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Headquarters United States Marine Corps

Washington, D.C. 20380-1775

12 November 1997


This publication is designed to give Marine leaders a solid,

common understanding of the fundamental nature of military
strategy that is inherent in each military action. Its intent is to
give the reader the basic knowledge required to think strategi-
cally, that is, to be able to examine the particulars of any spe-
cific situation and understand the political and military factors
behind the use of military force.

Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication (MCDP) 1-1 provides

the foundation for thinking strategically. This foundation will
enable Marines to better understand their roles in a particular
situation and to consider the implications of their actions on the
military strategy being employed and the political objectives
that strategy is intended to achieve.

Just as it is important to appreciate what this publication is

designed to do, it is equally important to understand what this
publication does not seek to do. It does not attempt to provide a
solution to current strategic problems, nor is it concerned with
details of current American strategy. MCDP 1-1 does not
assume that war and military strategy are exclusively a matter
of international or interstate behavior, and the concepts dis-
cussed in it are not limited to any particular kind of warfare or
level of conflict. Nor does Strategy prescribe any particular
strategy, any particular process for the making of strategy, or
any specific techniques and procedures for handling military
forces. It is meant to educate the mind of future commanders
or, more accurately, to guide them in their self-education, not
to accompany them to the battlefield.

Chapter 1 explores the complex nature of the strategic envi-

ronment, including the relationship between war and politics
and the key factors at work in any strategic situation. Chapter
2 discusses the essential elements of any strategy, the relation-
ship of ends and means, and the interaction among political ob-
jectives, national strategy, and military strategy. Chapter 3
looks at a variety of strategies as they might be developed in
different strategic situations. Chapter 4 synthesizes the con-
cepts presented in the first three chapters by focusing on how
strategy is made, who makes it, what moral criteria guide stra-
tegic decisions, and what pitfalls may occur in the making of

This publication is primarily for field grade officers. How-

ever, Marines at all levels require a broad perspective and an
understanding of how the effects of their actions can influence
the attainment of our national objectives. Furthermore, Marines
of any rank or specialty can easily find themselves working for
senior leaders with strategic responsibilities. Those leaders
need subordinates who understand the strategic environment
and can provide intelligent and insightful ad- vice on the strate-
gic situation. Therefore, as a foundation for strategic thought,
this publication should be read and under- stood by Marines at
all levels of command both in the operating forces and the sup-
porting establishment.

General, U.S. Marine Corps
Commandant of the Marine Corps

DISTRIBUTION: 142 000007 00

1997 United States Government as represented by the Secre-

tary of the Navy. All rights reserved.

Unless otherwise specified, masculine nouns and pronouns

used in this manual refer to both men and women.
MCDP 1-1


Introduction. The Study of Strategy

Chapter 1. The Strategic Environment

The Nature of Politics and WarFurther Defining War
The Nature of War-Making Political EntitiesStrategic
Constants and NormsThe Physical Environment
National CharacterWar and the StateThe Balance of
Power MechanismThe Trinity

Chapter 2. Strategy: Ends and Means

National StrategyEnds in National StrategySurvival
and VictoryPolitical ObjectivesMeans in National
StrategyAdapting Ends to Means, and Vice Versa
Ends in Military StrategyRelationship Between Political
and Military ObjectivesDistinguishing Between Erosion
and Annihilation Strategies
Strategy MCDP 1-1

Chapter 3. Strategic Opposites

Defensive and Offensive StrategiesSymmetrical and
Asymmetrical StrategiesDeterrence: Strategies of
Reprisal or DenialStandardized or Tailored Strategies
Strategy by Intent or by DefaultEvaluating Opposing

Chapter 4. The Making of Strategy

The Strategy-Making ProcessThe Strategic Assessment
Political ObjectivesMilitary Objectives and the Means to Achieve
ThemStrategic ConceptsWho Makes Strategy?Just War
Strategy-Making PitfallsStrategic PanaceasEmphasizing
Process Over ProductThe Fait AccompliLimited and Unlimited
WarsParalysis and Recklessness



The Study of Strategy

The nation that draws too great a distinction between its
scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cow-
ards and its fighting done by fools.1
MCDP 1-1 The Study of Strategy

M arine Corps Doctrinal Publication (MCDP) 1, War-

fighting, stresses that war is fundamentally political in
character and that war must serve policy. What matters ulti-
mately in war is strategic success: attainment of our political
aims and the protection of our national interests. History shows
that national leaders, both political and military, who fail to
understand this relationship sow the seeds for ultimate fail-
ureeven when their armed forces achieve initial battlefield
success. Battlefield brilliance seldom rescues a bad strategy.

The United States Marine Corps is a key instrument in the

execution of American national strategy. Marine expeditionary
forces possess extraordinary strategic reach. As an expedition-
ary force-in-readiness, the Marine Corps has been consistently
called upon to implement key elements of our national security
strategy and its supporting national military strategy. While the
Marine Corps is not a strategy-making organization in the
sense of designing a national military strategy or even drafting
strategies to fight particular wars, the effective execution of
strategy requires an understanding of both its intent and its
context. In order to carry out our responsibilities to the Nation,
Marines must possess the strategic skills and understanding
necessary to participate effectively in the strategic environment
of the 21st century

Strategy MCDP 1-1

There are three important reasons to develop a fundamental

understanding of strategy:

Marines will find themselves working for senior leaders

who participate directly in the development of strategy.
Such leaders need subordinates who understand their re-
quirements and the environment they work in.
An understanding of how strategy is made allows
Marines to see the larger picture. It enables them to better
grasp the intent that underlies the military actions in
which they participate and the constraints placed upon the
use of military force during these actions. It also helps
Marine leaders provide useful answers to questions posed
by their subordinates concerning the purpose and objec-
tives behind our involvement in a particular operation.
By the very nature of their profession, all Marines are en-
gaged in the execution of strategy. Every military action
has potential strategic implications. Modern media cover-
age has intensified both the awareness of and sensitivity
towards any military action. Marines must understand
that the distance between local or tactical actions and
the effects of these actions at the strategic or political
level may be very short. Sometimes a seemingly unimpor-
tant action by any participanta general, a platoon
leader, or even one single Marinecan have a powerful
political impact.

MCDP 1-1 The Study of Strategy

MCDP 1-1 focuses on military strategy in its most funda-

mental sense, exploring the question How do military means
relate to political ends? It provides a conceptual basis to help
us to understand both our own and our enemies political and
military objectives, the relationships among them, and the na-
ture of any particular situation in which military means might
be used. It explores how political entities integrate military
means with the other elements of their power in order to attain
their political ends. A common conceptual understanding of
these matters helps Marines develop the adaptability that our
warfighting philosophy demands.

Chapter 1

The Strategic
The roots of victory and defeat often have to be sought far
from the battlefield, in political, social, and economic factors
which explain why armies are constituted as they are, and
why their leaders conduct them in the way they do.1

Michael Howard

That the factors are infinitely varied and difficult to deter-

mine is true, but that . . . is just what emphasises the necessity
of reaching such firm standpoints as are attainable. The
vaguer the problem to be solved, the more resolute must we
be in seeking points of departure from which we can begin to
lay a course.2
Julian Corbett
MCDP 1-1 The Strategic Environment

A t its most basic, strategy is a matter of figuring out what

we need to achieve, determining the best way to use the
resources at our disposal to achieve it, and then executing the
plan. Unfortunately, in the real world, all of these things are
not easily done. Our strategic goals are complex and sometimes
contradictory and may change in the middle of a military en-
deavor. The resources at our disposal are not always obvious,
can change during the course of a struggle, and usually need to
be adapted to suit our needs. Our adversary often refuses to fit
our preconceptions of him or to stand still while we erect the
apparatus for his destruction.


Before we can usefully discuss the making and carrying out of

military strategy, we must understand the fundamental charac-
ter of politics and the violent expression of politics called war.
Let us start by analyzing Clausewitzs description of war as
both an instrument of policy and of politics with the addition of
other means.3

War is a social phenomenon. Its logic is not the logic of art,

nor of science or engineering, but rather the logic of social
transactions. Human beings interact with each other in ways
that are fundamentally different from the way the scientist in-
teracts with chemicals, the architect or engineer with beams

Strategy MCDP 1-1

and girders, or the artist with paints. The interaction that con-
cerns us when we speak of war is political interaction. The
other means in Clausewitzs definition of war is organized
violence. The addition of violence to political interaction is the
only factor that defines war as a distinct form of political inter-
actionbut that addition has powerful and unique effects.

The two different terms we have used, policy and politics,

both concern power. While every specific war has its unique
causes, war as a phenomenon is fundamentally concerned with
the distribution and redistribution of power.4

Power is sometimes material in nature: the economic power

of money or other resources, for example, or possession of the
physical means for coercion (weapons and armed personnel).
Power is just as often psychological in nature: legal, religious,
or scientific authority; intellectual or social prestige; a charis-
matic personalitys ability to excite or persuade; a reputation,
accurate or illusory, for diplomatic or military strength.

Power provides the means to attack and the means to resist

attack. Power in itself is neither good nor evil. By its nature,
however, power tends to be distributed unevenly in ways that
vary greatly from one society to another.

Power manifests itself differently and in different places at

different times. In Japan, during the 16th through 19th centu-
ries, real political power was exercised by the shogun, who was
formally subordinate to the emperor. Later, senior Japanese
military leaders were for a time effectively controlled by

MCDP 1-1 The Strategic Environment

groups of fanatical junior officers. King Philip II of Spain,

whose power was rooted in a landed aristocracy, was surprised
to discover the power that Europes urban bankers could exer-
cise over his military strategy. American leaders were similarly
surprised by the power of the disparate political coalition that
forced an end to the Vietnam War. One of the major problems
of strategy is to determine where and in what form real power
lies and to identify those relatively rare points where military
power can be applied effectively.

Politics is the process by which power is distributed in any

society: a family, an office, a religious order, a tribe, a state, a
region, the international community. The process of distribut-
ing power may be fairly orderlythrough consensus, inher-
itance, election, or some time-honored traditionor
chaoticthrough assassination, revolution, or warfare. What-
ever process may be in place at any given time, politics is in-
herently dynamic, and not only the distribution of power but
the process by which it is distributed is under constant pressure
for change.

A key characteristic of politics is that it is interactivea co-

operative or competitive process. It cannot be characterized as
a rational process because actual outcomes are seldom what
was consciously intended by any one of the participants. Politi-
cal events and their outcomes are the product of conflicting,
contradictory, sometimes compromising, but often adversarial
forces. That description clearly applies to war.
Policy, on the other hand, can be characterized as a rational
process. The making of policy is a conscious effort by a

Strategy MCDP 1-1

distinct political body to use whatever power it possesses to ac-

complish some purposeif only the mere continuation or in-
crease of its own power. Policy is a rational subcomponent of
politics, the reasoned purposes and actions of individuals in the
political struggle. War can be a practical means, sometimes the
only means available, for the achievement of rational policy
aimsthat is, the aims of one party in the political dispute.
Hence, to describe war as an instrument of policy is en-
tirely correct. It is an act of force to compel our opponent to
do our will.

Do not, however, confuse rationality with intelligence, rea-

sonableness, or understanding. Policies can be wise or foolish:
they can advance their creators goals or unwittingly contradict
them. They can be driven by concern for the public good or by
the most craven reasons of self-interest. Rationality also im-
plies no particular kind of goal, for goals are a product of emo-
tion and human desire. The goal of policy may be peace and
prosperity, national unity, the achievement of ideological per-
fection, or the extermination of some ethnic minority or

Remember too that policy, while it is different from politics,

is produced via a political process. Even the most rational of
policies is often the result of compromises within the political
group. Such compromises may be intended more to maintain
peace or unity within the group than to accomplish any exter-
nal purpose. They may, in fact, be irrelevant or contrary to any
explicit group goal. Policy is therefore often ambiguous,

MCDP 1-1 The Strategic Environment

unclear, even contradictory, and subject to change or to rigidity

when change is needed.

Clausewitzs reference to war as an expression of politics is

therefore not a prescription, but a description. War is a part of
politics. It does not replace other forms of political intercourse
but merely supplements them. It is a violent expression of the
tensions and disagreements between political groups, when po-
litical conflict reaches a level that sparks organized violence.
Thus warlike every other phase of politicsembodies both
rational and irrational elements. Its course is the product not of
one will, but of the collision of two or more wills.

To say, then, that war is an expression of both politics and

policy with the addition of other means is to say two very dif-
ferent things to strategy makers. First, it says that strategy, in-
sofar as it is a conscious and rational process, must strive to
achieve the policy goals set by the political leadership. Second,
it says that such policy goals are created only within the cha-
otic and emotional realm of politics.

Therefore, the military professional who says, Keep poli-

tics out of this. Just give us the policy, and we will take care of
the strategy, does not understand the fundamentals of

strategy. Strategists must operate within the constraints of pol-

icy and politics. The only alternative would be for military
strategy to perform the functions of policy and for military

Strategy MCDP 1-1

leaders to usurp political power, tasks which are generally un-

suited to both military strategy and military leaders.


We acknowledge that war is an expression of politics and pol-

icy with the addition of violent means. Still, this description
does not fully explain war.

One frequent error is to describe war as something that takes

place exclusively between nations or states. First, nations and
states are different things. The Kurds are a nation, but they
have no state. The Arabs are a nation with several states. The
Soviet Union was a state whose citizens represented many dif-
ferent nationalities. Second, manypossibly most wars ac-
tually take place within a single state, meaning that at least one
of the participants was not previously a state. Civil wars, in-
surrections, wars of secession, and revolutions all originate
within a single existing state, although they sometimes attract
external intervention. Wars may spill across state borders with-
out being interstate wars, as in Turkeys conflict with the
Kurds. Third, most interstate wars are fought not by individual
states, but by coalitions. Such coalitions often involve nonstate
actors as well as state govern- ments.
Another mistake is to limit our definition of war to sus-
tained, large-scale military operations. Here the defining condi-
tion is one of scale and duration. Under headings such as
Military Operations Other than War, this approach lumps

MCDP 1-1 The Strategic Environment

many forms of political conflict that clearly satisfy

Clausewitzs definition of war with other eventssuch as hu-
manitarian assistancethat do not.

