Rosa Fuentes Office: NFAC 1222A Phone: 817-515-6301 Email: Office Hours Mondays/Wednesdays 7:00-7:30am & 10:30am-12:00pm Tuesdays/Thursdays-9:15am-10:45am& 12:30-1:00 Fridays-7:30am-9:30am Virtual Hours Campus Location Northeast Campus 828 Harwood Road Hurst, Texas 76054 Class Description An examination of cultural diversity found in society and reflected in the classroom. Topics include the study of major cultures and their influence on lifestyle, behavior, learning, intercultural communication and teaching, as well as psychosocial stressors encountered by diverse cultural groups. Course Goals The student will: demonstrate an understanding of multicultural education. (CCIC 1, 3, 4; CCP 1, 2; EEO 4,11,12) demonstrate an understanding of diversity. (CCIC 1, 3,4,5; 6; CCP 1, 2; EEO 5,11,12) recognize major cultures and their influence on social structures, lifestyles, and behaviors. (CCIC 1,2,4,5; CCP 1,2; EEO 2, 5,12) demonstrate an understanding of teaching practices for a diverse population. (CCIC 1,3,5; CCP 1, 2; EEO 2, 12) prepare a multicultural curriculum. (CCIC 1, 2, 5, 6; CCP1, 8; EEO 2, 5) Required Course Materials Textbooks may be required for this course (see Web Advisor for required materials). Textbooks for most Distance Learning courses can be purchased at any TCC Campus Bookstore or online at For courses taught on a specific campus, textbooks may only be available at that campus bookstore. Students who are unable to find the textbooks or supplies needed for a Distance Learning course are encouraged to check with all five TCC Campus Bookstores to find out if they have the materials in stock (be prepared to give your course title and number, instructors name and synonym or section number). In the event that all five TCC Campus Bookstores are sold out of any required textbooks or other materials for a Distance Learning course, be sure to notify the Center for Distance Learning at (817) 515-4357. The Center cannot supply the student with textbooks or supplies, but will work to help the student locate the materials in a timely manner. *Note: A student of this institution is not under any obligation to
purchase a textbook from a Tarrant County College or affiliated bookstore. The same textbook may also be available from an independent retailer, including an online retailer. Methods of Instruction This course is online utilizing the Distance Learning interface. There is a required online Orientation for this course. Each student is required to complete weekly or biweekly assignments. The instructor will facilitate and monitor class activities. In addition, she will provide student feedback throughout the semester. Textbook Title: Multicultural education of children and adolescents Publisher: Allyn & Bacon/Pearson Authors: M. Lee Manning & Leroy Baruth ISBN: 13: 978-0-205-59256-2 Edition: 5th Attendance Policy A student in an online course is required to successfully complete the online course orientation and actively participate in the course. Students are considered absent when they do not turn in assignments or assessments. A student not meeting these requirements may be dropped at the discretion of the instructor. Students missing a cumulative of 15% of class participation and not keeping up with the course assignments may be dropped at the discretion of their instructor. Term # of Meetings 32 15% of class meetings 4.8 Possibility of Student being dropped after 5 days 5
Students who stop participating and fail to turn in assignments online for any reason should contact their instructor and the Registrars office to officially withdraw from the class. Failure to officially withdraw may result in a failing grade for this course. Assignments Throughout the semester you will complete weekly or biweekly assignments. Failure to participate in the required assignments will impact your overall grade. Extra Credit There is no extra credit in this course. Course Orientation
All students in this course are required to complete the online orientation. Information on your online orientation is covered in the first week of class. Exam Information There are two exams for this course. Both exams may be taken at any campus Testing Center location. Students will need a #2 pencil and an 886E scantron. Students are expected to take their exams on scheduled dates. A make-up exam may be taken only during an extreme circumstance. Documentation such as a note from your physician regarding an illness must be turned in to the professor before a decision is made about a make-up exam. A note from your physician must validate your health issue. Deadline for any make up exam is 48 hours after the original date of an exam. There is no make-up exam for a Final. Testing Center Locations and Hours South Campus: South Module SMTC 1001 Southeast Campus: EMOD 1105 Northeast Campus: NSTU 1808A Northwest Campus: WCTS 1132 Trinity River Campus: T1.1430C downstairs Hours 9 a.m. - 8:45 p.m. (No objective tests given after 8 p.m.; no written tests given after 7 p.m.) All exam materials must be completed and turned in by 8:45 p.m. Students are strongly advised to take their exams early in the day if they wish to avoid waiting in line. Exams Exam I (Midterm)-Dates-Oct. 15-16 Chapters 3, 4, 5, & 6 Exam II (Final)-Dates-Dec. 10-11 Chapters 7, 8, 9, & 10 Online Quiz Dates Orientation Quiz-Due Sept. 3 Quiz 2-Chapter 1-Due Sept. 10 Quiz 3-Chapter 2-Due Sept. 17 Quiz 4-Chapter 12- Due Nov. 12 Participation This class is designed as an "active learning" community, which involves a great deal of class participation. Each lesson is designed with specific assignments (activities) for student participation. Activities Throughout the semester you will complete weekly or biweekly activities. The activities are aligned with the course goals and learning outcomes. Failure to participate in the required activities will impact your overall grade. Documents
Prior to turning in your assignments, make sure that your document is a Word file (doc.) or Rich Text Format (RTF). Late Work Policy No late assignments will be accepted except during an "extreme" circumstance. The student is required to provide documentation (ex: a note from a physician) validating the circumstance before a decision is made regarding late work. Grade Information Point Allocations Activity Blog Chapter Quizzes Discussion Boards Exams Journal Lesson Plan Group Project Movie Application Orientation Quiz Points 1@ 10 points 3 @ 10 points each 2 @ 30 points each 2 @ 100 points each 1 @ 10 points 1 @ 40 points 1@ 30 points each 1 @ 20 points Total Points 10 Points 30 points 60 points 200 points 10 Points 40 points 30 points 20 points 400
Grade Distribution Grade A B C D F Points Required 400-360 points 359-320 points 319-280 points 279-240 points 239 and below
Academic Advisor
