to the Carpathians. I am anxiously expecting you. At three tomorrow my carriage will await you on the Borgo Pass. I trust that your journey from London has been a happy one, and that you will enjoy your stay in my beautiful land. Your friend, Dracula." The old couple looked at each other as if they were frightened. When I asked them if they knew Count Dracula and if they could tell me anything of2 his castle, both crossed themselves, and simply refused to speak further. May 4th. Just before I was leaving, the old lady came up to my room and said in a hysterical way: "Must you go? It is the
1. So: se utiliza despus de algunos verbos para evitar repetir toda la frase anterior. 2. To tell... of/about: decir... acerca de algo. Se utiliza cualquiera de las dos preposiciones.
Diario de Jonathan Harker
3 de mayo, Bistritz. Me dirijo hacia Transilvania porque tengo que negociar con un noble de ese pas.Averig que el distrito que l mencion se encuentra en el extremo este del pas, justo en el lmite de tres estados: Transilvania, Moldavia y Bukovina, en medio de los montes Crpatos, una de las regiones ms salvajes y menos conocidas de Europa; pero descubr que Bistritz, el pueblo de posta que el conde Drcula mencion, es un lugar bastante famoso. Le que todas las supersticiones conocidas en el mundo se recogen en esta zona. El pas esta pleno de belleza de todo tipo, lo pude comprobar durante mi viaje. El conde Drcula me haba indicado que fuera al Hotel Golden Krone. Evidentemente me esperaban, porque la pareja de ancianos de la recepcin me entreg una carta: Amigo mo. Bienvenido a los Crpatos. Estoy esperndolo ansioso. Maana a las tres mi carruaje lo esperar en el paso del Borgo. Confo en que haya tenido un buen viaje desde Londres y que disfrute de su estancia en mi hermosa tierra. Su amigo, Drcula. Los ancianos se miraron mutuamente como si estuvieran atemorizados. Cuando les pregunt si conocan al conde Drcula y si podran decirme algo acerca de su castillo, ambos se persignaron y simplemente se negaron a decir nada ms. 4 de mayo. Justo antes de partir, la anciana vino a mi habitacin y me dijo de manera histrica: Tiene usted que partir? Es la
eve of St. George's Day, when the clock
strikes midnight, all the evil things in the world will have full sway.3 Do you know where you are going, and what you are going to?" She was in such distress that I tried to comfort her, but without effect. It was all very ridiculous, but I did not feel uncomfortable. Then she rose, and taking a crucifix from her neck and putting it round mine, we: out of the room. When I got on the coach, I saw the driver talking to the land lady. They were evidently talking of me, for every now and then they looked at me. I could hear a lot of words often repeated, so I looked them up in my polyglot dictionary. I must say they did not cheer me, for amongst them were Satan, hell, witch, werewolf or vampire. I must ask the Count about these superstitions The last glimpse which I had of the inn4 yard and its crowd was they all crossing themselves. We had a fine trip during the day. When it grew dark there seemed to be some excitement amongst the passengers, and they kept urging the driver to further speed. He lashed the horses unmercifully5 with his long whip. We were entering on the Borgo Pass We were already in my post. A caleche6 with four black horses drew up beside the coach. It was driven by a tall man, all in black, which seemed to hide his face from us. He took my li and we left. I turned my head and could see the figures of late7 companions crossing themselves. I felt a little strangely. It was within a few minutes of midnight when far off in the distance began a louder and a sharper howling of wolves. I felt a sort of paralysis of fear. I was afraid to speak or move. We were in
3. Sway, dominio, influencia. 4. Inn: posada, pension. En un sentido general, hotel. 5. Unmercifully: adverbio derivado de mercy, misericordia.Tambien aparece como mercilessly con igual significado: despiadado, sin piedad. 6. Calkhe: calesa, un tipo de carruaje. 7. Late: adjetivo de varios significados, tarde, difunto y, como en este caso, ltimo.
marque las doce, todas las cosas malignas del mundo tendrn completo dominio. Sabe usted adnde se dirige y para qu?. Estaba tan angustiada que trat de consolarla, aunque sin resultado. Todo era muy ridculo, pero no me sent incmodo. Entonces ella se levant, se quit un crucifijo del cuello, lo puso alrededor del mo y salio de la habitacin. Cuando sub al carruaje, vi al conductor hablando con la propietaria. Era evidente que hablaban de m porque de tanto en tanto me miraban. Pude or un montn de palabras que repetan a menudo, as que las busqu en mi diccionario polglota. Debo decir que no me alegraron, pues entre ellas estaban Satn, infierno, bruja, hombre lobo o vampiro. Debo preguntar al conde sobre estas supersticiones. La ltima imagen que tuve del patio del hotel y su gente fue la de todos ellos persignndose. Tuvimos un buen viaje durante el da. Cuando oscureca, pareca que haba cierta agitacin entre los pasajeros, y continuamente urgan al conductor a ir ms rpido. Este azotaba sin piedad a los caballos con su larga fusta. Estbamos entrando en el paso del Borgo. Llegamos ya a mi parada. Una calesa con cuatro caballos negros se situ junto al carruaje. La conduca un hombre alto, todo de negro, que pareca que nos ocultaba su rostro. Cogi mi equipaje y partimos.Volv la cabeza y pude ver las figuras de mis ltimos compaeros persignndose. Me sent un poco extrao. Era poco despus de la medianoche cuando en la lejana comenzo un fuerte y agudo aullido de lobos. Me sent como paralizado por el miedo.Tema hablar o moverme. Estbamos completamente
vspera del da de San Jorge, cuando el reloj
complete darkness, for the clouds obscured the moon. When we stopped, the driver jumped down and held out his hand to assist me. It was pale and cold. I stood close to a great old door. The driver jumped again into his seat, shook the reins, and disappeared. I stood in silence, for I did not know what to do. There was no sign of bell or knocker. The time I waited seemed endless, and I felt doubts and fears crowding8 upon me. What sort of place had I come to, and among what kind of people I was? I began to rub my eyes arid pinch myself to see if I was awake. It all seemed like a horrible nightmare to me. Then I heard the sound of chains, a key was turned with the noise of long disuse, and the great door swung back. Within, stood a tall old man, clad9 in black from head to foot. He said in excellent English: "Welcome to my house!" He moved impulsively forward. His hand seemed cold as ice, like the hand of a dead man. "I am Dracula, Mr. Harker. Come in, the night air is chill, and you must need to eat and rest." He lead me up a great winding stair to a well-lit room, in which a table was spread for supper. The Count's courteous welcome seemed to have dissipated all my doubts and fears. "Be seated and eat when you please. You will excuse me that I do not join you, but I have dined already, and I do not usually sup.",10 he said, I had now an opportunity of observing him. His face was strong, aquiline, with a thin nose. The mouth was fixed and rather cruel, with peculiarly sharp white teeth, and very red lips. He was of an extraordinary pallor. His hands were coarse. The nails were long and cut to a sharp point.
8. Crowding: gerundio de to crowd, aglomerarse, llenarse. 9. Clad: pasado y participio pasado arcaico del verbo to clothe, vestirse. 10. To sup: comer o beber.
a oscuras pues las nubes ocultaban la luna. Cuando nos detuvimos, el conductor salt al suelo y me tendi la mano para ayudarme. Estaba plida y fra. Me detuve junto a una puerta antigua enorme. El conductor salt de nuevo a su silla, agit las riendas y desapareci. Aguard en silencio porque no saba que hacer. No haba seal de timbre o llamador. La espera se me haca interminable y sent que me llenaba de dudas y temores. A qu tipo de lugar haba venido y entre qu tipo de personas estaba? Comenc a frotarme los ojos y a pellizcarme para comprobar si estaba despierto. Todo me pareca como una horrible pesadilla. Entonces o un sonido de cadenas, una llave gir con el sonido de un prolongado desuso, y la enorme puerta se abri. Dentro, apareci un anciano alto, vestido de negro de la cabeza a los pies. Dijo en un excelente ingls: -Bienvenido a casa! Se adelant impulsivamente. Su mano me pareci fra como el hielo, como la mano de un muerto-. Soy Drcula, Sr. Harker. Entre, el aire de la noche es fro y usted debe de necesitar comer y descansar. -Me gui por una gran escalera de caracol hasta una habitacin bien iluminada, donde la mesa estaba servida para la cena. La corts bienvenida del conde pareci haber disipado todas mis dudas y temores. -Sintese y coma cuando desee. Me disculpar que no le acompae, pero ya he comido, y no suelo cenar dijo. Entonces tuve la oportunidad de observarlo. Su rostro era duro, aguileo, con una nariz fina. La boca era rgida y ms bien cruel, con dientes blancos peculiarmente afilados y labios muy rojos. Su palidez era extraordinaria. Las manos eran toscas. Las uas, largas y cortadas en una punta afilada.
We were both silent for a while. Dawn was
coming. I heard the howling of many wolves. The Count said: "Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make! But you must be tired. Your bedroom is ready. I have to be away tomorrow till the afternoon." I am all in a sea of wonders. I fear. I think strange things, God keep me! May 7th. There are odd deficiencies in the house, considering the extraordinary evidences of wealth; for instance, in none of the rooms is there a mirror. I have not seen a servant anywhere, or heard a sound near the castle except the howling11 of wolves. "You may go anywhere you wish in the castle, except where the doors are locked, where of course you will not wish to go. There is a reason for all things to be as they are. We are in Transylvania, and this is not England. Our ways are not your ways, and there shall be to you many strange things." We had been talking about his new property in England for hours, when all at once we heard the crow of the cock. The Count, jumping to his feet, said, "There is the morning again!" and quickly left me. There is something so strange about this place that I cannot but feel uneasy. I wish that I had never come! I only slept a few hours. I had hung my shaving glass by the window, and was just beginning to shave. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, and heard the Count's voice saying to me, "Good morning." I could see him over my shoulder, but there was no reflection of him in the mirror! At the instant I cut myself slightly and the blood was trickling over my chin. His eyes blazed12 with a demoniac fury, I drew away and his hand touched the crucifix. The fury passed quickly.
11. Howling: gerundio con valor de sustantivo de to howl, aullar, dar un alarido, bramar. 12. Blazed: pasado de to blaze, arder, brillar, resplandecer, echar chispas.