In its broadest sense, war refers to any use of organized

force for political purposes, whether that use results in actual
violence or not. When we speak of warfare, however, we al-
most always mean actual violence of some considerable scale
that is carried out over some considerable period of time. A
single assassination, while certainly a violent political act, does
not constitute a war. On the other hand, large-scale, long-term
violence alone does not necessarily mean war either. For exam-
ple, over a 25-year period1969 through 1994some 3,000
people were killed in Northern Ireland for an average of 120
deaths per year in a population of 1.5 million.5 For that same
period, there were approximately 291 murders per year com-
mitted in Washington, D.C. in an average population of
642,000.6 The former situation is widely recognized as war,
while the latter is not. The difference is a matter of organiza-
tion. The perpetrators, victims, and targets of the violence in
Northern Ireland reflect distinct political groups engaged in a
power struggle. The violent death rate in Washington, D.C.,
roughly five times higher, seems to reflect random violencea
sign of social dysfunction rather than of some purposeful group
movement toward any political goal.

From all this, we can say that war is

Organized violence.

Strategy MCDP 1-1

Waged by two or more distinguishable groups against

each other.
In pursuit of some political end.
Sufficiently large in scale and in social impact to attract
the attention of political leaders.
Continued long enough for the interplay between the op-
ponents to have some impact on political events.



Military professionals often seek a scientific understanding

of war. This approach is appealing because the human mind
tends to organize its perceptions according to familiar analo-
gies, like the powerful images of traditional Newtonian phys-
ics. Such comparisons can be very useful. Our military
doctrine abounds with terms like center of gravity, mass,
and friction.

The attempt to apply a scientific approach can result in

some misleading ideas. For example, some political scientists
treat political entities as unitary rational actors, the social
equivalents of Newtons solid bodies hurtling through space.
Real political units, however, are not unitary. Rather, they are
collections of intertwined but fundamentally distinct actors and
systems. Their behavior derives from the internal interplay of

MCDP 1-1 The Strategic Environment

both rational and irrational forces as well as from the peculiari-

ties of their own histories and of chance. Strategists who accept
the unitary rational actor model as a description of adversaries
at war will have difficulty understanding either sides motiva-
tions or actual behavior. Such strategists ignore their own
sides greatest potential vulnerabilities and deny themselves po-
tential levers and targetsthe fault lines that exist within any
human political construct.

Fortunately, the physical sciences have begun to embrace

the class of problems posed by social interactions like politics
and war. The appropriate imagery, however, is not that of
Newtonian physics. Rather, we need to think in terms of biol-
ogy and particularly ecology.7

To survive over time, the various members of any ecosystem

must adaptnot only to the external environment, but to each
other. These agents compete or cooperate, consume and are
consumed, join and divide, and so on. A system created by
such interaction is called a complex adaptive system.

Such systems are inherently dynamic. Although they may

sometimes appear stable for lengthy periods, their components
constantly adapt or fail. No species evolves alone; rather, each
species co-evolves with the other species that make up its en-
vironment. The mutation or extinction of one species in any
ecosystem has a domino or ripple effect throughout the system,
threatening damage to some species and creating opportunities
for others. Slight changes are sometimes absorbed without

Strategy MCDP 1-1

unbalancing the system. Other slight changesan alteration in

the external environment or a local mutationcan send the
system into convulsions of growth or collapse.

One of the most interesting things about complex systems is

that they are inherently unpredictable. It is impossible, for ex-
ample, to know in advance which slight perturbations in an
ecological system will settle out unnoticed and which will spark
catastrophic change. This is so not because of any flaw in our
understanding of such systems, but because the systems be-
havior is generated according to rules the system itself develops
and is able to alter. In other words, a systems behavior may be
constrained by external factors or laws but is not determined
by them.

For all of these reasons, systems starting from a similar base

come to have unique individual characteristics based on their
specific histories.

The reason we use the complex adaptive system as a model

is that it provides insight into human political constructs. Hu-
mans build all sorts of social structures: families, tribes, clans,
social classes, street gangs, armies, religious groups or sects,
commercial corporations, political parties, bureaucracies,
criminal mafias, states of various kinds, alliances, and empires,
to mention just a few. These structures participate in separate
but thoroughly intertwined networks we call social, economic,
and political systems. Those networks produce markets, elec-
tions, and wars.

MCDP 1-1 The Strategic Environment

Such networks and structures create their own rules. The

unpredictable nature of these complex systems makes it diffi-
cult to predict the outcome of specific events. We can normally
analyze, describe, and explain economic, military, and political
events after they have occurred, but accurately forecasting the
course of such interactions is difficult to do with any

When we say that politics and war are unpredictable, we do

not mean that they are composed of absolute chaos, without
any semblance of order. Intelligent, experienced military and
political leaders are generally able to foresee the probable
near-term results, or at least a range of possible results, of
any particular action they may take. Broad causes, such as a
massive superiority in manpower, technology, economic re-
sources, and military skill, will definitely influence the prob-
abilities of certain outcomes.

Conscious actions, however, like evolutionary adaptations,

seldom have only their intended effects. Events wholly outside
the range of vision of political and military leaders can have an
unforeseen impact on the situation. New economic and social
ideas, technological innovations with no obvious military appli-
cations, changes in climatic conditions, demographic shifts, all
can lead to dramatic political and military changes. Enemy ac-
tions, friction, imperfect knowledge, low order probabilities,
and chance introduce new variables into any evolving situation.

Strategy MCDP 1-1

The problem for strategists is how to develop a lasting and

effective strategy in the face of the turbulent world of policy
and politics. Despite the difficulty of understanding the interac-
tion of political entities, they must strive to comprehend the na-
ture of the problem, anticipate possible outcomes, and set a
strategic course likely to achieve the desired objective. At the
same time, strategists must sense the complex nature of this en-
vironment and be prepared for both the unexpected setbacks
and the sudden opportunities it is likely to deliver.


In Some Principles of Maritime Strategy, originally published

in 1911, Sir Julian Corbett wrote

The vaguer the problem to be solved, the more resolute must

we be in seeking points of departure from which we begin to
lay a course, keeping always an eye open for the accidents
that will beset us, and being always alive to their deflecting
influences . . . . [T]he theoretical study of strategy . . . can at
least determine the normal. By careful collation of past events
it becomes clear that certain lines of conduct tend normally to
produce certain effects.8

Despite the complexity of interactions in the political realm,

it is possible to discern elements that are present in any

MCDP 1-1 The Strategic Environment

strategic situation. These elements are at the core of the strate-

gic environment and are the base from which the strategist de-
velops an understanding of a specific set of circumstances.
Because these elements are present in any strategic situation,
we refer to them as constants and norms. While the particular
aspects of these constants and norms present themselves differ-
ently in each strategic situation, an understanding of their fun-
damental nature provides a point of departure for its analysis.

To help understand the distinction between constants and

norms and the fluctuations of a specific policy or conflict, we
can use the following analogy. Annual seasonal climates of
most regions of the world are predictable. Yet the weather on a
given day cannot be predicted far in advance with any confi-
dence. Still, annual vacationers in northern Pennsylvania know
that a warm day in January is colder than a cold day in July,
and a snow skier does not plan a ski trip for July, nor does a
water skier plan on water skiing in January. Extreme variables
in temporary weather patterns do not affect the long-term
power and influence of global climate patterns.

The Physical Environment

Geography and its related aspects are a constant in any stra-
tegic situation. All parties in a conflict must cope with the
physical environment. One strategic affairs expert has noted

Strategy MCDP 1-1

Misguided strategists who misinterpret, misapply, or ignore

the crushing impact of geography on national security affairs
learn their lessons painfully, after squandering national pres-
tige, lives, and treasure.

Strategic masters manipulate the physical environment, ex-

ploit its strengths, evade its weaknesses, acknowledge con-
straints, and contrive always to make nature work for them.9

The physical environment encompasses not only the tradi-

tional elements of geography such as land forms, terrain,
oceans and seas, and climate, but also spatial relationships,
natural resources, and lines of communications. Together,
these factors exert considerable influence on a particular strate-
gic situation. The political, economic, and social makeup of a
nation results in part from its physical environment. We refer
to Great Britain, the United States, and Japan as maritime na-
tions, while Germany, Russia, and China have been tradition-
ally labeled continental powers. The location and distribution
of natural resources may on the one hand be a cause of conflict
and, at the same time, be a major determinant of a conflicts
outcome. The nature of the interaction between political entities
is in large part determined by their geographic relationships.
Relations between states that border on one another are nor-
mally considerably different from those between states sepa-
rated by oceans and continents.

In order to understand the nature of a problem, strategists

must understand the role of the physical environment in each
situation. Geography influences the way that all elements of

MCDP 1-1 The Strategic Environment

national power are applied. While the effect of geography on a

conflict varies with the nature, location, and duration of that
conflict, the physical environment always has an impact.
Strategists must analyze and understand the local, regional,
and sometimes global effects of this environment in order to
use the elements of power effectively in a specific strategic

National Character
Each nation, state, or political entity has its own distinct char-
acter. This character is derived from a variety of sources: loca-
tion, language, culture, religion, historical circumstances, and
so forth. While national character is always evolving, changes
generally occur only over the course of decades and centuries
and may be imperceptible to the outside observer. As such, na-
tional character can be looked upon as a norm or constant. Na-
tional character is akin to global climate patterns that change
very slowly through history.

Over three centuries, the British national character ran as

deep and sure as the Gulf Stream across the North Atlantic.
During this time, British national reaction to aggression from
France, Germany, or, more recently, Argentina, was marked by
many constants. Throw in a resolute and inspirational leader
(the elder William Pitt, Winston Churchill, or Margaret
Thatcher), add a villainous opponent bent on European domi-
nation (Napoleon, the Kaiser, or Hitler), and the British re-
sponse to aggression was both consistent and predictable.

Strategy MCDP 1-1

This is not to say that the British reacted the same way in
each situation. The mood and inclination of the British public
have been influenced by various swirls and eddies during peri-
ods and moments when issues were confused, threats ambigu-
ous, and hopes for peace strong. For example, the British first
attempted to avoid war with Germany by acceding to Hitlers
demands at the now infamous Munich Conference of 1938.
Then when Germany invaded Poland a year later, natural incli-
nations and hopes for peace vanished into a steeled determina-
tion to wage war.

Consider too the Russian response to invasions from the

West. The Russians have never deliberately adopted a strategy
of retreating hundreds of miles into their interior without first
trying to stop an invader near their borders. The point is that
they have demonstrated an ability to retreat deeply into their
own country if they must do so in order to survive and ulti-
mately prevail. This demonstrated ability was a matter of his-
torical record to be considered by Charles XII of Sweden in
1708, Napoleon in 1812, Kaiser Wilhelm III in 1914, and Hit-
ler in 1941. It is no coincidence that of these invaders, the only
one to succeed (Germany in World War I) was the one that
adopted a strategy containing a viable political component, in
this case the support of internal revolution, used in conjunction
with the military component. The Germans in World War I
considered knowable Russian physical and moral characteris-
tics and devised an effective political-military strategy accord-
ingly. Napoleon and Hitler had access to similar knowledge but

MCDP 1-1 The Strategic Environment

largely ignored the Russian character in relying on a purely

military strategy.

Judging the national character of an adversary (or an ally)

goes well beyond traditional orders of battle and related calcu-
lations regarding military and economic power. It requires con-
sideration of national history, culture, religion, society,
politicseverything that contributes to the makeup and func-
tioning of a nation. The strategist must compile a complete
dossier on a nation similar to that commonly prepared on en-
emy commanders. In the popular movie Patton, an impatient
Field Marshal Rommel interrupts his aide: Enough! Tell me
about the man (referring to General Patton). Rommel wanted
to know about Pattons personality: Was he a gambler? Would
he attack sooner rather than later? What was his style of war-
fare and leadership? What did his troops think of him? Rommel
wanted a psychological profile of the opposing commander to
help him understand his adversary. At the strategic level, suc-
cess in war is facilitated by having a similar comprehensive
psychological profile of each nation or political group involved
in the conflict, to include enemies, allies, potential enemies or
allies, and even ones own nation.
It is of critical importance that sweeping dogmatic assertions
do not govern the analysis of national characters. Such asser-
tions often spring from ethnocentristic attitudes and a failure to
examine the true nature of a political presence. Rather, what is
required is rational, objective, and informed thought about the
makeup of a national character and its possible effects on a na-
tions action or reaction to an event.

Strategy MCDP 1-1

War and the State

The state has been effective in all forms of politics, including
war. It has been so effective, in fact, that virtually all of the
worlds land surface and its people are now recognized as be-
longing to some more or less effective territorial state. While
entities other than the state make war, a state will almost al-
ways become involved either in self-defense or in assertion of
its monopoly on the legitimate use of violence. Thus, we must
look upon the state as one of the strategic norms or constants
when we are confronted with a specific strategic problem.

While it has been said that war made the state, and the
state made war,11 the state has over time held in remarkable
check the human tendency toward violence. Averaged over the
first 90 years of the 20th century, even Germanys annual rate
of war deaths is lower than that of many typical primitive
societies.12 Although warfare between states has continued,
successful states have been able to control the costly endemic
local warfare typical of nonstate societies.

States are normally replaced by other states. If a state fails

to control the use of violence, it will likely be destroyed or
taken over by some new group willing and able to take on this
fundamental function of the state. This new leadership may be
another state or possibly a supranational alliance like the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) or the United Nations. It
could also be a revolutionary government evolving out of what
was formerly a nonstate political presence.

MCDP 1-1 The Strategic Environment

This is not to say that states or the interrelated system of

states does not change or that strategists can always rely on
stability in the international arena. From 1950 to 1980 in
Africa, 47 new states won their independence. In late 1988, af-
ter 73 years of colonial rule, Africas last colony, Namibia,
gained its independence.13 The United States, which sees itself
as a young state, in fact has the oldest constitutional system on
earth. Many people alive today were born when most of
Europe was ruled by kings or emperors. Powerful states and
ideologies, commanding formidable military machines, have
entered and left the world stage while those people grew up.
The Soviet Union, one of the most powerful nations in human
history, covering a sixth of the worlds surface and encompass-
ing hundreds of millions of human beings, lasted less than a
human lifetime.

