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Monas Hieroglyphica: ('The Hieroglyphic Monad') by Dr. John Dee

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Antwerp, 1564. Translated by J.W. Hamilton-Jones, 1947.

To the most e !e""e#t M$%esty o& the &$mo's ()#* M$ )m)")$#

[ ee!s pre"a#e dedi#ated to $a%imilian omitted by J.W. Hamilton-Jones.&

't is by t(e strai)(t line and t(e #ir#le t(at t(e "irst and most simple e%ample and representation o" all t(in)s may be demonstrated, w(et(er s*#( t(in)s be eit(er none%istent or merely (idden *nder +at*re!s ,eils.

+eit(er t(e #ir#le wit(o*t t(e line, nor t(e line wit(o*t t(e point, #an be arti"i#ially prod*#ed. 't is, t(ere"ore, by ,irt*e o" t(e point and t(e $onad t(at all t(in)s #ommen#e to emer)e in prin#iple. T(at w(i#( is a""e#ted at t(e perip(ery, (owe,er lar)e it may be, #annot in any way la#- t(e s*pport o" t(e #entral point.


T(ere"ore, t(e #entral point w(i#( we see in t(e #entre o" t(e (iero)lyp(i# $onad prod*#es t(e .art(, ro*nd w(i#( t(e /*n, t(e $oon, and t(e ot(er planets "ollow t(eir respe#ti,e pat(s. T(e /*n (as t(e s*preme di)nity, and we represent (im by a #ir#le (a,in) a ,isible #entre.

Alt(o*)( t(e semi#ir#le o" t(e $oon is pla#ed abo,e t(e #ir#le o" t(e /*n and wo*ld appear to be s*perior, ne,ert(eless we -now t(at t(e /*n is r*ler and 0in). We see t(at t(e $oon in (er s(ape and (er pro%imity ri,als t(e /*n wit( (er )rande*r, w(i#( is apparent to ordinary men, yet t(e "a#e, or a semi-sp(ere o" t(e $oon, always re"le#ts t(e li)(t o" t(e /*n. 't desires so m*#( to be impre)nated wit( solar rays and to be trans"ormed into /*n t(at at times it disappears #ompletely "rom t(e s-ies and some days a"ter reappears, and we (a,e represented (er by t(e "i)*re o" t(e Horns 12orn*#opia3.

And tr*ly ' )i,e t(e #ompletion o" t(e idea o" t(e solar #ir#le by addin) a semi#ir#le "or t(e $oon, "or t(e mornin) and t(e e,enin) were t(e "irst day, and it was t(ere"ore in t(e "irst 1day3 t(at t(e 4i)(t o" t(e 5(ilosop(ers was made 1or prod*#ed3.

We see (ere t(at t(e /*n and t(e $oon are s*pported *pon t(e ri)(t-an)led 2ross. T(is 2ross may si)ni"y ,ery pro"o*ndly, and "or s*""i#ient reasons in o*r (iero)lyp(, eit(er t(e Ternary or t(e 6*aternary. T(e Ternary is made by t(e two strai)(t lines (a,in) a #op*lati,e #entre. T(e 6*aternary is prod*#ed by t(e "o*r strai)(t lines en#losin) "o*r ri)(t an)les. .it(er o" t(ese elements, t(e lines or t(e ri)(t an)les, repeated twi#e, t(ere"ore, a""ord *s in t(e most se#ret manner t(e 7#tad, w(i#( ' do not belie,e was -nown to o*r prede#essors, t(e $a)i, and w(i#( yo* s(o*ld st*dy wit( )reat attention. T(e t(ree"old ma)i# o" t(e "irst 8at(ers and t(e wise men #onsisted in 9ody, /o*l and /pirit. T(ere"ore, we (a,e (ere t(e "irst mani"ested /eptenary, t(at is to say, two strai)(t lines wit( a #ommon point w(i#( ma-e t(ree, and t(e "o*r lines w(i#( #on,er)e to "orm t(e #entral point in separatin) t(e "irst two.


T(e .lements bein) "ar "rom t(eir a##*stomed pla#es, t(e (omo)eneo*s parts are dislo#ated, and t(is a man learns by e%periment, "or it is alon) t(e strai)(t lines t(at t(ey ret*rn nat*rally and e""e#ti,ely to t(ese same pla#es. T(ere"ore, it will not be abs*rd to represent t(e mystery o" t(e "o*r .lements, in w(i#( it is possible to resol,e ea#( one into elementary "orm, by "o*r strai)(t lines r*nnin) in "o*r #ontrary dire#tions "rom one #ommon and indi,isible point. Here yo* will noti#e parti#*larly t(at t(e )eometri#ians tea#( t(at a line is prod*#ed by t(e displa#ement o" a point: we )i,e noti#e t(at it m*st be t(e same (ere, and "or a similar reason, be#a*se o*r elementary lines are prod*#ed by a #ontin*al #as#ade o" droplets as a "l*% in t(e me#(anism o" o*r ma)i#.

9esides, t(e -abbalisti# e%tension o" t(e 6*aternary a##ordin) to t(e #ommon "orm*la o" notation 1be#a*se we say one, two, t(ree, and "o*r3 is an abrid)ed or red*#ed "orm o" t(e e#ad. T(is is be#a*se 5yt(a)oras was in t(e (abit o" sayin): 1;<;=;4 ma-e 1>. 't is not by #(an#e t(at t(e ri)(t-an)led 2ross -- t(at is to say, t(e twenty-"irst letter o" t(e ?oman alp(abet, w(i#( was #onsidered as bein) "ormed by "o*r strai)(t lines -- was ta-en by t(e most an#ient o" t(e ?oman 5(ilosop(ers to represent t(e e#ad. 8*rt(er, t(ey (a,e de"ined t(e pla#e w(ere t(e Ternary #ond*#ts its "or#e into t(e /eptenary.

We see t(at all t(is a##ords per"e#tly wit( t(e /*n and $oon o" o*r $onad, be#a*se, by t(e ma)i# o" t(e "o*r .lements, an e%a#t separation *pon t(eir ori)inal lines m*st be made@ "ollowin) w(i#( t(e #ir#*latory #onA*n#tion wit(in t(e solar #omplement t(ro*)( t(e perip(eries o" t(ese same lines is per"ormed, be#a*se (owe,er lon) a )i,en line may be, it is possible to des#ribe a #ir#le passin) t(ro*)( its e%tremes, "ollowin) t(e laws o" t(e )eometri#ians. T(ere"ore, we #annot deny (ow *se"*l t(e /*n and t(e $oon are to o*r $onad, in #onA*n#tion wit( t(e de#adal proportion o" t(e 2ross.


T(e "ollowin) "i)*re o" t(e Bodia#al si)n Aries , in *se amon)st t(e astronomers, is t(e same "or all t(e world 1a sort o" ere#tion bot( #*ttin) and pointed3, and it is *nderstood t(at it indi#ates t(e ori)in o" t(e "iery tripli#ity in t(at part o" t(e s-y. T(ere"ore, we (a,e added t(e astronomi#al si)n Aries to si)ni"y t(at in t(e pra#ti#e o" t(is $onad t(e *se o" "ire is reC*ired. We "inis( t(e brie" (iero)lyp(i# #onsideration o" o*r $onad, w(i#( we wo*ld s*m *p in one only (iero)lyp(i# #onte%t: The S'# $#- the Moo# o& th)s Mo#$- -es)re th$t the E"eme#ts )# .h)!h the te#th /ro/ort)o# .)"" &"o.er0 sh$"" be se/$r$te-0 $#- th)s )s -o#e by the $//")!$t)o# o& 1)re.

T(e mysti#al si)n o" t(e ?am, #omposed o" two semi#ir#les #onne#ted by one #ommon point, is ,ery A*stly attrib*ted to t(e pla#e o" t(e eC*ino#tial ny#t(emeron, be#a*se t(e period o" twenty-"o*r (o*rs di,ided by means o" t(e eC*ino% denotes most se#ret proportions. T(is ' (a,e said in respe#t o" t(e .art(.

