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Capm Vs Market Model

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SIES College of Management

Studies, Nerul
Sub: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Topic: CAPM and Market Model

Prepared By:

Names Roll No.
Venkatesh Chary 6
Priya Mani 49
Divya Kudva 75
Naresh Naiker 79
Richa Varu 97
Siddarth Seth 99
Mohuddin Memon 116
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The objective of every rational investor is to maximize his returns and minimize the risk.
Diversification is the method adopted for reducing risk. It essentially results in the construction
of portfolios. The proper goal of portfolio construction would be to generate a portfolio that
provides the highest return and the lowest risk. Such a portfolio would be known as the optimal
portfolio. The process of finding the optimal portfolio is described as portfolio selection.
The conceptual framework and analytical tools for determining the optimal portfolio in
disciplined and objective manner have been provided by Harry Markowitz in his pioneering
work on portfolio analysis. His method of portfolio selection has come to be known as the
Markowitz model.


With a limited number of securities an investor can create a very large number of portfolios by
combining these securities in different proportions. These constitute the feasible set of portfolios
in which the investor can possibly invest. This is also known as the portfolio opportunity set.
Each portfolio in the opportunity set is characterized by an expected return and a measure of risk,
viz., variance or standard deviation of returns. Not every portfolio in the portfolio opportunity set
is of interest to an investor. In the opportunity set some portfolio in the opportunity set some
portfolios will obviously be dominated by others. A portfolio will dominate another if it has
either a lower standard deviation and the same expected return as other, or a higher expected
return and the same deviation as other. Portfolios are dominated by other portfolios are known as
inefficient portfolios.

To understand the concept of efficient portfolios, let us consider various combinations of
securities and designate them as portfolios 1 to n. The expected returns of these portfolios may
be worked out The risk of these portfolios may be estimated by measuring the standard deviation
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of portfolio returns. The table below shows illustrative figures for the expected returns and
standard deviations of some portfolios.

1 5.6 4.5
2 7.8 5.8
3 9.2 7.6
4 10.5 8.1
5 11.7 8.1
6 12.4 9.3
7 13.5 9.5
8 13.5 11.3
9 15.7 12.7
10 16.8 12.9

If we compare Portfolio no.4 and 5, for the same standard deviation of 8.1 Portfolio no. 5 gives a
higher expected return of 11.7, making it more efficient than portfolio no. 4.Again if we compare
Portfolio no. 7 and 8 for the same expected return the standard deviation is lower for Portfolio
no.7 making it more efficient than Portfolio no. 8
Thus the selection of portfolios by the investors will be guided by two criteria:
- Given two portfolios with same expected return, the investor would prefer the one with
lower risk
- Given two portfolio with same risk the investor would prefer the one with higher
expected returns
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This criteria are based on the assumption that investors are rational and also risk averse. As they
are rational they would prefer more return to less return .As they are risk averse, they would
prefer less risk to more risk.
The concept of efficient sets can be illustrated with the help of a graph. The expected return and
standard deviation of portfolios can be depicted on X Y graph, measuring the expected return on
the Y axis and the standard deviation on the X axis. Figure below depicts such a graph.
As each possible portfolio in the opportunity set or feasible set of portfolios has an expected
return and standard deviation associated with it , each portfolio would be represented by a
single point in the risk return space enclosed within the two axes of the graph .The shaded
area in the graph represents the set of all possible portfolios that can be constructed from a
given set of securities. This opportunity set of portfolios take a concave shape because it
consists of portfolios containing securities that are less than perfectly co related with each
other .
Consider portfolio F and E .Both the portfolios have the same expected returns but portfolio
E has less risk .hence, E would be preferred to F. Now consider C and E both have the same
risk ,but E offers more return for the same risk hence E would be preferred to C. Thus for
any point in risk return space, an investor would like to move as far as possible in the
5 | P a g e

direction of increasing returns and also as far as possible in the direction of decreasing risk.
Effectively, he would be moving towards the left in search of decreasing risk and upwards in
search of increasing returns.
Now let us consider portfolios C and A .Portfolio C would be preferred to A as it offers less
risk for the same level of return. In the opportunity set of portfolios represented in the
diagram, C has the lowest risk compared to all other portfolios .Here C in the diagram
represents the global minimum variance portfolio.
Comparing portfolios A and B we find that portfolio B is preferable to A because it offers
higher returns for the same level of risk. In the diagram Point B represents the portfolio with
highest expected returns among all the portfolios in the feasible set
Thus we find that portfolios lying in the north west boundaries of the shaded areas are more
efficient than all the portfolios in the interior of the shaded areas.
This boundary of shaded area is called the efficient frontier because it contains all the
efficient portfolios in the opportunity set. The set of portfolios lying in between the global
minimum variance portfolio and the maximum return portfolio on the efficient frontier
represents the efficient set of portfolios.