Estaba amaneciendo. O el aullido de muchos lobos. El conde dijo: -Escchelos, los hijos de la noche. Qu msica hacen! Pero usted debe de estar fatigado. Su habitacin est lista. Maana estar fuera hasta el atardecer. Estoy inmerso en un mar de dudas. Tengo miedo. Pienso cosas extraas. Que Dios me guarde! 7 de mayo. Hay carencias extraas en la casa teniendo en cuenta las extraordinarias evidencias de riqueza; por ejemplo, en ninguna de las habitaciones hay espejos. No he visto a un solo criado por ningn lado, ni he odo sonido alguno en las cercanas del castillo, a excepcin de los aullidos de los lobos. -Puede ir a cualquier parte del castillo, excepto donde las puertas esten cerradas con llave, donde por supuesto no desear ir. Hay una razn para que todas las cosas sean como son. Estamos en Transilvania y esto no es Inglaterra. Nuestras formas no son las suyas y seguramente muchas cosas le parecern extraas. Habamos estado hablando de su nueva propiedad en Inglaterra durante horas, cuando de repente escuchamos el canto del gallo. El conde, de un salto, dijo: La maana otra vez!, y se retir rpidamente. Hay algo tan extrao acerca de este lugar que no puedo por menos que sentirme incmodo. Ojala no hubiese venido! Dorm slo unas pocas horas. Haba colgado mi espejo al lado de la ventana y estaba empezando a afeitarme. De repente sent una mano sobre mi hombro, y o la voz del conde dicindome: Buenos das. Poda verlo detrs de mi hombro, pero su imagen no se reflejaba en el espejo! En ese instante me hice un pequeo corte y la sangre resbalo sobre el mentn. Sus ojos brillaron con una furia demonaca, yo me alej y su mano toc el crucifijo. La furia pas rpidamente.
Permanecimos en silencio durante un rato.
Then he seized the shaving glass, opened the window and he flung it out. I went on a little exploration of the castle. I found that the castle is on the edge of a terrific cliff. I explored further. Doors, doors everywhere, and all locked. In no place is there an exit. The castle is a true prison, and I am a prisoner! May 12th. The count said last night: "Write now, my young friend, and say that you shall stay with me until a month from now." "Do you wish me to stay so long?" I asked, for my heart grew cold at this thought. "I desire it much, nay13 I will take no refusal." "I pray you, my friend, that you will not discourse of things other than business in your letters." I understood that I should be careful with what I wrote, for he would be able to read it. The Count wrote also several notes. When done, he said, "You will forgive me, but I have much work to do in private this evening. Let me warn you that you should not go to sleep in any other part of the castle but your room. It is old, and it has many memories." When he left, I went up to a room where I could look out towards the South. The mere beauty seemed to cheer me. From the window I saw the Count emerge from the window, face down with his cloak spreading out like great wings. I could not believe my eyes. I am14 in an awful fear, and there is no escape for me. He vanished into some hole or window. I could not see more. I must escape. I tried again all the doors. The main door was also locked. The key must be in the Count's room.
13. Nay: interjection literaria, mejor dicho, ms an. 14. / am: presente de to be, soy, estoy. A lo largo de toda la narracin el autor alterna el pasado y el presente, segn se refiera a hechos vividos o a circunstancias vigentes.
Luego agarr el espejo de afeitar, abri la ventana y lo lanz afuera. Me aventur a una pequea exploracin del castillo. Averigu que el edificio est al borde de un terrorfico precipicio. Explor ms a fondo. Puertas, puertas por todas partes, y todas cerradas con llave. Por ningn lado hay salida. El castillo es una verdadera prisin, y yo soy un prisionero! 12 de mayo. El conde me dijo anoche: -Escriba ahora, mi joven amigo, y diga que se quedar conmigo un mes ms. -Desea usted que me quede tanto tiempo? -le pregunt, puesto que mi corazn se hel ante dicha idea. -Lo deseo mucho, ms an, no aceptar una negativa. Le ruego, amigo, que no hable ms que de asuntos de negocios en sus cartas. Entendi que deba tener cuidado con lo que escriba pues el podra leerlo. El conde escribi tambin varias cartas. Cuando termin, dijo: -Me disculpar, pero tengo mucho trabajo que hacer en privado esta tarde. Djeme advertirle que no debe dormir en ninguna otra parte del castillo que no sea su habitacin. Es viejo, y tiene muchos recuerdos. Cuando se fu, sub a una habitacin desde donde poda mirar al sur. La simple belleza pareci alegrarme. Desde la ventana vi al conde salir por una ventana, avanzando por la pared con su capa extendida como unas grandes alas. No poda creer lo que vea. Tengo un miedo espantoso y no tengo escapatoria. Desapareci por algn hueco o ventana. No pude ver ms. Deba escapar. Prob de nuevo todas las puertas. La puerta principal tambin estaba cerrada. La llave deba de estar en la alcoba del conde.
At last I fell asleep, but I was not alone. There were three young ladies. They threw no shadow on the floor. All three had brilliant white sharp teeth, and ruby15 lips. I felt a wicked desire that they would kiss me. One said, "He is young and strong. There are kisses for us all." They advanced towards me, but at that instant the Count arrived furious. "How dare you touch him when I had forbidden it? Back, this man belongs to me!" June 17th.This morning I saw in the yard two great wagons,16 containing great, square boxes, which were evidently empty. June 24th. I must take action. I could only get into his room through his window. God help me in my task. Goodbye, Mina, if I fail. Goodbye, my faithful friend and second father. I did not feel dizzy, I was too excited. I looked around for the Count, but the room was empty! I could not find the keys anywhere. The only interesting thing I found was money from lots of countries, a great heap of gold in one corner and coins of all kinds. None of them, that I noticed, was less than three hundred years old. At one corner of the room was a heavy door and a stair down. I descended carefully, there was a dark passage through which came a deathly, sickly odour. At last I found myself in an old ruined chapel, which was used as a graveyard.17 There were fifty boxes in all. In one of them, on newly dug earth, lay the Count! He was either dead or asleep. I fled from the place. June 29th.The Count said, "Tomorrow, my friend, we must part. You will return to your beautiful England. I shall not be here, but all shall be ready for your journey." When I was in my room and about to lie down, I heard the voice of the Count whispering at my door: "Back! Your time is
15. Ruby, rub, piedra preciosa. En este caso hace alusin al color rojo. 16. Wagon: carro tirado por animales. 17. Graveyard: cementerio.Tambin se usa cemetery o churchyard, terrenos adyacentes a las iglesias.
Finalmente me adormec, pero no estaba solo. Haba tres damas jvenes. Sus sombras no se reflejaban en el suelo. Las tres tenan los dientes blancos, brillantes y afilados, y los labios de color rub. Sent un deseo perverso de que me besaran. Una dijo: Es joven y fuerte. Hay besos para todas. Avanzaron hacia m pero en ese instante el conde lleg furioso. -Cmo os atrevis a tocarlo cuando os lo he prohibido? Atrs, este hombre me pertenece! 17 de junio. Esta maana he visto en el patio dos grandes carros que transportaban enormes cajas cuadradas, que evidentemente estaban vacas. 24 de junio. Debo actuar. Solo podra entrar en su habitacin por la ventana. Dios me ayude en mi tarea. Adis, Mina, si fallo. Adis, mi fiel amigo y segundo padre. No me sent mareado, estaba demasiado excitado. Busqu al conde, pero la habitacin estaba vaca! No pude encontrar las llaves por ningn lado. Lo nico interesante que hall fu dinero de muchos pases, un enorme montn de oro en una esquina y monedas de todo tipo. Ninguna de ellas, segn pude comprobar, tena menos de trescientos aos. En una esquina de la habitacin haba una puerta pesada y una escalera que descenda. Baj con cuidado, haba un pasadizo oscuro a travs del cul llegaba un enfermizo olor de muerte. Finalmente me encontr en una antigua capilla en ruinas que se usaba como cementerio. Haba cincuenta cajas en total. En una de ellas, sobre tierra recin excavada, yaca el conde! Estaba muerto o dormido. Hu del lugar. 29 de junio. El conde me dijo: Maana, amigo, debemos partir. Usted regresar a su hermosa Inglaterra.Yo no estar aqu, pero todo estara preparado para su viaje. Cuando estaba en mi habitacin a punto de acostarme, o la voz del conde susurrando tras la puerta: Atrs!, vuestro turno
not yet come .Wait! Tonight is mine."The
three women laughed in a horrible way. Lord, help me! June 30th. These may be the last words I ever write in this diary. I must find a way out from this dreadful place. Goodbye Mina! Mina Murray's Journal July 24th. Whitby. Lucy met me at the station, looking sweeter and lovelier than ever. We drove up to her house at the Crescent. This is a lovely place. She told me all over again about Arthur and their coming marriage. That made me feel a little heart-sick,18 for I haven't heard from Jonathan for a whole month, and we are to get married as well. I hope nothing has happened to him. I wonder where he is and if he is thinking of me. I wish he were here! July 26th. Lucy, although she is well, has lately taken the habit of walking in her sleep. Her mother and I have decided that I am19 to lock the door of our room every night. Arthur Holmwood, only son of Lord Godalming, is coming up here shortly, as soon as he can leave town. I daresay she will be all right when he arrives. August 9th. Last night, strangely, a derelict20 ship arrived. It is Russian, from Varna, and it is called the Demeter. She has only a small cargo, a number of great wooden boxes filled with mould. A dog landed from the ship, however, it was not to be found. The captain was dead. August 11lth. Suddenly I became awake and sat up, I could not see Lucy. The bed was empty, and she was not in the room. I got ready to look for her.
18. Heart-sick o heartsick, apenado, triste, descorazonado. 19.1 am: presents de to be, soy, estoy. En este caso el verbo to be indica obligacin 20. Derelict: en ruinas, abandonado.
ma. Las tres mujeres rieron de una manera horrible. Seor, aydame! 30 dejunio. stas pueden ser las ltimas palabras que escribo en este diario. Debo encontrar una salida de este espantoso lugar. Adis Mina! Diario de Mina Murray 24 de julio. Whitby. Lucy me esperaba en la estacin, con un aspecto ms dulce y encantador que nunca. Nos dirigimos a su casa en Crescent. Es un lugar agradable. Me cont de nuevo todo sobre Arthur y su futura boda. Me hizo sentir un poco apenada porque no he tenido noticias de Jonathan en todo el mes, y tambin vamos a casarnos. Espero que no le haya pasado nada. Me pregunto donde est y si est pensando en m. Ojal estuviera aqui! 26 de julio. Lucy, aunque est bien, ha tornado ltimamente el hbito de caminar mientras duerme. Su madre y yo hemos decidido que debo cerrar con llave la puerta de nuestra habitacin cada noche. Arthur Holmwood, el nico hijo de lord Godalming, vendr dentro de poco, tan pronto como pueda dejar la ciudad. Apuesto a que ella mejorar cuando l llegue. 9 de agosto. Anoche, de manera extraa, un barco abandonado arrib. Es ruso, de Varna, y se llama Demeter. Lleva slo una pequea carga, enormes cajas de madera rellenas con mantillo. Un perro baj del barco que, sin embargo, no fue hallado. El capitn estaba muerto. 11 de agosto. Me despert de repente y me incorpor. No encontr a Lucy. La cama estaba vaca y ella no estaba en la habitacin. Me dispuse a buscarla.