However, on balance, we can look upon the state as re-

markably tough and enduring. While political movements and
individual states and governments that wage wars evolve and
change, we must address any particular conflict or strategic
problem in the context of the state system. Strategists must
take into account the actions and reactions not only of their ad-
versary, but also the actions and reactions of other states and
nations. At the same time, we should remember that there is
nothing permanent about any particular political entity. This
lack of permanence is important because it reminds us that

Strategy MCDP 1-1

every enemy, no matter how seamless and monolithic it may

appear, has political fault lines that can be exploited.

The Balance of Power Mechanism

We have already noted that politics and policy are concerned
with the distribution of power and that conflict often arises out
of attempts to change the distribution of power. One of the
ways political entities achieve stability in the distribution of
power and avoid a continuous state of conflict is by seeking to
maintain a balance of power. The balance of power is a
mechanism intended to maintain the status quo in the distribu-
tion of power.14 It describes a system in which alliances shift in
order to ensure that no one entity or group of entities becomes
dominant. The balance of power is at once the dominant myth
and the fundamental law of interstate re- lations.15

The term balance of power is usually used in reference to

states, but it is applicable to any system involving more than
one political power center. The balance of power can be global,
as it was during the Cold War, regional/local, as it was among
Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and the other Persian Gulf states, or
internal to one state or territory, as it was among the various
clans in Somalia.

Balance of power considerations are usually at work in any

strategic situation. Thus, we can consider the balance of power
as a strategic norm or constant. Balance of power systems have
appeared frequently in world history. Normally, such a system

MCDP 1-1 The Strategic Environment

is created when several entities vie for supremacy or at least in-

dependence, yet none individually has the power to achieve it

A balance of power system breaks down for two reasons.

The first is when one or more of the participants in the system
rebel against it. Their goal is to eliminate all competitors and
achieve dominance. In modern Europe, this goal has been at-
tempted by a number of states and their leaders such as Ger-
many under Hitler and France under Napoleon. The rebels
have never fully succeeded, largely because they have to take
on multiple enemies. Ambitious powers must always be wary
of what Clausewitz called the culminating point of victory.16
This is the point at which one competitors success prompts its
allies and other groups to withdraw their support or even throw
their weight against it.

The second threat to the balance of power system is the

power vacuum that occurs when there is no authority capable
of maintaining order in some geographic area. Power vacuums
are disruptive to the balance of power in two distinct ways.
First, the disorder in the vacuum tends to spread as violent ele-
ments launch raids into surrounding areas or commit other pro-
vocative acts. The disintegration of the Soviet Union in the
early 1990s has provided many examples of this sort. Another
example is the disintegration of Yugoslavia that resulted in
NATO intervention in Bosnia. Second, a power vacuum may
attract annexation by an external power. If this act threatens to
add substantially to the annexing entitys power, other states

Strategy MCDP 1-1

will become concerned and may interfere. Many Russians saw

NATOs intervention in Bosnia in this light. NATOs agree-
ment to Russian participation in that mission was an attempt to
mitigate such concerns.

Some have argued that the balance of power is no longer a

useful concept in the post-Cold War world dominated by a sin-
gle military superpower. However, it is clear that on a regional
and local level the concept of balance of power remains a use-
ful basis for strategic analysis. The balancing mechanism re-
mains a useful strategic tool and is applicable to all levels.

Strategists must be aware of the dynamics of various bal-

ance of power systems involved in a strategic problem. Like
the invisible hand of market economics, the balance of power
mechanism is always at work, regardless of whether the sys-
tems participants believe that it is a good thing. It influences
our actions as well as those of our adversaries, allies, and neu-
tral powers.
Consider the case of the Gulf War. One of the motives for
participation in the conflict by the U.S. and other Coalition
forces was concern over the prospect of a region dominated by
Iraq. Conversely, one of the postwar concerns was to avoid the
creation of a power vacuum that could lead to increased insta-
bility in the region or greater influence by Iran. Finally, the dy-
namics of relations within the Coalition also involved
reconciling sometimes differing views on balance of power is-
sues. In any coalition, some participants may be only

MCDP 1-1 The Strategic Environment

temporary allies with long-term goals that may diverge widely

from one another. Thus, balance of power considerations were
at work from start to finish during this conflict.


This chapter has described the nature of the strategic environ-

ment. This environment is defined by the nature of politics and
the interactions of political entities that participate in the politi-
cal process. The strategic environment is complex and subject
to the interplay of dynamic and often contradictory factors.
Some elements of politics and policy are rational, that is, the
product of conscious thought and intent. Other aspects are gov-
erned by forces that defy rational explanation. We can discern
certain factors that are at work in any strategic situationthe
constants and normsand use them as a framework to help
understand what is occurring. At the same time, we realize that
each strategic situation is unique and that in order to grasp its
true nature, we must comprehend how the character and moti-
vations of each of the antagonists will interact in these specific

Summarizing the environment within which war and strat-

egy are made, Clausewitz described it as being dominated by a
remarkable trinity that is

Strategy MCDP 1-1

composed of primordial violence, hatred, and enmity, which

are to be regarded as a blind natural force; of the play of
chance and probability within which the creative spirit is free
to roam; and of [wars] element of subordination, as an in-
strument of policy, which makes it subject to reason alone.

The first of these three aspects mainly concerns the people;

the second the commander and his army; the third the

These three tendencies are like three different codes of law,

deep-rooted in their subject and yet variable in their relation-
ship to one another. A theory that ignores any one of them or
seeks to fix an arbitrary relationship between them would
conflict with reality to such an extent that for this reason
alone it would be totally useless.

Our task therefore is to develop a theory that maintains a bal-

ance between these three tendencies, like an object suspended
between three magnets.17

Clausewitz concluded that the strategic environment is

shaped by the disparate forces of emotion, chance, and rational
thought. At any given moment, one of these forces may domi-
nate, but the other two are always at work. The actual course
of events is determined by the dynamic interplay among them.
The effective strategist must master the meaning and the pecu-
liarities of this environment.18

Chapter 2

Ends and Means
You [military professionals] must know something about
strategy and tactics and logistics, but also economics and
politics and diplomacy and history. You must know everything
you can about military power, and you must also understand
the limits of military power.

You must understand that few of the problems of our time

have . . . been solved by military power alone.1

John F. Kennedy
MCDP 1-1 Strategy: Ends and Means

S trategy, broadly defined, is the process of interrelating

ends and means. When we apply this process to a particu-
lar set of ends and means, the productthat is, the strate-
gyis a specific way of using specified means to achieve
distinct ends. Strategy is thus both a process and a product.
Any discussion of ends and means in war must begin with two
basic points. First, as we have observed, war is an expression
of politics. The ends or goals of any party waging wareven
though those goals may be social, economic, religious, or ideo-
logical in natureare by definition political goals. Second,
wars are fought by political entities that have unique character-
istics and often very dissimilar goals and resources. In order to
understand any conflict, we must appreciate the ways in which
the means and ends of the participants may vary.


Our primary interest is in military strategy, the art and science

of employing the armed forces of a nation to secure the objec-
tives of national policy by the application of force or the threat
of force.2 However, in order to place military strategy in its
proper context, it is necessary to understand national strategy.
Military strategy is subordinate to national strategy, which is
the art and science of developing and using political, economic,
military, and informational powers, together with armed force,
during peace and war, to secure the objectives of policy.3 Of
necessity, we must begin with national strategy and describe

Strategy MCDP 1-1

how ends and means must be related at the very highest levels
before we can proceed to determine military objectives and

At the highest levels, ends are expressed as national inter-

ests. Interests are a nations wants, needs, and concerns. Spe-
cifically, national interests normally involve four main areas:
survival and security, political and territorial integrity, eco-
nomic stability and well-being, and stability. Conflict can arise
as a result of a threat (or perceived threat) to any one of these
four areas. Interests are central to a discussion of strategy be-
cause interests signal a nations desires and intentions to other
nations. As discussed earlier, nation and state are not

Certain interests that a nation sees as essential are referred

to as vital interests. Vital interests are distinguished from other
interests by the fact that nations are usually unwilling to com-
promise on them and are often prepared to resort to conflict in
support of them.4 Thus, when examining a strategic situation, a
strategist must identify not only what interests are at stake but
also which interests one or more of the participants view as

National interests are often vague or consist of highly gener-

alized abstractions. While national interests underpin national
strategy, the specifics of the strategy must focus on more con-
crete ends. The specific goals and aims of national strategy are
often referred to as objectives. Objectives are the ends a nation

MCDP 1-1 Strategy: Ends and Means

must achieve to promote, protect, or attain its interests. Objec-

tives tend to be more tangible than interests because they nor-
mally describe specific activities or conditions which must be
attained. Objectives provide the departure point for national
strategy in that they describe what a state is actually trying to

In peacetime, national interests and objectives lead to spe-

cific policies and commitments. Policy is a pattern or patterns
of actions designed to attain specific objectives. Policy can rep-
resent a broad course of action or intent. Policy is the ways
(methods or patterns) by which strategy reaches its objectives.
Commitments are expressions of a nations intention to use its
instruments of national power. Whereas policy might express
general intent, a course of action, or restraints on action, com-
mitments pledge nations to take specific actions at specific
times and places. While conflict is always related to some na-
tional interest or objective, it is normally the outgrowth of a
specific policy or commitment.

The articulation of national interests, objectives, policies,

and commitments linked to use of the instruments of national
power is sometimes referred to as grand strategy, grand na-
tional strategy, or, currently in the United States, national se-
curity strategy. Grand strategies or national security strategies
are implemented by subordinate strategiespolitical or diplo-
matic strategies, economic strategies, national military strate-
gies, and so forthfor the use of each of the instruments of
national power.

Strategy MCDP 1-1

Knowledge of this peacetime strategic framework (figure 1)

is required in order to comprehend the origins of any particular
conflict situation. However, it is even more important to under-
stand the links among national strategy, military strategy, and
other supporting strategies during conflict. Without this funda-
mental understanding, it will be difficult to establish the appro-
priate relationship between policy and the military action
intended to carry out the policy.
In war, the national strategy focuses the instruments of na-
tional power6 on achieving its political ends or objectives as


Figure 1. Relationship of political objectives to

national strategy and supporting strategies.

MCDP 1-1 Strategy: Ends and Means

articulated by the political leadership. Diplomatic, economic,

military, and informational actions are linked through support-
ing strategies that contribute to attaining the objective of na-
tional strategy.

Military strategy, in turn, applies the military instrument of

national power towards the accomplishment of the political ob-
jectives of the overall national strategy. The departure point for
military strategy, therefore, is the objectives of the national
strategy. From there, military strategy must identify a military
goal or objective that will lead to accomplishment of the politi-
cal objective. The military objective then provides the basis for
the identification of specific ways to accomplish that objective.
The selection of one of these courses of action and its further
development results in a strategic concept that embodies the
key components of the chosen military strategy. The military
strategy is not developed in isolation from the other instruments
of national power. The military objectives and strategy must
also be compatible with the diplomatic, economic, and infor-
mational objectives and strategies.

Strategists must be able to analyze the overall strategic

situation and appreciate the larger context in which military
strategy is executed. In order to formulate and implement an
effective military strategy, they must understand the ends and
means of the larger national strategy as well as the strategies of
the enemy, allies, and related neutral parties. In order to de-
velop this understanding, we now look more deeply at ends and
means within national strategy.

Strategy MCDP 1-1


Survival and Victory

There are only two fundamental national strategic goals in any
conflict: survival and victory. Any specific aims that we may
pursue will reflect one or both of these two goals. Survival is
the minimum goal of opponents and a prerequisite for victory.
Victory is normally associated with the achievement of the po-
litical aims of the war, but it also requires an end to the war
and the reestablishment of peace. The strategist must strive to
understand what survival and victory mean in the specific
situation at hand to each of the struggles par- ticipants.

Survival is the continued existence of the political entity that

is at war. However, survival can mean different things to dif-
ferent political entities. Survival often equates to the continu-
ance of a way of life or the well-being of the population.
Threats to this type of survival are usually met with fierce re-
sistance. Sometimes the survival of a particular individual or
group will take priority over the interests of the whole. In such
a case, strategies that seek to compel submission by threatening
the interests of the nation or of its people may have little direct
impact. Finally, some political groups or ideological move-
ments are willing to fight on until they are destroyed. Their
hopes of survival lie in leaving behind a heroic legend to

MCDP 1-1 Strategy: Ends and Means

influence future generations or in making some other kind of

lasting statement to humanity or God. For these groups, even
the threat of annihilation may have little impact on their

Victory can be as hard to define as survival. Victory nor-

mally means the accomplishment of the specific political aims
for which the group went to war. In practice, however, victory
may mean merely ending the war on terms less unfavorable to
oneself than to the enemy. If the costs of continuing a military
struggle come to exceed the value of the goal, meaningful vic-
tory is unattainable. Given the nature of war, however, such
cost-benefit analysis is more easily described than accom-
plished. A major problem with victory as a goal is that victory
is an emotion-laden word. The accomplishment of limited mili-
tary and political aims that do not satisfy the emotions or seem
to justify the costs of the war may not feel like victory. Be-
cause we cannot precisely measure the value of most wars aims
or accurately judge the cost of their attainment, it is often diffi-
cult to perceive the point at which the cost of fighting exceeds
the value of victory.

The main point in this discussion of survival and victory is

that the problem of identifying what survival and victory mean
to various participants in war can be extremely difficult. Our
analysis must involve a multitude of considerations that are
different in every conflict.
Political Objectives

Strategy MCDP 1-1

Political entities go to war for a variety of reasons, ranging

from the simple, such as seizing or protecting a valuable piece
of territory, to the abstract such as defending national honor
or maintaining the balance of power. Despite their diversity,
political objectives in war can be labeled as either limited or
unlimited. The distinction is fundamental. An unlimited politi-
cal objective amounts to the elimination of the opponent as a
political entity. A limited political objective, on the other hand,
is one in which the enemy leadership can survive and remain in
power. See figure 2.