T(e ,ery an#ient wise men and $a)i (a,e transmitted to *s "i,e (iero)lyp(i#al si)ns o" t(e planets, all o" w(i#( are #omposed o*t o" t(e si)ns *sed "or t(e $oon and t(e /*n, to)et(er wit( t(e si)n o" t(e .lements and t(e (iero)lyp(i#al si)n o" Aries, t(e ?am, w(i#( will be#ome apparent to t(ose w(o e%amine t(ese "i)*res: .a#( one o" t(ese si)ns will not be di""i#*lt to e%plain a##ordin) to t(e (iero)lyp(i#al manner in ,iew o" o*r "*ndamental prin#iples, already posited. To be)in wit(, we will spea- in parap(rases o" t(ose w(i#( possess t(e #(ara#teristi#s o" t(e $oon:

"ollowin) t(at, o" t(ose w(i#( possess a solar #(ara#ter. W(en o*r l*nar nat*re, by t(e s#ien#e o" t(e .lements, (ad a##omplis(ed t(e "irst re,ol*tion ro*nd o*r .art(, t(en it was #alled, mysti#ally, /at*rn. A"terwards, at t(e "ollowin) re,ol*tion, it was named J*piter, and (olds a ,ery se#ret "i)*re. T(en t(e $oon, de,eloped by yet a t(ird Ao*rney, was represented ,ery obs#*rely a)ain by t(is "i)*re w(i#( it was t(eir #*stom to #all $er#*ry . Do* see

(ow t(is is 4*nar. T(at it m*st be #ond*#ted t(ro*)( a "o*rt( re,ol*tion will not be #ontrary to o*r most se#ret desi)n, w(ate,er #ertain sa)es may say. 'n t(is manner t(e p*re ma)i#al spirit, by its spirit*al ,irt*e, will per"orm t(e wor- o" t(e albi"i#ation at t(e pla#e o" t(e $oon@ to *s alone and as it were in t(e middle o" a nat*ral day (e will spea- (iero)lyp(i#ally wit(o*t words, introd*#in) and imprintin) t(ese "o*r )eo)oni# "i)*res in t(e p*re .art( ,ery simply prepared by *s: t(is last "i)*re bein) in t(e middle o" all t(e ot(ers.

+ow re)ard t(e mysti#al #(ara#ter o" $arsE 's it not "ormed "rom t(e (iero)lyp(s o" t(e /*n and Aries, t(e ma)istery o" t(e .lements partly inter,enin)F And t(at o" Gen*s -- ' wis( to -now is it not prod*#ed "rom t(at o" t(e /*n and t(e .lements a##ordin) to t(e best e%ponentsF T(ere"ore, t(e planets loo- towards t(e solar perip(ery and t(e wor- o" re,i,i"i#ation.

'n t(e pro)ression we will noti#e t(is ot(er $er#*ry

will appear w(o is tr*ly t(e

twin brot(er o" t(e "irst: "or by t(e #omplete 4*nar and /olar ma)i# o" t(e .lements, t(e Hiero)lyp( o" t(is $essen)er spea-s to *s ,ery distin#tly, and we s(o*ld e%amine it #are"*lly and listen to w(at it says. And 1by t(e Will o" Hod3 it is t(e $er#*ry o" t(e 5(ilosop(ers, t(e )reatly #elebrated mi#ro#osm and A A$. T(ere"ore, some o" t(e most e%pert were in#lined to pla#e (im in a position o", and )i,e (im a ran- eC*al to, t(e /*n (imsel".

T(is we #annot per"orm in t(e present epo#( *nless we add to t(is #oraline #rystal wor- a #ertain /7I4 separated "rom t(e body by t(e pyro)nomi# art. 't is ,ery di""i#*lt to a##omplis( t(is and ,ery perilo*s be#a*se o" t(e "ire and t(e s*lp(*r w(i#( t(e breat( #ontains wit(in it. 9*t #ertainly t(is /o*l #an per"orm mar,ello*s t(in)s. 8or e%ample, Aoin it by indissol*ble ties to t(e dis# o" t(e $oon 1or at least o" $er#*ry3 by 4*#i"er and 8ire. 'n t(e t(ird pla#e, it is ne#essary t(at we s(o*ld s(ow 1in order to demonstrate o*r /eptenary n*mber3 t(at it is t(e /*n o" 5(ilosop(ers itsel". Do* will obser,e t(e e%a#tit*de as well as t(e #larity wit( w(i#( t(is anatomy o" o*r Hiero)lyp(i# $onad #orresponds to w(at is si)ni"ied in t(e ar#ana o" t(ese two t(eorems.

't is t(ere"ore #learly #on"irmed t(at t(e w(ole ma)istery depends *pon t(e /*n and t(e $oon. T(ri#e Hreatest Hermes (as repeatedly told *s t(is in a""irmin) t(at t(e /*n is its "at(er and t(e $oon is its mot(er: and we -now tr*ly t(at t(e red eart( 1terra lemnia3 is no*ris(ed by t(e rays o" t(e $oon and t(e /*n w(i#( e%er#ise a sin)*lar in"l*en#e *pon it.

We s*))est, t(ere"ore, t(at 5(ilosop(ers s(o*ld #onsider t(e a#tion o" t(e /*n and t(e $oon *pon t(e .art(. T(ey will noti#e t(at w(en t(e li)(t o" t(e /*n enters Aries, t(en t(e $oon, w(en s(e enters t(e ne%t si)n, t(at is to say Ta*r*s, re#ei,es a new di)nity in t(e li)(t and is e%alted in t(at si)n in respe#t o" (er nat*ral ,irt*es. T(e An#ients e%plained t(is pro%imity o" t(e l*minaries -- t(e most remar-able o" all -- by a #ertain mysti# si)n *nder t(e name o" t(e 9*ll. 't is ,ery #ertain t(at it is t(is e%altation o" t(e $oon to w(i#( in t(eir treatises t(e astronomers "rom t(e most an#ient times bear witness. T(is mystery #an be *nderstood only by t(ose w(o (a,e be#ome t(e Absol*te 5onti""s o" t(e $ysteries. 8or t(e same reason t(ey (a,e said t(at Ta*r*s is t(e (o*se o" Gen*s -t(at is to say, o" #onA*)al lo,e, #(aste and proli"i#, "or nat*re reAoi#es in nat*re, as t(e )reat 7stanes #on#ealed in (is most se#ret mysteries. T(ese e%altations are a#C*ired by t(e /*n, be#a*se (e (imsel", a"ter (a,in) *nder)one many e#lipses o" (is li)(t, re#ei,ed t(e "or#e o" $ars, and is said to be e%alted in t(is same (o*se o" $ars w(i#( is o*r ?am 1Aries3. T(is most se#ret mystery is #learly and per"e#tly s(own in o*r $onad by t(e (iero)lyp(i# "i)*re o" Ta*r*s, w(i#( is (ere represented, and by t(at o" $ars, w(i#( we (a,e indi#ated in T(eorem J'' and T(eorem J''' by t(e /*n Aoined to a strai)(t line towards t(e si)n o" Aries. 'n t(is t(eory anot(er -abbalisti# analysis o" o*r $onad o""ers itsel", be#a*se t(e tr*e and in)eni*s e%planation is t(is: t(e e%altations o" t(e $oon and o" t(e /*n ate made by means o" t(e s#ien#e o" t(e .lements. Note. -- T(ere are two t(in)s w(i#( s(o*ld be parti#*larly obser,ed: "irst, t(at t(e (iero)lyp(i# "i)*re o" Ta*r*s is t(e same as t(e dip(t(on) o" t(e Hree-s [i.e. -o*&,

w(i#( was always *sed in terminatin) t(e sin)*lar )ender@ se#ondly, t(at by a simple transposition o" pla#e we s(ow t(e letter alp(a twi#e, by a #ir#le and a (al"-#ir#le, bein) simply tan)ents w(i#( to*#( one anot(er as s(own.


We m*st now, in ,iew o" o*r s*bAe#t, p(ilosop(ise "or a s(ort time *pon t(e 2ross. 7*r 2ross may be "ormed o" two strai)(t lines 1as we (a,e said3 w(i#( are eC*al one to t(e ot(er -- t(at is to say, we #annot separate t(e lines e%#ept we do it by partin) t(em so t(at we )et eC*al len)t(s. 9*t in t(e mysti# distrib*tion o" t(e #omponents o" o*r 2ross, we wis( to *se parts w(i#( are bot( eC*al and *neC*al. T(ese parts s(ow t(at a ,irt*e is (idden *nder t(e power o" t(e di,ision o" t(e .C*ilateral 2ross into two parts, be#a*se t(ey are o" eC*al )rande*r. 'n )eneral, t(e 2ross m*st be #omposed o" eC*al ri)(t an)les, sin#e t(e nat*re o" A*sti#e demands t(e per"e#t eC*ality o" t(e lines *sed in t(e de#*ssation. 'n a##ordan#e wit( t(is A*sti#e, we propose to e%amine wit( #are t(at w(i#( "ollows #on#ernin) t(e .C*ilateral 2ross 1w(i#( is t(e twenty"irst letter o" t(e 4atin alp(abet3. '", t(ro*)( t(e #ommon point w(ere t(e opposite an)les meet in o*r ?e#tilineal, ?e#tan)*lar, and .C*ilateral 2ross, we ima)ine a strai)(t line di,idin) it into two parts, t(en on eit(er side o" t(e line t(*s tra,ersed we "ind t(e parts are per"e#tly eC*al and similar. And t(ese parts are similar in s(ape to t(at letter o" t(e ?omans w(i#( is re)arded as t(e "i"t( o" t(e ,owels, and w(i#( was "reC*ently *sed by t(e most an#ient 4atin p(ilosop(ers to represent t(e n*mber "i,e.