an no ha llegado. Esperad! Esta noche es There was a bright full moon. I found Lucy
on her favourite seat in the park. Something dark stood behind the seat and bent over her. I could not tell what it was, whether a man or a beast. I ran to her as fast as I could and I called in fright, "Lucy!" and the dark figure raised the head, and I could see a white face and red, gleaming eyes. Lucy did not answer, I could see her half reclining with her head lying over the back of the seat, all alone, still asleep. She put her hand to her throat and moaned. She had two little red points in her throat. When I had her wrapped up, I put my shoes on her feet, and walked her home. We got home without meeting a soul. Before falling asleep she asked me not to say a word to anyone about it. I hesitated at first to promise, but I did. I locked the door, and the key is now tied to my wrist. August 13th. Again I awoke in the night, and found Lucy sitting up in bed, still asleep, pointing to the window. I got up quietly, and looked out. There was a great bat. August 17th. Lucy seems to be growing weaker.21 I looked at her throat just now as she lays asleep, and the tiny wounds have not healed. I shall insist on the doctor seeing them. August 19th. At last, news of Jonathan! My dear has been ill, that is why he did not write. I will leave in the morning to meet Jonathan, and to bring him home. He is in a hospital in BudaPesth.22 August 24th, Buda-Pesth. I am finally with him. He has had some fearful shock, so says his doctor. He came in the train from Klausenburg. The station master told the guard that Jonathan rushed into the station shouting for a ticket back home. Seeing that he was English, they gave him a ticket for
21. Growing, al igual que get, matiza mejor la idea de una situacin en progreso que el habitual be. 22. Buda-Pesth: denominacin original de Budapest, capital de Hungra
Lucy en su banco favorito del parque. Haba algo oscuro detrs del banco y se incline sobre ella. No podra decir qu era, si un hombre o un animal. Corr hacia ella tan rpido como pude y la llame asustada, Lucy!, y la oscura figura levant la cabeza y pude ver un rostro blanco con unos ojos rojos y brillantes. Lucy no respondi, la pude ver medio reclinada con la cabeza apoyada en el respaldo del asiento, completamente sola, dormida an. Se llev la mano al cuello y se quej.Tena dos puntitos rojos en el cuello. Cuando la tuve bien arropada, le puse mis zapatos y la llev a casa. Llegamos sin haber encontrado un alma. Antes de dormirse me pidi que no le dijera ni una palabra a nadie sobre esto. Dud al principio en prometrselo, pero lo hice. Cerr con llave y me la at en la mueca. 13 de agosto. Nuevamente me despert en la noche y encontr a Lucy sentada en la cama, dormida an, sealando hacia la ventana. Me levant en silencio y mir afuera. Haba un enorme murcilago. 17 de agosto. Parece que Lucy se est debilitando. Le mir el cuello mientras dorma y las pequeas heridas no se han curado. Insistir en que las vea el mdico. 19 de agosto. Por fin noticias de Jonathan! Mi amado ha estado enfermo, por eso no escriba. Partir por la maana a buscarlo y traerlo a casa. Est en un hospital en Budapest. 24 de agosto, Budapest. Finalmente estoy con l. Ha tenido un ataque de pnico, eso dice el mdico. Vino en tren desde Klausenburg. El jefe de la estacin le dijo al guardia que Jonathan entr corriendo en la estacin pidiendo a gritos un billete de vuelta a casa.Viendo que era ingls, le dieron
Haba una brillante luna llena. Encontr a
the furthest station on the way. He is much better now. He has given me his diary. We are to be married in an hour, in the hospital. Dr. Seward's Diary September 2nd. Arthur has left to see his father, who is very ill, and asked me to look after our dear Lucy, for he sees she is very ill and worse every day. The qualitative analysis gave a quite normal condition, and showed a vigorous state of health. But I saw her weak, pale, languid and sad. I am in doubt, so I have written to my old friend and master, Professor Van Helsing, from Amsterdam, who knows a lot about obscure diseases. He is a philosopher and a metaphysician, and one of the most advanced scientists of his days. He has, I believe, an absolutely open mind. September 7th.Van Helsing and I were shown up to Lucy's room. I was horrified when I saw her today. She was ghastly23 pale. "My God!" he said. "This is dreadful. There is not time to be lost. She needs a transfusion of blood at once. Is it you or me?" Just then Arthur arrived, anxious. He wanted to help. "Tell me, and I shall do it. I can give my blood to her." Having finished his operation, Van Helsing adjusted the pillow to the patient's head. As he did so, he and I could see the red mark on her throat. Arthur did not notice it. When Arthur had gone, I asked the Professor in a whisper, "What do you make of that mark on her throat?"The Professor stood up. "I must go back to Amsterdam tonight," he said "There are books and things there which I want. You must remain here all night and watch her. I shall be back as soon as possible."
23. Ghastly, fatalmente, desagradablemente.Y en este caso se podria considerar como mortalmente.
un billete a la estacin ms lejana de la ruta. Est mucho mejor ahora. Me ha dado su diario. Nos casaremos en una hora, en el hospital. Diario del Dr. Seward 2 de septiembre. Arthur se ha marchado a ver a su padre, quien est muy enfermo, y me ha pedido que cuide a nuestra querida Lucy, pues la ve muy enferma y empeora cada da. Los resultados del anlisis eran normales y mostraban un estado de salud vigoroso. Pero yo la vi dbil, plida, lnguida y triste. Tengo dudas, as que le he escrito a mi viejo amigo y maestro, el profesor Van Helsing, de Amsterdam, que sabe mucho sobre enfermedades desconocidas. Es filsofo y metafsico, y uno de los cientficos ms avanzados de su tiempo. Tiene, yo creo, una mente absolutamente abierta. 7 de septiembre. Fui con Van Helsing a la habitacin de Lucy. Me horroric al verla. Estaba mortalmente plida. Dios mo! -dijo l, esto es espantoso. No hay tiempo que perder. Necesita una transfusin de sangre de inmediato. T o yo? Justo entonces lleg Arthur, nervioso. Quera ayudar. Dime y har lo que me digas. Puedo darle mi sangre. Habiendo finalizado la operacin, Van Helsing acomod la almohada bajo la cabeza de la paciente. Al hacerlo, l y yo pudimos ver la marca roja en su cuello. Arthur no la not. Cuando Arthur se hubo marchado, le pregunt al profesor en un susurro: Que piensa de la marca en el cuello?. El profesor se levant. -Debo regresar a Amsterdam esta misma noche -dijo-. Hay libros y cosas all que necesito. Tienes que quedarte aqu toda la noche y vigilarla. Volver tan pronto como pueda.
September 10th. I must have fallen asleep,
for24 I was awaken by the Professor. He raised his hand and pointed to the bed. I felt my knees begin to tremble. There lied poor Lucy, more horribly white and wan-looking than ever. We rubbed her palms and her wrists and her heart. He said, "It is not too late. It has to be you this time, friend John." As he spoke, we began the transfusion operation. September 11 th. This afternoon I found Lucy much better.The Professor showed Lucy a great bundle25 of white garlic flowers. He put them in her window and hung them round her neck. September 13th. Lucy is better. The Professor smiled, and looked quite jubilant. "Aha! My treatment is working." To which Lucy's mother replied, "Lucy's state this morning is due in part to me. The room was awfully stuffy. There were a lot of those horrible, strong-smelling flowers about everywhere, and she actually had a bunch of them round her neck. I took them all away and opened the window to let in a little fresh air." After she had spoken, for the first time in my life, I saw Van Helsing break down."Come," he said, "I shall provide my blood today." Presently he took an opportunity of telling her mother that she must not remove anything from Lucy's room without consulting him. Then he took over the care of the case himself. He said that he would watch that night and the next, and would write to me when to come. September 18th. I got a telegram from Professor Van Helsing with twenty-two hours of delay. He asked me to be at Lucy's the previous night. Oh, God! I ran.
24. For se utiliza como conjuncin explicativa con el sentido de because, porque. 25. Bundle, fajo, fardo, montn. La palabra bunch es la ms frecuente cuando se habla de ramo de flores. Se entiende as que no era un ramo ornamental.
dormido, porque me despert el profesor. Alz su mano y seal la cama. Sent que empezaban a temblarme las rodillas. Ah yaca Lucy, ms terriblemente plida y lnguida que nunca. Le dimos friegas en las palmas de las manos, las muecas y el corazn. l dijo: No es tarde todava. Tienes que ser t esta vez, amigo John. Mientras hablaba empezamos la operacin de transfusin. 11 de septiembre. Esta tarde encontr a Lucy mucho mejor. El profesor le trajo un gran manojo de ajos florecidos. Lo puso en la ventana y le colg algunas flores de ajo alrededor del cuello a Lucy. 13 de septiembre. Lucy est mejor. El profesor sonri y se mostr lleno de jbilo. Aj, mi tratamiento est funcionando. A lo que la madre de Lucy contest: La mejora de Lucy esta maana se debe en parte a m. La habitacin estaba terriblemente viciada. Haba muchas de esas flores horribles de fuerte olor por todas partes, y ella tena de hecho un montn de ellas colgadas del cuello. Las tir todas y abr la ventana para que entrara un poco de aire fresco. Despus de que ella hablara, por primera vez en mi vida, vi a Van Helsing descompuesto. Vamos, yo le donar sangre hoy, dijo. En seguida aprovech la oportunidad para explicarle a la madre de la joven que no deba sacar nada de la habitacin de Lucy sin consultarle. Luego se encarg l mismo del cuidado del caso. Dijo que l vigilara esa noche y la siguiente y me escribira cuando tuviera que volver. 18 de septiembre. Recib un telegrama del profesorVan Helsing con veintids horas de retraso. Me peda que estuviera en casa de Lucy la noche anterior. Oh, Dios! Corr.
10 de septiembre. Debo de haberme I was knocking on the door when Van
Helsing came and said, "Did you not get my telegram? Then I fear it is too late. God's will be done!" With trembling hands, we opened the door, and entered into Lucy's room. How shall I describe what we saw? On the bed laid Lucy and her mother. The latter laid farthest in, showing her drawn, white face, with a look of horror fixed upon it. By her side laid Lucy, with a white face and still more drawn. We found upon her mother's bosom the flowers which had been round her neck, her throat was bare, showing the two little wounds. The Professor bent over the bed, he cried out to me, "It is not yet too late! Quick! Quick! Bring the brandy!" So I did. He rubbed the brandy on her lips and on her wrists and the palms of her hands. Just then a friend of Arthur and Dr. Jack Seward, Quincey Morris, had arrived to check on26 Lucy. She needed another transfusion of blood, he offered himself and we went through that operation. Once this was done, we filled up the certificate of Lucy's mother death. When Lucy woke in the afternoon, she realized about her mothers death. We did what we could to comfort her. September 19th. In the afternoon she asked for Arthur, and we telegraphed him. Quincey went off to pick him up at the station. September 20th. Lucy was breathing stertorously,27 and her face was at its worst. Her teeth seemed longer and sharper than they had been in the morning, in particular, the canine teeth. At six o'clock. Van Helsing came to relieve me. He bent down, and examined her carefully."Mein Gott!",28 he exclaimed. I bent
26. To (heck on: visitar, interesarse por el estado de alguien. 27. Breathing stertorously: con Una respiracin agitada, con estertor, con dificultad. 28. Mein Colt!: Dios mo! en alemn.
