Rubric S
Rubric S
Rubric S
5 Professionally carries out his/her responsibilitie s Evidently separates personal from professional being The class is always in discipline and order The teacher can handle the class very well
4 Professionally carries out his/her responsibilitie s Sometimes separates personal from professional being
2 Midprofessionally carries out his/her responsibilitie s Seldom do they separate personal from professional being The class is sometimes in discipline and order The teacher cannot handle the class very well The teacher is moderately knowledgeabl e of the subject matter Oftentimes he/she does not know what he/she is talking about Sometimes interacts and relates to students Very seldom does he/she gives a schedule for consultation and feed backing
The teacher rarely
1 Showed no professionalism at all Does not separate personal from professional being The class is not disciplined and order is not observed The teacher cannot manage to handle the class
Professiona lism
Midprofessionally carries out his/her responsibilitie s Sometimes separates personal from professional being The class is The class is always in sometimes in discipline and discipline and order order The teacher The teacher can handle the can handle the class class moderately moderately. The teacher is moderately knowledgeabl e of the subject matter Sometimes he/she knows what he/she is talking about Sometimes interacts and relates to students Sometimes gives a schedule for consultation and feed backing
The teacher sometimes
The teacher is The teacher is knowledgeabl knowledgeabl e of the e of the subject subject matter matter Sometimes He/She knows he/she knows what he/she is what he/she is talking about talking about Regularly interacts and relates to students Gives a regular schedule for consultation and feed backing
The teacher always
Regularly interacts and relates to students Sometimes gives a schedule for consultation and feed backing
The teacher most of the
The teacher regularly allots time for consultation. The teacher always shows good character and exerts effort to improve oneself holistically. The teacher shows strong patience and can attend to the behavior of the students.
The teacher allots time for consultation at least thrice a week. The teacher most of the times show good character and exerts effort to improve oneself holistically.
The teacher allots time for consultation twice a week. The teacher sometimes shows good character and exerts effort to improve oneself holistically.
The teacher allots time for consultation once a week. The teacher rarely shows good character and exerts effort to improve oneself holistically. The teacher shows patience but cannot control temper and shows anger in class.
The teacher never allots time for consultation. The teacher never shows good character and exerts effort to improve oneself holistically. The teacher can easily be irritated and shows sudden change of emotions.
The teacher The teacher shows little shows some patience but patience but can still can still attend control temper to the and does not behavior of show anger in the students. class. The teacher shows strong enthusiasm about the topic but is lessens as he/she goes along with the discussion. Some statements, and responses were respectful and used appropriate language but The teacher is comfortable with the audience and shows some energy and interest in the topic presented. Most statements and responses were respectful and used in appropriate language but
The teacher is confident, dynamic and shows Enthusiasm excellent enthusiasm. He/she is very interested in the topic. Respect All statements, body language and responses were respectful and were in
The teacher tends to The teacher is hesitate unsure during during delivery and delivery and demonstrates shows little lack of energy. energy and Shows no interest in interest in the topic topic presented. presented. Statements, Statements, body language body language and responses and responses were were appropriate. consistently not There are respectful. some sarcastic remarks.
appropriate language.