Reliability For Power Factor Correction: LV Capacitor CLMD03
Reliability For Power Factor Correction: LV Capacitor CLMD03
Reliability For Power Factor Correction: LV Capacitor CLMD03
The CLMD03 extends the ABBs LV capacitor CLMD family. It is built on the well proven technology of ABBs capacitor elements in an innovative case offering high performance in a small volume. Powerful & well ventilated The CLMD03 capacitor unit is made of 9 capacitor elements housed in an innovative aluminum case. The material used for this case and its special shape enhance the ventilation and the heat dissipation allowing as much as 50kvar in a single case. Versatile & compact The CLMD03 is available in two executions: one single capacitor unit or two capacitor units within the same case. In the double-capacitor case execution the power is distributed over two sets of 3-phase terminals in order to achieve respectively 1/3 and 2/3 of the total power.
Safe & reliable The ABB capacitor elements also called Internally Protected Elements (IPE) are wound with a dielectric made from an inhoused metallized polypropylene film. A unique and sequential protection system insures a safe disconnection of each individual element at the end of its lifetime. These dry-type capacitor elements are the result of years of experience of an ABB engineering team and an A-to-Z in-house manufacturing process. In addition the CLMD03 case is filled with vermiculite, a natural and inert mineral providing high fireproof and energy absorption capabilities.
Wire connection Metal end spray In-house metallised polypropylene film (unique profile)
Environment-friendly LV capacitors dedicated to PF improvement aim to bring energy savings. The CLMD03 capacitor unit goes one step forward: thanks to its dry-type technology preventing from toxic oil leakage and the use of natural components like the vermiculite as well as its recyclable aluminum case the CLMD03 fully aligns on the ABBs worldwide program for higher electrical power efficiency with lower environmental impact.
Thermo-setting encapsulation
Single-capacitor case Reference number Q [kvar](2) Uc,n[V]
37.5kvar (25+12.5kvar)
Double-capacitor case Reference number Q1 [kvar](2) Q2 [kvar](2) Uc,n[V]
50 Hz network 400 5.67% 7.00% 12.50% 415 5.67% 7.00% 440 690 5.67% 7.00% 12.50% 14.00% 60 Hz network 380 6.00% 7.00% 12.50% 14.00% 440 6.00% 7.00% 480 6.00% 7.00% 600 7.00% 12.50% 14.00% 2GCA291621A0030 2GCA291617A0030 2GCA291617A0030 2GCA291625A0030 2GCA291625A0030 2GCA291624A0030 2GCA291626A0030 2GCA291626A0030 2GCA291627A0030 2GCA291628A0030 2GCA291628A0030 2GCA291623A0030 2GCA291629A0030 2GCA291629A0030 50.8 54.4 54.4 57.9 57.9 50.6 53.7 53.7 50.4 52.4 52.4 52.3 59.1 59.1 380 409 409 442 442 440 473 473 480 516 516 645 698 698 2GCA291634A0030 2GCA291636A0030 2GCA291636A0030 2GCA291635A0030 2GCA291639A0030 2GCA291638A0030 2GCA291640A0030 2GCA291640A0030 2GCA291641A0030 2GCA291642A0030 2GCA291642A0030 2GCA291637A0030 2GCA291643A0030 2GCA291643A0030 26.1 26.7 26.7 30.2 28.9 26.2 26.8 26.8 25.0 27.8 27.8 27.5 29.4 29.4 12.6 14.5 14.5 13.8 14.7 12.1 14.7 14.7 12.5 13.3 13.3 13.0 15.2 15.2 380 409 409 434 442 440 473 473 480 516 516 645 698 698 2GCA291615A0030 2GCA291621A0030 2GCA291621A0030 2GCA291617A0030 2GCA291621A0030 2GCA291617A0030 2GCA291617A0030 2GCA291616A0030 2GCA291623A0030 2GCA291618A0030 2GCA291618A0030 2GCA291619A0030 2GCA291620A0030(3) 50.2 54.2 54.2 56.7 54.2 56.7 56.7 50.2 49.8 54.4 54.4 56.3 50.4 400 430 430 457 430 457 457 440 690 742 742 789 802 2GCA291634A0030 2GCA291634A0030 2GCA291634A0030 2GCA291636A0030 2GCA291631A0030 2GCA291636A0030 2GCA291636A0030 2GCA291635A0030 2GCA291637A0030 2GCA291632A0030 2GCA291632A0030 2GCA291633A0030 2GCA291633A0030 25.0 27.9 27.9 27.9 25.0 27.9 27.9 25.8 26.2 27.7 27.7 29.0 29.0 12.5 13.4 13.4 15.2 12.5 15.2 15.2 11.8 12.4 13.3 13.3 15.6 15.6 400 430 430 457 415 457 457 440 690 742 742 802 802
(1) Reactors are not provided. (2) Q [kvar] is the exact rated power of the CLMD03 at its nominal voltage Uc,n . (3) The net output power of this CLMD03 case and its 14% reactor is limited to 43kvar.