6 | P a g e

The efficient frontier is a concave curve in the risk return space that extends from the minimum
variance portfolio to the maximum return portfolio.
The portfolio selection problem is really the process of delineating the efficient portfolios
and selecting the best portfolio from the set.
Rational investors will obviously prefer to invest in the efficient portfolios. The particular
portfolio that an individual investor will select from the efficient frontier will depend on that
investors degree of aversion to risk.
A highly risk averse investor will hold portfolio on the lower left hand segment of the
efficient frontiers, while an investor who is not too risk averse will hold one on the upper
portion of efficient frontier .
The selection of optimal portfolio thus depends on the investors risk aversion, or conversely
on his risk tolerance .This can be graphically represented through a series of risk return utility
curves or indifference curves. The indifference curves of an investor are shown in the figure.
Each curve represents different combinations of risk and return all of which are equally
satisfactory to the concerned investor. The investor is indifferent between the successive
points in the curve. Each successive curve moving upwards to the left represents a higher
level of satisfaction or utility. The investors goal would be to maximize his utility by
moving upto the higher utility curve. The optimal portfolio for an investor would be the one
at the point of tangency between the efficient frontier and his risk return utility or
indifference curve.
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The point O represents the optimal portfolio .Markowitz used the technique of quadratic
programming to identify the efficient portfolios. Using the expected returns and risk of each
security under consideration and the co variance estimates for each one of securities, he
calculated risk and return for all possible portfolios. Then, for any specific value of expected
portfolio return, he determined the least risk portfolio using quadratic programming. With
another value of expected portfolio return, a similar procedure again gives the minimum risk
portfolio. The process is repeated with different values of expected return, the resulting
minimum risk portfolios constitute the set of efficient portfolios.

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Limitations of Markowitz Model:
One of the main problems with the Markowitz model is the large number of input data required
for calculations. An investor must obtain estimates of return & variance of returns for all
securities as also co variances of returns for each pair of securities included in the portfolio. If
there are N securities in the portfolio, an investor would need N return estimates, N variance
estimates & N (N-1)/2 co variance estimates, resulting in a total of 2N + [N (N-1)/2] estimates.
For example, analyzing a set of 200 securities would require 200 return estimates, 200 variance
estimates & 19,900 co variance estimates, adding up to a total of 20,300 estimates.
The second difficulty with the Markowitz model is the complexity of computations required. The
computations required are numerous & complex in nature. With a given set of securities infinite
number of portfolios can be constructed. The expected returns & variances of returns for each
possible portfolio have to be computed. The identification of efficient portfolios requires the use
of quadratic programming which is a complex procedure.
Because of the difficulties associated with the Markowitz model, it has found little use in
practical applications of portfolio analysis. Simplification is needed in the amount & type of
input data required to perform portfolio analysis. Simplification is also needed in the
computational procedure used to select optimal portfolios.
The simplification is achieved through index models. There are essentially two types of index
models: single index model & multi index model. The single index model is the simplest & the
most widely used simplification & may be regarded as being at one extreme point of a
continuum, with the Markowitz model at the other extreme point. Multi index models may be
placed at the mid region of this continuum of portfolio analysis techniques.

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Single index model/ Market model:
The basic notion underlying the single index model is that all stocks are affected by movements
in the stock market. Casual observation of share prices reveals that when the market moves up
(as measured by any of the widely used stock market indices), prices of most shares tend to
increase. When the market goes down, the prices of most shares tend to decline. This suggests
that one reason why security returns might be co related & there is co-movement between
securities, is because of a common response to market changes. This co-movement of stocks
with a market index may be studied with the help of a simple linear regression analysis, taking
the returns on an individual security as the dependent variable (R
) & the returns on the market
index (R
) as the independent variable.
The market model makes three assumptions:
1. The expected value of the error term is zero.
2. The errors are uncorrelated with the market return.
3. The firm specific surprises are uncorrelated across assets.

