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QF 5206 Topics On Quantitative Finance Group Project Report

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QF 5206 Topics on Quantitative Finance

Group Project report

Replication: Bayesian Adaptive Trading with
a Daily Cycle

Group member:

Instructor: HAKSUN LI

National University of Singapore
Department of Mathematics
AY 2010/1011 Semester 2


1. Introduction .................................................................................. 1
2. Price Model Including Bayesian Update ......................................... 3
2.1. Bayesian Inference ................................................................... 4
2.2. Trading and Price Impact .......................................................... 5
3. Optimal Trading Strategies ............................................................ 6
3.1. Trading Goal .............................................................................. 6
3.2. Trajectories by Calculus of Variations ....................................... 9
3.2.1 Unconstrained Trajectories ................................................... 9
3.2.2 Constrained Trajectories ..................................................... 10
3.3. Optimality of the Bayesian Adaptive Strategy......................... 12
4. Conclusion ................................................................................... 16
5. Difficulties and Justification ......................................................... 20
6. Appendix ..................................................................................... 21
References ........................................................................................ 23


1. Introduction
In this report, we replicate the paper Bayesian Adaptive Trading
with a Daily Cycle (Robert Almgren and Julian Lorenz) from the
Journal of Trading, 2006 and apply the model introduced in the paper
for our project. In the article, it showed a model for price dynamic
and optimal trading that explicitly includes the daily trading cycle and
the traders attempt to learn the targets of other market participants.
This is in contrast to most current models of optimal trading
strategies that consider time as an undifferentiated continuum, and
that consider other traders as a collection of random noise sources.
This paper has several assumptions and features. First of all, the
authors consider that informed participants will use all available
information to compete with each other. Secondly, they use a popular
execution algorithms that adapt to changes in price of the asset being
traded, either by accelerating execution when the price moves in the
traders favor, or conversely.
According to the paper, there is an underlying drift factor caused by
the net positions being executed by other institutional investors. This
factor is approximately constant throughout the day because other
traders execute across the entire day. Thus price increases in the early
part of the day suggest that this factor is positive, which suggests that
prices will continue to increase throughout the day.


The daily cycle is an essential feature of this model. Many
institutional participants make investment decisions overnight and
implement them through the following trading day. Within each day,
the morning is different from the afternoon because an intelligent
trader will spend the early trading hours collecting information to
trade in the rest of the day.
Moreover, there is a very important feature of constraints on trade
direction, the trader must never sell as part of a buy program even if
this would yield lower expected costs (or give an expected profit)
because of anticipated negative drift in the price.
In the rest of this report, we first introduce the price model which
is talked in the paper and discuss the trading and price impact.
Section 3 describes the optimal trading strategies under some
assumptions for the model. Section 4 then reports the simulation
results and provides some analysis. At last, we will highlight some
difficulties of doing empirical data study and some remarks for our


2. Price Model Including Bayesian Update
In this part, we will introduce the Bayesian price model in Almgren
and Lorenz (2006).
Trading in a single asset whose price is S(t), obeying an arithmetic
random walk
( ) ( ) S t S t B t o o = + + for 0 t > (1)
where ( ) B t is standard Brownian motion, o is an absolute volatility
and o a drift.
The interpretation according to the paper is that volatility comes
from the activity of the uninformed traders, whose advantage
behavior can be predicted reasonably well. Mathematically, we
assume that the value of o is known precisely. (For a Brownian
process, o can be estimated arbitrarily precisely from an arbitrarily
short observation of the process). The drift is as coming from the
activity of other institutional traders, who have made trade decisions
before the market opens and who expect to execute these trades
throughout the day. If these decisions are in the aggregate weighted
to buys, then this well cause positive price pressure and an upwards
drift; the converse is true for overall net selling. Moreover, the drift
o is assumed as constant throughout the day, but its value cannot
be known. Therefore, at the beginning of the day, we have a prior


( , ) o o v N
which will be updated using price observations during the day. There
are thus two sources of randomness in the problem: the continuous
Brownian motion representing the uninformed traders and the single
drift coefficient representing the constant trading of the large traders.

