Human Anatomy
Classify here general works on normal human anatomy including that of men, women, or children treated separately. Classify works on anatomy of a part of the body with the part. Classify works on surgical anatomy in WO 101. Classify works on artistic anatomy of human or animal in NC 760-783.8. Classify works on anatomy of animals in QL or SF.
Note that other form numbers are used under Histology (QS 504-539) and under Embryology (QS 604-681).
QS 1
QS 4
General works
Classify here works on regional anatomy. If written for the surgeon, classify in WO 101 Surgical anatomy. Classify material on comparative anatomy in QS 124.
QS 5 QS 7 QS 9 QS 11 QS 11.1 QS 13 QS 15 QS 16 QS 17 QS 18 QS 18.2
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject. QS-1
QS 20.5
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
QS 21 QS 22 QS 22.1
QS 23 QS 24 QS 25 QS 26
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique Equipment and supplies
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify catalogs here.
QS 26.5
Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of museum)(Table G) [This number not used]
Classify laws on dissection in QS 132.
QS 130 QS 132
QS 504 General works Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G)
Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
QS 520
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject. Cf. QS 530 Experimental histology.
Tissue banks Collective Individual (Cutter from name of bank) Laboratory manuals. Technique Equipment and supplies
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify catalogs here.
Experimental histology
Classify works on cytology of normal tissue in QH. Classify works about research in QS 520.
Connective tissue Elastic tissue Epithelium Membranes (General) Mucous membrane Nerve tissue [This number not used]
Classify handbooks on histology in QS 529.
QS 604 General works Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
QS 605 QS 607 QS 609 QS 611 QS 611.1 QS 613 QS 615 QS 616 QS 617 QS 618 QS 618.2
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, for example, outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
QS 620
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
QS 626
Chromosome aberrations. Chromosome disorders Drug-induced abnormalities, including experimental works Radiation-induced abnormalities, including experimental works
Classify works on specific abnormalities with anatomical part involved, e.g., of the central nervous system in WL 101.
Classify here material on general physiology. Classify physiology of a part of the body with the part. Classify animal physiology in QP, QL, or SF. The last part of QT covers the broad areas of hygiene. QT 1-33.1 Reference Works. General Works QT 34-37.5 Physics. Mathematics. Engineering QT 104-172 Human Physiology QT 180-245 Physiology. Hygiene QT 250-275 Leisure Activities. Sports Medicine
QT 4
QT 5 QT 7 QT 9 QT 11 QT 11.1 QT 13 QT 15 QT 16 QT 17 QT 18 QT 18.2
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
QT 19 QT 20.5
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject. Cf. QT 25 Experimental physiology.
QT 21 QT 22 QT 22.1
QT 23 QT 24 QT 25 QT 26
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Experimental physiology. Technique Equipment and supplies
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify catalogs here.
QT 26.5
QT 27 QT 28 QT 29 QT 32 QT 32.1 QT 33 QT 33.1
Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Handbooks. Resource guides
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
QT 34 QT 35 QT 36 QT 36.5
Cf. WN Radiology. Diagnostic imaging
Biomedical mathematics
Cf. WA 950 Theory or methods of medical statistics. Classify works for the biologist in QH 323.5.
Human Physiology
QT 104 QT 120 QT 140 QT 145 QT 150 QT 160 QT 162 General works Homeostasis (General) Environmental exposure. Physiological adaptation Acclimatization Hot climates Cold climates Other environmental factors acting on human physiology, A-Z
Classify works on animals in general and on wild animals in QP 82-82.2; on domestic animals in SF 768-768.2. Classify works on environmental factors relating to personal health and hygiene in QT 230; to disease, in QZ 57; to public health, in WA. For other environmental factors not listed here, consult the Index to the classification.
Air ionization Electrolytes Gravitation Humidity Light Magnetics Stress Ultraviolet rays and other non-ionizing radiation not classified elsewhere.
Cf. WB 117 for general medical use; WB 288 for diagnostic use; WB 480 for therapeutic use; WD 605 for adverse effects.
Physiology. Hygiene
QT 180 QT 200 Physiology. General hygiene
Include college level texts.
Teaching materials
Classify works about study and teaching of public health in WA 18. Classify works on informal health education (community, radio, etc.) in WA 590.
QT 230 QT 235
QT 240 QT 245
Cleanliness Clothing
Athletics. Sports
Classify works on first aid in WA 292.
Football Golf Hockey Jogging Martial arts Mountaineering Racquet Sports Running Snow Sports Soccer Swimming Tennis Track and field Walking Weight lifting Wrestling Sports medicine
Classify works on first aid in WA 292; on specific pathological conditions with the condition.
QT 275
QU 1-54 Reference Works. General Works QU 55-70 Proteins. Amino Acids. Peptides QU 75-99 Carbohydrates. Lipids QU 100-133 Biochemistry of the Human Body QU 135-144 Enzymes QU 145-220 Vitamins QU 300-550 Cells and Genetics QU 300-400 Cells QU 450-550 Genetics
QU 4 QU 5 QU 7 QU 9 QU 11 QU 11.1 QU 13 QU 15 QU 16
General works Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify nutrition tables or food value tables in QU 145-145.5.
QU 17 QU 18 QU 18.2
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
QU 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject. QU-1
QU 21 QU 22 QU 22.1
QU 23 QU 24 QU 25 QU 26
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique Equipment and supplies
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify catalogs here.
QU 26.5
Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
QU 39 QU 50 QU 54
Chemistry of food substances (General) Nitrogen and related compounds (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on nitrogen compounds that work primarily on a particular body system in QV.
Carrier proteins. Intracellular signaling peptides and proteins Cytoskeletal proteins. Scleroproteins Dietary proteins Glycoproteins
Heat-shock proteins. Molecular chaperones Membrane proteins. Cell surface receptors Metalloproteins Protein phenomena Nucleoproteins Nucleosides. Nucleotides Nucleic acids and derivatives (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on derivatives acting on blood and blood formation in QV 185.
DNA RNA Amino acids (General or not elsewhere classified) Amines. Amidines (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on catecholamines in WK 725; on amino alcohols in QV 82-84.
Amides (General or not elsewhere classified) Heterocyclic compounds associated with amino acid synthesis and metabolism
(e.g., Allantoin. Indoleacetic acids)
Carbohydrates. Lipids
QU 75 QU 83 QU 84 QU 85 QU 86 QU 87 QU 90 QU 93 QU 95 QU 98 QU 99 Carbohydrates
Cf. QY 470 under Blood chemistry.
Sugar acids and their salts and esters (General or not elsewhere classified) Lipids (General or not elsewhere classified)
Cf. QY 465 under Blood chemistry.
(e.g., Cholesterol)
Carboxylic acids and their salts and esters (General or not elsewhere classified) Aldehydes (General or not elsewhere classified)
Growth substances. Growth inhibitors (General or not elsewhere classified) Biological pigments (General or not elsewhere classified) Metabolism
Classify works on metabolism of a particular substance with the substance, e.g., Metabolism of proteins in QU 55.
Trace elements Organometallic compounds. Organophosphorus compounds. Organothiophosphorus compounds (General or not elsewhere classified) Colloids (General or not elsewhere classified)
QU 133
QU 135 QU 136 QU 137 QU 138 QU 139 QU 140 QU 141 QU 142 QU 143 QU 144 Enzymes. Coenzymes (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on enzyme deficiency in WD 105 or with the diseases resulting.
Hydrolases (General or not elsewhere classified) Isomerases (General or not elsewhere classified) Ligases (General or not elsewhere classified) Lyases (General or not elsewhere classified) Oxidoreductases (General or not elsewhere classified) Transferases (General or not elsewhere classified) Enzyme precursors (General or not elsewhere classified) Enzyme inhibitors (General or not elsewhere classified) Enzyme reactivators (General or not elsewhere classified)
QU 145 QU 145.5 QU 146 QU 146.1 QU 160 QU 165 QU 167 QU 173 QU 179 QU 181 QU 185 QU 187 QU 188 QU 189 QU 191 QU 193 Nutrition. Nutritional requirements
Classify works on infant nutrition in WS 115-125; on child nutrition in WS 115-130; on geriatric nutrition in WT 115.
Nutritive values of food Nutritional surveys (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Vitamins. Vitamin requirements
Cf. QY 350 Assay of vitamins; QZ 109 Vitamin deficiencies; SF 98.V5 Vitamins in animal nutrition; WD 105 Deficiency diseases.
Fat soluble vitamins Vitamin A, A1, etc. Vitamin D, D2, etc. Vitamin E Vitamin K Water soluble vitamins Vitamin B complex (General) Folic acid Thiamine Riboflavin Nicotinic acids. Nicotinamide
Types of cells
Classify works on cells of a particular tissue or organ with the tissue or organ.
QU 450 QU 470 QU 475 QU 477 QU 500 General works
Cf. QZ 52 Clinical genetic techniques
Classify here works on pharmacology in general or on the pharmacology of individual drugs or types of drugs grouped according to their specific action. Classify works on an individual drug according to its principal action. Classify works on the use of an individual drug in the treatment of a particular disease with the disease. Classify works on the purely chemical or technological use of chemicals in the QD or the T schedules. Classify a drug derived from a plant with the drug. Classify works on vitamins in QU; on endocrine preparations in WJ, WK, or WP; and non-endocrine biologicals in QW. Classify the abuse of a drug in the appropriate WM number. Note that occasionally agents are classed together because they are frequently treated together regardless of their different actions, e.g., sulfur and sulfur compounds in QV 265. Classify works dealing with the general aspects of pharmacy and pharmaceutics in the section beginning with QV 701. Note that Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics section also has many of the early range or form numbers found under Pharmacology. QV 1-55 Reference Works. General Works QV 60-75 Dermatologic Agents. Gastrointestinal Agents QV 76-115 Central Nervous System Agents. Local Anesthetics QV 120-140 Autonomic Agents. Nonmetallic Elements. Neuromuscular Agents QV 150-160 Cardiovascular Agents. Renal Agents QV 170-177 Reproductive Control Agents QV 180-195 Hematologic Agents QV 220-243 Local Anti-Infective Agents. Dyes. Tars QV 247-269 Anti-Inflammatory Agents. Anti-Infective Agents QV 270-285 Water. Electrolytes QV 290-318 Heavy Metals. Gases QV 350-370 Anti-Bacterial Agents. Tissue Extracts QV 600-667 Toxicology QV 600-607 General Toxicology
QV 610-618 Inorganic Poisons
QV 627-633 Organic Poisons
QV 662-667 Gas Poisons. Chemical Agents
QV 701-835 Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics QV 701-737 General Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics QV 738-772 Drug Standardization. Pharmacognosy. Medicinal Plants QV 773-835 Pharmaceutical Processes. Packaging. Labeling
QV 4
General works
QV 5 QV 7 QV 9 QV 11 QV 11.1 QV 13 QV 15 QV 16 QV 17 QV 18 QV 18.2
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G)
Classify works on the history of a specific drug with the drug.
Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify here works about education.
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
QV 19
QV 20
Graduate and continuing education in pharmacy (including fellowships, internships, residencies, etc.) Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject. Cf. QV 34 Experimental pharmacology.
QV 20.5
QV 21 QV 21.5 QV 22 QV 22.1
Pharmacology as a profession. Pharmacy as a profession. Ethics. Peer review Pharmacists' aides Directories (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
QV 23 QV 24 QV 25
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals, including those on microscopic and chemical analysis. Technique
Cf. QV 744 Pharmaceutical chemistry.
QV 26
QV 26.5
Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Registration of pharmacists (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
QV 38
Drug action
Classify here works on absorption, distribution, excretion of drugs; mechanism of drug action; synergism, antagonism, tolerance; factors modifying drug action, including genetic factors.
QV 39
QV 50 QV 55
Dental pharmacology
Cf. WU 180-190 Dental materials.
Protective agents
(e.g., Adsorbents. Emollients)
QV 71 QV 73 QV 75
Alcohols Methanol Ethanol Hypnotics. Sedatives. Anticonvulsants [This number not used]
Classify tranquilizing agents (General) in QV 77.9.
Bromides Barbiturates
Classify works on hexobarbital in QV 81.
Convulsants Xanthines
(e.g., Caffeine. Theobromine. Theophylline)
[QV 115]
QV 122 QV 124 QV 126 QV 129 QV 132 QV 134 QV 137 QV 138 QV 138.C1 QV 138.P4 QV 138.S5 QV 140
(e.g., Pilocarpine)
(e.g., Ephedrine) See note under QV 126 above. Classify works on amphetamines in QV 102.
Sympatholytics. Parasympatholytics
Classify works on cholinesterase reactivators in QV 124.
Atropine and allied compounds Nicotine Non-metallic elements and their compounds, A-Z
The substances classed here are used largely in experimental pharmacology, toxicology, and/or biochemistry for various purposes. Classify by specific use where possible.
Oxytocics Ergot alkaloids Abortifacient agents Contraceptives (including those with indirect action)
Classify works on contraceptive devices in WP 640.
Hematologic Agents
QV 180 QV 181 QV 183 QV 184 QV 185 QV 190 QV 193 QV 195 Hematologic agents (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on folic acid and vitamin B12 in QU 188 and QU 194, respectively.
Hematinics Iron. Iron compounds Liver extracts Nucleic acid. Nucleotides. Nucleosides
Cf. QU 58 for works on biochemistry of nucleic acid derivatives.
Hemostatics. Coagulants
Halogen antiseptics
(e.g., Iodine)
Boron compounds Dyes and related compounds used in diagnosis or as reagents, indicators, etc. Tars. Balsams Urinary anti-infective agents
(e.g., Methenamine. Mandelic acids)
Antifungal agents. Antifungal antibiotics Anthelmintics Antiprotozoal agents (General or not elsewhere classified) Amebicides Antimalarials Cinchona and its derivatives Primaquine. Quinacrine Leprostatic agents
(e.g., Chaulmoogra oil, Dapsone)
Antitreponemal agents
(e.g., Mercury compounds. Bismuth compounds. Iodides)
Arsenicals (General or not elsewhere classified) Sulfonamides. Sulfur and other sulfur compounds (General or not elsewhere classified) Antitubercular agents. Antitubercular antibiotics
National Library of Medicine Classification 2006 Schedule Cf. WF 360 Drug therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis. Classify works on streptomycin in QV 356.
QV 268.5 QV 269
Antiviral agents (General or not elsewhere classified) Antineoplastic agents. Antineoplastic antibiotics
Cf. QZ 267 Drug therapy of neoplasms. Classify works on azaserine in QV 252 Antifungal antibiotics or in QW 920 Immunosuppressive agents.
Water. Electrolytes
QV 270 QV 273 QV 275 QV 276 QV 277 QV 278 QV 280 QV 282 QV 283 QV 285 Water. Inorganic ions. Electrolytes (General or not elsewhere classified)
Cf. QU 105 Water-electrolyte balance; WD 220 Water-electrolyte imbalance.
Water. Sodium salts Cations and related compounds. Alkali and alkaline earth metals (General or not elsewhere classified)
Cf. QV 290-298 Heavy metals and their compounds.
Fluorine. Fluorides
Cf. QV 50 Dental pharmacology.
Classify works on sugar phosphates in QU 75.
QV 292 QV 293 QV 294 QV 295 QV 296 QV 297 QV 298 QV 310 QV 312 QV 314 QV 318 QV 325
Lead Mercury (General or compounds not elsewhere classified) Arsenic (General or compounds not elsewhere classified) Antimony Gold Silver Zinc Gases and their compounds (General or not elsewhere classified) Oxygen and its compounds (General or not elsewhere classified) Carbon dioxide Helium Antioxidants
Classify general works on industrial poisons and poisoning in WA 465; general works on food poisoning in WC 268; on public health aspects of food poisoning in WA 695-722; on animal poisons in WD 400-430; on plant poisons and plant poisoning in WD 500-530; on poisons acting on plants or animals in the appropriate LC schedules (See Index to this Classification). Classify works on agents that are primarily air, water, or soil pollutants in WA or WN. Classify works on chemicals used extensively in drug therapy or in experimental pharmacology in the pharmacology numbers.
General Toxicology
QV 600 QV 601 QV 602 QV 605 QV 605.1 QV 607 General works Antidotes and other therapeutic measures Detection of poisons. Tests. Laboratory manuals. Technique
Classify works on medicolegal aspects in W 750.
Inorganic Poisons
QV 610 QV 612 QV 618 Inorganic poisons Acids. Alkalies Irritant poisons
Cf. QV 664 Lung irritants; QV 666 Irritant gases.
Organic Poisons
QV 627 QV 628 QV 632 QV 633 Organic poisons Alkaloids Non-alkaloids Hydrocarbons. Volatile poisons. Solvents
Chemical agents
Classify here works on chemical agents that are toxic or otherwise harmful to humans including works that discuss the use of such agents in warfare.
Lung irritants
(e.g., Chloropicrin. Phosgene) Cf. QV 666 for works on irritant gases.
QV 704
General works Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
QV 705 QV 707 QV 709 QV 711 QV 711.1 QV 715 QV 717 QV 722 QV 722.1 QV 732 QV 732.1 QV 733 QV 733.1 QV 735 QV 736
Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
QV 737
Pharmaceutical chemistry
Classify works on techniques of drug analysis and laboratory manuals in QV 25.
Drug incompatibility Prescription writing. Dosage Pharmacognosy. Natural history of drugs Collection and preservation of drugs
Cf. QV 820 Preservatives.
QV 772
Non-prescription drugs
(Used for both monographs and serials) Include here drug catalogs issued singly or serially.
QV 778 QV 785 QV 786 QV 787 [QV 790] QV 800 QV 810 QV 820 QV 825 [QV 832] QV 835
Pharmaceutical processes. Drug compounding Types of pharmaceutical preparations. Dosage forms (General or not elsewhere classified) Solutions Tablets [This number not used]
Classify pharmaceutical supplies in QV 26; QV 772.
