Mock Gate
Mock Gate
Mock Gate
11. The principle of Equal area criterion is to be applied to determine, for a given inial load P1,the
max amount of sudden increase in load P, to maintain transient stability of a cylindrical rotor
synchronous motor operang from an innite bus. Applying this criterion (in each case the area
A1=A2) then correct diagram is
12. For a 132 KV system, the reactance and capacitance upto the locaon of the circuit breaker is 3
and .015F respecvely. The frequency of transient oscillaon will be
(a) 14.2khz (b) 13.29 kHz (c) 10 kHz (d) None of the above
13. An 11kv, 50 Hz, 1 cable has a diameter of 20 mm and an internal sheath radius 15 mm. The
dielectric has a relave permiGvity of 2.4 and a loss angle of 0.031 radian, for 2.5km length of
cable 120. The dielectric loss will be
(a) 968 wa" (b) 945 wa" (c) 750 wa" (d) None of above
14. Consider a step voltage wave of magnitude 1pu travelling along a lossless transmission line that
terminates in a reactor. the voltage magnitude across the reactor at the instant the travelling
wave reaches the reactor is
(a)-1pu (b) 1pu (c) 2pu (d) 3pu
15. A circuit with resistor, inductor and a capacitor in series is resonant of
. If all the components
values are now doubled, the new resonant frequency is
(a) 2
(b) sll
/2 (d)
16. Which of the following equaons represents the Gauss law in homogeneous isotropic medium?
(a) ]. Js = p. JI (b) X H = D
(c) .J+p=0 (d) .E=p/
17. Which of the following statements does not pertain to the equaon .B=0?
(a) There are no sinks and sources for magnec elds
(b) Magnec eld is perpendicular to the electric eld
(c) Single magnec pole cannot exist
(d) B is solenoidal
18. If the secondary winding of the ideal transformer shown in gure below has 40 turns , the
number of turns in the primary winding for maximum power transfer to the 2 ohm resistor will be
(a) 20 (b) 40 (c) 80 (d) 160
19. A single winding single-phase motor has
(a) Low starng torque (b) Zero starng torque
(c) High starng torque (d) starng torque equal to full load torque
20. If speed of a dc motor increases with the load torque, then it is a
(a) Series motor (b) Permanent magnet motor
(c) Dierenally compounded motor (d) Cumulavely compounded motor
21. Starng current of an inducon motor is ve mes the full load current while full load slip is 4%.
The rao of starng torque to full load torque is
(a) 0.6 (b) 0.8 (c) 1.0 (d) 1.2
22. If the dimensions of all the parts of asynchronous generator and the number of eld and
armature turns are doubled, then generated voltage will change by a factor
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 8
23. Which of the following is not a vectored interrupt?
(a) TRAP (b) INTR (c) RST 7.5 (d) RST 3
24. In the recer circuit shown below, what should be the minimum peak inverse voltage (PIV)
rang of the diode?
(a) 12V (b) 122V (c) 24V (d) 242V
25. A true rms reading voltmeter uses two thermocouples in order to
(a) To increase sensivity
(b) That the second thermocouple cancels out the non-linear eects of the rst thermocouple
(c) To prevent driQ in the dc amplier
(d) All of these
Q. (26-55) carry two marks each
26. Consider the following statement with regard to a complete incidence matrix:
1: The sum of entries in any column is zero.
2: The rank of the matrix is n-1 where, n is the no. of nodes.
3. The determinant of the matrix of a closed loop is zero.
(a) 1 and 2 only. (b) 2 and 3 only.
(c) 1 and 3 only. (d) 1, 2, 3 only.
27. A two port device dened by the following pair of equaons: I1= 2V1+ V2 and I2 =V1+ V2
Its impedance parameters (Z11, Z12, Z21, Z22 ) are given by,
(a) (2, 1, 1, 1) (b) (1, -1, -1, 2)
(c) (1, 1, 1, 2) (d) (2, -1, -1, 1)
28. The current in the given circuit with a dependent voltage source is,-
(a) 10A, (b) 12A, (c) 14A, (d) 16A.
29. The Bode magnitude plot of H(jw)=10
(1+jw) / (10+jw)(100+jw) is ---------
30. A closed-loop system has the characterisc funcon (s
+4)(s+1)+K(s-1)=0. Its root locus plot
against K is ------------
31. Consider the following Nyquist plot of loop transfer funcons over w=0 to w=. Which of these
plot represents a stable closed loop system?