2.1. Bayesian Inference
Intuitively, as the trader observes prices from the beginning on the
day onwards, he or she starts to get a feeling for the days overall
Mathematically, at time t we know the stock price trajectory
( ) S t for 0 t t s s . In fact, all of our information about the drift comes
from the final value ( ) S t . Conditional on the value of o , the
distribution of ( ) S t is
( ) ( , ) o o S t S N t t ,
and after some calculation we find the unconditional distribution.
2 2
( ) ~ ( , ( ) ) S t S N t v t t o o +
then use the Bayes rule
Pr( ( ) | ) Pr( )
Pr( | ( ))
Pr( ( ))
o o

S t
S t
S t

to obtain the posterior conditional distribution

2 2 2
2 0
2 2 2 2
( ( ) )
~ ( , )
oo o
o o
+ +
v S t S
N v
v t v t
. (2)


This represents out best estimate of the true drift o , as well as out
uncertainty in this estimate, based on the combination of our prior
belief with price information observed to time t .

2.2. Trading and Price Impact
The trader has an order of X shares, which begins at time 0 t =
and must be completed by time t T = < . For concreteness, we
shall suppose 0 X > and interpret this as a buy order. A trading
trajectory is a function ( ) X t with (0) X X = and ( ) 0 X T = ,
representing the number of shares remaining to buy at time t . The
corresponding trading rate is ( ) / = v t dx dt . We shall require that
( ) 0 > v t for all t , so that the program never sells as part of a buy
order. Together with the endpoint constraints, this requires
0 ( ) s s x t X , but it may also be binding in the interior of this region.

According to Almgren and Lorenz (2006), we use a linear market
impact function for simplicity. Thus, the actual execution price is
( ) ( ) ( ), 0 n n = + > S t S t v t ,
where n is the coefficient of temporary market impact.
The implementation shortfall C is the total cost of executing the
buy program relative to the initial value,


0 0 0
( ) ( ) d
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) o n o
= + +

C S t v t t XS
x t dB t v t dt x t dt

Here o is the true drift that determines the cost whether or not
known its value. C is a random variable, both because the price
( ) S t is random, and because the trading strategy ( ) v t may be
adaptive to S .

3. Optimal Trading Strategies
3.1. Trading Goal
In this part, we consider the question of what trading strategies
are optimal, given the above model for price evolution and market
impact on the basis of Almgren and Lorenz (2006). In the model,
risk-averse trading strategies can behave strangely in time even in
the classic framework, depending on the precise formulation of the
mean-variance tradeoff. In this case, the problem is complicated by
the need to account for the variance in the estimation of o . The
authors have obtained partial solutions for the risk-averse problem
but their complexity obscures the underlying structure.
Therefore, we have to focus on the drift, which is the most
important new aspect of this problem, and we neglect risk aversion;
we seek to minimize only the expectation of trading cost. That means


we assume that the pressure to complete the trade quickly comes
primarily from a desire to capture the price motion expressed by the
drifto , and it is this effect that must be balanced against the desire
to reduce market impact costs by trading slowly.
In order to support this description, we shall generally assume that
the original buy decision was made because the traders beliefo is
positive ( 0 o > ). We then expect 0 o > in (3), and the term ( ) x t dt o

is a positive cost. The true value of o may have negative value, or
intermediate price movements may cause us to form a negative
estimate. Because our point of view is that of a broker/dealer
executing an agency trade, we shall always require that the trade be
completed byt T = , unless the instructions are modified.
For any deterministic trajectory ( ) x t specified at time 0 t = , C is
a Gaussian variable. Conditional on the true value of o , it has
expected value
0 0
( ) ( ) ( )
E C v t dt x t dt n o = +

conditional on o (4)
From (2), we know our best estimate for the value of o at time t
2 2
* 2 2
( )
( , )
t S
oo v
o v
where ( ) S S t = . Because the expectation (4) is linear in o , we may
simply plug the expected value
o to see that, conditional on the


information available at time t , the expected cost of remaining
program is
( , , ( ),{ ( )}) ( ) ( )
t t
E t S x t x v d x d t n t t o t t = +