Microbiology. Immunology
Classify works on a particular species of bacteria with the order to which that species belongs, according to the classification in Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. QW 1-300 Microbiology QW 1-52 Reference Works. General Works QW 55-85 Environmental Microbiology QW 115-155 Bacteria QW 160-170 Viruses QW 180-190 Fungi. Bacterial Spores QW 300 Biological Warfare QW 501-949 Immunology QW 501-540 Reference Works. General Immunology QW 541-568 Immunity by Type QW 570-630.5 Antigens and Antibodies. Toxins and Antitoxins QW 640-730 Immune Responses QW 800-949 Immunotherapy and Hypersensitivity
QW 4
General works
Classify here works on microbiology as a whole. Classify works on bacteriology alone in QW 50; on virology alone in QW 160-170; on mycology alone in QW 180-180.5, or appropriate LC numbers.
QW 5 QW 7 QW 9 QW 11 QW 11.1 QW 13 QW 15 QW 16 QW 17 QW 18
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
QW 18.2
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
QW 20.5
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
QW 21 QW 22 QW 22.1
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique Specific techniques, A-Z Bacteriological techniques Microbial sensitivity tests Virus cultivation Apparatus, equipment, etc.
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify catalogs here.
QW 26.5
QW 27 QW 28 QW 32 QW 32.1 QW 33 QW 33.1 QW 39 QW 45 QW 50 QW 51
Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
QW 52
Environmental Microbiology
QW 55 QW 60 QW 65 QW 70 QW 75 QW 80 QW 82 QW 85 QW 90 Environmental microbiology Plant and soil microbiology
Classify works on specific microorganisms by subject, e.g., Plant viruses QW 163.
Dental microbiology Veterinary microbiology Industrial microbiology Water and sewage microbiology Air microbiology Microbiology of food, milk, and other beverages Biofilms
[QW 115] [QW 118] [QW 120] QW 125 QW 125.5 QW 125.5.A2 QW 125.5.B4 QW 125.5.B7 QW 125.5.C5 QW 125.5.M9 QW 125.5.P7 QW 125.5.S8 QW 127 QW 127.5 QW 127.5.B2 QW 127.5.C5 QW 128 [QW 130] [This number not used]
Classify actinobacteria in QW 125.
Actinobacteria. Actinomycetales Specific organisms, A-Z Actinomycetaceae Bifidobacterium Brevibacterium Corynebacterium Mycobacteriaceae Propionibacteriaceae Streptomycetaceae Gram-positive endospore-forming bacteria Specific groups, A-Z Bacillaceae Clostridium Bacteroidetes [This number not used]
Classify Caryophanales with Gram-positive bacteria in QW 142-142.5.
QW 131
Gram-negative bacteria (General). Gram-negative aerobic bacteria (include cocci and rods). Cyanobacteria Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria (include cocci and rods) Gram-negative chemolithotrophic bacteria Gram-negative facultatively anaerobic rods (General or not elsewhere classified) Enterobacteriaceae Specific organisms, A-Z Enterobacter Escherichia Klebsiella Proteus Salmonella Serratia Shigella Yersinia Haemophilus Pasteurella Vibrionaceae Gram-positive bacteria (General or not elsewhere classified) Specific organisms, A-Z Asporogenous rods Cocci Mollicutes Phototrophic bacteria [This number not used]
Classify Rickettsiales in QW 150 and Chlamydiales in QW 152 as appropriate.
QW 133 QW 135 QW 137 QW 138 QW 138.5 QW 138.5.E5 QW 138.5.E8 QW 138.5.K5 QW 138.5.P7 QW 138.5.S2 QW 138.5.S3 QW 138.5.S4 QW 138.5.Y3 QW 139 QW 140 QW 141 QW 142 QW 142.5 QW 142.5.A8 QW 142.5.C6 QW 143 QW 145 [QW 149] QW 150 QW 152 [QW 153] QW 154 QW 155
QW 160 QW 161 QW 161.5 QW 161.5.C6 QW 161.5.M9 QW 161.5.S8 QW 162 QW 163 Viruses (General). Virology
Classify works about a virus disease with the disease.
Bacteriophages Specific phages, A-Z Coliphages Mycobacteriophages Staphylococcus phages Insect viruses
Classify works on diseases of insects in SB 942.
Plant viruses
National Library of Medicine Classification 2006 Schedule Classify works on virus diseases of plants in SB 736.
QW 164 QW 165 QW 165.5 QW 165.5.A3 QW 165.5.H3 QW 165.5.I6 QW 165.5.P2 QW 165.5.P3 QW 165.5.P6 QW 166 [QW 167] QW 168 QW 168.5 QW 168.5.A7 QW 168.5.A8 QW 168.5.B9 QW 168.5.C8 QW 168.5.F5 QW 168.5.H6 QW 168.5.O7 QW 168.5.P2 QW 168.5.P4 QW 168.5.R15 QW 168.5.R18 QW 168.5.R2 [QW 168.5.R6] QW 168.5.R8 QW 169 QW 170
Vertebrate viruses DNA viruses Specific DNA groups, A-Z Adenoviridae Herpesviridae Iridoviridae Papillomaviridae Parvoviridae Poxviridae Oncogenic viruses [This number not used]
Classify oncolytic viruses in QW 160.
RNA viruses Specific RNA groups, A-Z Arboviruses Arenaviridae Bunyaviridae Coronaviridae Flaviviridae HIV Orthomyxoviridae Paramyxoviridae Picornaviridae Reoviridae Retroviridae Rhabdoviridae [This number not used]
Classify RNA rodent viruses in QW 168.
Specific fungi, A-Z Ascomycota Basidiomycota Arthrodermataceae Mitosporic fungi [This number not used]
Classify Myxomycetes in QX 50.
Phycomyces Yeasts
Classify specific yeasts under the appropriate number for the class.
Biological Warfare
QW 300 Biological warfare
Classify works on immunologic diseases in WD 300-330.
QW 504 QW 504.5
General works Immunochemistry. Immunohistochemistry Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
QW 505 QW 507 QW 509 QW 511 QW 511.1 QW 513 QW 515 QW 516 QW 517 QW 518 QW 518.2
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
QW 520
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
Directories (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
QW 523 QW 524
QW 525 QW 525.5 QW 525.5.E6 QW 525.5.F6 QW 525.5.I3 QW 525.5.I32 QW 525.5.I34 QW 525.5.I36 QW 525.5.L6 QW 525.5.R15 QW 525.5.R2 QW 526
Specific techniques, A-Z Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Fluorescent antibody technique Immunoassay Immunoblotting Immunoenzyme techniques Immunophenotyping Leukocyte adherence inhibition test Radioallergosorbent test Radioimmunoassay Equipment and supplies
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify catalogs here.
QW 539 QW 540
Immunity by Type
QW 541 QW 545 QW 551 QW 552 QW 553 QW 563 QW 568 Natural immunity. Immunogenetics Autoimmunity Acquired immunity. Artificial immunity
Classify preparations producing artificial immunity in QW 800-815.
Active immunity Maternally acquired immunity Local immunity Cellular immunity. Immunologic cytotoxicity. Immunocompetence. Immunologic factors (General or not elsewhere classified)
Specific toxins and antitoxins, A-Z Bacterial toxins Cytotoxins Endotoxins Enterotoxins
Immune Responses
QW 640 QW 660 QW 680 QW 690 QW 700 QW 730 Agglutination. Precipitation
Classify works on immunodiagnostic tests in QY 265.
Classify works on therapy of a particular disease with the disease.
QX 1-45 Reference Works. General Works QX 50-195 Protozoa QX 200-451 Helminths. Annelida QX 460-483 Arthropods QX 500-675 Insects. Other Parasites
QX 4 QX 5 QX 7 QX 9 QX 11 QX 11.1 QX 13 QX 15 QX 16 QX 17 QX 18 QX 18.2
General works Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
QX 19 QX 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
QX 21
Parasitology as a profession
QX 22 QX 22.1
Directories (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
QX 23 QX 24 QX 25 QX 26
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique Equipment and supplies
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify catalogs here.
QX 26.5
QX 27 QX 28 QX 32 QX 32.1 QX 33 QX 33.1 QX 39 QX 45
Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Host-parasite relations
QX 50 QX 55 QX 70 QX 123 QX 135 QX 140 QX 151 [QX 190] QX 195 Protozoa Sarcodina (Amoebae) Mastigophora
(e.g., Giardia. Trichomonas. Trypanosoma. Leishmania)
Helminths. Annelida
QX 200 QX 203 Helminths Nematoda
QX 207 QX 243 QX 248 QX 271 QX 277 QX 301 QX 350 QX 352 QX 353 QX 355 QX 365 QX 400 QX 442 QX 451
Trichuroidea Strongyloidea Trichostrongyloidea Oxyuroidea Ascaroidea Filarioidea Platyhelminths Turbellaria Trematoda Schistosoma Fasciola Cestoda Echinococcus Annelida
QX 460 QX 463 [QX 465] QX 467 QX 469 QX 471 QX 473 QX 475 QX 479 QX 483 Arthropods Crustacea [This number not used]
Classify centipedes, millipedes in QX 460.
Ticks Trombiculidae
Lice Pediculus
Classify here works on human body and head lice.
(e.g., Bedbugs)
Diptera Mosquitoes Anopheles Aedes Culex Siphonaptera (Fleas) Coleoptera (Beetles) Lepidoptera (Moths. Butterflies) Hymenoptera (Bees. Wasps. Ants) Orthoptera
(e.g., Grasshoppers)
QX 650 QX 675
Clinical Pathology
Classify here works on general clinical pathology and diagnostics. Classify works on tests for a particular disease or for diseases of a particular system with the disease or system, except for works on syphilis tests, which are classed here. QY 1-39 Reference Works. General Works QY 50-110 Laboratory Animals. Laboratory Techniques QY 120-350 Diagnostic Tests QY 400-490 Blood. Blood Chemistry
QY 4
General works Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
QY 5 QY 7 QY 9 QY 11 QY 11.1 QY 13 QY 15 QY 16 QY 17 QY 18 QY 18.2
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
QY 19
QY 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
QY 21 QY 22 QY 22.1
Medical technology as a profession. Ethics. Peer review Directories of clinical laboratory technology (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify directories of all pathologists in QZ 22.
QY 23 QY 24 QY 25 QY 26
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique
Classify works on specific tests by type.
QY 26.5
QY 27 QY 28 QY 32 QY 32.1 QY 33 QY 33.1 QY 35 QY 39
Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Experimental techniques
Cf. QY 25 Laboratory manuals.
QY 60.B4 QY 60.C2 QY 60.D6 QY 60.F4 QY 60.L3 QY 60.M2 QY 60.P7 QY 60.R6 QY 60.S8 QY 90 QY 95 QY 100 [QY 105] QY 110
Birds Cats Dogs Fishes Lagomorpha (Rabbits, etc.) Mammals (General or not elsewhere classified) Primates Rodents Swine Chemical techniques Cytological techniques Bacteriological techniques [This number not used]
Classify animal inoculation in QY 100; SF 757.2.
Diagnostic Tests
QY 120 QY 125 QY 130 QY 140 QY 143 QY 147 QY 160 QY 175 QY 185 QY 190 QY 210 QY 220 QY 250 QY 260 QY 265 QY 275 QY 330 QY 335 QY 350 Sputum Saliva Gastric and duodenal contents Liver tests Bile pigments Function tests Feces Kidney function tests Urinalysis Semen Puncture fluids (Peritoneal. Pleural. Pericardial) Cerebrospinal fluid Immunodiagnostic tests
Cf. QW 525 for techniques of administering other immunologic tests.
Diagnostic skin tests Agglutination, precipitation, flocculation, and complement fixation tests Serodiagnostic tests for syphilis Assay of hormones Pregnancy tests Assay of vitamins
QY 402 QY 408 QY 410 QY 415 QY 450 QY 455 QY 465 QY 470 QY 480 [QY 485] QY 490
(e.g., Bleeding time, clotting time, etc.)
Typing Blood chemistry Nitrogenous constituents Lipids Carbohydrates Inorganic substances [This number not used] Enzymes
QZ 1-39 Reference Works. General Works QZ 40-109 Pathogenesis. Etiology QZ 140-190 Manifestations of Disease QZ 200-380 Neoplasms. Cysts
QZ 4
General works
Classify material on comparative pathology in QZ 33.
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Paleopathology Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify here works about education.
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
QZ 19 QZ 20.5
Research (General)
Classify material on cancer research in QZ 206. QZ-1
QZ 21 QZ 22 QZ 22.1
QZ 23 QZ 24 QZ 25 QZ 26
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Cancer hospitals Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique Equipment and supplies
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify catalogs here.
QZ 26.5
Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Pathogenesis. Etiology
QZ 40 QZ 42 QZ 45 QZ 50 QZ 52 QZ 53 QZ 55 QZ 57 Pathogenesis. Etiology
Classify here works on causative factors and development. Classify works on diagnosis, therapy, etc., of the resultant disease with the disease or system.
National Library of Medicine Classification 2006 Schedule Cf. QT 162 for physiological effects.
QZ 59 QZ 65 QZ 85 QZ 105 QZ 109
Vitamin deficiencies
Manifestations of Disease
QZ 140 QZ 150 QZ 160 QZ 170 QZ 180 QZ 190 General manifestations of disease Local reactions to injury and disease General reactions to injury and disease. Stress Circulatory disorders Degenerative processes. Disorders of metabolism
Cf. WD 200-226 for clinical aspects.
Neoplasms. Cysts
QZ 200 QZ 201 QZ 202 QZ 204 QZ 206 QZ 220 QZ 220.1 QZ 241 QZ 266 QZ 267 QZ 268 QZ 269 QZ 275 Neoplasms. Cysts (General)
Classify works on neoplasms by site or tissue if applicable.
Popular works
Classify here popular works on all aspects of neoplasms.
Epidemiology (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Diagnosis. Diagnostic methods Therapy Drug therapy Surgical techniques Radiotherapy Pediatric oncology. Adolescent oncology (General)
Classify here all aspects of pediatric and adolescent neoplasms in general; classify works on particular neoplasms with the neoplasm. Classify works on neoplasms by site or tissue if applicable.
Connective, muscle, and vascular tissues Sarcoma Leukemia. Lymphoma. Hematologic neoplasms
Cf. WH 250 and WH 525 for clinical aspects. QZ-3
QZ 365 QZ 380
Glandular and epithelial tissue. Carcinoma (General or not elsewhere classified) Nerve tissue
Health Professions
Classify here general and miscellaneous material relating to the health professions.
W 1-28 Reference Works. General Works W 32-64 Law. Ethics. Professional-Patient Relations W 74-80 Medical Economics W 82-83.1 Biomedical Technology W 84-85.5 Health Services. Patients and Patient Advocacy W 87-96 Professional Practice W 100-275 Medical, Dental, and Pharmaceutical Service Plans W 322-323 Social Welfare Through Medicine W 601-925 Forensic Sciences W 601-750 Reference and General Works
W 775-867 Medicolegal Examination
W 900-925 Disability Evaluation. Compensation
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here monographic and serial publication of recurring congresses on medicine and related subjects. Note that as of July 1, 1988, NLM no longer assigns W3 to newly acquired publications, with the exception of analytics to ongoing serial publication already classified in W3.
W 3.5
Directories of congresses
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify bibliographies of congress publications in ZW 3. Note that as of July 1, 1988, NLM no longer assigns W3.5 or ZW 3 to newly acquired publications.
W 4A
W5 W6 W7 W9
Collected works (General) By several authors Pamphlet volumes. Miscellaneous reprint volumes By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General)
Classify works on specific topics by subject. W-1
W 10 [W 11]
W 13
Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify material on medical shorthand here if it is the primary subject of book.
W 15
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify works on classification of disease and on disease eponyms in WB 15.
W 16 W 17 W 18 W 18.2
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
W 19 W 19.5
Graduate and continuing medical education (including fellowships, internships, residencies, etc.) Medical research (General)
Classify here material on the various aspects and accomplishments of medical research. Classify works on research limited to a particular subject with the subject.
Special topics, A-Z Animal experimentation. Animal testing alternatives Fetal Research Human experimentation Fraternities (Cutter from name of fraternity) Medicine as a profession. Peer review
Classify here works about medical careers. Classify those about other specific careers with the specialty, e.g., those about nursing in WY 16. Classify works on the specialities in general in W 87.
W 21.5
W 22
Directories (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials) W-2
W 22.1
W 23 W 24 W 26
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Equipment and supplies
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here medical and surgical supply and instrument catalogs as well as catalogs of special equipment, e.g., tables and chairs in doctors' waiting rooms. Include works on history of instruments in general.
Special topics, A-Z Artificial intelligence. Expert systems Automatic data processing Computers Decision making, Computer-assisted
Classify works on computer-assisted diagnosis (general) in WB 141; on computer-assisted therapy (general) in WB 300.
Information systems. Information storage and retrieval Software Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution or exhibit)
W 27 W 28
Licensure (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Malpractice (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Handbooks. Resource guides
(Used for both monographs and serials)
W 50 W 58 W 61 W 62 W 64
Medical ethics
Classify clinical ethics in WB 60.
Medical Economics
W 74 W 74.1 W 76 W 79 W 80 Medical economics. Health care costs (General)(Table G)
Cf. W 58 for economic aspects of medical ethics.
General coverage (Not Table G) Health manpower and services, distribution and characteristics
Classify works limited to allied health manpower in W 21.5.
Biomedical Technology
W 82 W 83 W 83.1 Biomedical technology (General) Telemedicine (General)(Table G)
Classify works on telemedicine relating only to private practice in WB 50.
General coverage (Not Table G) Research (General) Comprehensive health care. Community medicine
Cf. WA 546 Community health service.
Primary health care Patient care planning. Progressive health care (General)
Classify works on care of hospital patients in WX 162.