Helsing lleg y dijo: No te lleg mi telegrama? Entonces temo que sea demasiado tarde. Que se haga la voluntad de Dios!. Con manos temblorosas, abrimos la puerta y entramos en el dormitorio de Lucy. C6mo describir lo que vimos? Sobre la cama yacan Lucy y su madre. Esta ltima yaca en la parte ms alejada, con el rostro blanco, demacrado y una mirada de terror clavada en los ojos. A su lado yaca Lucy, con la cara plida y ms demacrada todava. Encontramos sobre el pecho de su madre las flores que haban estado alrededor de su cuello, su garganta estaba descubierta, mostrando las dos pequeas heridas. El profesor se inclin sobre la cama y me grit: No es demasiado tarde todava! Rpido! Rpido! Trae el brandy!. As lo hice. Le humedec los labios con el brandy, y las muecas y las palmas de las manos. Justo en aquel momento un amigo de Arthur y del Dr. Jack Seward, Quincey Morris, haba llegado para ver como se encontraba Lucy. Necesitaba otra transfusin de sangre, l mismo se ofreci y llevamos a cabo la operacin. Una vez hubimos finalizado, rellenamos el certificado de defuncin de la madre de Lucy. Cuando Lucy se despert por la tarde, se di cuenta de la muerte de su madre. Hicimos lo que pudimos para consolarla. 19 de septiembre. Por la tarde pregunt por Arthur y nosotros le telegrafiamos. Quincey fue a buscarlo a la estacin. 20 de septiembre. Lucy respiraba con dificultad y su rostro estaba peor que nunca. Los dientes parecan mas largos y afilados de como estaban por la maana, especialmente los caninos. A las seis.Van Helsing vino a relevarme. Se agach y la examin cuidadosamente. Dios mo!, exclam. Me inclin sobre
Estaba llamando a la puerta cuando Van over her and looked: the wounds on the throat
had absolutely disappeared. For five minutes Van Helsing stood looking at her, then he turned to me and said calmly, "She is dying. It will not be long now." I went to the dining room and waked Arthur. I told him as gently as I could that both Van Helsing and I feared that the end was near. He covered his face with his hands, and slid down on his knees by the sofa, with his head buried, praying. I took him by the hand and raised him up. When we came into Lucy's room I could see that Van Helsing had done everything to make her look as pleasing as possible. He had even brushed her hair. She opened her eyes, and seeing him, whispered sofdy, "Arthur! Oh, my love, I am so glad you have come! Kiss me!" He was stooping29 to kiss her, when Van Helsing motioned him back. "No," he whispered, "not yet! Hold her hand, it will comfort her more." Arthur took her hand and knelt30 beside her.Very shortly after, she opened her eyes, and took Van Helsing's hand, "My true Friend, she said in a faint voice, "guard him, and give me peace!" "I swear it!" he said solemnly.Then he turned to Arthur, and said to him, "Come, my child, take her hand in yours, and kiss her on the forehead only once. It is all over. She is dead." I stood beside Van Helsing, and said, "Poor girl, there is peace for her at last!" He turned to me, and said with grave solemnity,"Not so. It is only the beginning!" When I asked him what he meant, he only shook his head and answered, "We can do nothing yet.Wait and see."
desaparecido por completo Durante cinco minutos Van Helsing estuvo parado mirndola, luego se gir hacia m y dijo con calma: Se est muriendo. No le queda ya mucho tiempo. Me dirig al comedor y despert a Arthur. Le dije de la manera mas suave posible que tantoVan Helsing como yo temamos que el final estaba cerca. Se cubri la cara con las manos y cay de rodillas junto al sof, con la cabeza tapada, rezando. Lo cog de la mano y lo levant. Cuando entramos en el dormitorio de Lucy pude ver que Van Helsing haba hecho de todo para que ella pareciera lo ms agradable posible. Incluso le haba cepillado el cabello. Lucy abri los ojos y al verlo le susurro con suavidad: Arthur! Oh, mi amor, me alegro tanto de que hayas venido! Bsame!. Estaba inclinndose para besarla, cuando Van Helsing tir de l hacia atrs. No -susurr, todava no! Sujtale la mano, eso la confortar mas. Arthur la tom de la mano y se arrodill a su lado. Poco despus, ella abri los ojos, le tom la mano aVan Helsing y le dijo con una voz dbil: Mi verdadero amigo, cudalo y dame la paz!. Lo juro dijo con solemnidad. Luego se dirigi hacia Arthur y le dijo: Ven, mi muchacho, toma sus manos entre las tuyas y bsala en la frente slo una vez. Todo ha terminado. Ha muerto. Estaba junto aVan Helsing y le dije: Pobre chica, por fin ha alcanzado la paz!. Se gir hacia m y dijo con seria solemnidad: No es as. Este es slo el principio. Cuando le pregunt que quera decir, el slo movi la cabeza y respondi: No podemos hacer nada todava. Espera y vers.
29. Stooping: gerundio de to stoop, inclinarse, encorvarse. 30. Knelt: pasado de to kneel, arrodillarse.
ella y observ: las heridas en su cuello haban The funeral was arranged for the following
day, so that Lucy and her mother might be buried together. I noticed that Van Helsing never kept far away. This was possibly because there were no relatives at hand. Arthur had to be back the next day to attend his father's funeral. Under these drcumstances, Van Helsing and I took care of everything. He insisted upon looking over Lucy's papers himself. When all was done, before going to rest, we went to look at poor Lucy. I could not believe that I was looking at a corpse, she was most beautiful than ever. The Professor looked grave.31 He placed garlic flowers around the bed.Then he took from his neck a little gold crucifix, and placed it over her mouth. He said, "Tomorrow I want you to bring me, before night, a set of post-mortem knives." "Must we make an autopsy?" I asked. "Yes and no. Let me tell you now, but not a word to any other. I want to cut off her head and take out her heart. I would like to do it tonight, but for Arthur I must not. He will be free after his father's funeral tomorrow, and he will want to see her." "But why to do it at all? The girl is dead.Why would you mutilate her poor body without any need?" He put his hand on my shoulder, and said, with infinite tenderness, "Friend John, I pity your poor bleeding32 heart. There are things that you do not know, but that you shall know. Strange and terrible days await before us. Will you not have faith in me?" Mina Harker's Journal September 22nd. Exeter. Mr. Hawkins is dead and he will be buried today. He left all his possessions to Jonathan, and he is not easy with that. He loved the old man like a father.
31. lu'i'krd grave: tena un aspecto grave, estaba serio. 32 Weeding: lit. significa sangrante, si bien aqu el sentido es figurado y se podra traducir como doliente.
para que Lucy y su madre pudieran ser enterradas juntas. Me d cuenta de que Van Helsing nunca se alejaba mucho. Posiblemente porque no haba ningn pariente. Arthur tuvo que partir al da siguiente para asistir al funeral de su padre. En estas circunstancias, Van Helsing y yo nos hicimos cargo de todo. Insisti en encargarse de todo el papeleo de Lucy l mismo. Cuando todo hubo acabado, antes de irnos a dormir, fuimos a ver a la pobre Lucy. No poda creer que estaba ante un cadver, estaba ms hermosa que nunca. El profesor estaba serio. Coloc flores de ajo alrededor de la cama. Luego, tom un pequeo crucifijo de oro que llevaba sobre su cuello y se lo coloc a ella sobre la boca. -Maana quiero que me traigas, antes del anochecer, un juego de bistures de diseccin -dijo. Tenemos que hacer una autopsia? pregunt. S y no. Djame contrtelo ahora, pero ni una palabra a nadie ms. Quiero cortarle la cabeza y sacarle el corazn. Me gustara hacerlo esta noche, pero por Arthur no debo hacerlo. Maana, despus del funeral de su padre, ya no tendr obligaciones y la querr ver. -Pero por qu hacerlo? La chica est muerta. Por qu vas a mutilar su pobre cuerpo sin ninguna necesidad? Puso su mano sobre mi hombro y dijo con infinita ternura: -Amigo John, me compadezco de tu pobre corazn doliente. Hay cosas que t no sabes, pero las sabrs. Nos esperan extraos y terribles das. No vas a confiar en m?
El funeral se organiz para el da siguiente, The service was very simple and very
solemn. We came back to town quietly and we walked down Piccadilly.33 Jonathan was holding me by the arm, the way he used to in the old days, before I went to school. I felt Jonathan clutch my arm so tight that he hurt me, and he said under his breath,"My God!" I am always anxious about Jonathan, for I fear that some nervous fit may upset him again. He was very pale, and his eyes seemed half in terror and half in amazement. He gazed at a tall, thin man, with a beaky nose and a beard. His face was wicked. It was hard, cruel, and sensual, "Do you know who he is?", he asked me. "No, dear," I said. "I don't know him, who is he?" "It is the man himself! I believe it is Count Dracula!", he was terrified, and I drove him home, where a telegram from Van Helsing, whoever he may be, reported that Lucy and her mother were dead. September 24th. I have read Jonathan's diary. Poor dear! How he must have suffered, whether it be true or only imagination. I wonder if there is any truth in it at all. I suppose I shall never know, for I dare not open the subject to him. And yet that man we saw yesterday... He seemed quite certain of him! September 25th. I have got a letter from Dr.Van Helsing. He needs to talk to me. I cannot help feeling terribly excited as the time draws near for his visit, for somehow I expect that it will throw some light upon34 Jonathan's sad experience, and he will tell me all about Lucy. That is the reason for his coming. It is concerning Lucy and her sleepwalking, and not about Jonathan. How silly I am. He has come. He talked to me about Lucy, as I thought, and I gave him my own journal, which he will read tonight. Everything
33. Piccadilly: lugar caracterstico de Westminster, distrito de Londres. 34. To throw some light upon something: esclarecer, encontrar una explicacin a algo.