When a political entity seeks an unlimited political objective,

its enemys leadership is to be removed (perhaps merely de-
posed, perhaps exiled, imprisoned, or executed), while the




Figure 2. Limited and unlimited

political objectives.

MCDP 1-1 Strategy: Ends and Means

enemys former assets (territory, population, economic re-

sources) may be absorbed, redistributed, or eradicated. Ab-
sorption can mean many things. With the breakup of
Yugoslavia, Serbia began an effort to systematically reabsorb
each of the newly established states with the intent to reestab-
lish a new Yugoslavia under Serbian control. On the other
hand, the United States invasion of Panama successfully dis-
posed of the current regime but upon reconstitution left the
Panamanian people in control of their government. Both cases
provide examples of unlimited political objectives. The first
demonstrates the desire to remove the current leadership and
absorb territory, population, and resources. The second demon-
strates the desire to remove the current leadership and redis-
tribute the sources of power.




Figure 2. Limited and unlimited

political objectivesContinued.

Strategy MCDP 1-1

An unlimited political objective, then, may embrace any-

thing from merely deposing a particular leader to physically
exterminating an entire people or culture. Ideological revolu-
tionaries, would-be world conquerors, and both sides in most
true civil wars7 tend to seek unlimited political objectives. Oc-
casionally, defensive alliances seeking to eliminate a habitual
aggressor will also pursue an unlimited political objective.

Conversely, a limited political objective includes anything

short of eliminating the political opponent. It is envisioned that
the enemy leadership will remain in control after the conclusion
of hostilities, although some aspects of its power (influence,
territory, resources, or internal control) will be reduced or cur-
tailed. Limited political objectives are characteristic of states
seeking better positions in the international balance of power,
clans vying for political position within a larger society, mafias
or street gangs battling for turf, and reformist political


In the purest sense, the means in war is combatphysically at-

tacking the enemy or defending against his attacks upon us.
However, war is not limited to purely military means. In fact,
military means are only one element used to implement a na-
tional strategy. The relative importance placed on the military

MCDP 1-1 Strategy: Ends and Means

element of the national strategy varies greatly depending on the

nature and the particular circumstances of the struggle. All of
the instruments of powerdiplomatic, economic, military, and
informationalmust be brought to bear and exploited to the
fullest in war.

Diplomacy is the art of employing communications and es-

tablishing relationships in the global environment. Ideas, pres-
tige, and commitment are the currencies of the field. The
diplomatic instrument uses a nations international position
combined with diplomacy to achieve national objectives. Diplo-
matic tools may include negotiations, political recognition,
treaties, and alliances. While the diplomatic instrument is nor-
mally emphasized before hostilities actually begin, it remains a
key element of the national strategy in any conflict situation. In
certain situations (especially military operations other than
war), the diplomatic instrument continues to be the main effort,
even after the commitment of military forces.

The economic instrument uses the application of material re-

sources to achieve national objectives. Nations employ eco-
nomic means to protect their own industries and markets, to
improve the quality of life of their people, to stabilize the econ-
omy and government of friends and allies, and to deter destabi-
lizing and hostile actions by other nations. Specific economic
means include regulation of trade practices, loans and loan
guarantees, monetary and investment policies, foreign aid, sub-
sidies, and technology transfers. As with the diplomatic instru-
ment, the economic instrument generally has primacy over the

Strategy MCDP 1-1

military instrument during peace and is often used before mili-

tary force during a crisis; changes in trade or monetary policy,
economic sanctions, or some type of embargo are frequently
the first steps taken in an effort to influence an adversarys be-
havior. However, economic considerations continue to be at the
forefront of any conflict, and the use of economic measures to
support the friendly war effort and to undermine the enemys
ability to resist continue throughout the course of a war.

The military instrument is the use of force or the threat to

use force to achieve national objectives. Military power is the
sum of a nations weapons and equipment, trained manpower,
organizations, doctrines, industrial base, and sustainment ca-
pacity. The military instrument can be employed in a variety of
ways that are short of combat such as training allies, establish-
ing presence, or acting as a show-of-force. However, the main
use of military power is in conflict. While the military instru-
ment is often the main effort during war, the nature and objec-
tives of the particular conflict must be examined to determine
the appropriate relationship between the use of military force
and the application of the other instruments of national power.

The informational instrument (previously known as the psy-

chological element or instrument) refers to the use of informa-
tion and ideas to advance the interests and achieve the
objectives of the nation. The objective in the use of the
information instrument is to influence the perceptions and atti-
tudes of allies, adversaries, and interested observers. Informa-
tional tools include the expression of intent and motive,

MCDP 1-1 Strategy: Ends and Means

propaganda and press releases, information and personalities,

food drops and medical care for refugeesin short, anything
that affects the rational or emotional components of the human

While less tangible than the others, the power of ideas and
information is real and should not be underestimated. With the
informational instrument, a nation can create a psychological
impact causing responses ranging from awe or admiration to
fear or loathing. This psychological impact can influence not
only political and military leaders but the societies of the na-
tions involved and world opinion. It can generate sympathy or
antipathy inspired by the culture, ideas, values, and stated
cause and objectives for which the parties are fighting.

The instruments of national power overlap and interconnect.

Diplomats power to sway other governments is greatly de-
pendent on those governments awareness of economic and
military power and on their assessment of a nations willing-
ness to use that power. Economic power is bolstered by mili-
tary power that can defend economic interests. Military power
is often dependent on the diplomats ability to gain basing
rights and overflight permission from other countries or to en-
list them in alliances and coalitions. Military power is directly
dependent on the financial and technological strength of the na-
tions economy.
Military professionals naturally concentrate on the military
means of strategy, but they should also be conscious of the
other means that can be exploited and must be defended in the

Strategy MCDP 1-1

larger political struggle. Most importantly, they must under-

stand that military force is an inappropriate tool for the solu-
tion of most political difficulties. Force is at best a necessary
means for clearing obstacles to more peaceful solutions. This
appreciation of the role of force is a vital component of mili-
tary professionalism, for military leaders have a responsibility
to ensure that political leaders understand both the capabilities
and the limitations of the military instrument.

In appraising the relationship between the military and non-

military instruments of our national power in any given situa-
tion, we must be prepared to ask:

How can our military capabilities complement or assist

the other instruments of national power in achieving our
political goals?
How can diplomatic, informational, and economic instru-
ments of our national power aid our military efforts?
How might our uses of force impede or imperil the
achievement of our political goals?

We must seek to achieve our goals as economically as pos-

sible and with the right combination of meansdiplo- matic,
economic, military, and informational. The way in which we
combine these means in any given conflict will be greatly af-
fected by the kind of strategy we pursue and by the strategic
goals we seek.

MCDP 1-1 Strategy: Ends and Means


When discussing strategy in the abstract, we often treat means

and ends as fixed. In practice, however, we frequently adjust
both. The occurrences of warsuccesses and failures, lessons
learned, new ideas, the entry of new combatantsmay cause
us to shift both our means and our goals. As our resources in-
crease, as we gain confidence in our abilities, and as we find
our enemy more vulnerable than we had imagined, we tend to
expand our goals. On the other hand, when we find our re-
sources or abilities inadequate, we cut our ambitions to match.

Given time, determination, and creativity, means can be de-

veloped to achieve many reasonable goals. Means are adjust-
able to some degree at every level. Moreover, our ends can
affect the means available to us. War aims that evoke popular
enthusiasm can give leaders access to resources otherwise un-
available. The emotions created by violence can help war to
feed itself, as it energizes people to greater efforts and sacri-
fices than would be otherwise obtainable.

Another example of the different ways strategic means can

be adjusted to match strategic ends can be found in the shifting
American strategy of the Cold War. From the Truman admini-
stration on, the American government pursued the goal of

Strategy MCDP 1-1

containing the Soviet Union. The means adopted, however,

tended to shift from administration to administration.8

President Eisenhowers administration employed a strategy

labeled massive retaliation, which relied on the United
States nuclear superiority to deter Soviet expansion. The So-
viet Union possessed huge conventional forces but could not
match the American nuclear capability. Eisenhower wished to
avoid building and maintaining large conventional forces, argu-
ing that nuclear weapons provided more bang for the buck.
Rather than attempt to match the Soviets conventional military
power, massive retaliation threatened a nuclear response to any
aggressive move by the Soviet Union.

Although containment remained the broad goal, President

Kennedys following administration had an entirely different
approach to means. The strategic situation was changing to
some extent because of the very success of the earlier massive
retaliation strategy. The Soviets nuclear arsenal was growing,
and they had found a way around the American nuclear um-
brella by sponsoring numerous wars of national liberation. It
became necessary to confront the Soviets with conventional
and counterinsurgency forces as well as with nuclear arms. The
Kennedy administration formulated the strategy of flexible re-
sponse, requiring forces capable of deterring and, if neces-
sary, fighting the Soviets at all levels of conflict.

MCDP 1-1 Strategy: Ends and Means

The resources and commitments necessary to carry out

flexible response proved too costly for the Nation, and Presi-
dent Nixons administration again changed the means used to
pursue the goal of containment. The strategy of dtente was in-
tended to convince the Soviets to restrain themselves based
upon a combination of pressures and induce- ments. Among
these pressures and inducements were the conduct of direct ne-
gotiations with the Soviet Union on issues such as arms con-
trol, the establishment of links to the Peoples Republic of
China, and a new set of policies toward United States allies
which has been called the Nixon doctrine. The Nixon doc-
trine emphasized establishment of a series of bilateral and mul-
tilateral alliances to contain Soviet expansion. The United
States would provide economic and military support to its al-
lies, many of whom bordered on the Soviet Union or one of its
clients. Military aid consisted primarily of air and naval sup-
port along with the implicit protection offered by the United
States nuclear capabilities. As a result of the United States
experience in Vietnam, however, the commitment of United
States ground units would occur only in cases of long-standing
treaty obligations such as in Western Europe or Korea.


Just as a national strategy will have a number of political ob-

jectives, a particular military strategy will have a number of
specific military objectives. However, there are only two fun-
damental ends behind the use of military force. The first is to

Strategy MCDP 1-1

physically overpower the enemys military capacity, leaving

him unable to resist our demands. The other is to inflict such
high costs on the enemy that he is willing to negotiate an end to
hostilities on the terms we desire. The first of these alternatives
represents what we call a strategy of annihilation.9 In an anni-
hilation strategy, our military objective is unlimited: we seek to
eliminate the enemys ability to resist, thus leaving him helpless
to oppose the imposition of our will. The second alternative is a
strategy of erosion.10 Here, our military objective is limited: we
seek only to raise the enemys costs so high that he will find
ending the war on our terms more attractive than continuing to

The goal of a strategy of annihilation is to deprive the enemy

of the ability to resist, to make him militarily helpless. Annihi-
lation does not require the complete physical destruction of the
enemys military forces. Rather, it requires that the forces be
so demoralized and disorganized that they become unable to ef-
fectively interfere with the achievement of our political goals.
What is being annihilatedliterally made into nothingis
the enemys physical means to oppose us.
Normally, a strategy of annihilation is viable only when one
of the participants possesses some very great superiority over
the other in terms of brute strength, military skill, leadership,
technological capabilities, or morale. Without such an advan-
tage, annihilation strategies often fail, resulting in protracted
conflicts and requiring such a commitment of resources that
one or all the parties find themselves exhausted before the en-
emy can be eliminated. The 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq War and the

MCDP 1-1 Strategy: Ends and Means

Bosnian conflict from 1992 to 1995 are representative exam-

ples of what happens when states pursue annihilation strategies
without the necessary advantages. Sometimes the necessary su-
periority can be obtained through surprise, although this is
hard to achieve and dangerous to rely on. If the opponent has
any strategic depth, he may recover from his surprise before
victory is assured.

The objective of the second approacha strategy of ero-

sionis to convince the enemy that settling the political dis-
pute will be easier and the outcome more attractive than
continued conflict. To put it another way, erosion strategies
seek to present the enemy with the probability of an outcome
worse in his eyes than peace on the adversarys terms. This is
accomplished through eroding or wearing down the enemys
will to fight, rather than destroying his ability to resist.

Erosion strategies are used to pursue a limited political ob-

jective when one combatant is either unable or unwilling to de-
stroy the opponents war-making capability. In many cases, an
erosion strategy is required simply because the enemy is too
powerful or difficult to annihilate. In other cases, this approach
is used because one party does not want or need to destroy the
others military capacity. Perhaps the goal requires such a
modest concession from the enemy that it is reasonable to be-
lieve he will acquiesce after modest resistance. In another ex-
ample, there may be a continuing need to keep the opponents

Strategy MCDP 1-1

military forces in existence as a buffer or as a factor in the bal-

ance of power.

Relationship Between Political and Military Objectives

Political objectives and military objectives are very different
things. Political objectives describe, in a sense, where we want
to go. Military objectives describe what we have to accomplish
militarily in order to get there.

If the political objective is unlimited, the military strategy

must be unlimited. Conversely, a limited political objective
may call for a military strategy with limited objectivesthat is,
an erosion strategy. In Afghanistan, the Mujahidin and their
Western backers sought a limited political objective: to get the
Soviet Union to withdraw from the struggle. Accordingly, they
pursued an erosion strategy, seeking to make the Afghan ad-
venture too costly for the Soviet government to sustain.

Though our political objective is limited, it does not neces-

sarily follow that our military strategy must also be limited
(figure 3). The Gulf War provides an example of an unlimited
military strategy applied successfully in pursuit of a limited
political objective. The Coalition had a limited political objec-
tive: restore Kuwaits independence. In order to attain this ob-
jective, however, it was necessary to destroy all capability of
the Iraqi forces to resist and forcibly eject them from Kuwait.
Thus, the Coalition employed a strategy of annihilation, pursu-
ing the total defeat of Iraqs military capacity within the Ku-
wait theater of operations.

MCDP 1-1 Strategy: Ends and Means

Strategies of annihilation are conceptually simple. The focus

of operational efforts is the enemys armed forces and the ob-
ject is to render them powerless. Those forces may be annihi-
lated through battle or through destruction of the social or
industrial infrastructure that supports them. The main effort is
the armed forces. The diplomatic, economic, and informational
instruments of national power support the military effort. Vic-
tory is easily measured: when one sides fighting forces are no
longer able to present organized resistance, the other side has

Figure 3. Relationship between

political and military objectives.