T(is, ' #on#ei,e, was not done by t(em wit(o*t )ood reason, be#a*se it is in "a#t t(e e%a#t (al" o" o*r e#ad. 7" t(ese parts o" t(e "i)*re t(*s d*pli#ated by t(e (ypot(eti#al di,ision o" t(e 2ross, we m*st #on#l*de it to be reasonable t(at ea#( part represents t(e C*inary, alt(o*)( one is *pri)(t and t(e ot(er re,ersed in imitation o" t(e m*ltipli#ation o" t(e sC*are root w(i#( #omes in (ere in a mar,ello*s way as t(e #ir#*lar n*mber, t(at is to say, t(e C*inary, "rom w(i#( we "ind t(e n*mber twenty"i,e is prod*#ed 1be#a*se t(is letter is t(e twentiet( o" t(e alp(abet and t(e "i"t( o" t(e ,owels3. We will now #onsider anot(er aspe#t o" t(is same .C*ilateral 2ross -- t(at w(i#( "ollows is based *pon t(e position s(own in o*r $onadi# 2ross. 4et *s s*ppose a similar di,ision o" t(e 2ross into two parts be made as in t(e drawin).

+ow we see t(e )erminatin) s(ape o" anot(er letter o" t(e 4atin alp(abet -- t(e one *pri)(t, t(e ot(er re,ersed and opposite. T(is letter is *sed 1a"ter t(e an#ient #*stom o" t(e 4atins3 to represent t(e n*mber "i"ty. 8rom t(is, it seems to me, we establis( o*r e#ad o" t(e 2ross, "or t(is is pla#ed at t(e s*mmit o" all t(e mysteries, and it "ollows t(at t(is 2ross is t(e (iero)lyp(i# si)n o" per"e#tion. T(ere"ore, en#losed wit(in t(e C*inary "or#e is t(e power o" t(e e#ad, o*t o" w(i#( #omes t(e n*mber "i"ty as its own prod*#t. 7(, my Hod, (ow pro"o*nd are t(ese mysteriesE and t(e name . 4 is )i,en to t(is letterE And "or t(is ,ery reason, we see t(at it responds to t(e de#adal ,irt*e o" t(e 2ross, be#a*se, startin) "rom t(e "irst letter o" t(e alp(abet, 4 is t(e tent( letter, and #o*ntin) ba#-wards "rom t(e letter J, we "ind t(at it "alls into t(e tent( pla#e, and sin#e we s(ow t(at t(ere are two parts o" t(e 2ross, and #onsiderin) now t(eir n*meri#al ,irt*e, it is C*ite #lear (ow t(e n*mber one (*ndred is prod*#ed. And i" by t(e law o" sC*ares t(ese two parts be m*ltiplied to)et(er, t(ey )i,e a prod*#t o" <5>>. T(is sC*are #ompared wit( t(e sC*are o" t(e "irst #ir#*lar n*mber, and applied to it, )i,es a di""eren#e o" one (*ndred, w(i#( is t(e 2ross itsel" e%plained by t(e sC*are o" its e#ad, and is re#o)nised as one (*ndred. T(ere"ore, as t(is is #ontained wit(in t(e "i)*re o" t(e 2ross, it also represents *nity. 9y t(e st*dy o" t(ese t(eories o" t(e 2ross, t(e most di)ni"ied o" all, we are t(ereby ind*#ed to *tilise t(is pro)ression, ,iB. one -- ten -- one (*ndred, and t(is is t(e de#adal proportion o" t(e 2ross as it appears to *s.

A"ter a d*e st*dy o" t(e si%t( t(eorem it is lo)i#al to pro#eed to a #onsideration o" t(e "o*r ri)(t an)les in o*r 2ross, to ea#( one o" w(i#(, as we (a,e s(own in t(e pre#edin) t(eorem, we attrib*te t(e si)ni"i#an#e o" t(e C*inary a##ordin) to t(e "irst position in w(i#( t(ey are pla#ed, and in transposin) t(em to a new position, t(e same t(eorem s(ows t(at t(ey be#ome (iero)lyp(i# si)ns o" t(e n*mber "i"ty. 't is C*ite e,ident t(at t(e 2ross is ,*l)arly *sed to indi#ate t(e n*mber ten, and "*rt(er, it is t(e twenty-"irst letter, "ollowin) t(e order o" t(e 4atin alp(abet, and it is "or t(is reason

t(at t(e sa)es amon)st t(e $e#*bales desi)nated t(e n*mber twenty-one by t(is same letter. 'n "a#t, we #an )i,e a ,ery simple #onsideration to t(is si)n to "ind o*t w(at ot(er C*alitati,e and C*antitati,e ,irt*es it possesses. 8rom all t(ese "a#ts we see t(at we may sa"ely #on#l*de, by t(e best -abbalisti# #omp*tation, t(at o*r 2ross, by a mar,ello*s metamorp(osis, may si)ni"y "or t(e 'nitiates two (*ndred and "i"ty-two. T(*s: "o*r times "i,e, "o*r times "i"ty, ten, twenty-one and one, w(i#( added to)et(er ma-e two (*ndred and "i"ty-two. We #an e%tra#t t(is n*mber by two ot(er met(ods as we (a,e already s(own: we re#ommend to t(e 0abbalists w(o (a,e not yet made e%periments to prod*#e it, not only to st*dy it in its #on#iseness, b*t also to "orm a A*d)ment wort(y o" p(ilosop(ers in re)ard to t(e ,ario*s perm*tations and in)enio*s prod*#tions w(i#( arise "rom t(e ma)istery o" t(is n*mber. And ' will not (ide "rom yo* a "*rt(er memorable mysta)o)y: #onsider t(at o*r 2ross, #ontainin) so many ideas, #on#eals two "*rt(er letters i" we e%amine #are"*lly t(eir n*meri#al ,irt*es a"ter a #ertain manner, so t(at, by a parallel met(od "ollowin) t(eir ,erbal "or#e wit( t(is same 2ross, we re#o)nise wit( s*preme admiration t(at it is "rom (ere t(at 4'HHT is deri,ed 14IJ3, t(e "inal word o" t(e ma)istery, by t(e *nion and #onA*n#tion o" t(e Ternary wit(in t(e *nity o" t(e Word.

8rom o*r T(eorems J'' and J''' it may be in"erred t(at #elestial astronomy is t(e so*r#e and )*ide o" t(e in"erior astronomy. 9e"ore we raise o*r eyes to (ea,en, -abbalisti#ally ill*minated by t(e #ontemplation o" t(ese mysteries, we s(o*ld per#ei,e ,ery e%a#tly t(e #onstr*#tion o" o*r $onad as it is s(own to *s not only in t(e 4'HHT b*t also in li"e and nat*re, "or it dis#loses e%pli#itly, by its inner mo,ement, t(e most se#ret mysteries o" t(is p(ysi#al analysis. We (a,e #ontemplated t(e (ea,enly and di,ine "*n#tions o" t(is #elestial $essen)er, and we now apply t(is #o-ordination to t(e "i)*re o" t(e e)). 't is well -nown t(at all astrolo)ers tea#( t(at t(e "orm o" t(e orbit tra,ersed by a planet is #ir#*lar, and be#a*se t(e wise s(o*ld *nderstand by a (int, it is t(*s t(at we interpret it in t(e (iero)lyp( s(own, w(i#( #on"orms in e,ery detail wit( all t(at (as )one be"ore.