El servicio fue muy simple y muy solemne.Volvimos tranquilamente a la ciudad y bajamos hasta Piccadilly caminando. Jonathan me llevaba del brazo, como sola hacerlo en los viejos tiempos, antes de que yo fuera a la escuela. Sent que Jonathan me apret el brazo tan fuerte que me lastim, y dijo conteniendo la respiracin: Dios mo!. Siempre estoy angustiada por Jonathan, porque temo que pueda sufrir de nuevo alguna crisis nerviosa. Estaba muy plido y sus ojos parecan estar entre aterrorizados y sorprendidos. Miraba a un hombre alto, delgado, con nariz picuda y barba. Su cara era malvada. Era dura, cruel y sensual. iSabes quin es? me pregunto. No, querido dije. No lo conozco, quin es? Es el mismo hombre! Creo que es el conde Drcula! -Estaba aterrorizado y lo lleve a casa, donde un telegrama de Van Helsing, quienquiera que fuese, deca que Lucy y su madre haban muerto. 24 de septiembre. He ledo el diario de Jonathan. Pobrecillo! Cmo ha debido sufrir, tanto si ha sido cierto como si slo ha sido fruto de su imaginacin. Me pregunto si hay algo de verdad en todo ello. Supongo que nunca lo sabr, pues no me atrevo a tocar el tema con l. Y adems el hombre que vimos ayer... Pareca completamente seguro respecto a l! 25 de septiembre. Recib una carta del Dr.Van Helsing. Necesita hablar conmigo. No puedo evitar sentirme terriblemente inquieta mientras se acerca el momento de su visita, pues de algn modo espero que me aclare algo sobre la triste experiencia de Jonathan y me cuente todo lo ocurrido con Lucy. Esa es la razn de su visita. Tiene que ver con Lucy y su sonambulismo y no con Jonathan. Que tonta soy. Ya ha venido. Me ha hablado de Lucy, como esperaba, y le d mi diario, que leer esta noche. Todo lo que dijo fue tan
he said was so strange! If I had not read Jonathan's journal first, I should have never accepted even a possibility. Poor dear Jonathan! How he must have suffered. I shall try to save33 him from it.When he comes tomorrow I shall ask him about Jonathan. When he came back, I feared that he would think me a fool and Jonathan a madman, that journal is all so strange that I hesitated to go on. But he was so sweet and kind, and he had promised to help, and I trusted him. "If you will let me, I shall give you a paper to read. I have typewritten it out. It will tell you about my trouble and Jonathan's. It is the copy of his journal when abroad, and all that happened. I dare not say anything of it.You will read for yourself and judge. And then, perhaps, you will be so kind to tell me what you think." "I shall come in the morning to see you and your husband, if I may. "He took the papers with him and went away, and I sit here thinking, thinking I don't know what. Dr. Seward's Diary September 26th.Van Helsing came today, he finally spoke to me about Lucy's illness. I think he is mad, this strongly affected him. He thinks Lucy is a vampire and is neither dead nor alive. "You are a clever man, friend John.You reason well, but you are too prejudiced.You do not let your eyes see nor your ears hear. Do you not think that there are things which you cannot understand, and that some people see things that others cannot? "There are always mysteries in life. Do you know the whole mystery of life and death? Can you tell me why men believe, in all ages and places, that there are men and women who cannot
35 To JUW: gcncralniente se utiliza con el sentido de ahorrar o salvar. Aqu se traduce como alejar,
extrao! Si antes no hubiera ledo el diario de Jonathan no habra aceptado nunca ni siquiera la ms mnima posibilidad. Pobre amado Jonathan! Cunto ha debido sufrir.Tratar de alejarlo de sto. Cuando el profesor venga maana le preguntar por Jonathan. Cuando volvi, tem que creyera que yo soy una tonta y Jonathan un demente, aqul diario es tan extrao que dude en continuar. Pero l fue muy dulce y amable, y me prometi ayudar, y confi en l. -Si usted me permitiera, le dara un escrito para que lea. Lo he mecanografiado. Le hablar de mi problema y del de Jonathan. Es la copia de su diario cuando estuvo fuera y sucedi todo aquello. No me atrevo a decir nada. Lalo y juzgue usted mismo. Y luego quiz sea usted tan amable de decirme lo que piensa. Vendr por la maana a verla a usted y a su marido, si puedo. Cogi los papeles y se march, y yo estoy sentada aqu, pensando, pensando en no s qu.
die? My thesis is this one, I want you to believe in things that you cannot. Let me illustrate.Tonight I'm going to prove it. Dare you come with me? We'll spend the night in the churchyard where Lucy lies. I have the key that locks the tomb." My heart sank within me,36 I could do nothing but nod. We found Lucy's coffin, and he took out a turnscrew.When his work was done, he motioned to me to look. The coffin was empty. It was certainly a surprise to me, and gave me a considerable shock, "Are you satisfied now, friend John?" he asked. "I am glad that Lucy's body is not in that coffin, but that only proves one thing: That it is not there." The Professor sighed. "Ah well!" he said,"we must have more proofs. Come with me." Then he told me to watch at one side of me churchyard whilst he would watch at the other. Just after I had taken my place I heard a distant clock strike twelve. I was angry with the Professor. Suddenly, as I turned round, a white figure flitted37 in the direction of the tomb.The tomb itself was hidden by trees, and I could not see where the figure had gone. Van Helsing insists on me going with him on another expedition. I felt all had been useless. September 27th. It was midday.Van Helsing walked over to Lucy's coffin and I followed him. A shock of surprise and dismay shot through me. There laid Lucy possibly more radiandy beautiful than ever, and I could not believe that she was dead. Her lips were j red and on the cheeks there was a delicate bloom. I could not accept still such an overwhelming idea as Van Helsing suggested.
Ifi. My hear! sank within me: expresin idiomtica que indica desasosiego. 37. Hilled, pasado de tojlit, revolotear, escurrirse, deslizarse con rapidez.
y mujeres inmortales? sta es mi teora, quiero que creas en las cosas que no puedes creer. Djame instruirte. Esta noche lo probar. Te atreves a venir conmigo? Pasaremos la noche en cl cementerio donde Lucy yace.Tengo la llave de la tumba. Se me cay el alma a los pies, no pude hacer ms que asentir. Hallamos el atad de Lucy y el cogi un destornillador. Cuando termin su trabajo, me indic que mirara. El atad estaba vaco. Ciertamente fue una sorpresa para m, y me caus una impresin considerable. Me pregunt: Ests satisfecho ahora John, amigo mo?. -Me alegra que el cuerpo de Lucy no est en ese atad, pero eso slo prueba una cosa: Que no est ah. El profesor suspir y dijo: Bueno!, necesitamos mas pruebas.Ven conmigo. Luego me dijo que buscara en un lado del cementerio mientras l lo haca en el otro. Justo despus de que me ubicara, escuche un reloj distante que daba las doce. Estaba enojado con el profesor. De repente, mientras giraba sobre mis talones, una figura blanca se desliz en direccin a la tumba. Como sta estaba tapada por rboles, no pude ver por dnde haba desaparecido la figura. Van Helsing insiste en que vaya con l a otra expedicin. Sent que todo habia sido intil. 21 de septiembre. Era medioda. Van Helsing se dirigia al atad de Lucy y yo lo segua. Me qued paralizado por la sorpresa y la consternacin. All estaba Lucy, posiblemente ms radiantemente hermosa que nunca, no poda creer que estuviera muerta.Tena los labios rojos y un delicado rubor en las mejillas. Pero an no poda aceptar la tan sobrecogedora idea que me sugeraVan Helsing.
Van Helsing sent Arthur a letter asking him to come urgently. September 28th. Surely there must be some rational explanation for all these mysterious things. Is it possible that the Professor could have done it himself? I shall watch him carefully. I must get some light on the mystery. September 29th. Last night, at a little before ten o'clock, Arthur and Quincey came into Van Helsing's room. When the Professor explained to them what was to be done, Arthur burst into tears.They both came with us this time. It was just a quarter before twelve o'clock when we got into the churchyard.Arthur was very pale and silent.When the lid was removed, he stepped forward.The coffin was empty! We went out. "I am closing the tomb so that the UnDead38 may not enter", saidVan Helsing. There was a long spell of silence, and then the Professor pointed to a white figure approaching. My own heart grew cold, and I could hear Arthur's gasp, as we recognized Lucy's features, but somehow changed. The sweetness was turned to heartless cruelty. The four of us ranged in a line before the door of the tomb. She advanced to Arthur and said,"Come to me, Arthur. My arms are hungry for you. Come and we can rest together!" Van Helsing held between them his little crucifix. She recoiled from it and full of rage dashed past him as if to enter the tomb. When within a step or two from the door, however, she stopped, as if arrested by some irresistible force.Van Helsing broke the silence by asking Arthur, "Answer me, oh my friend! Am I to proceed in my work?" "Do as you should, friend." He groaned in spirit.
8. UnOead: no-muerto. El autor explica en el libro que as se llama a los que no pertenecen ni al mundo de los vivos ni al de los muertos. No hay traduccin exacta de la palabra.
El profesor le haba enviado una carta a Arthur pidindole que acudiera urgentemente. 28 de septiembre. Seguramente debe de haber alguna explicacin racional para todas estas cosas misteriosas. Es posible que el mismo profesor pudiera haberlo hecho? Tendr que vigilarlo con ms cuidado. Debo aclarar el misterio. 29 de septiembre. Anoche, poco antes de las diez, Arthur y Quincey llegaron a la habitacin deVan Helsing. Cuando el profesor les explic que haba que hacer, Arthur estall en lgrimas.Ambos vinieron con nosotros esta vez. Eran las doce menos cuarto cuando llegamos al cementerio. Arthur estaba muy plido y callado. Cuando fue retirada la tapa, avanz. El atad estaba vaco! Nos marchamos. Estoy cerrando la tumba para que la nomuerta no pueda entrar -dijo Van Helsing. Hubo un largo silencio y luego el profesor seal hacia una figura blanca que se aproximaba. Se me hel el corazn y pude or el grito ahogado de Arthur cuando reconocimos las facciones de Lucy, pero un poco cambiadas. La dulzura se haba vuelto crueldad despiadada. Nos situamos los cuatro en lnea frente a la puerta de la tumba. Ella avanz hacia Arthur y le dijo: Ven a m, Arthur. Mis brazos te desean. Ven y podremos descansar juntos! . Van Helsing puso entre ambos su pequeo crucifijo. Ella retrocedi y llena de furia se lanz esquivndolo como si fuera a entrar en la tumba. Sin embargo, cuando estuvo a uno o dos pasos de la puerta se detuvo, como si alguna fuerza irresistible la obligara.Van Helsing rompi el silencio preguntndole a Arthur: Contstame, amigo mio! Debo continuar con mi tarea?. -Haz lo que debas, amigo gimi compungido.