On the left, t is current time, ( ) x t is the number of shares
currently remaining to buy, S is the current stock price, and { ( )} x t
denotes the liquidation strategy that will be used on the remaining
time t T t s s .
Our trading goal is to choose the remaining strategy to minimize
this expected cost: determine ( ) x t for t T t s s such that
{ ( )}
min ( , , ( ),{ ( )})
E t S x t x
t (7)
To solve this problem, we shall assume that the drift estimate
( , ) t S o

does not change during the interval t T t s s . In fact, it will
change as new price information is observed. Our actual strategy will
use only the initial instantaneous trade rate of this trajectory,
continuously responding to price information. This is equivalently to
following the strategy only for a very small time interval t A , then
recomputing. Thus our strategy is highly dynamic.
We shall mention that, according to this paper, the strategy
determined is the true optimum strategy that would be computed by
a full dynamic optimization. Loosely speaking, this will because the
expected value of future updates is zero, and thus they do not
change the strategy of a risk-neutral trader.


3.2. Trajectories by Calculus of Variations
We consider a small perturbation of the path ( ) ( ) ( ) x x x t t o t +
for t T t s s . Since ( ) x t is fixed at time t t = and T t = , this
perturbation must have two conditions: ( ) ( ) 0 x t x T o o = = . The
associated trade rate is ( ) '( ) v x o t o t = , and the perturbation in cost
(assuming that ( ) x t and ( ) x o t are twice differentiable) is
2 ( ) ( ) ( )
( 2 ''( ) ) ( )
t t
E v v d x d
x x d
o n t o t t o o t t
n t o o t t
= +
= +

* *
( , ( )) t S t o o = is estimated in (2).

3.2.1 Unconstrained Trajectories
In this part, the authors temporarily neglected the sign constraint
on '( ) x t . Then ( ) x o t may have either positive or negative values
independently for each t , and any optimal ( ) x t must satisfy the
ordinary differential equation (ODE)
''( ) ,
x t T
t t
= s s (9)
The solution to this equation that satisfies the boundary conditions is
( ) ( ) ( )( ),
x x t t T t T
T t
o t
t t t t

= s s

and the corresponding instantaneous trade rate is


( )
( , ) '( ) | ( )
x t
v t x x T t
T t
= = +

as a function of time and shares remaining. This solution may violate
the constraints: if
o is large then the quadratic term in (10) may
cause ( ) x t to dip below zero, which would cause in (11) to become

3.2.2 Constrained Trajectories
If the constraint becomes binding, then it is no longer obvious that
the integration by parts procedure used to derived (8) is valid. For
instance, if a trajectory that crosses the axis 0 x = is simply clipped
to satisfy 0 x > , then the derivative will be discontinuous. A more
refined use of the calculus of variations gives the additional condition:
( ) v t must be continuous (though not necessarily differentiable).
Thus when solutions meet the constraint, they must do so
smoothly. Solutions are obtained by combining the ODE (9) in the
regions of smoothness, with this smooth pasting condition at the
boundary points.
The result can be summarized as follows. There is a critical value
such that
1. If
| |
o o s , then the constraint is not binding. The solution is
as same as the unconstrained (given (10) and (11)).
2. If
* c
o o > , then the solution is the one of (10) and (11), with a


shortened end time
T T < determined by
4 ( ) x t
T t
This value is determined such that
'( ) '( ) 0 x T x T = = . The threshold
o is the valued of
o for which
T T = :
4 ( )
( ( ), )
( )
x t
x t T t
T t
o =

3. If
* c
o o < , then the solution is the one of (10) and (11),
except that trading does not begin until a starting time
t t >
determined by
4 ( ) x t
T t

This value is determined such that
'( ) 0 x t = and
( ) ( ) x t x t = . The
threshold value
o is the value of
o for which
t t = .
Then the overall trade rate formula may be summarized as
* *
* *
( , , ) ( ), | |
( ) ,
v t x S T t
T t
x x
T t
T t
o o
o o
o o
o o
n n


= + s

+ = >

This is the Bayesian adaptive strategy: a specific formula for the
instantaneous trade rate as a function of price, time and shares
The following graph 1 shows the constrained solution ( ) x t
starting at time t with shares ( ) x t and drift estimate o .