Here yo* will note t(at t(e miserable al#(emists m*st learn to re#o)nise t(eir n*mero*s errors and to *nderstand w(at is t(e water o" t(e w(ite o" e)), w(at is t(e oil o" t(e yo-e o" e)), and w(at we mean by #al#ined e))-s(ells. T(ese ine%pert impostors m*st learn in t(eir despair to *nderstand w(at are meant by t(ese and many ot(er similar e%pressions. Here we (a,e s(own almost all t(e proportions w(i#( #orrespond to +at*re (ersel". T(is is t(e same .a)le!s .)) w(i#( t(e s#arab "ormerly bro-e be#a*se o" t(e inA*ry w(i#( t(e #r*elty and ,iolen#e o" t(is bird #a*sed to timid and primiti,e man, "or t(is bird p*rs*ed some o" t(em w(o were r*nnin) to t(e #a,ern w(ere t(e s#arab dwelt, to implore (is aid. T(e s#arab wondered in w(at manner (e alone #o*ld re,en)e s*#( insolen#e, and, bein) o" an ardent #(ara#ter, prepared to a##omplis( (is p*rpose by #onstan#y and determination, "or (e was s(ort o" neit(er power nor intelli)en#e. T(e s#arab p*rs*ed t(e ea)le resol*tely and made *se o" t(is ,ery s*btle tri#-: (e let "all (is ord*re in t(e bosom o" J*piter w(ere t(e e)) was deposited, wit( t(e res*lt t(at t(e Hod in )ettin) rid o" it t(rew t(e e)) to t(e )ro*nd, w(ere it was bro-en. T(e s#arab by t(is met(od wo*ld (a,e #ompletely e%terminated t(e w(ole "amily o" ea)les "rom t(e .art( (ad not J*piter, in order to a,oid s*#( a #alamity, resol,ed t(at, d*rin) t(at part o" t(e year w(en t(e ea)les wat#( o,er t(eir e))s, no s#arab s(o*ld #ome "lyin) near t(em. T(ere"ore, ' #o*nsel t(ose w(o are illtreated by t(e #r*elty o" t(is bird, t(at t(ey learn t(e ,ery *se"*l art "rom t(ese solar inse#ts 1Helio#ant(aris3 w(o li,e #on#ealed and (idden "or ,ery lon) periods o" time. 9y t(ese indi#ations and si)ns, "or w(i#( t(ey s(o*ld be ,ery t(an-"*l, t(ey t(emsel,es will be able to ta-e ,en)ean#e on t(eir enemy. And ' a""irm 17 0in)E3 t(at

it is not Aesop b*t 7edip*s w(o prompts me, "or (e presented t(ese t(in)s to wort(y so*ls, and ,ent*red "or t(e "irst time to spea- o" t(ese s*preme mysteries o" +at*re. ' -now per"e#tly well t(at t(ere (a,e been #ertain men w(o, by t(e art o" t(e s#arab, (a,e dissol,ed t(e ea)le!s e)) and its s(ell wit( p*re alb*men and (a,e "ormed t(ereby a mi%t*re o" all@ a"terwards t(ey (a,e red*#ed t(is mi%t*re to a yellow liC*id, by a notable pro#ess, ,iB. by a #easeless #ir#*lation A*st as t(e s#arabs roll t(eir balls o" eart(.

9y t(is means t(e )reat metamorp(osis o" t(e e)) was a##omplis(ed@ t(e alb*men was absorbed d*rin) a )reat many re,ol*tions ro*nd t(e (elio#entri# orbits, and was en,eloped in t(is same yellow liC*id. T(e (iero)lyp(i# "i)*re s(own (ere, o" t(is art, will not displease t(ose w(o are "amiliar wit( +at*re. We read t(at d*rin) t(e early #ent*ries, t(is art was m*#( #elebrated amon)st t(e most serio*s and an#ient 5(ilosop(ers, as bein) #ertain and *se"*l. Ana%a)oras per"ormed t(e ma)istery and e%tra#ted t(ere"rom an e%#ellent medi#ine, as yo* may read in (is boo-.

He w(o de,otes (imsel" sin#erely to t(ese mysteries will see #learly t(at not(in) is able to e%ist wit(o*t t(e ,irt*e o" o*r (iero)lyp(i# $onad.

T(e /*n and t(e $oon s(ed t(eir #orporeal "or#es *pon t(e bodies o" t(e in"erior .lements, m*#( more so t(an all t(e ot(er planets. 't is t(is "a#t w(i#( s(ows, in e""e#t, t(at in t(e pyro)nomi# analysis all metals lose t(e aC*eo*s (*mo*r o" t(e $oon as well as t(e i)neo*s liC*or o" t(e /*n, by w(i#( all #orporeal, terrestrial, and mortal t(in)s are s*stained.

We (a,e s(own s*""i#iently t(at "or ,ery )ood reasons t(e .lements are represented in o*r Hiero)lyp( by t(e strai)(t lines, t(ere"ore we )i,e a ,ery e%a#t spe#*lation #on#ernin) t(e point w(i#( we pla#e in t(e #entre o" o*r 2ross. T(is point #annot by any means be abstra#ted "rom o*r Ternary. /(o*ld anyone w(o is i)norant o" t(is di,ine learnin), say t(at in t(is position o" o*r 9inary t(e point #an be absent, we reply, (e may s*ppose it to be absent, b*t t(at w(i#( remains wit(o*t it will #ertainly not be o*r 9inary@ "or t(e 6*aternary is immediately mani"ested, be#a*se by remo,in) t(e point we dis#ontin*e t(e *nity o" t(e lines. +ow, o*r ad,ersary may s*ppose t(at by t(is ar)*ment we (a,e re#onstr*#ted o*r 9inary@ t(at in "a#t o*r 9inary and o*r 6*aternary are one and t(e same t(in), a##ordin) to t(is #onsideration, w(i#( is mani"estly impossible. T(e point m*st o" ne#essity be present, be#a*se wit( t(e 9inary it #onstit*tes o*r Ternary, and t(ere is not(in) t(at #an be s*bstit*ted in its pla#e. $eanw(ile (e #annot di,ide t(e (ypostati# property o" o*r 9inary wit(o*t n*lli"yin) an inte)ral part o" it. T(*s it is demonstrated t(at it m*st not be di,ided. All t(e parts o" a line are lines. T(is is a point, and t(is #on"irms o*r (ypot(esis. T(ere"ore, t(e point does not "orm part o" o*r 9inary and yet it "orms part o" t(e inte)ral "orm o" t(e 9inary. 't "ollows t(at we m*st ta-e noti#e o" all t(at is (idden wit(in t(is (ypostati# "orm and *nderstand t(at t(ere is not(in) s*per"l*o*s in t(e linear dimension o" o*r 9inary. 9*t be#a*se we see t(at t(ese dimensions are #ommon to bot( lines, t(ey are #onsidered to re#ei,e a #ertain se#ret ima)e "rom t(is 9inary. 9y t(is we demonstrate (ere t(at t(e 6*aternary is #on#ealed wit(in t(e Ternary. 7 HodE pardon me i" ' (a,e sinned a)ainst T(y $aAesty in re,ealin) s*#( a )reat mystery in my writin)s w(i#( all may read, b*t ' belie,e t(at only t(ose w(o are tr*ly wort(y will *nderstand.

We t(ere"ore #ontin*e to e%po*nd t(e 6*aternary o" o*r 2ross as we (a,e indi#ated. /ee- dili)ently to dis#o,er w(et(er t(e point may be remo,ed "rom t(e position in w(i#( we "irst "ind it. T(e mat(emati#ians tea#( t(at it may be displa#ed C*ite simply. At t(e moment w(en it is separated t(e 6*aternary remains, and it be#omes m*#( more #lear and distin#t to t(e eyes o" all. T(is is not a part o" its s*bstantial proportions, b*t only t(e #on"*sed and s*per"l*o*s point w(i#( is reAe#ted and remo,ed. 7 7mnipotent i,ine $aAesty, (ow we $ortals are #onstrained to #on"ess w(at )reat Wisdom and w(at ine""able mysteries reside in t(e 4aw w(i#( T(o* (ast madeE T(ro*)( all t(ese points and t(ese letters t(e most s*blime se#rets, and terrestrial ar#ane mysteries, as well as t(e m*ltiple re,elations o" t(is *niC*e point, now pla#ed in t(e 4i)(t and e%amined by me, #an be "ait("*lly demonstrated and e%plained. T(is point is not s*per"l*o*s wit(in t(e i,ine Trinity, yet w(en #onsidered, on t(e ot(er (and, wit(in t(e 0in)dom o" t(e "o*r .lements it is bla#-, t(ere"ore #orr*ptible and watery. 7 t(ri#e and "o*r times (appy, t(e man w(o attains t(is 1almost #op*lati,e3 point in t(e Ternary, and reAe#ts and remo,es t(at sombre and s*per"l*o*s part o" t(e 6*aternary, t(e so*r#e o" ,a)*e s(adows. T(*s a"ter some e""ort we obtain t(e w(ite ,estments brilliant as t(e snow. 7(, $a%imilianE $ay Hod, t(ro*)( t(is mysta)o)y, ma-e yo* or some ot(er s#ion o" t(e Ho*se o" A*stria t(e most power"*l o" all w(en t(e time #omes "or me to remain tranC*il in 2(rist, in order t(at t(e (ono*r o" His redo*btable name may be restored wit(in t(e abominable and intolerable s(adows (o,erin) abo,e t(e .art(. And now "or "ear t(at ' mysel" s(o*ld say too m*#( ' s(all immediately ret*rn to t(e b*rden o" my tas-, and be#a*se ' (a,e already terminated my dis#o*rse "or t(ose w(ose )aBe is #entred wit(in t(e (eart, it is now ne#essary to translate my words "or t(ose w(ose (eart is #entred wit(in t(eir eyes. Here, t(ere"ore, we #an represent in some meas*re in t(e "i)*re o" t(e 2ross t(at w(i#( we (a,e already said. Two eC*al lines are eC*ally and ineC*ally #rossed t(ro*)( t(e point o" ne#essity w(i#( yo* see in A.