Van Helsing removed the Sacred Wafer39 from the door and the 1 woman with a corporeal body as real, at that moment, as our own I passed through the interstice. September 29th at night.We got to the graveyard by half-past one I to perform our horrible work. Arthur took the stake and the hammer, and when once his mind was set on action, his hands never trembled, nor even quivered. Van Helsing opened his missal, he began to read, and Quincey and I followed as well as we could. Arthur placed the point over the heart and then he struck with all his might. The body shook, and then quieted. When we looked again at the coffin, there was Lucy as we had seen her in life, with her face of unequalled sweetness and purity. Van Helsing said to Arthur, "Now, my child, you may kiss her, for she is not a devil now. Her soul is with God!" Arthur bent and kissed her. Then we sent him and Quincey out of the tomb. The Professor and I cut off40 the head and filled I the mouth with garlic. Before we moved away Van Helsing said,"Now, my friends, one step of our work is done, there remains a greater task. We have learned to believe. Shall you not help me? Each in turn, we took his hand, and the promise was made. September 30th.The Harkers arrived at nine o'clock. He is incredibly clever, if one can judge from his face, and full of energy. She is smart, beautiful and sweet. She gave me her diary and her husbands, and I mine to them. After lunch Harker and his wife were arranging in chronological order every scrap of evidence they had.
39. Sacred Wafer, hostia consagrada. 40. To cut off. Off. preposicin que indica separacin, en este caso desprender, cortar o arrancar.
Van Helsing quit la hostia consagrada de la puerta y la mujer con una figura corprea tan real, en ese momento, como las nuestras, pas por el intersticio. 29 de septiembre por la noche. Llegamos al cementerio a la una y media para realizar nuestra terrible labor. Arthur tom la estaca y el martillo, y una vez que se decidi a actuar, sus manos no temblaron en ningn momento, ni siquiera se estremecieron.Van Helsing abri su misal, comenz a leer y Quincey y yo lo seguimos lo mejor que pudimos. Arthur coloc la punta sobre el corazn y luego golpe con todas sus fuerzas. El cuerpo se agit y luego se qued quieto. Cuando miramos de nuevo el atad, all estaba Lucy como la habamos visto en vida, con un rostro de dulzura y pureza inigualables. Van Helsing le dijo a Arthur: Ahora, hijo mo, puedes besarla, porque ya no es un demonio. Su alma est con Dios!. Arthur se inclin y la bes. Luego l y Quincey salieron fuera de la tumba. El profesor y yo le cortamos la cabeza y le llenamos la boca con ajo. Antes de que nos alejaramos Van Helsing dijo: Ahora, amigos mos, hemos dado un paso en nuestro trabajo, queda una tarea mas grande. Hemos aprendido a creer. Me ayudaris?. Uno a uno le dimos la mano e hicimos la promesa. 30 de septiembre. Los Harker llegaron a las nueve. El es increblemente inteligente, a juzgar por su cara, y lleno de energa. Ella es lista, hermosa y dulce. La chica me di su diario y el de su esposo, y yo les d el mo. Despus de comer, Harker y su esposa trataban de ordenar cronolgicamente cada pedacito de evidencia que tenan.
It is strange that it never struck me that the very next house might be the Count's hiding place, that Jonathan had helped him buy. At five o'clock, Godalming41 and Morris arrived and studied the transcript of the various diaries and letters. Mina Harker's Journal September 30th.Today we arrived at Dr. Seward's home, which is also a lunatic asylum where he studies his patients.We met in his study after dinner. The Professor said, "It's good that I tell you something about the kind of enemy we have to deal with. This vampire which is amongst us is as strong as twenty men, he is of cunning more than mortal, for his cunning be the growth of ages, he still has got the aid of necromancy; he can, within his range,42 direct the elements, the storm, the fog, the thunder; he can command all the mean things; the rat, the owl, the bat, the wolf; he can grow and become small; and he can vanish and become invisible. How then are we to begin our strike to destroy him? To fail here means that we would become as him. The gates of heaven would be shut to us for ever. What do say you?" While he was speaking, Jonathan had taken my hand. There was no need of speaking between us. "I answer for Mina and myself," he said. "Count me in, Professor," said Mr. Quincey Morris, laconically as usual. "I am with you," said Lord Godalming, "for Lucy's sake, if for no other reason. Dr. Seward simply nodded. So as we all shook hands our solemn compromise was made.
41. Cndn/mmf se refiere a Arthur, ahora lord of Godalming tras la muerte de su padre. 42. Range: palabra polisemica.Aqu se adopta el sentido de mbito o campo de accin o influencia
Es extrao que nunca se me ocurriera que precisamente la casa vecina fuera la guarida del conde, que Jonathan le haba ayudado a comprar. A las cinco llegaron Godalming y Morris y estudiaron las transcripciones de los diferentes diarios y cartas.
"Well, we have on our side the power of working as a team, we have the resources of science, we are free to act and think, we have self devotion in a cause and an aim to achieve which is not a selfish one.These thing? mean much.And then there are things which so afflict him that he has no power, as garlic and my crucifix. "Now we must settle what to do. We know that fifty boxes of earth came from the castle to Whitby, we also know that at least some of these boxes have been removed. Our first step should be to ascertain if the rest remain in the house beyond this wall. "And, for you Madam Mina, you are too precious to us to run this risk. We are men and are able to bear, you must be our star and our hope." They have now gone off to Carfax43 with means to get into the house. Jonathan Harker's Journal October 1st. We took our way to the next house, taking care of keeping ourselves in the shadows of the trees when the moonlight shone out. When we got to the porch, the Professor opened his bag and took out a lot of things, as he spoke: "My friends, keep this crucifix near your heart. Put these garlic flowers round your neck; for other enemies more mundane, this revolver and this knife, and for aid in all, these small electric lamps; and above all at the last, this."This was a portion of Sacred Wafer. Dr. Seward tried one or two skeleton keys, he got one to suit, we pressed on the door, the rusty hinges creaked, and it slowly opened. The Professor was the first to move forward. We closed the door behind us, then we all lit our lamps and proceeded on our search.
43. Carfax: en la actualidad, zona importante de la ciudad de Oxford.
Bien, tenemos a nuestro favor el poder de trabajar como un equipo, tenemos los recursos de la ciencia, somos libres para actuar y pensar, tenemos devocin por una causa y un fin que perseguir, el cul no es egosta. Estas cosas significan mucho.Y, adems, hay cosas contra las que l no tiene poder, como el ajo y mi crucifijo. Ahora debemos establecer qu hacer. Sabemos que llegaron a Whitby cincuenta cajas de tierra desde el castillo, sabemos tambin que algunas de ellas han sido trasladadas. Nuestro primer paso debera ser averiguar si el resto permanece en la casa contigua. Y, en cuanto a usted, Madam Mina, es demasiado preciada para nosotros para que corra este riesgo. Nosotros somos hombres y somos capaces de soportarlo, usted debe ser nuestra estrella y nuestra esperanza. Ya han partido hacia Carfax con intencin de introducirse en la casa.
I could not get away from the feeling that there was someone else amongst us. I think the feeling was common to us all, for I noticed that the others kept looking over their shoulders at every sound and every new shadow, just as I felt myself doing. I had an idea of the direction to the chapel so I led the way, and after a few wrong turnings I found it. We made an accurate examination of the place. There were only twenty-nine boxes left out of the fifty! A few minutes later I saw Morris step suddenly back from a corner.The whole place was becoming crowded with rats, and we moved out. We closed the outer door with bars and padlocks, and began our search in the house. We found nothing but dust. The house was silent when we got back. I tiptoed into our own room, and found Mina asleep, breathing so softly that I had to I put my ear down to hear it. She looked paler than usual. Dr. Sewards Diary October 2nd. One my patients got seriously wounded. He said that the Count had visited his house. I fear for Mina! I woke Van Helsing, Arthur and Quincey. Outside the Harkers' door we paused.We opened the door. What I saw appalled me. On the bed beside the window laid Jonathan Harker, his face flushed and breathing heavily as though in a stupor.44 Kneeling on the near edge of the bed facing outwards was his wife. By her side stood the Count. His right hand gripped her by the back of the neck, forcing her to face down on his bosom. Her white nightdress was smeared with blood. As we burst into the room, the Count turned his face and his eyes flamed red with devilish passion
44. Slupor. estupor, pasmo, aletargamiento.
No poda deshacerme de esa sensacin de que haba alguien ms entre nosotros. Creo que la sensacin era comn a todos, porque note que los otros contnuamente miraban sobre sus hombros con cada sonido o con cada nueva sombra, como yo mismo haca. Tena una idea de la direccin de la capilla, as que los gui y tras varias vueltas en falso, la encontr. Inspeccionamos a fondo el lugar. Quedaban solo veintinueve cajas de las cincuenta! Pocos minutos ms tarde v que Morris retroceda sbitamente desde una esquina. Todo el lugar se llen de ratas y salimos. Cerramos la puerta exterior con barrotes y candados y comenzamos nuestra bsqueda en la casa. No encontramos nada ms que polvo. La casa permaneca en silencio cuando regresamos. Entr de puntillas a nuestra propia habitacin y hall a Mina durmiendo, respiraba tan dbilmente que tuve que acercarme para orla. Pareca mas plida que de costumbre.
The Professor had gained his feet and was holding towards him an envelope which contained the Sacred Wafer. The Count stopped as we advanced lifting our crucifixes.The moonlight suddenly failed, and later, we saw nothing but a faint vapour. For a few seconds Mina lay in helpless attitude and bewildered. Van Helsing whispered to me, "Jonathan is in a stupor. I must wake him!" He was dazed for a few seconds, and then full consciousness seemed to burst upon him at once, and he started up.45 "hi God's name what does this mean?" Harker cried out. "Mina, dear, what is it? What does all that blood mean? My God! Help her! "With a quick movement he jumped from bed, and began to put on his clothes. "What has happened? Tell me all about it!" he cried without pausing. "Dr.Van Helsing, do something to save her. It cannot have gone too far yet. Guard her while I look for him!" His wife seized hold46 of him and cried out, "No! Jonathan, you must not leave me. I have suffered enough tonight, God knows!" Van Helsing and I tried to calm them both.The Professor held up his golden crucifix, and said with wonderful calmness, "Do not fear, my dear. We are here, and while this is close to you no foul thing can approach.You are safe tonight and we must be calm and take counsel together." "Unclean, unclean! I must touch him or kiss him no more.", she cried. To this her husband spoke out resolutely, "Nonsense, Mina." He put out his arms and folded her to his breast. Then Mina told us what happened to her, how she saw the mist again all over the room, how she tried to awake Jonathan,
45. Started up: pasado de to start up, sobresaltarse. 46. Seized hold: pasado de to seize hold, capturar, agarrar con fuerza, abrazarse.