The CLMD03 nameplate includes data about the possible working conditions whether with(1) or without(2) the use of reactors.
Type: CAP F5/6 V430/380 Q54.2/50.8 S1 CLMD03 Warning : After disconnecting from supply, wait 2 min. and check the absence of residual voltage before handling the parts IEC 60831-1 (2002) / IEC 60831-2 (1995) Made in Belgium 09-12-08
fn (Hz) 50 50 50 60
Qn (kvar) 50 50 50 50
Ui: 4/8kV
Cat: -25 / D C
Voltage range: From 380V to 690V. Frequency: 50 and 60 Hz. Connection: 3-phase. Net output power: 50kvar for single-capacitor case. 37.5kvar (25+12.5) for double-capacitor case. Reactors (not supplied): Combinations with 5.67%, 6%, 7%, 12.5% and 14% reactors possible. Discharge resistors: Factory-installed discharge resistors sized to ensure safe discharge of the capacitor to less than 50V in 1 minute after a switch off (minimum off time: 40 seconds). Terminals: M8 threaded terminals One set of 3-phase terminal for 50kvar units (single-capacitor case). Two sets of 3-phase terminals for 12.5kvar + 25kvar units (double-capacitor case). Earth: Earth connection on the enclosure flange. Case material: Recyclable aluminum enclosure.
Minimum distance between units: Flange to flange. 25 mm between unit and wall. Losses: for 380V rated voltage and above 0.2 W/kvar (capacitor without discharge resistors). 0.5 W/kvar (total including discharge resistors). Tolerance on capacitance: 0 % + 10 %. Voltage test (according to IEC 60831): Between terminals: 2.15xUn for 10 seconds. Between terminals and earth: 3kV for 10 sec: Un 500V. 4kV for 10 sec: Un > 500V. Overload capability (according to IEC 60831): Overvoltage tolerance: 10% for maximum 8h in every 24h and 30% for maximum 1min. Maximum permissible current: 1.3x In for continuous operation. Altitude: Up to 1000m. Compliance: IEC 60831 part 1 & 2. CE marked. Accessory: Optional top cover.
Color: Raw aluminum. Dimensions: Square flange with a side length of 260mm. Fixing: Four slots for M6 screws (12x7mm) on the upper flange. Execution: Indoor. Protection degree (according to IEC 60529): IP00. IP20 with optional top cover. Weight: Approx. 7.5 kg. Maximum ambient temperature: Class D according to IEC60831. Highest mean over any period of 1 year: 35C. Highest mean over any period of 24h: 45C. Maximum: 55C. Minimum ambient temperature: -25C. Height (IP00): 250 mm (including terminals).
For more information please contact: ABB n.v. Power Quality Products Avenue Centrale, 10 Zoning Industriel de Jumet B-6040 Charleroi (Jumet), Belgium Phone: +32 (0) 71 250 803 Fax: +32 (0) 71 344 007 E-Mail: Power
While all care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this publication is correct, no responsibility can be accepted for any inaccuracy. We reserve the right to alter or modify the information contained herein at any time in the light of technical or other developments. Technical specifications are valid under normal operating conditions only. We do not accept any responsibility for any misuse of the product and cannot be held liable for indirect or consequential damages.