T(e "o*r strai)(t lines, as in 9, prod*#e a sort o" ,a#**m w(ere t(ey are wit(drawn "rom t(e #entral point, w(i#( was t(eir #ommon #ondition, in w(i#( state t(ey were not preA*di#al, t(e one to t(e ot(er. T(is is t(e pat( by w(i#( o*r $onad, pro)ressin) t(ro*)( t(e 9inary and t(e Ternary into t(e p*ri"ied 6*aternary, is re#onstit*ted wit(in itsel", *nited in eC*al proportions, and w(i#( now s(ows t(at t(e w(ole is eC*al to its #ombined parts, "or d*rin) t(e time t(at t(is ta-es pla#e o*r $onad will not admit o" ot(er *nits or n*mbers, be#a*se it is sel"-s*""i#ient, and e%a#tly so, wit(in itsel"@ absol*te in all n*mbers in t(e amplit*de o" w(i#( it is di""*sed, not only ma)i#ally b*t also by a somew(at ,*l)ar pro#ess employed by t(e artist, w(i#( prod*#es )reat res*lts in di)nity and power wit(in t(is sel"same $onad, w(i#( is resol,ed into its own "irst matter@ w(ilst t(at w(i#( is "orei)n to its nat*re and to its nat*ral (ereditary proportions is se)re)ated wit( t(e )reatest #are and dili)en#e and reAe#ted "or e,er amon)st t(e imp*tities.

'" t(at w(i#( is (idden wit(in t(e pro"*ndities o" o*r $onad be bro*)(t to li)(t, or, on t(e #ontrary, i" t(ose primary parts w(i#( are e%terior in o*r $onad are en#losed in t(e #entre, yo* will see t(e e%tent to w(i#( t(e p(ilosop(i#al trans"ormation #an be prod*#ed. We will now e%po*nd to yo* anot(er lo#al #omm*tation o" o*r mysti#al $onad, *sin) t(ose parts "rom t(e (iero)lyp(i# #(ara#ters o" t(e s*perior planets w(i#( are immediately o""ered to *s. .a#( one o" t(e ot(er planets "or t(is p*rpose is in t*rn ele,ated to a position w(i#( was "reC*ently assi)ned to t(em by 5lato, t(ere"ore, i" t(ey are #on,eniently ta-en in t(is position and at t(is point in Aries, /at*rn and J*piter are in #onA*n#tion. 9y des#endin), t(e 2ross represents Gen*s and $er#*ry, "ollowed by t(e /*n (imsel" wit( t(e $oon at t(e bottom. T(is will be re"*ted in ot(er #ir#les@ meantime, as we (a,e no wis( to (ide t(e p(ilosop(i#al treas*re o" o*r $onad, we (a,e ta-en a resol*tion to )i,e a reason by w(i#( t(e position o" t(e $onad is by t(is manner displa#ed. Det seeE listen to t(ese ot(er )reat se#rets w(i#( ' -now and will dis#lose to assist yo* as to*#(in) t(is position, w(i#( ' #an e%plain in "ew words. We distrib*te o*r $onad, now loo-ed at "rom a di""erent aspe#t, and analysed in a di""erent manner, as is seen at 9, , 2. 'n t(is new Ternary t(e "i)*res 2 and are -nown to all men, b*t t(e "i)*re desi)nated 9 is not easy o" #ompre(ension.

't is ne#essary to )i,e #are"*l #onsideration to t(e -nown "orms and 2, w(i#( s(ow t(at t(e essen#es are separated and distin#t "rom t(e "i)*re 9: also we see t(at t(e Horns o" t(e "i)*re 2 are t*rned downwards towards t(e .art(. T(at part o" w(i#( ill*mines 2 is also towards t(e .art(, t(at is to say, downwards, in t(e #entre o" w(i#( t(e solitary ,isible point alone is tr*ly t(e .art(: "inally t(ese two "i)*res and 2 t*rned towards t(e lower end )i,e a (iero)lyp(i# indi#ation o" t(e .art(. T(ere"ore, t(e .art( is made to represent, (iero)lyp(i#ally, stability and "i%ation. ' lea,e yo* to A*d)e "rom t(is w(at is meant by 2 and : "rom w(i#( yo* may ta-e noti#e o" a )reat se#ret. All t(e C*alities w(i#( we (a,e in t(e "irst pla#e as#ribed to t(e /*n and t(e $oon #an (ere be )i,en a per"e#t and ,ery ne#essary interpretation, t(ese two stars *p to now (a,in) been pla#ed in t(e s*perior position wit( t(e (orns o" t(e $oon raised on (i)(@ b*t we (a,e already spo-en o" t(is. We will now e%amine, a##ordin) to t(e "*ndamentals o" o*r (iero)lyp(i# Art, t(e nat*re o" t(is t(ird "i)*re 9. 8irst, we #arry to t(e 2rown t(e do*ble #res#ent o" t(e $oon w(i#( is o*r Aries, t*rned ro*nd in a mysti#al manner. T(en "ollows t(e (iero)lyp(i# si)n o" t(e .lements, w(i#( is atta#(ed to it. As to w(y we *se t(e do*ble $oon, it may be e%plained t(at it is a##ordin) to t(e matter, w(i#( reC*ires a do*ble C*antity o" t(e $oon. We spea- o" t(ose )rades o" w(i#( in t(eir e%periments t(e 5(ilosop(ers #o*ld "ind no more t(an "o*r, amon)st all #reated s*bstan#es, t(at is to say, to be, to li,e, to "eel and to #ompre(end 1esse, vivere, sentire et entelligere3. 'n sayin) t(at t(e "irst two o" t(ese .lements are "o*nd (ere, we say t(at t(ey are #alled argent vive (luna existens, viva3, all li"e bein) s*bAe#t to mo,ement, t(ere bein) si% prin#iples o" mo,ement. T(e 2ross w(i#( is atta#(ed implies t(at in t(is arti"i#e t(e .lements are reC*isite. We (a,e told yo* many times t(at in o*r t(eory t(e (iero)lyp( o" t(e $oon is li-e a semi#ir#le, and on t(e #ontrary t(e #omplete #ir#le si)ni"ies t(e /*n, w(ereas (ere we (a,e two semi#ir#les separated, b*t to*#(in) at a #ommon point@ i" t(ese are #ombined, as t(ey #an be by a #ertain art, t(e prod*#t #an represent

