Computer Technology
Computer Technology
Computer Technology
2011 iPhone4
Spaceship II
Search Engine in 2001
Source: Wikipedia
Social Indexing
Bret Taylor
Inventor of the Like button
Gesture Interfaces
Measuring Depth
Cloud Computing
My whole life is in the cloud
-To be said by millions in the next ten years.
Homomorphic Encryption
Making cloud computing more secure
Cloud Streaming
Genetic Technology
Protein DNA
Cancer Genomics
Deciphering the genetics behind the disease
DNA Sequencing
Cost: $1million 2007 $10K - 2011
Separating Chromosomes
A more precise way to read DNA will change how we treat disease
Synthetic Cells
Designing new genes on a computer.
Synthetic Cells
Assemble genes Into chromosomes using yeast.
Synthetic Cells
Designing new genomes could speed the creation of vaccines and biofuel-producing bacteria
Synthetic Cells
Designing new genomes could speed the creation of vaccines and biofuel-producing bacteria
Battery Technologies
Hybrid Systems
The world is changing faster than you realize How are you going to be ready?