Professional Practice
W 87 Professional practice
Cf. W 21 Medicine as a profession. Include here general works about types of practice in medicine and W-4
National Library of Medicine Classification 2006 Schedule allied fields. Classify works on specific medical specialties or allied fields by subject, e.g., on surgery in WO 21; on nursing in WY 101-145, etc.
W 88
W 89 W 90 W 92 [W 94] W 96
Specialism (General)
Classify works on a particular specialty with the specialty.
Group practice. Partnership practice [This number not used] Institutional practice
W 100 W 125 W 125.1 W 130 W 130.1 W 132 W 132.1 W 160 W 160.1 W 185 W 185.1 W 225 W 225.1 W 250 W 250.1 W 255 W 260 W 260.1 W 265 W 265.1 W 270 W 270.1
General works
Cf. W 275 General service plans by country.
Voluntary pre-payment plans (General or not elsewhere classified) (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Managed care plans (General or not elsewhere classified) (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Health maintenance organizations (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Hospitalization insurance. Major medical insurance. Long-term care insurance. Medigap insurance (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Compulsory pre-payment plans (not a function of the state) (General or not elsewhere classified) (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Medicine as function of the state (Table G)
Classify here material on health protection for everyone as a function of the state, supported by taxation, with medical services subject to regulation by the state.
W 275
Medical missions
Classify biographical or autobiographical works of medical missionary doctors and nurses in WZ 100.
W 605 W 607 W 609 W 611 W 611.1 W 613 W 615 W 616 W 617 W 618 W 618.2
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify here works about education.
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
W 622 W 622.1
Directories (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique Equipment and supplies
Classify catalogs in W 26.
Museums, exhibitions, etc., on medicolegal subjects Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution, exhibit, etc.) [This number not used]
Classify works on medical jurisprudence only in W 32.5-32.6. Cf. W 700.
General works
Classify here works on medical and pathological examination of criminal evidence, as well as works including material on medical jurisprudence. Classify works on medical jurisprudence only, in W 32.5-32.6.
Medicolegal Examination
W 775 W 780 W 783 W 786 W 789 W 791 W 795 W 800 W 820 W 822 W 825 W 843 W 860 W 864 W 867 Medicolegal forensic examination (General) Examination of the living Malingering Identification Legal establishment of the beginning of life Consanguinity. Paternity. Pregnancy Rape. Sexual offenses Examination of dead bodies. Duties of coroners Signs of death. Time of death. Sudden death Destruction and attempted destruction of the human body Determination of cause of death. Forensic autopsy Trauma Criminal violence. Homicide Suicide Criminal abortion. Infanticide
Cf. WQ 225 for spontaneous abortion; WQ 440 for medical aspects of therapeutic or induced abortion; HQ 767 for social aspects of induced abortion.
W 910 W 925
Forensic aspects of compensation to victims of criminal violence Forensic aspects of occupational disease and injury
Cf. WV 32 for estimation of disability in otolaryngology; WW 32 for estimation of disability in ophthalmology.
Public Health
WA 1-106 Reference Works. General Works WA 108-245 Preventive Medicine WA 250-295 Accident and Injury Prevention WA 300-395 Health Problems of Special Population Groups WA 400-495 Occupational Medicine, Health and Hygiene WA 525-590 Health Administration and Organization WA 670-847 Sanitation. Environmental Control WA 670-674 General Sanitation and Environmental Control WA 675-690 Water WA 695-722 Food WA 730-744 Drugs. Cosmetics WA 750-776 Air. Noise WA 778-790 Waste WA 795-830 Housing. Buildings. Public Facilities WA 840-847 Mortuary Practice WA 900-950 Statistics. Surveys
WA 4
Works on general hygiene (including in one volume personal hygiene, public health, etc.)
Classify general works on public health in WA 100.
WA 5 WA 7 WA 9 WA 11 WA 11.1 WA 13 WA 15 WA 16 WA 17 WA 18 WA 18.2
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
Use for serials only; for monographs, use WA 900.
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, WA-1
National Library of Medicine Classification 2006 Schedule catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WA 19
WA 20.5
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify research limited to a particular subject with the subject.
WA 21 WA 22 WA 22.1
WA 23 WA 24 WA 25 WA 26
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique Equipment and supplies
Classify catalogs in W 26. Classify works on safety equipment in general in WA 260; on industrial safety equipment in WA 485.
WA 26.5
Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum or exhibit) Social, economic, and environmental factors in public health (General)
Classify works on rural health and hygiene in WA 390; on urban health and hygiene in WA 380.
Environmental medicine. Environmental illness Social medicine. Medical sociology Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify pure food laws in WA 697.
Registration and certification of the dead Registration of notifiable diseases General works
WA 105 WA 106
Classify statistics in WA 900.
Disease reservoirs
Preventive Medicine
WA 108 WA 110 WA 230 WA 234 WA 240 Preventive health services. Preventive medicine (General) Prevention and control of communicable diseases. Transmission of infectious diseases
Classify works on immunological aspects in QW 700; on parasitological aspects of insect control in QX 600; on control of sexually transmitted diseases in WC 142.
Classify material on laws in WA 32-33.
Port and maritime quarantine Disinfection. Disinfestation. Pesticides (Including diseases caused by)
Classify works on immunological aspects in QX 650. Classify works on ectoparasitic infestations and disinfestations in WC 900.
WA 243 WA 245
Diagnostic services
Classify works on mass chest X-ray in WF 225; on mobile health units in WX 190.
Protective devices (General) Traffic accidents. Public health aspects of automobile driving Accidents in the home, office, etc. Consumer protection and product safety (General)
Include works on household articles and products as causes of accidents
WA 295
Family health
Cf. W 89 Family practice as a specialty; WB 110 for works for the family doctor.
Women's health
National Library of Medicine Classification 2006 Schedule Cf. WA 491 Protection of women in the workplace.
WA 310 WA 320 WA 330 WA 350 WA 351 WA 352 WA 353 WA 360 WA 380 WA 390 WA 395
Maternal welfare. Maternal and child welfare. Maternal health services Child welfare. Child abuse. Child health services Adolescent health services School health and hygiene services. School dental health services
Cf. WU 113 for dental hygiene.
WA 412 WA 420 WA 440 WA 450 WA 465 WA 470 WA 475 WA 485 WA 487 WA 487.5 WA 487.5.A78 WA 487.5.D4 WA 487.5.F4 WA 487.5.H4 WA 491
Medical and dental services Violence in the workplace (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify violence in health facilities at WX 185.
Prevention and control of occupational diseases Air quality in the workplace Industrial poisons and poisoning (General)
Classify works on toxicology of chemicals with no industrial health emphasis and on specific chemicals in QV 600-662; or if insecticides in WA 240.
Illumination. Noise. Radiation. Vibration Occupational fatigue and its prevention Occupational accidents. Safety equipment Accidents in professional work
Use only for works on professions not ordinarily considered industrial
By occupation, A-Z Art Dancing Firefighting Health Personnel Women's occupational health
Cf. WA 309 Women's health. WA-4
WA 495
WA 675 WA 686 WA 687 WA 689 WA 690 Water. Water supply. Sources
Include works on sanitary aspects of ice and ice making here.
Cf. QW 80 Water microbiology.
WA 695 Food. Food supply. Food inspection
WA 697 WA 701 WA 703 WA 707 WA 710 WA 712 WA 715 WA 716 WA 719 WA 722
Fresh foods (Vegetables. Fruits. Eggs. Fish) Meat and poultry inspection Preserved foods (canned, dried, frozen, salted, smoked, etc.) Food additives Milk. Milk supply. Dairy products Analysis Pasteurization Fats. Oils. Margarine
Drugs. Cosmetics
WA 730 Drugs. Drug adulteration and contamination. Pharmacies
Classify here works on refrigeration of biological products. Classify works on fraud in QV 773; on drug legislation in QV 32-33.
WA 744
Air. Noise
WA 750 WA 754 Air sanitation and hygiene Pollution and pollutants
Cf. QW 82 Air microbiology; WA 450 Industrial pollution. Classify works on radioactive pollutions and pollutants in WN 615. Classify works on agents used extensively in biochemistry or pharmacology in QU or QV.
WA 778 WA 780 WA 785 WA 788 WA 790 Waste products. Waste disposal Refuse and garbage disposal Sewage disposal. Soil pollution
Classify works on radioactive pollution and pollutants in WN 615.
Mortuary Practice
WA 840 WA 844 WA 846 WA 847 Mortuary practice Embalming Burial. Cemeteries Cremation
Statistics. Surveys
WA 900 Public health statistics (including narrative reports on health conditions and health surveys)(Table G)
Classify mortality statistics with causes of death here. Classify works on infant and child mortality without causes of death in WS 16. Classify works on maternal mortality without causes of death in WQ 16. Classify general mortality statistics in HB. Classify works on nutrition surveys in QU 146-146.1.
WA 900.1 WA 950
Practice of Medicine
WB 1-117 Reference Works. General Works WB 120-130 Home Health Care. Works about Medicine for the Layperson WB 141-293 Diagnosis WB 141-143 General Diagnosis WB 143-182 Signs and Symptoms WB 200-288 Physical Diagnosis WB 290-293 Medical History. Clinical Reports WB 300-962 Therapeutics WB 300-391 General Therapeutics WB 400-449 Diet and Nutrition WB 460-555 Physical and Occupational Therapy WB 700-760 Medical Climatology WB 880-962 Complementary and Alternative Therapies
WB 5 WB 7 WB 9 [WB 11]
Collected works (on clinical medicine, diagnosis, special therapeutic systems) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) [This number not used]
Use WZ for history of medical practice. Classify works on the history of special systems of therapeutics in the numbers for those specialities (WB 900-962). The latter are the only numbers used for history in the WB schedule.
WB 13 WB 15
Classify dictionaries in W 13.
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify works that consist of general medical nomenclature or terminology in W 15.
WB 16 WB 17
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WB 18
Classify here materials on education in the special systems of therapeutics or other topics specific to this schedule. Classify materials on general medical education in W 18.
WB 18.2
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, WB-1
National Library of Medicine Classification 2006 Schedule catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WB 22 WB 22.1
WB 23 WB 24 WB 25 WB 26
Institutes. Laboratories of experimental research Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Technique of research in internal medicine
Classify works on technique of research limited to a particular subject with the subject.
[WB 26.5]
Hospitals, dispensaries and clinics for specialized types of therapy, e.g., Homeopathy. Diathermy. Hydrotherapy
Classify works on general hospitals in WX; others in specialty numbers.
WB 27 WB 27.1 WB 28
Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital)(Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Rehabilitation centers. Residential facilities. Sheltered workshops
Cf. WM 29-29.1 Mental health facilities.
General coverage (Not Table G) Bioethics. Clinical ethics. Clinical ethics committees
Classify works on hospital clinical ethics committees in WX 150.
General works
WB 101 WB 102 WB 103 WB 104 WB 105 WB 110 WB 112 WB 115 WB 116 WB 117
Clinical medicine Behavioral medicine Medical psychology Emergency medicine. Medical emergencies
Classify works on emergency hospital service in WX 215; on first aid in WA 292.
Osteopathic medicine Internal medicine Military medicine Medical uses of non-ionizing radiation (General)
Cf. WB 288 for diagnostic use; WB 480 for therapeutic use.
Physical Diagnosis
WB 200 WB 205 WB 270 WB 275 WB 278 WB 280 WB 282 WB 284 WB 286 WB 288 [WB 289] Physical diagnosis (General) Technique of physical examination Temperature Inspection. Palpation Auscultation. Percussion Blood pressure Pulse Respiration Body weights and measures Diagnostic uses of non-ionizing radiation [This number not used]
Classify diagnostic use of ultrasonics in WN 208.
Cf. WM 29-29.1 for mental patients; WO 183 Postoperative care; WY 100 Nursing care.
Drug Administration Inhalation. Intranasal Rectal Oral Injections. Infusions Blood transfusion
WB 365 WB 369 WB 369.5 WB 369.5.A17 WB 369.5.A18 WB 369.5.E2 WB 369.5.E4 WB 369.5.M5 WB 369.5.M9 WB 371 WB 373 [WB 375] WB 377 WB 379 WB 381 WB 391
Various other therapeutic and diagnostic procedures (General or not elsewhere classified) Acupuncture. Acupuncture therapy. Moxibustion Specific techniques, A-Z Acupressure Acupuncture Analgesia Ear acupuncture Electroacupuncture Meridians. Acupuncture points Moxibustion Cupping. Counterirritation
(e.g., Mustard plasters)
Punctures (General or not elsewhere classified) [This number not used] Spinal, cisternal and ventricular puncture Biopsy Phlebotomy. Bloodletting Tissue therapy. Organotherapy
WB 405 WB 410 WB 420 WB 422 WB 424 WB 425 WB 426 WB 427 WB 428 WB 430 WB 431 WB 432 WB 433 WB 438 WB 442 WB 444 WB 447 WB 449
Dietary cookbooks (General) Special methods of feeding, e.g., parenteral; tube Fasting Macrobiotic diet Low sodium diets. Salt-free diets Fat control
Classify works on reducing diets in WD 210-212.
Meat diets. Protein control Carbohydrate control Milk diets. Calcium control Vegetable diets. Fruit diets
Classify here works on vegetarian diets used therapeutically. Classify works on vegetarian diets as normal dietary practice in QT 235.
Cereals. Grains. Seeds. Breads Raw food diets Beverages Coffee. Tea. Chocolate Water. Mineral waters
Classify general works on hydrotherapy in WB 520.
Ultrasonic therapy Hydrotherapy (General) Balneology Musculoskeletal Manipulations (General or not elsewhere classified) Massage Exercise therapy. Medical gymnastics
Cf. QT 255 Physical education
Rest. Relaxation
Classify works on hygienic aspects of rest and relaxation in QT 265.
Occupational therapy
Classify works on occupational therapy in psychiatry in WM 450.5.O2.
Medical Climatology
WB 700 WB 710 WB 720 Medical climatology. Geography of disease Diseases of geographic areas Diseases of ethnic groups (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify here works on diseases that are associated primarily with a particular ethnic group, when treated as such. Classify works on general health problems of ethnic groups in WA 300-305. Classify works on specific diseases with the disease.
Cf. WF 330 Climatotherapy of pulmonary tuberculosis.
History of special systems or complementary therapies (General or not elsewhere classified) Anthroposophy (used in medicine)
Cf. BP 595-597 General works.
Diagnosis Therapeutics Eclecticism Herbal medicine. Phytotherapy Homeopathy Naturopathy Osteopathic manipulation Radiesthesia Reflexotherapy
Communicable Diseases
Classify here all major systemic infectious diseases with the exception of tuberculosis, which classes in WF 200-415. A few infectious diseases, usually local in character, are classed with the part affected, e.g., those classed in Dermatology, WR 220-245. Classify diseases for which no specific class number exists here on the basis of likeness, e.g., pseudoglanders with glanders in WC 330. Note that some related diseases are classed together regardless of the affecting organism, e.g., the pneumonias (WC 202-209) and the dysenteries (WC 280-285). Classify works on an infection which affects a single organ with the organ. WC 1-100 Reference Works. General Works WC 140-185 Sexually Transmitted Diseases WC 195-425 Infection. Bacterial Infections WC 195 General Infection WC 200-255 Bacterial Infections WC 260-290 Enteric Infections WC 302-425 Other Bacterial Infections. Zoonotic Bacterial Infections WC 450-475 Fungal Infections WC 500-593 Virus Diseases WC 500 General Virus Diseases WC 501-520 General RNA Virus Infections WC 503-503.7 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. HIV Infections WC 505-520 Viral Respiratory Tract Infections. Respirovirus Infections WC 522-532 Infectious Mononucleosis. Arbovirus Infections WC 534-556 Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers. Other Virus Diseases WC 570-593 Infectious Viral Skin Diseases WC 600-660 Rickettsial Infections. Chlamydial Infections WC 680-950 Tropical and Parasitic Diseases
WC 5 WC 7 WC 9 WC 11 WC 11.1 WC 13
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (General)(Table G)
Classify history of a single infectious disease with the disease.
WC 15 WC 16 WC 17 WC 18 WC 18.2
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify here works about education.
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WC 19 WC 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WC 22 WC 22.1
Directories (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WC 23 WC 24 WC 25 WC 26 WC 26.5
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique Equipment and supplies
Classify catalogs in W 26.
WC 27 WC 27.1 WC 28
Isolation and quarantine hospitals, leprosaria, prophylaxis stations, clinics, dispensaries, etc. Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital)(Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) [This number not used]
Classify laws relating to infectious diseases in WA 32.
WC 39 WC 100
General works
Bacterial Infections
WC 200 WC 202 WC 204 WC 207 WC 209 WC 210 WC 214 WC 217 WC 220 WC 230 WC 234 WC 240 WC 242 Bacterial infections (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on localized bacterial infections by site.
Pneumonia (General) Pneumococcal pneumonia. Staphylococcal pneumonia Viral pneumonia Other Streptococcal infections (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on endocarditis in WG 285; on impetigo in WR 225.
Focal infection
Cf. WU 290 in dentistry.
Listeria infections
Wound infection
Cf. WO 185 Surgical wound infection.
Enteric Infections
WC 260 WC 262 WC 264 WC 266 WC 268 Enterobacteriaceae and other enteric infections
Classify works on Yersinia infections in WC 350.
Salmonella infections
Classify works on salmonella food poisoning in WC 268; on paratyphoid fevers in WC 266.
Anthrax Brucellosis Corynebacterium infections Diphtheria Pseudomonas infections. Glanders Leprosy Bordetella infections. Whooping cough Yersinia infections. Plague Epidemics Clostridium infections
Classify works on botulism in WC 268; on bacillary hemoglobinuria in WJ 344.
Tetanus. Trismus Gas gangrene Tularemia Rat-bite fever Spirochete infections [This number not used]
Classify rat-bite fever (sodoku) in WC 390.