Strategy MCDP 1-1

By comparison, erosion strategies involve many more vari-

ables. In erosion strategies, there is a much wider choice in the
designation of a main effort among the instruments of national
power, the relationship of military force to the other instru-
ments of power, and the definition of victory. Attacks may be
focused on the enemys armed forces, as in an annihilation
strategy, or some other valuable resource such as territory,
commerce, or financial assets may be seized, threatened, or
neutralized. Military forces are normally the main effort in the
seizing and holding of territory. Successful embargoes and the
freezing of financial assets, on the other hand, often depend
primarily on diplomatic and economic power. It may also be
possible to undermine an enemys domestic or international po-
litical position through the use of informational or psychologi-
cal operations.

Victory in a strategy of erosion can be more flexibly de-

fined or more ambiguous than is the case with an annihilation
strategy. The enemys submission to our demands may be ex-
plicit or implicit, embodied in a formal treaty or in behind-the-
scenes agreements. Convinced that we have made our point, we
may simply declare victory and go home. A compromise may
allow both sides to claim success. Victories in erosion strate-
gies thus tend to be undramatic, but they can have tremendous
political consequences. The Wests success in its containment
of the Communist bloc, essentially a very long-term erosion
strategy, offers a powerful example.

MCDP 1-1 Strategy: Ends and Means

Distinguishing Between Erosion

and Annihilation Strategies
Although annihilation and erosion are conceptually quite differ-
ent, in practice it is often hard to distinguish between them.
There are several reasons for this ambiguity. First, annihilation
and erosion become practically indistinguishable when one side
or both pursue annihilation, but neither has an overwhelming
military superiority. In such a case, unlimited political and
military objectives can be obtained only through slugging it
out. This guarantees roughly comparable losses on both sides
and can lead to negotiated settlements, even though one or both
sides originally sought unlimited ob- jectives.

Second, these two strategies can overlap, or one can lead to

the other. Sometimes it is the threat of annihilation that forces
the enemy to make a deal. In that case, the difference between
an erosion strategy and one of annihilation is that the enemy is
offered an option of settling the issue before he is made help-
less. Conversely, if an enemy cannot be worn down through an
erosion strategy into accepting a settlement, it may be neces-
sary to switch to a strategy of annihilation.

Third, a strategy that has not yet fully taken shape may be
ambiguous. In some cases, this ambiguity reflects calculation:
either the strategy is decided but is being disguised, or the
strategist has goals that can be fulfilled via either approach and
is waiting to see how his opportunities develop. In other cases,
ambiguity reflects poor strategy making: the strategy maker
does not know what he wants to achieve or how to achieve it.

Strategy MCDP 1-1

Ultimately, however, a successful strategy must turn out to be

one or the other. At wars end, a strategy that has neither elimi-
nated the enemys ability to resist nor worn down his will to
continue the struggle is a strategy that has failed.

The distinction between strategies of annihilation and ero-

sion is fundamental. The successful strategist must be able to
distinguish which strategy is being pursued or should be pur-
sued in a given situation. The ability to determine which strat-
egy is appropriate in turn depends upon the strategists
understanding of the ends of national strategy and the means
employed to achieve those ends. Without this foundation, it is
impossible to arrive at the specifics of a particular military
strategy: the determination of military objectives, the identifica-
tion of the appropriate means to achieve those objectives, and
the development of the strategic concept.

Chapter 3

Strategic Opposites
Grand strategy must always remember that peace follows
B. H. Liddell Hart
MCDP 1-1 Strategic Opposites

I t is crucial to distinguish between annihilation and erosion

strategies and to understand who is pursuing which goal
and why. There are, however, a great many other dimensions to
any strategic situation. The dynamics of a struggle are affected
not only by the differing political and military goals of the an-
tagonists but by similarities and differences in their character,
the kinds of forces they employ, the techniques they use, and
the ways they seeand are seen bythe world. In making a
strategic assessment, such factors are more important than a
simple numerical comparison of units and equipment.

In this chapter, we will examine several sets of strategic op-

posites that are helpful in understanding the nature of the stra-
tegic problem. All of these pairs of opposites do not necessarily
apply to every strategic situation, nor do these approaches nec-
essarily influence each other. For example, whether a strategy
is symmetrical or asymmetrical has little bearing on whether it
is annihilative or erosive. Nonetheless, a grasp of these con-
cepts will help us to formulate the questions we must ask as we
try to understand the specific problem before us.


The strategic attacker is the antagonist seeking to add to his

relative power. It usually is the side that initiates a war, al-
though defenders sometimes launch preemptive attacks. An at-
tacker may be seeking to completely overthrow the balance of

Strategy MCDP 1-1

power or may simply want an upward adjustment in his rela-

tive position. This distinction affects the kinds of strategies
both sides pursue and the intensity of the struggle.

The strategic defender is the participant that wants to keep

what he has or to maintain his relative position in a balance of
power system. In many important respects, defense is inher-
ently stronger than offense. The strength of the strategic de-
fense derives from human psychology and the balance of power
mechanism as well as the forces of friction and inertia. People
are naturally willing to endure great sacrifices in defense of
their homes and homelands and much less willing to endure
such sacrifices in military adventures abroad. An aggressors
action frequently causes anxiety and hostility in neighboring al-
lied and neutral countries; they often interpret a challenge to
the existing balance of power as a threat and are more natu-
rally inclined to support the defender. Friction and inertia are
normally on the side of the defender as well: it is inherently
easier to hold onto something than to take it away from some-
one else.

These political and psychological strengths of the strategic

defense are present in all wars, even those in which territorial
gains and losses are not a major factor. The strength of the de-
fense is often reinforced operationally since the attacker is nor-
mally moving away from his base of supply and the center of
his political power, while the defender is falling back on his.

MCDP 1-1 Strategic Opposites

Note, of course, that this superiority of the strategic defense

is not an absolute. Obviously, a defender with few resources
and poor leadership is not stronger than an attacker with vastly
greater resources and good leadership. However, all other
things being equal, the defender has the advantage.

At the tactical and operational levels, the roles of attacker

and defender may frequently change hands or even be shared
more or less evenly. At the strategic level, however, the roles
tend to be fixed throughout any given conflict. In World War
II, for instance, the Western Allies held the advantages of the
strategic defense even as their armies marched into Germany.
They were perceived as being restorers of the balance of power
rather than as threats to it. However, in some situations, the
roles of strategic attacker and defender can be reversed. When
war is endemic in a society, when the origins of the conflict are
poorly remembered, or when the war guilt has come to be
equally shared, the advantages of the original defender tend to
be lost. In such a case, the balance of power mechanism usu-
ally tends to support the current defender and to oppose which-
ever contender seems momentarily to have the initiative.

Strategy MCDP 1-1



Strategies can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical. That is,

the contending powers may pursue mirror-image ends or rely
on similar means, or they may pursue quite different kinds of
goals or apply dissimilar means.2

A symmetrical military strategy is one that attempts to

matchor rather, to overmatchthe enemy strength for
strength, to beat him on his own terms. An asymmetrical strat-
egy is one that attempts to apply one category of means against
another category, to use some means to which the enemy can-
not effectively respond in kind.

Many wars are fought between very different enemies and

are thus profoundly asymmetrical in character. For example, a
terrorist organization may wage war against a government or
even against the international community as a whole. The ter-
rorist campaigns of the Irish Republican Army against the
United Kingdom and the Palestine Liberation Organization
against Israel are illustrations. Most states would like nothing
better than for terrorists to act symmetrically and resort to
open battle, which would make them vulnerable to the states
superior conventional military forces. On the other hand, ter-
rorists may also seek to provoke a symmetrical response: the
purpose of many terrorist attacks is to provoke governments
into actions that antagonize ordinary citizens such as restrictive

MCDP 1-1 Strategic Opposites

security measures or even reprisals in kind. These acts under-

mine the legitimacy and credibility of the government and play
into the hands of the terrorist strategy. Because of the funda-
mentally different natures of the adversaries, the political ef-
fects of these similar actions are dramatically different.

Most real-world strategies are a mixture of symmetrical and

asymmetrical elements, and it is often difficult to determine the
overall balance between them. Thus any discussion of symme-
try or asymmetry in war is a matter of degree as well as kind.
The usefulness of the concept is that it helps us analyze the dy-
namics of a struggle. For example, the American strategy of
containment during the Cold War always involved strong ele-
ments of both symmetry and asymmetry. From a military
standpoint, Eisenhowers massive retaliation policy was funda-
mentally an asymmetrical strategy: the United States would re-
ply to any type of Soviet aggression by means and at places of
our own choosing.3 This was generally interpreted to mean a
U.S. nuclear response to a conventional Soviet provocation.
From the national strategic standpoint however, Eisenhowers
strategy was broadly similar to the Soviet Unions in that both
relied primarily on deterrence rather than on the actual applica-
tion of military force. The Kennedy administrations subse-
quent flexible response strategy was militarily a symmetrical
strategy of matching the Soviets strength for strength. How-
ever, it also took advantage of economic and political

Strategy MCDP 1-1

There is no innate advantage or disadvantage to either a

symmetrical or asymmetrical strategy. The choice depends on
the situation and on the constraints of time and creativity. The
interplay between symmetry and asymmetry in any struggle is
unique and covers a wide range of possibilities. In Indias post-
World War II struggle for independence, for example, British
military power was overthrown by the most asymmetrical ap-
proach imaginable: Gandhis campaign of nonvio- lence.

A particular strategy must take into account the similarities

and differences between the opponents and mustwhen neces-
sary or advantageousseek to create new ones. The effective
strategist is not biased in favor of either symmetry or asymme-
try but is keenly aware of both and of the interplay between



Deterrence means dissuading an enemy from an action by

means of some countervailing threat. There are essentially two
methods of deterrence: denial and reprisal.

To deter by denial means to prevent an enemys action by

convincing him that his action will fail. Conceptually, this is a
symmetrical approach (although the actual means of denial
may be either symmetrical or asymmetrical). For example, a

MCDP 1-1 Strategic Opposites

state may deter conventional invasion by maintaining suffi-

ciently credible forces to defend its borders. It may deter the
use of poison gas by training and equipping its forces and
population to function effectively in a chemical warfare envi-
ronment. Terrorists may be deterred from attacks on airports
by tight security.

The second approach, reprisal, is conceptually asymmetri-

cal. We may concede to the enemy that he is capable of taking
what he wants from us but seek to convince him that his prize
will not be worth the price he will pay for it. For example, a
state weak in conventional forces may seek to deter enemy oc-
cupation by credibly preparing to wage a long, painful guerrilla
war of resistance. Conventional invasion might also be deterred
through the threat of nuclear retaliation.

There are overlaps between denial and reprisal. Tight airport

security may deter terrorists by convincing them either that
their efforts will fail (denial) or that they will be caught and
punished (reprisal). A demonstrated capability to wage chemi-
cal warfare may deter a gas attack both by denying the enemy
an advantage and by threatening to retaliate in kind.

As these examples indicate, in practice denial and reprisal

are often more effective when applied in tandem. The ability of
one side to deny its enemy an advantage cannot always be ab-
solutely convincing, especially if the other side is inclined to
take risks. Deterrence by denial also implies a certain passivity.
An enemy may be willing to test the defenses if he believes that

Strategy MCDP 1-1

failure carries no further penalty. On the other hand, while de-

terrence by reprisal compensates for some of the weakness of
denial, reprisal has its own weaknesses. Retaliation, even if
carried out successfully, may come too late to avoid suffering
significant damage.


Usually, when we talk about the conscious formulation of a
particular strategy, we are talking about a specific way of us-
ing specific means to reach specific ends. This is a strategy
tailored to deal with a particular problem. Our means are
finely adapted to fit our ends, and vice versa.

There are classes of problems, however, that do not initially

lend themselves to such tailoring. These problems usually fall

First, we lack the time to tailor a unique response to a

specific problem. This can be the case in rapidly unfold-
ing strategic problems or when we are unwilling or un-
able to adapt for some other reason.
Second, we lack the specific knowledge needed to craft a
unique strategy but recognize the problem as fitting a cer-
tain pattern.

MCDP 1-1 Strategic Opposites

In such cases, we normally adopt a standardized strategy,

whether or not it is truly appropriate to the specific problem.

Standardized and tailored strategies are not mutually exclu-

sive. Often a standardized strategy provides the point of depar-
ture for a tailored strategy that evolves as the situation
develops. If we run into certain types of problems often
enough, we develop standardized responses that are generally
appropriate to that type of problem. Experience has taught us
they will work more often than not. In many cases, standard-
ized strategies are designed to gain time to find an appropriate,
specific solution.

Standardized strategies are not fixed; they can be changed

and improved, usually on the basis of experience. These strate-
gies build a certain reputation that may strongly influence the
behavior of friends, foes, and neutrals. Standardized strategies
generally find expression not within a single war, but over the
course of many conflicts. Such a strategys immediate payoff
in any particular case may be less than completely satisfying,
but it can offer great advantages over the long term.

As an example, the United States has employed a standard-

ized strategy of providing nation-building support to defeated
enemies. During the period of reconstruction, the United States
assists in rebuilding the defeated states industrial base and in-
frastructure. Two notable examples are the recon- struction of
Germany and Japan following World War II. More recently,

Strategy MCDP 1-1

the United States provided postconflict aid to Grenada, Pan-

ama, and Haiti.

In its conduct of war, the United States pursues a standard

strategy that includes respect for the independence of allies,
relatively mild occupation policies, the generous and systematic
reconstruction of conquered states, as well as a persistent eco-
nomic isolation of hostile nations. These policies reflect a rec-
ognition that wars end and that the victors must live with the
survivors. This approach also makes it easier for other states to
act as American allies and difficult for enemies to create and
sustain popular resistance to American power and influence.
Combined with the American reputation for overwhelming fire-
power and a demonstrated willingness to use it in war, such
policies have contributed greatly to Americas strategic


Not all strategies are the product of conscious thought. War-

fare is driven by politics, and rational calculation is only one of
many factors in politics. Strategies by intent are those devel-
oped primarily through the rational consideration of options
and their likely implications. Strategies by default, on the other
hand, are those dictated by circumstances or determined pri-
marily by ideologies, unconscious assumptions, and prejudices

MCDP 1-1 Strategic Opposites

that prevent strategists from considering all of their options in

what many would consider a fully rational manner. While con-
ceptually distinct, the two are rarely mutually exclusive; most
strategies involve elements of both intent and default.