The return of an individual security is assumed to depend on the return on the market index. The
return of an individual security may be expressed as,
. R
+ e

= component of security is return that is independent of the markets performance.
= rate of return on the market index.

= constant that measures the expected change in R
given a change in R
i =
error term representing the random or residual return.

This equation breaks the return on a stock into two components, one part due to the market & the
other part independent of the market. The beta parameter in the equation,
measures how
sensitive a stocks return is to the return on the market index. It indicates how extensively the
return of a security will vary which changes in the market return. For example if the
of the
security is 2, then the return of the security is expected to increase by 20% when the market
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return increases by 10%. In this case if the market return decreases by 10%, the security return is
expected to decrease by 20%. A beta co-efficient greater than 1 would suggest greater
responsiveness on the part of the stock in relation to the market & vice-versa.
The alpha parameter
indicates what the return of the security would be when the market return
is zero. For example, a security with an alpha of +3% would earn 3% return even when the
market return is zero & it would earn an additional 3% at all levels of market return. Conversely,
a security of alpha of -4.5% would lose 4.5% when the market return is zero, & would earn 4.5%
less at all levels of market return. The positive alpha thus represents a sort of bonus return &
would a highly desirable aspect of a security, whereas a negative alpha represents a penalty to
the investor & is an undesirable aspect of a security.
The final term in the equation e
is the unexpected return resulting from influences not identified
by the model. It is referred to as the random or residual return. It may take on any value, but over
a large number of observations it will average out to zero.
William Sharpe who tried to simplify the data inputs & data tabulation required for the
Markowitz model of portfolio analysis, suggested that a satisfactory simplification would be
achieved by abandoning the co variance of each security with each other security & substituting
in its place the relationship of each security with a market index as measured by the single index
model suggested above. This is known as Sharpe index model. In the place of N (N-1)/2 co
variances required for the Markowitz model, Sharpe model would require only N measures of
beta co efficient.

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Measuring security return and risk under single index model:
Using the single index model, expected return on an individual security may be expressed as:
The return of the security is a combination of two components:
a) A specific return component represented by the alpha of the security ;
b) A market related return component represented by the term

The residual return disappears from the expression because its average value is zero, i.e., it has
an expected value of zero.
Correspondingly, the risk of a security
becomes the sum of a market related component and a
component that is specific to the security. Thus,
Total risk = market related risk + specific risk




= variance of individual security

= variance of market index returns

= variance of residual returns of individual security

= beta coefficient of individual security
The market related component of risk is referred to as systematic risk as it affects all securities.
The specific risk component is the unique risk or unsystematic risk which can be reduced
through diversification. It is also called diversifiable risk.
The estimates of

of a security are often obtained from regression analysis of
historical data of returns of the security as well as returns of a market index. For any given or
expected value of R
, the expected return and risk of the security can be calculated.
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For example, if the estimated values of

of a security are 2 percent , 1.5 percent and
300 respectively and if the market index is expected to provide a return of 20 percent with
variance of 120, the expected return and risk of the security can be calculated as below:

= 2 + 1.5 (20) = 32 percent



= (1.5)
(120) + 300
= 570

Measuring portfolio return and risk under single index model:
Portfolio analysis and selection require as inputs the expected portfolio return and risk for all
possible portfolios that can be constructed with a given set of securities. The return and risk of
portfolios can be calculated using the single index model.
The portfolio alpha is the weighted average of the specific returns (alphas) of the individual
securities. Thus,




= proportion of investment in an individual security

= specific return of an individual security
The portfolio beta is the weighted average of the Beta coefficients of the individual securities.
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= proportion of investment in an individual security

= beta coefficient of an individual security

The expected return of the portfolio is the sum of the weighted average of specific returns and
the weighted average of the market related returns of individual securities.
The risk of a portfolio is measured as the variance of the portfolio returns. The risk of a portfolio
is simply a weighted average of market average risks of individual securities plus a weighted
average of the specific risks of individual securities in the portfolio. The portfolio risk may be
expressed as:




The first term constitutes the variance of the market index multiplied by the square of portfolio
beta and represents the market related risk (or systematic risk) of the portfolio. The second term
is the weighted average of the variances of residual returns of individual securities and represents
the specific risk or unsystematic risk of the portfolio.
As more and more securities are added to the portfolio, the unsystematic risk of the portfolio
becomes smaller and is negligible for a moderately sized portfolio. Thus, for a large portfolio,
the residual risk or unsystematic risk approaches zero and the portfolio risk becomes equal to

. Hence, the effective measure of portfolio risk is
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Let us consider a hypothetical portfolio of four securities. The table below shows the basic input
data such as weightage, alphas, betas and residual variances of the individual securities required
for calculating portfolio variance and return.
Input data
Security Weightage (
) Alpha (
) Beta (
) Residual variance
A 0.2 2.0 1.7 370
B 0.1 3.5 0.5 240
C 0.4 1.5 0.7 410
D 0.3 0.75 1.3 285
1.0 1.575 1.06 108.45

The values of portfolio alpha, portfolio beta, and portfolio residual variance can be calculated as
first step.