Borrelia infections. Lyme disease Relapsing fever Leptospirosis. Weil disease Treponemal infections
Classify works on syphilis in WC 160-170.
Fungal Infections
WC 450 WC 460 WC 465 WC 470 WC 475 Mycoses (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on dermatomycoses in WR 300-340; on fungal lung diseases in WF 652.
Cryptococcosis. Sporotrichosis
Chickenpox Herpes zoster Herpes simplex Measles Rubella Poxviridae infections (General or not elsewhere classified) Smallpox Prevention and control Epidemics Cat-scratch disease
National Library of Medicine Classification 2006 Schedule Classify general works on leishmaniasis and on mucocutaneous leishmaniasis in WR 350.
WC 725 WC 730 WC 735 WC 750 WC 755 WC 765 WC 770 WC 800 WC 805 WC 810 [WC 825] WC 830 WC 838 WC 840 WC 850 WC 855 WC 860 WC 865 WC 870 WC 880 WC 885 WC 890 WC 900
Toxoplasmosis (General or not elsewhere classified) Coccidiosis Balantidiasis Malaria Epidemiology Prevention and control Therapy Helminthiasis (General or not elsewhere classified) Trematode infections (General or not elsewhere classified) Schistosomiasis [This number not used]
Classify Cestode infections in WC 830.
Nematode infections (General or not elsewhere classified) Trichinosis Trichuriasis. Oxyuriasis Strongyloidiasis Ascariasis Filariasis and related conditions (General or not elsewhere classified) Onchocerciasis Hookworm infections (General or not elsewhere classified) Ectoparasitic infestations, disinfestation (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on pediculosis in WR 375; on scabies in WR 365 or if veterinary in SF 810. Cf. WC 625 and WC 635 for tick and mite-borne rickettsial infections.
WC 950
Zoonoses (General)
Classify work on specific diseases of animals in SF.
Disorders of Systemic, Metabolic or Environmental Origin, etc.
The WD schedule consists of a series of small tables which deal with subjects that cannot be readily integrated into other schedules because of the underlying framework of the Classification. Classify works on history or societies in the general number for each table. WD 100-175 Nutrition Disorders WD 200-226 Metabolic Diseases WD 200-200.1 General Metabolic Diseases WD 200.5-214 Specific Metabolic Diseases WD 220-226 Water-Electrolyte Imbalance WD 300-375 Immunologic and Collagen Diseases. Hypersensitivity WD 400-430 Animal Poisons WD 500-530 Plant Poisons WD 600-670 Disorders and Injuries of Environmental Origin WD 700-745 Aviation Medicine WD 750-758 Space Medicine WD 800 Naval Medicine
Nutrition Disorders
Classify works on nutrition disorders in infancy and childhood in WS 115-130; in the aged in WT 115.
WD 100 WD 101 WD 105 WD 110 WD 120 WD 122 WD 124 WD 126 WD 140 WD 145 WD 150 WD 155 WD 175
General works
Classify here works on particular nutrition disorders not included below or elsewhere classified.
Vitamin A deficiency
(e.g., Night blindness)
Vitamin D deficiency
(e.g., Rickets)
Mitochondrial diseases Phosphorus metabolism disorders Protein-losing enteropathies Inborn errors of metabolism (General)
Classify works on the hemolytic anemias in WH 170; on chronic idiopathic jaundice in WI 703; on errors of renal tubular transport in WJ 301.
Specific errors or groups of errors not elsewhere classified, A-Z Amino acid metabolism
Classify works on albinism in WR 265.
Amyloidosis Carbohydrate metabolism Hyperbilirubinemia, Hereditary Lipid metabolism Metal metabolism (General)
Classify works on specific disorders separately.
Water-Electrolyte Imbalance
WD 220 WD 222 WD 226 Water-electrolyte imbalance. Acid-base imbalance
Classify works on water-electrolyte balance and acid base equilibrium in QU 105.
Classify works on diabetic acidosis in WK 830; on renal tubular acidosis in WJ 301; on respiratory acidosis in WF 140.
WD 300
General works
Classify works on asthma in WF 553; on hay fever in WV 335; on dermatitis in WR 160; on respiratory hypersensitivity in WF 150.
Autoimmune diseases (General) Immune complex disease. Immunologic deficiency syndromes (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and other HIV infections in WC 503-503.7.
Food hypersensitivity Drug hypersensitivity Serum sickness Collagen diseases and other connective tissue diseases (General)
Cf. WE 346 Rheumatoid arthritis; WG 240 Rheumatic heart disease; WC 220 Rheumatic fever; WG 518 Periarteritis nodosa; WG 520 Thromboangiitis obliterans; WR 152 Lupus erythematosus, Systemic; WR 260 Scleroderma, Systemic.
Animal Poisons
Classify here works about animal poisons, poisonous animals, and bites and stings (general or not elsewhere classified). Classify works about diseases caused by animals with the disease.
Plant Poisons
Classify here works about toxic plants and plant poisoning (general or not elsewhere classified). Classify works about specific plants and diseases caused by plants under the plant or disease.
General works
Cf. QV 627 Organic poisons.
Electric injuries Non-ionizing radiation injuries (General) Heat exhaustion. Sunstroke Motion sickness
(e.g., Seasickness. Airsickness)
Classify here works written for the practicing physician, such as those on diagnosis, treatment, etc. Classify works on pathogenesis of hypothermia in QZ 57; studies of normal physiological effects of cold in QT 160; on induced hypothermia in WO 350.
Aviation Medicine
Classify works combining both atmospheric and space flight in WD 700-745; on Space flight alone in WD 750-758. Classify here works on diseases associated with high altitude on earth as well as in the air.
WD 700
General works
National Library of Medicine Classification 2006 Schedule Classify material on aerotitis media in WV 232; on vision in WW.
Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general, in aviation medicine alone or in aviation medicine and space medicine combined. Classify works about research in space medicine alone in WD 751. Classify works about research on a particular subject, by subject.
Personnel selection and fitness. Physical standards Altitude effects Decompression sickness Anoxia. Inert gas narcosis Speed. Acceleration. Deceleration. Gravitation. Rotation
(e.g., G force) Classify works on airsickness in WD 630.
Psychological aspects
(e.g., Fear. Stress)
Fatigue. Effect of noise. Effect of vibration Aviation accidents. Protective devices Aviation dentistry
Space Medicine
WD 750 WD 751 WD 751.6 WD 752 WD 754 WD 756 WD 758 General works (including works on broad aspects of space flight) Research (General)
Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
Naval Medicine
WD 800 General works
Musculoskeletal System
Classify general works on the musculoskeletal system and its diseases in children in WS 270. Classify works on musculoskeletal disease nursing in WY 157.6. Classify works on nursing of patients with specific diseases in WY also. WE 1-141 Reference Works. General Works WE 168-190 Orthopedics. Reconstructive Orthopedics. Bone Transplantation WE 200-259 Bones WE 300-400 Joint Tissues WE 500-600 Muscles and Tendons WE 700-715 Head and Trunk WE 720-755 Back WE 800-886 Extremities WE 800 General Extremities WE 805-835 Upper Extremity WE 850-886 Lower Extremity WE 890 Podiatry
WE 5 WE 7 WE 9 WE 11 WE 11.1 WE 13 WE 15 WE 16 WE 17 WE 18
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify here works about education.
WE 18.2
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WE 19 WE 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WE 21 WE 22 WE 22.1
WE 23 WE 24 WE 25 WE 26 WE 26.5
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique Equipment and supplies
Classify catalogs in W 26. Classify works on bone plates and screws in WE 185.
WE 27 WE 27.1 WE 28
Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital)(Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
General works
Classify works on specialty and on the specialty and diseases here. Classify works on diseases alone in WE 140.
WE 101
Physiology. Biochemistry Movement. Locomotion. Posture. Exertion Kinesthesis. Weight perception Diseases (General) Examination. Diagnosis. Diagnostic methods. Monitoring
Classify material on a single organ with the organ.
Fractures (General). Dislocations. Sprains Bone fractures Open fractures Fracture fixation Orthopedic procedures. Bone transplantation
WE 200 Bone and bones (General)
Include works on structure and function of bones in general. Classify works on specific bones with part or system involved.
Bone diseases
Classify works on eosinophilic granuloma in WH 650.
Osteomyelitis and other infectious diseases Bone and joint tuberculosis Neoplasms. Cysts
Classify works on neoplasms of specific bones by site.
Joint Tissues
WE 300 WE 304 WE 312 WE 344 WE 346 WE 348 WE 350 WE 400 Joints. Ligaments. Synovial membranes and fluid. Cartilage
Classify works on specific joints by site.
Joint diseases Surgery (including arthrodesis and arthroplasty) (General) Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis. Ankylosis
Cf. WU 140 Temporomandibular joint ankylosis; WE 725 Ankylosing spondylitis.
Classify works on bone and soft tissue injuries of the face and skull here; classify works which include brain injury at WL 354.
WE 720 WE 725 WE 730 WE 735 WE 740 WE 750 WE 755 Back Spine. Vertebrae
Classify works on lumbar and sacral vertebrae in WE 750; on spinal tuberculosis in WE 253.
Congenital anomalies
(e.g., Spinal dysraphism)
(e.g., Scoliosis. Kyphosis. Lordosis)
Intervertebral disks Lumbosacral region. Sacrococcygeal region. Pelvis Low back pain. Sciatica
Upper Extremity
WE 805 WE 810 WE 812 WE 820 Upper extremity Shoulder. Upper arm Axilla Elbow. Forearm
Lower Extremity
WE 850 WE 855 WE 860 WE 865 WE 870 WE 880 WE 883 WE 886 Lower extremity
Classify works on varicose veins in WG 620.
Hip. Upper leg Hip joint Femur. Thigh Knee. Lower leg Ankle. Foot
Classify works on toes in WE 835.
(e.g., Clubfoot)
Flat feet
WE 890 Podiatry
Respiratory System
Classify general works on the respiratory system and its diseases in children in WS 280. Classify respiratory system nursing in WY 163. Classify works on nursing of patients with specific diseases in WY also. WF 1-110 Reference Works. General Works WF 101-110 Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, etc. of the Respiratory System (General) WF 140-900 Diseases of the Respiratory System WF 141-150 Diagnosis. Therapeutics WF 200-415 Tuberculosis WF 450 Neoplasms (General) WF 490-553 Pharynx. Trachea. Bronchi WF 600-668 Lungs WF 700-900 Pleura. Diaphragm. Mediastinum WF 970-985 Thorax. Thoracic Surgery
WF 5 WF 7 WF 9 WF 11 WF 11.1 WF 13 WF 15 WF 16 WF 17 WF 18 WF 18.2
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify here works about education.
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject. WF-1
WF 19 WF 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WF 21 WF 22 WF 22.1
WF 23 WF 24 WF 25 WF 26 WF 26.5
Institutes. Laboratories of experimental research Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique Equipment and supplies
Classify catalogs in W 26.
WF 27 WF 27.1 WF 28
Hospitals, sanatoriums, clinics, etc. Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital)(Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify legislation on tuberculosis in WF 200.
General works
Classify works on specialty and on the specialty and diseases here. Classify works on diseases alone in WF 140.
WF 110
Diagnosis. Therapeutics
WF 141 WF 141.5 WF 141.5.B8 WF 141.5.C2 WF 141.5.P7 WF 143 WF 145 WF 150 Examination. Diagnosis. Diagnostic methods. Monitoring Specific techniques, A-Z Bronchial provocation tests Capnography Plethysmography, Whole body Signs and symptoms Therapeutics Respiratory hypersensitivity (General)
Classify localized reactions with organs affected, e.g., Hay fever in WV 335.
WF 200 WF 205 WF 215 WF 220 WF 225 WF 250 WF 290 WF 300 WF 310 WF 315 WF 330 WF 350 WF 360 WF 380 WF 390 WF 405 WF 415 Tuberculosis (General)
Classify works on tuberculosis of organs of other systems, with the organ or system. Classify here also legislation on tuberculosis.
Therapy Diet. Rest. Exercise. Home care Hospitalization. Climatotherapy. Heliotherapy Surgery Drug therapy Miliary tuberculosis Pleural tuberculosis Tuberculosis in the workplace Tuberculosis in childhood
Neoplasms (General)
WF 450 Neoplasms (General)
National Library of Medicine Classification 2006 Schedule Classify works for the otolaryngologist in WV 410. Classify works on tracheoesophageal fistula in WI 250.
WF 600 WF 645 WF 648 WF 651 WF 652 WF 654 WF 658 WF 668 Lungs
Classify works on the pneumonias in WC 202-209; on pulmonary tuberculosis in WF 300-360.
(e.g., Pneumonectomy)
Cardiovascular System
Classify general works on the cardiovascular system and its diseases in children in WS 290. Classify cardiovascular nursing in WY 152.5. Classify works on nursing of patients with specific diseases in WY also. Classify works on blood supply of specific parts of other body systems with system or part. WG 1-113 Reference Works. General Works WG 120-170 Cardiovascular Diseases, Diagnosis and Therapeutics WG 200-460 Heart. Heart Diseases WG 500-700 Blood Vessels. Vascular Diseases WG 500 Blood Vessels (General) WG 510-595 Arteries WG 600-700 Veins. Capillaries
WG 5 WG 7 WG 9 WG 11 WG 11.1 WG 13 WG 15 WG 16 WG 17 WG 18 WG 18.2
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify here works about education.
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WG 19 WG 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject. Cf. WG 110 Experimental studies.
WG 21 WG 22 WG 22.1
WG 23 WG 24 WG 25 WG 26
Institutes. Laboratories of experimental research Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique
Cf. WG 140 for clinical examination and diagnosis.
WG 26.5
WG 27 WG 27.1 WG 28
Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital)(Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
General works
Classify works on specialty and on the specialty and diseases here. Classify works on diseases alone in WG 120.
WG 104 WG 106
WG 110
Experimental studies
Classify here works that discuss the experimental work itself. Classify works about research in WG 20. Classify works on specific subjects by subject.
WG 113
Popular works
Classify here works on heart and vascular diseases in general or on coronary disease and congestive heart failure in particular. Classify works on other specific disorders with the disorder.
Specific therapeutic methods, A-Z Angioplasty Angioplasty, Laser Balloon angioplasty. Balloon dilatation. Balloon occlusion Cardiovascular surgery. Artificial cardiac pacing
Classify works on surgery for a particular disorder with the disorder.
WG 169.5 WG 170
WG 201 WG 202 WG 205 WG 210 WG 220 WG 240 WG 260 WG 262 WG 265 WG 268 WG 269 WG 275 WG 280 WG 285 WG 298 WG 300 WG 320 WG 330 WG 340 WG 370 WG 410 WG 420 WG 460
Anatomy. Histology. Embryology Physiology. Heart beat mechanism Cardiac emergencies Heart diseases (General or not elsewhere classified) Congenital heart disease. Abnormalities of the heart and the cardiovascular system (General) Rheumatic heart disease Valves Mitral Aortic Tricuspid Pulmonary Pericardium Myocardium
Classify material on myocardial infarct in WG 300.
Endocardium Angina pectoris Coronary vessels. Coronary disease Functional heart disease
(e.g., Neurocirculatory asthenia)
Disorders of the heart beat Hypertension. Hypertensive heart disease. Hypotension Congestive heart failure Aorta
Cf. WC 168 for aortic involvement in syphilis.
Pulmonary embolism and related disorders. Pulmonary heart disease Special cardiac problems in anesthesia, dentistry, surgery
(e.g., Choice of anesthetic) Cf. WO 235 for general works on choice of anesthetic. Classify works on problems in pregnancy in WQ 244; in labor specifically in WQ 330.
National Library of Medicine Classification 2006 Schedule aorta specifically in WG 410; on circulation in WG 103-104; on vascular resistance in WG 106; on vascular surgery in WG 170.
WG 510 WG 515 WG 518 WG 520 WG 530 WG 540 WG 550 WG 560 WG 570 WG 578 WG 580 WG 590 WG 595 WG 595.A9 WG 595.B2 WG 595.B7 WG 595.B72 WG 595.B76 WG 595.C2 WG 595.C3 WG 595.C37 WG 595.F3 WG 595.H3 WG 595.I5 [WG 595.I6] WG 595.M2 WG 595.M3 WG 595.M38 WG 595.O7 WG 595.P6 WG 595.P8 WG 595.R3 WG 595.R38 WG 595.S7 WG 595.S8 WG 595.T3 WG 595.T4 WG 595.U6 WG 595.V3 Arteries (General or not elsewhere classified) Inflammation Polyarteritis nodosa Thromboangiitis obliterans Frostbite. Immersion foot Arterial embolism. Arterial thrombosis Arteriosclerosis and related disorders Vasomotor regulation and disorders
Classify material on carotid sinus syndrome here.
Axillary artery Basilar artery Brachial artery Brachiocephalic trunk Bronchial arteries Carotid arteries Celiac artery Cerebral arteries Femoral artery Hepatic artery Iliac artery [This number not used]
Classify innominate artery in WG 595.B72.
Maxillary artery Meningeal arteries Mesenteric arteries Ophthalmic artery Popliteal artery Pulmonary artery Renal artery Retinal artery Splenic artery Subclavian artery Temporal arteries Thoracic arteries Umbilical arteries Vertebral artery
Veins. Capillaries
WG 600 WG 610 WG 620 WG 625 WG 625.A9 WG 625.A99 WG 625.B7 WG 625.C3 WG 625.C7 WG 625.F3 WG 625.H3 WG 625.I5 [WG 625.I6] WG 625.J8 WG 625.P6 WG 625.P8 WG 625.R3 WG 625.R38 WG 625.S2 WG 625.S8 WG 625.V3 WG 700 Veins Thrombosis. Phlebothrombosis. Thrombophlebitis and related disorders Varicose veins Specific veins, A-Z
Classify works on coronary veins in WG 300; on the portal system in WI 720.