Consider the Russian strategic response to invasion by Ger-

many in World War II. The Russian intent was to defend their
country at the border. The strength of their enemy forced the
Russians into a strategy of delay and withdrawal until the in-
vader could be worn down sufficiently to be defeated. Con-
versely, the Nazis blind adherence to their racial ideologies led
to their failure to take advantage of the indifferent attitudes of
the Belorussian and Ukrainian peoples towards the Soviet re-
gime. Had they pursued a rational policy towards the popula-
tion of occupied Soviet territory, they might have undermined
the growth of a powerful partisan movement behind their lines.

The functioning of coalitions offers another illustration of

the interplay between strategies of intent and default. Coalition
warfare is often entered into as part of an intentional strategy.
However, strategies adopted by the coalition are complicated
or even subverted by the ideological motivations of the partici-
pants. Dictatorships generally have difficulty participating in
coalition warfare. However sensible it might be to cooperate
with other political entities in pursuit of common goals, dicta-
torships by their very nature demand the right to make deci-
sions unilaterally. They attempt to treat potential allies as
servants, subordinating others interests completely to their
own. Theocratic states that find their justification for existence

Strategy MCDP 1-1

in the demands of God may have a similar difficulty in making

rational strategic compromises. Liberal democracies that are
cooperative, compromising, balance-of-power entities inter-
nally are much more likely than dictatorships or theocracies to
demonstrate these same characteristics in their external rela-
tionships. They are also more likely to attempt to treat very dif-
ferent kinds of political entities as if they shared those values.

What we have described are only tendencies. Insightful and

strong-willed leaders occasionally overcome such tendencies.
Strategists must seek to understand which elements of their
own and the enemys strategies are fixed by nature and which
are subject to conscious change. A policy that seeks to con-
vince the enemy to change his behavior will fail if he is incapa-
ble of change.


The purpose of presenting the sets of opposing strategies in this

chapter is analytical rather than prescriptive. We must use
these concepts to understand what we, our allies, our enemies,
and relevant neutral forces are doing and why. They deepen
our understanding and throw new light on sometimes inscruta-
ble opponents. Faced with the possibility of war, however, the
strategist must return to the fundamentals we described in
chapter 2: What are the political objectives of each

MCDP 1-1 Strategic Opposites

participant? Are they limited or unlimited? How do the oppo-

nents perceive each others objectives? The answers to these
questions will have implications for the fundamental character
of any resulting conflict and the adoption of a particular strat-
egy. We must appreciate which elements of the situation are
fixed and which are subject to conscious change. We must be
prepared to deal with the constants and norms as well as uncer-
tainty and ambiguity. Only then can we intelligently discuss the
strategy-making process, as we do in the following chapter.

Chapter 4

The Making
Modern warfare resembles a spiders webeverything con-
nects, longitudinally or laterally, to everything else; there are
no independent strategies, no watertight compartments, nor
can there be.1
John Terraine
MCDP 1-1 The Making of Strategy

H aving considered the nature of the environment within

which strategy is made, the fundamental goals of all
strategies, and some ways to categorize a strategy, we now
consider how strategy is actually made.


Despite all that we have said about the nature of politics and
policy, people generally think of strategy making as a con-
scious, rational processthe direct and purposeful interrelat-
ing of ends and means. In fact, strategy is very seldom if ever
made in a fully rational way.

Each political entity has its own mechanism for developing

strategy. While certain elements of the strategy-making process
may be clearly visible, specified in a constitution and law or
conducted in open forum, many aspects of the process are dif-
ficult to observe or comprehend. Participants in the process it-
self may not fully understand or even be aware of the dynamics
that take place when dealing with a specific strategic situation.
Thus, it is impossible to define any sort of universal strategy-
making process. It is possible, however, to isolate certain key
elements that any strategy maker must take into account to ar-
rive at a suitable solution to a particular problem. We must fo-
cus on these elements if we are to understand the strategy and
strategic context of any particular conflict.

Strategy MCDP 1-1

Strategy making is in effect a problem-solving process. In

order to solve a particular problem, the strategist must under-
stand its nature and identify potential solutions. We start with
the nature of the problem and the particular political ends of
each of the participants in the conflict. This helps us to identify
the specific political objectives to be accomplished. These ob-
jectives lead to development of a national strategy to achieve
them. From there, we proceed to military strategy.

While it is difficult to specify in advance the content of a

military strategy, it is easier to describe the questions that mili-
tary strategy must answer. First, we must understand the politi-
cal objectives and establish those military objectives that
enable us to accomplish the political objectives. Second, we
must determine how best to achieve these military objectives.
Finally, we must translate the solution into a specific strategic
concept: Will our strategy result in the requirement for multiple
theaters or multiple campaigns? What are the intermediate
goals and objectives within these theaters and campaigns that
will achieve our political objectives? The military strategic
concept incorporates the answers to these questions and pro-
vides the direction needed by military commanders to imple-
ment the strategy.

The Strategic Assessment

When confronted with a strategic problem, strategists must
first make an assessment of the situation confronting them.
This assessment equates to the observation-orientation steps of
the observation-orientation-decide-act loop.2 While the factors

MCDP 1-1 The Making of Strategy

involved and the time constraints at the strategic level are dif-
ferent from those at the tactical or operational levels, the prin-
ciple is the same: without a basic understanding of the
situation, decisionmaking and action are likely to be seriously

The assessment begins with observing and orienting to the

strategic landscape. Strategists look at the factors discussed in
chapter 1: the physical environment, national character, the in-
terplay between the states, and balance of power considera-
tions. Once they have an appreciation for the landscape, they
must focus on and determine the nature of the conflict.

Assessing the nature of the conflict requires consideration of

questions like these: What value do both sides attach to the po-
litical objectives of the war? What costs are both sides willing
to pay? What is the result of the value compared to cost
equation? What material, economic, and human sacrifices will
the participants endure? For how long? Under what circum-
stances? Will the societies expect regular, measurable pro-
gress? Will they patiently endure setbacks and frustration?

Such questions are fundamentally related to the ends of the

conflict and the means employed to achieve those ends. The an-
swers to these questions are required to determine the nature of
the political objectivesthe endsof the conflict and the value
to both sides of those political objectives. The value of the ob-
jective, in turn, is a major indicator of the resourcesthe

Strategy MCDP 1-1

meansthat both sides will likely commit and the sacrifices

they will make to achieve it. An understanding of both ends and
means is required in order to develop an effective military

Political Objectives
Political objectives are the starting point for the development of
a strategy. The first step in making strategy is deciding which
political objectives a strategy will aim to achieve. In order to
design the military action that will produce the desired result,
the military strategist needs to know what that desired result is,
that is, what the political objective is. From the political objec-
tives, the military strategist can develop a set of military objec-
tives that achieve the political objectives.

In theory, the setting of political objectives seems like a rela-

tively straightforward proposition, and sometimes it is. The
World War II stated political objective of unconditional surren-
der by the Axis powers was simple. In practice, however, set-
ting political objectives involves the solving of not one but
several complicated and interrelated problems. Multiple prob-
lems require the simultaneous pursuit of mul-tiple and imper-
fectly meshedsometimes even conflictingstrategies. The
constant pressures and long-term demands of our economic and
social strategies tend naturally to conflict with the demands of
preparedness for the occasional military emergency. The de-
mands of warfighting, of coalition management, of maintaining
domestic unity, and of sustaining the political fortunes of the

MCDP 1-1 The Making of Strategy

current leadership often pull us irresistibly in different direc-

tions. It is always crucial to remember that military strategy
making is but one element of the much broader dynamic of po-
litical interaction that goes into the making of national strategy.

At a minimum, the determination of political objectives must

establish two things in order to form the basis for the develop-
ment of a sound military strategy. First, it must establish defi-
nitions for both survival and victory for all participants in the
conflict. As discussed in chapter 2, without an understanding
of how each participant views its survival and victory, it will
be impossible to identify the military strategy that can attain ei-
ther goal. Second, the political leadership must establish
whether it is pursuing a limited or unlimited political objective.
The identification of the nature of the political objective is es-
sential to ensuring the right match between political and mili-
tary objectives.

Military Objectives and the Means to Achieve Them

With an understanding of the political objectives, we then turn
to selection of our military objectives. Military objectives
should achieve or help achieve the political goal of the war. At
the same time, the use of military power should not produce
unintended or undesirable political results. Fighting the enemy
should always be a means to an end, not become an end in

As with political objectives, the choice of military objectives

may seem relatively simple. However, selection of military

Strategy MCDP 1-1

objectives is not a trivial matter. First, strategists may select a

military objective that is inappropriate to the political objec-
tives or that does not actually achieve the political objective.
Second, there may be more than one way to defeat an enemy.
As an example, will it be necessary to defeat the enemy army
and occupy the enemy country or might a naval blockade ac-
complish the objective? Third, the pursuit of some military ob-
jectives may change the political goal of the war. Successful
pursuit of a particular military objective may have uninten-
tional effects on the enemy, allies, neutrals, and ones own so-
ciety. This is particularly true in cases where a delicate balance
of power is in place; achieving a given military objective may
alter the balance of power in such a way that the resulting po-
litical situation is actually less favorable to the victor. Success-
ful military strategies select a military goal or goals that secure
the desired political objectives, not something else.

The designation of limited or unlimited political objectives is

a necessary prerequisite to selecting the type of warfighting
strategy that will be employedeither a strategy of annihila-
tion or a strategy of erosion. The choice of an erosion or anni-
hilation strategy drives the selection of specific military
objectives, the design of our military actions, the effects we
hope to achieve, and the weight we give to our military efforts
relative to the use of other elements of our national power.
In annihilation strategies, the military objective is to elimi-
nate the military capacity of the enemy to resist. This almost
always involves the destruction of major elements of the en-
emys military forces. Attacks against other targetsseizing

MCDP 1-1 The Making of Strategy

territory, striking economic capacity, or conducting informa-

tional or psychological warfare against the enemy leadership or
populationare normally pursued only when they are directly
related to degrading or destroying some military capability.
Thus, specific military objectives and the means for striking at
those military objectives grow out of the assessment of the na-
ture and functioning of the enemys military capacity.

In contrast, the focus of an erosion strategy is always the

mind of the enemy leadership. The aim is to convince the en-
emy leadership that making concessions offers a better out-
come than continuing resistance. The military objectives in an
erosion strategy can be similar to those in an annihilation strat-
egy, or they can be considerably different.

The first category of targets in an erosion strategy is the

same as in an annihilation strategy: the enemys armed forces.
If the enemy is disarmed or finds the threat to destroy his
armed forces credible, he may submit to the conditions pre-
sented. On the other hand, certain assets that have limited mili-
tary importance but are of critical economic or psychological
valuea capital city or key seaportmay be seized. Similarly,
the enemys financial assets may be frozen or his trade block-
aded. Again, if submission to stated demands is less painful for
enemy decisionmakers than continuing to do without the lost
asset, they may concede defeat. A third possible target in an
erosion strategy is the enemy leaderships domestic political
position. Money, arms, and information can be provided to in-
ternal opponents of the leadership. The purpose is to make

Strategy MCDP 1-1

enemy leaders feel so endangered that they will make peace in

order to focus on their domestic enemies.

Choosing military objectives and the appropriate means to

pursue those objectives requires the consideration of two
closely related concepts: the center of gravity and the critical

A center of gravity is a key source of the enemys strength,

providing either his physical or his psychological capacity to
effectively resist. The utility of the concept is that it forces us
to focus on what factors are most important to our enemy in a
particular situation and to narrow our attention to as few key
factors as possible.

At the strategic level, the range of possible centers of gravity

is broad. The enemys fighting forces may be a center of grav-
ity. Strength may flow from a particular population center, a
region providing manpower, or a capital city. A capital city
may draw its importance from some practical application such
as functioning as a transportation hub or as a command and
control nexus. The capitals importance may be cultural, sup-
plying some psychological strength to the population. In the
case of nonstate political entities, the source of the enemys
motivation and cohesion may be a key individual or clique or
the public perception of the leaderships ideological purity.
Public support is often a strategic center of gravity, particu-
larly in democratic societies.

MCDP 1-1 The Making of Strategy

In contrast to a center of gravity, a critical vulnerability is a

key potential source of weakness. The concept is important be-
cause we normally wish to attack an enemy where we may do
so with the least danger to ourselves, rather than exposing our-
selves directly to his strength. To be critical, a vulnerability
must meet two criteria: First, the capture, destruction, or ex-
ploitation of this vulnerability must significantly undermine or
destroy a center of gravity. Second, the critical vulnerability
must be something that we have the means to capture, destroy,
or exploit.

If the center of gravity is the enemy armed forces, the criti-

cal vulnerability may lie in some aspect of its organization or
its supporting infrastructure that is both key to the armed
forces functioning and open to attack by means at our dis-
posal. During World War II, the Allies sought to focus on the
German armed forces logistical vulnerabilities by attacking
the German petroleum industry, ball bearing supplies, and
transportation infrastructure.