Graph 1
For 0 o > , the trajectories below the linear profile to reduce
expected cost.
For | |
o o s , the constrain is not binding (shaded region).
o o = , the solutions become tangent to the line 0 x = at time
T t = and for larger values they hit 0 x = with zero shapes at
T T t = < .
o o < , trading does not begin until time
t t t = > .

3.3. Optimality of the Bayesian Adaptive Strategy
According to the paper, the Bayesian adaptive strategy (12) is
locally optimal in the sense that at any intermediate time the
authors used all the new information available and recomputed the
trajectory for the remainder as though they would use the same


estimate until the end of trading. Since they do expect to update the
estimate, it is not obvious that this is the true optimal strategy.
Using the methods of stochastic optima control, we can formulate
a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) partial differential equation (PDE)
for the value function for the corresponding dynamic program.
Now we support our claim that the trade velocity (11) of the
Bayesian adaptive strategy is in fact the optimal strategy for (7). For
that, we will formulate the problem in a full dynamic programming
The control, the state variables, and the stochastic differential
equations of problem (7) are given by
v = rate of buying
x = shares remaining to buy dx vdt =
= dollars spent so far ( ) d s v vdt n = +
s = stock price ds dt dB o o = +
( , ) N o o v , chosen randomly at 0 t = . We begin at 0 t =
with shares (0) x X = , cash (0) 0 = , and the initial stock price
(0) s S = . The strategy ( ) v t must be adapted to the filtration of B
and must satisfy ( ) 0 x T = . We focus on the unconstrained case and to
not require 0 ( ) x t X s s .
We want to find a control function ( ) v t to minimize the final
amount of dollars spent:


( ) . . ( ) 0
min [ ( )]
v s t x T

This is a common problem in stochastic optimal control, and solved
by dynamic programming. Standard techniques lead to the HJB PDE
2 2
min(( ) ) 0
t ss s x
u u u su u v u v

o o n + + + + =
for the value function
( ), . . ( ) 0
( , , , ) min [ ( )]
v t T s t x T
u t x s E T
t t

s s =
= .
* *
( , ) t s o o = denotes the estimate of o at time t as computed in (2).
The optimal trade velocity is found as first order condition of
min(( ) )
su u v u v

n +
( , , , )
u su
v t x s

= (13)
and we have the final HJB PDE
( )
2 4
t ss s
su u
u u u

o o

+ + = (14)
for ( , , , ) u t x s together with the boundary condition
( , 0, , ) u T s = for all , s . (15)
It is straightforward to check that
3 2 2 4 3
2 2 2
( , )( )
( , , , )
( ) ( , ) ( )
48 48 ( )
x t s T t x
u t x s xs
T t
T t t s T
o n

o o v t
n n tv o

= + + +

satisfies the PDE (14) and the boundary condition (15).
Moreover, the corresponding optimal trade velocity (13) reads
( , )( ) ( , , , )
( , , , )
t s T t x t x s
v t x s
T t


= +


which is exactly the trade velocity (11). That is, the Bayesian
adaptive strategy is in fact the optimal strategy for minimum
problem (7).
For the constrained case, the optimal velocity (13) becomes
( , , , ) max{ , 0}
u su
v t x s

This makes the corresponding PDE even more highly nonlinear,
and we do not know how to derive explicit solutions.
Furthermore, we may explicitly determine the gains due to
adaptivity. The valued function for the dynamic strategy, at 0 t =
with initial shares X , may be written
dyn stat
E E = A
2 3
2 48
n o o
= + is the expected cost of the
non-adaptive strategy determined at 0 t =

using the prior expected
drift o . The additional term is determined as
1 2 2 3 2
2 2
(1 )
, ,
48 ( )
T t
o o o
o p o
n o p v