(a) (i) only
(b) All, except (i)
(c) All, except (iii)
(d) (i) and (ii) only
32. If the compensated system shown in the g. has a phase margin of 60
at the crossover
frequency of 1 rad/sec, then value of the gain Kis -----------
(a) 0.366 (b) 0.732 (c) 1.366 (d) 2.738
33. The feedback control system shown in the given g. is stable .
(a) for all K0 (b) only if K0 (c) only if 0K<1 (d) only if 0K1
34. Consider a power system with two plants S1 and S2 connected through a e line as shown above.
When the load frequency control of the system is considered the at e line control system is
preferred over the at frequency regulaon system because
a) It is advantageous to control the frequency from any one parcular plant without disturbing
another one during load swings in either areas
b) This ensures that only the more ecient plants input is controlled for load variaon in any
c) Only the e line is required absorb the load swing
d) The load change in parcular area is taken care of by the generator in that area resulng in
e line loading to remain constant
35. In a 4 bus system, the circuit breakers and the various zones of the protecon are shown in the
g. if the circuit breaker E, F, and G trip , the locaon of the fault is on
(a)Bus2 (b) Bus1 (c) Bus 3 (d) Bus 4
36. A generator is connected to a transformer which feeds another transformer through a short
feeder. the zero sequence impedance values are expressed in pu on a common base and the
values are shown in the g. the Thevenin equivalent zero sequence impedance at point B is
(a) 0.8+j0.6 (b) 0.75+j0.22 (c)0.75+j0.25 (d) 1.5+j0.25
37. Speed of a 3-phase inducon motor is controlled from 1 pu to 2 pu using a variable frequency
inverter. The equivalent circuit parameter most likely to vary is
(a) Stator leakage inductance (b) Rotor leakage inductance
(c) Magnesing inductance (d) core loss resistance
38. A 2-pole series motor with its two eld coils connected in series runs at a speed of 500 rpm. If
the eld coils are reconnected in parallel and assuming that the torque is constant and the
magnec circuit is unsaturated, the new speed will be
(a) 250 rpm (b) 500/2 rpm (c) 5002 rpm (d) 1000 rpm
39. The area of the hysteresis loop of a given magnec material is 50 cm
with the two axes scaled
as 1 cm =20 AT and 1 cm = 50 mWb. For 50Hz frequency, the total hysteresis loss is
(a) 250W (b) 2.5 KW (c) 1 KW (d) 1.25 KW
40. Two single phase transformers with turns rao 1 and 2 respecvely are connected to a three
phase supply on the primary side as shown in the gure below. The voltmeter I
will read
(a) 100V (b) 173V (c) 200V (d) 265V
41. What should a voltmeter with impedance 20,000 and range 0-1V show in the circuit given
(a) 82mV (b) 100 mV (c) 118 mV (d) 5V
42. A three phase semi-converter feeds the armature of a separately excited dc motor, supplying a
non- zero torque. For steady state operaon the motor armature current is found to drop to zero
at certain instances of me. At such instances, the voltage assumes a value which is
(a) Equal to the instantaneous value of the ac phase voltage
(b) Equal to the instantaneous value of the motor back emf
(c) Arbitrary
(d) Zero
43. An inducon motor is used for a speed control applicaon. It is driven from an inverter with a
constant V/f control. The motor name plate details are as follows: V=415V, Ph=3, f=50Hz,
N=2850 rpm. The motor is run with the inverter output frequency set at 40Hz, and with half the
rated slip. The running speed of the motor is
(a) 2400 rpm (b) 2280 rpm (c) 2340 rpm (d) 2790 rpm
44. The speed/torque regimes in a dc motor and the control methods suitable for the same are given
respecvely in group II and group I
P. Field Control 1.below base speed
Q. Armature Control 2.above base speed
3.above base torque
4.below base torque
The match between the control methods and the speed/torque regimes is
(a) P-1; Q-3 b) P-2; Q-1 (c) P-2; Q-3 (d) P-1; Q-4
45. An inverter has a periodic output voltage with output waveform as shown in gure. When
conducon angle =120, then rms fundamental component of output voltage is
(a) 0.78V
(b) 1.10V
(c) 0.90V
(d) 1.27V
46. A, B, C and D are input bits and Y is the output bit in the XOR gate circuit of the gure given
below. Which of the following statements about the sum S of A, B, C, D and Y is correct?