Axillary vein Azygos vein Brachiocephalic veins Cerebral veins Cranial sinuses Femoral vein Hepatic veins Iliac vein [This number not used]
Classify innominate vein in WG 625.B7.
Jugular vein Popliteal vein Pulmonary veins Renal veins Retinal vein Saphenous vein Subclavian vein Venae cavae Capillaries
Classify works on capillary resistance in WG 106; on microcirculation in WG 104.
Hemic and Lymphatic Systems
Classify general works on the hemic and lymphatic systems and their diseases in children in WS 300. Classify hemic and lymphatic disease nursing in WY 152.5. Classify works on nursing of patients with specific diseases in WY also. WH 1-100 Reference Works. General Works WH 120-540 Hematologic Diseases. Immunologic Factors. Blood Banks WH 600-700 Lymphatic System
WH 5 WH 7 WH 9 WH 11 WH 11.1 WH 13 WH 15 WH 16 WH 17 WH 18 WH 18.2
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify here works about education.
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WH 19 WH 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject. WH-1
WH 21 WH 22 WH 22.1
WH 23 WH 24 WH 25 WH 26 WH 26.5
Institutes. Laboratories of experimental research. Blood banks Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique
Classify works on laboratory examination of blood in QY 400-490.
WH 27 WH 27.1 WH 28
Hospitals, clinics, etc. Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
General works
Classify works on specialty and on the specialty and diseases here. Classify works on diseases alone in WH 120.
Erythrocytes Anemia
Classify works on neonatal anemia in WS 420; on splenic anemia in WH 600; on blood group incompatibility in WH 420.
Hypochromic anemia
WH 165 WH 170 WH 175 WH 180 WH 190 WH 200 WH 250 WH 300 WH 310 WH 312 WH 314 WH 315 WH 320 WH 322 WH 325 WH 380 WH 400
Polycythemia. Polycythemia vera Hemoglobin and other hemeproteins. Porphyrins (Associated with hemoglobin)
Classify general works on porphyrins in QU 110; on porphyria in WD 205.5.P6.
Purpura (General) Thrombocytopenic purpura Non-thrombopenic purpuras Blood coagulation disorders (General) Hemophilia. Hemarthrosis Bone marrow. Bone marrow diseases (General or not elsewhere classified)
Cf. WH 175 Anemias; WH 180 Polycythemia vera.
Whole blood. Blood derivatives. Plasma substitutes. Blood expanders Blood bank procedures
(e.g., Procurement, processing, preservation, storage, shipment, etc. Blood donors. Plasmapheresis) Classify material on blood banks in WH 23 or WH 24; on blood transfusion in WB 356.
WH 500 WH 525
WH 540
Multiple myeloma
Lymphatic System
WH 600 WH 650 WH 700 Spleen Reticuloendothelial system
Classify works on the lipoidoses alone in WD 205.5.L5.
Digestive System
Classify general works on the digestive system and its diseases in children in WS 310-312. Classify gastroenterologic nursing in WY 156.5. Classify works on nursing of patients with specific diseases in WY number also. Classify works on liver and biliary tract treated together in WI 700-740 and in WI 770 if applicable. Classify works on gallbladder and other specific parts in WI 750-765 as indicated. WI 1-150 Reference Works. General Works WI 101-113 Anatomy. Physiology. Hygiene WI 140-150 Diseases. Diagnosis. Signs and Symptoms WI 200-250 Stomatognathic System. Esophagus WI 300-387 Stomach WI 400-575 Intestines WI 400-480 Intestines (General) WI 500-512 Small Intestine WI 520-560 Large Intestine WI 575 Peritoneum WI 600-650 Anus. Rectum WI 700-770 Liver. Biliary Tract WI 800-830 Pancreas WI 900-970 Abdomen. Abdominal Surgery
WI 5 WI 7 WI 9 WI 11 WI 11.1 WI 13 WI 15 WI 16 WI 17 WI 18
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
National Library of Medicine Classification 2006 Schedule Classify here works about education.
WI 18.2
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WI 19 WI 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WI 21 WI 22 WI 22.1
WI 23 WI 24 WI 25 WI 26 WI 26.5
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique Equipment and supplies
Classify catalogs in W 26.
WI 27 WI 27.1 WI 28
Hospitals, clinics, etc. Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
General works
Classify works on surgery of the digestive or gastrointestinal system in general in WI 900.
Signs and symptoms Dyspepsia and related conditions Nausea. Vomiting Abdominal pain Neoplasms
Classify works on neoplasms of specific organ with the organ.
Functional disorders
WI 300 WI 301 WI 302 WI 308 WI 310 WI 320 WI 350 WI 360 WI 370 General works
Classify works on analysis of stomach contents in QY 130.
Anatomy. Histology. Embryology. Congenital abnormalities Physiology Achlorhydria Gastritis Neoplasms Peptic ulcer Stomach ulcer Duodenal ulcer
WI 380 WI 387
Diverticulitis. Diverticulum Polyps. Polyposis Neoplasms Intussusception. Volvulus Intestinal obstruction. Ileus Surgery (General)
Small Intestine
WI 500 WI 505 WI 510 WI 512 Small intestine. Mesentery Duodenum
Classify works on duodenal ulcer in WI 370; on analysis of duodenal contents in QY 130.
Jejunum Ileum
Large Intestine
WI 520 WI 522 WI 528 WI 529 WI 530 Colon
Classify works on diverticulitis and diverticulum in WI 425. Cf. WC 280 Dysentery. Classify Colorectal surgery in WI 650.
(e.g., Colitis)
(e.g., Hirschsprung's disease)
Neoplasms. Polyps
Classify works on colorectal neoplasms here.
WI 535 WI 560
Appendix Sigmoid
WI 575 Peritoneum. Omentum. Peritoneal cavity. Retroperitoneal space
Anus. Rectum
WI 600 WI 605 WI 610 WI 620 WI 650 General works Hemorrhoids. Fissure in ano. Rectal fistula Neoplasms
Classify works on colorectal neoplasms in WI 529.
WI 702 WI 703 WI 704 WI 715 WI 720 WI 725 WI 730 WI 735 WI 740 WI 750 WI 755 WI 765 WI 770
Physiology. Liver circulation Bile. Bile acids, alcohols, and salts. Jaundice (General or not elsewhere classified) Liver function in food metabolism Hepatitis (General or not elsewhere classified) Circulatory disorders. Portal system. Portal hypertension Cirrhosis Abscess Neoplasms Degenerative diseases. Hepatolenticular degeneration Biliary tract. Cholecystography Cholecystitis. Cholelithiasis Neoplasms Surgery (General)
WI 800 WI 802 WI 805 WI 810 General works
Classify works on the islands of Langerhans in WK 800-885.
WI 820 WI 830
Urogenital System
Classify general works on the urogenital system and its diseases in children in WS 320-322. Classify urologic nursing in WY 164. Classify works on nursing of patients with specific diseases in WY numbers also. WJ 1-190 Reference Works. General Works WJ 140-160 Urologic Diseases WJ 166-190 Therapeutics. Gynecological Urology WJ 300-378 Kidney WJ 400-600 Ureter. Bladder. Urethra WJ 700-875 Male Genitalia
WJ 5 WJ 7 WJ 9 WJ 11 WJ 11.1 WJ 13 WJ 15 WJ 16 WJ 17 WJ 18 WJ 18.2
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify here works about education.
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WJ 19
WJ 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WJ 21 WJ 22 WJ 22.1
WJ 23 WJ 24 WJ 25 WJ 26 WJ 26.5
Laboratories, institutes, sperm banks, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique Equipment and supplies
Classify catalogs in W 26.
WJ 27 WJ 27.1 WJ 28
Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
General works
Classify works on specialty and on the specialty and diseases here. Classify works on diseases alone in WJ 140.
WJ 101 WJ 102
Urologic Diseases
WJ 140 WJ 141 Urologic diseases (General) Examination. Diagnosis. Diagnostic methods. Monitoring(General)
National Library of Medicine Classification 2006 Schedule Classify material on examination of single organ with the organ. Classify works on urinalysis in QY 185.
WJ 168 WJ 190
WJ 300 WJ 301 WJ 302 WJ 303 WJ 340 WJ 342 WJ 343 WJ 344 WJ 348 WJ 351 WJ 353 WJ 356 WJ 358 WJ 368 WJ 378 General works
Classify works on kidney functions tests in QY 175; on urinalysis in QY 185.
Anatomy. Histology. Embryology. Physiology. Abnormalities Diagnosis. Radiography. Pyelography. Monitoring Urinary secretion. Anuria (General) Nephrosis Kidney failure. Crush syndrome Proteinuria. Albuminuria. Renal aminoaciduria Hemoglobinuria. Hematuria. Myoglobinuria Uremia Infections
(e.g., Pyelitis, Pyelonephritis)
Nephritis Kidney calculi. Nephrocalcinosis Neoplasms. Cystic kidney Surgery. Kidney transplantation Artificial kidney. Renal dialysis. Peritoneal dialysis
Classify works on renal dialysis and peritoneal dialysis used in treatment of diseases of other parts of the body with the disease or part.
Neoplasms Urethra
Male Genitalia
WJ 700 WJ 701 WJ 702 WJ 706 WJ 709 WJ 710 General works
Classify here also works which include both male and female genitalia.
Male contraception
Classify works on contraception generally and female contraception in WP 630. Classify works on sociological and religious aspects in HQ 763-766.5. Classify works on contraceptive drugs in QV 177.
WJ 712 WJ 750 WJ 752 WJ 762 WJ 768 WJ 780 WJ 790 WJ 800 WJ 830 WJ 834 WJ 840 WJ 858 WJ 868 WJ 875
Sex differentiation disorders Prostate. Seminal vesicles. Ejaculatory ducts Prostate Diseases Neoplasms Surgery Vas deferens. Spermatic cord Penis. Foreskin. Circumcision Scrotum. Scrotal contents. Epididymis. Tunica vaginalis Testis Spermatogenesis. Spermatozoa
Cf. QY 190 Semen (clinical analysis).
Cryptorchidism. Eunuchism and related disorders Neoplasms Surgery. Castration Testicular hormones and antagonists
Classify general works on anabolic agents in WK 150.
Endocrine System
Classify general works on the endocrine system and its diseases in children in WS 330. Classify endocrine disease nursing in WY 155. Classify works on nursing of patients with specific diseases in the WY number also. WK 1-148 Reference Works. General Works WK 150-190 Hormones. Hormone Therapy WK 200-300 Thyroid Gland. Parathyroid Glands WK 350-400 Pineal Gland. Thymus Gland WK 500-590 Pituitary Gland WK 700-790 Adrenal Glands WK 800-885 Islets of Langerhans WK 900-920 Gonads
WK 5 WK 7 WK 9 WK 11 WK 11.1 WK 13 WK 15 WK 16 WK 17 WK 18 WK 18.2
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify here works about education.
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WK 19
National Library of Medicine Classification 2006 Schedule (Used for both monographs and serials)
WK 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WK 21 WK 22 WK 22.1
WK 23 WK 24 WK 25 WK 26 WK 26.5
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique. Experimental studies (General) Equipment and supplies
Classify catalogs in W 26.
WK 27 WK 27.1 WK 28
Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Physiology. Biochemistry. Hormones and antagonists (General) Endocrine diseases (General) Surgery (General)
Gastrointestinal hormones
(e.g., Secretin. Enterogastrone)
Hyperthyroidism. Thyrotoxicosis. Exophthalmic goiter Medical therapy Neoplasms. Cysts Surgery Parathyroid glands
Thymus gland
Pituitary Gland
WK 500 General works
(e.g., Diabetes insipidus. Pituitary dwarfism. Gigantism. Acromegaly. Hypopituitarism. Froehlich's syndrome, etc.)
Include works on the anterior and posterior pituitary glands here also.
Adrenal Glands
WK 700 WK 701 WK 702 WK 725 WK 750 WK 755 [WK 757] WK 760 WK 765 WK 770 WK 780 WK 790 General works Anatomy. Histology. Embryology. Abnormalities Physiology. Biochemistry Adrenal medulla. Epinephrine. Norepinephrine and other catecholamines
Classify works on methyldopa in QV 150 or with the disorder being treated.
Adrenal cortex
Classify works on neoplasms in WK 780; on surgery, in WK 790; on the pituitary-adrenal system, in WK 510.
Neoplasms Surgery
Islets of Langerhans
WK 800 WK 801 WK 810 General works Anatomy. Histology. Embryology Diabetes mellitus
WK 815 WK 818 WK 819 WK 820 WK 825 WK 830 WK 835 WK 840 WK 850 WK 870 WK 880 WK 885
Therapy Diet Diet lists. Diabetic cookery Insulin and its modifications Other hypoglycemic agents Diabetic ketoacidosis. Diabetic coma Complications of diabetes Diabetes as a complication in other conditions
Classify works on diabetes in pregnancy in WQ 248.
Diabetic patients' manuals. Self care Glycosurias Hyperinsulinism. Hyperglycemia. Hypoglycemia Neoplasms
WK 900 Gonads. Gonadal hormones (General)
Cf. WJ 830 Testis; WP 320 Ovary; WJ 875 Androgens; WP 522 Estrogens; WK 515 Pituitary gonadotropins; WP 530 Corpus luteum hormones.
WK 920
Placental hormones
Nervous System
Classify general works on the nervous system and its diseases in children in WS 340. Classify neurological nursing in WY 160.5. Classify works on nursing of patients with specific diseases in WY also. WL 1-102 Reference Works. General Works WL 102.5-102.9 Neurons WL 103-108 Psychophysiology. Neurosciences WL 140-160 Diseases. Examination and Diagnosis (General) WL 200-405 Central Nervous System. Disorders. Therapeutics WL 200-302 Central Nervous System (General) WL 307-335 Brain. Localization of Function WL 340-346 Neurologic Manifestations WL 348-362 Brain Diseases WL 368-370 Brain Surgery WL 385-390 Epilepsy. Movement Disorders WL 400-405 Spinal Cord WL 500-544 Peripheral Nerves WL 600-610 Autonomic Nervous System WL 700-710 Sense Organs
WL 5 WL 7 WL 9 WL 11 WL 11.1 WL 13 WL 15 WL 16 WL 17 WL 18
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify here works about education.
WL 18.2
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WL 19 WL 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WL 21 WL 22 WL 22.1
WL 23 WL 24 WL 25 WL 26
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique Equipment and supplies
(e.g., For electroencephalography) Classify catalogs in W 26.
WL 26.5
WL 27 WL 27.1 WL 28
Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Administration of services
(e.g., Services for the epileptic)
Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WL 100
General works
Classify works on specialty and on the specialty and diseases here. Classify works on diseases alone in WL 140.
WL 101 WL 102
WL 102.5 WL 102.7 WL 102.8 WL 102.9 Neurons Motor neurons Synapses Nerve endings
Psychophysiology. Neurosciences
WL 103 WL 103.5 WL 103.7 WL 104 WL 105 WL 106 WL 108 Psychophysiology (General)
Classify works on specific topics by subject. See MeSH tree structure F2 and Index to this Classification.
Physiology of sleep
Classify works on disorders of sleep WM 188.
WL 203 WL 300
Cerebrospinal fluid
Cf. QY 220 Clinical analysis; WB 377 Spinal, cisternal and ventricular puncture.
WL 302
Cerebrovascular circulation
Cf. WG 595.C37 Cerebral arteries.
Brain stem Diencephalon. Thalamus Limbic system Cerebellum Cranial nerves (General or not elsewhere classified) Localization of function. Cerebral dominance. Brain mapping
Neurologic Manifestations
WL 340 WL 340.2 WL 340.5 WL 340.6 WL 341 WL 342 WL 344 WL 346 Neurologic manifestations (General or not elsewhere classified)
Cf. WL 390 Movement disorders; WW 460 Neurologic manifestations of eye disease.
Classify works on aphasia of psychogenic origin in WM 475.5.
Classify works on dyslexia of psychogenic origin in WM 475.6.
Consciousness. Unconsciousness Headache. Headache Disorders (General) Migraine. Vascular headache. Paralysis (General or not elsewhere classified)
Brain Diseases
WL 348 WL 350 WL 351 WL 354 WL 355 WL 358 Brain diseases Congenital (General or not elsewhere classified) Inflammatory
(e.g., Abscess. Encephalitis. Encephalomyelitis) Cf. WC 542 Arbovirus encephalitis.
(Concussion. Brain damage)
Cerebrovascular disorders
(e.g., Cerebral hemorrhage)
(e.g., Parkinsonism)
Brain Surgery
WL 368 WL 370 Brain surgery. Neurosurgery (General)
Classify works on sympathectomy in WL 610.
Spinal Cord
WL 400 WL 405 Spinal cord. Spinal nerves (General or not elsewhere classified). Myelography
Peripheral Nerves
WL 500 WL 544 General works
Cf. WL 330 Cranial nerves; WL 400 Spinal nerves.
Neuritis. Neuralgia
Sense Organs
WL 700 WL 702 WL 704 WL 705 General works
Classify works on specific sense organs with the system involved.
Classify works on individual sense organ and/or pain relating to it with the organ.
WL 710
Classify material on medicolegal psychiatry in W 740. Classify works on child psychiatry in WS 350. Classify works on adolescent psychiatry in WS 463. Classify works on geriatric psychiatry in WT 150. Classify works on psychiatric nursing in general and on specific diseases in WY 160.
Classify in WM, however, works on specific mental disorders of childhood, adolescence, or old age unless specifically instructed to do otherwise. WM 1-110 Reference Works. General Works WM 140-165 Mental Disorders. Diagnosis. Behavioral Symptoms WM 170-197 Neurotic Disorders WM 200-220 Psychotic Disorders WM 270-290 Substance-Related Disorders WM 300-308 Mental Retardation WM 400-460.7 Therapies WM 475-611 Other Disorders
WM 5 WM 7 WM 9 WM 11 WM 11.1 WM 13 WM 15 WM 16 WM 17 WM 18
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WM 18.2
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WM 19
WM 19.5
Graduate and continuing education in psychiatry (including fellowships, internships, residencies, etc.) Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WM 20
WM 21 WM 22 WM 22.1
Directories (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WM 23 WM 24 WM 25 WM 26 WM 26.5
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter form name of institution) Experimental psychiatric techniques Equipment and supplies
Classify catalogs in W 26.