El profesor se haba adelantado y sostuvo hacia l un sobre que contena la hostia consagrada. El conde se detuvo mientras avanzbamos levantando nuestros crucifijos. La luz de la luna desapareci de repente y, luego, no vimos ms que un ligero vapor. Durante unos cuantos segundos Mina estuvo tendida en actitud indefensa y confundida. Van Helsing me susurr: Jonathan est aletargado. Debo despertarlo!. Estuvo mareado por unos segundos y luego pareci recobrar el conocimiento de repente y se sobresalt. En el nombre de Dios, qu significa esto? grit Harker. Mina, querida, qu es esto? Qu significa toda esta sangre? Dios mo! Auxiliadla! Con un rpido movimiento salt de la cama y comenz a vestirse. Qu ha sucedido? Contdmelo todo -gritaba sin descanso-. Dr.Van Helsing, haga algo para salvarla. No puede haber ido demasiado lejos todava. Cuide de ella mientras lo busco! Su mujer se abraz a l y le grit: No! Jonathan, no debes dejarme.Ya he sufrido suficiente esta noche, Dios lo sabe!. Van Helsing y yo tratamos de calmarlos a ambos. El profesor alz su crucifijo de oro y dijo con una maravillosa calma: -No temas, querida. Estamos aqu y mientras tengas esto a tu lado nada malo puede acercarse. Ests a salvo esta noche, debemos mantener la calma y apoyarnos mutuamente. lmpura, impura! No debo volver a tocarlo o besarlo grit. Tonterias, Mina respondi a esto su esposo con resolucin. La rodeo con sus brazos y la estrecho contra su pecho. Luego Mina nos cont lo que le haba sucedido, como vi de nuevo la bruma por toda la habitacin, como trat de despertar
but she could not, how the Count took her blood. Her husband was broken, and she suddenly stopped, for it was too hard for her to go on with the next part of her terrible story: "He pulled open his shirt, and with his long sharp nails opened a vein in his breast, he seized my neck and pressed my mouth to the wound so that I must swallow some to his...What have I done to deserve such a fate? God pity me!" Jonathan Harker's Journal October 3rd. Mina is so good and brave that we all felt that our hearts were strengthened to work and endure for her. We began to discuss what we were to do. As usual,Van Helsing had thought ahead of everyone else, and had prepared everything with an exact ordering. It was finally agreed that before starting for Piccadilly, the second house of the Count, we should destroy the Count's lair close at hand. Breakfast was ready.We tried to be cheerful and encourage each other, and Mina was the brightest and most cheerful of us. When we finished, the Professor said to my wife, "Now, Madam Mina, you are in any case quite safe here until the sunset. But before we go, let me see you armed against personal attack. I have prepared your chamber so that he may not enter. Now let me guard yourself. On your forehead I touch47 this piece of Sacred Wafer in the name of the Father, the Son, and..." There was a fearful scream which almost froze our hearts to hear. As he had placed the Wafer on Mina's forehead, it had burned into the skin as though it had been a piece of white-hot metal. It was a horrible burn.
47. To touch: en este caso significa posar, imponer, colocar.
a Jonathan pero no pudo, cmo el conde le chup la sangre. Su marido estaba hundido y ella de pronto se detuvo porque era demasiado duro para ella continuar con la siguiente parte de su terrible historia: Se abri la camisa y con sus largas uas afiladas se abri una vena en su pecho, me agarr del cuello y presion mi boca contra la herida para que yo tuviera que tragar un poco de su... Qu he hecho yo para merecer un destino as? Que Dios se apiade de m!
I had thrown myself beside her and held her tight, for she was overwhelmed, whilst our friends turned away their eyes that ran tears. We entered Carfax without any trouble and found all things the same as on the first occasion. We opened the coffins.The earth smelled sickly, but we did not seem to mind.The Professor took from his bag a piece of the Sacred Wafer and he laid it reverently on the earth. One by one we treated in the same way each of the great boxes, and left them as we had found them to all appearance.48 As we passed across the lawn on our way to the station to catch our train, we could see the front of the asylum.49 I looked eagerly, and in the window of my own room saw Mina. She was waving her hand. I might no see her again. How much I love her. Piccadilly, 12:30 o'clock.We could enter the house thanks to Arthur and Quincey acquaintances. None even suspected that Lord Godalming was not the real owner, and the police sent a man to open the door to him. While they both were leaving to the third address, we moved to explore the house. All keeping together in case of attack, for we did not know if the Count might be in the house. In the dining room, which was at the back of the hall, we found eight boxes. It was evident to us that the Count was not at present in the house, and we proceeded to search for any of his effects. Dr. Seward's Diary October 3rd. Lord Arthur and Quincey arrived. They had found twelve boxes in the place and had destroyed them all. Our work was not over, and would never be until we find the missing box.
48.7i> all appearance, exactamente igual. 49. Asylum: refugio, asilo o manicomio.
Me arroj sobre ella y la abrac con fuerza, pues estaba desconsolada, mientras nuestros amigos miraban en silencio hacia, otro lado con los ojos llenos de lgrimas. Entramos en Carfax sin problemas y lo encontramos todo tal como lo habamos dejado en la primera ocasin. Abrimos los atades. La tierra ola mal, pero pareca no importarnos. El profesor sac de su maletn un trozo de hostia consagrada y la deposit sobre la tierra con reverencia. Una por una hicimos el mismo ritual con cada una de las cajas, y las dejamos exactamente igual que como las habamos encontrado. Al cruzar el parque mientras nos dirigamos a la estacin para tomar el tren, pudimos ver la fachada del manicomio. Mir con ansiedad y en la ventana de nuestra habitacin vi a Mina. Estaba saludndome con la mano.Tal vez no la vea de nuevo. Cunto la amo. Piccadilly, 12.30 en punto. Pudimos entrar en la casa gracias a las relaciones de Arthur y Quincey. Nadie sospechaba siquiera que lord Godalming no era su verdadero dueo, y la polica envi a un hombre para que abriera la puerta. Mientras ellos dos partan al tercer domicilio, nos movilizamos para explorar la casa. Nos mantenamos todos juntos por si nos atacaban, pues no sabamos si el conde estara en la casa. En el comedor, que estaba al final del vestbulo, encontramos ocho cajas. Nos pareci obvio que el conde no se encontraba en la casa en aquel momento, y procedimos a buscar cualquiera de sus efectos.
We all could hear a key softly inserted in the lock of the hall door.The slow, careful steps came along the hall.The Count was evidently prepared for some surprise. Suddenly he leaped into the room.There was something pan-therlike in the movement.The first to act was Harker, who threw himself before the door leading into the room. We all advanced upon him. It was a pity that we had not better organized a plan of attack. The expression of the Count's face was so hellish that for a moment I feared for Harker. Instinctively I moved forward with a protective impulse, holding the Crucifix and Wafer in my left hand. It would be impossible to describe the expression of hate and anger on his face. He threw himself out of the window. We ran over and saw him spring50 unhurt from the ground. He turned and spoke to us. "You think to baffle me.You shall be sorry! You think you have left me without a place to rest, but I have more. I have spread them over centuries and time is on my side.Your girls are mine already. And through them you shall also be mine, to be my jackals when I want to feed!" The first to speak was the Professor. "We have learnt something, he fears us. For if not, why did he run away?" With sad hearts we came back to my house, where we found Mrs. Harker waiting us, and we told her everything which had happened. "Jonathan," she said, and the word sounded like music on her lips, it was full of love and tenderness, "Jonathan dear, and you all my true friends, I know that you must fight. That you
50. To spring: levantarse con rapidez y agilidad, como un muelle.
Todos pudimos or el leve ruido de una llave en el cerrojo de la puerta. Los pasos lentos y cuidadosos se acercaban por el vestbulo. Obviamente, el conde estaba preparado para alguna sorpresa. De repente entr en la habitacin de un salto. Sus movimientos recordaban a los de una pantera. El primero en actuar fue Harker, que se arroj frente a la puerta que comunicaba con la habitacin. Todos avanzamos sobre l. Fu una lstima que no hubiramos organizado mejor un plan de ataque. La expresin de la cara del conde era tan infernal que por un momento tem por Harker. Instintivamente avance con un impulso protector, sosteniendo el crucifijo y la hostia en la mano izquierda. Sera imposible describir la expresin de odio y furia de su rostro. Se arroj por la ventana. Corrimos y lo vimos levantarse ileso del suelo. Se volvi hacia nosotros y nos habl: -Creis desconcertarme. Lo lamentaris! Pensis que me habis dejado sin un lugar para descansar, pero tengo ms. Los he diseminado a travs de los siglos, y el tiempo est de mi lado.Vuestras mujeres son mas ya. Y a travs de ellas vosotros seris tambin mos, para ser mis chacales cuando quiera alimentarme! El primero en hablar fue el profesor: Hemos aprendido algo, l nos teme. Porque si no, por que huy?. Con los corazones tristes regresamos a casa, donde encontramos a la Sra. Harker esperndonos y le contamos todo lo que haba sucedido. -Jonathan -dijo, y la palabra sonaba como msica en sus labios, estaba llena de amor y ternura, querido Jonathan, y todos vosotros, mis verdaderos amigos, s que debis luchar. Que tenis
must destroy. But this is not a work of hate. That poor soul who has wrought51 all this misery is the saddest case of all.You must be pitiful to him, too." Jonathan Harker's Journal October 4th, early morning. I was wakened up by Mina. She said to me hurriedly,"Go, call the Professor. I want to see him at once." "Why?" I asked. "I have an idea. I suppose it must have come in the night, and matured without me knowing it. He must hypnotize me before the dawn, and then I shall be able to speak. Go quickly, dear, the time is getting close." Two or three minutes later Van Helsing was in the room and Mr. Morris and Lord Godalming were with Dr. Seward at the door. She explained her idea to Van Helsing and he began his work. Gradually her eyes closed. When Mina opened her eyes, she did not seem to be the same woman. "Where are you?" The answer came in a neutral way. "I do not know. Sleep has no place it can call its own." For several minutes there was silence. Mina sat rigid, and the Professor stood staring at her fixedly.The rest of us hardly dared to breathe. "What do you see?" "I can see nothing. It is all dark." "What do you hear?" "The lapping52 of water. I can hear some men outside." "Then you are on a ship?" "Oh, yes!", the answer came quick.
51. Wrought: pasado y participio pasado de uso literario o foinul de to work, trabajar, actuar. En este caso provocar. 52. Lapping: gerutidio de to lap, verbo que indica el sonido que se percibe al caer o golpear el agua, como un goteo o chapoteo.
que destruirlo. Pero sta no es una tarea de odio. Esa pobre alma que ha provocado toda esta desgracia es el caso ms triste de todos. Debis ser compasivos con l, tambin.