A = = =

which is the reduction in expected cost obtained by using the
Bayesian adaptive strategy (note that 0 A > ).
The gain A

is independent of initial portfolio size X

and thus,
as discussed above, represents the gains from a proprietary trading
strategy superimposed on the risk neutral liquidation profile. It can
be seen that
( ) O T A

when T is small and
( ) O T

when T



large, so the adaptivity adds very little value if applied to short-term
correlation. This accounts for the small gains obtained by Bertsimas
and Lo (1998) as discussed by Almgren and Chriss (2000).
For the constrained case, the HJB equation has complicated
boundary conditions and we are unable to determine an explicit
analytic solution. However, we do not believe that imposition of the
constraint should not change the relation between the static and
the dynamic solutions. Thus we believe that our Bayesian dynamic
solution is the dynamic optimal solution in the constrained case as

4. Conclusion
We have presented a simple model for momentum in price motion
based on daily trading cycles, and derived optimal risk neutral
adaptive trading strategies. The momentum is understood to arise
from the correlated trade targets being executed by large institutional
investors. The trader begins with a belief about the direction of this
imbalance and expresses a level of confidence in this belief that may
range anywhere from perfect knowledge to no knowledge. This belief
is then updated using observations of the price process during trading.
Under the assumptions of the model, the solutions deliver better


performance than non-adaptive strategies.
Moreover, we will show some results of the strategies computed by
this method. To produce these graphs, we began with a prior belief for
o having mean 0.7 o = and standard deviation 1 v = . For each
trajectory, we generated a price path ( ) S t for 0 1 t s s with volatility
1.5 o = . We also set the impact coefficient 0.07 n = and the initial
shares 1 X = , meaning that liquidation the holdings using VWAP
across one day will incur a realized price impact of 7 basis points. And
the initial stock price
(0) $100 S S = = .
Then for each sample path, we evaluate the share holdings ( ) x t
using the Bayesian update strategy (12) and plot the trajectories. For
comparision, we also show the optimal static trajectory using only the
initial estimate of the drift.
For these initializations, it is better to change the setup and get
different pictures to compare. But here, we only give two pictures,
which are stock price simulation and the corresponding trajectories,
respectively, using the above initialization.


Graph 2
Graph 2 shows two stock price sample paths using the above prior
belief. Axis x is the time horizon from 0 to 1, axis y is the stock price
( ) S t .


Graph 3
Graph 3 is the corresponding trajectories. The red line represents the
optimal static trajectory. The lower blue one is corresponding with the
blue stock price path and the upper one is according to the black one.
In both, the price initially trends downward (more strongly for the
blue one), causing the trader to estimate a drift is smaller than his
prior belief and to slow down his trading relative to the static solution.


5. Difficulties and Justification
In the basis of article Almgren and Lorenz (2006), we have known
that it is very difficult to justify the model by empirical data. Because
in this model, the random daily drift is superimposed on the price
volatility caused by small random trader. In theory, these two sources
of randomness can be eliminated by measuring volatility on an
intraday time scale and comparing it to daily volatility. If daily
volatility is higher than intraday, then the difference can be attributed
to serial correlation of the type considered here. But in practice,
because real price processes are far from Gaussian, it is difficult to do
this comparison with any degree of reliability, even if one restricts
attention to days when there is large institutional flow.
Therefore, we strongly believe that the difficulties and only just
followed the methodology to simulate the optimal trading strategy.
For further study, we should try these empirical improve this method
for practical use.


6. Appendix
Here we show our MATLAB programming codes.
close all;
clear all;

% initialize
alpha_mean = 0.7;
s0 = 100;
std_v = 1;
sigma = 1.5;
T = 1;
time_step = 100;
dt = T / time_step;


% genetate stock price
for num=1:3


if num==1
plot(t,s,'b','linewidth',2);hold on;
elseif num==2
plot(t,s,'black','linewidth',2);hold on;

alpha_star =
for n=1:time_step
if alpha_star(n)<-alpha_c


elseif alpha_star(n)>alpha_c

if Y<1e-6
if num<3
plot(m,X(1:n+1),'linewidth',2); hold on;
plot(m,X(1:n+1),'--r','linewidth',2); hold on;


We would like to thank professor Haksun Li for many constructive and
helpful comments. We bear full responsibility for all remaining errors.

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