Richard Cates Email: Phone: 817-515-6399 Deadline to initiate Application for Degree or Certificate for Fall graduation is Nov. 15 Degree Audit To print out a degree audit, the student will: Go to WebAdvisor, Click on Students On the right menu, click on Degree Audit Click on their Active Program and Print it out Complete a Degree Audit by Sept. 30th. Holidays Sept. 3- Labor Day Nov. 21 at 5:00-Nov. 25- Thanksgiving E-mail Students are required to check their e-mails several times a week. This is the main form of communication between students and their professor. Students are expected to use proper English, be courteous, and respectful in their communication. Questions about an assignment, quiz, or exam should be sent to my email address. Questions related to navigating Blackboard should be posted on the general Discussion Board forum. Email from the professor will be sent to the student's myTCC Email account. This is the only email account I will respond to; it is against TCC policy for me to use any other email account when emailing students. I teach several classes, when emailing me, place in the subject box your course (ex: EDUC 1325). Emails should follow proper format using complete sentences and correct grammar. I check email regularly throughout the day, so typically you can expect a response from me within a few hours during the week. I will occasionally check email after hours and on weekends, but response times may take up to 48 hours outside of my usual window of availability. If you experience power outage or a loss of Internet connectivity while taking online quizzes contact: Help Desk
Telephone Support: 817.515.HELP (817.515.4357). E-mail Support: Submit a Ticket: Click on myTCC Help and follow directions
Support Staff monitors support e-mail continuously during normal business hours.
TCC Blackboard Help Hours: Fall and Spring: Monday-Thursday, 8a.m. to 7p.m. Friday, 8a.m. to 3p.m. Saturday and Sunday, support tickets only Special Accommodations If a student requires special accommodations based on a disability, the student must be registered with the Disability Support Services Office and must inform the teacher about the needed accommodations the first week of classes. Student Services and Policies Distance Learning students have access to all TCCD student support programs, services, and activities, as well as all academic support services. These services include counseling, advising, library and learning information resources, and general and discipline-specific computer labs. Some services are available online while others are only available on campus. More information regarding these resources and services can be found in the Student Services area of this Web site. The official TCC Student Handbook, which addresses student rights and responsibilities, and the Colleges Policy and Regulation Manual, can be found at Services/Student Handbook 2009.pdf. Financial Aid There are many financial aid programs for student taking credit courses at TCC, including grants, scholarships, college work-study and loans. The application used to determine eligibility for most financial aid programs is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA may be completed online at More information on financial aid programs at TCC is available at, through email at, or by calling 817.515.4AID (4234). Distance Learning students are encouraged to contact the TCC Student Financial Aid Services Office for more information. Student Complaints Tarrant County College is committed to quality teaching and learning. The Colleges Student Handbook, at Services/Student Handbook 2009.pdf, details processes by which all students can submit complaints. Distance Learning students may also email for additional assistance. Withdrawals The student must initiate all withdrawals. Students may withdraw from any course on or before Wednesday, November 17, online through, or by contacting the campus Registrars Office in person. It is strongly suggested that students withdrawing in person request a receipt. Students who withdraw online are responsible for verifying that their
electronic drop processing was completed by printing a copy of their unofficial transcript or student schedule showing the grade of W. Until a student is officially withdrawn, the student remains on the class roll and may receive a grade of F for the course. Students who are unable to withdraw in person or electronically may mail or fax a letter to the registrar specifying class(es) from which the withdrawal(s) is/are requested. The letter or fax must include the students name, Colleague ID number, date, and class information along with the students signature. If mailed, the request for withdrawal must be postmarked on or before the last day to drop, or if faxed, the date shown on the fax confirmation must be on or before the last day to drop a class. State Withdrawal Policy - Important Section 51.907 of the Texas Education Code, enacted by the State of Texas, Spring 2007, applies to students who enroll in a public institution of higher education as a first time freshman in Fall 2007 or later. The College may not permit a student to drop more than six courses, including those taken at another Texas public institution of higher education. All courses dropped after the Official Day of Record are included in the six-course limit unless (1) the student withdraws from all courses or (2) the drop is authorized by an appropriate College official as an approved Drop Exception. Further information on the new withdrawal policy can be found at the TCCD Web site: Student Conduct TCC has the responsibility and authority to formulate and enforce rules of student conduct that are appropriate and necessary to further the educational goals of the College and its students. Students who enroll must accept responsibility for their behavior and for their ultimate success in higher education. To create a positive climate for learning, TCC expects all students to abide by a Code of Student Behavior. The District Handbook for Students, available at TCCD's Website, has full information regarding this. To summarize: Students must maintain high standards of scholastic honesty. Violations of the TCC Code of Student Behavior include but are not limited to cheating on tests or assignments, plagiarism, and collusion; violence or threats of violence; loud or abusive language; and failure to comply with the direction of College officials and instructors. Children on Campus Children are not permitted at orientation sessions, seminars, labs, in the viewing areas, or in the Testing Centers. Children are not to be left unattended on college property at any time. Campus Closings All TCC campuses will be closed for Thanksgiving Holidays from Nov. 21 at 5:00pm to Nov. 25. In the event of inclement weather, if TCC classes are canceled, distance learning on-campus orientations, seminars, testing, and laboratories will also be cancelled. Stay tuned to your local radio or television station or go to for information on campus closings.
The instructor reserves the right to make changes in this ICR (Syllabus) if time or other factors necessitate doing so.