t(e #ir#*lar plenit*de o" t(e /*n. 8rom all t(ose t(in)s w(i#( we (a,e #onsidered, t(e res*lt is t(at we #an s*mmarise, and in (iero)lyp(i# "orm, o""er t(e "ollowin): Argent vive, w(i#( m*st be de,eloped by t(e ma)istery o" t(e .lements, possesses t(e power o" t(e solar "or#e t(ro*)( t(e *ni"i#ation o" its two semi#ir#les #ombined by a se#ret art. T(e #ir#le, o" w(i#( we (a,e spo-en and w(i#( we desi)nate in t(e "i)*re by t(e letter ., is t(*s a##omplis(ed and "ormed. Do* will re#olle#t, we (a,e said t(at t(e solar de)ree is not deli,ered to *s ready to o*r (and by +at*re, b*t t(at it is arti"i#ial and not prod*#ed by +at*re, it bein) a,ailable to *s in its "irst aspe#t in a##ordan#e wit( its proper nat*re 1as in 93 in two parts separated and dissol,ed, and not solidly *nited in t(e solar body. 'n "a#t, t(e semi-diameter o" t(ese (al"-#ir#les is not eC*al to t(e semi-diameter o" and 2, b*t m*#( smaller. .,eryone #an see t(is "rom t(e manner in w(i#( we (a,e drawn t(em in t(e dia)ram, "rom w(i#( it is #lear t(at t(is same 9 (as not as )reat an amplit*de as and 2. T(e proportions in t(e "i)*re #on"irm t(is, bein) by t(is means trans"ormed into a #ir#le "rom 9 into .. T(ere"ore, t(ere appears be"ore o*r eyes t(e si)n o" Gen*s alone. We (a,e already demonstrated by t(ese (iero)lyp(i#al syllo)isms t(at "rom 9 we #annot obtain t(e tr*e , and t(at t(e tr*e 2 is not and #annot be #ompletely wit(in t(e nat*re o" 9@ t(ere"ore, t(is o" itsel" is not able to be#ome t(e tr*e KAr)ent Gi,e.K Do* may already do*bt t(e s*bAe#t o" t(is li"e and o" t(is mo,ement, w(et(er it is possible, in "a#t, to possess it nat*rally or not. Howe,er, as we (a,e already e%plained to t(e wise, all t(ose t(in)s w(i#( are said abo*t 9, in a similar manner will be at least analo)i#al, and all t(at w(i#( we (a,e brie"ly ta*)(t #on#ernin) 2 and #an be ,ery well applied, by analo)y, to t(is same 9 a##ompanied by its .lements. 'ndeed, t(at w(i#( we (a,e atta#(ed to t(e nat*re o" Aries, s(o*ld e%a#tly "it t(e #ase, be#a*se it #arries t(is "i)*re 9, alt(o*)( re,ersed, at its s*mmit, and t(at w(i#( is atta#(ed to t(e "i)*re 9, is t(e mysti#al "i)*re o" t(e .lements. T(ere"ore, we see by t(is anatomy t(at "rom t(e body o" o*r $onad alone, separated in t(is manner by o*r Art, t(is new Ternary is "ormed. T(is we #annot do*bt, "or t(e reason t(at t(e members w(i#( #omposed it reassemble and "orm amon)st t(emsel,es o" t(eir own "ree will a monadi# *nion and sympat(y w(i#( is absol*te. 9y t(is means we dis#o,er amon)st t(ese members a "or#e w(i#( is bot( ma)neti# and a#ti,e. 8inally ' t(in- it well to note (ere, by way o" re#reation, t(at t(is same 9 s(ows ,ery #learly t(e same proportions in t(e mal"ormed and r*sti# letter in t(at it #arries ,isible

points towards t(e top and at t(e "ront and t(at t(ese letters are t(ree in n*mber, ot(erwise t(ey n*mber si%, s*mmarisin) t(ree times t(ree: t(ey are #r*de and mal"ormed, *nstable and in#onstant, made in s*#( a manner as to appear "ormed o" a series o" (al"-#ir#les.

9*t t(e met(od o" ma-in) t(ese letters more stable and "irm is in t(e (ands o" t(e literary e%perts. ' (a,e (ere pla#ed be"ore yo*r eyes an in"init*de o" mysteries: ' introd*#e a )ame b*t to interr*pt a t(eory. $eanw(ile ' do not *nderstand t(e e""orts o" #ertain people w(o rise *p a)ainst me. 7*r $onad bein) re#onstit*ted in its "irst mysti#al position and ea#( one o" its parts bein) ordered by Art, ' ad,ise and e%(ort t(em to sear#( wit( Beal "or t(at "ire o" Aries in t(e "irst tripli#ity, w(i#( is o*r eC*ino#tial "ire and w(i#( is t(e #a*se w(ereby o*r /*n may be ele,ated abo,e (is ,*l)ar C*ality. $any ot(er e%#ellent t(in)s s(o*ld also be st*died in (appy and wise meditations. We now pass on to anot(er s*bAe#t@ we wis( to point t(e way, not only in a "riendly b*t also in a "ait("*l manner, to t(ose ot(er se#rets *pon w(i#( we m*st insist, be"ore we lapse into silen#e and w(i#(, as we (a,e said, #omprise a most remar-able in"init*de o" ot(er mysteries.

't will be readily *nderstood t(at t(e mysteries o" o*r $onad #annot be e%tra#ted *nless one is drawn towards t(e p(arma#y o" t(is same $onad, and t(at t(ese mysteries m*st not be re,ealed to any b*t t(e 'nitiates. ' o""er (ere "or t(e #ontemplation o" yo*r /erene Hi)(ness, t(e ,essels o" t(e /a#red Art w(i#( are tr*ly and #ompletely -abbalisti#. All t(ose lines w(i#( *nite t(e di,erse parts o" o*r $onad are most wisely separated@ we )i,e to ea#( one o" t(em a spe#ial letter, in order to distin)*is( t(em one "rom anot(er as yo* will see in t(e dia)ram. We in"orm yo* t(at in Ko#K [t(e mar- in t(e *pper ri)(t (and #orner resemblin) t(e symbol "or Ta*r*s lyin) on it!s side& is "o*nd a #ertain arti"i#ial ,essel, "ormed o" A and 9 wit( t(e line $. T(e e%terior diameter is #ommon to bot( A and 9, and t(is is

not di""erent, as we see, "rom t(is t(e "irst letter o" t(e Hree- alp(abet, e%#ept by a sin)le transposition o" t(e parts. We tea#( t(e tr*e mysti#al sympat(y "irst by t(e line, t(e #ir#le, and t(e semi#ir#le, and, as we (a,e "ormerly said, t(is symmetry #an only be "ormed o" t(e #ir#le and t(e semi#ir#le, w(i#( are always Aoined "or t(e same mysti#al p*rpose.

't "ollows t(at and are in t(emsel,es t(e s(apes o" ot(er ,essels. T(at is to say, is made o" )lass and o" eart( 1eart(enware or #lay3. 'n t(e se#ond pla#e, and may remind *s o" t(e 5estle and $ortar, w(i#( m*st be made o" s*itable s*bstan#e, in w(i#( arti"i#ial *nper"orated pearls, lamels o" #rystal and beryl, #(rysolite, pre#io*s r*bies, #arb*n#les and ot(er rare arti"i#ial stones may be )ro*nd to powder. 4astly, t(at w(i#( is indi#ated by t(e letter is a small ,essel #ontainin) t(e mysteries, w(i#( is ne,er "ar "rom t(is last letter o" t(e Hree- alp(abet now restored

to its primiti,e mysta)o)y, and w(i#( is made by a sin)le transposition o" its #omponent parts, #onsistin) o" two (al"-#ir#les o" eC*al siBe. 2on#ernin) t(e ,*l)ar obAe#ts and ne#essities w(i#( are reC*ired in addition to t(e ,essels, and t(e materials o*t o" w(i#( t(ey s(o*ld be "as(ioned, it wo*ld be *seless t(at we s(o*ld treat o" it (ere. $eanw(ile m*st be #onsidered as i" sear#(in) "or t(e o##asion to per"orm its "*n#tion by a ,ery se#ret and rapid spiral #ir#*lation and an in#orr*ptible salt by w(i#( t(e "irst prin#iple o" all t(in)s is preser,ed, or better, t(at t(e s*bstan#e w(i#( "loats wit(in t(e ,itriol a"ter its dissol*tion, s(ows t(e apprenti#e a primordial b*t ,ery transitory spe#imen o" o*r wor-, and i" (e is attenti,e, a ,ery s*btle and most e""e#ti,e way to prepare t(e wor- will be re,ealed to (im. Wit(in , t(e )lass ,essel, d*rin) t(e e%er#ise o" its parti#*lar "*n#tion, all air m*st be e%#l*ded or it will be e%tremely preA*di#ial. T(e #orollary o" is t(e a)reeable man, ready, a#ti,e, and well disposed at all times. Coro""$ry. W(o, t(en, is not now able to pro#*re t(e sweet and sal*tary "r*its o" t(is /#ien#e, w(i#(, ' say, sprin) "rom t(e mystery o" t(ese two lettersF /ome o" t(ose w(o wo*ld draw *s away "rom o*r Harden o" t(e Hesperides, and wo*ld ma-e *s ,iew t(is a little #loser as in a mirror, say t(at it is establis(ed t(at it is not "ormed "rom anyt(in) b*t o*t $onad. 9*t t(e strai)(t line w(i#( appears in Alp(a is (omolo)o*s wit( t(at w(i#(, in t(e separation o" t(e "inal analysis o" o*r 2ross, is already desi)nated by t(e letter $. 7ne may dis#o,er by t(ese means "rom w(ere t(e ot(ers are prod*#ed. /ee t(e s#(eme o*tlined in t(e table:

'n t(ese "ew words, ' -now t(at ' )i,e not only t(e prin#iples b*t t(e demonstration to t(ose w(o #an see in t(em (ow to "orti"y t(e i)neo*s ,i)o*r and t(e #elestial ori)in, so t(at t(ey may lend a willin) ear to t(e )reat emo#rit*s, #ertain t(at it is not myt(i#al do)ma b*t mysti# and se#ret, a##ordin) to w(i#( it is t(e medi#ine o" t(e so*l, t(e liberator "rom all s*""erin), and is prepared "or t(ose w(o wis( "or it and as (e (as ta*)(t@ it is to be so*)(t "or in t(e Goi#e o" t(e 2reator o" t(e Ini,erse, so t(at

men, inspired by Hod, and en)endered anew, learn t(ro*)( t(e per"e#t disC*isition o" t(e mysti#al lan)*a)es.

