SIVAKUMAR B-1008, LIG_II FIRST FLOOR Tamil Nadu Housing Board (TNHB) Colony Velacherry, Chennai 600 042, INDIA M: +9199948 85210 OBJECTIVE
To be a part of a dynamic organization where I would be able to pursue a challenging career utilizing my wide & multi-disciplinary experience nearly 10years with Technical and in certain cases independent charge in various operation which has given with the confidence and have been executed to the fullest satisfaction, which has convinced me to take up fresh challenges by getting an opportunity to do my career in a reputed concern like yours where in, I can consume knowledge and digest them to te chnology, thereby making wonders in Management that utilizes my technical background and experience.
B.E (Chemical) Regional Engineering College, Trichy Distinction Distinction I Class 2001 1998 1995
D.Tech (Chemical) Kongu Polytechnic, Perundurai SSLC Diamond Jubilee Matriculation School Gobichettipalayam
CAREER HISTORY: S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of Organisation Citec Engineering Pvt Ltd BGR Energy Systems Limited ISGEC John Thompson Limited Thermal Systems (Hyd) Pvt. Ltd L&T-Sargent & Lundy Ltd Shriram EPC Limited Job Position Design Manager Deputy Manager Asst.Manager Asst. Manager Executive Senior Engineer Employment Period From To May11 Till date June 09 April11 Apr08 June09 Sep 06 Jan08 Mar 05 July 06 Jul 01 Feb 05
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TRAINING: 3 Months Training on Thermoflow (Thermal Design), Comos and Sinetz Softwares in Finland. Completed Internal Auditor Exam conducted by Lyolds. Attended Inplant training for a period of 3 months in Sakthi Sugar (P) Ltd. (Soya Division) Pollachi, Tamil Nadu, India Attended Inplant training for a period of 1 month in Tamilnadu Newsprint and Paper Ltd. (TNPL) Karur, Tamil Nadu, India Attended 1 month Inplant training from Bannari Amman Sugars Ltd. Sathyamangalam, Tamil Nadu, India. Attended training programme in Quality Management Systems from R & D Group L&T Sargent & Lundy Limited. PROFICIENCIES: Design and system engineering of main plant equipment Supercritical Pulverised Coal Fired boilers, waste heat recovery boilers, Gas turbines, Steam Turbines, gas turbine exhaust system, regenerative cycle equipment namely boiler feed water pumps, deaerators, condensers, Condensate extraction pumps and balance of plant system like CW system, Cooling Tower etc. Plant layouts, Heat balance diagrams (including sub & supercritical), combined cycle Thermal power plants. Conceptual, basic and
detailed engineering of Steam Water System for Power plant. (thermal power plants and combined cycle power plant). Detailed project reports, feasibility reports for thermal power plants and combined cycle power plant. Basic Design, Co Ordination with Consultant and Vendors. Procurement specification, commercial and technical bid review, vendor drawing review. Special engineering such as efficiency improvement, heat rate improvement, green house gas emission etc. Basic Design of Coke Oven Batteries, Charging and pushing regime. Line sizing, relief valve sizing, hydraulic calculation, PFD, P&ID and FFD Mark-up Checking Piping component calculation based on EN and ASME standard. Line list, Valve List and Equipment List Preparation & updation. RESPONSIBILITIES: M/s. Citec Engineering India Pvt. Limited, Chennai. Design Manager for Thermal Project (Amager and JEL). Process Chief Engineer for Cross Country Pipeline (Saudi Aramco Yanbu 2 water & Power Project).
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M/s. BGR-Energy Systems (India) Ltd, Chennai. Proposal & Performance Engineering (Thermal Design) for Supercritical Pulverised coal Fired Boiler upto 1000MW. Heat Balance for entire plant system (HMBD Preparation) Sizing of various equipment, Equipment layout for the boiler systems, Preparation of cost estimates, Thermal designs for Boilers, Mills, Preparation of DBR, Material Balance & Energy Balance and Pump Sizing and hydraulic calculations. Boiler Efficiency Calculation based on ASME PTC 4 & BS EN 12952-15. Basic engineering i.e. review of design datas, P&IDs for 600MW Subcritical Power Project. TOTAL PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE Having experience in the field of power plant engineering covering DPR preparation, system engineering, preparation of HBDs, preparation of layouts, procurement assistance for various equipments and systems for combined cycle power plants and thermal power plants. Basic Main Plant Sizing Design & preparation of heat & mass Balance diagrams. Preparation of the Technical Reports viz DPR / PFR / FR. Write Up on Approach & Methodology for various assignments.
SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE: M/s ISGEC JOHN THOMPSON LTD Worked as Asst. Manager in Proposal Engineering for all EPC Power Projects. Preparation of Complete Technical proposal, basic design, floating enquiry for sub vendors, vetting of sub-vendor offer along with drawings, estimation, etc. Heat & Material balance entire EPC Power project. for
Preparation of P&ID, layout drawing for all EPC Power Project. M/s. Thermal Systems (Hyderabad) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai Worked as Project Head for 2 x 10 MW (Afghan Investment Company) Power Project. Worked for Complete Proposal cum Conceptual basic design Engineering and Estimation for EPC Power Projects. Preparation of Technical specification for Tender, Technical evaluation of Tenders and Vendors drawings review. Proposal engineering - thermal power plants and Proposals and interactions with the Consulting Engineers. Material Balance & Energy Balance and Pump Sizing and hydraulic calculations. Involved in Preparation & Checking of Flow sheets, P&IDs based on the Mark-ups / inputs received from Germany. Guiding the Flow sheet CAD
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Designers in implementation of the mark-ups. M/s. L&T Sargent & Limited, Vadodara, Gujarat. Lundy
M/s Mangalore Chemicals and fertilizers Limited, Mangalore. Worked as Thermal design & project Engineer for 7.5 MW Ritwik & Shalivahana Power Projects Limited, Biomass Based Power Plant at AndraPradesh. Worked as Lead Engineer for 7.5 MW Ravikiran Power Projects Limited, Biomass Based Power Plant at Karnataka. Detail Project report for Recovery Type 2 Million Tonnes /annum coke oven plant for M/s Leo Energy Corporation Limited at Tuticurin. Detail Project Report for 40 MW Alpha Energy Systems Limited, Biomass Based Power Plant at Andhra Pradesh. PERMANENT ADDRESS: S/o Valliammal, Panaimarathottam, Ariappampalayam, Sathyamangalam, Erode District. 638 402 Tamil nadu, India DECLARATION I do hereby declare that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Thanking you, Yours Faithfully,
(Since March 2005 to July 2006) Basic conceptual thermal design of Supercritical power plant offloaded from Sargent & Lundy LLC USA. Detailed Feasibility Report and Basic Engineering for 15MW Coke Oven Waste Flue gas heat recovery Power plant for M/s. BLA Industries Limited, Mithapur, Gujarat. Thermal design with basic Engineering for 2 x 300 MW Lanco Pathadi Power Project and 445MW Konaseema Combined Cycle Power Project. Basic engineering & Detail Project Report for 230 MW CCPP for Patni Projects Limited. Detail Project Report and basic design for 200 MW 20% CCPP for Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Limited Worked for Technical Due Diligence for 1015 MW Thermal Power plant. (Customer Confidential) Worked for Proposal cum Conceptual basic design Engineering & DPR for GOIs 4000 MW Akaltara Ultra Mega Power Project. M/s. Shriram EPC Limited, Chennai. (Since July 2001 March 2005) Detail Feasibility Report for Non Recovery 0.5 Million-Tonnes/ Annum coke oven plant for
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