WM 27 WM 27.1 WM 28
Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Community mental health centers. Rehabilitation centers. Treatment facilities and programs, etc. (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Patients. Attitude and compliance. Satisfaction Administrative psychiatry
(e.g., Management of hospitals, etc. Supervision of students. Mental health services) Cf. WM 401 for general works on crisis intervention; WA 305 for special population groups.
WM 30.5
WM 30.6 WM 31 WM 31.5 WM 32
Community psychiatry (General) Socioeconomic and environmental factors in mental illness Preventive measures in psychiatry Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials (e.g., Commitment) Cf. W 740 Forensic psychiatry.
WM 32.1 WM 33 WM 33.1 WM 34 WM 35
WM 40
WM 49 WM 55 [WM 58] WM 61 WM 62 WM 64 WM 75 WM 90
Referral and consultation (General) Popular works (General) Psychophysiologic disorders. Psychosomatic medicine (General)
Classify here works on the profession. Classify general works on psychophysiologic sex disorders in WM 611.
WM 100
General works
Classify works on specialty and on the specialty and diseases here. Classify works on diseases alone in WM 140.
WM 102 WM 105
WM 110
Military psychiatry
Specific tests, A-Z Bender-Gestalt test Cattell personality factor questionnaire Ink blot tests MMPI Neuropsychological tests Projective techniques Rorschach test [This number not used]
Classify Rosenzweig picture-frustration study in WM 145.5.P8
Thematic apperception test Word association tests Behavioral symptoms (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify here works on behavioral symptoms for which there are no classification numbers for related disorders. Classify specific symptoms with related disorders, e.g., Anxiety with Anxiety disorders in WM 172; Depression with Depressive disorder in WM 171.
Neurotic Disorders
WM 170 WM 171 WM 172 WM 173 WM 173.5 WM 173.6 WM 173.7 WM 174 WM 175 WM 176 WM 178 WM 184 WM 188 Neurotic disorders Affective symptoms
Include works on depression and depressive disorder here. Cf. WM 207 Manic depressive psychoses.
Anxiety. Anxiety disorders Hysteria and associated disorders Conversion disorder Dissociative disorders Amnesia and other memory disorders Neurasthenia. Mental fatigue Anorexia nervosa. Bulimia
Classify here eating disorders associated with neuroses. Cf. WI 143 for eating disorders in general; WS 115-130 for disorders of children and infants.
Obsessive-compulsive disorders. Compulsive behavior. Obsessive behavior Phobic disorders. Hypochondriasis. Sick role. Factitious disorders
Classify works on sick role associated with a particular disease with the disease.
WM 190
WM 193
Defense mechanisms
Classify works on purely psychological aspects of various defense mechanisms in appropriate BF numbers. Cf. WM 173.5 Conversion reaction; WS 350.8.D3 Defense mechanism in children.
WM 193.5 WM 193.5.A2 WM 193.5.D3 WM 193.5.D5 WM 193.5.P3 WM 193.5.P7 WM 193.5.R1 WM 193.5.R2 WM 193.5.R4 WM 193.5.S8 WM 197
Special topics, A-Z Acting out Denial (Psychology) Displacement (Psychology) Perceptual defense Projection Rationalization Regression Repression Sublimation. Fantasy Psychomotor disorders (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify specific disorders by subject, e.g., Apraxia WL 340.
Psychotic Disorders
WM 200 WM 202 WM 203 WM 203.5 WM 204 WM 205 WM 207 [WM 210] WM 220 Psychoses Functional Schizophrenia and schizophrenic syndromes Autistic disorder Cognition and perceptual disorders associated with psychoses Paranoid disorders Psychotic affective disorders (including bipolar disorder)
Classify works on reactive depression and on non-psychotic affective symptoms in WM 171.
Substance-Related Disorders
When treated as chemicals, classify the substances in QV.
Substance-related disorders
(e.g., Substance dependence. Substance abuse)
Alcohol-related disorders Amphetamine-related disorders Marijuana abuse Cocaine-related disorders Opioid-related disorders Opium dependence. Morphine dependence Heroin dependence Tobacco use disorder
Mental Retardation
WM 300 WM 302 WM 304 WM 307 WM 307.C6 WM 307.M5 WM 307.S3 WM 307.S6 WM 308 Mental retardation. Down syndrome
Classify works on mental retardation of children in WS 107. Classify works on education of the mentally retarded in LC 4601-4640.5.
Case studies. Biographical accounts Evaluation. Prognosis Special problems, A-Z Communication Mental disorders Sex problems (General) Social problems (General) Rehabilitation and training (General)
WM 400 WM 401 WM 402 WM 405 WM 410 WM 412 WM 415 WM 420 WM 420.5 WM 420.5.A2 WM 420.5.G3 WM 420.5.I3 WM 420.5.N8 WM 420.5.P5 WM 420.5.P7 WM 420.5.P8 WM 425 WM 425.5 WM 425.5.A9 WM 425.5.B6 WM 425.5.C6 WM 425.5.D4 WM 425.5.R3 WM 426 WM 428 WM 430 WM 430.5 WM 430.5.F2 WM 430.5.H2 WM 430.5.M3 WM 430.5.P8 WM 430.5.S3 WM 440 WM 445 WM 450 Therapy
(General or not elsewhere classified) Cf. WL 370 Psychosurgery.
Shock. Insulin shock therapy Electric. Electronarcosis Hypnosis Psychotherapy (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on psychotherapy in childhood in WS 350.2, in adolescence in WS 463, and in old age in WT 150.
Special types, A-Z Abreaction. Catharsis Gestalt therapy Imagery (Psychotherapy) Nondirective therapy Psychotherapy, Brief Psychotherapy, Multiple Psychotherapy, Rational-Emotive Behavior therapy Special types, A-Z Aversive therapy Biofeedback (Psychology) Cognitive therapy Desensitization, Psychologic. Implosive therapy Relaxation techniques Self-help groups Socioenvironmental therapy Group psychotherapy Special types, A-Z Family therapy Disabled Marital therapy Psychodrama Sensitivity training groups. Encounter groups
Cf. HM 1086 for general sociological works.
Milieu therapy. Therapeutic community Residential treatment (General) Activity therapy. Sensory art therapies
WM 450.5 WM 450.5.A8 WM 450.5.B5 WM 450.5.D2 WM 450.5.M8 WM 450.5.O2 WM 450.5.P5 WM 450.5.P7 WM 450.5.V5 WM 450.5.W9 WM 460 WM 460.5 WM 460.5.B7 WM 460.5.C5 WM 460.5.C7 WM 460.5.D8 WM 460.5.E3 WM 460.5.E8 WM 460.5.E9 WM 460.5.F8 WM 460.5.F9 WM 460.5.I4 WM 460.5.I5 WM 460.5.J9 WM 460.5.L2 WM 460.5.M5 WM 460.5.M6 WM 460.5.O2 WM 460.5.P3 WM 460.5.P5 WM 460.5.P7 WM 460.5.R2 WM 460.5.R3 WM 460.5.S3 WM 460.5.U6 WM 460.5.W6 WM 460.6 WM 460.7
Special types, A-Z Art therapy Bibliotherapy Dance therapy Music therapy Occupational therapy Photography Play therapy Videotherapy Writing Psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic theory Special topics associated with psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic therapy or interpretation, A-Z Bonding, Human-Pet Communication Creativeness Dreams. Symbolism Ego. Self Existentialism. Logotherapy Extraversion. Introversion Free association Freudian theory Identification Individuation Jungian theory Language Memory Motivation Object attachment Personality Pleasure-pain principle Political systems Reinforcement Religion. Church. Morals. Superego Sex Unconscious. Id Women Psychoanalytic therapy Psychoanalytic interpretation
Other Disorders
WM 475 WM 475.5 WM 475.6 WM 600 WM 610 WM 611 Communication disorders. Speech-language pathology
Classify works on communication disorders of neurologic origins in WL 340.2.
Classify works on aphasia of neurologic origin in WL 340.5.
Classify works on dyslexia of neurologic origin in WL 340.6.
(e.g., Sadism. Fetishism. Transvestitism. Exhibitionism. Pedophilia)
Radiology. Diagnostic imaging
Classify material on ionizing radiation used in the diagnosis and treatment of a specific disease, organ or system with the disease, organ or system. General diagnostic uses of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging are included here. Classify material on non-ionizing radiation in WB or other applicable numbers (See Index to this Classification). WN 1-160 Reference Works. Diagnostic Technology WN 180-240 Diagnostic Imaging. Radiography WN 250-250.6 Radiotherapy WN 300-340 Radium WN 415-665 Radioactivity (Excluding Roentgen Rays and Radium) WN 415-420 General Radioactivity WN 440-450 Nuclear Medicine WN 600-650 Radiation Effects. Radiation Protection WN 660-665 Radiometry
WN 5 WN 7 WN 9 WN 11 WN 11.1 WN 13 WN 15 WN 16 WN 17 WN 18
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify here works about education.
WN 18.2
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WN 19
WN 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WN 21 WN 22 WN 22.1
Radiological laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique [This number not used]
Classify works on equipment in WN 150; catalogs of equipment in W 26.
WN 27 WN 27.1 WN 28
Hospitals, clinics, etc. Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WN 110 WN 150
Health physics
Include here works on the physics of radiation and nuclear medicine.
WN 160
WN 180 WN 185 WN 200 WN 203 WN 205 WN 206 WN 208 WN 210 WN 220 WN 230 WN 240
Diagnostic imaging (General or not elsewhere classified) Magnetic resonance imaging Radiography (General or not elsewhere classified) Radionuclide imaging Thermography Tomography Ultrasonography Foreign body localization Fluoroscopy Dental diagnostic imaging (General or not elsewhere classified) Pediatric diagnostic imaging
WN 250 WN 250.5 WN 250.5.B7 WN 250.5.R2 WN 250.5.R3 WN 250.5.X7 WN 250.6 General works Special types, A-Z Brachytherapy Radiotherapy, Computer-assisted Radiotherapy, High-energy X-ray therapy Radiotherapy dosage
WN 300 WN 340 General works Therapeutic use
(e.g., Use of radon seeds, radium needles, etc.)
General Radioactivity
WN 415 WN 420 Biological aspects of nuclear medicine, atomic energy, and radioisotopes (General)
Classify works dealing with physical aspects in QC.
Nuclear Medicine
WN 440 WN 445 WN 450 Nuclear medicine Diagnosis
Classify works on radionuclide imaging in WN 203.
Radiation injuries
Classify general works on radiation-induced abnormalities in QS 681.
Injurious effects on man and animals Injurious effects on plant life (related to human ecology) Radiation protection
Cf. WA 788 Industrial wastes.
WN 660 WN 665 Radiometry Radiation dosage
Note form numbers used also under Anesthesia WO 201-233.1. WO 1-102 Reference Works. General Works WO 113-149 Antisepsis. Diseases. Diagnosis. Shock WO 162-176 Surgical Equipment. Artificial Organs WO 178-198 Principles of Care. Procedures WO 200-460 Anesthesia WO 200-233.1 Anesthesia Reference Works WO 234-250 Preanesthetic Treatment. Equipment. Accidents WO 275-297 General Anesthesia WO 300-375 Conduction Anesthesia. Hypothermia. Diagnosis. Therapeutics WO 440-460 In Medical Specialties WO 500-517 Operative Surgical Procedures. Techniques WO 600-640 Plastic Surgery. Reconstructive Surgical Procedures WO 660-690 Transplantation WO 700-820 Traumatic Injuries WO 925-950 Special Age Groups
Collected works (General) By authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify here works about education.
WO 18.2
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WO 19 WO 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject. Cf. WO 50 Experimental surgery.
WO 21 WO 22 WO 22.1
Laboratories, research institutes, organ banks, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution)
Classify works on eye banks in WW 23-24.
WO 27 WO 27.1 WO 28
Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WO 62
Social relations of the surgeon (including relations with patients, relations with public, clubs, societies, etc.). Attitude Referral and consultation (General) Popular works (General) General works
Classify here general works on the specialty or on the specialty and procedures. Classify general works on procedures alone in WO 500. For specific surgical procedures, classify under the specific procedure term. Cf. WF 980 Thoracic surgical procedures; WI 900 Digestive system surgical procedures, etc.
WO 64 WO 75 WO 100
WO 101 WO 102
WO 141 WO 142
WO 149
Surgical shock
Sutures. Ligatures. Tissue adhesives Surgical dressing. Bandaging technique. Adhesive plaster Surgical casts Artificial organs
Classify works on specific organs in the surgery number or lacking that, in the general number for the organ being replaced. Cf. WG 169.5 Artificial heart; WJ 378 Artificial kidney.
WO 192 WO 198
Minor surgery. Ambulatory surgery (General) Electrosurgery. Cautery. Laser and electrocoagulation (General)
Classify works on use in particular fields with the field or the condition.
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify here works about education.
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WO 219 WO 220
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Accidents. Complications
(e.g., Laryngospasm. Cardiac failure. Vomiting) Classify works written for the cardiologist in WG 460.
General Anesthesia
WO 275 WO 277 WO 280 WO 285 WO 290 [WO 295] WO 297 General anesthesia Inhalation anesthesia Intratracheal anesthesia. Technique of intubation Intravenous Rectal [This number not used]
Classify basal anesthesia in WO 234.
Muscle relaxants and tranquilizing agents in conjunction with anesthesia and analgesia
Spinal. Epidural Infiltration and topical Induced hypothermia and related topics Diagnostic and therapeutic anesthetic procedures
(e.g., Nerve block)
In Medical Specialties
WO 440 WO 445 WO 450 WO 460 Pediatric anesthesia Geriatric anesthesia Obstetrical anesthesia Anesthesia in dentistry. Dental hypnosis
Endoscopic surgery. Computer-assisted surgery Cryosurgery Laser surgery Microsurgery Atlases. Pictorial works
Classify all types of surgical atlases in this number, except those relating to a particular body system or part. Classify the latter by system.
WO 610 WO 640
WO 660 General works
Classify works on specific organs in the surgery number or lacking that, in the general number for the organ being replaced. Classify general works on artificial organs in WO 176.
Traumatic Injuries
WO 700 WO 704 WO 800 WO 807 WO 820 General works Burns Military surgery Gunshot wounds
Classify works on forensic medicine in W 843.
Blast injuries
Geriatric surgery
Classify works on geriatric anesthesia in WO 445.
Classify general works on pediatric gynecology in WS 360. Classify gynecological nursing and nursing of gynecological diseases in WY 156.7. Classify works on male and female reproductive organs treated together in WJ 700-702. Classify human reproduction in WQ 205, etc. WP 1-390 Reference Works. General Works WP 101-390 Anatomy. Diseases. Injuries WP 400-480 Uterus. Cervix WP 400 General Works WP 440-465 Uterine Diseases WP 470-480 Cervix Uteri. Cervix Diseases WP 505-560 Physiology WP 565-570 Fertility. Infertility WP 580-610 Menopause. Sexual Dysfunction WP 630-640 Contraception WP 650-660 Therapy WP 800-910 Breast WP 800-825 Breast (General) WP 840-870 Breast Diseases. Neoplasms WP 900-910 Therapy. Surgery
WP 5 WP 7 WP 9 WP 11 WP 11.1 WP 13 WP 15 WP 16 WP 17
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Statistics. Tables
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WP 18 WP 18.2
Classify here works about education.
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WP 19 WP 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WP 21 WP 22 WP 22.1
WP 23 WP 24 WP 25 WP 26 WP 26.5
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique Equipment and supplies
Classify catalogs in W 26.
WP 27 WP 27.1 WP 28
Hospitals, dispensaries, clinics, etc. Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WP 100
General works
Classify works on specialty and on the specialty and diseases here. Classify works on diseases alone in WP 140.
Embryology. Congenital abnormalities Pelvis. Pelvic infection Gonorrhea in the female Genital tuberculosis Perineal injuries [This number not used]
Classify urethrocele, cytocele, rectocele in WP 180; WP 250.
Rectovaginal fistula. Vesicovaginal fistula Vulva Vagina Vaginitis. Leukorrhea Trichomonas vaginitis Ovary. Fallopian tubes. Broad ligament. Round ligament Fallopian tubes
Classify works on tubal pregnancy in WQ 220.
Cf. WP 520 Endocrine functions of the ovaries.
Uterine Diseases
WP 440 WP 451 WP 454 WP 458 Uterine diseases Inflammations Displacements. Prolapse Neoplasms
Surgery (General)
WP 505 WP 520 WP 522 WP 530 Physiology (General) Endocrine functions of the ovaries Estrogenic hormones and antagonists Corpus luteum hormones and related compounds
Classify works on progestational hormones here unless those produced by other organs are discussed exclusively.
Ovulation. Ovarian function. Menstrual cycle Menstruation and its disorders Amenorrhea. Hypomenorrhea. Oligomenorrhea Menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia Dysmenorrhea. Premenstrual tension
Fertility. Infertility
WP 565 WP 570 Fertility Infertility (General). Infertility in the female
Cf. WJ 709 Infertility in the male only.
WP 630 Contraception
Classify works on male contraception in WJ 710. Classify works on religious and sociological aspects in HQ 763-766.5.
WP 640
WP 650 WP 660 Gynecological therapy Gynecological surgery
Classify works on female sexual sterilization here. Classify works on surgery of particular organs with the organ.
Therapy. Surgery
WP 900 WP 910 [WP 930] Therapy
Classify works on therapy of neoplasms in WP 870.