We now present in dia)rammati# "orm t(e proportions already obser,ed by *s in t(e (iero)lyp(i# #onstr*#tion o" o*r $onad, w(i#( m*st be obser,ed by t(ose w(o wis( to en)ra,e t(em *pon t(eir seals or t(eir rin)s, or to *tilise t(em in some ot(er manner. 'n t(e name o" Jes*s 2(rist #r*#i"ied *pon t(e 2ross, ' say t(e /pirit writes t(ese t(in)s rapidly t(ro*)( me@ ' (ope, and ' belie,e, ' am merely t(e C*ill w(i#( tra#es t(ese #(ara#ters. T(e /pirit draws *s now towards o*r 2ross o" t(e .lements, wit( all t(e "ollowin) meas*res w(i#( are also to be obtained by a reasonin) pro#ess a##ordin) to t(e s*bAe#t-matter w(i#( it is proposed to dis#*ss. .,eryt(in) w(i#( e%ists *nder t(e (ea,en o" t(e $oon #ontains t(e prin#iple o" its own )eneration wit(in itsel" and is "ormed "rom t(e #oa)*lation o" t(e "o*r .lements, *nless it be t(e primary s*bstan#e itsel", and t(is in se,eral ways not -nown to t(e ,*l)ar, t(ere bein) not(in) in t(e #reated world in w(i#( t(e .lements are in eC*al proportion

or in eC*al "or#e. 9*t by means o" o*r Art, t(ey #an be restored to eC*ality in #ertain respe#ts, as t(e wise well -now@ t(ere"ore, in o*r 2ross, we ma-e t(e parts eC*al and *neC*al. Anot(er reason is t(at we #an pro#laim eit(er similit*de, or di,ersity, or *nity, or pl*rality in a""irmin) t(e se#ret properties o" t(e eC*ilateral 2ross, as we (a,e said be"ore. '" we were to e%po*nd all t(e reasons w(i#( we -now, "or t(e proportions establis(ed in t(is way, or i" we were to demonstrate t(e #a*ses by anot(er met(od w(i#( we (a,e not done, alt(o*)( we (a,e done so s*""i#iently "or t(e /a)es, we s(o*ld

trans#end t(e limits o" obs#*rity w(i#( we (a,e pres#ribed, not wit(o*t reason, "or o*r dis#o*rse. Ta-e any point, as A "or e%ample, draw a strai)(t line t(ro*)( it in bot( dire#tions, as 2A0. i,ide t(e line 20 at A by a line at ri)(t an)les, w(i#( we will #all A.. +ow sele#t a point anyw(ere on t(e line A0, let it be 9, and one obtains t(e primary meas*rement o" A9, w(i#( will be t(e #ommon meas*re o" o*r wor-. Ta-e t(ree times t(e len)t( o" A9 and mar- o"" t(e #entral line "rom A to 2, w(i#( will be A2. +ow ta-e twi#e t(e distan#e between A9 and mar- it o"" on t(e line A. at . and a)ain at , in s*#( a way t(at t(e distan#e between and . is "o*r times t(e distan#e between A and 9. T(*s is "ormed o*r 2ross o" "o*r .lements, t(at is to say, t(e 6*aternary "ormed by t(e lines A9, A2, A , A.. +ow on t(e line 90 ta-e a distan#e eC*al to A *p t(e #entral line to '. Wit( t(is point ' as a #entre, and '9 as t(e radi*s, des#ribe a #ir#le w(i#( #*ts t(e line A0 at ?: "rom t(e point ? towards 0 mar- a distan#e eC*al to A9, let it be ?0. 8rom t(e point 0 draw a line at ri)(t an)les to t(e #entral line on bot( sides, "ormin) an an)le on eit(er side o" A0, w(i#( will be 580. 8rom t(e point 0 meas*re in t(e dire#tion o" 8 a distan#e eC*al to A , w(i#( will be 08: now wit( 0 as #entre and 08 as radi*s des#ribe a (al"-#ir#le 845, so t(at 805 is t(e diameter. 8inally, at point 2 draw a line at ri)(t an)les to A2 s*""i#iently lon) in bot( dire#tions to "orm 726. +ow on t(e line 27 we meas*re "rom 2 a distan#e eC*al to A9, w(i#( is 2$, and wit( $ as a #entre and $2 as a radi*s we des#ribe a semi#ir#le 2H7. And in t(e same manner on 26, "rom t(e point 2 we meas*re a distan#e eC*al to A9 w(i#( is 2+, and "rom t(e #entre +, wit( 2+ as radi*s, we tra#e a semi#ir#le 2H6, o" w(i#( 2+6 is t(e diameter. We now a""irm, "rom t(is, t(at all t(e reC*isite meas*rements are "o*nd e%plained and des#ribed in o*r $onad. 't wo*ld be well to noti#e, yo* w(o -now t(e distan#es o" o*r me#(anism, t(at t(e w(ole o" t(e line 20 is #omposed o" nine parts, o" w(i#( one is o*r "*ndamental, and w(i#( in anot(er "as(ion is able to #ontrib*te towards t(e per"e#tion o" o*r wor-: t(en, a)ain, all t(e diameters and semi-diameters m*st be desi)nated (ere by s*ppositional lines (idden or obs#*red, as t(e )eometri#ians say. 't is not ne#essary to lea,e any #entre ,isible, t(e e%#eption bein) t(e solar #entre, w(i#( is (ere mar-ed by t(e letter ', to w(i#( it is *nne#essary to add any letter. $eanw(ile t(ose w(o are adept at o*r me#(anism #an add somet(in) to t(e solar perip(ery, by way o" ornament and not by ,irt*e o" any mysti#al ne#essity: "or t(is reason it (as not been "ormerly #onsidered by *s. T(is somet(in) is a bo*ndary rin), ne#essarily a line parallel to t(e ori)inal perip(ery. T(e distan#e between t(ese parallels may be "i%ed at a C*arter or a "i"t( part o" t(e distan#e A9. 7ne may also )i,e to t(e #res#ent o" t(e $oon a "orm

w(i#( t(is planet "reC*ently ass*mes in t(e s-y, a"ter (er #onA*n#tion wit( t(e /*n -t(at is to say, in t(e "orm o" t(e Horns, w(i#( yo* will obtain i" "rom t(e point 0 in t(e dire#tion o" ? yo* meas*re t(e distan#e A*st mentioned, i.e. t(e "o*rt( or "i"t( part o" t(e line A9, and i" "rom t(e point t(ereby obtained, as a #entre, yo* tra#e wit( t(e ori)inal l*nar radi*s t(e se#ond part o" t(e l*nar #res#ent, w(i#( Aoins t(e e%tremities at bot( ends o" t(e "irst semi#ir#le. Do* may per"orm a similar operation in respe#t o" t(e positions $ and + w(en ere#tin) t(e perpendi#*lar at ea#( one o" t(ese #entre points@ we #an *se t(e si%t( part o" A9 or a little less, "rom w(i#( point, as t(e #entre, we des#ribe two ot(er semi#ir#les, *sin) t(e radi*s o" t(e two "irst, $2 and +2. 4astly, t(e parallels may be tra#ed at ea#( side o" t(e two lines o" o*r 2ross, ea#( side at a distan#e "rom t(e #entre line o" one-ei)(t( to one-tent( part o" t(e distan#e A9, in s*#( a way t(at o*r 2ross be in t(is manner "ormed into "o*r s*per"i#ial lines w(ere t(e widt( is t(e "o*rt( or t(e "i"t( part o" t(is same line A9. ' (a,e wis(ed in some way to s-et#( t(ese ornaments in t(e "i)*re w(i#( ea#( one may reprod*#e a##ordin) to (is own "an#y. 't is a #ondition, (owe,er, t(at yo* do not #ommit any "a*lt, (owe,er small, a)ainst t(e mysti#al symmetry "or "ear o" introd*#in) by yo*r ne)li)en#e a new dis#ipline into t(ese (iero)lyp(i# meas*rements@ "or it is ,ery ne#essary t(at d*rin) t(e s*##eedin) pro)ression in time t(ey m*st be neit(er dist*rbed nor destroyed. T(is is m*#( more pro"o*nd t(an we are able to indi#ate, e,en i" we wis(ed to do so, in t(is small boo-, "or we tea#( Tr*t(, t(e da*)(ter o" Time, Hod willin). We will now e%po*nd met(odi#ally #ertain t(in)s w(i#( yo* may "ind on yo*r way by pra#tisin) t(e proportions o" o*r $onad. T(en we will s(ow by many e%amples t(e e%isten#e o" "o*r lines #orrespondin) to t(e "o*r lines o" o*r 2ross, and w(i#( in t(is #onsideration we are not able simply to anno*n#e, be#a*se o" t(e proportions and t(e parti#*lar and mysti#al res*lts w(i#( are prod*#ed in anot(er "as(ion, "rom t(e 6*aternary o" t(ese same lines. And t(irdly, we will s(ow t(at t(ere e%ist wit(in +at*re #ertain *se"*l "*n#tions determined by Hod by means o" n*mbers, w(i#( we (a,e (appily obtained and w(i#( are e%plained eit(er in t(is t(eorem, or in ot(ers, #ontained in t(is little boo-. 8inally, we will insert ot(er t(in)s in an opport*ne pla#e w(i#(, i" t(ey are #on,eniently *nderstood, will prod*#e "r*its most ab*ndantly.