As an example of how centers of gravity and critical vulner-

abilities are used to determine military objectives and the
means to achieve them, consider the Norths use of General
Winfield Scotts Anaconda Plan during the Civil War. The
plan identified the Souths physical and emotional capacity to
sustain a defensive war as one of the strategic centers of grav-
ity. Critical vulnerabilities associated with this strategic center
of gravity included the Souths small industrial capacity, lim-
ited number of seaports, underdeveloped transportation

Strategy MCDP 1-1

network, and dependence upon foreign sources of supply for

foodstuffs, raw materials, and finished goods. The Anaconda
Plan targeted this center of gravity by exploiting these vulner-
abilities. The plan called for a naval blockade to wall off the
Confederacy from trading with Europe, seizure of control of
the Mississippi River valley to isolate the South from potential
sources of resources and support in Texas and Mexico, and
then capture of port facilities and railheads to cut lines of
transportation. These actions would gradually reduce the
Souths military capability to resist as well as undermine popu-
lar support for the rebellion. While initially rejected as being
too passive, the Anaconda plan revisited and reimplemented,
eventually became the general strategy of the North. Scotts
experienced analysis of the Souths centers of gravity and criti-
cal vulnerabilities resulted in an effective military strategy
which led directly to the defeat of the Confederacy.4

An understanding of centers of gravity and critical vulner-

abilities forms the core for the development of a particular
military strategy. Among the centers of gravity, strategists find
military objectives appropriate to the political objectives and
the warfighting strategy being pursued. Among the critical vul-
nerabilities, strategists find the most effective and efficient
means of achieving those military objectives. Together these
concepts help formulate the strategic concept that guides the
execution of the military strategy.

MCDP 1-1 The Making of Strategy

Strategic Concepts
An essential step in the making of effective strategy is the de-
velopment of a strategic concept.5 Derived from the strategic
estimate of the situation and the political and military objec-
tives, this concept describes the course of action to be taken.
The strategic concept should provide a clear and compelling
basis for all subsequent planning and decisionmaking.

As with the strategy itself, the strategic concept begins with

the political objectives. It should identify the military objectives
to be accomplished and how to reach them. It should establish
the relationship and relative importance of the military means
to the other instruments of national power that are being em-
ployed. It should address priorities and the allocation of re-
sources. These, in turn should help determine the concentration
of effort within a theater or campaign.

Sometimes a war is fought in one theater, sometimes in sev-

eral. If there is more than one theater, a choice has to be made
on how to allocate resources. This cannot be effectively done
without some overall idea of how the war will be won. The
strategic concept provides this idea. Normally, military objec-
tives are achieved by conducting a number of campaigns or
major operations. What should be the objective of a given cam-
paign? Again, it is the strategic concept that answers that ques-
tion. It gives commanders the guidance to formulate and
execute plans for campaigns and major operations.

Strategy MCDP 1-1

World War II provides a clear example of the use of the

strategic concept. This concept naturally evolved throughout
the course of the war. It was modified in response to various
political, economic, and military developments and as a result
of disagreements among the Allies. It is important to note that
the strategic concept was not a single document, but rather a
series of decisions made by the leaders of the Alliance. Never-
theless, in this general strategic concept, military leaders could
find guidance from their political leadership for the formulation
of specific theater strategies and campaign plans.

It was immediately apparent that, given the global scale of

the conflict, the strength of the enemy, and the differing politi-
cal objectives, philosophies, postures, and military capabilities
of the Allied nations, a unifying strategy was needed. The stra-
tegic concept adopted by the Allies called for the defeat of Ger-
many first, effectively setting the division of labor and
establishing priorities between the European and Pacific thea-
ters. As the concept developed, it forced a sequence and prior-
ity among the campaigns and operations within theaters and set
specific objectives for each of the campaigns. Germany would
be engaged through continuous offensive action until a decisive
blow could be launched from Britain. Japan would be con-
tained and harassed until sufficient resources were available to
go on the offensive in the Pacific. Ultimately, this concept led
to the achievement of the military and political objectivein
this case, unconditional surrender of Germany and Japan.

MCDP 1-1 The Making of Strategy


Strategy making is almost always a distributed process. The
various elements of any particular strategy take shape in vari-
ous places and at various times and are formed by different
leaders and groups motivated by varying concerns. Elements of
the strategy eventually adopted may surface anywhere in the
organization. We need to understand the particular characteris-
tics, concerns, and goals of all significant participants if we are
to understand a specific strategic situation.

Without a detailed examination of the particular political en-

tity and its strategy-making process, it is impossible to deter-
mine who is providing the answers to a particular question.
Nevertheless, at least in terms of the division between military
and civilian decisionmakers, it is possible to identify who
should be providing these answers.

Earlier, it was argued that certain questions have to be an-

swered in order to make strategy. The question, What is the
political objective the war seeks to achieve? must be an-
swered by the civilian leadership. The question, The attain-
ment of what military objective will achieve, or help achieve,
the political objective of the war? should also be answered
primarily by the political leadership. They alone are in the best
position to understand the impact that achievement of the mili-
tary objective will have on the enemy, allies, neutrals, and

Strategy MCDP 1-1

domestic opinion. In answering the question, How can the

military objective be achieved? the military leadership comes
more to the fore. However, the civilian leadership will want to
make sure that the means used to achieve the military objective
do not themselves have deleterious effects, effects that may
overshadow the political objective of the war. The question, If
there is more than one theater, how should the war effort be
divided among theaters? is likely decided primarily by the
political leadership, because this question can be answered only
with reference to the overall structure of the war. The ques-
tions, Within a given theater, should the war effort be di-
vided into campaigns? and What should be the objective of
a given campaign? would seem to be primarily military in
nature. Nevertheless, decisions made here can also affect politi-
cal objectives or concerns as well as impact on the availability
and consumption of scarce human and material resources. No
political leader would want to entirely relinquish the decision
about what the primary objectives of a campaign should be.

Thus we can see that the making of military strategy is a re-

sponsibility shared by both political and military leaders. Mili-
tary institutions participate in the political process that
develops military strategy. The military leadership has a
responsibility to advise political leaders on the capabilities,
limitations, and best use of the military instrument to achieve
the political objectives. Military advice will be meaningless,
and political leaders will ignore it unless military professionals
understand their real concerns and the political

MCDP 1-1 The Making of Strategy

ramificationsboth domestic and internationalof military

action or inaction.


Traditionally, Western societies have demanded two things of

their strategic leaders in war. First is success, which contrib-
utes to security and societal well-being. Second is a sense of
being in the right, a belief that the cause for which the people
are called to sacrifice is a just one. Strategists must be able to
reconcile what is necessary with what is just. The just war
theory provides a set of criteria that can help to reconcile these
practical and moral considerations.

Just war theory has two components, labeled in Latin jus ad

bellum (literally, rightness in going to war) and jus in bello
(rightness in the conduct of war). There are seven jus ad bel-
lum criteria:6

Just Cause. A just cause involves the protection and

preservation of value. There are three such causes: de-
fense of self or of others against attack, retaking of some-
thing wrongly taken by force, and punishment of concrete
wrongs done by an evil power.

Strategy MCDP 1-1

Right Authority. The person or body authorizing the war

must be a responsible representative of a sovereign politi-
cal entity.
Right Intention. The intent in waging war must truly be
just and not be a selfish aim masked as a just cause.
Proportionality of Ends. The overall good achieved by
the resort to war must not be outweighed by the harm it
Last Resort. We must show that there is no logical alter-
native to violence.
Reasonable Hope of Success. There can be neither
moral nor strategic justification for resorting to war when
there is no hope of success.
The Aim of Peace. Ends for which a war is fought must
include the establishment of stability and peace.

Satisfying just war criteria is often not a simple or clear-cut

process. We want to believe in the ethical correctness of our
cause. At the same time, we know that our enemies and their
sympathizers will use moral arguments against us. Therefore,
though the criteria for the rightness in going to war may be
met, the translation of political objectives to military objectives
and their execution cannot violate jus in bellorightness in the
conduct or war. The destruction of a power plant may achieve
a tactical or operational objective; however, the impact of its
destruction on the civilian populace may violate rightness in

MCDP 1-1 The Making of Strategy

conduct and result in loss of moral dignity, adversely affecting

overall strategic objectives.

In sum, the just war criteria provide objective measures

from which to judge our motives. The effective strategist must
be prepared to demonstrate to all sides why the defended cause
meets the criteria of just war theory and why the enemys cause
does not. If a legitimate and effective argument on this basis
cannot be assembled, then it is likely that both the cause and
the strategy are fatally flawed.

Given the complexity of making strategy, it is understandable
that some seek ways to simplify the process. There are several
traps into which would-be strategists commonly fall: searching
for strategic panaceas; emphasizing process over product in
strategy making; seeking the single, decisive act, the fait ac-
compli; attempting to simplify the nature of the problem by us-
ing labels such as limited or unlimited wars; falling into a
paralysis of inaction; or rushing to a conclusion recklessly.

Strategic Panaceas
Strategists have long sought strategic panaceas: strategic pre-
scriptions that will guarantee victory in any situation. The stra-
tegic panacea denies any need for understanding the unique

Strategy MCDP 1-1

characteristics of each strategic situation, offering instead a

ready-made and universal solution.

Examples abound. In the 1890s, the American naval writer

Alfred Thayer Mahan convinced many world leaders of the va-
lidity of his theories centered on capital ships and concentrated
battle fleets.7 These theories prompted Germany to challenge
Great Britain for naval dominance, contributing to the tension
between the two countries prior to the outbreak of World War
I. Similarly, the theories of German Field Marshal Alfred von
Schlieffen fixated on strategies of annihilation and battles of
envelopment. These prescriptive theories dominated Germanys
strategic thinking in both World Wars. The deterrence strate-
gies embraced by American Cold War theorists were equally
influential. American forces accordingly designed for high-
intensity warfare in Europe proved inap-propriate to counter
Communist-inspired wars of national liberation.

Emphasizing Process Over Product

The second major trap is the attempt to reduce the strategy-
making process to a routine. The danger in standardizing
strategy-making procedures is that the leadership may believe
that the process alone will ensure development of sound strate-
gies. Just as there is no strategic panacea, there is no optimal
strategy-making process. Nonetheless, political organizations,
bureaucracies, and military staffs normally seek to systematize
strategy making. These processes are designed to control the

MCDP 1-1 The Making of Strategy

collection and flow of information, to standardize strategy

making, and to ensure the consistent execution of policy.

Such systems are vitally necessary. They impose a degree of

order that enables the human mind to cope with the otherwise
overwhelming complexity of politics and war. However, they
may also generate friction and rigidity. Standardized strategies
can be valuable as a point of departure for tailored strategies or
as elements of larger tailored strategies. However, when the en-
tire process is run by routine, the results are predictable strate-
gies by default that adversaries can easily anticipate and

The Fait Accompli

One class of strategic-level actions is worth considering as a
distinct category. These are strategies in which the political and
military goals are identical and can be achieved quickly, simul-
taneously, and in one blow. Done properly, these actions ap-
pear to be isolated events that are not part of larger, continuous
military operations. More than raids or harassment, these ac-
tions aim to present the enemy with an accomplished fact, or
fait accomplipolitical/military achievement that simply can-
not be undone. In 1981, the Israelis became extremely con-
cerned about Iraqs nuclear weapons development program.
They launched an isolated bombing raid that destroyed Iraqs
Osirak nuclear facility. The Israelis had no further need to at-
tack Iraqi targets, and Iraq had no military means of recovering
the lost facility.

Strategy MCDP 1-1

A coup dtat is usually designed as a fait accompli. The po-

litical and military objectives are the same thing: seizure of the
existing government. Noncombatant evacuations are also nor-
mally executed as faits accomplis. In a noncombatant evacua-
tion, one country lands its troops for the purpose of evacuating
its citizens from a dangerous situation, as in a revolution or
civil war. Once the evacuation has been accomplished, the
cause for conflict between the state conducting the evacuation
and those engaging in the hostilities that led to it has been

The fait accompli is another potential strategic pitfall. It is

immensely attractive to political leaders because it seems neat
and cleaneven surgical. The danger is that many attempted
faits accomplis end up as merely the opening gambit in what
turns out to be a long-term conflict or commitment. This result
was normally not intended or desired by those who initiated the
confrontation. In 1983, the Argentines assumed that their swift
seizure of the nearby Falkland Islands could not be reversed by
far-off, postimperial Britain and that therefore Britain would
make no effort to do so. They were wrong on both counts.

Limited and Unlimited Wars

Another common error is the attempt to characterize a war as
either limited or unlimited. Such characterizations can be
seriously misleading. While we can generally classify the po-
litical and military objectives of any individual belligerent in a
war as limited or unlimited, seldom can we accurately

MCDP 1-1 The Making of Strategy

characterize the conflict itself as limited or unlimited. To do so

may leave us badly confused about the actual dynamics of a

If we examine the conflicting aims of the belligerents in the

Vietnam War, we can see that this was never a limited war
from the North Vietnamese perspective nor should South Viet-
nam have pursued only limited political objectives. North Viet-
nams political goal was the elimination of the South
Vietnamese government as a political entity and the complete
unification of all Vietnam under northern rule. The North Viet-
namese leadership saw victory in this struggle as a matter of
survival. While the North Vietnamese military strategy against
the United States was erosion, against South Vietnam it was
annihilation. The South Vietnamese leadership was weak, en-
joying little legitimacy with a population that had no hope of
conquering the North. Its only goal was to survive. The Ameri-
can strategy against North Vietnam was one of erosion. How-
ever, the United States was never able to convince North
Vietnam that peace on Americas terms was preferable to con-
tinuing the war.

All wars can be considered limited in some aspects because

they are generally constricted to a specific geographic area, to
certain kinds of weapons and tactics, or to numbers of commit-
ted combatants. These distinctions are the factors at work in a
particular conflict, not its fundamental strategic classification.
Another common error is the assumption that limited wars are
small wars and unlimited wars are big ones. This confuses the

Strategy MCDP 1-1

scale of a war with its military and political objectives. Large-

scale wars can be quite limited in political and/or military ob-
jectives, while a relatively small conflict may have unlimited
political and military objectives. The U.S. action against Pan-
ama in 1989 can be considered a very small-scale war, but
both its political and military objectives were unlimited.
Panamas capacity to resist was annihilated, its regime was de-
posed, and its leader was put on public trial and imprisoned. It
is possible that had the United States pursued more limited ob-
jectives, the result might have been a war of attrition much
more destructive to both sides.

The strategic pitfall in characterizing wars as limited or un-

limited is that such a label may lead to adoption of an incorrect
strategy. This is particularly true in the case of limited wars.
There are always temptations to limit the military means em-
ployed, even when the political objectives demand a strategy of
annihilation. Such inclinations stem from the psychological and
moral burdens involved in the use of force, the desire to con-
serve resources, and often a tendency to underestimate the en-
emy or the overall problem. Strategists must correctly
understand the character and the resource demands of a strat-
egy before they choose it.

