Visa Application Form: India House, Aldwych
Visa Application Form: India House, Aldwych
Visa Application Form: India House, Aldwych
Paste your unsigned recent colour photograph with white background Size 50mm x 50mm (2"x2")
Specimen Signature
A. Personal Particulars (As in Passport) Surname Name Previous/other Name if any Sex Marital Status Date of Birth Qualification Place of Birth Town/City Country of Birth Citizenship /NIC No Religion Visible identification marks Current Nationality Nationality by Birth/ Naturalization Any Other Previous/Past Nationality B. Passport Details Passport No. Date of issue (dd/mm/yyyy ) Place of issue Date of expiry(dd/mm/yyyy) Any other Passport/Identity Certificate(IC) held, if yes ,please fill following Country of issue Passport/IC No Nationality/status Place of issue Date of issue C. Applicants Contact Details Present address
Permanent address
D. Family Details Relation Name Nationality Prev. Nationality Place & Country of Birth Father's Mother's Spouse Were your Grandfather/Grandmother(paternal/maternal) Pakistan Nationals Or belong to Pakistan held area : Yes/No E. Details of Visa Sought Type Of Visa Required Period of Visa (Month) Port Of Arrival No of Entries Expected Date of Journey Port of Exit
Purpose of Visit : F. Previous Visit Details Have You Ever visited India? Address where You stayed in India Cities in India visited Type of Visa Visa Issued Place Countries visited in last 10 years
Have you been refused an Indian Visa or extension of the same previously or deported from India? If yes above mention when and by whom with control No/Date G. Profession/Occupation Details Present Occupation Designation/Rank Employer Name/Business Employer Address Phone Number Past occupation if any Are/have you worked with Armed forces/ Police/ Para Military forces? Organization Designation Place of Posting Rank
Phone Number
I. DECLARATION: a. I do not hold any other passport(s) other than those detailed above. b. I have read and understood all the conditions for the visit to India and I am willing and able to abide fully by them. c. I declare that the information given in the form is complete and correct and the visit to India will be undertaken for the purpose indicated in the application. d. I understand that in case the information provided in the form is found to be incorrect, I will be liable for denial of visit/ entry or deportation and/ or other penalties during the visit as provided by Indian law.
Post all applications securely by royal mail special delivery to: India Visa Head Office, 36 Victoria Avenue, Grays, Essex, RM16 2RP Skip the Queue: visit in person or by courier to: India Visa Fast Track Office, Nagpal House, 1 Gunthorpe Street, London E1 7RG Important note: All columns of the application form must be correctly filled in BLOCK LETTERS and BLACK INK. Incomplete application forms will not be accepted. Suppression of facts or furnishing misleading false information will result in denial of visa without assigning any reason. Please also check if you already hold a valid visa on the current passport before applying for a new visa, as the Visa fee once tendered is non-refundable and subject to change without notice. The Photographs submitted should be taken against a white/ off white background size 50mm x 50mm only. Applicants should make travel arrangements only after obtaining appropriate visa. And in some cases processing may take longer & additional information can be required Duration and the no. of entries permitted will be at the discretion of the visa officer high commission of India. Any issues or concerns that you have please inform us: Email: Web: Tel 24/7 020 7377 1600 / 0844 800 4018
Visa Fees and Processing Times Visa Type Tourist Tourist Tourist Business Business Business Business Visa 8 hour service Conference Visa Employment Visa Employment Visa Person of Indian Origin Long Term 5 year Visa Transfer Visa Valid for minimum of 3 months Medical / Medical Escort Visa Transit Visa Entry Visa Entry Visa Valid up to 6 months 2 years 5 years 6 months 2 years 5 years 6 months / 12 months 3 months 6 months 12 months 5 years Standard 6-7 working day service 117.00 Fast track 3-4 working day service 155.00
312.00 350.00 532.00 610.00 150.00 245.00 320.00 415.00 545.00 640.00 Please call to confirm fees and processing times 110.00 390.00 425.00 180.00 135.00 195.00 430.00 530.00 225.00 185.00 210.00 125.00 155.00 180.00
Additional Embassy Fee for USA Passport Holders 25.00 Business visa Additional Embassy Fee for French 5.00 Passport Holders Business visa Additional Embassy Fee for Australian 40.00 Passport Holders Business visa Additional Embassy Fee for Irish Passport 30.00 Holders Business visa Additional Embassy Fee for Nigerian 90.00 Passport Holders Business visa Additional Embassy Fee for Iranian Passport 80.00 Holders Non UK Passport Holders Embassy Referral Fees (for 10.00 tourist visas) Please call 020 7377 1600 or 0844 800 4018 (24 hours) to confirm processing times and fees as this may differ due to volumes of visa applications.