We now abr*ptly #on#l*de. <4 possible perm*tations. 7" t(e 5yt(a)orean C*aternary T(e 5yt(a)orean s*m is 1>.

A #omplete addition o" t(e parts yields =>. Ta-e t(e same proportion w(i#( is s(own in n*mbers w(en written in t(e nat*ral order, a"ter t(e "irst $onad, t(en "rom t(e "irst to t(e last ma-e a #ontin*o*s m*ltipli#ation -- t(at is to say, t(e "irst by t(e se#ond, t(e prod*#t o" t(ese two by t(e t(ird, and t(is prod*#t by t(e "o*rt(, and so on *ntil t(e last@ t(e "inal prod*#t determines all t(e $etat(eses possible, in respe#t o" t(e proportion in spa#e, and "or t(e same reason in proportion to di,erse obAe#ts as yo* wis(. ' tell t(ee, 7 0in), t(is operation will be *se"*l *nto t(ee in many #ir#*mstan#es, w(et(er in t(e st*dy o" +at*re or in t(e a""airs o" t(e )o,ernment o" men@ "or it is t(at w(i#( ' am a##*stomed to *se wit( t(e )reatest o" pleas*re in t(e TBir*p( or T(em*ra o" t(e Hebrews. 7" t(e arti"i#ial C*aternary

a #ontin*o*s m*ltipli#ation yields 1<. a simple addition yields L. 11, 7@ 4, =3 t(e s*m o" a #omplete addition o" t(e parts is -- <4, a n*mber w(i#( is t(e same in any possible transposition o" t(e C*aternary, and w(i#( desi)nates t(e p(ysi#al p*rity and (i)(est C*ality o" )old, 1namely t(at3 o" <4 #arat w(en one (as it, by itsel", abo,e )ro*nd.

' -now t(at many ot(er power"*l n*mbers may be prod*#ed o*t o" o*r 6*aternary, by ,irt*e o" arit(meti# and t(e power o" n*mbers. Det (e w(o does not *nderstand t(at a ,ery )reat obs#*rity (as by t(is met(od been ill*minated by t(ose n*mbers w(i#( ' (a,e drawn o*t w(i#( (a,e nat*re and distin#tion amon)st s*#( a m*ltit*de, will not be able to estimate t(eir meanin), w(i#( is obs#*re and not to t(e point. How many will "ind in o*r n*mbers t(e a*t(ority w(i#( we (a,e promised "or t(e wei)(t o" t(e .lements@ "or t(e statements re)ardin) meas*rements o" time@ and "or t(e #ertainty o" proportions w(i#( may be assi)ned to t(e powers and "or#es o" t(in)sF All t(is yo* s(o*ld st*dy in t(e two pre#edin) dia)rams.

$any t(in)s may be ded*#ed "rom t(e dia)rams w(i#(, it is pre"erable, s(o*ld be st*died silently rat(er t(an di,*l)ed openly in words. $eantime, let *s in"orm yo* o" one t(in), amon)st many ot(ers, dis#losed now "or t(e "irst time by *s, in respe#t o" t(is new Art@ to wit, we (a,e (ere establis(ed a rational #a*se by ,irt*e o" w(i#( t(e 6*aternary wit( t(e e#ad, in a #ertain manner, terminate t(e n*meri#al series. We a""irm t(at t(is #a*se is not e%a#tly t(at w(i#( was des#ribed by t(e $asters w(o (a,e

pre#eded *s, b*t A*st as we (a,e stated it (ere. T(is $onad (as been inte)rally and p(ysi#ally restored to itsel" -- t(at is to say, it is tr*ly t(e $onad Initissima, t(e pro,ed *nity o" t(e ima)es@ and it is not wit(in t(e power o" +at*re, neit(er #an we by any art promote in it any mo,ement or any pro)ression w(atsoe,er, *nless it be by "o*r s*per-#elestial #y#les or re,ol*tions, and "rom t(is $onad is en)endered t(at w(i#( we wis( to note as t(e manner and #o*rse o" its eminen#e@ and "or t(is reason, t(at t(ere is not in t(e elemental world, nor in t(e #elestial or s*per-#elestial worlds, any #reated power or in"l*en#e w(i#( #annot be absol*tely "a,o*red and enri#(ed by it. 't was be#a*se o" t(e tr*e e""e#t o" t(is t(at "o*r ill*strio*s men, "riends o" 5(ilosop(y, were *pon an o##asion to)et(er in t(e )reat wor-. 7ne day t(ey were astonis(ed by a )reat mira#le in t(is t(in), and "ort(wit( dedi#ated t(emsel,es "rom t(at day "orward to sin) praises to Hod and to prea#( t(e t(ri#e $i)(ty be#a*se He (ad )i,en t(em so m*#( wisdom and power and so )reat an .mpire o,er all ot(er #reat*res.

J*st as we #ommen#ed t(e "irst t(eorem o" t(is little boo- wit( t(e point, t(e strai)(t line, and t(e #ir#le, and (a,e e%tended it "rom t(e $onadi# point to t(e e%treme linear e""l*% o" t(e .lements in a #ir#le, almost analo)o*s to t(e eC*ino#tial w(i#( ma-es one re,ol*tion in <4 (o*rs, so now at last we #ons*mmate and terminate t(e metamorp(osis and t(e metat(esis o" all possible #ontents o" t(e 6*aternary de"ined by t(e n*mber <4 by o*r present twenty-"o*rt( t(eorem, to t(e (ono*r and Hlory o" Him, as witnesset( Jo(n t(e Ar#(praes*l o" t(e i,ine $ysteries, in t(e "o*rt( and last part o" t(e "o*rt( #(apter o" t(e Apo#alypse, w(o is seated on His T(rone, aro*nd and in "ront o" w(i#( t(e "o*r animals, ea#( wit( si% win)s, #(ant ni)(t and day wit(o*t repose: KHoly, Holy, Holy is t(e 4ord Hod 7mnipotent, w(o was, is and is to #ome,K t(e same as t(e <4 an#ient ones in t(e <4 seats pla#ed in t(e #ir#le, adore Him and prostrate t(emsel,es, (a,in) #ast t(eir 2rowns o" )old to eart(, sayin): KWort(y art T(o*, 7 Hod, to re#ei,e Hlory, Hono*r, and Girt*e, be#a*se T(o* (ast #reated all t(in)s, and o*t o" T(y Will t(ey (a,e been #reated.K Amen, says t(e "o*rt( letter. : He to w(om Hod (as )i,en t(e will and t(e ability to -now in t(is way t(e i,ine mystery t(ro*)( t(e eternal mon*ments o" literat*re and to "inis( wit( )reat

tranC*illity t(is wor- on t(e <5t( Jan*ary, (a,in) #ommen#ed it on t(e 1=t( o" t(e same mont(. 'n t(e year 1564 at Antwerp.

Here t(e ,*l)ar eye will see not(in) b*t 7bs#*rity and will despair #onsiderably.

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