Paralysis and Recklessness

Competent strategic-level decisionmakers are aware of the high
stakes of war and of the complex nature of the strategic envi-
ronment. Successful decisions may lead to great gains, but fail-
ure can lead to fearful losses. Some personalities instinctively

MCDP 1-1 The Making of Strategy

respond to this environment with a hold-the-line, take-no-

chances mentality. Others display an irresistible bias for

Unless we understand the specific problems, dangers, and

potential gains of a situation, the two approaches are equally
dangerous. Paralysis is neither more nor less dangerous than
blindly striking out in the face of either threat or opportunity.
Unfortunately, the very process of attempting to ascertain the
particulars can lead to paralysis by analysis. Strategy mak-
ers almost always have to plan and act in the absence of com-
plete information or without a full comprehension of the

At the same time, strategists must guard against making

hasty or ill-conceived decisions. The strategic realm differs
from the tactical arena both in the pace at which events occur
and the consequences of actions taken. Rarely does the strate-
gic decisionmaker have to act instantaneously. The develop-
ment of strategy demands a certain discipline to study and
understand the dynamics of a situation and think through the
implications of potential actions. While it is often possible to
recover from a tactical error or a defeat, the consequences of a
serious misstep at the strategic level can be catastrophic. Bold-
ness and decisiveness, which are important characteristics of
leadership at any level, must at the strategic level be tempered
with an appropriate sense of balance and perspec- tive.
The strategists responsibility is to balance opportunity
against risk and to balance both against uncertainty. Despite
the obstacles to focusing on specific strategic problems and to

Strategy MCDP 1-1

taking effective action, we must focus, and we must act. Suc-

cess is clearly possible.

War is a matter of vital importance to the State; the prov-
ince of life or death; the road to survival or ruin. It is manda-
tory that it be thoroughly studied.1
Sun Tzu

As in a building, which, however fair and beautiful the su-

perstructure, is radically marred and imperfect if the founda-
tion be insecureso, if the strategy be wrong, the skill of the
general on the battlefield, the valor of the soldier, the brilli-
ancy of victory, however otherwise decisive, fail of their
A. T. Mahan
MCDP 1-1 Conclusion

W e have explored the nature of politics, policy, and the

political entities that wage wars. We have examined
the most fundamental aspects of national and military strategy
and have identified the basic questions we must answer when
considering the use of military means to gain political goals.
We have examined some basic types of military strategies and
the ways in which those strategies relate to political objectives.
We have also considered some of the problems in translating
our understanding of these strategic fundamentals into practical
military action. Now we must ask, What does this mean for us
as Marines?

The modern strategic environment poses a significant chal-

lenge for the United States and its armed forces. The collapse
of the Soviet Union has changed the existing strategic environ-
ment from one dominated by bipolar considerations to one that
is in transition. Long-suppressed ethnic, religious, and even
personal hatreds have spawned an increase in local and inter-
state violence. Terrorism, civil wars, and secessions threaten to
fracture existing states and break down regional order. The
strategist can no longer be guided by the Cold Wars overarch-
ing strategic concept of containment. That said, strategic think-
ing must adjust to the evolving strategic environment.

The Department of Defense 1997 Joint Strategy Review

concludes that the 21st century security environment will be
characterized by chaos, crisis, and conflict. Global instability
will continue to arise from the worlds littorals, where well
over half of the worlds population resides. Thus, naval

Strategy MCDP 1-1

expeditionary forces will remain one of the U.S.s most reliable

and flexible tools of global influence both for today and into to-
morrow. The Marine Corps will be at the center of our national
security and military strategies for addressing these challenges.
Therefore, Marines must possess the strategic skills and under-
standing necessary to participate effectively in this

As we noted at the beginning, the United States Marine

Corps does not make national strategy, nor even the military
strategy for fighting a particular war. However, individual Ma-
rines may well play a role in the making of strategy. Moreover,
the Marine Corps is often intimately involved in the execution
of strategy, and its effective execution requires an understand-
ing of both the intent and the context behind the strategy. Stra-
tegic execution is not simply carrying out a fixed plan. Rather,
it is a complex matter of both initiating action and effectively
responding to events as they unfold. Without proper grounding
in the strategic situation, the political and military objectives of
the strategy, and the strategic concept, Marines will not be pre-
pared to adapt to changing circum- stances.

The individual Marine must appreciate the complexities and

difficulties of strategy. Few Marines will be in a position to
fully grasp the larger strategic picture, especially while in the
field executing a mission. Nonetheless, a fundamental under-
standing of the problems of strategy will help Marines to ap-
preciate the importance of their role and their units role. It will
help Marines to understand the significance of constraints like

MCDP 1-1 Conclusion

rules of engagement and to understand why policy guidance is

sometimes unclear or often fluctuates. In the increasingly com-
plex operations of the post-Cold War era, an awareness of the
short distance between tactical action and its strategic impact
may help individual Marines or Marine leaders to avoid actions
that damage the United States interests or image. This aware-
ness should not impede action, but instead assist Marines in the
evaluation of their situation and provide the basis for an intelli-
gent response.

Marines will also serve on staffs or in commands where

strategic decisions are made. They must be prepared to partici-
pate intelligently, tactfully, and energetically in the strategy-
making process. They must be prepared to ask tough questions
concerning both political and military objectives and to advise
our political leaders on the capabilities and limitations in the
use of the military instrument.

There is no shortcut to strategic wisdom. While some have

predicted that the United States will be able to control the
course of future conflicts through information dominance or
a system of systems, Marines continue to believe that people,
not systems or machines, define success in war. Success in
military action whether at the strategic, operational, or tactical
level will continue to depend greatly upon the judgment, expe-
rience, and education of our Marines. The concepts of this
publication cannot be mastered without serious and ongoing
contemplation. Neither can they be turned into a strategic tem-
plate to be laboriously worked through on every occasion. We

Strategy MCDP 1-1

must think about these concepts, internalize them, and con-

stantly seek to improve our understanding of the strategic envi-
ronment. Such an understanding, based on a professional
approach to the complexities of war and politics, is the essence
of fighting smart.

[T]here is no substitute for the judgment and intuition of ex-

perienced and properly educated commanders.

Our goal is to equip every Marine with the thinking ability to

win on the battlefields of the 21st century.3

MCDP 1-1 Notes

The Study of Strategy

1. Unknown.

The Strategic Environment

1. Michael Howard, The Use and Abuse of Military His-

tory, Paramaters (March 1981) p.14.

2. Sir Julian S. Corbett, Some Principles of Maritime Strat-

egy (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1988) pp. 89.

3. See Carl von Clausewitz, War As An Instrument of Pol-

icy, On War, trans. and ed. Michael Howard and Peter Paret
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1976) pp. 605610.

4. Geoffrey Blainey, The Causes of War (New York: The

Free Press, 1973) p.114.

5. National Geographic (September 1994) p. 32.

6. Based on the 1972, 1976, 1977, 1981, 1986, 1990, 1994,

and 1996 versions of the Statistical Abstract of the United States
distributed by the U.S. Bureau of the Census (Washington, D.C.).

7. For the best overall introduction to complexity theory, see

M. Mitchell Waldrop, Complexity: The Emerging Science at the
Edge of Order and Chaos (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992).

Strategy MCDP 1-1

See also Alan Beyerchen, Clausewitz, Nonlinearity, and the Un-

predictability of War, International Security (Winter 1992/1993)
pp. 5992.

8. Corbett, pp. 89.

9. John M. Collins, Grand Strategy: Principles and Practices

(Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1973) p. 167.

10. Ibid., p. 168.

11. Charles Tilly, ed., The Formation of National States in

Western Europe (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1975)
p. 42.

12. Lawrence H. Keeley, War Before Civilization, Table 6.1,

Annual Warfare Death Rates (New York: Oxford University Press,
1996) p. 195.

13. Comptons Interactive Encyclopedia, version 2.01VW,

Africa (1994).

14. Blainey, pp. 109114.

15. George Liska, quoted in Michael Sheehan, The Balance of

Power: History and Theory (London: Routledge, 1996) p. 2.

16. Clausewitz, pp. 566573. Do not confuse this political idea

with Clausewitzs closely related concept of the culminating point

MCDP 1-1 Notes

of the offensive which is primarily an operational and logistical


17. Clausewitz, p. 89.

18. See Edward J. Villacres and Christopher Bassford, Re-

claiming the Clausewitzian Trinity, Parameters (Autumn 1995)
pp. 919.

Strategy: Ends and Means

1. President John F. Kennedys address at the U.S. Naval

Academy Commencement, Annapolis, Maryland, June 7, 1961. Re-
printed in Theodore C. Sorensen et al., Let the Word Go Forth: The
Speeches, Statements, and Writings of John F. Kennedy (New
York: Delacorte Press, 1988) p. 243.

2. Military strategy: The art and science of employing the

armed forces of a nation to secure the objectives of national policy
by the application of force or the threat of force. (Joint Pub 1-02)

3. National strategy: The art and science of developing and

using the political, economic, and psychological powers of a nation,
together with its armed forces, during peace and war, to secure na-
tional objectives. (Joint Pub 1-02)

4. Col Dennis M. Drew and Dr. Donald M. Snow, Making

Strategy: An Introduction to National Security Process and Prob-
lems (Maxwell Air Force Base, AL: Air University Press, 1988) pp.

Strategy MCDP 1-1

5. Collins, p. 3.

6. Diplomatic, economic, military, and informational instru-

ments make up the instruments of national power. Joint Pub 0-2,
Unified Action Armed Forces (UNAAF), 24 Feb 1995. In earlier
joint doctrine publications, instruments of national power were re-
ferred to as elements of national power, and the informational in-
strument was called the psychological instrument. The February
1995 edition of Joint Pub 0-2 updated this terminology.

7. In a true civil war, two sides are fighting for ultimate con-
trol of the same state or nation. The American Civil War was a war
of secession; had it succeeded, there would have been two inde-
pendent nations in place of the old United States. We call it a civil
war because the secession failed and the Union remained intact.

8. Discussions in this publication of American Cold War

strategies are strongly influenced by the analysis of John Lewis
Gaddis, Strategies of Containment: A Critical Appraisal of Postwar
American National Security Policy (New York: Oxford University
Press, 1982).

9. In classical military theory, the traditional term is strategy

of annihilation. See Hans Delbrck, History of the Art of War
Within the Framework of Political History, trans. Walter J. Ren-
froe, Jr., especially vol. 4, chap. IV (Westport, CT: Greenwood
Press, 1985).

MCDP 1-1 Notes

10. Strategy of erosion is known as strategy of attrition in clas-

sical military theory. The concepts are the same. We use the term
erosion to avoid confusion with the tactical concept of attrition war-
fare. See Hans Delbrck, vol. 4, chap. IV.

Strategic Opposites

1. Robert Debs Heinl, Jr., Col, USMC, Retired, Dictionary of

Military and Naval Quotations (Annapolis, MD: United States Na-
val Institute, 1966) p. 311.

2. There is a long tradition of military theory involving

asymmetrical strategies. It appears in Chinese military theory most
prominently in Sun Tzu and in the works of Mao Zedong. A par-
ticularly clear discussion appears in Edward ODowds and Arthur
Waldrons, Sun Tzu for Strategists, Comparative Strategy, vol.10
(1991) pp. 2536. British military thinker B. H. Liddell Hart pro-
pounded asymmetry in his theory of the indirect approach most
powerfully in his books, The British Way in Warfare (London: Fa-
ber & Faber, 1932), The Ghost of Napoleon (London: Faber & Fa-
ber, 1933), and Strategy (New York: Praeger, 1954). See also Sun
Tzu, The Art of War, trans. Samuel B. Griffith (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1971) especially the introduction written by

3. John Foster Dulles, The Evolution of Foreign Policy,

Department of State Bulletin (Washington, D.C.: Department of
State January 25, 1954).

Strategy MCDP 1-1

The Making of Strategy

1. John Terraine, A Time For Courage: The Royal Air Force

in the European War, 193945 as quoted in Colin S. Gray, War,
Peace, and Victory: Strategy and Statecraft for the Next Century
(New York: Simon and Schuster, 1990) p. 8.

2. Used as a simple but effective model of the command and

control process, the observation-orientation-decide-act (OODA)
loop applies to any two-sided conflict. For a detailed description,
see MCDP 6, Command and Control (October 1996) p. 63.

3. Critical vulnerability is a Marine Corps doctrinal concept

that appeared first in FMFM 1, Warfighting (March 1989) pp.
3536. The term center of gravity found its way into our strategic
vocabulary via Clausewitzs On War. Clausewitz used the term fre-
quently and in a variety of meanings. See Clausewitz, pp. 595597.
For a full discussion of center of gravity and critical vulnerability,
see MCDP 1, Warfighting (June 1997) pp. 4547.

4. R. Ernest Dupuy and Trevor N. Dupuy, The Encyclopedia

of Military History From 3500 B.C. to the Present (New York:
Harper Collins, 1993) p. 952. See also: Shelby Foote, Fort Sumter
to Perryville (New York: Random House, 1986) pp. 110114.

5. Strategic concept: The course of action accepted as the

result of the estimate of the strategic situation. It is a statement of
what is to be done in broad terms sufficiently flexible to permit its
use in framing the military, diplomatic, economic, psychological
and other measures which stem from it. (Joint Pub 1-02)

MCDP 1-1 Notes

6. James Turner Johnson, Just War Tradition and the Re-

straint of War, A Moral and Historical Inquiry (Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1981) pp. xxiixxiii.

7. A. T. Mahan, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History,

1660-1783 (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1942).


1. Sun Tzu, p. 63.

2. A. T. Mahan as quoted in Heinl, Dictionary of Military

and Naval Quotations, p. 311.

3. Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Develop-

ment Command, before combined hearings of the Procurement and
Research and Development Subcommittees of the House National
Security Committee, March 29, 1997. This testimony can also be
found in Information Superiority, Marine Corps Gazette (June
1997) pp. 5960.


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