Classify works on surgery of neoplasms in WP 870.
Classify works on obstetrical nursing in WY 157. WQ 1-150 Reference Works. General Works WQ 152-175 Childbirth. Prenatal Care WQ 200-212 Pregnancy WQ 215-260 Pregnancy Complications WQ 300-330 Labor WQ 400-450 Obstetric Surgical Procedures WQ 500-505 Postpartum Period
WQ 5 WQ 7 WQ 9 WQ 11 WQ 11.1 WQ 13 WQ 15 WQ 16
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here maternal mortality statistics without causes of death. Classify statistics including causes of death in WA 900.
WQ 17 WQ 18 WQ 18.2
Classify here works about education.
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WQ 19
WQ 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WQ 21 WQ 22 WQ 22.1
WQ 23 WQ 23.1 WQ 24 WQ 25 WQ 26 WQ 26.5
Clinics, dispensaries, etc. Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Table G) Laboratory manuals. Technique Equipment and supplies
Classify catalogs in W 26.
WQ 27 WQ 27.1 WQ 28
Maternity hospitals Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WQ 100 WQ 150
WQ 200 WQ 202 WQ 205 WQ 206 WQ 208 WQ 209 WQ 210 WQ 210.5 WQ 211 WQ 212 General works Diagnosis
Cf. QY 335 Pregnancy tests.
Reproductive techniques
(e.g., Artificial insemination. Embryo transfer. Fertilization in vitro)
Prenatal diagnosis. Fetal monitoring Fetus. Fetal membranes. Umbilical cord. Perinatology (General)
Classify works on fetal experimentation in general in W 20.5.
Fetal anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry Fetal diseases (General or not elsewhere classified) Placenta
Cf. WK 920 Placental hormones.
Pregnancy Complications
WQ 215 WQ 220 WQ 225 WQ 235 WQ 240 WQ 244 WQ 248 WQ 252 WQ 256 WQ 260 Toxemias
(e.g., Eclampsia)
Multiple pregnancy
Cf. QS 642 Multiple embryo production.
WQ 300 General works
Physiology. Clinical course Presentation Dystocia Disproportions of the pelvis Complications of labor
(e.g., Postpartum hemorrhage)
Delivery (including preparatory manipulation) Use of forceps Cesarean section. Symphysiotomy and similar techniques [This number not used]
Classify embryotomy in WQ 440.
WQ 450
Postpartum Period
WQ 500 WQ 505 General works. Postnatal care Puerperal infection
Classify general works on dermatology in children in WS 260. Classify dermatologic nursing in WY 154.5. Classify works on nursing of patients with specific skin diseases in the WY number also. WR 1-105 Reference Works. General Works WR 140-340 Skin Diseases WR 345-375 Parasitic Skin Diseases WR 390-475 Skin Appendages WR 500-660 Neoplasms. Ulcers. Occupational Dermatitis. Therapy
WR 5 WR 7 WR 9 WR 11 WR 11.1 WR 13 WR 15 WR 16 WR 17 WR 18 WR 18.2
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify here works about education.
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WR 19
WR 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WR 21 WR 22 WR 22.1
WR 23 WR 24 WR 25 WR 26 WR 26.5
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique Equipment and supplies
Classify catalogs in W 26.
WR 27 WR 27.1 WR 28
Hospitals, dispensaries, clinics, etc. Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
General works
Classify works on specialty and on the specialty and diseases here. Classify works on diseases alone in WR 140.
Anatomy. Histology. Embryology Physiology. Chemistry and metabolism of the skin. Sensory functions. Skin temperature Pathology
Skin Diseases
WR 140 WR 141 WR 143 WR 150 WR 152 WR 160 WR 165 WR 170 WR 175 WR 180 WR 190 WR 200 WR 204 WR 205 WR 215 WR 218 WR 220 WR 225 WR 235 WR 245 WR 260 WR 265 WR 267 WR 280 WR 282 WR 300 WR 310 WR 330 WR 340 Skin diseases (General) Examination. Diagnosis. Diagnostic methods. Monitoring Skin manifestations Erythemas
(e.g., E. multiforme. E. nodosum)
Contact dermatitis
Cf. WR 600 Occupational dermatitis.
Papulosquamous dermatoses
Classify works on exfoliative dermatitis in WR 180; on seborrhea in WR 415.
Psoriasis Lichen planus Genetic skin diseases (General or not elsewhere classified) Infectious skin diseases (General, bacterial, or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on viral skin infections in WC 570-590; parasitic skin diseases in WR 345.
Of metabolic origin
(e.g., Hemochromatosis. Albinism)
Skin diseases caused by arthropods (General or not elsewhere classified) Scabies Lice infestations
Skin Appendages
WR 390 WR 400 WR 410 WR 415 WR 420 WR 430 WR 450 WR 455 WR 460 WR 465 WR 475 Skin appendages Sweat glands. Disorders of the sweat glands Sebaceous glands. Disorders of the sebaceous glands Seborrhea Epidermal cyst Acne. Acneform lesions Hair. Scalp. Diseases of the hair and scalp Hypertrichosis Alopecia Care of the hair Nails. Diseases of the nails
Occupational dermatitis
Cf. WR 175 Contact dermatitis.
Classify works on diseases of specific body systems in children in WS 260-368.
Classify works on anatomy and physiology of the child in QS or QT. Classify pediatric works on topics other than body systems per se with the topic, e.g., surgery of the child in WO 925. Classify works on specific diseases with the disease, e.g., pneumonia in infants in WC 202; schizophrenia in childhood in WM 203, etc.
Classify works on diseases limited to the newborn in WS 421. Classify diseases limited to the premature infant in WS 410. WS 1-100 Reference Works. General Works WS 103-105 Growth and Development WS 107-110 Mental Retardation. Learning Disorders WS 113-141 Child Care. Nutrition. Physical Examination WS 200-342 Diseases of Children and Adolescents WS 200-205 General Diseases WS 260-342 By System WS 350-350.8 Child Psychology. Child Psychiatry WS 360-368 Pediatric Specialties WS 405-460 By Age Groups WS 462-463 Adolescent Psychology. Adolescent Psychiatry
WS 5 WS 7 WS 9 WS 11 WS 11.1 WS 13 WS 15 WS 16
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WS 17 WS 18 WS 18.2
Classify here works about education.
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WS 19 WS 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WS 21 WS 22 WS 22.1
Classify here works on organizations which provide public or private services for disabled children which include medical, nursing and hygienic aspects, rehabilitation, etc.
WS 23 WS 23.1 WS 24 WS 25 WS 26
Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Table G) Laboratory manuals. Technique Equipment and supplies
(e.g., Eating utensils for spastic children) Classify catalogs in W 26.
WS 26.5
Classify works on community mental health services for children in WM 30. WS 27 WS 27.1 WS 28 Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Hospital staff manuals
WS 28.5 WS 28.6 WS 29
Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
General works
Classify works on the specialty and on the specialty and diseases here. Classify works on diseases alone in WS 200.
Growth disorders. Failure to thrive Normal mental growth and development. Child psychology
Classify works on psychophysiological aspects in WL, e.g., on physiology of sleep in WL 108; on laterality in WL 335; or with the system involved; on vision and visual perception in WW 103-105; on motor skills in WE 103-104.
WS 105.5 WS 105.5.A8 WS 105.5.C3 WS 105.5.C7 WS 105.5.C8 WS 105.5.D2 WS 105.5.D3 WS 105.5.D8 WS 105.5.E5 WS 105.5.E8 WS 105.5.E9 WS 105.5.F2 WS 105.5.H2 WS 105.5.H7 WS 105.5.I5
Special topics, A-Z Attitudes and adjustments (to death, illness, divorce, etc.) Child rearing (Psychological aspects)
Classify general works including physiological problems with child care in WS 113.
Cognition. Fantasy. Imagination Communication. Verbal behavior Decision making. Logic. Thinking. Concept formation. Perception (Psychological)
Classify works on neurophysiological perception and specific types of perception in WL 705 or with the organ involved.
Deprivation (economic, parental, etc.) and security Dreams Emotions. Frustrations, etc. Evaluation of psychological development (General) External influences (literature, motion pictures, television, war, etc.) Family relations. Birth order. Only child. Twins. Parent-child relations. Father-child relations. Mother-child relations. Sibling relations, etc. Disabled child (Psychological problems) Hospitalized child
Cf. WA 310-320 Maternal and child welfare.
Morals Motivation Personality development Play and Playthings Self Sexual behavior
WS 105.5.S6
Special topics when related to the mentally disabled child, A-Z Biochemistry. Genetics Case reports. Biographical accounts Communication Development. Prognosis Foster home care Institutionalization
Cf. WS 27-28 Hospitals; WS 105.5.H7 Hospitalized child (General).
Psychomotor disorders Psychosocial problems Rehabilitation and training (General) Relations with doctor, nurse, etc. Relations with family. Family adjustment Learning disorders (physical, mental, and neurologic)
Classify works on specific disorders in appropriate numbers, e.g., Aphasia WL 340.5. Classify works for the educator in LC 4704.
In infancy Breast feeding In childhood Prophylactic immunizations Physical examination. Diagnosis. Mass screening. Monitoring
Classify works on examination and diagnosis of specific age groups in WS 405-460.
General Diseases
WS 200 WS 205 General works Pediatric emergencies
By System
In the numbers for each system, include general works on diseases of the system as a whole, or the organs of the system. Classify works on surgery of a single organ here, i.e., Gastrectomy in WS 310. Classify general works on surgery of a system with the system, e.g., Neurosurgical Procedures in WL 368, unless otherwise specified. Classify works on particular diseases with the disease except for the three disease numbers in WS 312, WS 322, and WS 342.
WS 260 WS 270 WS 280 WS 290 WS 300 WS 310 WS 312 WS 320 WS 322 WS 330 WS 340 WS 342
Skin Musculoskeletal system Respiratory system Cardiovascular system Hemic and lymphatic system Digestive system Diarrheal disorders Urogenital system Enuresis Endocrine system Nervous system Cerebral palsy
Classify therapy of a particular disorder with the disorder.
Special topics in child psychiatry, A-Z Aggression. Violence. Dangerous behavior Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity Deception Defense mechanisms Hyperkinesis Identity crisis Inhibition Personality disorders Runaway behavior Social behavior disorders
Classify works on aggression in WS 350.8.A4.
Pediatric Specialties
WS 360 Pediatric gynecology (General)
WS 366 WS 368
By Age Groups
WS 405 WS 410 WS 420 WS 421 WS 430 WS 440 WS 450 WS 460 Birth injuries Premature infants. Diseases of premature infants
Classify specific diseases with the disease except those of the premature infants only.
Geriatrics. Chronic Disease
Classify works on geriatric nursing in WY 152. WT 1-39 Reference Works WT 100-166 Geriatrics WT 500 Chronic Disease
Reference Works
WT 1 Societies (Cutter from name of society)
(Used for both monographs and serials) Includes ephemeral membership lists issued serially or separately. Classify substantial lists with directories. Classify annual reports, journals, etc., in W1.
WT 5 WT 7 WT 9 WT 11 WT 11.1 WT 13 WT 15 WT 16 WT 17 WT 18 WT 18.2
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify here works about education.
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WT 19 WT 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WT 21
WT 22 WT 22.1
Directories (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WT 23 WT 24 WT 25 WT 26 WT 26.5
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique Equipment and supplies
Classify catalogs in W 26.
WT 27 WT 27.1 WT 28
Hospitals, dispensaries, clinics, old age homes, etc. Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Day care centers and programs (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Surveys. Medicosocial problems of gerontology and chronic disease Medical care plans. Long term care
Include here works on Medicare. Classify works on nursing care only in WY 152.
Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WT 100 General works
Classify works on specific diseases with the disease in other schedules; on nursing of specific diseases in WY 152; on anesthesia in WO 445; on surgery in WO 950.
WT 104
Aging process.
Classify works on aging tissue here. Classify works on the aging organ or system with the organ or system.
WT 115
WT 116
WT 120
Physical examination. Diagnosis. Diagnostic methods. Monitoring Geriatric psychology. Mental health
Classify works on geriatric psychiatry in WT 150.
Chronic Disease
For children, see WS 200.
WT 500
General works
Dentistry. Oral Surgery
WU 1-49 Reference Works. General Works WU 50-95 Ethics. Professional Practice and Personnel. Records WU 100-113.7 Anatomy. Physiology. Hygiene WU 140-166 Diseases. Injuries. Technology. Therapeutics WU 170-190 Dental Chemistry and Materials WU 210-290 Dental Anatomy. Diseases WU 300-360 Operative Dentistry WU 400-440 Orthodontics WU 460-495 Special Patient Groups WU 500-530 Prosthodontics WU 600-640 Oral Surgery
WU 5 WU 7 WU 9 WU 11 WU 11.1 WU 13 WU 15 WU 16 WU 17
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WU 18 WU 18.2
Classify here works about education.
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WU 18.5
WU 19
WU 20 WU 20.5
Graduate and continuing dental education (including fellowships, internships, residencies, etc.) Dental research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WU 21 WU 22 WU 22.1
General coverage
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Laboratories, institutes, etc., including research institutes Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Banks (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Laboratory manuals (General). Technique
Classify manuals of prosthetic dentistry in WU 500-530.
WU 27 WU 27.1 WU 28
Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Dental care and health. Dental infection control
Cf. W 260 Dental insurance; WC 195 for general works on infection control; WX 167 for hospital infection control.
WU 28.5 WU 28.6 WU 29
WU 30 WU 32 WU 32.1 WU 33 WU 33.1
Licensure of dentists and dental hygienists (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Malpractice (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Handbooks. Resource guides
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Dental economics. Practice management Group practice. Partnership practice Popular works (General)
Classify works for children in WU 113.6
Auxiliary personnel
(e.g., Duties, professional opportunities, work manuals) Classify works on dental technicians in WU 150.
WU 95
Dental records
Dental emergencies (General) Oral health and hygiene. Preventive and prophylactic dentistry
Classify here works on school education and prophylactic programs. Cf. WA 350 School dental services. Classify popular works for the adult in WU 80.
Jaw diseases
Classify here works on temporomandibular joint syndrome also. Cf. WU 600-610 Injuries and surgery of the jaw.
Specific diagnostic methods, A-Z Cephalometry Odontometry Dental technology (General). Dental technicians
Classify works on technology for particular procedures with that procedure.
Periodontium. Alveolar process. Gingiva (Periodontics) Periodontitis and related diseases Dental deposits Caries. Etiology of caries. Effect of fluoridation Oral and dental neoplasms Oral manifestations
Classify works on oral manifestations of specific diseases with the disease.
Operative Dentistry
WU 300 General works
WU 400 WU 417 WU 426 WU 440 General works Atlases Orthodontic appliances Occlusion. Malocclusion
Classify works on cleft palate prosthesis in WV 440; on maxillofacial and mandibular prosthesis in WU 600.
General works. Dental prosthesis (General) Atlases Partial dentures. Bridges. Crowns Complete dentures
Oral Surgery
WU 600 General works
Cf. WO 460 Anesthesia in dentistry. Include here general works on mandibular and maxillofacial prosthesis.
Atlases Tooth extraction Maxillofacial injuries. Mandibular injuries. Fractures and dislocations of the jaw Dental implantation. Tooth reimplantation. Transplantation
Note that the numbers WV 1-39 are assigned to works on the specialties otology, rhinology, and laryngology when treated individually as well as in combination. WV 100-190 are for general works only. Classify works on nursing of patients with ear, nose, or throat diseases in WY 158.5. WV 1-101 Reference Works. General Works WV 140-190 Diseases. Therapeutics WV 200-290 Ear WV 300-358 Nose and Paranasal Sinuses WV 400-440 Pharyngeal Region WV 500-540 Larynx
WV 5 WV 7 WV 9 WV 11 WV 11.1 WV 13 WV 15 WV 16 WV 17 WV 18 WV 18.2
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify here works about education.
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WV 19 WV 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WV 21 WV 22 WV 22.1
WV 23 WV 24 WV 25 WV 26 WV 26.5
Laboratories, institutes, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution) Laboratory manuals. Technique Equipment and supplies
Classify catalogs in W 26.
WV 27 WV 27.1 WV 28
Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Laws. Estimation of disability for compensation (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
General works
Classify works on specialty and on the specialty and diseases here. Classify works on diseases alone in WV 140.
Anatomy. Physiology. Biochemistry. Embryology. Abnormalities Otorhinolaryngologic diseases (General) ENT signs, symptoms, and diagnosis. Monitoring ENT surgery
Classify works on surgery of a particular organ with the organ. WV-2
WV 180 WV 190
WV 200 WV 201 WV 210 WV 220 WV 222 WV 225 WV 230 WV 232 WV 233 WV 250 WV 255 WV 258 WV 265 WV 270 WV 271 WV 272 WV 274 WV 276 WV 280 WV 290 General works Anatomy. Physiology
Cf. WV 272 for physiology and testing of hearing.
Examination. Diagnosis. Diagnostic methods (General) External ear Ear canal. Foreign bodies. Cerumen Tympanic membrane Middle ear. Eustachian tube. Petrous bone Otitis media (including aerotitis) Mastoid region Labyrinth Vestibular apparatus
Classify works on motion sickness in WD 630.
Meniere's disease Otosclerosis Audiology. Hearing. Hearing disorders. Deafness Deafness and other hearing disorders in children Physiology of hearing. Auditory perception. Tinnitus. Function tests Hearing devices. Cochlear implants. Cochlear implantation Treatment of deafness Deaf-mutism Neoplasms
Classify works on neoplasms of specific parts of the ear with the part.
Anatomy. Physiology. Olfaction External nose Plastic surgery Nasal septum [This number not used]
Classify nasal fossae, turbinates in WV 301.
National Library of Medicine Classification 2006 Schedule Cf. WC 510 Common cold.