= (0.2) (2) + (0.1) (3.5) + (0.4) (1.5) + ( 0.3) (0.75)
= 1.575



= (0.2) (1.7) + (0.1) (0.5) + (0.4) (0.7) + (0.3) (1.3)
= 1.06
Portfolio residual variance =


15 | P a g e

(370) + (0.1)
(240) + (0.4)
(410) + ( 0.3)
= 108.45
These values are noted in the last row of the table. Using these values, we can calculate the
expected portfolio return for any value of projected market return. For a market return of 15 per
cent , the expected portfolio return would be:
= 1.575 + (1.06) (15)
= 17.475
For calculating the portfolio variance we need the variance of market returns . Assuming a
market return variance of 320, the portfolio variance can be calculated as:




= (1.06)
(320) + 108.45
= 468.002

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Efficient Frontier with riskless lending and borrowing:

Markowitzs Efficient Frontier assumes that all securities on the efficient set are risky. But, in
reality, investors usually allocate their wealth across both risky and risk free assets. A risk free
asset is a security that has a return known ahead of time, so the variance of the return is zero.
Since risk free asset has a zero correlation with all the points in the feasible region of risky
portfolios, a combination of risk free and any point in the feasible region of risky securities will
be represented by a straight line. With the opportunity of lending and borrowing, the efficient
frontier changes. The straight line dominates the efficient frontier. Since the straight line is
dominating, every investor would do well to choose some combination of risk free and risky
securities. A conservative investor may choose a point nearer to the risk free rate, where an
aggressive investor may choose a point beyond the market portfolio.
Thus the task of portfolio selection can be separated into two steps:
1. Identification of market portfolio, the optimal portfolio for risky securities.
2. Choice of combination of risky and risk free securities, depending on ones risk attitude.
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Suppose B is the optimal portfolio in the efficient frontier with R
= 15% and = 8%. A risk free
asset with rate of return R
= 7% is available for investment. If the investor places 40% of his
funds in risk free and remaining 60% in Portfolio B, the return and risk of this combined
portfolio can be calculated using the following formula:
= WR
+ (1-W) R

= expected return on combined portfolio
W = proportion of funds invested in risky portfolio
(1-W) = proportion of funds invested in risk less asset
= Expected return on risky portfolio
= rate of return on risk less asset


c =
+ (1-W)

= standard deviation of the combined portfolio

= standard deviation of risky portfolio

= standard deviation of risk less portfolio
The second term on the right hand side of the equation (1-W)
would be zero as
= zero.
Hence the formula would be reduced to
= W
The return and risk of the combined portfolio is as follows:
= (0.60)(15) + (0.40)(7) = 11.8%
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= (0.60)(8) = 4.8%
Both return and risk are lower than those of the risky portfolio B.
If we change the proportion of investment in the risky portfolio to 75%, the return and risk of the
combined portfolio will be:
= (0.75)(15) + (0.25)(7) = 13%

= (0.75)(8) = 6%
Here again both return and risk are lower than the risky portfolio B. Similarly, the return and risk
of all possible combinations of the riskless asset and the risky portfolio B may be worked out.
All these points will lie in the straight line.
Now, let us consider borrowing funds by the investor for investing in the risky portfolio an
amount which is larger than his own funds. If W is the proportion of the investors funds
invested in the risky portfolio, then we can envisage three situations. If W = 1, the investors
funds are fully committed to the risky portfolio. If W < 1, only a fraction of funds is invested in
the risky portfolio and the remainder is lent at risk free rate. If W > 1, it means the investor is
borrowing at the risk free rate and investing an amount larger than his own funds in the risky
The return and risk of such a levered portfolio can be calculated as follows:
= WR
(W-1) R

= return on levered portfolio
= the risk free borrowing rate which would be the same as the risk free lending rate, namely
the return on the riskless asset.
Risk of the levered portfolio can be obtained as:

= W

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Assume W = 1.25
= (1.25)(15) (0.25)(7) = 17%

= (1.25)(8) = 10%
The return and risk of the levered portfolio are larger than those of the risky portfolio. The
levered portfolio would give increased returns with increased risk. The return of all levered
portfolios would lie in a straight line to the right of the market portfolio.