(a) S is always either zero or odd
(b) S is always either zero or even
(c) S = 1 only if sum of A, B, C, D is even
(d) S = 1 only if sum of A, B, C, D is odd
47. As the temperature is increased the voltage across a diode carrying a constant current
(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) Remains constant
(d) May increase or decrease depending upon the doping levels in the juncon
Common data ques$ons (48-49)
A solar energy installaon ulizes a three-phase bridge converter to feed energy into power
system through a transformer of 400V / 400V, as shown below,
The energy is collected in a bank of 400V ba"ery and is connected to converter through a large
lter choke of resistance 10.
48. The maximum current through the ba"ery will be ---------
(a)14A (b)40A (c)80A (d)94A
49. The kVA rang of the input transformer is ----------
(a) 53.2kVA (b) 46.0kVA (c) 22.6kVA (d) 19.6kVA
Common data ques$ons (50-51)
The input voltage given to a converter is I
= (1u2sin[1uunt
+S2sin[Suunt +
50. The input power factor of the converter is
(a) 0.31 (b) 0.44 (c) 0.5 (d) 0.71
51. The acve power drawn by the converter is
(a) 181W (b) 500W (c) 707W (d) 887W
Common data ques$ons (52-53)
An RLC circuit with relevant data is given below
52. The power dissipated in the resistor R is
(a) 0.5W (b) 1W (c) 2W (d) 2W
53. The current I_c in the gure is
(a) j2A (b) -j
A (c) +j
A (d) +j2A
Common data ques$ons (54-55)
A separately excited DC motor runs at 1500 rpm under no-load with 200V applied to the armature.
The eld voltage is maintained at its rated value. The speed of the motor, when it delivers a torque of
5Nm is 1400 rpm as shown below. The rotaonal loses and the armature reacon are neglected.
54. The armature resistance of the motor is
(a) 2 (b) 3.4 (c) 4.4 (d) 7.7
55. For the motor to deliver a torque of 2.5 Nm at 1400 rpm, the armature voltage to be applied is
(a) 125.5V (b) 193.3V (c) 200V (d) 241.7V
General Ap$tude (GA) Ques$ons
Q. (56-60) carry one mark each.
56. Choose the most appropriate word from the opons given below to complete the following
If we manage to our natural resources, we would leave a be"er planet for our
(a) Uphold (b) cherish (c) restrain (d) conserve
57. Which of the following word or phrase is closest in meaning to the word Copious
(a) plenful (b) cheang (c) dishonourable (d) adventurous
58. The sentence below has been broken into four parts a, b, c and d. Mark the part which has an
error. Ignore errors of punctuaon.
(a) Every man, woman
(b) and child
(c) in the house on re
(d) have been saved
59. The queson below consists of a pair of related words followed by four pairs of related words.
Select the pair that best expresses the relaon in the original pair: Gladiator: Arena
(a) Dancer: stage (b) Commuter: train
(c) Teacher: classroom (d) Lawyer: courtroom
60. Choose the word from the opons given below that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the
given word: Frequency
(a) periodicity (b) rarity (c) gradualness (d) persistency
Q. (61-65) carry two mark each.
61. The sum of n terms of the series 4+44+444+. Is
(a) (4/81) [1u
(b) (4/81) [1u
(c) (4/81) [1u
(d) (4/81) [1u
62. 5 skilled workers can build a wall in 20 days, 8 semi-skilled workers can build a wall in 25 days,
and 10 unskilled workers can build a wall in 30 days. If a team has 2 skilled, 6 semi-skilled and 5
unskilled workers, how long will it take to build the wall?
(a) 20 days (b) 18 days (c) 16 days (d) 15 days
63. Given two events A and B. P (A) =
, P (B) =
and P (A/B) =
State that the following is true?
(a) A is sub-event of B
(b) P (A/B)=
(c) P (A/B)+ P (A/B
(d) None of these
64. Two boats travelling at 5 and 10kms per hour, head directly towards each other. They begin at a
distance of 20kms from each other. How far apart are they (in kms) one minute before they
(a) 1/12 (b) 1/6 (c) 1/4 (d) 1/3
65. Given below is a graph showing the prot earned (in lakhs of rupees) of a medium sized factory
from 83-84 to 90-91
What was the approximate percentage increase in the prot in the year 86-87 over that of 83-84?
(a) 50 (b) 100 (c) 200 (d) 300