"What are you doing?" "I am still, oh so still. It is like death!" By this time the sun had risen, Dr.Van Helsing placed his hands on Mina's shoulders, and laid her head down softly on her pillow. "There is not a moment to lose. It may not be yet too late! He must have taken his last earth box on board a ship, and he leaves the land to his castle. Let's follow him." Dr. Seward's Diary October 11th, Varna."We are expecting news about Dracula's ship. We have come to understand that sunrise and sunset are to Mina times of peculiar freedom, when her old self can be manifested without any controlling force. Tonight, taking her husband's hands in hers, she began: "We are all here together in freedom for, perhaps, the last time! Then I shall tell you plainly what I want.You must all promise me, even you, my beloved husband, that if the time should come, you will kill me." One by one, even Jonathan, with inmense sorrow53 in his heart, made our promise to her with our eyes full of tears. October 27th. No news yet of the ship we waited for. The Count is escaping from us. October 28th. A telegram came announcing the arrival of the ship in Galatz. Mina Harker's Journal Now we are well equipped for our persecution, Lord Godalming and Jonathan have a lovely steam launch ready to start Dr. Seward and Mr. Morris have half a dozen good horses
5.1 Somw. pesar, afliccin, profunda tristeza.
-Qu ests haciendo? Estoy quieta, oh, tan quieta. Se parece a la muerte! Para entonces el sol haba salido, el Dr.Van Helsing pos sus manos sobre los hombros de Mina y le apoy la cabeza suavemente sobre la almohada. -No hay un momento que perder. Puede que no sea demasiado tarde todava! Se debe de haber llevado su ltima caja de tierra a bordo de un barco y abandona el pas para ir a su castillo. Sigamoslo. Diario del Dr. Seward 11 de octubre, Varna. Estamos esperando noticias del barco de Drcula. Nos hemos dado cuenta de que la puesta y la.salida del sol son momentos de particular libertad para Mina, cuando su antiguo ser se puede manifestar sin ninguna fuerza que lo controle. Esta noche, tomando las manos de su marido entre las suyas, comenz: -Estamos todos aqu reunidos en libertad, tal vez por ltima vez! Por lo tanto os dir sin rodeos lo que quiero. Debis prometerme, incluso t, mi amado esposo, que, si llega el momento, me mataris. Uno por uno, incluso Jonathan, con una pena inmensa en el corazn, se lo prometimos con los ojos llenos de lgrimas. 21 de octubre. Sin novedades an del barco que esperamos. El conde se nos est escapando. 28 de octubre. Ha llegado un telegrama anunciando la llegada del barco a Galatz. Diario de Mina Harker Ahora estmos todos bien equipados para nuestra persecucin. Lord Godalming y Jonathan tienen una lancha a motor lista para partir. El Dr. Seward y el Sr. Morris tienen media docena de buenos caballos
We have all the maps and appliances of various kinds that can be had.Van Helsing and I are to leave by train tonight forVeresti, where we are to buy a carriage to drive to the Borgo Pass. We shall drive ourselves, we can trust no one.We have all got arms, even me, a large revolver. The weather is getting colder every hour, and there are snow flurries which come and go. It took all my courage to say goodbye to my darling. We may never meet again.
Tenemos mapas y toda clase de aparatos.Van Helsing y yo vamos a partir en tren aVeresti esta noche, donde vamos a comprar un carruaje para viajar al paso del Borgo. Conduciremos nosotros mismos, no podemos confiar en nadie. Todos tenemos armas, incluso yo tengo un gran revlver. El clima es cada vez ms fro, y hay rfagas de nieve que van y vienen. Me arm de todo mi valor para decirle adis a mi amado.Tal vez no volvamos a vernos.
Memorandum Helsing
Memorndum Helsing
November 4th.This is to my old and true friend John Seward, in case I may not see him. Madam Mina has been so drowsy all day that she was not like herself. She sleeps all the time. She has done literally nothing all day long, she has lost her appetite. She makes no entries into her diary. At sunset I tried to hypnotize her, but with no effect. November 5th. I begin to fear that the fatal spell54 of the place was upon her. Some wheeling figures of mist and snow came closer, but keeping out of the Holy Circle I made. Then, they began to materialize into the same three women that Jonathan saw in the room. They smiled at poor Mina and said: "Come to us, sister." God be thanked she is not, yet, one of them, for I saw the horror in her eyes. At the first coming of the dawn these horrid figures melted in the whirling mist and snow. When I left Madam Mina sleeping within the Holy Circle, I took my way to the castle to do my terrible work. I knew that there were at least three graves to find. So I searched, and I found them. These females laid so full of life and beauty that
54. Put a spell on/upon something: hechizar.
4 de noviembre. Esto es para mi viejo y leal amigo John Seward, en caso de que no pueda verlo. Madam Mina ha estado tan somnolienta todo el da que no pareca ella misma. Duerme todo el tiempo. Literalmente no ha hecho nada en todo el da, ha perdido el apetito. No escribe nada en su diario. A la puesta del sol he tratado de hipnotizarla, pero sin resultado. 5 de noviembre. Empiezo a temer que se encuentre bajo el fatal hechizo del lugar. Unas figuras giratorias de niebla y nieve se acercaron, pero se mantuvieron fuera del crculo sagrado que hice. Luego comenzaron a materializarse en las mismas tres mujeres que Jonathan vio en el castillo. Ellas sonrieron a la pobre Mina y dijeron: Ven con nosotras, hermana. Agradezco a Dios que ella no sea todava una de ellos, porque v el horror en sus ojos.Apenas rompi el alba estas horribles figuras se fundieron entre la niebla y la nieve que se arremolinaba. Cuando dej a Madam Mina durmiendo dentro del crculo sagrado, me encamin hacia el castillo para realizar mi terrible tarea. Saba que faltaban por lo menos tres tumbas por encontrar.As que las busqu y las hall. Las mujeres yacan tan llenas de vida y
I shuddered. Before the spell could be wrought upon me, I had nerved myself to my wild work. There was one great tomb more lordly than all the rest. Huge it was, and nobly decorated. On it was but one word: DRACULA. This then was the home of the Undead King Vampire, to whom so many more were due. After I finished my horrible task, before leaving the castle I fixed its entrances so that never more can the Count enter there. When I stepped into the circle, Madam Mina woke up from 1 her sleep. She tells me that she knows our friends are close. Minas'Journal November 6th.We heard the sound of horses far yet, we had a look with our glass, and saw our four men on horseback, pursuing some gypsies who carried the box. But, suddenly, they had the place full of gypsies.They fired, and the gypsies took their knives to attack. In the middle of this I could see that Jonathan jumped into the cart, raised the great box and flew it over the wheels to the ground, meanwhile Morris was fighting the gypsies. One of them cut him, and I saw him bleeding. Just then the lid of the box was moved backwards. It was then that we also fired from our side to help our friends. We were now nearby. By this time the gypsies, seeing themselves covered by the Winchesters, had given in55 and made no further resistance. The sun was almost down, and the whole group ran away. I saw the Count lying within the box, just like a waxen image. At that j instant, Jonathan cut off his head, while Morris's knife plunged; into56 his heart.
55. Given in: participio pasado de to give in, rendirse. Plunged into: pasado de to plunge into, hundirse, davarse. En un sentido mas general, sumergirse.
belleza que me estremec. Antes de que pudieran hechizarme, me arm de valor para mi salvaje labor. Haba una gran tumba ms seorial que todas las dems. Era enorme y decorada con nobleza. Tena una sola palabra: DRCULA. ste era entonces el hogar del Rey Vampiro No-Muerto, a quien tantos otros se deban. Una vez realizada mi tarea, antes de dejar el castillo sell sus entradas para que el conde no pueda entrar nunca ms. Cuando me pare en el crculo, la Sra. Mina despert de su sueo. Me dice que sabe que nuestros amigos estn cerca.
Diario de Mina
6 de novietnbre. Omos el sonido de caballos todava lejanos, echamos un vistazo con el catalejo y vimos a nuestros cuatro hombres a caballo, persiguiendo a unos gitanos que llevaban la caja. Pero repentinamente el lugar se llen de gitanos. Les dispararon y ellos agarraron sus cuchillos para atacar. En medio de la refriega pude ver que Jonathan salt al carro, levant la gran caja y la lanz por encima de las ruedas al suelo, mientras tanto, Morris luchaba con los gitanos. Uno de ellos lo hiri y lo vi sangrar. Justo entonces, la tapa de la caja se desliz hacia atrs. Fue entonces cuando empezamos a disparar desde nuestra posicin para ayudar a nuestros amigos. Estbamos ya cerca en ese momento. Los gitanos, viendo que les disparabamos con los Winchester, se rindieron y no opusieron ms resistencia. La puesta del sol estaba cercana y todo el grupo sali corriendo.Vi al conde tendido dentro de la caja, pareca una imagen de cera. En ese instante, Jonathan le cort la cabeza, mientras el cuchillo de Morris se clavaba en su corazn.
It was like a miracle, the whole body crumbled57 into dust and passed from our sight. Then, the man was in the box; there was in the face such a look of peace, as I could have never imagined. Mr. Morris fell to the ground. We flew to him. With a sigh he took my hand, with a feeble effort he smiled at me and said, "I am only happy to have been of service! Oh, God!" he cried pointing to me."It was worth for this to die! Look! Her forehead is clean.The curse has passed away!" And, to our most bitter grief, with a smile and in silence, a brave gentleman died.
Fue como un milagro, todo su cuerpo se deshizo en polvo y desapareci de nuestra vista. Despus, el hombre volva a estar en la caja; su rostro reflejaba tanta paz como nunca hubiera imaginado. El Sr. Morris cay al suelo. Corrimos hacia l. Con un suspiro cogi mi mano, con un dbil esfuerzo me sonri y dijo: -Soy feliz de haber sido til! jOh, Dios! grito sealndome-.Vali la pena morir por esto. Mirad! Su frente est limpia. La maldicin ha desaparecido! Y, para nuestra ms amarga pena, con una sonrisa y en silencio, muri un valeroso caballero.
Seven years have passed. Our boy was born the same day that Quincey Morris died. Mina holds the secret belief that some of our brave friend's spirit has passed into him. We named him Quincey. Godalming and Seward are both happily married.Van Helsing said, with our boy on his knee: "This boy will some day know what a brave and gallant38 woman his mother is, and how some men loved her so much that they did dare much for her sake."
Han pasado siete aos. Nuestro hijo naci el mismo dia que Quincey Morris muri. Mina mantiene la secreta creencia de que algo del espritu de nuestro valiente amigo ha pasado a l. Lo llamamos Quincey. Godalming y Seward estn felizmente casados.Van Helsing dijo, con nuestro hijo sobre sus rodillas: Este nio sabr algn da lo valiente y gallarda que es su madre y como unos hombres la quisieron tanto que arriesgaron mucho por ella. Jonathan Harker
Jonathan Harker
57. Crumbled: pasado de to crumble, deshacerse, desmoronarse, desmenuzarse. 58. (nilliint: valiente, noble, gallarda.