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The Capital Asset Pricing model Consist of 2 elements:
- The Capital Market Line
- The Security Market Line

Capital Market Line:

The Capital Market Line (CML) is the capital allocation line in a world in which all investors
agree on the expected returns, standard deviations, and correlations of all assets (also known as
the "homogeneous expectations" assumption). Assuming identical expectations, there will be
only one capital allocation line, and it is called the capital market line.
CML is a line representing various efficient portfolios created by combining risk free and risky
securities. All the portfolios lying on this line are efficient in themselves as these provides
maximum returns for a given level of risk or have a minimum risk for a given level of returns. As
per the market efficiency and dominance principle, all the portfolios as well as individual
securities must lie on this line in the long run. This is called CML (Capital Market Line) as it
represents a best set of portfolios on risk and return compendium, which is not only feasible but
also efficient as well. If all investors hold the same risky portfolio, then in equilibrium it must be
the market portfolio. CML generates a line on which the efficient portfolios can lie. Those which
are not efficient will lie below the line. Portfolios having maximum return at each level of risk
are the efficient portfolios. This line is particularly used for portfolios but in rare cases, it is used
for individual securities.
Thus, the CML represents the equilibrium condition that prevails in the market for the portfolios
consisting of risk free and risky investments. All combinations of risky and are bound by CML
and in equilibrium, all investors will end up with portfolio on CML. It says that the expected
The CML defines the relationship between total risk and expected
return for the portfolio consisting of the risk free asset and the
market portfolio.
21 | P a g e

return on a portfolio is equal to the risk free rate plus risk premium. The risk premium is equal to
the market price of risk times of quantity of risk. So, the CML shows the tradeoff between the
expected returns and the risk of the portfolios and the risk is measured by the standard deviation
of the portfolio.

Investors at point M, have 100% of their funds invested in the risk free asset . Investors at point
M, have 100% of their funds invested in portfolio M. Between RFR and M, investors hold both
risk free asset and Portfolio M. This means investors are lending some of their funds at risk free
rate and investing the rest in portfolio M. This means they are borrowing funds to buy more of
portrfolio M. The levered positions represnts a 100% investment in portfolio M. and borrowing
to buy even more of portfolio M.
The introduction of risk free asset changes the Markowitz efficient frontier into straight line
called CML.
The equation of CML is

F p

+ =
22 | P a g e

The slope of the CML is often called the market price of risk, and equals the reward-to-risk ratio
(or Sharpe ratio} for the market portfolio.The Slope of CML is find out by using the following



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Security Market Line:

The SML provides the relationship between expected returns and of a security or portfolio.
This relationship can be expressed in the form of following equation:


Application of SML:
When individual securities and portfolios are priced correctly, they lie exactly on SML.
Securities plotting of the SML , indicate mispricing of securities by market. Securities that plot
above the SML are undervalued and hence attractive because they offer higher expected returns
than required rate of return. The buying pressure of such securities will push up their prices and
lower the return until they are correctly priced. On the other hand, securities that plot below SML
A Graphical representation of CAPM is Security Market Line.
This line indicates what rate of return is required to compensate
for the given level of risk.
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are overpriced and hence unattractive as the expected rate of return is lower than required rate of
In a well functioning market, SML can be used to find out the fair rate of return that a security
should offer in view of its beta factor, risk free rate and market rate of return. This fair rate of
return can be compared with actual rate of return on that security. If the fair rate of return is less
than actual rate of return, the security is underpriced. If the fair rate of return is more than actual
rate of return, the security is overpriced.
Security E(R) %
I 1.4 22
II 1.2 16
III 1.1 14

Other Data Given:

= 16%,

Whether these securities are correctly priced or not can be found by comparing expected return
of the security with CAPM returns
Security ()

Comparing E(R) with
CAPM returns
I 0.6+1.4(0.16-0.6) = 20% E(R) >CAPM Returns Underpriced
II 0.6+1.2(0.16-0.6) = 20% E(R) < CAPM Returns Overpriced
III 0.6+1.1(0.16-0.6) = 20% E(R) < CAPM Returns Overpriced

25 | P a g e

As discussed earlier, the CML is the efficient frontier, plotting expected returns and standard
deviations (total risk) for portfolios comprising a combination of the risk-free asset and the
market portfolio. If markets are in equilibrium, risk and return combinations for individual
securities will lie along the SML, but not along the CML. Risk and return combinations for
individual securities will lie below the CML because their standard deviations include
unsystematic risk that is diversified away in the market portfolio.