Pharyngeal Region
WV 400 WV 401 WV 410 WV 430 WV 440 General works
Classify works on nasopharyngeal diseases in WV 410.
WV 500 General works (including speech and organic disorders)
Classify works on neurological speech disorders in WL 340.2-340.6; on psychogenic speech disorders in WM 475-475.6.
Anatomy. Physiology. Physiology of speech Laryngoscopy Inflammation Neoplasms Vocal cords Paralysis Surgery. Laryngectomy. Alaryngeal voice production
Classify works on artificial larynx here.
Classify works on ophthalmic nursing in WY 158. WW 1-100 Reference Works. General Works WW 101-170 Eye WW 101-113 Anatomy. Physiology. Hygiene WW 140-160 Diseases. Color Perception WW 166-170 Therapeutics. Eye Banks WW 202-290 Eye Structures WW 300-340 Refraction. Errors of Refraction WW 350-358 Corrective Devices WW 400-460 Neuromuscular Mechanism. Neurologic Manifestations of Disease WW 475-480 Manifestations of Disease. Poor Vision WW 505-525 Occupational Ophthalmology. Eye Injuries WW 600-620 Age Groups WW 704-722.1 Optometry
WW 5 WW 7 WW 9 WW 11 WW 11.1 WW 13 WW 15 WW 16
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History of ophthalmology and optometry (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify tables used in optical dispensing calculations in WW 352.
WW 17 WW 18 WW 18.2
Classify here works about education.
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject. WW-1
WW 19
WW 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WW 21 WW 21.5 WW 22 WW 22.1
WW 23 WW 24 WW 25 WW 26 WW 26.5
Laboratories, institutes, eye banks, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of institution)
Classify works on organ banks in WO 23-24; works on tissue banks in QS 23-24.
WW 27 WW 27.1 WW 28
Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Laws. Estimation of disability for compensation (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Objective methods
(e.g., Ophthalmoscopy. Slit lamp microscopy. Tonometry) Classify works on electronystagmography in WW 410; on electroretinography in WW 270; on gonioscopy in WW 210; on retinography in WW 300.
Classify works on neoplasms of parts of the eye with the part.
Eye bank procedures (including those for specific parts of the eye)
Classify material on eye banks in WW 23-24.
Eye Structures
WW 202 WW 205 WW 208 Orbit Eyelids. Eyebrows
Cf. WR 390-465 Skin appendage diseases.
Lacrimal apparatus
WW 210 WW 212 WW 215 WW 220 WW 230 WW 240 WW 245 WW 250 WW 260 WW 270 WW 276 WW 280 WW 290
Anterior chamber. Posterior chamber. Aqueous humor (Eyeball) Conjunctiva Trachoma Cornea Sclera Uvea. Iris. Ciliary body Choroid Vitreous body Crystalline lens. Cataract Retina Blindness. Amblyopia Optic nerve Glaucoma
Corrective Devices
WW 350 WW 352 WW 354 WW 355 WW 358 Optical dispensing. Spectacle fitting. Opticianry
Classify works on optometry and opticianry as specialties in WW 704-722.1.
WW 460
Disorders due to diseases of the central nervous system. Neurologic manifestations of eye diseases (General)
Age Groups
WW 600 WW 620 Pediatric ophthalmology and optometry
Classify works on particular disorders with the disorder.
WW 704 General works. Office management
Classify works on the specific functions of the optometrist in the WW number for the function; on functions of the optician in WW 350-355.
Directories (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Hospitals and Other Health Facilities
WX 1-100 Reference Works. General Works WX 140-147 Facility Design and Construction. Equipment WX 150-190 Hospital Administration WX 200-225 Clinical Departments and Units
WX 2
WX 5 WX 7 WX 9 WX 11 WX 11.1 WX 13 WX 15
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) General history of hospitals and the hospital movement (Table G)
Cf. WX 27-28 History of individual hospitals or groups of individual hospitals. Classify history of emergency or ambulance services in WX 215.
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify works on accreditation and standards in WX 40.
WX 16 WX 17 WX 18 WX 18.2
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WX 19
WX 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
Directories (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Hospitals and medical centers. Health facilities (General) Classify here non-serial hospital reports. Classify serial reports in WX 2. Classify reports of army hospitals in UH 470-475; on those of naval hospitals in VG 410-450. Classify works on special types of hospitals or of specialized departments of general hospitals in the appropriate schedule for the field, e.g., isolation hospitals in WC 27-28. Classify works on psychiatric departments of general hospitals in WM 27-28, etc. WX 27 WX 27.1 WX 28 Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table G) Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Hospices and hospice care programs Collective (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Individual (Table G) Day care centers and programs (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G)
Cf. WA 310-320 Child day care centers; WT 29-29.1 Geriatric day care centers; WX 205 Hospital outpatient clinics.
WX 28.5 WX 28.55
WX 32 WX 32.1 WX 33 WX 33.1
Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WX 39
WX 40 WX 40.1 WX 100
General works
Hospital Administration
WX 150 WX 153 WX 155 WX 157 WX 157.4 WX 157.8 WX 158 WX 158.5 WX 159 WX 159.5 WX 159.8 WX 160 WX 161 WX 162 WX 162.5 WX 165 WX 167 WX 168 General works Utilization review. Quality of service. Medical audit Hospital administration as a career. Professional opportunities Financial administration. Business management. Cost accounting Multi-institutional systems Diagnosis-related groups Hospitalization
Include here narrative reports on admissions and discharges; also on patient readmissions. Classify works that are largely statistical in WX 16. Classify works on hospitalization insurance in W 160.
Hospital patients. Attitude and compliance. Satisfaction Hospital personnel administration. Staff manuals. Career literature
Classify manuals for professional staff only in WX 203.
Classify works on professional hospital social work in W 322.
Collective bargaining in hospital employment Public relations. Inter-institutional relations. Staff relations and attitude Hospital shops Patient care planning. Progressive patient care. Long term care
Classify here works on hospital care only. For general comprehensive works on patient care planning, use W 84.7-84.8. Classify works limited to nursing care in WY; on long term care of geriatric patients in WT 31.
Patient care team General housekeeping. Maintenance. Laundries. Environmental control Cross infection prevention and control
Cf. WC 195 for general works on infection control; WU 29 for dental infection control.
Hospital pharmacy service. Hospital medication systems Safety, fire and disaster programs Chaplaincy service Mobile health units
General works
Include works on services not indexed elsewhere.
Medical personnel. Interns. Staff manuals. Ward manuals and precedent books
Classify general staff manuals and those for non-professional personnel in WX 159.
WX 218
Classify here works on nursing care given by professional and non-professional caregivers, including family members. Classify nursing care of a specific disease in WY 150-164 in the special field of nursing associated with the specialty or by emphasis, e.g., nursing care of eye diseases in WY 158. Classify background materials on specific subjects prepared for a nursing audience by subject, e.g., surgery for nurses, WO 100; bacteriology for nurses, QW 50. Classify works which include the nurse's role in WY. WY 1-49 Reference Works WY 77-87 Economics. Ethics. Philosophy. Psychological Aspects WY 90-100.5 Referral. Nursing Care, Assessment and Audit WY 101-145 Special Fields in Nursing WY 150-164 Nursing Techniques in Special Fields of Medicine WY 191-200 Other Services WY 300 By Country
Reference Works
WY 1 Societies (Cutter from name of society)
(Used for both monographs and serials) Includes ephemeral membership lists issued serially or separately. Classify substantial lists with directories. Classify annual reports, journals, etc., in W1.
WY 5 WY 7 WY 9 WY 11 WY 11.1 WY 13 WY 15 WY 16 WY 17 WY 18 WY 18.2
Collected works (General) By several authors By individual authors Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General) History (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G)
Classify works on history of nursing schools in WY 19.
Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject. WY-1
WY 18.5 WY 18.8 WY 19
Graduate and continuing nursing education (including fellowships, internships, residencies, etc.) Practical nursing education Schools of nursing
(Used for both monographs and serials) Classify courses of study, catalogs, etc., in W 19.5. Include here works on the history of nursing schools.
WY 20 WY 20.5
Directories (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Museums, exhibitions, etc. Collective Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) Employment. Placement agencies Personnel management. Collective bargaining Statistics. Surveys
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Laws (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Malpractice. Liability. Liability insurance (Table G) General coverage (Not Table G) Handbooks. Resource guides
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Moving and lifting patients Nursing assessment. Nursing diagnosis Nursing records. Nursing audit
WY 105 WY 106
WY 107 WY 108
WY 127
Private nursing
WY 128 WY 130
Geriatric nursing. Chronic disease nursing. Life support care. Long term care. Terminal care Cardiovascular nursing. Hematologic and lymphatic disease nursing Communicable disease nursing AIDS/HIV nursing Emergency nursing. Critical care. Recovery room care. Postanesthesia nursing
Cf. WY 151 nurse anesthetics; WY 161-162 Perioperative nursing.
Dermatological nursing Endocrine disease nursing Oncologic nursing Digestive system disease nursing Gynecological nursing Obstetrical nursing. Nurse midwifery Maternal-child nursing. Neonatal nursing. Perinatal nursing
Classify here works on care of the mother and child shortly before and after the child is born.
WY 159
WY 159.5 WY 160
Other Services
WY 191 WY 193 WY 195 WY 200 Male nurses Nurses' aides, ward attendants and orderlies
Classify ward attendants for psychiatric institutions in WY 160.
By Country
WY 300 Nursing by country (Table G)
History of Medicine
Classify history of a particular subject with the subject, e.g., History of surgery WO 11. WZ 1-40 Reference Works. General Works WZ 51-80.5 History, By Period, Locality, etc. WZ 100-150 Biography WZ 220-225 Manuscripts WZ 230-260 Early Printed Books WZ 270 Americana WZ 290-294 Modern Editions and Commentaries of Early Works WZ 305-350 Miscellany Relating to Medicine
WZ 5 WZ 7 WZ 9 [WZ 11] WZ 13
WZ 17 WZ 18
WZ 18.2
WZ 22 WZ 22.1
WZ 23
WZ 27 WZ 28 [WZ 29]
WZ 30 WZ 39
Chronologies Handbooks. Resource guides (Used for both monographs and serials) General works
WZ 40
WZ 54
WZ 100 Individual biography(Cutter from name of biographee) Classify here biographies and bibliographies of persons in the medical field, allied health sciences, preclinical sciences and other related fields. Cf. WZ 294 Modern criticism and bibliographies of early works. Include here works about two persons or a family, e.g., the Mayos.
WZ 112
WZ 112.5 WZ 112.5.A2 WZ 112.5.B3 WZ 112.5.C2 WZ 112.5.D3 WZ 112.5.D4 WZ 112.5.G2 WZ 112.5.I5 WZ 112.5.M4 WZ 112.5.N4
National Library of Medicine Classification 2006 Schedule WZ 112.5.N8 WZ 112.5.O5 WZ 112.5.O7 WZ 112.5.O75 WZ 112.5.O8 WZ 112.5.P15 WZ 112.5.P2 WZ 112.5.P3 WZ 112.5.P4 WZ 112.5.P5 WZ 112.5.P6 WZ 112.5.R2 WZ 112.5.S8 Nurses Oncologists Ophthalmologists, optometrists, etc. Orthopedists Otolaryngologists Parasitologists Pathologists Pediatricians Pharmacists Physiologists Psychiatrists Radiologists Surgeons Cf. WZ 112.5.M4 above. Collective biography (By period) Prefer specialty numbers above, or if not applicable, locality number below. Ancient (before 500 C.E.) (Used for both monographs and serials) Medieval (500-1450 C.E.) (Used for both monographs and serials) 1451-1800 C.E. (Used for both monographs and serials) 1801 C.E. (Used for both monographs and serials) 19th century (Used for both monographs and serials) 20th century (Used for both monographs and serials) Collective biography (By locality) (Table G) (Used for both monographs and serials) Prefer classification by specialty if applicable. Collective biography (Special groups) (Used for both monographs and serials) (e.g., African-American physicians, Women physicians, etc.) Prefer classification by specialty if applicable.
WZ 140
WZ 150
WZ 220 Early Western manuscripts Note that at NLM western manuscripts produced before 1601 are classified in WZ 220, those produced after 1601 are classified as MS B (Manuscripts Books), MS C (Manuscripts Collections), or MS F (Manuscripts Oversize books). Other early manuscripts
WZ 225
WZ 240 WZ 250
This number is used only for original publications. Reproductions are classified in WZ 290. WZ 270 Americana
The closing dates given in the following table (based on the American Imprints Inventory for the U.S.) will
be used to determine inclusion in this class.
North and South America (except U.S.), 1820
United States
Alabama, 1840
Alaska, 1890
Arizona, 1890
Arkansas, 1870
California, 1875
Colorado, 1876
Connecticut, 1820
District of Columbia, 1820
Delaware, 1820
Florida, 1860
Georgia, 1820
Hawaii, 1860
Idaho, 1890
Illinois (except Chicago), 1850
Chicago, 1871
Indiana, 1850
Iowa, 1860
Kansas, 1875
Kentucky, 1830
Louisiana, 1820
Maine, 1820
Maryland, 1820
Massachusetts, 1820
Michigan, 1850
Minnesota, 1865
National Library of Medicine Classification 2006 Schedule Mississippi, 1840 Missouri, 1850 Montana, 1890 Nebraska, 1875 Nevada, 1890 New Hampshire, 1820 New Jersey, 1820 New Mexico, 1875 New York (except N.Y. City, Brooklyn, and Hudson River towns), 1850 Brooklyn, 1825 Hudson River towns, e.g., Poughkeepsie, Hudson, Troy, Albany, 1830 New York City, 1820 North Carolina, 1820 North Dakota, 1890 Ohio, 1840 Oklahoma, 1870 Oregon, 1875 Pennsylvania (except Philadelphia), 1830 Philadelphia, 1820 Rhode Island, 1820 South Carolina, 1820 South Dakota, 1890 Tennessee, 1840 Texas, 1860 Utah, 1890 Vermont, 1820 Virginia, 1820 Washington, 1875 West Virginia, 1830 Wisconsin, 1850 Wyoming, 1890
National Library of Medicine Classification 2006 Schedule an 1825 edition of a work with a New York City imprint, originally published before 1820. WZ 292 Modern collections of early works (Used for both monographs and serials) Classify here collections (including those serially issued) which contain pre-1801 works of three or more authors. Classify works of only two authors in WZ 290 with the first author. Modern commentaries of early works and bibliographies of single titles (Cutter from work being criticized) Classify here studies, commentaries, etc, of pre-1801 works including Americana unless they are largely the biography of one or two authors, in which case classify them in WZ 100. Classify in WZ 290 works that include the original text unless it is decidedly subordinate to the commentary. Classify here a bibliography of a single work. Cf. WZ 100 for bibliography of a single author's works.
WZ 294
WZ 313
WZ 320 WZ 330
WZ 332
Anatomy. Histology. Embryology Physiology and Hygiene Biochemistry. Pharmacology. Pharmacy. Toxicology Microbiology. Immunology. Parasitology Clinical Pathology. Pathology Medicine. Public Health. Practice of Medicine Communicable Diseases Other Diseases. Hypersensitivity. Animal and Plant Poisons Musculoskeletal System Respiratory System. Cardiovascular System Hemic and Lymphatic Systems Digestive System Urogenital System Endocrine System Nervous System. Psychiatry Radiology Surgery Gynecology. Obstetrics Dermatology Pediatrics Geriatrics Dentistry Otolaryngology Ophthalmology Hospitals Nursing Anatomy Directories (Table G) Histology Embryology Physiology Directories (Table G) Hygiene Biochemistry Directories (Table G)
19th Century-1
Pharmacology. Pharmacy. Materia medica Directories (Table G) Pharmacopoeias (Official) Toxicology Microbiology Directories (Table G) Immunology Parasitology Directories (Table G) Clinical pathology [Directories. Use QZ 22] Pathology Directories (Table G) Neoplasms Medicine (General) Serials, Periodicals Documents Congresses
NLM no longer assigns W3 to newly acquired publications.
Dissertations American dissertations Collections by several authors Pamphlet volumes Directories (Table G) Medical jurisprudence Public health Directories (Table G) Sanitation and sanitary control Military hygiene Relief Work. Disaster Practice of medicine Directories (Table G) Popular medicine Diagnosis Therapeutics (General) Dietetics Electric stimulation therapy Hydrotherapy Massage Climatology. Geography of disease
19th Century-2
Health resorts Special systems (General) Homeopathy Osteopathic medicine Military medicine Naval medicine Communicable diseases (General) Directories (Table G) Sexually transmitted diseases Cholera Diphtheria Influenza Leprosy Malaria Plague Smallpox Typhoid fever Typhus fever Yellow fever Deficiency diseases. Metabolic diseases (including obesity and disorders of acid-based balance) Hypersensitivity Animal poisons. Plant poisons Diseases due to physical agents Musculoskeletal system Directories (Table G) Fractures. Dislocations. Sprains Respiratory system Directories (Table G) Tuberculosis Cardiovascular system Directories (Table G) Hemic and lymphatic systems Directories (Table G) Digestive system Directories (Table G) Stomach Anus and rectum Liver Urogenital system Directories (Table G)
19th Century-3
Male genitalia Endocrine system Directories (Table G) Diabetes Nervous system Directories (Table G) Epilepsies Psychiatry Directories (Table G) Substance-related disorders Military psychiatry Radiology Directories (Table G) Surgery Directories (Table G) Anesthesia Gynecology Directories (Table G) Breast Obstetrics Directories (Table G) Dermatology Directories (Table G) Pediatrics Directories (Table G) Geriatrics. Chronic disease Directories (Table G) Dentistry. Oral surgery Directories (Table G) Military dentistry Otolaryngology. Nose Directories (Table G) Ear Throat. Larynx Ophthalmology Directories (Table G) Hospitals Serial reports of hospitals (Table G) Directories ( Table G) Nursing
19th Century-4
WY 22
19th Century-5