Measure of risk Uses systematic risk Uses Standard Deviation
Application Tool used to determine the
appropriate expected returns
for securites
Tool used to determine the
appropriate asset allocation for
the investor
Definition \Graph of the Capital Asset
Pricing Model
Graph of the Efficient frontier
Slope Market risk premium Market portfolio Sharpe ratio

The CML uses total risk =
on the x-axis. Hence, only efficient portfolis will plot on the CML.
On the other hand, the SML uses beta (systematic risk) on the x-axis. So in a CAPM world, all
properly priced securities and portfolios of securities will plot on the SML

Example: Using the SML
A stock has a beta of 0.75 and an expected return of 13%. The risk-free rate is 4%.
Calculate the market risk premium and the expected return on the market portfolio.
According to the SML: 0.13 = 0.04 + 0.75[E(RM)- Rp].
Therefore, the market risk premium is equal to: [E(Rm)- Rf] = 0.12 = 12%.
The expected return on the market is calculated as: [E(Rm) - 0.04] = 0.12,
or E(RM) = 0.16 = 16%.
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Capital asset pricing model:
In finance, the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) is used to determine a theoretically
appropriate required rate of return of an asset, if that asset is to be added to an already well-
diversified portfolio, given that asset's non-diversifiable risk. The model takes into account the
asset's sensitivity to non-diversifiable risk (also known as systematic risk or market risk), often
represented by the quantity beta () in the financial industry, as well as the expected return of the
market and the expected return of a theoretical risk-free asset.
The model was introduced by Jack Treynor (1961, 1962), William Sharpe (1964), John
Lintner (1965a,b) and Jan Mossin (1966) independently, building on the earlier work of Harry
Markowitz on diversification and modern portfolio theory. Sharpe, Markowitz and Merton
Miller jointly received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for this contribution to the field
of financial economics.

CAPM assumptions:
1. Investors make their decisions on the basis of risk-return assessments measured in terms
of expected returns and standard deviation of returns.
2. The purchase or sale of a security can be undertaken in infinitely divisible units.
3. Purchases and sales by a single investor cannot affect prices. This means there is perfect
competition where investors in total determine prices by their actions.
4. There are no transaction costs. Given the fact that transaction costs are small, they are
probably of minor importance in investment decision-making, and hence they are
5. There are no personal income taxes. Alternatively, the tax rates on dividend income and
capital gains are the same, thereby making the investor indifferent to the form in which
the return on the investment is received (dividends or capital gains).
6. The investor can lend or borrow any amount of funds desired at a rate of interest equal to
the rate for riskless securities.
7. The investor can sell short any amount of any shares.
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8. Investors share homogeneity of expectations. This implies that investors have identical
expectations with regard to the decision period and decision inputs. Investors are
presumed to have identical holding periods and also identical expectations regarding
expected returns, variances of expected returns and co variances of all pairs of securities.

The CAPM is a model for pricing an individual security or portfolio. For individual securities,
we make use of the security market line (SML) and its relation to expected return and systematic
risk (beta) to show how the market must price individual securities in relation to their security
risk class. The SML enables us to calculate the reward-to-risk ratio for any security in relation to
that of the overall market. Therefore, when the expected rate of return for any security is deflated
by its beta coefficient, the reward-to-risk ratio for any individual security in the market is equal
to the market reward-to-risk ratio, thus:

Market reward-to-risk ratio is effectively the market risk premium and by rearranging the above
equation and solving for E(Ri), we obtain the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).

is the expected return on the capital asset
is the risk-free rate of interest such as interest arising from government bonds
(the beta) is the sensitivity of the expected excess asset returns to the expected
excess market returns, or also ,
is the expected return of the market
28 | P a g e

is sometimes known as the market premium (the difference
between the expected market rate of return and the risk-free rate of return).
is also known as the risk premium
Restated, in terms of risk premium, we find that:

Which states that the individual risk premium equals the market premium times


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